Violence threatened against the “usurper”.

I was literally shocked when I read this threat yesterday:

… a question which has already diffused throughout America anxiety and alarm; a question on the decision of which depends not only the peace of the nation, but the existence of the Union….

But if, disregarding the popular will and also violating the Constitution, Congress …peace and union are driven from the land…. The usurpation … will be instantly and firmly repelled. The government will be at an end.”…

Threats were openly made that [the] President ,…would be assassinated.

Those were comments from a Republican newspaper, circa 1800, regarding the presidential election. Republicans were whipped into a rage, declaring that if Aaron Burr were elected president by the House, they would march to Washington, suspend the Constitution and replace it with one of their own liking. Republicans were very much states rights extremists in those days. I do not know which was more viscerally hated by the opposite party, George Washington or George W. Bush.

Jefferson was elected after scores of ballots instead of Burr and civil war was averted. But the anger, the willingness to destroy the constitution to satisfy the taste of blood in the mouths of the denialists, the slander, the lies, the propaganda–they are not much different today than from when our country was founded.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Violence threatened against the “usurper”.

  1. Epectitus says:

    Remember that those “Republicans” are not our “Republicans.” Our Republican Party was not founded until 1854.

    Those “Republicans,” (actually the “Democratic-Republican Party”) were the forerunners of our Democrats.

    Never let it be said that political history is simple.

  2. What’s more is that Jefferson and Burr were both Democratic-Republicans running against the Federalist incumbent John Adams. IIRC, the reason why the Democratic-Republicans turned on him is because the Federalists who controlled congress thought they could manipulate Burr if he was president.

  3. Heavy says:

    You guys are confusing them with facts!

  4. I’ve made a few laps around this Web site and the only ones conounded by facts are those who’re anchor bound to the silly notion that the President is constitutionally ineligible. It’s over. It’s been over since 1961 when he was born Hawaii.

  5. Heavy says:

    Over? It hasn’t even begun, my friend. This criminal will be brought to justice along with his minions. And those who support him (That would be you and most traitors on this site) will have hell to pay.

  6. Mary Brown says:

    Oh so Heavy you are planning to do away with all who disagree with you. Did Jefferson or Madison or any of the founding fathers set up our Constitution for coups or did they set it up to prevent them? You can talk all you want but I would suggest you refrain from action. You might find yourself in jail with the terrorist suspect they have apprehended in North Carolina. You are so scary.

  7. Heavy says:

    Mary, Mary, Mary…Do away with? How sad. Why do liberals ALWAYS try to put words in other people’s mouths? And why do they scare so easily? Must be a chemical imbalance. But don’t worry. Your meds will be covered!

  8. Nullifidian says:

    “Over? It hasn’t even begun, my friend. This criminal will be brought to justice along with his minions. And those who support him (That would be you and most traitors on this site) will have hell to pay.”

    What do you mean by “support him”? Are you going to violate the secrecy of the ballot in order to find out who voted for Obama in order to punish them?

    What about those of us who didn’t vote for Obama, but just think that birthers are crackpots—an opinion you are doing nothing to diminish?

    Why are you a fledgling fascist who thinks he’s licensed to visit this punishment on those who disagree with you?

  9. Heavy says:

    Smoke another bowl, commie, and stop berating your country!

  10. misha says:

    Bring back the Whig Party!

  11. misha says:

    “Smoke another bowl, commie”

    Communism: the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    Better learn proper insults. Watch some Monty Python, if you want to learn wit – which you are sorely lacking.

  12. Nullifidian says:

    “Smoke another bowl, commie, and stop berating your country!”

    More birther topsy-turvydom:

    Trying to overturn the democratically expressed wishes of almost 70 million is not an example of berating one’s country.

  13. Oh, yeah. I read a book years ago called American Aurora.

    The discourse of the partisan press would make Ann Coulter look like the Christian Science Monitor.

  14. I mean, the book was about the Adams presidency leading up to the 1800 election.

  15. richCares says:

    “Over? It hasn’t even begun, my friend. This criminal will be brought to justice along with his minions.”

    Wow, so heavy will be punished, Great! The bigot deserves it!

  16. Ian Gould says:

    Heavy:” Over? It hasn’t even begun, my friend. This criminal will be brought to justice along with his minions. And those who support him (That would be you and most traitors on this site) will have hell to pay.”

    Any day now. Any day now.

    And I’m sure Heavy will insist yet again that he isn’t threatening other posters.

  17. Ian Gould says:

    “What do you mean by “support him”? Are you going to violate the secrecy of the ballot in order to find out who voted for Obama in order to punish them?”

    The Birthers are way ahead of you.

    The states that voted for Obama will lose their voting rights and undergo a process of reconstruction similar to the Post-war souh with military occupation for the next twentty or thirty years.

    They also be slapped with a special tax surcharge to pay for the illegal spending of the Obama regime.

    Demographic groups that supported Obama – women, blacks, hispanics, Asians – will have their voting rights stripped.

    If a republic where only white property-owning males were allowed to vote was good enough for the founding Fathers, it’s good enough for Heavy.

    Provided of course that Patriots like Heavy get to go through the potential voting pool and vet those prospective voters for their loyalty to true republican principles.

  18. Ian Gould says:

    Rich cares:“Over? It hasn’t even begun, my friend. This criminal will be brought to justice along with his minions.”

    Wow, so heavy will be punished, Great! The bigot deserves it!”

    you’ll be laughing out of the other side of your face traitor when you find yourself in front of the People’s Provisional Court of American Justice and Heavy is sitting on the bench with the gavel in one hand and the noose in the other.

  19. Johnny-O says:

    Yuk it up, fascists Ian & Heavy…

    The black helicopters are warming up on the pad for you; the Re-Education Camps are waiting for you!

    Once we have the power, do you really believe we will ever reliquish it? To people like YOU?


    YOU FOOLS! YOU FOOLS! We HAVE you, now, assholes!



  20. Johnny-O says:

    According to MSNBC, Taitz is full of shit – the so called ‘Kenyan birth certificate’ is a forgery by virtue of the fact that it represents Obama’s birth in the city of Mombassa, Kenya in Aug of 1961 – the trouble is, there WAS NO city of Mombassa, Kenya in 1961!

    It’s true. The city of Mombassa, in 1961, was part of the province of Zanzibar, Tanganyka (now Tanzania) in 1961! The city became part of Kenya only three years later, when Zanzibar was ceded to Kenya from then Tanganyka (Tanzania), so the ‘Kenyan birth certificate’ could not be genuine, since it says on it very clearly that the city is Mombassa, Kenya, even though at that time it was Mombassa in the province of Zanzibar, Tanganyka. Since it doesn’t say that, it can’t be authentic, simple as that. It has to be a fake, and in fact it is dated in 1963, almost a year before the city became part of Keyna in the first place.

    In addition to that, the ‘Kenyan birth certificate’ has been found to be an online copy of a real birth certificate from, of all places, Australia – AUSTRALIA! So, I guess that means Obama is really an Aussie, which is okay with me!


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