Third Obama birth certificate appears in court

In addition to the bona fide Obama birth certificate, inspected by and corroborated by the Hawaii Department of Health, there have been a couple of others that have made it into court filings.

The original complaint in Berg v. Obama included a fake Canadian birth certificate (the one signed by Dudley Do Right).

Fake Canadian Birth Certificate

Fake Canadian Birth Certificate

Now Orly Taitz has submitted another fake birth Certificate, this time purportedly from Kenya, in the Keyes v. Obama case in California. Based on the language in Orly’s court filing, she doesn’t have the original piece of paper, just a  photo.

The undersigned counsel for Plaintiffs has acquired possession of a color copy of one certain document (attached as Exhibit A to this motion), regarding which there are no ready means of authentication except by recovery of the original document.


Click for larger version

Click for larger version

Of course the certificate is a fake because Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya. One notes that the document is not on security paper, and lacks the registrar and informant signatures. It purports to be a certified copy created in 1964 and one wonders who would have applied for copy in 1964 and how the original registration would have taken place on a Saturday. My best guess is that this an authentic document that has been altered. The document is positioned in such a way as the altered part is farther way from the camera and less readable. If it’s a very bad fake perhaps a little analysis will show that fact.

There have been numerous other Obama birth certificates, but they have been jokes and not taken seriously. Three, one genuine and two fake, have made it into the courts.

It is unfortunate that Keyes v. Obama will never reach the point where this forgery will be exposed.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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163 Responses to Third Obama birth certificate appears in court

  1. Mrs. Polly says:

    There are no signatures, in the space for them, from either the father or the registrar.

    Who wants to bet that the raised seal actually says “From The Library of Martin Pinsky”?

  2. kimba says:

    I think it’s the back of a 50 cent piece.

  3. Nullifidian says:

    “Who wants to bet that the raised seal actually says From The Library of Martin Pinsky’?”


    It probably doesn’t even say that. I’ve never seen an embossing seal with a smooth border before. It looks more like someone just took a coin and rubbed the paper over it. In fact, just eyeballing it, it looks consistent with a Sacagawea coin.

    Naturally, such a fraud would be obvious the instant anyone held it in their hands, but Orly Taitz doesn’t have it in her hands; she’s still negotiating to buy it. I dare say that no rational person would be taken in, but these are birthers we’re talking about.

  4. misha says:

    She’ll get taken for $10K, if she buys it.

    This is like the Nigerian prince scam. The Kenyans are getting good at it, too.

    Know what I wish? For Prohibition again. My grandfather made more bootlegging, than legit.

    True story: in 1930, when my mother was 18, a neighbor went to bed with her boyfriend, and became pregnant. Her father locked her out of the house, and she went to my mother’s home. My mother told me she scraped $100 together, so the girl could get an abortion in NYC. That’s how well my grandfather did bootlegging. She also told me he bought a new Olsmobile at the height of the Depression.

  5. AdrianInFlorida says:

    Well, if “Dr” Polarik is legit, I’m sure he’ll chime in regarding the stange pixelation around many of the characters in the fraudulent digital image of an easily faked Kenyan COLB. Or maybe he won’t.

  6. Joe Horn says:

    I too think he was born in Hawaii. I questioned his “natural born status” becuase of his father’s foreign status. But I don’t know. Man this looks pretty good, better even that the certification of Live Birth President Obama put out. I hope it is a forgery. Look out if it is not. I understand that Taitz is covering herself. She is trying to issue subpeonas to get information to authenticate.

  7. Pingback: The Right Side of Life » Certifigate: Claim: Obama Kenyan Birth Registration? The Saga Continues

  8. kimba says:

    On what basis does this look “pretty good” to you Joe? It’s a digital image. Why do you think this digital image is “Better” than the one on factcheck? Or are you seeing what you wish to be true? A word to the wise: if it’s too good to be true, it probably is and don’t go setting up any bank accounts for Nigerian businessmen ( no offense meant to myson)

  9. kimba says:

    Oh and I forgot, Taitz isn’t “covering” herself. She doesn’t have the document. She’s trying to get the US government to obtain the document for her. Taitz has a picture of something that someone tried to sell her.

  10. kimba says:

    Well, well, well, looks who’s promoting, with an elaborate explanation and by looking at an online picture, the authenticity of the “new” birth certificate .
    From Rsol:
    “syc1959 says:
    August 2, 2009 at 3:05 pm
    This would be around the time of Kenya’s Independence and they would have generated a “Copy” for their records to transfer British citizenship to Kenyan Citizenship.
    The British government would have kept the origionals and Kenya would have a copy on file, if anyone wanted to transfer their citizenship from Britian to an independent Kenya.
    Hence looking at the image, it appears to have the correct type style of the era, the dates also seems more accurate Born on the 4th, registered on the 5th, officially entered on the 9th.”

    Yep he’s spinning it pretty hard. What do you think might be in this for syc1959 AKA Steve Cee?

  11. Kevin Bellas says:

    syc1959 AKA Steve Cee AKA SC on Plains Radio.

    Professional Jackass.

  12. jtx says:


    Well, trooper, the Kenyan BC Orly has presented looks far more real then the phony COLBs you fools have been defending for the last year or so.

    If you had any sense (and obviously you don’t) you’d realize it’s time for all of you to shut up and join with other real Americans to see this matter properly addressed in a court of law rather than this kangaroo court.

    It may very well be that some of you will be dragged into the fallout of the maelstrom that’s about to erupt. If so, it’s deserved.

  13. jtx says:


    We shall see what we shall see when it gets to court …

    … but the real issue still is whether or not the man is eligible to hold the office he now occupies and it’s becoming quickly more and more obvious that he is not.

    Even you turkeys will eventually have to admit it (though that will take several years with the rate of intelligence absortpion you’ve illustrated).

  14. kimba says:

    HAHAHA! It looks “more real”? HAHAHA! Please, jtx, tell us what makes it “more real”? Two words – Fo Nee. And Orly and Keyes are so cheap, they wouldn’t pay whatever someone was asking for it. She wants Hillary to get it for her. Oh, this is too good! It’s like Christmas morning, finding the candy canes on the tree!

  15. jtx says:

    Joe Horn:

    Actually, that’s not “covering herself” at all – it’s called good legal procedure and is something that any real court would insist on.

  16. kimba says:

    That’s what I said, I think it’s a 50 cent piece!

  17. jtx says:

    Kevin Bellas:

    Obviously – it takes one to know one …

  18. jtx says:


    You’d no doubt like to believe that to relieve your own sense of being completely conned by a soft shoe artist who’s never met a lie he didn’t like.

    Being a scofflaw runs in his family … but you’ve probably not noticed that either.

    I’d suggest you re-read my post about it being time to keep your mouth shut while the legal process works its way through things. That way you’ll look like less of a fool than you actually are.

  19. kimba says:

    No it’s sneakily trying to get the US government to do her research for her. Instead of spending her own money to the buy the copy she has a picture of, or spend her money or her donors’ money to go to the office of the registrar of the Coast Province of Kenya and find it herself, she’s trying to get the State Dept to do the work. She should hire syc1959, he claims he’s a genealogist. He should be able to locate the original lickety-split.

  20. kimba says:

    blah, blah, blah. Shouldn’t you be helping the first time home buyers coming into the tax shop to amend their 2008 returns?

  21. misha says:

    Sorry everyone: I did some sleuthing on the google, as W would say. Guess what?

    “Mombasa was part of Zanzibar in 1961 (when Obama was born) and was ceded to Kenya on December 12 1963. So any forgery would have to be Zanzibarian.”

    “…1963…the 10-mile deep strip containing Mombasa, East Africa’s chief port, which Britain has leased from the Sultan of Zanzibar for the past 68 years, would …be administered as part of Kenya, under the new law.”

    Google it yourself. Sorry, birfers.

  22. Greg says:

    Kenya obtained its independence in 1963, but didn’t call itself the Republic of Kenya until December of 1964. This document was allegedly created in February of 1964.

    So, it’s a certified copy of a document from a country that did not exist yet.

    I’ve got a bridge to sell. It was created by the Republic of Kenya in 1954. Just $1 million U.S.!

  23. misha says:

    What’s your e-mail address? I have a wonderful business opportunity in Lagos. I personally know someone who works in the Nigerian Public Works Department, and he’ll let you in on the deal for only 5,000 euros.

  24. kimba says:

    Kevin Bellas wins the prize:

    SC at plainsradio:
    “This would be around the time of Kenya’s Independence and they would have generated a “Copy” for their records to transfer British citizenship to Kenyan Citizenship.
    The British government would have kept the origionals and Kenya would have a copy on file, if anyone wanted to transfer their citizenship from Britian to an independent Kenya.
    Hence looking at the image, it appears to have the correct type style of the era, the dates also seems more accurate Born on the 4th, registered on the 5th, officially entered on the 9th.”

    Word for word what syc1959 posted at rsol!

  25. Kevin Bellas says:


    Are you SC??? Well Well if that don’t beat all? Or are you just a fan?

  26. misha says:

    Looks like the Kenyans learned from Nigerians. This is better yet: the Kenyan Birth Certificate scam.

    My Dear Dr. Taitz:

    I have an authentic Kenyan Birth Certificate of your President, showing he was born in Mombasa, Zanzibar Kenya.

    I would be happy to sell it to you for only US$10,000, by wire transfer.

    Yours truly,
    Samuel Obama
    (a close cousin)

  27. misha says:

    Whoever has this forgery, sees Jewish and American, and the cash register is ringing.

    Ho, ho, ho.

  28. misha says:

    Remember the Alan Sherman song:

    “A genuine copy of a fake Dior”

  29. Bob says:

    What section of the FRE allows a photograph of a document to submitted in lieu of the actual document?

  30. jvn says:

    First off, a PICTURE of a document? From the same people who won’t believe the statement from the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health unless the COLB is submitted to “forensic examination?” Surely you jest!

    But then, not even taking the time to look at the facts stated on the forged document?

    It seems to me that someone set up Orly Taitz and rather than conduct due diligence, she just ran with this despite the fact that Mombasa was a part of Zanzibar in 1961, and that the Republic of Kenya wasn’t called that until December 1964.

    I wouldn’t want her as MY lawyer…

  31. misha says:

    Or my dentist.

  32. dunstvangeet says:

    Plus, take a look a little closer.

    There’s a box that says: “Signature, Description, and Residence of Informant”. All that’s typed there is “B.H. Obama, Father, Honolulu, HI”

    There’s another box that says: “Signature of Registrar”, and all that’s typed there is “E.F. Lavander”.

    Date of Registration: “5th August 1961”

    But not entered into the registry until “9th August 1961”

    Furthermore, I have to ask the following questions, since birthers asked them about the other ones.

    Who was the doctor that delivered him? I thought that it was suppose to display that on the original long-form birth certificate.

  33. jtx says:


    Thanx for all the nonsense. I think we can just let a court of law sort out and authenticate things – but nice try!

  34. jtx says:


    You Obots are sounding just like you Obots (but in reverse).

    How about we just let the real courts authenticate things rather than just this kangaroo court, eh???

    Anyway – the real issue is the man’s eligibility to hold the office he occupies … which in case you’ve not notice is looking shakier and shakier all the time.

  35. Bob says:

    Talk on the wiki page says the file properties say it is a forgery. Verification?

  36. jtx says:


    Naw, we can just wait for the courts to clarify things I think. You Flying Monkeys are far too willing to “duck and cover” (just like your hero).

  37. jtx says:


    I doubt that she takes little pissants as clients anyway.

  38. misha says:

    “is looking shakier and shakier all the time.”

    To whom? Not any court, or Congress. And that’s all which counts.

  39. Laura says:

    Also, I actually saw it pointed out by one of the saner commenters on the Free Republic site that the birth certificate number is 47,044. Obama is 47 years old and the 44th President of the United States. A lot to ask of coincidence, no?

    The birth certificate number screams “elaborate prank”.

  40. jtx says:


    If so it’s a much more authentic looking forgery that the one the Flying Monkeys have been defending for about a year now.

    The court will eventually settle things.

    The real issue, however, is whether the man is eligible to hold the office he now occupies and the office pool is now heavily weighted toward the “Not NO, but Hell NO!” side. Won’t be long till we find out.

  41. misha says:

    “I doubt that she takes little pissants as clients anyway.”

    Such as yourself.

  42. misha says:

    Good detective work.

    Wait until Orly finds out the guy wants $10K for the certificate. And if she travels to Mombasa, it’s going to cost her $5,000 – cash only please – to look at the books.

  43. EF Lavender is the name of a laundry detergent.

    Mombassa was not part of Kenya in 1961.

    The date on this document says February of 1964, on a form that says “Republic of Kenya” While Kenya got its independence in December of 1963, the Republic of Kenya wasn’t declared until December of 1964. Less than two months after independence was declared, the registrar would more than likely be using colonial forms that *might* have a “provisional government of” line. Not the title of a country that wouldn’t be declared and made official until 10 months AFTER wards.

    No surname listed either, just “Barack Hussein II”

    And that’s just a few of the “easter eggs” I’m seeing.

  44. Home office I take it?

  45. You mean the document that was declared a “forgery” by someone who has never provided their real name, education, background, or anything to prove they have any amount of the training they claim?? The one that was declared a forgery by a nameless, faceless internet “expert” The document that was confirmed by the State of Hawaii??

    You mean that one??

  46. misha says:

    “the birth certificate number is 47,044. Obama is 47 years old and the 44th President of the United States. A lot to ask of coincidence, no?”

    And as someone else noted here, EF Lavender is a laundry detergent. If Orly falls for this prank, she is even more stupid than I thought. Now that you mention it…

  47. Sarina says:

    It would be a good idea to try to find a copy of Obama’s father birth certificate to compare it to this fake one. Another birther smackdown.

  48. misha says:

    I stand corrected: EF Lavender is the name of a handwash. Fitting.

  49. Chris says:

    Wouldn’t a birth certificate of someone born in Vancouver, BC be from the province of British Columbia?

    I know some of these birthers have trouble with geography, but really… who doesn’t know that Vancouver is not in Ontario?

  50. richCares says:

    2 things, first there are no flying monkeys, second this is a pathethic fake, oh and third, you are an idiot for even considering this obvious fake, get a life!

  51. misha says:

    What do you expect from birfers? Most of them are semi-literate.

  52. kimba says:

    And why did they pick Mombasa? No airport at the time. And now misha has discovered, Mombasa wasn’t even part of Kenya in 1961 when Barack was born.

  53. Greg says:

    “You Obots are sounding just like you Obots (but in reverse).”

    Huh? Was this supposed to make sense?

  54. misha says:

    “What do you expect from birfers? Most of them are semi-literate.”

  55. misha says:

    There’s not even a palindrome in there. jtx probably chews tobacco, and is missing most of his teeth. It’s amazing he can read.

  56. SvenMagnussen says:

    E.F. Lavender was a clerk with Great Greta Coal Company Limited before he was a registrar for the Republic of Kenya.


    NOTICE is hereby given that at a special meeting of the above-named company, hold at the office of Messrs. Pentland and Roberts, 467 Chan eery-lane, Melbourne, on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1893, the following special resolutions were passed, viz.:—

    1. That as the above-named company have ceased operations it is advisable that it be voluntary wound up.

    2. That Charles Medcalf, of Victoria Buildings, Swaiiston-street, Melbourne, be appointed liquidator for the purpose of the said winding up.

    WM. H. ROBERTS, Chairman.
    Witness—E. F. Lavender, clerk to Messr

  57. realist says:

    misha…what do you mean “if” Orly falls for it? Obviously, she already has, and actually filed it in court. Which makes her dumber than anyone could have possibly thought before, I agree.

  58. misha says:

    “the birth certificate number is 47,044. Obama is 47 years old and the 44th President of the United States.”

    And O is for Obama. Hello? Anyone home?

  59. misha says:

    So EF Lavender hung out in Kenya from 1893 until 1964?

    Yeah, sure. EF Lavender is a handwash, which is part of the prank.

  60. dunstvangeet says:

    JTX, answer me this one question…

    In the 6th box down from the top, it says: “Signature, Discription and Residence of Witness”. Where’s the signature of B.H. Obama?

    In the 7th box down from the top, it says: “Signature of registrar”. Where’s the signature of the registrar?

    Answer those two simple questions…

  61. Sven, would you please provide some sourcing for your stuff. Otherwise you’re wasting your time and ours.

  62. misha says:

    Taft must be a great law “school.” They turn out world class attorneys.

    She’s another Clarence Darrow.

    What is it with refuseniks? They’re all petty and vindictive, and go in for crackpot politics.

    She, Avigdor Lieberman and Sharansky should form a new party: The Angry Russian Party. Motto: “We’re meaner than Likud.”

  63. dunstvangeet says:

    It’s kind of funny. If this same document said “Hawaii” on it, they’d be complaining that the document has typed names, instead of signatures of the people, where it says “signature”, and they’d be claiming that it’s a fraud. However, since it’s from Kenya, they’re claiming it’s the holy grail.

  64. BlackLion says:

    Misha, you should go over to tROSL. They believe that this BC is real and it is the holt grail…Phil even wrote an article on it…It is funny how they are ready to believ this document with no authentication and the HI COLB needs to be reviewed by numerous individuals…

  65. misha says:

    That’s how much they hate Obama.

    Remember Douglas Dillman in The Man? That’s what is happening here.

  66. Well, they accept “Polarik” sight unseen with absolutely no proof of, well, anything.

    So why should this be any different?

    What wouldn’t surprise me is birthers quoting it ever AFTER it gets proven to be a fake.

  67. So, geography and political history of the region is “nonsense”, eh??

  68. Steve Cee seems to be shaping up to be the new Polarik / TechDude

  69. H.S. Thompson says:

    I guess Oduya (the registrar’s name) is a popular name in Kenya but it is funny that there is a Kenyan-Swedish hockey player named Johnny Oduya…

  70. misha says:

    The guys who cooked up this certificate sure have a sense of humor. Too bad the birfers don’t.

    A lot of people running around who had a lobotomy.

  71. If someone presented me with a similar quality document claiming to be Obama’s long from from Hawaii, I wouldn’t buy it with a lot more information than comes with this Kenyan puppy.

  72. Mombasa was something Ron McRae said on the “grandmother tape”, and because (falsely) something out out of the mouth of Momma Sarah. The certificate had to say that, otherwise the discredited grandmother tape would be also “gotcha” discredited.

  73. kimba says:

    Mr Miller was the father in Ah Wilderness. I thought it was weird someone’s name on a document as Mr.

  74. misha says:

    Birfers don’t know borscht. (a great Yiddish insult)

  75. I could find no embedded text in the image I got from Orly’s site.

  76. Right, they’re going to make millions of copies, apply raised seals and sign them? Get real.

  77. milspec says:

    Or real estate agent

  78. Greg says:

    Really, your office pool is heavily weighted in favor of “hell no?”

    Can I get in on that action? What do you mean by “heavily weighted?”

    If I bet $10,000 that he’s not going to be disqualified by 2012, what does that win me?

    If I bet $100,000 that he won’t be disqualified by 2016?

    $1,000,000 that in 2050 the consensus opinion was that he was always eligible to hold office?

    If the action’s really heavily weighted at your office against eligibility, I’ll take any of those bets!

  79. Expelliarmus says:

    There wouldn’t be one. There was no system in place for the mandatory registration of native births at the time that Obama Sr. was born — even in the early 60’s, the only mandatory registration was for Europeans living in Kenya, not Africans — and it was uncommon for births to be registered outside of urban areas.

  80. dunstvangeet says:

    Oh, the number 5733…

    Research an Windows Error Code: 5733

    These are critical Windows errors caused by missing system files or broken corrupt data. This should be fixed immediately to prevent further damage to hardware and applications on your computer. Failing to repair the problem can result in system crashes, loss of data, and hardware failure.

  81. Expelliarmus says:

    Actually, it costs a lot less than that to do a records search via the Kenyan embassy.

  82. Rita says:

    I don’t think Zsa Zsa et. al. would want to claim her as the lost Gabor sister either.

  83. Nullifidian says:

    Even you turkeys will eventually have to admit it (though that will take several years with the rate of intelligence absortpion you’ve illustrated).

    Irony alert.

  84. Greg says:

    According to WND she wants to subpoena the Kenyan embassy and depose Hillary Clinton. I’ll bet dollars to donuts that this not “good legal procedure.” I would be shocked if this is the appropriate method to get evidence from Kenya for a civil case. Surely you cannot depose the Secretary of State every time you file a civil suit that might need evidence from Kenya!

  85. Nullifidian says:

    So EF Lavender hung out in Kenya from 1893 until 1964?

    Of course not! That would be silly!

    Melbourne is in Australia, and the Kenyan registrar only had to be on hand to sign the birth certificate (of which this purports to be a copy—funny how CoLBs are good enough now) in 1961.

    So really, there’s only a 68 year time lag and a distance of approx. 7,200 miles separating them! A mere trifle!

  86. Greg says:

    The halo around each word when you blow it up makes it look pretty obviously faked.

    In fact, you can see the same halo around the word “province” without even blowing it up.

  87. Jack says:

    [duplicate comment deleted]

  88. richCares says:

    Jack, Obama has been president for 7 months, so you don’t want the Nigga, too bad. This elibiligy issue has been over for a long time, you are beating a dead horse. (except for birtther’s fund raisers)

  89. Greg says:

    The De Facto Officer doctrine says that the actions and appointments of an official are considered valid despite a later finding that his/her appointment or election was invalid.

    Now, if the office of President were found to be invalid – such that no one could hold the office, then Obama’s actions would be invalid.

    But, the very real fact of the matter is that this is a non-justiciable issue. The people have spoken. Obama’s father’s citizenship was never hidden from the American people and they voted overwhelmingly for him. By that act, they have spoken on the meaning of natural born citizen. Obama is qualified for to hold the Presidency.

  90. nbc says:


    E.F. Lavender was a clerk with Great Greta Coal Company Limited before he was a registrar for the Republic of Kenya.

    In 1893…. That must have been a heck of a career…

    Surely Sven you should be doing your homework before making up more myths… Oops, I forgot.

  91. misha says:

    You posted this twice on the site. I would not want you to lose any sleep about this terrible constitutional crisis.

    Before you crawl back under your rock, I suggest you take 50 Seconal to make sure you sleep through this threat to the Republic.

  92. avenir labs says:

    oh man !! third birth certificate..
    now finally where are you born man??????????

  93. I think the point is that if therewas one person named E F Lavender, there could be two.

  94. Welsh Dragon says:

    Orly’s PIs seem to have been looking for pictures of kenyan birth certificates on Friday.

    Could take that one of two ways.

    Orly allegedly flew into London this AM. If she did she’s likely to be disappointed – despite what’s been posted on the web I believe normal British practice would have been leave the original registers in situ.

  95. JiggaMyNigga says:

    Greg, you stupid [expletive deleted. Dr. C], the “halo” around each word is caused by JPEG compression artifacts. Had the picture been saved as a PNG image file, you would see no such artificats.

  96. Welsh Dragon says:

    Posted this a few minutes ago but it seems to have been lost in cyberspace so apologies if it turns up later.

    Orly’s PIs seem to have been looking for photos of Kenyan birth certificates on friday

    Could take that one of two ways.

    Orly allegedly flew into London this AM. If she did she’ll be disappointed – despite what’s been posted here and elswhere on the web normal British practice would have been to leave the registers in situ.

  97. Bridgette says:

    Ok, let us presume that the birth records are at the British Public Records Office. Have you been there? Taking a photograph of a document is a big no-no. If you tried to do that, you would be removed from the building AFTER they removed your camera’s memory card and wiped your phone. That is, of course, if you could actually get one in. Security is incredibly tight there. It also takes an average of one to two hours to get the document. It isn’t like you could pop over there and nab the document.

    There are other issues with this document. The paper, for one, is too clean. There’s no yellowing. I have a certified copy of my birth certificate from 1974, and it has gone yellow. Paper ages, and paper from the mid-century tends to age poorly.

    The folding is also inconsistent with the treatment that most documents went through in the British Empire.

    Lastly, a birth certificate may not exist in some places. The reality is that a lot of documents are ‘compiled’. La Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes is a good example of this. It is a compilation of all data regarding the individuals. It is typically done after the death of a person or in order to save space if there is no room for expansion.

    Beyond that, according to the case US v. Wong Kim Ark and subsequent cases, President Obama is a citizen of the United States even if he were born in Kenya simply because his mother is a citizen. Legally, this case has no standing.

  98. Welsh Dragon says:

    Absolutely right Bridgette. Hope you didn’t misunderstand my post and think I thought otherwise

  99. Bob Weber says:

    In 1961 the only city in Kenya with modern facilities like an electric power grid and an airport served by scheduled carriers was Nairobi. Nairobi is also well over a hundred miles closer to Obama, Sr.’s native village of Kogelo than is Mombasa.

    The notion of a birth in Mombasa is just the last bit of absurd frosting on the whole absurd story. The birfers should have done better research before they started conconcting their lies.

  100. Bob Weber says:

    Yes, this is the REAL Kenyan BC! Not the phony that Naranjo (or whatever-his-name-was) peddled on E-bay!

    Cue “Monty Python’s Life of Brian”: He is the ONE TRUE MESSIAH! I ought to know: I’ve followed enough of ’em in my life!

  101. srini says:

    I am following this closely to see where this conspiracy ends. Meanwhile I have collected some good articles and sites related to Barack Obama (more than 200 sites or articles). If you are interested take a look at the below link

  102. Greg says:

    So, are there jpeg compression artifacts on the original Australian birth certificate?

    What are artificats, by the way? Is that like a LOLcat?

  103. Necro says:

    Obviously it’s fake, everyone knows Osama was born in hell…

  104. Expelliarmus says:

    The original Australian birth certificate is a piece of paper. What was loaded to the internet is a scanned image, which was saved as a JPEG. JPEG is a “lossy” format — meaning that when it makes an image smaller (lower resolution), it does so by discarding data. Once lost, the data can’t be replaced — so you just see fuzziness where the original image would have been crisp.

    The Australian man with the birth certificate has been located and interviewed on Australian radio. So he’s a real person, with a real birth certificate… none too amused by having his birth certificate used as the basis for a scam.

  105. KevinNYC says:

    The registration number on the canadian fake is a goof too.

    BR-549 are a very good country/rockabilly band.

  106. KevinNYC says:

    Here’s their myspace if you want to check them out.

  107. Richard says:

    On the province of Ontario birth certificate it looks to me like the second signature says John Kenedey?

  108. Ian in NZ says:

    Having just become aware of this new birth cert furore I looked at the supposed certificate. A few comments on top of what others say :
    1) Kenya was a dominion from independence in December 1963 until it declared itself a republic in 1964. I went to Kenya in early 1964, it was a still a dominion.
    2) The currency of Kenya at the time was the East African Shilling, made up of 100 cents. The price of 7s 6d in the top left corner is the British 7 shillings and 6 PENCE not cents and there were 12 pence in the shilling. Shillings and pence were at the time also used in Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia, where I was born), Australia, New Zealand and many other ex Empire countries.
    3) Please Americans, can you do a little world research before you start spouting forth. While the British speak the same language (sort of) so do many others. The British pound is not the only other currency in the world, the Brish monarchy is not the only other type of rule in the world, you can be independant of Britain and not be a republic (Canada, Australia and NZ are all examples).

  109. D says:

    Original article poster: Bias much?: “Of course the certificate is a fake because Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya.”

    I’m not so sure your are objectively reviewing these conspiracy theories. I would change the name of your site to “defending Obama against consipiracy theories”.

  110. Bob says:

    There’s legal, competent evidence demonstrating Obama was born in Hawaii, and no competent evidence suggesting Obama was born anywhere else.

    Stating a fact is not bias.

  111. D,

    This blog started out with the intention of taking a skeptical view of any claims it covered. I don’t consider skepticism a bias. It is just a fact of life that the conspiracy theories about Barack Obama so far have not stood up to the test of evidence. It is not my bias that made the Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate a fake; it just was.

    It is not selection of lawsuits that make the Docket on this blog show case after case be dismissed. None have ever won. If a case ever gets won, I will publish it.

    Frankly, I don’t give a rats ass about general claims of bias. If you find something specific that you think is biased, or that you think is unfair, or you thing is wrong, just leave a comment. If the complaint is valid, I’ll fix the offending article. I’ve fixed them before.

  112. Geno1 says:

    The fact that Mr. Obama has so fiercely tried to lock up virtually aspect of his background should tell you something. Just because these cases are thrown out of court doesn’t mean they’re without merit. It would be the gutsy judge who would allow these cases to go forward and to put ALL the cards on the table in full disclosure. It may be that Obama is really a “natural born” U.S. citizen…but, the fact that he WILL NOT release the original certificate tells me that it could very well be that he has claimed something that the original certificate could show something contradictory….like “father’s name”? Virtually every influence in his life has questionable allegiance to the U.S.. It is amazing that these kinds of things are NOT mentioned by you, but you DO make mention of an obvious silly spoof Dudley Dooright document (I use that term very loosely). We generally protect, gloss over, and ferociously defend those for whom we’ve voted. Did you vote for Mr. Obama?

  113. Bob says:

    The fact that Mr. Obama has so fiercely tried to lock up virtually aspect of his background should tell you something.

    Except he hasn’t tried to do any such thing. Obama has the same privacy protections as anyone else.

    Just because these cases are thrown out of court doesn’t mean they’re without merit.

    That’s exactly what it means.

    It may be that Obama is really a “natural born” U.S. citizen…but, the fact that he WILL NOT release the original certificate tells me that it could very well be that he has claimed something that the original certificate could show something contradictory….like “father’s name”?

    He obviously doesn’t have a long form birth certificate, which under Hawaiian law, has the same information as the COLB. So if Obama’s COLB says his father is Obama, Sr., then his long form with say the exact same thing.

  114. SFJeff says:

    Prediction: Genoa1 will make one guest appearance to state his opinion as facts, his facts will be thoroughly shown to be false, and Genoa1 will never reply to this thread, but will reappear somewhere later stating the same thing.

    I will start with this:
    “Virtually every influence in his life has questionable allegiance to the U.S.”

    Hmmm, he has stated that the two most important influences in his life were his grandparents- whose questionable allegiance includes fighting for the U.S. in WW2 and working for the weapons industry during WW2.

    Of course what you consider to be questionable allegiance Genoa1 might be different than what I consider questionable allegiance.

    See, I don’t consider those who disagree with the policies of the U.S. government to be of questionable allegiance. If I were that sort, I would be questioning the allegiance of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and the head of the RNC.

  115. ginger says:

    The problem with this arguement is that the state of Hawaii allows for birth abroad and then request for a birth certificate if one the parents is a citizen of the United States and is from Hawaii. The long form would show whether or not he was actually born here or if in fact the mother requested the birth certificate from abroad. I feel the request is valid in this aspect. At first I didn’t understand why everyone was up in arms but if enough research is made, you can understand why they are concerned. Furthermore the father would in fact be shown as a citizen or non us citizen on the long form. To me, a government official is not in the same bracket as everyone else. They are not entitled to privacy like everyone else. The government officials should do everything in their power to stop these questions that are out there and if a long form will do it then why not give it.

  116. Bob says:

    The problem with this argument is that the state of Hawaii allows for birth abroad and then request for a birth certificate if one the parents is a citizen of the United States and is from Hawaii.

    And? Any evidence that actually occurred with Obama?

    The long form would show whether or not he was actually born here or if in fact the mother requested the birth certificate from abroad.

    Again: The COLB would also reflect this, as under Hawaiian law the COLB derives its data from the long form. It is simply impossible to have a COLB that says you were born in Honolulu if, in fact, you were not.

    At first I didn’t understand why everyone was up in arms but if enough research is made, you can understand why they are concerned.

    Because it is an eternal campaign to smear Obama.

    Furthermore the father would in fact be shown as a citizen or non us citizen on the long form.

    Is anyone claiming Obama’s father was a U.S. citizen?

    To me, a government official is not in the same bracket as everyone else. They are not entitled to privacy like everyone else.

    The State of Hawaii is enforcing its own laws that govern Obama’s privacy.

    The government officials should do everything in their power to stop these questions that are out there and if a long form will do it then why not give it.

    They are, within the confines of Hawaii’s privacy laws.

  117. SFJeff says:


    Did you have the same concerns about George Bush or Bill Clinton? Did you feel a need to see their ‘original’ birth certificate? If not why? If the answer is, because there were no questions about their NBC status, then the question is- who raised the questions and for what purpose?

    The reason why that is germaine is because President Obama has provided as much proof of his NBC status as any of our previously elected Presidents, but he is the only one being questioned.

    There is not a shred of evidence that would hold up in court that he was born anywhere but Hawaii. The questions that came up, came from political operatives and racists who can’t stand the idea of a non-white as President. This is demonstrated by the myriad of subsequent theories brought forward to disqualify President Obama.

    So why do you question his NBC status?

  118. Juan says:

    So, when president Bush tries as hard as possible to keep his sordid past out of the political discourse, everyone honors him as acting “with integrity.” Obama, who has been much more open about his own past, somehow attracts claims of deceit and misconduct.

    Also, “Virtually every influence in his life has questionable allegiance to the U.S”

    First of all, you are an idiot. To make such a statement, you would have to systematically go through his entire entourage and dig up what ever questionable actions that they have committed.

    But, obviously you watch fox news, and facts and evidence mean nothing to you. You seem to think that Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright exclusively form Obama’s brain trust. Keep believeing that.

  119. Kurt Smith says:

    If Barry was a legitimate citizen, why has he hired many law firms to hold every document from his high school/college days? Maybe because they would show he took foreign aid in college, thus proving he was a foreigner. Satan works wonders by deceiving those around him. Those who blindly follow Obama and his Anti-American, anti-Christian, pro-abortion ways as he tears down this Country brick by brick will get their just reward in the next life and I ain’t talking the elevator going up either.

  120. G says:

    And what evidence do you have to support any of the crap and lies you just spewed? None… because you just vomit forth lies to support the evil and hatred in your own heart. You are the deceived and deluded one here. Spare us your sanctimonious talk of Satan. You want to see him – look in the mirror.

  121. Scientist says:

    G: Don’t be so hard on KKKurt. Hiring lawyers is evidence of guilt. Just look at the “clients” who “hired” Mario, Leo, Orly, Phil et al. Oh, wait, those folks aren’t really lawyers, are they?

  122. jj1234 says:

    The only reason that he would keep his transcrips hidden is that maybe he isnt as brilliant as everyone makes him out to be.

  123. You can’t even SPELL “transcript”. Sheesh.

  124. Sheaintsayin says:

    You are so righteously wrong-headed, with your racist, anti-American, anti-liberty regurgitated fauxgnus noise.

  125. Maybe because they would show he took foreign aid in college, thus proving he was a foreigner.

    Suggesting bad things about another person without evidence or justification — just because you think ill of them — is very much the way of the Evil One. This web site exists because I reject evil.

  126. NorthlandA says:

    Well, I suppose somebody will need to come up with an Equatorial Guinea BC now, or maybe a Baptismal Certificate for a change. Apparently, older Roman Catholic Baptism Certificates can be used there as they are more reliable (

    Luckily, there would be no need to get the language, formatting, or general data correct. This group does not require even a bit of factual accuracy. Most forgeries require at least a little truth to make it believable.

  127. superdave says:

    The elephant in the room is if you have nothing to hide then show a real birth certificate . Go get someone, pay real good hush money have one forged and produce it . they can’t even do that right . some one messed up so they had to set a fire in the office of records to cover up the mistakes by the advance team. We know he can’t produce a birth certificate and do you really think Eric Holder ( I don’t know the last time a terroist was tried in civil court ,Eric Holder, yes that guy) is going to order a birth certificate. I Don’t think So!

  128. Black Lion says:

    Do you just repeat things like a parrot? You don’t have a clue about anything? There is no need for any sort of fake BC because the real one has already been submitted. And there have been other terrorists tried and convicted in the court system. You have to stop getting your information from FOX…It makes you look dumb…

  129. Northland10 says:

    Setting a fire to cover up mistakes by and “advance team?” Of course, you have proof of this, right? Maybe you could provide evidence of some mention of a fire in the press or other sources (beyond bloggers). Since the official record is kept by DoH and not the hospital, it would not really matter if the hospital had a fire anyway.

    I did find a story about a fire at his home in 1972 that burned all his records… in Jumping in Pools (satire story!!)

  130. superdave: why would someone who supports the president even look up information on a birth certificate?…. Deep seated doubts about who he is ? no that couldn’t be it ?

    I started this web site because I got tired of arguing the same nonsense over and over with uninformed persons on other forums. The site was supposed to be a repository of fact-finding and debunking. At other times in my life I have researched and published information debunking other topics not related to politics.

    I did vote for Obama in the last election based on two sufficient reasons: 1) I liked his approach to consensus as described in his book,The Audacity of Hope, 2) and Sarah Palin.

  131. Greg says:

    Bush I and Carter both had pretty high approval ratings in their first year. Reagan and Clinton had low approval ratings in their first year. Clinton’s dropped to around 44% in his first year.

    If I were President, I think I’d look to Clinton and Reagan as models, rather than Bush I or Carter.

  132. Whodatt_99 says:

    All I want to know is why would Obama spend $1.7 million in legal fees to prevent his vault copy the long form birth certificate from seeing the light of day? Why wouldn’t he spend $14, get a certified copy of it and produce it to Congress and everyone would shut up and go away? As you will recall, Congress held hearings about McCain’s eligibility to run for President, challenging his “natural born citizenship”. So McCain produced his long for birth certificate and produced copies of the various laws that provide for a child born on a foreign military base as was the case for him. The long form birth certificate is produced by the hospital (not some other state agency), signed by the attending physician or delivering doctor, etc.

  133. Scientist says:

    Congress didn’t ask him for a “long for birth certificate”. When you go down to DMV to renew your license do you bring the forms they ask for or some extraneous ones they aren’t interested in? He did produce his birth certificate in the only form currently issued by the State of Hawaii. If that’s not good enough for you, don’t vote for him in 2012. But, somehow I have the feeling that there is no possible form Obama could produce that would get you to vote for him anyway. So it really isn’t worth his time or yours, is it?

  134. SFJeff says:

    Hey Whodatt- show me your evidence the President has spent any money- let alone $1.7 million- that 1.7 million is pure Birther fiction, recirculated often enough it should be checked for STD’s.

    And Congress hasn’t asked him for a copy of anything- because Congress- even Republicans- think this whole thing is nonsense that smells of racism. Did you ask George Bush to produce his Birth certificate? Did you ask Clinton? Or Reagan?

    Nope- just the black man with that scary muslim name.

  135. Whodatt_99: All I want to know…

    And all I want to know is where you got that “$1.7 million in legal fees to prevent his vault copy the long form birth certificate from seeing the light of day” figure from. I want to know what case you think would have been resolved by any birth certificate. I want to know how attorneys defending against many allegations by filing exactly three motions to dismiss equal $1.7 million.

    And I want to know why you say Hawaiian birth certificates cost $14, when they are $10.

    And I want to know why you say John McCain produced a birth certificate, when he didn’t. (The “McCain certificate” on the Internet is a forgery produced by McCain’s opponent in the Hollander case.)

    And I want to know how someone who believes nonsense like you do survives in modern society.

  136. NBC says:

    Ignorance continues to fuel the birther movement.

  137. Rickey says:

    Whodatt_99 says:

    Congress held hearings about McCain’s eligibility to run for President, challenging his “natural born citizenship”

    It would be nice if you birthers would at least take the time and effort to get your facts straight.

    Congress DID NOT hold any hearings on McCain’s eligibility, nor did anyone in
    Congress challenge his eligibility. The Senate merely passed a non-binding resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that McCain is a natural born citizen. The only thing close to a hearing about McCain’s eligibility occurred during a Judiciary Committee hearing about Homeland Security oversight on 4/2/08, when Senator Leahy asked Michael Chertoff for his opinion on McCain’s natural born status.

    And as has already been pointed out, McCain has never shown his birth certificate to anyone other than a Washington Post reporter who claims to have seen it.

    Finally, Obama hasn’t spent a dime on protecting his “vault copy” from release, because he hasn’t had to. The “vault copy” is protected by Hawaii’s privacy laws. You have no more right to see Obama’s “vault copy” than I have to see yours.

  138. Greg says:

    Mark Twain: “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

    The birthers prove that the lies can travel around the world many, many, many times while the truth is putting on its shoes. And, even after the truth’s shoes are on, there will be people who insist that they’re not really shoes, but clogs, and therefore insist on believing the lies.

  139. superdave008 says:

    Yawn , snore ,
    You shall know the truth and the truth shall …
    According to Federal Election Commission records, Obama For America paid $688,316.42 to international law firm Perkins Coie between January and March 2009.

    The campaign also compensated Perkins Coie for legal services between Oct. 16, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2008 – to the tune of $378,375.52.
    Letter showing Perkins Coie has been involved in the lawsuits can be seen here:

    You can see that Robert Bauer who signed the letter has been involved in the case noted in the letter here:

    Robert Bauer of Perkins-Coie was involved in previous case:

    and your right about the amount of money, at least you got that right, Math major? It was only 1 mil, not 1.7… stick to math.
    I really don’t care about the birth er issue,the 900 lb guerrilla in the room is
    Judgment Day 11/10

  140. superdave008 says:

    You are right and hind sight is 20/ 20 Any individual that supports Obama knows that judgment day is coming just like “93” . The only thing that bothers me about that is with the sweeping change coming in November the new senate and house will make him look good like Clinton the worst president in American History In my opinion carter was worse. the best president in the history of the country was Regan.

  141. superdave008 says:

    You have to admit Sarah Palin is a polarizing figure She moved you to vote and will move millions to vote again. Take that any way you want but she will move people. I hear, and this is only an unconfirmed rumor that I have seen on other web sites that more people are talking about, another law suit is coming on the birth er issue. I wish these people would stop wasting there money and use it on the Nov. elections. Obama is a one timer and the only serious candidate I see is the ketchup guy but he doesn’t like sorious. That means a sure defeat for him ( the ketchup guy ) let the reader understand ,… Sorious wants to take america down the drain. He will give away anything and finance anything that will help that happen its not about america ita about money.

  142. NbC says:

    You do realize that the campaign has to pay extensive fees for its legal services and there is no evidence that this was used for any eligibility suits.
    In fact, the only time President Obama’s lawyers were allowed their fees to be reimbursed they asked and got $800

  143. NbC says:

    You’re a funny guy Super Dave…

  144. There has never been a US president named “Regan”. Personally, I like Lincoln.

  145. Absent evidence to the contrary, one expects that campaign legal funds go to pay campaign legal expenses (filings with the states and the Federal Elections Committee, leases for office space in 50 states, hiring, etc.) not personal lawsuits.

    One also has to wonder how the three cases where an Obama attorney represented him, only to have the cases dismissed, could generate a million dollars in fees. Trials are expensive; depositions are expensive. Drafting a few motions is not all that expensive.

    No, the millions to hide documents is a myth both in the amount and in the idea that the lawsuits were about hiding documents.

  146. Scientist says:

    I find it interesting that the birthers love to cite the fact that Obama is contesting their ridiculous lawsuits as evidence that he is guilty. If someone came out of nowhere and sued me demanding that I give up something that was rightfully mine, would I spend 0.001 % of my assets to fight them? In a heartbeat. And given that he raised over $700,000,000, that is what the few $1,000 (maximum) it might have cost to have Obama’s private lawyers write a few motions to dismiss of a few pages each. And that number assumes they were written by senior partners, rather than junior associates, as is more likely.

    No, I reject completely the notion that defending your rights is an admission of guilt. It is in fact the opposite.

  147. While I am not a lawyer, I believe accepting judgment by default is more of an admission of guilt than a vigorous defense.

    By the way, I believe yours is the 27,000th comment on the blog.

  148. Rickey says:

    I wish these people would stop wasting there money and use it on the Nov. elections.

    I wish that our schools would spend more money on teaching people how to spell.

    Sorious wants to take america down the drain. He will give away anything and finance anything that will help that happen its not about america ita about money.

    You mean George SOROS? I have a difficult time understanding how taking America “down the drain” would be something that would benefit Soros. What does Soros gain if America becomes weaker and less prosperous?

    Obama is a one timer

    Latest CNN poll: Obama job approval 54% favorable, 44% unfavorable. And by all means, please nominate Palin for president in 2012.

  149. Mark says:

    The latest Rasmussen poll has Obama with a MINUS 18 rating!! that means the gap between those who strongly favor Obama is 18 points LESS than those who strongly Disfavor Obama. It’s the FASTEST, LARGEST slide in ratings in the History of the poll. But by all means, go with the CNN poll, since it gives the result you seek. Obama is an American-hating, Jew-hating, Muslim-loving Marxist puppet to Maurice Strong (look it up, Morons,) and all you head-buried-in-the-sand deniers will see, sooner than you think, how VERY wrong about this man you are! Stop letting Dem. talking points dictate your thought. Go to the sources, read and THINK for yourselves. And then have the courage to admit the truth that stares you in the face. Go ahead, you can do it! It just takes a bit of intellectual honesty.

  150. aarrgghh says:

    mark hee-haws:

    obama is an american-hating, jew-hating, muslim-loving marxist puppet … stop letting dem. talking points dictate your thought.

    … ’cause wingnut talking points are so much more nutritious! so don’t forget to stock up at your nearest faux news waste processing facility!

    (though i must admit, these new improved 2010 talking points are tasting a little stale. somebody needs to check the expiration date on these things …)

  151. aarrgghh says:

    mark, needing a lesson in irony:

    but by all means, go with the CNN poll, since it gives the result you seek.

    but by all means, go with the rasmussen poll, since it gives the result you seek …

  152. During the 2008 election, Rasmussen showed Obama with much lower percentages than the other polls. Obama won the poll that counts, the election.

  153. Rita says:

    Rasmussen has a well-known Republican/conservative bias in their methodology. My favorite go-to during the election was FiveThirtyEight, which took pretty much every reliable poll out there, including Rasmussen, adjusted for any house effects and cranked out the statistics. Nate Silver had access to their cross-tabs (the demographics that the poll consisted of), so he was able to see their methodology, and whether that methodology created a lean one way or another and adjust for that. He was pretty accurate, too. Anyway, as I said, Rasmussen has a well-known lean towards the right in its methodology, so it’s not surprising that all these people whip out the Rasmussen poll numbers. At one point I had someone give me a larger number for just “strongly disfavor” in Rasmussen’s poll than there was in the entire “disfavor” category in Gallup’s job approval poll.

  154. Rita says:

    Oh, and Mark, you also seemed to “forget” that President Bush had a, what,90%? rating after 9/11 that dropped down into the low 20’s. That helped to usher in a Democratic majority of 1 in the Senate in 2006 and a Democratic majority of 19 in 2008. That’s a rather large 70% drop right there.

  155. SFJeff says:

    “to Maurice Strong (look it up, Morons,) …Go to the sources, read and THINK for yourselves”

    Mark, I took the hook and went looking up ‘sources’ on the internet about the relationship between Maurice Strong and President Obama. All I found were right wing whacko websites all copying the exact same language. Apparently none of those sites could think for themselves, and apparently neither can you.

    The only person hating I see is yourself hating President Obama. Try reading something besides whacko hate sites and get some real information

  156. Expelliarmus says:

    According to Rasmussen polls, McCain would have won the election. On the eve of the election, Rasmussen showed McCain and Obama tied in Ohio, McCain winning in North Carolina and Florida. See:

    One problem with Rasmussen is that it uses automated technology — automated dialing, automated questions. Basically, Rasmussen is voice mail calling you.

    Most busy people will hang up on such calls right away, if they even answer at all — if their caller ID shows a number they don’t recognize, they may ignore it. Younger people rely on cell phones that aren’t even in the caller database. So the responses are tilted toward homebound, lonely or angry people — people who either have nothing better to do than talk to a computer over the phone, or who feel so strongly about an issue that they welcome the opportunity to express their opinion in any format.

  157. northland10 says:

    When looking at multiple polls (Gallup, CNN, NBC/WSJ, Rasmussen, Fox, etc.), only Rasmussen has a a negative spread. That would be a spread of -7 since nobody would use the Strongly approve/disapprove as a usable overall number. The average spread for December was +5.2 and he appears to be going up.

    With Rasmussen using their “Strongly” number for the approval index leaves them having a negative approval number even when the the President’s approval was 54%. In other words, their approval index is next to useless except for those who want to see bad things about the president.

    Of course, your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the President’s eligibility or his birth certificate but on how much you hate President Obama. Your name calling tirade demonstrated that quite nicely. It is unfortunate that you have such and anger and hatred for one person. I feel sorry for you and I hope you are able to move beyond this in the new year. Maybe, you could find ways to disagree with him in productive and positive ways.

  158. superdave008 says:

    I couldn’t resist.

    Nathan Deal, U.S. Representative for Georgia, is running for Georgia Governor in 2010.

    The Post & Email can publicly confirm that on the first of December, last, U.S. Congressman Nathan Deal (GA-R) challenged the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of the U.S. presidency.

    Todd Smith, Chief of Staff for Representative Nathan Deal of the United States House of Representatives serving Georgia’s 9th district, has confirmed today that Deal has sent a letter to Barack Hussein Obama requesting him to prove his eligibility for the office of President of the United States of America. The letter was sent electronically the first of December 2009 in “pdf” format, and Mr. Smith said that Representative Deal has confirmation from Obama’s staff that it has been received. The letter did not have additional signatories. It originated solely from Representative Deal.

    Now, what does this mean? This is probably the first time in 233 years of American history that a sitting member of the House of Representatives has officially challenged the legitimacy of a sitting president….one full year into his term.

    This forever changes the public discourse.

    Even if the putative president ignores the challenge, he cannot hide from it, because by doing so he admits his guilt through silence. The question has to be asked near and far, why would Obama, who has promised greater transparency than any previous administration, pay upwards of $2,000,000 of taxpayer money to hide documents that could resolve the matter once and for all time for the cost of $20.00. He has publicly admitted on more than one occasion that his father was NOT an American citizen. This alone disqualifies him from eligibility based on Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution, and consequently makes him a usurper.

    Representative Deal, understanding full well the magnitude and gravity of the situation and recognizing that it places our country in a national security crisis, has rightfully confronted the issue head-on. The ramifications are so serious that all laws signed by a putative president are null and void, and soldiers sent into war under his command can be tried as war criminals.

    Not a single lawsuit to date has been decided on the merits of the case, with numerous cases yet to be resolved or dismissed.

    To show support for Representative Deal, you may contact him here, and his email contact page is:

    Actual amount in devalued American dollars.
    Should we call your president the liar in chief . Nancy Pelosi through the president under the bus today quote … ” uh,Ha,Ha, hhh He said a lot of things on the campaign trail he,he,he ”
    Transparency ???? all of the networks are playing the c-span references… let the reader understand.
    Word up!
    Educated, without common sense and no legitimate moral compass, yes sir, and that’s your president ..The only people laughing longer and harder then the American public are the terrorists . My guess fruit of the loom is gloating over the restrictive capability of there explosive resistant underwear.

    Please disregard my gloating I read so much of it while “Busch was president” the real parrot is the current administration “this happened under the rules put in play by Busch after 911 . The whiner in chief, the resident in chief, the liar in chief, I will give him credit for a major victory in 2008 and He will have earned and deserve the major loss in 2012.
    I, like my fellow Americans, really appreciate someone with integrity and the ability to stand up and say ” The Buck Stops Here!” the current administration is all about change I checked my pockets and I’m just about out of change. How’s that change working for you?

  159. Mary Brown says:

    This one representative challenges the President and you want him to dignify this creep? Obama has been certified by Congress. If the creep really believed this falicy he would have had the courage of his convictions prior to certification. He did not. He is a liar, a coward and a creep. I would be disappointed if the President gave him one second of his time. This is all I will give it of mine.

  160. aarrgghh says:

    superdave vicariously hyperventilates:

    This forever changes the public discourse.

    um, how? deal runs away whenever anyone asks him about it and leaves his staff holding the bag.

    Representative Deal, understanding full well the magnitude and gravity of the situation and recognizing that it places our country in a national security crisis, has rightfully confronted the issue head-on. The ramifications are so serious that all laws signed by a putative president are null and void, and soldiers sent into war under his command can be tried as war criminals.

    someone needs to dry their panties.

    deal wrote one letter. a month ago.

    a letter he won’t show anyone, much less discuss.

    he hasn’t filed a lawsuit or a subpoena (not that he could). he didn’t call a press conference or even release a press statement. he’s not talking to his constituents. does anyone know if he’s even told his mother?

    i’m just not seeing the game-changer. maybe when deal comes out of hiding he can explain it for us.

  161. SFJeff says:

    SuperDave, you have been gloating all along. I just can’t figure out why.

    Representative Deal? Even if he has sent out a letter, why should I care?

    A President who doesn’t follow through on campaign promises? Oooh I bet we can’t find any previous presidents who did that. Look- I do not agree to decision to go behind closed doors- I think it was a stupid decision. There are other things I disagree with the President on also.

    The big difference is that I recognize he is the president and that there will always be things I disagree with.

    “Educated, without common sense and no legitimate moral compass, without common sense and no legitimate moral compass”

    I know it irritates many Birthers that the President is educated. For some reason higher education is threatening to a lot of you. But I think he is showing plenty of common sense, and has a far better moral compass than your buddy Bush did.

    Keep gloating SuperDave. If you are lucky enough to be correct, our country will suffer huge economic devestation, successful terrorist attacks, etc, etc. Personally I am hoping that you prove to be wrong, that the President is successful and America thrives, but then again, I happen to love my country.

  162. Benji Franklin says:

    Oh SuperDave!

    Speaking of real game-changers, – here’s another positive precursor you can hang your prospective hat on, foreshadowing the inevitability of The Usurper’s imminent arrest by the military and execution by American Grand Jury Preachers: Shortly before noon today, Eastern Time, a raccoon crapped somewhere in Georgia!

    You wrote: “The ramifications are so serious that all laws signed by a putative president are null and void, and soldiers sent into war under his command can be tried as war criminals.”

    Say, Superdave? By what authority do you personally issue this made-up legal declaration of putative facts? More to the point, why do you espouse legal and political analyses containing predictions whose non-eventuality you can so easily excuse by reference to your well-known vulnerabilities to red and green kryptonite?

    Benji Franklin

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