Taitz sucks up to Rick Perry

Despite the chummy photo of Orly Taitz and her BFF Michele Bachmann, it appears that Taitz is now supporting Rick Perry for President, according to a new article and video at the Think Progress web site.

Click on the image (right) for a REALLY BIG version and tell me whether the hand-drawn heart by Perry on the sign reminds you of anything else in the picture. What was he thinking? Here is the photo of Perry autographing the sign at a rally in Newport Beach, California.


Photo by Roger Bloom, and published by the Newport Beach Independent.

Afterwards Taitz said that Perry was receptive to her message about Obama and Social Security fraud.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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52 Responses to Taitz sucks up to Rick Perry

  1. SueDB says:

    Whoa! Everything and everyone Orly comes out to support FAILS. Let’s see = How many birfer bills were signed into law this year??? Arizona just pulled itself from the brink of complete stupidity by the Kkkryptkeeper vetoing that abomination. Orly put her all into trying to get that passed – fail. She was chatting it up with Bachmann earlier = now we know Bachmann hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell of even sniffing the nomination.

    Now ti it PERRY who is BRUNT TOAST!

    Orly knows a total and complete fail when she sees one & she jumps right on board the Titanic as it settles in the bottom of the ocean.

  2. Paul says:

    She’s just the gift that keep on giving, in’t she…

  3. Critical Thinker says:

    According to the video, not only does Orly think that Perry believes the birfer BS, but she believes that Perry bringing it up in the campaign will be good for him and hurt Obama and the Dems. I wonder what color the sky is in her world.

  4. misha says:

    SueDB: she jumps right on board the Titanic

    Actually, she jumps right on board the Hindenburg.

  5. Daniel says:

    misha: Actually, she jumps right on board the Hindenburg.

    Oh the huge manatee

  6. Majority Will says:

    Daniel: Oh the huge manatee


  7. Lupin says:

    Am I the only reminded of Greg Stillson when I see Rick Perry?

  8. misha says:

    Am I the only reminded of Greg Stillson when I see Rick Perry?

    Actually, when I look at Perry or Huckabee, I think of Elmer Gantry.

  9. GeorgetownJD says:

    Let’s hope she doesn’t endorse Mitt Romney.

  10. Bob says:

    I can’t believe Perry’s security team let her near him, much less his Public Relation’s people.

  11. G says:

    Agreed. That photo op can be used against him. Another sign that he’s not ready for a prime time national campaign.

    Bob: I can’t believe Perry’s security team let her near him, much less his Public Relation’s people.

  12. Sean says:

    Did she ask him for a copy of his birth certificate……or vice versa?

  13. misha says:

    G: Another sign that he’s not ready for a prime time national campaign.

    Why doesn’t Perry pray for the fires to stop? It worked for rain.

    Oh, wait.

  14. misha says:

    “it appears that Taitz is now supporting Rick Perry for President”

    So is Kinky Friedman.

    Oy vey!

  15. misha says:

    Credible Threats’ Made to US Government

    While stopping short of saying that the speakers were engaged in some sort of jihad, Mr. Dorinson did note that a tone of religious extremism dominated the video.

    “One speaker in particular, seemed bent on rolling back the advances of science and plunging America back into the Dark Ages,” he said.

    But the most terrifying moment in the tape came when that same speaker received thunderous applause from the audience after threatening to execute people.

    “We’re posting pictures of this individual on our website,” Mr. Dorinson said. “Hopefully he will be captured before he can carry out any of his plans.”


  16. Arthur says:

    misha: Actually, when I look at Perry or Huckabee, I think of Elmer Gantry.

    An astute recognition. There is a powerful resemblance between Gov. Perry and Burt Lancaster’s Elmer Gantry.

  17. misha says:

    Arthur: An astute recognition. There is a powerful resemblance between Gov. Perry and Burt Lancaster’s Elmer Gantry.

    Elmer Gantry – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30TkCJGsXas

  18. misha says:

    In Rick Perry’s Texas, Firefighters Forced To Pay For Gear, Engine Fuel

    In some cases, fire officials say, firefighters have had to pay out of pocket for basic necessities like proper protective gear and fuel to get them to the scene.

    Read on:

  19. G says:

    Wow… that is just… shameful…

    misha: In Rick Perry’s Texas, Firefighters Forced To Pay For Gear, Engine FuelIn some cases, fire officials say, firefighters have had to pay out of pocket for basic necessities like proper protective gear and fuel to get them to the scene. Read on:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/09/rick-perry-fire-department-cuts-texas-wild-fires_n_956307.html

  20. Judge Mental says:

    misha: Why doesn’t Perry pray for the fires to stop? It worked for rain.

    Oh, wait.

    I’ve spent large chunks of my life in the UAE where it perhaps rains on average about 3/4 days per year, almost invariably in Jan/Feb.

    It always amuses me a little every January to see the local muslim dignitaries leading thousands of worshippers in very high profile public prayers to Allah for rain.

    Funnily enough we never see such prayers take place in July or August. I guess faith or confidence in Allah’s ability or willingness to respond positively isn’t as high as some might have us believe.

  21. misha says:

    Judge Mental: It always amuses me a little every January to see the local muslim dignitaries leading thousands of worshippers in very high profile public prayers to Allah for rain.
    Funnily enough we never see such prayers take place in July or August.

    Of course. Imams read the weather report, then make a big show of praying for rain, and the next day voilÃ.

  22. thisoldhippie says:

    That’s Rick PARRY for Colbert fans!

  23. Yellow Dawg says:

    Duh. Orly does realize that Perry was the “anti-birther” candidate in his last election against Debra Medina, doesn’t she?

  24. Arthur says:

    “it appears that Taitz is now supporting Rick Perry for President”

    So is Kinky Friedman.

    Oy vey!

    And so is Chaim Witz, a.k.a. Gene Simmons, the frog-tongued bassist for KISS.


    I never cared much for KISS, but if Robert Zimmerman ever begins to sport a Perry button I’ll know that I’ve lived too long.

  25. misha says:

    Arthur: if Robert Zimmerman ever begins to sport a Perry button I’ll know that I’ve lived too long.

    I’m trying to find the link, but Bob Dylan once showed up at a Brooklyn seder. The rabbi asked everyone to remain at the table. He then said he had to go outside for a few minutes. He returned with Dylan.

  26. J. Potter says:

    Oh dear. Farah is anti-Perry (or has that been ret-conned yet?), Taitz is pro-. What’s a birther-drone to do?

  27. Keith says:

    J. Potter:
    Oh dear. Farah is anti-Perry (or has that been ret-conned yet?), Taitz is pro-. What’s a birther-drone to do?

    I dunno, but I’m happy that the audience at the debate was so overwhelmingly pro-life… oh… wait… what?

  28. misha says:

    Lupin: scary black man remains the engine behind right wing ideology.

    The Tea Party Is a Religious Movement

    Read on:

  29. Lupin says:

    misha: The Tea Party Is a Religious Movement

    Religious AND racist.

    I don’t remember Jesus saying black men were scary. He was probably rather dark-skinned himself.

  30. thisoldhippie says:

    Taitz has posted that her motion for reconsideration has been logged in. Question: do you think she wil finally get in trouble for AGAIN filing and posting unredacted exhibits with visible SSNs? Including Michelle Obama’s this time?

  31. Daniel says:

    I suspect she will, and I also suspect she’ll drip and moan about it.

  32. J. Potter says:

    Seems to me Taitz would be a Bachmann girl, but maybe the old saw about former Soviets liking a strong man is true. Perry is very self-assured. I guess that’s enough. Or, perhaps Perry is the nuttiest, therefore drawing the hardcore nuts. I don’t think I have heard enough to judge between the two in a head-to-head nut-off.

  33. GeorgetownJD says:


    “I’m not sure if this is really true or not. According to sources who have infiltrated Rick Perry’s campaign organization, Orly Taitz, who is more well known by the name, ‘that crazy bimbo,’ was hired by the campaign to assist Perry in his campaign travels.

    “Though Perry won’t answer any inquiries from the Press, it is apparent that Perry has a problem with directions, and more specifically, with recognizing Porta-Pottys as a structure to relieve himself when he is on the campaign trail and not near any buildings.

    “Several times when Perry has inquired about a restroom, he was directed to the area where a Porta-Potty was available. After giving it a quick look, he would respond with, ‘Nah, I don’t have any film to drop off,’ or, ‘I don’t really need any smokes, right now.’ Perry’s resistance to relieve himself has led to more than a few “accidents,” in the back of his limo. …

    “Perry, however, has been fond of Taitz for quite some time, and he trusts her; who wouldn’t? Banking on the hope that Perry will take Taitz’s advice, she was hired to accompany Perry so that she could advise him on where he could relieve himself, even providing a directional sign with some encouraging words. Taitz added her own special personal sentiment, a drawing of a heart and Rick Perry’s name … .”


  34. Keith says:

    GeorgetownJD: “I’m not sure if this is really true or not. According to sources who have infiltrated Rick Perry’s campaign organization, Orly Taitz, who is more well known by the name, that crazy bimbo,’ was hired by the campaign to assist Perry in his campaign travels.

    I can just see it now, Attorney General Taitz

  35. Northland10 says:

    J. Potter:
    Seems to me Taitz would be a Bachmann girl, but maybe the old saw about former Soviets liking a strong man is true. Perry is very self-assured. I guess that’s enough. Or, perhaps Perry is the nuttiest, therefore drawing the hardcore nuts. I don’t think I have heard enough to judge between the two in a head-to-head nut-off.

    Perry was in town so she could get a photo op with him. Thus, Orly is a Perry girl. If Bachman rolls into town and Orly gets a photo op, she will be a Bachman girl. The fact that neither told her she was a crazy loon and go away, also provides Orly with tacit agreement of her cause.

  36. Sef says:

    I doubt he had the slightest idea who she was. Just another face in the crowd.

  37. J. Potter says:

    You got me there. And it doesn’t occur to her that a candidate is bound to sign anything thrust at him? That he doesn’t have time to weigh the wisdom of each fleeting “endorsement”? I bet Perry would like to take this one back.

    Does she stand behind Perry’s endorsement of Gore way back in ’88? Or has that been officially recanted?

    Northland10: Perry was in town so she could get a photo op with him.Thus, Orly is a Perry girl.If Bachman rolls into town and Orly gets a photo op, she will be a Bachman girl. The fact that neither told her she was a crazy loon and go away, also provides Orly with tacit agreement of her cause.

  38. Northland10 says:

    J. Potter: Does she stand behind Perry’s endorsement of Gore way back in ’88?

    If he pays her lip service and makes her look special, then the Gore endorsement will have never happened in her eyes. Even if you tell her, she will not process it (extreme tunnel vision). If he kicks her to the curb (more than simply ignoring her), then she may realize the endorsement exists.

    It’s not about endorsements, or Perry or even Obama. It is all about her.

  39. misha says:

    Northland10: It is all about her.

    The entire universe revolves around Orly and Avigdor Lieberman, the former bouncer.

  40. JoZeppy says:

    misha: The entire universe revolves around Orly and Avigdor Lieberman, the former bouncer.

    One only has to go to her website and read her recent rants against Farah for not promoting her enough, and still supporting Kreep to see this.

  41. Keith says:

    Unlike Perry, I got As in organic chem.I’m just sayin’….


    Well, I for one can’t dis him for failing Organic. I got As in Inorganic, top of the class, but Organic just killed me. My major was Chem/Physics and Organic convinced me to move to Engineering and Computer Programming. I could never figure out why I was a superstar master of arcane assembly languages, but couldn’t figure out how to string a few reactions together properly.

    Anyway, as I say, I really don’t begrudge him his problems in Organic Chem. But Plane Trigonometry? Really? You have got to be kidding me!

  42. misha says:

    Keith: But Plane Trigonometry?

    Perry thought it was “plain trigonometry.”

  43. misha says:

    Scientist: Unlike Perry, I got As in organic chem.

    Keith: As in Inorganic

    This is my family’s claim to fame, my maternal uncle: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/3342979/Cyborg-found-in-outer-space.html

    The gene pool was watered down, by the time it got to me.

  44. misha says:

    “God attempted to put distance between Himself and the presidential candidacy of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas: “Rick Perry is qualified to be President in the same way that Olive Garden is qualified to be Italy.”


  45. G says:

    Fascinating article, thanks!

    misha: This is my family’s claim to fame, my maternal uncle: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/3342979/Cyborg-found-in-outer-space.htmlThe gene pool was watered down, by the time it got to me.

  46. Keith says:

    misha: This is my family’s claim to fame, my maternal uncle: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/3342979/Cyborg-found-in-outer-space.html

    I agree with G. Great article. Have you seen this: Peridoic Table of Videos or this: WebElements

    This one is fun: Dynamic Periodic Table.

    I can’t find the one I was looking for though, it was really slick. Rats.

  47. Keith says:

    misha: Perry thought it was “plain trigonometry.”

    It is.

  48. Scientist says:

    misha: This is my family’s claim to fame, my maternal uncle: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/3342979/Cyborg-found-in-outer-space.html

    Very cool!! I googled him and saw he worked on the Manhattan Project and later refused to sign a loyalty oath. I’ve always found it interesting that so many of the scientists responsible for the US becoming a nuclear superpower were attacked by a bunch of clowns whose contribution was so much less. Just like today..

    Keith: Well, I for one can’t dis him for failing Organic. I got As in Inorganic, top of the class, but Organic just killed me. My major was Chem/Physics and Organic convinced me to move to Engineering and Computer Programming

    For me, it was the opposite. Calculus was hell, especially Calc III (integrating over toroids and the like) whereas a 7-step sythesis of an organic compound by aldol condensation was fun..

  49. G says:

    Wow! Great links! I’ve been having too much fun and spending too much time with the WebElements and the Dynamic Periodic Table Links, so I’ve decided to bookmark them both under favorites. The Video link was nice, but I found the other methods much quicker to find out what I wanted. Still, all great resources allowing one to learn about, compare and anlayze both elements & molecular compounds in a variety of ways. Thanks for sharing.

    Keith: I agree with G. Great article. Have you seen this: Peridoic Table of Videos or this: WebElementsThis one is fun: Dynamic Periodic Table.I can’t find the one I was looking for though, it was really slick. Rats.

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