Yet another edited tape says Obama was born in Africa

Yes, another YouTube video. Links to the original and the fake version follow with the text for you to read.

Before Editing:

[5 minutes in] And we are a place where anyone has a chance to make it if they try. If that wasn’t true, then someone named Barack Hussein Obama would not be elected president of the United States of America.

[2 minutes later] That’s how my father who was from Kenya, from Africa, came to the United States, eventually met my mother.

After editing:

And we are a place where anyone has a chance to make it if they try. If that wasn’t true, then someone named Barack Hussein Obama, from Kenya, from Africa, would not be elected president of the United States of America.

This was a pretty poor editing job. The point I want to emphasize is that there are folks out there falsifying evidence in support of the birther cause. The notorious “grandmother tape” was edited; fake Kenyan birth certificates were made; fake document expert credentials presented; and more lies were told about Hawaiian birth certificates than you can shake a stick at.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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36 Responses to Yet another edited tape says Obama was born in Africa

  1. SluggoJD says:

    Yup, all they have is fake evidence, deception, etc.

    BTW, according to Littleboy Lucas, he has been banned from Free Republic.

    If you can’t fool the Freepers, it’s time to retire!

  2. richCares says:

    The national bird of Birferstan is the crow, that’s why they won’t eat it. Their primary sport is beating a dead horse. Telling lies is their national pastime. Hating Obama is included in their oath of office. They plant evidence for entertainment. They have a lot of bulls in Birferstan, you know what that means.

  3. AnotherBird says:

    Birthers will be around for 20 maybe 30 years, just like the JFK conspiracy theorist. Fabricating evidence doesn’t strengthen your position it just weakens.

    I am just waiting for Lakin to be fired from his job, and the shock he will have for disobey an order from his supervisor.

  4. US Citizen says:

    Lakin, being as far “in” as he can get already, likely won’t acquiesce to some sudden epiphany that finally he knows he was incorrect.
    More likely he will simply believe the conspiracy runs extremely deep, people were bribed, threatened… the standard denunciations they’ve always made to keep their denials strong and intact.
    Remember, Lakin believed this was a path to embrace discovery when all others had failed.
    He didn’t get discovery and will never be satisfied he received a fair trial.
    And neither will any other birther that’s knowledgeable about the case.

    In short: Nothing will change. Someone else will take the stage soon and our little Vaudeville act will continue marching on.

  5. James says:

    How was Grandmother tape edited? The grandmother really did say she was present for Obama’s birth in Kenya according to 2 sworn affidavitts. While we have the phone conversation the internet, the quality of it is poor. However, we never did hear the conversation from the priest’s direct point of view and according to both persons who listened to the grandmother, she claimed the she witnessed Barack Obama Jr. birth in Kenya and never changed that contention.

  6. DaveH says:

    James: How was Grandmother tape edited? The grandmother really did say she was present for Obama’s birth in Kenya according to 2 sworn affidavitts. While we have the phone conversation the internet, the quality of it is poor. However, we never did hear the conversation from the priest’s direct point of view and according to both persons who listened to the grandmother, she claimed the she witnessed Barack Obama Jr. birth in Kenya and never changed that contention.

    What a crock of sh*t. I listened to the entire recording – not the one that had been edited by McCrae and I also read the entire transcription of the conversation. At not one time does Obama’s grandmother say she witnessed his birth. You must have listened to or read an edited recording and transcript. It is easy to see how words can get lost in translation and you have McCrae speaking to someone who is translating to another who in turn is asking the grandmother and then coming back with the answer. But I’m sure it will remain one of your ‘holy grails’ of discovery for birthtards.

  7. DCH says:

    The actual facts are that the State of Hawaii confirmed the birth in the state. In any court case the COLB will stand as prima facie evidence and Hawaii will stand behind it.

    So what do the birthers have aside from no facts, no evidence, and sixty-eight failures in a row in US court rooms?

  8. richCares says:

    no need tom correct James, he enjoys being a sucker, Dr. C has that tape where she says “no, he was born in Hawaii, Hawaii”,, James will still quote the phony stuff.

  9. ellid says:

    James – totally wrong. The very same tape you quote says, after the initial confusion, that the President was born in Hawaii. Sarah Obama is very insistent on this despite several underhanded efforts to trick her into saying otherwise.

  10. Loren says:

    How was Grandmother tape edited?

    Berg admitted, as an exhibit in his first case, a truncated transcript of the conversation that started at the very beginning, but cut out every response where Sarah Obama said that her grandson was NOT born in Kenya. And, just as importantly, the admitted transcript didn’t acknowledge that it was edited in any way. It just stopped, as if the conversation had ended.

  11. racosta says:

    James, you keep touting phony stories. Why is that? You know they are phony. Is your hate so strong that it leads you to accept these phony stories. What is your problem? As each OMG moment fails, doesn’t that cause you to question your handlers? Do you have a learning disability? You need to visit a mental health professional.

  12. Keith says:

    Is anybody else getting depressed at these same bullsh*t stories being repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over? And then being debunked twice as often?

    I smell a rat.

    The way people come in and spout their nonsense and then disappear after purposely inviting abuse with their ignorant reputation of all the usual talking points only to be immediately replaced by the next cab off the rank is highly suspicious and stinks of the ordure of an organized campaign.

    I see two possible explanations, but I there are probably a few others: this whole thing could just be a few Discordians having a bit of fun at everyone’s expense. Malaclypse the Younger would be proud.

    On the other hand, it could be a genuine disinformation campaign by the Murdoch branch of the Illuminati designed to make the reactionary right wing look benign in comparison to the lunatics.

  13. Paul Pieniezny says:

    In the real world, Orly has just set up a petition to encourage her followers to encourage her to run for the senate.

    Everyone who knows Russian, Ivrit or Romanian: have fun!

  14. Bovril says:


    We have to be careful on beliveing this or else we go down the rabbit hole of the Birfers who KNOW that there are orchestrated, paid teams of Obots out there refuting Birfers and “Scrubbing” the Internet.

    The reality is ignorant, stupid and prejudiced needs no orchestration, it just is.

  15. Horus says:

    James, the part where the interpreter says that he mistranslated what she said and that she NEVER said that she was “Present at his birth”, that part is left off of the tape.
    Selective editing.

  16. Greg says:

    James: The grandmother really did say she was present for Obama’s birth in Kenya according to 2 sworn affidavitts.

    Are you talking about the affidavit of the “priest” who lies about his name? Whose priesthood cannot be confirmed? That’s one, what’s the other one?

    While we have the phone conversation the internet, the quality of it is poor. However, we never did hear the conversation from the priest’s direct point of view

    “Don’t listen to what Grandma says, listen to what I said she said!”

    Is that what you’re saying, nc1? That the priest (who lied about his name) recounting what he recalls of what Grandma said is more reliable than what the tape recorder recorded of what she said?

    Do you understand why hearsay is not generally admissible in court?

  17. Black Lion says:

    More phony stuff. The birthers keep going around reposting the same debunked theories and “evidence”. The leap in logic the birthers need to take in order to believe in this stuff is ridiculous. You have to wonder how mentally deranged or confused these people really have to be in order to believe in this garbarge.

    A comment from the Post and Fail…

    Bob1943 says:
    Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 10:44 PM
    Lucas Smith is back with a new video of Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate:

    Check it out and help me cause I’m starting to believe it’s the real thing.

  18. Black Lion says:

    Another seditious article by our enemies at the Post and Fail….They want to make the case that the military is starting to “question” the president and he is responding by silencing them> However the only examples he can find is a crazy doctor that is about to be jailed after his court martial is over, a crazy ex-naval officer that was court martialed and then passed over for promotion, effectively ending his career, and a General that just seems to hate anyone that is liberal. Great sampling for Williams to prove his point.

    “(Jun. 20, 2010) — No matter the political agenda of any American citizen, one reality should send shivers down every American’s spine. The Obama regime has made it known that according to their form of “justice,” NO soldier or citizen has “legal standing” to question anything about Obama, his eligibility, his many corrupt friends, his anti-American policies or his full-court press to destroy all things American.

    Yet LTC Lakin risks court martial for attempting to uphold his officer’s oath, and he is indeed guilty of attempting to uphold his oath. He is prepared to present what he believes to be clear and convincing evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a “lawful” Commander-in-Chief. An increasing number of soldiers and citizens agree, but it is LTC Lakin who faces charges, not the illegal Command.

    Such was the case on April 1, 2010, when LCDR Fitzpatrick attempted to effect a citizen’s arrest of local officials whom he accuses of corruption and obstruction in Monroe County, TN.

    Of course, unlike his accusers, Fitzpatrick has spent decades defending the United States in uniform, working alongside soldiers of all races and religions in the common defense of the American way of life. Further, Pettway is far from the only individual whom Fitzpatrick has accused of criminal wrongdoing, although he is the only

    This entire ongoing circus is the direct result of Fitzpatrick’s efforts to present evidence against Barack Hussein Obama in a courtroom allegedly intended for just such a purpose. He is scheduled to face his accused (and accusers) in Monroe County court on June 28, 2010.

    Former FOX News military analyst Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (Ret.) is openly calling for the immediate resignation of Barack Hussein Obama and all of his co-conspirators in his regime and Congress:

    A growing number of decorated officers are stepping forward to demand answers that Obama is ill-prepared to give. I personally believe that there is no actual birth certificate from Hawaii and that this is the reason he has spent more than $2 million in legal fees to avoid making that birth certificate public. I also believe that he cannot meet Article II, Section 1 requirements for the Oval Office no matter where he was born.

    As a writer who has done extensive research on Barack Obama and the subject of “natural born Citizen,” I am completely convinced that these military heroes and others like them are right to question the legitimacy of their command. There can be no legitimate orders from an illegitimate Commander-in-Chief. Every order would be illegal.”

  19. G says:

    Keith: I see two possible explanations, but I there are probably a few others: this whole thing could just be a few Discordians having a bit of fun at everyone’s expense. Malaclypse the Younger would be proud.

    The birthers are a small community of malcontents, completely obsessed and bent on spreading their misinformation.

    They all buzz around on the same, “safe zone” birther boards, where they can spin their nonsense and moderate/prevent any commentary or information from reality sinking in.

    I think they intentionally do go out from their “safe zone” to purposefully try to muddy the waters and spread their bunk as much as they possibly can, hoping that they can leave a message unchallenged somewhere and that some poor soul will trip across it and fall for it.

    I think it is clear from sometimes reading what they post at their own sites that they view Dr. C’s site as one of their biggest “threats”, so when one of them or their sock-puppet’s gets spanked down here, I have a strong suspicion that they run crying and complaining back to their other birther sites – and thus the resulting birther hornets nest of several more popping in here “suddenly”, saying the same silly stuff as soon as one leaves with his/her tail between their legs.

  20. Loren says:

    Are you talking about the affidavit of the “priest” who lies about his name? Whose priesthood cannot be confirmed?

    I still consider it misleading to even refer to the document as an “affidavit” at all. It’s submitted under a false name. It’s not notarized. The “signature” is actually just a pasted-in jpeg image of a signature.

    Plus, roughly half of it is copied word-for-word from McRae’s affidavit. See:

  21. Loren: I still consider it misleading to even refer to the document as an “affidavit” at all. It’s submitted under a false name. It’s not notarized.

    I think that it is a reasonable conclusion that whoever wrote that “thing” was not “present” with Sarah Obama during the phone call. The transcript it accompanies is clearly made from the recording on the US-side. Someone “present” would have been able to translate the non-English parts of the conversation, and would have been able to hear things said that were not audible in the transatlantic recording and to supply Berg with the necessary additions. Kweli Shuhubia (not his real name) is not “brother Tom” from the tape. Shuhubia goes on to his ridiculous description about Kenyan officials talking openly about “top secrets.”

  22. JoZeppy says:

    James: How was Grandmother tape edited? The grandmother really did say she was present for Obama’s birth in Kenya according to 2 sworn affidavitts. While we have the phone conversation the internet, the quality of it is poor. However, we never did hear the conversation from the priest’s direct point of view and according to both persons who listened to the grandmother, she claimed the she witnessed Barack Obama Jr. birth in Kenya and never changed that contention.

    james….you still haven’t learned, have you? First off, the statements of “both persons who listened” are meaningless. Have you heard of the word hearsay? And have you listened to the tape? Even the part that Berg used is hardly worth a thing. The whole time, McRae is trying to lead Granny Obama into saying the President was born in Kenya. Does he say, were you there when he was born? No he says, “were you present when he was born in Kenya?” And when he follows up with his I want to see the hospital he was born in Mobassa, and they correct him saying he was born in Hawaii, he shots 3 or 4 versions, of, but I thought he was born in Kenya, where in Kenya was he born, I wanted to see where he was born in Kenya. If you can’t see when someone is trying to put words in someone’s mouth, it’s no surprise you fell for that bad editing job of Obama’s speech in Turkey.

  23. Black Lion says:

    More Mario nonsense….He never explains how this is relevant to an event that took place in 1961 in Hawaii. He uses innuendo and fearmongering to distract the reader. And as we know “James” falls for this nonsense every time. He has never produced any evidence of fraud from the state of HI or been able to show one fraudulent COLB from HI from that time period….

    I have just updated my Catalog of Evidence on the question of Obama’s place of birth:

    (35) As we know, the only “document” that Obama has produced for the American public is an alleged 2008 computer image (which some experts have declared to be a forgery) of an alleged 2007 Certification of Live Birth (COLB) (which Hawaii has yet to even confirm is authentic). Hence, his only proof of where and when he was born is this digital image of only a short-form document and not the long-form birth certificate which latter but not the former includes the name of the hospital and delivery doctor. Apart from the question of whether either or both alleged computer image of an alleged paper document are authentic, there are many problems with simply relying on a birth certificate as conclusive evidence of the place and date of birth. Birth certificate fraud is a real problem in the United States. The U.S. Office of Inspector General published a report in September 2000, entitled Birth Certificate Fraud. The report explains that over the last 25 years there have been a number of studies addressing the problem of birth certificate fraud. The report states that there exist misconceptions among the public as to the integrity of birth certificates. The report says that with current technological advances with computers and the internet, it is easier to produce counterfeit birth certificates. It explains that many times the alleged birth certificates produced by a government agency are based on false or fraudulent information or do not even have documentary evidence to corroborate the veracity of the birth event as stated in the birth certificate. It explains how a birth certificate that is “spawned” by false information or documents is itself fraudulent. The report concludes that “birth certificates alone do not provide conclusive or reliable proof of identity.” It adds that “[w]hen used in combination with other documents, birth certificates can add to the level of proof in establishing eligibility and identity.” The report recommends that birth certificates should be used “only with other documents.” The full report may be read at We should remember that Obama has refused to release to the American public any of his “other documents” (birth, medical, travel, work, and education). This refusal on his part is very troubling given that the Inspector General in his report recommends that birth certificates be used “only with other documents” and that with Obama we are talking about making sure that he is who he says he is and therefore eligible to receive the vast and singular civil and military powers of the Office of the President and Commander in Chief of the Military of the United States.

    See also the recent change to the law in Puerto Rico needed because of the massive birth certificate fraud involving birth certificates from there. (“The Puerto Rican government, in cooperation with the departments of State and Homeland Security, has enacted a new law that invalidates all Puerto Rico birth certificates issued on or before June 30. The law, which takes effect July 1, is intended to combat the fraudulent use of Puerto Rico birth certificates to obtain U.S. passports, Social Security benefits and other federal services, according to the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration”). See also Department of Justice news release on fraudulent birth certificates from the Hudson County Office of Vital Statistics (HCOVS), in New Jersey. (“As part of the investigation, federal agents executed a search warrant of the HCOVS on Feb. 18, 2004, which resulted in the seizure of hundreds of suspect Certificates of Live Birth which falsely indicated that the named individuals were born in Jersey City, when in fact, they were born outside the United States and were in the United States illegally”).

  24. AnotherBird says:

    Black Lion: Another seditious article by our enemies at the Post and Fail….They want to make the case that the military is starting to “question” the president and he is responding by silencing them>However the only examples he can find is a crazy doctor that is about to be jailed after his court martial is over, a crazy ex-naval officer that was court martialed and then passed over for promotion, effectively ending his career, and a General that just seems to hate anyone that is liberal.

    Read the article, and the author doesn’t understand what “standing” means in the context it is used. The author seems to believe: it is possible to sue the president without actually being harmed by the president, just because someone is the president. Just a silly silly article.

  25. Black Lion (quoting Mario): As we know, the only “document” that Obama has produced for the American public is an alleged 2008 computer image (which some experts have declared to be a forgery) of an alleged 2007 Certification of Live Birth (COLB) (which Hawaii has yet to even confirm is authentic).

    It is not an alleged computer image. It is a computer image. I downloaded the image myself onto a genuine, authentic certified computer. In my professional opinion (and I have been a member of the Association for Computing Machinery for 38 years), the photos and scans of the Obama Certification of Live Birth are computer images.

  26. JoZeppy says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It is not an alleged computer image. It is a computer image. I downloaded the image myself onto a genuine, authentic certified computer. In my professional opinion (and I have been a member of the Association for Computing Machinery for 38 years). The photos and scans of the Obama Certification of Live Birth are computer images.

    But saying “alledged” repeatedly, even at inappropriate times, makes the birther masses think he’s all lawyerly.

  27. richCares says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: “It is not an alleged computer image”
    by downloading this image you have voided the original, James said so. You are in big trouble, really big trouble.

  28. Black Lion (quoting Mario): The U.S. Office of Inspector General published a report in September 2000, entitled Birth Certificate Fraud…. The report concludes that “birth certificates alone do not provide conclusive or reliable proof of identity.” It adds that “[w]hen used in combination with other documents, birth certificates can add to the level of proof in establishing eligibility and identity.” The report recommends that birth certificates should be used “only with other documents.”

    This citation might be misleading to the general reader who did not take the link and read the original. The thrust of this text is that birth certificates do not provide proof of identity. Birth certificates are evidence of the facts they contain, but they do not say that the person who holds the certificate is the person named. There’s no photo on a birth certificate. The comment “only with other documents” refers to proof of identity. The text that follows [emphasis added] indicates that birth certificates are appropriate proof of age and citizenship, but not identity. “Eligibility” refers to eligibility for government benefits such as public assistance and SSI.

    When used in combination with other documents, birth certificates can add to the level of proof in establishing eligibility and identity. As such, many agencies and organizations request that individuals provide birth certificates in order to receive a benefit or service, or to support the issuance of other documents used for identity purposes. The SSA uses birth certificates as proof of age in assigning Social Security numbers, and as proof of age and citizenship in determining eligibility for Supplemental Security Income benefits. Passport Services considers birth certificates primary evidence of birth in the United States, and while they do not consider birth certificates evidence of identity, they do consider them a primary document in establishing identity. In addition, public assistance agencies use birth certificates as proof of applicant age and relationship/parentage, and driver’s license offices require them as proof of birth and age. Many other State and Federal agencies also rely to some extent on birth certificates as part of the process to establish personal identity and eligibility for services and benefits.

  29. Paul Pieniezny says:

    richCares: Dr. Conspiracy: “It is not an alleged computer image”by downloading this image you have voided the original, James said so. You are in big trouble, really big trouble.

    Yesterday, Bollywood bloggers were spreading the “news” that a hacker got the famous actress Meghna Naidu pregnant. That’s only slightly less ridiculous than James’s ideas about scanning documents.

    The stuff that is now being written about Obama is going to be child’s stuff compared to what we will hear when Bobby Jindal runs. One thing someon is sure to bring up is if life starts at conception and embryos have the rights of a citizen (which apparently is what Jindal believes), Jindal was born in India and cannot be NBC.

    Of course, in the end we are all born in Kenya – except for that interesting 4% of the world’s non-Africans.
    (Note how proud the people on that site are of their Neanderthal ancestry)

  30. ellid says:

    Paul – You’re forgetting one thing:

    Jindal is a Republican.

  31. misha says:

    ellid: Paul – You’re forgetting one thing:Jindal is a Republican.

    Good point, but when Phil Gramm ran for prez, there was vicious leafleting about his wife, in parts of the South, and he immediately withdrew.

    If Jindal runs, he’ll find out how much the GOP loves him.

  32. Here’s where to find the TWO Birther videos, plus a few more that you may find of interest:

  33. G says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Of course, in the end we are all born in Kenya – except for that interesting 4% of the world’s non-Africans.

    But even that is a mistaken grasp at straws, if racists now want to “cling” to hopes that they had Neanderthal ancestry.

    All the Neanderthal’s did was descend from a strain of earlier humans that themselves migrated out of Africa (they are likely decendents of Homo heidelbergensis which itself evolved from Homo ergaster in Africa. The only other early separate lineage of ancient humans known to have made it to other parts of the world is Homo erectus, which still originated in Africa, but was the first to emigrate from there and spread into Asia.

    Bottom line, go back just a few million years and all human & hominid ancestors exist in only one place – Africa.

  34. OK. So I KNOW the “Birthers’ Delight” videos are spoofs. I know, because I am the creator of these videos.

    Check out . clearly states:
    This is not “political.”
    This is just for fun.
    This is not an “Anti-Obama” site.
    This is not a “Pro-Obama” site.
    This is an “Obama Humor” site.

    Category: Comedy
    Tags: Obama, humor, spoof, comedy, parody, satire, etc

    Yet, some yahoo has been re-editing MY videos, and removing the parts that clearly identify them as spoofs. (“Birthers’ Delight pt.1” STARTS with the definition of “Spoof”)

    This is clearly an attempt to manipulate and deceive!

  35. ObamaSnippetsDotCom: Yet, some yahoo has been re-editing MY videos, and removing the parts that clearly identify them as spoofs.

    So in the “Obama Drunk”video, exactly what are we seeing? Where is the “spoof” notice?

  36. Dr. Conspiracy:
    So in the “Obama Drunk”video, exactly what are we seeing? Where is the “spoof” notice?

    In context of the entire ObamaSnippetsDotCom youtube channel, ALL videos there are spoofs. (Does Saturday Night Live have to start each skit with “This is just a skit”?)
    Plus, it would seem obvious that Obama would NEVER say, You’ve got a pretty sweet butt!”
    Plus, the Tags are, “obama, drunk, humor, spoof, satire”, etc

    The “spoof notice” is in the beginning of “Birthers’ Delight”

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