Corsi scales down book publishing enterprise

Jerome Corsi sold a lot of books, but he has scaled down as interest in Obama’s origins wanes. First we had The Obama Nation: leftist politics and the cult of Conspiracy, a book in which Corsi spins Obama’s life to make him look like some kind of a radical; the book also provides evidence that Obama was not born in Kenya and says nothing about him being ineligible to be President. That book was a bestseller with sales reaching into the millions according to some estimates.

Corsi’s second book, Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not eligible to be President, was widely seen as a flop despite a brief artificial appearance on the best seller lists due to bulk purchases. It came out after President Obama released his long-form birth certificate, exposing much of Corsi’s book for the nonsense that it is. WorldNetDaily published this book and is trying to get rid of them any way they can by offering deep discounts on the book bundled with a paid online newsletter subscriptions.


I guess that because WND was burned so badly on Corsi’s last book, they’ve bypassed hard-copy publishing altogether on Corsi’s latest offering: Where’s the Real Birth Certificate. It’s available free if you buy the hardcover edition of the previous flop, or for $7.99 as a stand-alone download. With this offering we see the reason WND hired a plane to carry a “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate” banner over Cowboys Stadium; they were plugging the book.

It’s not clear whether this is the previous book with updates, a supplement or exactly what.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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81 Responses to Corsi scales down book publishing enterprise

  1. Lupin says:

    Somehow when I think of Corsi and his books, I’m reminded of the ancient Easter Islanders cutting down their last trees to make more statues and therefore dooming themselves & their ecosystem.

  2. J. Potter says:

    Nice one, Lupin!

    This is only the first of 2 promised sequels. Can’t wait for Corsi to go #2 again.

  3. ASK Esq says:

    If Corsi had any decency and honesty (I know, I know), this book would consist of exactly one sentence: “Its in Hawaii. “

  4. Loren says:

    I’m pretty sure the e-book is just a supplement. They’ve been rather secretive about how much material it actually contains, though. Is it 150 pages of newly-written text, or 40 pages of cut-and-pasted and re-edited WND columns?

    There’s another way they’re trying to get rid of inventory of the hardback, too. If you donate $25 or more to their ‘fund’ to investigate Obama’s eligibility, they’ll send you free copies of both the hardcover and the e-book.

    I wish we knew a little more about the e-book, but I think the online response to it is telling. I can find *no* reviews of it, anywhere. None of the Birther bloggers I’ve seen have mentioned buying it. There’s zero discussion of it at FreeRepublic. It might get *mentioned* occasionally, but virtually no one seems to have bought or read it.

  5. J. Potter says:

    It is in suggested search results at Amazon, so someone has looked there, but no listing…yet. WND can’t figure out publishing for Kindle? Or did Amazon refuse it? I’d like to believe the latter, Amazon is obsessive about image, but they’ll also sell just about anything.

  6. The Magic M says:

    Lupin: I’m reminded of the ancient Easter Islanders cutting down their last trees to make more statues and therefore dooming themselves & their ecosystem.

    Interesting fact.
    One of the reasons I come here is that I learn something new almost every day – even excluding birther-related information.

  7. bernadine ayers says:

    i liked dr. corsi’s book. i think you’re wrong about the birth certificate issue going away though. lot’s of people are still taliking about it. i like this website too though. i hope sheriff joe figures it all out.

  8. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    i liked dr. corsi’s book. i think you’re wrong about the birth certificate issue going away though. lot’s of people are still taliking about it. i like this website too though. i hope sheriff joe figures it all out.

    Do you or does anyone have credible evidence that the state of Hawaii as the legal authority guaranteed by the Full Faith and Credit clause in the Constitution* is wrong in their assertion that the President was born there on August 4th, 1961?

    *”Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.”

    Yes or no.

  9. richCares says:

    “Yes or no.”
    your question is much too difficult for a birther

  10. richCares says:

    as for Bernardine Ayers
    before she married Bill Ayers, Bernardine Ayers maiden name was Bernardine Dohrn
    does choosing “Bernardine Ayers” as a screen name tell you something?

  11. I think excitement over any new book from Jerome Corsi is over, but the birth certificate is with us at least until President Obama leaves office.

    bernadine ayers: i think you’re wrong about the birth certificate issue going away though.

  12. J. Potter says:

    Is Bernadine any relation to Bill?

  13. sactosintolerant says:

    According to my admittedly unscientific analysis, last month was the first month since the lead up to the release of WTBC? that Corsi had more than half of his WND articles about something other than Obama’s “shady” origins. It feels like the ebook is the last bit of birther chum WND will be releasing aside from the occasional Sheriff Joe tough talk.

  14. Sean says:

    sactosintolerant: Sheriff Joe

    And of corse now Sheriff Joe has his own legal problems.

  15. Bob says:

    “bernadine ayers: i think you’re wrong about the birth certificate issue going away though.”

    The birth certificate issue went away years ago. Now the Birthers need to go away.

  16. jayhg says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think excitement over any new book from Jerome Corsi is over, but the birth certificate is with us at least until President Obama leaves office.

    I think the birth certificate “issue” will be with us just like the U.S. flew planes in the towers/truther “issue” is with us, which is to say folks speak of it with disdain and the thought that it’s utter foolishness.

  17. G says:

    I highly doubt it. I suspect that they will be pimping Birther state ballot challenge stories for months to come… they have to have something to feed their base and keep them reading articles chock full of buttons and links to PayPal…

    sactosintolerant: According to my admittedly unscientific analysis, last month was the first month since the lead up to the release of WTBC? that Corsi had more than half of his WND articles about something other than Obama’s “shady” origins. It feels like the ebook is the last bit of birther chum WND will be releasing aside from the occasional Sheriff Joe tough talk.

  18. bernadine ayers says:

    wouldn’t he want to open the safe in hawaii ? there will be more and more doubt before the election maybe.

  19. richCares says:

    Corsi needs the deluded to believe they will find something or some dirt, but all they have is make believe. Poor deluded people, seems one posts here as well. kinda sad, they need to get a life as Obama will get a second term. How many OMG failues does it take to change a birthers mind? Orly holds the record on failed OMG moments

  20. It’s not his safe to open. However, I don’t see where “more and more doubt” is going to come from. There are only so many people that are weak-minded enough to succumb to birther faulty thinking and misinformation. There has never been any real evidence to generate the doubts, only rumors and leading questions.

    By the way, did you know there were rumors that George Washington was born in England? It’s true.

    bernadine ayers: wouldn’t he want to open the safe in hawaii ? there will be more and more doubt before the election maybe.

  21. G says:

    Yep. What you said pretty much covers it all.

    Methinks “bernadine” is not being sincere in her question and is just Concern Trolling…

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s not his safe to open. However, I don’t see where “more and more doubt” is going to come from. There are only so many people that are weak-minded enough to succumb to birther faulty thinking and misinformation. There has never been any real evidence to generate the doubts, only rumors and leading questions. By the way, did you know there were rumors that George Washington was born in England? It’s true.

  22. Lupin says:

    bernadine ayers: there will be more and more doubt before the election maybe.

    If by “more and more doubt” you mean a few dozen more people, maybe 100, in a country with a population of 300 million, you may well be right, but then there are people who believe in giant caves with flying saucers flown by reptoids from Venus, so your argument is so trivial that it carries no weight whatsoever.

    Yours is the kind of cause espoused by smelly people in dirty raincoats handing out greasy leaflets outside subway stations, not something warranting any attention whatsoever.

  23. The Magic M says:

    sactosintolerant: According to my admittedly unscientific analysis, last month was the first month since the lead up to the release of WTBC? that Corsi had more than half of his WND articles about something other than Obama’s “shady” origins. It feels like the ebook is the last bit of birther chum WND will be releasing aside from the occasional Sheriff Joe tough talk.

    That’s because their anti-Muslim, anti-gay and anti-whatever-else stories likely get at least as much attention (and PayPal clickies). Don’t forget WND is more than just birther central and caters to more lunatics than just birthers.
    And if you had to guess whether “Where’s the BC” or “Dem danjerrus Mooslims” would sell more copies, what would you go for?

  24. G says:

    Does anyone else find it suspicious that after Sally Hill, formerly aka “Scott Brown” makes a sudden return and bounces around several forum posts, getting her butt kicked and called out, that she “disappears” again and immediately, a brand new poster, using an intentional pseudonym of “bernadine ayers” (aka wife of Bill Ayers, a standard bogeyman of the petty right) and starts trying to pull a new Concern Trolling routine…


  25. Bob J says:

    Is the Concerned Trolling routine the connection between Sally Hill, Sallyven, Sallyhlll, and foreigner? There is a similar approach and style by the aforementioned , as well as, bernadine ayers. I have only been here a few months, but those are the names I connected. Does the multiple names, one poster thing happen often?

  26. The Magic M says:

    Bob J: Does the multiple names, one poster thing happen often?

    Actually I wonder why birthers have given up the opposite routine, i.e. to claim that the multitude of Obots actually is just three or four people. Cranks usually do that when faced with opposition in significant numbers, and I’ve seen this said many times on WND in the past, but not anymore.

  27. bernadine ayers says:

    maybe here is a clue.

    If by “more and more doubt” you mean a few dozen more people, maybe 100, in a country with a population of 300 million, you may well be right, but then there are people who believe in giant caves with flying saucers flown by reptoids from Venus, so your argument is so trivial that it carries no weight whatsoever.

    Yours is the kind of cause espoused by smelly people in dirty raincoats handing out greasy leaflets outside subway stations, not something warranting any attention whatsoever.

    i don’t mean to sound flippant, but i think right now you are acting more crazy than i am.

    should i stop posting here ?

  28. bernadine ayers says:

    dr. conspiracy, with all due respect, when you say it’s not his safe to open. isn’t that what the administration said about the second birth certificate ? i thought they had to get a “special permission waiver”. but then wasn’t it true that anyone could get their own long form using foia ?? when people say “birthers need to just go away”. should theposse stop their investigation and “just forget about it ??”

  29. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: should i stop posting here ?

    I think you should pursue a dancing career on Broadway. You know you want it.

    Be the dream.

  30. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers:
    dr. conspiracy, with all due respect, when you say it’s not his safe to open. isn’t that what the administration said about the second birth certificate ? i thought they had to get a “special permission waiver”. but then wasn’t it true that anyone could get their own long form using foia ?? when people say “birthers need to just go away”. should theposse stop their investigation and “just forget about it ??”

    There’s a difference. The special permission you refer to was unusual, and outside normal policy. Allowing a third party to view the original paper is illegal. Obama has not the legal right, nor the authority, to grant third party access to the paper copy, in contravention of Hawaii State Law.

    The Posse should treat their Obama investigation the same way as they treat their “rogue unicorn” investigation, and for exactly the same reasons.

  31. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    Over at Barackryphal, check out Loren’s detailed expose of Corsi’s plagiarism of his Dec 19 article at WND:

  32. Lupin says:

    bernadine ayers: should i stop posting here ?

    It depends. Have you sworn allegiance to the Reptoids?

  33. richCares says:

    “should the posse stop their investigation ”
    dear bernadete, there is no investigation, no report will be issued, have you got that?

  34. katahdin says:

    You linked to an obituary. What’s your point? Is that there has been more than one woman named Bernadine in the US?

    bernadine ayers: here is a clue.If by “more and more doubt” you mean a few dozen more people, maybe 100, in a country with a population of 300 million, you may well be right, but then there are people who believe in giant caves with flying saucers flown by reptoids from Venus, so your argument is so trivial that it carries no weight whatsoever.Yours is the kind of cause espoused by smelly people in dirty raincoats handing out greasy leaflets outside subway stations, not something warranting any attention whatsoever.i don’t mean to sound flippant, but i think right now you are acting more crazy than i am.should i stop posting here ?

  35. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: when people say “birthers need to just go away”

    Birthers are a lot like herpes. You can try to treat the symptoms but a disease like birtherism is an annoyance that’s not going away.

    It’s also a hereditary disease. Birther bigots will make sure their offspring are diseased, hate filled bigots before they die.

  36. bernadine ayers says:

    no offense but this sounds made up like a lwatey would do.

    There’s a difference. The special permission you refer to was unusual, and outside normal policy. Allowing a third party to view the original paper is illegal. Obama has not the legal right, nor the authority, to grant third party access to the paper copy, in contravention of Hawaii State Law.

    was special permission out side of policy or law ?

    are you saying just two people can see the original now?

  37. bernadine ayers says:

    i was trying to type lawyer not lwatey, sorry… why was it “outside” normal policy if the law says any citizen can just file a form pay money and get. (in a month or so) this seemed like stalling to me.

  38. G says:

    Yes, it is called “sock puppeting”. We saw tons of it amongst the Birtheristani, particularly in the early days when they were working hard to build and propagate their myths.

    It is another propaganda tactic. Similar to the classic tactic from movies where an outnumbered guy digging in for battle puts a bunch of hats on sticks that are poking up just above the ridge line so that his approaching enemies think they are facing an army instead of a lone individual.

    It is nothing more than creating a false premise that there are more people that agree with them then there really are. In doing so, they think they can make their point more persuasive by claiming it is not just them saying this stuff, but instead some broader concern.

    Heck, we’ve even seen a number of examples where their whole defense tactic is to go back & forth between their own sockpuppets and have conversations agreeing with themselves…

    So yeah, it comes down to revealing that they have been intentionally been playing a con game of knowingly spreading smears all along. The only alternative explanation mental illness resulting in multiple personalities.

    So con artist or crazy…take your pick.

    Bob J: Is the Concerned Trolling routine the connection between Sally Hill, Sallyven, Sallyhlll, and foreigner? There is a similar approach and style by the aforementioned , as well as, bernadine ayers. I have only been here a few months, but those are the names I connected. Does the multiple names, one poster thing happen often?

  39. G says:

    Well done, Loren.

    It should come as no surprise to anyone that Corsi is nothing but an unscrupulous and lazy hack.

    He knows that his intended audience is extremely gullible people without critical thinking skills. Therefore, he doesn’t feel he needs to work hard or that he’ll get caught, because he views his marks as too stupid to notice.

    1% Silver Nitrate: Over at Barackryphal, check out Loren’s detailed expose of Corsi’s plagiarism of his Dec 19 article at WND:

  40. bernadine ayers says:

    richCaresDecember 22, 2011 at 11:38 am (Quote)#

    “should the posse stop their investigation ”
    dear bernadete, there is no investigation, no report will be issued, have you got that?

    have i got that ? really ?

    i’m not a sock, never been here before. i’m am called poe, crazy, stupid and racist, but those names frankly sound made up to me.

    look, this is a private club, i’m cool with that, but you’re all on the internet. you guys will figure out whom i be, today probably. the question is, is are you open for discussion.

    wouldn’t coming here to spread propoganda be like trying to stop the sunrise ? i have real questions for real experts. maybe you can turn me around.

  41. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers: wouldn’t coming here to spread propoganda be like trying to stop the sunrise ? i have real questions for real experts. maybe you can turn me around.

    You’re a concern troll. You’re not here to get information. You’re here to pretend to be a “concerned questioner”, and you think we’re foolish enough to fall for it, as if we’ve never encountered a concern troll before.

    But please do stay and regale us with your “questions”. We’ve herad it all before but we still find you birthers to be endlessly entertaining.

  42. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers:
    no offense but this sounds made up like a lwatey (lawyer) would do.

    There’s a difference. The special permission you refer to was unusual, and outside normal policy. Allowing a third party to view the original paper is illegal. Obama has not the legal right, nor the authority, to grant third party access to the paper copy, in contravention of Hawaii State Law.

    was special permission out side of policy or law ?

    are you saying just two people can see the original now?

    There is a difference between policy and law, which is why we have lawyers.

    If you insist on having a licensed medical doctor doing your surgery, you can’t really object to having a lawyer explain law to you.

  43. richCares says:

    “maybe you can turn me around.”
    the sheriff’s posse along with trumps investigators have found what? Unbelievable all the things they found, name a few!
    how can anyone turn you around when you fall for the “investigation”, when Feb comes and nothing happens what will your next OMG moment be.

  44. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: i have real questions for real experts. maybe you can turn me around.

    Many of the answers to your questions are already archived on this site.

    Have you bothered to read them?

    The link you posted was for a dead person with the name you’ve posted.

    Are you her come back to life or are you still deceased?

    If nothing will convince you that our President is eligible for office, why do you bother asking questions?

    If nothing will convince you, why would we care what questions you have?

    You’ve been asked simple yes or no questions and ignored them.

    Your claimed interest in the truth is not credible.

  45. G says:

    Now you are simply not making sense. Can you really be this confused? You are making up worries about a scenario that never happened that way. Let me break it down to you quite simply:

    1. By definition, there is only one “original”. By law, this is NEVER given out and needs to be securely retained by the authorities in charge of maintaining it.

    2. All official birth certificates are therefore certified COPIES, reproducing the DATA contained on the original form. The form and its format itself has no significance or importance – ONLY the data it contains. Therefore, the form and format used to make a certified copy can look like whatever the issuing authority decides will be the standard for reproducing and conveying that data. Standard guidelines apply to define which fields of DATA have to be included on that reproduction. Standards and formats can be legally changed over time. None of that changes the underlying data, whatsoever

    3. Certified simply means that the officiating authority has vouched for the data reproduced on the form.

    4. The official format for the state of HI to issue BC data has been the COLB for well over a decade. That is what anyone gets when they request a BC from HI. If you were born in HI and request your BC, you will get a reproduction of that underlying data in whatever the current official format is, displaying only those fields from the original data that they deem relevant for said form, under their current standards.

    5. If they revise their standards in the future, anyone requesting a new copy will not receive the current COLB form, but whatever form the revision takes. That doesn’t invalidate older copies in circulation as invalid. It simply means that all new copies released from that point forward will only be issued in the revised form.

    6. Therefore, the whole “LFBC” argument was nonsense from the beginning, as the COLB was a proper official certified document and the only format their current standards allow them to issue as an official certified document. The fields of DATA that it displayed are ALL that are currently required to be displayed by HI laws.

    7. The original document contains additional data captured and recorded in the initial filing (health info, info about the parents, statistical info, info about the medical professionals in attendance, etc.). A lot of this data is simply extraneous and not necessary for basic identification and validation purposes and is considered private and therefore, those fields of data are simply not included into the official formats for birth certificates.

    8. The whole silly demand for the LFBC hoopla was premised on the unfounded Birther demand that the info displayed on the COLB was not sufficient to satisfy people, despite it being the OFFICIAL HI form for such info and despite that a COLB would be required by law to be accepted without question by ANY official authority that requests a birth certification for verification ANYWHERE within US jurisdiction, due to FFAC (Full Faith and Credit, as clearly outlined in the Constitution).

    9. Therefore, in order to get a “Long Form” (i.e., simply an official reproduction of original data, showing more fields of information that displayed on the COLB), Obama had to make a special request that the state of HI grant him an exception, under these unique and particular circumstances.

    10. The state of HI did NOT have to grant that request. The law does NOT require them to reproduce a LFBC. However, the law does ALLOW them to make such an exception , upon direct request from the person itself whose birth data is concerned, at their discretion.

    11. The proper HI officials who can decide to make such an exception agreed to grant such a request. Therefore a new REPRODUCTION of the original document, showing more data fields of information that the standard COLB format, was produced for this special and unique exception circumstance.

    12. Two copies were made and certified and the entire official chain of custody in reproducing the document, certifying it and delivering them to the President was documented and delivered along with them. This documentation included an official explanation of why such an exception was being granted as well. Therefore, the entire chain of decision making and custody was attested to as well.

    13. So you see, neither Obama nor any third party requestor ever touched or viewed the “original vault copy”. They were merely granted a special exception that allowed for a more extensive reproduction to be created and certified as also official, by the proper custodial officials authorized to do so.

    bernadine ayers: no offense but this sounds made up like a lwatey would do.There’s a difference. The special permission you refer to was unusual, and outside normal policy. Allowing a third party to view the original paper is illegal. Obama has not the legal right, nor the authority, to grant third party access to the paper copy, in contravention of Hawaii State Law.was special permission out side of policy or law ?are you saying just two people can see the original now?

    bernadine ayers: i was trying to type lawyer not lwatey, sorry… why was it “outside” normal policy if the law says any citizen can just file a form pay money and get. (in a month or so) this seemed like stalling to me.

  46. bernadine ayers says:

    1. By definition, there is only one “original”. By law, this is NEVER given out and needs to be securely retained by the authorities in charge of maintaining it.

    then can we just have a peek at it ? if not why ?

  47. G says:

    You were. What do you think a reproduction and copy is? The information is the same.

    Just how else do you expect to personally have a “peek” at an “original”…and under what justification do you have the right to access someone else’s records? Seriously, tell me?

    While you are at it, please justify who else you’ve had this burning desire and demand to “peek at their original records” and how you’ve been able to remain comfortable without demanding and receiving that same level of “personal authentication” for them?

    You do realize that you are making an argument of demands for a level of proof specifically directed at one particular individual that you never before applied to anyone else and don’t seem to have the same burning concern for anyone else either?

    Sounds like the issue is with you and your personal choice to single out one single person that you don’t happen to like on some “gut level” and hold them to a different standard. That is called discrimination, my dear. Clear cut, textbook definition of discrimination.

    Re: “why” someone doesn’t deserve access to the original:

    Very simple – By very definition, there is only ONE “original”.

    If a document is important and might need to be reproduced, you always extract data and/or make copies FROM the original and give them out.

    IF you gave away the original, or didn’t protect it from damage, harm or theft… well *gee* what do you think happens once you give it out, it gets damaged or lost???

    Yeah, that’s right. You no longer have an original record to use from that point forward. What do you do next time someone requests or needs the document after that???

    Seriously, stop and try to think things through for once. It really isn’t that hard to grasp.

    bernadine ayers: 1. By definition, there is only one “original”. By law, this is NEVER given out and needs to be securely retained by the authorities in charge of maintaining it. then can we just have a peek at it ? if not why ?

  48. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    1. By definition, there is only one “original”. By law, this is NEVER given out and needs to be securely retained by the authorities in charge of maintaining it.

    then can we just have a peek at it ? if not why ?

    Who is we?

    “then can we just have a peek at it ?”

    That question has already been answered.

  49. bernadine ayers says:

    the people ?

  50. G says:

    Ah, the old “We the People”…eh? You do realize that is well over 300 million of us, including myself and many of the posters on this board as well? Well, “we” have been satisfied by the evidence shown and don’t have an issue here…

    So you might want to narrow your defintion quite significantly, as from my POV as well as clear observation in the utter lack of demand for such nonsense, outside of a few rabid malcontents, “we” don’t have any concerns or desire on the matter.

    bernadine ayers: the people ?

  51. Bob J says:

    I hope this is germane, but I think I realized something and I have to thank bernadine/foreigner ( the grammar errors are almost identical. maybe the posters are different, but they seem to have learned english from the same teacher.) Birtherism is a bit OCD. I had a boss who would lock the door to the business and walk to his car. He would touch the car door and walk back to the restaurant; check the door to make sure it was locked, and go back to the car. He would do it at least 3 times, and sometimes up to 5 times every time he locked the door. To the outside observer( me) the door is locked, but the boss had to check because the door might be unlocked. He could not rely on anything except his own, repeated, touch.Direct experience is the only thing he could trust, and in this small way he could control his corner of the world. On a micro level, it makes sense, but I couldn’t do it on any level. Verifying every bus driver’s licence, checking every professional’s degree, etc, would be too much. So the birther OCD manifests itself by the focus of what seems reasonable ( to them), aka; a little peek at a record, just to satisfy “curiosity”.

    Suddenly, I feel empathy for the individual, but not for the cause. They are still bat-#@%^, f&*^ing crazy, but is it really their fault?

  52. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    the people ?

    All of them?

  53. sfjeff says:

    bernadine ayers: the people ?

    Hey Wash- how come you aren’t using your normal nom de plume?

    Why disguise who you are?

    But glad to see you here. After you got yourself banned at politicalforum I was worried you might be despondent.

    Good luck here, while you last.

    And to everyone else- if you want to know more about the poster check out

    He was posting this very stuff on politicalforum and endorses all things conspiracy about Obama. His basic position is that a) Obama is from Chicago b) Wash is from Chicago and knows how corrupt Chicago is so c) therefore Obama must be corrupt.

    Thats the best explanation I managed to pull out of him over the course of maybe 4 months of wild speculation, innuendo and pushing Birther lies.

    On the other hand, Wash is a rather pleasant guy otherwise, and doens’t get all whacky threatening like so many of the guest birthers that visit here.

  54. G says:

    Thanks for the tip on the possible ID.

    Concern Trolls are still boring. Their whole game of playing dumb and asking questions that they already know the answer to and then endlessly switching the topic to some other meaningless and unrelated point after you reply gets old fast.

    Their schtick is so quickly obvious and apparent…yet they don’t seem to catch on quickly that we’ve seen through their little game and are only bothering to reply to call them out and because stupid questions deserve a smack down response.

    If only they could drop their silly pretense and just have an open, honest and straightforward conversation. …But they have neither the courage nor character for such things…

    sfjeff: Hey Wash- how come you aren’t using your normal nom de plume? Why disguise who you are?But glad to see you here. After you got yourself banned at politicalforum I was worried you might be despondent. Good luck here, while you last.And to everyone else- if you want to know more about the poster check out was posting this very stuff on politicalforum and endorses all things conspiracy about Obama. His basic position is that a) Obama is from Chicago b) Wash is from Chicago and knows how corrupt Chicago is so c) therefore Obama must be corrupt.Thats the best explanation I managed to pull out of him over the course of maybe 4 months of wild speculation, innuendo and pushing Birther lies.On the other hand, Wash is a rather pleasant guy otherwise, and doens’t get all whacky threatening like so many of the guest birthers that visit here.

  55. Majority Will says:

    G: If only they could drop their silly pretense and just have an open, honest and straightforward conversation. …But they have neither the courage nor character for such things…

    But that’s grounds for immediate dismissal from the Birther’s Union and Liar’s Lair (BULL).

  56. bernadine ayers says:

    sfjeffDecember 22, 2011 at 8:11 pm (Quote)#

    Hey Wash- how come you aren’t using your normal nom de plume?

    Why disguise who you are?

    But glad to see you here. After you got yourself banned at politicalforum I was worried you might be despondent.

    Good luck here, while you last.

    And to everyone else- if you want to know more about the poster check out

    He was posting this very stuff on politicalforum and endorses all things conspiracy about Obama. His basic position is that a) Obama is from Chicago b) Wash is from Chicago and knows how corrupt Chicago is so c) therefore Obama must be corrupt.

    Thats the best explanation I managed to pull out of him over the course of maybe 4 months of wild speculation, innuendo and pushing Birther lies.

    On the other hand, Wash is a rather pleasant guy otherwise, and doens’t get all whacky threatening like so many of the guest birthers that visit here.


    hi jeff, after my two day suspension, i decided that when the moderator (sharia d?) was arguing and deleting birther posts he (she) didn’t like at the same time, it was time to move on. i miss hanging with you obots though. i could go back, i don’t want to.

    the bernadine thing is just having a little fun with the former terrorists. i’m on a new kick going after them for the election. as you know i grew up a few miles from michelle obama, and i did hear of the weather underground. i got to thinking, these people caused me a lot of anxiety when i was nine or ten years old, i think they stole a bit of my childhood, it was pretty scary.. anyway, after listening to jack cashill’s lecture and reading obama’s books (yes i finally did) and ayers book, i wondered why obama said ayers was just a guy in the neighborhood, why axelrod said their kids went to school together, when they are actually in different generations (you and i have been all through this).

    people seem really nice here. open minded and not judgemental like the “other” section at politicalforum. there seems to be a lot more general kindness and respect here.

    glad to see you stretch out beyond just there. this is a lion’s den, you know me, always experimenting and pushing the envelope, lot’s of smart people here who like to argue rationally. say hi to wong and rahlwong for me.

    thanks for your kind words… merry christmas amigo

  57. sfjeff says:

    And Merry Christmas back to you. Stay warm.

    And yes, the folks here- especially Doc- are fair and open minded, just understand that after 3 years of this stuff, some will not be patient with the same old Birther propaganda talking points. If you lay out what your belief is politely and engage in discussion, you will normally get polite responses. But if you just cycle through the usual list it probably won’t go well.

  58. bernadine ayers says:

    you know what my belief is… i’ll try to get along.

  59. G says:

    Please do. Now the posts you’ve given in response to SFJeff were the first posts coming from a point of sincerity that you displayed since you arrived here.

    SFJeff is correct. Had you simply come here and been open and honest about your beliefs and motivations, as you layed out in your last response to SFJeff, you would not have received the reception you did.

    There is little patience for Concern Trolling here. The people on this board are intelligent and can see through such tactics. Trolling is nothing but intentional deceit and an direct insult to the intelligence of the audience. You will get no respect here for such games and even Dr. C will lose patience with people who are only Trolling…so yes, you can get banned for continuing such poor behavior, despite being warned to clean up your act.

    We don’t mind a different POV or even conversing with Birthers, as long as there is an actual sincere attempt at dialogue and being open about your motives.

    As you can tell, we were on to your use of the “bernadine ayers” moniker from the beginning, but when you got called out on it, instead of just owning up to it with an honest explanation like you just did in response to SFJeff, you doubled-down on pulling a very dickish move of trying to insincerely “cry victim” and pull up some random dead woman’s ID with the same name to feign innocence.

    Please, no more lying here. First of all, we see through it quickly and it shows an utter disregard for your audience. All such irresponsible behavior will do is build emnity towards you and kill any credibility you want to build, should you ever wish to slip in a valid point later.

    I’m sure you are familiar with the lesson of the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf…

    That being said, I appreciate your explanation of your childhood background and the scarring anxiety the Weather Underground stuff caused you. Please understand that there is no support here for Bill Ayers or the Weather Underground. We do not condone any acts of terrorism nor their tactics.

    We simply consider those reprehensible events unrelated to the current political scene in any meaningful way and have no sympathy for trying to make more of 6th-degrees of separation ties between people into more than they ever were. All that is is trying to tar and feather via association to a bogeyman.

    No more lame concern trolling if you wish to participate here. Got it?

    bernadine ayers: you know what my belief is… i’ll try to get along.

  60. bernadine ayers says:

    are you the hall monitor ?

  61. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    are you the hall monitor ?

    You’re more polite on this forum:

    “the other newsworthy note is that according to trump, barbara walters scrubbed trump’s comments on obama birth certificat from her interview, i wonder how come. i think we’re getting closer all of the time.

    it’s great that we have forums like this where we can report these current events, to demonstrate the the true value and powerful message, that we can talk openly, about any subject.

    i am pleased and proud to broadcast these types of conversations from my own website, to kids and adults learning about democracy and first amendment stuff. students in china and japan and india and iran and iraq, are so fascinated by our forums… it’s a real luxury. it’s not an easy thing to do sometimes to be objective about a given topic, or to treat all subjects evenly. for that, i thank this board.”

    Why is that?

    How many boards do you practice trolling on?

    Is this all you do all day?

  62. bernadine ayers says:

    pretty much, and i watch tv.

  63. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    pretty much, and i watch tv.

    You skipped the other two questions. Is one question at a time your limit?

  64. bernadine ayers says:

    in all fairness that one post was total satire, much like the bernadine fiasco. have you read “fugitive days” ?

    you know i’m a humorist and musician right ? i’m delighted that you’re vetting me.

  65. bernadine ayers says:

    Majority Will: You skipped the other two questions. Is one question at a time your limit?

    what if it were ? why are you so agressive and condescending ?

  66. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: what if it were ? why are you so agressive and condescending ?

    You first. Are you the hall monitor now?

  67. no, i can handle more than one question at a time.

  68. when was the last time somebody like me entered this lions den

  69. G says:

    Can I suggest that you consider improving the look of your website to make it “easier on the eyes” and a little more…I’m trying to say this politely…structured?

    What I’m saying is not meant as a slam and is meant in earnest and without disrespect, but the types of sites organized like yours currently is… leave someone with the same impression as if they were visiting:

    the TimeCube guy

    or this guy, Robert “DR.” Lee pro Se, who is running for President:

    …or that look like candidates for one of these lists:

    bernadine ayers: in all fairness that one post was total satire, much like the bernadine fiasco. have you read “fugitive days” ?you know i’m a humorist and musician right ? i’m delighted that you’re vetting me.

  70. G says:

    Actually, less than a day before you first showed up. Heck…there might have only been a matter of hours from when she disappeared and you first appeared.

    See posts from Sally Hill aka Sallyven & “Scott Brown”

    Really, it is nothing new around here. They come and go all the time. Some become earnest and end up staying and having decent conversations. I would put Charo in that category and consider her a regular.

    Lucas Smith of the fake Kenyan BC fame also is a frequent visitor and poster here from time to time.

    Those that come here with only dishonest intent and motives and can’t break from their Trolling ways only stay for a short time, because they can’t get away with their tricks and they can’t stand the heat.

    They either leave on their own with their tail between their legs (like Mario Apuzzo) or they resort to extremely abusive behavior and language and get banned. (like KenyanBornObamaAcorn).

    bernadine ayers: when was the last time somebody like me entered this lions den

  71. GDecember 23, 2011 at 8:49 pm (Quote)#

    Actually, less than a day before you first showed up. Heck…there might have only been a matter of hours from when she disappeared and you first appeared.

    See posts from Sally Hill aka Sallyven & “Scott Brown”

    Really, it is nothing new around here. They come and go all the time. Some become earnest and end up staying and having decent conversations. I would put Charo in that category and consider her a regular.

    Lucas Smith of the fake Kenyan BC fame also is a frequent visitor and poster here from time to time.

    Those that come here with only dishonest intent and motives and can’t break from their Trolling ways only stay for a short time, because they can’t get away with their tricks and they can’t stand the heat.

    They either leave on their own with their tail between their legs (like Mario Apuzzo) or they resort to extremely abusive behavior and language and get banned. (like KenyanBornObamaAcorn).

    bernadine ayers: when was the last time somebody like me entered this lions den

    i have to admit the scott brown sally thing surprised me. the scott brown ?

  72. GDecember 23, 2011 at 8:41 pm (Quote)#

    Can I suggest that you consider improving the look of your website to make it “easier on the eyes” and a little more…I’m trying to say this politely…structured?

    What I’m saying is not meant as a slam and is meant in earnest and without disrespect, but the types of sites organized like yours currently is… leave someone with the same impression as if they were visiting:

    the TimeCube guy

    would you like to “direct” washamericom ? i accept.

  73. They either leave on their own with their tail between their legs (like Mario Apuzzo) or they resort to extremely abusive behavior and language and get banned. (like KenyanBornObamaAcorn).

    fogbow hacked my account at

  74. G says:

    Scott, first of all, please take my advice about using the (Quote)# option in the upper right, right after the time portion of the comment header. It will make it much easier to distinguish your replies from the text you are copying.

    Right now it is very easy to overlook and miss what you are actually saying.

    Anyways, in reply to your question, if you mean a Birther that several years back went around forums using the handle “Scott Brown”, then yes, that is aka “Sally Hill”, “Sallyven”, etc.

    If you were referring to the actual Senator from MA, no. But he was her inspiration for using that handle. Similar to you posting here as “bernadine ayers”.

    bernadine ayers: i have to admit the scott brown sally thing surprised me. the scott brown ?

  75. G says:

    LOL! Point taken that it takes a lot of work and skill to put up and maintain a website and it can be hard to do on your own. Since you and Dr. C both run websites, he might be able to suggest some cheap and easy “skins” or wordpress tools available that come with already pre-designed formats and framing and are probably easier to update and maintain that the tools you have available to you now. I’m just trying to help. You should be able to attract more visitors to your site if it is easier to read, looks more “professional” and not scaring people away.

    bernadine ayers: would you like to “direct” washamericom ? i accept.

  76. G says:

    Sorry to hear about that. I don’t condone anyone hacking anyone else’s account.

    bernadine ayers: fogbow hacked my account at

  77. Obsolete says:

    Evidence of the alleged Fogbow hacking?

  78. The Washington America web site doesn’t use WordPress, but rather Starfield Technologies; WebSite Tonight a site generation tool that I am not familiar with. I would assume, though, that such a tool could be used to better effect than what I see at Washington America. I spent more time on the site than I normally would and I still have no clue what the site is about, what its theme is.

    A number of years ago, I did my company’s web site and then decided that to cast a professional image I needed a professional site. We paid a few thousand to a professional web designer to re-do the site (which was all HTML, not content managed). In our conversations, I learned a lot about web design, not so much from the technical point of view of making it happen, but asking the hard questions about exactly what I wanted to accomplish with the site and how its design met those goals.

    When I visit the Washington America site, I don’t have a clue what the site is about and my original impression is that the site is broken, perhaps an old site that no longer works right. Dark backgrounds are generally a bad idea unless done for artistic effect, and in my view are inappropriate for sites whose intent is to convey news. The very top of the home page is very important space for grabbing the reader and explaining the site; Washamerica’s huge Gingrich video throws that opportunity away. Also the non-scrolling background image confuses everything that appears on top of it.

    The real content is in the archives, and those are hard to find and have incomprehensible navigation. The pages are far too long, and load slowly.

    Finally the “Cheap domain images” link at the bottom suggests to the reader that the web site itself is “cheap.”

    G: Since you and Dr. C both run websites, he might be able to suggest some cheap and easy “skins” or wordpress tools available that come with already pre-designed formats and framing and are probably easier to update and maintain that the tools you have available to you now. I’m just trying to help.

  79. thanks you guys, i appreciate all the advice..

  80. katahdin: “Dem danjerrus Mooslims”


  81. G says:

    So, Scott is your expression here simply confirming that fear of muslim terrorists is one of your emotional motivators?

    Concerned about radicals intent to harm us and commit terrorism is certainly an understandable fear. Just be careful to not let your fears consume you to where you see shadows where there are none and to make the common mistake of overreacting and casting nets of suspicion broader than is warranted. Please reflect upon that.

    bernadine ayers: yes..

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