Pleasing the birthers

A somewhat testy Barack Obama appeared in an interview with NBC News anchor Brian Williams, saying that he has more important things to do than humor the birthers. However, looking at the footage of Obama during the interview (see photo on right), it was not entirely clear that he had not made concessions to them.

Obama said:

“I can’t spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,” quipped Obama, who took a deep breath to gather his thoughts when asked if the poll reflected his inability to communicate with voters.

“The facts are the facts. We went through some of this during the campaign –” there is a mechanism, a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly,” said a visibly annoyed Obama, referring to “birthers,” who have waged a guerrilla campaign questioning either the existence or the validity of his Hawaiian birth certificate.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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52 Responses to Pleasing the birthers

  1. E GLenn Harcsar says:

    Brian Williams has come closer to outright asking than anyone yet as a network anchor.

    I didn’t see the interview when it aired. The link below edits the section of interest. The piece begins in media res with the audio picking up Williams’ phrase to Obama “… are an american born christian” yet now a 1/5 of the american public “believe that you are neither.”

  2. misha says:

    Actually, Obama is a Zoroastrian.

    I’ll try this again: “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

    United States Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3.

    That is all Obama should have said.

    Brought to you by The International Jewish Conspiracy™.

  3. Mary Brown says:

    He was a bit testy. It is amazing that this man with the weight of all the problems he faces has been as dignified as he has. I may not agree with all he has done but if I were in his position and I had birthers and politicians willing to play with the issure and willing to play with the “Muslim” issue I would be a bit more than testy.

  4. SFJEFF says:

    I would love to see how Beck would react if his claims to being a Christian were challenged. Or Sarah Palin’s or any of the other righteous ones. I am not a Christian myself, but I know many evangelical born agains who would be truly deeply offended if someone were asking them to prove their faith or if they were asked to prove they were not Muslims or Jewish or Hindu’s or Wiccans.

    Wait- please someone ask Palin to prove she is not a secret Wiccan. Please.

  5. Lupin says:

    I think it says something about your society, not in a good way.

    But then we have Carla Bruni and the Roms as shiny objects to distract the public, so who am I to criticize.

    All in all, tho, I’d rather have Carla Bruni.

  6. misha says:

    SFJEFF: someone ask Palin to prove she is not a secret Wiccan

    I am the only Jewish member of the Philadelphia Witches Circle – and this is not a joke. One of the fellows in my photography workshop is a Wiccan, and he invited me to join. He also is the only one to visit me when I was in the hospital with the stroke, other than my wife.

  7. Daniel says:

    Wait- please someone ask Palin to prove she is not a secret Wiccan. Please.

    As a Wiccan myself, I can unequivocally state that Sarah Palin is not a Wiccan.

  8. misha says:

    Daniel: As a Wiccan myself, I can unequivocally state that Sarah Palin is not a Wiccan.

    From what I have learned about Wiccan beliefs, she is not. Besides, her “Bishop” protected her against witchcraft of all kinds:

  9. Scientist says:

    SFJEFF: I would love to see how Beck would react if his claims to being a Christian were challenged.

    They have been.

    Beck is a Mormon. Russell Moore, dean of Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary said “Mormonism and Mammonism are contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

  10. Lawyerwitharealdegree says:

    Where is Mitt Romney in all of this? He is amassing a huge war chest to run in 2012. Is he prepared for the inevitable RWNJ evangelical Christian attack on his religion? One would think Romney would have spoken out on all of this. But no. He won’t because he is hoping the base will overlook it. Fat chance. Karma is a bitch.

  11. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    SFJEFF: I would love to see how Beck would react if his claims to being a Christian were challenged. Or Sarah Palin’s or any of the other righteous ones. I am not a Christian myself, but I know many evangelical born agains who would be truly deeply offended if someone were asking them to prove their faith or if they were asked to prove they were not Muslims or Jewish or Hindu’s or Wiccans. Wait- please someone ask Palin to prove she is not a secret Wiccan. Please.

    Well how does she weigh in relation to a duck?

  12. Dave says:

    One characteristic of this President, that could perhaps be termed a weakness, is that he has little patience with reporters asking incredibly stupid questions over and over and over.

    There seems to be a current rule of journalism, that the very existence of a baseless rumor lays an obligation on reporters to ask about it constantly. The seems to feel that they must treat rumors as if they had some basis even if they know they have none. Even if the rumors are only being pushed by a tiny fraction of people.

    The result is that reporters like Williams, who is no doubt an extremely intelligent and well informed person, make a habit of asking these kinds of stupid questions that drive out intelligent discussion of important topics.

  13. Sean says:

    The Beck rally is interesting if you step back and look at the motivation. Beck is a bigot. We’ve seen him project his racist views on the President and accuse Jews for killing Christ. Whenever he gets caught, he claims that he’s just a rodeo clown, or a comedian, or has a big mouth.

    But Beck speaks in rhetoric. This rally seemed to be based on the mantra of basic core values, but nothing new or specific. It was just a Tea Party rally. Tea Party rallies don’t really have a message short of “We don’t like paying taxes” and “We don’t want a Black guy in the White House.”

    It was the same Tea Party rally promoted by Fox News months ago but with a twist. It was done on the very anniversary and place as MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech.”
    Obviously the Civil Rights movement is a thorn in the side of people like Beck. It marked a moment of change.

    What Beck is attempting to do is not new. Christians did this to the Druids centuries back. They would place Christian holidays on the same day as druid holidays in order to snuff them out. Samhain became All Saints Day, Winter Solstice became Christmas, etc.

    Beck wants to reclaim this country for White people. He’s just doing it in code. That’s why there’s nothing new or specific at this event. It’s a place holder and a punch in the face to MLK’s memory and message.

    When Beck says “Restoring Honor” what he really means is “Restoring White Supremacy.”

  14. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Dave: One characteristic of this President, that could perhaps be termed a weakness, is that he has little patience with reporters asking incredibly stupid questions over and over and over.There seems to be a current rule of journalism, that the very existence of a baseless rumor lays an obligation on reporters to ask about it constantly. The seems to feel that they must treat rumors as if they had some basis even if they know they have none. Even if the rumors are only being pushed by a tiny fraction of people.The result is that reporters like Williams, who is no doubt an extremely intelligent and well informed person, make a habit of asking these kinds of stupid questions that drive out intelligent discussion of important topics.

    It is the media’s false sense of balance. Instead of reporting what the truth is they think that if they get two people on opposite sides of the extreme that somehow that balances things. However when you have one guy telling the truth and the other side attacking the guy telling the truth that’s not balance

  15. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Sean: The Beck rally is interesting if you step back and look at the motivation. Beck is a bigot. We’ve seen him project his racist views on the President and accuse Jews for killing Christ. Whenever he gets caught, he claims that he’s just a rodeo clown, or a comedian, or has a big mouth.But Beck speaks in rhetoric. This rally seemed to be based on the mantra of basic core values, but nothing new or specific. It was just a Tea Party rally. Tea Party rallies don’t really have a message short of “We don’t like paying taxes” and “We don’t want a Black guy in the White House.”It was the same Tea Party rally promoted by Fox News months ago but with a twist. It was done on the very anniversary and place as MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech.”Obviously the Civil Rights movement is a thorn in the side of people like Beck. It marked a moment of change.What Beck is attempting to do is not new. Christians did this to the Druids centuries back. They would place Christian holidays on the same day as druid holidays in order to snuff them out. Samhain became All Saints Day, Winter Solstice became Christmas, etc.Beck wants to reclaim this country for White people. He’s just doing it in code. That’s why there’s nothing new or specific at this event. It’s a place holder and a punch in the face to MLK’s memory and message.When Beck says “Restoring Honor” what he really means is “Restoring White Supremacy.”

    Sean I must correct you but Samhain became Hollows Eve or the Fall Festival

  16. Black Lion says:

    From the Post and Fail regarding the Beck march….My favorite part is that the so called geese were some sort of sign from above….Also I like that instead of the 87,000 number they are claiming that there was a million people there….Amazing….

    “At the end of the “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington on Saturday, many attendees left a little disappointed that they werenʼt told, where do we go from here? What was accomplished? Whatʼs the next step? When reading all the newspaper accounts of the event, people were further disillusioned with the negative reporting of the liberal media.”

    “Other stories relate disappointments such as that it got boring or that Beck didn’t deliver. They were expecting a miracle or a revelation that Obamaʼs hidden records have been revealed and impeachment processes have begun or LTC Lakin was a surprise guest on the agenda and we could all unite in support and move forward with a cohesive plan to fight his court-martial and get discovery of documents for his defense. None of these things happened, and although Beck continues to gather followers, he continually loses those of us who recognize how he falls pathetically short of having the courage to bring up the question of eligibility.”

    “As I stood on the steps of the memorial and looked out over the hundreds of thousands of people, I witnessed something extraordinary. I wasn’t quick enough to capture it on my camera but itʼs etched indelibly in my mindʼs eye, a v-formation of geese flying long and low over the reflecting pool from the stage toward the Washington Monument. Not a miracle by a long shot but a symbol of hope and direction.”

    And the birther comments…

    Bob1943 says:
    Monday, August 30, 2010 at 8:36 PM
    I can never fully support someone who talks and talks of the importance of the Constitution, ask that we “question with boldness”. and then refuses to act on the biggest fraud in American history, Obama’s obvious ineligibility to be president.

    Something ain’t right.

    RacerJim says:
    Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 8:30 AM
    Ditto that.

    Something indeed ain’t right that Beck et al have refused to call Obama’s bluff…especially given Obama’s latest birther’ mocking obfuscation, “I can’t wear my birth certificate on my forehead.”

  17. Black Lion says:

    Old friend Lucas Smith gets called out by other birthers…I guess even the Post and Fail can smell a con man from a mile away….

    Lucas Smith (InspectorSmith) says:
    Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 5:12 PM
    Interesting report. Thank you for your keen analytical research.

    Bob1943 says:
    Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 7:20 PM
    Welcome back to the Post-E-Mail Inspector Smith.

    And check this out:

    TOM says:
    Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 4:02 AM

  18. Jerry Reed says:

    Lucas Smith reminds me of an undergraduate course titled Jurisprudence I took a long time ago. The prof, who was both a PH.D and a practicing lawyer, had a favorite saying to stress that some matter of law was beyond debate. He’d say, “You don’t hire a convicted sex offender to hand out towels in the girls locker room.” My corollary is that you don’t hire a convicted document forger to verify the authenticity of a document, but that’s what all those who rushed to believe Lucas Smith did.

  19. Majority Will says:

    Sean: Here’s Phil Berg at the Beck rally:

    Like every other hardcore birther, he is a lunatic and an embarrassment to this nation.

    The interviewer was having a little fun at his expense about the statehood of Hawaii. Good for her.

  20. Mike says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
    It is the media’s false sense of balance.Instead of reporting what the truth is they think that if they get two people on opposite sides of the extreme that somehow that balances things.However when you have one guy telling the truth and the other side attacking the guy telling the truth that’s not balance

    They have a phrase on Balloon Juice about this: “Shape of Earth – Opnions Differ”.

  21. Black Lion says:

    Sean: Here’s Phil Berg at the Beck rally:

    Berg looked kind of pathetic….He seemed excited that someone was interested in his bile, so much so that he didn’t realize that he was being made fun of…Seriously the scary part is how it seems like he actually believes that Barry Soetero nonsense….

  22. AnotherBird says:

    Sean: Here’s Phil Berg at the Beck rally:

    Phil Berg was pathetic. His is an embarrassment to nobody other than himself. They got bored him very quickly.

  23. Jules says:

    misha: Brought to you by The International Jewish Conspiracy™.

    Why haven’t I been invited to the meetings?

  24. Majority Will says:

    Why haven’t I been invited to the meetings?

    Maybe it’s your kreplach soup?

  25. Bovril says:

    Jules: misha: Brought to you by The International Jewish Conspiracy™.
    Why haven’t I been invited to the meetings?

    Formal black yarmulkah I presume?

    Jules, alas you have to be a direct lineal descendant of one of the Learned Elders of Zion who authored the Protocols therof for an invite, oh and you have to provide a long form BC as well as use the special secret handshake….

  26. Black Lion says:

    WND Still Hiding Key Klein Statement on Obama Birth
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Why is WorldNetDaily so afraid of a simple sentence?

    An Aug. 30 WND article asserts that, according to Aaron Klein’s Obama smear book “The Manchurian President,” “While there is no evidence he was born overseas, President Obama has not released sufficient documentation to prove his place of birth.”

    But Klein’s book also states, on page 70, that “the authors find no convincing evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, nor that his birthplace was any place other than Hawaii, his declared state of birth.”That statement is missing from this WND article.

    This is not the first time WND has deliberately omitted this statement from Klein’s book because it conflicted with WND’s birther agenda. As we detailed, WND also omitted the statement in an July 27 article making a similar argument about Obama’s birth.

    What is it about this single sentence by Klein that makes Joseph Farah and crew so afraid? Is it that if it is repeated, it undermines WND’s entire birther agenda?

  27. Majority Will says:

    Black Lion: WND Still Hiding Key Klein Statement on Obama Birth
    Topic: WorldNetDailyWhy is WorldNetDaily so afraid of a simple sentence?An Aug. 30 WND article asserts that, according to Aaron Klein’s Obama smear book “The Manchurian President,” “While there is no evidence he was born overseas, President Obama has not released sufficient documentation to prove his place of birth.”But Klein’s book also states, on page 70, that “the authors find no convincing evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, nor that his birthplace was any place other than Hawaii, his declared state of birth.”That statement is missing from this WND article.
    This is not the first time WND has deliberately omitted this statement from Klein’s book because it conflicted with WND’s birther agenda. As we detailed, WND also omitted the statement in an July 27 article making a similar argument about Obama’s birth.What is it about this single sentence by Klein that makes Joseph Farah and crew so afraid? Is it that if it is repeated, it undermines WND’s entire birther agenda?

    How many terrorist organizations are funding WND to undermine the U.S. government?

  28. Gorefan says:

    Majority Will: How many terrorist organizations are funding WND to undermine the U.S. government?

    In a attempt to deflect this question away from WND, Farah blasted FOX News for its Saudi connection.

    And of coarse Jon Steward had his take on it.

  29. AnotherBird says:

    Black Lion:
    WND Still Hiding Key Klein Statement on Obama Birth
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Why is WorldNetDaily so afraid of a simple sentence?

    An Aug. 30 WND article asserts that, according to Aaron Klein’s Obama smear book “The Manchurian President,” “While there is no evidence he was born overseas, President Obama has not released sufficient documentation to prove his place of birth.”

    But Klein’s book also states, on page 70, that “the authors find no convincing evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, nor that his birthplace was any place other than Hawaii, his declared state of birth.” That statement is missing from this WND article.

    This is not the first time WND has deliberately omitted this statement from Klein’s book because it conflicted with WND’s birther agenda. As we detailed, WND also omitted the statement in an July 27 article making a similar argument about Obama’s birth.

    What is it about this single sentence by Klein that makes Joseph Farah and crew so afraid? Is it that if it is repeated, it undermines WND’s entire birther agenda?

    WND is only looking for misinformation that support their arguments. The omitted passage would show that their claims are baseless.This scares WND and company.

    I think that they have a problem with

    the authors find no convincing evidence that Obama … birthplace was any place other than Hawaii,…

    Not all smear-merchants or Obama conspiracy theorists are birthers.

  30. Majority Will says:

    Gorefan: In a attempt to deflect this question away from WND, Farah blasted FOX News for its Saudi connection. of coarse Jon Steward had his take on it.

    And here is Fox News being fair and balanced (George Orwell would love this.):

    Fox News’ corporate parent gave Republican Governors Association $1 million
    August 16, 2010 5:52 pm ET by Matt Gertz

    Bloomberg News reports today (h/t Daily Kos’ KingOneEye) that News Corp. — the media giant which owns Fox News and The Wall Street Journal — has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, the GOP organization that helps coordinate Republican gubernatorial campaigns and pays for independent ads in support of their candidates.

    Media Matters has confirmed Bloomberg’s report using publicly available IRS filings. We also found no evidence of corresponding donations to the Democratic Governors Association in the current political cycle. News Corp. wants Republicans elected to office, and they’re willing to spend money to make it happen.

    According to the article, News Corp. is actually the RGA’s “biggest corporate donor.” Bloomberg suggests that News Corp. has made these donations due to their opposition to “proposed federal rule changes that would weaken the position of its Fox network in negotiations with cable companies,” stating that “Governors may have a stake in the issue.”

    Whether or not that is the case, this large corporate donation to the GOP underscores News Corp.’s role as an appendage of the Republican Party.

  31. Gorefan says:

    Majority Will: Whether or not that is the case, this large corporate donation to the GOP underscores News Corp.’s role as an appendage of the Republican Party.

    So essentially, the Saudis are donating to the Republicans.

  32. Keith says:

    Majority Will: Whether or not that is the case, this large corporate donation to the GOP underscores News Corp.’s role as an appendage of the Republican Party.

    I think you got that backwards, didn’t you?

    Rupert just bought the Republican party.

  33. Majority Will says:

    I think you got that backwards, didn’t you?
    Rupert just bought the Republican party.

    ‘Twas Media Matters’ quote! (Matt Gertz)

    And I agree with you. They got it backwards.

  34. Keith says:

    Majority Will:
    Twas Media Matters’ quote! (Matt Gertz) I agree with you. They got it backwards.

    Oh. I see.

    You know if you (and Black Lion too!) could wrap your quotations with [blockquote] and [/blockquote] tags, it would be a lot easier to figure out what is your comment and what is the quoted text.

    Note: the correct punctuation is not [ and ].

  35. Keith says:

    Oh. I see.
    You know if you (and Black Lion too!) could wrap your quotations with [blockquote] and [/blockquote] tags, it would be a lot easier to figure out what is your comment and what is the quoted text.
    Note: the correct punctuation isnot [ and ].

    Sorry: left punctuation mark is “less than symbol” rightside is “greater than symbol”

  36. Majority Will says:

    Oh. I see.
    You know if you (and Black Lion too!) could wrap your quotations with [blockquote] and [/blockquote] tags, it would be a lot easier to figure out what is your comment and what is the quoted text.
    Note: the correct punctuation isnot [ and ].

    I’ll take your suggestions under advisement.


  37. Black Lion says:

    From WND’s western journalism site the repeat the interview with the vapid Sarah Palin responding to the President’s remark…What was interesting was the comments, one which was copied….I think it is kind if indicitive of how no matter what is presented it won’t change things, Obama derangement will continue….

    “After quipping, “I can’t spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,” Obama responded to Williams’s question about whether the doubt about his religion reflected his inability to communicate with voters with an answer that had echoes of Hillary Clinton’s “vast right-wing conspiracy” comment.
    “The facts are the facts,” Obama told Williams. “We went through some of this during the campaign — there is a mechanism, a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly.”
    Palin thought Williams should have pressed him on what he was implying with these comments.
    “My first reaction was listening to Brian Williams and wondering, Brian, that’s some stealth reporting. You’re not even going to follow up and ask him what in the heck is Barack Obama talking about. What is he insinuating’?
    I was pretty appalled at that notion that Brian Williams was just letting him get away with that kind of false accusation that there is some kind of suggested right-wing conspiracy again, especially knowing that the media still — the mainstream, lame-stream media — they’re in his back pocket, still.”

    Edwardkoziol 33p 20 hours ago
    I guess we know why McPherson is no longer a journalist he couldn’t ask follow up questions like Sarah suggested.One quesion would be where is your real one not some blurry copy?Second since your mother was a liberal slut who like blackmen and has a Kenyan muslim lover who fathers you aren’t you automaticaly a muslim by birth and possibly be a foreign born citizen?

  38. Black Lion says:

    Then of course we have Orly’s response to the interview that the President did with Brian Williams….In the comments avowed birthers show up spewing their usual misinformation….

    “Laguna Niguel birther/dentist Orly Taitz, of course, had a snappy, if creatively spelled, response to that.

    “If Obama releases his original long form BC, I will go all day with it pustered to my forehead,” she wrote on Facebook.

    Yeesh, “pustered” sounds painful. But Taitz is used to pain. Monday was her birthday, which meant–as it does for every Web 2.0 user–a barrage of well-wishes on her Facebook wall. Taitz took the time to copy and past each onto her blog.

    But then, she found herself locked out of her Facebook account, a victim of the site’s new user-verification system that asks account holders to prove their identity by matching the names of their friends to pictures of their friends (this reporter faced this mechanism when he logged into Facebook from abroad recently). Of course, Taitz has a lot of friends she’s never met. So getting back into Facebook has proven hard.”

    ksdb says:
    Sorry, but the factlack document does NOT match the document allegedly scanned and posted at Fight the Smears or sent to Politifact, KOS, etc. And NO competent official has EVER verified that EITHER of these documents is genuine.
    DOH spokesbabe Janice Okubo had to backtrack on her undocumented claims that the alleged COLB was a ‘valid Hawaii state birth certificate’ (her only method for validating it was saying it looked like her own … not exactly an official way to authenticate potentially counterfeit legal documents). When pressed to explain the lack of a raised seal she admitted, “I don’t know that it’s possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents.”
    Later, her boss Chiyome Fukino released a statement saying the state has an original birth certificate on file, but failed to say if it matches Obama’s alleged COLB. Several months later, she issued a second statement, but this time, pulled a switch and claimed that OTHER vital records somehow verify Obama was born in Hawaii and is a ‘natural-born American citizen.’ Two problems. The ONLY document that verifies a place of birth would be an original, witness/doctor-signed birth certificate, yet she didn’t cite Obama’s original birth certificate as the source of her claim. IOW, by citing MULTIPLE documents, she’s telling us his birth certificate is not sufficient to prove a place of birth. Second, there is NO VITAL RECORD that verifies anyone as a ‘natural-born American citizen.’ IOW, she lied outright. In terms of citizenship, we are citizens of the United States and any legal document claiming citizenship would say that.
    Later, Hawaii governor Linda Lingle lied by claiming that the HI Dept. of Health had released a certificate showing Obama was born in Kapiolani Hospital. Even Obama’s alleged COLB doesn’t mention a specific place of birth and Fukino and Okubo have both claimed state law disallows them from releasing any birth records.
    Face it, you’ve been duped by false and misleading statements and to this day, NO competent official has verified Obama’s alleged COLB. There are no FACTS on Obama’s side.
    Posted On: Wednesday, Sep. 1 2010 @ 7:30AM

    JustTheFacts says:
    ksdb: Wow – lots of just plain false information there. Okubo hasn’t backtracked on her statement about the birth certificate. And it DOES have a raised seal, which is obvious if you look at the pictures. Okubo, Fukimo, and Lingle have ALL been completely consistent, and have always said that Obama was born in Hawaii. The rest of what you write is just seriously paranoid rambling and grasping at straws.
    As for the statement about being a “Natural Born Citizen”, everyone – apparently except the birthers – knows that if you’re born in the U.S., you’re a Natural Born Citizen. Yes, the birthers have some bizarre theory Orly calls the “Vattel theory”, but it’s complete and utter bunk. The only people that even remotely think that’s sensible are birthers. So yes, it’s common knowledge that if you’re born in the U.S. you’re a “Natural Born Citizen” – Fukimo is apparently a sane person, and so it’s hardly a stretch for her to say that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen after she verified his birth records.
    So once again: Multiple officials from Hawaii have verified that Obama was born there. He has posted his official, verified birth certificate saying he was born there. A ton of other evidence, from the official Hawaii birth index to newspaper announcements all agree and support that Obama was born in Hawaii. What more could you possibly want?
    The US Constitution has a full faith and credit clause saying that a State’s official records must be honored. You have seen the official state records and know about the statements from Hawaii officials. And yet you refuse to even consider giving those official documents and statements “full faith and credit” – why do you hate the Constitution so much?
    Posted On: Wednesday, Sep. 1 2010 @ 8:47AM

  39. TRUTH says:

    Could you look at this, ya don’t have to of course, but this site is good at pointing out the inaccuracies in documents and reason they are just another fake. I seen this posted on Facebook, and like a sucker clicked on it to see what the latest was since I quit following this subject some time ago. I’ll just post the main website link. It has 5 or 6 other links within, including the supposed B.C. and the mans story how he Supposedly got it. You may not believe me, but I’ve pointed out many errors to fellow conservatives on this matter. It doesn’t make them happy, but as you may recall I also called a website owner and had him fix his error even.

    Maybe you already covered this very story also, I glanced through your posts and didn’t see it however If so just refer me to that and I won’t waste your time.


    ps..the other bloggers, I’m not here to dispute whats real or not, right or wrong with you. Just asking Doc to see this, nothing else. My issue will be finding your answer, because this place is so full of info now I get lost looking for something. I’ll just note down the title and maybe not lose my note. 🙂

  40. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    TRUTH: Doc,Could you look at this, ya don’t have to of course, but this site is good at pointing out the inaccuracies in documents and reason they are just another fake. I seen this posted on Facebook, and like a sucker clicked on it to see what the latest was since I quit following this subject some time ago. I’ll just post the main website link. It has 5 or 6 other links within, including the supposed B.C. and the mans story how he Supposedly got it. You may not believe me, but I’ve pointed out many errors to fellow conservatives on this matter. It doesn’t make them happy, but as you may recall I also called a website owner and had him fix his error even. Maybe you already covered this very story also, I glanced through your posts and didn’t see it however If so just refer me to that and I won’t waste your time. other bloggers, I’m not here to dispute whats real or not, right or wrong with you. Just asking Doc to see this, nothing else. My issue will be finding your answer, because this place is so full of info now I get lost looking for something. I’ll just note down the title and maybe not lose my note.

    That site seems to be owned by Lucas Daniel Smith, Convicted Forger who is peddling the fake kenyan birth certificate

  41. Black Lion says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): That site seems to be owned by Lucas Daniel Smith, Convicted Forger who is peddling the fake kenyan birth certificate

    Or his buddy James/John. Lucas is desperate for attention. He has been discredited everywhere, even in the Free Republic land. However he seems to be still pushing the phony Kenya BC. And he still has refused to submit any sort of proof that he ever went to Kenya. Remember his so called video he shot in the Dominican Republic where he claimed it was Africa? Once a convicted forger, always a convicted forger.

  42. Black Lion says:

    It seems like Joe Farah has made a decision….

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010
    Farah Unilaterally Declares Obama Ineligible
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Joseph Farah declares in his Sept. 13 WorldNetDaily column that he is tired of his birther crusade being ignored by its target:

    With this kind of arrogance after the patience the American people have demonstrated over this matter, I’d say it’s time to conclude that he is ineligible for office. He’s had plenty of time to provide the evidence to clear himself of this charge, this suspicion, this indictment in the form of overwhelming public opinion.

    He has failed to answer the charge. He has failed to enter a plea. He has failed to show up for a hearing. Therefore, I no longer afford him the presumption of innocence.

    It’s time to recognize what we have serving in the White House today – a pretender, a usurper, an arrogant narcissist who believes it’s beneath him to answer the questions of the public and to demonstrate his worthiness for office.

    He’s like the suspect who refuses to come to court for adjudication. Sooner or later, the judge throws him in jail, recognizing that the presumption of innocence only goes so far.

    Many in Washington, who are complicit in Obama’s eligibility charade, and the establishment news media, who failed to provide the appropriate journalistic diligence and curiosity to hold Obama accountable, are still wishing, hoping and praying this issue and the public interest in it just fades away.

    That isn’t going to happen.

    And for those who agree with me, it’s time to ratchet up the pressure.

    Of course, Obama has proven his eligibility — Farah has chosen to ignore it and spread lies instead. And his statement that “despite suggestions to the contrary, I never accused Obama of being born elsewhere” defies the facts — we’ve repeatedly documented Farah and his website promoting exactly that.

    By making this unilateral I-will-not-be-ignored declaration, Farah is starting to go all Glenn Close on us. If Obama finds a dead rabbit on his stove one day soon, it’s time for him to really start worrying.

  43. Daniel says:

    Like any spoiled child, Farah is finding out that his tantrums are being ignored by the adults, and so he’s decide the thing to do is bawl louder.

  44. Black Lion says:

    More birther nonsense, this from a concerned citizen writing his Congressman….Worth a good laugh….

    “From: Concerned Citizen
    Subject: Fw: Re: campaign
    Date: Sunday, August 18, 2010, 10:30 PM

    You sir will still not answer the questions. You still will not look at facts! The following is taken from a letter to Glenn Beck and I would like answers from you to the questions posted. Thank You.

    Respectfully, Concerned Citizen

    p.s. I just want the truth is that too much to ask of my Congressman?

    If you think this is not a worthy issue, please tell me why.

    Are you aware that there is not one single piece of legally admissible evidence confirming Obama’s birth in Hawaii as he claims – not one document, not one person who witnessed the birth or had observed Obama as a newborn child in Honolulu, not one hospital claiming to have been the birthplace of the president of the United States?

    Are you aware that there is no evidence that Obama actually attended Columbia University, as he claims; that no member of the Columbia graduating class to which he allegedly belongs remembers him as a classmate at Columbia University; and that all records, if any, relating to Obama’s attendance at Columbia University have been sealed?

    Are you aware that the putative president of the United States is apparently using a fraudulent Social Security number, issued in the state of Connecticut at the time that Obama was a youth living in Hawaii, to a person, now deceased, who was born in 1890?

    Are you aware that Obama likely never registered with Selective Service as required by law, and that in order to cover up this fact, Obamas representatives released a document purporting to be a copy of his Selective Service registration which is suspected of being a forgery?

    Are you aware that there are several mysterious deaths which have been connected circumstantially to the 2008 presidential election, including the apparent assassination of a person who was reported to have been a key witness in an investigation into a criminal act of unauthorized access to the U.S. State Department passport files for Barack Obama?

    Are you aware that, with the exception of the nomination certification sent to the State of Hawaii, the presidential candidate nomination certification letters sent to the other 49 states by the chairman of the Democratic National Committee omitted the language certifying that the candidate is qualified to serve in accordance with the requirements of the United States Constitution?

    Are you aware that there are now three retired U.S. Army generals who have demanded Obama’s resignation over his lack of eligibility?

    Are you aware that a decorated U.S. Army colonel is being court-martialed, abused, and physically threatened by senior Army personnel over his refusal to accept deployment orders until he can be assured that the presumed president of the United States is legitimately holding that office and possesses the actual legal authority to issue such orders?

    Are you aware that a criminal complaint will be submitted this week to FBI Director Mueller demanding a full FBI investigation of Obama for 29 listed criminal acts, including Social Security fraud and usurpation of the office of president due to lack of constitutional eligibility?

    Are you aware that despite numerous attempts across the country, no member of Congress will provide a substantive response to the requests for action by the millions of American citizens who are extremely concerned about the unresolved constitutional issues surrounding the 2008 presidential election and the many serious fraudulent acts which allowed it to happen? Why?”

  45. sfjeff says:

    “Are you aware that a criminal complaint will be submitted this week”

    Heh….and they are always so shocked when their Congressman doesn’t reply.

  46. Daniel says:

    Is “Concerned Citizen” aware that not one of his accusations is supported by facts?

    Probably not.

  47. Daniel says:

    I left this comment on the article at the Posta nad Fail. Somehow I doubt it will make it through moderation, since the Birthers are anti-free speech (lol).

    “You’ll have to be patient. You’re not the only conspiracy nut he has to answer the demands of. He gets “are you aware” mails from flat earthers, holocaust deniers, and moon hoaxers, some of whom have been demanding answers for a lot longer than you. The line of conspiracy whack jobs is long… you’ll just have to wait your turn.”

  48. Black Lion (quoting): If you think this is not a worthy issue, please tell me why.

    Uh, because all your premises are false.

  49. TRUTH says:

    Convicted Forger is good nuff excuse for me. Thanks.

  50. TRUTH says:

    You’re on the same page Dr. C. as Dr K. is I take it?

  51. Black Lion says:

    TRUTH: Convicted Forger is good nuff excuse for me. Thanks.

    Agreed….I am trying to figure why the birthers believe in a document submitted by someone that was convicted of forgery. Especially since he cannot prove that he has ever visited Kenya nor has he had the document authenticated by a Kenyan government official as per the Federal Rules of Evidence. The hypocrisy is quite astounding. The birthers claim that the COLB is a forgery and demand further evidence or supporting documentation while believing and relying on a document that has not supporting evidence nor has be authenticated. It does make you laugh at how the Obama derangement has affected some people.

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