The occasional Open Thread: Share your two bits

Here’s a place for your comments that don’t apply to the current articles. This thread will close in two weeks.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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154 Responses to The occasional Open Thread: Share your two bits

  1. Majority Will says:

    Don’t know if anyone caught this:

    (excerpt from link above) Accornero told the Concord Monitor that he did not think the investigations are necessary. “A lot of us were – I wouldn’t even say angry, but just upset about how the system works,” he said. “People have a right to express their opinion.”

    Right to express their opinion?

    That’s funny considering Hypocrite Harry is obviously censoring and banning on his Facebook page (e.g, several posts refer to an anti-birther named Cindy with her posts removed – @Cindy I like the cut of your jib. Yesterday at 12:06am and Cindy, Are you a Christian?)

    A lying, hypocritical birther is certainly no surprise.


    Also from his FB page:

    “Harry Accornero – N.H. State Representative for District 4, Laconia Hi john, I am not for Inpeachment Mr. O is not a citizen. I have charged Mr. O with Treason. Hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving.”

    How can a non-citizen commit treason?

    A birther who is a proud and loud idiot is also certainly no surprise.

  2. The Magic M says:

    Majority Will: “People have a right to express their opinion.”

    Well, birthers over at the Pee-and-Eee obviously disagree:

    “Interestingly enough the OWS protests aren’t against any form of government – their protests are against private business. I don’t think there is any First Amendment protection under those circumstances.”

    So to birthers, First Amendment rights are only for those who protest against Obama and the government.

    It never ceases to amaze me how they don’t realize how their ideas are straight out of Stalin’s playbook.

  3. Majority Will says:

    “Accornero told the Concord Monitor that he did not think the investigations are necessary.”

    What is Harry hiding?

  4. Black Lion says:

    Video Of Barack Obama’s 1991 “Black History Minute” Surfaces

    An an extremely old video of Barack Obama doing a “Black History Minute” for TBS back in 1991 has recently surfaced.

    Obama, who was Editor for the Harvard Law Review, speaks about Charles Hamilton Houston during the one minute video.

  5. Lupin says:

    To all my american friends: happy thanksgiving!

  6. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Black Lion:
    Video Of Barack Obama’s 1991 “Black History Minute” Surfaces

    An an extremely old video of Barack Obama doing a “Black History Minute” for TBS back in 1991 has recently surfaced.

    Obama, who was Editor for the Harvard Law Review, speaks about Charles Hamilton Houston during the one minute video.

    But but wasn’t he Barry Shibazz during that time period? There goes two birther myths

  7. Majority Will says:

    To all my american friends: happy thanksgiving!

    Merci, Lupin!

  8. Thanks Lupin and happy Thanksgiving to Doc and all the great regular contributors to the comments section here.

    To all my american friends: happy thanksgiving!

  9. y_p_w says:

    Well – back to the whole birth certificate flap, I remember seeing the Salt Lake Tribune reporter’s blog where he obtained a certified birth certificate copy for one Jon Meade Huntman, Jr. Remember President Obama’s joke about Huntman?

    “He didn’t learn to speak Chinese to go there. Oh no. He learned English to come here.”

    Although the reporter still flubs it by stating he was born in Palo Alto, California, the birth certificate clearly says he was born in Redwood City, California, which is in an entirely different county. Given that this was ordered from the San Mateo County Clerk-Recorder’s office, I would have thought he would have known. It was also bugging me that his Wikipedia article had the incorrect place of birth, which I corrected, and which someone else changed back within 5 minutes, citing it was an “unexplained change”. I then corrected it again, with an explanation and a reference to the birth certificate from the SL Trib. I also tried sending a message to the Huntsman campaign that his bio on the site incorrectly lists his place of birth, but I don’t think they care.

    And speaking of vital documents, I went to a county office and got a backup copy of a certain vital document. I remember when I got my first certified copy, the document was almost full bleed to the edge of the security paper and razor sharp. I got it on the day it was filed, and I think the clerk used a photocopier to directly make the certified copy from the original document. When I showed up to get the backup certified copy, they found the information in the database, and a clerk went and printed from a laser printer in less than a minute. It was all the same information, but it looked different. It was obviously scanned at maybe a FAX machine resolution. A little of the left edge (in the form) was gone in the scan, but it was obvious what it said even if a few characters were missing. It was about two-thirds the height and width of the other version I had, and was rotated about 10°. I’m guessing they couldn’t make a special request for a copy made from the original file since they sent that to a state office. Birthers would probably have a field day with a document like this, claiming that all the pixelation errors mean it must have been forged.

  10. Paul Pieniezny says:

    To Doc and to all Americans here: happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Judge Mental says:

    The language of the Defendant’s Memorandum in opposition to Orly’s Emergency Motion in Taitz v Fuddy indicates that Hawaii are going for the jugular on this one and definitely seeking attorney fees and costs.

    They are scathing in their description of the frivolous and incompetent nature of Orly’s motion in several senses, not least of which being the fact that the original case elsewhere to which Orly alleged the original birth certificate was vitally important, is already dismissed. Nothing that we didn’t all predict of course, but it’s all now formally confirmed as the thrust of their response.

    I’d bet large that she is eventually going to get hit with costs on this one and that she will then shriek that this represents Obama’s mighty machine crushing dissent to conceal ‘the truth’ because they are running scared. However I don’t expect to be offered good odds!

  12. Bran Mak Morn says:

    Video of birther librarians:

  13. Majority Will says:

    Paul Pieniezny:
    To Doc and to all Americans here: happy Thanksgiving!

    Thanks, Paul!

  14. Bob J says:

    Orly’s site is my reality T.V. I don’t like to admit it to my friends, but I go there. According to Google, 197 times over the last 3 years. ( Ouch Google, and no I will not +1 that site.). The funniest part of this whole “controversy” is how each side handles it. I have noticed on the birther sites, there is no discourse whatsoever. There are threats to anyone asking hard questions; There is shrill pronouncement, there are terms like “patriot”, “treason”, usurper”, ( and my absolute favorite) ” Birther Queen”, thrown around without much thought to actual meaning. ( Orly does realize that Queen implies monarchy, and not democratic republic, right?).

    What I enjoy about this site is the lack of grandstanding. Actual discussions, that sometimes meander, but almost always go back to the original point. I think birthers could be taken seriously, if they could actually stay away from the rageahol which permeates all of their insipid posts.Of course, critical thinking is anathema to the position that somehow no one checked the President’s credentials, or that a conspiracy, involving tens of thousands of people, exists to get a man into the White House , for the sole purpose of destroying America. This Thanksgiving I am thankful that civil discourse is possible.

    Just a thought, and my 2 cents. ( I never knew there is no cents character on my keyboard.)

  15. Expelliarmus says:

    Bob J: I think birthers could be taken seriously, if they could …..

    The problem is that there is no aspect of birtherism that can survive any sort of critical thought. The birthers don’t allow rational discussion because there is no possible way that their theories survive such discussion. It’s not alike a debate over the pros and cons of tax policy or even global warming — it is a totally cockamamie idea that was negated when Obama’s campaign posted his short firm birth certificate in 2008.

  16. Daniel says:

    Judge Mental: The language of the Defendant’s Memorandum in opposition to Orly’s Emergency Motion in Taitz v Fuddy indicates that Hawaii are going for the jugular on this one and definitely seeking attorney fees and costs.

    Good to see another legal team standing up and demanding the wilfully stupid take responsibility for wasting their time and my money.

  17. Majority Will says:

    Bob J: Just a thought, and my 2¢. ( I never knew there is no cents character on my keyboard.)

    FIFY. 🙂

    (option-4 on a Mac. alt-0162 in Windows)

  18. Judge Mental says:

    Daniel: Good to see another legal team standing up and demanding the wilfully stupid take responsibility for wasting their time and my money.

    Absolutely Daniel. Even better if the court not only endorses the defendant’s attorney fees and costs but also applies an additional sanction of some kind.

  19. roadburner says:

    had a dip into orly´s site yesterday (had a shower afterwards to prevent the adhesion of stupid) , and it appears she´s leaving herself wide open to a new level of ridicule.

    she´s running a competition for folks to come up with a campaign slogan for her.

    i hope she runs a thread on this, as it´d make such amusing reading.

  20. The Magic M says:

    Bob J: critical thinking is anathema to the position that somehow no one checked the President’s credentials, or that a conspiracy, involving tens of thousands of people, exists to get a man into the White House , for the sole purpose of destroying America

    Well, the funniest explanation for this conspiracy theory is “they’ve done it on purpose to flip us off”. Because otherwise the sane question would be “why didn’t ‘they’ choose a gay Marxist Muslim America-hating narcissist drug-addict who is white and was obviously born in Texas to two citizen parents, so no-one would notice?”. But it fits with the “the conspiracy is, at the same time, all-powerful and incredibly stupid” meme.

  21. US Citizen says:

    There are different levels of crazy, of course.
    I’m always amazed how the US has been spraying chemtrails for decades and either every air quality management district, weather station and air monitoring company are in on the scheme OR somehow they’ve just accidentally missed poisonous or radioactive chemicals or whatever the loonies think it is.

    I get a comical image of someone driving up to every airliner in a black limo, carrying a black canister and attaching it underneath.
    I mean, who would ever notice what with the lax airport security we’ve had for a decade?

    Btw, I’m writing this as I enjoy tea sweetened with honey from a gallon container that was originally sold for Y2K survivalists.
    A friend of mine’s mother fell for that paranoia and he’s been eating and giving away a literal truckload of her food for over 10 years now.
    Due to her paranoia, I have enough honey for years!
    (I am told she’s been eating crow for the past decade too.)

  22. G says:

    Wow. What a cool find! Thanks for sharing.

    Black Lion: Video Of Barack Obama’s 1991 “Black History Minute” Surfaces An an extremely old video of Barack Obama doing a “Black History Minute” for TBS back in 1991 has recently surfaced.Obama, who was Editor for the Harvard Law Review, speaks about Charles Hamilton Houston during the one minute video.

  23. What is it with these ex-navy people??? I wrote Walter Fitzpatrick a parody song, I Shall Be Paroled.

    The Head Researcher

  24. The Magic M says:

    US Citizen: I’m always amazed how the US has been spraying chemtrails for decades and either every air quality management district, weather station and air monitoring company are in on the scheme OR somehow they’ve just accidentally missed poisonous or radioactive chemicals or whatever the loonies think it is.

    I’m even more amazed that with all the decades of “poisoning us to kill us”, we’re all still pretty much alive and kicking, and the average life expectancy keeps rising through the roof. Must be some pretty useless poison, or heavy incompetence, or both. It’s probably within the margin of error that “chemtrails”, should they exist, are even beneficial to us.

    And all those decades of stealth operation, hundreds of millions of dollars for absolutely nothing – OK, I’m convinced, that proves the government must be behind it. 😉

  25. Sean says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): But but wasn’t he Barry Shibazz during that time period?There goes two birther myths

    Now I thought nobody remembered him at Harvard. Damn video fakery!

  26. sactosintolerant says:

    Of course he’s remembered at Harvard. He was president of the Harvard Law Review while Conservapedia’s Andy Schlafly served as an editor. Obama features prominently on Andy’s website, but this is my favorite… his “encyclopedia” has the much-needed entry titled “John Maynard Keynes and pederasty” which, naturally, has a picture of Obama on it.

  27. G says:

    Yeah, Walt is one of the most unhinged out there. As you aptly put it:

    He made his cot and he needs to sleep in it.

    My concern is that he doesn’t seem to learn his lessons and he’s a very, very UNSTABLE individual with a long history of being an extremely ornery and unstable fellow with a significant record of being jailed for misconduct.

    I fear that it is unlikely he will have learned his lesson this time and that when he gets released back into society, he’ll just do something really, really stupid…AGAIN….

    The Head Researcher: What is it with these ex-navy people??? I wrote Walter Fitzpatrick a parody song, I Shall Be Paroled. Head Researcher

  28. I have published two (2) new and very informative and significant blog reports at my WOBIK Blog.

    Low life criminal informant, currently on bond for pending felony state charges, entraps four Georgia senior citizens to avoid prison sentence.

    United States of America vs Frederick W. Thomas, Emory Dan Roberts, Samuel J. Crump and Ray H. Adams.

    The freedom of four courageous and patriotic-thinking men hangs in balance so please remember that it is particularly important and imperative that you share your thoughts, ideas, critique, corrections and recommendations in the comments section below. I respectfully and humbly implore you to participate in this discussion via the comments section below this blog report. Thank you!

    Lucas D. Smith

  29. Thanks for the kind words. Perhaps you have a ¢ on your keyboard and just don’t know it. 😉

    Bob J: This Thanksgiving I am thankful that civil discourse is possible.

  30. Paul Pieniezny says:

    had a dip into orly´s site yesterday (had a shower afterwards to prevent the adhesion of stupid) , and it appears she´s leaving herself wide open to a new level of ridicule.

    she´s running a competition for folks to come up with a campaign slogan for her.

    i hope she runs a thread on this, as it´d make such amusing reading.

    My proposal for her elec tion poster would be that “come hither”photograph, covered by the slogan “Golosuyte Orlego Taitza” in Cyrillic of course.

    Doc and anyone else who knows some Slavic language will object that the direct object is only in the genitive case when it refers to a male person, but I actually mean it: every time I see that photograph, there is some voice resounding in my head singing “come on, Barbie, let’s go party”. And it is Orly singing that to me.

  31. Arthur says:


    How . . . how could you do that to me?! First you resurrect Aqua’s seizure inducing, “Barbie Girl,” and then you link that treacly bit of pop to the monstrous thought of Orly signing it! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Will my mind ever be clean again?

    You all remember “Barbie Girl,” don’t you?

  32. Origuy says:

    You can also get the ¢ sign, and many other special characters, using HTML entities. These are sequences that start with an ampersand, then the name of the entity, e.g. cent, and then a semicolon.
    € þ ♥

  33. dunstvangeet says:

    Check out Unicode.

    Like with the HTML that Origuy said, it’s the &, followed by the unicode number.

  34. Keith says:

    More words on confirmation/dis-confirmation bias:

    The Science of Why We Don’t Believe Science

  35. Keith says:

    Sorry again. Too hasty with the submit button. I meant to include this quote from the above linked article:

    The theory of motivated reasoning builds on a key insight of modern neuroscience (PDF): Reasoning is actually suffused with emotion (or what researchers often call “affect”). Not only are the two inseparable, but our positive or negative feelings about people, things, and ideas arise much more rapidly than our conscious thoughts, in a matter of milliseconds—fast enough to detect with an EEG device, but long before we’re aware of it. That shouldn’t be surprising: Evolution required us to react very quickly to stimuli in our environment. It’s a “basic human survival skill,” explains political scientist Arthur Lupia of the University of Michigan. We push threatening information away; we pull friendly information close. We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself.

  36. Daniel says:

    My Response to a birther emailing me to try to trick me with my own words lol. I had left a message on a board to another birther who was trying the lame `Well if NH refused Mohamed, then they have to refuse Obama`fallacy.

    Here is the exchange thus far.
    Dear Cort:

    Thank you for your reply. My comments to your points are below.

    >>”By what you are saying, someone from the NH office for ballots would have called Sal and asked him to withdraw his place on the ballot. That makes sense and that is the proper way to do it.”

    Yes indeed it would seem to make sense.

    >>”Following that logic, then, the same NH office needs to call Obama and tell he should take himself off the ballot since he is obviously ineligible”

    Except that your “logic” does not follow, since Obama IS eligible. Obama meets all the constitutional prerequisites for the office of POTUS, by way of age, residency, and because he is a natural born citizen, having been born in Hawaii.

    >>”Just to add to the point, recall that in April 2008, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution declaring Senator McCain as a “natural born citizen” and therefore eligible to be president.”

    That is essentially correct. McCain did not meet the most common requirement of an NBC, which is birth on American soil. The question was then, did he meet one of the alternate requirements for NBC, i.e. Birth on foreign soil, to a citizen parent. The senate found that he did, and the resolution is an acknowledgement of that finding.

    >>”Well, at the same time, Obama was a senator too.”

    That is correct.

    >>”He has attempting to get in on that resolution.”

    He voted for it, if that’s what you mean.

    >>”He wrote language for the resolution that would have redefined “natural born” definition so that he could be included.”

    That is not correct. There is no indication in Senate records that any such thing occurred, nor would it have occurred, since Obama is a natural born citizen, by virtue of birth on American Soil.

    >>”The Senate turned it down and excluded him.”

    That is incorrect. He was permitted to vote, as was his right and responsibility, and in the spirit of fair play, he voted for the resolution, to the benefit of his political opponent.

    >>”Using logic, what does that tell you? Cort (last name redacted)”

    What it tell me is that you are not using logic. You are using speculation drawn from conjecture, in the face of objective evidence to the contrary. You are choosing to believe birther propaganda that has been completely debunked, rather than just admit that you lost the election and deal with it.

    You birthers have been at this for three years now. You have lost 87 court cases, and prevailed in 0. You have failed to gain the support of anyone in congress, including the President’s political opponents, who would jump at the chance to gain any legitimate advantage against him. Every credentialed Constitutional expert in the country disagrees with you, and the general public isn’t interested in your shenanigans any more. You are so much a minority fringe, that you cannot even manage to get a hundred people to any of your events or rallies, most of which barely manage to get a dozen.

    Any reasonable person, by that logic, considering three years of absolute failure and ZERO successes, would take a minute to consider that they just might be wrong. That birthers cannot bring themselves to do so, is a measure of their lack of logic.

  37. John Reilly says:

    I responded on Dr. Taitz’s site to her post complaining that the Chief Justice had not responded to her by noting the multiple refusals to vote for cert would be regarded by most as a response.

    My comment did not make it thorough moderation.

    Nor did my comment that President Obama did not go to New Hampshire to fix the board of elections outcome make it to her pages. I guess facts don’t matter. She’ll just make stuff up. That should impress the dozen or so state legislators who actually believe Dr. Taitz’s theories.

    Let’s see what the Hawaii court does next week. Maybe it will take up the State’s invitation and find her motion to reconsider frivolous.

  38. Whatever4 says:


    >>”He has attempting to get in on that resolution.”

    He voted for it, if that’s what you mean.

    >>”He wrote language for the resolution that would have redefined “natural born” definition so that he could be included.”

    That is not correct. There is no indication in Senate records that any such thing occurred, nor would it have occurred, since Obama is a natural born citizen, by virtue of birth on American Soil.

    >>”The Senate turned it down and excluded him.”

    That is incorrect. He was permitted to vote, as was his right and responsibility, and in the spirit of fair play, he voted for the resolution, to the benefit of his political opponent.

    More data for your debate:

    Not only did Senator Obama vote for SR511, he cosponsored it. As did Sen. Clinton. The resolution passed without amendment or written report exactly as it was originally submitted to the Judiciary Committee. Obama was attached to the resolution from the beginning. This wasn’t a contentious process, it was the Senate being collegial to one of their colleagues.

    On the floor, Sen. Leahey introduced the resolution, it was read into the record, he submitted the Tribe-Olson report, the measure passed by unanimous consent.

    It’s not rocket science or a huge conspiracy. The floor action:|/home/LegislativeData.php?n=BSS;c=110|

  39. Bob J says:

    One of the slogans for the Taitz Senate campaign is: Vote Orly, Vote Often!

    Wasn’t that an SNL joke campaign slogan, or a bad joke in an equally bad movie? I remember thinking it would be funny to submit that slogan to her site, but I fgured she can’t be that bat {expletive removed} crazy.

    I stand corrected. I will never underestimate the crazy of a Moldovian crackpot.

  40. Northland10 says:

    Bob J: One of the slogans for the Taitz Senate campaign is: Vote Orly, Vote Often!

    Wasn’t that an SNL joke campaign slogan, or a bad joke in an equally bad movie? I remember thinking it would be funny to submit that slogan to her site, but I fgured she can’t be that bat {expletive removed} crazy.

    Maybe she has Chicago envy (Vote Early and Often). The only place I have seen ” Vote Orly, Vote Often” were last year on Daily Kos and Salon.

  41. G says:

    Yeah, that guy seems to be attatched to just about every militia-based RWNJ group out there. Why do I have the feeling we’ll see his name in the news again in the future for some new act of stupidity… the guy’s a ticking time bomb.

    Lupin: Georgia radicals organize to overthrow Obama by force if reelected:

  42. Majority Will says:

    Yeah, that guy seems to be attatched to just about every militia-based RWNJ group out there.Why do I have the feeling we’ll see his name in the news again in the future for some new act of stupidity… the guy’s a ticking time bomb.

    And he types in ALL CAPS.

  43. Majority Will says:


    “Fitzpatrick then sent The Post & Email the following additional recollections of April 20, 2010: The law enforcement presence was like a kicked over hill of red fire ants.
    Easily over 200 uniformed police. There was a platoon strength contingent of police/agents in the courtroom. Unknown in number but obvious and ubiquitous plain close officers/agents (ear pieces, wires, weapon bulges).”

    As opposed to far away officers/agents?

    Weapons bulges or were they just happy to see him?

  44. Arthur says:


    Thanks for the link to the news items about Bill Looman. What an obnoxious and idiotic crank. I never would have been able to understand his unmotivated and misdirected aggression until the psychologists at South Park explained the “root” of Looman’s problem.

  45. Majority Will says:

    Yeah, that guy seems to be attatched to just about every militia-based RWNJ group out there.Why do I have the feeling we’ll see his name in the news again in the future for some new act of stupidity… the guy’s a ticking time bomb.

    More on Birther Bully Looman:

    Part 1: Is Bill Looman running a personal militia fiefdom in Georgia?

    And the plot thickens:

    Part 2: What ‘no hiring until Obama gone’ story tells us – about the right wing

  46. Majority Will says:

    Evidently, Bill Schmalfeldt is keeping track of these lunatics.

    Here’s a list of his recent articles:

  47. G says:


    Arthur: Lupin:Thanks for the link to the news items about Bill Looman. What an obnoxious and idiotic crank. I never would have been able to understand his unmotivated and misdirected aggression until the psychologists at South Park explained the “root” of Looman’s problem.

  48. G says:

    I’m quite skeptical that the provision could be anything like described in that article or that it would stand up to legal scrutiny. It seems it could be in violation of various parts of the 4th-7th amendments if anything like what they portray were enacted and then acted upon.

    Sef: Here’s something everyone should be aware of:

  49. Arthur says:


    Glad you found it funny–I got a kick out of the fact that the Tea Bagger was also a birther.

    In all seriousness, I think South Park’s analysis of right-wing anger helps explain the kinky sexual paraphernalia that was found in Darren Huff’s patriotic pickup.

  50. G says:

    Thanks for all the links! They provided a lot of additional info on the history, words and associations of this lunatic and some of his associates.

    I also found these links mentioned in the comments to be insightful, as they provided additional background on Bill Looman’s past. They are from a critical neighbor of Bill’s…so someone who’s had to deal with him over the years.

    Majority Will: Evidently, Bill Schmalfeldt is keeping track of these lunatics.Here’s a list of his recent articles:

  51. G says:

    You might be onto something there…

    I think the underlying point is that these types of highly intolerant and angry folks have a bunch of underlying “personal issues”…

    Arthur: In all seriousness, I think South Park’s analysis of right-wing anger helps explain the kinky sexual paraphernalia that was found in Darren Huff’s patriotic pickup.

  52. G says:

    LOL! Why yes, but of course there must have been TWO Englands…! ROTFL. Ah yes, the Birther Bible of course would have the Alternate Universe escape clause!

    Methinks the Birthers are not to good at following the sage advice of their “Book of Acts” either…

    The Head Researcher: Exclusive scoop!!! The Birther Bible!!! Head Researcher

  53. Majority Will says:

    Thanks for all the links!They provided a lot of additional info on the history, words and associations of this lunatic and some of his associates.

    I also found these links mentioned in the comments to be insightful, as they provided additional background on Bill Looman’s past.They are from a critical neighbor of Bill’s…so someone who’s had to deal with him over the years.

    You’re welcome and sadly, a few too many of these paranoid, hate filled birther lunatics and cowards seem to have very short fuses.

    How pathetic.

  54. Majority Will says:

    Thanks for all the links!They provided a lot of additional info on the history, words and associations of this lunatic and some of his associates.

    I also found these links mentioned in the comments to be insightful, as they provided additional background on Bill Looman’s past.They are from a critical neighbor of Bill’s…so someone who’s had to deal with him over the years.

    P.S. Ken Wheeler has taken over the North Georgia Militia closed group page from Bill Looman on Facebook.

    First, Ken has this somewhat amusing, ill-informed disclaimer (evidently oblivious to who actually owns and has access to information posted on FB) on his profile page:


    Warning–any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/ or the comments made about my photo’s or any other “picture” art posted on my profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s) or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law.”

    Ken also made the following telling post on The Tea Party’s FB Wall:

    “Before you support ANY of the candidates; do your research instead of making your choice due to what they have said in a debate or town hall. There are THREE candidates that are members of the CFR.* Some are members of Builderberg, The Trilateral Commission, the Bohemian Club or all of these nefarious organizations.. Please, research for your self.” (November 11 at 7:13pm )

    *CFR is nutjob shorthand for The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order


  55. G says:

    Oh good grief! Yet another paranoid loon!!! Then again, if they are part of the “militia”…I guess it goes with the territory. *rolls eyes*

    His disclaimer is utterly laughable! Yeah…like that’s going to work…not!

    Basically, this shows a common thread in the mentality of these angry and crazy bigots – they simply *hate* to be held accountable for their words and deeds and live in a fantasy-land of over-important self-entitlement in their own head…

    Majority Will: P.S. Ken Wheeler has taken over the North Georgia Militia closed group page from Bill Looman on Facebook.

  56. Northland10 says:

    G: I think the underlying point is that these types of highly intolerant and angry folks have a bunch of underlying “personal issues”…

    A while ago, there was some discussion on the Hatewatch blog (SPLC’s blog) about the frequency of the neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and sovereign citizens to get in trouble with the law regarding child abuse (to be fair and balanced, the problem exists also in hate groups from other races). Somebody suggested it was part of a “domination” personality that was common among these groups. It would also explain why they often turn on themselves very quickly.

  57. Majority Will says:


    His disclaimer is utterly laughable!Yeah…like that’s going to work…not!

    And there is some subtle but powerful irony at work here:

    “The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law.”

    I have no doubt the paranoid loons don’t get it.

  58. The Magic M says:

    G: His disclaimer is utterly laughable! Yeah…like that’s going to work…not!

    Reminds me of the “warez” groups of the 2000’s whose websites had a “disclaimer” to the effect of “if you’re working for law enforcement, you may not enter this site”.

    Being a crank and knowing the law (or even basic logic) are obviously mutually exclusive. Birther lawyers are the ultimate proof. There is no “if a lawyer were a birther” exception.

  59. G says:

    That Birther creep, Charles Dyer, aka “July4Patriot” – (also a former Tea Party & OathKeeper spokesperson) comes to mind.

    He was arrested originally not on the weapons charges, which came later, but for raping a 7-year old girl. ; ;

    Northland10: A while ago, there was some discussion on the Hatewatch blog (SPLC’s blog) about the frequency of the neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and sovereign citizens to get in trouble with the law regarding child abuse (to be fair and balanced, the problem exists also in hate groups from other races). Somebody suggested it was part of a “domination” personality that was common among these groups. It would also explain why they often turn on themselves very quickly.

  60. Scientist says:

    G: That Birther creep, Charles Dyer, aka “July4Patriot” – (also a former Tea Party & OathKeeper spokesperson) comes to mind.
    He was arrested originally not on the weapons charges, which came later, but for raping a 7-year old girl.

    “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”- Samuel Johnson

  61. Scientist says:

    Northland10: A while ago, there was some discussion on the Hatewatch blog (SPLC’s blog) about the frequency of the neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and sovereign citizens to get in trouble with the law regarding child abuse (to be fair and balanced, the problem exists also in hate groups from other races). Somebody suggested it was part of a “domination” personality that was common among these groups. It would also explain why they often turn on themselves very quickly.

    It’s an old story. Back in the 1920s the KKK became extremely powerful, particularly in the Midwest, where they managed to elect some Governors and gained control of state legislatures, particularly in Indiana. They collapsed in 1925, after the Grand Wizard of Indiana, DC Stephenson was convicted of a brutal rape and murder.

  62. Majority Will says:

    Also from Hatewatch:

    (excerpts) White House Shooter Fan of Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones

    The 21-year-old Idaho man who shot at the White House earlier this month was a fan of antigovernment conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, The New York Times reports today.

    Oscar Ortega, the Mexican-American waiter from Idaho Falls who on Nov. 11 fired a semiautomatic rifle out of his car window while driving by the president’s residence, allegedly believes that he is the “modern day Jesus Christ” and that Obama is the antichrist. His friend Jake Chapman, who sold Ortega the AK-47 used in the shooting, told the Times that about a year ago, he and Ortega watched Jones’ 2009 “The Obama Deception,” a feature-length film promulgating the theory that the president is the puppet of shadowy agents of the New World Order who plan to transform America into a totalitarian state resembling Nazi Germany.

    . . . True to form, a Nov. 18 article posted on Jones’ website, InfoWars, suggests that Ortega was a plant, possibly even a Mossad agent. “There are interesting facts surrounding Oscar Ortega-Hernandez and this case. At this point in time, we are left with more questions than answers,” it says. “How was it possible for a reportedly mentally challenged person to fire multiple high-caliber rounds into the White House from Constitution Avenue and escape the immediate security area without being detained? … More facts will undoubtedly filter out as this case proceeds.”


  63. G says:

    *Sigh* Why am I not surprised. Alex Jones is a super-nut. He seems to buy into every paranoid wacko conspiracy out there. He’s a Birther, a Truther, an NWO nut, etc, etc, etc…

    I consider him to be a seriously mentally ill man with a microphone…. and preaching to the other susceptible and unstable mental patients out there.

    Majority Will: Also from Hatewatch:
    (excerpts) White House Shooter Fan of Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones

  64. Bob J says:

    Thanks to Majority Will, Dr. Conspiracy, and Origuy.

    I found the ¢ button and many more. Sometimes the more I learn, the dumber I feel. But it is an honor to be schooled by the fine folks on this site.

  65. Majority Will says:

    Bob J:
    Thanks to Majority Will, Dr. Conspiracy, and Origuy.

    I found the ¢ button and many more. Sometimes the more I learn, the dumber I feel. But it is an honor to be schooled by the fine folks on this site.


  66. Good evening my darling friends!

    I have published a new and notably interesting blog report at the WOBIK blog!

    “The “Covert Group” – 11.21.2011 Detention Order.”

    Dear readers, Including ‘birther debunkers’, of the WOBIK blog, please remember that it is particularly important and imperative that you share your thoughts, ideas, critique, corrections and recommendations in the comments section below. I respectfully and humbly implore you to participate in this discussion. Posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

  67. Arthur says:

    Lucas D. Smith: Good evening my darling friends!Dear readers, Including birther debunkers’, of the WOBIK blog, please remember that it is particularly important and imperative that you share your thoughts, ideas, critique, corrections and recommendations in the comments section below. I respectfully and humbly implore you to participate in this discussion. Posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

    If you’re serious about getting people to read and comment on your latest essay, Lucas, I recommend you adopt a less facetious salutation and opening. There is the stink of contempt in your style, and it leads me past, rather than draws me to, your site.

  68. Obsolete says:

    Where is the Herman Cain-loving ex-birther? I TOLD her on this site’s very comments section that more would be revealed about Cain, and soon! Guess what? This isn’t even what I was talking about! Expect more soon…
    It is possible Cain will drop out and avoid the next “eruption”, but it may be too late to prevent the (figurative) knives coming out for him now.
    Of course, instead of putting the blame on Cain, (or wondering why she continues to fall for conservative lies and the lying liars who tell them) she is probably blaming Obama, racist liberals out to destroy a self-made black man, the mainstream media, and me personally, for telling her it was about to come down harder. Just like Cain, they believe it is everyone else’ fault.
    Am I gloating? Maybe. Let’s talk about 9-9-9!

  69. Majority Will says:

    Where is the Herman Cain-loving ex-birther? I TOLD her on this site’s very comments section that more would be revealed about Cain, and soon! Guess what? This isn’t even what I was talking about! Expect more soon…
    It is possible Cain will drop out and avoid the next “eruption”, but it may be too late to prevent the (figurative) knives coming out for him now.
    Of course, instead of putting the blame on Cain, (or wondering why she continues to fall for conservative lies and the lying liars who tell them) she is probably blaming Obama, racist liberals out to destroy a self-made black man, the mainstream media, and me personally, for telling her it was about to come down harder. Just like Cain, they believe it is everyone else’ fault.
    Am I gloating? Maybe. Let’s talk about 9-9-9!

    Cain is no longer able. Now the fright wing flavor of the month is the Gingrich About to Steal Christmas (again) and we are the Who people.

  70. G says:


    Majority Will: Cain is no longer able. Now the fright wing flavor of the month is the Gingrich About to Steal Christmas (again) and we are the Who people.

  71. G says:

    Lucas, I have read your recent articles on the topic.

    I find them informative from the standpoint of providing the actual subpoena and court documents in regards to the four GA militia senior citizens arrested for their domestic terrorist plotting attempts.

    I also find the topic to have a relevant and chilling connection to the discussions here, particularly in light of that GA Birther fool, Bill Looman, who appears to have had ties to this militia group.

    However, I most certainly do not share your position on this issue and from a personal standpoint, find it reprehensible that you are devoting your time and energies to defending a bunch of domestic terrorists, merely because you feel some sort of sympathy for their ages, backgrounds and health conditions and that you happen to harbour personal resentments against law enforcement and scenarios that can result in arrest and incarceration.

    These weren’t merely folks innocently shooting of their mouths in false bravado at a Waffle House as you try to portray it. They took repeated steps towards actually plotting and acquiring the materials to carry out attacks against both government officials and innocent civilians in their path.

    I for one am glad that they were monitored and arrested BEFORE they were able to actually carry out such plans. I agree with our current set of procedures (backed up by our laws,) which are built on a pragmatic sense of protection, which serve to try to intercept such acts before they cause damage.

    The INTENT was fairly clear here. These folks didn’t just talk and say awful things…they took steps towards carrying them out and that is where they clearly and justifiably crossed the line.

    People deserve to be held accountable for their actions and taking steps towards manufacturing ricin has no other justification. The intent there is crystal clear.

    Further, context and motive matter. You can argue that people have the right to acquire weapons and that people have the right to observe government buildings if they want to or to talk about being angry at the government or mouthing off something stupid about wanting to kill someone. In isolation, those things may not rise to the level of a crime. However, when they are conducted in a coordinated and clearly linked context, the motive and intent are clear or at least intentionally implied at a serious enough level that they rise to becoming an actionable threat.

    Just as you can’t joke about bombs on an airplane or shouting fire in a crowded theater, any fool who combines such rhetoric with actions towards making those boasts happen deserves to be treated seriously and held accountable on attempts to carry out that threat, whether they could succeed or not.

    A system in which we can only proceed to punish after the fact is not a pragmatic one. Better to take action and prevent another Oklahoma City bombing or 9/11 from being carried out then waiting until after the body count and destruction happens. A little too late then.

    That most of these cranky old timers didn’t have criminal pasts is not the issue or cause for sympathy or leniency. Once you cross the line, you’ve crossed the line…regardless if you haven’t come near it before.

    That they were all heavily living off of and dependent on the government dole is ironic but also shows some of the hypocricy of their situation and views.

    That they were all in poor health is also not something that earns them leniency or sympathy…considering that their plans and methods of mass killing did not require them to be in any great health in order to carry them out. If anything, it only makes them more pathetic.

    Further, from their own statements, in many ways their advanced age and health situations make the need to keep them permanently locked up and away from society all that more critical, as they felt they had nothing to lose by dying in service to their “cause”.

    Personally, I take comfort knowing that the government functioned as it should in this situation and was able to track down and prevent such a tragedy before it could happen. I also take great comfort in knowing that they will never again be set free in the world to harm others and that they will die in incarceration.

    Lucas D. Smith: Good evening my darling friends!I have published a new and notably interesting blog report at the WOBIK blog!“The “Covert Group” – 11.21.2011 Detention Order.” readers, Including birther debunkers’, of the WOBIK blog, please remember that it is particularly important and imperative that you share your thoughts, ideas, critique, corrections and recommendations in the comments section below. I respectfully and humbly implore you to participate in this discussion. Posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

  72. Lupin says:

    Majority Will: Cain is no longer able. Now the fright wing flavor of the month is the Gingrich

    C’mon, fess up: you’re all waiting for Sarah Palin to swoop down at the last minute like a hideous vulture and feast of the carcass of the Republican Party.

  73. Majority Will says:

    Lupin: C’mon, fess up: you’re all waiting for Sarah Palin to swoop down at the last minute like a hideous vulture and feast of the carcass of the Republican Party.

    That narcissistic, delusional harpy has been disturbingly quiet.

  74. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: That narcissistic, delusional harpy has been disturbingly quiet.

    Well, it’s possible that she and Cain . . . after all, there’s probably at least one Godfather’s pizza in Wasilla, so who knows? Maybe Cain was tempted by some half-baked Alaskan?

  75. Judge Mental says:

    Here are some of the online bookies odds available today for the main combatants in the GOP nomination race…..


    Gingrich was as long as 33/1 just a few weeks ago. Ron Paul was 80/1 not all that long ago. Cain and Perry were both once as low as 3/1. Where the momentum is can clearly be seen.

    Interestingly WND, the birther’s favourite online story tellers, seem to be dead against Gingrich, claiming he’s a ‘liberal’ in an article not all that long ago.

  76. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Well, it’s possible that she and Cain . . . after all, there’s probably at least one Godfather’s pizza in Wasilla, so who knows?Maybe Cain was tempted by some half-baked Alaskan?

    Nice. Now we know why those garlic bread sticks were always marked down.

  77. G:
    Lucas, I have read your recent articles on the topic.

    I find them informative from the standpoint of providing the actual subpoena and court documents in regards to the four GA militia senior citizens arrested for their domestic terrorist plotting attempts.

    I also find the topic to have a relevant and chilling connection to the discussions here, particularly in light of that GA Birther fool, Bill Looman, who appears to have had ties to this militia group.

    However, I most certainly do not share your position on this issue and from a personal standpoint, find it reprehensible that you are devoting your time and energies to defending a bunch of domestic terrorists, merely because you feel some sort of sympathy for their ages, backgrounds and health conditions and that you happen to harbour personal resentments against law enforcement and scenarios that can result in arrest and incarceration.

    These weren’t merely folks innocently shooting of their mouths in false bravado at a Waffle House as you try to portray it.They took repeated steps towards actually plotting and acquiring the materials to carry out attacks against both government officials and innocent civilians in their path.

    I for one am glad that they were monitored and arrested BEFORE they were able to actually carry out such plans.I agree with our current set of procedures (backed up by our laws,) which are built on a pragmatic sense of protection, which serve to try to intercept such acts before they cause damage.

    The INTENT was fairly clear here.These folks didn’t just talk and say awful things…they took steps towards carrying them out and that is where they clearly and justifiably crossed the line.

    People deserve to be held accountable for their actions and taking steps towards manufacturing ricin has no other justification.The intent there is crystal clear.

    Further, context and motive matter.You can argue that people have the right to acquire weapons and that people have the right to observe government buildings if they want to or to talk about being angry at the government or mouthing off something stupid about wanting to kill someone.In isolation, those things may not rise to the level of a crime.However, when they are conducted in a coordinated and clearly linked context, the motive and intent are clear or at least intentionally implied at a serious enough level that they rise to becoming an actionable threat.

    Just as you can’t joke about bombs on an airplane or shouting fire in a crowded theater, any fool who combines such rhetoric with actions towards making those boasts happen deserves to be treated seriously and held accountable on attempts to carry out that threat, whether they could succeed or not.

    A system in which we can only proceed to punish after the fact is not a pragmatic one. Better to take action and prevent another Oklahoma City bombing or 9/11 from being carried out then waiting until after the body count and destruction happens.A little too late then.

    That most of these cranky old timers didn’t have criminal pasts is not the issue or cause for sympathy or leniency.Once you cross the line, you’ve crossed the line…regardless if you haven’t come near it before.

    That they were all heavily living off of and dependent on the government dole is ironic but also shows some of the hypocricy of their situation and views.

    That they were all in poor health is also not something that earns them leniency or sympathy…considering that their plans and methods of mass killing did not require them to be in any great health in order to carry them out.If anything, it only makes them more pathetic.

    Further, from their own statements, in many ways their advanced age and health situations make the need to keep them permanently locked up and away from society all that more critical, as they felt they had nothing to lose by dying in service to their “cause”.

    Personally, I take comfort knowing that the government functioned as it should in this situation and was able to track down and prevent such a tragedy before it could happen.I also take great comfort in knowing that they will never again be set free in the world to harm others and that they will die in incarceration.


    Thank you for taking the time to read the articles and also for your thoughtful feedback.

  78. G says:

    You are welcome. We often disagree, but I appreciate being able to have a civil discussion on the matters.

    I do want to note that I enjoy your descriptions and pictures of your living situation in the Dominican Republic, including how the “slums” there really operate. Very informative and it helps to understand what helps form your perspective on matters.

    I’m glad you enjoy the environment and perceived “freedom” of how the market works in that environment and I respect your choice to chose to live there.

    I hope you can appreciate that others are also free to prefer the structure and additional regulations that come with living in a more modern, technologically advanced “1st world” economic society as well.

    You often rail against those that haven’t experienced poverty, hardship and the “receiving end” of the criminal justice system, as you have, as being “naive”. I want you to reflect and realize that statement goes both ways.

    You also have very little first hand experience with the type of environment that the majority of people living here have – a life which never involves being arrested or feeling the need to commit crimes. Such environmental background differences of course color both our perspectives and viewpoints, as well as what are acceptable behaviors in the world around us. Much of your worldview of cynicism and distrust as well as the particular problems you experience are simply a result of living in an environment full of such behaviors and issues and simply becoming another byproduct of that environment, instead of moving beyond it.

    Lucas D. Smith: G,
    Thank you for taking the time to read the articles and also for your thoughtful feedback.

  79. Bob J says:

    The Orly show will once again make a Hawaiian court appearance, and I have a question. Does she pay for these proceedings to occur? Is there a filing fee for the tripe she submits? I would assume she does not have to pay per document, since she has typewriter diarrhea on par with Stephen King. When is the case finally dead? She has been doing this particular case for 5 or 6 months, if I remember correctly. When is she out of motions and rehearings and the like?

    Also, she is libeling the whole system ( and slandering) when she loses ( which of course is every time) and making threats of death. I know it is a joke, but when does this go over the top and become too much. The New Hampshire episode is where she crossed the line from harmless crazy to harmful crazy. I have a thick skin, especially online, but having someone tell me that I will die as a traitor is a bit unnerving. I would think especially so, if the threat was made in person.

    She was sanctioned once. What will it take to sanction her again?

  80. G says:

    I share your concerns. Orly is way past due for additional sanctions…and harsh ones at that. IMO, the courts have been far, far too tolerant of her bad behaviors to date.

    Bob J: The Orly show will once again make a Hawaiian court appearance, and I have a question. Does she pay for these proceedings to occur? Is there a filing fee for the tripe she submits? I would assume she does not have to pay per document, since she has typewriter diarrhea on par with Stephen King. When is the case finally dead? She has been doing this particular case for 5 or 6 months, if I remember correctly. When is she out of motions and rehearings and the like? Also, she is libeling the whole system ( and slandering) when she loses ( which of course is every time) and making threats of death. I know it is a joke, but when does this go over the top and become too much. The New Hampshire episode is where she crossed the line from harmless crazy to harmful crazy. I have a thick skin, especially online, but having someone tell me that I will die as a traitor is a bit unnerving. I would think especially so, if the threat was made in person.She was sanctioned once. What will it take to sanction her again?

  81. The Internet domain is available.

  82. sfjeff says:

    Judge Mental: Here are some of the online bookies odds available today for the main combatants in the GOP nomination race…..Romney……..1/2Gingrich……..3/1Paul……………14/1Perry………….16/1Cain…………..25/1Gingrich was as long as 33/1 just a few weeks ago. Ron Paul was 80/1 not all that long ago. Cain and Perry were both once as low as 3/1. Where the momentum is can clearly be seen.Interestingly WND, the birther’s favourite online story tellers, seem to be dead against Gingrich, claiming he’s a liberal’ in an article not all that long ago.

    I am just repeating something I heard on the radio, but agree with- the Republican party is flailing around trying to find the “anyone but Romney” candidate.

    The Republicans have a problem in that they really don’t like Romney, and they have a large contingent of Republican voters who will never vote for a Mormon. But none of their other candidates ever quite match his numbers.

    I think this next election is the Republicans to lose. And they still might pull that off.

  83. Here is the next legal case that Mario Apuzzo, Esq. intends to mangle, Rusk v. Schneider:

    The Head Researcher

  84. Judge Mental says:

    sfjeff: I am just repeating something I heard on the radio, but agree with- the Republican party is flailing around trying to find the “anyone but Romney” candidate.

    The Republicans have a problem in that they really don’t like Romney, and they have a large contingent of Republican voters who will never vote for a Mormon. But none of their other candidates ever quite match his numbers.

    I think this next election is the Republicans to lose. And they still might pull that off.

    Could well all be true. What we can be sure of is that the bookies don’t let political preferences colour their assessment of the probabilities. However their odds are of course heavily influenced by the opinion of those placing bets with them.

    The current odds on offer for a Democrat win are 4/5, for a Republican win 1/1. It looks like it’s going to remain a close call on that.

    There has been an even stronger surge of betting money for Gingrich to win the Republican nomination within the last 36 hours. He is now as short as only 2/1. Romney has drifted to 4/7.

  85. G says:

    Yeah, Mario “The Mangler”. Good description, albeit too kind for someone who practices such judicial mispractice as he does.

    You are absolutely correct in reading the case that “In this instance native born and natural born are being equated as the same thing by the Court.” As most of the legal minds here and many legal scholars have repeatedly pointed out, those two terms have been used interchangeably in the courts throughout our nation’s history.

    The CRS report just released also confirms that point and more importantly, definitively squashes like a bug just about every one of Mario’s dishonest and bogus arguments and claims.

    I hope you have had a chance to read the CRS report yourself (see separate blog post here by Dr. C), as that report has lots of wonderful explanations & citations that you too can add to your repetoire of materials to smack down loathesome fools like Mario and the other dum dum De Vattelist nuts out there.

    Also – thanks for the footnote explanations of the image in your post! Very clever and cool.

    The Head Researcher: Here is the next legal case that Mario Apuzzo, Esq. intends to mangle, Rusk v. Schneider: Head Researcher

  86. Arthur says:

    The July/August 2011 edition of The Skeptical Inquirer includes an article on the psychology of 9/11 Truthers. The authors of the article, both social scientists, suggest that Truthers can be broadly separated into three groups. What they observe about the third group of Truthers (the so-called “illiterati”) might also apply to many birthers. They write:

    “Finally there is a much larger, more diffuse group, which we term the illiterati. They are people for whom membership in 9/11 Truth is as much a social and recreational pursuit as an exercise in critical inquiry. Their involvement is predominantly through web 2.0 social networking. Often this user-generated commentary really acts as interactive entertainment masquerading as a public-spirited, free-thinking quest for the truth. They are the worst offenders for flouting the basic tenets of good journalism—accurate quotation, avoidance of misrepresentation, and fidelity of source—and their contributions, almost entirely devoid of genuine intent to find truth, are almost always nakedly and transparently propagandistic. For them, it is the thrill of the chase and participating in a largely online struggle that animates their involvement, not the end result.”

    The complete article can be found here:

    Reading the comments of birthers on websites like the Post and Email, one can sense the pleasure these online patriots take as they gleefully reinforce each other’s impotent boasts about the violence they’ll deliver to their enemies.

  87. G says:

    Very insightful analogy. I agree with your conclusion!

    I would like to note that there are a number of Birthers who are ALSO Truthers…

    So some can simply be categorized as anti-government paranoids, susceptible to any crazy claptrap concept that feeds their paranoia. I think these folks just feed on the mere adrenalin rush of their fears and the cloak & dagger fetish fantasies that go along with thinking that they are part of a select few in the “know” about the “vast web of conspiracies” going on around them, which allows themselves in turn to feel “important” and “uncorrupted” by whatever powers they place as manipulating things behind the scenes…

    Arthur: The July/August 2011 edition of The Skeptical Inquirer includes an article on the psychology of 9/11 Truthers. The authors of the article, both social scientists, suggest that Truthers can be broadly separated into three groups. What they observe about the third group of Truthers (the so-called “illiterati”) might also apply to many birthers.

  88. Lupin says:

    G: every one of Mario’s dishonest and bogus arguments and claims.

    “Who hasn’t kept a human head or two in a jar in his refrigerator, your honor…”

    (Mario defending Jeffrey Dahmer on Earth-5502 from Mario’s Most Famous Mangled Cases on Infinite Earths, Sirius Cybernetics Corp., 2115)

  89. G says:

    ROTFLMAO! Absolutely brilliant!!! I actually fell out of my chair laughing so hard!

    Lupin: “Who hasn’t kept a human head or two in a jar in his refrigerator, your honor…”(Mario defending Jeffrey Dahmer on Earth-5502 from Mario’s Most Famous Mangled Cases on Infinite Earths, Sirius Cybernetics Corp., 2115)

  90. Lupin says:

    G: ROTFLMAO! Absolutely brilliant!!! I actually fell out of my chair laughing so hard!

    Why, thank you. We aim to entertain.:-)

  91. Arthur says:


    Thanks for the link; from that same site, did you happen to watch Dean Haskin’s video challenge to Colin Powell? Haskin’s is offering to give 15k to the charity Wings of Hope if Powell will endure three hours of birther testimony.

    It’ll never happen–Powell’s on record for opposing torture.

    The video is here:

    Sef: It looks like Orly has been practicing for a “Twinkie defense”

  92. Sef says:

    Arthur: Thanks for the link; from that same site, did you happen to watch Dean Haskin’s video

    No, I didn’t watch the vid. I only went there because of following the link on fogbow.

  93. G:

    Thank you!!! I have already had to smack down Leo Donofrio down for his criticism of the CRS Memo:

    Plus, I have the CRS Memo in full at The Birther Think Tank under a separate page above the header called, Natural Born Citizenship. The Memo was like putting a firecracker in a Birther anthill.

    The Head Researcher

  94. G says:

    Yeah, Leo the Lame has definitely lost his marbles. As you correctly point out, the only thing he seems to be good at is intentional misleading interpretations of what others say and his own intentional shuffling and mangling of court case quotes in a manipulative manner.

    Also, I really like your analogy: “The Memo was like putting a firecracker in a Birther anthill.” Most certainly!

    The Head Researcher: G:Thank you!!! I have already had to smack down Leo Donofrio down for his criticism of the CRS Memo:, I have the CRS Memo in full at The Birther Think Tank under a separate page above the header called, Natural Born Citizenship. The Memo was like putting a firecracker in a Birther anthill. The Head Researcher

  95. Rickey says:

    It looks like Orly has been practicing for a “Twinkie defense”

    That hearing went really well for Orly. I’m surprised that John hasn’t chimed in to report on how brilliantly she has mastered Hawaii’s laws and rules of civil procedure.

  96. J. Potter says:

    Did PDF Madness finally die? I haven’t been paying attention, had almost forgotten about it. Then today, looking at another run-of-mill PDF that’s straight from artifact city. It’s a purchase order from a client that uses a blunt force security feature that whites out sensitive info when the file is printed. That would have blown the birthers minds. I had another chuckle at the client’s signature, which is in several pieces. Clearly it’s a scam.

    Anyway, so uncharacteristic for true believers to drop a meme. And they were so imaginative over the PDF … finally run out of new spew?

  97. Arthur says:

    If you enjoy, as I sometimes do, the jaw-dropping comments that readers make at right-wing websites, I’d like to recommend “Women for Cain,” a new site sponsored by the Herman Cain campaign. Even as Cain prepares for his “come to Jesus” meeting with the ol’ ball and chain, Republican women are sending him messages of swooning support:

    “Sir, I firmly believe that you were sent to our nation through Divine Providence and I believe that you are the man to preserve our Republic for our children.”


    “I’ll admit that when I heard that you sent $ to a woman w/out your wife knowing, it gave me pause…but then I thought about and discussed it with everyone I know. We came to the conclusion that you’re a good man worth the benefit of the doubt. We figure that you’re probably a very busy man who comes in contact w/ tons of people daily, and that you probably both have friends the other isn’t friends with, and that you have helped other people, men and women, without discussing it, because that’s just what you do, you’re a softie (stop that now!) and got taken advantage of. That happens. I have NO doubts about you after thinking and praying about it.”

  98. I will have limited access to the Internet for the next few days. FYI.

  99. Good evening distinguished friends!

    I have published a new fiercely interesting blog report at the WOBIK blog!

    “Retention of Birth Evidence”. US Passport Office, Department of State (1953).

    I challenge and implore the readers of the Was Obama Born In Kenya blog to help me with this particular investigation. Put on your thinking caps and fill the comments sections below the blog report with your thoughts, ideas, opinions, hunches, recommendations and corrections!

    Thank you and please have a masterful weekend!

    Lucas D. Smith

  100. G says:

    Yeah, that “Women for Cain” page was quite an interesting read. As was the designation of his wife as the Chair for it. I see the campaign has already received considerable flack for also using a stock photo for the main image of 4 women giving thumbs up.

    Regardless, tomorrow should be interesting either way, as we will reportedly get Cain’s decision on whether he folds tent or presses on… should be interesting.

    If he stays in, under the current weak and unstable field, I’d say he’s still a factor and impact on the IA primaries…beyond that, depends on how those turn out. Of course, further “bombshell” revelations, continuance of self-inflicted blunders and debate performances could change all that before IA yet again… (there are 4 more debates between now and then)

    If he exits the race tomorrow…then that really has a much bigger impact on the dynamic of the race in terms of where his supporters go…

    Either way, whether he leaves the race tomorrow or trudges on, he’s definitely impacting the results of the IA caucuses, which this cycle, more than many in the past, will really set the true stage for how the rest of the GOP primary race plays out.

    Arthur: If you enjoy, as I sometimes do, the jaw-dropping comments that readers make at right-wing websites, I’d like to recommend “Women for Cain,” a new site sponsored by the Herman Cain campaign. Even as Cain prepares for his “come to Jesus” meeting with the ol’ ball and chain, Republican women are sending him messages of swooning support:

  101. G says:

    Doc – May you have an enjoyable and memorable time, wherever you are going!

    Dr. Conspiracy: I will have limited access to the Internet for the next few days. FYI.

  102. Well, I have discovered some more legal stuff about the Kwock’s and legal presumptions they were Chinese. I call it: “With A Kwock Kwock Here And A Quack Quack There” and debunk Leo Donofrio some more. Some of this is fascinating because of the Arizona immigration law stuff.

    The Head Researcher

  103. Arthur says:

    Well, ol’ Herman Cain has pulled a Palin–dropped out of the race, but still demands people pay attention to him, and more importantly, donate money. An unqualified and pompous jerk.

  104. G says:

    I think your easter egg summed it up best “Decoys Help When Ducking the Issues”

    The Head Researcher: Well, I have discovered some more legal stuff about the Kwock’s and legal presumptions they were Chinese. I call it: “With A Kwock Kwock Here And A Quack Quack There” and debunk Leo Donofrio some more. Some of this is fascinating because of the Arizona immigration law stuff. Head Researcher

  105. Majority Will says:

    Well, ol’ Herman Cain has pulled a Palin–dropped out of the race, but still demands people pay attention to him, and more importantly, donate money. An unqualified and pompous jerk.

    Money for what? Mounting legal fees?

  106. Majority Will says:

    Well, ol’ Herman Cain has pulled a Palin–dropped out of the race, but still demands people pay attention to him, and more importantly, donate money. An unqualified and pompous jerk.

    It took him long enough to ‘pull out’. Maybe that’s part of the problem.

  107. G says:

    I watched his whole speech live. If you take away your personal feelings towards the man, his ideas, his campaigning capabilities and how you view the accusations against him and view what he just did from a purely pragmatic viewpoint, it comes closer to the old addage of “when live gives you lemons, make lemonade”.

    Regardless of whether the allegations against him are true or not, the harsh reality is that his campaign had been damaged and support was bleeding away during a critical time window, where the first true (and critical) contest was only a month away…with the major holiday season inbetween to boot.

    Although his surge had allowed him some additional funds to “ramp up”, he still had a very limited, fairly inexperienced and unconventional campaign organizational structure, particularly in such a heavy boots-on-the ground and all important caucus state for his type of supporters such as Iowa.

    He faced an uphill battle against time and resources under the best of circumstances. Further, the allegations from the women were only one area amongst many that were casting doubt and hurting his ability to sustain a surge and following under the remaining timeframe. Without all that, he still had even more important policy, position and messaging gaffes hanging over him to overcome. Simply put – having devoted supporters is one thing, but simply not enough on its own at this stage. Pragmatically speaking, there simply wasn’t the structure in place, nor time available to overcome such hurdles and realistically recover momentum.

    Yes, his speech was defiant, but it was also well set-up, paced and structured as well. You must remember that the primary audience for this is his devoted followers, who not only supported him, but likely donated to him campaign. He was able to deliver bad news to them in a way that still felt inspirational and that something was accomplished and that more could still be done, despite the end of direct campaign hopes they held.

    Of significant importance, was the clear, smiling and supportive presence of his wife Gloria throughout. When you combine all those factors, he really pulled off what is effectively dropping out of the race, under such a cloud of doubts, in a very polished and masterful manner.

    Further, for any presidential candidate that finds their journey at a premature end, the best they can hope for at that moment is that their efforts up to that point can still bear some fruit and have an impact. He’s positioned himself masterfully for that as well – both with the announcement of his plan to keep people engaged and push his message and even more importantly at this critical stage – his statement to endorse one of the other candidates soon.

    Unlike Pawlenty or Thad McCotter, who also campaigned and then had to drop out earlier, Cain’s leaving the race in this manner and timing is well positioned to have a big impact and his endorsement, prior to Iowa, will matter…potentially more so than any other endorsements in play so far in this election cycle.

    Arthur: Well, ol’ Herman Cain has pulled a Palin–dropped out of the race, but still demands people pay attention to him, and more importantly, donate money. An unqualified and pompous jerk.

  108. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: Money for what? Mounting legal fees?

    So now he’s mounting legal fees!? Man, that dude’s so horny the crack in the Liberty Bell better watch out!

  109. G says:

    Look, in fairness, campaigns typically have a certain amount of valid expenses and debt to deal with that remain for long after the campaign comes to an end. By “suspending” a campaign instead of simply ending one, a campaign can still legally accept donations for the purposes of resolving any outstanding obligations that might exist.

    The issue of whether the campaign finance structure in place is proper, flawed or ripe for abuse is a whole different topic. The simple fact is that the procedure and practice is both legal and typical and from a pure pragmatic standpoint, calling what he is doing “suspending” his campaign is both a typical and sensible call.

    Arthur: So now he’s mounting legal fees!? Man, that dude’s so horny the crack in the Liberty Bell better watch out!

  110. Rickey says:

    In other news, I received an e-mail that Walter Fitzpatrick was released from jail today.

  111. G says:

    Let’s see how long it takes for him to do something stupid enough to end up back in there…

    Rickey: In other news, I received an e-mail that Walter Fitzpatrick was released from jail today.

  112. Arthur says:

    I don’t agree with Ron Paul’s politics, but I admire what he said concerning the Donald Trump-moderated presidential debate planned for Dec. 27 in Iowa.

    From ABC news:

    [Paul’s] campaign chairman, Jesse Benton, distributed a scathing press release this morning saying that Trump’s participation “is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity.”

    “Mr. Trump’s participation as moderator will distract from questions and answers concerning important issues such as the national economy, crushing federal government debt, the role of the federal government, foreign policy, and the like,” Benton said.

    Benton called the choice of Trump as a moderator “wildly inappropriate” and said his presence at the debate will “contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere.”

  113. G says:

    Good for Paul’s campaign on stating such. They are absolutely correct on this.

    Arthur: I don’t agree with Ron Paul’s politics, but I admire what he said concerning the Donald Trump-moderated presidential debate planned for Dec. 27 in Iowa.From ABC news: [Paul’s] campaign chairman, Jesse Benton, distributed a scathing press release this morning saying that Trump’s participation “is beneath the office of the Presidency and flies in the face of that office’s history and dignity.”“Mr. Trump’s participation as moderator will distract from questions and answers concerning important issues such as the national economy, crushing federal government debt, the role of the federal government, foreign policy, and the like,” Benton said.Benton called the choice of Trump as a moderator “wildly inappropriate” and said his presence at the debate will “contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere.”

  114. Rickey says:

    Good for Paul’s campaign on stating such.They are absolutely correct on this.

    Jon Huntsman also has declined to participate in the Trump circus.

  115. G says:

    Yeah, Huntsman’s hilarious campaign response made the quote of the day:

    “We look forward to watching Mitt and Newt suck-up to The Donald with a big bowl of popcorn.”

    Under another thread, I gave kudos to Huntsman's team when they made this statement yesterday, but it is worth giving them the thumbs up again.

    Rickey: Jon Huntsman also has declined to participate in the Trump circus.

  116. RetiredLawyer says:

    Regarding Cain.

    The question is why he didn’t ever mention this 13-year friend to his wife. Another is why if he was helping her to get a job, it took him 13 years. And, yet another is if someone is down on his/her luck, you give (or loan) him/her money; yet Cain clearly stated that he had given this woman tangible gifts.

    The only rational conclusion is that he, in fact, had had an ongoing affair with her, that he thought would remain secret from his wife, and the public.

    I listened to his speech also. A lot of self serving drivel rounding up with an “I am still relevant” spiel, which was immediately destroyed by his statement that he’s going to endorse someone. Yes, he got his base worked up, but I kept asking my radio if he was ever going to make a factual statement.

  117. Rickey:
    In other news, I received an e-mail that Walter Fitzpatrick was released from jail today.

    I wrote Fitzpatrick a musical number from “Brigaloon”, called “I’ll Go Home And Vent Some Spleen.”

    The Head Researcher

  118. Good afternoon esteemed and salient internet patrons!

    I have published a new clear-sighted and calculating blog report at the WOBIK Blog!

    The Sunday Update. The “Covert Group” and the rapper “T.I.” (Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr).

    Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within this blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

    Thank you.

    Lucas D. Smith

  119. ASK Esq says:

    I haven’t yet checked the birther sites, but how surprised would anybody be if they claim the accusations that Sheriff Joe failed to act on sexual assault claims are being made because he is investigating President Obama?

  120. G says:


    My favorite part of your blog report is the pictures of your lovely research assistant. In terms of the content of the post, here are my thoughts and opinions on the matter:

    I agree with the government’s stance in their 11-21-11 Detention order. As they summarized, “there are no conditionsof release that would reasonably assure the safety of the community”.

    Of course their defense attorney’s job is to come up with every angle and excuse for why they should be let go. That is the job of the defense attorney. Doesn’t mean it will wash.

    I too was amused by the reference to rapper T.I.’s background as an excuse for bail.

    However, it is a completely apples to oranges comparison and won’t hold water in this case. Simply put, there is no comparison between T.I.’s prior circumstances and these four geriatric domestic terrorists.

    And that is the key term in play here – domestic terrorist. Never has T.I. tried to commit an act of domestic terrorism in his background.

    The rest of the background info doesn’t matter in a scenario like this- a prior life of living properly, the loss of personal property or livelihood, nor their health problems. You only have to snap and cross that line of actively working towards a plot of mass murder once and that is it! Done. Can’t go back from that. Can’t say “oops, sorry”. ATTEMPT to commit such a heinous crime and do the time.

    It is the very nature of the crime these fools were planning that is so egregious that is the whole point. There is no justification for release in such situations and the legal precedent of detention without bail has a long and clear history in these types of cases.

    Face it, these angry and crazy old fools will spend the rest of the short time remaining in their lives in incarceration and away from any chance of harming the general populace. As it should be. Actions have consequences, Lucas… and that includes taking actions towards committing an even larger crime.

    Lucas D. Smith: Good afternoon esteemed and salient internet patrons!I have published a new clear-sighted and calculating blog report at the WOBIK Blog!“The Sunday Update. The “Covert Group” and the rapper “T.I.” (Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr). exercise your free speech in the comments section below. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within this blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!Thank you.Lucas D. Smith319-804-0440

  121. Keith says:

    ASK Esq:
    I haven’t yet checked the birther sites, but how surprised would anybody be if they claim the accusations that Sheriff Joe failed to act on sexual assault claims are being made because he is investigating President Obama?

    It could be that they do so, but the failure to act on the sexual assault claims has been known for years and have been part of the FBI investigation for a long time.

  122. Arthur says:

    Donald Trump is still pushing birtherism. From the National Review Online:

    In a conference call with reporters this afternoon, Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate.

    “A lot of people agree with me,” Trump said in response to a question from World Net Daily’s Robert Unruh.”They find it amazing, that out of — that all of a sudden, miraculously, this birth certificate just appeared. People have questioned the birth certificate, and many people do still question it.”

    “I happen to think,” Trump continued, “it’s very strange that after years, all of a sudden it appears. And I’ve also said, ‘How come there are no records that his mother was ever in the hospital?’ There are records that other people were in the hospital at that time… There’s no record that Obama or the mother was. And then you have the grandmother making statements, and you have the family pointing to different hospitals. Look, I have real questions, but I also know Obama is totally protected by the press, and unfairly so, I would say. … I find that it’s a very interesting topic because basically it’s a violation of the law.”

    What a graceless, contemptible boor this Trump is.

  123. Arthur says:

    I now see that G had already posted a link to Trump’s comments–sorry for the double dose.

  124. Keith says:

    Surprise! A Presidential candidate is spending big to hide their records!


  125. Majority Will says:

    Surprise! A Presidential candidate is spending big to hide their records!


    Check out the predictable birther stupidity at your link:

    Intriped wrote:
    KrisCraig: Read This,

    To start, the very FIRST thing you should do is have Congress REPEAL EXCUTIVE ORDER 13489 (See A). The first thing Obama did as putative president was issue this EO to seal all of his and his family records–criminal. What’s he hiding? Let the public have access to these so they can make an honest judgment.
    Next, investigate why Obama is using a Connecticut social security number,042-68-4425, when he was supposedly born in Hawaii. Their numbers start with 575-576. He even had the gall to use this number on his 2009 tax form. (See B, where three separate investigators confirm that Obama is using a Connecticut number). You might also ask why he used social security number 485-40-5154 when he lived in Jackson, NJ. This number belonged to Lucille Ballantyne of Lamoni, Iowa.

    Obama transferred from Occidental College to Columbia University in 1981, at the age of 20.

    According to the New York Times, Obama “suggests in his book that his years in New York were a pivotal period: He ran three miles a day, buckled down to work and stopped getting high,’ which he says he had started doing in high school. Yet he declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.”

    Read more: Obama: Where have all his records gone?

    Dec 05, 2011 9:58pm EST — Report as abuse

    There are far too many idiotic bigots who rely on WND and the Post and E-Mail as citable news sources.

    Have Congress repeal “EXCUTIVE ORDER 13489”?

    You really can’t fix stupid.

  126. Arthur says:

    Here’s a link to a post-WWII quiz developed to “yield an estimate of fascist receptivity at the personality level.”

    I scored a feeble 2.3, making me a “liberal airhead.” Something tells me that Misha will score even lower, probably in the real of “whinning rotter.”

  127. Majority Will says:

    Here’s a link to a post-WWII quiz developed to “yield an estimate of fascist receptivity at the personality level.”

    I scored a feeble 2.3, making me a “liberal airhead.” Something tells me that Misha will score even lower, probably in the real of “whinning rotter.”

    My F score is 3.

    “You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.”

    And a natural born citizen like our President.

  128. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Donald Trump is still pushing birtherism. From the National Review Online:

    In a conference call with reporters this afternoon, Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate.

    Trump made it to RBK News today. I watched because their treatment of the new Belgian government immediately preceded.

    That ended with a joke about men shaving off their beards (actually happened) and women finally consenting to having sex again (did not really happen).

    And then comes Trump, with the BC nonsense included (I do think it was his former claim that was mentioned). Laughing my head out. It ends with an opinion poll saying only 19% would be prepared to vote for him.

    How the mighty have fallen when even in Russia which adores conspiracy theories (a heritage from the communist days when official news was basically untrustworthy) you get the same and as much coverage as a journalist who refused to shave for 11 months in a protest drive.

  129. G says:

    Fascinating quiz!

    My score was 2.8333

    Arthur: Here’s a link to a post-WWII quiz developed to “yield an estimate of fascist receptivity at the personality level.” scored a feeble 2.3, making me a “liberal airhead.” Something tells me that Misha will score even lower, probably in the real of “whinning rotter.”

  130. Arthur says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Trump made it to RBK News today. I watched because their treatment of the new Belgian government immediately preceded.That ended with a joke about men shaving off their beards (actually happened) and women finally consenting to having sex again (did not really happen).

    Speaking of men shaving . . . the RBK News website reports that women still like men with hairy chests, or as Google Translator puts it,

    “And the fashion for metrosexuals who are concerned about their appearance, passionately eager to demonstrate a well-developed muscles, or, conversely, to emphasize its slenderness. But fashion, as it is peculiar, returns again and again now appreciated and enjoyed the attention a man who looks a little different from those of gorillas: the coarser face, the more hair the better.”

    The article ends by stating, “Young people from the way a la “vampire” Robert Pattinson with almost translucent skin with no hair showing her thin, delicate and sensual nature in favor of girls-only teenagers who do not know what a real man to be hairy, and the mighty. .. slightly messy. Or, as the English say, a man should smell good tobacco, whiskey and a great little women’s perfume, due to close contact with the fair sex.”

    Actually, those paragraphs sound like the essays coming from some of my first-year students. Maybe they’re writing in Russian and then having Google translate their work into English?

  131. Rickey says:

    Arthur: Speaking of men shaving . . . the RBK News website reports that women still like men with hairy chests,

    I spent nearly two years in the Philippines when I was in the Navy in the last sixties. The women were fascinated by hairy chests, presumably in part because the Filipino men had no hair on their chests (and very little facial hair).

  132. misha says:

    Arthur: I scored a feeble 2.3, making me a “liberal airhead.” Something tells me that Misha will score even lower, probably in the real of “whinning rotter.”

    I scored 1.53, “You are a whining rotter.”

  133. Arthur says:

    If you haven’t seen the video of Orly Taitz bumbling her way through another failed court appearance (this one in Hawaii) head over to “Oh, For Goodness Sake.” Her incompetence is unbelievable.

  134. G says:

    Yeah, watching that video is a clear cut example of how thick-headed and utterly lacking in basic comprehension both Orly and her Birther followers are.

    I mean really, how many times and in how many ways does the court have to explain the difference between the procedure for addressing her original motion and proper filing to get a court hearing on an amended motion?

    These nutbags keep claiming that their documents are being “scrubbed”. No, you deaf and dumb Birther fools – the court has clearly pointed out that none of your precious documents are missing. Anything sent to the court has been documented and received. If those documents dealt with an AMENDED motion, then they simply could not be argued in that court hearing, which dealt with the ORIGINAL motion. Orly simply needs to file an actual AMENDED motion and get a hearing date for that if she wants that material to be addressed by the courts. Simple as that, birfoons! Even a small child could eventually grasp that concept. *sheesh*

    Arthur: If you haven’t seen the video of Orly Taitz bumbling her way through another failed court appearance (this one in Hawaii) head over to “Oh, For Goodness Sake.” Her incompetence is unbelievable.

  135. misha says:

    G: watching that video is a clear cut example of how thick-headed and utterly lacking in basic comprehension both Orly and her Birther followers are

    Typical refusenik. Avigdor Lieberman is a former bouncer. Sharansky, whom I met and supported, has also gone off the deep end.

    “As Housing Minister in Ariel Sharon’s first government, he oversaw the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. In his present position, meanwhile, Sharansky has chaired a secret committee that approved the seizure of East Jerusalem property of West Bank Palestinians, a decision which was reversed after an outcry from the Israeli left and the international community.”

  136. Lupin says:

    2.23 a liberal airhead. Naturally.

  137. John Reilly says:

    I regret to say I scored 2.1.

    I need to go to a re-education camp.

  138. John Reilly says:

    The videos at Ohforgoodnesssake have been removed. I smell internet scrubbing.

  139. Arthur says:

    G: These nutbags keep claiming that their documents are being “scrubbed”. No, you deaf and dumb Birther fools – the court has clearly pointed out that none of your precious documents are missing. Anything sent to the court has been documented and received. If those documents dealt with an AMENDED motion, then they simply could not be argued in that court hearing, which dealt with the ORIGINAL motion. Orly simply needs to file an actual AMENDED motion and get a hearing date for that if she wants that material to be addressed by the courts. Simple as that, birfoons! Even a small child could eventually grasp that concept. *sheesh*

    Exactly. I have no court experience, but I could still understand what the judge was saying about original and amended motions, even though her explanation was thick with technical phraseology. And even though Orly seemed to be listening to the judge, she was unable to grasp what the judge was saying. Instead, Orly kept returning to this meme of “lost documents”–and so another panel in the birther conspiracy quilt is stitched into place. (Did you like that quilting metaphor Ellid?)

    What I’ve noticed about Orly’s performance in this and the fiasco in New Hampshire, is that she flutters in at the last minute never having reviewed the rules she’ll be required to follow. Instead, she hopes that because she’s tired and from out of state, that somehow she’ll have the right to contravene the law and do things her way. Then, when she’s required to follow established procedures, she and her minions start yammering about conspiracies.

  140. The Magic M says:

    This is good:

    Orly accuses Nagamine of fraud and obstruction of justice, that isn’t going to go over well with the court.
    Also she claims denying the motion would be frivolous – yes, the judge will love that, too.

    And finally she claims her “new evidence” is the NH ballot challenge – i.e. that some other dufuses made the same claims somewhere else in the country.

    That’s it, my bet is on another round of sanctions, this time.

  141. The Magic M says:

    (and we have another round of “they didn’t reply to my motion, so I win by default”, too!)

  142. Arthur says:

    John Reilly: The videos at Ohforgoodnesssake have been removed. I smell internet scrubbing.

    Indeed. They’ve been removed from YouTube as well. I guess somebody must have pointed out that Orly comes off as a befuddled naif.

  143. JoZeppy says:

    The Magic M: This is good: accuses Nagamine of fraud and obstruction of justice, that isn’t going to go over well with the court.Also she claims denying the motion would be frivolous – yes, the judge will love that, too.And finally she claims her “new evidence” is the NH ballot challenge – i.e. that some other dufuses made the same claims somewhere else in the country.That’s it, my bet is on another round of sanctions, this time.

    Even before getting into the (lack of) substance of her reply, does she even look at this garbage before filng? My drafts don’t even look this bad. Missed capitalization, multiple fonts, random single spaced sections. I would not even give this level poop to one of my colleagues to proof read, much less publish or file such a mess. But I suppose the mess on paper at least has the advantage of distracting readers from the actually words and arguments she puts down on paper.

  144. G says:

    LOL! You were to the left of me…

    John Reilly: I regret to say I scored 2.1.I need to go to a re-education camp.

    Misha for the win! So far, you’ve got the lowest score & Majority Will has the highest score of 3.0. So far, everyone else is within the narrow range between you two. Can’t wait to see more results!

    misha: I scored 1.53, “You are a whining rotter.”

  145. G says:

    I’ve noticed that too and find her excuse to be both pathetic and whiney. If it is such a “big deal” for her to make these trips in the first place, then you would think she would take that trip more seriously and have all her ducks in a row before she ever makes the trip.

    Bottom line, she is spoiled and lazy and does not deserve any of the leniency that the courts have endlessly been giving her. She’s clearly demonstrated that she does not learn from her mistakes at all and only gets more belligerent and sloppy with time. Therefore, any judge who does the basic review of her in preparation for a case should stop enabling her and treat her with as little leeway and tolerance for poor conduct as possible. She needs to be severely reined. She is beyond a bad joke.

    Arthur: What I’ve noticed about Orly’s performance in this and the fiasco in New Hampshire, is that she flutters in at the last minute never having reviewed the rules she’ll be required to follow. Instead, she hopes that because she’s tired and from out of state, that somehow she’ll have the right to contravene the law and do things her way. Then, when she’s required to follow established procedures, she and her minions start yammering about conspiracies.

  146. G says:

    Wow…just wow! First of all, Orly’s writing is rife with typos throughout and her entire tone and arguments come across very unprofessional and as nothing more than juvenile whining…to put it kindly. As I said, this is someone who suffers from an extreme entitlement mentality and who is, as Misha would say, a “Refusnik” who merely refuses to hear or comprehend any answer other than what she wanted to hear. She is willfully and defiantly detatched from reality!

    My favorite part of her ludicrous rant was her citation of Obama’s campaign poking fun at the Birthers by fundraising with the Birth Certificate Mugs. LOL! Glad to see it is getting under her thin skin.

    The Magic M: This is good: accuses Nagamine of fraud and obstruction of justice, that isn’t going to go over well with the court.Also she claims denying the motion would be frivolous – yes, the judge will love that, too.And finally she claims her “new evidence” is the NH ballot challenge – i.e. that some other dufuses made the same claims somewhere else in the country.That’s it, my bet is on another round of sanctions, this time.

  147. Rickey says:

    My score is 2.3. Misha continues to rule…

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