Obama Birth Certificate Official

Obama COLB

Obama COLB

In an article in the Honolulu Star Bulletin today, State Department of Health spokesperson Janice Okubo stated that the “Certification of Live Birth” is now the official birth certificate of Hawaii. Long forms are no longer available.

…you can’t obtain a “certificate of live birth” anymore.

The state Department of Health no longer issues copies of paper birth certificates as was done in the past, said spokeswoman Janice Okubo.

The department only issues “certifications” of live births, and that is the “official birth certificate” issued by the state of Hawaii, she said.

And, it’s only available in electronic form.

Okubo explained that the Health Department went paperless in 2001.

“At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting,” she said.

Information about births is transferred electronically from hospitals to the department.

“The electronic record of the birth is what (the Health Department) now keeps on file in order to provide same-day certified copies at our help window for most requests,” Okubo said.

Asked for more information about the short-form versus long-form birth documents, Okubo said the Health Department “does not have a short-form or long-form certificate.”

“The birth certificate form has been modified over the years and decades to conform to national standards and models,” she said.

Okubo also emphasized the certification form “contains all the information needed by all federal government agencies for transactions requiring a birth certificate.”

She added that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the state’s current certification of live birth “as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements.”

The issue of what constitutes an official Hawaii birth certificate received national attention during last year’s presidential campaign. Those who doubted Barack Obama’s American citizenship called the copy of the Hawaii birth document posted on his campaign Web site a fake.

Asked about that document, Okubo said, “This is the same certified copy everyone receives when they request a birth certificate.”

And that is that.

After the initial publication of this article, I was reminded of how much disinformation is out there about birth certificates and how much confusion this has caused. For some basic information, check out our article Birth Certificates 101.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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222 Responses to Obama Birth Certificate Official

  1. mimi says:

    It’s a very bad day to be a birther.

  2. realist says:

    Good for Orly. This saves us all the pain of a filibuster. Her creativity never ceases to amaze me.

  3. misha says:

    They never give up. Someone posted on the Star-Bulletin’s forum, that he can never be a NBC because his father was a British subject at the time. Never mind the 14th Amendment.

    As I wrote before, after he leaves office, birthers will harass him with continual suits. It will become an industry. Orly and Berg are already turning on each other.
    He is going to need more than 10 years of SS protection.

    And Orly and her acolytes are in knots over her alledged car vandalism. There are still posters threatening insurrection on her site.

    Get some popcorn, and enjoy the show.

  4. Gordon says:

    I just posted this on Team Sarah, a site more devoted to Obama’s BC then to it’s name sake. Doc you are well on your way to putting yourself out of business and driving Heavy out of what little mind he has left.

  5. kimba says:

    The birthers will spin themselves into oblivion over this one! zOMFG! Obama ordered this! I can’t wait for the day al they have left is to shake their fists at the sky and yell “Obamaaaaaa!!!!”

    This is great news!

  6. Joyce says:

    I guess this means the birthers will never know the name of the doctor who signed Obama’s BC – sealed forever.

  7. Gordon: “Doc you are well on your way to putting yourself out of business”

    Dream on. The things I research will get just crazier and more far fetched.

  8. In the interests of intellectual rigor:

    1) While the Hawaii Department of Health has gone “paperless”, that does not mean that they do not retain electronic images of pre-2001 birth records.
    2) Just because they no longer issue paper certificates, nor new certificates in the COB formatn does not mean that a copy of an older electronic image, if it exists, could not be obtained by court order.
    3) The information on the COLB is not necessarily the only information in the electronic database from which it was printed. Certainly the all-electronic records now received from hospitals (as mandated by NCHS standards) contain an order of magnitude more information than is printed on the COLB.
    4) We do not know whether Barack Obama has in his possession an older copy of his birth certificate, possibly one mentioned in Dreams from My Father p. 26.

  9. misha says:

    Neither the hospital, nor the delivering physician, are on my BC. The only reason I know the hospital, is because my mother told me. I still don’t know which physician, nor do I care. The only thing my mother told me, is that she chose the physician because he was skilled at circumcision. My grandfather wanted a bris at home, and my mother wanted it done by a physician.

    These guys should get real.

  10. Gordon says:

    “Devils Advocate”, an interesting twist Doc. Try as you might, you are on the way to shutting yourself down. By the way I let some Right wing freak, borrow my copy of Dreams of My Father, and well you know the rest. Can’t go back and look at page 26.

  11. NBC says:

    Wow, what a disturbing development this must be to those who want to remove President Obama through non-Constitutional efforts…

  12. Referring to a newspaper clipping about his father, Barack Obama wrote:

    “I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school.”

  13. Not only do I know the weakness in the birther arguments (insurmountable weaknesses), I also know the additional twists they can make to try to fly their Goodyear blimp of implausible fancies through the pinhole of possibility.

    This web site started just a half a year ago with the goal of being rigorous in examining the evidence, wherever it led. What I found after hundreds of hours of work, was that it led nowhere. The birther position is bankrupt.

    Nevertheless, that is no excuse to exaggerate proof to the contrary, or to make the evidence, strong as it is, say more than it does.

  14. John says:

    The department only issues “certifications” of live births, and that is the “official birth certificate” issued by the state of Hawaii, she said.

    And, it’s only available in electronic form.

    Okubo explained that the Health Department went paperless in 2001.


    If that is true, then what was Fact Check looking at.

    A Hard Copy COLB from 2007, 6 Years After the State of Hawaii Supposely said that issued COLBs are in Electronic Form.

    Also remember, the Hawaii didn’t release the COLB in electronic form, Obama did.

  15. Mary Brown says:

    Yes, and after you request it they print out a copy for you. That is what NY State did for me after my last certificate loss. That way it came to my home address. You know in an envelope. That is the way it is done now. Obama then put it up on the web. Get a life.

  16. John says:

    The Posted COLB on this post is invalid. No Certificate Number. The COLB has been altered and the Certificate Number has been removed or otherwise hidden. This makes the COLB invalid. The only COLB which seems to be valid is the one Fact Check saw. However, that COLB has disappeared and no one has ever seen again so as forensic testing can be done on it to be sure it has not been Alterd. Fact Check is not a credible source.

  17. John says:

    The Posted COLB on this site also shows no official seal. It is invalid.

  18. You misunderstand the meaning of what Okubo was saying. Hawaii prints paper certificates for everybody. It’s just that the paper certificate is an electronically printed (laser) document.

  19. Your comments are frankly silly. You know quite well what the available images are, and that the actual certificate was not altered. You know what the number is.

    Saying “Fact Check is not a credible source” doesn’t make it so. Wishful thinking is not evidence. More accurately, you are not a credible source.

  20. You have to zoom in and look carefully. The raised seal is there. Of course, it’s much more distinct from the back, or when lit from the side, as in the FactCheck photos.

  21. Looks like someone is sending the kindergarten birther militia armed with pop guns over to attack this next step in their continued humiliation.

  22. JM says:

    I thought the issue with the seal was debunked a long time ago. It’s nearly impossible to see a raised seal in a 2D scanned image, but those who have posted photos of the actual document (Factcheck) taken at an angle have shown the seal.

  23. NBC says:

    It in fact does clearly show a seal but you have to look for it.
    I have provided several analyses which show that the raised seal is present. Why people still repeat this lie is beyond me.

  24. NBC says:

    It’s nearly impossible to see a raised seal in a 2D scanned image, but those who have posted photos of the actual document (Factcheck) taken at an angle have shown the seal.

    In fact, the seal is with some effort quite visible and enhancing the picture using an edge detection algorithm reveals the seal exactly where expected.
    This lie has been exposed as such some time ago, and it is sad that some foolish people are stilling allowing themselves to be manipulated to present it as a fact.

  25. richCares says:

    “You misunderstand the meaning of what Okubo was saying. Hawaii prints paper certificates for everybody. It’s just that the paper certificate is an electronically printed (laser) document.”

    you should have typed this more slowly so that a birther could follow it, they are quite retarded you know!

  26. richCares says:

    anybody have John’s address or contact info, I have a So. African Will situation he would be interested in, he would be an easy mark.

  27. misha says:

    If anyone has his address, I have a lifelong friend in Nigeria, who is now a government project manager, and has some wonderful and lucrative business opportunities.

    You must understand the gravity of this proposal.

  28. thisoldhippie says:

    Dr. – when we were discussing adoption by Soetoro and sealed birth records, there was a statement about the adoption having occurred in Indonesia. I don’t think that would be possible as President Obama is an American citizen so the adoption would have to occur here. Same as if I were to adopt a foreign child – I have to go to their country to complete the adoption. Am I correct in this assumption?

  29. Usually foreign adoptions are finalized in the country of origin of the child, but that’s for the typical case when the parents go to the foreign country and bring the newly adopted child home with them. When US citizens adopt a child abroad, they have to get a US Visa for the child because the child does not gain US citizenship automatically.

    Indonesia is not a signatory to the Hague Adoption Convention, which makes its laws and procedures more inaccessible to non-specialists like us.

    The key point is that such an adoption could not change Barack Obama’s citizenship status (if a US child were adopted by an Indonesian national).

    For further reading:

  30. Joyce says:

    Because they have been told this is an issue and have little personal experience with the limits of the technology.

  31. Joyce says:

    Of course its invalid. The CoLB on this site is a digital reproduction of the certified copy. That, however, does not make the certified copy invalid.

  32. thisoldhippie says:

    Thanks for the clarification. I just could not see how the adoption of an American citizen could 1) be accomplished legally in another country and 2) would negate the child’s American citizenship.

  33. richCares says:

    Drive a Birther crazy:
    Obama visted our troops in a military hospital in Germany. The nurse that accompanied Obama is from Medford, OR, she told her story to our Medford Newspaper, here’s a few quotes:
    “…he was there for our wounded young men…
    “…it was amazing, meeting with the president…”
    “…we have a president truly supporting our troops, I will never forget that””
    Link to the article in Medford paper:
    Presidential visit leaves lasting impression:

  34. jtx says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    “And that is that.”???

    Perhaps – whatever you may think that means, but the newspaper article presumably quoting a HI state official actually means NOTHING AT ALL relating to the O-borter’s Constitutiuonal eligibility.

    In fact, it says nothing about the existence of his original (circa 1961) long form vault copy which of course it the one of more importance than any data in a comp[uter database. Perhaps you’d like to claim that HI has suddenly destroyed all prior actual paper copies???

    We’ll see how this shakles down in a court of law governed by the rules of evidence, won’t we??? Perhaps THEN “that will be that” … but not until. Why not join us in pressing for the truth??

  35. jtx says:


    Don’t be so hopelessly childish!!

  36. jtx says:


    Nor does it make it valid either – it just makes it unavailable as it has always been since the O-borter began his disinformation campaign … aided and abetted by far lefty sites such as this one.

    It will eventually be settled in SCOTUS and, when the O-borter is found to be ineligible under the laws of our courtry websites such as this will say “… laws don’t matter, we all know that …”!! Right!!!

  37. jtx says:

    You don’t suppose that she’s a pro-choice person who voted for the O-borter, do you???

  38. jtx says:

    Don’t hang your hat on that non-legal interpretation. That will eventually come up before SCOTUS most likely; then we’ll see.

  39. Gordon says:

    Or perhaps she just liked his smile and swagger.

  40. richCares says:

    “That will eventually come up before SCOTUS most likely; then we’ll see”

    This issue is over but go ahead, dream on!
    What trial do you keep referring to?

    “You don’t suppose that she’s a pro-choice person who voted for the O-borter, do you???”
    as were the D-Day survivors that cheered Obama in Normandy.

    give it up Birther, your views will end up in the trash can of history.

  41. thisoldhippie says:

    I want to know when this “trial” is going to occur. Please give us a date and time.

  42. thisoldhippie says:

    You keep saying that – but so far no one has been able to get past the standing issue. I doubt this issue will ever be heard by any court, because, well, the attorneys on the birther side do not have a leg to stand on. They have no evidence of anything – only rumor and speculation.

  43. kimba says:

    Our President does have a smile that could clear a cloudy day and an okole ono! In addition to being eligible for the Presidency!

  44. NBC says:

    Jtx ponders

    In fact, it says nothing about the existence of his original (circa 1961) long form vault copy which of course it the one of more importance than any data in a comp[uter database. Perhaps you’d like to claim that HI has suddenly destroyed all prior actual paper copies???

    We’ll see how this shakles down in a court of law governed by the rules of evidence, won’t we??? Perhaps THEN “that will be that” … but not until. Why not join us in pressing for the truth??

    We will unlikely see this get anywhere in a court of law. As the rules of evidence are concerned the COLB is legally admissible evidence and if objected to, the party will have to show a compelling reason as to why the COLB should be rejected.
    Hawaii moved, as part of a US wide initiative to an electronic format and like many other states may very well have removed the long forms after they were entered into electronic format. There is no reason to maintain these expensive records.

    As to the truth, it seems rich to hear you call for the truth and yet are willing to ignore it.

    I understand your hopes and wishes that once in court ‘your side’ will get unlimited opportunities to dig into President Obama’s past.

    Tough that the reality indicates that no court is going to hear this case because of the constitutional constraints involved.

  45. NBC says:

    Oh the irony my confused friend

  46. NBC says:

    Nor does it make it valid either – it just makes it unavailable as it has always been since the O-borter began his disinformation campaign … aided and abetted by far lefty sites such as this one.

    There is no disinformation campaign other than the one by some who claim that the COLB was somehow falsified.

    It will eventually be settled in SCOTUS and, when the O-borter is found to be ineligible under the laws of our courtry

    Two very unlikely hypotheticals. I doubt that SCOTUS will ever consider the case as it is moot, lacks standing and lacks judiciability. The SC has no powers to remove a duly elected President.

    Such are the facts.

  47. NBC says:

    Don’t hang your hat on that non-legal interpretation. That will eventually come up before SCOTUS most likely; then we’ll see.

    Unlikely, but I do not want to destroy your ‘dream’ if that’s what gives you pleasure and happiness.

    The US legal history is clear that 1) Born in the US is natural born 2) a child cannot abandon his birth right through the actions of his parents.

    Simple law really

  48. NBC says:

    Totally irrelevant. But I understand what motivates you namely not the eligibility issue as much as the policies of our President.

    Why do you not focus on the elections rather than on the unconstitutional efforts of having a sitting and duly elected President removed?

  49. Oh, it gets better. *POLARIK* actually posted a comment that basically said the Hawaii DoH doesn’t know what they’re talking about about their own documents and proceedures

    Amazing thing that.

  50. TollandRCR says:

    It is sad and disheartening that every single thing is reduced to whether or not one voted for President Obama and whether or not one is pro-choice. Why do you even ask such questions? It is about as relevant as asking if she were of Irish heritage or has red hair. There is much more that unites Americans than divides us. Why keep up this nonsense?

  51. jtx says:

    … & to the O-borter worshipping movement … so what? That proves nothing at all since he was born (presumably) in 1961.

    We’ll find out more when the case comes to trial in an actual court of law. The newspaper article “proves” nothing.

  52. richCares says:

    “We’ll find out more when the case comes to trial in an actual court of law”

    Prove you are not delusional, give us details on your trial, you never seem to answer this. Are your delusions to far gone to accept reality?

    You habor a lot of hate, I would recommend that you vist an analyst or check in with a doctor. If you try you can escape your delusins and give up all the hate you have.

  53. Gordon says:

    I was watching the movie “The Omen”. I wonder if the birthers were smoking something while watching that movie. Now the was a conspiracy from Hell.

  54. thisoldhippie says:

    Your predictions are lame. All that you have are words and you will not even answer the simple question of when this “trial” is supposed to occur.

  55. Expelliarmus says:

    There is no possibility whatsoever that the “case” will ever come to trial.

    The Constitutional process was followed. The last time anyone could have possibly objected to Obama’s qualifications to be President was on January 8th, during the joint session of Congress. It’s one of those “object now or forever hold your peace” kind of things.

    You’d need a Constitutional amendment to give the federal Courts jurisdiction over this.

  56. NBC says:

    We’ll find out more when the case comes to trial in an actual court of law. The newspaper article “proves” nothing.

    In a court of law, the newspaper article is in fact admissible evidence.
    Of course, it will never come to a trial.

    Bummer eh?

  57. Expelliarmus says:

    We’re past the time when getting around “standing” would get someone into court.

    The Constitution requires that objections to Presidential qualifications for office be raised during the joint session of Congress to count the electoral college votes. No one objected. Therefore… Congress determined unequivocally and irrevocably that Obama is qualified to be President.

    It simply is too late to bring any sort of action to the courts on this issue.

  58. NBC says:

    Expelliarmus, you make some good points. Yes, the time to challenge President Obama was during the certification by Congress. Now the only way to remove President Obama is to have him impeached.
    Of course, in a few years, one could also attempt to vote him out of another four years in office.

  59. misha says:

    Just went over to Orly’s site since I needed at good laugh, until next week’s SNL.

    First, she is livid that she is getting threats, and is in a tizzy that no one from law enforcement is taking her seriously. And law enforcement is not investigating the alleged car vandalism. Duh.

    Next, she is calling for the Mossad to expose that Obama is not a NBC, and then he’ll have to leave office. That’s a knee slapper.

    If she keeps that up, it will hurt Israel more than Iran. We’re already accused of international conspiracies. Thanks, Orly, for pouring gasoline on that fire.

    Will she crawl back under her rock, already?

  60. TRUTH says:

    I have to laugh at you folks that get all psychological on people that can’t stand Obama, calling them haters and making negative mental claims against them. When it looks to us that it is you that has a problem, for we can see through Obama’s fakeness and are able to tell it isn’t the United States he is concerned about but his own desire for power and to turn this country into something it is not intended to be. So what bewilders us is ..Why can’t You See this man and his team of bafoons for what they are? Either your blind to reality, or you have the same crazy beliefs he does.

    And ever since he won the election you have this big head about yourselves, like “nanny nanny boo-we told you- we won we won!” That is exactly how you act, and TRY to look down upon people that don’t believe in Your beloved President. I don’t deny there are a few over-the-top goofs that DO make statements even beyond left field. But for the most part, 53million +, have this ability to smell horsecrap when it’s being dished out and are just sick of his lies already, so much for transparency. The small handful of people here basically just ask the same thing over and over in different ways, big surprise.

    If you don’t agree with a man(or woman) based on his ideas, then say that. A person is allowed to choose who they like or dislike, or has that changed since YOUR TEAM won also?

    Harbor a lot of hate….hahahahaa!! how stupid that is, there is no harboring, I think it has been laid out plain and clear.
    Recommends an analyst and/or doctor. hahaha.. awesome, hes a counselor.

  61. NBC says:

    . When it looks to us that it is you that has a problem, for we can see through Obama’s fakeness and are able to tell it isn’t the United States he is concerned about but his own desire for power and to turn this country into something it is not intended to be.

    Funny how your ‘vision’ appears to be so at odds with the facts.

    So far, he’s doing an excellent job. Then again, given the memory of his predecessor, I have to admit that almost anyone could have done a good job.

  62. NBC says:

    First, she is livid that she is getting threats, and is in a tizzy that no one from law enforcement is taking her seriously. And law enforcement is not investigating the alleged car vandalism. Duh.

    Courts are rejecting her, District Attorneys are rejecting her, judges are rejecting her, police officers are rejecting her, politicians are rejecting her. Must be quite devastating that nobody is willing to listen to her rantings.
    She is all over the place with her claims, if anyone is to blame for her failures, it should be her inability to present a compelling case and argument and present it to the courts in a format which do not ignore federal rules or court rules.
    She somehow believes that the Court should listen to her, no matter how much they are lacking…
    In a melodramatic fashion, it is almost funny.

  63. misha says:

    I love that she really believes that Obama is illegally appointing Sotomayor to the SC. And she is going to stop him, right this very minute.

    Then some book club, AKA citizens grand jury, got a court clerk in Texas to accept their insane rantings, AKA indictment. The clerk probably just signed for the envelope, and they’re boasting some DA is going to take action.

    Yeah, when my cat can speak English.

  64. Bob Weber says:

    Plus, every bit of evidence that disconfirms their theories merely proves how big the conspiracy really is. Over at “Free Republic”, they’re claiming the Honolulu News-Advertiser birth listing from the Hawaii Health Dept. is fake:

    It’s like the story of the paranoid who was in an unfamiliar part of town and stepped in some dog droppings. “How did they know I would be here?”

  65. brygenon says:

    If you don’t agree with a man(or woman) based on his ideas, then say that. A person is allowed to choose who they like or dislike, or has that changed since YOUR TEAM won also?

    This site isn’t about people who disagree with President Obama’s policies. We’re not ridiculing the 60 million Americans who supported John McCain. We’re making fun of those so clueless that they’re still pushing this birther nonsense.

    If you don’t like the man’s politics, don’t vote for him. It’s no excuse for lying about where he was born.

  66. NBC says:

    If you don’t like the man’s politics, don’t vote for him. It’s no excuse for lying about where he was born.

    The statement was mostly a ‘red herring’…

    Red Herring If you don’t agree with a man(or woman) based on his ideas, then say that. A person is allowed to choose who they like or dislike, or has that changed since YOUR TEAM won also?

    SInce nobody has argued that one cannot disagree with President Obama, but rather most have pointed out that you should not hide behind the eligibility issue if you do not approve of his policies.
    Just stand up for your beliefs.

  67. misha says:

    Just followed the link to the Salt Lake Tribune. Someone posted this about Orly:

    “Wait a minute, what kind of name is that anyway? Sounds kind of foreign…”

    ‘Or’ is Hebrew for light, so her parents made it into a name. Just like ‘tov’ means good. So you’ll see a lot of girls named Tova, which literally means goody.

    You’ve heard the expression mazel tov. It means the best of luck. The expression in Yiddish of ‘mit glick und mazel’ comes from glick, which is German and Yiddish for luck, and mazel, which is Yiddish and Hebrew for luck. So you are wishing a person both kinds of luck – the very best.

    And that’s today’s lesson.

  68. richCares says:

    “Just stand up for your beliefs.”

    he calls himself “truth”, guess he needs some meds as well!

  69. Gordon says:

    jtx ‘s firm belief that there will be a trial is a sad. There isn’t a court in this nation that’s ever going to take this nonsense to trial.

  70. dunstvangeet says:

    Neither does any of your so-called evidence, jtx. The so-called tape of Obama’s step-grandmother saying that he was born in Kenya is at best hearsay. That would not be admissible in a court of law. You possibly can get it is by calling Sarah Obama to the stand and then try to impeach her by that statement. But then you’re not offering it for the truth of the matter asserted, but to prove that Sarah Obama lied. If Sarah Obama lied, then why should we believe her on the tape?

    As far as your novel interpretation of the law (Dual Citizenship != natural-born citizen), that’s all it is, a novel theory that isn’t supported by case law. Perkins v. Elg makes it quite clear that citizenship law of the United States works independently of citizenship law of other countries.

    And as far as your theory of Indonesian Citizenship, also invalidated by Perkins v. Elg, which makes clear that a minor cannot renounce his citizenship until he reaches the age of majority (usually 18 or 21). Even if he did get Indonesian citizenship, that does nothing to invalidate any citizenship that he previously obtained.

    Every single theory that you put forth is invalid.

  71. misha says:

    Orly’s site is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Now she’s screaming that we are being invaded by foreign troops. She’s all over the place.

    She’s a one person conspiracy central.

    How long do you think before she has a breakdown?

  72. misha says:

    Just had a thought: I think there should be an update to Boris and Natasha, featuring Orly and Berg.

    When are the great cartoonists when we need them? I’d love to see those two mixed in with Rocky and Bullwinkle.

    Just think of the possibilities…

  73. Non-legal? You do know it’s part of US law that a US citizen minor cannot renounce their citizenship nor can their parents renounce it for them, right?

    Sounds pretty legal to me.

  74. Shrieking wombat says:

    Greetings from Australia, your new imperial overlord.

  75. Devonka says:

    СпаÑибо! Буду теперь заходить на Ñтот блог каждый день!

  76. Two corrections:

    The “grandmother tape” says clearly that Obama was born in Hawaii. I personally don’t have doubts that the tape is authentic. The problem with birther use of the tape is that they edit it to say something other than what the full version says.

    It is possible for a US minor to renounce their citizenship; however, parents cannot do it for them, and it can never be automatic. Only if the minor can convince a US consular official that they know what they are doing, can such a renunciation be made. The general presumption is that this is possible for children over 14. Clearly the State Department would not recognize a renunciation from a seven-year-old.

  77. “Orly” is also an obscure form of the word “eagles” in Russian, but that’s probably not the origin.

  78. jtx says:

    Sorry, Gordon – you’re misinformed as we’ll eventually see.

    And the belief of many of your colleagues on this site that the FightTheSmears Certification of Live Birth (COLB) is “official” means nothing at all. It isn’t even accepted in HI for many purposes which instead require – guess what? – the paper copy of the long-form BC which both the O-borter AND an HI government official claim to have.

    That’ll be interesting when in court later on.

  79. richCares says:

    “Sorry, Gordon – you’re misinformed as we’ll eventually see.”

    jtx, see you are still deluded! Can you tell us the docket of your “we’ll eventually see” court case. You seem to avoid that.

  80. NBC says:

    And the belief of many of your colleagues on this site that the FightTheSmears Certification of Live Birth (COLB) is “official” means nothing at all. It isn’t even accepted in HI for many purposes which instead require – guess what? – the paper copy of the long-form BC which both the O-borter AND an HI government official claim to have.

    That’ll be interesting when in court later on

    That of course is a lie. There is one reason why the long form BC is needed, when applying for being recognized as a native Hawaiian which requires one to show the ancestry of the parents.
    For all common official purposes, the COLB is sufficient and has to be since HI has abandoned any other forms.

    It’s for reasons like this that a court case remains nothing but a pipe dream.
    If people like jtx cannot even do their homework, imagine the embarrassments in court. Not that they will ever be able to resolve the legal issues to have such a case heard in court.

    But in this case I am calling JTX’s bluff… Will he fold…

  81. NBC says:

    Orly is all over the map trying to gather some support for her misguided ideas. Nothing really is sticking though.

  82. richCares says:

    “That of course is a lie. There is one reason why the long form BC is needed, when applying for being recognized as a native Hawaiian which requires one to show the ancestry of the parents”

    Though true at one time it is no longer true, Dept Of Health does an internal verification process, they don’t need the long form. (my bother in law is native born “Hawaiian” so I know this)

  83. richCares says:

    (my bother in law is native born “Hawaiian” so I know this)

    slight mistake, he is my nieces husband, so I guess that makes him my nephew in law.

  84. NBC says:

    You are correct, it is not required to submit a long form, it will speed up the process. As you say, the same can be achieved by looking at the COLB’s of the parents and grandparents.

    The truth is that contrary to JTX’s suggestions the COLB is in fact sufficient for official purposed.
    And by extension the COLB has to be accepted by other States and the Federal Government. It’s the law…

  85. Uh, I thought the breakdown happened months ago.

  86. richCares says:

    СпаÑибо! Буду теперь заходить на Ñтот блог каждый день!

    loose translation
    “Thanks, I will come here every day”

  87. Bob Weber says:

    And for such a renunciation, there would have to be an official record made, otherwise it would be meaningless!

  88. misha says:

    My Russian is terrible. Glad to see you are here.



  89. dunstvangeet says:

    This quote just seems too perfect…

    “And I, for one, welcome our new insect overloards!

  90. dunstvangeet says:

    You mean that she had a shrivel of sanity to begin with? That scares me!

  91. jtx says:


    Gee, I thought the O-borter was trying to fool everyone into believing he was a “native Hawaiian”.

    And anyway, the state requirements do not overrule the Constitution which requires him to be a “natural born citizen” – which neither he nor anyone else has shown him to be.

    THe court will certainly require a proper certified long form BC provided under the rules of evidence.

  92. jtx says:


    That’s a bunch of hooey since the COLB is merely prima facie evidence … and it has been credibly challenged so that more will need to be provided.

    And – once agiain – the state laws do not trump the US Constitution … nor do your outrageous claims.

  93. Expelliarmus says:

    It seems like I’ve posted the appropriate sections of the Rules of Evidence at least half a dozen times now.

    Here it is again:

    Federal Rule 803(9) – specifically authorizes:

    (9) Records of vital statistics. Records or data compilations, in any form, of births, fetal deaths, deaths, or marriages, if the report thereof was made to a public office pursuant to requirements of law.

    What part of “in any form” don’t you understand?

  94. misha says:

    Remember when Clinton won the first time? Bush Sr’s flunkies went the the passport archives in Suitland, trying to prove Clinton had renounced his citizenship when he was a Rhodes scholar.

    This is a standard tactic in their playbook.

  95. NBC says:

    THe court will certainly require a proper certified long form BC provided under the rules of evidence.

    Not likely since under the rules of evidence the COLB is sufficient to establish his location of birth. Given the fact that the COLB i snow the official birth certificate of Hawaii, it has to be accepted as such by the US. Such is the law, as opposed to your wishful thinking.

  96. NBC says:

    That’s a bunch of hooey since the COLB is merely prima facie evidence … and it has been credibly challenged so that more will need to be provided.

    And – once agiain – the state laws do not trump the US Constitution … nor do your outrageous claims.

    Seems that you do not understand the law. The COLB has not been challenged but rather the image of the COLB. Once the COLB is submitted to the court, the plaintiffs will have to show why it should not be allowed as admissible evidence per Federal Rules. This requires the plaintiffs to establish that the COLB is somehow flawed. Since it shows Obama born in the US and no evidence exists to the contrary, they stand no chance.

    As to your red herring, of course no state law trumps the Constitution. But the Constitution merely requires Obama to be natural born which the courts have consistently interpreted to mean as born in the US, that’s all. As such the courts will have to accept the COLB and have no standing to require the Long Form, especially now that Hawaii has abandoned the long form.

    Such is the law my confused friend. I am glad to help you get educated here. Please continue to ask.

  97. NBC says:

    It’s called the Full Faith & Credit Act

  98. Mark says:

    Does anyone know if “Esquire” has ever gotten paid to do any real lawyer work and represent real people in a real court?

  99. Gordon says:

    This new info, which I passed on to the birters at Team Sarah, actually caused a couple of bloggers to withdraw their own blogs after I posted this information. Reality is not the friend of the delusional.

  100. richCares says:

    “THe court will certainly require a proper certified long form BC provided under the rules of evidence.”

    Again dear deluded one, give us the docket reference of your non-existing court case. You keep refering to it so what is the docket number. Come on, with such a strong conviction you should be able to back it up.

    Can’t back it up can you chicken pupu?

  101. misha says:

    I don’t think so. From what I have read, she’s not a great dentist, either.

    As I posted before, she has a degree from the Taft Law School, an unaccredited correspondence outfit.

    Because they lack accreditation, she cannot practice in any other state, even if she managed to pass their bar exam.

    From what I have gathered, she is just a rabble rouser.

  102. richCares says:

    per Okubo “She added that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the state’s current certification of live birth “as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements.”

    This is much too difficult to jtx to understand so give him a little understanding, then laugh at him!

  103. NBC says:

    rabble rouser

    Sounds so much better than demagogue 🙂
    From: Word Detective

    “Rabble-rouser” first appeared in English in the mid-19th century, formed by combining “rabble” and “rouse.” Though we usually use “rouse” to mean “awaken” or “stir up,” when “rouse” first appeared in English in the 15th century it was as a technical term in falconry meaning “to ruffle the feathers.” The exact origin of “rouse” is unknown, but it may be rooted in Old French. The more common form “arouse,” with largely the same meanings as “rouse,” was formed in the 16th century by adding the more or less (in this case) meaningless prefix “a,” and first appeared in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 2.

    “Rabble” is a bit more interesting. As a noun, “rabble” first appeared in the 14th century meaning “a pack or swarm of animals,” and by the 1600s was being used to mean a disorderly crowd or mob of people. The exact derivation of “rabble” in this sense is unclear, but it may be connected to “rabble” as a verb, a very old word meaning “to talk confusedly or babble” (from the Middle Dutch “rabbelen,” meaning “to speak indistinctly”), which would certainly fit with the image of an irate mob in the cafeteria.

  104. Expelliarmus says:

    “Full Faith & Credit Clause

    It’s in the Constitution:

    Article IV

    Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

  105. Gordon says:

    Well NBC you summed that up pretty well.

  106. NBC says:

    Oops, I knew it was something like that.

  107. I wondered exactly what she was referring to.

  108. I’m trying to figure out the “credibly challenged” part. I thought I knew the birther repertoire better than just about anybody, and I have never found anything remotely “credible.” That may sound like a wisecrack, but I really do not know what one would consider credible.

  109. No, Obama has never claimed to be a “native Hawaiian” in the sense of having Hawaiian ancestry back before US territorial status. He was just born in Hawaii, the child of one new arrival and one temporary resident. He considers Hawaii home (and rightly so), but he’s not a “native Hawaiian” any more than he is a “native American” (American Indian). He is a native born citizen of the United States, though.

  110. Yes, absolutely. There would have to be big-time paperwork for something like that (for an older person who could actually renounce their citizenship).

  111. By the way, that message was part of the daily pile of spam, defused by removing the URL payload. I thought I would included it just for fun. “блог” is “blog”, just a transliteration of the English. Of course your reply and Misha’s got hung up in the spam filter too.

    I bought a Cyrillic keyboard on eBay from the Ukraine, but it turned out to be PS/2 instead of USB, so I didn’t hook it up. I wonder if you can have two keyboards plugged in at the same time ?

  112. Joyce says:

    “…it just makes it unavailable as it has always been since the O-borter began his disinformation campaign …”

    World Net Daily examined Obama’s CoLB and said it was genuine.

  113. TRUTH says:

    Thank you for making my point AGAIN. Mention something bad of Obama and get to hear a response of something about President Bush.

  114. Expelliarmus says:

    The easier thing would be just to use software that gives you a popup of the secondary keyboard you want– creating a virtual keyboard. Unless you are a skilled touch typist in Cyrillic you are going to have to hunt-and-peck in any case. (The software is easy to come by, in freeware or shareware formats)

  115. Shrieking wombat says:

    Off topic, but for your reading pleasure, Obama responsible for the crash of AF447:


  116. NBC says:

    Why are you misrepresenting my response as such? Obama is doing an excellent job, even though he does not really have a tough act to follow.

    Simple facts

  117. richCares says:

    one curious note:
    Obama has been president almost 6 months now with very favorable reviews. When do the Birthers finally realize he won’t be removed? I know many are still deluded on this (witness jtx) but at some point reality kicks in, when will that be? My guess is even after Obama’s second term jtx will still be babbling. After all, that’s what babblers do!

  118. misha says:

    I posted this before: when Obama is a private citizen, they will be harassing him with constant suits. He will need more than 10 years of SS protection, and Congress will probably pass a bill for lifetime.

    It will become an industry.

  119. Mary Brown says:

    It is an industry already. We can see with Dr. Taitz that a person can make a living off it. My theory is that everytime she is running out of funds she finds a new angle like the death threats she keeps talking about. I have resisted becoming cynical for 63 years but I am close to becoming one when it comes to this issue.

  120. brygenon says:

    If you don’t like the man’s politics, don’t vote for him. It’s no excuse for lying about where he was born.

    The statement was mostly a red herring’…

    No, that’s the real deal. Barack H. Obama II proved, by state record entitled to full faith and credit under Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, that he was born in Honolulu Hawaii. Dislike of his politics is a perfectly good reason to vote against him, but no excuse for lying about where he was born.

    The point is *not* that anyone who opposes Barack Obama is a kook, or un-American, or a bigot, or anything like that. Tens of millions of loyal Americans votes against Obama, for the perfectly good reason that they thought John S. McCain would be a better President.

    If you don’t like the man’s politics, don’t vote for him. Regardless of what “NBC” has gotten into his head, voting against Obama was a perfectly legitimate choice. The birthers’ lies about Obama’s eligibility are something else.

  121. TollandRCR says:

    The “9/11 Truth” industry does persist but in a muffled way, vide Phil Berg. I doubt that former President Bush is defending himself against any lawsuits on that count. Hopefully, the Birther industry will simmer down in the same way. After all, there are always other things worth formulating a conspiracy theory about, and some of them are already available and active, requiring only the dedication and activism of a new Orly. Even a smooth transition from one plot to another for the Orly herself could be in the cards; it worked for Alex Jones.

    Current competitors for the attention of those who must live in a world of conspiracies:

    the very slight evidence of a falling sperm count among younger men, and other feminizing effects of something that our young men are being fed (such as soy products);

    chemtrails and/or Morgellon’s disease;

    a big one, the coming destruction of the earth on either November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) or December 21, 2012 (12/21/12);

    the use of RFID chips and GPS to keep exact track of every human on the planet;

    the abolition of U.S. currency, to replace it with a North American Union Amero, and other aspects of the coming merger of the three countries of North America, such as the Trans-Texas corridor;

    the outlawing of organic farming, permitting the government to drug every citizen;

    the government creation of bioengineered diseases, such as HIV and swine flu;

    and the good old standbys, such as the fluoridation of public water supplies, the broadcasting of mind-warping microwave and other electronic signals, and FDR’s complicity in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    Of course, all of this is either Obama’s fault or the fault of those for whom Obama is just a puppet. Some Birthers simultaneously believe all or almost all of the above. Their world is a frightened place.

    Then there is always the possibility of a new plot being uncovered any day now. E.g., why did the government really abolish analog TV broadcasting? Because tracking citizens was not enough; the government wants to control them, including punishing them in advance for any unacceptable thoughts. Analog signals did not interface with the control devices now being planted in all humans; digital broadcasting was required. This will replace the police, because crimes (including thought crimes) can be prevented before they occur.

    It’s so easy to make up a conspiracy theory about almost anything.

  122. One might rationally conclude that the Obama conspiracy theories also should have started fading after the election, but they haven’t. This suggests to me that it’s more than a traditional conspiracy theory involved and that what we are really looking at is more a traditional political smear campaign, being carried out by political operatives. No more obvious evidence is the role of WorldNetDaily in “legitimizing” otherwise nutcase material and fanning the fires. If it were not for WND, I daresay Orly would have receded from the news, as Berg largely has already.

    I don’t think 9/11 is the model to look to; I think the Clinton Body Count and swiftboats are more apt.

  123. Heavy says:

    A great job? At what? YOU are the delusional one. All he has done is embar-ass this country and cast despersions on the millions of people who have worked to make it what it once was.

    Oh, that’s right. I forgot…BUSH SUCKS!

  124. Heavy says:

    You forgot RACIST!

  125. While George W. Bush is largely defined by 9/11 and his response to it, I think that Barack Obama will be largely defined by the recession he inherited and his response to it.

  126. Yes, I did forget RACIST. I guess I would lump RACISTS under the political column (those who make political decisions based on race) rather than the conspiracy theorist thinking column.

  127. NBC says:

    A great job? At what? YOU are the delusional one. All he has done is embar-ass this country and cast despersions on the millions of people who have worked to make it what it once was.

    You’re funny, but we are not talking about Bush here.

  128. Joyce says:

    “I don’t think 9/11 is the model to look to; I think the Clinton Body Count and swiftboats are more apt.”

    I absolutely agree!

    Individuals may be in the game for different reasons, but the game is sponsored by the body count/swiftboaters.

  129. I would direct your attention to an article in Salon.com yesterday, Crazy right-wing myths about Obama for the latest crop:

    But the mythmaking has not stopped. The wheels of rumor grind fast, but they grind exceedingly dumb. Marooned on a grassy knoll of the mind, the right has spun new and scarier fantasies about the president, tales that would send any patriotic, gun-toting Christian fleeing across the border to Canada, if only the Canadians weren’t so damn socialist. We present for your inspection, and then debunk, or paw at in desultory fashion, a dozen of the choicest conspiracy theories to gain traction since Jan. 20. We could print more, but we grow weary. (And by the way, Obama is still a Muslim foreigner.)

    He’ll enslave our youth, raise our taxes, and take away our guns…

  130. misha says:

    “a big one, the coming destruction of the earth on…November 11, 2011 (11/11/11”

    If I may show our readers a street preacher, who parks around the corner of my building. I guess he chose Chinatown, so he can save those godless Chinese, my wife included, from that terrible day:


  131. Heavy says:

    You’re not? Better read what you wrote before you go making a fool of yourself.

  132. Mary Brown says:

    I am a practicing Christian and I think the left likes to label Christians in almost the way the right labels Obama. Having said that, I do believe there are those trying to make “Obama the other” the center of debate-like Monica and White Water. That takes the conversation away from issues that really need to be debated. So far it hasn’t worked. I think Obama is more liked than Clinton and knows how to relate to and engage the national community as a whole. Clinton, I think, tried to impose while Obama wants to convince if that is possible. I also think Obama is an adult and behaves like an adult. Many of his political critics don’t. Grownup behavior by a politician these days is very rare.

  133. NBC says:

    You’re not? Better read what you wrote before you go making a fool of yourself.

    Why would you presume me to follow in your footsteps?

  134. Bob says:

    Defendants in Kerchner v. Obama have until June 29 to answer or respond.

    Apuzzo claiming victory.

  135. Mark says:

    Story on CNN.com home page about an actor at a big Republican fundraiser calling Obama a “false prophet”.

    Sensible people responded that Obama never claimed that he was a real prophet, but facts matter little when there are funds to be raised.

    Maybe politics has always been this way, but this fear-mongering is still creepy, since it preys on the most fearful.

  136. Mark says:

    Sarah Palin is convinced that the Second Coming is going to happen in her lifetime. 144,000 people go to Jesus and everyone else dies.

    If she is correct, then we will never get to enjoy the Obama Palin election in 2012. Who am I to question Sarah on the End Of The World?

    Google “Palin second coming”.

  137. kimba says:

    Looks like Jon Voight hasn’t decompressed from his role in this season’s 24 as a neocon saber-rattler. Nice dog whistle reference to Julius Caesar. Blatant much Jon? His daughter Angelina needs to get a hold of him and beyotch slap him.

  138. richCares says:

    thanks for the laugh!

  139. Joyce says:

    “I am a practicing Christian and I think the left likes to label Christians in almost the way the right labels Obama.”

    I would like to point out that there are practicing Christians who are also to the left politically.

  140. jtx says:

    Please post the exact quote to backstop the ridiculous comment you’ve made. I’ve seen no such thing.

  141. Bob says:

    It’s called sarcasm.

    Apuzzo’s churning, to make a *very* routine order (that granted the government exactly what it asked for, despite his declaration of doom) seem more interesting than it actually is.

    But thanks for playing.

  142. Apuzzo has also made the ridiculous claim that he has a case.

  143. Sally Hill says:

    Misha – you mean the way the left continues to go after Bush now that he is a private citizen? I’m sure some ‘leftist nuts’ out there are filing suits against him. But with Bush, it’s not just citizens sueing him, certain Congresspeople want to haul him into court also.

    The thing is – the ‘leftist nuts’ are entitled to their opinion – apparently they feel strongly enough about their issues to take legal action. This doesn’t necessarily make them ‘nuts’ – just because they have a differing opinion than I – makes them American’s where they are free to do so.

    In my opinion, the right historically has been too passive in allowing the left the right to speak out against our ideas and opinions while we just shrugged our shoulders and said – each to their own. We have finally woken up and realized, we have to fight back if we want to continue to have the freedom to just express our ideas and opinions while the left calls us nuts.

  144. Sally Hill says:

    Humm…that’s the same information my Health Department told me also! We don’t do long-forms anymore. Oh wait – are you applying for a Passport? Oh, in that case, yes we can give you a copy of your long-form if you verbally request it because the State Dept. won’t accept the short-form.

    YEP – that’s exactly what happened to me. Like Obama, I was born in 1961 and my short-form looks exactly like the one FactCheck.org has posted (different mother and father of course :). Only it wasn’t good enough to get a passport. I had to go to my Health Dept. and VERBALLY request a certified long-form. They resisted – saying they don’t do long-forms anymore…..UNTIL….I told them I was applying for a Passport. Then magically, they were able to provide me with a certified long-form.

    Amazing, isn’t it? Things aren’t always as they appear – or as the HI officials say.

  145. Black Lion says:

    Sally, you seem to be forgetting that the reason that people still are going after Bush was because of the illegal war he involved our country in in Iraq. The evidence that was used to justify this war has been proven to be false. Additionally Congress is considering going after him because of his complicity in torture. We signed the Geneva Convention against torture but yet we used it in order to get information that the CIA has said may not have necessairly saved any lives. So don’t make it sound like people are going after Bush and Cheney for no reason.

  146. NBC says:

    . Only it wasn’t good enough to get a passport. I had to go to my Health Dept. and VERBALLY request a certified long-form.

    That seems to run counter to what is known and what the full faith and credit clause dictates.
    In Hawaii, you do not need a long form for a passport.

  147. NBC says:

    But with Bush, it’s not just citizens sueing him, certain Congresspeople want to haul him into court also.

    For obvious reasons I’d say.

  148. Black Lion says:

    Sally, were you born in Hawaii? The President was. The state of HI says that this is all he can get and would need to prove his birth. So unless you were born in HI it really doesn’t matter what your state says. In NY my short form is all that is needed to get a passport. So each state my be slightly different but what they provide the federal government is required to use as proof. This has been discussed on this site numerous times.

  149. NBC says:

    Oh the irony

  150. Joyce says:

    “In my opinion, the right historically has been too passive in allowing the left the right to speak out against our ideas and opinions while we just shrugged our shoulders and said – each to their own.”


  151. Heavy says:

    Illegal? Prove it or shut up! You people are sock and twisted. You have ruined this country and WILL be held accountable.

  152. richCares says:

    “Only it wasn’t good enough to get a passport. I had to go to my Health Dept. and VERBALLY request a certified long-form. ”

    my daughter took her hospital supplied BC to get a passport, they refused to accept it, “You need a State Certified BC”. The State sent her a short form BC which got her the passport. My family of 4 all have passports, all obtained with the short form. So sorry, I don’t believe you.

  153. Sally, I do not believe that the story you relate accurately describes the documents and policy in your state. If you would like to provide some evidence, say a state web site with regulations and forms, I will reconsider my opinion.

  154. Sally has obviously not ever listened to Rush Limbauth, conservative talk radio in general, or fundamentalist Christian broadcasting.

  155. Sally has obviously never listened to Rush Limbaugh, conservative talk radio in general, or fundamentalist Christian broadcasting.

  156. In the business, we call hospital certificates “souvenirs”.

    The key items for a passport is that it be lawfully government issued, that it contain certain information and that it bears a certification from the issuer (in the form of a signature and a seal). It becomes then a “certified copy”.

    It is ridiculous to assert that the only birth certificate Hawaii issues is no good for a passport. That makes no sense.

    In some states there are “wallet sized” birth certificates, and special certificates used to prove age for sports participation that may not meet the requirements for a passport; however, the standard birth certificate should always.

  157. dunstvangeet says:

    I don’t believe you, Sally Hill.

    The requirements of an valid birth form to obtain a passport is quite well defined by the State Department.


    It says, and I quote: “A birth certificate must include your full name, the full name of your parent(s), date and place of birth, sex, date the birth record was filed, and the seal or other certification of the official custodian of such records.”

    Tell me, which one of those requirements doesn’t the Short-Form Birth Certificate have?

    Furthermore, Sally Hill, I took my short-form birth certificate that looks virtually identical (It listed my parents place of birth, instead of their race) to apply for a passport yesterday, and it was accepted IN PERSON by my local county official who was administering the oath.

    It was the same birth certificate that I used in renewing my driver’s license last September.

    So, I don’t believe you. I’m calling your bluff.

  158. I think the lawsuits saying that George Bush participated in the 9/11 attacks and those asserting that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president are equally silly.

    If anyone in the Bush administration did anything illegal, then there are government prosecutors to bring those cases. The same if the Obama administration does something illegal.

  159. NBC says:

    Illegal? Prove it or shut up! You people are sock and twisted. You have ruined this country and WILL be held accountable.

    sock and twisted? Now that’s funny. As to being held accountable, that’s exactly what hopefully will happen to those who got us into this mess and illegal war.

  160. Heavy says:

    Yes, SOCK! Beyond sick. What ILLEGAL war?

  161. NBC says:

    The one in Iraq. Socks doesn’t it?

  162. JeffSF says:

    Okay technically not a response but I felt compelled to share this. Anyone watch the Colbert Report last night? Listening to Commanding General Odierno say “yes sir Mr. President” to President Obama’s video, and troops cheering on just made me think: If Heavy or Orly saw this, they would be calling Odierno a traitor also…

  163. Heavy says:

    First of all, there is no WAR. If you mean our conflict in Iraq, I suggest you do a little research and see that there is NOTHING illegal about it. While you’re at it, check the roll and see how many of your lib friends voted for it, Dirtbag.


  164. NBC says:

    You’re funny. War, conflict, it’s all the same with hundreds of thousands of people killed. But the argument is that the war/conflict is in violation of law, both US and International Law.
    The case for its illegality is quite strong, that US congress people decided to vote for it is unfortunate but essentially irrelevant to the illegality issue.


  165. Heavy says:

    Really? no wonder you’re as out of touch as you are.

    Good luck, dirtbag.

  166. thisoldhippie says:

    Prove it how? By reminding you that former VP Cheney himself admitted that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and that he knew it? That was the reason we were told we had to go after Iraq – we were fed a bald faced lie.

  167. NBC says:

    Really? no wonder you’re as out of touch as you are.

    Good luck, dirtbag.

    Funny how I can actually support my assertions.
    I know, the thought that you have been lied to all these years may come as a shock to you.

    Your truly,

  168. richCares says:

    heavy says “Really? no wonder you’re as out of touch as you are.”

    now that is really funny, the most out of touch and delusioned person saying this, now that is sweet irony!

  169. richCares says:

    “…the left calls us nuts.”
    who is “us”, you have a mouse in your pocket?

  170. Bob Weber says:

    The Iraq War (like the Vietnam & Korean Wars, for example) is both illegal & unconstitutional since the COTUS reserves the right to declare war to Congress. However, because to rule on its legality would place it in a precarious position politically, SCOTUS has always ducked, declaring it to be a “political question” and declaring the litigants lack standing. Birfers should find this especially ironic.

  171. Expelliarmus says:

    Sally, there are a couple of states that issue “short forms” that are not acceptable for passport purposes. These states are California and Texas.
    See: http://www.visarite.com/birthcertificate.htm

    This is because the State Dept requires the following:

    • Must have a registrar’s raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, and registrar’s signature
    • Must include your given name and surname, date and place of birth, date the birth record was filed with the registrar’s office, which must be within 1 year of your birth

    Apparently California and Texas issue short forms that do not meet the above requirements (missing some some required attribute or information) — so in those states you would need the long form – which they still issue.

    Apparently the other 48 states issue short forms that do meet the above requirements, so they can dispense with the long form.


  172. richCares says:

    Birhers are deleuded, often ignorant, very hateful, and now you can add dangerous! Be very proud Birthers, he is your man of the hour.

  173. kimba says:

    Baloney. The State Dept accepts the form Obama provided for passport applications. It is hilarious the uninformed people who come to this site to play birther games with people who are more knowledgeable. My favorite is people like Sally Hill who turn birther lies into first person “actual” accounts.

  174. Gordon says:

    Shepard Smith on Fox, today touched on birthers and the hateful e-mails he’s been getting by the hundreds per day.

  175. Expelliarmus says:

    Actually, as I noted, it is quite possible that Sally’s story is true if she lives in California or Texas.

    The missing part of the story is simply that Hawaii is not California or Texas.

    And of course the California/Texas short forms do NOT look “exactly” like the Hawaii short form — they are unacceptable for passport purposes precisely because they are missing some attribute that the Hawaii form does have.

  176. Gordon says:

    NBC, it runs counter to the State Of ILL.too, where I used a BC that looks just like Obama’s to get a passport years ago. Do any of the regular birters here ever relate a simple phone call they made to the State Dept. regarding the type of BC required for a passport? I know I left that challenge to Captain Heavy awhile ago, and have waited for him to leave a remark.

  177. Gordon says:

    Sally you know why you didn’t leave the name of the state you live in? Because youR lie could be easily exposed.

  178. Bob says:

    From Phil at tRSoL:

    Unfortunately, however, you have bought into the Koolaid of the Opposition â„¢ and have shown yourself to be no better than Mr. von Brunn.

    1. Seriously? “No better” than someone who killed due to supremacist beliefs?

    2. Intentional (but weak) “Kool-Aid” reference negates the standard “oh the irony.”

  179. But, I daresay that neither California, or Texas would tell someone that the long form is not available (even if temporarily). My recollection is that Texas has several forms of birth certificates including a fancy “Long Horn State” souvenir version suitable for framing. While I have seen Texas samples, I haven’t worked directly on either Texas or California’s vital records offices, and so can’t say what’s missing.

  180. I think it likely that Sally Hill comes from Texas or California. The incident could have happened as she said, although there is something fishy about the vital statistics office’s reluctance to provide a long form until a reason was given. Typically vital records offices get significant funding from the sale of documents, and typically long forms sell for more than “wallet size”.

  181. Joyce says:

    Who does this sound like?

    “I attempted to place the FED Board of Governors under legal, non-violent, citizen’s arrest — supported by D.C. statutes, and by Misprision of Felony statute under U.S. Treason and Sedition Law.”


  182. It sounds a lot like Orly. Now we know what happens when you try to make a “citizens arrest” of a public official: you go to jail for kidnapping.

  183. thisoldhippie says:

    My husband was laughing and saying that Rush Limbaugh was probably apoplectic over the Colbert Report this week. Just knowing that the troops seem to be enjoying the show would send the far right pundits into seizures.

  184. Heavy says:

    He was also a Christian! Do they all have blood on their hands?

    You are one sick SOB!

  185. NBC says:

    Now this is irony again…
    But let’s see if we can help our poor friend understand why his ‘logic’ does not hold up.

    Do you believe that your analogy is reasonable? Or is there in fact a link between the generalized birther state of mind, and this person?

  186. Bob says:

    Who does this sound like?

    “The man charged with murdering an armed security guard at the Holocaust Museum believed he was defending the ‘Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,’ according to charging documents released Thursday.”

    “‘You want my weapons – this is how you’ll get them,’ von Brunn wrote, according to an affidavit from FBI Special Agent Ronald Farnsworth. ‘JVB swore (LT USNR) to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.'”

  187. Oracle Jones says:

    It seems it IS possible to be born in one place, yet be documented being born in another. Can someone explain how a person born in China winds up holding a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth?


    Sun Yat-sen (12 November 1866 or 24 November 1870 – 12 March 1925)

    Sun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866 to a peasant family in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan county, Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province (26 km or 16 miles north of Macau). The latter claim is likely to be correct, as the Certificate of Hawaiian Birth was issued based on Sun’s typewritten testimony, rather than on any documentation from witnesses….

    After receiving a few years of local school, at age thirteen, Sun went to live with his elder brother, Sun Mei, in Honolulu. Sun Mei, who was fifteen years Sun Yat-sen’s senior, had emigrated to Hawaii as a laborer and had become a prosperous merchant.

    The certificate:

    A portion of the certificate reads: “……And it appears from his affidavit and the evidence submitted by witnesses that he was born in the Hawaiian Islands on the 24th day of November A.D. 1870…”

  188. Bob says:

    Can someone explain how a person born in China winds up holding a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth?

    Advoidance of the Chinese Exclusion Act.


  189. misha says:

    No, I read on the internets that Ann Dunham’s ancestors faked two affidavits to perfect this for future generations.

    So that’s how someone born in Kenya can get a Hawaii COLB – it runs in the family.

    Obama’s family is really slippery – especially that guy from Africa. You know how they are.

    Also, I read on Orly’s site that Reagan is still alive, and is being hidden. Orly is a lawyer, and knows the penalty for libel, so it must be true.

    Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Sarah Palin!

  190. richCares says:

    “Can someone explain how a person born in China winds up holding a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth?”

    many Chinese and Philipinos had fake BC’s, like Sun’s, they were not issued by the State of Hawaii. (kinda like fake passports)

  191. In Sun Yat-Sen’s case, the birth certificate was a real Hawaiian document issued by the territory, but obtained fraudulently.

    The circumstances are covered in my article: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2009/01/hawaiian-birth-certificate-its-a-fake/

  192. Oracle Jones says:

    Oracle Jones: Can someone explain how a person born in China winds up holding a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth?

    Bob: Advoidance of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

    Oracle Jones’s rebuttal: Sorry, you have given a few good potential reasons WHY he obtained a Hawiian BC, but didn’t address HOW he was able to lie to obtain it. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Obama’s mother wanted him to have an American birth certificate. She was an American citizen and planned to continue living in America. To my knowledge there was no Kenyan Exclusion Act, but for the similar reason of being an outsider’, knew there would be roadblocks and hurdles a foreign BC would give her son later in life.

  193. There were three sworn affidavits given, presumably false, that resulted in Sun Yat-Sen getting a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, a document for people who registered their births later in life (contrasted to a Certificate of Live Birth for registrations done at the time of birth).

    Vital records fraud is nothing new.

    See my article from last January: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2009/01/hawaiian-birth-certificate-its-a-fake/

  194. Bob says:

    The how is rather obvious: It was faked.

    But as the circumstances around Yat-sen’s CoLB indicate, it was all a-nod-and-a-wink to save him from being deported to China, where he faced execution.


  195. NBC says:

    Breaking news: Berg’s super-sekrit case unsealed and denied with prejudice

    Bye bye

  196. richCares says:

    thank you, now I stand corrected.
    now lets cheer NBC for the berg report!

  197. NBC says:

    So far nothing on Pacer.

  198. No Free Lunch says:

    Below are two official emails that dispute the public version of Obama’s Birth and his mother’s marriage to BHO Sr.

    From: pubrec@u.washington.edu [mailto:pubrec@u.washington.edu]
    Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008
    Subject: Re: Stanley “Ann” Dunham 1960 to 1970 class registration

    Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham (BHO II’s mom) was enrolled at the University of Washington for:

    Autumn 1961
    Winter 1962
    Spring 1962

    The records responsive to your request from the University of Washington are above as provided by the Public Disclosure Laws of Washington State. This concludes the University’s response to your Public Records request. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

    Madolyne Lawson
    Office of Public Records

    From: Stuart Lau [mailto:stuartl@hawaii.edu]
    Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008
    Subject: Re: Inquiry

    The University of Hawaii at Manoa is only able to provide the following information for Stanley Ann Dunham:
    Dates of attendance:
    Fall 1960 (First day of instruction 9/26/1960)
    Spring 1963 – Summer 1966
    Fall 1972 – Fall 1974
    Summer 1976
    Spring 1978
    Fall 1984 – Summer 1992

    Degrees awarded:
    BA – Mathematics, Summer 1967 (August 6, 1967)
    MA – Anthropology, Fall 1983 (December 18, 1983)
    PhD – Anthropology, Summer 1992 (August 9, 1992)

    Sincerely, Stuart Lau
    Stuart Lau
    University Registrar
    Office of Admissions and Records
    University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Ph: (808) 956-8010

    Commentary on University Emails:

    For the BHO II Hawaiian Aug 4 1961 COLB to be accurate the following improbable events needed to occur:

    1 month after starting classes, Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack’s mom, at age 17, got pregnant by the only black African man on the entire chain of Hawaiian islands.
    2 months after getting pregnant, she drops out of college.
    3 months after getting pregnant, she marries BHO Sr.
    10 months after her first day at the U of HI, she delivers BHO II and immediately leaves her parents, her new husband, and her home, to fly alone with a newborn 2800 miles to Seattle to start college at the U of W.
    Stanley Ann Dunham does not return to Hawaii until AFTER BHO Sr left the islands for Harvard.

    This is an implausible series of events made even more nefarious because Obama II in his 2 bio books never mentions his mom left Hawaii when she was married to BHO Sr, nor does he mention she was in Washington State during this time.

  199. NBC says:

    Imagine that, Obama did not know that his mother was in Washington, when he was a new born.
    Do you really believe that anyone remembers much of their first year?

    Nothing implausible here though. The timeline fits nicely. And in the end it does not matter, Obama was born on US soil.

    End of story

  200. thisoldhippie says:

    I believe that the good Doctor has addressed this particular post once before and shot it down just as suredly as ever.

  201. NBC says:

    Repetition is no cure for lack of accuracy

  202. I don’t find anything at all implausible in this series of events. Also, you’re also not accurate when you say that she delivers BHO and “Immediately leaves” for Washington State. The actual time period was a month and a half between the events.

    But your argument is a little crazy. You take some public records, reconstruct the events from those records and then say they couldn’t have happened the way you reconstructed them. But the records SHOW that’s what happened. So even if they were implausible (which they aren’t), it still happened that way.

    Of course, what is totally and completely implausible is inserting a trip to Africa in the middle of all that.

    You’re making a nefarious mountain out of a mole hill.

  203. That should be the motto for my Docket page.

  204. NBC says:

    It’s yours to use as you see fit 🙂

  205. kimba says:

    “got pregnant by the only black African man on the entire chain of Hawaiian islands.”

    Where did this particular bit of foolishness come from? Really? The ONLY black African man on the ENTIRE chain? Give me a fricking break! Don’t you people give anything a reasonableness test? This is exactly how Madoff was able to steal billions and the Nigerian oil for email dudes scam people.

  206. myson says:

    I dont see how this is improbable, if a young gets pregnant in 1961, she MAY drop out of school & continue later !!!
    Maybe you need to explain whats improbable about this

  207. myson says:

    If us Nigerian realised, Americans are this foolish, more pple would be engaged in scamming rather than the very few that do !!!!
    No wonder the scams continue with the best efforts to stop them, pple that will believe foolish positions as the birther are ripe for a good scam !!
    Wish i knew some scammers !!!
    One should start with creating a Kenya bc, anyone know how a real one looks like so proper arrangements can be made to get one out, i think the reward the birthers are promising is $1m ?!! if they make it $5m, i’m sure the real one will come out

  208. Patriot1776 says:

    “Below are two official emails”

    O rly?

  209. Gordon says:

    Team Sarah is a site filled with idiot bithers, a class actually less intelligent then our own here. After a day of swatting them left and right with much of Doc C’s material, I received this from the Team Sarah moderators.

    TS Member:

    There has been an issue report filed against you. Please adhere to our terms of service when responding to blogs or threads in forums. We may not agree on every issue but keep in mind that members on TS did not join to defend their beliefs but rather to advance what they believe.

    We have a group that has been created for those who hold apposing views and like to engage in healthy debate. The Mean Girls Club. You are welcome to join.

    Failure to comply with our terms of service is grounds for immediate suspension. Keep this in mind when engaging in our forums and blogs.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    TS Standards

    Birthers don’t like their delusions challenged and won’t take their meds.

  210. “members on TS did not join to defend their beliefs but rather to advance what they believe”

    Well, at least they are being honest.

  211. Mommynole68 says:

    Maybe birthers should first learn to spell opposing (not apposing). I never realized how many crazy, irrational people really existed until Obama started his presidential campaign, and once he actually became POTUS- they must have opened the gates at the mental institutions. Off meds is right.

  212. Shandy says:

    This offical document of birth is false. It doesnt show the hospital the address of the parents I have a copy of an offical Hawaii birth certificate and it shows the hospitals name and it also show the adress of the parents and the age of the parents and this copy is also from 1961 so this copy that is being provided for the president is not correct format and it soes not resemble the copy that I have of an offical birth certificate from Hawaii. Even if the birth certificate is simply a digital copy the lines and format would be shown and they are not the same at all with the presidents. I believe that the presidents copy is a false document.

  213. aarrgghh says:

    did you tell anyone before the election? you could have helped avert a constitutional crisis of biblical proportions!

  214. Bob says:

    I believe that the presidents copy is a false document.

    So is Fukino in on it, or just a rube?

  215. Shandy, do you believe that America and Africa were once part of the same continent?

  216. AXJ says:

    Nobody cares about this document anymore…we are just waiting for September 8, 2009…

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