Joseph Farah
In a shocking story reported in his own paper, WorldNetDaily, publisher Joseph Farah admits to lying to government officials on three separate occasions. Here is his confession:
I called three passport offices … I said I needed to apply for a passport but only had a short-form certification of live birth from Hawaii.
I’m stunned that Farah would stoop to lying to government officials in an attempt to get at President Barack Obama [OK, I’m not really stunned at all]. The more serious offense is his attempt to create the false impression among his readership that there is some doubt about the sufficiency of a Hawaiian birth certificate as proof of birthplace and citizenship.
Farah says: “Same country, different responses,” but who exactly did he call? Farah didn’t disclose which “passport offices” he called beyond saying they were in Hawaii, Virginia and DC. There are Regional Passport Agencies where one would expect him to get an authoritative answer. However, passport applications can be filed at Passport Acceptance facilities, which include many post offices, clerks of court, public libraries and other state, county, township, and municipal government offices.
The office he called in Hawaii (27 possibilities near Honolulu) routinely deals with Hawaiian birth certificates and gave the expected correct response that the Hawaiian certificate is fine. The folks he talked to in Virginia (over 200 offices) and DC (15 offices) may well have never seen a Hawaiian birth certificate before, and got it wrong. By using the loose phrase “only had a short-form” he may have led the office to think that his certificate was something less than the State’s standard certificate. One wonders how many additional passport offices he had to call to get the two wrong answers he was looking for.
Farah also makes another statement, which I find hard to believe:
In fact, if you visit most post offices around the country, you will see signs posted about passport application requirements that specifically say, “no certifications of life birth,”
There might be a nut-case birther postmaster who posted a sign like that, but “most post offices?” The reader can find a local Passport Acceptance Facility by searching on this page. Report back what you find.
Dear Dr. Conspiracy,
People are lying when they make the claim that a person cannot use a ‘short form birth certificate’ (what I term, and believe is the correct term, as an ‘abstract of birth record’) to apply for, and be issued, a US Passport.
In the year 2006 I, Lucas D. Smith, applied for my US Passport and I provided my abstract of birth record, NOT a copy of my original birth record.
It should further be noted that between the years of 2003 thru 2006 I used my abstract of birth record (short form birth certificate) in lieu of a passport when traveling between the USA and Republic Dominicana.
I forgot to mention that it should also be noted that one (I think I have three certified copies) of my abstract birth record (short form birth certificate) has passport stamps on the back of it from when I used it in lieu of US Passport when traveling back and forth from Republica Dominicana and the USA.
Good day.
I have used a Westchester County, N.Y. provided “short form” New York state birth certificate that has less information on it than a current day Hawaii short form COLB to obtain every US passport that I have ever possessed over the last forty years or so.
i’ll check he PO’s around Omaha to see who has a “no COLB” sign up.
I should get my best friend’s son (born in Hawaii) to give the passport office a call.
If Farah simply called the Hawaiian Department of Health and asked “Is the short-form Certification of Live Birth the only birth certificate that you issue,” he would have gotten a great big YES.
And, since people in Hawaii obviously do get passports they must be using the short-form certification of live birth.
I think Farah is getting desperate. I doubt that he will print a retraction or a correction.
What did you use when you went to Kenya?
Could you please add your Passport to your Scribd account?
The State Department’s passport page is very clear as to what evidence of citizenship is required in order to obtain a passport.
Submit Evidence of U.S. Citizenship
“When applying for a U.S. passport in person, evidence of U.S. citizenship must be submitted with Form DS-11. All documentation submitted as citizenship evidence will be returned to you. These documents will be delivered with your newly issued U.S. passport or in a separate mailing.
Primary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (One of the following):
Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state*
check box Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
Naturalization Certificate
Certificate of Citizenship
*A certified birth certificate has a registrar’s raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar’s office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.
NOTE: If you do not have primary evidence of U.S. citizenship or your U.S. birth certificate does not meet the requirements, please see Secondary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship.”
I assume that “some short (abstract) versions….may not be acceptable” indicates forms from some states that do not contain all of the required information or lack seals. The Hawiian short forms appear to contain all of the necessary information and have proper seals.
The only retractions Farah gives are when he shrinks in horror from gay, non-Christian or dark skinned people (or any combination).
The Hawaiian COLB complies to national standards.
To add to Research Geek’s comments, an official “U.S. Department of State Application for a U.S. Passport” form (which I obtained from a post office) says this:
a. APPLICANTS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES: Submit a previous U.S. passport or certified birth certificate. A birth certificate must include your full name, the full names of your parent(s), date and place of birth, sex, date the birth record was filed, and the seal or other certification of the official custodian of such records.
All of those features are present on a Hawaiian COLB.
Convicted felons can get passports? Who knew?
It’s one thing to call up a functionary, feed them leading questions, and achieve whatever objective you sought.
It is another thing *entirely* to apply for, and be refused a passport with a Hawaiian COLB which of course has not actually happened. Of the millions born in Hawaii, why haven’t we heard of one single case where the Hawaiian birth record was rejected by the State Department?
Read Farah’s article carefully. He says “Passport Offices”, not “US Passport Offices”. If you called the Embassy or Consulate of, say, Argentina, or China or Algeria, they would almost certainly tell you that a Hawaiian short form would not be sufficient to get a passport.
Off topic: Would Superman be a natural born citizen?
In the original series (placed in a birth matrix as an unborn child, then shot into space and “born” in Kansas) – YES
In the current version (born in a parallel Kansas) – NO
Of course we (convicted felons) can get a US Passport. You act as if we (convicted felons) are some sort of ‘untouchable caste’ (found in India).
I can also vote (at very least within Iowa) for President of United States of America.
Again, for the record (and in more detail) I applied for my passport in the year 2006 at a US Post Office in Los Angeles, California. I submitted my Iowa abstract of birth record (short form).
As you know may know, the office takes (physically) your tangible birth document and mails it back to you at the same time that they mail you your US Passport.
Also used my Iowa abstract of birth record, in lieu of a US Passport, when traveling abroad in 2003 thru 2006.
Many countries will not admit foreigners who have felony convictions. The US does not nor does Canada. I wonder if Kenya is one of them.
Why can’t the birthers just get a birther born in Hawaii to apply for a passport and get rejected using a Hawaii COLB? How hard would that be?
They’ve been saying this same made up nonsense for two years and have yet to produce a single case of rejection due to the Hawaii COLB not meeting the requirements for a BC.
Are birthers really that dense?
Get real please (you can’t just live in cyberspace). Most undeveloped countries (and also the third world countries) welcome ANY American or Western European to visit their country because those countries need they money that we travelers spend in there while we are there.
Furthermore, most land borders (not including ‘official border crossings’ can be crossed without any check points. Do you really think that these poor countries have a line of soldier and officials that are stacked up, side by side, along thousands of miles of doted line and all the beat up roads that have been taken back by nature and the elements? Furthermore, even at the ‘official border crossings’ passports are not normally ‘stamped’ nor is there a ‘background check’.
As a norm passports are usually stamped at the airport when arriving in the particular country. When is the last time that someone got a passport stamp when traveling over land, to and from, Mexico, USA, Canada?
You, Sir, if you have traveled abroad, are probably the type ‘cushy’ tourist that visits the all inclusive resorts, when and if, you have visited undeveloped nations.
By the way, for you ‘cushy’ tourists that check into all inclusive resorts abroad (aside from Cuba) you should know that a majority of the employees at those resorts are convicted felons. Many of them have been deported from the United States after serving time in US (state or federal) prisons. These people are valuable to the resorts back in their countries of birth because they usually understand English and other aspects of Americans. While the educated of their country might have learned English in a University they usually don’t seek out jobs at ‘resorts’. The deported criminals are commodity at these resorts.
Furthermore, most undeveloped countries that claim you need a visa to enter don’t really enforce those policies. Usually an American or European that enters without a visa will have to pay a ‘penalty fee’ (even though they don’t advertise this in the official law or policy) and then he or she will be waived through. And this is NOT just for the countries that issue, at the airport, the superficial and for profit ‘tourist visas’.
I like experiencing other cultures and other societies.
“US Passport of Lucas Daniel Smith”
The characters and style in the signature of Lucas Smith look very much like the characters and style in the signature of Heltan Maganga on the fake BC.
Jan 1, 2011. My passport was stamped entering Canada by car. I make the trip quite frequently and sometimes they stamp and sometimes they don’t. I have never figured out the pattern.
Of course any country will admit their own citizens whether or not they are convicted felons. Most countries don’t feel they need to import criminals. Kenya has plenty of their own.
Clearly a forgery as the number is blanked out. 😉
doesn’t Farah know about the thousands of Hawaiian residents that got passorts with na COLB (my daughter was one of theml)
That is really numb of him!
However, Lucas did spell his own name correctly.
I was born in Mount Kisco, so your birth certificate probably contains pretty much the same information as mine. As you say, it contains less information than the Hawaii COLB, but it was all I needed to obtain a passport..
Lucas D. Smith, the only thing I am “acting like” is I am acting like you are a laughing stock, and treating you as one.
You cannot prove you ever went to Kenya, because you didn’t.
You presented a forged document and falsely claimed that it was President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
You aren’t dangerous, so you are simply a clown, and that is the only way you will ever be treated.
May you have an interesting life.
Correct. I have a relative who has a felony DWI conviction in Arizona. He got a job working for Princess Cruises in Alaska. When he tried to drive to Alaska, he was turned back at the Canadian border because of his conviction.
I had no idea that this was the case until I heard his story. On my last trip to Canada, three years ago, my passport was checked (but not stamped) when I entered the country.
You don’t read much do you? The part about the deported criminals was “anecdote”. Do you know what that word means, Sir?
The main points were laid out about Americans (felons or not) and Europeans (felons or not) entering undeveloped countries and also third world countries. Sir, did you somehow look over those points?
You can find great (and cheap) reading glasses (or various strength) at both Barnes & Noble and Borders. I will send you a free pair if you can’t afford to buy.
By the way, can I see your fabled passport stamp from Canada that you claim to have received when crossing the border by car? Please provide a PDF.
Where is the page with the stamp showing your entry into Kenya?
I am tired of your excuses. Prove to the standards of reasonable people that you ever went to Kenya. Describe the trip to and from Mombasa.
He already pre-empted you with an excuse, to the effect that a lot of countries don’t stamp passports. As we move the goalposts for him (from proving anything about the document, to merely proving that he traveled to Kenya) he moves his excuses right along.
Of course Canada, and even more so Great Britain, are picky about about who let in their countries.
Geez, you guys are some real brainiacs aren’t you? I didn’t know that Canada and Great Britain were undeveloped countries nor did I know that they were third world nations. I don’t think that Canada nor Great Britain need my tourist dollars to keep their countries afloat. Nor are they looking to make ‘connections’ with Americans in hopes of one day entering that great land of the USA.
Next time I travel to Canada I’ll use my Libyan passport (never been convicted of any crimes in that country).
Maganga’s signature has to be a fake. Who ever heard of a doctor with legible handwriting?
I will be happy to show them when you show your Kenya entry stamp (or exit stamp). I said “them” because I have more than one. On one occasion, my wife was with me and they stamped her passport too.
By the way, I have lived overseas and travelled quite extensively and never been to an all-inclusive resort.
I noticed that Mombasa was sort of an island. Also the people breathe oxygen there and they eat food too. Some of the streets are very narrow and some are big. People drive cars there too on most of the strees except the really skinny ones.
I jumped in the ocean in Mombasa and I found that the water was very wet. I ate some fish to and they tasted very much like fish.
I saw some pretty girls there (of all colors and races) and most of them had two legs and two arms and two feet and two hands. Some wore makeup too.
I saw a sun in the sky there too. They have just one sun just as we have here in the USA.
They listen to music in Mombasa too. When people get thirsty there they drink water and other liquids that can be digested.
Anything else you want to know about Mombasa? Maybe you want to know if it is still part of Zanzibar?
Lucas D. Smith has said that he went to Kenya and got a “Kenyan birth certificate there.”
However, Lucas D. Smith has never proven that he went to Kenya.
He has shown his US passport, but not the stamp for Kenya on it. Apparently, he has claimed (though I have not seen his actual words) that some countries do not stamp the passports of persons who have entered.
Well. Kenya is NOT one of them. It is clear from these postings that Kenya does stamp passports both on entry and on exit.
Please, Lucas D. Smith, here is a polite request. If you went to Kenya, then show the Kenya entry and exit stamps on your passport.
Sureeee Lucas there are no passport stamps..
Maybe if you saw this link sooner you could have photoshopped one into your passport.
Wait for Lucas excuse number 5,305,213 in 5…4..3..2…1
That’s hilarious. You refuse to provide evidence of your alleged trip to Kenya, yet you demand proof of others. Birthers are such hypocrites.
That’s the problem with people like you, YOU DONT READ MUCH.
How can you say, “Apparently, he has claimed (though I have not seen his actual words) that some countries do not stamp the passports of persons who have entered.”???
My “actual words” are just are up a little further in these ‘whole bunch’ of 37 comments. Whoa, I can see how that would be too much for you too read.
Thanks for taking everything out of context too.
I was talking about land crossings.
And once again you are another person that lives in cyberspace. I’ve already thoroughly explained just how things work in the real world. You can cite official laws and policies (that you found with your keyboard and mouse) all day long. I’m not going to explain the same thing over and over again just because you don’t feel like reading.
Ever been out in the field? You probably haven’t but I’m sure you’ll say that you’ve been all around the world and you are really PhD (in philosophy probably, easy degree) and that you speak different languages and that on and on and on. Yes, everyone that posts on Doc’s blog is quite sophisticated, yes indeed.
Just imagine if there are people in other countries like you. What I mean is just imagine if there was Chinese Doc Conspiracy and he has a following of little docs. Most of the little docs would be scouring the internet and finding strange laws and policies in the USA.
Just imagine the little Chinese doc followers stumble upon the various “vagrancy” laws that are found across the US States. Often city law. One states that if you don’t have $5 dollars cash on you that you can be considered a vagrant by the city police and arrested or escorted outside of the city limits.
Well, as Americans, we know that such laws are rarely enforced, if ever, and also that if the law is enforced it wouldn’t be enforced on people that ‘appear’ to be normal people.
But the Chinese doc followers are busting their chop sticks and throwing rice at each talking about, “Hey! I have the law right here in front of me on my computer screen, IT CLEARLY STATES THAT AMERICANS NEED TO HAVE AT LEAST $5 dollars on them at all times otherwise they go to jail!!!
See what I mean?
do you remember the time that Joe Farah didn’t lie?
you don’t, neither do I. (lie for the paypal)
I wasn’t talking about undeveloped countries. I was responding to Scientist’s comment that Canada does not allow convicted felons into the country.
BTW – where’s your passport stamp?
Where did you supposedly cross into kenya from? Do you have passport stamps from there? Do you have passport stamps from where you landed after you boarded a plane? Again you’re trying to weasel your way around.
Turn that page so we can see the Kenyan Stamp.
You are another person that can’t read much either. What, do you just read a couple of my sentences and then just start posting your comment?
Of course Kenya (and almost all other countries too) have entry and exit stamps for passports.
Are you taking medication? Do you have one of those made-up illnesses such as ADHD? You are a very strange bird, Sir.
Drink some water and take a little nap with your favorite blanket.
No I don’t remember that time that Farah didn’t lie. Was it before he grew that strange mustache and before he started pretending to be an investigative journalist?
Of course I have passport stamps from when I arrived at the airport in Africa. I have always up front about this. This is nothing new.
What, do you think that I parachuted like out of the airplane (like DC Cooper) before the airplane reached the airport?
Get a grip, Sir.
I beg to differ. A child molester that throws hot grease at McDonald’s patrons is, in my book, dangerous.
Africa is a continent. Which country did you enter before you crossed into kenya?
Smith, before you embarrass yourself any further, you should be aware that my main postdoc research assistant and close friend for many years is from a village near Mombasa.
I know enough about the place. One thing I do not know is that you went there when you say you did, if ever. At this point, I really don’t care if you have been there. I’m going to remove myself from obamaconspiracy.org until after you have done the same, because I have no interest in participating in any forum in which you are a participant.
Yeah right,hahahahajajjajejejej! your “main postdoc research assistant and close friend for many years is from a village near Mombasa.”
Tell me another joke, please.
I see that my presence in no longer wanted on this blog.
I don’t like disturbing people online or breaking up their group camaraderie.
Farewell my friends.
God speed you.
Lucas D. Smith
I sent a link to this post to my niece in Hawaii, she works for US State Dept (she helped me get my passport), her response: “That was funny, are there really people like this or is this a joke?”
It seems Lucas graduated from the Sarah Palin school of geographical studies.
Damn, I lost track of how many times Lucas has left for good. Is it 5 or 6?
You saying you were done posting here 4 different times. You actually taking the trip to kenya. Both good jokes
Speaking of good jokes. Isn’t this the 5th time you’ve said this now?
If anyone here needs me to, I could give names or post my CV. You can probably figure it out for yourself, since I have already disclosed here and elsewhere that I worked in Hydrology in one of the state universities in Arizona. Unfortunately, that’s already enough to find and harass my friend and colleague, the postdoc from Kenya, and I shouldn’t have mentioned him.
I seem to remember that in the ‘original’ version, Ka-Lel was born on Krypton and then placed on a rocket by his dad before the planet blew up. In which case he is not NBC.
I think there has been about four Superman ‘reboots’ hasn’t there? And if you go by the movies, there’s been about four Batman ‘reboots’ too. And now even Star Trek has been ‘rebooted’.
Furthermore, being placed in a birth matrix is not ‘natural’.
Good point. Especially one with curves and flourishes just like Smith’s.
Bear Down, Arizona!
No matter where he was born, Superman is not a human. Non-humans don’t get US citizenship.
Thank you for sharing and your posts.
I would still appreciate a response of some links on cryptids…
I believe you meant to say D.B. Cooper instead of D.C.
Either way, the reference is good for a clever laugh and I enjoyed it.
Someday we will have to revisit that!
Good! Then you make a photocopy of the page with those entry stamps and post them on your scribd page! We’d all love to see them.
Lucas D. Smith: I noticed that Mombasa was sort of an island. Oh really? Kind of like Manhattan, only without so much of the surrounded by water business?
Canada will not admit anyone with a misdemeanor conviction, either.
Israel will admit with a felony conviction. They rolled out the red carpet for Don King (two convictions for manslaughter).
King also gets invited to Bat Mitzvahs:
“Nearly two years later, in March 2002, Colburn pulled out all the stops for his other daughter, Jessica, at her bat mitzvah party, paying $35,000 to rent much of the ground floor at Washington’s Union Station. The featured attraction was rock star Dave Matthews. How much this cost was not revealed. Jessica’s shindig also featured boxing promoter Don King”
See my posts about Don King.
Funny, I used MY Hawaiian ‘short form’ to get a passport in California, and so did my sister. No questions, no problems. Still have one!
Is the image of a passport on the net proof of the existence of said passport? I thought that according to the the Laws of Birfistania, it wasn’t.
In which case Lucas Smith has no passport. Show us the passport Mr Smith!
> Maybe if you saw this link sooner you could have photoshopped one into your passport.
Actually, Google shows a wealth of Kenyan passport stamps, even including one from Mombasa:
So I don’t think it would be hard to find one as a basis for forgery. Just photoshopping would be out of the question as this could easily be traced back to one of the Google images.
Then again the “Kenyan BC” was not photoshopped (at least not entirely) IMO anyway, probably the template was computer-generated, then typed on with an old typewriter.
Lucas Smith emphasises the relative ease with which one may enter some underdeveloped countries, but he fails to address the likelihood that someone travelling to Kenya from the US would normally have a layover in Europe or the Middle East. There are very few direct flights between the US and Africa and, as far as I am aware, none between the US and Kenya.
If Mr Smith happens to read this comment, then I would be very curious to know his exact travel itinerary.
There are NO direct commercial flights to Kenya (either Nairobi or Mobassa) from the US.
The majority of flights connect through either Frankfurt or Amsterdam, no need for a transit visa if holding a US passport.
You DO need a visa for entry to Kenya if you are a US passport holder, either apply before at the embassy or consulate OR pay on arrival.
Either way there will be a stamp like this….. (embassy)
(along with a receipt from the embassy, such as)
or (at point of entry)
Along I might add with both an ENTRY and EXIT stamp as well (see above)
Smith is not a very clever forger to begin with. But one thing he had going for him was the document itself was several generations of copy,, erasing some of the fine details. With a passport stamp, that’ll be harder to accomplish because it’ll have to be a 1st generation on security paper. It can be done, but not by Smith.
Lucas D. Smith, who claimed to have visited Kenya, has refused to show a Kenyan stamp on his passport.
Lucas Smith is a convicted felon and a con artist. We know that he was caught forging documents, but he probably got away with it at times as well. We know about him attempting to sell a body part and we know that he attempted to sell the “Kenyan birth certificate” on eBay. When con artists are challenged, they typically esort to misdirection and ad hominem attacks, just as we have seen Smith do here.
However, the regulars on this forum are a persistent lot, and Smith was continually challenged to provide proof that he was ever in Kenya. Which, of course, he failed to do. After his attempts at misdirection failed (as he talked about third world countries and implied that he could have entered Kenya without getting his passport stamped), he finally claimed that his passport was stamped – but of course he has failed to post an image of it. Does he have a hotel receipt from Mombasa? A credit card statement showing that he made purchases in Mombasa? Photographs of him in easily identifiable locations in Mombasa?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but if I had stumbled across the Holy Grail at Coast General Hospital, I would at least have had a photo taken of me standing in front of the place.
James, it’s a pity Smith has left. The two of you could have had a good chat about his time as an adviser to the Government of DR Congo’s ‘Hydrology & Rain Water Management Administration’.
Personally, I think the biggest thing that Smith had going for him is that birthers aren’t all that bright. It really isn’t too tough to pull the wool over the eyes of a group of people with the combined IQ of a melted Fudgesicle.
Not to mention the fact that most people don’t have over $5K in cash handy for bribes – to me (taking Mr. Smith at his word…), this would indicate that the search for the BC was probably premeditated and that it was a for-profit scheme (since Mr. Smith doesn’t seem like a staunch political partisan that just wants to remove President Obama at any cost…)
According to his story, he plunked down the $5k without any discussion. Who in their right mind does that?
Someone to whom $5K is a trivial amount of money (which probably isn’t someone who would sell his own kidney) or someone who expected to make money off of the investment…
And of course, without the use of Adobe Photoshop to alter any of them.
And Smith is allegedly from Russia. I wonder if that has anything to do with his obvious disdain for Queen Birther Orly Taitz?
Sef asks rhetorically. 😀
Didn’t you already say the same thing just a few days ago?
Yep, those track. My wife and I went on photo safari in Tanzania, and we had to come in through Jomo Kenyatta in nairobi. We got our visas after the plane landed, which entailed standing in line and paying money to some very umpty looking fellows.
For some reason they scribbled a lot more stuff on the page after the entry visa – probably because the ink on the visa stamp was so faint you can hardly read a damn thing.
We also had to get exit and reentry stamps at the border at Tanzania. Also a fun time in line.
And just to prove we WERE there 🙂
Lucas, did you take photos?
“I don’t like disturbing people online or breaking up their group camaraderie.”
Instead, he prefers to make people suffer and feel foolish by lying, scamming, manipulating and stealing from them.
What a shame that they made the tragic mistake of trusting a career criminal with no shame or respect for human decency or the same rules and laws by which honorable people abide.
I went in to the downtown DC passport office to get an emergency same day passport and they were perfectly okay with my computerized short-form certificate. What they were most definately NOT okay with was the “footie” certificate that the college-aged young man at the wondow next to me was trying to use.
Habari Lucas. Why don’t you give some real info? I have offered to compare my experiences there with yours for a few years now yet you never seem to want to do this. Hmmmm…
Those are called “souvenirs” in the trade.
Is it ‘Mary’ or is it ‘Merry’? And is it ‘Jeniffer’ or is it ‘Jennifer’?
1. Dr ‘MARY’ Othigo
2. Dr Othigo, Jeniffer ‘MARY’ (also not the spelling of ‘Jeniffer’ is not the same as above in example number 4)
or is it…..
3. Othigo ‘MERRY’ J. O. (Dr)
4. Dr. ‘MERRY’Jennifer Othigo (also not the spelling of ‘Jennifer’ is not the same as above in example number 2)
Tell me, what is the correct name(s), and correct spellings those name(s) for the Kenyan doctor Othigo (or Othiga) that you claims was the the Chief Admin on Feb. 19th, 2009 at Coast Province General Hospital?
Dr. Conspiracy, please proceed with extreme caution before answering, or, in your next blog report about it.
Lucas Smith has made it more than apparent that he can’t be trusted on his word.
If ANYONE (I wont mention names) declares that Helton/Heltan name is spelled wrong by citing online references, yet when it comes to Dr. Othigo you (ANYONE), claim that it doesn’t matter that different official online sources spell her names (and sometimes wholly different names) differently, then you (ANYONE) are NOT adept or prepared to have this debate nor are you qualified to present an objective finding of facts on this topic.
I say that with respect. I don’t want you (ANYONE) to embarrass yourself like by making a move similar to those found in the playbook of the pseudo scholar Jerome Corsi.
Btw, this list is NOT exactly the same list of sources that your are referring to that I posted days before.
Mr Grifter. Actually what you listed was “yellow” page like information that often is wrong. That being said, the main problem with Manganas name wasn’t the misspelling; it was that his name was even on it in the first place. He wasn’t Chief Administrator when you supposedly “went to Kenya” and got the certificate in the first place. So why is his name on your forgery?
Lucas, will you bring your passport to your April 12th appearance in Arizona, with “question and answer period to follow”. http://conservativearizonapatriot.blogspot.com/2011/03/mark-your-calendar-now-lucas-smith-to.html
You can show the entrance and exit stamps, and put all this to rest.
Passport. Arizona. April 12th.
Can anyone give a single reason why we would trust an uncorroborated document being put forward by a convicted forger and admited child molester and serial criminal?
Lucas D. Smith has still not shown Kenyan visa stamps or Kenyan entry and exit stamps on his US passport. He will not even say why he won’t show them.
This is addressed to you, Lucas Smith:
I am new to this debate on Doc C’s website, but I have followed your exploits ever since you claim you went to Kenya.
Since the birth record you claim you brought back from Kenya was laughed out of U.S. District Court in Georgia by Judge Clay Land, why don’t you at least prove you were in Kenya. Can you please post your Kenyan Visa now that you’ve posted your passport? It shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to scan for someone who is as accomplished with records as you are, Lucas Smith.
One would think that he would be capable of proving that he had at least visited the continent of Africa.
I wonder how much money “I, Lucas D. Smith” has paid to hide all his records?
Interestingly, many of those not-so-bright birfers don’t believe “I, Lucas D. Smith” either. They know he is a complete fraud.
Poor Lucas. That must pierce the ego.
I think I will go with HeltAn’s email in which he stated quite clearly that he had nothing to do with you and hadn’t signed anything in relation to Barack Obama.
HeltAn is obviously responding to emails. Why not get him to write something in your defense, “I, Lucas D. Smith”?
A question for “I Lucas D. Smith”
Why would HeltAn misspell his own name on an official document?
Smith excuses his error based on the many ways web sites spell the name of Merry Jennifer Othigo.
Now that MichaelN seems to be spending his time spreading the anti-ius soli gospel at the NY Daily News now) I can safely tell you that on the basis of various quotations from the Magna Charta, assertions by Lord Coke in Calvin’s case and statements by Lord Denning in James v Minister of Pensions, it can be concluded that Australia no longer expects foreign visitors to have a criminal record and present that record (and a ball and chains) to customs.
That should save Lucas Smith a few kilos on a trip down under.
“Farah also makes another statement, which I find hard to believe:
‘In fact, if you visit most post offices around the country, you will see signs posted about passport application requirements that specifically say, “no certifications of life birth,”’
I renewed my passport last year and there was no such sign. Los Angeles.
I think he left.
That is similar to his claim that to understand a Kenyan BC, we have to study a BC from India.
“In fact, if you visit most post offices around the country, you will see signs posted about passport application requirements that specifically say, “no certifications of life birth,”
There aren’t any such signs in any post office here in Philly, nor in Maryland where I visit my in-laws.
I just renewed my passport using the abstract, AKA short form.
Farah is a character assassin, like many of his conservative predecessors.
“In fact, if you visit most post offices around the country, you will see signs posted about passport application requirements that specifically say, “no certifications of life birth,”
Not sighted in Chicago or several subarbs…
In Kenya, certain nationalities (including US nationals) do not need visas in advance of arrival in Kenya. They can obtain tourist visas after arrival at the airport. The cost of such visas are slightly higher than if you obtain it from a Kenya Embassy/Consulate prior to leaving the country you are travelling to Kenya from. It should also be noted that obtaining a visa in advance of travel to Kenya can be done by a US citizen in any country in which there is a Kenyan Embassy/Consulate authorised to isue Kenya visit visas, it doesn’t have to be done in USA.
Frankly, in my opinion as a seasoned traveller (mainly business) for nearly 40 years in The Middle East, Far East and Africa (including Kenya) there is no realistic way that the ‘visa on arrival’ system in Nairobi would routinely flag up the fact that an incoming visa applicant has criminal convictions in his home country, unless they were terrorism related.
A person on a current “wanted” list for a crime serious enough to get his name circulated internationally might well be flagged up during the visa on arrival system, but I wouldn’t even bet money on that being guaranteed.
Visas being applied for at a Kenyan Embassy in the traveller’s home country might possibly involve the visa processing staff having more time and opportunity to check for criminal convictions in that country if they were disposed to do so, but I really don’t think that Kenya (which is desperate to encourage tourists, especially from affluent countries) would give that much priority, other than re terrorists lists etc. Basically they want your money (for the visa and for all the spending you will do while there), not your CV and aren’t really going to care if you once forged a check from your granny’s account in any case.
Frankly I think the “does Kenya give visit visas to convicted felons” aspect is a bit of a red herring and an unecessary distraction from the real issue of Mr Smith evidencing when and how he entered and left Kenya.
> “In fact, if you visit most post offices around the country, you will see signs posted about passport application requirements that specifically say, “no certifications of life birth,”
Why would “signs” be necessary if people could simply be told? Are that many people applying with COLBs?
This is a bit like claiming there’s a sign above the door to the Oval Office saying “no dual citizens”. In other words, it’s a plain lie.
I challenge you birthers to show us some photographs. At least 100, please, as you claim that this is so commonplace that it’s in “most post offices around the country”.
The funniest thing about Lucas’s POS fake birth certificate is it gives no date of birth for the baby’s father – just the year. Of course it gives the full date of birth for Stanley Ann. Could this possibly be because Obama Snr’s birthday isn’t available on the internet for Lucas to add to his forgery, or are we meant to believe that Barack Obama Snr doesn’t in fact know his own birthday, not even the month?
Care to explain Lucas? Perhaps you can come up with other examples of people that don’t know their own birthday.
Some Africans of that era only use a year of birth. However, what I find more incredible is that POSFKBC has exactly the same time of birth as the COLB, almost certainly indicating that one was copied from the other.
In a bit of googling, I have not been able to confirm that the present name of the hospital where Lucas supposedly got the BC is Coast Province General Hospital. The links I found, more generally call it Coast General Hospital. If the correct name is Coast General Hospital why would Maganga’s stamp have said Coast Province General Hospital? Anyone have a definitive answer?
Further to this,I found a USAID document ( http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnadd304.pdf ) which calls it Coast Provincial General Hospital and other links to this name. The only references to Coast Province General Hospital that I see are ones which are birther sites talking about the POSFBC.
I think that this site (http://www.therightscoop.com/trump-on-the-view-obama-needs-to-show-his-birth-certificate/) badly needs some comments from anti-birthers. I would post on it, but it has blocked me.
Perhaps Mr. Smith can explain how the information on the COLB was copied from the POSFKBC in 1961 – I can’t wait to see if the story involves a DeLorean or a Police Box…
This really is a difficulty for birthers that believe the POSFKBC. It ties them an Obama birthdate of August 4, and the COLB toes the registration date to August 8. That’s not a lot of time for a mother and baby to race home to register the baby; in fact it is a virtually impossible scenario.
The sad thing is that they completely fail to understand how this takes their theories out of the realm of ‘unlikely but possible’ and puts them in the category of ‘bat$hit insane’…
When you put it in that context, it strips the aguement down to the bear bones.
Did the Dept of Health or Obama’s Grandparents get the information from the Kenyan Birth Certificate over the phone. If so, for what purpose?
Did a convicted forger copy the information from a Hawaiian COLB available on the internet to create a document to sell on Ebay?
Is this a difficult question?
That would assume it was published in the paper the very same day it was registered. Very narrow window.
Maybe Lucas thinks that an astrological analysis would have caught out the forgery?