Off with her head!
That’s what the mob commenters over at the Orly Taitz blog have been saying. Orly has lots of activity on her web site demanding recall of Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona, solely because she vetoed HB2177, the birther bill. Orly writes:
At this point, if Brewer does not change her attitude towards presidential certification bill, we have to act to forse this issue.
At the moment the legislature cannot overwrite the veto, since apparently there wan undue influence of the regime on both Brewer and speaker of AZ house Kirk Adams. Adams abruptly ended the session 3 days early. Legislators did not have an opportunity to overwrite her veto. We have to recall Brewer in order for the new governor to call the emergency session and overwrite her veto.
Taitz calls Governor Brewer the “Bernadette Arnold of the second American revolution.” I get the Arnold allusion, but what is this “second American revolution?” [more on that below]
Taitz and her faction have also been quick to label federal judges who did not rule her way as “traitors.” Orly Taitz is a Soviet emigre, and perhaps her negative stance towards government officials is colored by that experience. Her supporters would be those whose own attitudes resonate with those of Taitz, and at least in their speech, some of the more militant among the birthers. Here are some select comments from Orly’s site:
“Maybe she is a closet Pedophile, or something just a unsavory.”
“Both Brewer and Adams need to go, they have to be kicked out of office, so that other corrupt politicians do not do the same”
“Jan Brewer is a coward.”
“The whole republican party is scared as hell of George Soros, and is therefore content to allow him to have his, way using a foreigner, with our rules and regulations.”
“Maybe da gov is trying to line herself up for the “Benedict Arnold Traitor ” award. Somebody should take the Usurper out on the golf course and whack his balls,”
“The reason that Jan cowered is the same reason that over 500 of our elected congress people don’t even want to bring up the issue. We, as a nation have been diluted to a quivering bowl of jello. Everyone of the sniviling cowards are afraid to tell the emperor that he has no clothes. the only time that corruption is weed out and addressed is when there is civil unrest. Look at Egypt, look at Libya, look now at Syria. Keep looking, but be prepared to act. To hold power, the satist must resort to physical force. this will evolve from martial law; as the hold on power cannot be sustained thru the election process. The people voted the slime into power. They refuse to follow the constitution, or the laws written into it. Therefore, they must be removed. The overide is the first step, the recall is the second, civil disobedience is the third, Those who will outlast the first 3 phases of the legal taking back of our liberty must be ready, willing, and ably daring enough to revolt as our forefathers did over 200 years ago. The tree of freedom is watered by the blood of patriots.”
In related news, Taitz is calling for a Federal Communications Commission investigation of CNN for failing to report on her information about Obama’s social-security numbers.
You’d think a lawyer would know the difference between override and “overwrite”.
Oh…. it’s just Orly? That explains it
Is there such a thing as a birther event horizon? Because it sure looks like a black hole ahead.
occasionly I would pop over to Orly’s site to get a laugh, but it’s not funny anymore, it is a very sick and ugly site, full of hate and delusion. Can you imagine the stress they cause their families, really sad! As with all birthers, hate comes first, pathetic.
Oh geesh, Orly… Go back to Hootersville. The shusters are shusting.
Jan Brewer has to be a closet Pedophile. There’s no other explanation for her veto.
Orly is a refusenik. I met plenty like her in Israel. Uniformly miserable, and they spend their day licking their wounds.
I was a Sharansky supporter until he went off the deep end.
One of “Dr,” Kate’s rallies might qualify.
You would also think a lawyer would know that the FCC, and the government in general does not regulate what news agenices/networks report, or how they report the news…you know, that silly little 1st Amendment thing.
But like you said..”it’s just Orly? That explains it.” Perhaps she’s having flashbacks to her USSR days.
Q: If you’re paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse?
A: Ask the Birfers. That question would make perfect sense to them.
Q: What skill must be learned for a Scout to earn a Birther Merit Badge?
A: The Scout must demonstrate the ability to figuratively tie the United States Constitution into a hangman’s noose.
Q: What do you call 10 Birthers standing ear to ear?
A: A wind tunnel.
Q: What’s wrong with Birther jokes?
A: Birthers don’t think they’re funny and other people don’t think they’re jokes.
At the moment the legislature cannot overwrite the veto, since apparently there wan undue influence of the regime on both Brewer and speaker of AZ house Kirk Adams.
The undue influence in question? Reality.
I think maybe the most disturbing comment of all is the one with the obligatory mention of George Soros. Not for its content, but for its apalling misuse of commas.
I cannot even begin to conceive of the amount of cognitive dissonance going on in what passes for that woman’s mind…
“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
Of cabbages–and kings–
And why the sea is boiling hot–
And whether pigs have wings.”
And what is overwriting anyway? In true Orly style she manages to butcher our language…
Hint: Override…
No matter how hard the birthers unload on Gov. Brewer, she actually may have done them a favor. I’m not attributing bad motive to her; I think she did the proper thing.
But to avoid a train wreck with the 2012 election, I believe this matter should be resoilved as quickly as possible.
The birthers aren’t going away, and they would like nothing better than to throw a huge monkey wrench into the fall presidential campaign, raising as much suspicion as possible under the “where there’s smoke there’s fire” theory.
Imagine that several states are embroiled in a controversy over whether President Obama gets on the ballot in September, or even October, 2012.
Had Brewer signed the dingbat legislation, the Obama campaign would have been well-advised to immediately sue to declare it unconstitutional. Thus a federal trial court would have had to take the case, and i’m assuming the law would have been struck down. I believe that few federal judges, liberal or conservative, would find for the birthers. The next stop would have been the federal appeals court in San Francisco, and I have a good idea how this liberal court would rule. After the appeals court turned thumbs down on the birther law, the U.S. Supreme Court, I expect, would have declined cert.
My guess is the high court won’t accept a birther law case unless one escapes from a circuit appeals court intact. I don’t see that happening, even in such a conservative court as the Fifth Circuit for Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
Which brings me to Gov. Jindal and the Louisiana Legislature. They might well enact such a law, if I’m surmising accurately from news reports. .
So, at the same time I’m deploring such a law, I’m rooting for its passage.
I can’t listen to Rush Limbaugh. The string between the tin cans is broken.
Q. What’s the solution to the Birther problem?
A. Live ammo for Civil War reenactments.
Q. Why did the Birther stare at the orange juice carton?
A. Because it said “CONCENTRATE.”
Q: How do Birthers form a car pool?
A: They meet at work.
Q: What does a Birther have in common with a beer bottle?
A: They’re both empty from the neck up.
I just had to take my Birther neighbor to the hospital.
He broke his leg when he tripped over his cordless phone.
Did you hear about the Birther that refused to go to Canada because he couldn’t speak the language?
They weren’t going to apply it to Obama. The AZ SoS already said his qualifications were acceptable. Since the law wasn’t going to be used anyway, the Obama campaign would have been better advised to simply ignore it.
I’m not. Bad bills and bad laws are bad – period. Political gamesmanship should not be part of the equation.
I believe the Justice Department would challenge any law that is unconstitutional.
We are agreed. That is their job. As it should be.