The following press release is from the Hawaii Department of Health web site. I reproduce it here because it has a number of important points that address issues that have been raised about Obama’s birth in Hawaii, the Department’s policies and Hawaiian birth certificates in general.
April 27, 2011
HONOLULU – The Hawai’i State Health Department recently complied with a request by President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth, which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.
“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai’i,” Hawai’i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai’i.”
On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley, the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached).
On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama’s request, Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.
President Obama authorized Ms. Corley to pick up the documents. On April 25, 2011, Ms. Corley appeared in person at the Hawai’i State Department of Health building in Honolulu, paid the requisite fee, and was given the two certified copies, a response letter from Director Fuddy to President Obama, and a receipt for payment. (Letter from Director Fuddy is attached).
In June 2008, President Obama released his Certification of Live Birth, which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “short form” birth certificate. Both documents are legally sufficient evidence of birth in the State of Hawai’i, and both provide the same fundamental information: President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawai’i at 7:24 p.m. on August 4, 1961, to mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.
In 2001, the Hawai’i State Department of Health began computer-generating vital statistics records. Since then, its longstanding policy and practice has been to issue and provide only the computer-generated Certifications of Live Birth, and to not produce photocopies of actual records to fulfill requests for certified copies of certificates.
Director Fuddy made an exception for President Obama by issuing copies of the original birth certificate. The departmental policy to issue only computer-generated Certifications of Live Birth remains in effect for all birth records that have been computerized. Director Fuddy, in her capacity as Health Director, has the legal authority to approve the process by which copies of birth records are made.
“The exception made in this case to provide President Obama with a copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth was done according to the letter of the law,” Attorney General David Louie said. “Director Fuddy exercised her legal authority in a completely appropriate manner in this unique circumstance. We will continue to maintain the strict confidentiality requirements afforded to vital statistics records, such as birth certificates. These requirements help protect the integrity of the records, and keep us all safe from crimes, such as identity theft.”
Governor Neil Abercrombie stated: “Considering all of the investigations that have been done and the information that has been provided, no rational person can question the President‟s citizenship. We have found a way – once again – to confirm what we already knew: the President was born here in Hawai’i. State officials of both parties have verified that President Obama‟s birth records show that he was born in Honolulu.
“President Obama‟s mother and father were dear friends of mine, and we must respect their memory. It is an insult to the President, his parents and to the Office to suggest that he was not born in Hawai’i. The State of Hawai’i has done everything within our legal ability to disabuse these conspiracy theorists. We granted the President‟s request for certified copies of his birth certificate so we can all move on from this unfortunate distraction and focus on the real issues affecting people today.”
As an officer in the International Jewish Conspiracy™, I wish to confirm the above press release.
wow, the entire state is in on the conspiracy and aided in the forging of documents, quick call the FBI, CIA, Canadian Mounties, and Oraly Taiz. We need to arrest the entire state of Hawaii including King Kamehameha, we can torture them till they admit where they are hiding Elvis, Don’t give up Birthers, Elvis lives.
Can you spell “waterboarding,” boys and girls?
It’s only a matter of time before Orly and the gang decide to claim that Hawaii wasn’t really a state in 1961 so the who birth certificate issue is now irrelevant.
I’m sorry, we can’t arrest King Kamehameha, he’s dead, but we can still get Elvis. We can put each and every Hawaiian in Oraly’s dental chair until they confess where Elvis is. All of us know that Elvis is holding Obama’s African birth certificate. Yes, Oraly drilling or waterboarding, do it!
Birthers Challenge Hawaii to Produce Statehood Certificate
Is it safe?
As a Frenchman and therefor Embodiment of All That Is Evil and Yummy With Chardonnay I also attest the veracity of said release.
Bad link:
That was an excellent press release.
Birtherism has been officially relegated to the dark corners of extreme fringe conspiracy bigotry where it always belonged.
I do not expect the media to tolerate these idiots and their nonsense any further, other than to dismiss them outright when they try to squawk and froth.
No one serious should entertain their fictional “2 parent” nonsense, “Indonesia nonsense”, “free Terry Lakin” nonsene, “fraud” nonsense or any of their other silly and slimy smears.
Their movement has been completely outed as the extreme ODS bigotry that it is and always was.
It will be interesting to see how many of these sore losers eventually move on and how many continue to fester and drag the GOP down further..
I agree. The media is just making fun of claims that its a forgery and are mocking any mention of the Vattel theory as moving the goalposts. They have no chance of being taken seriously again.
After all the times I explained, hither, thither and yon (mostly yon) all over the Innertubes that President Obama CAN NOT GET his long form birth certificate, he made a monkey out of the poor ol’ rooster.
But I recall an exchange of emails with the Doc here, where he told me that when push came to shove, if he really, really, really wanted to, the president might actually be able to get one.
So I am here to admit publicly: You, Doc C., were right, and I was wrong.
I thought it would be released, at a Hawaii presser, 6 weeks before the election. I believed an exception would be made, because of the storm. I haven’t seen anything like this since Watergate.
Note: if I was wrong about my concerns, I stand corrected. I fully intend to actively support Obama’s re-election, as I did initially. I vehemently disagree with him about Afghanistan, Libya, and not shutting down Gitmo.
But the 1st Amendment is at stake, as is scientific research and reproductive freedom.
Lets just sit back and enjoy those sweet sweet Foggy tears shall we?
Plus, it will be fun to watch the birthers head explode when he is re-elected.
Hey Foggy,
Put me down in that same boat with you. I’m happy to concede to Doc & admit I was wrong on this aspect, too.
Not only was I extremely skeptical that such exceptions could happen, I was even more doubtful that such steps would be taken, and beyond that even more convinced that taking such action would be a bad idea.
I’m happy to admit I was wrong on all those accounts.
Now, if my prediction made April 24, would come true, then I would be truly happy.
I still think it was a bad idea. There is no question in my mind that releasing birth certificates will now be obligatory in all presidential races, just as releasing tax returns is ever since Nixon did it at the time of Watergate. Now every candidate for President (or at least those born in the many states that have policies similar to Hawaii) is in the position of having to ask for a favor from the Governor in order to run. Politics is a dirty game. Does anyone doubt that someday somewhere a governor will use that to block a rival from running? I don’t
OK, we were wrong about it being actually being possible to get that copy of the original birth and birthers were wrong about…..everything else.
The difference is even in the face over-overwelming evidence (available since before the election of 2008) and the complete destruction of their founding myth this week the birthers persist in their bigoted denial.
Big difference.
The questions for birthers now is:
1. Will they pursue the GOP and third party candidates with demands they “release” the same sort of original document that the POTUS handed them this week?
2. If not, why not?
3. Will they now drop the bills in the state houses now that it is obvious the Obama will have zero trouble meeting even the stupidest bill requirements with the new certified LFBC from Hawaii?
The big joke is the recent LFBC bills wil have no effect on Obama (he already met the requirements) but be a burden to everyone else and open the teabag candidates up the cahllenges if they produce normal COLBs.
What say you birthers?
I didn’t say that I don’t still have concerns about bad precedents being set here… I’m just weighing both the benefits & concerns – both which are real and exist and realizing that the benefits appear to be paying off at this point.
I agree with your concerns about the long term and future candidates, etc. I have short-term concerns as well – certain of his opponents will just see this as a sign of “acquiesence” that they can continue to manipulate and if they only shout long enough, they can succeed in getting him to have to pay attention to their meaningless distractions.
Most events have both short-term & long term consequences. We won’t be able to assess and evaluate that longer-term impact for awhile. Even the short-term impact still requires at least a good month of the dust settling to see how it all worked out.
So far, the short-term seems to be better than I could have anticipated and to have succeeded in unmasking the true birther motivations for the world and the media to see better than I could have hoped. It appears that the media is finally losing patience with even entertaining any of the birther’s further arguments, now that the “LFBC” red herring has been taken off the table and exposed. We can only hope that this trend holds.
You’ll never make it as a birther if you keep admitting when you’re wrong
So basically, you’re admitting that the birther meme that ‘Obots said he couldn’t release his long form’ is your fault? That you were one of the forces behind a whiny and inane pseudo-conspiracy ur-hypothesis (it’s certainly not a theory) that makes the birthers look like even bigger whackjobs? (not easy to do…)
Good Job! You’ve earned your Soros check today… 😉
The birthers are in a bind – if they don’t keep pushing the bills they will look like hypocrites (for the simple reason that they will be hypocrites) and if they do they could hurt their teabagger candidates. Oh wait – birthers don’t care about being hypocrites and don’t understand the implications of their theories or actions… never mind.
LOL! Well said.
I don’t know what the birthers will do, but I’m pretty sure the media will insist that all candidates release birth certificates of the type Obama released. I suspect this will become obligatory in future campaigns (even without a legal obligation) as releasing tax returns is now. That will probably go on until those born in the electronic filing era reach the point where they will run in 30 years or so. i don’t know what will be done then.
As far as birther laws I expect that they will go forward. After all, the legislators weren’t targetting Obama, were they?
Listen closely, Misha: You have to actually TAKE the anti-psychotic medication… it’s not going to help you if you leave it on the shelf next to your tin-foil hat, drool cup, and corrective underwear.
Unless you were trying your hand at satire, in which case never mind.
Hi, everybody. I have a question. Just last weekend, I was talking about this with my brother (with Donald Trump making such a fool of himself, it was easy for the subject to come up), and I made the following prediction: that IF the Hawaii Department of Health ever released the “long form”, and attested to its validity, and if there was a doctor’s name and hospital on there, THEN within 3 days someone would be trying to prove that the family had bribed someone at the hospital or the registration office to register it that way.
So has anyone spotted that one yet? because if so, I get bragging rights. 🙂
I think the long-term problem with Louisiana’s HB 561 is that it extends to Congressional elections and requires a “long form” complete with hospital name, attending physician’s name, and witness signatures.
Louisiana doesn’t currently produce such a form – at least their standard form doesn’t list an attendant’s name or contain signatures. In the long run (with electronic birth registration the norm now) they won’t even have a backup of making some sort of special request to get an “original form”.
That is a very good press release. It settles the issue for anyone willing to have it settled. And moving forward, it makes the birthers’ game obvious–“There’s a BLACK man in the WHITE House!!”
I googled a comment about an allegation of bribery but it’s on an ugly white supremacist web site:
“They had plenty of time and diversions for 3 years to get their T’s crossed and I’s dotted on this Long form BC (i.e. blackmailed and bribed Hawaiian operatives and others). The Father’s race is still african and not negroid. There is no race called African.”
“Never mind”:
Hmmm. Do you think that counts? I’m not sure. Well, anyway, I still have one more day. It was on Wednesday, right? Plenty of time ……
That reminds me of what I heard in Israel:
A Romanian refusenik goes to her rabbi. “I’ve been here a year. When I told them in Romania I wanted to emmigrate, I was fired from my job, so I shoplifted and took to streetwalking for money. Now a man has proposed.”
The rabbi says, “well, you’re here now, you’re starting over, and you’re engaged. Mazel tov.”
“There’s one problem, rabbi.”
“Problem? How should there be a problem?”
“What should I tell my fiancé?”, she asked.
“Tell him everything, but don’t tell him you’re Romanian.”
I think it might be shorter than that. Louisiana bill was crafted to include the “long form” requirement for all federal office candidates to appear on the ballot – include the House of Representatives. If I recall my Constitutional requirements correctly – the minimum age is 25 years. As it stands now, I think the members of Congress (and prospective candidates) in La born in the state might be scrambling to see if they have that form and/or find what their options are to get a new one. They (like Hawaii) don’t give a standard option to get the original format. I’d think the health dept there isn’t looking forward to getting requests for this kind of work.
Hawaii was actually in a pretty good position to produce a “long form”. It looks like they use completely blank security paper (I’m actually wondering if it has some watermarks or other security features that don’t show up on scans) at the Dept of Health office. Scan the original form, trim off the parts that don’t need to be there, print it to the security paper, apply the registrar signature stamp, date it, and emboss it with the Dept of Health seal.
Louisiana has this funky certified record format. I can’t tell 100% from this scan, but it would appear that all the lines and box title are preprinted on the security paper. The actual entries don’t look to be printed in as high resolution. I’m guessing that it’s been part of the security paper, although it might be a two-step process where they print that part themselves after Midwest Bank Note sends them blank sheets. If they have blank sheets, I guess they could cobble something up.
I like it too. I guess they felt free to issue such a release since all the documents have been made public by the President.
However – I’m wondering why their scans looked so clean while the White House versions look like they were scanned from FAX output. The WH is half the size of the Hawaii DoH version, so I’m thinking they scanned them at a lower resolution to save potential bandwidth.
Also – remember the talk about policies and procedures? It reads like the Health Director at the time made an executive decision.
Is Orly Taitz also a co-conspirator? I ask because I fear that she is giving your organization a bad name.
That is exactly what happened, although we don’t know whether it was a matter of the scan itself, or whether the White House has multiple versions of the scan — a high resolution version kept for their own records, and a lower resolution version for the public web site.
It is very common procedure for uploads to web sites to be optimized (made smaller) for web viewing, either manually, or via an automated process by the software used for uploading.
What is the explanation for releasing a document that contains several layers, some of them indicating image manipulation?
However you slice it, Obama is a crook: Either he intentionally published a crappy scan on the web to continue this debate or the image has been altered from the original document received from Hawaii DoH.
Where is the state seal on the certified long form?
Actually, his Administration is remarkably scandal free. By this point in every recent Administration someone (in most cases several people) had resigned under a cloud of charges and often indictments. So far, no one in the Obama administration has done so. Darrell Issa has come up empty. We’ll have to see as time passes, but to date, Obama looks shockingly clean. I happen to love a nice scandal and am quite bored by the lack of even a hint so far. He even seems to be faithful to his wife. I find myself nodding off in boredom…
The universal answer is that documents on a federal government website are supposed to be optimized for disabled access – i.e. using OCR as a default to isolate the text.
Just because it didn’t show up well on the scan doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I’ve seen something that looks like the seal is breaking up the security paper pattern above April 25 2011. I opened it up using Adobe Reader and uploaded a screen shot of the area in question:
If they did alter the scan of the document before posting it, then it’s strange that the Hawaii Department of Health has linked to the website’s page of this “altered document”. I would think if they thought it had been altered, they wouldn’t do anything to legitimize it, such as the following:
“On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.
For information go to“
The White House published image has been manipulated. It is not a simple scan of a document sent to them by Hawaii DoH.
The question is – why do some layers in the image do not show signs of being created by a color scanner?
Can you pay a rainbow to be less beautiful? – Mango
Open ANY PDF file in Adobe Illustrator. It will create multiple “layers” and “groups” in an effort to help you work with the document. That is what the software is for. The “layers” are created by Adobe Illustrator, they are not in the PDF file.
Or, you can read my easily verifiable explanation above, and admit you are wrong, and have been wrong for many years.
Why are you obsessing over an internet image? Hawaii certifies the actual, printed copies here:
That was done to make you miserable.
No, that was Nixon and Agnew.
Expert: No Doubt Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Legit
nc1- here is a real chance to accept the truth.
Open ANY PDF file in Adobe Illustrator. It will create multiple “layers” and “groups” in an effort to help you work with the document. That is what the software is for. The “layers” are created by Adobe Illustrator, they are not in the PDF file.
Try it yourself. It is easy. Or, you surly can find someone who has Adobe Illustrator and ask them to verify my claim. Millions of people have Adobe Illustrator- why would I lie about something that can so easily be verified?
Remember- “Trust, but Verify”.
When you see that I am correct, maybe you will doubt the next easily debunked birther claim.
I do not believe you are qualified to ask the question.
The really stupid bit is IT DOESN’T MATTER if the scan has or does not have “artifacts”.
The only documents that matters are the ORIGINAL PAPER DOCUMENTS which have been confirmed as valid by the DoH and have an impeccable legal provenance.
Birfoons really are purblind and insane.
They also have placed a direct link to the White House URL that includes a copy of the form. They’d be really stupid if they were linking to something without first checking the scan to see if it was an accurate representation of what they produced.
If they looked at it and found the scan didn’t match the document they created, I would think they would stay far, far away from that scanned PDF.
Expert Analysis: Evidence indicates that the document was changed:
Give it up already. Your lost cause of lies is discredited and dead.
They really don’t get it, do they? Although I like the ‘technology expert’ on the video – it has a 1950s futuristic feel to it…
NC1 is so desperate to believe anything that he is willing to have them manipulate him into looking like a fool again.
She (NC1) is a lost cause. ODS causes brain damage.
To what end?
Hawaii (specifically the Director of the Department of Health) watched the copies being made. They (the Director and Registrar) ensured that the copies were the same as the originals.
Hawaii then linked to the copies that the White House put on their website.
If anything was changed, don’t you think (1) the Director or Registrar would have mentioned it; and (2) Hawaii wouldn’t have linked to the White House copy?
How can you possibly maintain this level of Obama Derangement? Isn’t it tiring?
At some point, the whole world is in on the conspiracy, nc1, and really, at that point, how do you tell that you aren’t the conspiracy?
If this were true, one could open any PDF file on the Federal Government’s website in Illustrator and see the same artifacts.
I’m sure that nc1 is just about to try this, right?
Bin Laden is dead, Obama will be re-elected.
Suck it, and drop dead.
It is obvious that the person who put the image on the web wanted this issue to go on. Knowing the history of the issue (questions about authenticity of COLB image), this was not an honest attempt to present the copy of the original long form birth certificate. How difficult is it to post a good quality scan on the web?
I hope they will do a better job presenting the evidence of Osama bin Laden’s death.
You are vermin.
No Nancy
You and the rest of your lying, delusonal, racist, seditious feckwits are the vermin.
You’re irrational hatred of the Nigger in the House White and lets really be honest, that’s what it is REALLY about, is a foul stenc upon this country and it’s time that you rolled up you’re carpet of offal and sodded off.
Of course. George Romney ran. Born in Mexico to a polygamist. No one screamed his father was a bigamist, and no outcry about he’s not a NBC. Yes, I know there was a question, but it wasn’t anything like this. Goldwater was born when Arizona was a territory, not yet a state.
I wonder why. Oh yeah – Romney made great cars. [snicker]
Two things are obvious to me:
1. YOU Want this to go on!
2. To that end, YOUR brain has stopped even the attempt to come up with non-conspiracy explanation. Could it be as simple as the scanner software being left on “enhance text?” Nope, the Obama Derangement is strong with this one!
Get over yourself! Not everything is a plot to get you!
Since, literally, ANY PDF opened in Illustrator will show layers, I think you birthers have proven it 100% impossible to post any proof you will accept.
The birther scum should post her naturalization form unless that’s a forgery too.
Even walls have enemies.
> Open ANY PDF file in Adobe Illustrator. It will create multiple “layers” and “groups” in an effort to help you work with the document. That is what the software is for. The “layers” are created by Adobe Illustrator, they are not in the PDF file.
Very good and simple explanation. I’ve just verified that using Illustrator CS4 on a couple of PDFs, from my car dealer’s invoice over my lawyer’s memo to my own (InDesign-created) letters – they all “have” layers just the way the Obama LFBC PDF has.
It’s an Illustrator process.
Another way to verify this is to open the file in any other Adobe software. Does Photoshop show layers? Does Acrobat? I don’t think so.
But I suppose birfers will again ignore and censor this fact, should it be mentioned on any birfer site. Because that which must not be, cannot be, you see?
1. Your fellow Obots are using inappropriate language. Read the thread and you will know what I am talking about.
2. If no proof is offered about Osama’s body you’ll need to expand the Conspiracy site.
Another classic from the all American NC1 who loves America, really
Glenn Beck never offered proof he did not rape and murder a girl in 1990. I still haven’t heard from Joseph Farah, denying he molests barnyard animals.
Glenn Beck and Andrew Breitbart’s surnames both begin with ‘B’. Coincidence?
Your need for conspiracy to massage your ego does not obligate Doc.
If the language you allude to bothers you, please feel free to take your custom eslewhere. Don’t let the forum doors hit you on the a….er I mean your posterior… on the way out
I’ll have you know sir that the Ass is a patriotic animal and I take issue with how you failed to include it in that message. You will be regieving notices of suit for slander by proxy on this noble animal forthwith.
nc1- I explained that there is nothing “wrong” with the scan posted, and a simple way for you to confirm.
Instead you keep lying and spreading seditious untruths about our President.
You are officially anti-American scum.
Enjoy six more years.
Nc1- (aka anti-American scum)
Others have verified my findings. It is really simple- Why won’t you?
Open ANY PDF file in Adobe Illustrator. It will create multiple “layers” and “groups” in an effort to help you work with the document. That is what the software is for. The “layers” are created by Adobe Illustrator, they are not in the PDF file.
What are you afraid of? Why don’t you try it before spouting sedition and lies?
Yes, the layers are in the PDF file. When you scan a document into a PDF, the pro tools create layers for optimization and accessibility. The freebie San to PDF that came with your scanner might not, but PDF creators like Adobe Acrobat do.
Please don’t make stuff up. Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard shows layers. You should have read my article.
I’m not sure what tool they used. As far as I could tell, they saved the final PDF file from Preview, which is the basic Mac OS X tool for viewing images and PDFs. I don’t really think of it as being an image creation tool, although it has some simple editing and format translation features. They could have used it to convert a TIFF/JPG file to PDF, but that would seem clunky. I’m thinking they simply used some other software to do the grab (perhaps Image Capture if on a Mac) and then did a check in Preview with a final save.
One of the main reasons I recall for saving an image as a PDF is that it specifies the size of the document regardless of the resolution chosen. It’s made it easier for me to save an 8.5×11″ document as such and print up a copy at the original size. I’ve tried saving scans as JPEGs and it becomes difficult to get the size I want.
I looked again, and apparently Preview can do image grabs from a scanner, I’ve never used it for that purpose though.