The occasional open thread (v 2.1)

Have at it, but play nice.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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325 Responses to The occasional open thread (v 2.1)

  1. Arthur says:

    Well, building on Dr. Orly’s interest in Obama’s massive fraud, here, for your (possible) amusement, is a portion from my play about the brightest lights of the birther movement.

    Orly: Soon, all communists collaborating with Maobama’s massive fraud against We the People, will have Nuremberg trial for harassing, intimidating, and terrorizing patriots.
    Dr. Kate: You’re right, Dr. Orly. Maobama’s fraud is massive. It’s huge!
    Chalice: His fraud is so big it scares me!
    Texasdarlin’: I know! It’s gross!
    Dr. Kate: Frankly, I’m scared if I see a black man with even a little fraud.
    Texasdarling: A black man with just a little fraud? Is there such a thing?
    Dr. Kate: Obama’s fraud is so big, I don’t think anyone can anyone really grasp it.
    Chalice: I know I can’t! Course, I have small hands.
    Orly: When I lived in Israel, we did not have schvartze with such massive frauds. Even in big city like Jerusalem, I never beheld such gi-normous schlong; I mean fraud.
    Chalice: Well, I’m a Christian, but I LOVE Jerusalem!
    PhilBerg: Me too. Especially their artichokes.
    Chalice: Well at my church, we love Jerusalem and artichokes so much that every Sunday we pray for Armageddon to come.
    Borderraven: Armageddon?
    Texasdarlin’: That’s when God will destroy the Moslems, convert the Jews, and turn Oklahoma into the Garden of Eden. And it will be FULL of artichokes.
    PhilBerg: What about dinosaurs? Will there be any dinosaurs?
    Texasdarlin’: Of course! How else will we be able to quarry stone?
    Borderraven: What about those big ones? With the sharp teeth and skinny arms?
    Texasdarlin’: You mean Tyrannosaurus Rex?
    Borderraven: Yeah! I always wanted to try shooting one of those.
    Texasrose: Do you believe that Obama is the anti-Christ?
    Borderraven: Of course I do!
    Texasrose: Then lock and load my friend, cause when the rapture comes, you’re hunting Flintstone’s-style!
    Borderraven: Yaba-daba-do!

  2. Dave says:

    LTC Lakin has issued a new press release, and it’s a doozy. CAAFlog has the story. It really is a marvel of “what the heck is he talking about.” The trial counsel threatened him with violence, interfered with his chain of command (the one he feels duty bound to ignore), and made him show up early for his hearing, causing him inconvenience and indignity.

    And the TC barred him from speaking to the media, except I guess they didn’t, since LTC Lakin will be on Liddy’s show this morning. It should be entertaining if he uses this interview to complain about how he’s being prevented from giving interviews.

  3. AnotherBird says:

    Dave: LTC Lakin has issued a new press release, and it’s a doozy. CAAFlog has the story. It really is a marvel of “what the heck is he talking about.” The trial counsel threatened him with violence, interfered with his chain of command (the one he feels duty bound to ignore), and made him show up early for his hearing, causing him inconvenience and indignity.

    And the TC barred him from speaking to the media, except I guess they didn’t, since LTC Lakin will be on Liddy’s show this morning. It should be entertaining if he uses this interview to complain about how he’s being prevented from giving interviews.

    Lakin seems to be complaining about the judge. It could just be another tactic to get the case dismissed. I do recall Lakin being late for one hearing. This case is going to get really messy for Lakin, and I can just see “the rats fleeing the sinking ship” Lakin.

  4. Lupin says:

    The Lakin case is like being on the Titanic with zombies. It won’t end well.

  5. misha says:

    Lupin: The Lakin case is like being on the Titanic with zombies. It won’t end well.

    I’m concerned about that, too. I’m afraid of another McVeigh. I’m concerned about what will happen when Lakin is convicted.

  6. Dave says:

    Lakin seems to be complaining about the judge.

    No, he’s complaining about the trial counsel, which is the military equivalent of the prosecutor. In fact, his press release explicitly asks people not to write to the judge, while asking them to annoy his own Major General.

  7. AnotherBird says:

    No, he’s complaining about the trial counsel, which is the military equivalent of the prosecutor. In fact, his press release explicitly asks people not to write to the judge, while asking them to annoy his own Major General.

    The term judge in judge advocate was the reason for my mistake. It seems that Lakin does know the chain of command. It is amusing that they continue to harp about his record, while ignoring the seriousness of Lakin’s actions. I don’t know the full authority of the JAGC, but would say Lakin isn’t taking this seriously enough.

  8. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Well, building on Dr. Orly’s interest in Obama’s massive fraud, here, for your (possible) amusement, is a portion from my play about the brightest lights of the birther movement.
    Orly: Soon, all communists collaborating with Maobama’s massive fraud against We the People, will have Nurembergtrial for harassing, intimidating, and terrorizing patriots.
    Dr. Kate:You’re right, Dr. Orly. Maobama’s fraud is massive. It’s huge!
    Chalice: His fraud is so big it scares me!
    Texasdarlin’:I know! It’s gross!
    Dr. Kate:Frankly, I’m scared if I see a black man with even a little fraud.
    Texasdarling:A black man with just a little fraud? Is there such a thing?
    Dr. Kate: Obama’s fraud is so big, I don’t think anyone can anyone really grasp it.
    Chalice: I know I can’t!Course, I have small hands.
    Orly:When I lived in Israel, we did not have schvartze with such massive frauds.Even in big city like Jerusalem, I never beheld such gi-normous schlong; I mean fraud.
    Chalice: Well, I’m a Christian, but I LOVE Jerusalem!
    PhilBerg:Me too. Especially their artichokes.
    Chalice: Well at my church, we love Jerusalem and artichokes so much that every Sunday we pray for Armageddon to come.
    Borderraven: Armageddon?
    Texasdarlin’: That’s when God will destroy the Moslems, convert the Jews, and turn Oklahoma into the Garden of Eden. And it will be FULL of artichokes.
    PhilBerg: What about dinosaurs? Will there be any dinosaurs?
    Texasdarlin’: Of course! How else will we be able to quarry stone?
    Borderraven: What about those big ones? With the sharp teeth and skinny arms?
    Texasdarlin’: You mean Tyrannosaurus Rex?
    Borderraven: Yeah! I always wanted to try shooting one of those.
    Texasrose: Do you believe that Obama is the anti-Christ?
    Borderraven: Of course I do!
    Texasrose: Then lock and load my friend, cause when the rapture comes, you’re hunting Flintstone’s-style!
    Borderraven: Yaba-daba-do!

    NICE ! !

  9. sfjeff says:

    Thank you Arthur

  10. misha says:

    Arthur: Well, I’m a Christian, but I LOVE Jerusalem! Well at my church, we love Jerusalem and artichokes so much that every Sunday we pray for Armageddon to come.

    Evangelicals love Israel, but hate Judaism and Jewish culture.

  11. misha says:

    Black Lion: It seems the supermarket tabloid the “Globe” has decided to go full birther

    SADDAM: Batboy is my secret love child!!

  12. Rickey says:

    Black Lion: It seems the supermarket tabloid the “Globe” has decided to go full birther.

    There are some amusing comments.

    I’m putting money on Obama killing JonBenet, trying to kill Sinatra’s grandson, and knocking up Chelsea. And Bat Boy.

  13. Black Lion says:

    Rickey: There are some amusing comments. I’m putting money on Obama killing JonBenet, trying to kill Sinatra’s grandson, and knocking up Chelsea. And Bat Boy.

    Now that’s funny….

  14. BatGuano says:

    There are some amusing comments.

    i like the commenter that points out the globe is just now picking up on this. what, were they busy checking sources ???

  15. Majority Will says:

    i like the commenter that points out the globe is just now picking up on this. what, were they busy checking sources ???

    THAT is also funny ! ! ! I thought about buying the rack of them at CVS and then taking a dump on the pile and leaving in front of their entrance but posting bail is such a hassle.

  16. Black Lion says:

    The latest nonsense from Kerchner….If you read the entire post it seems like he is getting more delusional each day that Obama is still the President of the US….

    “Senator McCain, your Democratic/Progressive/Socialist opponents questioned your “natural born Citizenship” status in the 2008 election. The question I ask is, why didn’t you question Obama’s “natural born Citizen” status? That is the obvious response in a political battle. Especially with all the talk about Obama’s mysterious early life narrative back then and that continues to this day … but now as a roar as his phony life story is revealed more and more every day. Or John, did you make a deal with the devil in the Senate cloak room to get the weaselly worded SR 511 passed for you by Senator Leahy (and backed by Obama himself on your behalf) in return for you keeping quiet about Obama during the campaign and not asking anything about Obama’s “natural born Citizenship” flaws, and all his hidden and sealed early life records. You and your control of the RNC allowed Obama a total pass on that. Why? The deal you made with the Democratic/Progressive Caucus leadership and the DNC Party stinks to high heaven. Is this an example of your reaching across the aisle to work with the Democrats/Progressives!?”

  17. Rickey says:

    Majority Will posted an excellent link in the last open thread, but people here may not have seen it because that thread was closed shortly thereafter. It’s about how common it is for multiple SSNs to be associated with one person and for multiple people to be associated with one SSN:

    I’ll give an example of how easy it is for this to happen. Last week I received a call from a collection agency about an unpaid radiology bill for my ex-wife. Not a big deal as I still get occasional calls for her, but it didn’t sound right because the radiology facility is nowhere near where my ex lives. When I questioned the caller about it, she said that she would send me a computer printout about the bill. It came a couple of days later. It turned out hat the patient in question has the same name as my ex, but a different DOB and a different SSN. Yet somehow their records became conflated, and now my address is associated with this other person’s name and SSN. I then had to follow up with several calls to the collection agency to set them straight and get them to correct the records.

    This sort of thing happens all the time, folks. I work with LexisNexis data every day, and while it is very helpful for providing leads, the data has to be correlated and verified before any conclusions can be reached. Orly, of course, has shown no hesitation about reaching conclusions based upon the flimsiest of evidence.

  18. Frederick N. says:

    Despite proof Sun Yat Sen was born in Hawaii, I have doubts.

  19. sfjeff says:

    Poor Sun Yat Sen- guess he can’t be President then.

  20. Majority Will says:

    The Sun Yat Sen birther chestnut again.

    Occam’s Razor once again says one instance of fraud compared to millions of legitimate birth records makes one example statistically meaningless except to paranoid, deranged birthers smelling a conspiracy motivated by hatred and xenophobia.


  21. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: Majority Will posted an excellent link in the last open thread, but people here may not have seen it because that thread was closed shortly thereafter. It’s about how common it is for multiple SSNs to be associated with one person and for multiple people to be associated with one SSN:’ll give an example of how easy it is for this to happen. Last week I received a call from a collection agency about an unpaid radiology bill for my ex-wife. Not a big deal as I still get occasional calls for her, but it didn’t sound right because the radiology facility is nowhere near where my ex lives. When I questioned the caller about it, she said that she would send me a computer printout about the bill. It came a couple of days later. It turned out hat the patient in question has the same name as my ex, but a different DOB and a different SSN. Yet somehow their records became conflated, and now my address is associated with this other person’s name and SSN. I then had to follow up with several calls to the collection agency to set them straight and get them to correct the records.This sort of thing happens all the time, folks. I work with LexisNexis data every day, and while it is very helpful for providing leads, the data has to be correlated and verified before any conclusions can be reached. Orly, of course, has shown no hesitation about reaching conclusions based upon the flimsiest of evidence.

    Thanks, Rickey. Idiotic birthers will have to move those goalposts again. I’m surprised they don’t have vertigo with all that spin.

  22. Black Lion says:

    Frederick N.: Despite proof Sun Yat Sen was born in Hawaii, I have doubts.

    The infamous holy grail for the birthers. Nevermind that poor Sun got a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth (COHB) long before Hawaii was ever admitted as a state and the procedure was not the same, the birthers still try and use this lame example. Freddy, you will have to do better than that. Like many have stated here before, if it was so easy to for anyone not born in HI to get a COLB, how about showing us an example of one. Can you show us evidence of one individual that received a COLB from the state of HI since it became a state in 1959 that was not born in HI? Just one Freddy. Proof that this was so common and easy. So far in 2 years not one example. Did you ever think that maybe it is because no one was able to get a COLB from HI, stating they were born in HI, when they were born elsewhere? That this like many other birther excuses for “evidence” is meaningless? Come on, lets see some proof. We are waiting.

  23. sfjeff says:

    Remember Frederick is not making any claims- he just has ‘doubts’

  24. Frederick N. says:

    Majority Will: The Sun Yat Sen birther chestnut again.Occam’s Razor once again says one instance of fraud compared to millions of legitimate birth records makes one example statistically meaningless except to paranoid, deranged birthers smelling a conspiracy motivated by hatred and xenophobia.Pathetic.

    You’ve verified “millions” of birth records?

  25. Dave says:

    Frederick N.:
    You’ve verified “millions” of birth records?

    Is there anybody we can vote for in 2012 without making you mad? Anybody at all?

  26. Majority Will says:

    Frederick N.:
    You’ve verified “millions” of birth records?

    Your reply, as expected, is sophism and asinine.

    I have no doubt you’re unable to comprehend why.

    The only consistency you’ve shown is predictability.

    Do you get most of your birther drivel from WND or the Post & E-Mail?

  27. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Frederick N.: You’ve verified “millions” of birth records?

    You’ve found more than one occurance of fraud?

  28. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Dave: Is there anybody we can vote for in 2012 without making you mad? Anybody at all?

    You’re assuming he’ll be old enough to vote in 2012. We already know he wasn’t old enough to vote in the 2008 election

  29. Rickey says:

    This has nothing to do with Obama’s eligibilty, but there is an interesting article at SCOTUS blog about standing and how it may rule out any appeal in the Prop. 8 case in California:

    Analysis: Prop. 8 case, less than anticipated?
    Lyle Denniston | Thursday, August 12th, 2010 10:37 pm


    From the moment nearly 15 months ago that two master legal tacticians, David Boies and Theodore Olson, launched the case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, it was almost universally expected that it would become a historic Supreme Court test of gay marriage and the Constitution. Now, perhaps for the first time, it seems realistic to suggest that this particular high-stakes battle may never get much beyond California, especially in terms of its impact on the Constitution.

    That prospect came into view Thursday as U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker suggested that the appeal of his sweeping ruling against California’s Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage may end on what everyone but lawyers would consider a mere legal technicality. It might end, in other words, because no one with a right to do so would opt to take the case beyond Judge Walker’s San Francisco courtroom.

    Make no mistake about it: there will be energetic efforts to keep the case going, initially through the Ninth Circuit Court (also based in San Francisco) and, perhaps, through the Supreme Court in Washington. But the fight, perhaps at every level, could focus on a concept that is anything but familiar to the average American. The legal label for this concept tells nothing about what it is, although hinting that it finds its origin in the Constitution: “Article III standing.” For the supporters of Proposition 8, “Article III standing” is probably not a legal arena where they want to be tested; the current Supreme Court’s majority does not have an expansive view of who can qualify for “standing.”

    If the case does falter because of a lack of “standing,” Judge Walker’s 136-page opinion on August 4 against Proposition 8 would stand as a precedent, but one that represented the judgment of a single federal jurist, without the enlarging endorsement of a federal appeals court or of the Supreme Court. District Court rulings, even those that are widely admired within the legal community, do not have the compelling force behind them that a higher court’s decisions do.

    In practical terms, what that would mean was that gay marriage would be legal in California, the nation’s largest state. And this would add a sixth state that permits same-sex couples to enter legal marriage. Such nuptials , however,would still be illegal in more than three dozen states, since the Supreme Court would have had no chance to turn Judge Walker’s ruling into a nationwide, binding precedent.

    Coincidentally, there is some talk now in conservative circles that maybe the fight should be abandoned in California, leaving the Walker opinion as an isolated declaration, contained in a way that would not threaten any of the gay marriage bans outside California. The theory is that the present Supreme Court could not be relied upon to strike down Judge Walker’s conclusions and uphold Proposition 8. That is separate, though, from the question of whether the Proposition 8 case will shrink because it turned out that no appeal was legally permissible.

    Why wouldn’t an appeal be allowed? The answer starts with the Constitution. Because federal courts were created to exist within limits on their authority, the Constitution requires that, before any federal court can decide a case in a final way, there must be a live “case or controversy.” As long ago as George Washington’s time, the federal courts have refused to issue advisory opinions — that is, a legal declaration that does not really solve an actual courthouse battle between two real-life opposing sides.

    For there to be a case or controversy, in a constitutional sense, there have to be two sides, whose interests are opposed in some crucial way, and each side must be at risk of being harmed in a significant way if it were to lose.

    Those requirements are part of the Constitution’s Article III, which created the federal court system, including the Supreme Court. As long understood, Article III requires, for there to be a live case, someone who can make a plausible claim that they have suffered a legal injury or wrong, they must make a plausible case as to what caused that injury, and they have to offer evidence that the harm would be remedied if they won their case. (In technical legal terms, these are the requirements of injury, causation, and redressability.)

    On none of those three points, though, must the person or entity who sued prove it in a final way at the beginning of the lawsuit. In other words, they don’t have to win the case convincingly in order even to start it. That will be the test they will have to meet only if the case goes forward, reaching the merits. But what must be offered at the outset is enough evidence to convince a court that the case is a live one, within the court’s powers.

    In Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the Boies-Olson team put together a lawsuit involving two California same-sex couples, who claimed that their commitment to each other was legally frustrated because the voter-approved Proposition 8 barred them from getting married, to give official recognition to their union. That was their claim to “standing” to challenge the constitutionality of Proposition 8, and Judge Walker accepted it. They still had to prove, of course, that, at the end of the trial, the ballot measure did violate a right that the Constitution protected from state interference.

    Now that they have won, in Judge Walker’s court, the two couples have no reason to seek an appeal. But, if someone is dissatisfied with what the judge decided, and there are plenty of people and organizations that are, the question arises whether any of them have “standing” to appeal. To keep the case alive on appeal, someone has to have “standing” in the Article III sense, just as such standing was required for a lawsuit in the first place.

    The state of California, its governor, its attorney general, and other officials involved in the enforcement of state laws about marriage would definitely have “standing” to challenge Judge Walker’s decision in an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court. But the officials from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger down to the marriage licensing officers have indicated that they have no interest in appealing the case. The governor filed legal papers saying it was time to end the discrimination against same-sex couples.

    But there are many Californians, including those who put together the campaign to convince voters to pass Proposition 8′s ban on gay marriage, and lawyers for some of these individuals and groups have already filed appeals to the Ninth Circuit. On Thursday evening, hours after the judge’s latest ruling against them, the proponents began another maneuver in the Circuit Court: a plea for a formal postponement (a “stay”) of the Walker opinion while they pursue their appeal on the merits of Proposition 8′s constitutionality.

    In the wake of the filing seeking a stay from the Ninth Circuit, it is clear that the Article III issue will be hotly disputed as the case moves along. In their lengthy motion for a stay, the backers of Proposition 8 strongly disagreed with Judge Walker’s implication that they have no right to appeal. They devoted five pages to recounting their interpretation of California law as giving them, as sponsors of the ballot measure, a clear right to be in court to defend it. If there is doubt about it, the motion argued, they could rely on the standing of the marriage license official in Imperial County, Calif., who is separately appealing in an effort to become officially an intervenor in the case.

    The judge’s discussion of the standing issue came as he refused to postpone his own ruling for any longer than a brief period to allow the Circuit Court to hear an application for a stay.

    It is standard procedure in the federal courts that, in order to get a court to stay a ruling — that is, to put it on hold — an individual or organization involved in a case must meet four requirements: (1) show a reasonable likelihood that, if the case does go to a final ruling on the merits, they will win; (2) show they will suffer “Irreparable injury” if the postponement is not granted, (3) show that the stay will not cause substantial harm to others, and (4) show that a postponement is “in the public interest.”

    While Judge Walker found that the backers of Proposition 8 could not satisfy any one of those four, it was in the course of his discussion of those points that he hinted broadly that the proponents may not have Article III standing, and thus no right to appeal his decision and get the Ninth Circuit to rule on the merits.

    In both the Ninth Circuit and, if the case goes further, in the Supreme Court, it is now apparent that the resolution of the issue of standing to appeal will turn on how those courts interpret the Supreme Court’s 1997 decision in Arizona for Official English v. Arizona, casting doubt on whether initiative sponsors may appeal to defend a ballot measure when state officials refuse to do so, and the Court’s 1985 ruling in Karcher v. May, suggesting that state legislators may sometimes do so when other state officials refuse, provided state law allows for that. The proponents of the ban on gay marriage, in direct conflict with Judge Walker’s interpretation of California law, argue that state law does give them the right to be in court. California law, they said, makes their case different from the Arizona English initiative case.

  30. Frederick N. says:

    In closing, I would like to say that Dr. Conspiracy has a terrific hat.

  31. Frederick N.: In closing, I would like to say that Dr. Conspiracy has a terrific hat.

    Thanks. I got it in a place just north of Albuquerque, NM.

  32. Frederick N.: You’ve verified “millions” of birth records?

    Upon reflection that seemingly hyperbolic comment makes literal sense. While Majority Will hasn’t personally verified millions of birth records, who here would dispute that there have been hundreds of millions of persons born in the United States? Every one of those is entitled to a legitimate birth record. So while we cannot verify every birth record individually, we can do a very good job of estimating the number of legitimately registered births. How many of them are fraudulent? In Hawaii, we know about one so far (from before statehood). I’ve actually looked for more, but so far have been unsuccessful.

  33. Frederick N.: Despite proof Sun Yat Sen was born in Hawaii, I have doubts.

    I have quite a bit more on the Sun Yat-Sen birth certificate in my article: Hawaiian birth certificate: It’s a fraud!

    I didn’t publish it at the time, but I had a real image processing expert look at that for me, and he concluded that there was nothing to show it was faked. He did say that it was a photocopy exhibiting some light leak (which was what I would have expected on a certified copy). Later I found the historical background for it that I published in the article. Sun Yat-Sen was born in China. He found two citizens of Hawaii to swear falsely that he was born in Hawaii and that’s how he got his Certificate of Hawaiian Birth. The important distinction is that the Certificate of Hawaiian birth, and a later program that operated under statehood was a process for registering delayed births, one of the areas where fraud is more common. Obama’s birth registration was not delayed–one of the hallmarks of a legitimate certificate.

  34. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Upon reflection that seemingly hyperbolic comment makes literal sense. While Majority Will hasn’t personallyverified millions of birth records, who here would dispute that there have been hundreds of millions of persons born in the United States? Every one of those is entitled to a legitimate birth record. So while we cannot verify every birth record individually, we can do a very good job of estimating the number of legitimately registered births. How many of them are fraudulent? In Hawaii, we know about one so far (from before statehood). I’ve actually looked for more, but so far have been unsuccessful.

    Hence the beauty and sanity of Occam’s Razor.

  35. SluggoJD says:

    Majority Will: The Sun Yat Sen birther chestnut again.Occam’s Razor once again says one instance of fraud compared to millions of legitimate birth records makes one example statistically meaningless except to paranoid, deranged birthers smelling a conspiracy motivated by hatred and xenophobia.Pathetic.


  36. Ted says:

    Was today the deadline for Orly Taitz to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Georgia case? As I understand it, the Eleventh Circuit denied her petition for reconsideration on May 14. (It did not issue the mandate until some time later, but under Supreme Court Rule 13, the time to file a certiorari petition runs from the date of the order, not the date of the mandate). By my calculation, that makes the deadline today.

    Amusingly, on Orly’s website, she says the deadline is August 23. I haven’t checked, but she is probably counting from the issuance of the mandate–precisely what Rule 13 says not to do.

  37. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: CNN reports:Why Obama is not first imposter’ president and won’t be the last

    I read that. I’m having serious doubts about Millard Fillmore. Who’s with me?

  38. Dave says:

    Ted: Was today the deadline for Orly Taitz to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Georgia case? …
    Amusingly, on Orly’s website, she says the deadline is August 23. I haven’t checked, but she is probably counting from the issuance of the mandate–precisely what Rule 13 says not to do.

    Oh, man, if she finally gets around to filing her cert petition and they toss it for being out of time, there’s gonna be some serious whining. No doubt it’ll all be the fault of the evil clerks, who were sent by the President to take over the Supreme Court.

  39. misha says:

    Majority Will: I’m having serious doubts about Millard Fillmore. Who’s with me?

    Millard Fillmore and Grover Cleveland were both from Buffalo. Coincidence?

  40. Majority Will says:

    Millard Fillmore and Grover Cleveland were both from Buffalo. Coincidence?

    I’ll wing it. We got buffaloed?

  41. Keith says:

    I’m starting to get a sore arm from patting myself on the back.

    For the second time in two months, I’ve just sent an anti-Constitutional ratbag running away in tears claiming I insulted him by quoting the Constitution to him in rebuttal to his assertions about what the Constitution said (on a rather large conspiracy theory ‘honeypot’ forum).

    This could get addictive, I might have to stop going there, but then where would I get my daily dose of sh*ts and giggles?

  42. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Majority Will: I read that. I’m having serious doubts about Millard Fillmore. Who’s with me?

    What about a President who was born a German, never had a birth certificate or a baptismal record until he was in the White House, never lived for 14 years in a row in the USA after he turned 23 and tried to become a British citizen by marriage when he lived in England?

    Oh, and at least one biographer thinks he was not born where his mother claimed he was – based on the fact that his father bought a house in the town they lived in just before that one when the child was one year old already. Honest mistake? This usurper is claimed to have been born in Texas. Hmmm… (as birfers would write)

  43. Majority Will says:

    Paul Pieniezny:
    What about a President who was born a German, never had a birth certificate or a baptismal record until he was in the White House, never lived for 14 years in a row in the USA after he turned 23 and tried to become a British citizen by marriage when he lived in England?Oh, and at least one biographer thinks he was not born where his mother claimed he was – based on the fact that his father bought a house in the town they lived in just before that one when the child was one year old already. Honest mistake? This usurper is claimed to have been born in Texas. Hmmm… (as birfers would write)


  44. Keith says:

    Paul Pieniezny:
    What about a President who was born a German, never had a birth certificate or a baptismal record until he was in the White House, never lived for 14 years in a row in the USA after he turned 23 and tried to become a British citizen by marriage when he lived in England?Oh, and at least one biographer thinks he was not born where his mother claimed he was – based on the fact that his father bought a house in the town they lived in just before that one when the child was one year old already. Honest mistake? This usurper is claimed to have been born in Texas. Hmmm… (as birfers would write)


  45. Sean says:

    Keith: I’m starting to get a sore arm from patting myself on the back.For the second time in two months, I’ve just sent an anti-Constitutional ratbag running away in tears claiming I insulted him by quoting the Constitution to him in rebuttal to his assertions about what the Constitution said (on a rather large conspiracy theory ‘honeypot’ forum).This could get addictive, I might have to stop going there, but then where would I get my daily dose of sh*ts and giggles?

    My ultimate prize is when I can get a racial slur out of them. Priceless.

  46. ellid says:

    Paul Pieniezny:
    What about a President who was born a German, never had a birth certificate or a baptismal record until he was in the White House, never lived for 14 years in a row in the USA after he turned 23 and tried to become a British citizen by marriage when he lived in England?Oh, and at least one biographer thinks he was not born where his mother claimed he was – based on the fact that his father bought a house in the town they lived in just before that one when the child was one year old already. Honest mistake? This usurper is claimed to have been born in Texas. Hmmm… (as birfers would write)

    AND he was the last general to be elected President. I’m smelling military coup here!

  47. ellid says:

    sfjeff: Poor Sun Yat Sen- guess he can’t be President then.

    Well of course he can’t. He’s dead AND was the Emperor of China, according to fine Constitutional scholars like Borderraven and his ilk.

  48. Arthur says:

    Here’s something I’ve been wondering about . . . many have noted what they see as racist undertones in the bither movement; if it’s true that racism motivates at least some portion of birthers, what explains their fawning embrace of Rev. Manning and Alan Keyes? A number of reasons come to my mind, but I’m interested in what others think about this.

  49. Sef says:

    Arthur: Here’s something I’ve been wondering about . . .many have noted what they see as racist undertones in the bither movement; if it’s true that racism motivates at least some portion of birthers, what explains their fawning embrace of Rev. Manning and Alan Keyes? A number of reasons come to my mind, but I’m interested in what others think about this.

    Envy, pure & simple.

  50. AnotherBird says:

    Arthur: Here’s something I’ve been wondering about . . .many have noted what they see as racist undertones in the bither movement; if it’s true that racism motivates at least some portion of birthers, what explains their fawning embrace of Rev. Manning and Alan Keyes? A number of reasons come to my mind, but I’m interested in what others think about this.

    Making excuses for a lost election and primaries. With Manning and especially Keyes a deep disappointment that it wasn’t them.

  51. BatGuano says:

    Arthur: …. but I’m interested in what others think about this.

    any port in a storm.

  52. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Here’s something I’ve been wondering about . . .many have noted what they see as racist undertones in the bither movement; if it’s true that racism motivates at least some portion of birthers, what explains their fawning embrace of Rev. Manning and Alan Keyes? A number of reasons come to my mind, but I’m interested in what others think about this.

    It’s a black herring and they are still despicable, lying bigots.

  53. Black Lion says:

    Arthur: Here’s something I’ve been wondering about . . . many have noted what they see as racist undertones in the bither movement; if it’s true that racism motivates at least some portion of birthers, what explains their fawning embrace of Rev. Manning and Alan Keyes? A number of reasons come to my mind, but I’m interested in what others think about this.

    It allows the teabaggers to point and say that they are not racist…It is the same theory behind when you might point out to someone that what they said could be percieved to be racist and they respond that they are not racist because they have a “Black friend”….

  54. Black Lion says:

    FOX news hosting Walter Williams calling for the usual sedition….

  55. Arthur says:

    Black Lion wrote:

    It allows the teabaggers to point and say that they are not racist…It is the same theory behind when you might point out to someone that what they said could be percieved to be racist and they respond that they are not racist because they have a “Black friend”….

    Yeah, that’s kind of along the lines of what I was thinking; also, that old saw about “the enemy of the enemy is my friend.”

  56. Black Lion says:

    I know that no one usually visits the Post and Fail but it seems like they haven’t updated their site in awhile…Maybe the constant calls for insurrection and sedition has finally caught up with them….if you look at sites like the Post and Fail, Apuzzo’s house of humor, the “Betrayal”, tROSL, and similar sites they seem to have decreased in popularity…No wonder why Berg and others are out begging for money….Either way one could hope that some people have finally realized that Obama is the President and will be the President until 2013 at least….

  57. Arthur says:

    Black Lion: FOX news hosting Walter Williams calling for the usual sedition….

    When someone like Williams speak fearfully about the government “trampling” on freedoms, I get the feeling that he’s just pissed-off about the possibility of having to pay higher taxes.

  58. Black Lion: I know that no one usually visits the Post and Fail but it seems like they haven’t updated their site in awhile…Maybe the constant calls for insurrection and sedition has finally caught up with them….if you look at sites like the Post and Fail, Apuzzo’s house of humor, the “Betrayal”, tROSL, and similar sites they seem to have decreased in popularity…No wonder why Berg and others are out begging for money….Either way one could hope that some people have finally realized that Obama is the President and will be the President until 2013 at least….

    With such low overall numbers, it’s hard to be sure, but according to “Reach” figures for the past month. Apuzzo is down 30%, Orly up 4%, Post & Email down 10%, The Betrayal down 10%, tRSOL up 4% and Phil Berg up 80%. Obama Conspiracy Theories is up 20%. The Post & Email is far and away the most popular of the bunch, that tRSOL far and away the least. The rest are bunched up in between.

  59. Arthur says:

    If you’d like to see the unpleasant face of East Texas birther/immigration crazy, please check out this interview of Rep. Louie Gomhert by Anderson Cooper.

  60. G says:

    Arthur: Black Lion wrote:
    It allows the teabaggers to point and say that they are not racist…It is the same theory behind when you might point out to someone that what they said could be percieved to be racist and they respond that they are not racist because they have a “Black friend”….Yeah, that’s kind of along the lines of what I was thinking; also, that old saw about “the enemy of the enemy is my friend.”

    I agree.

    Also, to briefly comment on both the news clips that were shared:

    1 – Re: The FNC broadcast – This sedition talk is really getting out of hand and needs to be clamped down upon harshly. It is a powder keg of demagogic stupidity trying to incite a mindless angry pitch fork wielding mob to burn down their own house, which they are all too eager to do. It is outrageous that the host on that show even took the topic as something for serious debate. Which it is not.

    2 – Re: The CNN broadcast. Good for Anderson. Often he is one of the few voices out there who will actually challenge some blathering idiot to back up their nonsense claims. Louie Gohmert has always come across as one of the dumbest box of rocks in Congress and is nothing but a paranoid RW moron. He’s also a birther. His insane “terror babies” claim is just his latest ridiculous rant against non-existent bogeyman under his bed. The interview was telling as he’s completely unable to offer any evidence remotely connected to his claims and could only respond by incessant foaming at the mouth. Gohmert totally came across as an ignorant mad loon in that clip…which is exactly what he is.

  61. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Keith: Eisenhower?

    I just watched “Ike-Countdown to D=day” with Tom Selleck (he’s good as Eisenhower, but a bit tall for the Russian guy they cast as De Gaulle). I was struck when he talked to the British King and said “I remember how I visited Europe as a young man. I was blessed to be here, to touch the sources of my own country that I love so dear.” I did not at first realize what was meant. “Here” was Britain, the source of the United States.

    A factoid which I did not pick up from his biography. Ike visited Europe perhaps before he lost German citizenship. Did Europe include Germany? In any case, for him Europe included Great Britain, something a lot of Britons today would have trouble with.

    And of course, the word “sources” proves Ike believed in Blackstone not in Vattel.

  62. Arthur says:

    G.Gohmert totally came across as an ignorant mad loon in that clip…which is exactly what he is.

    Yes, a bull-moose loony. Yet the man has a J.D. from Baylor, served in JAG, and was a county judge and a judge on the Texas 12 Circuit. That doesn’t preclude him from being a birther, but you’d think experience of that kind would keep him from acting like a preschooler throwing a tantrum. By comparison, Gohmert made Orly Taitz look almost rational.

  63. obsolete says:

    I think Lakin should be told the story of Private Eddie Slovik.

  64. Keith says:

    G: 1 – Re: The FNC broadcast – This sedition talk is really getting out of hand and needs to be clamped down upon harshly. It is a powder keg of demagogic stupidity trying to incite a mindless angry pitch fork wielding mob to burn down their own house, which they are all too eager to do. It is outrageous that the host on that show even took the topic as something for serious debate. Which it is not.

    I agree.

    While searching for ammunition against a guy pushing a fake quote from Thomas Jefferson recently, I came across this legitimate one that I think is extremely apt.

    “I acknowledge the right of voluntary associations for laudable purposes and in moderate numbers. I acknowledge, too, the expediency for revolutionary purposes of general associations coextensive with the nation. But where, as in our case, no abuses call for revolution, voluntary associations so extensive as to grapple with and control the government, should such be or become their purpose, are dangerous machines and should be frowned down in every well regulated government.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1822.

    and perhaps some of those Paypal sites should take note of this:

    “The paradox with me is how any friend to the union of our country can, in conscience, contribute a cent to the maintenance of anyone who perverts the sanctity of his desk to the open inculcation of rebellion, civil war, dissolution of government, and the miseries of anarchy.” –Thomas Jefferson to William Plumer, 1815. ME 14:235

    And this one which seems almost Biblical in is creepy prophesy:

    “[A faction’s] newspapers say rebellion, and that they will not remain united with us unless we will permit them to govern the majority. If this be their purpose, their anti-republican spirit, it ought to be met at once. But a government like ours should be slow in believing this, should put forth its whole might when necessary to suppress it, and promptly return to the paths of reconciliation. The extent of our country secures it, I hope, from the vindictive passions of the petty incorporations of Greece.” –Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1812. ME 13:162

    Am I the only one but does that sound like a direct rebuke to Rupert, Faux, and News Ltd. from 200 years ago?

  65. Ellid says:

    SCOTUS just upheld Orly’s $20,000 fine. I wonder if this means they’ll have to sell the Tesla?

  66. AnotherBird says:

    Ellid: SCOTUS just upheld Orly’s $20,000 fine. I wonder if this means they’ll have to sell the Tesla?

    I think that Lakin fainted. Ellid, the timing is a pleasant surprise. Taitz is wasting court resources.

  67. sfjeff says:

    Can’t wait to here both Orly’s spin on the decision and her increased calls for the public to pay her fine for her.

  68. Sean says:

    Lucas Smith now says Obama is a citizen of Zanzibar:

  69. Lupin says:

    Sean: Obama is a citizen of Zanzibar:

    … If you ever find a copy of John Brunner’s STAND ON ZANZIBAR, I can’t recommend it highly enough, That one and his THE SHEEP LOOK UP are amazing.

  70. AnotherBird says:

    Sean: Lucas Smith now says Obama is a citizen of Zanzibar.

    Lucas Smith is an interesting character. The constant shifting argument means Lucas is just looking for some attention.

  71. Ellid says:

    … If you ever find a copy of John Brunner’s STAND ON ZANZIBAR, I can’t recommend it highly enough, That one and his THE SHEEP LOOK UP are amazing.

    I still remember those creepy-cool-ultra-modern covers the original paperbacks had….

  72. Rickey says:

    sfjeff: Can’t wait to hear both Orly’s spin on the decision and her increased calls for the public to pay her fine for her.

    Orly’s spin is here:

    To no one’s surprise, she blames it on the SCOTUS clerks.

    I wonder if Orly has been reporting her PayPal donations to the IRS?

  73. Majority Will says:

    Orly’s spin is here: no one’s surprise, she blames it on the SCOTUS clerks.I wonder if Orly has been reporting her PayPal donations to the IRS?

    Here’s a helpful link:,,id=106778,00.html

  74. Rickey says:

    Majority Will:
    Here’s a helpful link:,,id=106778,00.html

    That’s very tempting.

  75. Dave says:

    I wonder if Orly has been reporting her PayPal donations to the IRS?

    Not clear to me where this kind of thing lands in the tax code. Contributions are going to Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, which in turn is handing the money to Taitz. Is a gift from a foundation to an individual taxable income?

  76. Bovril says:

    Well, her continuous hate mongering in support of her “foundation” certainly breaks PayPals Terms and Conditions.

  77. Rickey says:

    Not clear to me where this kind of thing lands in the tax code. Contributions are going to Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, which in turn is handing the money to Taitz. Is a gift from a foundation to an individual taxable income?

    As I understand it, there has been no confirmation that Defend Our Freedoms Foundation has qualified as a not-for-profit organization. But even if it had, I can’t believe that it can turn over its cash to its founder/CEO and have that transaction characterized as a tax-free gift. And in any event I believe that the limitation on tax-free gifts is $13,000 in a single year.

  78. Dave says:

    And in any event I believe that the limitation on tax-free gifts is $13,000 in a single year.

    Yeah, I didn’t bring that up because I’m not sure it applies when the money’s coming from a corporation. But it does seem likely.

    This whole thing is bungled. If there were no foundation, and the paypal button just said give the money to Orly Taitz, her supporters would be just as happy, and it would be clear that she owed no tax on the money (as long as no individual gave her over $13K in a year, which is clearly never going to happen). And in addition to providing her no benefit, the foundation comes with the opportunity to screw up the filing and reporting requirements.

  79. Black Lion says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: With such low overall numbers, it’s hard to be sure, but according to “Reach” figures for the past month. Apuzzo is down 30%, Orly up 4%, Post & Email down 10%, The Betrayal down 10%, tRSOL up 4% and Phil Berg up 80%. Obama Conspiracy Theories is up 20%. The Post & Email is far and away the most popular of the bunch, that tRSOL far and away the least. The rest are bunched up in between.

    Agreed….In going over to the Post and Fail site, the most recent “article” or “editorial” on the site was from August 5th, 2010….So either Rondeau is on vacation or their “donations” have begun to dry up….

  80. Black Lion says:

    More Obama derangement….

    “At a White House celebration of Ramadan tonight in the company of representatives of several of the Nation’s most prominent Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, President Obama announced his strong support for one of their most immediate objectives: the construction of a mega-mosque and “cultural center” at Ground Zero. In so doing, he publicly embraced the greatest tar-baby of his presidency. ”

    “The most prominent American public figure to directly challenge such pap is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who, in remarks before the American Enterprise Institute last month, declared, “Stealth jihadis use political, cultural, societal, religious, intellectual tools; violent jihadis use violence. But in fact they’re both engaged in jihad and they’re both seeking to impose the same end state which is to replace Western civilization with a radical imposition of shariah.”

    In a brilliant appreciation of Mr. Gingrich’s address, Andrew McCarthy, an accomplished former federal prosecutor (he put away the ringleader of the first effort to destroy the World Trade Center, “the Blind Sheikh,” OmarAbdel-Rahman) and author of the superb New York Times bestseller, The Grand Jihad , wrote in National Review Online: “Henceforth, there should be no place to hide for any candidate, including any incumbent. The question will be: Where do you stand on shariah?”

    For Barack Obama, the answer is now pretty clear: He stands with shariah.

    Reply 18 – Posted by: LOL Thomas, 8/14/2010 2:38:01 AM (No. 6772630)

    Author Gaffney quoted Newt Gingrich:

    “Stealth jihadis use political, cultural, societal, religious, intellectual tools; violent jihadis use violence. But in fact they’re both engaged in jihad and they’re both seeking to impose the same end state which is to replace Western civilization with a radical imposition of shariah.”

    Gaffney mentioned jihad and shariah elsewhere in his commentary, too. About Obama he said:

    For Barack Obama, the answer is now pretty clear: He stands with shariah.

    Gaffney seemed to stop just short of reporting that the Jihadist-in-Chief has now overtly attacked America.

    Obama’s Ground Zero mosque’ statement was not his first attack on Americans. Nor will it be his last . . . unless We the Attacked remove him from his Washington hideout.

    Reply 24 – Posted by: Beagle, 8/14/2010 4:22:42 AM (No. 6772681)

    This coming just after his wife’s FU vacation extravaganza is a doozie, and maybe the biggest blunder of his presidency. He goes out his way to insult and anger large majorities of Americans. Heckuva job, Comrade Imam Barry!


    Reply 25 – Posted by: lilo, 8/14/2010 5:01:54 AM (No. 6772692)

    He will continue to do anything he wants, and the spineless congress will aid and abet him all the way. Senator McConnell WILL recieve a letter from me today regarding his “confidential meetings” with Obama. Some lines must not be crossed. This is one of them.

  81. Black Lion says:

    Interesting article regarding Christians leaving the church due to the extreme fearmongering by the Palin’s and others that use Christianity to excuse their hate….In the article they quote the famous author Anne Rice…

    “For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being Christian’ or to being part of Christianity. It’s simply impossible for me to belong’ to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.”

    “In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life.”

  82. thisoldhippie says:

    Oh, the irony of it all. We refuse to learn from history and are therefore, destined to repeat our past. You would think that we could move beyond the crazy rhetoric around the Cordoba Cultural Center, but noooo we have to act like idiots. I think that Beck, O’Reilly, Limbaugh et al should read this article and then SHUT UP.

  83. Black Lion says:

    It seems like the GOP is going to try and use the mosque nonsense as a election issue in the fall…Amazing how the GOP is allowing the extreme Christian right to dictate the agenda….

    “In a number of releases and statements, Republican House and Senate candidates challenged Democrats like Mr. Reid to make their positions clear on the construction of a mosque and community center about two blocks from the site of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in New York City.

    “Ground zero is hallowed ground to Americans,” Elliott Maynard, a Republican trying to unseat Representative Nick J. Rahall II, a Democrat, in West Virginia’s Third District, said in a typical statement. “Do you think the Muslims would allow a Jewish temple or Christian church to be built in Mecca?”

    Republicans said Mr. Obama’s defense of the right of the developers to pursue the project showed that he was out of touch with average Americans.

    “It is very troubling to see President Obama again turning a deaf ear to the thoughts and concerns of a majority of Americans,” said James Renacci, a Republican candidate in Ohio’s 16th District, who said people at a recent public meeting were furious about the mosque proposal.”

    Privately, many Democrats were not pleased that the issue had been thrown into their laps during the summer recess as they believed they had been making inroads by talking about how some Republicans support privatizing Social Security. But strategists said Democrats could counter the Republican offensive by labeling the mosque dispute as a local issue and saying Democrats remain focused on the economy.

  84. G says:

    Black Lion: It seems like the GOP is going to try and use the mosque nonsense as a election issue in the fall…Amazing how the GOP is allowing the extreme Christian right to dictate the agenda….

    Of course they are. Look at the pattern here. Their entire campaign strategy for years now has been driven by stoking smears, fears and hate.

    They can’t win on actual policy, once anyone starts to think past the simple sound-bite slogans they spew, because it all falls apart as not practical and often more damaging to the economy and/or freedoms.

  85. Jerry Reed says:

    Re the claim that Hawaii issues on request to Hawaiian residents birth certificates that attest they were born in Hawaii through actually born somewhere else:
    Where’s the proof? If this were actually the case, it staggers credibility to think that the Obama family was the only one in the world to take advantage of that loophole. There should be hundreds, maybe thousands, of people with conflicting pairs of birth certificates, one of each attesting Hawaiian birth and yet attesting birth in another state. Surely some of those folks would like to oust Obama, so it should be easy for someone born in Los Angeles while visiting Grandma to produce two official documents, one certifying that he was born in LA and the other (falsely)
    stating he was born in Honolulu. Or born in Tokyo as well as born in Hawaii.

    Sun Yat-sen, whose false Hawaiian birth certificate was issued in 1904, doesn’t count unless it can be demonstrated that he attained the document in accord with a territorial law giving him the right to a Hawaii-born certificate even though the issuing authority was aware he was born elsewhere. If Sun obtained the certificate by false testimony and not be any law authorizing such false but official documents, then he is utterly irrelevant to Obama’s situation. Hawaii became a territory in 1898, so it should not be an impossible task to slog through six years of territorial statutes in Hawaiian archives..
    Book your Honolulu flights, birthers!

  86. Black Lion says:

    From today’s Post and Fail….An open letter to Glen Beck, thanking him for his racist and ignorant behavior…

    “Thank you for the great work you are doing in educating the American people about all the lies and distortions we have been fed about our history. I was especially moved by your revelations concerning the vital role played by early black Americans in the founding of our nation.”

    “Despite your very vocal support of the U.S. Constitution, Glenn, I remain dismayed at your failure to address the issue of the ineligibility of Barack Obama to serve in the office of president. I believe this is the core issue at the root of many of our current problems which you have been exposing so thoroughly on your show.”

    “Are you aware that there is not one single piece of legally admissible evidence confirming Obama’s birth in Hawaii as he claims – not one document, not one person who witnessed the birth or had observed Obama as a newborn child in Honolulu, not one hospital claiming to have been the birthplace of the president of the United States?

    Are you aware that there is no evidence that Obama actually attended Columbia University, as he claims; that no member of the Columbia graduating class to which he allegedly belongs remembers him as a classmate at Columbia University; and that all records, if any, relating to Obama’s attendance at Columbia University have been sealed?

    Are you aware that the putative president of the United States is apparently using a fraudulent Social Security number, issued in the state of Connecticut at the time that Obama was a youth living in Hawaii, to a person, now deceased, who was born in 1890?”

    “Are you aware that there are several mysterious deaths which have been connected circumstantially to the 2008 presidential election, including the apparent assassination of a person who was reported to have been a key witness in an investigation into a criminal act of unauthorized access to the U.S. State Department passport files for Barack Obama?”

    “Are you aware that a decorated U.S. Army colonel is being court-martialed, abused, and physically threatened by senior Army personnel over his refusal to accept deployment orders until he can be assured that the presumed president of the United States is legitimately holding that office and possesses the actual legal authority to issue such orders?”

    If this so called letter is not enough, the writer then enclosing a letter to a congressman’s staffer where he cites Apuzzo, Vattel, and the three stooges to support the birther way of life….

    “Attorney Mario Apuzzo has published extensive writings on the subject, confirming the above. (Attorney Apuzzo is an expert in constitutional law and counsel in Kerchner et al v. Obama, which is currently before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.)

    These writings are in part based on new research confirming the important role played by Emmerich de Vattel’s well-known treatise titled “The Law of Nations, or Principles of the Laws of Nature Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns” in the deliberations which occurred during the Constitutional Convention in 1787.”

    “This issue is not a trivial matter. If Attorney Apuzzo’s conclusion is true that Barack Obama is probably an undocumented alien, then the American people have been victimized by the greatest hoax in the history of this nation. This is a national security concern of the very highest order.”

    And the comments are hilarious….

    Bob1943 says:
    Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 8:20 PM
    Go to this web address and you can add your 2 cents worth.

    There are currently 692 comments, and the “birthers” seem to outnumber the “gullibles” by a lot. The discussion is about the WH releasing a picture of an Obama passport showing he was born in Hawaii. They blurred out the date it was gotten and the passport number, (or maybe it’s the expiration date).

    Go there and read some of the comments, and leave one of your own. It’s acually fun and the number of “gullibles” actually seems to be shrinking.

    Also, a lot of people start there comments by saying, “I am not a birther”, and then making a comment that agrees with the birthers. This indicates how effective the use of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals has been on some people.

  87. Black Lion says:

    More Post and Fail nonsense, this time from known birther and Obama hater Robert Laity…This time using the birther MO of refusing to address Obama by his rightful title as President…

    “The Obama “Presidency” is nonexistent. The media refers to Barack Obama as “President Obama.” I have said it many times in the past and will reiterate it now:

    Barack Obama has never been the President of the United States of America. Under the U.S. Constitution, one has to be a “natural born Citizen,” which means born in the U.S., of parents, both of whom are American Citizens, in order to become President of the United States.

    Given the facts and circumstances of Barack Obama’s birth, Obama had only one American citizen parent. Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a British citizen. There is some talk that Obama may actually be the son of Malcolm X. Who really knows who Barack Obama is and if that is his real name? His entire past has been purposely obfuscated.”

    “Obama is a criminal, a radical Islamist supremacist. Two hundred and thirty four years after declaring independence from Britain, a British-born citizen rules the U.S. This is the second Brit to do so. The other was Chester A. Arthur. Arthur had his staff salute the British flag. Obama waved the Red Chinese flag over the South Lawn of the White House in 2009.

    Obama has a very dark side. He is a quisling, a traitor to the United States of America. I am of the opinion that he should be arrested and tried and if convicted, executed by firing squad (See 18 USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec. 2381).”

    “As reported by the BBC, Obama went to Kenya and while having owed allegiance to the United States, campaigned for Raila Odinga, a known enemy of the United States, giving Odinga aid and comfort. It was Odinga who wanted to be President of Kenya. He ran against President Mwai Kibaki, a Roman Catholic. Kibaki was/is an ally of the U.S. Obama campaigned against Kibaki and for Odinga. Obama has given a great deal of money to Odinga and has helped him lead Kenya down a billabong (Obama is leading” the U.S. down the same billabong). Currently, the U.S. State Department is downplaying Obama’s activities in Kenya and his having sent taxpayer money there. Odinga instituted Sharia law in Kenya and collaborated with the same Muslim groups which bombed two U.S. embassies. Obama interjected his support of these activities. By campaigning for Odinga, Obama became a traitor to the U.S.”

    And in the comments….Look who might be “commenting”…

    Neil SANKEY says:
    Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 11:16 AM
    Excellent Robert, Great and, if I may say, very accurate article. Did you see “The Globe” this week? Also an excellent job and laid out the facts as we know them. Problem is, no one takes any notice. I have also been shouting this, as you know for over a year now. He is a fraud, ever since the SS#’s which I listed with the false addresses, and the Kenya BC, which I was sent and passed on to Orly. He should be treated as the common criminal that he is, along with his co-conspirators. If the “officials” wont hold up the Oath to defend the Constitution, then it seems “We The People” must
    Neil SANKEY

    And more insanity….

    Vic Hern says:
    Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 4:41 PM
    Are the Black Panthers behind the threats?
    Are they ready to back up those threats?
    Are those threats made against people and places
    in our capitol of DC, controlled by the Panthers?
    Are the convert convicts part of the threat/force
    ready to charge when broken out/released from prison?
    Are those people racist, hate whitey, black liberationists?
    Am I racist for bringing this up?
    Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm!!!

    Robert Laity says:
    Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 2:33 AM
    I am a member of the American Grand Jury. We have accumulated extensive evidence that Obama is a fraud and a traitor. The American Grand Jury has already filed formal charges against Obama and Pelosi. Pelosi assisted Obama and is complicit with Obama. In addition, I personally wrote to no less than (15) Federal Judges,which includes all (9) US Supreme Court Justices. I have charges filed with the DOJ,FBI,INS,ICE and the Hague.
    This is a conspiracy of immense magnitude. When I approached the Federal Judges in my US District Court,Western District of NY,I was apprised that I must first contact law enforcement,which I did. The FBI told me that “we do not take charges,we are only an investigative agency”. I knew better,because I had filed charges with the FBI on other occasions.They gave me a phone number to call,(716)856-7800, which I did. I was directed to another number. That number (716) 551-4401 ended up to be the “Secret Service”.They asked me if they hadn’t “spoken to” me “before abou this”.I said no but they insisted that they had. two days later,two DOJ agents appeared at my home asking if I wanted Obama arrested,if I owned guns and if they could come back. They also inquired regarding any medication that I took and asked if I had any psychiatric problems. I assured them that I am quite sane.My local Police were approached and apprised of these facts. The Tonawanda City Police. They apprised me that the DOJ was asking questions about me. My Criminal information file no. is #10-002896,City of Tonawanda Police Department,Tonawanda,NY.
    I was informed by their Chief of Police that my complaints were “Forwarded to the INS and the FBI”. That was in March,2010.

  88. Ellid says:

    Re: Neil Sankey:

    1. Unless he renounced his British citizenship, he most certainly is not one of “we the people,” since he’s a foreign national. This makes me think that this post was by an American “patriot” using his name.

    2. If this really is Neil Sankey, then it’s very easy to see why he no longer works for Scotland Yard.

  89. G says:

    Black Lion, quoting Robert Laity: That number (716) 551-4401 ended up to be the “Secret Service”.They asked me if they hadn’t “spoken to” me “before abou this”.I said no but they insisted that they had. two days later,two DOJ agents appeared at my home asking if I wanted Obama arrested,if I owned guns and if they could come back. They also inquired regarding any medication that I took and asked if I had any psychiatric problems.

    LOL! Of course, it never seems to dawn on the crazy that they are insane. A normal person would have gotten a clue from this line of questioning that they are coming across like a total loon…

  90. Majority Will says:

    LOL!Of course, it never seems to dawn on the crazy that they are insane.A normal person would have gotten a clue from this line of questioning that they are coming across like a total loon…

    Laity has written well over 22,000 posts on with many of them asserting his plan to arrest the President and bring him to his own trial for treason. He sometimes replies to his own posts. IANAD but a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia would not be surprising.

    Here he is denying his previous posts of his arrest plan:

  91. misha says:

    Majority Will: He sometimes replies to his own posts. IANAD but a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia would not be surprising.

    Sven replies to his own posts, posing as another person.

    Schizophrenia runs in my family. It’s awful to watch it happen.

  92. Arthur says:

    The Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies has announced a new equation to describe birtherdom: MO=F*O

    Where “MO” is the magnitude of the conspiracy, “F” represents the number of birther fails, and “O” is the number of months President Obama has been in office. Peter Goddard, director of the Institute calls this “the MOFO constant. ”

    Now let’s see, I’ve done come calculations, and when you crunch the numbers, you get 70 X 19 =1330–now that’s a MOFO number! Only last month it stood at a mere 1260.

    As a responsible man of science, I must warn you all: as F approaches Epic Fail (estimated to be a MOFO of 1600) the mass of F will create a gravity well capable of distorting space/time. Simultaneously, birther rants will become as dense as U238 and Orly Taitz will emit gamma rays. At that point, birthers within one parsec of Laguna Niguel, California will enter a quantum state known as MAJOR PWNAGE, with a spin of 1/2 and the same electromagnetic charge as a dipstick. Research in the Tevatron at Fermi Labs predicts the laws of reason breakdown when MAJOR PWNAGE is achieved, and there’s a very real possibility that the Post and Email will be sucked into NOOB hole.

  93. Sef says:

    Arthur: The Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies has announced a new equation to describe birtherdom:MO=F*OWhere “MO” is the magnitude of the conspiracy, “F” represents the number of birther fails, and “O” is the number of months President Obama has been in office. Peter Goddard, director of the Institute calls this “the MOFO constant. ”Now let’s see, I’ve done come calculations, and when you crunch the numbers, you get70 X 19 =1330–now that’s a MOFO number! Only last month it stood at a mere 1260.
    As a responsible man of science, I must warn you all: as F approaches Epic Fail (estimated to be a MOFO of 1600) the mass of F will create a gravity well capable of distorting space/time. Simultaneously, birther rants will become asdense as U238 and Orly Taitz will emit gamma rays. At that point, birthers within one parsec of Laguna Niguel, California will enter a quantum state known as MAJOR PWNAGE, with a spin of 1/2 and the same electromagnetic charge as a dipstick. Research in the Tevatron at Fermi Labs predicts the laws of reason breakdown when MAJOR PWNAGE is achieved, and there’s a very real possibility that the Post and Email will be sucked into NOOB hole.

    All the birthers are strange, know neither up nor down, top nor bottom, and there is no evidence that they are charmed.

  94. Black Lion says:

    Majority Will: Laity has written well over 22,000 posts on with many of them asserting his plan to arrest the President and bring him to his own trial for treason. He sometimes replies to his own posts. IANAD but a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia would not be surprising.Here he is denying his previous posts of his arrest plan:

    Will, Bob seems more interested in proving that the President is gay by the theme of his replies….Either way he is a very disturbed individual….I am waiting to hear that the guys in the white coats have come to pick him up….

  95. Majority Will says:

    Black Lion:
    Will, Bob seems more interested in proving that the President is gay by the theme of his replies….Either way he is a very disturbed individual….I am waiting to hear that the guys in the white coats have come to pick him up….

    I’ll sleep better. The gay theme is his own frustration and self doubt.
    He’s a von Brunn waiting to happen.

  96. Lupin says:

    Black Lion quoting Laity: I was informed by their Chief of Police that my complaints were “Forwarded to the INS and the FBI”. That was in March,2010.

    I can’t help but ask:

    1) Why the INS? Is he a foreigner?

    2) Isn’t the INS now the DHS anyway?

  97. sfjeff says:

    Robert Laity is a wierd and scary fellow. Obsessed with both Obama and homosexuality. Good thing I am not a Freudian analyst.

  98. JoZeppy says:

    Lupin: 2) Isn’t the INS now the DHS anyway?

    Actually, INS, which fell under DOJ is now ICE which falls under DHS

  99. misha says:

    JoZeppy: Actually, INS, which fell under DOJ is now ICE which falls under DHS

    INS, which fell under DOJ is now ICE which falls under DHS, which all is under M.O.U.S.E.

  100. Majority Will says:

    Another recent post on from Bonkers Bob Laity:

    “My hope is that Obama will be DEAD by 2012. SHOT BY A FIRING SQUAD FOR TREASON,as a deterrent for other treasonous criminals who may wish to repeat Obama’s attempts to usurp the Presidency:
    See 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381”

    I hope someone is watching him.

  101. G says:

    Here’s a good article that is a fun snarky read on how the Brits currently view the crazy behavior going on in America these days: rage-over-plans-to-build-library-next-to-sarah-palin-2010081 93017/

  102. AnotherBird says:

    Majority Will: Another recent post on from Bonkers Bob Laity:“My hope is that Obama will be DEAD by 2012. SHOT BY A FIRING SQUAD FOR TREASON,as a deterrent for other treasonous criminals who may wish to repeat Obama’s attempts to usurp the Presidency:
    See 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381‘

    I hope someone is watching him.

    They are watching him very closely. Having watch the video that referred to his “Phoney Grand Jury Arrest” it is easy to tell that he is unhinged.

    Not matter how I listen to his recount I can’t see law enforcement officers leaving him alone. I don’t know if it is his strange logic, or his belief of grandeur.

  103. Black Lion says:

    Even more Obama derangement….This time from Alex Jones at Infowars….This is so way out there that I don’t even know what to say….

    “Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen is scheduled to appear live on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow THURSDAY AUGUST 19 at 1 PM EST / 12 NOON CST, to reveal his groundbreaking series on Barack Obama’s true origins. Madsen will share the bombshell revelations and extensive information from the following three articles– and even more that has not yet been revealed. Tell your friends, family and contacts to tune in and learn the truth.”

    Far from being the mere son of a goat herder’ (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community. Investigative reporter and former NSA employee Wayne Madsen has put together an extensive three-part (and growing) series with conclusive proof and documentation that Barack Obama Sr., Stanley Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetoro and President Barack Obama himself all hold deep ties to the CIA and larger intelligence community. And that’s just the beginning.

    After his election, President Obama quickly moved to seal off his records via an executive order. Now, after two years of hints and clues, there is substantial information to demonstrate that what Obama has omitted is that his rare rise to power can only be explained by his intelligence roots. However, this is more than the story of one man or his family. There is a long-term strategic plan to recruit promising candidates into intelligence and steer these individuals and their families into positions of influence and power. Consider that it is now declassified former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was recruited into MI5 before becoming a labour leader, or that George H. W. Bush not only became CIA director in 1976 but had a deeper past in the organization. While we may never know many pertinent details about these matters, one thing that is certain is that the American people have never been told the truth about who holds the real power, nor who this president– and likely many others– really is. Thus, we urge everyone to read Wayne Madsen’s deep report and seek the truth for yourself.”

  104. Black Lion says:

    Today’s Post and Fail…More nonsense…

    “Although I had written my Congressional delegation, the Republican (so called) “leadership” and every member of the Supreme Court over the last two years concerning Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro not being eligible for the Presidency of the United States, I had failed to get any satisfaction. The person answering the phone at the Supreme Court actually told me that letters were thrown away so as not to “influence the Court”! I thought this rather arrogant as they work for US. I learned, back when I studied Civics in high school some 65 years ago, that the Founding Fathers left the power with the People in this country, or at least they thought they had.”

    “Anyway, on July 8th I thought I’d try Justice Antonin Scalia again, as I have been impressed with him since his appointment to the Court; only this time I sent it certified with a return receipt requested. The Post Office told me that it could take up to three weeks for delivery because of the post-9/11 security measures. After hearing nothing, I phoned the Post Office again yesterday and was informed the letter had been signed for by a “Lucy Johnson” at the Supreme Court on July 13th! but I have yet to get that return receipt. I am chagrined to realize that I will probably not get any reply from this effort either. It hurts to see how far our once great nation has fallen.”

  105. Majority Will says:

    Black Lion: Today’s Post and Fail…More nonsense…“Although I had written my Congressional delegation, the Republican (so called) “leadership” and every member of the Supreme Court over the last two years concerning Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro not being eligible for the Presidency of the United States, I had failed to get any satisfaction. The person answering the phone at the Supreme Court actually told me that letters were thrown away so as not to “influence the Court”! I thought this rather arrogant as they work for US. I learned, back when I studied Civics in high school some 65 years ago, that the Founding Fathers left the power with the People in this country, or at least they thought they had.”“Anyway, on July 8th I thought I’d try Justice Antonin Scalia again, as I have been impressed with him since his appointment to the Court; only this time I sent it certified with a return receipt requested. The Post Office told me that it could take up to three weeks for delivery because of the post-9/11 security measures. After hearing nothing, I phoned the Post Office again yesterday and was informed the letter had been signed for by a “Lucy Johnson” at the Supreme Court on July 13th! but I have yet to get that return receipt. I am chagrined to realize that I will probably not get any reply from this effort either. It hurts to see how far our once great nation has fallen.”

    Delusional idiot.

    “I learned, back when I studied Civics in high school some 65 years ago, that the Founding Fathers left the power with the People in this country, or at least they thought they had.”

    By voting or peaceful protests and not sedition or civil disorder.

  106. Sef says:

    Black Lion: his rare rise to power can only be explained by his intelligence

    So, so, true!

  107. Keith says:

    That’s very tempting.

    yeahbt…one of the questions is “Do you consider the taxpayer dangerous”? Where would you even start to figure out an answer to that one?

  108. Dave says:

    Taitz turns left wing on us! She posted on her blog a link to the video “McCain’s Youtube problem just became a nightmare” under a heading urging us to support Hayworth. This video originally appeared over two years ago as an attack ad against McCain. It was produced by Brave New Films, who make videos supporting various left-wing causes. The video posted by Taitz is by far their most-viewed video, having run up nearly 9 million views. Many of their videos are attack ads against conservative candidates. Recently they posted two anti-Fiorina ads. I wonder if Taitz would like to post those too.

  109. Black Lion says:

    Pam Geller, leader of the Obama derangement….The fact that FOX and others allow her to say stuff without response is ridiculous…She hates the President with a passion….

    “On Fox, Geller falsely claimed Obama gave “seminars in Sharia finance” a week “after he nationalized some banks.” Geller claimed on the July 28 edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends that Obama “was giving seminars in Sharia finance” a week “after he nationalized some banks.” While Geller did not specify when this action supposedly occurred, she’s presumably referring to a claim she made in a July 5 blog post, when Geller referred to “the Treasury’s Islamic Finance 101 Seminar in Nov 08 right after the AIG takeover,” which numerous right-wing media outlets also objected to at the time. Obama took office in January 2009. As Media Matters has noted, the Bush administration hosted a similar seminar in 2002.

    Geller absurdly compares NYC mosque to building a KKK “shrine” near black Alabama church. On the August 11 edition of Fox & Friends, Geller absurdly compared building an Islamic cultural center two blocks away from Ground Zero in New York to building a Ku Klux Klan “shrine” near a black church in Alabama.

    On FBN, Geller pushed the “ugly narrative” that Obama is “taking … cues from Hamas,” instructing British PM to “blame Israel” for the “jihad flotilla” incident. On the July 30 edition of Fox Business’ America’s Nightly Scoreboard, David Asman hosted and encouraged Geller’s baseless claim that the Obama administration is “taking their cues from Hamas and passing it on to the British government” by instructing British Prime Minister David Cameron to “blame Israel” for the flotilla incident in the Gaza Strip. She has it on the good authority of a “highly placed confidential source … in the U.K.

    Geller: Obama “is a third worlder and a coward” who’s “appeas[ing] his Islamic overlords.” In an April 13 blog post, Geller wrote: “Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords. All this is going down while Obama plays footsie at his nuclear nonsense campfire — sucking up to Iran’s enablers while beating up our allies.”

    Geller on Obama’s Israel policy: “Jews Refuse to Get on Obama’s Trains.” In a post apparently responding to Obama’s opposition to settlement growth, Geller wrote, “Jews Refuse to Get on Obama’s Trains.” She added: “Obama is pressuring Jews to ‘evacuate’ from parts of Israel? And what Warsaw ghetto does the muhammadan [sic] president have in mind? I think I am gonna hurl. The Jews will not go. The Jews will not submit to this century’s nazis [sic] and Mansourian poser. No way, bloodsuckers. Not again. Never again.”

  110. Black Lion says:

    More derangement from the same article….

    Geller: “It is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth,” and he only visited Pakistan while in college because of “jihad or drugs.” In an August 1, 2009, post, Geller discussed rumors of a Palin divorce being spread by bloggers, including one supposedly tied to CNN, and stated:

    Let’s understand this. CNN won’t touch the birth certificate issue, the Rezko/Auchi corruption, Obama’s anti-semitism, his ACORN/SEIU ties and corruption, and other legitimate stories that need investigation. But they write fiction about Palin. Daily. So why not tell the truth about Obama and his reported strange sexual predilections? My question is, it is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth. Very seedy stuff. Why aren’t they pursuing that story? Find the ho, give her a show! Obama allegedly trafficked in some very deviant practices. Where’s the investigation?

    Geller further stated of Obama’s trip to Pakistan during college: “Back in the early 80’s, there were only two reasons to travel to Pakistan. Jihad or drugs. I think he went for the drugs and came back with jihad.”

  111. G says:

    Pam Geller is one sick and twisted individual. From the trash talking garbage she makes up or gins up, she comes across as a pathological liar as well. What a disturbed and vile person.

  112. Dave says:

    Taitz has posted a picture of the box she sent the cert petition in. Worth a look. Salient features: it is dated Aug 12, has $50 postage on a Priority Mail medium flat rate box for which the correct postage is $10.70, and the Certified Mail receipt has no postmark.

    I posted more commentary on NBC’s blog.

  113. Black Lion says:

    Simple Sarah Palin shows how much of a hypocrite she really is…

    “Sarah Palin continues to defend Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s use of the word “n****r” and blame liberals for forcing the controversial conservative radio show off the air. But just a few months ago Palin was adamant that using the “N-word,” and other offensive terms, should be a firing offense…if you’re a Democrat.

    “I would ask the president to show decency in this process by eliminating one member of [his] inner circle, Mr. Rahm Emanuel,” Palin wrote in February. “The Obama Administration’s Chief of Staff scolded [liberal critics] calling them, F—ing retarded,’ according to several participants, as reported in the Wall Street Journal. Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word” or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking.”

    Fast forward to last night, when Palin had a change of heart.

    “Dr.Laura:don’t retreat…reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence”isn’t American,not fair”),” Palin wrote in an inscrutable Tweet.

    Today, Palin expanded on that defense on Facebook.

    Adversaries who have been trying to silence Dr. Laura for years seized on her recent use of the n-word on her show as she subsequently suggested that rap artists’ and other creative types like those producing HBO shows who regularly use the n-word could be questioned for doing so. Her intention in discussing the issue with a caller seeking advice was not to be hateful or bigoted. Though she did not mean to insult the caller, she did, and she apologized for it. Still, those who oppose her seized upon her mistake in using the word (though she didn’t call anyone the derogatory term) to paint her as something that she’s not.

    Indeed, Palin today even referenced the earlier Emanuel incident. “Dr. Laura did not call anyone or any group of people the n-word. Curiously, the same criers over this issue didn’t utter a word when White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel [sic] called a group protesting the Obama Administration’s actions, “f***ing retards.”

    The distinction, she argues, is that Emanuel directed his insult at a group of people, while Schlessinger just argued that she should have a right to call people “n*****” even though she’s white.”

  114. Black Lion says:

    Sharon Angle…Another crazy birther…

    “Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle once partook in a campaign against a local high school’s use of black football jerseys, arguing that the dark color was ungodly and wicked, Bill Roberts of Nevada’s Pahrump Valley Times recently reported.

    “I cannot quote scripture as they did to justify their point but the gist of their argument was that black as a color was thoroughly evil, invoking the supernatural and especially the devil,” Roberts reports. “Whichever argument prevailed, school administrators caved in and prohibited the Muckers from wearing the black apparel.”

  115. Black Lion: “I cannot quote scripture as they did to justify their point but the gist of their argument was that black as a color was thoroughly evil, invoking the supernatural and especially the devil,” Roberts reports. “Whichever argument prevailed, school administrators caved in and prohibited the Muckers from wearing the black apparel.”

    Shhh. Don’t tell the Amish and the Orthodox Jews, and certainly not these Lutherans!

  116. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Shhh. Don’t tell the Amish and the Orthodox Jews, and certainly not these Lutherans!

    Great… now I will need to get a new, different color, cassock or at least where the white cotta at all liturgies:

  117. sfjeff says:

    “Shhh. Don’t tell the Amish and the Orthodox Jews, and certainly not these Lutherans!”

    I am sure Angle has opinions about ‘those’ people also

  118. Majority Will says:

    sfjeff: “Shhh. Don’t tell the Amish and the Orthodox Jews, and certainly not these Lutherans!”I am sure Angle has opinions about those’ people also

    She’s acutely obtuse.

  119. Black Lion says:

    Seems like Sarah Palin’s “Real America” might be shrinking….

    “An Evening of Hope with Sarah Palin,” an event featuring the former Alaska Governor, was supposed to be a minor blockbuster in Jacksonville, Florida, next week, but not everything has gone as planned.

    Slow ticket sales have forced event organizers to move the function from the 2,936-seat Moran Theatre to the significantly smaller 609-seat Terry Theatre.

    “We would rather have a packed theater than a theater that’s not so packed,” Mark Nelson, coordinator of the event and director of Heroic Media, the faith-based, anti-abortion non-profit that provides advice to women facing unexpected pregnancies, told the Florida Times Union.

  120. Black Lion says:

    WND not happy with the results of the 2008 election advocating sedition…

    “But this latest act by Barack Hussein Obama should not take anyone by surprise. In his short, but all too long, one and a half years in office as president, he has trashed Israel and its prime minister, Benjamin Natanyahu, treating them like dogs. Who can forget Obama’s having rudely left a meeting in the White House with Netanyahu, so he could have dinner alone with his lovely wife, Michelle? And that is not to mention the severe damage he has done to the Jewish state through his pandering to Palestinian and other Muslim interests – such as the recent grant of hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars to Hamas, which controls Gaza. Or who can forget Obama’s speech to Muslims at Cairo University, when he proudly declared himself half Muslim, despite having sold his election in part on his Christian heritage? And, one has to wonder why the brave freedom movement in Iran – which is not Muslim at heart and the populace not of Arabic but rather of Persian descent – has, like Israel, been shown the back of Obama’s hand, if not other more vulgar body parts.”

    “With a system of government that does not allow for a rapid transfer of power when justified, we are now stuck with someone who is by deed and word a terrorist sympathizer in the Ramadan Inn for at least the next two and one half years. Christians and Jews, not Muslims, are feeling a greater and greater sense of alienation, if not anger– and they are the overwhelming majority of our population. The economy appears to be taking a dive into an even greater abyss, and the American people are still suffering. Overseas, the Iranian mullahs – true believers in their Muslim faith – are on the verge of constructing nuclear bombs, and the rest of the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

    And, what makes matters even worse, the opposition party – the Republicans – continue to just play games, only maneuvering for the fall elections. Even a turnover of the House of Representatives, or the Senate, will not be able to remove Obama and prevent more harm to our country and its values and heritage.

    That’s why however radical it may sound, we need a constitutional amendment, at a minimum, to create a legal mechanism other than impeachment that can peacefully and quickly remove a renegade president who has and is abusing his great powers at the expense of the nation and the world. This mechanism should not be based simply on the president having committed high crimes or misdemeanors, but based on him or her having desecrated the principles of our nation. Having played a role at Judicial Watch in the impeachment of Bill Clinton (who was never convicted), I am all too painfully aware of this having turned into a dog and pony show for Republicans to conduct a public-relations campaign designed only to wound the Democratic Party and Al Gore in time for the 2000 elections. It actually caused harm to the nation, since as Republicans played games on Capitol Hill, Osama bin Laden had other things in mind.”

  121. Black Lion: “Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle once partook in a campaign against a local high school’s use of black football jerseys, arguing that the dark color was ungodly and wicked, Bill Roberts of Nevada’s Pahrump Valley Times recently reported.

    Clearly Barack Obama did not get the memo.

  122. Black Lion says:

    “This is troubling on so many different levels that it’s hard to know where to begin: New polls have found that as many as a quarter of Americans believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Since so many of his critics still refer to the controversy involving the views of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, how is that possible?
    And why are some observers now insisting that the president must be more public about his religious practices, which ought to be one of the most private aspects of a person’s life?”

    “One of the ugliest things about American public life is the loud, showy religiosity that passes for profound Christian faith — the belligerent and frequently bigoted nonsense that comes from people like Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham. The New Testament is pretty clear about the practices of a real Christian: Matthew 6:6 and 7:16.”

    I guess they forgot this part of the Constitution…

    “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

  123. Black Lion says:

    The GOP, showing its humorous side…Amazing…Is there any line that the GOP won’t cross…

    “The male webmaster of the official website for the Senate District 56 Republicans says a video comparing the attractiveness of Democratic and Republican women is just a joke. Serenaded by Tom Jones, the GOP women are depicted in bikinis and gowns, while those identified as Democrats — Helen Thomas, Rosie O’Donnell and Michele Obama, among others — are represented in unflattering photos accompanied by the song “Who Let the Dogs Out?” The video, which wasn’t produced by the local GOP, “had only one purpose, humor,” writes SD56 webmaster Randy Brown via email.

    A person who seems to think he missed the mark: One of the two female district Republicans endorsed by the party.
    “I do realize that there are groups of people who lack such capability [for humor], but fortunately that is their problem,” wrote Brown, who posted the video. “Again its only intention was to bring a smile to a few peoples faces, and possibly irritate a few others. Is it fair? Does that matter? It wasn’t intended to be fair. It was intended to be funny.”

    “I am not an official with the republican [sic] party (other than being a local delegate) and my association with the GOP SD56 website is that of webmaster,” he continued. “I frequently post things that I find interesting or humorous in an attempt to draw new viewers to the sight [sic].”

    Andrea Kieffer, the GOP-endorsed candidate for the Minnesota House in District 56B, says she doesn’t support the video, which she called a “juvenile attempt at marketing.” She emphasizes that she has no involvement with the video, which was posted to YouTube by user factsarestubbornthin on May 5 of this year.”

    And in the comments…

    Comment posted August 18, 2010 @ 3:32 am
    Brown has a perverse sense of humor, and he is too prejudiced to recognize it.

    But that’s the GOP’s problem. He can humiliate the republicans all he wants.


    Comment posted August 18, 2010 @ 6:57 am
    I would rather have a sister in a whorehouse than a brother in the republican party!!

  124. Arthur says:

    OK, this is an open thread, right? So I won’t be high-jacking anything when I post this enormously unrelated-to-Obama link.

    I debated about whether to post it, but I found it very . . . amusing. However, it’s NSFW. It may not even be safe in front of your adult children. But I first discovered it on the highly regarded website of P. Z. Myers, and he has a PhD in Science! The music video in the link is an homage to Ray Bradbury, celebrated author of science fiction, who by the way, is ninety years old tomorrow.

    Mr. Bradbury, if you’re out there, this video should lift your spirits. It certainly lifted mine.!

  125. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: OK, this is an open thread, right? So I won’t be high-jacking anything when I post this enormously unrelated-to-Obama link.
    I debated about whether to post it, but I found it very . . . amusing. However, it’s NSFW. It may not even be safe in front of your adult children. But I first discovered it on the highly regarded website of P. Z. Myers, and he has a PhD in Science!The music video in the link is an homage to Ray Bradbury, celebrated author of science fiction, who by the way, is ninety years old tomorrow.
    Mr. Bradbury, if you’re out there, this video should lift your spirits. It certainly lifted mine.!

    F is for fantastic video. Wicked.

  126. Arthur says:

    Glad you enjoyed it, Maj.Will; I thought it was highly provocative, but well done and very funny.

  127. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Glad you enjoyed it, Maj.Will; I thought it was highly provocative, but well done and very funny.

    It was reminiscent of Sarah’s confession:

  128. James says:

    Joseph Maine,

    Read the following article:


  129. NbC says:

    Oh boy… The lack of evidence continues…

    So why do some people believe such gossip?

  130. Dave says:

    James: Joseph Maine,Read the following article: [at the Post & Email]

    What, you think Joe is running low on BS and needs a refill? He seems to be going strong on his own. And at least Joe isn’t putting out a collection hat.

  131. NbC says:

    But at least the ‘researcher’ observes that the information in the indexes provided involved only hospital and home birth, none of the late or foreign birth exceptions

    I asked him directly whether or not the birth indexes also included Certificate of Hawaiian Births, Late/Delayed registrations and Foreign Births and he told me “no.” The indexes only covered births which had occurred at a hospital or at home and were registered within the legal parameters of a normal registration. I then asked if I could see the other indexes, to which he replied “no.” It was not clear based on his response if they did not exist or that I could not see them.

    Which would mean that Obama’s index data did not refer to foreign filing or late birth. Of course, the ‘researcher’ failed to ask many of the relevant followup questions and I am beginning to wonder why they failed to assign the task to a better prepared person?

  132. NbC says:


    Unlikely. After all, even if the person was deceased, the birth certificate would still be on record. In order to establish this, it should not be too hard to find people who died in Hawaii with a birth date close to President Obama’s and obtain their birth records. Index data can further help narrow down.
    But I doubt that the ‘researcher’ would be up to such a task as it would require the ability to actually do some real research, rather than speculate about motives.

  133. NbC says:

    As to the ‘researcher’, I have the strong impression that it is Terrik aka MissTickly which may help explain why there was little news worthy to report

  134. NBC says:

    Marriage License Obama/Michelle Barack H. Obama

  135. Black Lion says:


    MRS. RONDEAU: That’s very interesting. Did you say that you saw the name of “Barack Hussein Obama II”?

    RESEARCHER: Yes, I did.

    MRS. RONDEAU: Was there anything unusual about the name’s appearance in the list? Did it look just the same as all the other names?

    RESEARCHER: It looked just the same. Basically, they use data binders for these indexes. Data binders have a cardboard-like cover with two long prongs that feeds up through the bottom and a retainer to secure the prongs on the top so you can insert whatever thickness you want. All of the books appear to be about the same quality and age, including the 1960-64 birth index. The only variation that I observed was the color of the index cover and all of the indexes’ binders were covered with the content and the years that they spanned. As for the pages themselves, they each contain two pages of computer-generated index data with the computer printout page number and the computer- generated header defining the content and date range.

    I made two observations: that there is a person who appears in the index directly above Mr. Obama which was identified as “duplicate;” however, there was only one entry for this birth, not two, as it seemed to suggest in reference to the “duplicate” marker. There was also another anomaly that I observed about the 1960-1964 index in general that I am not going to disclose at this time.

    MRS. RONDEAU: So it mentions the name of someone, but then it gives no index data for that person?

    RESEARCHER: Well, no, there’s index data there; it’s just that it says “duplicate.” There aren’t two entries, however.

    MRS. RONDEAU: Could that indicate that Obama’s name was put in after the fact?

    RESEARCHER: Yes. I think that’s possible; I believe that if the Department of Health did that, it made an error by replacing the wrong name. Instead of replacing the “duplicate” name, they actual replaced the one that was not identified as “duplicate.”

    MRS. RONDEAU: Did you see that irregularity in any other section of that particular birth index?

    RESEARCHER: No, I did not.

    MRS. RONDEAU: And is “irregularity” how you would characterize it?

    RESEARCHER: I would characterize that as an anomaly, yes.

    MRS. RONDEAU: So if someone entered his name after the fact, for example, in 2007 or after?

    RESEARCHER: Or in 1981, if it was a foreign birth registration.

    MRS. RONDEAU: So do you think he was holding back something that you had asked about?

    RESEARCHER: I would say he was informing me in sort-of an indirect manner that they didn’t have them, and even if they did, I couldn’t see them.

    MRS. RONDEAU: And you said one of those was the Delayed/Late registration index book?


    MRS. RONDEAU: What would that have in it?

    RESEARCHER: I think the parameters would look identical to the General Birth index except that it would be identified in the header that it was the Late and/or Delayed Birth Index.

    MRS. RONDEAU: If someone had been born in another state or country and moved to Hawaii with parents or other relatives, is that the book in which that person’s name would appear?

    RESEARCHER: If they were born in another state, it is hard to say in which index they would appear. I think it would depend on the circumstances and timing of the registration. The DoH Specific Records Retention Schedule makes no mention that it is required to retain an index for births that occurred in a different state. Based on that, I believe they would appear in the General or Late/Delayed index, depending on the timing of the registration. If it was an out-of-country birth, I believe the name would appear in the Foreign Birth index which would include the same parameters as the General Index with the exception of the header; it would be identified as the “Foreign Birth Index.”

    MRS. RONDEAU: What is the relationship between the certificate number of the Nordykes and the number on the FactCheck-Obama document online?

    RESEARCHER: The Nordyke twins’ birth certificate numbers are either 151-1961-010636/37 or 151-1961-010638/39, because only one of the twins’ birth certificates is posted online and that was the one identified with the certificate number 010638. Mr. Obama’s certificate was allegedly processed on August 8th and has the number 010641, which is no more than two or three numbers higher than the one Nordyke twin certificate number. I have confirmation from the DoH in response to UIPA requests I made last winter that the numbers were not preprinted on the form. The numbers were assigned by the Department of Health when the birth registration was accepted by the State Registrar, and only in the DoH main office located in Honolulu.

    MRS. RONDEAU: So as a birth occurred and the information reached the Department of Health, a number was assigned.

    RESEARCHER: Yes, and I believe that regardless of the actual birth date, they just assigned the next sequential number when the birth registration was processed. I don’t think there is necessarily any attempt on their part to order them by birth date.

    MRS. RONDEAU: Is there any other information that you think our readers would like to know about?

    RESEARCHER: I think that is a significant anomaly. Based on the information that’s been gathered thus far and the procedures used by the Department of Health during this time period, I just don’t think that it’s feasible that Mr. Obama’s certificate number could possibly be three or four numbers higher and accepted three days earlier than those of the Nordyke twins, which leads me to believe that that number belongs to another person and in all likelihood, it could belong to the infant or young child that was born within a certain date range whose birth was registered on August 11th that later died shortly after the birth or within a couple of years. I really can’t elaborate beyond that since there is still ongoing research to see if we can identify the person certificate number 010641 could possibly belong to. We’re trying to obtain some official HI documents that will aid in our research with the generous help of The Post & Email Legal Fund and its donors.

    So what we have is an unamed person making wild accusations that they can’t prove…But of course if the birthers like James pony up more money, they magically will find more speculative and inadmissible evidence…and then they will request more money to continue the fight against Obama….The Post and Fail like the others are running the long con on their idiotic readers….

    Here we see how “impartial” our “researcher” really is….

    Reseacher says:
    Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 2:26 PM

    You are so right; it is a matter of examining the anomalies and following them through until you either prove or disprove the hypothesis that is derived from the anomaly and you may find other anomalies along the way that require examination. Thanks for recognizing this; it is the method that good researchers utilize to gather their evidence that either proves or disproves the theory.

    In regard to the relevance of the birth certificate, I realize that many people, myself included believe that O was never quailifed in the first place if he was a dual citizen at birth and if true, the b/c has no real significance. That decision is most likely lies with the SCOTUS since no court to my knowledge, including the SCOTUS, has definitively specified what a NBC is. It is really hard to say if they will take this up before the 2012 election. One can only hope and that it will result in a two parent US citizens and born on US soil interpretation to establish a precedent once and for all.

    The COLB and b/c however should not be discounted. There are obvious anomalies and if the hypothesis is proven out, fraud on the grandest of all scales has been committed. O banked his whole eligibility on the FC COLB and thus far he has been able thwart any inquiries, including via the federal courts.

    My point to all this is that it may be easier to get him removed from office for fraud than relying on the courts to interpret the Constitution correctly. I think it is 50/50 at best the SCOTUS will interpret it correctly and do the next right thing. Now removing a sitting President who knowingly committed fraud to attain the office of the Presidency is a completely different matter.

    We have neither proved or disproved the hypothesis at this point so we really need the support of the P&E readers to help us follow this through to the end.

    I will add this final caveat: There is more to the story than what is being reported here. To disclose the details of the anomalies that we are researching at this time would not be prudent or wise at this point. The enemy has a whole lot more power and resources than we do and they are heckbent on making sure this information never sees the light of day.

    The “nothing to see here, move along” stance is both nauseating and tiresome. If it were true, this would have been resolved long ago.

    For instance look at our buddy Robert…

    Robert Laity says:
    Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 6:04 AM
    I have been writing about CertifiGate since November of 2008. The simple fact is,even if Obama was born at Walter Reed,he would still not be eligible to be President,not with the parents that he has.

    Obama,Sr.,if that is his real father,was a Brit. Technically,while Dunham and Obama,Sr. went through the ceremony of Marriage,Obama,Sr. was already married at the time. He had a wife in Kenya.

    There is nothing that Obama can do to ever become a “Natural-Born Citizen”. Precisely the controlling point here.

    When one has to “do” something in order to become a “citizen” (ie. Naturalization process) because one is not already a “citizen”,as one would be if having two citizen parents and being born in the USA,one is NOT “Natural-Born”.

    It is interesting to point out a common trait people have.

    When one has done something great or when one has a connection to some great event,one brags about it. A prime example are the ubiquitous signs on many establishments that “Washington drank here” and “Washington slept here”.

    Signs are erected in places where historic events took place. It is human nature to seek special recognition for such events.

    However,in Obama’s case there is a conundrum. Obama has not proferred the name of a “single,solitary” hospital in Hawaii,a doctor,a nurse,anyone who has claimed that they were involved.

    There was a story in the Buffalo News last year of a woman who claimed that she was TOLD by Doctor Rod West that he had delivered Obama. The person claiming this was named Barbara Nelson.That story fizzled out.

    In any event, an article in Earthfrisk states that there are NO hospitals,not a “single,solitary” hospital that is claiming the dubious honor of being Obama’s birthplace. Indeed,the Kenyan Ambassador,as well as the Kenyan parliament itself have BOTH claimed that Obama was born in Kenya.

    Obama may have been given someone else’s BC number. He certainly used “someone else’s” social security number[s]. I filed a formal charge with ICE and the INS in light of this.

    Obama has never been a “natural-Born American,was born a Brit and is not now,nor has he ever been our bona-fides President. That said,Obama is further encumbered by the Provisions of 18USC,the US Code,from occupying “any office under the US”.

    Obama committed treason when he campaigned for Raila Odinga in his run for Kenyan President. Obama is currently the subject of formal charges at the Hague regarding election violence in those Kenyan elections.

    Obama is a radical Muslim supremacist who gave aid and comfort to our enemies. He is complicit in the bombing of two US embassies,sharia murder of innocents,pouring US taxpayer money into sharia “Zakat” fronted activities,in Kenya, and complicit in “Change” in the Kenyan constitution that involves the institution of Sharia Law and unfettered abortion.

    The State department is downplaying Obama’s activities. But that is no surprise. One of his “Took a dive in the 2008 elections” cabalists runs the State Department,Hillary Clinton.

  136. obsolete says:

    The birthers will continue to cause themselves pain and agony as they fail to get the black man out of office during the next six years.

  137. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    James, was Obama given the wrong meal when he went to McDonalds? Did his receipt not match the items he was given? Did he forget to wash his hands while returning from the bathroom? Did Obama leave the toilet seat up? Obviously there’s a coverup and Obama is a communist!?!?!?!

  138. Black Lion says:

    More humor from the Post and Fail….No wonder why Joseph Maine loves it over there….I especially like how they attempt to discredit the FOX anchor that did not play the “President was born in a Muslim country” game….It seems like Rondeau is getting more cranky as time goes on and Barack Obama remains the President of the United States…No matter how much she gets into a snit and refuses to address him by his proper title….

    From the article…

    “The Post & Email can confirm that the alleged mother of Barack Hussein Obama, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, began her course of study at the University of Washington in September 1961, not August 19, 1961, as has been widely reported.”


    “A recent investigation of a researcher who looked into Stanley Ann Dunham’s whereabouts has confirmed that she was listed in the Polk’s Directory of 1961-62 as living in Seattle, WA, but the question of when she actually moved there or from where is open.”


    “Information requested on Obama’s travel records, birth registration documents, and possible adoption papers was denied by invoking the Privacy Act of 1974 (page 26).

    If there is no record of Stanley Ann Dunham being in Hawaii during 1961, where was she? Why are various government departments stonewalling citizens’ requests for documentation from that period? Is it possible she traveled to Kenya or Indonesia and gave birth there? Many Africans seem to think so, as reported here, here, here, and here.

    Earlier today this writer heard Fr. Jonathan Morris, Religion Contributor at Fox News Channel, state on “Fox & Friends” to anchor Alisyn Camerota while discussing Obama’s lack of public expression of his alleged Christian faith, that Obama “was born in a Muslim country,” to which Camerota replied, with the camera focused squarely on her, “No, he was born here” without further explanation or questioning of how Morris arrived at his statement. Camerota did not offer any evidence to support her own statement and the conversation about Obama’s questionable Christianity continued.”

    In in the comments, the usual ignorant wackadoos….

    Redd says:
    Monday, August 23, 2010 at 8:12 AM
    It looks like SAD flew from Kenya to Seattle area approx 11th thru 14th August. Visiting her friend would be approx 18th Aug. She stayed with Mom friend until locating to an apartment. SAD started part time classes mid September. Also Grandma Sarah and other relatives were witnesses to Hussein Dunham birth, and anyone that says otherwise is calling Grandma Sarah a liar.

    Morato says:
    Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 11:27 PM

    Too bad we don’t have SAD’s passport and travel records during the period in question. Had the State Department release (not destroyed) her travel records prior to 1965 then perhaps your Seattle birth could be theorized more. However, don’t forget all the reported stories that in fact BHO was witnessed as being born in Kenya…. no one person has come forward to proclaim BHO was born in Seattle. Odd… just like Hawaii, not one witness there either.

    oldsalt79 says:
    Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 5:58 PM
    I personally do not put a great deal of importance in the news that Stanley Ann may have started classes at UW in Sept.1961. I still hold fast to the premise that Soetoro was born in Kenya and soon thereafter transported to Seattle, from where he was later transported to Hawaii, and remained in the care of his grandmother, while Stanley Ann attended school at UW.
    Mrs. Rondeau replies: As I saw it, her start date in September gave her more time to travel back from whatever continent on which she gave birth to Obama and a reasonable time to recover physically in order to take some classes.

    But the winner for the most outrageous and ridiculous comments goes to the following commenter…

    Miki Booth says:
    Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 5:34 PM
    Yes to all your statements. At the trial it came out that during the years 80-83 BO/BS worked for the CIA traveling to Pakistan posing as a Kenyan businessman funneling money/weapons to Afghani fighters to push back the Russian invasion. His mother worked for the Asian Development Bank (a known front of the CIA) while living at the 5-star International Hotel (no longer there). How can a bank employee afford to live in such a hotel for 5 years while employed at a bank? She was on the same payroll as her alleged son and by obtaining “dead” social security numbers with the help of the vice president of Bank of Hawaii (granny Madeline) for use in laundering money for the CIA to fund the mujahideen through Pakistan’s ISI. One could say he was working for our country but look where we are today: a coup de tat by a muslim-communist. Now does our intelligence community think we’ll start a civil war if the truth comes out so they’re hiding all his records or was it a set-up all along?

  139. Rickey says:

    Regulars here may recall that last month I filed a complaint with the California State Bar about the incendiary comments Orly made regarding the Federal judiciary in general and Judge Land in particular. I included with my complaint a copy of the libelous application for a stay which she filed with Justice Thomas.

    I have now received an acknowledgment from the California State Bar that they have received my complaint and that an Inquiry number has been assigned. They say that “We will contact you when our evaluation of your matter is complete.” I’m not holding my breath, of course.

    Now that a number has been assigned, I may download a copy of Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration and forward it to the California Bar. The motion, which Orly posted on her website, contains Obama’s unredacted Social Security Number, further evidence that she is a reckless and incompetent attorney..

  140. Scientist says:

    Rickey- I would like nothing better than to see Oily drummed out of the legal profession. Few deserve it more. However, I think the Bar, given limited resources, will not have her as a high priority. Their main priority is to protect unsuspecting members of the public from unscrupulous attorneys. In Orly’s case she has never, to my knowledge, actually had clients before the birther “cases”, other than herself in dental malpractice cases. And the birthers who hire her deserve everything they are getting and more. I suspect the Bar will let judges handle her for now.

  141. Gorefan says:

    Black Lion
    Thanks for providing the quotes, that james seem to to refuse to. Did the article explain?

    Black Lion: RESEARCHER: Yes, I did.

    Is that Doctor Researcher or just Mr. Researcher?

    Also from Miki’s comment.

    Black Lion: Now does our intelligence community think we’ll start a civil war if the truth comes out so they’re hiding all his records or was it a set-up all along?

    I vote for set-up all along.

  142. Rickey says:

    Scientist: Rickey-I would like nothing better than to see Oily drummed out of the legal profession.Few deserve it more. However, I think the Bar, given limited resources, will not have her as a high priority.Their main priority is to protect unsuspecting members of the public from unscrupulous attorneys.In Orly’s case she has never, to my knowledge, actually had clients before the birther “cases”, other than herself in dental malpractice cases.And the birthers who hire her deserve everything they are getting and more.I suspect the Bar will let judges handle her for now.

    Regrettably, you’re probably correct about that. But at least if one of Orly’s supporters goes postal and tries to hurt a judge or a clerk, there will be a paper trail showing that the California Bar had plenty of warning and could have put a stop to her hate speech.

    On the other hand, there is the possibility that the California Bar has been holding off on taking any action until her appeals of Judge Land’s sanctions have been exhausted. One can always hope.

  143. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Rickey: Another birther fail: the petition for rehearing in Hollister v. Soetoro – DENIED.

    What I love is how the birthers think the judges are all corrupt or are afraid and yet they continue trying to file petitions in court.

  144. Scientist: Rickey- I would like nothing better than to see Oily drummed out of the legal profession. Few deserve it more. However, I think the Bar, given limited resources, will not have her as a high priority. Their main priority is to protect unsuspecting members of the public from unscrupulous attorneys. In Orly’s case she has never, to my knowledge, actually had clients before the birther “cases”, other than herself in dental malpractice cases. And the birthers who hire her deserve everything they are getting and more. I suspect the Bar will let judges handle her for now.

    Let’s set the Wayback machine to February of 2009. Orly Taitz was advertising for plaintiffs for her lawsuits with language like this:

    Are you emotionally distressed that a foreign subject, who has refused to produce any documents verifying his US citizenship[2] or eligibility to be “President of The United States” (POTUS) and as Commander in Chief (CIC), is in charge of your child’s life?

    I consider her a menace.

  145. G says:

    Rickey: Regulars here may recall that last month I filed a complaint with the California State Bar about the incendiary comments Orly made regarding the Federal judiciary in general and Judge Land in particular. I included with my complaint a copy of the libelous application for a stay which she filed with Justice Thomas.
    I have now received an acknowledgment from the California State Bar that they have received my complaint and that an Inquiry number has been assigned. They say that “We will contact you when our evaluation of your matter is complete.” I’m not holding my breath, of course.Now that a number has been assigned, I may download a copy of Orly’s Motion for Reconsideration and forward it to the California Bar. The motion, which Orly posted on her website, contains Obama’s unredacted Social Security Number, further evidence that she is a reckless and incompetent attorney..

    Kudos and good work, Rickey! Keep us posted of any further actions or updates you hear on this and thanks again for taking the time and effort to do that. Bravo!

  146. G says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I consider her a menace.

    Agreed. Sometimes an entertaining one – as in you can’t believe someone could be that crazy to do or say that – but an unhinged menace nonetheless. And an utter train wreck.

    I’m absolutely serious when I say that I truly think she belongs in a straitjacket and a padded cell and not wandering about in society.

  147. Black Lion says:

    From the OC weekly….

    “Laguna Niguel birther/dentist/lawyer Orly Taitz’s newest filing at the Supreme Court of the United States is a “MOTION FOR RECONSIFERATION.”

    Phew. What’s that all mean? Taitz really doesn’t want to pay the $20,000 in judicial fines against her that were recently upheld by the highest court in the land. She thinks the court should consider in light of new evidence, some of which is contained in this video:

    A minute or two into the White House-produced clip–after some skull-explodingly awkward small-talk between Elena Kagan and the president–there’s a sequence featuring a close-up shot of Barack Obama’s passport. It lists his birthplace as Hawaii. Therefore, it’s a forgery being perpetrated on the American people, requiring that the Supreme Court not only reconsider Taitz’s sanctions but also…

    award Taitz compensation for severe emotional distress suffered due to fraud committed by Obama

    She may yet come out of this whole ordeal a richer woman!

    And in the comments…

    Katahdin says:
    I love the way birthers keep awarding the President new names: he’s Barack Barry Steve Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro Saebarko. If they find out he once had a girlfriend who called him “Pooky” they’ll add that to the mix. They’ll probably slip it in somewhere between Hussein and Dunham.
    And isn’t it wonderful that Taitz wants compensation for the distress caused her by the guy she won’t stop suing. I have to hand it to her; she may be nuttier that a fruitcake factory, but she’s got nerve.

    trent1280 says:
    Has anyone ever seen Orly Taitz and Daffy Duck in the same room simultaneously?

    I’m serious?

    There’s something peculiar going on.

    I suspect that Orly Taitz is libeling our duck friends every time she opens her mouth.

    Protect Daffy Duck! Expose Orly Taitz as a fowl imposter!!

    Posted On: Friday, Aug. 20 2010 @ 2:26AM

  148. Rickey says:

    I am sending a follow-up letter to the State Bar of California:

    August 24, 2010

    Office of the Chief Trial Counsel/Intake
    The State Bar of California
    1149 South Hill Street
    Los Angeles, California 90015-2299

    Re: Orly Taitz, Esq.
    Bar Number: 223433
    Inquiry No. 10-17971

    Dear Counselor:

    This will serve to supplement my original complaint about the above-captioned attorney.

    Subsequent to my letter of July 21, 2010, monetary sanctions imposed against attorney Taitz by Judge Clay D. Land of the Middle District of Georgia were upheld by the United States Supreme Court, which denied her motion for a stay of the sanctions on August 16, 2010.

    Attorney Taitz subsequently filed (or attempted to file) a Motion for Reconsideration of the Supreme Court decision. A copy of her motion, which she published on her website, is enclosed.

    I would like to call your attention to several aspects of this motion which demonstrate Ms. Taitz’ recklessness, incompetence, and disregard for the dignity of the judiciary.

    1. The most egregious of her offenses can be found on page four, where she has published the unredacted Social Security Number of President Obama. It appears likely that Ms. Taitz violated the provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) when she instructed her investigators to obtain President Obama’s Social Security Number, since she had no apparent permissible use which would have entitled her to that information. In any event, her publication of President Obama’s full Social Security Number, where anyone can see it, is a clear violation of his right to privacy. She also alleges, without any evidence, that President Obama’s Social Security Number was issued to another unnamed individual in the State of Connecticut.

    2. On page three Ms. Taitz misstates the laws of both the State of Hawaii and the United States of America, where she claims that a birth certificate “is supposed to show the name of the attending physician, the name of the US hospital, where he was supposedly born, and signature of three witnesses in attendance during his birth.” Any competent attorney would know that neither the State of Hawaii nor the United States of America requires that such information be included on a birth certificate for it to be valid and legal proof of birth.

    3. Without any evidence whatsoever, on page four Ms. Taitz accuses President Obama of improperly attempting to influence the Federal courts, and she goes on to suggest that he has conspired with the courts to “persecute” her.

    4. On pages four and five she makes unsubstantiated accusations against President Obama. Without a shred of admissible evidence, she accuses him of forgery, uttering, fraud on the court, and obstruction of justice.

    5. On page five she asks the Supreme Court of the United States to award her compensation for alleged “severe emotional distress.” Even a first-year law student knows that the Supreme Court has no authority to award her any compensation whatsoever.

    6. Other accusations which she makes about President Obama, such as his alleged birth in Kenya, are based upon hearsay which a competent attorney would know is inadmissible in a court of law.

    In addition, if Ms. Taitz were a competent attorney she would recognize that none of the points she has raised have any relevance as to whether the sanctions assessed by Judge Land were appropriate. She continually wastes valuable judicial resources by filing frivolous and irrelevant motions.

    It should be evident to the State Bar of California that Orly Taitz is incompetent, irresponsible, and contemptuous of both the judiciary and the government of the United States. I understand that Judge Land previously made the State Bar aware of the sanctions which he assessed against Ms. Taitz. Her actions since then demonstrate that she learned nothing from those sanctions.

    Orly Taitz, Esq. is an embarrassment to the legal profession. It is up to the State Bar of California to put a stop to it.

  149. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: I am sending a follow-up letter to the State Bar of California:August 24, 2010Office of the Chief Trial Counsel/Intake
    The State Bar of California
    1149 South Hill Street
    Los Angeles, California 90015-2299Re: Orly Taitz, Esq. Bar Number: 223433 Inquiry No. 10-17971Dear Counselor:This will serve to supplement my original complaint about the above-captioned attorney.Subsequent to my letter of July 21, 2010, monetary sanctions imposed against attorney Taitz by Judge Clay D. Land of the Middle District of Georgia were upheld by the United States Supreme Court, which denied her motion for a stay of the sanctions on August 16, 2010. Taitz subsequently filed (or attempted to file) a Motion for Reconsideration of the Supreme Court decision. A copy of her motion, which she published on her website, is enclosed.
    I would like to call your attention to several aspects of this motion which demonstrate Ms. Taitz’ recklessness, incompetence, and disregard for the dignity of the judiciary.1. The most egregious of her offenses can be found on page four, where she has published the unredacted Social Security Number of President Obama. It appears likely that Ms. Taitz violated the provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) when she instructed her investigators to obtain President Obama’s Social Security Number, since she had no apparent permissible use which would have entitled her to that information. In any event, her publication of President Obama’s full Social Security Number, where anyone can see it, is a clear violation of his right to privacy. She also alleges, without any evidence, that President Obama’s Social Security Number was issued to another unnamed individual in the State of Connecticut.2. On page three Ms. Taitz misstates the laws of both the State of Hawaii and the United States of America, where she claims that a birth certificate “is supposed to show the name of the attending physician, the name of the US hospital, where he was supposedly born, and signature of three witnesses in attendance during his birth.” Any competent attorney would know that neither the State of Hawaii nor the United States of America requires that such information be included on a birth certificate for it to be valid and legal proof of birth.3. Without any evidence whatsoever, on page four Ms. Taitz accuses President Obama of improperly attempting to influence the Federal courts, and she goes on to suggest that he has conspired with the courts to “persecute” her.4. On pages four and five she makes unsubstantiated accusations against President Obama. Without a shred of admissible evidence, she accuses him of forgery, uttering, fraud on the court, and obstruction of justice.5. On page five she asks the Supreme Court of the United States to award her compensation for alleged “severe emotional distress.” Even a first-year law student knows that the Supreme Court has no authority to award her any compensation whatsoever.6. Other accusations which she makes about President Obama, such as his alleged birth in Kenya, are based upon hearsay which a competent attorney would know is inadmissible in a court of law.In addition, if Ms. Taitz were a competent attorney she would recognize that none of the points she has raised have any relevance as to whether the sanctions assessed by Judge Land were appropriate. She continually wastes valuable judicial resources by filing frivolous and irrelevant motions.It should be evident to the State Bar of California that Orly Taitz is incompetent, irresponsible, and contemptuous of both the judiciary and the government of the United States. I understand that Judge Land previously made the State Bar aware of the sanctions which he assessed against Ms. Taitz. Her actions since then demonstrate that she learned nothing from those sanctions.

    Orly Taitz, Esq. is an embarrassment to the legal profession. It is up to the State Bar of California to put a stop to it.

    [standing ovation]

  150. SvenMagnussen says:

    The State Bar of California
    1149 South Hill Street
    Los Angeles, California 90015-2299Re: Orly Taitz, Esq. Bar Number: 223433 Inquiry No. 10-17971Dear Counselor:


    Are you a member of the California Bar?

  151. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Rickey;Are you a member of the California Bar?

    Sven are you from the planet earth?

  152. Rickey says:

    Rickey;Are you a member of the California Bar?

    I’ve been admitted into several California bars.

  153. SvenMagnussen says:

    I’ve been admitted into several California bars.

    What is your name and bar number?

  154. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    I’ve been admitted into several California bars.

    That’s a good one and that flew right over Sven’s head

  155. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
    That’s a good one and that flew right over Sven’s head

    His neck goes over his head. A hat would suffocate him.

    My bar number is 8440 (Sunset Boulevard).

  156. Majority Will says:

    Here’s the text of another State Bar complaint against Taitz:

  157. Rickey says:

    What is your name and bar number?

    They didn’t ask me for ID. I guess they figured that I looked old enough.

  158. Rickey says:

    What is your name?

    I forgot to answer that. My name is J. Cheever Loophole, Esq.

  159. misha says:

    SvenMagnussen: Rickey;Are you a member of the California Bar?

    Rickey is the chief partner in his firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe. He represented me in my lawsuit against Frick and Frack, when they mistook me for a telephone book. I was lucky to get away with just a few ligaments torn. I had enough ligaments intact for litigation.

  160. misha says:

    SvenMagnussen: What is your name and bar number?

    I can attest that his actual name is Huntington Hartford IV.

  161. Dave says:

    Majority Will: Birther J.D. Hayworth loses to John McCain in Arizona:

    Finally, a Palin endorsed candidate wins.

  162. Majority Will says:

    Finally, a Palin endorsed candidate wins.

    Sen. McCain is looking a bit like Papa Grizzly.

  163. Majority Will says:

    I get the impression that these barely literate, drive by birther trolls are pubescent, addicted to fright wing blogs and talk radio and in some cases, heavily intoxicated. Oh, those awkward years.

  164. misha says:

    I don’t know if anyone else saw this:

    Man Is Held in Anti-Muslim Stabbing of Cabdriver

  165. Majority Will says:

    misha: I don’t know if anyone else saw this:Man Is Held in Anti-Muslim Stabbing of Cabdriver

    I saw it a few minutes ago. My sister in LA was friends with a quick mart owner who proudly displayed a cross and several Christian paintings on the wall of his store. Soon after 9/11, a mindless redneck shot him to death thinking he was a Muslim. Not that it should matter one way or the other what religion it was, of course, but the idiot dismissed the shop owner’s open and obvious display of his love for Christianity. Perhaps it was the stealth religion paranoia.

  166. sfjeff says:

    “quick mart owner who proudly displayed a cross and several Christian paintings on the wall of his store”

    Sadly most Americans assume that any Arab-American is Muslim- which of course shouldn’t matter- even though many of them include Arab Christians driven from their countries due to religion fueled violence.

    Ironic isn’t it?

    Meanwhile the same people might be talking with a Muslim from Fiji and not have a clue that he is Muslim.

  167. Keith says:

    What is your name and bar number?

    The number is probably 86 .

  168. Majority Will says:

    The number is probably 86 .

    I thought it was 42. Or something base 13.

  169. Rickey says:

    misha I don’t know if anyone else saw this:Man Is Held in Anti-Muslim Stabbing of Cabdriver

    I used to know a family named Enright that lived in Brewster when I was in high school. I’m making some inquiries to see if this college kid is related to them.

  170. thisoldhippie says:

    Okay – Orly has posted that her case in the 9th Circuit Ct. of Appeals has been referred to mediation October 4. Only what I read was an order for the case to be referred to mediation for assessment only. I’m sure that this is not at all what Orly thinks it is, nor what her minions have worked themselves all up over.

    She’s also posted some crap about Sharia law and the majority Muslim football team who is practicing at night due to Ramadan. Why don’t they understand that if it doesn’t concern them, then they should just STFU? When I played on my church’s softball team we would utilize the “one week off” request to keep games from being scheduled during Holy Week. (The Baptists, Methodists, etc used theirs for revival). We also don’t schedule other sports events on Good Friday. Do they not see the irony?

  171. Majority Will says:

    thisoldhippie: Okay – Orly has posted that her case in the 9th Circuit Ct. of Appeals has been referred to mediation October 4. Only what I read was an order for the case to be referred to mediation for assessment only. I’m sure that this is not at all what Orly thinks it is, nor what her minions have worked themselves all up over.She’s also posted some crap about Sharia law and the majority Muslim football team who is practicing at night due to Ramadan. Why don’t they understand that if it doesn’t concern them, then they should just STFU? When I played on my church’s softball team we would utilize the “one week off” request to keep games from being scheduled during Holy Week. (The Baptists, Methodists, etc used theirs for revival). We also don’t schedule other sports events on Good Friday. Do they not see the irony?

    Tell Orly the disgraceful that Sandy Koufax was allowed to decline to pitch in Game 1 of the 1965 World Series because it fell on Yom Kippur.

    She is despicable.

  172. Dave says:

    thisoldhippie: Okay – Orly has posted that her case in the 9th Circuit Ct. of Appeals has been referred to mediation October 4. Only what I read was an order for the case to be referred to mediation for assessment only. I’m sure that this is not at all what Orly thinks it is, nor what her minions have worked themselves all up over.

    NBC already has the scoop that this is a docketing error.

  173. thisoldhippie says:

    Dave – missed NBC’s info. Where can I find it?

  174. sfjeff says:

    You all keep missing the point:

    Consideration for Good Friday or the Sabath is being considerate of those who have strong religious values

    Consideration for Ramadan is playing into the hands of our Islamo-Fascist enemies

  175. Dave says:

    thisoldhippie: Dave – missed NBC’s info. Where can I find it?


  176. misha says:

    In case others missed this:

    Sandra Teague Convicted Of Illegally Accessing Obama Student Loan Records

  177. Black Lion says:

    Majority Will: I saw it a few minutes ago. My sister in LA was friends with a quick mart owner who proudly displayed a cross and several Christian paintings on the wall of his store. Soon after 9/11, a mindless redneck shot him to death thinking he was a Muslim. Not that it should matter one way or the other what religion it was, of course, but the idiot dismissed the shop owner’s open and obvious display of his love for Christianity. Perhaps it was the stealth religion paranoia.

    More on this story…

  178. Black Lion says:

    More Obama derangement, courtsey of old friend Polarik….

    “New information has come to light that Barack Obama is not his real name, that his father was not Obama Sr, that his mother was not Ann Dunham, and that every photo taken of him with his parents or grandparents, or other students, or by himself at Punahou, Columbia, and Occidental were fabricated! Just like his birth certificate.

    He did not go to Columbia, or Occidental, or Punahou. He was not born in the US. He is an imposter. THE GREATEST IDENTITY FRAUD IN HISTORY! (6 days ago)”

    Or just regular racism from Glenn Beck lover Ted Nugent….

    “One of the scheduled speakers at Glenn Beck’s 8-28 ”reclaim the civil rights movement” rally recently reportedly told an audience that he “like[d]” them because there were “a lot of white people.”*

    The Telegraph Herald reported earlier this month that musician and conservative activist Ted Nugent appeared at a show in Dubuque, Iowa, and told the crowd, “There’s a lot of white people in this crowd — I like that! (Dubuque) is a white town.” The Telegraph Herald added that “Nugent also pointed out at least one audience member and questioned his race.” The Iowa-based newspaper also slammed Nugent’s remarks in an editorial, and noted that Nugent has a history of incendiary remarks.”

    And Dr. Kate, Obama hater is back…..And look who she is claiming is “headlining” her so called rally….

    “I have just received word that the Honorable James David Manning will be joining the Constitutional Accountability Project (CAP) on September 6th for its opening ceremony in Washington D.C.. We are grateful that prayers for the success of this event and words of strength will be initiated by Reverend Manning. Details are forthcoming.”

  179. Black Lion says:

    More derangement from the American thinker magazine….I guess they are going for the WND or Post and Fail award for yellow journalism….

    “But those prairie fires are growing larger as America rejects federal policies that defy common sense, such as the Justice Department challenging Arizona’s desperation legislation to deal with the influx of illegal criminals across their border with Mexico. Arizona is another one of those prairie fires that is growing into a horizon-sweeping inferno for the inept Obama administration and the suck-up Democrat Congress.”

    More craziness from Dr Kate…

    “For the first time in its history, the United States government has knowingly allowed a constitutionally- ineligible individual to break into and occupy the White House. All the branches of government have been involved, along with the media: the legislative branch by failing to do its constitutional duty; the judicial branch by thwarting any attempt to have the facts heard; the Executive branch by using taxpayer funds and the color of authority to defend the usurpation.

    The media, in collaboration with private unelected officials and elected officials, have ensured a blackout of news and information on this most fundamental matter to the American public. The State governments also obliged the usurpation with a collective failure to ensure the integrity of the 2008 election. In 2008, all Americans were disenfranchised as a result of this dereliction of duty, in certain cases with malice aforethought.”

    And the crazy in the comments…

    Monday, August 9, 2010, at 4:48 am
    Dr. Kate , I agree wholeheartedly . We must all get on our knees and begg His help. I live in Marbella , and, cannot begin to tell you how sickening “Michelle Antoinette´s” visit has been. She was treated like a head of state. What a vulgar, ignorant,narcissistic person she is. Her ( and her daughter´s) outfits yesterday in Mallorca with the Royal Family were a monument to bad taste…….

  180. Rickey says:

    Black Lion: on this story…

    I confirmed last night that Michael Enright is the nephew of a guy who was two years behind me in high school. I don’t know this kid, of course, but he comes from a stable family which has lived in the same neighborhood in Brewster, N.Y. for fifty years.

  181. Mark Joseph says:

    Black Lion;

    “More Obama derangement, courtsey of old friend Polarik….”

    “More derangement from the American thinker magazine….I guess they are going for the WND or Post and Fail award for yellow journalism….”

    “More craziness from Dr Kate…”

    “And the crazy in the comments…”

    This is typical libtard propoganda.

    I understand why the “birthers” would choose to remain anonymous, but I find it cowardly when those who claim to be reasonable, rational, and logical can only provide commentary by relying on ad hominem attacks under a cloak of anonymity.

    This site has become a circle jerk for cowardly lions. Not even Dr. Conspiracy will own up to being pivot man of the day.

  182. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: Black Lion;“More Obama derangement, courtsey of old friend Polarik….”“More derangement from the American thinker magazine….I guess they are going for the WND or Post and Fail award for yellow journalism….”“More craziness from Dr Kate…”“And the crazy in the comments…”This is typical libtard propoganda.I understand why the “birthers” would choose to remain anonymous, but I find it cowardly when those who claim to be reasonable, rational, and logical can only provide commentary by relying on ad hominem attacks under a cloak of anonymity.This site has become a circle jerk for cowardly lions. Not even Dr. Conspiracy will own up to being pivot man of the day.

    Somebody call the wahmbulance “Mark Joseph” is crying but fails to make any point. I find it funny how you can sit there and call us Cowards when Doc allows free thought here as opposed to the right wing blogs who instantly ban, and put into moderation any comments that don’t fit their mobthink.

  183. Black Lion says:

    Mark Joseph: Black Lion;“More Obama derangement, courtsey of old friend Polarik….”“More derangement from the American thinker magazine….I guess they are going for the WND or Post and Fail award for yellow journalism….”“More craziness from Dr Kate…”“And the crazy in the comments…”This is typical libtard propoganda.I understand why the “birthers” would choose to remain anonymous, but I find it cowardly when those who claim to be reasonable, rational, and logical can only provide commentary by relying on ad hominem attacks under a cloak of anonymity.This site has become a circle jerk for cowardly lions. Not even Dr. Conspiracy will own up to being pivot man of the day.

    Mark, really? You remain anonymous because you are afraid. Similar to the guys that ran around in the late 19th and 20th century with sheets covering their faces. If you think that calling for armed insurrection, which is sedition, is an ad hominem attack, then you have issues.
    The reason that those so called birther sites moderate their comments is because they don’t want dissent. They don’t want a rational or reasonable discussion. They just want to perpetuate personal attacks on the President and his family. For over 3 years these attacks have gone on against the President of the US, without a scintilla of proof, and you still believe them. That is not rational. Disparaging the reputation of the President’s dead mother, his wife, and the administration of HI is what is cowardly. Engaging in the reckless propaganda of smears and lies against the leader of our country is what you and your ilk is all about.
    Of course you will engage is typical birther behavior and not respond. Which is OK. We all know it is because you know that deep down you have no argument, just irrational hatred of the man that is the President of the United States. Yes we are all lions here. Why? Because we are not afraid to debate our position and back up what we say with facts. What you don’t like is that your so called safe zones, where you skulk about, are exposed to the light sot hat everyone can see what cowards you so called patriots really are.
    This site is a beacon in the birther morass of filth. And we all give thanks that Doc has this site that people can come to if they want the truth.

  184. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: Black Lion;“More Obama derangement, courtsey of old friend Polarik….”“More derangement from the American thinker magazine….I guess they are going for the WND or Post and Fail award for yellow journalism….”“More craziness from Dr Kate…”“And the crazy in the comments…”This is typical libtard propoganda.I understand why the “birthers” would choose to remain anonymous, but I find it cowardly when those who claim to be reasonable, rational, and logical can only provide commentary by relying on ad hominem attacks under a cloak of anonymity.This site has become a circle jerk for cowardly lions. Not even Dr. Conspiracy will own up to being pivot man of the day.

    You need to look up the meaning of hypocrisy.

  185. Mark Joseph says:

    Black Lion: “Mark, really? You remain anonymous because you are afraid. Similar to the guys that ran around in the late 19th and 20th century with sheets covering their faces. If you think that calling for armed insurrection, which is sedition, is an ad hominem attack, then you have issues.”

    You remain anonymous because you are afraid? Somebody going by the name of “Black Lion” has the gall to say that I remain anomynous because I’m afraid? You must be joking!

    Who has called for “armed insurrection”?

    “They don’t want a rational or reasonable discussion. They just want to perpetuate personal attacks on the President and his family. For over 3 years these attacks have gone on against the President of the US”

    You must be talking about some of the personal attacks directed at “W”. Either that, or you live in a fantasy world were someone who takes office in Jan. 2009 can be the subject of personal attacks over a year before they took office.

    This is typical of your fantasy world. It relies on your own bias, and requires others like you for nourishment. It’s no wonder the same people live at this blog day after day.

    People like you see hearsay as fact, but only when it supports your position. You need to belittle others in order to feel some sort of self worth.

    Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?

    Be careful. If you answer truthfully, you will dig yourself into a hole.

    You and your ilk rely on speculation. If you only look at what has actually been made public, you will see that very little supports your position.

    (FYI: If you think questioning Obama is un-American, I suggest you relocate to North Korea.)

  186. Sef says:

    Mark Joseph: (FYI: If you think questioning Obama is un-American, I suggest you relocate to North Korea.)

    The existence of 70+ losing court cases with none of the plaintiffs spending one night in jail is proof of the greatness of our country.

  187. Scientist says:

    Mark Joseph: Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted)

    I was personally present at Barack Obama’s birth in Hawaii. I have said so numerous times on this site. Not hearsay, fact. Now do have any other questions?

  188. I see Mr. Joseph has returned to poke sticks in the ant hill, and run up the comment counter.

  189. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: SQUAWK ! ! !

    Why do you have such contempt, disregard and disrespect for U.S. law and the Constitution? Please demonstrate your vast knowledge of the eligibility requirements for the office of President of the U.S.

    Are you a higher and more reliable authority than the Republican administration of the state of Hawaii?

    Isn’t “libtard” an ad hominem attack? But it’s o.k. if you do it. Look up hypocrisy.


    News Release


    Phone: (808) xxx-xxxx
    Fax: (808) xxx-xxxx

    For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 09-063


    “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai’i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”


  190. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: . . . only provide commentary by relying on ad hominem attacks under a cloak of anonymity.This site has become a circle jerk for cowardly lions. Not even Dr. Conspiracy will own up to being pivot man of the day.

    A search for Mark Joseph turns up 12.4 million results on Are you all of them?

  191. Black Lion says:

    Mark Joseph: Black Lion: “Mark, really? You remain anonymous because you are afraid. Similar to the guys that ran around in the late 19th and 20th century with sheets covering their faces. If you think that calling for armed insurrection, which is sedition, is an ad hominem attack, then you have issues.”You remain anonymous because you are afraid? Somebody going by the name of “Black Lion” has the gall to say that I remain anomynous because I’m afraid? You must be joking!Who has called for “armed insurrection”?“They don’t want a rational or reasonable discussion. They just want to perpetuate personal attacks on the President and his family. For over 3 years these attacks have gone on against the President of the US”You must be talking about some of the personal attacks directed at “W”. Either that, or you live in a fantasy world were someone who takes office in Jan. 2009 can be the subject of personal attacks over a year before they took office.This is typical of your fantasy world. It relies on your own bias, and requires others like you for nourishment. It’s no wonder the same people live at this blog day after day.People like you see hearsay as fact, but only when it supports your position. You need to belittle others in order to feel some sort of self worth.Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?Be careful. If you answer truthfully, you will dig yourself into a hole.You and your ilk rely on speculation. If you only look at what has actually been made public, you will see that very little supports your position.(FYI: If you think questioning Obama is un-American, I suggest you relocate to North Korea.)

    You remain anonymous because you are afraid? Somebody going by the name of “Black Lion” has the gall to say that I remain anomynous because I’m afraid? You must be joking!

    Everyone on the internet is anonymous. Using 2 first names doesn’t make you any more known than Doc or myself. Or Polarik. Either way moderated sites are cowardly and reminds people of the USSR or North Korea.

    Who has called for “armed insurrection”?

    That is a joke, right? I have personally posted articles from WND, the Post and Fail, and other sites as well as comments from readers that have called for armed insurrection. Orly herself has alluded to that on more that one occasion.

    You must be talking about some of the personal attacks directed at “W”. Either that, or you live in a fantasy world were someone who takes office in Jan. 2009 can be the subject of personal attacks over a year before they took office.

    OK. Show us article where Laura Bush or the twins were personally attacked. I can show you Limbaugh, Beck, and others that have not only attacked the President’s wife and kids, but his mother, father, and grandparents. If you can show us any of those such attacks on Bush’s family, then lets see it. “W” was attacked regarding policy, and rightfully so. However “W” took more vacations than Obama, was seen going to chuch less than Obama, and hired more czars than Obama and was never attacked for that. I can’t count the amount of Obama is a Muslim, all he and his wife do is going on vacation, and he is a communists because he is hiring czar articles I have read since 2009. Attempting to equate the way Obama has been eviserated to Bush’s errors and gaffes and overall treatment is a joke. It is just conservative spin attempting to justify the rancor against Obama.

    Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?

    I would assume at Kapoloni Hospital with her daughter. Can you prove otherwise? Dr. Rodney West. And the state of HI. It is kind of hypocritical to blame Obama for the fact that both of his parents died young. However I suspect even if they were alive, you would claim that they were lying. Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother. However that is irrelevant. The only party that counts, the state of HI has stated that Barack Obama was BORN in Hawaii. So it really doesn’t matter if no one is alive to confirm what HI has certified. And as far as the certificate number, who cares. How do we know that the Nordyke certificate is not a forgery? Can you tell me how in 1961 numbers were assigned? You can’t. So all you have is speculation, not proof. And that and a metrocard will get you on the subway.

    Be careful. If you answer truthfully, you will dig yourself into a hole.

    Not a problem. Unlike you “our ilk” relies on the law and something called proof. You might want to look that term up.

    You and your ilk rely on speculation. If you only look at what has actually been made public, you will see that very little supports your position.

    Really? Dr. Fukino’s statement that Barack Obama was born in HI. The COLB, signed and stamped which says the same thing. The state department records that Strunk got which states that Barack Obama was born in HI and is a natural born citizen of the US. The index data that Leo got which states that a male named Barack Obama was born in HI. The confirmation by GOP Gov Lingle which states that they researched this issue and found that the President was born in HI. You are right, that is not much. What do you have which supports yours? Polarik? Apuzzo’s rantings? There is a reason that the birther lawsuits are 0 for 72. Because they are all full of garbarge.

    (FYI: If you think questioning Obama is un-American, I suggest you relocate to North Korea.)

    No thanks. LIke Obama I am a natural born citizen of the US and like it here. I don’t advocate overturning an legal election because I don’t like the results like you do. But feel free to go to Cuba. You would probably like it there.

  192. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: Black Lion: “Mark, really? You remain anonymous because you are afraid. Similar to the guys that ran around in the late 19th and 20th century with sheets covering their faces. If you think that calling for armed insurrection, which is sedition, is an ad hominem attack, then you have issues.”You remain anonymous because you are afraid? Somebody going by the name of “Black Lion” has the gall to say that I remain anomynous because I’m afraid? You must be joking!Who has called for “armed insurrection”?“They don’t want a rational or reasonable discussion. They just want to perpetuate personal attacks on the President and his family. For over 3 years these attacks have gone on against the President of the US”You must be talking about some of the personal attacks directed at “W”. Either that, or you live in a fantasy world were someone who takes office in Jan. 2009 can be the subject of personal attacks over a year before they took office.This is typical of your fantasy world. It relies on your own bias, and requires others like you for nourishment. It’s no wonder the same people live at this blog day after day.People like you see hearsay as fact, but only when it supports your position. You need to belittle others in order to feel some sort of self worth.Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?Be careful. If you answer truthfully, you will dig yourself into a hole.You and your ilk rely on speculation. If you only look at what has actually been made public, you will see that very little supports your position.(FYI: If you think questioning Obama is un-American, I suggest you relocate to North Korea.)

    Aw more mindless speculation. Sharon Angle called for 2nd amendment solutions. Black Lion has posted many links from birther sites calling for armed insurrection. Paul Vallely is one of them.

    Gee you want to talk about W being personally attacked years after he screwed things up. How many people said W wasn’t born in this country? How many wanted more proof that he was who he said he was? How many claimed his name wasn’t George W Bush, that his father wasn’t his father and he was a CIA spy? You’re comparing apples to turds, smiling and saying this tastes good.

    How many non-family members remember a birth 50 years ago? Over and over again this stuff has been explained to you but you still come back repeating the same debunked nonsense.

  193. Sef says:

    Majority Will:
    A search for Mark Joseph turns up 12.4 million results on Are you all of them?

    I wonder if his mother (or wife) was a Noyd?

  194. Majority Will says:

    I wonder if his mother (or wife) was a Noyd?

    That is one sickening, overstuffed, burned crust pizza. Notify the CDC.

  195. Sef says:

    I wonder if his mother (or wife) was a Noyd?

    For those wondering about the source of this, just enter Mark’s name into the people search at

  196. Mark Joseph says:

    I asked “Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?”

    Black Lion responded with; “I would assume at Kapoloni Hospital with her daughter. Can you prove otherwise? Dr. Rodney West. And the state of HI. It is kind of hypocritical to blame Obama for the fact that both of his parents died young. However I suspect even if they were alive, you would claim that they were lying. Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother. However that is irrelevant. The only party that counts, the state of HI has stated that Barack Obama was BORN in Hawaii. So it really doesn’t matter if no one is alive to confirm what HI has certified. And as far as the certificate number, who cares. How do we know that the Nordyke certificate is not a forgery? Can you tell me how in 1961 numbers were assigned? You can’t. So all you have is speculation, not proof. And that and a metrocard will get you on the subway.”

    It is extremely obvious that you wouldn’t know a “fact” if it hit you upside the head. You can’t even answer the question presented without having to falsely associate the statements of others upon me. (i.e. “Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother.”)

    You cannot support your position with facts. In “Obot World”, it is a fact that Dr. West made a statement. In “Obot World” the Nordyke Twins original birth certificate must be a forgery. In “Obot World” everyone with an adversarial position is telling a lie. “Obot World” was created to support the myth of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.

    Disect your own statement. Tell me what is fact and what is speculation. I don’t think you can tell the difference.

  197. Mark Joseph says:

    Dr. Noisewater; “Sharon Angle called for 2nd amendment solutions. Black Lion has posted many links from birther sites calling for armed insurrection. Paul Vallely is one of them.”

    Notice anything there, sport? I see Sharon Angle, Paul Vallely, and Mark Joseph using their real names. I see those defending Obama choosing to remain anonymous.

    Why are you Obots so scared?

  198. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: I asked “Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?”Black Lion responded with; “I would assume at Kapoloni Hospital with her daughter. Can you prove otherwise? Dr. Rodney West. And the state of HI. It is kind of hypocritical to blame Obama for the fact that both of his parents died young. However I suspect even if they were alive, you would claim that they were lying. Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother. However that is irrelevant. The only party that counts, the state of HI has stated that Barack Obama was BORN in Hawaii. So it really doesn’t matter if no one is alive to confirm what HI has certified. And as far as the certificate number, who cares. How do we know that the Nordyke certificate is not a forgery? Can you tell me how in 1961 numbers were assigned? You can’t. So all you have is speculation, not proof. And that and a metrocard will get you on the subway.”It is extremely obvious that you wouldn’t know a “fact” if it hit you upside the head. You can’t even answer the question presented without having to falsely associate the statements of others upon me. (i.e. “Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother.”)You cannot support your position with facts. In “Obot World”, it is a fact that Dr. West made a statement. In “Obot World” the Nordyke Twins original birth certificate must be a forgery. In “Obot World” everyone with an adversarial position is telling a lie. “Obot World” was created to support the myth of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.Disect your own statement. Tell me what is fact and what is speculation. I don’t think you can tell the difference.

    In Obot World (reality), the U.S law and the Constitution is respected.

    Where is your credible evidence that the state of Hawaii is lying?

    Put up or STFU, troll.

  199. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: Dr. Noisewater; “Sharon Angle called for 2nd amendment solutions. Black Lion has posted many links from birther sites calling for armed insurrection. Paul Vallely is one of them.”Notice anything there, sport? I see Sharon Angle, Paul Vallely, and Mark Joseph using their real names. I see those defending Obama choosing to remain anonymous.Why are you Obots so scared?

    Who is Mark Joseph? Never heard of him. I don’t think that’s your real name.

  200. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: Dr. Noisewater; “Sharon Angle called for 2nd amendment solutions. Black Lion has posted many links from birther sites calling for armed insurrection. Paul Vallely is one of them.”Notice anything there, sport? I see Sharon Angle, Paul Vallely, and Mark Joseph using their real names. I see those defending Obama choosing to remain anonymous.Why are you Obots so scared?

    You asked which people were calling for insurrection now that I’ve provided names you want to complain some more? Mark Joseph is a generic name how about your name and location? Considering how violent some of you extremists have been lately there’s a reason people want to remain anonymous

  201. Black Lion says:

    Mark Joseph: I asked “Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth? Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted) Provide me with one reliable witness to his birth. I will accept the signature of someone who is deceased. However, you cannot provide one. Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?”Black Lion responded with; “I would assume at Kapoloni Hospital with her daughter. Can you prove otherwise? Dr. Rodney West. And the state of HI. It is kind of hypocritical to blame Obama for the fact that both of his parents died young. However I suspect even if they were alive, you would claim that they were lying. Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother. However that is irrelevant. The only party that counts, the state of HI has stated that Barack Obama was BORN in Hawaii. So it really doesn’t matter if no one is alive to confirm what HI has certified. And as far as the certificate number, who cares. How do we know that the Nordyke certificate is not a forgery? Can you tell me how in 1961 numbers were assigned? You can’t. So all you have is speculation, not proof. And that and a metrocard will get you on the subway.”It is extremely obvious that you wouldn’t know a “fact” if it hit you upside the head. You can’t even answer the question presented without having to falsely associate the statements of others upon me. (i.e. “Since you make that claim that his mother lied to get him US citizenship along with his grandmother.”)You cannot support your position with facts. In “Obot World”, it is a fact that Dr. West made a statement. In “Obot World” the Nordyke Twins original birth certificate must be a forgery. In “Obot World” everyone with an adversarial position is telling a lie. “Obot World” was created to support the myth of Obama’s Hawaiian birth.Disect your own statement. Tell me what is fact and what is speculation. I don’t think you can tell the difference.

    Ah, the infamous non responsive answer. Don’t address the question, question the person asking the question. I never claimed that the Nordyke birth certificates were forged. I said how do you know that they were not? I am putting the same burden of proof on them that you put on Obama. And prove that Rodney West was not there. You asked if I could name someone. I did. I did not mention his mother, and grandparents were there also. Again the burden of proof is on you to show evidence to the contrary. But we all know you can’t. Birtherworld…A place where rampant speculation is proof and evidence is automatically forged. It must be nice to inhabit such a fantasyland…

  202. Black Lion says:

    Mark Joseph: Dr. Noisewater; “Sharon Angle called for 2nd amendment solutions. Black Lion has posted many links from birther sites calling for armed insurrection. Paul Vallely is one of them.”Notice anything there, sport? I see Sharon Angle, Paul Vallely, and Mark Joseph using their real names. I see those defending Obama choosing to remain anonymous.Why are you Obots so scared?

    So are Linda Lingle and Dr. Fukino….And they have the law on their side.

  203. Mark Joseph says:

    Dr. Noisewater; “How many non-family members remember a birth 50 years ago? Over and over again this stuff has been explained to you but you still come back repeating the same debunked nonsense.”

    Complete and utter nonsense!

    You have a question in regard to the veracity of my COLB? I’d be more than happy to show you my original birth certificate. I’ll show you where it identifies the name of the doctor, and the name of the hospital. Why would I do that? Because I would be pleased to demonstrate to you that my birth was reported by someone other than my own family member.

    Our laws have not caught up with the power possessed by the POTUS. Unlike when our country was founded, the President of today has the power to wipe out an entire country in less than an hour, and he can do it on his word alone. You’ll have to forgive me if I find the current President to have had a greater chance of being foreign born than any other in recent history. You’ll have to forgive me if I acknowledge that his father had no demonstrated loyalty to this country. You’ll have to forgive me if I ask for a reasonable question to be answered before he launches a nuke.

    You Obots only have one genuine concern. You need to defend your inadequately informed choice. What I really find cowardly is that you choose to do so anonymously.

    I find it extremely funny that you are losing the battle. More people question Obama’s birth story today than a year ago. Grow some nads! Have the courage to make yourself the subject of ridicule.

    My name really is Mark Joseph and I live in Cleveland, OH. I dare any of you to disclose the same.

  204. sfjeff says:

    “Who has called for “armed insurrection”?”

    There have been numerous posters on blogs who have stated that if the courts won’t remove the ‘Ursurper’ that Americans should exercise their 2nd amendment rights and remove him themselves, There have been others who have called upon the military to remove President Obama from office. If you haven’t seen any of those posts, you must not read WND or Orly’s website.

    “You must be talking about some of the personal attacks directed at “W”.”

    I never supported the personal attacks on George W either. I especially never supported smears about his family, his parents, his children. I thought the reporting of his teenage daughters problems was slimy.

    “Either that, or you live in a fantasy world were someone who takes office in Jan. 2009 can be the subject of personal attacks over a year before they took office.”

    I really don’t understand your point here. Yes Obama was the subject of deeply personal attacks both before and after he was legally elected as President of the United States. Just go to Snopes and type in Obama to read some of the disturbed lies sent in emails around the world about Obama.

    “This is typical of your fantasy world. It relies on your own bias, and requires others like you for nourishment. It’s no wonder the same people live at this blog day after day.”

    No, not really. Personally I started coming to this website because i was annoyed after the inaugeration the smears continued, including lies that the President was not born in the United States. I have more actual proof- evidence that could be submitted in court- that President Obama was born in the United States than I have for any previous president. Yet the lies about Obama continue to be perpetrated by you and yours.

    “People like you see hearsay as fact, but only when it supports your position. You need to belittle others in order to feel some sort of self worth.”

    Hearsay? The certificate of live birth is not hearsay, the testimony of Dr. Fukino is not hearsay, the publication of birth announcements in Hawaii is not hearsay. However, every piece of ‘evidence’ the birthers has produced would be considered hearsay or less.

    “Answer this, “Black Lion”! Where was Grandma Dunham when her daughter was giving birth?”

    Don’t know, don’t care, irrelevant. I don’t know where my grandmother was when I was born( I am only two years older than Obama)- so not only is it very likely that no one alive knows such information, it isn’t relevant to whether the President was born in the United States or not.

    “Who has come forward as a witness to Obama’s birth? (hearsay is not permitted)”

    I wouldn’t be able to provide a witness to my birth. That is the whole point of birth certificates- it is the official state document showing that someone was born where they say they are. Has any previous President been asked for or provided witnesses to their birth- nope- not even W.

    “Yet, you will act as though you know something to be fact. ”

    I have enough evidence to satisfy me. Clearly so did the voters. If they questioned his eligibility they could have refusd to vote for him. And did the Electoral College. And Congress. And Chief Justice Roberts. We all felt that President Obama met any reasonable requirement of evidence of his eligibility.

    Since you raised W- did you know for a fact that he was born in the United States? What witnesses did you rely upon?

    “Why does Obama have a higher certificate number than the Nordyke Twins?”

    Don’t know, don’t care. Obama presented his COLB and the voters spoke. Subsequently the State of Hawaii has confirmed he was born there. The certificate number issue is just another birther nit to pick. Since the President was already elected, and since Hawaii has confirmed he was born there, if you suspect malfeasance with the certificate, it is your responsibiilty to prove it- I and the voters didn’t, and don’t care.

    “Be careful. If you answer truthfully, you will dig yourself into a hole.”

    I like the hole we are in. President Obama is in office, the courts have rejected every claim, and are starting to impose costs and sanctions against the inept birther lawyers, and no birther has provided any evidence to substantiate any of their claims. I agree, answering truthfully does put us into this hole.

    “You and your ilk rely on speculation. If you only look at what has actually been made public, you will see that very little supports your position.”

    If you mean the birth certificate, statements by the State of Hawaii and birth announcements, and the President being voted into office- well actually everything supports our position.

    “(FYI: If you think questioning Obama is un-American, I suggest you relocate to North Korea)”

    As far as I am concerned, questioning any Presidents position or policies is fair game. Even calling him names becaues you detest his policies. Even lieing and calling him a Marxist or Socialist is part of our poltiical system.

    But that doesn’t mean we should sit quietly and not loudly reject such lies.

    But birthers go beyond that- they are asking- no demanding- evidence to prove the President was not eligible to be the President. Birthers do not seek the truth, they demand that evidence be produced to satisfy their faith that the President was not eligible.

    This is why they keep whining about discovery- they have no actual evidence, just smears and innuendo, statements taken out of context and unsubstantiated- so birthers want discovery to find the prove that they are convinced is out there. Of course if discovery just happened to reveal something embarressing, but having nothing to do with eligibility, birthers would be thrilled by that too.

    Really, you come here and accuse us of having no evidence, when you have nothing- nada- zilch.

    No evidence to support your position
    No courts that support you
    Not a single congressman that will raise the issue in Congress
    No respectable or capable attorney that will pursue the issue
    No media- not even that schill for the RNC Fox News- that will support the birther agenda.

    Just web sites of angry white malcontents, that allow no dissenting words to disrupt their delusional plans.

    So personally, I will stick with my team. You will continue with your speculation and innuendo. And President Obama will ignore your demands and go about his business as he should.

  205. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: Notice anything there, sport? I see Sharon Angle, Paul Vallely, and Mark Joseph using their real names. I see those defending Obama choosing to remain anonymous.Why are you Obots so scared?

    Sport, I found an address and phone number for Sharron Angle:

    There’s an African American named Mark Joseph in Cleveland at Case Western University.

    Is that you?

    Other than that there are 270,000 other links. Are you in prison or a mental hospital?

  206. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: Dr. Noisewater; “How many non-family members remember a birth 50 years ago? Over and over again this stuff has been explained to you but you still come back repeating the same debunked nonsense.”Complete and utter nonsense!You have a question in regard to the veracity of my COLB? I’d be more than happy to show you my original birth certificate. I’ll show you where it identifies the name of the doctor, and the name of the hospital. Why would I do that? Because I would be pleased to demonstrate to you that my birth was reported by someone other than my own family member.Our laws have not caught up with the power possessed by the POTUS. Unlike when our country was founded, the President of today has the power to wipe out an entire country in less than an hour, and he can do it on his word alone. You’ll have to forgive me if I find the current President to have had a greater chance of being foreign born than any other in recent history. You’ll have to forgive me if I acknowledge that his father had no demonstrated loyalty to this country. You’ll have to forgive me if I ask for a reasonable question to be answered before he launches a nuke.You Obots only have one genuine concern. You need to defend your inadequately informed choice. What I really find cowardly is that you choose to do so anonymously.I find it extremely funny that you are losing the battle. More people question Obama’s birth story today than a year ago. Grow some nads! Have the courage to make yourself the subject of ridicule.My name really is Mark Joseph and I live in Cleveland, OH. I dare any of you to disclose the same.

    Okay show me publicly your long form birth certificate. Also lets see non-family members who witnessed your birth come forward and tell us vivid details about the day. Once again Mark Joseph is a generic name. There’s are several mark joseph’s listed for cleveland ohio which one are you?

    So in your whole entire speech you still have presented no proof. Do you have any proof that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii? Do you have anything that contradicts what the state of Hawaii has said? So far you’ve shown none.

  207. sfjeff says:

    “You’ll have to forgive me if I find the current President to have had a greater chance of being foreign born than any other in recent history.”

    No I don’t. Why does he have a greater chance? Because his father was not born in the United States? Tell me how that increases any chances- what is the basis of your fear?

    “You’ll have to forgive me if I acknowledge that his father had no demonstrated loyalty to this country.”

    Again, I don’t have to forgive you for your fears. Here at least you are correct- his father had not demonstrated loyalties to the United States….and what? Not only does this not impact his eligibility, there is no evidence that Barrack Obama Sr. had any influence on the developement of BO Jr. other than the sense of anger and loss his absent father inspired.

    “You’ll have to forgive me if I ask for a reasonable question to be answered before he launches a nuke.”

    First you have to ask a reasonable question. A reasonable question might be asking for evidence of his eligilbility prior to the election.

    Second you have to show some link to the question to the idea that President Obama might launch a nuke. You have no evidence that President Obama is more likely to launch a nuke irresponsibly than any other President. You pose that question as another underhanded attempt to smear him.

    So no, I won’t forgive you for your attempts to smear the President.

  208. Mark Joseph says:

    sfjess “lies that the President was not born in the United States”

    You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay. If Obama’s reported birth in Hawaii was not the product of a lie, the original records would demonstrate that.

    I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.

  209. Sef says:

    Mark Joseph: I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.

    Your posting here could be considered a “public act”. So let’s have ALL your private info.

  210. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: sfjess “lies that the President was not born in the United States”You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay. If Obama’s reported birth in Hawaii was not the product of a lie, the original records would demonstrate that.I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.

    The state of Hawaii has confirmed that the President was born in the U.S. as a natural born citizen. That’s not hearsay. It’s a fact.

    What credible evidence do you have that this is not true?

    What legal authority do you have that trumps the state of Hawaii?

    Why do you despise U.S. law and the Constitution so much? Is it a birther defect?

  211. Mark Joseph says:

    Dr. Noisewater “Okay show me publicly your long form birth certificate. Also lets see non-family members who witnessed your birth come forward and tell us vivid details about the day. Once again Mark Joseph is a generic name. There’s are several mark joseph’s listed for cleveland ohio which one are you?

    So in your whole entire speech you still have presented no proof. Do you have any proof that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii? Do you have anything that contradicts what the state of Hawaii has said? So far you’ve shown none.”

    Give me a reason to show you my long form certificate and I will be happy to do so. If it was the best way to prove that I am eligible for a particular job, I would make it public. That is, if I wanted the job.

    Obama seems to enjoy having people question his birth. He seems to enjoy dividing this country. About half of the country questions his birth story. Those who take him at his word are the minority. The Obots have become the fringe.

    I will accept the signature of an attending physician in lieu of statements from other witnesses. You, with regard to Obama, have provided neither.

    You will get nothing more from me until you provide your real name, city and state.

  212. misha says:

    Mark Joseph: sfjess “lies that the President was not born in the United States”
    You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay.

    Mark Joseph: please see this:

  213. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: Dr. Noisewater “Okay show me publicly your long form birth certificate. Also lets see non-family members who witnessed your birth come forward and tell us vivid details about the day. Once again Mark Joseph is a generic name. There’s are several mark joseph’s listed for cleveland ohio which one are you?So in your whole entire speech you still have presented no proof. Do you have any proof that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii? Do you have anything that contradicts what the state of Hawaii has said? So far you’ve shown none.”Give me a reason to show you my long form certificate and I will be happy to do so. If it was the best way to prove that I am eligible for a particular job, I would make it public. That is, if I wanted the job.Obama seems to enjoy having people question his birth. He seems to enjoy dividing this country. About half of the country questions his birth story. Those who take him at his word are the minority. The Obots have become the fringe.I will accept the signature of an attending physician in lieu of statements from other witnesses. You, with regard to Obama, have provided neither.You will get nothing more from me until you provide your real name, city and state.

    You said you could easily show your birth certificate. You wanted to come in here and act like Mr big balls saying you could so when asked for it you want to reneg? Not half of the country questions his birth its the same small minority in statistics that do. You know the same dead enders who believe 9/11 was an inside job, that we didn’t land on the moon, that continued supporting Bush all those years. That lonely 20% fringe. No those who take him at his word are the majority. I’ll get nothing from you because you have nothing to present. “Mark Joseph” is a generic name. What is your full name? There are many “Mark Joseph’s” in Cleveland you might as well tell me your name is John Smith

  214. misha says:

    Mark Joseph: You will get nothing more from me until you provide your real name, city and state.

    Misha Marinsky, Philadelphia. It’s in my blog profile, along with my e-mail addy.

  215. sfjeff says:

    “You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay. If Obama’s reported birth in Hawaii was not the product of a lie, the original records would demonstrate that.”

    Oh I see the problem- you aren’t familiar with the American legal or political system. My apologies, I assumed you were from the United States.

    Here in the United States, once a peron has been elected, those disputing the persons eligibility have the responsibility to prove their accusations. In this case, President Obama posted his COLB for public review, and he was voted overwhelmingly into office. The COLB is admissable evidence into court that President Obama was born in the United States, as would be the testimony of Dr. Fukino.

    Birthers, since they have no evidence showing Obama was not born in the United States, instead insist that the President not only present evidence, but prove that the evidence is not fraudualant. This is not how our system works, and really is a slap in the face to the voters who voted President Obama into office.

    I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.

    “the original records would demonstrate that.””

    Actually, if the COLB is fraudulant and the DOH is lieing, then there is no reason not to further assume that the original records couldn’t be forged also. There is nothing ‘more’ legitimate about the records you are demanding.

    “I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.”

    President Obama’s name is not private, but his records are. Again, you clearly aren’t familiar with the U.S. legal system, but simply there are laws which prevent a hospital from releasing information regarding patients, and there are laws which prevent the State of Hawaii releasing private documents to just anyone. President Obama might be able to obtain these documents, but he is under no obligation to do so, and I see no reason he should. He has actual work to do, rather trying to appease a few folks that wouldn’t vote for him anyways.

  216. Mark Joseph says:

    sfjeff “First you have to ask a reasonable question. A reasonable question might be asking for evidence of his eligilbility prior to the election.”

    Questions were asked prior to the election. Can you show me one place where you regarded those questions as reasonable? If I can show where you did not consider them to be reasonable, will you acknowledge how silly your response is?

    “Second you have to show some link to the question to the idea that President Obama might launch a nuke. You have no evidence that President Obama is more likely to launch a nuke irresponsibly than any other President. You pose that question as another underhanded attempt to smear him.”

    Now you’re just being goofy. Might launch a nuke? You don’t think the guy carrying a gun might actually decide to use it? I’ll make sure to notify the ATF that background checks chould only be required once we can demonstrate that the person buying the gun might actually decide to use it. You must make your fellow Obots proud!

  217. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: I will accept the signature of an attending physician in lieu of statements from other witnesses.

    WTF cares what you want and where is that requirement in U.S. law or the Constitution?

    The state of Hawaii has confirmed that the President was born in the U.S. as a natural born citizen. That’s not hearsay. It’s a fact.

    What credible evidence do you have that this is not true?

    What legal authority do you have that trumps the state of Hawaii?

    Why do you despise U.S. law and the Constitution so much? Is it a birther defect?

  218. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: sfjeff “First you have to ask a reasonable question. A reasonable question might be asking for evidence of his eligilbility prior to the election.”Questions were asked prior to the election. Can you show me one place where you regarded those questions as reasonable? If I can show where you did not consider them to be reasonable, will you acknowledge how silly your response is?“Second you have to show some link to the question to the idea that President Obama might launch a nuke. You have no evidence that President Obama is more likely to launch a nuke irresponsibly than any other President. You pose that question as another underhanded attempt to smear him.”Now you’re just being goofy. Might launch a nuke? You don’t think the guy carrying a gun might actually decide to use it? I’ll make sure to notify the ATF that background checks chould only be required once we can demonstrate that the person buying the gun might actually decide to use it. You must make your fellow Obots proud!

    How many presidents in our country have used nukes since WW2?

  219. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: Questions were asked prior to the election.

    And answered by the state of Hawaii.

    The state of Hawaii has confirmed that the President was born in the U.S. as a natural born citizen. That’s not hearsay. It’s a fact.

    What credible evidence do you have that this is not true?

    What legal authority do you have that trumps the state of Hawaii?

    Why do you despise U.S. law and the Constitution so much? Is it a birther defect?

  220. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: Now you’re just being goofy. You must make your fellow Obots proud!

    Why the ad hominem attacks?

    ” . . . but I find it cowardly when those who claim to be reasonable, rational, and logical can only provide commentary by relying on ad hominem attacks under a cloak of

    The state of Hawaii has confirmed that the President was born in the U.S. as a natural born citizen. That’s not hearsay. It’s a fact.

    What credible evidence do you have that this is not true?

    What legal authority do you have that trumps the state of Hawaii?

    Why do you despise U.S. law and the Constitution so much?

  221. Mark Joseph says:

    sfjeff “Here in the United States, once a peron has been elected, those disputing the persons eligibility have the responsibility to prove their accusations.”

    Go back to school (or you could start by enrolling).

    You can start by looking into something called “quo warranto”. You can then look into its use in the states. If all it took to hold office was to win the election, you might have a point. However, just winning the election (popular or electoral college) does not alleviate the winner of the qualifications for office.

    Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II? Where has Congress or SCOTUS said that it was sufficient proof to meet that requirement?

  222. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II?

    The state of Hawaii has confirmed that the President was born in the U.S. as a natural born citizen. That’s not hearsay. It’s a fact.

    Is that too painful for you to acknowledge?

    What credible evidence do you have that the statement of the Director of Health if the state Hawaii confirming this fact is not true?

    What legal authority do you have that trumps the state of Hawaii?

    When did Congress challenge the eligibility of the current President of the U.S.?

    Why do you despise U.S. law and the Constitution so much?

  223. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: sfjeff “Here in the United States, once a peron has been elected, those disputing the persons eligibility have the responsibility to prove their accusations.”Go back to school (or you could start by enrolling).You can start by looking into something called “quo warranto”. You can then look into its use in the states. If all it took to hold office was to win the election, you might have a point. However, just winning the election (popular or electoral college) does not alleviate the winner of the qualifications for office.Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II? Where has Congress or SCOTUS said that it was sufficient proof to meet that requirement?

    Obviously you’re not familiar with Quo Warranto’s use. Quo Warranto can only be brought by the State or Feds and not by ordinary citizens like Orly Taitz. This is why she was shot down. The judiciary can’t remove a sitting president. Congress obviously thought it was enough as there were no objections to the election.

  224. sfjeff says:

    “your real name, city and state.”

    In case you aren’t aware of it, SF is short for San Francisco- which by the way is in California. Jeff is my real name- well to be honest, its short for Jeffrey.

  225. obsolete says:

    Mark Joseph should be collecting my paycheck from Soros this week- He is a great help to Obama’s reelection chances by demonstrating how detached from reality and unhinged Obama’s opponents are.
    Mark Joseph is part of the delusional 20% of the country known as dead-enders. The same people that thought Bush was great as New Orleans drowned. The same people that think Saddam used his WMD on 9/11.
    If only people like Mark Joseph were as skeptical about Bush’s WMD evidence, maybe we wouldn’t have lost over 4000 American soldiers. Mark Joseph will ignore statement’s from Hawaiian officials about Obama’s birth records but accept crayon drawings of WMD depots from Bush, because Bush has light skin and a “normal” American name. He’s worried that Obama might launch a renegade nuke, but was unconcerned when Bush launched a renegade war and invasion.

  226. Black Lion says:

    Mark Joseph: sfjeff “Here in the United States, once a peron has been elected, those disputing the persons eligibility have the responsibility to prove their accusations.”Go back to school (or you could start by enrolling).You can start by looking into something called “quo warranto”. You can then look into its use in the states. If all it took to hold office was to win the election, you might have a point. However, just winning the election (popular or electoral college) does not alleviate the winner of the qualifications for office.Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II? Where has Congress or SCOTUS said that it was sufficient proof to meet that requirement?

    Go back to school (or you could start by enrolling).

    You may want to become familar with the law. The first section of the law you may want to read is in regards to burden of proof. You are making the accusation, so you are required to provide legally admissible proof to support your allegation. The President is not obligated to provide you or any other birther with anything. No matter how many legal experts remind you of this, you ignore this fact. Which is why the birthers have to rely on crazy attorneys like Orly, DUI attorney’s like Apuzzo and convicted felons like Lucas Smith. There is not one iota of evidence to support your ridiculous claims.

    You can start by looking into something called “quo warranto”. You can then look into its use in the states. If all it took to hold office was to win the election, you might have a point. However, just winning the election (popular or electoral college) does not alleviate the winner of the qualifications for office.

    Again you might want to become familar with the law. QW cannot be used to remove the President. Even Apuzzo was aware of that. The only way the President can be removed is by Congress. There are over 250 GOP Senators and Congressman in America, yet not one, including Michelle Bachmann or Nathan Deal has initiated any sort of impeachment proceedings. Interesting. You ever think it is because they know that Obama is legally the President and meets the requirements?

    Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II? Where has Congress or SCOTUS said that it was sufficient proof to meet that requirement?

    Again reading comprehension issues. No one has ever claimed that a image on a website was suffcient. However we have said that the actual paper document, received by the Obama administration from the state of HI, IS SUFFCIENT TO PROVE THAT THE PRESIDENT WAS BORN IN HAWAII. And if a legal request by a court is made for the document, it will be produced. Until the SCOTUS and / or Congress makes such a request, then you have nothing.

  227. obsolete says:

    Mark Joseph, if you have evidence that the Republican officials are lying, please present it. Come back when you have something. Get ‘er done!

  228. JoZeppy says:

    Mark Joseph: You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay.

    Sorry bud. It doesn’t work that way. The document is prima facie evidence of birth. No one has to prove the birth report was not a lie. It is up to you to provide evidence that the document is unreliable. In a court of law, the COLB, without credible evidence as to why the document should not be relied on, establishes those facts as a matter of law.

    Mark Joseph: If Obama’s reported birth in Hawaii was not the product of a lie, the original records would demonstrate that.

    And if my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle. What’s your point? Do you have evidence that the report was the product of a lie? If not, then sit down and shut up.

    Mark Joseph: I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.

    Performed a public act? A doctor providing medical assitance during a birth is not a public act. They’re medical records, protected by privacy laws. Besides general privacy laws, there is this thing called identity theft. What you consider personal or private is irrelevant. The laws are clear on the issue. You have no legal right to see them. Be thankful the President let you see his COLB. That’s more than you’ve had for any other candidate.

  229. Mark Joseph says:

    Dr. Noisewater “Obviously you’re not familiar with Quo Warranto’s use. Quo Warranto can only be brought by the State or Feds and not by ordinary citizens like Orly Taitz. This is why she was shot down. The judiciary can’t remove a sitting president. Congress obviously thought it was enough as there were no objections to the election.”

    You should do some research. It may help if you read the SCOTUS opinion in Newman. In particular, take a look at “interested person”.

    Your assertion appears to be that Congress can ignore the Constitution (should they desire) and the only response would be to overthrow the government. You’ve been listening to too many Obot attorneys. If you take the time to read the Constitution, you will see that the Judiciary cannot impeach a President, but that does not remove the ability of the Judiciary to ouster a sitting President who has no legal right to that office (because he doesn’t meet the qualifications).

  230. sfjeff says:

    “Go back to school (or you could start by enrolling)”

    Been there done that. I have also read th constitution. .

    “You can start by looking into something called “quo warranto”. You can then look into its use in the states.

    i don’t think it means what you think it means, and neither have the courts

    “If all it took to hold office was to win the election, you might have a point. However, just winning the election (popular or electoral college) does not alleviate the winner of the qualifications for office.”

    Sure- but once the President has been sworn in, he is the President. He has no responsibility to prove this to you individually. He went through the same vetting process that every previous President has gone through.

    “Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II? Where has Congress or SCOTUS said that it was sufficient proof to meet that requirement?”

    Clearly Congress was satisfied that President Obama had met the eligiblity requirements when they confirmed him without objection. And Chief Justice Roberts swore him in. But again, the burden of proof is upon you. We merely point out that President Obama has gone through the same vetting and election process as all previous Presidents and is legally our President. That the evidence demonstrates his eligiblity.

    That you don’t accept it is a personal problem of yours, and not the Presidents.

  231. sfjeff says:

    “but that does not remove the ability of the Judiciary to ouster a sitting President who has no legal right to that office (because he doesn’t meet the qualifications).”

    Keep repeating that to yourself, but thats not in the Constitution. The Constitution provides that the only remedy is Congress.

    If you think the President is obligated to provide additional evidence, just push Congress for impeachment proceedings. The remedy to your complaint is there.

  232. Majority Will says:

    Mark Joseph: You should do some research.

    The state of Hawaii has confirmed that the President was born in the U.S. as a natural born citizen. That’s not hearsay. It’s a fact.

    Is that too painful for you to acknowledge?

    What credible evidence do you have that the statement of the Director of Health if the state Hawaii confirming this fact is not true?

    What legal authority do you have that trumps the state of Hawaii?

    When did Congress challenge the eligibility of the current President of the U.S.?

    Why do you despise U.S. law and the Constitution so much?

    Are these questions too difficult?

  233. Bovril says:

    Dear Marky Joe,

    So far the only “proof” of anything we have seen from you is

    1. A marked failure to understand the fundamental underpinnings of the law, those boring old “innocent until proven guilty”, burden of proof upon the accuser stuff

    2. An astonishing lack of comprehension, stupidity and cupidity around the Constitution and Constitutional law

    3. An inability to answer or coherently respond to questions posed

    4. An unerring inability to grasp the difference between facts and beliefs, legally binding from hearsay, authoritative from speculative, ethical from unethical, moral from immoral and legal from illegal

    Now, unlike your traditional hangouts in Birferstan, here you will not be censored or have your details “scrubbed” (a favourite Birfer belief) on grounds of belief but you may be for threats of violence etc.

    Now lets get to the meat shall we,

    There are multiple FACTS about the President including his birthplace, Hawai’i, that are supported and validated by competent authority such as a certified birth certificate, annoucements from the custodian of birth records in Hawai’i, read only microfiche records of newspaper announcemnets, hard and soft copies of the Hawai’in birth index etc.

    All of these items demonstrate, beyond the requirements of the law, that President Obama was born in Hawai’i to his mother Stanley and father Barack.

    The Constitution, Supreme Court rulings, case law, Founding Fathers statements, English Common Law of the period and 14th Amendment state without equivocation that the Presidents birth by manner, location and parental status classes him as a person who meets the requirements of citiizenship to stand, run, be elected and serve as President.

    The President won the majority of votes cast and the majority of Electoral College votes and the votes so cast were validated by Senate and Congress.

    No Senator or Congressman raised an objection during this process and the President was confirmed into the Office of the President.

    The Constitution only permits one method for the removal of a president during their term, outside of the inability clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 and the same of the 25th Amendment. That is via the mechanism of impeachment which is solely within the purview of Senate and Congress.

    These are facts, not beliefs, opinions, hopes, wants or desires.

    Get used it.

  234. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Mark Joseph: Dr. Noisewater “Obviously you’re not familiar with Quo Warranto’s use. Quo Warranto can only be brought by the State or Feds and not by ordinary citizens like Orly Taitz. This is why she was shot down. The judiciary can’t remove a sitting president. Congress obviously thought it was enough as there were no objections to the election.”You should do some research. It may help if you read the SCOTUS opinion in Newman. In particular, take a look at “interested person”.Your assertion appears to be that Congress can ignore the Constitution (should they desire) and the only response would be to overthrow the government. You’ve been listening to too many Obot attorneys. If you take the time to read the Constitution, you will see that the Judiciary cannot impeach a President, but that does not remove the ability of the Judiciary to ouster a sitting President who has no legal right to that office (because he doesn’t meet the qualifications).

    Quo Warranto can’t be used to remove a sitting president. Once again you have nothing to support your contention. You seem not to understand what happened in Newman. One has to be a resident of DC and be supported by an officer of the government. So officer from the government supporting this?

    This is from Newman V United States: Under the District of Columbia Code, a third person may not institute quo warranto proceedings without the consent of the law officers of the government and also of the Supreme Court of the District.

    The District Code makes a distinction between a “third person” and an “interested person” in maintaining quo warranto proceedings.

    While every citizen and every taxpayer is interested in the enforcement of law and in having only qualified officers execute the law, such general interest is not a private but a public interest, which is not sufficient to authorize the institution of quo warranto proceedings.

    The mere fact that one is a citizen and taxpayer of the District of Columbia does not make him an interested party who may maintain quo warranto proceedings against the incumbent of an office on the consent of the court, although the law officers of the government refuse such consent.

    An interested person within the meaning of the provisions of the District Code in regard to quo warranto proceedings is one who has an interest in the office itself peculiar to himself whether the office be elective or appointive.

    Unless the right to maintain quo warranto proceedings under the District Code were limited to persons actually and personally interested, every officer attached to the government at Washington would be subject to attack by persons having no claim in the office or interest therein different from that of every other citizen and taxpayer of the United States.

    As §§ 1538-1540, Code District of Columbia, apply to actions in quo warranto instituted by authorized parties against national officers of the United States, they are general laws of the United States, and not merely local laws of the District of Columbia, and the judgment of the Court of Appeals of the District construing those sections is reviewable by this Court under § 250, Judicial Code.

    You should actually try reading the court cases you try to cite so you don’t come across as a dolt. The judiciary has no legal authority whatsoever to ouster the president. Show me the section in the constitution where the judiciary is allowed to do that. Also congress is following the constitution.

  235. Gorefan says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): My name really is Mark Joseph and I live in Cleveland, OH. I dare any of you to disclose the same.

    What a totally meanless statement. Please provide proof: SSN, BC, Driver License #, Childhood pictures, names and addresses of friends and family members, all school records from kindergarten to college. Until then you are just as anonymous as everyone at the Post & Mail, FreeRepublic, oamareleaseyourrecords, and almost every other website devoted to this subject.

    Oh and by the way, the Governor of Hawaii and DOH officials, the House of Representative members (who voted unanimously to proclaim Hawaii as the birthplace of President Obama) are not anonymous.

  236. obsolete says:

    Mark Joseph, do you have any evidence that refutes these signed, official statements and info provided on this official State of Hawaii web page?

    Does your authority equal or supersede that of either of the public officials who have signed their full names and provided contact info?

    Why don’t you call them and tell them how they are wrong?

    Statement Number One:
    News Release


    Phone: (808) 586-4410
    Fax: (808) 586-4444

    For Immediate Release: October 31, 2008 08-93


    “There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate.
    State law (Hawaii Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate
    to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record.

    “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital
    Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have
    personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s
    original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.

    “No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be
    handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawaii.”


    For more information, contact:
    Janice Okubo
    Communications Office
    Phone: (808) 586-4442

    Statement Number Two:
    News Release


    Phone: (808) 586-4410
    Fax: (808) 586-4444

    For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 09-063


    “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai’i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
    records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
    was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
    or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”

    If you can’t knock those down, come back when you can.

  237. Gorefan says:

    Sorry Bob, not meant for you but for the person calling himself Mark Joseph>

  238. obsolete says:

    bye Mark Joseph, it was nice knowing you. I am glad we were able to set you straight.

  239. Majority Will says:

    Bovril: Dear Marky Joe,So far the only “proof”of anything we have seen from you is 1.A marked failure to understand the fundamental underpinnings of the law, those boring old “innocent until proven guilty”, burden of proof upon the accuser stuff 2. An astonishing lack of comprehension, stupidity and cupidity around the Constitution and Constitutional law 3.An inability to answer or coherently respond to questions posed 4.An unerring inability to grasp the difference between facts and beliefs, legally binding from hearsay, authoritative from speculative, ethical from unethical, moral from immoral and legal from illegal . . .

    Birthers are infamous for cherry picking their questions and answers. It fits with their bizarre inability to understand and accept facts and especially facts of law.

    It must suck to be a birther.

  240. JoZeppy says:

    Mark Joseph: Obama seems to enjoy having people question his birth. He seems to enjoy dividing this country. About half of the country questions his birth story. Those who take him at his word are the minority. The Obots have become the fringe.

    Yes, it’s Obama’s fault he choses to ignore a bunch of nut jobs who will never be satified, and are determined to smear him every chance they get…and of course, their repeated lies and unsupported accusations bear no responsibility for dividing the nation. I love how birther love to inflate their numbers. Take another look at the polls buddy. It’s about 25% of those who are convinced or seriously doubt Obama was born in the US. The vast majority of which identify themselves as Republican or Teabaggers. But I’m sure the blind hatred of the President from the Democractic Party has nothing to do with it. Not like they tried to run the last one out of office or anything.

    Mark Joseph: I will accept the signature of an attending physician in lieu of statements from other witnesses. You, with regard to Obama, have provided neither.

    And why should anyone care what you accept? Get over yourself. You’re not important enough to set the standards of what is sufficient. There is no law requiring that you provide the signature of an attending physician to prove where you were born. There is no need to provide witness statements or even what hospital. Your arrogance is truely shocking that for some reason you’re entitled to a higher level of proof than any court of law requires, or for that matter that you’re entitled to have anything proven to you personally.

  241. Bovril says:

    To give Marky Mark his dues, at least his blather was spell checked, reasonably grammatical and without the traditional Birfer splattering of wholly randomly inserted CAPS and !!!!!

  242. Gorefan says:

    Mark Joseph: You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie.

    Actually there is quite a bit of evidence, and certainly more then has been proved for any other President or Presidential candidate. Aside from the COLB, there are statements from the Governor of Hawaii, the Hawaiian DOH, the FOIA documents that report President Obama as having been born in Hawaii. the Indonesian school records that show the President as being born in Hawaii.

    In fact, there is not a single piece of evidence to show he was born anywhere else.

    For your “BC is a lie scenario” to work, his mother would have had to make a transoceanic phone call to her parents, they would have gone down to the DOH and registered his birth as being in Hawaii. And according to you, the DOH without a shred of evidence, essentially handed out BC, based solely on the word of the grandparents. Think about that for just a second.

    This would mean that anyone could walk into the DOH and register a birth, even if one never took place, and get a Hawaiian BC. Do see how that totally invalidates the entire process? Under what rationale would the DOH do such a thing? There would be absolutely no reason to have a Vital Records Department, since the records would be completely unreliable.

  243. SluggoJD says:

    Mark Joseph: sfjess “lies that the President was not born in the United States”You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay. If Obama’s reported birth in Hawaii was not the product of a lie, the original records would demonstrate that.I see nothing that should be considered personal or private about the name of the person who performed a public act. May one of you can explain why there would be a need for that information to be hidden.

    LOL, a new little troll, just as pathetic as all the rest.

    1961 newspaper reports of birth are not hearsay.

    Now then, little troll, you can scream and yell and razzle dazzle and wave your hands all around like a loonytune, and dodge and bob and weave and throw out tons of BS…

    but in the end, President Obama will still be leading this nation out of the mess that the right wing created, and you…ummm…you will still be a little losertroll posting on message boards.

    Now then, I don’t feed trolls, so don’t expect anything else out of me.

  244. Goerfan: And according to you [Mark Joseph], the DOH without a shred of evidence, essentially handed out BC, based solely on the word of the grandparents. Think about that for just a second.

    In 1961, the law required parents to file an unattended birth certificate. Someone else could only do that if the parents were unable, which is not a credible scenario for two living parents. The “grandmother registration” is an impossible scenario.

  245. Mark Joseph: You should do some research. It may help if you read the SCOTUS opinion in Newman. In particular, take a look at “interested person”.

    Your assertion appears to be that Congress can ignore the Constitution (should they desire) and the only response would be to overthrow the government. You’ve been listening to too many Obot attorneys. If you take the time to read the Constitution, you will see that the Judiciary cannot impeach a President, but that does not remove the ability of the Judiciary to ouster a sitting President who has no legal right to that office (because he doesn’t meet the qualifications).

    I think Bovril has pretty much covered your misunderstanding of Newman. Your other misunderstanding might be resolved if you researched the doctrine of “political question.” Of course you could cut to the chase by reading some of the decisions issued by federal judges as they dismissed these silly birther cases to see what real judges think (W. O. Carter in California might be a good starter.)

  246. Mark Joseph: You can start by looking into something called “quo warranto”. You can then look into its use in the states.

    Quo warranto at the state level is hardly relevant to who is President of the United States. We have seen that federal quo warranto suits against Obama have been thrown out on multiple occasions. So what’s your point?

  247. Majority Will: Why the ad hominem attacks?

    Because the more arrogant the claim, the more unfair the argument and the nastier the personal attack, the more angry the response. Trolls live for that.

  248. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The “grandmother registration” is an impossible scenario.

    You are right of course, but I’m sure we’ll continue to see it come up.

    What’s amazing is that the birthers couple the “grandmother registration” scenario with the “Indonesian adoption” scenario. That means the Presidents mother, makes her parents rush to the DOH to commit fraud and register the newborn in Hawaii. This so he can be assured of American citizenship. Then 5 or 6 years later throws that away so he can have Indonesian citizen. All the while keeping her own American citizenship.

  249. Scientist says:

    Mark Joseph: Where does it say that a COLB posted on a website is sufficent to demonstrate the qualifications set forth in Article II? Where has Congress or SCOTUS said that it was sufficient proof to meet that requirement?

    Where has Congress or SCOTUS ever said that any proof was required? Is there a record of any President ever providing proof of his birth? Qualifying the President is up to Congress and neither the Constitution nor any statute specifies what documents are required. The members of Congress use their judgement. If you don’t like the judgement your members made, don’t vote for them in November. End of story.

  250. Black Lion: More Obama derangement, courtsey of old friend Polarik….

    I have said on a number of occasions that conspiracy theories have to keep growing in complexity and scope in order to maintain the conspiracy in the face of evidence against it. I can hardly think of any better example than Dr. Ron Polland (aka Ron Polarik, aka PetJake) and the video Black Lion cited. Polland claims that,, and the Hawaii Department of Health all committed fraud. It boggles the mind.

  251. misha says:

    Is LTC Lakin an undocumented worker?

    Click here to find out.

  252. Hulu says:

    Dr. Congame said “In 1961, the law required parents to file an unattended birth certificate. Someone else could only do that if the parents were unable, which is not a credible scenario for two living parents. The “grandmother registration” is an impossible scenario.”

    Oh yeah. We have a winner here. Governors don’t pay hookers. Politicians don’t violate laws. and nobody who ever worked for the DOH has ever let a birth be registered when the parents could have made themselves available.

    If Obama was born in Kenya, and the grandparents filed a fraudulent birth report, that would be a crime. However, according to Dr. Congame, nobody has ever managed to coerce a government employee to put something thru that they should not.

    Do I need to list all the government officials who broke the law in the last 50 years?

    Just because something can’t happen legally, that doesn’t mean it could not have occurred.

    I saw another comment by Dr. Congame where he claimed that Obama Jr could not have acquired Indonesian citizenship. What a load. Indonesia might not recognize his U.S. citizenship, and the he might not have lost his U.S. citizenship, but that would not under any rational, common-sense scenario stop Obama Jr from acquiring Indoneasian citizenship. It just means that Indonesia would not recognize his U.S. citizenship.

    Much of what Dr. Congame puts out is just his worthless opinion.

  253. misha says:

    Hulu: Much of what Dr. Congame puts out is just his worthless opinion.

    Hulu: I found a Kenya BC (Obama’s?).

    Hope this helps.

  254. Majority Will says:

    Hulu: Meaningless, erroneous and irrelevant birther troll squawking.

    Your intense paranoia doesn’t count as credible evidence of fraud. It does qualify as cowardly, however. Kudos.

    I’m willing to bet you have ABSOLUTELY no idea what credible evidence means.

    (Hint: Citing WND or the P&E doesn’t count as credible or evidence. You’re welcome.)

  255. Scientist says:

    Hulu-Everything could be fraudulent. Even you. Especially you. I suppose the office of President should be left permanently vacant, because no matter who might be elected, it’s theoretically possible that their birth was fraudulently registered?

  256. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Hulu: Dr. Congame said “In 1961, the law required parents to file an unattended birth certificate. Someone else could only do that if the parents were unable, which is not a credible scenario for two living parents. The “grandmother registration” is an impossible scenario.”Oh yeah. We have a winner here. Governors don’t pay hookers. Politicians don’t violate laws. and nobody who ever worked for the DOH has ever let a birth be registered when the parents could have made themselves available.If Obama was born in Kenya, and the grandparents filed a fraudulent birth report, that would be a crime. However, according to Dr. Congame, nobody has ever managed to coerce a government employee to put something thru that they should not.Do I need to list all the government officials who broke the law in the last 50 years?Just because something can’t happen legally, that doesn’t mean it could not have occurred.I saw another comment by Dr. Congame where he claimed that Obama Jr could not have acquired Indonesian citizenship. What a load. Indonesia might not recognize his U.S. citizenship, and the he might not have lost his U.S. citizenship, but that would not under any rational, common-sense scenario stop Obama Jr from acquiring Indoneasian citizenship. It just means that Indonesia would not recognize his U.S. citizenship.Much of what Dr. Congame puts out is just his worthless opinion.

    Wow you managed to say a lot of junk but say nothing at all. The fact is that Indonesian law does not allow dual citizenship. There is no proof Obama was ever adopted. Therefore because Obama was a minor and too young to renounce his US Citizenship he couldn’t have both US Citizenship and Indonesian citizenship. On top of that there is no proof that Obama ever petitioned for Indonesian Citizenship. So all you have is mindless speculation and your worthless opinions based not on common sense but on whatever you pulled out of your ass.

  257. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Hulu: Dr. Congame said “In 1961, the law required parents to file an unattended birth certificate. Someone else could only do that if the parents were unable, which is not a credible scenario for two living parents. The “grandmother registration” is an impossible scenario.”Oh yeah. We have a winner here. Governors don’t pay hookers. Politicians don’t violate laws. and nobody who ever worked for the DOH has ever let a birth be registered when the parents could have made themselves available.If Obama was born in Kenya, and the grandparents filed a fraudulent birth report, that would be a crime. However, according to Dr. Congame, nobody has ever managed to coerce a government employee to put something thru that they should not.Do I need to list all the government officials who broke the law in the last 50 years?Just because something can’t happen legally, that doesn’t mean it could not have occurred.I saw another comment by Dr. Congame where he claimed that Obama Jr could not have acquired Indonesian citizenship. What a load. Indonesia might not recognize his U.S. citizenship, and the he might not have lost his U.S. citizenship, but that would not under any rational, common-sense scenario stop Obama Jr from acquiring Indoneasian citizenship. It just means that Indonesia would not recognize his U.S. citizenship.Much of what Dr. Congame puts out is just his worthless opinion.

    Okay, so you think you have a Constitutional right to investigate someone, anyone, just to see if they have committed any crimes or not. lmao. So much for that “defense of the Constitution” defense.

  258. sfjeff says:

    Oh and kudo’s on the Dr. Congame. I was looking at it and thinking ‘who the heck is
    Dr. Conga-me?”. Then I realized you were intending a childish slur. Wow- you sure put one over on me!

  259. obsolete says:

    Is Hulu actually Mark Joseph (who disappeared as I predicted)? When a birther lie is busted, they will switch identities in order to keep posting it, as if the debunking never happened.

  260. Mark Joseph: You have nothing to prove that a birth reported in Hawaii for Obama II was not a lie. Rather than acknowledge that, you continue to rely on hearsay. If Obama’s reported birth in Hawaii was not the product of a lie, the original records would demonstrate that.

    This is one of the problems with the birther talking points. They demand “legal proof” but when it comes to the legal terms they use, they don’t use them in the proper sense. Under our rules of evidence, a birth certificate is not hearsay.

    The reason we register births in this country is so that we don’t have to go through this birther mess. We don’t have to go looking for witnesses to a birth 50 years after the fact. Each state sets up its standards of evidence, proof, attestation of a birth and registers it. That registration is primary evidence. It is a legal exception to the hearsay rule.

    Birthers spread the myth that the State of Hawaii has lax birth registration laws, but they don’t. I’ve read them. Hawaiian laws are in line with the other states.

    President Obama took the unprecedented step of publishing his birth certificate online (later corroborated by official statements from the State of Hawaii). Rather than this unprecedented step resulting in an unprecedented level of confidence in his place of birth over that of all other presidents, the birthers doubt him all the more. These doubts says far more about the birthers than about Barack Obama.

  261. Lupin says:

    Hulu’s shorter version: black fraud lazy black n*** n*** blackity black.

    Aren’t you getting hot under that hood?

  262. Hulu: Much of what Dr. Congame puts out is just his worthless opinion.

    After 900 articles on this web site, I’ve rather run out of facts. If you go back to articles from December 2008 – February 2009 you’ll see a lot more facts. However, if you ever have a question about a particular claim I make, just ask.

    Hulu: Politicians don’t violate laws. and nobody who ever worked for the DOH has ever let a birth be registered when the parents could have made themselves available.

    Any time you’d like to make a case that this actually happened, feel free to do so. Until then, speculation is not evidence. We’d be crazy to try to dig up a 50-year-old fact to counter everything you could imagine. The law says that our blessed COLB is prima facie evidence. That means that unless you can impeach it with evidence, it is the last word. That presumes you want to follow the law.

  263. Black Lion says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I have said on a number of occasions that conspiracy theories have to keep growing in complexity and scope in order to maintain the conspiracy in the face of evidence against it. I can hardly think of any better example than Dr. Ron Polland (aka Ron Polarik, aka PetJake) and the video Black Lion cited. Polland claims that,, and the Hawaii Department of Health all committed fraud. It boggles the mind.

    I think that is shows how desprate the so called birther “heros” are to maintain relevancy….Once outed by Loren and shown to be a fraud, he has gone to lengths to try and regain his spot in the birther universe. If you recall even the Freepers realized that he is full of it and called him out on his so called research.
    However Doc is right. As time goes on and birther evidence becomes debunked, the only refuge for these individuals is to claim that it is a wide ranging conspiracy involving everyone. This is the only explanation they are left with. Which also show how pathetic they really are.

  264. BatGuano says:

    Hulu: I saw another comment by Dr. Congame where he claimed that Obama Jr could not have acquired Indonesian citizenship. What a load. Indonesia might not recognize his U.S. citizenship, and the he might not have lost his U.S. citizenship, but that would not under any rational, common-sense scenario stop Obama Jr from acquiring Indoneasian citizenship. It just means that Indonesia would not recognize his U.S. citizenship.

    actually indonesian law requires you relinquish any other citizenship. also a person needs to be 18 ( or married ) and have resided in indonesia for 5 consecutive years or 10 nonconsecutive years before you can apply for indonesian citizenship.

    obama was there only 4 years,

  265. Black Lion says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: After 900 articles on this web site, I’ve rather run out of facts. If you go back to articles from December 2008 – February 2009 you’ll see a lot more facts. However, if you ever have a question about a particular claim I make, just ask.Any time you’d like to make a case that this actually happened, feel free to do so. Until then, speculation is not evidence. We’d be crazy to try to dig up a 50-year-old fact to counter everything you could imagine. The law says that our blessed COLB is prima facie evidence. That means that unless you can impeach it with evidence, it is the last word. That presumes you want to follow the law.

    What I particularly love is that the birthers like Hulu continually imply that the HI DOH committed fraud without providing one example of this ever happening. Continually I have asked birthers if it was so easy to get a HI COLB or have some relative other than a parent register a birth, why haven’t they been able to find even ONE example? You would think that for something that us supposedly so easy to do it would be rampant and there would be numerous examples to choose from. It is just like the myth the birthers like to push that you can still get your HI long form BC from the DOH. Since making this claim not once have they ever provided one example of someone getting a long form BC since the DOH went to COLB’s and paperless. Again a birther myth exposed by actual facts. Which is why they are so pathetic….

  266. misha says:

    BatGuano: actually indonesian law requires you relinquish any other citizenship. also a person needs to be 18 ( or married ) and have resided in indonesia for 5 consecutive years or 10 nonconsecutive years before you can apply for indonesian citizenship.obama was there only 4 years,

    How DARE you say anything factual and rational.

    I can play that game, too:

  267. BatGuano says:

    Hulu: Oh yeah. We have a winner here. Governors don’t pay hookers. Politicians don’t violate laws. and nobody who ever worked for the DOH has ever let a birth be registered when the parents could have made themselves available.

    people commit horrible crimes everyday. by your logic i should assume you have committed these horrendous acts even though i have seen no proof.

  268. Dave says:

    One of my hobbies is trying to guess how many birthers there are. There is some potential to get a hint from Taitz’s current fundraiser. She is trying to raise $20K so her fans can pay her sanctions for her, and she’s been posting periodic updates. She started 8/9, and at last report (8/26) has raised $6093. That’s $358 a day on average. But the rate is dropping precipitously. The first 5 days she was averaging $574/day; the last 5 days it’s $100/day. It appears her fans are already mostly tapped out.

    It seems to me that there is no way to reconcile the view that there are millions of birthers with the fact that Taitz is having this much trouble raising $20K. And bear in mind that “millions,” while sounding like a big number, would be a few percent of the population. I think that we can conclude that the birthers sufficiently excited about the usurper to write a small check number at most in the thousands, i.e. of order 0.001% of the population.

  269. Majority Will says:

    actually indonesian law requires you relinquish any other citizenship. also a person needs to be 18 ( or married ) and have resided in indonesia for 5 consecutive years or 10 nonconsecutive years before you can apply for indonesian citizenship.obama was there only 4 years,

    Let’s not let facts get in the way of a full blown birther tantrum.

  270. Greg says:

    Hulu: Do I need to list all the government officials who broke the law in the last 50 years?

    Go for it. That list, plus $2.37, will get you an iced coffee.

  271. Bovril says:

    Dave: She started 8/9, and at last report (8/26) has raised $6093. That’s $358 a day on average. But the rate is dropping precipitously. The first 5 days she was averaging $574/day; the last 5 days it’s $100/day. It appears her fans are already mostly tapped out.


    Alass for Mad Ole Orly, much of the pledges of cash appear to be solely that, pledges on t’intertubes and not going to actually turn into real dinero.

    I’m aware of a number of wicked Obots who have “pledged” cash usually along with sarcastic piens to MOO that go completeley over her head.

    If the figure is 50% of that I will be greatly suprised.

    As a note of interest, it appears that MOO has actually paid the fine but is negelecting to inform her flying monkey brigade of this fact and continues to exort them to “Pound the PayPal”.

  272. Majority Will says:

    Alass for Mad Ole Orly, much of the pledges of cash appear to be solely that, pledges on t’intertubes and not going to actually turn into real dinero.I’m aware of a number of wicked Obots who have “pledged” cash usually along with sarcastic piens to MOO that go completeley over her head.If the figure is 50% of that I will be greatly suprised.As a note of interest, it appears that MOO has actually paid the fine but is negelecting to inform her flying monkey brigade of this fact and continues to exort them to “Pound the PayPal”.

    The wealthy, guano psychotic, amateur attorney is fleecing her sheeple. Big shock. The weekly refills of the Tammy Faye brand makeup barrels aren’t cheap, y’know.

  273. Sef says:

    Bovril: As a note of interest, it appears that MOO has actually paid the fine

    Can you cite evidence for this statement?

  274. AnotherBird says:

    Dave: One of my hobbies is trying to guess how many birthers there are. There is some potential to get a hint from Taitz’s current fundraiser. She is trying to raise $20K so her fans can pay her sanctions for her, and she’s been posting periodic updates. She started 8/9, and at last report (8/26) has raised $6093. That’s $358 a day on average. But the rate is dropping precipitously. The first 5 days she was averaging $574/day; the last 5 days it’s $100/day. It appears her fans are already mostly tapped out….

    Orly Taitz has stiff completion from Lakin and crew. They want $500K. She should just up the ante and request $750K. She must have more expenses than Lakin. With printing fake birth certificates, and 100 pages of legal gibberish. Or, she could just ask Lakin for some spare change during Lakin’s court martial.

  275. Bovril says:

    Sef: Can you cite evidence for this statement?

    One of the posters on Politojab (cnnpcl) is in point of fact Dr Levy, you may remember him form “I represent MOO at the Hague”

    He posted on PJ that the fine had been paid

    The direct quote is part of an ongoing discussion about Orly’s alma mater Taft School for the LAwyerly inept.

    “My understanding is that the sanction was paid timely upon denial of stay – the law school has nothing to do with it unless you’ve got some statistics indicating non ABA law school grads get sanctioned more often than others.”

    In addition on MOO’s site she has let through the Reality Distortion Field at least two direct questions on whether she has paid


    “What happened to your petition for writ of certiorari? Did you decide not to file an appeal after all? That would be pretty clever! Don’t appeal and pay instead. Then you have standing in DC! Is that what you are doing? It’s been so many days since you mailed the petition. What happened?”


    “Lady Liberty,

    Help–I am a little confused! The OBOTS are saying you have paid the fine under protest? Can you get your money back if you win in SCOTUS? Should we keep donating?

    Respectfully and with admiration,

    A. McLaughlin”


    “I will provide info later”

    Now it is an established fact that Orly is a lying sack of poo with at best a tenuous grasp on reality but the items above lend support to my earlier statement

    “As a note of interest, it appears that MOO has actually paid the fine but is negelecting to inform her flying monkey brigade of this fact and continues to exort them to “Pound the PayPal”.”

    I have not seen a receipt of payment or as yet etc so my caveat “It appears” remains

  276. Rickey says:

    Orly has filed what may be her most jaw-dropping, incomprehensible legal filing to date. It does say that she has paid the fine, and she claims that her payment of the fine now gives her standing to pursue Obama for fraud.

    There is a little bit of everything here. It is a Motion for Reconsideration of the dismissal of her Quo Warranto action against Obama in D.C. Among other things, Orly now is calling herself a Good Samaritan; she mentions Stalin, gulags, and Nazi death camps; she mentions the Marines storming the beaches at Normandy (note to Orly; it was the Army and Navy which stormed Normandy); she says that Muslims will not be required to buy health insurance because Sharia law decrees that insurance “is a form of usury and gambling”; consequently, she is at a disadvantage with dentists who employ Muslims because those competitors will not have to buy health insurance for their employees.

    And it’s all Obama’s fault!

  277. Majority Will says:

    Rickey: Orly has filed what may be her most jaw-dropping, incomprehensible legal filing to date. It does say that she has paid the fine, and she claims that her payment of the fine now gives her standing to pursue Obama for fraud.There is a little bit of everything here. It is a Motion for Reconsideration of the dismissal of her Quo Warranto action against Obama in D.C. Among other things, Orly now is calling herself a Good Samaritan; she mentions Stalin, gulags, and Nazi death camps; she mentions the Marines storming the beaches at Normandy (note to Orly; it was the Army and Navy which stormed Normandy); she says that Muslims will not be required to buy health insurance because Sharia law decrees that insurance “is a form of usury and gambling”; consequently, she is at a disadvantage with dentists who employ Muslims because those competitors will not have to buy health insurance for their employees.
    And it’s all Obama’s fault!

    Wow. Here’s a prediction. More sanctions, disbarment, then involuntary commitment in a prison hospital. She’ll get “free” medical care.

  278. sfjeff says:

    “she is at a disadvantage with dentists who employ Muslims because those competitors will not have to buy health insurance for their employees.”

    hmmm is that an admission that she will not hire Muslims? That is a juicy lawsuit waiting to happen.

  279. BatGuano says:

    do muslims get out of paying car insurance too ? my wife just had a fender bender so it might be wise to switch faiths for about 3 years.

  280. Bovril says:


    Direct proof that the lying cow that is MOO has paid, in her own special multi font mad diatribe, caoture don Scribd

    Page 7 of 24

    “On 08.19.10. Taitz paid this $20,000 under protest in order not to uproot her family and not to cause additional emotional distress to her children”

    And STILL she is trying tio milk te Birfoons and neglects to inform them of thiis minor matter

  281. Scientist says:

    BatGuano: do muslims get out of paying car insurance too ? my wife just had a fender bender so it might be wise to switch faiths for about 3 years.

    Here is an article on Muslims and insurance

    Muslims must comply with the laws if the country they live in. As far as HCR, here is what it says:
    “In countries with exhorbitant health care costs, one could argue that compassion for those who are ill takes precedence over a dislike of health insurance. A Muslim has a duty to ensure that people who are ill can access affordable health care. In 2010, for example, several prominent American Muslim organizations supported President Obama’s health care reform proposal, under the belief that access to affordable health care is a fundamental human right.”

  282. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Birthers spread the myth that the State of Hawaii has lax birth registration laws, but they don’t. I’ve read them. Hawaiian laws are in line with the other states.

    You know that Hawaii doesn’t have lax birth registration laws, but even if they did, how would the President’s grandparents know it? How would the grandparents, several days after the birth of their first grandchild, know that they could just walk into the DOH and with absolutely no proof get a BC. They themselves were relatively new to the islands. They weren’t immigration lawyers. So why would they even consider trying it. It absolutely defies logic and common sense.

  283. AnotherBird says:

    Majority Will:
    Wow. Here’s a prediction. More sanctions, disbarment, then involuntary commitment in a prison hospital. She’ll get “free” medical care.

    The only “merits” that need to be heard is if Orly Taitz in clinically insane. She claimed that 100 cases where dismissed. She should be disbarred.

  284. Majority Will says:

    From the Christian Science Monitor on the Blech rally in DC:

    “Organizers at the “Restoring Honor” rally discouraged political signs, but yellow “Don’t tread on me” flags adopted by tea party activists were nearly as ubiquitous as American flags.

    The back of some “Restoring Honor” T-shirts read: “Had enough hope and change?” – a reference to President Obama’s 2008 campaign. Out on the street, a protester with a “Deport Barry Soetoro” sign held forth on the generally discredited “birther” conspiracy theory.

    Protester. Singular.

    And maybe Berg overslept.

    Or he got called back to the North Pole.

  285. Majority Will says:

    Stabbed cabbie out of work, worries about feeding family

    New York cab driver Ahmed Sharif shows the gashes in his arm and neck.

    Union rep: Donations to Ahmed Sharif fund “barely enough” to pay for baby formula

    Officials: Sharif was stabbed by a passenger who asked if he were Muslim

    Police: Michael Enright, 21, is facing hate crime, attempted murder charges

    (CNN) — New York cab driver Ahmed Sharif cannot bring himself to talk about the young man who allegedly cut his throat and nearly killed him last week, a taxi union representative said Sunday.

    “Ahmed is a strong man, but mentally he has limits,” said Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. “The trauma he’s experienced will last for a long time.”
    Desai spent time this weekend with Sharif. She said his most pressing worry is how he’ll provide for his wife and four children — including a 10-month-old –without a job. Sharif is receiving 2/3 of his salary, about $30,000 a year, in workers’ compensation. Union members do not get health insurance or disability payments, Desai said.

    “My guess is that he’ll be unable to work for at least four months,” Desai said. “He can’t even pick up his baby because of the wounds to his arms. He can’t turn his neck.”
    There’s been so little money raised over the past few days for Sharif that it would “barely cover baby formula,” said Desai who, along with Sharif, held a widely publicized press conference Friday announcing the union was creating a fund for the family. The union’s website indicates how to mail a donation or give online.

  286. Majority Will says:

    Obama Dismisses Faith Rumors
    Published: August 29, 2010

    President Obama said on Sunday that he was not worried that increasing and significant numbers of Americans believe he is Muslim.

    “I can’t spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with Brian Williams on “NBC Nightly News.” “The facts are the facts. And so it’s not something that I spend all my time worrying about. And I don’t think the American people want me to spend all my time worrying about it.”

    Mr. Obama, who is Christian, said that as a candidate, and now as president, he has repeatedly dealt with persistent rumors about his religion and with doubts about whether he was born in the United States. A recent poll showed that nearly a fifth of the respondents believed he was Muslim.

  287. misha says:

    Majority Will: Mr. Obama, who is Christian, said that as a candidate, and now as president, he has repeatedly dealt with persistent rumors about his religion and with doubts about whether he was born in the United States. A recent poll showed that nearly a fifth of the respondents believed he was Muslim.

    Article 6 of the Constitution states:

    “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

    Unfortunately, there are vocal Christians, led by Beck, Palin and Huck, that feel otherwise. They are also saying, ‘no Jews need apply.’

  288. misha says:

    Majority Will: President Obama said on Sunday that he was not worried that increasing and significant numbers of Americans believe he is Muslim.

    My dog is Jewish.

  289. Majority Will says:

    My dog is Jewish.

    And he has his own cantor?

  290. misha says:

    Majority Will: And he has his own cantor?

    Why shouldn’t he?

  291. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Article 6 of the Constitution states:
    “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”Unfortunately, there are vocal Christians, led by Beck, Palin and Huck, that feel otherwise. They are also saying, no Jews need apply.’

    I wouldn’t confuse them with Christians. They are sore losing nazis who think that they will get others to believe a lie, or lies, by repeating it often.

    I have often wondered how the German people got so easily duped by Hitler and his henchmen and their propaganda, and now I am seeing it happen right before my eyes

  292. Keith says:

    You know that Hawaii doesn’t have lax birth registration laws, but even if they did, how would the President’s grandparents know it?How would the grandparents, several days after the birth of their first grandchild, know that they could just walk into the DOH and with absolutely no proof get a BC.They themselves were relatively new to the islands.They weren’t immigration lawyers. So why would they even consider trying it.It absolutely defies logic and common sense.

    You answered your own question: they were new to the islands. Obviously they did their research before moving.

  293. Keith: You answered your own question: they were new to the islands. Obviously they did their research before moving.

    The canonical birther myth is that Obama’s birth in Africa was unplanned. Maybe if one were moving to another country one might bone up on immigration law, but nobody reads up vital records statutes when moving from state to state.

  294. Black Lion says:

    Keith: You answered your own question: they were new to the islands. Obviously they did their research before moving.

    Are you implying that when someone moves from one state to another, they automatically research the birth laws of that state? Really? That is more ridiculous than Mario’s Pakistan travel ban theory. No one does that. I have lived in 6 different states and have never thought to research birth laws just in case I have to register a baby born in another country.

    However it is all speculation because the birthers have never been able to do any of the following….
    -Produce the so called long form for anyone born in HI that was requested around the same time or after Obama requested his, which would be 2007.
    Produce even one example of someone that had their birth registered in HI, where it says tha the individual was born in HI, since HI became a state in 1959.
    -Show any evidence that Ms. Dunham ever visited Kenya.

    So again the birthers have nothing….

  295. Whatever4 says:

    Keith: You answered your own question: they were new to the islands. Obviously they did their research before moving.

    In 1960, before the Internet, they’d have to go to their local library. They had a teenage daughter, so why would that even cross their minds before moving to a new state? Researching in Hawaii once they arrived would be easier, and since they didn’t have a pregnant teenager when they moved, might make a little more sense. But it makes no sense that a state would require doctor’s and witnesses for a hospital birth, and the phone say-so of a grandparent for out-of-hospital births.

  296. Bovril says:

    Ahhh but BL, you’re not following the Dastardley (and Mutley) plan to it’s Birfer (il)logical conclusion.

    The Grandparents wus PLAINLY part of the whole genetically engineered ubermensch Manchurian Candidate Commie Mooslem Fashist plan from the BEGINNINNG !!!!!! (spelling and grammar courtesy of Orly and the Taft School of Legal Mumbo Jumbo)

    They were deliberately moved by the NWO/Bilderberg/Soros/UN cabal to an environment that had been pre-selected for it’s notoriously lax birth certificate regime to support the whole Uganda/Kenyan/Nigeria/Pakistan birth abroad.

    ‘Cause hey, it makes so much sense to run an incredibly complex plan where you intend to insert a black man in the White House 40+ years along and decide it’s better to create a tangled web of fake BC’s, suborned officials and media as opposed to have him born in the USA…….

  297. Keith says:

    Black Lion: Are you implying that when someone moves from one state to another, they automatically research the birth laws of that state? Really?

    Sarcasm meter gone on the blink has it?

  298. Black Lion says:

    Black Lion: Are you implying that when someone moves from one state to another, they automatically research the birth laws of that state? Really? That is more ridiculous than Mario’s Pakistan travel ban theory. No one does that. I have lived in 6 different states and have never thought to research birth laws just in case I have to register a baby born in another country. However it is all speculation because the birthers have never been able to do any of the following….-Produce the so called long form for anyone born in HI that was requested around the same time or after Obama requested his, which would be 2007.Produce even one example of someone that had their birth registered in HI, where it says tha the individual was born in HI, since HI became a state in 1959.-Show any evidence that Ms. Dunham ever visited Kenya. So again the birthers have nothing….

    Correction…Produce even one example of someone who was born in another country, that had their birth registered in HI, where the COLB or BC says that the individual was born in HI, since HI became a state in 1959.

    Bovril, you are right….I had forgotton about how this was a Soros funded plan that was hatched back in 1960. Now it all makes sense….

  299. Black Lion says:

    Keith: Sarcasm meter gone on the blink has it?

    Sorry…If it was sarcasm I missed lt…You got me on that one….You know that birther trolls sometimes make similar comments….

  300. Keith says:

    Black Lion:
    Sorry…If it was sarcasm I missed lt…You got me on that one….You know that birther trolls sometimes make similar comments….

    Well, I do think I have a small but consistent presence here. My posts are much easier to miss than your novels, but I wouldn’t have thought I could be mistaken for a troll. You weren’t the only one, so I guess I was wrong.

    Ah well, Live and learn.

  301. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Black Lion: Sorry…If it was sarcasm I missed lt…You got me on that one….You know that birther trolls sometimes make similar comments….

    Speaking of birther trolls; do you notice how they disappear for a few days and then one day we’ll get a bunch of them all at once. It makes me wonder if they strategize their fails?

  302. Black Lion says:

    Keith: Well, I do think I have a small but consistent presence here. My posts are much easier to miss than your novels, but I wouldn’t have thought I could be mistaken for a troll. You weren’t the only one, so I guess I was wrong. Ah well, Live and learn.

    Keith, remember sometimes the trolls can take over your username…it has happened to me. So you can never be sure. But again I apologize for missing the sarcasm. I have seen your posts before so that was why I was surprised at the comment originally.

  303. misha says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: I have often wondered how the German people got so easily duped by Hitler and his henchmen and their propaganda, and now I am seeing it happen right before my eyes

    How Hitler did it:

  304. misha says:

    Here’s my opinion of Aimee Semple McPherson Sarah Palin:

  305. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    How Hitler did it:

    Exactly, misha, all they lack is a leader to unify them behind the lies. Beck maybe?

  306. Rickey says:

    Elsewhere, Pamela Barnett has filed a mostly incomprehensible response to the removal of Barnett v. Dunn to Federal Court. Among other things, she wants the court to issue an order stating “That the Ballot must be printed with the next runner up in the Republican Primary for Secretary of State.” I wonder who that might be?

    Although Barnett ostensibly is representing herself, we know that Orly is calling the shots. This case of course has no chance of succeeding, but Orly made a serious strategic error by naming the U.S. Election Assistance Commission as a defendant in the lawsuit, which was filed in state court. Now the case is automatically transferred to Federal Court, where it will remain until the Federal agency is dismissed. Then it likely will be remanded back the state court.

    I hope Orly hasn’t been measuring the drapes in Debra Bowen’s office.

  307. misha says:

    misha: How Hitler did it:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: Exactly, misha, all they lack is a leader to unify them behind the lies. Beck maybe?

    Glad you mentioned Beck:

  308. Dave says:

    I’m going nuts waiting for the other shoe to drop on Taitz’s cert petition in Taitz v. MacDonald, the one in which she’s trying to get out of the $20K sanction. I know this is of pretty much zero importance, since the Court will grant her cert when pigs fly, but I just can’t help myself.

    Today Taitz is blogging endlessly about how “they” are attacking her. She’s having trouble with gmail and yahoo mail. Facebook has suspended her account again. Her blog is giving her some kind of trouble. And she has posted about how all this is happening because she has really turned up the heat on the usurper. She includes a list of all the big things she’s done lately — and conspicuously absent from the list is the cert petition. Hmm.

    Let’s review:
    1. Aug 13: Taitz post stating that she has until Aug 23 to file the cert petition. This spawns comment here and at NBC’s blog that the cert petition was due Aug 12.
    2. Aug 16: Taitz post stating she has filed the cert petition.
    3. Aug 20: Particularly odd Taitz post: a picture of the box she used to mail the cert petition, without comment. The date Aug 12 appears two places on the box, but the picture of course shows no postmark, which is the only date that matters.
    4. suedb over at NBC pointed out that using the tracking numbers visible in this picture, we can determine.when the package was delivered. Answer: delivered Aug 20.

    Now 6 business days have passed since it was delivered. It has not appeared on the on-line docket. Nor do we have a Taitz post that it was rejected for being late — which we might expect to be accompanied by the usual anti-clerk rant.

    I can’t help wondering if the omission of the cert petition from her list of recent accomplishments is because she’s hoping everyone will just forget about it.

  309. Black Lion says:

    Obama derangement from WND….

    WND Can’t Tell Difference Between Election, Coup
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    WorldNetDaily’s promo for the latest issue of its Whistleblower magazine — “BATTLE PLAN: Strategies and tactics for overturning Obama’s socialist revolution” — carries the headline: “Palin, Beck, Hannity, Morris, Gingrich on ending Obama coup.” That headline also appeared on the front page:

    Of course, there was no “coup” — Obama won an election that no one has credibly claimed was stolen, and he most certainly was not installed by a military takeover, the traditional definition of a coup.

    Given how little WND regards facts as they apply to Obama, it’s no surprise Joseph Farah and crew can’t comprehend the definition of simple words.

  310. Bovril says:


    She has actually already paid the $20K fine, although for some strange reason neglects to inform the Flying Monkey Squad and continues to exhort them to keep pounding the PayPal…..

  311. Dave says:

    Bovril: Dave,She has actually already paid the $20K fine, although for some strange reason neglects to inform the Flying Monkey Squad and continues to exhort them to keep pounding the PayPal…..

    Paying the sanction does not moot her appeal. (Maybe that’s not what you’re suggesting.)

  312. FUTTHESHUCKUP says:

    Dave: I’m going nuts waiting for the other shoe to drop on Taitz’s cert petition in Taitz v. MacDonald, the one in which she’s trying to get out of the $20K sanction. I know this is of pretty much zero importance, since the Court will grant her cert when pigs fly, but I just can’t help myself.Today Taitz is blogging endlessly about how “they” are attacking her. She’s having trouble with gmail and yahoo mail. Facebook has suspended her account again. Her blog is giving her some kind of trouble. And she has posted about how all this is happening because she has really turned up the heat on the usurper. She includes a list of all the big things she’s done lately — and conspicuously absent from the list is the cert petition. Hmm.Let’s review:
    1. Aug 13: Taitz post stating that she has until Aug 23 to file the cert petition. This spawns comment here and at NBC’s blog that the cert petition was due Aug 12.
    2. Aug 16: Taitz post stating she has filed the cert petition.
    3. Aug 20: Particularly odd Taitz post: a picture of the box she used to mail the cert petition, without comment. The date Aug 12 appears two places on the box, but the picture of course shows no postmark, which is the only date that matters.
    4. suedb over at NBC pointed out that using the tracking numbers visible in this picture, we can determine.when the package was delivered. Answer: delivered Aug 20.Now 6 business days have passed since it was delivered. It has not appeared on the on-line docket. Nor do we have a Taitz post that it was rejected for being late — which we might expect to be accompanied by the usual anti-clerk rant.I can’t help wondering if the omission of the cert petition from her list of recent accomplishments is because she’s hoping everyone will just forget about it.

    Quite frankly, Dave, I haven’t seen any evidence that she actually sent in any petition other than her own claims on her website. There has been no action on 10A56 since 8/16 when the whole court denied the petition, and she hasn’t posted the docket number on her website, which she usually does. If it was sent on the 20th, it’s likely the court would have received and docketed it by now. It may be that the the justices are waiting until the steam stops coming out of their ears before they address it.

    It’s odd that she posted the box she sent to the court; there is no evidence of what was inside that box though. That box may have been as empty as her head for all we know. Maybe this was just a ruse to keep the cash flowing in.

  313. Black Lion says:

    An interesting but long Vanity Fair article on Simple Sarah….

    “Timothy Crawford, the treasurer of Sarah-PAC, presumably has some responsibility for the byzantine structures undergirding Palin’s travels. Before joining Palin, Crawford was the interim finance director of the Republican National Committee. He is currently being investigated by the Ohio secretary of state for his role in Let Ohio Vote, a state-referendum campaign bankrolled in its entirety by New Models, a Virginia organization Crawford owns, which calls itself a nonprofit. Earlier this year, he refused to respond to a subpoena—issued under state laws that prohibit concealment of campaign money—that sought to discover where New Models had gotten the $1.6 million to fund Let Ohio Vote. Ohio secretary of state Jennifer Brunner has called New Models “a straw-person’ out of state corporation.” Also, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, New Models “was behind controversial automated calls to Pennsylvania voters made during the 2008 presidential election. The calls told voters that Barack Obama’s aunt was living in America illegally and that he accepted campaign contributions from his illegal alien aunt.’ ”


    “Even Palin’s strongest supporters say they feel confused by what their former governor has become. “She quit us,” says one Wasilla woman. “We elected her, and she left us,” says another. (“Sarah was my babysitter,” she later adds, as an indication of goodwill.) Yet they are too nice to turn me away, and they are too honest to completely suppress what they themselves feel unable to tell. After one local Republican delivers 90 minutes of uninterrupted praise for Palin, I ask whom else I should talk to, and the answer comes so fast it’s like a cry for help—which is how, the next day, I end up in the living room of Colleen Cottle, who is the matriarch of one of Wasilla’s oldest families, and who served on the city council when Palin was mayor. She says she and her husband, Rodney, will pay a price for speaking candidly about Palin. Their son is one of Todd Palin’s best friends. “But it is time for people to start telling the truth,” Colleen says. She describes the frustrations of trying to do city business with a mayor who “had no attention span—with Sarah it was always ‘What’s the flavor of the day?’ ”; who was unable to take part meaningfully in conversations about budgets because she “does not understand math or accounting—she only knows buzzwords, like balanced budget’ ”; and who clocked out after four hours on most days, delegating her duties to an aide—“but he’ll never talk to you, because he has a state job and doesn’t want to lose it.” This type of conversation is repeated so often that Wasilla starts to feel like something from The Twilight Zone or a Shirley Jackson short story—a place populated entirely by abuse survivors.”

  314. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Hey Doc you don’t have to show this comment but I have a question to ask you personally. I know depending on the webhost certain statistics would be shown. I notice that we have days with no birthers and then suddenly we’ll get 4 or 5 all at once only for them to disappear again. My question is if you can track the previous site that most users link from and where most of these birthers are coming from. Just curious if there’s an actual coordinated effort going on.

  315. Vince Treacy says:

    Josh has an article about a retired brass hat who has come out for Lakin.

    His statement just supports release of the birth document.

    Nothing apparently about the two-parent, dual citizenship crackpot constitutional theory.

    Also, there is a hot time in the old town tonight going on at the Volokh Conspiracy on that issue:

  316. Majority Will says:

    Vince Treacy: Also, there is a hot time in the old town tonight going on at the Volokh Conspiracy on that issue:

    Funny comment from Volokh:

    It seems pretty clear from Section 1 of the 14th Amendment that BHO is not a natural born citizen:
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof — and whose fathers are citizens of the United States when they are born or at least aren’t from Africa and have a funny name — are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside

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