And the winner is…
Lucas Smith declares Orly asked him to commit perjury and is sleeping with the legal team
In a declaration posted on the Internet, and supposedly filed with the district court in California in the case of Barnett v. Obama, convicted felon and birth certificate forger Lucas Smith claims that birther lawyer Orly Taitz asked him to commit perjury regarding conversations about co-counsel Gary Kreep and about one of the fake birth certificates that Orly Taitz filed in the case [that was rejected by the court due to technical problems with the filing], and described in graphic language, Taitz’s sexual exploits with the legal team in the case.
I take no position on the truth of any of Smith’s allegations, nor do I care. However, the soap opera that has developed between Taitz, Charles Lincoln, Kreep and Lucas Smith is Batshirt Crazy.
Nominations for the 3rd Batshirt Awards may be left as comments following.
Nominations collected so far for the 3rd award are:
H1N1 flu state of emergency is just an excuse to ship “patriots” to FEMA internment camps.
Obama should be impeached for BAD BEHAVIOR! Impeachment = Recall
Obama/Hollywood/Terrorist connection. Progressive attends fundraiser – talks to Obama.
Obama has the hots for a woman that looks like his sister. Sent her out of the country to avoid trouble.
WorldNetDaily reports Hawaiian newspaper birth announcements prove nothing.
So how long before Orly becomes a rightwing sex symbol. I mean Ann Coulter is, and she is certainly a drag queen.
Congratulations to Mr. Smith, another worthy recipient of this award for excellence in Batshirt Craziness!
I may be wrong, but I sense this week may produce some new and truly remarkable Batshirt Crazy stuff, possibly dwarfing all other nominations.
This is based on the frenetic tempo of disconnected and apoplectic postings on Orly’s blog today.
Okay guys – Orly’s newest postings, and there are several, are just full of batshirt crazy!
From the mouth of a convicted felon.
I’ll say this: the right wing provides endless entertainment, free of charge. Keep it coming.
I’m enjoying the self-destructiveness, and the train wreck. It’s too bad we don’t have a Tom Lehrer for this generation. SNL is OK, but they are losing their edge.
Two nominations:
First, that Judge Carter’s hiring of one Siddharth Velamoor, Columbia grad and formerly of Perkins Coie, is part of some massive conspiracy of the Obama administration pressuring Judge Carter. Includes bonus conspiracy theories regarding his attending law school in Slovakia.
Second, that Obama isn’t releasing his birth certificate because he’s a hermaphrodite and it lists him as a girl:
“Approximately 1% of live births are hermaphroditic to a noticeable degree. Perhaps his birth certificate lists him as a girl.”
“I’ve received FRmail from several different people who have mentioned this possiblility.”
I thought she was a tranny.
You mean like that African Olympic runner? Yeah, it’s more than coincidental. They’re both from Africa, and they know how to drive a car.
Like Glenn Beck’s car was parked in the same state, when that girl was raped and strangled in 1990. Coincidence?
This is like trying to pick the smartest of the Three Stooges, yes I know its Moe, but they are still stooges.
i was wondering when this line of inquiry, which i first noticed in july, would get reopened:
they’re just coasting on fumes now, aren’t they?
looks like i somehow missed seeing this comment. i guess “barackina obama” gets at least two nominations.
How about the ‘fringe’ birfers (pun intended) that want Obama to drop trou and show if he is circumcised, thinking that this might have relevance in the NBC movement?
i couldn’t resist and played this one out this one a little while ago …
Semiotics tells us that there is a limit on the number of stories that you can imagine and another limit on the number of ways you can interpret them. So, we should not be astonished to see that the birfers are rehashing the same theories, sometimes giving it a completely new twist, like Obama is Hawaiian, so the Hawaiian Lands website demanding “the long form” is relevant. We could make a wager on which theory is going to be revived next week. Obama studying law at Moscow University in 1992, perhaps? After all, Orly seems to think Sid Velamoor really did study law in Bratislava and that there is “some program where the students study at some backward Communist country and get a degree from Columbia by reciprocity”. She should know, as she may have got her dental diploma in Romania under Ceaucescu.
Batshirt award nomination:
Orly Taitz accuses all newspapers of Criminal Conspiracy and Election Fraud for not covering her cases. Threatens RICO suit.
Now that would be a “media circus” if Orly brought a civil RICO suit against The NY Times, CNN, USA Today….
Was the $20K fine enough? Maybe when Taitz becomes a real lawyer she will appreciate what just happened. I wonder if she is a mail order bride, just like her law degree? She is perfect reporter material for “Fake News”, where unfounded rumors and innuendo reign supreme , unlike a our US courts of law, where you need to present documented facts, not half baked lies (prepare for more failures).
When flies get too close to the lights they get burned, Taitz just got burned, thing is, like a fly she will continue, no end in sight. Poor little Birthers they are haters not debaters.
A lawyer, dentist, realtor and black belt, wow I must say a JACK of all trades master of none.