Marked bills

For some months now, there has been a campaign to spread the word about the birther movement through messages stamped onto US currency. Here is one such bill:

Marked bill

I got this from a fellow who marks them. He thought he was the only one doing it.

While it’s a cute publicity gimmick, as are the billboards, I think it is ultimately a waste of time. If someone is already aware of the conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate, then it tells them nothing, and if they are not aware of it then the message is too cryptic to be useful.

In fact, chain emails and Internet blogs have propelled the Obama conspiracy theories forward to become the laughing stock of the nation. The conspirators’ problem is not publicity; it is the lack of an argument that would persuade a reasonable person.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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71 Responses to Marked bills

  1. Black Lion says:

    And how many people will actually see that message? Most people I know don’t examine their cash that closely….This so called response is going to fail.

  2. Black Lion says:

    I guess the birthers were tired of their hero Rep. Deal getting made fun of regarding his infamous letter that he was supposed to write. See the comment below from Citizen Wells…

    Pixel Patriot // January 5, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Breaking News:

    I have just spoken with Todd Smith, the Chief of Staff for Representative Nathan Deal of the United States House of Representatives serving Georgia’s 9th district.

    Representative Deal has sent a letter to Putative President Barack Hussein Obama requesting him to prove his eligibility for the office of President of the United States of America. The letter was sent electronically the first of December 2009 in pdf format and Mr. Smith said that Representative Deal has confirmation by Putative President Obama’s staff that it has been received. The letter did not have additional signatories. It originated solely from Representative Deal.

    Now, what does his mean? This is probably the first time in 233 years of American history that a sitting member of the House of Representatives has officially challenged the legitimacy of a sitting president….one full year into his term.

    This forever changes the public discourse.

    Even if the Putative President ignores the challenge, he cannot hide from it; because by doing so he admits his guilt through silence. The question has to be asked near and far, why would a President who has promised greater transparency than any previous administration; pay upwards of 2 million dollars of taxpayer money to hide documents that could resolve the matter once and for all-time for a price of twenty dollars. He has publically admitted on more than one occasion that his father was NOT an American citizen. This alone disqualifies him from eligibility based on Article 2 Section 1 Paragraph 5 of the Constitution, and consequently makes him a usurper.

    Representative Deal understanding full well the magnitude and gravity of the situation and recognizing that it places our country in a national security crisis, has rightfully confronted the issue head on. The ramifications are so serious that all laws signed by a Putative President are null and void and soldiers sent into war under his command can be tried as war criminals.

    Representative Deal is not a “Birther”, he is a “Truther”; as the millions of others who have been seeking irrefutable proof for over a year and a half!

    Not a single law suit to date has been decided on the merits of the case with numerous cases yet to be resolved or dismissed.

    To show support for Representative Deal, you may contact him here:

    The Honorable Nathan Deal
    2133 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-1009
    DC Phone: 202-225-5211
    DC Fax: 202-225-8272
    Email Address:
    WWW Homepage:

    Petition the Hawaii Government to release Obama’s Vital Records:
    Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints — none! There is no Obama documentation — no bona fides — no paper trail — nothing.

    Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released (lawyers’ fees = $2,000,000 ~ birth certificate = $15)
    Certification of Live Birth — Released — Counterfeit
    Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released (if one exists)
    Obama/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)
    Kindergarten records — Records lost (this is a big one — read two frames)
    Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
    Soetoro adoption records — Not released
    Fransiskus Assisi School School application — Released (by independent investigators)
    Punahou School records — Not released
    Soetoro/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)
    Selective Service Registration — Released — Under suspicion
    Social Security Number — Under suspicion
    Occidental College records — Not released
    Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser
    Columbia College records — Not released
    Columbia thesis — “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament” — Not released
    Harvard College records — Not released
    Harvard Law Review articles — None
    Illinois Bar Records — Not released
    Baptism certificate — None
    Medical records — Not released
    Illinois State Senate records — None
    Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
    Law practice client list — Not released
    University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

    The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession.

    Track back:

    18 U.S.C. § 4 : US Code – Section 4: Misprision of felony
    Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony
    cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not
    as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other
    person in civil or military authority under the United States,
    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three
    years, or both.

  3. Black Lion says:

    I guess the birthers were tired of their hero Rep. Deal getting made fun of regarding his infamous letter that he was supposed to write. See the comment below from Citizen Wells…

    Pixel Patriot // January 5, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Breaking News:

    I have just spoken with Todd Smith, the Chief of Staff for Representative Nathan Deal of the United States House of Representatives serving Georgia’s 9th district.

    Representative Deal has sent a letter to Putative President Barack Hussein Obama requesting him to prove his eligibility for the office of President of the United States of America. The letter was sent electronically the first of December 2009 in pdf format and Mr. Smith said that Representative Deal has confirmation by Putative President Obama’s staff that it has been received. The letter did not have additional signatories. It originated solely from Representative Deal.

    Now, what does his mean? This is probably the first time in 233 years of American history that a sitting member of the House of Representatives has officially challenged the legitimacy of a sitting president….one full year into his term.

    This forever changes the public discourse.

    Even if the Putative President ignores the challenge, he cannot hide from it; because by doing so he admits his guilt through silence. The question has to be asked near and far, why would a President who has promised greater transparency than any previous administration; pay upwards of 2 million dollars of taxpayer money to hide documents that could resolve the matter once and for all-time for a price of twenty dollars. He has publically admitted on more than one occasion that his father was NOT an American citizen. This alone disqualifies him from eligibility based on Article 2 Section 1 Paragraph 5 of the Constitution, and consequently makes him a usurper.

    Representative Deal understanding full well the magnitude and gravity of the situation and recognizing that it places our country in a national security crisis, has rightfully confronted the issue head on. The ramifications are so serious that all laws signed by a Putative President are null and void and soldiers sent into war under his command can be tried as war criminals.

    Representative Deal is not a “Birther”, he is a “Truther”; as the millions of others who have been seeking irrefutable proof for over a year and a half!

    Not a single law suit to date has been decided on the merits of the case with numerous cases yet to be resolved or dismissed.

    Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints — none! There is no Obama documentation — no bona fides — no paper trail — nothing.

    Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released (lawyers’ fees = $2,000,000 ~ birth certificate = $15)
    Certification of Live Birth — Released — Counterfeit
    Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released (if one exists)
    Obama/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)
    Kindergarten records — Records lost (this is a big one — read two frames)
    Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
    Soetoro adoption records — Not released
    Fransiskus Assisi School School application — Released (by independent investigators)
    Punahou School records — Not released
    Soetoro/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)
    Selective Service Registration — Released — Under suspicion
    Social Security Number — Under suspicion
    Occidental College records — Not released
    Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser
    Columbia College records — Not released
    Columbia thesis — “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament” — Not released
    Harvard College records — Not released
    Harvard Law Review articles — None
    Illinois Bar Records — Not released
    Baptism certificate — None
    Medical records — Not released
    Illinois State Senate records — None
    Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
    Law practice client list — Not released
    University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

    The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession.

    Track back:
    18 U.S.C. § 4 : US Code – Section 4: Misprision of felony
    Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony
    cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not
    as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other
    person in civil or military authority under the United States,
    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three
    years, or both.

  4. Lester says:

    I don’t see where “lack of argument” holds any water. Black Lion put together an impressive list of documents – including the most mysterious and most elusive birth certificate – that are curiously absent for this man. This man who happens to be President of the United States no less! That, in a nutshell, IS the argument.

    Let us see that little piece of paper and move on with life.

    As far as the message on the bill being “too cryptic to be useful” for those not already in the know about this controversy, that is probably true to a great extent. But then again, that is the whole point of the exercise. To get people to wonder, to ask a question or two about the message – either to themselves or to someone else – and maybe, just maybe, learn about the question that drives…well…drives this whole forum, for example – – as well as numerous others.

    Stamping a few bills along the way is a harmless, and I dare say fun (I speak from personal experience on this), act that is a mini exercise in freedom of speech and that could ultimately have profound implications for this nation (ever the optimist). Not a bad combination, I’d say.

  5. JoZeppy says:

    The only thing that is curiously absent is the birthers’ grasp of reality. These are people that embrace anonomus (and now, long since debunked) claims of “counterfit birth certificates” and every bogus purported “kenyan” birth certificate that mysteriously appears on the internet, but reject a form issued by the State of Hawaii and vouched for my the Republican governor of that state. They repeate catch phrases that have no basis in reality, like the purported $2million spent defending lawsuits (which has also been debunked), and the $5-20 (they can’t even agree on how much) it would cost to have the state release a form, that they no longer issue. And of couse they talk about how this if he just spent the $5-20 to release this non longer issued form, it would make everything go away, even though in their next sentence, they say how where he was born doesn’t matter anyway, becase of how some 17th century Swiss righter no all of a sudden trumps the common law definition that has controlled the meaning of “natural born citizen” for over 500 years. Then there is the supposed list of “sealed documents” which in addition to being absolutely irrelevant (what would a list of his clients prove? Which is actually protected by attorney-client privilege, and he is forbidden to release), are not sealed, just not a matter of public record.

    but hey, mark away. Odds are real good none of us will ever see one of those bills anyway. Whatever makes you feel better, but don’t let it cut into your tinfoil hat making.

  6. MsDaisy says:

    You know they still haven’t released the details of his last bowel movement either, and that is also under suspicion. He’s probably pooping out secret messages fed to him in little digestive proof capsules at meetings by his terrorist spies. Maybe we should make him bag it all and release that to the birthers to pick through, just to make sure.

  7. Black Lion says:

    Lester, how are any of those documents relevant to the issue of whether or not the President is eligible? Why does his thesis matter? Why does his college records matter? Your issue is whether or not the President was born in HI. He has released a document that says he is. No one has released any legally admissible documentation that porves otherwise. So what is the issue? That so called list is just a fishing expedition by the anti-Obama movement to hopefully find something that may be embarassing or worst for the President. Fortunately for us the law does not work that way. The birthers are heavy on demands but light on evidence. And that is a fact.

  8. Black Lion says:

    I think John is excited by Dr C as evidenced by his post over at tROSL…

    John says:
    January 6, 2010 at 10:30 am
    Wow! Obama Conspiracy Theories is actually helping us! They think it is a waste of time. I don’t believe it is if EVERYONE starts doing it and we need to go VIRAL with the message:


    It would be of great help if you made posting about this. It would certainly get people to do it.

  9. Black Lion says:

    They would probably enjoy that…

  10. Christinewjc says:

    Why does his thesis matter? Why does his college records matter?

    Because the records may show that he attended as a foreign exchange student? What other logical explanation would there be? Bad grades?

  11. Mary Brown says:

    I will gladly show folks this so we can laugh. Early in the year the Mormon Church presented the President with a geneology. These people do not work from secondary sources, nor would they accept documents that are not legitimate. They are among the best in this field. If I were a conservative, who might want to get on the truther or birther bandwagon, I would pause given the reputation the Mormon Church has in this field. His other records are none of your business. John McCain has never released his West Point records either. Why do you need to see his parents’ marriage license? This is an effort to destroy a President and his Presidency. If Hillary Clinton had been elected it would be documents about the Clinton Foundation, Whitewater or whatever else Consevatives could think of. I used to listen to Consevatives. They had ideas. But no more. They have become the Fear Movement.

  12. Black Lion says:

    And what evidence do you have of that other than some April Fools day rumor? Again there is no logic in your statement. He attended junior high and high school in the US. Has a US passport but would apply to go to school as a foreign exchange student? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?

  13. Black Lion says:

    They don’t even realize how dumb they sound demanding these records. It makes them look like a bunch of loons. My personal favorites are the following…

    Soetoro adoption records — Not released – Really? There is no evidence that an adoption even happened but the records for an adoption that never happened are not being released? And the birthers never explain how this is relevant to the issue of whether or not Obama is eligible to be President. That is unless there is some law out there that prevents people that were adopted from being President.

    Or this one…

    Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser

    Really? Which is it? Were they not released or were they scrubbed? They have already built in a reason that there will be no negative evidence regarding the passport records. Again they don’t realize how stupid this makes them sound.

  14. Estiveo says:

    Same message posted on my beloved Orly’s Facebook page. As Mr. B. Bunny would say, “Whatta buncha maroons.”

  15. Christinewjc says:

    Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints — none! There is no Obama documentation — no bona fides — no paper trail — nothing.

    Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released (lawyers’ fees = $2,000,000 ~ birth certificate = $15)
    Certification of Live Birth — Released — Counterfeit
    Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released (if one exists)
    Obama/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)
    Kindergarten records — Records lost (this is a big one — read two frames)
    Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
    Soetoro adoption records — Not released
    Fransiskus Assisi School School application — Released (by independent investigators)
    Punahou School records — Not released
    Soetoro/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)
    Selective Service Registration — Released — Under suspicion
    Social Security Number — Under suspicion
    Occidental College records — Not released
    Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser
    Columbia College records — Not released
    Columbia thesis — “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament” — Not released
    Harvard College records — Not released
    Harvard Law Review articles — None
    Illinois Bar Records — Not released
    Baptism certificate — None
    Medical records — Not released
    Illinois State Senate records — None
    Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
    Law practice client list — Not released
    University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

    The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession.

    Do you know how ridiculous (and suspicious) it sounds that all of this information is being kept secret? What does he have to hide? Americans want to know…

  16. JoZeppy says:

    You know how ridiculous it sounds when a bunch of idiots are demanding a President’s kindergarten records?

    Perhaps almost as ridiculous as repeating the same b.s. about the “forged” birth certificate, when the people who made those claims have long been proven to be frauds?

    And what exactly does an undergrad thesis on Nuclear disarmament have to do with the eligibility to be president? Oh…exactly nothing!

    Birthers must really enjoy living in a reality optional world, where they can make things up and ignore facts that don’t support their world view.

  17. kimba says:

    blah blah blah. Birthers have been copying and pasting that list for over a year. Get some new material. Hasn’t left any footprint? Probably the most ridiculous birther statement of them all. Good grief, he’s the President of the United States. Hundreds of people have given interviews to newspapers all over this country about ” I knew Barack Obama when….”, or ” I met Barack Obama when I was 8″. Read just one or two and you can’t deny his footprint on this earth, and the impact he’s had on the people he’s met through his life, is enormous.

  18. Christinewjc says:

    So why is he hiding these records if they would not damage him in some way? Why no shrine in the place of his birth? Isn’t that important for the historical record?

    The Obama File (as well as other sites) has a list of items scrubbed from the Internet. Why do this if there is nothing to hide?

    Would liberals have accepted George W. Bush sealing such records? Of course not. They made an absolutely hysterical case over the falsified National Guard issue.

    You won’t address the question – why is he hiding his COLB and other records?

  19. SFJeff says:


    Did you ever have, or look for any of these documents for President Bush? for President Clinton? For President Reagan?

    I am willing to bet money that you never did. So ask yourself- Why now- Why this President?

    If the answer is because people are asking questions- again ask yourself- Why for this President instead of the others?

    When it comes down to it the only differences are:
    a) he was born in Hawaii
    b) he is black
    c) he has a muslim sounding name
    d) his father was African

    So what is it you have against people born in Hawaii?

  20. JoZeppy says:

    Perhaps because he’s not hiding anything. He’s just not acknowledging the rantings of nutters. President Obama has sealed absolutely nothing.

    Can you produce a copy of President Bush’s birth certificate? His kindergarten records? His parents’ marriage license? Was G.W. Bush hiding something? And actually, G.W. Bush never did release all his National Guard records…or his high school transcripts for that matter.

    And the question has been answered a long time ago. He isn’t hiding his COLB. He posted it on the internet, and it was confirmed by the state of Hawaii. Did G.W. Bush, or any other candidate for that matter do the same?

  21. nbc says:

    He is not hiding these documents, they are protected by federal and state privacy laws.

    And you are lying, he is not hiding his COLB.

    Pathetic how the lies continue

  22. Scientist says:

    Where were you during the campaign which is when the candidate’s background is a legitimate issue? When Obama stands for re-election he’ll be judged on what he did in office. No one will give a rodent’s hindquarters whether he was a good boy or a troublemaker in kindergarten. And for the record my judgement of Bush (very negative) is based 100% on what he did in office (the unnecessary war in Iraq while ignoring Afghanistan, the failure to regulate the financial markets and policies that harmed working people). It would make no difference if he had been a Medal of Honor winner-as president he was a bum.

    Now answer me this-suppose Obama provided every document you requested, would you then support him? Of course you wouldn’t. So why should he kow-tow to your silly demands. He has a job to do. He shouldn’t and won’t waste any time on this nonsense.

  23. Mary Brown says:

    And just how did President Bush get into an Ivy League University with his admitted lack of academic excellence or grades? Hmm, maybe Mom and Dad had something to do with it. Family connections can matter. Let’s look into it. What were his grades in college? How did he pass? Just wondering. Did he take all his tests or did someone take them for him? Just wondering. I make this comment so perhaps you can see the quality of reasoning presented by birthers. The “just wondering” and “facts” presented that have never been substantiated. I could go on. This is destructive.

  24. Mary Brown says:


  25. MsDaisy says:

    I’m sure they would. It is after all the very substance of their entire movement.

  26. mimi says:

    I doubt I’ll ever see one, but does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should annotate the message should I run across one? I was thinking of adding “It’s on the internet, stupid birther”.

    Yes, I would include the “stupid”. Meh, sue me. 🙂

  27. kimba says:

    He’s not “hiding” anything. His records are protected by privacy laws, just like yours. Now, if you think a President or Presidential candidate should have to reveal all this information to you before you vote, then you should work with your Representative and Senators to enact campaign laws that require such disclosure. But to hold President Obama to a different standard than has been applied to his 43 predecessors is indefensible. You never saw Ronald Reagan’s school records. You never saw Kennedy’s baptism records. Why do you feel you need to see Obama’s? Sarah Palin has never shown a birth certificate – how do you know she’s who she claims to be? If you don’t know “anything” about Barack Obama, it’s because you haven’t tried hard enough to learn what’s really important: he was born in Hawaii – nuff said as far as his eligibility. Geez, you birthers are a bunch of cry-ass babies. If you don’t like who’s in the White House, roll up your sleeves. You have almost 3 years before the next election to find someone you like and support. Go out and knock on doors, man the phones, mail flyers for your candidate like 3 million of us did for Barack Obama. But for god’s sake, wipe your tears and get on with it.

  28. kimba says:

    Ooo, good one. Write “Why,it’s at!” underneath the question! Like those ads “Where’s the best place to get your oil changed? At Jiffy Lube!” People will think it’s an ad for factcheck! Honestly, I don’t “check” my bills when I put them in my wallet or dole them out. I guess these maroons have time to study all their moneys.Wouldn’t it have been cool to go around taping a “It’s at” banner on those 4 billboards?

  29. kimba says:

    Oh Ms Daisy you get props for best post of the day!!! Mwahahaha! “The very substance of their entire movement.” Thanks! I will be whistling a merry tune the rest of the afternoon!

  30. kimba says:

    Lester says: Stamping a few bills is fun!

    Yeah, it’s fun, if you’re 14!

  31. Greg says:

    What a comprehensive list of documents. Has anyone thought about whether they could put their hands on a similar set of documents for themselves?

    Kindergarten records? I think my mom might have them. But, I know that if I get the box after she passes, my wife will pitch them.

    My parents’ marriage certificate? My grandparents’ marriage certificate? Divorce records, if applicable? Yeah, that’s not going to happen! And my parents and grandparents were married in the US.

    Application to grade school? High School records? Even if I could find the information, I have to say that my answer to you is FU! What, exactly, does it say about my eligibility that I got a C in my last semester of High School? I’d been admitted to college already, with a scholarship, so I had senioritis. That doesn’t make me ineligible.

    Ditto with my college records and college theses. I doubt I could put my hands on many of the papers I wrote for college. You can have the creative writing story I wrote in High School, though, if you forgive the juvenile nature of it.

    My law practice client list? Yeah, you’re retarded, right? I, like Obama was, am not a partner. I don’t choose the clients. I don’t choose which cases I’m assigned to. It’s irrelevant and it may be protected by attorney-client privilege or client confidentiality.

    My state senate records? Get a life. It was the state senate. If I did something untoward, it was covered in the state newspaper. I’m not going to be handing you a bunch of files you are just going to comb through to find embarrassing info from. It cannot impact my eligibility. Nothing I did in the Senate would make me ineligible for the Presidency.

    Medical records? Again, you’re insane! My asthma, my psoriasis, my eczema, irritable bowel, crow’s feet, and sweaty palms (examples only, not a real representation of my ailments) are none of your business.

    Also, I love that when he does release copies of the records, the conservatives will simply have a document “expert,” claim that it’s forged. Said “expert” can be a philosophy major who has no experience in forensic document review, he just has to lie about his qualifications – it’s not like they’re going to make him put his real name on anything he says!

  32. Black Lion says:

    Are you kidding me? You seriously think that this list really matters. It doesn’t mainly because a lot of the list it predicated on wrong or unverifiable information.

    For instance….

    Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released (lawyers’ fees = $2,000,000 ~ birth certificate = $15)

    Now the number is up to 2 million? It used to be a million then it was 1.5 million. You need to make up your mind. And where is the proof that the President spent that amount of money. Most information is protected by privacy laws and the Justice department defended the President in most of the birther cases. So how could it add up to 2 million?

    Certification of Live Birth — Released — Counterfeit

    Who declared to be counterfiet? Polarik? Steve C? Techdude? Darth Vader? Can we at least get someone with the requesite background to make the forgery claim? That’s right you did and she said you could not tell without examining the actual document. So the request is false on its face.

    Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released (if one exists)

    If one exists? I guess the birthers don’t talk to each other. If I recall the state of HI had a record on file of a marriage between Barack Obama and a Stanley Ann Dunham. And what does it matter if they were married? He was born in HI, which is all that counts.

    The more the birthers write the dumber they appear. It is almost too easy to refute their ridiculous claims…

  33. Expelliarmus says:

    That’s very nice of the fellow making those bills to give you that one. Can he give you some more?

    I’d like to have bills like that. Actually, I think it would be better if they could mark a lot of $20’s, because ATM machines usually dispense 20’s so that will keep more in circulation. If your friend will make up about 50 20’s like that, if you can arrange for him to send them to me I will promise to spend them. Actually I could use some 50’s too.

    The more birther-marked bills people can send me, the better!

  34. My father died last year, and I have been going through his effects this past week. I did find a copy of my parents’ marriage license (they were married a year earlier than I had always thought), a notation of my birth in the family Bible, my father’s birth certificate, and the hospital bill for when I was born ($28). But I don’t have any high school records. If you would like to see any of my records, you can shove it.

  35. I spent that $10 on lunch today (less change!) and the clerk didn’t turn it over to see the stamp. I was darned sure I wasn’t going to be seen handing it out stamp side up.

  36. Christinewjc: You won’t address the question – why is he hiding his COLB

    You were aware that candidate Obama posted a copy of his COLB on his campaign web site back in June of 2008?

  37. Christinewjc: Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints — none!

    You have rather contradicted yourself, since your own list admits that we have the following “footprints”:

    Certificate of Live Birth
    Obama / Dunham divorce
    Fransiskus Assisi School School application
    Selective Service registration (obtained from the Selective Service directly by FOIA)
    Soetoro/Dunham divorce

    Of course, in birther math 5 = none.

    Note: Since the State of Hawaii has an official announcement on their web site that Obama was born in Hawaii, I think we can pretty well forget that “COLB is counterfeit” rumor.

    If you visit the web site Christine left, you will find:

    Talk Wisdom’s goal is to defend the tenets and values of Biblical Christian faith. We defend our Constitutional Republic and Charters of Freedom, especially when speaking out against destructive social and political issues. As followers of our Savior and Lord, we should boldly stand up for Jesus Christ in our present circumstances. He is our Savior, Lord, and King, and His love needs to be shed abroad in our hearts and in our world – now.

    That’s sad, that a Christian would sell their soul to birther rumors and racist designs.

  38. misha says:


    I represent the Nigerian National Bank, and would like to receive about 100 American paper money bills marked “where’s the birth certificate.”

    We support your cause, and I can assure you I will do my utmost to make sure they are well circulated, among my family.

    Please send them by courier, signature required. I await your assistance.

    David Okuwu

  39. misha says:

    George W Bush is affirmative action for the wealthy.

  40. Kevin Bellas says:

    What is so crazy about this list is the following:

    Illinois State Senate records — None
    Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost

    Anyone can see the voting record of any of Ill. State House or Senate members. How was the anti-abortion crowd able to track his voting record on abortion? They went and looked it up in the Ill. State Senate records.

    I agree Doc it really is sad when religion is used to promote lies and racisms. Baby jesus is really bawling now.

  41. Hawaiiborn says:

    Nice. Defacing money. Federal offense to boot. Not only birthers are stupid, they are also now criminals (oh so surprising)

  42. Snacky says:

    That’s the first thing I thought of, but not so much the illegality angle as the unpatriotic-defacing-our-nations-currency aspect.

  43. NBC says:

    They mean Obama’s private records during his Illinois State Senate period.

    Such fools

  44. misha says:

    Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? That’s what I want to know.

  45. Mary Brown says:

    Hiding out until all this craziness stops. Poor thing it may be quite a long time.

  46. Mary Brown says:

    I’ve thought that for a long time. I think the reason it isn’t brought out more is that wealthy liberals might use their connections for their children.

  47. thisoldhippie says:

    I missed it. Sorry for the repeat. I’m still embarrassed.

  48. misha says:

    That’s OK. After it was first published, I sent a sarcastic e-mail to Deal. No response.

    I gave him the full NY Jewish liberal treatment.

    What’s the difference between Orly Taitz and Sarah Palin?

    I’ll look it up and get back to you. You betcha. Also.

  49. Rickey says:

    No reason for you to be embarrassed. The ones who should be embarrassed are the birthers who are pushing it now. It also appears that Deal is embarrassed by it.

  50. misha says:

    As that nogoodnik should be.

  51. thisoldhippie says:

    This is all over Orly’s site now – I guess I wasn’t the only one who missed it before, lol. They think they can get Deal to sign on as a plaintiff.

  52. Black Lion says:

    Orly’s people are delusional…Deal is just pandering to the birthers…If he was so adamant about what he wrote in his letter, he would have announced it publically like when he told everyone that he was going to write the letter. He is playing both sides…Pretending to be a birhters but not getting entirely involved because he doesn’t want to be smeared by their stigma…

  53. Black Lion says:

    And as proof of their delusions…Look at this orly poster get his panties in a bunch…

    Harry K. Hunt
    January 7th, 2010 @ 10:12 pm
    This is probably the most important thing that can be done. Get the Honorable Deal to become a plaintiff. Just thinking about it makes me all flush, warm and tingly. I think every person concerned with this matter should call Nathan Deal’s office TODAY! It is time to get the usurper out of office.

  54. Black Lion says:

    WND Birthers Getting Desperate
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    In trying to shoot down Glenn Beck’s dismissal of the birther conspiracy — which has a massive investment in — WorldNetDaily sent out Jerome Corsi to reiterate the case … which is just as lame as it always has been.

    In a Jan. 7 WND article, Corsi gamely tries to insist that, contrary to the idea that birthers believe “a wild conspiracy in which Obama’s parents, knowing he would someday be president, preemptively’ collaborated with two separate newspapers to publish phony announcements stating he was born in Hawaii,” the truth is that “the birth announcements offer no proof of citizenship, because they might reflect nothing more than information a family filed with the Hawaii Department of Health to obtain a state Certification of Live Birth for a baby born outside Hawaii.”

    Note the word “might” in there. That’s a major clue that WND’s birther conspiracy hinges on what might be the truth. To do that, WND must discredit what the truth in all likelihood is — that the birth announcements are credible evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Corsi also rehashes the worn-out case that Obama’s Hawaii certification of live birth is “not proof he was born in Hawaii,” repeating an old canard:

    WND also reported that until recently, even the Hawaii state government refused to accept a short-form COLB as proof of a Hawaiian birth required for eligibility in state programs. The Hawaiian Home Lands program, for example, required a “long-form birth certificate” filled out in the hospital with details such as the name of the hospital and the attending physician.

    If a short-form COLB was not good enough for the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, submitting a newspaper-printed birth announcement as proof of a Hawaiian birth would have been rejected immediately.

    As we’ve detailed, the Home Lands program is not for people born in Hawaii but, rather, for those of “native Hawaiian” ancestry. Since Obama is not of native Hawaiian ancestry, he would not be eligible to apply for it in any case, so whether his birth certificate is sufficient to apply is irrelevant.

    Corsi and WND are merely engaging in recycled bamboozlement in a fit of pique at Beck. WND didn’t take it well when Beck slammed its pet conspiracy and, if the related opt-in poll is any indication, neither did its readers.

  55. Lupin says:

    They’re so stupid my brain hurts.

  56. Mary Brown says:

    Oh, do not even give them that.

  57. Mary Brown says:

    If the “honorable” Mr. Deal really believed in this he would make it public. What is fun is watching Orly call him out. I wonder if the “honorable” Mr. Deal is hiding under a rock. He may have to crawl out and do as she says, otherwise he might bear the wrath of Orly and her minions. Let’s see what happens.

  58. Whatever4 says:

    Ummm… Black Lion, I think that poster might be a PJer plaing games. Look at the name…

  59. thisoldhippie says:

    As a resident of Georgia, I sent my Congressman, Jim Marshall, a letter stating that I insist he address the situation with Deal and that they lay this entire issue to rest by stating there is nothing to “investigate.” At first all of this was kind of amusing to read – the birthers’ attempts at re-writing law and accepted definition of “natural born citizen,” but the longer it goes on the more annoying it gets. Plus, it’s embarassing.

  60. Scientist says:

    I don’t know what Rep Deal does or does not believe. If he really doesn’t question the president’s eligibility, then he is just pandering to the least of his constituents in his run for Governor. If he does actually believe what he spouts then the question must be asked, “Why now?”. If he had doubts about Obama’s eligibility, then he had a Constitutional duty to object at the time specified for such objections, namely a year ago when the electoral votes were counted. No new facts or law have emerged since them. So, Rep Deal, which is it? Which species of phony, hypocrite and gutless wonder are you?

  61. Black Lion says:

    Exactly…This is an obvious case of pandering…But the birthers are so desperate they will follow Deal anyway…

  62. Black Lion says:

    You might be right…I missed that…

  63. Joseph says:

    If Deal is “pandering”, then Obama is whoring.

  64. Mary Brown says:

    I have never understood hate. I believe that Jesus says that we are to love those we consider to be enemies or who we think treat us badly. I thought some of the stuff bandied about regarding President Bush was hateful. Did I like him? No. Did I vote for him? No. But he like President Obama, is a human, created in the image of God. Hatred is not only vile it is a stupid and wasted emotion.

  65. Mary Brown says:

    Oh, and despite earlier comment calling him a creep. Representative Deal is God’s child too. I needed that reminder.

  66. misha says:

    “Representative Deal is God’s child too.”

    Deal and John Campbell are from the primordial soup.

    When Chris Matthews asked Campbell if Obama was NBC, he replied “as far as I know.”

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