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- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
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- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
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Well, Dr. C, if Obots are scared, then why hasn’t a list been done yet??? I mean it is not all that hard. I bet there is only one document on it. I bet we all know what the document is and to whom it was given. I have hinted at the date.
So why hasn’t any Obot dared to provide the list???
It is not like I am asking anybody to do much work. Let me try my hand at it.
Obama has given an alleged copy of his COLB to Politi-Checker whatever on July 13, 2008.
There. That took me just a few seconds. Here it is in list form.
Evidence Obama has Provided on his Birth
Documents ……………………….Who it was given to………………………When
Alleged COLB…………………….Politichecker (whatever) ……………….July 13, 2008
There! Now we have the GREAT BIG HUGE list of stuff that has been given to Birthers!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I notice how you have to make things up to try to play victim a lot. You said:
I never said it was SCIENTIFIC proof of anything. You are making up arguments in your own head.
I see right through your little DODGE tactic to avoid dealing with how we’ve accurately pointed out what’s wrong with your statements and theories.
Of course the application of Occam’s Razor is a mindset… and one you obviously can’t apply properly. You give 4 options – Kenya, Ignorant, Snobby or Slimy.
The first option, Kenya – even you have admitted is unsupported. And as all evidence under having the right mindset to apply the actual KISS theory or Occam’s Razor would say to accept all existing evidence to date – which all says the same thing – born in Honolulu, HI.
The remaining 3 options you give ARE nothing more than biased opinions casting judgment on his motives. So yeah, that’s as non-objective and irrational as it gets.
GIGO as they say. That’s what you do. If you don’t know what that means, go look it up.
FAIL again Squeeky. Once again, you prove that you can only think backwards from your biased pre-conceived conclusions.
You falsely start off with the assumption that “Obots are scared”. That is a conclusion with no basis and completely bunk. So it is a false premise and bogus question that just leads to GIGO instead of anything meaningful.
We are not scared at all. We simply accept the evidence that has been shown as sufficient of his eligibility and don’t have any further concerns on that matter. Whether we agree with his policies or not, whether we personally like him or not, we know and accept that he’s the POTUS.
We think it is both SILLY and DISHONEST when folks like you birthers whine and make stuff up.
YOU birthers are the obsessed fools who go shooting your mouths off with fake concern trolling and have this scared need that you have to go around and try to make things up to sow doubts where no real doubts exist and have some pathetic and desperate need to disparage and de legitimize someone you simply don’t like.
We only come on to respond to you nuts and correct the record on your nonsense.
There is only one document of relevance
Certification of Live Birth
June 2008, Obama campaign releases COLB on “Fight the Smears” website
Presented to Factcheck and photographs provided online
Natural born status confirmed by Department of Health of Hawaii
Anything else?
You said:
“The remaining 3 options you give ARE nothing more than biased opinions casting judgment on his motives. So yeah, that’s as non-objective and irrational as it gets.”
That funny. Two of these three I got from you Obots. Imagine that.
On Occam’s Razor, you are just chattering on about who knows what??? You haven’t even gotten the right example from my article. I guess your PRECONCEIVED notion that you were wasting your time, prohibited you from fully understanding my VERY GOOD Internet Article.
NBC: Do you even understand why I asked for a list in the first place???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeks is much like intelligent design believers. They make a conclusion and then try to fit all data around it. I suspect this way of thinking comes from eating way too many paint chips as a kid
Actually all 3 you pulled out of your backside. You can’t create a conclusion and then try to fit all data around it. Truly good writing doesn’t need constant promoting by the author it is rather self-evident. It shows you have very low self esteem most likely from years of abuse. I don’t even think you understand most of the stuff you write squeeks
Obviously, this is a total L.I.E.
In my own replies to you within the past 24 hours alone, I’ve stated several times CORROBORATING evidence that backs the COLB up – newspaper articles, HI officials statements.
Furthermore, such lists HAVE been provided by folks on this site and other place ENDLESSLY over the past 2 years. There is nothing NEW that hasn’t been said millions of times already and you are totally full of sh*t if you claim you haven’t been told this a ton of times.
So, there is:
* His autobiography, written over 15 yeasr ago, which says he was born in HI
* The COLB released to the public in 2008 online, which corroborates that and clearly states born in HONOLULU, HI – both posted online for everyone to see and then actually held, inspected and photographed by independent Fact Check.org, with photos of them handling the physical document including showing all official raised seals and signatures.
* 2 separate local 1961 HI newspaper articles from the time frame of his birth which clearly corroborate what is on the COLB and his own back story.
* Multiple statements from Fukino in HI (a Republican BTW), in support of that COLB document.and that he is who he says is
* Statements also from Lingle, the GOP gov of HI over the past several years in full support as well.
Really, the COLB is sufficient proof on its own. That is the whole point of such documents. No reasonable person should need any more proof than that.
No president prior has EVER even provided that while campaigning. ALL evidence on the COLB is backed up and corroborated by every thing else on that list. NOTHING exists that indicates anything different.
If a valid court case ever came forward to request proof of birth, once that COLB is shown, that would be all that is needed. End of Story.
So to not be satisfied with the existing body of evidence demonstrates that you are NOT concerned with facts or reasonable evidence and that NOTHING will really satisfy you.
Your real concern has NOTHING to do with really worrying about where he is born. It is ALL about YOU not liking WHO HE IS.
You are out for a witch-hunt, not the truth.
And now you resort to being an outright L.I.A.R. to boot.
To show your ignorance?
Dr. Ken:
I KNOW you don’t understand the stuff I write. That is pretty obvious. If you did, you might recognize some of the KISS reasons. I guess I will have to start using SMALLER words.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
That is a very nice DIATRIBE! The list I asked for was all the stuff Obama has given to prove his birth, who he gave it to, and when (if when wasn’t too hard).
Sooo, if you want to try that list, which is pretty easy now since you can just cut and paste mine from above, then you might see what a small list it is. Like just one thing that I know of. I bet this is a question people would ask in court, what document did you give to who, when.
But here is the problem for you Obots. If you do the list, then you will have to PEDAL BACK from telling everybody how stubborn us QUESTIONERS are and how just nothing will ever convince us, and all that stuff you Obots are soooo used to just repeating without thinking about. Because then you would have to wave this little list with JUST ONE THING on it, that wasn’t even given to the PUBLIC by Obama.
It is funny but I have had this problem with grunty little malebeasts overestimating the size of things before. Funny how much fear a TAPE MEASURE strikes into some people!!! Just like here it is funny how much fear a little old list strikes into you!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You don’t even understand the stuff you write. When you write stuff here I find I am communicating with someone who is way in over her head and can’t even understand simple concepts. Yes I do recommend you use smaller words since you get confused over the meaning of the bigger ones. The “kiss” reasons are all based on your own confirmation bias. You originally talked about Kiss as being keep it simple stupid. To which you instead made yourself look stupid when it was pointed out to you that your explanation was drawn out, complicated and not based on reality. So you then took a concept you knew was wrong being “kenya” and then threw in several things you made up on your own. No previous president has had to release the information you ask and yet he has proven himself more American than those before him. The fact is you hate him because he beat a woman you never supported. Everything else you say is just static to try to cover up your own bigotry.
Now you are projecting again dear Squeeks. It’s time to stop blaming others for your failures in life.
Bunk! Prove it. Show me where you were told that.
You are making up your own version of reality again and claiming others said stuff that they didn’t. I’m getting really disappointed in how, trapped, you are now resorting to making up a whole list of false claims about what others said, just to dodge out of dealing with how completely you’ve been proven to be wrong or simply wrong-headed.
Obviously, you are beyond understanding how the rational thought process is supposed to work, so I’m not surprised that this is all over your head and you fail to understand what I’ve said, several times, and in quite a bit of detail.
If I supposedly “missed” the example, then prove it and quote the example you think I missed here and explain what I missed on it.
Your article was NOT good, sorry.
You are entitled to your own opinion about itand to give yourself all the affirmational pats on the back you want…
..But you are the one who came here and shamelessly plugged it, which implies looking for feedback. You just can’t handle our opinions and feedback and that all your reviews so far on it have been abysmal.
You already asked for this list before several months ago and it was given to you. Like typical birthers you think that saying the same stuff over again months later somehow makes your position strong when you come off as weak. Funny considering you’re the one so afraid you have to make things up about a guy who beat your candidate fair an square. Really what’s the harm in allowing the legally elected president to serve out his term without you crying about it?
Furthermore you asked this question last week and it was already answered.
What part of he gave his COLB and that is more than sufficient do you not understand?
ALSO, in terms of what we do know that government officials do have, we have seen some of the SIGNED ballot access applications ATTESTING that he’s eligible. Whether or not any of those SOS also requested or received a paper COLB to review, we simply do not know. But we also cannot say that they didn’t.
What is an unfair and FALSE part of your arguments again is this – TRY applying your question to ANY other president in the past EVER and see what the answer is…
On Obama, you can say that he’s shown the world his COLB.
On ANY other president or major presidential candidate EVER …
… NADA !
So, stop being haughty when you are setting up straw-man arguments that are unfair in the first place.
They FAIL the test of being legitimate, honest questions because they only “seem” like there is something unusual here…UNTIL you try applying that question to ANYONE ELSE in history…and then the argument falls apart completely.
Why don’t I ask you when you will stop raping your cats?
Is that a fair question to ask…. I’m only setting up a question and premise the way you always do.
No fear, I provided exactly that which you asked for. You of course have to avoid the facts.
who is fearful really?
G I can only think of 4 reasons why Squeeks won’t stop raping her cats.
1. Killing them would be too merciful, she thinks her type of love is the best for them and she doesn’t have the heart to free them from her torment.
2. Inexperienced, she has a hard time getting a man in real life and so thinks that experimenting on her cats will give her the proper experience needed to get her a real man.
3. Sick – She really is as sick and demented as she makes herself out to be and so this mindset would properly explain how logic seems to elude her.
4. Sadistic – She gets off on the fact that her cats are defenseless and it makes her feel powerful for once in her life to have some sort of control over something else.
Remember these can be the only reasons and since she can’t prove otherwise these must be the reasons.
YOU go look for it all. I am busy trying to design Squeekonmics. I can’t get the picture just right and I have to keep changing things. I will tell you where you can find it. Search the last few open threads, or go to the Chris Mathews and Abercrombie ones since they have sooo few comments. OH, I just bet you can find SNOBBY in there for sure. Maybe even SLIMY.
If that is TOO HARD for you, then just ask yourself some of the reasons why Obama hasn’t coughed anything else from your OBOT perspective. You will find snobby and slimy there too, just under different names.
DR. Ken: You could start the New Year off being HONEST! Admit that you mis-read the Lingle stuff. I promise you that you won’t melt or anything.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
As I said, get a boyfriend my dear Squeeks, Your self-pity is becoming quite unbearable for those who appreciate a more independently minded woman rather than a whiny girl. Look, you have been unwilling to address the facts, you keep on making up irrelevant contributions.
It’s a somewhat sad display of how lack of logic and reason can lead one to ignore evidence and fact, in favor of one’s favorite myth.
In interest of the sanity of this blog, I propose we start a ‘get Squeeks a boyfriend’ campaign.
You could start the New Year off by being HONEST yourself dear. What’s good for the goose surely must be good for the gander?
Sorry Squeeky, doesn’t work that way.
YOU make an accusation or a claim, YOU need to back it up. I’m not here to do your work for you.
I’ve told you you are full of it and you come back and try to dodge and place the blame elsewhere.
Its up to you then to back up what you said.
Well put!
Your KISS theory on her is applying the very same methodology she used in coming up with her own.
Therefore, we can only conclude that Squeeky fully supports and agrees with your 4 KISS conclusions as well as she is so adamant about her process.
I didn’t misread anything. Sorry but my name isn’t Squeeky Fromm I don’t misread things
I don’t need another NEEDY male in my life. It is all I can do to keep ones like you here on the Internet in line. BUT, I just got the image right on Squeekonmics!!! All by myself!!! And it has a double meaning.
Now, I have to put up links to all the Economy places where I learn stuff and start lessons. My first one will be “Solvency versus Liquidity! What is the Difference???”
I just bet you thought I could NEVER do it, but I am!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Notice that on anything where she is called out and proven wrong and then beat, she just ignores it and changes the topic.
…and goes back to simply pimping her website again…
Think of the opportunities. Two needy people would get along so well… But it seems that you are recovering from a previous relationship. That would help explain a lot.
I propose that we continue to help our Squeeks find a needy mate, a match made in heaven.
Do you have any evidence of Obots being scared? I see Obots being patient with you, Obots being amused by you, Obots being irritated by you, Obots toying with you, Obots condescending to you (which isn’t very hard – see, I can do it, too… ;-)), Obots correcting your errors of fact and law as well as some other things, but I haven’t seen any Obots who are scared of you.
As for Occam’s razor – as pointed out on the previous thread, you badly misunderstood the principle and how to apply it. I can’t imagine anyone being scared of someone with so little competence and understanding…
You don’t need a needy male? Are you saying you’re needy enough for any guy? That much is obvious considering how much you spam for attention.
Yeah one of her cats probably offed itself like Paris Hilton’s dogs on south park
Dr. Ken:
I will write a letter for you to Chris Matthews and Abracrombie. Here is what it will say:
Dear Chris and Neal:
I am very surprised that you are calling for Obama’s birth certificate. Because really, he ISN’T NOT giving it to us. He gave it to some group whatever, and they put the PICTURE of it on the Internet. Way back in 2008 or something. You are just imagining that there is some controversy, because there isn’t. I spend a whole lot of my personal time a OBOT website arguing about how there isn’t a controversy.
Just like I am arguing with you now that there isn’t a controversy. And don’t say that us arguing about whether or not he has coughed it up is proof of a controversy, because this person named Squeeky Fromm says that, and she is not a person “of import.” And all those people who don’t think Obama is from here don’t count either. Even if there might be 58% of Americans who have some degree of doubt, I want you to assure Obama that it don’t mean nothing.
Sooo, please back off, because if you don’t, I will have to admit to Squeeky Fromm that she is right about something, and she just can’t be right about anything or I will just have a fit or something. Even if Obama loses in 2012, don’t do nothing. OK???
Thank you!!!
Dr. Ken “Bob Ross” Noisewater
Is the following why Squeeks is so needy herself? From her blog:
Did Squeeks ‘needy male’ cheat on her? That surely would have caused some conflict leading one to have an increased need of acceptance. Am I making sense Squeeks?
Lovely how you can make up strawmen for others…
Chris and Neil would throw your letter in the circular filing bin. He isn’t not giving? Where did you go to school? So in your own letter your use of a double negative implies that Obama has given his birth certificate. Thanks for clearing that up!! Once again 58% of Americans don’t have doubts. Over 80% have some degree of doubt that he was born in another country.
I did the Internet Article I promised you on the other thread, and I put the link there. I really hate to put the link again, but I don’t want you to have search back through over 500 replies to find it so here it is: (Please ask your fellow Obots not to fuss about it because I am doing it for you!)
That leaves me the “What if Abercrombie Fails” one, which there is a movie about waiting for somebody who I will probably try to work in. Plus, the “Obama is the Oldest man in America” post. And Birther 2.0. So who says I don’t work hard???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Quantity over quality. Big deal.
If you seriously believe ANY candidate EVER is going to personally hand you a certified copy of their birth certificate and do the same for the other 309 million citizens out there, you are truly delusional.
Wake up. This is why you get so badly ridiculed. The solutions you demand are so far from realistic or practical that it defies the need of further discussion.
Demand a Unicorn and a Pony while you are at it. …and then complain that they aren’t giving it to you and how unfair that is. Go on, promise to refuse to vote for any candidate that doesn’t give you a Pony!
That is really no different than what you are asking for right now and why candidates, politicians the rest of the government and all rational folks rightly should ignore unrealistic cranks like you.
On her site she provides the following
Perhaps her imaginary boyfriends are girls?
Would not surprise me one bit
Dr. Ken:
I am very proud of you!!! That is the first time you have shown any sign of having an imagination!!! It is also very funny!!! You should let yourself do that more often, because I bet you could be really good at it!!!
G: Maybe you have missed it, but I have discussed practical ways to get it out in PUBLIC many times. I think maybe that Abracrombie has been reading my stuff, because he is thinking like me on this stuff. And don’t say nobody reads my stuff, because I read where famous people and companies pay people to go through the Internet and look for stuff on them and certain topics and with 3 blogs and a forum plus comments all over the place, including England!, I am pretty easy to find I bet!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
If I let my imagination get the best of me I would live in the world of the birthers and yourself. A world that doesn’t exist in reality but rather tabloid fantasies. You haven’t discussed practical ideas. One of your so-called Practical ideas was to have Obama sign a LPOA for the whole state of Hawaii, which would not be legally possible. Allow anyone who wants to get a copy and pay for it, etc no limits on who gets it how many copies etc. It’s not realistic
Perhaps much of Squeeks is mostly imaginary. Kinda like her claimed ability to foil those obots, an ability which apparently only exists inside her own mind. But, her internal validation requires this.
Wasn’t there a movie made about her brain? I think I saw it with Dennis Quaid and Martin Short? Innerspace?
Not exactly the first movie that came to mind but interesting
I read your article when you first posted the link – it was crap and others explained why. I choose not to waste more of my time explaining it to you again. As mentioned above, quantity isn’t the same as quality. Also, I find it very disturbing that you rape your cats (whatever your reason for doing it is) – between that and your revisionist history (which has been documented by Daniel) I think you might be in need of mental help… We all know that you’ve admitted that President Obama has established his eligibility by the appropriate process and has met every reasonable standard in proving his Hawaiian birth – changing your mind now just makes you look dim and indecisive…
Clever… very clever…
Try coming up with your own by-lines OK? That one is taken.
Obama did put his COLB out in the public. You failed to take advantage of the opportunity to examine the “bumpy” as you call it, in it’s original form.
Your failure is not Obama’s problem.
Dr. Ken:
Well, I think you would be happier if you did a little un-winding and enjoyed stuff some. maybe art??? Because if you are artistic, then your mind learns to work on different levels, Like the Fata Morgana stuff I was telling you about above. I am not bragging, but it was just INSPIRED to use that theme for a Economy blog!
Now as to practicality, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Abracrombie is going to do something like my little power of attorney to get the documents out. That is assuming Obama has learned his lesson about trying to be sneaky. Because unless they change the law, or Obama just coughs one up, it would be illegal. And Obama coughing one up has two problems. One, it doesn’t look as official as if Hawaii did it. Two, Obama is way too passive-aggressive to just do it himself. he would rather have an excuse, which Abracrombie would provide it.
That is just big-picture thinking, which believe it or not, doing art stuff helps you do. Because when you create a little universe with poetry, then you can create other things too like scenarios. Sooo, maybe you could think of you being more artistic as practice at being a better thinker overall. It works.
SlartyB: Sorry! I was not sure if you had read it or was just reading the comments of other Obots.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’m entirely happy I have a nice wife I don’t spend my life complaining on a website about how you can’t handle the other sex. Remember you’re the one who needs cats for company since you’re not marriage material. To borrow one of you birther’s favorite strawmen. You know Hitler once thought he was a great artist too. I find it funny how people who say they’re not “bragging” always preface it with a brag about how they think they’re so good at something they’re horrible at. You’ve shown this time and time again.
Your little power of attorney? You do know Power of Attorney doesn’t work like that don’t you?
The phrase “big picture thinking” has nothing to do with what you’re talking about. It just shows you don’t understand common expressions and how they are used.
Let’s not forget the 1967 State Dept memo clearifying Obama’s birthplace and birthdate.
The problem is, no official agency asked for the BC, so who are you going to give it to? Obama did make it public and the State of Hawaii backs up the document and the information on it. That holds up in court.
But Sean we’re not in a court of law we are in the Court of Squeeky’s imagination where facts don’t matter and the truth is entirely inconvenient. Nothing Obama could do at this point would change her mind because its not about him being eligible or American its about revenge because he beat a woman she never really supported
Writing a letter FOR someone? I think there’s some legal issues with that.
I was thinking of John Waters’ Female Trouble.
Just a wish for a good new year to Dr C and hope you enjoy retirement.
A good year to all you Obots too.
Hope you all got your Christmas bonuses from Soros and very glad they finally got the plumbing working in the new FEMA camps.
It should prove to be a great year as we provide the few political prisoners so far (Lakin, Fitzpatrick, etc) some extra company in their new digs.
I wonder how long it’ll take before they realize we’re feeding them that new dogfood Obama invented too.
I just read all this Squeeky stuff and I AM scared.
I have several cats.
How long has this person been raping cats?
Why doesn’t she deny this?
That’s sick and is backed up by her using the name of another sicko woman.
No one names themselves after some crazy person unless they themselves are crazy too.
So wow.. we’ve got a crazy, cat-raping, male-hating person birther here?
I kinda wonder if she accused her last man of cheating on her or actually saw the deed happening.
Because, she might be the really insecure type that needs a man so badly, her own fears make up stories that he’s cheating on her.
Is that you Squeeky? You actually need a man, but the other women are better than you?
Why else would they cheat unless you were a horrible lover?
Please get some help Squeeky.
It’s not fair to your men when they find other women are better than you.
Not fair to the cats either.
Sven Magnussen should be taken off moderation immediately. He was the only one with any common sense!
Squeeky Fromm (a disturbing nom-de-folie in and of itself) is an episode of CRIMINAL MINDS waiting to happen.
Yeah too bad you birthers didn’t get ANYTHING you were hoping for, again. Perhaps if you changed your hopes and dreams to something more in line with reality?
the only thing SqueekyFromm has confirmed is the fact that she is a moron.
Here’s a bit of humor to brighten everyone’s day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG39jKi0lI
LOL! That was hilarious! I’m definitely forwarding that link around. Thanks!!!
Are you guys still falling for Squeeky’s performance art? She leads you all follow. Cat rape? Seriously? Come on.
Falling for? No.
Laughing at? Yes.
Well, if I ever ran for president and there was a question about being mean to cats (which I am not because I rescued two of them, one from a garbage dumpster!) then I would not do like Obama and say just give a lie detector test answer to some special group to put a PICTURE of on the Internet. I would put the answers into PUBLIC, and maybe get a lot of extra certified answers too, and keep one at the White House!!!
And if I didn’t do that, I sure bet there would be a lot of people with suspicions!!!
Sooo, here is what you Obots should do sometimes. CHANGE YOUR
Plus, Dr Ken, this is just what I told you last night! That doing art stuff is good for your brain!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And just how would you put the answers into the Public?
How would you prove that you weren’t the one to throw the cat in the dumpster in the first place?
* His autobiography, written over 15 years ago, which says he was born in HI
* The COLB released to the public in 2008 online, which corroborates that and clearly states born in HONOLULU, HI – both posted online for everyone to see and then actually held, inspected and photographed by independent Fact Check.org, with photos of them handling the physical document including showing all official raised seals and signatures.
* 2 separate local 1961 HI newspaper articles from the time frame of his birth which clearly corroborate what is on the COLB and his own back story.
* Multiple statements from Fukino in HI (a Republican BTW), in support of that COLB document.and that he is who he says is
* Statements also from Lingle, the GOP gov of HI over the past several years in full support as well.
Let’s not forget the 1967 State Dept memo clearifying Obama’s birthplace and birthdate.
Also, the birth index listed Obama’s birth. And it was bumpy.
Again??? OH, I have told you Obots a thousand times how to do it. Just remember it this time, OK?
First, I would get about 100 certified printouts of the lie detector test (which is like the birth certificate in my example). I would pass these around to reporters, and museums, and the loudest people who didn’t believe me. Plus I would put s few at the White House where visitors could pick them up and look at them when they came on tour.
Next, I would do a Power of Attorney to the Lie Detector Company (which is like the Hawaii Birth Certificate people in my example) which let anybody who wanted one get a copy as long as they paid the bill. And no, not a Power of Attorney to every 300 million citizens which is what some Obots thought it meant. Just ONE to the people who have the documents. Geeessh, some people!!!)
Plus, I would put a PICTURE on the Internet.
OH plus, did you see where people are saying a Woman is now running the White House and the country??? Maybe things will get better now!!!
Plus, this is not the first time we have had a Woman president!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Fake SqueekyFromm,
Give up any Presidential aspirations. It is already on the internet that you abused cats (I even read it here), it does you no good to deny it after the accusation. You should have been out in front of this. Now, it just seems SLIMY.
Yep, that is what happened…
And all that is really needed. Of course it helps when the Department of Health of Hawaii confirms the natural born status.
I am NOT stupid. I know that you are teasing me. But here is the point. Even when you are teasing me, you are just repeating what is normal, typical, suspicious behavior. That when somebody doesn’t answer a question, it just makes them look more suspicious. This is such a ELEMENTARY thing that there are a whole lot of people who are QUESTIONERS (Birthers) just for this very reason.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Why then do you refuse to answer the question?
And what if the question has been answered but the people do not like it?
Just a SIMPLE thought, perhaps you may want to consider it? Or does it still have too many letters in it?
How do you intend on convincing others of that?
What are you smoking? We’ve never had a woman president yet…nor do we at this time.
Now you’re not making sense you want a lie detector test now? Why not DNA evidence? This is way more than anything that has ever been required. Besides this is based on only your testimony what if your parents lied to you and you were really born elsewhere you would only be telling what you thought to be the truth and not the truth. Certified printouts of a lie detector test? So you’d send out the squiggly lines to 100 people. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Would you also have Maury Povich read off the results as well?
Power of attorney’s don’t work the way you’re describing.
I’d say one of the S’s stands for stupidity which is what the above situation you described is.
Notice the fake SqueekyFromm didn’t deny the cat abuse when responding to me…
Yeah you actually are. At his point I find it highly doubtful you even finished primary school. There is nothing suspicious about calling out someone who makes stupid statements. What is suspicious is how you take up the birther cause because your candidate lost to a black man fair and square. Your constant questioning of reality is suspicious and slimy. Elementary doesn’t mean what you think it does. You’re not a birther for the reason you claim.it is purely about revenge for you.
I won’t deny that people think that way, but an assumption of guilt from lack of evidence or testimony is fundamentally immoral and unAmerican.
It was VERY bumpy.
Dr. Ken:
YOU are the one with serious reading and comprehension problems. Start at the top of the thread and read it all the way down so you can get up to speed! Plus, YOU have been dodging saying this stuff to Chris Matthews and Abracrombie and now all the editorial papers who are asking for a birth certificate. Because they are just finally exercising common sense too, and saying “Cough it up!!!”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dr. C:
I have not ever seen this document anywhere with Obama’s name on it. Do you have a linky thingy???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And Dr Fukino’s statement
It seems that poor Squeeks did not understand Dr C’s observation
Are you admitting to an assumption of guilt from lack of evidence?
Nope, that’s called projection Squeeks
While I have attempted to put Sven on moderation, I have never actually seen a message from him go into moderation. Sven was put into moderation not sense or the lack of sense, but rather for thread hijacking. Anyone else who exhibits a similar pattern of thread hijacking will suffer the same fate, except much more quickly.
Well, it seems you Obots just want to have it both ways. You like to talk about COURT all the time, but that other Obot, Expallimus(?) said that this statement isn’t even admissible anymore and maybe never was!
Sooo, do you think you need to keep saying it? Because I have already just beat this WITH LOGIC a long time ago here when I told you how anybody could say this, then when the document wasn’t there just act all surprised and say “Well it used to be there!”.
Why go through all this work. Just do like the smart people like Chris Matthews and Abracrombie and the Editorial Papers do and just call for the Long Form. Like I have been telling you FOREVAH, that is just the common sense thing to do!!!
OH, I bet it just burns you up now that these non-Birther people are finally saying the same thing I have been saying!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I have no problems you have shown over and over again you’re the slimy one adopting the birther movement as revenge. You still haven’t answered how you would prove you weren’t the one to put the cat in the dumpster to begin with. Since you won’t answer this question I can only assume you are slimy and suspicious.
So now you want a court to evaluate the claims? Why is it that you have such a hard time keeping your arguments straight?
Sorry Squeeks, but you have been hung by your own petard once again by showing your disregard for logic and reason.
I told you, you should get a boy friend, much less embarrassing.
Isnt this similar to what Squeeks has been doing. More like site hijacking by continuously trying to pimp her site
Yes, did she not change from democrat to republican because her favorite “girl candidate” had been beaten by a male? You know these needy creatures who cheat on you?
What a lovely reason to switch parties but it helps understand her insistance to ignore that the President has shown himself to be a natural born citizen, something supported by the Department of Health of the State of Hawaii.
When confronted with the facts, she, as expected and in line with her history, moved the goalposts.
A fascinating creature our Squeeks. But she should really have taken my advice about getting a boy friend.
Why would she get a boyfriend she’s having entirely too much fun raping her cats. And we all know there are only 4 reasons as to why she won’t stop raping her cats.
1. Killing them would be too merciful, she thinks her type of love is the best for them and she doesn’t have the heart to free them from her torment.
2. Inexperienced, she has a hard time getting a man in real life and so thinks that experimenting on her cats will give her the proper experience needed to get her a real man.
3. Sick – She really is as sick and demented as she makes herself out to be and so this mindset would properly explain how logic seems to elude her.
4. Sadistic – She gets off on the fact that her cats are defenseless and it makes her feel powerful for once in her life to have some sort of control over something else.
Now we find out that in addition to the whole cat-raping episode, Squeeky admits that she is immoral and unAmerican – she openly opposes some of the most cherished legal principles enshrined in the Constitution. Clearly her lack of a response to these accusations is sufficient proof of her guilt…
Our old friend Miss Tickly has her panties in a bunch again…
This woman make Don Quixote look relevant…
Also, she’s getting secret messages from the Hawaii government about the Hawaii DOH seal:
Like so many others, she is blinded by her preconceived notion.
And even if the letter were fake, so what?
When it comes to pre-conceived notions, ask yourself how you Obots respond to “coughing up the long form”??? Oh, it just sends you into fits, and you start spouting off a ton of stupid reasons why it is a bad idea.
You can’t even deal with when Chris and Abracrombie and the Editorial Papers start saying the same thing I have been saying. Which, if you were FAIR and BALANCED, you would be saying “Gee, that Squeeky Fromm was sure smart to think of this! I wish we had listened to her, then we could be smart, too! Like Chris Matthews and Abracrombie and the Editorial Papers!”
But you being all UNFAIR and UNBALANCED have inspired in me another Internet Article, which will be “Obama and the Obots – Mad Scientists and Igors!”
Soooo, thank you for inspiring me!!!
Plus, Dr. Ken, you sure must be AFRAID of my Internet Articles and you just want to stifle the opposition!!! Because I don’t post on the other threads here even though I really have to bite my lip sometimes because I just soooo want to beat you WITH LOGIC on this stuff!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Once again back to the long form and round and round in circles. You still have not stated what would the long form state that would further prove that Obama is:
35 years and over
been in the country 14 years
born in America.
All this information is on the COLB which was confirmed by the State of Hawaii.
There is no additional information that would prove that. Obama can’t cough up a long form that the state of Hawaii no longer uses. As president he can’t overrule their laws. I can’t recall you saying that birthers are stupid and should be laughed at because this is what Abercrombie and Matthews have been saying all along.
How am I stifling you? You are free to carry on as a mentally challenged individual but this is Doc’s blog not yours you do not have the right to go about trying to divert traffic to your website. Anyone who cares enough can easily click the link on your name without being reminded 10 times a day about it.
You’ve bit your lip because you know there is only so much stupidity people can take in one day. You have yet to say anything logical
Dr. Ken:
I bet you are just jealous because you don’t have a blog!!! If you want to get one, I will tell you how, and then you can write your own Internet Articles, too! Plus, I get a lot f traffic on my Internet Articles when I put them on a fourm, like right now the “Demonization Of Birthers” has got 60 replies on a forum, but I am NOT going to link it up because you will just complain because you have to read something new.
Did you even read the New York Times Internet Article I put a link here for you???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Bob, I don’t quite follow you here. What has Sqeaky ever said on this blog that would make someone want to actually visit her web site?
doc you are indeed right. Though she desperately spams her site multiple times a day nothing she has said has made anyone feel the need to visit
Dr. C:
That is a very NOT nice thing to say! I really don’t care if anybody from here visits my websites or not, but when it is relevant to stuff, then I put it here and people have the choice. If you don’t want me to ever link my stuff here, then just say so. I try to just keep on the Open threads so I don’t just irritate all the Obots, and I don’t even say bad things to them until they say bad things to me first. And OH believe me there are things I sure want to say sometimes, and they aren’t nice!!!
But I have written a lot of very good Internet Articles. have you ever read any of them??? Plus now, I even have a Economy website!
OH I am ever going to make Wall Street sweat!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
If you really believe in your “squeekonomics” you should invest a good chunk of change, say $10,000, & follow your principles. Report back in about 5 years on how you have done.
You really should be paying your therapist more money. I have a blog, run multiple websites but don’t feel the need to talk about them incessantly on every site I visit. You show you are desperate for attention which leads me to believe you were the middle child. Your older sibling got all the love and you were treated as though you were never good enough. Your younger sibling was babied and spoiled and so we’re left with you. You show that you desperately crave for the attention your parents didn’t give you. But the attention you seek is wrong and craven.
A whole 60 replies? Wow that’s amazing you’ve had it up for over 2 months. I averaged 100 messages a day when I stated my site
If you didn’t care about people visiting your sites you wouldn’t feel the constant need to spam Doc’s site with links
Dr. Ken:
Well, I am glad you have a blog. It is probably about SPELLING!!! But here is you something to occupy yourself. Get a ruler and go back to the top of the last two open threads I have been on. Measure how much space is you “quoting” whatever you reply to, and then measure how much space is my links to Internet Articles. That would be scientific and would keep you busy for a few days.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Are you Kathy Bates?
President Obama has at this moment no access to such a long form because the policy of the DOH of HI is to no longer provide such documents.
But we can determine most of the content of the long form from his COLB, which shows him to be born on US soil.
Since the goal is to establish eligibility of our President, it is clear that the long form adds no additional relevant information.
I hope that you understand these simple facts.
Instead you insist on strawmen arugment, flawed logic, failed reason and factless claims. That’s fine but you could spend your time so much better snuggling up with a boy friend.
You want a long form, too bad there is no compelling reason to really ask for such a form. Even if such a form were presented, you would find another ‘reason’ to dislike our President.
It’s predictable given your foolish steps that led you to abandon a viable democratic candidate, just because he beat your ‘girl candidate’.
It’s time to grow up Squeeks, pretending to be a little girl is not going to do you much good, in fact it might even drive away people in your life.
But no worries, we are hear to keep you warm and fuzzy.
Yes, I understand your need to write your non-sensical thoughts down and make it available to your cats for their perusal.
But honestly, there is nothing fair or balanced about your website or your claims.
So Squeeks, why are you refusing to accept the factual evidence of Obama’s natural born status?
Please do tell. Of course you may chose to remain silent or distract but under the ‘rules of your logic’ this would indicate that you must have something to hide…
Narcissist and delusional.
An interesting diagnosis.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed here — but it’s just come to my attention that Orly Taitz will be running for US Senate, as a Republican. This would be for the seat currently occupied by Feinstein.
How she thinks this will help the birthers is beyond me.
I think we will see it this year. Smarter Obots have taken over who don’t just throw away millions and millions of Americans.
Plus, Obots, I am NOT linking my new Squeekonomics Internet Article here, so you will just have to do without!!! and it is a really really good one that millions of people except you will get to read!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Smarter obots that those who have managed to get 80 lawsuits thrown out because of Constitutional issues?
Smarter Obots than those who have shown that President Obama, by any reasonable standard, is a natural born?
I understand… Of course, when these smarter obots manage to convince the State of Hawaii to finally release the birth certificate, I doubt that there are any birthers who are going to change their tune.
Squeeks included.
So Squeeks, why are you refusing to accept the factual evidence of Obama’s natural born status?
I am sorry, but I am busy thanking people for saying nice things about my latest squeekonomics Internet Article which is “very good”, and “it cracks me up!”, and “lmao” and “how do you think of this stuff?” and all this takes time to do. Plus my latest cinema post. I will answer you when I am not quite so busy.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Hearing voices again?
PS: I have a cousin who is looking for a nice gall like you. He is even willing to become a Republican
Thank you, but the last grunty little malebeast has just soured me for about TWENTY YEARS or more. I am soooo happy not having to put up with one, and tell him what to do, and how to do it, and not pick up after him that I don’t want to go back to a relationship FOREVER!!!
I have friends to go out with, and my cats and Squawky and my art so I am very happy. Plus it is quiet at night and I can guitar at 3:00 AM without somebody griping about it and other unreasonable stuff like that. Plus, the house stays clean!!!
OH, I have to go back to check my latest very good Internet Article about How F….oh wait, I am not going to link that because nobody here wants to read it. I almost forgot. Everybody here will just have to wonder what it was and how good it was!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I see. Well, he should be sorry for walking away and treating you so poorly. I feel that your ability to not extrapolate beyond a single example may cause you unnecessary hardship but I guess cats can be quite nice.
PS: If you are so very happy why do you sound so depressed on this blog? Are you sure you are ok?
I only get sad if little animals get hurt, or there is a sad movie or something. I stopped taking antidepressants and I don’t have any depression now. I was sad this summer when Squawky had to go back to the wild, and couldn’t sit on my head anymore, and do cute little baby bird things, but that is just life, and I healed from it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
lmao. Have you people been listening to that broken record all new year’s weekend? I think that idiot just likes to hear herself squawk.
You’re asking her? ROFLMAO!!!!
Hi Fut!!!
There is a good scary movie coming on in a few minutes on Elvira. It is “The Giant Gila Monster.” There is a Internet Article at gratewire.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Good. C ya
And I would say, anybody who’s promoting the birther issue has some kind of animosity towards Barack Obama’s lineage. There’s no other way you could accept it, because it’s kooky to be pushing this notion that the president is not an American and is lying about being born in Hawaii.
Douglas Brinkley, professor of history and director of the Eisenhower Center for American Studies at the University of New Orleans
And my New Year’s resolution will be in line with that quote. My resolution is to start recognizing birthers for what they are – racists. It will kick in on January 21st.
Its not healthy to not take things your doctor prescribes to you bipolar schitzoprenics such as yourself often think they are fine and don’t need their meds and sometimes they will have lucid periods but they are usually shortlived.
That is such a psychologically ill thing to say, that you should see a therapist. Because you obviously can not have a disagreement with somebody without thinking they are racists. There is a word for that I will try to find.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Don’t tell me about therapists, nutjob. You’re the one who needs one, not me. Where’d you get your education again? Oh, that’s right, WIKIPEDIA!!! lmao.
There’s only one reason any of you nutjobs hold onto this after all the time that’s passed, after all the cases being tossed out of court, after all the evidence to the contrary, and after Congress totally ignoring this issue for two years – RACISM!! Plain and simple
Well wiki says what you are doing is DEMONIZING. Which is the same word I already used without knowing it was the right name for this. It is a propaganda technique:
Demonizing the enemy
Making individuals from the opposing nation, from a different ethnic group, or those who support the opposing viewpoint appear to be subhuman (e.g., the Vietnam War-era term “gooks” for National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam aka Vietcong, or “VC”, soldiers), worthless, or immoral, through suggestion or false accusations. Dehumanizing is also a termed used synonymously with demonizing, the latter usually serves as an aspect of the former.
Sooo, I guess you just want to be a propaganda person and do logical fallacy stuff. Not me. I would rather just be honest.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Honest? ROFLMAO. Buy a yourself dictionary
Actually, you don’t like him because you’re more of a sexist than a racist. There is no other explanation why you would turn against someone who holds the same values as someone whom you say you admire. The truth is, you’ don’t admire her for the right reasons; you admire her simply because she’s a woman. The evidence of that is you align yourself with those who are her enemies, who are also enemies of her ideology.
Moreover, the idea that calling someone what they are is somehow demonizing someone is patently absurd.
Moreover, that sounds very hollow coming someone who is DEMONIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
What’s equally absurd is your ridiculous assertion that racists like the black guy who is president.
You should read the psychological analysis I made on this at the place where my blue name is. I would link it and make it easy for you, but some Obots are trying to stifle the opposition by fussing about my links which I only put up on really good Internet Articles that are relevant to what we are talking about.
Because there is a flip side to demonization, which I discuss at length.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Plus, did you have a Happy New Year??? I did!!!
Yeah, that should be real good seeing as you got your degree from the University of Wikipedia. lmao
Its not stifling you to tell you to stop spamming your site every day. I don’t go over to your hole in the wall and deficate all over your rug, you shouldn’t come here and do it.
got to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website…skip…go to my website.
Dr. Ken:
Admit this. Don’t I just stay on one thread at a time, and not get off it??? Like the OPEN thread. I do not go over to the one about the Editorials, or Abercrombie, or Chris Matthews where I am just DYING to add my two cents to. Because I understand the need of you Obots to have your little happy place where no one will disagree with you and try to make you think. Now, if I was trying to defecate, which means go poop, don’t you think I would go there and make comments and just irritate you all the time??? But I don’t.
And what if there are Obots that want to learn new stuff??? And to also learn about Economy things??? Then, when you get all fussy about the links, then you keep them from reading some really really good Internet Articles, just like the latest Squeekonomics one which is already getting rave reviews at gratewire!!! Which is not my forum, but somebody elses. Sooo, just ADMIT IT!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
How can anyone learn anything from someone writing about psychology who doesn’t even have any credentials in psychology? Rule one in technical writing is that you have to know your subject matter inside and out.; otherwise, it’s just a work of fiction
Who cares if you stay on one thread posting your site once was enough instead you’ve posted it over and over again day after day to the point that its about the only thing you talk about. What you do is offensive. You don’t see that you coming to Doc’s place and spamming your site is rude. This would be like going into Pepsi HQ and trying to get them to drink Coke Products. This is funny how you think we want to control the message here. You and other nutjobs have been allowed to post your crap for the last 2 years here. Now try going to one of your birther sites and say something that doesn’t fit the message. You will be banned, put into moderation and actually have your opinion stifled. You take Doc’s generosity for granted and you abuse it by day in and day out trying to divert traffic to your site because you have such a miserable family life and social life that you have to make yourself the center of attention.
I’ve seen the type of people who hang out at Gretawire, the usual crowd there are just as unintelligible as you are. So you receiving complements from them is like being the skinniest kid at fat camp.
I DO study stuff. I read a Economy book before I started Squeekonomics. Plus, I had bookkeeping in school. Plus I help my mother with her books and taxes and things. Plus, I read economy stuff EVERY DAY!!! Stuff that is soooo hard I bet hardly anybody can even understand it.
I really had to study stuff for my latest Squeekonomics Internet Article because I only knew maybe 4 of the the 32 things I needed to know to write it. So I found it and wrote it and it is such a shame that nobody here will know where this very good Internet Article is, or even what it is about because I am not linking it.
Plus, lookit the Republicans. Fictional novels about trains by dead Russian atheists are just fine for them to base their Economy ideas on!!! (LOL!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dr. Ken:
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and lookit all the links to Birther sites. I bet Dr. C is a lot like me, and doesn’t mind a good argument from somebody. Plus, you are one of the worst Obots here about keeping up with the thread (which may just be because they get so long) so sometimes there might be be duplication. But every site you go to has links to other stuff. That is why they invented links.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
“Studying stuff” is not sufficient. Fiction writers “study stuff”; technical writers go to school and actually learn more than just studying stuff. That’s why we have universities, and if you think that “studying stuff” at Wikipedia is equivalent to going to the classes, taking the notes, doing the research, and taking the exams, you’re delusional
You keep saying this over and over again but it still doesn’t make your point valid. Doc put those birther sites there himself. You don’t see other birthers coming in her spamming their links everyday so why is it you do it? Most people don’t spam links to their own site over and over again. They usually provide links to actual useful material which is revelant to the conversation. You, however; find the need to continually try to validate yourself.
I HAVE a college degree!!! Plus, I am a INTP!!! Plus, my Internet Articles speak for themselves, and the people who actually read them, don’t think they are all that bad. They may not agree, but they don’t just fall over dead or anything from reading my stuff it is sooo bad.
Plus, your Internet Thingies (I won’t call them Articles because it was about the same thing every day) I always read and commented on. I didn’t ever tell you to stop. I just took you on in a fair Internet fight and beat you WITH LOGIC! Like a person is supposed to. Plus, the Obot Group Therapy Things I did were just brilliant according to some NOT-BIASED people and they ROTFLMAO’d them.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dr. Ken:
you said:”They usually provide links to actual useful material which is revelant to the conversation. ”
Well, SO DO I!!! That is usually why I do the links, because I know where my relevant stuff is. Like the Chris Matthews video and poll. I know right where that is, with links, because I did a Internet Article on it. Or discussions about whether or not PICTURES are true. Who else has done a Treachery of Images Internet Article concerning Birthers, besides me??? Nobody!
This is because I had Debate in school and I can usually see where arguments are going to go, and if somebody doesn’t have a RELEVANT Internet Article, then I write one! Just like on the Economy one about Mattresses I swear two days later a famous Economy person wrote a Internet Article that said about the same thing I did. Sooo, it is not like I am just totally stupid or something.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky, nobody wants to read it.
I have to agree with FUTTHESHUCKUP. It is racism. Today, they can’t come right out and say it (unless you’re Rush Limbaugh), so they have to either project their own feelings on Obama or his wife, or use code words.
First off, let’s look at who Obama is. He’s a good husband, father and church going Christian. He has a top notch education and no real political baggage.
When he first ran I was wondering how the other side was going to smear him with so little material to work with.
So the Right dipped deep into the old boogieman barrel and pulled up socialism. The Right had been beating this drum in the 50’s so much it became a joke by the 70’s. Socialism is a quick mud bomb to throw at someone and complicated to defend. To defend Obama from this smear, the one calling him a socialist has to first know what it means (something most people aren’t willing to do.)
Muslim was also fair game because the same wackos think anti-Islam is justified based on 9-11. They’ve already established they hate Muslims, so they paint that hate on Obama (even though Obama does not practice Islam.) Glen Beck says Obama is not a Muslim, but still not the brand of Christian we all are (I guess Glenn means Mormon.)
Some insist Obama is not Black (they don’t want to acknowledge Obama is the first Black President.) I always ask which drinking fountain Obama should’ve drank from if he lived in the Jim Crow South: Whites Only or Colored.
That of course is mostly a self selecting and small sample.
But you are an INTP? It would conflict with your interests in self promotion. I assume that you have read the description of an INTP and assume that the qualities must all apply to you? It’s like those people who read the horoscope and assume that it applies to the hundreds millions of aries or gemini equally.
Look a college degree nor being INTP really means much. it’s your contributions to this blog which cause me to believe that you are involved in self-deception. Which is btw how INTP’s operate, they are mostly inward focused.
Oops… Never mind
Self deception at work… Squeeks my friend, I am not sure you would recognize logic if it were to hit you on the nose.
All I know is that Obama’s been president for 2 years now and there’s not been a single birther success story. Not one.
Orly fined $20K.
Fitzpatrick and Lakin in jail and and prison respectively.
Millions spent on fake grand juries, posters, bumper stickers, billboards, airline tickets, cards, letters, phone calls.. etc, etc…
…. and Obama remains president….
… in the white house…
… in Airforce One and in charge.
He’s been completely unaffected by everything the birthers have tried.
Just a shoelace coming undone would have taken more of Obama’s attention than the best of all the birther’s attempts.
So bring on the Squeekys, the Orlys, Bergs, Butterzillons, WND and all the other crazies.
Make them whine and spend money for at least another 2 years.
They’re here for our entertainment!
They won’t change a thing in the next 2 years either.
Or perhaps even 6 more years.
Say Birthers.. how does it feel to be so powerless and impotent that you can’t do a single thing to get that scary man out of *your* Whitehouse?
(Can anyone imagine Orly after another couple years at this? 😉
@ Sean: of course it is racism; I’ve been saying this from Day 1. There’s no way they’ll EVER accept a black president as legitimate. They can’t stand it.I’m not saying it’s the only reason why they hate him, but that’s the root.
Is it just me or does anyone else find it disturbing that that clearly deranged woman (?) uses as a pseudonym for posting here the name of a Manson Family cultist? What’s next? “Lee Harvey Oswald”?
“Obot” — can a foreigner who is rather unimpressed with your President (so far), but dismisses all the racist crap the birthers make up, still be an “Obot” since he has no stake in your electoral system? In many ways, it’s not just the birthers vs. the Obama partisans (understandably), but the birthers vs the Rest of the Entire World.
I am INTP and I am a college graduate, but I think the similarity may not extend much farther than that.
I enjoy a good argument, but I cannot ever recall having one with a birther.
Birthers want me to argue in the form reductio ad adsurdum, where a premise is assumed (the premise is “Barack Obama is not born in the United States”) and I am expected to demonstrate with documentary evidence that conclusions drawn from that premise are absurd (self-contradictory) under ever possible scenario that can be dreamed up. So, for example, I would have to prove that the Obama’s did not travel to Africa to deliver the president. Documenting that something did not happen is usually difficult.
[Hmmm. Actually proving Barack Obama was not born in Africa is easy because his birth certificate puts him in Hawaii at the time, but birthers don’t recognize birth certificates from Hawaii as valid. See the frustration?]
Barack Obama himself provided only one document that proves he was born in Hawaii. It is the one authoritative, official, and universally-recognized document for proving location of birth in the United States. It is prima facie evidence.
Anything else would be of lesser value. Certainly other documentation is available, but it wasn’t released by Barack Obama. He already released the one important document.
Are you going for quantity rather than quality, Squeaks?
[PS: You have the date wrong]
Moreover, Doc, it needs to be pointed out that by the standards of proof that the birthers demand of Obama, none of his predecessors have established their birth in the US. Few of them had birth certificates of any length, nor any documentation at all. I renew my challenge to the birthers (you are welcome to take it up too, Doc) to PROVE that Abe Lincoln was not born in Norway. By way of proof that he was, I offer this statue in Frogner Park in Oslo http://www.flickr.com/photos/7486366@N08/2125903058/ and note that if there were such a monument in a park in Nairobi, it would be taken by the birthers as proof posiitive of a Kenyan birth.
In fact, given that US borders were completely open in the early 19th century and no records were kept of arrivals and departures, I submit that it is quite impossible to disprove a foreign birth for Lincoln or any of his contemporaries.
> by the standards of proof that the birthers demand of Obama, none of his predecessors have established their birth in the US
This issue is probably the best and easiest example for the “intellectual dishonesty” (their own latest favourite expression) of most birthers.
Most of their sites loudly disclaim that all former Presidents have made available the very data they are demanding from Obama.
Yet all of them censor postings which point out that none of our recent presidents (the Bushes, Clinton, also Reagan if you consider only releases during the presidency term) has published his birth certificate, let alone kindergarden records etc.
If there’s any point where they contradict, without any possibility to argue it away, their purported “allegiance to the truth”, it’s this one.
Squeeky desperately wants someone to read her blog. She desperately wants to convince herself and others she’s not a nobody, a nothing.
I picture her as one of those people from the show “Hoarders.”
The best is the following comment…
“Dear Mr. Kovacs, ‘Letters’ Staff & Corrections’ Staff-
I am surprised to have not heard from you yet on my amazing discovery and request for a correction because there’s zero doubt that We, the People, have been badly duped by someone concerning the President’s alleged letter to Kapi’olani Hospital. Therefore, I am sending you a clear visual aid which shows both of the close-ups in question (of the seal, and of the signature) placed on the image of the full view of the letter for comparison.
For this visual aid, I resized and skewed the seal closeup’ to match the other seal in size, but did nothing to the color. Of course, one seal could never really be matched to the other because one seal is incised and one is not. One is from a cream fiber writing stock and one is from a smooth white stock. I have included this graphic, so that there is no confusion that a retraction is absolutely necessary, and quickly, as is an explanation from WND, the White House and Kapi’olani Hospital.
I understand you are aware from your own work on this issue that the FBI said they must investigate the matter at this point because this fraudulent letter was used by Kapi’olani Hospital for fund-raising purposes:
“Late yesterday, though, Peters finally responded to WND’s inquiry when the news site informed the hospital that the FBI and United States Secret Service said the matter could potentially lead to criminal prosecution were the letter determined to be fraudulent.
“It would be a charity fraud scheme,” said FBI spokesman Steve Kodak. “It would be investigated by us or the Secret Service. We both have jurisdiction over that.”
Peters says Kapi’olani actually has a reproduction of the “original letter” on display at the hospital.”
Here’s a link to her blog
More P&E nonsense….Look how quickly the idiotic birthers are willing to call decorated military officers (kemkes, Manning, Hawley-Bowland, and Horst) traitors. Amazing….Another case of Obama derangement….
“This is my second letter to each/all of you on this matter and if you’ve not read the First Letter (dated Dec. 22, 2010), it is included as an attachment that should be read in toto prior to this one, as the method of address and other matters are covered therein allowing the context to be clearly understood.
I have already commented on the truly ironic circumstance of two of the highest courts in America – one military and one civil – in dealing with the matter of Presidential eligibility as they have each incorrectly done and by going in opposite directions; the civil evading the jurisdiction by means of legal fictions such as “standing” and “political question” and the military by assuming (incorrectly) that it was superior to the United States Constitution and implicitly ruling on a matter it had no right or jurisdiction to so rule. These two courts have scuttled in opposite directions to try to absolve themselves of any blame or responsibility in the matter at hand. Yet it seems that for different reasons, both must be involved, as we shall see.
Both are operating in a mode of supreme cowardice in the matter at hand and both, in the words of Chief Justice John Marshall, are committing “Treason to the Constitution” but for distinctly different reasons. For the moment let’s set aside the pathetic cowardice of SCOTUS and review only actions of the military. Perhaps all of you have forgotten your sworn Oath taken when you became Officers of the United States. It surely seems so.
Your Oath swore allegiance to NOT the President of the United States nor even to the United States itself, but to the Constitution of the United States. This document is, in fact, a contract between the citizens of the US and those in government (and, by extension the military also) as to how those citizens agree to be governed. It is a binding document for us all, though some seem to have lost sight of this truth. One of the precepts delineated therein is that to be eligible to hold the office of Commander In Chief (and thereby command the military) a person is required, among other things, to be a “natural born Citizen.” That term is specified by mandatory “shall” language … not “could be” or “ought to be” or “probably is” or “claims to be” or “wishes to be” but “SHALL BE”!!!
You as some of the leading lights of our military have sworn to uphold and defend the United States Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I would urge you to return to your roots and go back and read the Oath you took and think about its meaning to assure yourself that you have honestly and completely remained true to it. It seems unlikely in the extreme that you have. In my First Letter I brought out the fact that the military court system (I called it the UCMJ) cannot and should not presume the man now holding the office who has never shown himself to be legally eligible either is – or is not – eligible for that office. That clearly is not your job nor your duty but lies instead within the jurisdiction of the OTHER high court … but let’s stick with your responsibilities and jurisdiction for the time being.
You believe that a member of your armed forces violated orders given him and in the First Letter we discussed the diametrically opposed position of the UCMJ courts and the WWII Nuremberg court as they clearly dash off in opposite directions. I am in no way judging that Terry Lakin did or did not violate orders but merely saying that you believe he did. In fact, though, is it not true that his original complaint was about only the deployment order to Afghanistan as part of the so-called “surge” and that this deployment order had to be signed by the President??? The other items involved in his hearing seem well off of that particular mark and no amount of prosecutorial “cleverness” mitigates that fact.
In conducting the Lakin hearing, the military judge seemed aghast at being some sort of a perceived party to “embarrassing” the man functioning as the CIC. This seemed to be of great concern, but the court was never itself asked to (nor should they) rule on the man’s eligibility. They could certainly, however – and I believe should have – passed the “eligibility buck” to the United States Supreme Court where it belongs as a question of Constitutional interpretation. In that manner, the military court could have easily enough held the Lakin matter in abeyance until SCOTUS had ruled on the matter, which would not only have given Terry Lakin the answer he sought (whether for good or ill) buy also would then have allowed the UCMJ process to go forward with complete Constitutional certainty behind it.”
I guess none of this matters.
More nonsense from “researcher”…
Researcher says:
Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 7:51 PM
The HDoH assigns a sequential file/certificate numbers to birth certificates as they are filed and only in the main office in Honolulu. I had an email exchange with Ms. Okubo last February where she stated the aforementioned.
O’s on-line COLB indicates the b/c was allegedly filed/accepted on August 8, 1961 and assigned 010641. The Nordyke twins b/cs were filed/accepted on August 11, 1961 and were assigned 010637 and 010638, respectively.
If what Okubo stated is true, then the soonest 010641 was likely assigned is August 11, 1961 (Fri), the same day the Nordyke twins b/c’s were processed and filed. Assuming the HDoH processed and filed certificates on a daily basis, the latest date 010641 could have been assigned is August 14, 1961 (Mon). The Nordyke twins were born at Kapiolani and I think this is why O’s narrative changed from being born at Queen’s to being born at Kapiolani. Certificate # 010641 most likely came from Kapiolani as well.
My point: 010641 was NOT assigned on August 8, 1961. I will not elaborate anymore than that; to do so would not be prudent or wise.
And yes, I still believe it does play right into O’s hand. He thought the issue would go away with ridicule and he has not demanded a copy of the long form because until recently, the Governor and the Director of Health (both who are Republicans) perhaps would only go so far in perpetuating the lie but stopped short of creating a fraudulent long form b/c.
Now O has an old family friend in Ambercrombie who is completely in the tank for him. Ambercrombie directs his new Director of Health to manufacture a long form b/c based on O’s account of his nativity. Whether or not the HDoH has a legitimate original or amended long form bc on file, is irrelevant. All it really requires is a blank 1960s era form, a number stamp and a typewriter that matches what was used by the HDoH in 1961. The security features in 1961 were probably non-existent making replicating the form relatively easy.
A b/c that is amended due to paternity determination, legitimization, or an adoption, initiates the production of a new b/c that is not positively identified as amended. The previous b/c (original or amended) is forever sealed and cannot be accessed without a court order. O could have his b/c amended and a new b/c produced without the signature of the parent or attending physician/midwife. Nowhere in the admin rules is it required for either to sign the new b/c.
There is all this discussion in blogosphere that it will have to be aged, examined by forensic experts, blah, blah, blah. Not true. The HDoH will issue a certified copy of the forgery; it will never allow anyone to inspect or examine the “original”. How can a document forensic expert authenticate a copy? This forgery will be much more sophisticated than the on-line COLB.
Finally, the raised seal on the Nordyke twin looks eerily like the pencil stenciling Miss Tickly recently received from the HDoH, which is a departure from the raised seal used on O’s on-line COLB and other COLBs images that are also available.
While everything I have stated is quite speculative at this point, I think it is very interesting that Ambercrombie releases this little tidbit right around the time O is vacationing in HI and O has now extended his trip to January 3rd.
A joint news conference perhaps?
Researcher says:
Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 8:01 PM
The certificate number is KEY. It was likely assigned to someone other than Obama. We need to identify who.
Researcher says:
Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 9:00 PM
One other point: It is always possible 010641 was originally assigned to O. If it was, it was assigned on August 11 or August 14, not on August 8 as suggested by the on-line COLB photos posted at FactCheck.
Researcher says:
Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 2:18 PM
While it has been reported, I do not believe that it has been conclusively proven that O’s b/c was amended. There has been some parsing of words, where one researcher latched onto plurality of “records” in Dr. Fukino’s July 2009 statement, believing that this, and some email exchanges with the HDoH is evidence that O’s records were amended.
Given what I previously posted, this is how I see this thing unfolding:
A new certificate will be prepared listing a) SAD and BHO Sr. as the parents, b) a legitimate attending doctor who is now deceased, c) Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital as the place of birth, d) the same cert number as on the on-line COLB, e) will include the signatures of the Registrar General and Director of Health era 1960s, and f) a raised seal.
The signature/date blocks for the attendant, a parent, and local registrar will have the names/dates typed in instead of handwritten signatures/dates.
The new b/c will not be identified as an amendment.
The original and any other possible b/c that were generated as result of an amendment will be forever sealed. No court will order the unsealing of previous versions. Heck, we cannot even compel the court to order the release of any documentation which makes the unsealing of previous records all the more unlikely.
Researcher says:
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 10:39 AM
If the SoH manufactures a forged long form, won’t it be difficult to prove? The DoH never releases the “original”, only a copy. Seems to me that the doctor who allegedly delivered him has likely long since passed and we know that SAD and BHO Sr. are deceased. There is no provision on the long form that I am aware of for a witness to sign. The only thing that can be examined is signatures but it should not be too terribly difficult to photoshop by copying signatures from different records (divorce, perhaps?) and pasting them into the forgery. My point is, it may very difficult to confirm the veracity of the long form from a copy.
What we can go after is the number. 151-1961-010641 belongs to someone and it ain’t Obama. It likely belongs to a deceased infant or small child long since forgotten, at least legally.
And even more hilarous is the new theory to make any BC information released by HI now suspect….The birthers are adept at changing the goalposts…
AuntieMadder says:
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 at 7:22 PM
Birdy, that is exactly what I think is happening now. In fact, I think putting AberCRUMBie in the HI governorship may have been in the plan as far back as 2007-2008 or, perhaps, since it was discovered that Lingle would only stick her neck out so far in this. Soros and Obummer never planned or expected to put off producing this document for a full four-year term, maybe not even for the two+ years that it’s turned out to be. Very soon, now, their stalling and legal evasions will come to an end.
Expect a Hawaiin long-form BC to be released very, very soon. Do not be surprised if someone other than B Obama is named as the father – someone who was an American citizen at the time of Barky’s birth. This “surprise” revelation of the real baby-daddy will explain/confirm the “embarassment” of which Lind spoke. This “revelation” will be new to or only recently discovered by Barky himself, probably in 2008 when he was first asked to produce a long form BC, and that he put off sharing this revelation with the country until he believed it would be accepted by the masses (something that AberCRUMBie, being a long-time friend of the family will help assure him). And the “birth certificate” mentioned in his “autobiography,” unless it was specifically mentioned in the book as being a “long-form birth certificate” in the book, will be explained away as being (one of) the COLB that we’ve all seen online.
Texoma says:
Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 12:38 AM
I think you could be right about an American citizen being the father.
However, it would not matter. The intent of the Founding Fathers was to have Presidents who had exclusive allegiance to the US from the time of their birth. Obama grew up believing that Obama Senior was his biological father, and he knew that Obama Senior was a British/Kenyan citizen. Natural born citizen status is the “strong check” against foreign influence. This foreign influence was present from the time of Obama’s birth and in the years that followed, which included 3 trips to Kenya, the most recent one in 2006. These are all facts which will not go away should Obama’s father turn out to have been an American.
I can absolutely guarantee that this will be true for someone, probably many someones, maybe someone reading this very post.
Dr. C:
My first step now is pretty much, “Is there a birthplace question or problem???
Right, wrong, good, bad, smart, stupid, whatever, my answer is YES!!!
Chris Matthews and Neal Abercrombie also see a problem. I guess you could “coulda, shoulda, woulda” all day long, but at the end of the day, there is a problem.
If your wife thinks you are cheating on her, whether you are or not, you have a problem. That is just real life. You either fix the problem or you don’t. That is real simple.
Now that the grown-ups, Chris Matthews and Neal Abercrombie, have come to play,the problem will get fixed is my prediction. And yours, too, from what I read.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
They don’t see a problem with the birthplace they know that it is correct. They see a problem with birther thinking. Grownups? Really? The birthers don’t act grownup in any way whatsoever. How many other presidents have they asked for birth certificates? They’ve seen Obama’s and now they want a laundry list of other items as well. Matthews and Abercrombie think you’re morons.
I can add a few other things. You can add the dates yourself.
The voting in Dec. 2008 by the Electoral College
The counting of the votes in Jan 2009 by the Joint Session of Congress
The Inauguration on Jan 20, 2009 (which I attended along with 2 million of my closest friends)
Dr. Ken:
I wrote a NEW Internet Article just for stubborn Obots!
Which is RELEVANT and TIMELY!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You have a college degree? That’s laughable. Where’s it from Oral Roberts or Liberty University? Did the Universal Life Church start a college program?
No one cares it’s irrelevant. Stop spamming your site
No you do not. Relevant and useful information meaning say news site, official information, proof. You spam links to your own circular reasoning drivel that makes people with actual mental disabilities sound normal. There is nothing logical about starting at a conclusion and then trying to fit all the rest of your data around that conclusion. This is what you do. It is irrational, normal thinking people don’t do that. No one did the “Treachery of images” article because no one is as stupid as you to get the whole concept wrong. This is like when your psych told you about how your thinking is wrong and you took it as a way to misapply a psychological term. Of course its not like you’re totally stupid or something… It is that you are totally stupid or something
Good thing I’m not an Obot then. I’m a questioner.
I prefer to think of myself as a realist.
I’m a true grittist
Dr. Ken:
OK, if you don’t read my Internet Articles because I am not “of import”, then how do you know I am wrong??? Huh, Mr. Smartypants??? Plus, do you notice how you always just CONCLUDE that I am wrong about stuff, but you do not ever explain how I am wrong about stuff. You know why??? Because you can’t, because it it right!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You are not of any import. You’re wrong because you already spew most of the stuff in your articles here and it is entirely bad information brought about by a delusional mind. You can’t start with a conclusion and then try to work all your information around. I conclude your wrong off of reading the stuff you’ve already crapped out on this site
I am starting to understand why her ex left…
Crystal Meth really screws with your mind
Dr. Ken:
Oh you are sneaky. You admit that you don’t read my Internet Articles, but yet you conclude they are wrong. I am sorry Dr. Ken, but that is very CIRCULAR!!! Plus, it is just really stupid, that you criticize stuff that you haven’t read. OH, you are just sooo full of yourself.
You have just admitted that YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!
No wonder why you don’t like links to my Internet Articles. They remind you of how ILLOGICAL you are!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
What is there to read? I’ve already seen half the information from your articles because you post it here. If your articles sound exactly like what you’ve posted here then yes they are wrong. You don’t understand what the term circular reasoning means. Why is that not surprising? You have shown a penchant for often getting words wrong. I know exactly what I’m talking about you have been shown a fool here time and time again and yet you still want people to read your crap. I don’t like you posting your links because it is rude. How would you like it if people went spamming your site with bad information all day. You know what I’ll make sure to get a few spammers to post links to all sorts of crap on your site just so you have an idea what Doc goes through.
Dr. Ken:
You are just trying to wiggle out of being wrong about stuff. You know that it is wrong to criticize a persons Internet Articles when you haven’t read them, and now you are trying to find a way to blame me. I am NOT surprised. It is like you Obots blaming us QUESTIONERS (Birthers) for Obama not clearing up the birthplace issue.
What you need to do is apologize for criticizing Internet Articles without reading them, because not only is this just wrong, it also really really hurts my feelings. I work very hard on my Internet Articles and i try really really hard to make them enjoyable for people to read, and here you come along and CONFESS that you don’t even read them, but think it is OK to criticize them.
Do your review movies without watching them??? Do you review restaurants without ever eating their food??? Because if you do, then that is just wrong, too! Plus, there is DISCLOSURE ISSUES!!! if you are going to criticize my Internet Articles WITHOUT reading them, then you should FULLY DISCLOSE this fact in your statements by saying something like:
“I, Dr. Ken Noisewater, am criticizing Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter’s Internet Article even though I haven’t actually read it.”
That would be the fair way for you to do it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
OMFG – Borderraven just signed up at op-ed news so he could comment on my post!
This is priceless!
There’s nothing to wiggle out of here Squeeks. You have been consistently wrong, that isn’t going to change anytime soon. You’ve spammed most of your internet article content in the past so there hasn’t been any need to read them further. When your basic premise is wrong the content of your article is also wrong. Do you happen to read the National Enquirer?
If I go to a restaurant and I’ve sampled their food or say a friend brings me some of their takeout and I try some of their dishes and they’re horrible, then yeah after having a few samples brought to me time and time again I’d say the restaurant has pretty bad food. You have come to doc’s site showed us your samples and over and over again they have come out wrong. You’ve established a bad track record, your articles aren’t going to be much different.
Your Doctor has told you your brain doesn’t work correctly, we’ve seen it in action here.
There is no birthplace issue. Obama has cleared it up. The COLB says he was born in Hawaii. The former Director of Health for Hawaii says he was born in Hawaii, the Birth Index says he was born in Hawaii two newspaper from the time he was born says he was Born in Hawaii. The State Department when they investigated his mother’s passports says he was Born in Hawaii. There is no birthplace issue. I have more information that Obama was born in America than I ever had from Clinton, Bush, Gore, Reagan or any previous President.
You are not questioners, those who question usually stop when they get the answers instead you guys move the goalposts. You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You guys continue taking a losing strategy and think it’s going to change anything. Obama has proven himself. The fact is you’re a dishonest hack looking for 15 minutes of fame. You don’t really believe Obama was born elsewhere you just use it as a way to get revenge.
You’re like the girlfriend who thinks her honest nice boyfriend is cheating on her and then no mater what he does you think he’s cheating. You go to a restaurant and he orders food from the waitress you think he’s slept with her because of how “nice he is”. You start making these theories in your head and then after a time he gets tired of it and leaves you. Now you want to ruin his life for no reason at all.
Squeeks you should check into the nearest psyche ward and admit yourself. It’s obvious you’re not a mentally stable individual and you might cause harm to yourself and others if you don’t get the help you need.
Another example is if you have a friend who delivers bread to the restaurant & he has seen the kitchen & described its lack of cleanliness in excruciating detail, then you probably wouldn’t want to frequent the restaurant. You might even alert your other friends.
I’m surprised he took time out of his busy schedule of perving on teenage girls to post a comment there
Dr. Ken:
I DIDN’T read what you just wrote. I just saw it was from you so based on your past replies, you have probably just criticized my spelling or something, Whatever, using YOUR logic, I don’t have to read your stuff before I criticize it.
Sooo, here goes! No, Dr. Ken, you are just wrong about what you said because everything you say is wrong, even this, whatever it is.
You know, maybe you are on to something! It is just a whole lot easier to disagree with stuff that you haven’t read! It just saves soooo much time and energy!!! Does this make me a person “of import” now, like you???
BTW (which means By the way), I have never read War and Peace by whoever, but my opinion is that it really sucks!!!
No. somehow this just doesn’t feel right. Forget what I said about War and Peace. I think I better read it first.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Considering everything I’ve said about you is right you have no basis to start from. But isn’t that the crux of everything that you “Squeeks” never have a basis to start from. You just work yourself into a rant without knowing any information.
Dr. Ken:
I see you wrote something else. Do you think I should read what you wrote or not??? I am confused. Help me out here. Am I supposed to respect your writing enough to read it BEFORE I comment about it??? If so, am I entitled to the same respect??? Because that seems fair, but you have this whole brand new idea about fairness that I do not understand.
Plus, I am real curious about how you can tell people my links are to irrelevant stuff, when you haven’t read the stuff to see if it is relevant or not. Do you make a habit of accusing people about stuff when you haven’t even verified it??? If so, then maybe I can find some witch hunts for you to go on where your talents can be put to good use.
Because really this how so many poor Women got burned at the steak for being witches, was by people accusing them of things that didn’t know anything about.
What this is, is that you should be TOTALLY ASHAMED of yourself, and you ought to apologize and promise to behave yourself in the New Year, and read stuff BEFORE you criticize it, or at least FULLY DISCLOSE that you are criticizing by telepathy or crystal ball, whatever.
Now, are you sorry that you have mis-behaved??? And do you promise to be good in the future???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
As a Witch myself, I’d prefer if you didn’t use that analogy. Your use of it for your selfish and prejudicial purpose sullies the memory of that tragedy
Doc C should re-title this thread to be “In Honor of Silly Season”
Are you reading my Internet Articles, or are you just criticizing them by long distance viewing, too??? Because right now my feelings are really very hurt. I would just rather know who is just saying bad things to me without reading my stuff, because I have been wondering if my Internet Articles were confusing or something, and then I find out some people have just been criticizing them without even reading them.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I didn’t misbehave at all you petulant child. As usual you misunderstand simple concepts. Most of your writing you post here anyway and have made the same wrong points. There is no point in further reading the same arguments you’ve already made. I know that’s hard for you to understand since most simple concepts are. Also I’m not begging you to read my writing elsewhere like you are doing so your comparison is just as stupid as your usual rant.
You should really stop the crystal meth it puts holes in your brain and makes you do funny things.
Wow that’s nice you just pulled out Python’s law which states A person who brings up burning of witches in an argument without first weighing them to see if they match that of a duck, loses the argument.
Please stop, there are poor people in africa who can’t afford you wasting the air you breathe.
Sef Doc should just retitle this thread Squeeky’s Whine-a-thon
What has that got to do with my objecting to you abusing Witches, such as I, by co-opting their past suffering for your selfish ends?
Maybe it could be the FULL DISCLOSURE thread, where people have to fully disclose it if they are criticizing Internet Articles WITHOUT really reading them. Nobody HAS to read stuff, but it is sure kind of nice if you do BEFORE you criticize the Internet Article. Or let people know that you are a mind reader.
Because what you are doing is this. Somebody criticizes my stuff without reading it first, then when I say something about it, then it is silly or whining. But I think I am making a very fair complaint, and not whining.
Plus, I sure have a lot more INTEGRITY than to WHINE about somebody linking something without even reading the link to see if it is relevant or not.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Maybe it should be titled “squeeky begs for attention because her family couldn’t get the dog to play with her without tying a pork chop around her neck”
There you have that INTP problem again of self aggrandizing…
Stop patting yourself on the shoulder Squeeks…
Does Squeeky know the difference between a “steak” and a “stake?”
I’d stake a steak on the fact that she doesn’t.
You are making an unwarranted assumption that she is not Jewish.
All of Squeeky’s “arguments”, her web site and Squeeky herself are quite irrelevant because the child of a US citizen (especially a not-legally-married one like Ms Dunham) are US citizens at birth and thus eligible for the Presidency regardless of where they were born. This was true of Mitt Romney’s father and John McCain and would be true of Barack Obama had he been born outside the US (though he most definitely was not).
In fact, in the highly unlikely event that Squeeky would ever find a male human dumb enough to impregnate her, she can feel free to drop the baby wheresoever she chooses on this planet, or (may our wishes be granted) off this planet without fear that the little Pip-Squeek will be denied a chance to grow up to be President. That is unless the Constitution is amended to bar the off-spring of the genetically deranged.
Interesting article from jbjd last week regarding the former Ltc lakin….An excerpt…
This is the one thing these armchair blog pundits keep leaving out when it comes to promoting their slant on the Lakin case: soldiers must obey all legal orders; and all orders are presumed legal.
Long ago this Court recognized the foundational principle of military discipline: “Fundamental to an effective armed force is the obligation of obedience to lawful orders.”
Reflecting the authority of this principle, an order is presumed to be lawful, and a subordinate disobeys an order at his own peril.
In other words, under law, where a subordinate is prosecuted for disobeying an order; the burden is never on the People to establish that order was lawful but on the Accused to establish, it was not. AT THE TIME HE CHOSE TO DISOBEY THE ORDER. Not in retrospect. So, to all of you angry birthers’ decrying the inability of Defendant to confirm through “Discovery” whether Obama is a NBC, listen up.
Wow…JE. Borderraven takes the time out to write a response and that is the best he can come up with? That somehow we surrendered to the British? Really? He is almost as delusional as BZ. Next thing you know she will try and spam your article with her debunked nonsense…
Lt.C Terry Lakin’s first letter from confinement:
Hope all is well. Don’t know how to start a letter or what to say. I hope I made a difference in a very important matter. It cost me a lot. But I now have to believe it turned out okay. There certainly are no do-overs. The important thing is for the work to carry-on so we never have this situation again.
Today is my fourth day at Leavenworth and my first day with supplies to write and send letters and hoping for a phone call today. Another soldier and I arrived Saturday AM shortly after midnight. We are considered in ‘reception’ status until we complete about a week of briefings and assessments. But they have a holiday schedule until after New Year’s Day. Although they are making some efforts we likely will remain in ‘reception’ status until into January.
Reception status is mostly lock down in my cell. We now get two hours of ‘rec time’ in the morning and afternoon. Rec time is cell door open to a common pod area with a four-seat table, an exercise bike that does not work, a flat-screen TV that we cannot watch, and two showers. Activity is playing cards or a few board games, working out in my cell between meals, reading the rulebook, Bible, and now writing letters. Looks like the routine for the next several weeks. We have limited stamps, envelopes, and I am writing with a small, soft plastic (almost rubber pen) that is not to comfortable.
After getting more integrated in January (hopefully minimum security) we may have more privileges. There will not be much use of a computer, limited phone, news, or TV. We have to order our own health and comfort supplies from a small provided list. We are allowed one order request per month and not more than $35 per month. I’m hoping they will honor my first order on credit- we have not been able to get money into our account yet – not having any communication with Pili yet. I’m hoping to get a small radio with ear buds so I can get some news radio. Had to work hard to decide about how many batteries I could get by with vs how many rolls of toilet paper to buy.
The trial seems long ago now. What a feeling of helplessness going through the process. I likely got the best outcome I could have- but it was painful.
After the trial I overhead someone say, “Well, he’s no hero now!” Sorry, I was not in it to be a hero. Just thought I was doing the right thing. I spent enough of myself and my family’s future for now. Others are going to have to continue.
Got to go now. Moving cells quickly. Phones don’t look good today. They brought a phone in but no one knows how we can call out collect. Sigh…
Terry ”
I could hope for a trifecta. Maybe Rev. Manning will also show up, in order to tell me that J. EDWARD TREMLETT… must confess.
I confess I wish I was a former felon turned preacher. It sounds like a good gig.
“continue,” he says.
Not wholly repentant, then.
I knew our worthy Dessert Storm veteran was stupid but I had no idea just *how* stupid until I read that post.
Assuming it’s actually from him.
If I was running a scam site to collect funds pretending they were for Lakin, I’d probably want to make sure I wrote a letter “from” him once in a while.
You’d think a doctor would know how to make collect calls from a cell phone…
Interesting comment from the crazy PUMA site….
Enter the “obama newspaper birth announcements”
I am the blogger that went on a mission to collect copies of the micro-films containing the infamous obama birth announcements. But my copies were copied in person, from three different locations, including the two libraries in Honolulu that house the 1961 micro-films from both of the major newspapers at that time.
Did you all know that in Aug. 1961 The ONLY time that the two papers published the entire birth list, beginning at the first announcement, in exact desending order, was in the editions that obama’s birth announcement appeared. This was indeed the only time that these announcements were printed this way, as the closest the papers came to doing this again never had all the same names listed in the exact same order.
There is more. Much more. I’ll post the link, just know that it is a long read – I’m not a real “writer” There are pics and pdf’s, and supporting posts with additional information. If you have any questions, please leave in comments.
And a response from Ms Tickly….
misstickly Says:
December 29, 2010 at 9:55 am
Didn’t you get super pissed off at me for not swallowing danae’ the obot’s bullish*t COLB? Or because I am a bit weird or not a real writer or a cookie cutter conservative?
I may not be your picture of a fine, upstanding freeper, but dammit, I put in the work and busted that obvious fake danae.’ And that took balls.
misstickly Says:
December 29, 2010 at 10:00 am
I think I am supposed to take the word of an anonymous idiot on FR, rather than the Hawaii Department of Health and the Office of Information Practices.
You know? Because danae’ has just done so much to help this cause with her own back patting, her claim to be a conservative,’ and her smarmy one liners.
*snork* I love this part
Ah, paint chips. The official snack food of Birtherstan.
I would have to agree….How can we be sure if this is from Lakin at all….Or that if the letter was from him that it was not edited…remember it is financially adventageous for the birther scam sites to make Lakin seem still down for the cause and sad about being confined and having his career shitcanned….
I would have to agree….How can we be sure if this is from Lakin at all….Or that if the letter was from him that it was not edited…remember it is financially adventageous for the birther scam sites to make Lakin seem still down for the cause and sad about being confined and having committed career suicide…….
Methinks the legal system has not seen the last of Mr.Lakin.
And there’s probably a reason why you didn’t say what your major was. Plus, you have already said on other forums that you looked the psychology stuff up on Wikipedia, so it’s obvious that your major was not psychology.
Apparently a college degree isn’t necessary to be a OBOT, or even the ability to read Internet Articles. It appears that all you need to be a Obot is the ability to just mind read stuff without reading it, and then assuming stuff.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
FYI, I have two BA’s – one in psychology and one in social psychology – and I didn’t get mine from the University of Wikipedia like you did. I actually went to the classes, read the texts, did the research, and took the exams under the guidance of professors who knew their subject matter inside and out so that I was learning it the correct way rather than just using it to confirm my biases like you do.
Apparently primary school education isn’t required to be a birther hence why you’re one.
Oh Good! Then you can understand my Internet Article and explain it to the other Obots, some of who don’t even bother TO READ STUFF before they criticize it!!! You can explain to them what is going on inside their minds when they choose to characterize the opposition as racists, or whatever.
Plus now that I know you are psychologist, I can ask you for a honest answer about those Obot Group Therapy Session things I did. Not a Obot answer, but a real live human psychologist answer, because those Internet Articles were really very good, weren’t they??? Plus I hit a lot of things dead on didn’t I??? Like the Crocodiles of Crisis Addiction???
Now be CLINICAL, not just a mean Obot! I know you can do it!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No one wants to read your internet trash
Yeah, let me explain to them right now. – it’s fiction based on a confirmation bias and lack of familiarity with the subject matter.
Dr. Ken: OH look!!! It is the person who doesn’t think he has to read stuff before he comments on it! I bet you were a picky eater when you were a kid, and you just knew you hated cabbage without ever tasting it!!! Oh, you are sure stuck in your ways!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Thank you!!! Because if you are a professional and that is the best you can do, then that means you are afraid to really explain it, probably based on a thorough understanding of just how smart my observations really are!!!
Squeekt Fromm
Girl Reporter
As usual you missed what I was saying. I already have read plenty of your stuff to know that reading more won’t produce a valid point from you. Tell me if you’re so open to differing opinions why do you moderate your site? You’re just as cowardly as any other birther
Go put the time, effort and work into getting yourself a real degree and get back to me. The best you can do is University of Wikipedia, and in the real world, that doesn’t cut it.
Dr. Ken:
I don’t moderate it much, except for commercial stuff, and I even approved one just now that was part both. Plus, you are just trying to wiggle and squirm out of what you know is a really silly and illogical position, that you can comment on my Internet Articles without ever reading them.
I guess that is why you seem lost sometimes on your replies, like where you just totally missed the points I made about Gov. Lingle. You just never read the Internet Article before you started blabbering.
Sooo, why don’t you just fess up, and apologize, before you just dig yourself into a deeper hole. I promise not to tease you when you apologize.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You don’t moderate it much? That’s BS all posts go into moderation. On Doc’s site all posts get posted automatically. You’re just like the rest of the birthers too cowardly for a position opposite of yours. I can comment on them because most of your “articles” is stuff you’ve already regurgitated here and on gretawire. No one needs to reread the same stuff you’ve written
Dr. Ken:
You are just trying to distract everybody from your utterly shameful behavior of commenting on stuff you haven’t read. It would be better if you just stopped that, and admitted that you have been wrong. If you don’t this is just going to eat at you FOREVER!!!
Now, as to moderating, on SFGR, the first input from anybody is moderated, then once approved, that person can post without moderation, unless I have to ban them or something, which I have never done. The reason is for spam, because I also get spam posts on there from people trying to sell sex stuff, and I don’t want to wake up some morning with 10 million sex posts on my website.
Plus, there is a real bad record of Obots pretending to be me. They have just haunted me to death, which is one reason why I have my own websites to fight back at the Obots who pretend to be me. I have actually been on places where I have seen people, who knows who they are, posting as me and saying all kinds of stupid and bad things.
So that is why. Having a blog or a website is a RESPONSIBILITY, and I have 4 or more as Squeeky, and another one as the real me, not counting a forum I keep open for gretawire lost people. At the forum, nobody needs permission to post.
Sooo, I thinkif anybody is a ANTI-Free Speech person, it is YOU, who just constantly complains about links to Internet Articles you haven’t even read.
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You’re just trying to distract everyone from your shameful behavior of raping your cats and backwards thinking. You seem to think normal thinking requires you to start at a preconceived conclusion and work your way backwards. I’ve already read enough of your stuff on here and gretawire to know that you are devoid of any and all critical thinking skills.
How exactly is that free thought if the first post is automatically moderated? What makes you think people will come back if the first moment they post is thrown into moderation? It doesn’t really help your bad cause if you show that you aren’t open to other people’s opinions. No real Reporter would do that. Also why would you ban someone?
Oh so you moderate spam. I get it so it’s okay for you to spam on other people’s websites just not your own. So you have a double standard.
How am I anti-speech? You moderate your comments.
I find it funny you talk about how you get spammed from sex sites. You try to pass off internet scams as ways to make money at home
Dr. Ken:
Yes, that is what I mean by people pretending to be me! ITYS!!!
That is probably you, as is John Proctor. You can misbehave all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that you think you are just soooo much better than other people, you can comment on Internet Articles you have not read. Plus, try to interfere with Free Speech.
Your badness is just going to eat away at you until you confess and apologize. The only question is how low you will go, first???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Now tell us the truth, Squeeks. You’re really some stand-up comic who has turned to birther blogging for a little amusement. It’s time to tell us who you really are, but thanks for the show. You’ll be here all week.
You can just read my Internet Articles!!! I will NEVER tell you who the Goth me is, or I would never get any peace and quiet!!! I have my squeeky Internet Articles at two main websites. But I have to copy them to the purple one in case something gets lost. Do you need the links to them???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Just curious. Did you just recently go Goth, or have you been into Goth for years? Also, you never mentioned what your college degree was in.
Now tell us the truth, Squeeks. You’re really some stand-up comic who has turned to birther blogging for a little amusement. It’s time to tell us who you really are, but thanks for the show. You’ll be here all week.
Not! A! Clue!
I have told people before about my degree, but I am afraid people will try to trace me down and make my life a living hell. I do have a minor in English. I don’t want to say anything else, because I just don’t want the grief I will probably get. Because there would be ways for somebody to identify me. Then I will have some more grunty little malebeasts to chase off!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Yeah, jbjd seems to be one of the more lucid birthers (and not a completely incompetent lawyer as well). She got into a spat with Dr. Kate a while back (Dr. Kate being more of a ‘throw everything at the wall and see if any of it sticks’* kind of birther). I’d love to see Dr. Kate’s reaction to this article…
*’and if nothing sticks then just pretend that it did…’
Fair enough. Not why I was inquiring, but I can understand & respect that concern.
Although, such minor bits of info such as a degree, which, unless it was something extremely rare, is probably shared by millions.
So, in full disclosure, although I’ve mentioned it several times before here, but that was before you were posting, my degrees were Computer Science / Math, with a CIS minor.
On the goth question, my inquiry to how far back your goth goes was just to understand what led you to that or what your influences were. You said you are 26. I’ll be open and let you know I’m not far from 40. I’ve got a lot of diverse friendships of all sorts of different social circles, including a large amount of artistic friends, with quite a few such friendships going back for several decades and still staying in touch. Among those, are quite a few goth folks, some that have probably been goth since before you were in diapers. LOL! I’m sure the influences for you were much different than the stuff that they were into way back then…different generations & all, but who knows?
Anyways, funny story you may or may not appreciate, but one of the most fun weddings I went to was a Steampunk/Goth wedding that was held in a historical village. Really cool and the outfits were amazing. Made a lot of additional new friends there as we partied around various places afterwords. I looked like the odd duck out, dressed in a typical business suit, surrounded by all flavors of different style goth folks, but it was a blast.
Anyways, I only thought fair to share. Didn’t mean to offend you with the question and I totally understand your reasons for concern or discretion.
Ah yes it must be some weird conspiracy, people trying to pretend to be you… You’re joking that is one stand up comedy act. The fact is I came across that link because its on your blog, It comes from the link in your about section. So yeah you are one of those idiots who fall for internet work at home scams. I must hold a lot of power if I magically put that into your own blog.
John Proctor? The name does sound familiar. That was the lead character in The Crucible who was accused of witchcraft because he wouldn’t sleep with the slutty young girl. He was tried as a witch? Hmmm thus far you’re the only person who has accused any one of being a witch. It sounds like something you’d put up on your own blog. Not better than other people, just you. I have the sense to know proper reasoning and logic. You come from a weak position. I’ll use this example for you:
I’ve seen many of Uwe Boll’s movies. Every single one is a tired waste of film. Horrible character development, bad dialog, riddled with cliches. His movies bomb at the box office every single time. Now he has a track record for being a horrible director just as you have a track record for being a horrible writer. I don’t need to go see another Uwe Boll movie to know that I would be wasting my money.
Her degree is in crazynomics
Black Lion:
Thank you for the links to the Internet Article!!! They were soooo helpful and relevant, and I really like the blog!!! Unlike some people, I actually READ the Internet Article and found it most informative!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You still don’t get the difference. Black Lion posts links to blogs and sites he doesn’t own. You continually try to pimp your own articles which have little to do with the discussion.
You did not offend me, it is just that I am already such a target for mean people that I am afraid to say too much. I bet you did like the wedding because say what you like, we sure have some KA music!!! I hope they played some Genitorturers for you or maybe Jack Off Jill!!! Although there is also quieter music that is just soooo beautiful. I am really starting to like Dark Cabaret. OMG!!! Am I getting old???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Jack off Jill? That’s not Goth. You’re fake. They haven’t been around since you were 16
LMAO! I’m familiar with the music you are talking about and yes, I know quite a bit of the songs going back to the early 90’s… I wouldn’t call that music style Goth …and I’ll refrain from commenting further on what I consider to be a family forum. 😉
hahaha because it isn’t goth. Good lord she’s a poser
Yeah, Jello Biafra, vampire. lol
Dr. Ken:
OMG!!! If I said the sun was a star, you would say it wasn’t. They are too Goth!!! Both of them!!! You are just probably old and don’t know what you are talking about. Why don’t you try that little trick of looking it up on the Internet??? Oh, I forgot. You don’t have to actually read Internet Articles to know stuff.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Although, that just made me think of another funny story, that I think I’ll share a tidbit of. So, back in the days when people had answering machine tape recorders and before the “Do Not Call List” when the volume of telemarketing calls were really obnoxious, one of my friends had the refrain from one of their songs as his message…so when people called, they heard “Darling come here and….” Well, if you know the band well enough, you know the rest of that lyrical refrain.
To put it mildy, his parents & grandparents didn’t find it as funny as everyone else did when they would call his apartment. But it did seem to cut down on the solicitor calls!
Although on the other hand, we’d have lots of folks call his number just so they could hear the machine message for themselves..and so the number got passed around…which led to quite a few funny prank call messages left as response on his machine, so he ended up having to change a number of months later (I don’t honestly remember how long it stayed on there), because his number got passed around too much and although he got a kick out of the crazy responses people would leave, he could never get most of his real messages because eventually the answering machine was always full with the funny stuff.
If I remember, his next message was that famous clip, “The history of the F Word”. But that lasted only a short time, because although a funny, classic it was too long to wait for the beep…and still garnished more reasons for people to fill up his machine. I forgot what it became after that – something milder and much shorter – I think the “Your Mother Was a Hampster…” line from Monty Python’s Holy Grail…or maybe that one came a bit later. But that’s the one that worked for him the best and lasted the longest.
Funny enough memory that I just had to share. Hadn’t thought about any of that in many years, until you mentioned Genitorturers.
No they are not goth, but rather pop punk, alternative rock, alternative metal take your pick but they are not goth. You must also think My Chemical Romance is emo as well. I know what I’m talking about Jack Off Jill is too old for you.
No Squeeky…they really are not. While I know that there are Goth folks who are fans of their music, their music style would not be called Goth and I do know what I’m talking about. More like underground club/industrial S&M music if I had to describe it. LOL!
They are like SOOOOO Goth it isn’t funny!!! I know what we listen to.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No they actually aren’t. You’re a poser
OMG!!! Is there anything you Obots don’t think you know about??? This is silly, and I am NOT going to sit here and argue about whether or not JOJ and Genitorturers are Goth or not. Particularly since I bet all of you are SOOOO OLD you listen to Lawrence Welk or something!!! This is JUST TOTALLY ABSURD!!! GOTH! GOTH! GOTH! GOTH!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I know about it because I’ve known about it back when being goth wasn’t cool. You’re a poser. Jack off jill isn’t goth. You continue to astound with how you can speak with almost no authority about every subject
No. Although there are different flavors of Goth music, they are definitely not considered a Goth band. You are confusing that some “Goth” folks listen to a variety of styles of music beyond Goth.
Goth pretty much was a post-punk offshoot and although itself has had many offshoots going in different directions, from various alterna-punk, to emo (which I think is lame poser movement) to much harder edged, almost Goth metal and prog-metal, when I think classic Goth, I think more in the line of The Cure and Gene Loves Jezebel.
If you were a real Goth, you should know the difference. Heck, back in my youth, the Goths I knew listened to lots of other music styles or alternative/punk offshoots regularly – but they were smart enough to know if what they were listening to was actually “Goth” style music or something else, like skater-punk bands such as the Dead Milkmen or the Dead Kennedys. They might like that music too… but they KNEW it was not Goth.
…Great…now I’ve got the lyrics to “Takin R3tards to the Zoo” stuck in my head for some reason…
LOL! Yes, that would be the proper term in its proper context and what any true Goth, Punk or alterna-etc fan would call her!
We have kindly and patiently tried to explain things to Squeeky and the huge difference between the bands she listed and what is the Goth Music style.
But we have an obvious pattern of being unable to learn from her mistakes and to come off demonstrating that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I hoped her affliction was limited to birtherism, but obviously that is not so.
When it comes to Goth, she is most definitely a poser.
Neither one of you two has a CLUE what you are talking about!!! This is the MOST INANE argument I have EVER gotten into with two people who DO NOT HAVE A CLUE what they are talking about!!! The dumbness is just OVERWHELMING!!! OMG!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You can’t leave Black Sabbath out of the history of goth since they were, for all intents and purposes, the first mainstream band that dabbled in the “black arts” that goth does today. The spinoffs from that were goth, death metal, and, least of all, punk.
Next you’re going to tell us Marilyn Manson is Goth. Good lord you’re an idiot kid. You’re a poser go back to your candy pop music where it’s obvious you belong
Batchelor of Basket Weaving
Mad props to Sabbath! Although I think of them as definitely more of a metal influence of the time….and possibly an inspiration to Alice Cooper, another great. But great songs and yes, they inspired a whole lot of music! There have been some great tribute album covers of their stuff too that worked out really well. If Goth (at least the heavier Goth/Metal fans)) were around way back then, then yeah, they probably would have listened to Sabbath.
I never liked them when they first came out, G, but I did go see them back in 1970 at Convention Hall in Asbury Park, NJ because my friends had some extra tickets. I’m glad I decided to go because they gave a great concert back then
LOL! Too funny! It is so obvious you are a poser on this and sadly don’t know what you are talking about and trust me, I do.
And with your sign-off adding the word “Vampire”, why do I suspect what you really are is one of those lame emo-wannabe’s that real Goths can’t stand almost more than anything?
Sounds like you and your friends play at being Goth and I bet your idea of Vampire is Vampire Diaries and Twilight Saga and not so much Bram Stoker or Nosferatu.
And in an earlier post…Laurence Welk? Really? LOL! That was a funny quip actually, but sorry – pretty much before my time …Although I do get a kick out of the SNL skits with the crazy singing sister…
*this just in: giant Irons are falling out of the sky across America. Film at 11*
Then you probably don’t remember Glenn Miler, either.
Wow, FUT…1970 – embarrassed to say, but I wasn’t even born then. LOL! That is cool you got to see them in concert. Pretty much something I got exposed to second hand while growing up, after realizing that Ozzy had been in a band before he was a solo act. Fortunately, we’ve got a very popular legendary rock station in Cleveland – WMMS (a major factor to how we got the R&R HOF), which always played a lot of hard rock from the ’60’s & ’70’s…so I was lucky to still have good exposure to “the classics” growing up.
Oops. 🙂
How about ’72, G? I saw Zeppelin at the Spectrum in Philly that year. They stayed together much later than Sabbath
Yeah, sort of falls in that probably way before my time category. Is that the Glenn Miller Orchestra? Or am I thinking of the wrong thing? Classic pre-WWII jazz? I’m sure I’ve probably heard all those classic songs lots of time, if I’m thinking of the right thing…?
If it is, I might even have some of those type of records in my Victrola….
I didn’t have to read everything David Icke wrote to figure out that the next article he writes is probably ungulate feces. After hundreds of articles of insanity, the chances of sanity in the next article becomes so improbable as to be negligible.
Same thing with David Ray Griffin and his 9-11 conspiracy. He’s proven beyond any reasonable doubt that anything he writes on the subject is going to be pure crap, so it’s not unreasonable for me to dismiss tomorrow’s David Ray Griffin book as crap without reading it.
The same applies to people like David Percy, Rebecca Brown, Ernst Zundel, John Todd, Mike Warnke, Alex Ciu, Bill Schnoebelen, etc. After having written nothing but crazy for so long, it is unrealistic to expect any of them to start writing lucid articles tomorrow.
The same thing applies to you, dear Squeeky. Everything you’ve written here in your entire tenure has been banal, fatuous, twisted, skewed, peurile, and stupifyingly ludicrous.
You have claimed to know more about economics than every single economics expert in, and in the employ, of the Republican party, after you admit to have only read a book about it and done some googling on the web.
You claim to know more about the Constitution than every Constitutional expert in the entire USA, yet you display no comprehension at all of the simplest details of Constitutional law.
You drip and moan about people not being fair with their opinions, yet you display a degree of confirmation bias that leaps the border of the ridiculous.
You even insist that the President of the United States of America can’t be eligible unless he drives personally out to your house, stumbles up your front stairs, rings your doorbell, greets you in person, and hands his BC to you with a smile for your personal inspection.
After a couple months of reading your consistently insane ramblings, it is not unreasonable for any sane person to assume that the articles on your inconsequential little site would only be more of the same excreta.
If you don’t want people to ridicule you, don’t be ridiculous.
Yeah I kind of missed the reasons why vampires stopped killing people and started dating them lol.
LOL! Well, I was alive by then, but just a baby. 😉
Love Zepplin, of course (who doesn’t?) and have some CDs of their music.Like Sabbath, I could only get to learn about and appreciate them second-hand and again, WMMS gets a lot of credit for that. I think they kept Zepplin in rotation almost more than any other band. Come to think of it, they still do as I still catch a lot of Zepplin on WMMS when I have the chance to flip on the radio!
I was 9 or 10 when “Stairway to Heaven” was released. MY mother forbade me to listen to it on the radio, so I had to go to my buddy’s house to hear it.
Was it possible to be “emo” back in ’71. lol?
Although, honestly sensuality has always been a fairly strong part of Vampire mythos. Even in Bram Stoker. Take the legendary soap, Barnabas Collins for instance. (Nosferatu – eh, not so much…) Many of the classic vampire movies had a dose of that sexual potency to them, yet still retained being “real” vampires. Even modern day franchises such as Blade and Underworld keep a good mix of sexy, sinister and deadly. Anne Rice’s novels were able to portray vampires as deadly while still playing up their sexuality in a mature way and making them appealing to women.
But then somewhere that turned into a pre-teen girl fantasy and we ended up with wispy franchises such as Vampire Diaries and even more emasculated – The Twilight Saga. To me, those vampires are about as “defanged” as you can get…and the sensuality is more like an awkward 14-year old hoping to advance to “petting” some day… definitely way too watered down in every sense of the mythology for my tastes.
I sure don’t think so! LOL! I can’t even think of what the actual equivalent of that time would be…
Emo would have to be a very watered down or patsy version of some sort of style from back then. Didn’t really have punk. Hard rock wouldn’t birth some of the lightest end of glam rock for at least another decade and a half. I’m too young to know what the range of music styles would have been around that time to know what would have been the “poser” music for that era. Barry Mannilow perhaps? Or was he more late-70’s?
Fascinating discussion. I was prompted to consult Jack Black’s flow chart of the development of Rock and Roll from “School of Rock.” Although he doesn’t chart goth, it is, nonetheless, and interesting diagram. Sorry for the incredible long URL:
Without a doubt. The act of vampirism is about as close a euphemism for sexual penetration as you can get, but the sexuality in the classic vampire tales was predatory and dangerous, forbidden sensuality.
Twilights “twinkle” vampires have more in common with pimple faces and teenage angst than smoldering lust.
Most definitely!
One up man’s ship?
My first rock concert was in 1968 at Hi Corbett Field in Tucson Arizona => The Doors
Also not Goth (nor Led blues), by the way.
FYI. Hi Corbett is the former spring training ground for the Cleveland Indians – you can see it in the film Major League.
Wow, thanks Arthur! Really cool chart!
Obviously, there is only so much room on the chart, but they did leave off several other significant movements in addition to goth, that came out of those origins and held influences across some of the rest of that spectrum too: reggae, electronica, industrial, death metal and my personal favorite: ska!
Love the Doors too! Again, before my time, but have WMMS to thank. (And my wife loves the movie they made about them -that is what hooked her on The Doors)
Also, as a long suffering fan, glad to learn about the Cleveland Indians linkage there… thanks!
You got me beat, Keith. I saw them in ’69 at the Garden. I did see Procol Harum at the Fillmore in ’68 though, severazl times.
LOL! This is awesome! Although I consider it more cool reminiscing than one-up man’s ship. But then again, that could be because I’m too young to compete with you guys on that front. Heck, my first concert was probably Billy Joel, sometime in the 80’s…
Yeah, you were still in diapers when I was watching Zeppelin at the Spectrum and doggin’ chicks at the concert. lol. I did see Billy Joel about 5 times though, several times in Albuquerque. I’m waiting for someone to say they saw the Beatles at Shea in ’66; they win hands down.
Wow…yeah, The Beatles would probably be the prize. Or Elvis. Or Woodstock.
Well, you’ve got me beat on Billy Joel too. 4 concerts for me.
In terms of mass-event shows, I can claim Lollapalooza II and a few events like that.
I’m also happy that I was able to get front row for Judas Priest twice – during both of the Cleveland kick-off tour concerts during the Tim “The Ripper” Owens days (Jugulator & Demolition tours). Of course I love classic Priest with Rob Halford, having come of age to really start listening to the band starting with British Steel. But Tim Owens was from Akron, OH and me and some buddies used to drive down to see him play there when he was with an awesome JP tribute band (also called British Steel, btw) at a bar called Ron’s Crossroads. So, when a local boy who we’d seen play suddenly got his dream job of a lifetime as the new front man… just had to get front row for that!
I can’t attest to any of these, but my SO did see the “Dream Speech” in person.
I was at Lolapalooza in 1996, G, when Metallica headlined; West Palm Beach. You got me beat on Judas Priest (Painkiller) though. I was in row 10 or 11, something like that. I was in front row for Megadeth in 1998 though. I was pretty close at a Slayer concert in 1997 since there was no seats, but I couldn’t get too close unless I wanted my head bashed in. lol
Apparently Dr. Kate has been the victim of what she characterizes as:
“politically motivated wrongful termination from my dream job”
It’s hard to figure out exactly what went on since the primary source is Lame Cherry’s blog, but here is a thread about it over at Dr. Kate’s:
THE “I Have a Dream” speech??? W-O-W! That beat’s rock concerts! I think that beats anything, hands down.
Although, I’m pretty happy with getting to see the music & speeches of The Rally to Restore Sanity in person this past year. So that’s my magic moment in that arena. Being surprised by an appearance of Cat Stevens performing “Peace Train” while Ozzy Osbourne sang “Crazy Train” at the same time, followed by The O’Jays “Love Train…that was pretty magical, as was the whole event and just being there.
The dream music concert still on my list is to see Queensrÿche perform their “Operation: Mindcrime” rock opera. I missed out when they did it again just a few years back. I think I had an out of town wedding conflict unfortunately…
Thank you Arthur and Slartib for the links to the Internet Articles. I want to assure you that some of us actually read what is at the links BEFORE we comment on them!!!
Plus, I am past being SUPER MAD at people trying to tell me what is Goth and not. I realize that every one of those people probably has 75 years of listening to music each, and is just not up on what is happening today.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
“Why back in my day” …..
Get off my lawn
Endeavouring to read the usual incoherent blather at Dr Kates it seems she’s been let go from her job paid for by Da Ebil Government.
Curiously she whines about how she demands to know if any water mangement orders signed during Da Usurpers reign have validity whilst bitching about no longer being able to suckle at the horrid Socialist Government teat.
Then again as we are all FAR to aware, Birfoons are wholly incapable of following a single thread of throught through with logical consistency.
Put down the razor blades kid, you have been exposed once again. Your lack of knowledge has now extended to music and you have been shown to be nothing more than an emo goth poser. Jack off jill hasn’t performed since 2000 when you were 16. I would hardly call that “today”. Theyre not goth just as Marilyn Manson isn’t goth and refuses to be identified as such. Continue getting mad because you’ve been exposed as a fraud. It sure isn’t the first time and won’t be the last
For those with industrial strength anti-psychotics and a strong stomach, the link attached below is the one from Lame Cherry referenced by SlartiB.
I stress this site should in geneal only be visited with a Dr’s prescription and copious quantities of brain bleach….
Dr. Ken:
PRETEND you don’t know what you are talking about and look some stuff up! I am NOT going to do your homework for you and pick up behind you!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Poor Squeeks… She cannot ignore even the negative attention she is receiving. She surely does not appear over her desire for needy males 🙂 I feel flattered.
One of the other memes I noticed in the comments at Dr. Kate’s was the idea that now she had standing to bring Quo Warranto action against President Obama – sort of a microcosm of how the birthers think that they are more important and relevant (and numerous) than they really are. How goes the research project?
Yeah, going to Lame Cherry’s is l dangerous – you can take all the necessary precautions and know what your doing and still come out of it feeling stained by the hate she spews…
I wish this blog had an ignore function…
She said in the comments:
“No thankfully I don’t work for the government.
I was wrongfully terminated without cause from a position and I have strong circumstantial evidence that the decision came from somewhere else.”
Procol’s long time bass (and keyboard) player, Chris Copping lives not too far from me in Melbourne (at last report that I heard – I don’t know him). But since he didn’t start with them til late ’69 you would have seen Dave Knights, I guess.
There is a TV show in Australia, a comedy Rock Trivia Quiz show called RockWiz. Its a great show and you can check out at the link.
The ‘conceit’ is they have two panelists on each team selected from the audience, and then two musicians, one on each panel. The ‘amateur’ have to guess the musicians from a bit of biography, then the musicians comes out and does a solo. At the end of the show, the two musicians do a duet. Some of the duets have been truly magnificent.
Anyway, during the introductions, they always ask ‘What was your first concert’? and ‘What was the first album you bought with your own money’. I have always wanted to get on the show so I could give my Doors answer (and my first album was ‘Iron Butterfly: Heavy’). Much more cred than some of these youngsters that are reporting ‘Kylie’ or ‘The Wiggles’.
Does almost getting to Woodstock count? My family drove from Arizona to Michigan to visit relatives, and when we got there my cousins were packing up the car to drive to New York to see “some concert” and asked if I wanted to go. My parents were almost anxious for me to go, but I have just sat in a car for three and a half days, and didn’t know anything about the concert, and just couldn’t be bothered. I haven’t decided if it was a missed opportunity or a disaster avoided. My cousins didn’t get in too much trouble. They claim they are in a couple of shots in the movie.
Definitely the winner. Hands down.
Then you’d miss the show.
I know from experience joj is not a goth band youre a poser. Even the school of wikipedia says youre wrong about this. You don’t even do your own homework I wouldn’t expect you to do any for me. Joj hasn’t been around since you were a teenager. As usual you have no idea what you’re talking about. Go back to listening to candy pop.
Interesting…I guess Glenda Beck is not a popular as he thinks….In today’s NY Daily News…
“Glenn Beck may be one of the hottest talk show hosts in the country, but he apparently left New York’s WOR cold. WOR (710 AM), one of the city’s two biggest talk radio stations, said this morning it is dropping Beck’s syndicated show as of Jan. 17 and replacing him with a familiar New York name: Mike Gallagher.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/01/04/2011-01-04_glenn_beck_dropped_by_new_yorks_wor_radio_station_over_poor_ratings_replaced_by_.html#ixzz1A4YXiSj9
Bov, plus you have to lower your IQ about 100 points to actually attempt to understand what that crazy person is saying….However from the “Dr Kate” blog some interesting points….As you indicated earlier her attempt at Constitutional logic fails as usual…Pammy Barnett saying nonsense as usual and the best quote ever regarding Dr. Kate….
“But more importantly, is a settlement between the United States and an Indian Tribe legal if signed by an ineligible President? Is the concept and practice of sovereignty being used to mask an agenda that is ultimately unhelpful to tribal people, and to our security?”
P. Barnett January 3, 2011 at 11:31 pm
I think wanted happened in MT is worth going to war over.. nobody owns the water. Water comes from God. to meter a private home owners well is complete tyranny. this takes away a citizens right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
BobWilson January 4, 2011 at 2:51 am
Sly Stone and Jimmy Cliff would hate you racists and your efforts to delegitimatize a U.S. President in wartime.
You lost your job because you are a racist nutbag. Nothing else.
Pack lightly for the FEMA camp.
Dr K is being, how can we be charitable…..”economical” with the truth.
Her work was as a retained consultant/rep for the Northeren Araphao tribe for a set of water management and recovery programmes set up by Congress, part of the now signed into law bill H.R. 4783, the “Claims Resolution Act of 2010.”.
The work was by the government, for government purposes, funded by the government and one part where Dr K was involved was he Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee.
Even a picture of her on page 6 (search for Vandemoer)
The bill signed by Da Ebil Usurper on the 8th Dec (which means all the work was done and dusted at least 2-3 months before) is now law and the project Dr Kate was part off no longer exists, as was……
So, from then until now, she’s been allowed to continue to suckle at the teat of “Socialist Redistribution of Resources” Gubmint…..
Until after the New Year when her contract wasn’t renewed
And it was all done by Da Usurper JUST TO GET AT HER………..
So yes, whilst technically she wasn’t representing the government, her pay etc did originate from said public sector.
Agreed…For instance this excerpt from her blathering is barely coherent…
” have become aware that a fine American Patriot in patriotic Catherine Vandemoer has had some smoke signals sent up on her movements from the Obama regime in B. Hussein before he flew the greenhouse temperatures of the White House for the feces smelling temperatures of Hawiian beaches and golf games with homosexual sounding named childhood ball mates, sent out orders to Indians that they needed to make war on the person known to the world as Dr. Kate.
Yes this Dr. Kate of fame is Catherine Vandemoer PHD, a real Dr. of the Republic by degree in working on Indian water rights and world water issues, has pulled the buzzard feather from Obama’s tail bonnet.
OK so you might not know, plains Indians had war bonnets which were filled with golden eagle feathers to count coup, but some dancers wore a tail bonnet as it was striking like a tom turkey strutting.
On Obama it just looks gay and I’m quite amused that another American Lady in Ms. Vandemoer jerked a hand full of Obama’s tail feathers out and made him jump. Good company to keep as Sarah Palin has a fistful of Obama feathers over her mantel.
I wonder at Dr. Kate in what really brought this on in Obama’s ACORN set up to use the tribes to become his new attack upon the American elections and security as this degrades to People’s Liberation Army Chicoms stationed on Lake Sakakawea to protect all their Williston basin oil wells Obama will find a way to give to them.
Instinct tells me part of it was Dr. Kate being at Terry Lakin’s trial when he was made a POW and what really set off the flares was when World Net Daily quoted her in the most perfect quote of how the regime set out to destroy Terry Lakin.”
I read that several times and still don’t understand what exactly she means.
> still don’t understand what exactly she means
I think it roughly translates to: “Obama is complicit with the Native Americans – since he wants to give the country back to them anyway – so the latter made sure Dr. Kate lost her job because she was stepping on Obama’s toes too much”. The rest is just filler. 😉
Wow, excellent find & report, Bovril, thanks! …so that’s who Dr. Kate really is…
Good job of researching that!
It’s interesting to see how many of the Federal government haters out there are living on income from the government. Kerchner, Fitzpatrick, Hollister, Lakin, Strunk, Dr. Kate, and who knows how many others.
It reminds me of a discussion I had back in the late nineties on a Compuserve forum which was made up mostly of retired military. They were all pushing for privatization of Social Security. So I asked, if privatization is such a good idea, how about privatizing your military pensions? The uproar! “Don’t mess with my pension” and “I earned every penny of it,” etc. etc.
They all hate Federal programs except the ones which are directly benefiting them.
I’m confused I thought the extremists say Obama wants to give America to the blacks now its the native americans?
Sounds like a neat show. Thanks!
My first albums would have been on record – Quiet Riot “Metal Health” and Van Halen’s “Diver Down”. I think I still have those records somewhere. I either got them in trade or in winning a bet with kids at school if I remember. First album I think I bought with my own money was Dire Straits “Brothers In Arms” on cassette.
Same thing with the Tea Party folks. Seems a common thread in that type of mindset.
What astounds me is how many of those complaining are on the government teat, one way or another! Just like the birther list you gave of such…that is the truly mind blowing part of it all!
Another one: Borderraven is a retired Navy vet who has a military pension,Champus or Tricare health insurance, and very likely Social Security. This does not prevent him from complaining bitterly that the President has deprived him of a princely $40 a month in COLA increases, or advocating the overthrow of a legally elected President, or writing about how he’s a sovereign citizen and the federal government that pays his bills and allows him to visit a doctor is illegitimate, or how he’s being raped by high taxes.
At least, I think that’s what he means. He’s such a poor writer that it’s really impossible to tell.
Another gig that Dr. Kate has:
She’s listed as a member of the advisory panel for Living on Earth, a widely syndicated NPR program.
Another gig that Dr. Kate has:
She’s listed as a member or possibly former member of the advisory panel for Living on Earth, a widely syndicated NPR program.
You don’t even do your own homework. How could you be expected to do his lol.
It does. Don’t feed the troll!
If I pretended that I didn’t know what I was talking about my moniker would be “SqueekyFromm”. The “research” you claim to do requires one to try to change the meaning of what they read.
Ah brothers in arms. That makes me want watch the Season 2 finale of the West Wing all over again.
What do you mean they haven’t been around??? Do you live IN THE JUNGLE somewhere with NO ELECTRICITY??? Probably!!!
Here is you a Internet Link you can pretend to go to, and then comment about. Or you could there and put your comments on too IF YOU REGISTER at youtube, which I bet YOU NEVER HEARD Of!!!
This is the last thing I intend to say about Goth music HERE, because it is obvious you are people who get your music from a encyclopedia or something and not your EARS!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Goth? What, Squeeky “I’m going to burst into tears because Hillary Clinton lost the nomination” Jennifer Fromm Beagle isn’t into Evanescence, Tori Amos, or other weepsters?
You get music from your ears? Really? That’s quite remarkable.
Most people get their music from an instrument of some sort, or a radio, or a mp3 player. Some even get it from their mouths, if they can sing or perhaps whistle a little.
You’re the first person I’ve met who has music coming out of her ears.
Somehow I doubt that.
You have to be the biggest idiot on the planet. The youtube video clearly states it is an older music video someone put up. As I stated Jack off Jill hasn’t been around since 2000. Wikipedia says so and so does the band’s official website or should I say Archive site:
Under the discography section:
Disbanding in 2000, they left their fans with a masterpiece, “Clear Hearts Grey Flowers”. Find out what came before Clear Hearts Grey Flowers here.
What do you think the word disbanding means? The band broke up in 2000 when you were 16.
I get my music from instruments that are played by musicians. Sometimes I get them from CDs which are recorded by musicians playing instruments or mp3s. My ears don’t make the music no more than the grocery store makes the food it carries.
In order for you to stop talking about Goth music you have to have had to talk about music which was actually goth to begin with…. Poser
Dr. Ken Time Traveler:
OH, I didn’t know that I went THROUGH A TIME WARP everytime I watched a youtube video of music!!! i could have JUST SWORE I was watching it the day I did, and hearing the music from whatever I was listening from the same day I was listening to it.
OH, maybe it happens on CDs too??? If you play one then you are just MAGICALLY transported back in time to whenever the band played in a bar or something???
Because that is the ONLY WAY you could could say something like “they aren’t around anymore so how could you listen to them.”
Sooo, now I see why you don’t read stuff at links. You are afraid of getting sucked into a time warp and ending up who knows when and where!!! Oh, I just knew all along you were CRAZY!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Wow you are a complete idiot. Do you think when you see a music video of say Smoke on the Water that somehow the video was made in 2008 and posted to youtube? The date that is listed on the video on youtube is only the date of when the person actually posted it. Not when the song was made. I didn’t say how could you “listen to them” I said the band broke up when you were 16 and then you said something about us not knowing about music of today when it was related to the bands you spoke of. So once again when you get caught looking dumb you start saying even more stupid stuff to cover for it. The Band isn’t goth and they haven’t been around since 2000. So this most likely made you a poser emo goth in your high school years.
Lets, see who said that???? OH, it was Dr. Ken!!! That is just one more TOTALLY STUPID statement from you (about like how you think you can criticize Internet Articles you have not even read!!!) which I have just given you a Squeeky Smackdown on!!!
Because like I soooo intelligently pointed out before, if your music is recorded on just about anything, even the 8 track stuff you probably still have, then it is kind of ALWAYS AROUND!!! Unless you don’t have electricity.
Soooo, once again you are just trying to cover up something DUMB you said. You know what would be better for you???
1) Stop saying DUMB stuff and think before you blabber!!!
2) When you say something DUMB, then apologize for being DUMB!!!
3) Don’t do like Obama, and just keep on doing nothing for 2 1/2 years while the problem just grows and grows.
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Apparently you have no clue whatsoever that what you quoted here supports HIS arguement and not your.
The band broke up in 200, so they havn’t been around after that. The recordings live on (like the picture of the bumpy ROFLMAO) but the band doesn’t exist, and hasn’t since you were 16.
If you’re going to quote something, shouldn’t it at least support YOUR premise, and not the person’s premise who you are calling stupid?
And by the way, dear Squeeky, didn’t you claim you weren’t going to talsk about this any more here?
Not surprised that we can’t trust what you say….
I didn’t have to read everything David Icke wrote to figure out that the next article he writes is probably ungulate feces. After hundreds of articles of insanity, the chances of sanity in the next article becomes so improbable as to be negligible.
Same thing with David Ray Griffin and his 9-11 conspiracy. He’s proven beyond any reasonable doubt that anything he writes on the subject is going to be pure crap, so it’s not unreasonable for me to dismiss tomorrow’s David Ray Griffin book as crap without reading it.
The same applies to people like David Percy, Rebecca Brown, Ernst Zundel, John Todd, Mike Warnke, Alex Ciu, Bill Schnoebelen, etc. After having written nothing but crazy for so long, it is unrealistic to expect any of them to start writing lucid articles tomorrow.
The same thing applies to you, dear Squeeky. Everything you’ve written here in your entire tenure has been banal, fatuous, twisted, skewed, peurile, and stupifyingly ludicrous.
You have claimed to know more about economics than every single economics expert in, and in the employ, of the Republican party, after you admit to have only read a book about it and done some googling on the web.
You claim to know more about the Constitution than every Constitutional expert in the entire USA, yet you display no comprehension at all of the simplest details of Constitutional law.
You drip and moan about people not being fair with their opinions, yet you display a degree of confirmation bias that leaps the border of the ridiculous.
You even insist that the President of the United States of America can’t be eligible unless he drives personally out to your house, stumbles up your front stairs, rings your doorbell, greets you in person, and hands his BC to you with a smile for your personal inspection.
After a couple months of reading your consistently insane ramblings, it is not unreasonable for any sane person to assume that the articles on your inconsequential little site would only be more of the same excreta.
If you don’t want people to ridicule you, don’t be ridiculous.
You really are too stupid to understand that what you quoted supports my premise and not yours. Its no wonder you are so ridiculed.
Yes I did say: “Jack off Jill?That’s not Goth.You’re fake.They haven’t been around since you were 16”
And its true because the band broke up in 2000 hence why I said they haven’t been around since you were 16, a true statement. No one is arguing that recorded music lives on. That’s not the argument. I stated they haven’t been around since you were 16 you then tried to make it seem like they have. The Band no longer exists. This is why you come off as stupid and now you’ve created an even dumber strawman to back up how stupid you are.
I have changed my mind. You and Dr. Ken are just sooooo logical, that you have just overwhelmed me!!! I agree, and you are soooo right, that here is what you and Dr. Ken should do. You should start a new movement to stop people from saying they like groups that are not together anymore!!! Like the Beatles and Lead Zeppelin.
You two should just travel all over the Internet (like at youtube) and whenever somebody says “Oh, I really love Lead Zeppelin, they are just soooo Heavy Metal or whatever,” then you two such very smart people can say NO!!!!
They are not whatever, and how can you like them because they haven’t been together since who knows when??? Won’t that be fun for the two of you???
Just don’t be surprised when people call you really bad names and do not treat you with respect. They will probably call you DB’s and stuff, and ask you what INSANE ASYLUM you just escaped from???, because they do that a lot on youtube, and they will not be as nice as me!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Straw man fallacy.
We never said not to like groups that no longer exist.
We simply pointed out that you had no idea what you were talking about when you said that particular group still exists.
Your false martyr dripping and moaning fails…. again
Keep back peddling you look ridiculously stupid as it is and you continue digging a deeper hole.
Lets go back to what I said: “Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
Jack off Jill?That’s not Goth.You’re fake.They haven’t been around since you were 16”
To which you later said:
“I realize that every one of those people probably has 75 years of listening to music each, and is just not up on what is happening today.”
Except Jack off Jill wasn’t music of today as they disbanded when you were 16.
This has to be one of your biggest fails yet on this site. Jack Off Jill isn’t goth music and you’re clearly a poser.
Dr. Ken Stupidwater:
They ARE around today. That is why you see soooo many people on youtube viewing their music. If people are listening to their stuff TODAY, and it isn’t like oldie goldie stuff, then it is music of TODAY.
You are just being CHILDISH! Plus, what a kind of music is, is sometimes what the people who listen to it think it is. not even what the artist or group thinks, but what the people who listen to it think, which is why you are just showing your inability to do big picture thinking on this issue, and just missing the point.
There are always people fighting about what class a certain group belongs to. But this changes over time. For example people used to fight a lot about whether Marilyn Manson was Goth or not. i think he said he wasn’t maybe, but who cares. I think he is more Goth than anything else and so do a lot of other people. Learn to live with it!
For example, there is probably a lot of very old music that is sooo old it is even before you were born, that is going to become Goth. Because this stuff changes and what I listened to when I was 16 isn’t all the same as what me and my friends listen to now.
As far as JOJ, when you sing about dying, and being in love pain, and how rotten people are, and how crummy life is sometimes, then it is probably Goth. Or maybe sometimes Country Music.
Sooo, this is FOR REAL the last thing I am going to say HERE about Goth Music, but I will probably put a Internet Article up at gratewire later about Goth Music. Because here, no matter what I say, most everybody is just going to say I am wrong and just torture logic to pieces to do it. Plus I think I will even start a Squeeky Goth Music Blog now, just to educate people because there just some obviously confused people out there!!!
Plus, look forward to a very good Internet Article I just thought of that will just shoot down to pieces one of you Obots best arguments WITH LOGIC!!!
So there!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
They are not around today. I know you have problems even understanding common expressions. This would be like me saying George Carlin is around today because you can listen to his CDs but he passed away and is no longer around and can’t tour.
Last decades music isn’t music of today. You can’t even understand simple concepts. It makes you look retarded. None of that is “probably goth” if that was the case then country music would be considered goth. Singing about that stuff is more considered EMO than Goth. This just shows how badly you posers have tried to co-opt what Goth actually means. You are the group in school that the Goth kids made fun of.
The only one waterboarding logic here is you Squeekers. You continue to be called out by people who live in Reality. I know its such a foreign concept and now you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.
I’m sure your goth blog will have the same educational value as your other blogs including your internet scam blog. Which is to say it won’t be educational at all
Would you two just grow up!
People listen to Martin Luther King Jr. speeches on Youtube. Does that mean he’s still around?
Does Youtube override death?
Oh please, can’t we watch some more of Bob schooling her? I rather enjoy it
I thought you said last time that the last time you said it was the last time you’d say anything about Goth was the last time. Is this the actual last time or just another last time until the next time you say the last time wasn’t the real last time but the next time is the actual last time.
And you wonder why no one takes you seriously…
She won’t say it HERE, but she’ll say it somewhere else
Guess she couldn’t take the heat.
Dr. C:
Yes, I will grow up, even if Dr. Ken doesn’t! Because I know how to behave in public and how to be logical.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Its so easy even a caveman can do it
Yes, calling people “STUPID OBOTS” is a good example of how you behave in public. And that coming less than 24 hours after hey got all cranked up last night when I called them “gretawire whiners.” Moreover, someone there told be to “behave.” Now let’s see, who was that again……????
I thought readers would be interested in this:
Citizenship for Babies Looms as Immigration Fight:
That is a very sad Internet Article, but thank you for putting up a link. I hope they do not change the Constitution about this, because it is probably good that we have more citizens, just not 10 million more of them.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
OMG!!! Have you Obots heard what people are saying about the Daley person who might be the new WH Chief??? They are saying he is a “grown -up”!!! OH, where have I heard that before???
“I suspect that something like this will happen with President “Obumble” and his Misfit Obots. Now that the adults, like Chris Matthews and Gov. Neal Abercrombie, have come to play, there will finally be a resolution to Birth Certificate Question. Both Matthews and Abercrombie, neither one of them “Birthers”, have called for the release of documents by Obama to put this issue to rest. ”
Chris Matthews is really hammering the word GROWN UP!!! How Obama and the White House needs GROWN UPS Plus, I think I said here before too!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Ever since you joined we could benefit from Grown Ups Squeeks
You heard it first here.
Boy Reporter
Her latest endeavor is to create a definition of goth music. She is going to marshal all that music education that brought her a PhD in music, like all those PhD’s in music in our universities like Juliard, and all her lifelong experience in the field of music, like all those lifelong journalists who write for magazines like Rolling Stone and The Village Voice, to finally give the world a definition of goth music. OMG
Is that like the Dark Knight Ridder?
Oh Goody… so when do we get to see you being logical?
You and Einstein both used the word “it” on occasion. Does that mean you’re a world-class mathematician too?
You should be VERY HAPPY and proud that you know someone who is going to do this! Because what if I surprise you and am very good at it??? What are you going to say then???
Plus, besides practicing Sukiyaki on guitar, I have been resting up by reading that very link you had here about JpJd, who is really good and has noticed some stuff about the newspaper articles that i didn’t!!! Which is why links to Internet Articles are VERY helpful. And even more if you ACTUALLY READ the them!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Maybe you missed my point. There are people who have studied music and the history of music their whole lives, and they have earned advanced degrees in that area. They teach in accredited universities and write for music magazines that are read throughout the world. For you to think that somehow you are more qualified than they are to define goth music is, to put it mildly, delusional. With all their advanced knowledge and decades of experience, they have already defined goth music, and it is up to you, as an amateur with no formal education in music, to learn from their education and experience. You are not Alice, and real life is not Wonderland.
Its already obvious by Squeeky’s definition of goth above that she is confusing it with Emo
She has already preliminary defined it, Bob, as “whatever those who consider themselves to be goths listen to.” So, if someone who considers themselves to be a goth listens to Frankee Vallee and the Four Seasons, that’s goth. lol
So what do I care about them going to school or something??? I have two ears and a brain just like them!!! Maybe that is the problem of you Obots. You just wallow around waiting for somebody you think is smarter than you to tell you what to think or do??? Then pretty soon you have forgotten how to think for yourselves??? Not me!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
There you go with the name calling again, idiot. Let me explain something to you. You are no one special. There are people who know a lot more than you do, and the University of Wikipedia can’t hold a candle to the schools they went to
You can’t just wish you were as good as they are, YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK THAT YOU HAVE FAILED TO DO.
Anyone who thinks that they are better than college educated professionals with advanced degrees and decades of experience in a given subject are is a true narcissist
OH, isn’t is just sooooo good we have a Internet and FREE SPEECH where we can dare to dream and do stuff that people think we can’t do!!! Because you can just wallow around in self-doubt and misery while I go out and do stuff! That is why my avatar is happy, and your avatar looks all grouchy and miserable!!! Good stuff just like my blogs and my very good Internet Articles and Squeekonomics that everybody here will just have to wonder about how good it is!!! Because I have not linked it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You have a very simplistic view of the world and think that just by wishing something and reading a few Wikipedia articles, you have all the education and experience of people who went to school for years and spent dozens of years studying and being involved with their area of expertise. It’s delusional and narcissistic.
Tell me something. When was the last time you bought and read a Rolling Stone magazine from cover to cover?
Its already obvious by Squeeky’s definition of goth above that she is confusing it with Elmo
I can see the interview now.
Katey: So, what music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
Squeeky: Oh, you know, all the regular ones dontcha know.
You are just soooo gloomy!!! I don’t have to go to Rocket Science of Music University to understand what music is, and what is what, and what is good , and what sucks. Why don’t you find something you like and try to do it and quit worrying about somebody having more piece of college paper than you. Look at me, I am just a regular person and I am doing blogs and things.
Plus I am a INTP and do you not know how our brains work and what kind of stuff I can figure out??? Here:
“The INTP is usually very independent, unconventional, and original. They are not likely to place much value on traditional goals such as popularity and security. They usually have complex characters, and may tend to be restless and temperamental. They are strongly ingenious, and have unconventional thought patterns which allows them to analyze ideas in new ways. Consequently, a lot of scientific breakthroughs in the world have been made by the INTP. ”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And the last time you bought and read a Rolling Stone from cover to cover was………?
You are nothing but a self-appointed expert with absolutely no qualifications over and above the lay person, which is way less than those who have spent their lives studying music and the music industry. There are things that they are aware of that you cannot even begin to imagine.
Tell me real quickly. What chord progression is characteristic of the blues?
I think it is 1,4,5. I remember something is flat from something I was reading.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No, nothing is flat
What is the difference between a C# minor scale and an E major scale?
Which this is another way to express what it is but I haven’t counted it. It was just on something. It is a thing with your index finger across 1, then033200, then down to 6(after the dot) with your index finger, then 033200, then back up to one, then down to the first dot, and do your index finger across there, with 003300. you are supposed to do, 003330, but I can’t do that yet, so I just don’t hit the last two strings.
I haven’t counted the numbers on that, but it is Corrinna Corinna which is on youtube how to play, but it sounds like something else to me.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Time’s up. That was an easy one
There is nothing different between the two. Every major scale has a relative minor scale that has the same notes as the major scale. Therefore, the C# minor scale is the same as the E major scale.
Who knows on the scale stuff??? I just know one, but I don’t know what it is called, it is 013, then 023,023, 02, 013,013.
But what does this have to do with writing about Goth Music??? Does anybody care if I tell them how JOJ is Goth???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
What is the relative major scale to the D minor scale?
What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
It’s important to know because different styles of music can be characterized by their chord progression and/or what scales they typically use.
Ask Squeeky. She’s an expert in everything
That is a trick question. Because if your swallow is unladen, then it is just breathing, not swallowing!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Or ask Sarah Palin; she’s an expert in everything too because she reads all those magazines
An African or a European swallow?
They’re not goth you’re confusing Emo with Goth
I am learning stuff every day about music. But who needs scales to say “XYZ really sucks and is just a bunch of screaming with guitar music nobody can hear because the amplifier is too high.”
Or, “JOJ’s early music is marked by the maudlin angst of your average 16 year old upper class anorexic, but somehow transcends those boundaries to carve out a new frontier in youthful pain. Binge and purge transforms into something real, and meaningful.”
Because that is the kind of stuff I would write!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Jazz uses a chromatic scale. Those are the kinds of things you have to know if you going to declare yourself an expert in a certain area, and it’s obvious that you don’t know them
So you’re saying you’re a 16 year old suicidal teenage girl. Once again that’s EMO not goth
In other words, it’s not as simple as you think it is or want it to be, and you can’t just wish that kind of knowledge to yourself; you have to actually study and learn it.
On MY blog, JOJ will be what I think they are, and people can argue about it in the comments!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Therapy for your delusions of grandeur will work better for you than listening to a bunch of idiots on the internet
Watch me!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Somehow I doubt you go out very much at all.
Watch you go to therapy? Now that would be rewarding.
On your blog, you can call them a macaroni and cheese dinner, if you want to. It won’t change reality.
You’ve already proven right here that you don’t know enough to have any more of an opinion about what any form of music is than the layperson since you don’t possess the knowledge you need to effectively evaluate the music itself other than who listens to it.
or what it sounds like, but when it comes to technical details to identify the music, you kn ow absolutely nothing
All you have is the old “I have foreign policy experience because I can see Russia from my front porch” approach
I could go out any night I want, and I promise you I would never have to buy my own drinks. But I am to the point where I don’t care about going out, because what is there to it all??? Nothing as far as I can tell. Almost every grunty little malebeast out there is a complete IDIOT and could not carry on a conversation about anything except sex and video games. Sooo, there is nothing I need them for and I am happier NOT having one around. It has never been fun, and really every relationship has just been a Royal PITA!!!
Sooo for me, it is “Can’t live with them, Can live without them!!!”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And that couldn’t possibly be your fault, right?
No it couldn’t be you. It just has to be that all 3 billion men in the world are the problem.
Somehow I suspect a bit of confirmation bias going on here…again
This requires a poem, but here is the general idea. Whenever I have a malebeast of my very own, you know how I feel???? NOT happy. I just feel like Fay Ray who has this big monkey in her life. (She was the actress in King Kong). And I have to wonder when it is going to knock over a building or something or accidentally sqush me. And all it can do is like grunt and be clumsy and make messes. Sooo, like you can’t talk to it, and you are really kind of glad when the airplanes shoot it down, but you have to act all sad for appearances sake. That is how I feel.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I think i found her http://talkstupid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/emofail.jpg
I showed your post to my wife. Her comment was “It’s women like that who set feminism back 50 years.”
A lot of women risked a lot to make sure that the world stopped viewing women as objects of property, and stopped gender prejudice and labelling of women by caricatures of sexual traits.
Now you come along and do the same things to men as those women fought to eradicate.
Are you so anti-feminist, Squeeky, that you’d destroy in one post the work and sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of women?
Why do you feel the need to be so sexist and prejudicial?
I used to have a girlfriend like that. She was 33, and I was 34. I had to teach her how to actually enjoy sex so she didn’t tear my back to shreds with her nails.
Personally, I think “Men, Who Needs Them???” is a pretty good victory for Women! Because maybe if you have to live without us for a few centuries, you will learn how to behave!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Perhaps if you’d put away your sexism and prejudice for a moment you’d understand why strong, intelligent women find people like you, who promote sexual stereotypes, so repulsive.
Is there anything good in society you won’t try to destroy?
Here let me translate that for you!
“Perhaps if you would be quiet, like a good little Woman, then us Malebeasts could fool more Women into thinking we have brains that work, and that we are really good for them., and the fact that you don’t, just really irritates us Malebeasts!”
BTW (Which means By The Way) I have a new Internet Article which exposes the “Illogical Obot.”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Ah, but see Squeeks, you have just explained why you really long for those wildebeasts. But you do not want to be hurt again. So the question you must ask yourself: What caused your boyfriend to walk away?
Exactly how do you think that promoting sexism and gender stereotypes, as you do, helps women obtain equality?
You’re stereotyping all men to assuage your sexual insecurities only serves to destroy the work of women who have fought so hard to eliminagte those same stereotypes.
You are working against feminism and the equality of women.
Why do you hate other women so much?
Nbc: The last one didn’t walk away. He had a car. He had to make a few trips to get his stuff out of the flowerbed, but he didn’t have to walk. He didn’t even have to pack anything in boxes. I was nice and left him a box of garbage bags outside for him to put his stuff in.
Daniel: I don’t hate other women. In fact, I have a whole lot more women as friends now that they know I don’t want their malebeasts. In fact, I am very generous, and if I had one, I’d let them have him.
Life becomes a whole lot easier when you realize that you don’t have to be like other people, and want what everybody else wants, and do what everybody else thinks is normal. You can validate from the inside, and to heck with being miserable putting up with one stupid relationship after another. Now, I can just come and go as I please, and do what I want!
Plus did you like my new Internet Article??? Was it good???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
“Binge and purge transforms into something real, and meaningful.”
Yes, really meaningful deaths, Squeeky.
Binge and purge eating disorders kill.
Isn’t death fashionable?
Do a Google search for Shelby Starner.
You might even like some of her music.
But she won’t be playing anywhere or doing any new music.
She “Binged and purged” herself into a dead artist.
And no, you don’t have to go to music school to appreciate music anymore than you have to go to engineering school to appreciate a Ferrari.
But you won’t be the one making those Ferraris, nor any meaningful music.
People that confuse something done well with the *ability* to do something well are the one’s destined …by default… to remain forever spectators.
Instead of making a name for themselves, they’ll usually copy someone else that is more famous.
Hence the proliferation of DJs today in the music business and even your very own screen name here.
Where education ends, copying begins.
That’s great. I’m glad for you. My question is why do you have to resort to prejudice, bigotry, and sexism to do that?
Why do you have to undermine the entire feminist movement to obtain your supposed happiness?
‘Two Catherals’ was one of the best episodes!
By Constitutional Amendment or by SCOTUS ruling?
Just curious…do you finger paint by numbers too?
That and the 25th amendment I love the montage for zoey
Soooo, did anybody read my latest Internet Article that just beats WITH LOGIC the argument that Obama doesn’t have a LEGAL obligation to do anything??? Because after reading it, you can’t say that anymore if you have ANY integrity, because it is soooo PUNY and MEANINGLESS as a argument!!!
Plus, my Goth Music Review will either be good or not. We will just see, so quit worrying about it here, OK???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Why would we read an article on logic, by a sexist, anti-feminist who has clearly demonstrated on every available occasion that she has no comprehension of what logic entails?
Maybe if you quit talking about it, like you twice now claimed you would…..
You’re not very trustworthy, are you…
It is rather irritating to have a bunch of know-it-all Obots telling me I can’t do music, when I have already written one song and published it on my website WITH musical notes and chords!!! Plus, I did it when I only knew 2 chords!!! Who knows what key it is in, and who cares if it sounds good!!! I wrote it for all the Obots who lost in the election, but really it is a good protest song for anybody who loses a election. Notice how it has a funeral procession feel to it, which I did to make the mood gloomy and appropriate to the topic, which is what really good songwriters do!!!
Plus, who is stereotyping anything if it is true.
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Is it irritating for you to have a physicist tell you you can’t do string theory?
Is it irritating for you to have a surgeon tell you you can’t cut open a person’s skull?
Is it irritating for you to have a meteorologist tell you your predictions of snow in July are probably wrong?
Is it irritating for you to have a nuclear engineer tell you you not to touch those fuel rods please, as the cadmium content is just fine, thank you?
Your stereotyping of three billion men as “malebeasts” is stereotyping, unless you purport to have met ans evaluated each one of them, and unless you can show that the billions of women on the planet who are quite happy with their men, are wrong.
Remember when some chauvenist men, who were confronted with the accusation of stereotyping women as inferior, used to say “it’s not stereotyping if it’s true”?
You’re using the language of the anti-feminist bigot.
Yes. Your point appears to be that if some portion of the US population believes the earth is flat, the President is obligated to fly home from Hawaii in the westbound direction just to show them that their doubts are wrong.
Thank you for reading my Internet Article!!! That is a lot more than some people here do, and at least if you disagree, you have been fair and honest enough to at least read it first!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Oh my you are certainly inconsistent. You thought it was OK for Dr. Ken to judge me based on some of my writings, and I just don’t remember you telling him that was wrong. Oh no, it was just fine to review my Internet Articles by long distance telepathy!!!
I just think you are being a typical little oppositional malebeast and just disagreeing with me about stuff to try to get negative attention.
Oh well, you are who you are , I guess. (Plus, you are sooo BUSTED!!!)
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
As usual you mischaracterize what I said. Your internet articles have been posted in parts by you on this website and gretawire because you are an attention wh*re. You starve for attention because you don’t get any. It’s sad that you live such a miserable existence.
So let me get this straight… no really….
You’re equating Dr. Ken’s judging of you using your “work” and your words and your actions, with your judging of half the human race, based on your failed relationships with a couple of men.
Are you really intending to suggest that Dr Ken’s judgin of you based on you is actually the same as you judging a billions huge group based on the percieved actions of one or two?
Are you really intending to ty to pass that off on us as a valid comparison?
And to top it all off, you include yet another one of your sexist, anti-feminist statements to dismiss me as a person, based solely on my gender.
Wow, is there no end to your bigotry and hatred of women? Is it any wonder why no one is interested in you petty little writings full of meaningless prejudicial rhetoric?
I feel so very sorry for you, Squeeky. How sad it must be to live in your world of hatred, loneliness, and regret.
Good inferential logic: you have written exclusively in the past, so your new post is probably also garbage.
Bad inferential logic: you, a woman, have written exclusively garbage in the past, so women probably all write garbage.
And, yes, I read what you wrote. Still garbage. Even if your analysis were valid, that everything 58% of Americans believe needs to be addressed by the President, it still flows from the flawed premise that those who say Obama was “probably born here” have some measurable doubt about Obama’s birthplace. (if that’s true, can’t we lump those who believe Obama was “probably not born here” in with those who doubt or disbelieve birthers?) (And by this logic, McCain lead every single poll in 2008, since 80% of voters were going to vote for him, or only “probably” for Obama! All hail President McCain!)
BTW, can you name a single candidate in 2010 that ran on birtherism and won? Can you name a single candidate that was even associated, publicly, with birthers and won? Seems to me that anyone, e.g. JD Hayworth, who was tarred with birtherism, lost.
*Edit, first clause above should read “exclusively garbage…”
Hard to write posts on iPhone.
Dr. Ken and Daniel:
Here, let me translate what you said for you:
“Can you believe her??? She is actually beating us WITH LOGIC!!! She has latched on to the fact that Dr. Ken criticizes her very good Internet Articles without reading them, and Daniel’s approval of that fact, and then kicking them both right in the figurative booty when they criticize her for stereotyping people!!! OH MY, she is good!!! Let us blabber some more stuff out real quick before people catch on that us Obots do the exact same type of illogical stuff we have soooo much fun accusing Birthers of!!! Like being inconsistent and ignoring stuff and just being as closed minded as we accuse them of being!!!”
I think that pretty well nails it!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Thank you for asking LOGICAL questions even if you disagree with me. That is the right way for people to discuss stuff, not like some people here do. Anyway, try this:
“Can you name a single candidate in 2010 that ran on racism and won? ”
Maybe there were, but I didn’t see any. The LOGICAL point is, Obots still believe racism is behind a lot of the Obama criticism, birther and otherwise, yet there were no openly racist candidates that I heard of.
Soooo, what this LOGICALLY means is, that you can’t necessarily judge the impact of a belief system by the number of candidates who openly run on that platform.
Maybe there is a better relationship between “Whew, there are 58% of Americans who have doubts and Obama’s party gets SHELLACKED???”
No matter what I you and me think, the grown ups are on the way in, sooo like Dr. C., I think we will see a Long Form this year.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Here let me translate for you: SqueekyFromm Said: “I have no idea what I’m talking about I don’t even know what the word logic means but I’m going to keep using the word even though I look stupid everytime I do. I think my articles are good simply because I wrote them. I want others to read my articles because I have a need for self validation. If I don’t get this validation then I will return to the cutting myself because mommy and daddy didn’t love me. Boys think I’m ugly and want nothing to do with me. My psychs have all pushed me around to various other doctors because they can’t stand me. Furthermore I won’t stop raping my cats because:
1. Killing them would be too merciful, My type of love is the best for them and I won’t free them from my torment because they think I’m the best at raping them!
2. I’m Inexperienced, I have a hard time getting a man in real life and so experimenting on my cats will give me the proper experience needed to get a real man.
3. I’m Sick – I am really as sick and demented as I make myself out to be and so this mindset would properly explain how logic seems to elude me.
4. I’m Sadistic – I get off on the fact that my cats are defenseless and it makes me feel powerful for once in my life to have some sort of control over something else.
P.S. I am one of those emo kids that thought she was goth and everyone made fun of in school”
Yeah I think that’s the translation of what you said.
I think we will see a medium form this year.
I still haven’t seen David Vitter’s Little John Form
Yes I do suspect you need to believe that’s what we meant. That’s the only way you can avoid the consequences of your prejudice and your failures as a person and as a debater.
So sad…. so very, very sad.
Well done! But, it is “rare” that we have seen anything from Obama. But now the steaks are higher.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’m hoping for the Vente form….. with foam
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
I washed my car yesterday. It rained.
Did I make it rain?
You have less evidence that birtherism caused Democrat losses than I could marshal to prove it was the end of Lost.
You and logic aren’t on speaking terms, Fromm.
Greg… I always make it rain
So let me get this straight…. no really…
Your best defence against the observation of your anti-feminist and sexist bigotry is the equivalent of that old kindergarten grade…. “I know you are but what am I?”… tactic?
Well it certainly fits well with your childish “So There!!!” rejoinders.
Incidentally enough also a great episode on the West Wing
Curious that we keep seeing magical 58% figures bandied about around the Presidents non NBC /birth status and yet somehow the President won 53% of the vote…..
What is the logical problem with your position:
“Birthers did not have an impact because there were no open Birther candidates.”
Because I can see holes in that. For example, Birthers didn’t need a over Birther candidate because Birthers could express their concerns about Obama by voting for anybody who wasn’t a Democratic candidate. Which I head a lot of on the news how the mid terms were a referendum on Obama.
Birther candidates were quiet about their beliefs because they knew they would draw a lot of negative attention, and unlike Obama who thinks doubts about him are harmless, the Birther candidates are smarter than to draw unnecessary negative votes because they are by their nature, an alternative to Obama and the Obots. Sooo, why risk even a few percent points of more negative votes???
Which is also one of the reasons I have KISS, because who wants negative issues if they can be addressed???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I suddenly got a flashback to Norm sitting on the bar stool at Cheers…..”Women! Can’t live with them and……pass the beer nuts”
You birthers thrive on negative issues. So that was a nice bit of mental gymnastics you pullled. Somehow you think birthers changed the election even though everyone knew which way it was going to go. In order to do this they didn’t run, kept quiet and yet through telepathy they won? Yeah that makes no sense.
I find it funny how the media claimed it was a referendum on Obama and yet just a few years before that didn’t claim the same about Bush. Does this mean according to your logic because Bush didn’t address rumors that he planned and carried out 9/11 that he got schellacked in the midterms in 2006?
Poor Squeeky, the exit polls don’t agree. Here are the issues voters cared about in the midterms:
The economy 62%
Health care 18%
Illegal immigration 8%
Afghanistan 8%
Obama’s birth certificate 0.000001%
No one cares. Particularly since, as the child of a US citizen, Obama is eligible wherever he was born. Did you get that Squeeky? Even if you PROVED he was born in Kenya, he is STILL ELIGIBLE.
Dr. Ken:
There is nothing keeping you from criticizing the media if you want to. Plus, Google is your friend. Sooo, you might want to see how much DOCUMENTATION went out to the PUBLC about the 9/11 stuff. Then compare that stuff to what we have in this issue. Oh, one piece of paper given to some group. I sure hope Obama didn’t get a HERNIA lifting all that documentation!!!
Plus, with the Not Vattle Birthers, pretty much all we need is a itsy bitsy teeny weeny LONG FORM, or some kind of bumpy document into PUBLIC. We don’t need any engineering reports or how stuff burns reports or anything like that.
Apple and oranges! Dogs and cats!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I must have missed something. I read the poll and that choice was not given. But, you can believe people not being sure where you were born is a good thing,. Or a neutral thing. you have plenty of company here!!!
Maybe you should write and tell Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, and Neal Abercrombie, and Editorial Papers how dumb they all are!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Not much documentation went out to the public. I never held in my hands any information regarding the government not being complicit in 9/11. See I can be a birther too I just have to shut off my brain and stop thinking.
Dr. Ken:
Good!!! Leave your Brain “Off”. Because I think it has only been on “Standby” since I have been fussing with you!!!
Even with your Brain “Off” if you will just start being skeptical about things and questioning stuff, then it has to be a improvement over how you have been since I have known you!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Since you and logic aren’t on speaking terms, let me be explicit with what my argument is so that you don’t have to construct a strawman.
Greg’s position: There is zero evidence that birthers impacted the election.
Since you keep asserting that birthers could have impacted the election despite the lack of evidence, you apparently agree that there is zero evidence.
Where we disagree is what politicians should do with zero evidence. You think that Obama should change his behavior despite the lack of evidence of any impact from the issue. I think that even though gnomes COULD have stolen all the Democratic ballots from enough precincts to impact the election, Obama has bigger issues than gnome-control. If 80% of voters said that they made their decision based on the economy, Obama would be better served addressing that instead of trying to read the deepest, darkest secrets off the hearts of voters.
How about this. Every time there is a choice between spending time on issues with demonstrable evidence of impact or a zero-evidence issue, Obama should always choose the option with evidence. Do you disagree?
With that equation, I expect Obama to spend time on birthers right after he’s fixed the economy, people’s concerns about death panels and illegal immigration and not before. Why do you think Obama should prioritize this zero-evidence issue? Why should he prioritize it over other zero-evidence issues: Lost fans who blame him for the crappy finale, for example? It would only take a simple press release for him to express his outrage over how they ended it!
No one’s trying to tell you not to do anything, but you need to have an appreciation for the fact that you are not omniscient and that there are already many people out there with a whole lot more education and experience in music and the music industry than you do who have already written a plethora of articles on the history of rock and the history of goth. Colleges even offer a bachelor’s level course or two in the history of rock that you probably have not taken. You seem to think that all you have to do is read a few Wikipedia articles on the subject and that will make you more qualified than they are to write in that subject area; psychologists call that “magical thinking”, and that is one of the primary characteristics of schizophrenia.
You need more than your own empirical experiences to do what you claim you want to do if it’s going to be an adequate job. You need to know things like music theory, the different structures of different kinds of music, what professionals have already written about a particular type of music, and even the musical influences of those who perform certain kinds of music. You have none of that, and it doesn’t come by magic; it comes from years of education and experience.
Anyone can put chords together and write lyrics; that’s not an amazing feat. I have seen many who have done that but had no idea of the theory behind what they were doing, and without an understanding of that, they think they have the whole picture but only have half of it. To say that anyone can be a real musician by putting chords together cheapens the hundreds of years music has been around and the theory of music that has grown around it. Putting chords together in no way means that someone has a real understanding of music; it’s a shallow understanding at best.
I started out playing the sax when I was 10. I started taking lessons and learned to read music as well as the rudiments of music theory at that time. When I heard songs like “She Loves You,’ World without Love,” “Turn, Turn, Turn,” and “Eve of Destruction,” I quickly traded the reeds for a guitar pick. I did 4 years of guitar lessons at a private school of music where I continued to learn music theory. I played in bands throughout the 60’s and 70’s and even jammed on a few occasions with another New Jersey resident, Bruce Springsteen. I took a couple of music theory courses in high school and the history of rock bachelor’s level course in college.
If I was interviewed by a writer for Rolling Stone when I was playing in a metal band back in the ’90’s, he or she would ask me what my musical influences were since that would shed light on why it is I was playing in a metal band and preferred metal music. I would have said that I started out with bands like the Beatles, the Byrds, Procol Harum, and the Dave Clark 5 and then moved to bands like the Doors, Blue Cheer, the Amboy Dukes, and Cream. In the 70’s, I turned off the radio anytime I heard Elton John’s “Friends, or ” the Eagles “Take it Easy” and vomited anytime I heard anything by the Allman or Doobie Brothers. As the 70’s dragged on, I had to find some kind of music I liked and kind of forced myself to like Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen. There were some bright spots during the 70’s though with groups like Judas Priest, Asia, and Styx, but they were rare. It was the discovery of bands like Metallica, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden in the 80’s that renewed my interest in playing rock music.
These are the experiences that comprise my music education. They are woefully inadequate when compared to real musicians, music professors, and even many music journalists who write for major music magazines, but they far surpass what the layperson like yourself has learned and experienced, and I can guarantee you right here and now, you cannot experience or learn over the course of a week, a month, or a year what others have learned over the course of decades, and in order to speak with any authority on the subject, you need to have more than what you think you need or even have.
The point here is that in addition to knowing something about the music theory and the structures of music is that you also need to know a lot about those who play it. I was older than those with whom I played in the band, so my influences reached further back than theirs, but at some point, their preferences and mine converged such that they were very similar. We even did metal versions of songs like Simon and Garfunkel’s “Hazy Shade of Winter,” the Moody Blues’s “Ride My See-Saw,” and the Yardbirds’s “Heart Full of Soul.” In order to determine who plays a certain kind of music, you have to be able to find patterns of similarity amongst those who play a particular kind of music in determining whether to include or exclude them in a particular genre.
You can’t truly know foreign policy by seeing Russia from your front porch, and you can’t know all you need to know about music in a week, a month, or a year just by reading stuff on the internet or putting a few chords together.
I know I have to keep studying. I can almost do a B7 already!!! And that takes all four fingers!!! Plus, you have had a very interesting musical life, so why don’t you write more about that too, instead of just spending all your time fussing about this stuff. Because in a way, you are like a victim of Obama, too!
Rather than spending time on music which seems to make you soooo happy, you are just spending time defending a person who could resolve this stuff in a few minutes if he wanted to. Or at least make a really reasonable effort. You notice how I write about stuff other than just QUESTIONERS (Birthers) and if you go to the Squeeky website, (not the SFGR one) you will see where I put up music videos, and poetry and recipes and things, not just Birther stuff.
Because do any of us really want to spend our whole life fussing about something as stupid as where Obama was born when this is such a easy question to answer??? Sooo, why don’t you do like me, and spend some time defending this stuff if you think Obama is right, but also spend some other time doing happy and fun things??? What you don’t want to do is become co-dependent about this, where your happiness is all tied in to some idiot who won’t cough up his long form.
Sooo, maybe you could do Fut’s Music Blog, and teach stuff you know, and I will show up there and learn stuff. I watch how to play videos on youtube, and plus I like to see how people “cover” the songs. Which is when somebody other than the person who made it famous does it. Here is one of my favorites where you can see the guitar the whole time, plus she has a pretty voice!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Wait a minute. You ‘had’ to force yourself to like Billy Joel, but you puked over the Allman Bros? I can live without the Eagles, but puke over the Doobies? WTF?
The differences in musical tastes is a wonderous thing. I can’t stand (most) metal, and probably the stuff that I can tolerate you wouldn’t call metal, so I guess we’re a push on that one. 🙂
Gotta pay yer dues
If you wanna play the Blues
And you know
It don’t come easy
B7 was hard for me in the beginning too. When you graduate to barre chords, it’s not as difficult.
I am speaking about music. I have to have something to talk about now that the birthers are, for all practical purposes, dead. With two more SCOTUS cases being denied this month and the new Congress not going near this issue, the funeral will be sometime in the spring, probably late April or some time in May. Maybe you can put some chords together for the funeral march
I was saying if I was to think like you I would have to shut my brain off. It’s obvious your brain doesn’t work like a normal thinking person’s does
“How about this. Every time there is a choice between spending time on issues with demonstrable evidence of impact or a zero-evidence issue, Obama should always choose the option with evidence. Do you disagree? ”
Yes. Because how much time does it take to cough up a Long Form??? He could even have one of his aids help him. It has to take less time than playing one game of golf. Or probably even less time than smoking one cigarette. Or playing one game of basketball.
He even has a airplane with a office in it, soooo he could do it flying around. Maybe he could fax a letter to Neal Abercrombie that says,
“Hi Neal!!!
It is OK if you just turn my stuff loose! I waive my privacy stuff! BTW (Which means by the way) congratulations on winning being the Governor!!!
Yours truly,
(OH, that just took me HOURS to write!!! NOT!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
It’ll take some time, right? Even if only a minute. And that’s the thing with zero-evidence issues, there’s ZERO evidence that it would do a thing! There’s always some use of that minute that can be in support of a REAL evidence issue. Similarly, there are also an infinite number of ZERO-evidence issues Obama could spend his time on. Watch West Wing’s “Wheel of Cheese” episode for a sampling. Why should he spend his time on you pet ZERO-evidence issue over someone else’s, Decatur-projection maps, for example, or highways for wolves?
Dr. Ken:
Of course my brain doesn’t work like a normal persons. I am a INTP. That is one reason why it is sooo easy for me to just run circles around all you Obots WITH LOGIC!!! Plus, I had Debate in school!!!
Here is you another link you can criticize without reading first:
But I will cut and paste some of it here so you can at least pretend to have read some of it first:
“INTPs live in the world of theoretical possibilities. They see everything in terms of how it could be improved, or what it could be turned into. They live primarily inside their own minds, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. They seek clarity in everything, and are therefore driven to build knowledge. They are the “absent-minded professors”, who highly value intelligence and the ability to apply logic to theories to find solutions. They typically are so strongly driven to turn problems into logical explanations, that they live much of their lives within their own heads, and may not place as much importance or value on the external world. Their natural drive to turn theories into concrete understanding may turn into a feeling of personal responsibility to solve theoretical problems, and help society move towards a higher understanding.
INTPs value knowledge above all else. Their minds are constantly working to generate new theories, or to prove or disprove existing theories. They approach problems and theories with enthusiasm and skepticism, ignoring existing rules and opinions and defining their own approach to the resolution. They seek patterns and logical explanations for anything that interests them. They’re usually extremely bright, and able to be objectively critical in their analysis. ”
Oh “objectively critical”, that is just ME to a TEE HEE!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky: Try the following exxperiment. Go to your local mall and ask 100 people where George Bush was born. I bet at least 80% will say Texas. However, it is believed he was born in Connecticut (I say believed because he has never shown a b.c.). Pick any President you like and ask where he was born and I doubt 10% will get it right. You thought Lincoln was born in Illinois and he didn’t even get there until he was about 20.
Matthews and Shultz are certified morons. I would be happy to write them and telll them that, but they already know. As for Abecrombie, I don”t know him, but since Obama got elected President and he only got elected Governor of a small state, I’d put my money on Obama.
Can you possibly enlighten us as to exactly what the long form will accomplish? Since the short form is prepared from the long form and the short form says he was born in Honolulu, the long form must,by the logic you claim to use, also say he was born iin Honolulu. azs far as the hospital and doctor’s name, whi cares.
Once again, i will inform you of the fact that Obama, as the child of a US citizen, would be eligible wherever he was born. If you ignore this FACT, I will keep repeating it.
I am already doing some of the barre chords. I keep forgetting what they are called because there were just pictures of them. Somebody said that your fingers do better if you practice them because your thumb goes in the right place, classical not cowboy (or cowgirl??? LOL!!!)
Plus I have written one song by accident called Squeeky’s Boogie! I will try to do the music sheet for it when I have time, but I want to think of some lyrics and there is just none that are coming to mind and that is strange for me. Maybe because it a happy style song, and my mind is just soooo much more serious than that. Maybe I will just change it to “Bluebonic Plague Boogie” or something????
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I enjoyed your recent post about your musical roots, but I was surprised about some of the things you said concerning ’70s bands. While I agree that Elton John made some really suck-worthy music from the mid ’70s on (remember “Philadelphia Freedom”?) did you really have to force yourself to listen to Bruce Springsteen? I thought the album “Born to Run” was wonderful.
Assuming you are as smart as you say, why are you wasting your efforts on a trivial matter like where someone was born? Why don’t you cure cancer or invent a car that gets 400 miles on a gallon of used vegetable oil?
Your brilliance is wasted on this non-issue. get to work on something that actually matters.
No you’re not an INTP. That’s just an excuse you have come up with. You’re not an introvert. You’re not analytical because that actually takes reasoning skills which you lack. You’re not objective. To be objective you must start from a position where you haven’t already come up with a conclusion. You have shown that you started with a negative conclusion and then try to work all the data and research you do around that conclusion. That’s not how an objective person works. If anything Fut is right above. You are a schitzophrenic. I’ve seen the kind of thinking that you do before, sadly in my own mother. I’ve had to deal with it for years. She thinks in the same backwards way that you do. It’s not healthy, its not rational but rather insanity. You should seek additional help.
Yes, Arthur, Born to Run was an excellent album, and it did reawaken my interest in Springsteen. Previous to that, his music was kind of tame compared to what I was used to listening to, which reminds me that I forgot to mention Jimi as a major influence of mine, that had a lot of discordant tones and a lot of distortion. I was never impressed with Greetings from Asbury or the Wild and the Innocent when they came out, but after Born to Run, I gave them another chance and sort of learned to like them more. My interest in Springsteen waned when the metal bands started coming out.
I should also mention that I grew up in the same area as Bruce did and saw a lot of his early bands. The fist one was called Earth, and I first heard them from outside a small coffee house in Red Bank, NJ because the place was too packed for us to be able to get inside. I still remember being outside and hearing their rendition of “Dear Mr. Fantasy” and being blown away by it. The next band he was in was called “Steel Mill” and I saw them at a beach club in Atlantic Highlands that was owned by my girlfriend’s father; it was a heavier and more hard rock oriented band that I was into. The last time I heard him was when he gave an outdoor concert in Long Branch; his music had totally changed. He added a backup vocal group that included his present-wife, and his music had changed from the Earth and Steel Mill days to a tamer, more pop-oriented style. Then he released his first album that was more in line with what he was when I saw him in Long Branch than it was with his earlier days. The rest is history
Wherever Lincoln was born, it probably wasn’t Kenya. I have not looked this up, but I thought Illinois was “The Land of Lincoln”??? Anyway, that is not relevant to today.
Here is what the Long Form will do. It will mean that Obama is treating American citizens like we are human beings and not just blowing millions of us off. He doesn’t have to agree with us, or even like us, to do this. All he has to do is recognize that we have questions, and that he has a easy way to answer it. I could write a speech for him IN MY SLEEP!!!
“Today, I am releasing a copy of my long form birth certificate to the public. Pictures will be on the Internet, and extra copies at the White House so that anyone who wishes to tour the White House can see it and touch it. There are copies here for all the reporters. I can’t afford to mail one to 300 million people.
I am not sure why this is still a problem. I released my COLB in 2008, and that should have answered any questions. But it didn’t, so I am releasing this. Plus, I am authorizing the State of Hawaii to release any of my records to anybody who pays the fee. My good friend Neal Abercrombie, governor says he hopes millions of people will request copies because Hawaii could use the money!
If this doesn’t put an end to the questions, I don’t know what else I can do. Perhaps when Area 51 finishes backwards engineering the alien time machine, we can go back and personally view my birth in Hawaii!!! (pause for laughter) But, I did want to do everything I personally could do to put this matter to rest. There’s nothing else I can release. Now, America has it all. ”
Now see how easy this is??? And if people still don’t believe, they sure better have some good reasons or they are just going to look soooo very stupid. My concerns are still what they have been —WHY hasn’t Obama resolved this already. KISS!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
That is why I have started Squeekonomics, too.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No, it was Norway. There is even a monument to him in Oslo. But Lincoln was still a great President. What does it matter where he was born? What does it matter where Obama was born (which happens to be Honolulu)? Obama isn’t better than Lincoln just because he was born in the US and Lincoln wasn’t.
How typical.!!
What if millions want to see him naked? Is he “blowing them off” by keeping his clothes on? What if millions want him to bomb Iran? Should he do that?
Should he do anything that millions of Americans would like him to do? No, he should do what makes sense. And releasing 2 birth certificates when no one else has released even one makes no sense, and violates elemental fairness. Surely even someone as silly as you can see that?
You have nothing more than your gut feeling that it will help Obama to follow your course of action. I have the exact same amount of evidence that it will hurt to give into paper terrorists like yourself.
Why do you think your ZERO-evidence belief trumps mine?
I wrote you a poem:
Defile des Horreurs!
I read the scenario that you laid.
I think it is “Horribles” on Parade.
So while you proclaim “Mirabile Dictu!”
Just logical fallacies is my view.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I don’t have zero. See the Chris Matthews video. See the polls. But, if you think people having doubts about what country a president was born in isn’t a bad thing, then you are probably beyond help. Or, you are just taking that position to get negative attention.
Soooo, do you want to proclaim:
“I, Greg, do hereby swear and affirm that I don’t think it hurts a presidential candidate to have people doubting where he was born! In fact, I, Greg, think it is a really good thing because people are more likely than not to vote for foreigners for president!”
(OH, I just gave you a Squeeky Smackdown!!!)
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
When you can manage a B7sus4 come back and we’ll talk.
Well, a picture of it would be nice.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Once again, you had that. Obama had his “bumpy” paper document on display for you to check at your convenience.
If you were to sluggardly to take advantage of that opportunity, why should Obama go out of his way to repeat it?
And if he did repeat it, I think that somehow it would be too far away from her computer to avail herself of it
Don;t quit your day job. By the way, do you have one?
What you’re missing is it’s a matter of elemental fairness. None of the 42 other Presidents (who happened to be white) ever showed anything at all. Obama showed his birth certificate. Despite that, you want more.
So, I’ll make you a deal. Find mebirth certificates (lon, medium or short) on just 1/2 of the other 42 (that’s 21, since you are obviously math-challenged) and then I will be happy to demand that Obama show his.
I am not ignoring you. I am just practicing guitar and trying to play this, which is really pretty, but she is fudging on the B7, and I am trying to figure out how she is:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Hmmm. Now, after your logical fallacy (parade of horribles) didn’t work, now it is time to move the gold posts like you Obots are always saying!!! Sooo, like who cares if it isn’t fair. Obama is president, and he either resolves problems or he doesn’t. I have addressed this before, and I have asked if Obama could use the “It’s not fair!” distraction if North Korea blows up somebody??? Will he say, “Oh this is soooo unfair!!! There was no big bomb when Bush was president!!!”
You just need to address the real issues and quit trying all these little illogical distractions??? Just like I said in my Internet Article.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dealing with other countries, whatever they do, is the President’s job.
Regarding releasing long forms, there are only 2 possibilities:
1. It’s the President’s job.
2. It’s not the President’s job.
You seem to believe #1, yet you want to apply it only to 1 out of 43. That is totally illogical and inconsistent.
I believe #2 and apply that to all 43. I am 100% logical and consistent.
Now find somewhere else to post.
Molotov Mitchell’s take on Terry Lakin:
I have to admit, I can’t stand this guy.
Valerie Bertinelli, Susan Dey, and Bernadette Peters
Whoops wrong tab lol
Okay – you owe me five minutes of my life and some brain bleach…
Funny how he doesn’t see it as a case of a colonel showing up, showing the men his letter of commission (with all of the appropriate seals and signatures) and leading the men into the field with one jerk-ass saying that because it is theoretically possible to forge a letter of commission that he needs to see the DOD copy stored at the pentagon before the brigade goes into battle. Especially during wartime, I think there is very little formality that the colonel would have to go through before putting a bullet in the soldier’s head in a perfectly legal (and appropriate if they were, say, under enemy fire) manner. That these people don’t see convicted felon Lakin as a craven traitor is bad enough, but to see him as a hero is disgusting and really shows the kind of seditious filth they are.
Check out: http://www.chordbook.com/guitarchords.php
I thought it was pretty good, because it had a flow of time, where everybody starts off without a lot of questions, then as time goes on, there starts to be problems. This is like in my Obot Group Therapy Sessions where I had Obots go to the “What Year Is it?” bucket.
Plus, DJ Dolce is just soooo funny, I have to start watching her more.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Thank you!!! I bookmarked that page.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
If she was as industrious, research-oriented, and smart as she tries to make herself out to be, she could even find free software that would tell her that and then some
why am i in moderation?
If she was as industrious, research-oriented, and smart as she tries to make herself out to be, she could even find free software that would tell her that and then some
Guess I had too many links in one post
Because we all know what you’re thinking, and it’s very naughty. Something about seeing Squeeky in a thong or something.
Pardon me for a minute, I have to run to the bath………………………………..rrrrrrrooooooooooooooolllllllllpppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you for the links!!! I will start working my way through all of them.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Here’s another that is a tab/notation editor that will play the cute little notes you put in there and generate tablature or vice versa
I thought you were DJ Dolce.
You’re welcome. Now start engaging yourself in activities that will make you a better person rather than the constant worrying about stupid bumps that will never get you anywhere. You have some new tools; the rest is up to you
You are getting really creepy with your Chris Mathews stalking. He isn’t asking Obama why he doesn’t release further documention. He is asking his GUESTS to explain to you why he shouldn’t.
Are you starting to revert to your old freeky creepy mindset when you were with Manson? (and I don’t mean Marilyn)
You mean this one?
Fut: Well, I got them all set up! There is a game on one where you have to guess what the note is!!! I bet if I play that every day for a month, I will know all the notes!!!
Steve: No, I am not her, but I wish I was famous like her! I guess I will just have to keep writing really good Internet Articles. Plus, when the Long Form comes out a lot of the Birthers are going to have to start becoming QUESTIONERS, and guess what??? I am the first one!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
“A world without Jesus: Molotov Mitchell sees ‘hell on earth’ had Christ not been born”
If the Muslim armies had won the Crusades, there would have not been the Holocaust.
That is a interesting poll. I bet it will just bounce up and down a lot. But here is the thing. The economy is still going to take a dive and the things that might make it better or the pain less, just aren’t going to happen with Republicans running things. Because they are just too stuck on bad Economy theories. And, when the all the deficit hysteria cuts back on the money being given to poor and unemployed people, then WHAM! the bottom is going to fall out!!!
Because the real problem is DEMAND, and SOLVENCY, which I have to do a Squeekonomics Internet Article on, because I figured out the difference between solvency and liquidity!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Until you can show that Chris Matthews or the polls (which I don’t think say what you think they say) translate into votes, you’ve got nothing more than an interesting factoid -‘in other words ZERO evidence of ANY IMPACT.
You THINK it translates into votes. Great! With that, and $2.50 you can get a large coffee.
I’ve asked before, do you HAVE any evidence that people care enough about this that it actually changed their votes?
80% of americans think the government is hiding the existence of ETs. Surely, that’s a much more important issue, since more Americans believe it!
I am not sure you are reasoning in a politically smart way. Because people who do this for a living, probably wouldn’t take the chance. Lookit how much time Obama spent just trying to fix his “The police acted stupid” statement. Why??? Was there a “Oh no, Police are smart!” candidate anywhere???
Plus, unlike with aliens, where you are born is a question in politics because if you were born somewhere else, and are trying to be president here, then it is like you are just trying to put something over on people.
I know people who are positive Obama is lying about it, and that makes them even matter. Like I said before here, there is “I am going to vote against Obama” and there is “I would crawl naked through broken glass and snakes to vote against Obama!”.
None of this will matter, because grown ups are coming to the White House, and they are probably going to take care of business. Plus, Gov. Abercrombie has either already cut a backroom deal with Obama, or he has really put his foot in his mouth really big time!!! The long form is coming out, I bet.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Why look at something unrelated when I can look at JD Hayworth. McCain ran devastating ads talking about Hayworth wasting his time with conspiracy theories while the economy was the real issue.
People who do this for a living, Fromm, ran away from this issue like it was a house afire in 2010. And, instead of looking at that as evidence that this issue does more harm to the Republicans who raise it (the clear lesson those who do this for a living took from Hayworth’s experience) you want us to look at unrelated issues!
Here’s an idea, ask someone who gets paid to make these sorts of decisions what he/she thinks about it.
Republicans don’t have to raise the issue. People like me who have websites raise the issue. Plus in 2010, comedians poking fun at it. And people like Chris Matthews, and Neal Abercrombie, GOV, and Ed Schultz, and a lot of the conservative websites. Like I have said before, there is a big word that describes us “ubiquitous”. We QUESTIONERS (Birthers) are everywhere and if you look at the latest Chris Matthews video here, or my Internet Article:
which I am linking because nobody else has said it like me with numbers of people, then you see how big the number of us is. Watch Chris Matthews when he is asking “Sooo, do you just write off the 20%????” and he is asking it like the people wanting to do it or just plain crazy.
You Obots have just convinced yourselves, like you do so often, of something that you want to believe, and then you just fail to look at it rationally again. Here, what you have convinced yourselves of is that Birthers have no impact because there were no Birther candidates who ran big and won.
OH, have you ever miscalculated once again, and the argument isn’t even that logical or well thought out.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And we’re back to the pretend proof. Don’t look at what Republicans did, ignore he fact that they shunned birthers like it was catching. Don’t think about it like he real people getting paid to think about it (because, again catching). If you believe it hard enough and if some magic number of people believe it, it magically becomes an issue critical to voters even if all the evidence says it’s not important to voters.
You’ve convinced yourself that this is a critical issue, Fromm, and you won’t let the simple lack of any evidence stand in your way. 240 million people believe that the government is hiding information about extraterrestrial life – that the government is LYING to them.
Do you want to swear that it’s okay if 240 million Americans believe Obama’s goverent is lying about aliens? That people love and respect a good liar and will vote for Obama BECAUSE he’s lying about the little green men?
But, you keep on with your precious little website. Keep raising the issue. We’re afraid of his issue like B’rer Rabbit was afraid of the briar patch. Here’s hoping the Reps run a thousand candidates just like JD Hayworth!
> unlike with aliens, where you are born is a question in politics because if you were born somewhere else, and are trying to be president here, then it is like you are just trying to put something over on people
That of course assuming a significant number of people actually care so much about the “natural born” part that they will, as birthers expect, start a civil war about it.
I don’t recall many people acting all mad when Schwarzenegger became governor (I know there’s no NBC requirement, but if people really were worried about “foreigners in control of ‘us'”, they would make it a bigger issue that he’s “not one of us”).
I don’t think many people would care about technicalities of citizenship, besides no significant majority would buy into the Vattel arguments because that would assume they believe that not only the government but all constitutional law experts are lying to them. Not gonna happen.
OTOH I think it would be a much greater issue if the government is hiding knowledge about UFOs as that is a much higher potential threat – after all, dealing with an ineligible President, should that ever happen, is child’s play compared to dealing with the existence of a technologically highly advanced alien species with possible sinister plans…
Stay tuned for Squeeky’s “discovery” of the heliocentric solar system and her blog posting of that momentous revelation.
Meanwhile, she still has been unable to offer a single item of evidence to prove that Abraham Lincoln was not born in Norway.
Next up squeekys blog on how you shouldn’t touch the stove while its on because fire burns! A whole blog dedicated to why you shouldn’t put metal in the microwave!
Dr. Ken:
Thank you for the idea!!! Here is the link. And I understand if you want to criticize my latest Internet Article WITHOUT even reading it. I am curious, though. Do you use a crystal ball or something??? if so, do you know where I can buy one???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky: Where was Abe Lincoln born? Please support your answer with evidence. Thank you.
I looked it up for you, and it looks like Kentucky. Personally, I don’t have any evidence.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
PS: Don’t touch hot stoves!!!
Yes Lincoln’s birth is officially considered to have been in Kentucky. This web site agrees.
You seem to accept that without problems, even though you admit you have no evidence. Can you guess where that web site says Obama was born? I bet you know the answer.
So why do you accept a story about Lincoln’s birth in the absence of ANY evidence, yet reject one for Obama where there is ACTUAL evidence (whether you like the on-line COLB or not, it beats Lincoln’s non-existent birth certificate by a mile).?
I think its funny how you look things up and you act like you’re the first to discover them. Squeeky discovers Sun rises in the east sets in the west. Squeeky discovers the sun doesn’t really go away at night whole entire newblog!
Do you have problems being a scientist??? Because you sure seem to do a lot of logical fallacy stuff. Like the parade of horribles. Last I looked, this is a free country, and I have can have a question about any president’s birth place I like, and am not obligated to believe EVERYTHING at any website. Or question every president’s birth. You are actually descending into silliness, and I could ask you why aren’t you DEFENDING every presidents alleged place of birth and to be fair shouldn’t you be doing Internet Articles about every president. But I don’t because that would be illogical and not applicable.
Plus, are you doing like Dr. Ken, and criticizing me and NOT reading my Internet Articles??? Because if you did actually read my stuff, you would know my big questions are WHY more than WHERE.
But tell me. Scientifically, is the COLB PICTURE on the Internet anything more than an image??? Aren’t you really just taking it on faith that it is accurate and true??? Which it may be true. But isn’t is just that most of us tend to believe the PICTURES we see??/
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Wow that was just devoid of ay sort of reasoning and yet you made accusations against Scientist. Squeeks its obvious you’ve run out of steam and are just sputtering along. It’s funny how you don’t question Lincoln’s birth as you have no evidence and yet when you have evidence you question Obama’s. We’re talking about fairness something you don’t seem to have as you pick and choose what to believe.
Why should anyone read your internet “articles” when you have nothing of substance to add to the conversation? Most of the stuff you post here is just a regurgiation of your “articles”. Your questions of “why” are based on a predetermined supposition on your part. There isn’t anything objective that comes from your “articles”. What do you have on lincoln besides a bunch of text saying he was born somewhere? Maybe you should ask yourself if all Obama had was just a picture why the Justice Department under Bush didn’t prosecute him for fraud? You’re contending the picture must be a photoshop and not a scan of an actual document. You’re ignoring that the person who was charged with keeping the records vouched for its authenticity. You’re ignoring the birth announcements. You’re ignoring the birth index. You are making a concession that all you have is nothing to base your conclusions on.
As usual, you miss the entire point Squeeky, which is this:
You wish to apply standards to one individual, Obama, which have NEVER been applied to ANY other president or even presidential candidate before.
Furthermore, YOU yourself don’t even apply those standards to ANY previous president.
In summary, your entire argument lacks any merit for action to be required because it is utter hypocricy and shows you solely care about targeting one specific individual that you don’t like and there is no more substance to your arguments beyond that.
None. Do you have problems being a whatever you are? By the way what are you? Do you actually DO anything in real life?
You have a legal right to be a fool, a rascist, rude, boorish, unfair, insensitive, what have you. But you should reject those things and strive to be decent and fair and think about how you might feel if you were being discriminated against. Let’s take an example: You and 42 others go into a bar and all order beers. The bartender serves the other 42 without even asking them for ID. But he asks YOU for ID. At that point you might feel that you are being treated a bit unfairly, but, being a sport, you pull out your 100% valid driver’s license. He says, “Sorry, I don’t accept that. I need to see medical records for your birth. Plus I need eyewitness testimony from 2 people who were present at the birth” At that point, if you were a normal human being, you would stalk out of that bar and consider fiiling a complaint with the state Liquor Board.
First, even that image is more than anyone else has shown. Second, it indicates that he was born where his mother lived, which is where 99.9999% of people are born. So right there we have more than any reasonable person would ask for (so, yes, by asking for more, you are, by definition, unreasonable). Third, the state of Hawaii has vouched for the image, whereas if it were fake, they would have a legal duty to investigate and prosecute.
Fourth, what is the so-called long-form? It’s a piece of paper. No better than an image. Both could be made out of whole cloth if you have the resources of the entire US government (and whoever else you wish to bellieve is in a conspiracy). So, if there really is this massive conspiracy, you can stop now. They have you beat.
What you really ought to do, since you are obviously a genius is invent a time machine, go back to August 1961and witness the birth in person. Then come back and tell us. Or better yet, stay there.
Insert convoluted nonsense excuse from Squeeky here:_____________________
Dr. Ken:
If Abraham Lincoln’s place of birth is a big deal to you and scientist, maybe you two should invent a website called LincolnConspiracy or something where you can argue it with people. Meantime, I think it is just another thing you Obots think is a smart and logical argument, like Obama’s legal obligation and why did Lakin take a paycheck, but which are really pretty illogical and dumb, but you Obots are soooo busy recycling the same old discredited arguments that you never question the validity or logic of those arguments.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Here’s an interesting tidbit I came across yesterday.
One of the rising stars in the Democratic party is Kirsten Gillibrand, the junior Senator from New York. She is receiving a lot of credit for getting both the DADT repeal and the 9/11 Responders’ Health Bill passed by the Senate. She is young (44), attractive, and smart. Her supporters believe that she could be a viable candidate for President in 2016 or 2020.
Here is the interesting part. Her husband, Jonathan Gillibrand, is not a U.S. citizen. He is a British subject. They have two sons, ages 6 and 2.
She is a natural-born U.S. citizen, having been born in Albany, N.Y. in 1966. However, if the so-called two-citizen parent requirement for natural-born citizen status were true, neither of her sons could be natural-born citizens. If she were to be elected President, the birthers would have us believe that neither of the children of a sitting President would themselves be eligible to be President.
Here we see how ludicrous the two-citizen parent argument becomes. Senator Gillibrand is married to a British subject, yet no one could plausibly argue that she is not eligible to be President. Barack Obama’s father was a British subject, yet Obama scarcely knew his father. So which of the two has closer ties to Great Britain? Clearly it is Gillibrand, by virtue of her marriage.
The bottom line is that it would be up to the voters to decide if Gillibrand’s marriage to a British subject creates doubt about her loyalty to the U.S., just as the majority of voters in 2008 decided that the citizenship of Obama’s father was not an issue.
Dumb and a half! The obvious answer would be to send a check to the Hawaii DOH and request a birth certificate, then post what you get back online and give a copy to an impartial group, like factcheck,org for them to verify it.
When Obama sent a check to the Hawaii DOH, he got back the COLB. He posted it online and gave it to factcheck to verify.
Then, birthers brought 72 frivolous lawsuits. Do you know what frivolous means? Without merit. They are worthless!
But, apparently, in birther-world, getting frivolous lawsuits dismissed (and, by the way, none of the cases has appeared in the Supreme Court, a losing party appealing to the Supreme Court doesn’t mean it “got to the Supreme Court.”) is a bad thing and suggests you have something to hide.
Once your interrogators indicate that they are not operating in the real world, that they live in a world of fantasy and pretend, where COLBs are forged, and getting frivolous lawsuits dismissed is a bad thing, then the obvious thing is to ignore those interrogators and marginalize them.
JD Hayworth proves that birthers have no political power. If they did, then birther candidates wouldn’t have lost to mainstream Republicans.
I have no LEGAL OBLIGATION to be fair. Isn’t that a term you Obots like to use??? Suppose Obama was born in Kenya. LOGICALLY, Would it make any difference if I was a racist??? Or not a racist??? No. If he was born in Kenya, then he was born in Kenya. Would it make any difference if George W. Bush was born in Norway??? Or not. NOOO. Obama would still be born in Kenya. What if I was just soooo UNFAIR and didn’t care about Bush and Norway and did care about Obama and Kenya??? Would that make Obama not born in Kenya??? No.
But you Obots have tried to make all of the above stuff somehow logically relevant to this, and it really isn’t. It doesn’t matter what I am, one way or the other, if Obama has NOT released a Birth Certificate to the PUBLIC, or if he has refused to resolve the questions with a Long Form, then he just hasn’t done it. Period. All those other arguments are really pretty irrelevant. There is a reason why you Obots keep bringing them up.
You think it makes you look good, and us look bad. Hmmmm. I could just swear somebody did a Internet Article about that:
I doubt that any of you Obots will understand this, that what you seem more interested in is reinforcing your own beliefs about your “superiority”, than seeing a resolution to the birth questions, but that is really pretty screamingly obvious. Heck, Dr. Ken just out and out says he is a person “of import” and doesn’t really need to read my Internet Article before criticizing them. And then all you other Obots, who know that is wrong, just back him up, or stay quiet about it. Oh, that is just soooo hilarious to watch!!!
But Obama may be lucking out. Everybody says that grown ups are coming to the White House, so maybe all the little kid Obots will be booted out, and Obama will cough it up if he is a American after all.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Its not a big deal just as Obama’s isn’t a big deal. You’re just a craven fool who wants revenge because you hate that a Black Man became president over a woman who lost fair and squeare. Obama doesn’t have any legal obligation to release more than he has. The fact is Lakin thought the power for his deployment came from Obama and not congress. Therefore under Lakin’s thinking he shouldn’t have accepted any paychecks if he really thought as he did.
You’re right you have no legal obligation but rather a moral one which we know you lack morals. You’re nothing but a craven fool who doesn’t care about this issue and only uses it because they want revenge because a black man was elected president fair and square over a woman. Once again you’re swerving all over the road with your irrational rants. You’re hard at work with the Peewee Herman defense. Basically trying to pass off arguments against you against the people who rightfully used it against you. You are guilty of confirmation bias you can tell this pretty easily because of how you start with a conclusion and then try to work your reasoning around the pre-determined conclusion which you have no real data to back you up.
I know you’re just sticking on that phrase “person of import” I bet you’ve never heard it before and are confused by it. I am right about it we don’t need to read your self-glorifying irrational rants you call articles because the crux of your arguments have already been repeated here and at gretawire. Your “articles” bring nothing new that we haven’t heard from you.
I have determined you are nothing but a communist spy. I have nothing to base this on but you haven’t proved you’re an American yet.
Dr. Ken:
Soooo, you DO know about MORAL OBLIGATIONS after all!!! Because you said “You’re right you have no legal obligation but rather a moral one which we know you lack morals.”
Now, you just need to realize that while Obama has no LEGAL obligation to release anything YET, there may be a whole another class of obligations that while NOT LEGAL, may be MORAL or just put another way, RIGHT.
Hmmm. AGAIN, I could just swear I read that somewhere???
I am beginning to think that you are reading my Internet Articles after all, and that I am finally getting through to you!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You, and all of us, have a moral obligation to treat everyone fairly-i.e., to demand of all what you demand of one. No one, including the President (and you), has a moral obligation to make personal data public.
If you wish to demand that someone else release personal information, you would be on firmer ground if you did so under your actual name, rather than an internet pseudonym.
No Obama doesn’t have any moral obligation to release anything more than what previous presidents have. He has released far more in fact you could have found out a lot about him by reading any of his two books before the election. Obama is under no Obligation. You are under an obligation otherwise we might think you to be a craven fool. Which you have shown yourself to be.
Doc is there a way to stop her from posting her lame articles. This is getting ridiculous now she posts linkes at least 5 times a day to them.
Squeeky – that is perhaps one of the closest statements you have made yet to being a rational opinion.
However, what you view as “right” is nothing more than your opinion. Where you seem to have difficulty in accepting is that there is:
a) no rule of law or historical record to make your opinion or desires come true. Other than merely stating you wish things were so and so or he’d do this or that or give you birthers this or that, in the end, it comes down to nothing beyond wishful thinking and is no different an argument than if you wished that Obama would personally give you a pony and stated your reasons for why you felt he should.
b) the problem with matters of opinion is that people’s opinions often differ, which is something you have trouble dealing with. In the birther situation, you folks can have all the opinions you want about being unhappy about Obama or why you wouldn’t vote for him. Whatever. What you can’t seem to accept is that a majority of the population neither shared your opinion in the last election nor do they now. Most people simply do not see the things you worry about as issues as you do and you may not like it, but that is reality.
It is like your silly statement that:
On its face, its meaningless. Of course there is no legal obligation for that. People have the right to be a-holes as much as they want, as long as they don’t violate the rights of others in the process.
But what you fail to understand is that is true for everyone.
Simply put, no one has any legal obligation to be fair to you either.
Somehow, you want things one way, but don’t deal with it very well when it is applied against you.
That is why all your problems are one’s of your own creation, including most criticism you receive online. You have a naive and self-centered childish way of looking at the world as if the world owes you something, which it does not and you have difficulty accepting responsibility for any of your own statements and the reactions they bring with them.
As Scientist pointed out you are behaving immorally (specifically, you’re a bigot) because you are demanding that a president who has been more forthcoming regarding proof of his birth (and natural born status) than any of his predecessors? Why aren’t you trumpeting the honorable good faith and transparency that President Obama, alone of all of the men to hold his office, has shown? Why the witch hunt? (Or should I say attempted lynching?)
I will point out that Slartibartfast carries a lot of credibility, because he has posted his real name and email address on this blog. I have communicated with him under my real name. Yet “Squeeky Fromm”, who is full of demands on the President to release personal documents hides behind a phony name.
For shame! I DEMAND that “Squeeky Fromm” man up and post under her real name, or forever leave this blog.
Oh Scientist now you’ve gone and done it, you told her to man up
(BTW (which means By the way) “pseudo” means not really real.) No. I am just happy posting as Squeeky Fromm. I am not going to change it and have to put up with grunty little malebeasts chasing me all around. No way!!! Plus, you can’t “dare” me into it because I am not that stupid plus I have internal validation.
But OH it is fun to watch you Obots play with the concept of moral obligations and stuff. Just keep talking among yourselves and pretty soon you can convince yourself Obama has no Moral Obligations, either, and that anybody who expects him to is a Racist, and anybody who thinks he doesn’t, is just a magnificent human being who has angel wings and a halo.
Oh, what a tangled web you weave
When your own propaganda you believe!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(OH, plus, are you Obots ready to do miracles yet??? Have you got that far in your sainthood??? Because I have a dead blue jay I would like for you to raise from the dead. He was Squawky’s brother I guess, and the cats got him before I could save him.)
Pseudo would be true if Scientist didn’t actually have a PHD which he does. Now pseudo properly applies to you as you are a pseudo journalist. You have internal validation? That is pretty funny if you had any of that you wouldn’t need to constantly spam your links to seek external validation. I see you’ve moved on to creating red herrings. Obama has no obligation and yet he did more than any white president before him. He owes, you, me and everyone else nothing.
If you would stop raping your cats they wouldnt feel the need to lash out against blue jays.
Notice that Squeeky has to hide away from responding to any of my last 2 posts, because she can’t face the truth.
I don’t disagree with a lot of what you said in your last post, just the typical ILLOGICAL name calling you Obots seem addicted to. Of course people disagree, and that is why I think it is smart to answer questions about where you are born if people still have questions. Particularly if you didn’t give anything to the PUBLIC, and you haven’t coughed up a Long Form when that was what people were expecting.
It is you Obots that really call people names and try to stop people from having opinions. You are just soooo busy being SMUG, that you don’t see it. Lookit Dr. Ken and Scientist. They don’t even want me to post stuff here, and try to STIFLE ME all the time, even though I am just one single solitary little person who is trying to fight all of you at once all by myself with no help.
Then everybody just calls me names and tries every way possible to hurt my feelings when all I am trying to do is to bring one little ray of sunlight and reason into the closed minded and mean Obot world. So yes, you Obots believe in OPINIONS, as long as they are yours.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I read G’s last two posts nowhere did G do any name calling. Which means you must have some kind of post generating software for crazy people. Your response is completely canned and a repeat of your usual nonsense rantings. The long form doesn’t have any more information that proves eligibility on it than the COLB.
The COLB proves:
1. He is 35 years or older
2. He was born in the US.
What does the long form have that would disprove any of that if the COLB is based off the long form?
How am I stopping you from having an opinion? You are free to post your drivel but don’t expect people not to call you out on it. You have a right to write on your own blog I just think its rude and self centered for you to spam your site multiple times a day when everyone knows what your website is by now.
You’re the only closed minded person here besides the other birthers. You ignore evidence and are too lazy to see the birth index, read the birth announcements and other statements that back up his hawaiian birth. But the fact is I know you know he’s American you’re only doing this for revenge. You don’t believe what the birthers believes. Which makes you someone who lacks convictions.
Dr. Ken:
As usual, you just don’t read stuff.
“Notice that Squeeky has to hide away from responding to any of my last 2 posts, because she can’t face the truth.”
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(Plus: Have you ever read the Birth Announcements??? Do you even know what they say??? Because I am betting NOT. Because you think you are a person “of import” and don’t have to. But why don’t you just humor me, and read them. Then, tell me where they say Obama was born in Hawaii. OK, just HUMOR ME for once and actually READ SOMETHING. Pleeeeaassseee!!!)
Are your cats “malebeasts?”
Squeeky, I don’t have a problem with what you’ve said here , as I recognize it as being YOUR opinion of what you want, up to this point of your post.
You are fully free to hold that opinion.
I simply point out that:
1) illogical name calling – well, some of it might fall in that category, but you need to realize that some of it too is nothing but someone else’s equally valid characterization of how your posts come across and most of it has been brought about as a direct reaction to your own ways of posting…which rarely portray your positions in the light that you’d like to believe.
Simply put – and meant as a serious observation and not an attack – you demonstrate a serious lack of mature social skills in most of your posting. As a result, such things tend to generate responses that denigrate down to your level of communication maturity. Its one of those reap what you sow things. Not saying it is right or good, but there’s cause & effect at work for you.
Try to learn from that and improve your own ability to communicate your thoughts better and you’ll probably get fairer treatment, even when others disagree with you. Just a word of well-intentioned advice.
2.) I fully understand that your OPINION is that it is “smart to answer questions about where you are born if people still have questions.” You are fully free to hold that opinion all you want.
However, you need to be realistic and accept that many others don’t share that opinion and although YOU may think this issue is important, most of us simply find it to be both irrelevant and insignificant that there are still people out there who “claim” to have “questions”.
The rest of us neither see this as a serious & legitimate issue BECAUSE we are sufficiently satisfied with the information at hand.
The first part of your statement (didn’t give anything to the PUBLIC) is just flat out FALSE and NOT a matter of opinion.
It doesn’t matter that you are unhappy with the COLB presented. The FACT is that IS information put into the public domain by his campaign.
The FACT also exists that he din’t have to even do that and NO other candidate NOR prior president has ever done so NOR is required to do so.
You only do yourself harm in your posts and credibility when you resort to making such easily UNTRUE statements like that to start off your sentence. Why should anyone take you seriously on the rest of what you say if you begin by telling a bold l.i.e.?
As to the rest of your sentence, it doesn’t matter what people “expect” if they base their expectations on unfounded ignorance and even more so when they cling to false expectations after being educated on the issue.
Who cares if SOME people want to see a “long form”. There is NO requirement for such to be presented. There is NO right of citizens to have access to this. The state of HI clearly doesn’t provide birth certificates anymore in “long form” format.
And most importantly – WHAT exactly would it make any difference at all in terms of eligibility? I’ve asked you this many times and you seem to ignore this KEY POINT:
The COLB already tells us the ONLY relevant Constitutional details for eligibility – PLACE OF BIRTH & DATE:
Born in HONOLULU, HI in 1961, thus birth on US soil and over the age of 35 and therefore NBC.
The “long form” could NOT say any different, as the COLB takes the info it provides from the same data as the “long form”. The only difference with a “long form” is it would contain additional fields of information – NONE of which are relevant to the NBC issue.
So WHAT difference would the “long form” make on the NBC question if it was provided?
They give the date and the parents’ address.
They aren’t being held up as if they replace the information on the birth certificate. You are acting as if by attacking the birth announcements you can make the information on the birth certificate go away. That’s not going to happen.
They give the date and the parents’ address.
They aren’t being held up as if they replace the information on the birth certificate. You are acting as if by attacking the birth announcements you can make the information on the birth certificate go away. That’s not going to happen.
This sent my irony meter off the scale.
Do you know how they were generated?
Also, do you really think that anyone posting here hasn’t read the birth announcements?
It’s corroborative evidence that the birth was reported to the DOH at the time it states on the COLB.
G: Squeeky wants the long form because she wants it. She believes men exist to give her what she wants. That is the whole story. There is no more to it.
That certainly seems to sum up the entire bulk of her arguments.
Thank you for your long and thoughtful answer. You agree that we are each entitled to our OPINIONS, and that mine are just as VALID as yours, even if we don’t agree each other. Because that is the main thing I have been after. An agreement that there is more than just one logical way to look at this stuff.
I realize that nobody here likes me or respects me as a person and hopes I will just get blown away by a tornado or earthquake which can just come out of nowhere ANYTIME and I can live with that. That is why I always point out how Chris Matthews agrees with me, so you won’t just get lost in your fear and loathing of me. Because it isn’t about me, it is about the TRUTH. Sooo, as long as you Obots can finally say, “You know, I don’t agree with Squeeky and the other QUESTIONERS (Birthers) but they do have a point. That maybe Obama should do something to resolve this.” well then I can just be satisfied.
Because when you can say that, then you won’t have to make up stuff about us being racists, or just totally stupid, or whatever and realize that we have a possibly sensible point of view too.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Greg and PseudoScientist:
Answer a SIMPLE question. Do the birth announcements, in and of themselves, PROVE Obama was born in Hawaii??? Yes or no.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Saying you ignored his posts wasn’t name calling it was true. You did ignore his post. Yeah I’ve read the birth announcements it says his parents had a child and it was born at the same time as Obama in Hawaii. It’s called collaborating evidence. Do you think that his parent’s bore a jackal around that time and then replaced the jackal with Obama?
How about this? Are you saying the Obama’s parents had another son born on August 4th 1961 in Hawaii?
Once again Squeeks you are more likely to slit your wrists than be blown away by a tornado or die in an earthquake. Try to be realistic
I guess I need to make this EASIER for you. Do the birth announcements say that Barack Obama, Jr. was born in Hawaii??? If not, then what do the announcements say??? (Please, no MIND-READING on this one. Just stay with the documents, OK???)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Concerning the birth announcements, who has confirmed that the State Department sent birth listings to the papers? Politifact seems to be the source:
In researching the story, he [Reporter Will Hoover] went to the microfilm archives and found the birth announcement for Obama. Actually, he found two of them, one in his Honululu Advertiser on Aug. 13 , 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin the next day . They both said the same thing: “Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4.”
But here’s the thing. Newspaper officials he checked with confirmed those notices came from the state Department of Health.
“That’s not the kind of stuff a family member calls in and says, ‘Hey, can you put this in?'” Hoover explained.
It was actually one “official” and here is the confirmation:
“”Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4.”
The exact same notice appeared the following day in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. The numerous birth announcements above and below the Obama listing also were identical in both papers, which were unaffiliated, competing publications.
Advertiser columnist and former Star-Bulletin managing editor Dave Shapiro was not at either paper in 1961, but he remembers how the birth notices process worked years later when both papers were jointly operated by the Hawaii Newspaper Agency — which no longer exists.
“Those were listings that came over from the state Department of Health,” he said. “They would
send the same thing to both papers.”
One editor who was not at either paper in 1961 remembers years later how things were done.? Under what standard would this be solid proof that the listings came over from the State Department? This was the kind of thing that I questioned, when I questioned. I never considered myself mentally ill for not accepting such evidence at face vale. I also did not assume that it was false information either.
Additionally, I think in the midst of Squeeky’s rantings, which no one really seems to mind all that much given the number of comments generated, I see this point of view being presented (the motivations of the author and Squeeky are clearly not the same):
Considering that Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama Sr had only one son on August 4th, 1961 I’d say this is a confirmation that Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. Are you suggesting there was another son born of them on the same day?
State Department of Health
I also forgot the link to the Honolulu Advertiser:
If the announcements were put there individually, we have to assume that each and every parent that called the one newspaper called the other, and since Obama’s announcement came out next day along with all the others that were identical, we have to assume that NOT ONE PARENT called the other paper first!
I’ll gladly answer your question after, and only after, you answer MY SIMPLE QUESTION:
Here are some optional questions that you might want to consider while you’re thinking about the answer to the above:
Do you understand the word “corroborate?”
Do you understand the term “strawman?”
I have no idea what you are ranting about. I quoted Politifact and the Honolulu Advertiser. The reasoning of Politifact: Will Hoover spoke to officials who confirmed things. There was actually one official who was not with the paper in 1961.
Well, that one flew right over her head.
I think part of the confusion was that I forgot the link to the Advertiser, and it appeared that the words were mine. Nonetheless, I never put any words into your mouth.
I never accused Greg of saying that the birth announcements alone were proof. Where did I say that? I spoke about the poor confirmation of facts by Politifact. Too bad Greg’s argument wasn’t part of that post from Politifact.
Thank you!!! That was such a GREAT link!!! That person A LAW PROFESSOR is saying what I have been saying!!! Another person who is NOT a Birther is saying just what is common sense to me!!!
Here is quotes from that, because some people here will not read links for anything:
“It also seems that the supposed intellectual poles have been reversed.
People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred demand to see the evidence. People who supposedly are rational and driven by dispassionate intellect demand that the evidence not be seen.
But I also have pointed out that Obama’s strategy of concealing the records and dismissing the “Birthers” as cranks is not working in the longer term. While the charge of Birtherism can be used by Democrats to shape the political landscape, polling shows that there is a substantial segment of the population which doubts Obama’s legitimacy.
Instead of evidence and inquiry, we have this bizarre intellectual dance, driven by fear of being labeled a Birther or racist, in which otherwise curious reporters, bloggers and pundits try to out-do each other in proclaiming that they do not want to know what the best evidence shows. In order to prove that one is not a “Birther,” is seems that pledging allegiance to the “anti-Birther” movement is required.
Thus, it is not surprising that even people — like me — who believe Obama was born in Hawaii are afraid to touch this subject. Trust me, every time I do a post on this topic I am extremely careful because I know there are people out there just waiting to twist my words and take things out of context.
There are enormous risks for anyone intellectually honest enough to wonder why merely asking questions or seeking the truth constitutes a punishable offense.
How is it that have we reached the point that the most vociferous opponents of Obama want the same evidence that Obama’s most vociferous defender, the Governor of Hawaii, wants?
And how is it that these opposites who are attracted to the same thing cannot seem to get what they want?”
SOOOO, see!!! I am not just TOTALLY STUPID after all!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I fit in in between putting words into Greg’s mouth, that I didn’t, but you know, things just fly over my head.
I was responding to this comment:
As the quote I noted before made clear, it wasn’t just the word of one editor, I was all the facts contained in both newspapers. Those facts are significantly more consistent with announcements coming from the government than from the individual parents.
Please readthe context. That was Politifact’s confirmation. A poor one, in my opinion. Read Politifact again:
“But here’s the thing. Newspaper officials he checked with confirmed those notices came from the state Department of Health.”
Previous to that statement, Politifcat specifically speaks about the “well-researched” article that I quoted.
And here is what I said above:
“This was the kind of thing that I questioned, when I questioned. I never considered myself mentally ill for not accepting such evidence at face vale. I also did not assume that it was false information either.”
And here’s a cool little metronome that you can use to practice those guitar solos if you ever stop yapping about a stupid birth certificate and engage yourself in meaningful activities that will lead to a better you instead of meaningless, dead-end crapola that will lead you nowhere. I found a metronome to be invaluable when practicing solos that were about 180 bpm or faster; you slow it down, practice the solo at a slower speed until you have it perfect, and then increase incrementally until you’re up to the proper speed
Oh, no, this ain’t happening. We’re waiting to see that proof that you graduated from an accredited university; now show us the proof to back it up. If you want others to throw caution to the wind and exhibit things that are protected by law, you certainly do have a moral obligation to do it yourself.
You only have two options – cough it up or shut up
Thank you! I will download it. But did you see above where I got really really VINDICATED by a Cornell Law Professor??? Here is the link, and this person is saying the same stuff I have been saying:
It is just like he is taking words from my mouth, and putting them into fancy language. OH, this is soooo fantastic!!! I hope Dr. C. does a Internet Article about this.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I didn’t say it was your analysis. I took issue with the notion that the fact the birth announcements came from the DOH was supported ONLY by the one guy. As I stated, the facts contained within the birth announcements supports a DOH source as well.
As for putting words in my mouth, I was addressing Squeeky, not you in the second half of my post above. I should have been more clear, but I expected readers to realize who said the thing I quoted,
Careful. You are putting words into my mouth that I did NOT say and I most certainly did NOT intend, so I will clarify:
Yes, I agree that we are each entitled to our OPINIONS.
OPINIONS are NOT FACTS, nor are they necessarily fact based. More often they are emotionally or ideologically based or something of that nature.
There are uninformed opinions and informed ones. There are uneducated opinions and ones with a solid foundation in expertise. There are opinions that are just plain WRONG and there are opinions that are just plain SILLY.
And many, many OPINIONS are SIMPLY a matter of personal taste (like preferring the color green to yellow or strawberry ice cream to peppermint or being a morning person instead of a night one or preferring certain styles of music over others or TV shows, etc, etc, etc.). In fact, this is the category that I think opinion best serves a person and defines who they are.
Ideological-based opinions generally seem to fall into two basic categories – honest and dishonest ones. I only view the “honest” ones as valid. Not that I have to agree with the opinion or their POV at all, but if it is based on a reasoned argument and they simply have a different choice on how to proceed, then I don’t have any problem with them doing that and can happily agree to disagree and each to their own and such.
Dishonest ones are when folks only selectively cherry-pick information only when it suits their preconceived needs and world view and WILLFULLY try to ignore and downplay actual evidence and FACTS that contradicts them.
I point all of this out because you added an inappropriate word that I NEVER implied: VALID.
I never said your opinions were VALID, just that you were entitled to them.
I don’t MIND at all when your opinions fit in that true realm of being JUST A MATTER OF TASTE. I don’t have to share your tastes, I just accept that those are the things you like, are into or simply prefer.
HOWEVER, in terms of all the other categories of opinions, I rarely find yours to be informed or educated and MOSTLY falling in the category of being IDEOLOGICALLY DISHONEST and definitely do NOT see any of those types of opinions as valid in the least.
So to be clear, my prior posts were in no way an endorsement of your opinions in any way, nor implying agreement. I was simply trying to congratulate you in those few instances where you actually display sincere opinion that truly falls in the realm of mere choice of taste, etc, or has an informed and legitimate basis to explain it.
You said:
“HOWEVER, in terms of all the other categories of opinions, I rarely find yours to be informed or educated and MOSTLY falling in the category of being IDEOLOGICALLY DISHONEST and definitely do NOT see any of those types of opinions as valid in the least.”
It is OK if you do not like what I say. But here is somebody “of import” who says what I have been saying all along!
At least, I think that maybe Cornell Law Professors are people “of import.” OH this is such a HAPPY DAY, that I wish I could put a little dancing Snoopy picture here!!!
Now everybody will have to take me seriously because if you had listened to me, then you would known this a long time ago!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Interesting… I went back to the Politifact post and clicked on the first newspaper announcement for 1961 (Honolulu Advertiser). I could see that wikileaks was being accessed, and the page was taking a long time to load. I went back to Politijab. I clicked on the second announcement (Star Bulletin) with no problem. I went back to the first announcement and it now takes me to a wikileaks page.
that should be politifact, not jab
Nothing vindicates you from wasting your time on this foolish issue that will go nowhere in the long run. The president will finish every term he’s elected to, and you will have wasted all this time on it for no good reason when you could be doing something constructive and bettering yourself with the software I gave you the links to. And in case you hadn’t heard, you were not vindicated when some nutjob interrupted a congressman’s reading of the Constitution in the House with this nonsense. They ignored her, and she was arrested; that’s not a vindication
I don’t hear you coughing
I am not coughing. I am just laughing and Tee Hee’ing all over the place because now nobody here can just say I am totally stupid anymore, because here is a person “of import” who is just VINDICATING what I have been saying for sooo long now!!!
I have already put this on Gratewire, and I am going to put it at my blogs and OH, I am just waiting for Dr. Ken Noisywater to say this person isn’t “of import” and scientist, too, and everybody else because ITYS!!!
You know I feel like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer who at first didn’t get to play any reindeer games, then later on got to be the hero when everybody found out how good he was, even though he was different. OH, that is just soooo ME!!!! Now, nobody can say I don’t know what I am talking about, even if they don’t agree with me.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Since you are not “coughing it up,” I have the answer to your question as to why he’s not “coughing it up” – THE EXACT SAME REASON YOU’RE NOT COUGHING IT UP. And if it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for him.
There, now go learn some new chords, notes, and scales; that will serve you far better than what you are doing here. If you need any help, you can find me here or at gratewire.
Thank you. I will. But I will check in every once in a while because I am doing acoustic tonight too, and my fingers get sore and stuff. But I just suspect this thread will go real quiet now that somebody “of import” agrees with me. Plus, I thanked the Professor, too.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
And I thanked the Capitol cops for arresting the nutjob who disrupted congressional proceedings
You’re calling Colonel Mustard William Jacobson a person of import? He’s a wingnut law professor who has spouted some pretty crazy stuff on his blog for the past few years. Its funny you would find in him comradery. This is the guy who wrote 10 updates on the spicy dijon mustard nonstory
Said that Sotomayor is a racist/sexist/etc:
and wrote a crazy story about what would happen if Palin was president now:
He makes the same bad arguments most birthers do.
Appeal to expert fallacy, Squeeky. You use a lot of fallacious reasoning.
I have no idea if this person is imported, but he is simply wrong to say Obama hasn’t released his birth certificate. He must have been thinking of the other 42 Presidents. If you read the other postings on his blog (I read several) he is a far-right extremist who hates Obama. I can guarantee you he wouldn’t agree with your positions on Economics.
As far as him being a law professor at Cornell, so what? According to his c.v. his expertise is in the area or arbitration of investment dispuutes. I am a biochemist; I am smart enough not to shoot my mouth off when it comes to Astrophysics. How many of his fellow professors, especially those who teach constitutional law agree with him? Likely zero.
She must also think Mario Apuzzo is someone important as he’s a lawyer, a DWI lawyer which has nothing to do with Constitutional law. Just as this Cornell professor has nothing to do with constitutional law
Squeeky, “logical” would only apply to opinions that are truly informed and educated and have very little if anything to do with true opinion-based stuff that is merely based on personal preference, taste, and interests.
Such things are simply a matter of personal taste. “Logic” has nothing do do with it. Logic is an applied process to rationally follow sets of data and reach a reasoned conclusion. It has nothing to do with someone’s particular likes, dislikes or emotional feelings about an issue and is nearly irrelevant and inappropriate term to apply to matters of mere opinion.
Sadly, “logic” seems to be something you like to say a lot, but I rarely ever seen you apply correctly and I see you describe and use that term in meaningless and inappropriate ways all the time. Please stop misusing that word.
Well, now you seem like you are trying to play a bit of “woe is me”. I’ve tried to honestly be helpful and point out that you need to change how you do things and communicate to people to not constantly have it lead to folks having such a low opinion of you and to raise their ire. You truly have bad habits in your communication skills that constantly work against you. Sadly, you are the source of most of your own problems in this area and are probably just not built as a person to even understand or be aware of your own social awkwardness and ineptitude.
Since you always talk about being an “INTJ”, why don’t you look up the other Meyers-Briggs letters and see what they stand for? The opposite of Introverts are Extroverts. One of the common differences between Introverts and Extroverts is an ability to relate to others and to pick up on social queues of how to relate and get along with each other.
Look up the topic of “EI” (Emotional Intelligence). Some people just naturally lack this ability. You seem to be one of them. I honestly think you truly don’t have any awareness or understanding of how you come across to others or why conversations lead to others being negative towards you. You truly may lack the capacity to grasp or perceive such things and therefore are completely unaware of the constant damage you do to your own image and reputation.
Look, I’m not singling you out here. If it helps you to know that there are tons of people out there that are bad at these things and are socially clueless and self-destructive – well, there are. There are also tons of people who can’t properly seem to grasp or apply logical concepts or processes too. So you are not alone in those problems by any means.
Explanations for behavior are not excuses, however. Knowing this does not change that you are responsible for your own behaviors and have to accept the consequences they bring about.
But he DOESN’T actually agree with you birthers at all. And you only look like a dishonest j*rk when you keep trying to say such stuff like this. Its like you intentionally are trying to come across like an *ss.
Matthews consistently has displayed his disdain for birthers, so he is not on your side at all. If you paid any attention to the show Hardball or how it works, he poses rhetorical questions like that to his guests all the time, to challenge and force the guest to address the issue.
Even if Matthews personal opinion is that he thinks it would be good politics for HI to release the document or he’d personally like to see it, he is in no way “demanding” the long form or “needing” to see the document in any manner, shape or form similar to how this silly issue drives many birthers and YOU.
It is nowhere comparable at all. He has no serious or legitimate personal concerns that Obama is not NBC.
So you really need to stop implying that he’s blanket-supporting your positions, because that is how your stuff comes across and is why you come across bad when you keep saying stuff like that.
But there is very little TRUTH in any of the birther claims. If you have a point, I don’t have a problem telling you you do. But most of the time and in general, your points are wrong or disingenuous. In general, birtherism at best has complaints that are really whiny wishing for so and so, but they have very little basis in fact, evidence, reality or law. At, best, you foks are merely stomping your feet and demanding a pony, yet don’t get that nobody owes you a pony and certainly not the president. Those are not points you have, they are unrealistic criticisms.
I’ve never called you a racist. A lot of birthers out there obviously have racist motivations as part of their agenda on this, no doubt about it – because they make clear racist statements when confronted.
I fully admit that there are a lot of folks that see those racist statements & motivations demonstrated by certain birthers & tea party folks, etc. and therefore jump to the conclusion that ALL birthers, etc. are racist. I do not and I’ve spoken out against such blanket assumptions many times before, as I hate over-generalizing wherever it happens.. yet I fully understand how natural and easy it is for the human mind to do that.
I DO feel that MOST of the reasons for birthers true motivations fall under some category of general BIGOTRY – whether the PUMA-driven sexist bigotry of being mad that a man won the election when they felt a woman “was due”, or actual racist bigotry, or religious bigotry of people fearing/hating Muslims and falsely assuming him to be one, because of his name, ancestry and time with his mother’s second husband, or even pure ideological bigotry, because he’s a democrat and I know some people who’ve sadly been raised to think that democrat=enemy.
Those are ALL forms of bigotry.
Based on your own statements, I DO think you are a bigot – as you’ve admitted PUMA motivations driving you and you make uncalled for and unwarranted sexist statements all the time.
That is not name calling, that is calling you out for what you are, based solely on your own words and actions. You are a highly sexist bigot with severe issues against men.
Oh it looks like people are already throwing stones at the messenger!!! But I just love this part too of what Cornell Law Professor William A. Jacobson says:
“We regularly rebut and rebuke crank theories with evidence, and by pointing out the lack of evidence to support the theory. We don’t do what so many pundits are doing, and saying thing such as “oh, well even if we release the evidence, they won’t believe it.”
Yes, it’s true that die-hard conspiracy theorists never will be convinced, but that doesn’t mean we don’t try to convince the large segment of the population which will be convinced.”
So, see. Even though he doesn’t agree with us about every little single thing, he is just soooo smart to say that the evidence should be coughed up. OH, who else was saying that??? I could just swear I heard it before!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I am a INTP, not a INTJ.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You can keep claiming that all you want but you’re not introverted, you’re not analytical as you use backwards logic to create data around a conclusion. You lack logical perception skills. You most closely resemble a bipolar schizophrenic
He used a whole bunch of words that didn’t really mean anything. The majority of the population don’t need convincing. So what is he asking everyone to do? Convince the small slither of non-partisan, nonrevenge seeking birthers. That’s like 1% of the fringe he’s talking about there. Colonel Mustard as usual takes an extreme position and then tries to wrap it in an abundance of words.
The evidence in support of Obama’s birth in Hawaii:
1. His birth certificate says “Place of Birth:Honolulu”
2. The State of Hawaii says he was born there (John Boehner says this is fgood enough for him.”
3. His parents lived in Hawaii before and after his birth, as did his maternal grandparents. 99.999% of babies are born where their parents live.
4. 2 local newspaper which list local births (as opposed to births 10,000 miles away0 had announcements.
5. Obama says and has always said he was born in Hawaii. While occasionally people lie about their births, in the vast majority of cases they don’t.
The evidence against his birth in Hawaii:
1. None.
2. None.
3. None.
4. None.
5. None.
There. That’s taken care of.
By the way, I am INTP. I have never considered that made me superior to anyone else.
One more point. Obama’s mother was a US citizen, so he is eligible regardless of whhere he was born..
Squeeky will pretend I didn’t say this, but I did and it is a fact.
No, it doesn’t. It just means our minds work differently than other people. Doesn’t “big picture” stuff come easier to you, than it does other people??? Sooo, like all those 5 things you said don’t really matter if there is still a controversy, and like I have just tried and tried to tell you, “coulda, shoulda, woulda,” aren’t really in the here and now.
Soooo, if you are INTP, then open up your mind and look at this as a “big” problem, not just a “little” legal thingy. See it for what it is. Sometimes what I do is close my eyes most of the way and imagining there is a little circle with the problem, and my nose is right up against it where I can see much, and then I “move” myself away from the circle, and it gets smaller, then it turns into a globe and I can see all around the problem and rotate it around and stuff.
But be careful, because you can also get motion sickness from doing this. Really. Plus,and please do not laugh at this, because it is true, but sometimes you can dream the answer to things. Just imagine yourself dreaming the answer and then sometimes I swear it works!!! It is like disconnecting from things in a way.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky –
I never have a problem giving you credit when deserved or pointing out something you said right. In fact, I think I’ve gone out of my way consistently to give you credit when due. …Probably because it is unfortunately such a rare occurring in your posts that I feel I have to highlight when you actually say something legit or honest, to try to encourage you to do more of that.
So YES, based on the article, I FULLY CONCUR that this Professor harbors views & opinions similar to yours.
I also want to be quite clear that I’ve never said nor indicated that you are the ONLY person that holds such opinions. I think your views are shared by a number of birthers out there.
I guess you can feel good because OTHER BIRTHERS validate you and share your views and THUS, you are not alone. I never said you were nor have any of the others here. As usual, you seem to miss the actual points people make and interpret them to imply other than what they actually say.
Yes, he is a Cornell Professor, and so I have no problem and find it “legit” that you personally would view his mere title and position as a “person of import”. I’m completely fine with you finding personal validation for yourself from that.
HOWEVER – I think where you always get yourself into trouble is you don’t merely appreciate that he is your type of birther (YES, based on his views and his mindset history, I consider him to be a type of birther, or “birther-lite” if you want to call it that)….
…you tend to over-hype the significance of him thinking the same way to somehow translate to something more than it is. That his kooky opinion, although very similar to yours or that of any other birther makes any difference in what is right or factual or likely to happen. You birthers tend to overly get-off on needing to validate yourselves through each other.
You never were the only birther out there. Birthers have always come from a variety of job positions, just like the broader society in general. Of course there are birthers with degrees and that hold real jobs and even ones at places with good reputations.
It is what seems to be the motivation of these folks that seems similar and is at issue – not their raw intellect or their job position – in ALL of you birthers, there is a consistent fallacy in the thinking, based on being trapped within your own pre-conceived confirmation biases.
This guy is no different. Here is the same fallacy he makes that you do:
The FALLACY lies is making that second assumption and being stuck in basing all of your thought off of that.
We do NOT in any way “demand” that evidence not be seen. That is a total incorrect understanding of anything we say. Nor do we have any “fear” of actual evidence coming forward.
What we do is merely point out the facts & laws that clearly show that:
A.) Such documents are protected by privacy laws and that we simply do NOT have the RIGHT to request or see such documents.
B) In the case of the “long form” specifically, HI clearly has stated that they do not provide them when fulfilling birth certificate requests any more and instead issue the COLB and that this is not a new procedure by any means.
C) There has been NO legitimate legal argument put forward to date to invoke the release of additional information.
D) Obama doesn’t OWE anybody any further response and if he merely CHOOSES to ignore you birthers, that is completely within his right.
That is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from in any way implying that we are against any theoretical situation that would result in a legitimate, legal release of the “long form” or any other such evidence.
I don’t have any problems with such info being properly released or provided to the public. I simply, in learning on the issue fully understand why it is both unlikely and unreasonable for me to expect or demand to see such information, not to mention unnecessary.
Bob Ross & Scientist have already pointed out the other points of why this Cornell Professor’s opinion and arguments are no more relevant or correct than your own. Just because he has a law degree & works at Cornell is something you can personally feel good about and admire. That’s all fine and dandy. Gary Kreep, Mario and others have law degrees as well. They too are birthers.
NONE of them have ever actually been credential experts or even truly practiced in the applicable field of Constitutional Law. Notice, we’ve never seen anybody who actually deals with Constitutional Laws back any birther views. We’ve only seen the opposite – where Constitutional Law experts have come out AGAINST birthers, such as the dude that slammed Orly for trying to claim that he in any way agreed with her views.
In the end, all you’ve done is find a reference to another biased RWNJ expousing birther views. As Bob Ross demonstrated with the extensive links, this guy isn’t some mainstream guy considered to hold rational opinions who suddenly comes out and asks birther questions. No, he’s had a well-documented history of taking extreme and nutty positions that seem obviously driven from extreme political bias. Even in this own article, he reveals what drives his worldview:
So yeah, he’s just another birther who doesn’t want the “stink” of the birther title on him, who is so driven by his ideology and dislike of Obama that he doesn’t just disagree with things but is stuck in extremist-viewpoint mentality of seeing things in a hyperbolic sense of “destructions” and “bankrupting of the country”. Like all birthers, what is really driving this guy is a visceral internal desire to view Obama as the enemy, not the realities on the ground.
My apologies for stating the wrong one. I stand corrected.
I’m sorry Squeeky, but FACTS DO MATTER. People have a riight to believe things that are controverted by the facts, but if they do so, they are WRONG. I owe them nothing. I don’t have to jump up and down to convince them, because their beliefs don’t change what is. Their resistance to facts is not my problem, nor the President’s, but their own.
There is a parallel here with an item that was recently in the news. A British doctor, Andrew Wakefield, published a paper in 1998 claiming a link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism. I work on vaccines and read the paper and discussed it with my colleagues. We all found it to be a very poorly designed and executed study with zero credibility. Subsequently,people analyzed some very large data sets and found no link whatsoever. That didn’t stop some parents from refraining from vaccinating their kids and there have been some measles outbreaks in the UK as a result.
Well, just a couple of days ago, a scientist, Brian Deer, who has spent several years investigating published a paper in the British Medical Journal that showed unequivocally that the entire study was a complete fraud from top to bottom. All of Wakefield’s co-authors have retracted the paper. He has been stripped of his medical license and could even face criminal prosecution.
So, this morning I happened to have CNN on and they were interviewing a mother who has been active in the anti-vaccination movement. She didn’t really deny or attempt to refute that the paper was a complete fraud. Nevertheless, SHE STILL BELIEVES VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM. I know for a fact that there are others like her.
This logical disconnect is exactly what afflicts the birthers. Facts don’t matter, only belief matters. If such belief is contradicted by all the known facts, so be it.
So what some people choose to believe is not my problem. I will stick with the facts. And those are:
1. Vaccines don’t cause autism.
2. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is eligible regardless of where he was born.
You are saying the same thing the Professor is. Would you have said “Don’t do the new vaccine study because nobody will believe it???” NO.
Even though some people might not ever believe it about vaccines, some will. The Professor and me and Chris Matthews and Abracrombie say the same thing about a Long Form. So, maybe some people it won’t matter to, or maybe the Vattle Birthers, too. But some will if it is legitimate.
And you are right that it is not YOUR problem. It is Obama’s. And the Democrats. And if you do not like right wing people, then why would you let this distraction take up so much time???
And the overall question is: What does it hurt??? Nothing.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
LOL! How delusional. The problem is YOURS. You Birthers are the ones who have the problem and are upset here.
For the rest of us, other than when we point out your foolishness, life goes on as normal and the President continues to do what Presidents do, regardless of you silly nonsense whiners.
You are a vocal and noisy minority, but other than filling up blog space and making for comedic punchlines, you are wholly irrelevant.
The burden of proof is on the accuser, which is you birthers – not the accused.
More birthers using Taitz-like tactics:
Apparently a commenter over at Dr. Kate’s (in response to a post by Susan Daniels and an old article about Susan Daniels at Ohforgoodnesssake.com) has posted what he claims is the personal information of the owner of Ohforgoodnesssake.com:
[possible personal information redacted and link to comment withheld – Slarti]
Another comment on the same thread:
You know, I’m starting to dislike these seditious, unAmerican cowards…
E) He has already published images of his official, certified, Birth Certificate. We certainly don’t “demand that evidence not be seen”. We point out that evidence has already been seen; move on already.
Yes I know that ‘certified Birth Certificate’ is redundant, but birthers seem to be confused about the relation between the words ‘certificate’, ‘certified’, and ‘certification’.
I read “birth certificate of live birth” in a birther’s blog the other day… *sigh*
Here, let me translate that for you!
“The IMAGE on the Internet is enough to make US OBOTS happy and answer any questions WE OBOTS may have had, and therefore, everybody else ought to be happy, too!!! Just like US!!! And if other people aren’t happy, then we are just 100% dead set against Obama coughing up a Long Form. Plus, we are such little busy bodies, that we will call names and tease anybody who wants to see, for example, a Long Form, rather than short form. Or anybody who thinks bumpy ones should be given straight to the PUBLIC, not just some group.”
OMG!!! You Obots are just so self-centered!!! And this Bizarre Dance Internet Article really points outs just how messed up your “logic” really is!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Let me ask you this Squeeks: if President Obama had the National Archives set up a display of his COLB would you make the trip to D.C. to view it?
No. I would think that my responsibilities as a journalist were fulfilled by making sure that real people, the PUBLIC, and not just some special group had ongoing access to the document. And that the principles of America had been upheld.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
> Or anybody who thinks bumpy ones should be given straight to the PUBLIC, not just some group.
AFAIK there was no limitation on who would’ve been able to inspect the COLB. It’s just that (almost) no birther took up the opportunity. I wonder why. Did you fear you could not find anything to complain about?
Besides, Squeeky, even the main birther site WND has vouched for the authenticity. Funny you birthers can never seem to get around that.
So, you would continue to hide your head in the sand & ignore any evidence that didn’t agree with your preconceived notions.
It was the special group that had shown interest in seeing the document and photograph it.
Perhaps you do not understand what it takes to be a ‘journalist’, even a girl one?
You are not a journalist. You are a blogger, as I am.
Magic M:
One minute Obots want us to believe WND, or some other expert, then the next Obots are hollering about “Appeals to Authority” logical problems. I swear, you all just confuse me sometimes which way would make you happy.
Let me ask you, is American government supposed to be open and accountable to people or not??? So if it is, and there is something that is not TOP SECRET (for real, not just stamped that way) then why shouldn’t Americans be able to see it for themselves without special groups controlling access to it???
Because like me, and now LAW PROFESSORS, are saying this is really a pretty simple thing. If you have a birth question, you just cough up the document. Why all this fuss from supposedly honest people???
BTW (Which means By the way) did you read the Bizarre Birther Dance Internet Article yet??? I lose track sometimes of who has read what. (Except for Dr. Ken who just never reads stuff!!! (LOL!))
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Just because we are not professionals who get paid, does not mean that we have NO responsibilities to act that way. I take a lot of pride in my website, and I think that you do too! Both of us just fight for truth, justice, and the American way.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I would expect the kkk to say the same thing.
I fight for the Appian Way.
Which is why the COLB was made available to all.
But somehow Squeeks has to ignore the facts. Figures…
Sooo, I guess you are a “F iter”!!! (LOL!!!)
(Iter is a word from crossword puzzles that means “Roman Road)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
After we get Obama’s LFBC, could we then get Sarah Palin’s medical records? Andrew Sullivan, among others, thinks maybe the most recent child was not hers, but her daughter’s.
I doubt you would recognize any one of those three Squeeks…
And no, Squeeks, you are not Supergirl.
Well I guess if that was ever relevant to stuff. maybe what you are doing here is a logical fallacy, though. Like the “parade of horribles” where if you do one thing that is reasonable, like expect to see a Long Form, then it gets twisted to mean stuff that is not the same??? Or is there another word for fallacies about extreme examples??? It has been like 8 years since I had Debate in school, so I don’t remember all of them.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
It’s amazing you can say that with a straight face. You’ve already admitted to being a hack and you don’t care what the truth is as long as it hurts Obama because you want revenge.
It explains a lot…
A boy who defeated her girl candidate… She still is hurting.. Honestly, that is not healthy…
So, you are saying that your schooling was not very effective. Were you one who only needed to pass tests or did you go to school to actually learn something?
And yes, “Obots” do appeal to authority, the authority of the Constitution, laws & SCOTUS decisions.
Well that much is obvious you don’t remember any of them.
Lets just go through some of your fallacies you’ve used.
Irrelevant conclusion: There are a lot of birthers therefore Obama must shut them up.
This would be argumentum ad populum.
Argumentum ad baculum: Appeal to fear. When Squeeky says “Obots are afraid and don’t want stuff released out of fear”
Argumentum ad ignorantiam: Appeal to ignorance
“Obama hasn’t proven he’s American” It doesn’t matter that he has.
Genetic Fallacy: “There’s no proof that Obama was born in Hawaii from the birth anouncements” Assumption there is a defect in the claim that somehow discredits the claim itself.
Affirming the consequent: “Obama isn’t an American and has something to hide because he won’t cough up the long form” The short form, birth index and various other documentation prove Obama is American. The long form being released isn’t up to him Hawaii no longer releases long forms.
post hoc ergo propter hoc: After this because of this. “Obama got shellacked in the midterms because he couldn’t shut the birthers up.” There were no birther candidate the birth certificate question never raised a percentage in exist polls the economy was more important.
The list goes on and on. You’re a walking fallacy Squeeks
Reductio ad absurdum. Reduction to the absurd.
Here’s the problem, though, it’s not a fallacy, it’s a legitimate method of reasoning. Look it up. It’s also similar to the slippery slope argument, Which can also be good reasoning, if each step along the slope is adequately supported.
I am busy writing my latest Internet Article, soooo I have to really really concentrate on that. But, of course I had Debate in school. You don’t think I am this good just naturally do you??? I had to study logic stuff, plus listen to my teacher who taught me magic tricks about how to listen to what the other side was saying, and then just rip them to shreds!!! Plus, how drama would help you in Debate, plus poetry. Also the Zen, being in the here and now stuff, and hearing what people were saying here and now, not just what I expected to perceive.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Either you didn’t have a good teacher or you weren’t listening very well because i haven’t seen you win one argument
Oh no given your performance, I do think you are a natural and the debate lessons did not help much correcting that.
In a larger sense we cannot really call this a debate. The “Obot” side adopts WKA as axiomatic & the birther side adopts the contrary de Vattel side as axiomatic. By using proper logic either side could “win” the argument, but it doesn’t matter. SCOTUS has told us which side will be the way the U.S. works Squeeks & others can ignore WKA all they want, but reality doesn’t change.
> Argumentum ad baculum: Appeal to fear. When Squeeky says “Obots are afraid and don’t want stuff released out of fear”
I always thought “appeal to fear” was rather something like “But if Obama doesn’t release anything, it might mean he is really the spearhead of an extraterrestrial invasion, and that would be a terrible thing, wouldn’t it?” and not “why do you argue, are you afraid of the truth?”. But I may be wrong there.
> One minute Obots want us to believe WND, or some other expert, then the next Obots are hollering about “Appeals to Authority” logical problems.
My argument meant two other things:
First, that the COLB indeed was there to verify, you birthers didn’t do it and now you claim that it wasn’t made available for public scrutiny. That’s dishonest, and on more than just the intellectual level.
Second, if even the WND attests to its authenticity, it shows how far removed from reality you birthers are if you don’t even believe your own most prolific representatives.
You probably would rather call your own father a liar if he said he witnessed Obama’s birth in Hawaii than admit you’re on the wrong side of facts.
> I swear, you all just confuse me sometimes which way would make you happy.
Welcome to our world; we continue to be confused what would make birthers happy, given your continuous movement of goalposts. If the long-form BC is released, all that’s to be expected is “it’s another forgery” or “it’s only an internet image” because none of you got of your lazy behinds to examine it when you had the chance…
Well, I just completed “Birther 2.0., The New and Improved Birther”. OH, that was a lot of writing and thinking, but I think this will be a very important QUESTIONER (Birther) Internet Article as time goes by.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
More goalpost moving. If Obama releases his long form, he’s still a mean person because he didn’t immediately provide it even though the COLB satisfied 69 million Americans.
I’d hate to be a birther goal post. It seems they only exist to be moved.
I can’t read this since I only have IPv4, not IPv6.
I am sorry. Do you want me to post the whole thing here??? So you can read it, too???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Well you are partially correct here – YES we are satisfied.
But it is not just the COLB that was provided – it is the PREPONDERANCE of EVIDENCE which backs it up and CORROBORATES IT – 2 Birth announcements, all relevant HI officials, his autobiography from over 15 years ago, the fact that he’s had Driver’s Licenses and passports & therefore, like everyone in life had to show a birth certificate, ETC.
So YES we think you Birthers are NUTS – because there is NOTHING that indicates ANYTHING OTHER than NBC born in HONOLULU, HI and there is something totally WRONG with you people that you ASSUME GUILTY with NO BASIS for it. Because there is NO RATIONAL REASON to come to the conclusions you do, based on NOTHING when EVERYTHING points to the same conclusion!
The ONLY reason that remains is folks like you are BLINDED by HATE and DRIVEN by a need to believe that someone you don’t like is somehow “OTHER” and NOT like you, so you can JUSTIFY your hatred to yourself.
Government related records –YES, to the extent that it does not jeopardize national security.
PERSONAL RECORDS are NOT government records. NOT even for government officials. PRIVACY LAWS protect ALL people’s PERSONAL records.
This is a very SIMPLE concept. What part of it do you not understand?
BFD. Again, you are intentionally ignoring what you have already been told. He’s simply another birther, just like you. Gary Kreep is also a lawyer and a birther. So what. So is Mario Apuzzo. So are quite a few others.
“Supposedly honest people”…well, that’s a matter of complete subjectivity. As has been pointed out to you, this law professor has a long history and pattern of holding some extreme views, so this is really not a big surprise that he’s going partial-birther at all.
You want to pretend to yourself that this is some growing “movement”. It is not. The only people susceptible to “birtherism” are those, like you, driven by an irrational need to hate and demonize someone you don’t like.
I’ve yet to meet a birther who voted for Obama or would ever vote for him under any circumstances, so even from a political perspective, you are all irrelevant as your votes would be no different no matter what. There is simply no need to pander to the hopelessly unreachable.
At least someone got it.
If one checks the guys articles he has been posting birther stuff for a while as far back as 2009. Its not that he “suddenly got it” its that he’s always been an extremist with hatred for Obama and uses being a birther as an excuse much like squeekers
gary kreep was the one ( if i remember correctly ) that produced the quick-n-cheesey birther infomercial way back in the beginning of this fiasco. he bought half hour slots on late night tv thru the south (cheap) and promoted that if you sent him $35 he’d send you a bumpersticker and fax washington in your name.
from a marketing aspect it was brilliant. i was jealous.
Kreep is in with Holocaust deniers. He used to have their links on his site; they have been removed.
OH G and Dr. Ken:
You two are just soooo illogical saying this about the Professor. Because what you should concentrate on is WHAT he is saying, not necessarily just YOUR opinion of him. The WHO somebody is, is often relevant, but you can’t just go 100% on that and ignore the very smart and rational thing he says, which I JUST LOVE:
“People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred demand to see the evidence. People who supposedly are rational and driven by dispassionate intellect demand that the evidence not be seen.”
I KNOW that just irritates you Obots soooo much because you just LOVE to pretend that you are oh so rational and smarter than Birthers, and here is somebody who is saying just what I am, that you are really just people who put your skirts on, one leg at time, just like everybody else.
Sooo, here is what you should do to fix it. Concentrate on asking yourselves why you are so deadset on NOT asking Obama to cough up a long form and put a end to a lot of this. I am not asking you to list excuses why, like “OH well, Birthers wouldn’t believe it anyway”. I mean for you to really try to examine your own personal motives.
See if you can do this while I try to make my head stop just killing me. Maybe I need some more “fur of the cat that scratched me” (LOL!!!)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
OMG!!! Lookit what else I just found from the Law Professor!!!
“But as I wrote in July 2009, and again in February 2010, Obama was misplaying the “Birther” card because the frequency of the strategic accusations merely raised the public consciousness and suggested that Obama was hiding something. Far from disproving the claims of “Birthers,” the Obama strategy simply drove the issue below the surface.”
and this!!!
“According to a CNN Poll, only 42% of Americans believe that Obama “definitely” was born in the U.S.
Put differently, 58% are not certain, or believe otherwise. (The other results were 29% probably born in U.S., 16% probably born elsewhere, and 11% definitely born elsewhere, with 2% having no opinion.)
The results, predictably, where higher among Republicans that Obama was not born here, and lower among Democrats. But among independents, the numbers pretty closely tracked the overall numbers, with the exception that only 37% said Obama definitely was born here.
These numbers are astoundingly bad for Obama, and reflect a strategy which has worked in the short run but failed miserably in the long run.”
That is almost exactly the same stuff I have been saying and stuff that you Obots have been saying that I was just CRAZY on!!!
OH, this just VINDICATES me even more!!!
Dr. C. should do Internet Articles about this person, and then I bet everybody here would treat me a lot better because guess what??? I WAS RIGHT!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
OMG!!! Congresswoman killed in AZ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/08/gabrielle-giffords-shot-c_n_806211.html
I had just turned the television on after seeing it on gratewire. They have the gunman in custody and he is in his teens or 20’s.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Concentrating just on WHAT he says, this:
Is just as BS when he says it as when you say it. More so, in fact, because lawyers are trained by law professors to think in such a way that the most we can ever say about something is “probably.”
For example, I can definitely say you are probably human and not a computer imitation.
By the same logic, 89% of Americans disbelieve the birthers or have doubts about them. Oh, and John McCain is probably president, since he was leading when you added in those who were probably going to vote for Obama with those who were going to vote for him.
There are professors who believe in 9/11 conspiracies, in Marxism, in the assassination of Senator Wellstone. It doesn’t make any of it more true.
All you GD nutcases have blood on your hands. Happy now?? You GD F*NG IDIOTS!!!!!!
Not dead yet:
Hopes and prayers.
Conservatives have been screaming ‘2nd Amendment remedies’ – no surprise.
Orly is trying to incite a lone wolf. If anythng happens to Obama, I swear I will emigrate.
No one has called McVeigh a Christian terrorist; in fact he was.
Fox says that she is a Jewish Blue Dog Democrat and tough on immigration on Drudge. But she is still in surgery.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
She is on the very short list of politicians who I know personally.
This is very upsetting. I know several people who work for her campaign, at least one of whom was very likely at this event.
It’s also very upsetting to realize that Sarah Palin can clearly be considered an accessory to this assassination, and I hope that she is forced to face that.
“It’s time to take a stand” with a crosshair target, *signed* by Sarah Palin. There’s no way to interpret that other than a hit request.
Any future political aspirations of Sister Sarah evaporated this morning. That ad will be used in her entire future.
James and Sef: You are both way over doing it. Maybe you should holdup on being partisan until you find out who the murderer is. Because right now, who knows??? Plus, who know “why”, outside of just being a murderer.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The Palin website with a bullseye over Gabrielle Gifford’s district was suddenly taken down.
Check out the comments.
Why am I not surprised that you do not accept any guilt?
Which merely reinforces the fact that Fox viewers are the most ill-informed viewers in the U.S.
Sarah Palin steps up the rhetoric against her detractors
Monday, March 29, 2010
JUNEAU, Alaska — Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin had some harsh words for her detractors in the health care debate with a thinly veiled, March Madness-themed Facebook post in which she declared, “never retreat, instead RELOAD!”
The title of the former Alaska governor’s Facebook post on Sunday was “Warning: Subject to New Politically Correct Language Police Censorship.” Palin then discussed her love of college basketball and compared the NCAA tournament to a “heated, competitive primary election.”
The former basketball player then stepped some of the rhetoric she has employed recently to describe her dislike of the Democrat-backed health overhaul.
She wrote about using “strong weapons” and “big guns” to drive to the basket. She urged teams to “shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win.” She says “bombing through the press” is part of what teams must do to help reach their goals.
“To the teams that desire making it this far next year: Gear up! In the battle, set your sights on next season’s targets! From the shot across the bow — the first second’s tip-off — your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs, so you must execute strong defensive tactics,” she wrote. “You won’t win only playing defense, so get on offense!”
(emphasis mine)
The rest:
“If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are going to start looking for second amendment remedies…”
Which she then follows up with this:
“The first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.”
– Sharron Angle
Giffords Opponent, Jesse Kelly, Held June Event to “Shoot a Fully Automatic M16‘ to “Get on Target” and “Remove Gabrielle Giffords”
Giffords’ 2010 Congressional opponent Jesse Kelly held a June 12 gun event that was billed as follows on the Pima County Republican website:
Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shot a fully automatic M15 with Jesse Kelly
Kelly’s website has apparently scrubbed the event , but here is the account from the Arizona Daily Star:
Jesse Kelly, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least by the Sarah Palin controversy earlier this year, when she released a list of targeted races in crosshairs, urging followers to “reload” and “aim” for Democrats. Critics said she was inciting violence.
He seems to be embracing his fellow tea partier’s idea. Kelly’s campaign event website has a stern-looking photo of the former Marine in military garb holding his weapon. It includes the headline: “Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”
The event costs $50.
Well, rather than go into hysterics, I am going to wait until we know more about who the murderer is.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Not hysterics. RAGE!
It’s being reported that a U.S. District judge was killed in the attack.
I commend squeeky for withholding judgement until more is known.
Dr. Kate has no such compunctions, posting:
OK. Then hysterical rage. Whatever. I am not going to blame anybody until I know who the murderer is, and “why” he did it, outside of being a murderer. FOX news say he is a 22 year old white male. Maybe he hates Women. Who knows yet???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You are beyond redemption, squeeks.
It’s worth noting that Arizona is one of only three states which allow people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
Fox said somebody from the crowd shot the murderer. But everything is still fuzzy. A poor little 9 year old girl died they are saying.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’m not being partisan. Rep. Giffords is someone who I know personally, since before she entered politics.
I see today as a clear assassination, and I see that Palin asked for that assassination, and signed her name to the hit request. That’s not partisan, that’s simply criminal, and I hope Ms. Palin is forced to answer for her role in this assassination.
The gunman has been identified as Jared Loughner. His YouTube video shows him to be an anti-government whackjob.
A US Representative who’s district was ‘targeted’ with a gunsight by Sarah Palin and who’s opponent held a campaign event to firing automatic weapons to ‘get on target’ and ‘remove Gabby Giffords’ – a district, I might add, near the border in the state that passed controversial immigration law – was gunned down during a constituent event. It’s not a stretch to assume that this is right-wing terrorism – any person on the right who is not a moral coward and terrorist sympathizer should denounce this immediately.
Given your personal connection to Representative Giffords, you are being remarkably restrained – my thoughts are with you and the rest of the Congresswoman’s family, friends, and constituents. Let’s hope we’ll continue to hear good news!
I am sorry for you having somebody you know get shot. But now they are saying that the person who did it is a “grammar Nazi” and a atheist, and somebody who wants gold backed up money. This is what you get when you jump out there and blame Sarah Palin whatever, and then the person who did is somebody who seems wrapped up way too tight. Maybe psychotic.
His favorite books are Karl Marx and Mein Kampf, which is by Hitler.
I am sure more will come out, and no I don’t think Sarah Palin is for assassinating anybody. personally, it is really cheesy for people to politicize a tragedy like this.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Conservatives are vermin.
Karl Marx is by Hitler?
There is evidence that “Mein Kampf” was ghost written by a Roman Catholic priest, who was 300 pounds.
What Orly and Sharon Angle are doing is really cheesy.
He had at least 5 videos. I downloaded all 5 in case they disappear.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The NY Times reports prospects for Congresswoman Giffords recovery (of some kind) is good. There were 19 shot. One of those killed was a 9 year old child. Here is the Times link.
The AP has identified the gunman as Jared Laughner. It is also reported that Laughner’s My Space page has been taken down. The following is probably a YouTube video made by Laughner. He seems to be some sort of a conspiracy theorist, but nothing relevant to this blog.
I see no reason to draw conclusions before the facts are in. I don’t plan an article unless a birther connection turns up.
James M: All my thoughts are with Rep Giffords, her family and her many friends such as you for a full and complete recovery. And my deepest sympathy to the loved ones of those who were killed, including, as I understand it, Rep Giffords’ District Director and a Federal Judge. I will reserve any further comments until the details are better known, but regardless of the motives of the murerous assassin, this is a very sad and tragic day. There is no excuse for those who preach hatred and violence. Not now. Not ever.
My sister lives a few miles from where the shooting occurs and I was visiting there this past Spring and we had dinner right acrosss the street from that Safeway.
Life is short and precious folks; don’t waste it on trivialities.
Tell that to conservatives.
Here is more info and his books:
Schools:I attended school: Thornydale elementary,Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and Pima Community College.
Interests:My favorite interest was reading, and I studied grammar. Conscience dreams were a great study in college!
Movies:(*My idiom: I could coin the moment!*)
Music:Pass me the strings!
Books:I had favorite books: Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver’s Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, and Meno.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Plus, I think he is talking about “waking dreams” which sometimes people just have, and other times with drugs.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Well, Tucson is a pretty small town, especially if you work in a public facing government role. Local politics are *very* local. Folks like Rodney Glassman, Dave Bradley, Steve Farley and Gabrielle Giffords were very familiar around the state office and the university campus where I worked. Sheriff Dupnik used to be a fixture at the counter of the Bread & Butter cafe every morning.
Those experiences changed my point of view on politics completely, and it became easier to believe in representative government when the representatives were genuinely accessible.
But that accessibility carries a risk that we see today.
Still, I’m seriously calling this a carried-out hit request that was initiated by Sarah Palin, and I hope she ends up doing decades of hard time for it.
Of course you love what he says – he is another birther, similar to you. You keep trying to make more of it than it is. His history of past posts shows that he’s held extreme and fringe views for quite awhile.
That is all I pointed out and that you are free to be excited that he shares your opinions, in the same manner as other legal birthers, such as Apuzzo and Kreep. You make it seem like this is some new revelation…when all it adds up to is he’s in the birther crowd and that’s not really surprising for him.
OPINION is when I view him as a kook and a nut for the views he holds. Yes, that’s my opinion of him.
Fringe means holding a minority viewpoint that’s farther out there than mainstream perspectives. That is NOT just a matter of opinion, but a simple empirical observation of where his stated views and comments fall in the spectrum of things. Same for calling his views extreme. Both are statements supported by evidence, when compared to the spectrum of viewpoints. Deal with it.
I never attacked his intellect NOR his position, so your screed here is completely off-base. Which is not a surprise for you, since you demonstrate a consistent pattern of being able to discern the difference between things.
I in no way ignored what he said. As far as that goes, I’ve only pointed out that I disagree with his views and that there is really no surprise that he’s said anything he did, based on his past history of making fringe and extreme statements.
He’s just another birther spouting birther stuff, so what else is new.
That is all I’m implying by saying BFD.
Do you expect me to be surprised or impressed if Apuzzo or Kreep make birther posts? Of course not. So why should this RW fringe guy’s birther statements make any difference to me either?
You have to be one of the stupidest people on the internet. He also likes Animal Farm the Republic, etc. The guy is an anti-government nutjob. Getting money on the gold standard is a right wing idea and Hitler was a rightist.
WRONG. You are one of the densest people I’ve ever come across. So let me CORRECT those sentences, so they read properly:
People who ARE irrational and driven by hatred demand to ENDLESSLY see ADDITIIONAL evidence, when ALL ACTUAL EXISTING evidence DOESN’T SUPPORT their PRE-CONCEIVED DESIRES.
People who ARE rational and driven by dispassionate intellect DO NOT CARE if ADDITIONAL evidence IS seen, AS THEY ARE SATISFIED WITH THE BODY OF EVIDENCE AT HAND. They also understand that certain requests for additional evidence are neither realistic nor justifiable, often involve PRIVATE information to which they don’t have any right to access and are simply IRRELEVANT to the issues at hand”
There. Fixed it for you.
Nope. No need to pretend. It is quite obvious that we are more rational than the birthers, as there is no real rational argument to birtherism. At an individual level, whether each of us is “smarter” or not than various individual birthers is not a realistic question and a straw-man argument.
That birthers look “stupid” with the things they post…yeah – that can be said. So, it fairly could be said that we generally come across “smarter” than birthers. But that is really simple to do, since we point out facts and reality and birthers spout nonsense as well as many easily disproven statements.
Take some personal responsibility. If you are being mocked or not trusted, it is because you choose to make stup*d statements that make you look extremely d*mb.
Again, so a RW fringe person with a history of extremist statements spouts birtherism. BFD.
Newsflash: A birther says birther things! Next newsflash: The sun rises in the East!
Except your entire premise is FALSE! We’re NOT deadset, you doorknob! Read above.
Why won’t you stop raping your cats?
That’s the same type of question as what you just asked.
My motives are no further that I can’t stand the spread of L.I.E.S and untruths being passed off as anything other than they are. I respond to correct such stupidity and malicious gossip, because it doesn’t stand up to the light of facts, evidence and reality.
If there are issues of mere ignorance going on, than I’ll work to educate and provide sources for people to learn. If I’m dealing with trolls and scammers, I’ll call them out on their bad behavior.
Simple as that. That pretty much is the extent of MY motives.
Now, let’s look at YOUR motives – You basically hate the President because he beat HRC in the primaries. That petty motive drives all of your nonsense, and you know it.
You are a sexist bigot who merely felt that the presidency was “owed” to a woman and your support for HRC in the end, had nothing in common with sharing her values or policies at all, and only about sharing her plumbing. You became a birther because you are an incurable sore loser who can’t accept or deal with reality and therefore you need to create a “pretend” world in your own fragile mind to try to vilify him for beating a female candidate and then going on to win the Presidency.
Talking Points Memo has compiled most of what is currently known about Loughner, here:
Note the photo of a gun resting on what appears to be a plate depicting the White House and all U.S. Presidents.
Incidentally, just a few days ago Ron Paul was on the Colbert Report pushing for a return to the gold standard.
Ron Paul has been pushing for it since 2007.
Thank you Rickey and Charo for seeing what is important right now, and not just degenerating into name calling like some people!!! Those links are great. Here is one too, that I thought of, because the music on one of them reminds me of this stuff some of my friends did called Frooty Loops where you can make your own beats and things.
Plus, does anybody else think like me maybe this person is on medications???
( I am sorry I didn’t answer earlier. I laid down to try to make my head stop pounding from all the “medications” I drank last night, like margies, and I forget what all.)
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Yes like you he is probably on medication
FLStudio is probably the best value in audio software today. Lots of people use it for all kinds of music. I use it to record classical piano and flute.
I’m not sure what conclusion you’re trying to draw here.
It’s hardly surprising that an organization which pushes investing in gold would speak favorably about a return to the gold standard. The person who is quoted, Jim Rickards, last month recommended that people store their gold in treasure chests at home.
That fact is that people who push gold – e.g., Glenn Beck – invariably are on the political right.
charo: Ron Paul has been for the gold standard for at least 50 years. It is a naive and foolish idea based on a complete fantasy of economic history in which there were no booms and busts prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. In fact, history is replete with booms and busts, including: The Dutch tulip bubble, the South Sea Bubble in England, the Mississippi Bubble in France and in the US the panics of 1837, 1873 and 1905 The Federal Reserve was created in response to the last of those, in which JP Morgan bailed out the banking system. It was felt that that function was better served by a public agency. The gold standard proved unworkable in 1971 and was abandoned by Nixon.
None of this is to say that the Federal Reserve has not made some very serious mistakes, particularlly in the latter part of the Greenspan era. But if you have a police force in your town that performs poorly, the answer isn’t to get rid of the police and turn the town over to the criminals, but to work to reform and improve the police force. The American Right seems like petulant 3-year-olds whose only answer to every problem is to tear down institutions that have worked imperfectly and replace them with a vacuum into which chaos will inevitably come, rather than working to improve our institutions.
How about a thimble?
I am in favor of oversight of the Fed. Ron Paul has been against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Congresswoman Giffords is reportedly for gun rights. Maybe right wing and left wing titles should be abandoned.
When you consider the total mass of known gold, and compare it to the scale and the scope of a national economy, it should be obvious that even if we base the economic unit on *atoms* of gold, there is not anywhere near enough gold to implement the idea.
I don’t want to say too much. I just would not be surprised if there is some Xanax bars around, (and probably more) and that he may have done the music for his videos. This is just me guessing.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Her Congressional ratings:
NARAL Pro-Choice America 100%
National Right to Life Center 0%
Americans for Democratic Action 80%
American Conservative Union 20%
League of Conservation Voters 100%
Club for Growth 12%
That’s a pretty liberal/progressive voting record.
And how many 22-year-olds do any of us know who are obsessed with currency and the gold standard? It’s not that difficult to guess where Loughner was getting his ideas.
Okay, then, let’s continue to promote divisiveness. It has proven to be so effective.
I said that I was in favor of oversight of the Fed. I was making a joke about the thimble. If you didn’t get it, then I’ll explain. Rickey quoted someone who suggested storing one’s gold in a chest. A thimble would work for me….and that is being generous.
I wish I could find an NRA sheet from when I was a member, that pointed out how 24% of NRA members were Democrats.
The person most directly responsible for Arizona’s “shall issue” concealed weapon permit was Janet Napolitano. She had fervent support of many Arizona sheriffs, most of whom were Democrats.
Pointing out facts is promoting divisiveness?
I really don’t want to have a discussion with someone who is going to blame the actions of a madman on Ron Paul.
I wasn’t blaming Ron Paul. I was simply pointing out that Loughner more than likely is a right-winger because only economic right-wingers – such as Ron Paul – are espousing a return to the gold standard. If I were going to pick a likely suspect to blame, it would be the rabble-rouser Glenn Beck, not Ron Paul. But Beck is only a suspect at this point. I’ll wait for more evidence about who Loughner has been listening to. But I think that you would have to agree that it is highly unusual for a 22-year-old to be obsessed about currency and the gold standard. Loughner didn’t get that from reading The Nation, that’s for sure.
Rep. Giffords got just a D- rating from Gunowners of America and a D+ rating from the NRA, but also a Zero rating from The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. I guess that would make her a lukewarm supporter of gun rights.
His favorite books also include “Animal Farm” and “Brave New World” – anti-Communist and anti-Facist. Why do you (and other RWNJs) focus on just two of fifteen or so ‘favorite’ books. He likes “Sidartha” and “Through the Looking Glass” too.
Your refusal to acknowledge your role, and that of your fellow RWNJ’s, in promoting the poisoned atmosphere, where “2nd amendment remedies” are spoken of as the normal American Constitutional response to political differences while trying to explain away his motivation as being a ‘grammar Nazi’ is pathetic and beneath contempt.
I also know members of Rep. Giffords family personally, though not her (I may have seen her at a social event when she was young, not sure), and haven’t been in touch for 30 years.
My sympathies go out to the families of Judge Roll, Rep. Giffords, and all the other victims.
It is highly unusual for a 22 year old to go on a shooting spree, no matter whom he listens to.
I guess there is no such thing as personal responsibility.
I don’t think anyone is against oversight, which has been in effect since the Fed was created. Chairman Bernanke gives extensive testimony before Congress twice a year by law. and considerably more often since the financial crisis. I have an issue with placing oversight in the hands of someone whose long-stated goal is to abolish the institution, rather than assure that it does a good job .
I’m not sure that it woukd be fair to ascribe a political philiosophy to a 22 year old who appears, according to the Pima County Sheriff. to have a history of mental instability. But the Sheriff is dead-on with his comments that certain people, especially radio and TV personalities, make their living spouting vitriol and painting those they disagree with as evil and every plicy they disagree with as the direst threat to human existence. It is a simple fact that the vast majority of those people in the US today are on the far-right.
Since this is a site dedicated to birther conspiracies, I have to point out that one need look no further than the birther rags, where every action that they don’t like is treason and the greatest threat to the US in all of history. And over what, the infinitessimally low possibility (mathematically approachiing 0) that the President might have been born outside the US and have come here as a few-days-old infant? Even if that were true, by what stretch of the imagination is that a horror of apocalyptic proportions?
It is obvious to me that you just like to feel superior, and this gives you something to get up on your soapbox about. Have you ever thought of becoming a preacher, and then maybe you could tell a whole congregation what right and wrong is every single Sunday, and maybe get a place in the jungle like that Jerry Jones or whatever person???
Else why would it be sooo important to you that the murderer, who is looking more and more like a mentally ill person, be a “right winger”??? As a alternative, maybe you could actually try LEARNING STUFF!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
No one is attempting to absolve the shooter of responsibility. But individuals act within a social climate in which they learn it is acceptable to hate (not just disagree) with certain persons, that certain persons are not just mistaken in their ideas but evil threats to our way of life. Those who foster that social climate are derelict in their personal responsibility.
Long before Rush and Beck, there were radio and TV programs where people on different sides of issues sat around a table and discussed their differences. What is wrong with going back to that model?
By the way, the Sheriff said that they are looking for someone (a 50ish male) who they believe had some connection to the shooter. It will be interesting to see whom that might be….
People would rather have labels of left wing and right wing.
There are stories of children raised with an atrocious family life who never internalize the values forced on them. Then there are those that do. There are people who hate someone like Sarah Palin and have an unhealthy obsession with her. There are those who hate President Obama with the same kind of intensity.
Glenn Beck is in his 40’s,so he is PROBABLY not the man, although it may be easy to mistake 40’s for 50’s.
I assume you don’t teach bad values to your children on the theory that they might turn out OK despite that.
You might find it interesting to read Philip Gourevitch’s books on the Rwandan genocide. They were fanned by “Hate Radio” stations that broadcast anti-Tutsi propaganda 24/7 for months before the killings started.
As for Palin vs Obama, I see a HUGE difference. Sarah Palin is primarily critiized (fairly or unfairly) for lacking intellectual capacity. President Obama has been called: evil, a Nazi, a communist, un-American, had his religion questioned, his parents smeared and on and on. Mainstream figures come on and say not that his policies are misguided (to which opinion anyone is entitled) but that he hates America and seeks to destroy it. The 2 situations are simply not comparable.
I never said that the murderer is a right winger or anything else. I said he was operating in an environment where his deranged thought processes gained validation from seditious RWNJs encouraging people to use “2nd amendment remedies” and lying about headless bodies in the desert in order to gain some minuscule additional political advantage. By the way, RWNJ can stand for “Racist, White Nut Jobs” too.
YOU however pointed out that he liked to read Marx and Hitler and indicated that his motivation was a “Grammar NAZI”, while ignoring that he also liked to read Carroll and Huxley and Orwell and Lee and Homer and that he was an anti-Government gold standard fanatic.
I reported the books as they became known. Marx and Hitler first, then when the others came out, I put them here too. Reporters can only report what they know, unless they are writing editorials and stuff. Plus, he does seem to be a grammar nazi. Plus just nuts it looks to me like. Or way over-medicated, legally or otherwise.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I know of no one who is denying that the killer bears personal responsibility for his actions. But these things do not happen in a vacuum.
I would suggest that you take some time to peruse Patrick McKinnion’s excellent blog, Bad Fiction. You’ll find a link at the bottom of this page. You will see hundreds of quotes from right wing blog posts which call for armed insurrection by “locked and loaded” self-proclaimed patriots who claim that anyone who disagrees with them is guilty of treason and deserves to be executed. As the Pima County Sheriff said today, “The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And, unfortunately, Arizona, I think, has become sort of the capital.”
Now, I do not claim to know for a fact that Jared Lee Loughner was a Fox News viewer or a fan of Glenn Beck. I’m sure that we’ll know more after the authorities have an opportunity to scrutinize his computer. But we do know that he is obsessed with “government control” and currency which isn’t backed by gold or silver. Where did he get those ideas? I guarantee you he was influenced by others.
There are people who hate someone like Sarah Palin and have an unhealthy obsession with her. There are those who hate President Obama with the same kind of intensity.
False equivalency. Point me to a single blogger who has called from Sarah Palin to be executed, if you can. I doubt that you will find one. On the other hand, I have seen dozens of bloggers call for Obama’s execution.
Squeeky, in light of today’s shootings, are you proud that you have adopted the name of a political assassin/gunman? Is shooting at politicians you disagree with something you approve of? Do you secretly admire today’s gunman?
Not a blogger but here you go: (I am sure you could claim “made up”)
I wouldn’t blame Keith Olbermann for the actions of this maniac.
Palin is not the President so I would not expect the same threat level. The hatred is there, whether you see it or not. How about these Bush signs? (I refer to the pictures only-scroll down)
I’m sure every defense attorney trying to get his client off would agree with you. Probably would work on a Law and Order episode. I think I may have seen it done on SVU.
That kind of talk is reprehensible, although I don’t put Tweets in the same category as blogs. Fewer people are able to read them, and Tweets are too short to be influential.
Palin is not the President so I would not expect the same threat level.The hatred is there, whether you see it or not.
Whoever set fire to Palin’s church has never been identified, so the motives are unknown. The arsonist certainly wasn’t trying to kill Palin, since she wasn’t at the church at the time of the fire.
How about these Bush signs?(I refer to the pictures only-scroll down)http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=621
Those are also reprehensible. However, there is a difference between isolated threats (which are made against every President) and calls for violence which are made repeatedly and on what purport to be respectable web sites.
I’m sure every defense attorney trying to get his client off would agree with you. Probably would work on a Law and Order episode.I think I may have seen it done on SVU.
Nonsense. The last thing a defense attorney wants to do is establish a motive for his or her client’s crime, particularly when the motive in no way excuses the crime.
The image of his facebook entry was published all at once. That is where the list of books came from. You chose to pick up the commie fanatic theme from one of your nutjob blog sites that cherry picked one or two titles from that list to try to deflect the accusations that their seditious filth served to encourage the lunatic. This comes straight out of the ““If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” principle (a quote often attributed to Joseph Goebbels but probably mis-attributed).
You are trying to claim that you are a journalist because you publish a blog, well I have news for you miss “girl reporter”: that isn’t journalism, it is propaganda. A journalist would have looked for the original source, not just pasted it from some agenda driven fellow traveler’s site.
The name of the 9 year old girl who died is Christina Green. She was born on September 11, 2001.
Fred Phelps has vowed to picket her funeral.
Tucsonans are vowing that he will not picket her funeral.
I know who I’d bet on in such a dispute. Nothing to do with left/right politics, everything to do with the mind set of simple human decency, something that Southern Arizonans haven’t lost, regardless of their politics.
(I will not post a link to Phelps’ pornographic youtube diatribe but it can be found).
Glenn Beck’s raping and murdering a girl remains an open question:
Speculation is rife that it is the shooter’s father.
You’re disgusting.
I wish her church building had been burned to the ground. Let them have a taste of Kristallnacht.
Look up false equivalency and get someone to explain it to you.
Sharron Angle’s 2nd Amendment remedy.
We do not yet know what prompted 22-year-old accused gunman Jared Loughner to allegedly shoot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and others, including a child and federal judge who died from their wounds.
But critics of Sarah Palin have already drawn a link between the shooting and the fact that the former Alaska governor put Giffords on a “target list” of lawmakers Palin wanted to see unseated in the midterm elections.
In March, Palin released a map featuring 20 House Democrats that used crosshairs images to show their districts. (You can see it here.) Critics suggested at the time that she was inciting violence by using the crosshairs imagery and for later writing on Twitter to her supporters, “‘Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!'”
This is SarahPac.
Her life revolves around killing her enemies and shooting wildlife.
Gabrielle Giffords was one of he targets.
Their blood is on Palin’s, Beck’s, Limbaugh’s, Angel’s, Fox’s and the rest of their hands.
Giffords is Jewish – the first Jewish Representative from Arizona.
Palin’s political aspirations are toast, as are anyone else’s who has said anything remotely similar to her “targeting” crap.
Well, it looks like a good nights’ sleep didn’t help the hysterics any. For those still retaining enough mental functioning to read, here is a really good Internet Article:
The Shameful Left and Revisionism
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
As a part of a group whose members have been using propaganda and outright lies in a bigoted attempt to delegitimize the POTUS for over two years (and whose members are more than willing to incite violence or otherwise shit on the Constitution) you have far more cause to feel shame than any of the people the article was referring to. Also, I would point out that revisionism (and it’s cousin, moving the goalposts) is practically required in birther arguments (since the truth doesn’t say way you want…). Basically, you have no credibility to lob rocks from your glass house…
As a part of a group whose members have been using propaganda and outright lies in a bigoted attempt to delegitimize the POTUS for over two years (and whose members are more than willing to incite violence or otherwise spit on the Constitution) you have far more cause to feel shame than any of the people the article was referring to. Also, I would point out that revisionism (and it’s cousin, moving the goalposts) is practically required in birther arguments (since the truth doesn’t say way you want…). Basically, you have no credibility to lob rocks from your glass house…
(I had to change a letter to avoid moderation – Doc, feel free to delete the duplicate comment…)
Birthers’ attempted lines of argument are to me 99.9% absurd. Squeaky’s birther arguments are consistent with this pattern.
That being understood, it’s only fair to say that on the subject of this shooting she has made more reasonable common sense than many of our usually rational contributors all added together.
Can hardly believe that some of the contributors to this board who have demonstrated many times the ability to sensibly analyse assorted birther nonsense are now demonstrating a willingness to hit jigsaw pieces with a hammer til they fit a pre-determined picture that suits their political preferences. It’s almost birtheresque in nature.
Anyone drawing party political related conclusions from this tragedy is being incredibly misguided and I guarantee it will transpire that they will eventually regret having done it.
Squeeky ignored my question, which leads me to believe that she does approve of political violence. Otherwise, why name herself after an assassin?
I am sorry. I am also busy writing a new Internet Article called:
The Left Warns “Criticize Government and The Crops Will Fail!!!”,
and I am having to look stuff up, so that it will be really really good. So, the short answer is, the real Squeaky Fromme never hurt anybody that I know, except for somebody in prison who probably deserved it. She unloaded her gun thingy, and didn’t shoot anybody or Ford. Look it up. Plus look up why she did it, and it is obvious that she had been driven pretty crazy by the Manson people. Nonetheless, she gets sent to prison while Hinkey gets to goes to a mental hospital even though he shot people.
This is just one more example of how you just jump to conclusions about things.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
In my opinion, the politics of the shooter are not the important thing in the big picture – he is responsible for his own actions and will be held accountable, whatever his intent. The broader issue is the foreseeable effects of the demonization and delegitimization of opponents and the use of violent rhetoric. The right (and, yes, it has been mostly the right that has done this) has created an atmosphere in which people talk openly of ‘2nd amendment remedies’ and taking arms against the government if elections don’t go their way and, as Representative Giffords herself pointed out, that kind of atmosphere has consequences. When you add the fact that the right created this environment solely for their own political gain, I don’t feel that outrage against the tactics that enabled this tragedy is out of place. I don’t care that the shooter wasn’t a Republican/Teabagger/birther, he is a product of the climate that those groups have been inciting. This is the America that they wanted – where working with the opposition is being a ‘traitor’ and inciting ‘lone wolves’ to take out your ‘unAmerican’ enemy is acceptable. Sorry, but when I see the dogs all react, I don’t deny there was a whistle just because I didn’t hear it (especially since I’ve seen caribou barbie, et al. blowing on the dog whistle as hard as they could…).
Greta van Susteren has reported that investigators suspect a link between Loughren and a white supremacist organization, American Renaissance.
So it’s your contention that attempted assassination, or plain old attempted murder shouldn’t be a crime? If I shoot at you with the intention of killing you, but I’m a lousy shot and miss, that’s OK?
I’m speechless..
According to Dr. Kate, this is all the president’s fault…
Squeaky Fromme refused to cooperate in her own defense. Her attorneys couldn’t raise an insanity defense without her cooperation.
You still haven’t explained why you chose to use her name as your Internet handle. Is there something about her which you admire? And what is the basis for your claim that Julienne Bušić “probably deserved it” when Squeaky hit her with the claw end of a hammer?
Basis? You expect Squeeky to have a basis for a claim that she makes? Why would she ruin a perfect record of baseless allegations?
I think people who try to spin this right or left are both wrong. The person sounds nuts, and nobody even knows his alleged reasons yet. You could just as well blame violent video games, or my favorite, all those stupid movies where poor Women get chopped up by lunatics that are soooo popular with the grunty little malebeasts. But who can even begin to say why this particular nutty person did what he did yet???
Plus, if anybody wants to know why I am ‘Squeeky Fromm”, just go to my website (SFGR) and read the “about” thingy.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Answer avoidance again.
Sounds like reading avoidance to me. I am just busy writing a Important new Internet Article, so here is you a link so you won’t have to look it up:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
It was the cab driver that drove the shooter to the shopping center. He went into the Safeway with him to get change for the fare.
I finished my new Internet Article about “Left Warns: Criticize Government and the Crops Will Fail!!!”
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
What a disgusting article…It is full of innuendo and ouright lies…
“When the putative Commander in Chief tells his supporters to bring a gun to a knife fight, to “get in peoples faces”, calls vast swaths of the American public his enemies, pays his bloggers to threaten, intimidate, and attack; has his homeland security chief assault Americans, has his justice department free terrorists and allow voter intimidation to go unchecked, has his military court martial, jail, and discredit the service of decorated army officers and enlisted personnel, and calls anyone racist who disagrees with his policies, then the source of the violence plaguing America is clear.
Obama is the source and inspiration for violence against Americans
Obama falsely claims Gabriella Giffords a friend (Gabby, dude, not Gaby), cannot look into the cameras, and shows no affect. Gee, I wonder how much of a friend she was to Obama, seeing as she opposes the regime’s lawsuit against Arizona, is for closing the border and enforcing immigration laws, is a moderate democrat, and gets along with Republicans? Obama always was the trojan candidate, and in that trojan horse, he brought America’s enemies with him. He hates America.
Obama’s very own propaganda machine–the lame stream media and controlled opposition FAUX–is in high gear today spinning the attack on Giffords as motivated by the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, republicans, and the Birthers aka Constitutionalists. Hillbuzz has been keeping tabs on the so-called media coverage of this tragic event, documenting the spin machine that turns murder into something the Tea Party caused. Check out the story about Representative Linda Lopez (D) who was behind the effort to immediately blame the Tea Party for the assassination attempt on Giffords and murder of a federal judge.
Obama is a thug, and he uses violence by any means to accomplish his agenda. All of his appointees, especially his czars, are cut out of the same cloth. They think its cool to be anti-American, calling the reading of the constitution a fetish’, perjuring themselves falsely swearing on a Bible their oath of office. And when violence erupts and claims lives, the dishonest media says
“…the violence left Americans wondering if divisive politics had pushed society the suspect over the edge”
As if what? Divisive politics, or legitimate First Amendment differences of opinion had pushed the suspect over the edge’? Or that the shooter was deranged with a socialist/communist mindset intent upon murdering those who disagree? Obama is criminalizing differences of opinion, free speech, and Americans’ liberty. And to add even more insult, the Fred Phelps cult plans to protest at the funeral of the 9-year old girl who was killed by the crazed leftist thug.
They are pushing and want Americans to revolt so badly it drips with every dastardly action and misleading statement to come out of the adminstration and its co-conspirators, the media, the leftist idiot bloggers, and Soebarkha’s political cronies.
Want proof?
Democrats plotted to blame the tea party patriots for yesterday’s slaugher in Arizona.
A democratic operative admitted this to The Politico.
Of course, Politico buried it in their story.
One veteran Democratic operative, who blames overheated rhetoric for the shooting, said President Barack Obama should carefully but forcefully do what his predecessor did.
“They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers,” said the Democrat. “Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.”
Another Democratic strategist said the similarity is that Tucson and Oklahoma City both “take place in a climate of bitter and virulent rhetoric against the government and Democrats.”
This Democrat said that the time had come to insist that Republicans stand up when, for example, a figure such as Fox News commentator Glenn Beck says something incendiary.
The shooter was a pro-Marxist, anti-flag, anti-Constitution, anti-religious crackpot. He was hardly a tea partier.
This is America under the Obama regime. The assassin’s politics are clearly left-wing and liberal. but it doesn’t relieve the democrat operatives of their false statements that overheated rhetoric’ caused the problem, when (a) the source of the rhetoric is Obama himself, and (b) the word rhetoric’ is not the equivalent of protected First Amendment free speech.
Obama is a third world, second rate, petty dictator enamored with himself and his lonely, bankrupt, murderous political ideology. He shares the same mental disability as Billy boy Ayers…they should both be put in straight jackets and made to wallow in their sickness.”
Actions have consequences Squeeky – That’s what Representative Giffords was saying in her interview last year on MSNBC (its sadly ironic that she became the victim of the tactics which she had warned of. This tragedy happened in (and, in my opinion, was caused in part by) a charged environment created by people on the ideological right for their political gain. The violent rhetoric is unacceptable from any source, but the vast majority of the sources (and all of the worst offenders) are from the far right of the political spectrum.
As for your article; more of you ineptly fighting the straw men you create – not very interesting… Are you aware that Michael Smerconish was an appointee of the first Bush administration and is a conservative radio host that regularly fills in for Bill O’Reilly on his radio show? While he is certainly one of the few remaining moderate conservatives, he is by no stretch of the imagination a liberal…
I read all the Huffpo people, and usually there is a lot of stuff I like there because they just usually give Wall Street a hard time. I picked Smecomish because he was saying what the rest of them were PLUS then going and calling people “racists” right in the very same article where he was preaching sweetness and goodness.
Plus, I could have quoted Paul Krugman, but most of the time I like what he says. And he was already catching heck from Karl Denninger.
Really, what a lot of this stuff is, is:
“Those mean and nasty right-wingers are causing all these problems by calling people mean and nasty!!!”
See, it is what I try to tell you Obots all the time. The nutty stuff is usually not just on one side. I have another Internet Article planned for:
“Right Warns: Criticize Wall Street and the Rich and the Crops Will Fail!!!”
Because I am fair and balanced!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Plus, this is what you get for interrupting me when I am trying to write Internet Articles!!! I forgot the best part of it, which I had to go and add:
“It is ironic that one of the last things Gabby Giffords did was read these words out loud the day before the shooting:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
For those who don’t know, that is the First Amendment, which protects our right to criticize government and speak our minds. Oh, I hope the crops don’t fail this year!!!”
OH, I can’t believe I forgot this part!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Dude, I can’t figure out where Kate’s words stop and your’s begin. Is it all hers or are you inserting commentary?. This is becoming increasingly difficult with your posts, to figure out if you are including your own comments or not.
I like that I can keep up to date on the idiocy without having to give the sites you monitor another hit, but can you please, please include some kind of markup to indicate what is cut and paste text, and what is your editorial comments?
Thanks in advance.
I don’t consider misconstruing what Mr. Smerconish said in an attempt to make a disorganized and illogical apology for demagogues to be anything other than shameful on your part.
Is it just me (or just Dr. Kate…) or does birther rhetoric seem to have escalated since convicted felon Lakin got his just reward?
Keith, it is all hers….I usually place quotes around the article I copy and paste….I made on editorial comments other than the article was disgusting…
I meant no editorial comments other than the article by Dr Kate was disgusting…
Yet that is exactly what you did by spreading the misinformation that he got all his ideas from Marx or Hitler, ignoring the other authors on his reading list like Homer and Lee, and Huxley, thus backing up the propaganda machine that was trying to peg him as a left wing conspiracy nut, when in fact he is just a seriously sick person whose delusions found validation in the anti-government blog-o-sphere echo chambers (agbsec) on the internet and from the anti-government talking bloated head propaganda (agtbhp) TV and radio broadcasters.
It so happens that most of those agbsec sites are right wing anarchist racist sites, and all of the agtbhp broadcasters are right-wing blow hard rabble rousers, (and one in particular that has a fetish for all things gold just like our shooter).
Blaming his actions on left/right divisions is way too simplistic, he is mentally deranged and his ideas are confused, contradictory, and uncoordinated. Having said that, every time he turns on his TV and hears Glen Beck vowing to strangle Michael Moore, or Sharon Angle encouraging him to use ‘2nd Amendment remedies’ he is operating in an environment of toxicity that feeds his delusions.
Everytime he reads a blog that lies about what the Constitution says in spite of 200 years of history, it feeds his delusions of personal abuse at the hands of the Government.
Every time he turns on his computer and reads how 50 years ago a teenage beatnik college student started a conspiracy to put an ineligible black man in the White House, and in the process corrupted every state official in the State of Hawai’i, as well as those of most of the other 49 states it feeds his paranoia again.
That toxic environment is not 100% attributable to RWNJs. Maybe only 99.44%.
If you could use
,bold, or italics that would be great – it’s not easy to pick quotes out of the text.
I wish people would ignore political assassin supporter Squeeky, and it will go away and make this blog a better place for discussions that don’t include purposefully anoying phrases like “tee hee!” and “so there!”.
And in the Dr Kate comments, of course the sick start their ridiculous and reprehensible conspiracy theories…
January 9, 2011 at 12:51 pm
Something doesn’t smell right to me. Could it be MORE than just a conspiracy to BLAME the Giffords shooting on the Palin Tea Party?
It’s all sooooo coincidental, House delays ObamaCare Repeal vote???
When you look at how Team Obama more than suppressed the Iranian student etc. revolt against Ahmadanejad last year, having involvement in something like the Giffords shooting is easy stuff.
(moreover, when you look at the timing of the bank emergency — at the precise time McCain/Palin — due to Palin — was surging ahead of Obama in the ’08 pre-election polls, thereby turning the election to Obama, this whole timing of these incidents seems more than coincidence… is it just me?, am I conspiracy nut??)
January 9, 2011 at 12:54 pm
I hadn’t thought of that…what was the reason for the delay in the vote? And if it is true, then the assassination attempt was done to intimidate any democrat who planned to vote on the health care repeal…
January 9, 2011 at 1:45 pm
Yes Paula, I do. But I think this is one part of something much, much larger, see Lame Cherry’s post linked below.
This is desperation for them, but so dangerous for us. They have shown that they have no problem killing or maiming civilians, government employees, or anyone who questions Obama. The eligibility issue is the Achilles heel–we know it because it is the one thing they had not planned on was our discovering it. Their intent was to shut us down.
Maybe Congress will realize that the threat of death on them is real, and will collectively stand to out and oust this regime. The quickness of trying to blame this on tea partiers, or those who question obama care, or the Birthers aka Constitutionalists I think is more than circumstantial evidence that they fear this outing, as it will reveal so much more of their insidious plan.
January 9, 2011 at 2:19 pm
Uh oh. Judge was target? Made key ruling against Obama administration’s plans to confiscate Americans savings and retirement….
Just a coincidence that Judge Roll stopped by to see Gabriella Gifford, a friend, after church,
which was just around the corner? It states in part: “…assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama administrations plan to begin the confiscation of their citizen’s private retirement and banking accounts in order to stave off their nations imminent economic collapse, and after having the US Marshals protecting him removed.” ….Thoughts???
January 9, 2011 at 2:38 pm
Here’s the case information:
72 hours before he was killed, he stated he was prepared to rule against the Obama administration and not grant them the authority to confiscate their savings without clear criminal intent being demonstrated.
“A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the top US Federal Judge for the State of Arizona was assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama administrations pl……and to begin the confiscation of their citizen’s private retirement and banking accounts in order to stave off their nations imminent economic collapse, and after having the US Marshals protecting him removed.
According to this SVR report, Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll [photo 2nd left] was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona who this past Friday issued what is called a “preliminary ruling” in a case titled “United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” [Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010] wherein he stated he was preparing to rule against Obama’s power to seize American citizens money without clear and convincing evidence of a crime being committed. ”
True Patriot
January 9, 2011 at 5:52 pm
As for this just happened along biker BS!!!! This was a planned shooting by Obama’s thugs. It’s something you just know.
Quantum Leap
January 9, 2011 at 6:24 pm
And they are saying the judge “just dropped by to say hi” Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? More like he was invited. This is clearly a set up. They found a patsy on KOS and did this citizen’s on the corner’ meeting and invited their targets. This, just days after the wonbama regime pulled away security for the judge.
January 9, 2011 at 6:27 pm
The Judge was definitely the target. Who knew his whereabouts? Who in the WH approved, suggested, supported Giffords’ event at that shopping center?
Can we do a FOIA on Ms Jarrett and Bigfoot?
I agree. Please, before responding to her, consider Obsolete’s good council.
A fascinating view of the origin of a new conspiracy theory – give them a couple more days to ‘cook’ it and they wont have any problem twisting, ignoring, or just outright denying any facts that result from the investigation…
Yes, I have to admit that you Obots are a lot faster than us Birthers. It doesn’t even take you a few days to get it all twisted up. Nope, you do it within a few hours, before you even hear from the murderer, and now Sarah Palin, and the entire right wing, are indicted and convicted!!! maybe you could offer us “speed” lessons on how to twist, ignore, and deny faster???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Slart, not surprising…They need to somehow blame Obama for everything….The have to twist the narrative… and blame the left…Which is what they were in a rush to do…Look at WND…
Aaron Klein Hides Facts On AZ Shooter’s Book List
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Aaron Klein begins a Jan. 9 WorldNetDaily “news analysis” by asking: “Are the news media deliberately disguising the reported liberal politics of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in yesterday’s fatal shooting that left six dead and gravely injured a U.S. congresswoman?” As evidence, Klein highlighted “the men actually listed by Loughner as among his favorite authors, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler.”
Of course, Klein isn’t telling the full truth. That links straight to a WND article he wrote the day before in which he blared that “‘The Communist Manifesto’ and Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ were among the favorite reading materials of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in today’s fatal shooting that reportedly left six dead and gravely injured a U.S. congresswoman.”
That problem is that Klein is selectively citing Loughner’s reading list. Also on the list are books that suggest he’s something other than a commie Nazi — namely, Ayn Rand’s anti-communist tome “We the Living.” Also on the list were anti-totalitarian classics like “Animal Farm” and “Farenheit 451.”
But Klein didn’t mention that — in fact, he offered no link to the full list so his readers could see for themselves. Thus, he avoided having to explain why such books were listed as favorites of a man who supposedly worships comunists and Nazis.
But if Klein were an honest reporter, would WND continue to employ him?
I agree. Y’all shouldn’t be taking advantage of someone who obviously has brain damage and can’t hold her own against those with normal neurological function anyway. It’s not nice.
Hi Fut!!!
I can stay up!!! I even write ORIGINAL Internet Articles!!! Did you read my latest one??? I put it at gratewire, too.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’ve taken a much dimmer view in the past 48 hours of the looney tunes who knowingly pass around lies so that people take shots at our duly elected leader and don’t care who gets hurt, EVEN 9 YEAR OLD GIRLS!!
You should turn on FOX News right now, because they are talking about him and he is just a nut, it sounds like.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The blood of that little girl is on THEIR hands. PERIOD
And when another child gets killed when some nutjob takes shots at the president because of their lies and propaganda about him, the blood for that child will be on their hands as well.
That is just hogwash!!! I bet his lawyer is going to claim he is insane, not that he is a political prisoner. OH, some of you are really going to be embarrassed when everything comes out about this.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Well, lets just get it on, then!!! You know what. If what you say ever did happen, and a Birther went bonkers and shot somebody, then one question you maybe haven’t thought of, is how Obama is going to answer this one, if he is a American:
Q. Mr. President. This Birther controversy has been festering for three years. Why haven’t you just coughed up a Long Form and tried to defuse this???
A. Uh, I thought I could get some extra votes if people thought there were a bunch of crazy Birthers on the other side.
That is what will happen if your SCENARIO ever does happen.
And if anybody questions you Obots:
Q: Why haven’t you Obots pressed for the President to cough up a Long Form and get this matter over with???
A: Oh, we were just having way too much fun teasing Birthers and stroking our own egos about how smart we are, and how stupid they are.
Sooo, TWO can play your stupid game, and guess what??? Mine is TRUE!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You got Angle talking about Second amendment remedies, Paling talking about “reloading,” and putting crosshairs on the very district where this poor dead child lived. On gretawire the nutjobs did the same thing. I reported three of them to the FBI, and I know for a fact that at least one got a visit. They are now not just racists, neonazis, and right wing nutjobs, they’re CHILD KILLERS as well. Time to put an end to this scum
Everyone has a TV these days, and they see all this crap. The idiots who do it know damn well it is putting ideas into people’s heads, yet when a child gets killed, they’re right there saying, “It’s not our fault.” morons
You don’t really know SQUAT about this murderer’s politics. One person said he was a ‘liberal pothead”. Who really knows at this point???
But YOUR scenario isn’t the only one. There is ONE PERSON who can for sure put an end to the questions about where he was born. His name is Barack Obama. And the fact that he doesn’t sure qualify for a medal or anything. If he is a American, then he is just doing CRASS POLITICS, and that is not something that you do this sort of stuff for!!!
So pull your head out of your FUT, and tell Obama to cough it up!!! And get this issue over!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The dumbasses who proliferate this birther crap would be pleased if someone took some shots at the president, and if another child got killed in the process, their response would be, “Oh well,” just like it is with the 9 year old girl that was killed in Tucson.
One idiot was investigated because he sent an email to his congressman saying that he was thinking of shooting the president. Of course, birther idiots see him as a hero and they would see him as an even bigger hero if he tried it even if he killed a 9 year old girl in the process
It’s a crying shame that a 9 year old girl had to lose her life because they are not mature enough to deal with the fact that they lost an election
President Obama and his supporters have done nothing wrong – he has provided proof of his eligibility (which has been confirmed by the Hawaii DOH), something which none of his predecessors did. Neither you nor any other birther has ever shown one scrap of evidence that would cast any doubt whatsoever on his eligibility in a US court of law. Many people (on this site and others) have gone out of their way to explain how ‘natural born citizen’ is defined and interpreted by the courts and given the citations of law to back up their opinion. Your false equivalency is a pathetic attempt at trying to rationalize a morally bankrupt position that you should be ashamed of holding.
That is about as STUPID as blaming Obama for this. You are just trying to make yourself look good and noble and you aren’t even paying any attention to how STUPID what you are saying is. Particularly when nobody even knows that much about this person yet, except that he is probably a nut. There are left wing people who are anti-government, too.
This is just a really good example of how you Obots let your personal feelings interfere with common sense.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Ignore that racist/neonazi/nutjob/child killer, slart. Scum like that isn’t worth wasting a response on. She obviously has brain damage and can’t appreciate it for what it is anyway
Keep up, OK??? Plus what happens if a Obot goes bonkers and shoots up a Birther Convention??? See, this is why there needs to be resolution. Which is what me and the Law Professor and Chris Matthews and Abercrombie have been saying. The last three not even being Birthers.
Sooo, if you Obots want to play PRETEND games, then you ought to think of the other PRETEND things that don’t go your way. Think about the grief and guilt you and Obama could have because you have let this issue fester for really bad motives.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Plus, Illogical Obots, you keep saying that this isn’t a issue, but then you want to blame a bunch of murder on Birthers and the right wing people. Well, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell me that this is soooo inconsequential that Obama can just ignore it, and then get on your soap box and preach how we are responsible!!!
Like I have been saying, this is a issue, and it needs to be resolved. You say it isn’t. Then you blame a dead child on us. Well, is it a issue or not in your opinion??? Huh???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I have one request before you go on vacation, Doc. Please ban that racist/neonazi/ nutjob/child killer scum before you leave. She is doing nothing but proliferating lies and propaganda that will get another child killed; moreover, most of us are tired of her nonsense anyway.
Sorry FUT, you and Obsolete are right – the best way to deal with Squeeky is to ignore her (although my hat is off to G and others with the patience to debunk her ravings). And I have much better things to do with my time…
One last piece of advice – consider the possibility that you are wrong and try to objectively evaluate the information (objectively means without any preconceived biases, by the way…). Remember that Occam’s razor says that the simplest explanation is usually best and ask yourself which is a simpler hypothesis: ‘President Obama was born in Hawaii’ or ‘a massive conspiracy has flawlessly (no admissible legal evidence of wrongdoing) committed an untold number of frauds and crimes to hide President Obama’s foreign birth’?
Take care, I likely wont be responding to you in the future (unless you suddenly embrace rationality – something that I think is unlikely).
One for the road: Your last post was another false equivalency – the president’s eligibility IS a non-issue and the incitement of violence on the right (and amongst the birthers specifically) is a very serious issue which many of us believe was a significant contributing factor to this weekend’s tragedy. What reason do right-wing politicians have for using violent rhetoric besides their selfish political goals? Was getting more Republicans elected worth Ms. Green’s young life?
You don’t ever have to respond to me, and it won’t hurt my feelings. I am NOT a arm twister. But if you are going to say stuff, like somehow this murderer this weekend was because of Sarah Palin, or whatever, then I will just call it what it is at this point- HYSTERICS!
Because we know very little about this person except he seems really clinically nuts. Plus, if you Obots want to one minute say the birth question is a NON-ISSUE, wheich seems silly in light of the FACT that this whole website is dedicated to the issue, and it is on the news nearly every day, then you can’t just turn on a logical dime, and then blame murder on us.
Sorry, but you are not the KINGS of logic here or anything. Some of you are deuces and treys in my opinion. (2’s and 3’s). Sooo, you can ignore me if you want, but I nailed you on that last one and that is why you now want me gone!!! Because you know you can’t have it both ways!!! With me here, on this one little thread, you can’t PRETEND to be know -it-alls as easy.
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Please ignore the deranged, drunken birther troll.
Yes. Ignoring this deranged, spamming, idiotic and drunken birther troll is long overdue.
The next time one of these idiots calls me something with the word “bot” on the end of it, I’m going to call them something with the word “hole” on the end of it.
Sorry, you are just pissing into the wind.
Yeah but you’ll go into moderation and no one will see it. The Doc’s on holiday.
You could always use Acehole
Once again Squeeks you have an equivelancy problem. How does Obama not releasing a long form certificate after he already showed the COLB which is backed up by the birth announcements and the birth index harming anyone? As opposed to the hate spewed on right which has already lead to Richard Poplowski shooting up cops in PA because he thought Obama was going to come take away his guns, Byron Williams who got into a shootout with cops because he was on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation whom Glenn Beck constantly demonized and no one really heard of before. How about Dr George Tiller whom Bill Oreilly constantly dehumanized. What about Jim D. Adkisson who shot up a unitarian church in Tennessee because he wanted to kill liberals and democrats. His manifesto stated he wanted to shoot all the liberals in Bernie Goldberg’s book. The authors on his reading list Bill Oreilly, Michael Savage, and Sean Hannity
Well, for my part the only connection I draw is that the assassination attempt is politically unfortunate for Ms. Palin, because she did make what appears to be a hit list, and a person on that hit list was shot. Whether she caused the violence or not is irrelevant, this is the sort of misguided idea that destroys political campaigns. In an atmosphere where accidentally transposing digits on a tax form will destroy a politician’s chances of election, something like this is off the charts. She will not be considered for nomination by the GOP for President, and it will be in part because of the connection to Rep. Giffords.
As for connecting all this to Obama and the long form birth certificate that you imagine to exist, that is only because you are obsessed with the issue, and you will attempt to connect *anything* to it.
From the ConWeb….
Newsmax Also Misleads About Loughner’s Book List
Topic: Newsmax
WorldNetDaily isn’t the only ConWeb outlet trying to baselessly portray alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner as a liberal based on cherry-picking the books listed on his YouTube profile.
A Jan. 9 Newsmax ariticle complained that “some Democrats and major media have moved to pin the blame for her attack on the tea party movement and conservatives like Sarah Palin, despite the fact that the shooter was both deranged and fascinated by leftwing politics.” Newsmax went on to state that “Loughner had identified among his favorite books ‘The Communist Manifesto’ by Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ and the fiction classic ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ — hardly the reading list of a Palin supporter.”
Like WND’s Aaron Klein, Newsmax failed to note the books on Loughner’s list that contradicted the notion that he is a liberal: anti-totalitarian tomes like “Animal Farm,” “Farenheit 451,” and Ayn Rand’s “We the Living.”
Like Klein, hiding the full list from its readers keeps Newsmax from having to make the uncomfortable explanation of why a supposed enthusiast of all things communist and Nazi reads anti-communist books too.
The ConWeb on Giffords Shooting
Topic: The ConWeb
We’ve been perusing the tweets of ConWeb folks reacting to the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Arizona, and we noticed a couple things.
First, the Media Research Center’s Kevin Eder tweets of the alleged shooter, Jared Loughner: “Nobody on the right is saying ths guy is a liberal or progressive – if only our leftist friends had the same level of respect, or restraint.”
That, of course, is a lie. All he needed to do was check the Twitter feed of his MRC colleague, Noel Sheppard: “Jared Lee Loughner’s fav books include Mein Kampf & the Communist Manifesto. Some right-winger, huh?”
Sheppard’s not the only one: Pam Geller asserted that Loughner is a “total lefty loon.” And Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is screaming, “AZ SHOOTER: LEFT_WINGER!!”
So much for “media research” at the Media Research Center.
Meanwhile, WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush decided to be bizarrely conspiratorial: “As cynical as it sounds, this could have been orchestrated in order to justify crack security for all of Congress for a number of reasons.”
Yeah, we wouldn’t want to protect elected officials from threats of violence, would we?
UPDATE: Proving Eder even more wrong, WorldNetDaily has an article by Aaron Klein headlined, “Assassin’s politics lean ‘left wing, quite liberal’.”
Well, let’s see what’s more important, someone gets a BJ or 6 people get murdered. Gee, that’s a tough one.
(Fake) Squeeky the political assassin supporter masturbates furiously to the thought of more political violence. I am glad a consensus is emerging to ignore the fake Squeeky and her idiotic blog-whoring. Squeeky’s routine isn’t funny anymore with dead children in the mix.
Tee Hee!
And with what does a blog-whore masturbate . . . there’s a Craftsman Professional 4 x 24 in. Belt Sander with variable speed on sale at Sears. Might do the trick. Tee Hee Haw
Sounds to me like some grunty little malebeasts are just jealous that their usefulness in life can be replaced by a $29.95 device made in China!!! Which is also MUCH quieter, neater, and is something that you know where it has been at night!!!
So There!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I’m delighted you’ve found a machine to satisfy your desires. The more more you play with your plastic lover, the less likely you are to play with your computer.
Please ignore the troll.
Oh, and plus UNLIKE your “plastic” lover, I don’t have to blow mine up each time. Or worry about the cat’s claw popping it!!!
Tee Hee! Tee Hee!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You’re right, of course, Will; I forgot myself.
Anyone know whats going on with the fogbow? I can’t seem to be able to log in
I just logged on with no problem – must be on your end.
It’s a conspiracy? (j/k)
Hmm can’t seem to log on I was just logged in yesterday. Says my account is inactive and to email the admin