Kenyan birth certificate proven fake – no doubt

In a remarkable piece of detective work, Koyaan over at has posted definitive proof that the Kenyan birth certificate was forged using an Australian birth certificate image on the Internet as the base document. Read the Politijab article for details.


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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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113 Responses to Kenyan birth certificate proven fake – no doubt

  1. AdrianInFlorida says:

    So, when does Orly finally get sanctioned for introducing fraudlent documents into evidence? This is getting ridiculous, she’s finally crossed the “Obama is a Nazi” line, what’s next for her? Methinks she’s hanging out in Israel to avoid arrest when this comes to a head.

  2. Jeff R says:

    The link to Mr. Bomford’s BC is down. That’s apparently because he removed it.

  3. misha says:

    That’s exactly why she is in Tel Aviv. She just torpedoed her dental practice – not that she was a good dentist, anyway.

    She’ll probably broker kidney sales. She’s from Moldova, which is where most of those poor schlubs were. She’s perfect: speaks Russian, and from Moldova.

    Hey, did you see my authentic Kenyan birth certificate? It’s
    here and here.

  4. Expelliarmus says:

    Technically speaking, she didn’t introduce fraudulent documents in “evidence.” She made a motion asking for discovery, and attached a photo that she labeled as being “unauthenticated” as her purported reason to need expedited discovery. That is, she told the court she had come into possession of a photo that may or may not be authentic, and she needed the court to allow her to conduct immediate discovery so she could find out whether or not the document is real.

    So no fraud, no sanctions. Stupid motion, but Orly never represented that the document was authentic.

    The real goal of the lawyers all along has been to force discovery. Throwing a questionable document at the court at least theoretically could open that door.

  5. FTE says:

    A poster at Free Republic broke down the Aussie BC and found the signature of the Deputy Registrar is overlaid by the printed “Deputy Registrar.”;page=1401#1444

    The Aussie BC is fake.

    Copy the photo, blow it up in your favorite photo editor and see the signature was written and then “Deputy Registrar” was put on top of the signature.

  6. Epectitus says:

    How perspicacious of the “forger” to post his “forgery” on-line almost three years before it would be needed to debunk “Obama’s Kenyan BC.”

    I gotta tell ya, if these conspirators are that good, you should be grateful they’re in charge of things.


  7. Expelliarmus says:

    The Aussie birth certificate has been confirmed authentic by the person in it, who turned out to be easily located by local journalists:

    everything else up there. Oh I definitely confirm that the birth certificate was mine. That was quite easy to see – my address, even the style of the birth certificate was an old South Australian one.

    So it’s quite easy to identify that it’s mine.

    DINA ROSENDORFF: And looking at the fake Kenyan birth certificate what do you make of it?

    DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: It’s definitely a copy of my certificate. It’s so laughable it’s ridiculous.


    You birthers need to learn that you can’t prove a document to be “fake” by looking for flaws in a JPEG, which are created in the process of scanning and compression for internet display. There’s no such thing as “overlay” on a digital image — no matter what it looks like, in the end there can only be one color per pixel.

  8. Expelliarmus says:

    correction — I managed to cut things off in my cut & paste above — the first paragraph in the quoted section should be:

    DAVID JEFFREY BOMFORD: It’s little old me and my mum and everything else up there. Oh I definitely confirm that the birth certificate was mine. That was quite easy to see – my address, even the style of the birth certificate was an old South Australian one.

    So it’s quite easy to identify that it’s mine.

  9. Expelliarmus says:

    Doc, Boomford’s family took down the site and the image with it — so you’ll need another link. Here’s one you can use:

    And here’s where David Bomford authenticates his own birth certificate:

  10. Bob says:

    The Aussie BC is fake.

    The Aussie BC is fake is the new the COLB is a fake. (See, e.g., tRSoL).

  11. FTE says:

    Self-authentication is a problem. That’s one of the reasons the so-called birthers want to see the “long form” or “vault copy” or “hospital copy” or whatever of BO’s birth registration.

    If the hopital filled out BO’s registration form and an administrator, a doctor and a parent signed the form, then you have multiple witnesses attesting to the veracity of the registration.

    Otherwise you have one guy and his mother swearing, scouts honor, the stuff he published on the net is true.

  12. Ah, but we have corroboration from the director of the Hawaii State Department of Health. We are not left with self-authentication alone. [I have hesitated to say this, but as far as security features go, Hawaiian birth certificatates ain’t much.]

  13. Bob says:

    Self-authentication is a problem.

    The courts have no problem with self-authentication. (See FRE 902.)

    The COLB authenticates itself because it is backed by the State of Hawaii. And there’s no competent evidence suggesting that it is a fake, or that the online digital version differs from the paper version.

  14. Black Lion says:

    Between President Obama’s Mom knowing that he would be President in 1961 so she submitted a phony BC and calls to newspapers to the forgers putting up a fake Australian BC in 2006, President Obama must have some amazing powers to see the future.

  15. Black Lion says:

    Basically the new birther plan is to have these so called alternative BC’s come to light to force the President to either release his so called long form or other documentation. They want to bypass the sure legal defeats and still compell some sort of discovery.

  16. AdrianInFlorida says:

    Thanks for clarifying that, Expelliarmus.

  17. Igor Marxomarxovich says:

    Old Russian saying…You can tell same lie 1000 time but not change truth!

    Difference between USSR Communist media and USA “mainstream media”

    In Russia government make media say what they want – even if lie.
    In USA “mainstream media” try make government what they want – even if lie..
    …..eventually they become same thing?!

    I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at

    Somehow info on this is similar to the recent Obama birth certificate from Kenya

  18. AdrianInFlorida says:

    The ink in the signature faded at a different rate than the ink used to print the form. Sorry, FTE, the Aussie doc is real.

  19. Lupin says:

    What about this absolutely authentic Orly Taitz KGB card:

  20. misha says:

    Brilliant!! Did you see my post, for my Kenyan BC?

  21. Bob says:

    Taitz really is the gift that keeps on giving. A commenter from tRSoL:

    “Even if the supposed Kenyan document released on Sunday is fake, at least Orly tried. We don’t know where she got it, but if her heart is in the right place, and I think it is, I don’t think she would ask the judge for expedited discovery based on something that she hadn’t already had vetted. I noticed that she and Ron Polarik are now acquainted on Facebook. This may mean nothing, but he is one of the leading forensic document experts in the country. Perhaps she already had him and others examine this document. I have a feeling she has had it in her possession for a while and has done just that before releasing it. No one wants it to be a bomb.”

  22. catbit says:

    Oh, my – somebody has some ‘splainin to do….

  23. Black Lion says:

    Good article on the birthers in the Washington Post today…

    A great quote from the article…

    “That’s what the less crazy birthers have to contend. The alternative scenario — for those who really ought to put their tinfoil hats back on — is that somehow this was all planned back in 1961: “They” diabolically planted these birth announcements 48 years ago, establishing a false record, so that a chosen infant who was actually born in some foreign land — Kenya? Indonesia? Manchuria? — could be groomed, perhaps programmed, and someday installed in the Oval Office. Cue evil-genius laughter.”

  24. FTE says:

    Constitutional scholar is above Fukino’s paygrade.

    She keeps records. She makes copies. She makes sure the records are not damaged by fire, water, humidity or ultraviolet light.

    And now she’s qualified to determine who’s a Natural Born Citizen and who is not? I’m skeptical.

  25. misha says:

    Expelliarmus, not to argue with you, but the judge and DA are fed up with her and her antics. That’s why she ran away.

    I’m sure they will take some action, and Israel will comply. She’ll be on an airplane here.

    Popcorn please.

  26. Bob says:

    Fukino is the Director of Hawaii’s Department of Health. She does much more than keep records and make copies. Perhaps she would like to stop being distracted by this nonsense, and get back to protecting the health of the public? Perhaps her natural-born citizen comment was less about literal accuracy, and more about sticking it to people wasting her time?

    Her job duties do not require her to determine who is a natural born citizen. Neither did the New Jersey Secretary of State’s, but did you complain about Donofrio’s suit?

    And, ultimately, Fukino is correct: She’s stating the majority opinion on the subject.

  27. Bob says:

    That’s rather dramatic.

    It’s August, aka “the vacation month.”

    Doc says she filed the POS on July 30, so the 60-day clock for the government to file its inevitable motion to dismiss just started. She’s got no other cases (somewhere Major Cook still has no job), so why no take a few weeks off to visit the old country?

  28. Black Lion says:

    Orly’s response to the article and the debunking information…She is still clueless…Does she think by calling people “brownshirts” she is scoring any points? Misha, doesn’t that offend you? I find it offensive. All of her so called responses have been already refuted.

    Debunking Obama’s thugs in the media

    Recently Obama’s thugs in main stream media came up with this Bomford report in order to stop my efforts in exposing and prosecuting Obama. Though typically I don’t have time to waste on each and every dumb obot, since it got to National TV and my children”s friends called my children, I’ll spend a few minutes to debunk the obots:

    1. Kenya became an independant country in 1963, not 1964. The seal of Kenya was correct.

    2. More then one person had certified copies of this document.

    3. the document was not issued at birth, but rather was a certified copy obatained in1964, when Kenya became independent

    4. The documents from that time would not show Zanzibar, but rather Kenya

    5. Bomford report was created to try to discredit my efforts

    6.lastly, I am not supposed to waste my time and money on this issue, Obama us the one who is supposed to provide evidence of legitimacy

    7. Kenyan BC provides more info than the piece of garbage Obama posted on the n et, which doesn’t have the name of the hospital, name of the doctor or signatures.

    8. Chioumi Fukino and Obama and all their Nazi Brown Shirts in the main stream media need to give it a rest and provide an original hospital BC and the corresponding big thick hospital Birthing file from the Kapiolani hospital. If they don’t have such a file, all of them need to resign immediately or they will be prosecuted for massive fraud and treason to this Nation. (in case you didn’t know, treason carries punishment of life in prison or death penalty).

  29. Bob says:

    Bomford report was created to try to discredit my efforts

    The Brown Shirts grew Mr. Bomford in a vat?

  30. Hospitals don’t retain files that long. They may have a birth registry, but not a medical file.

  31. dunstvangeet says:

    It’s also amazing that the Birth Certificate of Mr. Bomford was created 2 years before Orly Taitz came onto the scene, just to discredit her.

    Someone was able to find cached internet copies dating back to 2006.

  32. misha says:

    “so why not take a few weeks off to visit the old country?”

    Because she has her own dental practice in Orange County, which is foundering. Unless she sold it.

    I tend to feel she ran away. We’ll see.

  33. Bob says:

    Who do you think is a better dentist: Taitz, or the associate(s) she’s hired to fill in while she plays birfer lawyer/media whote?

  34. Greg says:

    Some do. Mayo Clinic, for example, is known for keeping all medical records for ever. They can do huge retrospective studies because of their extensive records.

  35. Joehorn123 says:

    Looks pretty bad for birthers, but I reserve Judgment for the Courts, Thanks.

  36. Greg says:

    I’m just curious. Letters rogatory take 1-2 years to wend their way through the diplomatic process.

    In what world is that “expedited” discovery?

  37. jtx says:

    Black Lion:

    So, BL – why are you offended when she notes your pals act like Brown Shirts … and YOU get offended??? Wow – you’re truly foolish.

    But then, you’re well behind the information curve, aren’t you??? Your Aussie nonsense has already gone the war of all good things and little bits and pieces are beginning to surface that tend to add credence to the image Orly “outed” which she – correctly – did not claim was a BC but merely an image of a cerfified copy of birth registration … a real KOLB possibly but one which must be authenticated … and that’s in process as we speak. You’re merely too dumb to realize that.

    Having said all that, whether the man is born in Kenya or HI, those things are merely findings of fact in the upcoming court actions. The real issue remain:


  38. AdrianInFlorida says:

    According to the Secretaries of State for each State he was on the ballot for POTUS, the Electoral College and the Congress, yep, he is eligible for his office. Have a nice day, JTX.

    The COLB he provided for review that showed Honolulu, HI as place of birth on it was merely one step more than required of any previous candidate, and the final nail in the coffin of those who think he’s a ‘Usurper”.

  39. I cannot see how any could responsibly use the phrase “brown shirt” to describe anything the Obama administration is doing, nor the word “thug” as used by another commenter. After all, it is the birthers who are going around disrupting meetings.

    You guys are wound up WAY too tight.

  40. And why, pray tell, would you expect Orly Taitz to have any idea how long a letters rogatory takes?

  41. AdrianInFlorida says:

    “In what world is that “expedited” discovery?”

    In Orly’s world, it is. She can drag it out for a couple more years, milk her minions for some more ‘Donations’ and then blame it on the “Brownshirts” when she is AGAIN discredited.

    Heck, this latest episode with the supposed “Kenyan Birth Certificate” is the worst, she doesn’t even have the actual document, she has a photo of it. Disbarrment would be too easy on this huckster.

  42. Catbit says:



  43. kimba says:

    Please provide your proof. Thanks.

  44. Black Lion says:

    JTX, of course he is. He meets the requirements of the US Constitution. He was born on the soil of the US, is over 358, and been in the US for 14 years. President Obama is the president for the next 3.5 and hopefully 7.5 years. And most Americans don’t have an issue with him.

    You have to stop reading Orly’s blog. Of course she thinks that her copy is real. It is because she is stupid. She submits a picture of a document that did not make any sense and expects that intelligent people would believe it. In her filing she claimed that she never had the actual document. So she was relying on a picture. And unless the infamous Polarik was available to authenticate images of documents, she was in trouble. However even Polarik smelled a rat and claimed that this so called Kenyan BC was a forgery.

  45. Black Lion says:

    Typing error, I meant over 35…

  46. nbc says:


    Born on US soil, right age, right residency requirements.

    Yep, by all credible standards he indeed is eligible.


  47. Black Lion says:

    “lastly, I am not supposed to waste my time and money on this issue, Obama us the one who is supposed to provide evidence of legitimacy”

    She is really not a lawyer, is she. She is making the claim and attempting to refute the COLB as evidence but President Obama is the one required to supply evidence? I guess she forgot about the rules of evidence in her online law school…

  48. Black Lion says:

    Orly is really fuming about her Kenyan BC being discredited….

    The best quote from the article…

    “In another post to her blog, Taitz asked only, “If Kenyan BC that I provided would not be genuine, Hillary would not be rushing to Kenya, would she?”

    Of course, Clinton’s trip to Kenya was actually announced and briefed by the State Department before Taitz released the forgery.”

  49. Black Lion says:


    “In the Research 2000 poll, only 7 percent of Democrats have doubts about Barack Obama’s origins. That compares, in the Rasmussen poll, to 26 percent of Republicans who had doubts about George Bush’s role in 9/11, and 43 percent who had doubts about whether the CIA had advanced knowledge of the attacks. Trutherism is pathetically widespread — somewhat more so than birtherism — and is also somewhat more “bipartisan” than its counterpart.”

  50. Bob Weber says:

    It’ll never get into court, which will spare the birfers the humiliation of being laughed out of court.

  51. Bob says:

    It is expedited in the sense that she wants permission to seek discovery before the government has filed an answer.

    Because if there’s no case (and the court dismissed the complaint), then there’s no need for discovery.

  52. Bob says:

    Actual birfer, or sly satire?

  53. jtx says:

    Black Lion:

    Gee, but that’s as informative as it is meaningless.

    The real issue is the legal eligibility of the man in question to hold the office he now occupies. It’s too bad that almost no one in this hast-speech-filled blog is bright enough to realize that.

  54. jtx says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    You’re WAY out of your depth, Doc, and should stop such nonsensical statements. Guess you’ve ever worked in any major (or even smaller) hospitals.

    You do not know whereof you speak …

  55. jtx says:


    Perhaps you’ve heard the comparison of someone such as yourself and the Thanksgiving Turkey. You are certainly full of it all right.

    Obama lied under oath in writing on at least one of the state documents – and that will eventually come back to bite him … but he’ll have so many teethmarks in him byu then that it will perhaps not be noticed.

    You seem to not know that the EC merely counts the votes of that body and it has nothing to do with eligibility … the Constitution however MANDATES “natural born citizen” of the man and it does NOT “it’s OK if you’re governed by the BNA of 1948 since that makes you a Brit”.

  56. jtx says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    You seem to think it’s somehow your mission in life to help trash your country and protect an ineligible man hold the office he now occupies.

    Perhaps you cannot yet see that he is not eligible. Stay tuned. I doubt though that you give a tinker’s dam.

  57. jtx says:


    That’s what the third Branch of government is for – it’s called the Federal Court system and its working away on that very problem, believe it or not.

    And all of your BS on this site matters not at all.

  58. jtx says:

    Black Lion:

    We’ll see what the courts decide, won’t we???

    And one of the two between you and Orly is stoopid … however it is NOT Orly. She has more guts than you ever thought of having and in the long run that will be very clear to most reasonable people (which apparently includes few on this site).

    She clearly stated exactly what it was that she posted on her site – and the dates, etc. on the document fit right in also.

  59. No, it is my hobby to help prevent nut-case conspiracy theorists from poisoning the minds of innocent people against the lawfully elected president of the United States. My “mission in life” (long before this little fray) was to combat fraud and correct misinformation. I want to help people people make rational decisions based on sound information.

  60. Exactly what document do you think Obama lied on? You are so non-specific.

  61. nbc says:

    Obama lied under oath in writing on at least one of the state documents – and that will eventually come back to bite him … but he’ll have so many teethmarks in him byu then that it will perhaps not be noticed.

    No evidence of any lies.

    You seem to not know that the EC merely counts the votes of that body and it has nothing to do with eligibility … the Constitution however MANDATES “natural born citizen” of the man and it does NOT “it’s OK if you’re governed by the BNA of 1948 since that makes you a Brit”.

    True per Constitution, Congress qualifies the President and certifies the election results.

    And having the status of your birth be governed by the BNA has no effect on the birthright citizenship status.

    Moreover, if as is suggested, he [LaFayette ] was born to the advantages of a double allegiance, upon attaining his majority he exercised the right which was his of electing the government to which he would give allegiance, and that election related back to the time of his birth.

    Source: Town of New Hartford v Town of Canaan, Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors, May 3, 1888

  62. nbc says:

    You seem to think it’s somehow your mission in life to help trash your country and protect an ineligible man hold the office he now occupies.

    On the contrary, Dr C’s mission in life is to show the facts and expose the myths. Such as that President Obama is ineligible.

  63. nbc says:

    No evidence. As expected. Too bad for a moment I thought JTX may have a case.

    In case of the President, the third branch is prohibited by the Constitution.

    Congress looked at this a while ago, found that it could to grant these rights to the Supreme Court

    Resolved That the two Houses of the Forty fourth Congress having counted the votes cast for President ana Vice President of the United States and having declared Rutherford B Hayes to be elected President and William A Wheeler to be elected Vice President there is no power in any subsequent Congress to reverse that declaration nor can any such power be exercised by the courts of the United States or any other tribunal that Congress can create under the Constitution.

    It’s no surprise that courts have continued to rule against these 40+ lawsuits.

  64. Nullifidian says:

    The real issue is the legal eligibility of the man in question to hold the office he now occupies. It’s too bad that almost no one in this hast-speech-filled blog is bright enough to realize that.

    “Hast-speech-filled blog”? You mean that there’s a lot of use of the antiquated second person-inflected form of “have”?

    Thou hast astonished me.

  65. BlackLion says:

    According to Phil over at tROSL, Jerome Corsi and WND are now claiming that the COLB is authentic.

    Interesting. It is difficult to believe anything that they say since they have made some contradictory statements regarding this issue so far….

    “WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi was on G. Gorden Liddy’s radio show en route to verifying the Kenyan document’s authenticity…”

    However yesterday Farah and WND wrote a column talking about why he doubts the authenticity of the Kenyan BC…a quote from that article states the following…

    “No one at WND – not me, not Jerome Corsi, not any columnists, not any reporters – have defended the authenticity of the Kenyan birth certificate. No one here has made a judgment that it is real. What we did was report a fact – that California attorney Orly Taitz has filed a motion in federal court to determine its authenticity.”

    And last year WND stated the following about President Obama’s HI COLB…

    “A separate WND investigation into Obama’s certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren’t originally there.”

    Farah states this in one article…He doesn’t believe that the COLB is a forgery…

    “Yes, it is true that I do not believe that document to be a forgery and WND has reported that. But that “certification of live birth” proves nothing about Obama’s eligibility, because it was issued for births that took place outside the country”

    But in another WND/western center of journalism article he states the following…

    “In discussing the Certification of Live Birth that the Obama campaign claims was posted on the web, Orly Taitz also asserts that “Hawaii has statute 338 that allows foreign-born children of Hawaiian residents to get Hawaiian birth certificates.” What she is referring to here is the 1982 amendment of the vital records law. Under Act 182 H.B. NO. 3016-82, state policies and procedures could accommodate even “children born out of State” (this is the actual language of Act 182) with an original birth certificate on record. But though Act 182 does provide children born out of state with a birth certificate it does not provide them with birth certificates that say that these children were born in Hawaii or at a specific location in Hawaii. Consequently these birth certificates cannot engender Certifications of Live Birth which state that the subject was born in Honolulu, as the purported Obama Certification of Live Birth does. So if the Obama Certification of Live Birth was not forged, it could not have been engendered by an Act 182-authorized birth certificate for “children born out of state”. And if it was forged, the false information on it was not based on anything that could be on an Act-182 authorized birth certificate. So Orly Taitz’ assertion that “Hawaii has statute 338 that allows foreign-born children of Hawaiian residents to get Hawaiian birth certificates” is irrelevant.”

    So how can you really believe what WND states when they are so confused that they are writing contradictory articles.

    And over at Free Republic, the usual lies and supposed secret inside information and people claiming to have similar documents, of course with no real proof…

    Very interesting. Any thoughts?

  66. WND picks the most convenient lie at the time. In this case, “But that “certification of live birth” proves nothing about Obama’s eligibility, because it was issued for births that took place outside the country”

    Let WND come up with a legal COLB for someone born in 1961 who was born out of the country that says they were born in Hawaii.

  67. BlackLion says:

    Dr. C, agreed. But the funny part is how they have debunked themselves by stating that those births would have to state the actual city the foreign birth was in, not HI. The magically leave that part out when they make that statement…

  68. BlackLion says:

    Please, not the British Nationality Act again? And still with no law to support his position. Does anyone think he will ever provide us with some proof?

  69. BlackLion says:

    “And one of the two between you and Orly is stoopid … however it is NOT Orly.”

    Wow…Maybe JTX is really Orly…I know he posts on her site like a lovesick puppy…Orly is not stoopid? Orly is dumber than a box of rocks….My 8 year old niece puts better sentences together than her. And she got the infamous Major Cook fired. Besides she can’t figure out how to serve the President. Intelligence is not something that Orly has much of….

  70. nbc says:

    Recommended retention period

    Patients’ medical records
    10 years after most recent care usage

  71. nbc says:

    §622-58 Retention of medical records. (a) Medical records may be computerized or minified by the use of microfilm or any other similar photographic process; provided that the method used creates an unalterable record. The health care provider shall retain medical records in the original or reproduced form for a minimum of seven years after the last data entry except in the case of minors whose records shall be retained during the period of minority plus seven years after the minor reaches the age of majority.

  72. Bob says:

    She has more guts

    Guts (pr tenacity) is not the same as intelligence.

    the dates, etc. on the document fit right in also.

    Except for Obama Sr.’s age.

  73. Nullifidian says:

    Please, not the British Nationality Act again? And still with no law to support his position. Does anyone think he will ever provide us with some proof?

    Apparently jtx, like many birthers, has a problem with the concept of national sovereignty. I blame the U.S. history classes for failing to convey to the fact that there was a rather important war fought so that American citizens wouldn’t be controlled by British law.

  74. AdrianInFlorida says:

    Guts will get a stupid person deeper and deeper into trouble, brains, which the ‘good’ dentist/lawyer/real estate agent lacks, will keep one out of trouble.

  75. AdrianInFlorida says:

    That’s the cruxt of the matter, The President DID as was required. He swore affidavits to each state he was on the ballot in. Hell, by providing his Hawaiian COLB, he went over and above the legal requirements of a candidate for President.

    If they have PROOF that he was wrong or lied, then the birthers need to provide PROOF to the courts, not rantings, ramblings and fantasies.

  76. AdrianInFlorida says:

    “And why, pray tell, would you expect Orly Taitz to have any idea how long a letters rogatory takes?”

    Because, she’s a lawer…..oh, got your point, Dr. C.

  77. Sally Hill says:

    Curious why this site no longer comes up in my auto Google daily search….

    Anyway – was the Kenyan cert based on the Aussie cert or the other way around?

    Seems that – from The Right Side of Life:
    Richard Bomford is listed as the domain holder for where this David Jeffrey Bomford Certification of Registration was found.

    The problem is that Richard Bamford was just involved in a massive fraud case adjudicated in Australian on July 10th of this year.

    Bamford seems to go by the name Bomford.

    Also GIM International lists Richard Bomford as a GIS expert. It is my understanding that GIS information experts have software to produce maps and edit images of such quality, that forging a BC would be child’s play.

    So the Bomford could be the fake; as its provenance is in doubt.

    As far as I know, date stamps on images can also be faked. So that proves nothing. So can lead codes and other identifying facts.

    There are a number of inconsistencies in the Bomford and Kenyan BCs. On the Bomford there is no tilting of the typed line at the bottom of the page, on the Kenyan there is. Only an expert could avoid the tilting problem when typing on the final inch of a single page of paper. Yet the Bomford has raised capitals, which often occur when typing fast on a typewritter and not fully depressing the capital shift key. The Kenyan does not have this problem.

    The currency in Kenya was shillings. “d” in English currency means pence or cents. The Aussie has a seal different from the crest; the Kenyan seal is indiscernable. Both have the capital O instead of the zero for the number Zero and the capital O. Both seem to use the same typewriter font. Its a 25 years not a 26, because the loop for the 5 is larger not small and squat like the six.

    From all the forgeries I’ve seen online lately – I would say people are creating them as fast as they can in order to keep anything from being authenticated. Wouldn’t seem helpful for the ‘birthers’ to do this, but might be advantageous for those that are a bit uneasy that an authentic BC just might surface.

  78. Welsh Dragon says:

    “The problem is that Richard Bamford was just involved in a massive fraud case adjudicated in Australian on July 10th of this year.

    Bamford seems to go by the name Bomford”

    This is a LIE that birthers have been spreading round the web. Richard Bomford is a public offical based in Canberra. Richard Bamford is a Company Director based in Sydney.

    “Also GIM International lists Richard Bomford as a GIS expert”

    This may or may not be true – but I for one can’t make much sense of that website. A search brings up an untidy version of his address but drilling down gets no clear info.

  79. Greg says:

    There were actually two wars fought so we wouldn’t be governed by British law. In the Revolutionary war, we shed the British government. In the war of 1812, one of the principle causes was the impressment of “natural-born subjects” of England into the British Navy. As Lynch v. Clarke pointed out, the newspapers and diplomatic communications on this point were about the birthplace of those impressed – never about the parent’s citizenship.

  80. Expelliarmus says:

    Sally, I would suggest that you check your facts before reposting the garbage that appears on RSOL. The “Richard Bamford” involved in the fraud is from Sydney, in New South Wales. The “Richard Bomford” who owns the domain (and is related to to David Jeffrey Bomford) lists an address in OConner, ACT Australia (a suburb of Canberra), about 300km away. Absolutely no evidence that “Bamford” and “Bomford” have any connection.

    A search at for the surname “Bamford” yields 496 results, of which 62 have a first initial “R”. In contrast, there are only 117 individuals in Australia named “Bomford”, only 13 of whom have the first initial “R”.

  81. Bob says:

    As with many birfer assertions, possibility of fraud is not proof of fraud. The Bamford is Bomford claim is about as plausible as the Obama is a Connecticut vampire one.

    And as you’ve conceded, there are many differences between the Australian and Kenyan birth certificates. The origins of the Australian one are known, however, and there is someone affirmatively saying it is their birth certificate.

    The Kenyan one, on the other hand, is an orphan document of unknown origin that contains many possible errors or anachronisms.

  82. jtx says:


    (or maybe that should be PinkLion) –

    As I’ve told all of you many times:


    Any birth certificates or other documents are merely items of fact in the whole chain of proof that will eventually come out in court.

  83. nbc says:


    Of course he is, he is a natural born citizen of the right age and with the right residency requirements.

    Any birth certificates or other documents are merely items of fact in the whole chain of proof that will eventually come out in court.

    So you keep claiming but there are just not many court filings left since most of them have now been rejected by the courts based on Constitutional issues such as lack of standing.
    The few remaining are quickly dwindling. Keyes v Obama will be denied in a month or so and Kerchner’s will move to SCOTUS to be denied cert once the court will reject its second amended complaint and accept a motion to dismiss.

  84. BenjiFranklin says:

    Dear jtx,

    You wrote: “Any birth certificates or other documents are merely items of fact in the whole chain of proof that will eventually come out in court.”

    Still nursing the prospective courtroom triumph exclusively, I see! Or did you just mispell “poof”?

    I bet the kids who got fed up with you in 5th grade don’t have to come here to imagine that they still hear you sobbing, “You’ll see! Someday, you’ll SEE!


  85. The birthers tend to make associations between similarly-named persons negligently.

  86. Bob says:

    And “negligently” is being generous.

  87. Sally asks: “Anyway – was the Kenyan cert based on the Aussie cert or the other way around?:

    The Kenyan one is the fake because it has the wrong name for the hospital and it has that revealing certificate number 47,044, and of course, we have an authenticated birth certificate from Hawaii.

    “Bamford seems to go by the name Bomford.” – What a silly remark!

  88. Bob Weber says:

    Dr. Conspiracy wrote:

    “The birthers tend to make associations between similarly-named persons negligently.”


    As demonstrated by Orly’s harassment of Kelly A. Dunham of WA. Orly’s fantasy is that Ms. Dunham is really Obama’s mother, and that she faked her death in 1995.

    [cue sound of cuckoo-clock]

  89. strikefighter says:


    Any birth certificates or other documents are merely items of fact in the whole chain of proof that will eventually come out in court.”

    Seriously, do you have these lines saved somewhere, so that you can just cut and paste them into every single post you write? Because really, repeating them over and over and over and over doesn’t really help to make whatever point it is you’re trying to make.

  90. Welsh Dragon says:

    WND are claimimg Kenyan BC ‘ is probably not authentic…’

    ‘WND obtained several samples of Kenyan birth certificates in use around Aug. 4, 1961, the date of Obama’s birth, showing differences from the Taitz document’

    ‘…an authentic 1961-era Kenyan birth certificate obtained by WND shows distinct differences’

    Of course on Sunday it was:

    ‘WND was able to obtain other birth certificates from Kenya for purposes of comparison, and the form of the documents appear to be identical’

    Any thoughts of which time they were lying?

  91. dunstvangeet says:

    I’d say both times…

    I’m not sure that they ever got authentic birth certificates from Kenya. I think that they posted that, so they wouldn’t look as if they got punked by the guy who today published 4 photos.

    Photo 1: The original photo.

    Photo 2: The document next to a coin, a typewriter, and the paper that he used.

    Photo 3: The document crumpled up.

    Photo 4: The document straightened out with the words YOU’VE BEEN PUNK’D! on it.

  92. dunstvangeet says:

    Probably both times. They only released this to make it look as if they knew all along…

    There was a blog post that basically released 4 photos.

    Photo 1: The original Photo that apparently, got into Taitz hands.

    Photo 2: The document next to a coin, a typewriter, and the paper that he used to make this document.

    Photo 3: The document crumpled into a ball, to throw away.

    Photo 4: The document straightened back out, writen over it “YOU’VE BEEN PUNK’D” on it.

    Once WND knew about this, they knew it was over, so they released this statement, to make it seem that they knew it was a forgery originally.

  93. Bob says:

    From :

    Fine cotton business paper: $11

    Inkjet printer: $35

    1940 Royal Model KMM manual typewriter: $10

    2 Shilling coin: $1

    Pilot Varsity fountain pen: $3

    Punkin’ the Birthers: Priceless

  94. Bob says:

    WND concedes it is a fake (with actual 1961-era Kenyan birth records).

    But never give up the fight!: “officials in Nairobi do not rule out the possibility President Obama may indeed have been born in their country.”

  95. Welsh Dragon says:

    Impressive! I’d seen the crumpled one earlier – a birther posted it at free republic but I didn’t realise it was part of a set.

  96. Welsh Dragon says:

    Yes my money is on both time too. As soon as I saw Farrah’s twitter on sunday I thought: they’ve been wrong footed and I’ve enjoyed watching them try to give the impression they were on top of it when clearly they didn’t have a clue.

    Allegedly, Corsi was off to Kenya but I doubt he got as far the x ray machines!

  97. AdrianInFlorida says:

    “officials in Nairobi do not rule out the possibility President Obama may indeed have been born in their country.”

    The actual quote by the Kenyan offical was probably something like,
    “We have no information that President Barack Obama was born in our country”
    Put it through the WhirrledNutzDaily spinometer, and you get :

    “officials in Nairobi do not rule out the possibility President Obama may indeed have been born in their country.”

  98. Greg says:

    Orly’s motion for expedited authentication and letters rogatory was stricken from the record by the magistrate judge.

  99. Bob says:

    Poster at nativeborncitizen says Taitz’s motion was stricken.

    Which is probably a blessing for Taitz.

  100. Nullifidian says:

    Andy Martin is on the Case of the Forged Birth Certficate.

    And he already has a couple of tantalizing theories. One is that it might be a clandestine (Mossad?) operation:

    My second theory as to who forged the KBC is more sinister. But based on Mr. Taitz’ provenance, and my contacts with various intelligence agencies, I can see another potential source of the forged KBC.

    But, according to dear old Andy, a far more likely possibility is that Obama forged the birth certificate himself!

    I suspect the KBC may be a forgery that was created by Obama himself, as part of his admissions package to Occidental College. Obama forged the KBC to falsely claim Kenyan birth as part of his affirmative action’ application to Occidental. That is a very real explanation for the KBC. The KBC may also explain why Obama has shrouded his college records in secrecy; he should now release all of them to the public.

    Yes, it’s obvious that affirmative action for plain old Black people is unheard of. But Black people of Kenyan birth, now that’s the clincher.

    Never mind that there’s no evidence that Obama got into Occidental pursuant to an affirmative action policy. We may take it as a given that he owes his success to affirmative action simply because he’s Black.

    All of this raises the salient question: is it possible for anyone to be stupider than Andy Martin?

  101. NBC says:

    She also filed it in Cook v Simtech case.

    Document 8

    Document 9

    The judge dismissed it the same day as frivolous

  102. Bob says:

    And that’s why God invented appellate courts.

    (I wonder why Major Cook sticks with Taitz. Has he tried to shop his case to other attorneys, only to be told he has no case, so she’s his only hope?)

  103. Marianne says:

    British ruled Kenya and Austraila so why wouldn’t the paper work be the same? It went through England so maybe same signatures!

  104. Bob says:

    Hawaii and Maine are both in the United States. From that do you infer their driver’s licences are identical?

  105. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Marianne, Britain hasn’t “ruled” Australia for well over 100 years, if not longer.

    Good grief. Do you think we had to write to Mother England and have blank paperwork sent out here on ships?

    Get a life.

  106. Welsh Dragon says:

    Marianne, the paperwork wouldn’t even be the same in Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales, let alone the Colonies.

    And you have no idea just how much you’ve just insulted Shrieking Wombat (who I assume is Australian) and his compatriots!

  107. Adrianinflorida says:

    Birthers, pissing of the Colonies since 2008

  108. Apart from the actual absurdity of this comment considering the political relationship between England and Australia in 1961, published copies of authentic Kenyan birth certificates by World Net Daily bear no relationship to the recently forged Obama birth certificate based on an Australian model.

  109. Greg says:

    Once, last year, I was trying to figure out a complex issue of British insurance law and looked at one of the leading treatises on the subject. I was chagrined after I cited the case that it referred to as controlling on the issue when I learned that it was one from New South Wales and had been superceded by one from a British court.

    I also learned that you can’t simply enter a citation into Lexis like you can for US cases, since British cases recycle their case numbers (according to our librarian).

    Suffice it to say that I now understand why the British lawyers on this case could charge the equivalent of $1,600/hour. But, then again, it was cheaper to have me research something, be completely wrong and try again than to have them look at something once and get it completely right. 🙂

  110. Black Lion says:

    Doc, our friends at the wonderful site “oil for immigration” addressed the WND discrediting of the Lucas Smith so called Kenyan BC in the following article as a type of side by side comparison…Smith’s responses were hilarious to say the least…

    WND Argument #1

    1. Kenyan news sources have called into question the use of “Coast Province” or “Coast Provincial” as a correct reference to the official name of the Mombasa general public hospital in 1961, citing Professor Dan Branch of the University of Warwick who noted that the term “Coast Province” was not used in the early 1960s when Kenyan provinces were typically referred to as “regions.”

    Lucas answer back to WND argument #1

    Lucas disproves this claim by citing a report found in Google Books called “The Annual Report on The Colony and Protectorate of Kenya” published in 1960. On page 60 of the report, the name of a hospital called “Coast Province General Hospital” is found. (See the video of this search conducted and cited in real-time using Google Books online)

    Or another one…

    WND Argument #4

    The dates on the document are formatted in U.S. style, listing in order the month, day and year; this is not the British format which typically follows the order of day, month and year.

    Lucas answer back to WND argument #4

    Kenya uses both date formats, i.e., dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy.

    Also, has also noted that the MM/DD/YYYY is actually referred to as Universal Time format (UTC), or a time/date format called UTC. The use of this format (UTC) did not become mainstream until after computers were common. Software programs were often coming up with different date stamp formats, so this standard, (UTC), was devised to bridge the gap. You’ll notice that many websites and software products and/or web applications now use the UTC format.

    Of course he doesn’t source his information in trying to discredit WND. It is funny to see WND as the side you would actually think is telling the truth…

  111. Also, has also noted that the MM/DD/YYYY is actually referred to as Universal Time format (UTC), or a time/date format called UTC. The use of this format (UTC) did not become mainstream until after computers were common. Software programs were often coming up with different date stamp formats, so this standard, (UTC), was devised to bridge the gap. You’ll notice that many websites and software products and/or web applications now use the UTC format.

    That’s an awful lot of nonsense to put in so small a space. UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time (not Universal Time format), and indeed it is not a format. It is a time standard that replaced Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in 1972. Time formatting standards are promulgated by the International Standards Organization (ISO), and MM/DD/YYYY is not the ISO standard.

    Decent software and web applications adapt themselves to the local workstation setting, representing the time according to local conventions.


  112. How did he explain the shillings and pence?

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