Birthers: Larry Klayman, you’re our only hope

Larry Klayman PhotoOne faction of the birther movement blames their unvarying failure to win in court on inadequate representation. I don’t think that anyone would argue with the idea that birthers have had problems with attorneys who are not very good a their jobs, and of course some have represented themselves.

So the birthers have turned to an attorney with some notoriety, Larry Klayman (pictured right), a man who warrants his own Wikipedia article. Klayman is an easy target to poke fun at, a man who founded Judicial Watch, only to turn around and sue it; however, he appears to have had some success in his career. A self-described “Jewish Christian,” Klayman would seem ideologically suited to oppose President Obama.

There was some speculation about what Klayman could do in Florida, since the primary is already over. That is answered by his filing this week in Circuit Court of Leon County, Florida, in the case of Voeltz v. Obama where Klayman is suing Obama in Obama’s capacity as Florida Democratic Party Nominee. Other defendants in the suit are Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, and the Florida Elections Canvassing Commission. Plaintiff Voeltz states that he is a Democratic voter.

This suit seems to me premature, since Obama is not the national Democratic nominee and that the statute Klayman cites (Title IX 102.168) doesn’t apply yet; however, I am not a lawyer to say one way or another whether the Florida presidential primary is a “nomination to office.” I would think that Democratic nominee to the national convention is not an “office.” (This reminds me of a similar argument before Judge Malihi in Georgia over whether the Georgia Presidential Preference Primary was an election and whether those participating were “candidates.”)

Florida law does provide for challenging an election based on eligibility. So assuming that the statute applies to primary winners, and assuming that the courts have jurisdiction to decide on the eligibility of a US President, Klayman then has to prevail on the merits. He makes two essential arguments:

  1. Obama hasn’t “proven” his eligibility because “[t]here is credible evidence indicating that this electronically produced birth certificate is entirely fraudulent or otherwise altered.”
  2. Obama’s father was not a U. S. Citizen and Klayman argues that President Obama was born with dual citizenship and alleges that this is a disqualification.

Klayman repeats “hasn’t proven his eligibility” many times, as do many birthers trying to place the burden to do so on candidates. Finally he claims that the Secretary of State of Florida has a “ministerial duty” to determine eligibility. He demands either a writ of mandamus to force the Secretary of State to determine eligibility, or that the Court do so. And Klayman accomplishes all of this in only 7 pages. Clearly we’re dealing with an unusual breed of birther attorney. (His complaint can be shorter because he doesn’t cite any other cases.)

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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63 Responses to Birthers: Larry Klayman, you’re our only hope

  1. elmo says:

    I continue to be amazed at the willingness of birthers to allow themselves to be gulled by tomfoolery. “Credible evidence” that Obama’s birth certificate has been forged, eh?

    I downloaded the picture of Mr. Klayman posted with this article. I performed several tests on this image. I found layers! Therefore, this picture is a fake, which can only mean one thing: Larry Klayman doesn’t exist in real life!

    Unfortunately, the mainstream media is engaged in a massive conspiracy to cover up this shocking truth.

  2. Lupin says:

    I saw Klayman on Bill Maher during the Clinton years — he struck me as a grifter of the worst kind, a true snake oil salesman, the kind of person you immediately worry about when he befriends your grandparents.

  3. The Magic M says:

    > Florida law does provide for challenging an election based on eligibility. So assuming that the statute applies to primary winners

    Still I think there’s at least one connection missing. Why would the Democratic Party be enjoined from nominating an ineligible candidate? Do their own statutes limit the eligibility of the candidate? If not, this doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

    If I founded a party today and nominated Putin as presidential candidate, no-one could enjoin me from doing so. I might not be able to have him placed on the ballot, or a challenge to remove him would be successful, but I *as a party* could do as I see fit.

    > Clearly we’re dealing with an unusual breed of birther attorney.

    Well, he has to distinguish himself from Taitzism and Iriony, so that doesn’t surprise me.

    Wasn’t there some Hawaiian case last year where a “normal” attorney represented a birther client and also made a concise argument (though not a winning one)? The guy who tried the “Federal Rules of Evidence” approach?
    It does happen, though I don’t expect different results.

    If you claim the moon is made of cheese, it may be more pleasing to hear Luciano Pavarotti sing about it than hear Orly screech about it, yet it still won’t convince any judge there is a NASA conspiracy to hide that “fact”.

  4. I agree that this is where it gets murky. The Democratic Party isn’t named in the suit. The Secretary of State isn’t going to do anything with ballots until after the national conventions. Perhaps the opposition to the inevitable motion to dismiss will explain further.

    The Magic M: Still I think there’s at least one connection missing. Why would the Democratic Party be enjoined from nominating an ineligible candidate? Do their own statutes limit the eligibility of the candidate? If not, this doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

  5. Thrifty says:

    I’m reasonably sure Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum don’t exist either. Why is it I’ve never actually met any of them in real life, but just observed electronic images of them in newspapers, the Internet, and TV? Kinda makes you think, doesn’t it?

    I continue to be amazed at the willingness of birthers to allow themselves to be gulled by tomfoolery. “Credible evidence” that Obama’s birth certificate has been forged, eh?

    I downloaded the picture of Mr. Klayman posted with this article. I performed several tests on this image. I found layers! Therefore, this picture is a fake, which can only mean one thing: Larry Klayman doesn’t exist in real life!

    Unfortunately, the mainstream media is engaged in a massive conspiracy to cover up this shocking truth.

  6. BillTheCat says:

    Klayman is a rascist grifter loser who will continue to fail in court and in life.

  7. donna says:

    can we assume that klayman got the $25k he BEGGED for?

    $12,500 each for ca an fl

  8. JPotter says:

    elmo: I found layers!

    I made a cake with layers once. Looked like cake, tasted like cake, digested like cake. Too much work, though. So I switched to making Bundt cakes. Also looks like cake, tastes like cake, digests like cake. No layers, but looks like a giant doughnut, not a cake. But it is a giant cake doughnut.

    So which is a real cake? Or have I been fooling myself with forgeries all these years?


    So Klayman is a member of Jews for Jesus? I trust he will unite the 2 good Peoples of the Book agains the bad one. I hope the birthers who believe there is only 1 good People of the Book don’t rock the boat … you know, can keep it under wraps long enough to realize the greater glory of birtherism.


    When will these silly persons stop pussyfooting around and just sue the federal gov’t (again)? Or does that come later?


    All of these guys have a chance to act on their beliefs on Nov. 6th. I trust they will all vote. If after all this, they don’t bother to vote against the man, what will the excuse be?


    Remember, don’t renege in 2012. Given the alternatives, I know I won’t!

  9. Layers? You should have seen my raspberry torte.

    JPotter: I made a cake with layers once

  10. Obsolete says:

    All these comments and no one has yet mentioned that Larry Klayman sued his own mother and took it to court?

  11. The Magic M says:

    I think that was already covered in previous threads that covered Klayman.

  12. G says:

    Great analogy!

    The Magic M: If you claim the moon is made of cheese, it may be more pleasing to hear Luciano Pavarotti sing about it than hear Orly screech about it, yet it still won’t convince any judge there is a NASA conspiracy to hide that “fact”.

  13. G says:

    I don’t think so. I’ve seen this issue brought up on a number of Birther threads and the response seems to have been that the actual amount raised fell WAY short of that, but Klayman was “gracious” enough to accept that lesser amount to “get started”. If I recall, I think the figure raised that was mentioned was more around the $5 K range. But that was well over a week or two ago, so who knows if he’s pocketed more Birfer Bucks since then…

    donna: can we assume that klayman got the $25k he BEGGED for?$12,500 each for ca an fl

  14. veritas says:

    BillTheCat: Klayman is a rascist grifter loser who will continue to fail in court and in life.

    Other than the fact that klayman is not an Obama sycophant what evidence do you have that he is a racist? bring it.

  15. Majority Will says:

    veritas: bring it.

    Bring it?

    Did you just make head cheerleader of the varsity squad? Bless your pea picking little heart.

  16. Arthur says:

    veritas: Other than the fact that klayman is not an Obama sycophant what evidence do you have that he is a racist?

    Well, you support him, so there’s that.

  17. Sef says:

    Majority Will: Bring it?

    Did you just make head cheerleader of the varsity squad? Bless your pea picking little heart.

    Are you from Tennessee?

  18. Rickey says:

    veritas: Other than the fact that klayman is not an Obama sycophant what evidence do you have that he is a racist? bring it.

    For one thing, Klayman wrote this in 2010:

    …we have witnessed Obama seemingly favoring his own race and true religious allegiance over whites, Christians and Jews. On the eve of the congressional elections of 2010, when most experts predict that Obama’s Democrats will lose control of at least the U.S. House of Representatives, it has become increasingly clear to not only tea partiers, but also most of the white Judeo-Christian electorate, that President Obama is not a ruler for all of the people, but rather “his people.”

    Klayman also claimed, without a shred of evidence, that Obama was steering bailout money to “black minority contractors.”

    If it quacks like a duck…

  19. veritas says:

    Rickey: For one thing, Klayman wrote this in 2010:…we have witnessed Obama seemingly favoring his own race and true religious allegiance over whites, Christians and Jews. On the eve of the congressional elections of 2010, when most experts predict that Obama’s Democrats will lose control of at least the U.S. House of Representatives, it has become increasingly clear to not only tea partiers, but also most of the white Judeo-Christian electorate, that President Obama is not a ruler for all of the people, but rather “his people.”Klayman also claimed, without a shred of evidence, that Obama was steering bailout money to “black minority contractors.” it quacks like a duck…

    is there something wrong with being proud of ones own race? “la raza” (the race) ….. (BET) black entertainment television. the miss black USA beauty pageant. The naacp. I could go on and on and on but you know what I mean. I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

  20. G says:

    *rolls eyes*

    Trying to trot out that old Concern Trolling chestnut, I see.

    Sorry, but there is nothing unusual or hateful about minority groups having organizations to try to support themselves in an atmosphere that is more difficult on minorities and where they have historically been disenfranchized.

    I’m white too. Nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, except if you foolishly think your mere race makes you superior to others of a different kind.

    veritas: is there something wrong with being proud of ones own race? “la raza” (the race) ….. (BET) black entertainment television. the miss black USA beauty pageant. The naacp. I could go on and on and on but you know what I mean. I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

  21. Obsolete777 says:

    veritas: is there something wrong with being proud of ones own race? “la raza” (the race) ….. (BET) black entertainment television. the miss black USA beauty pageant. The naacp. I could go on and on and on but you know what I mean. I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    Sounds just like my Storm Front lovin’ cousin- except veritas stopped just before proclaiming his desire for (WET) white entertainment television, the miss white USA beauty pageant, The naawp, etc.

  22. Volt Owner says:

    Just came across you guys after just having a conversation with the better half about Birther Theory. Went like this:

    Who decides whether someone is qualified to run for office?

    The government, right?

    So who was head of the government when the object of all this birther race.., err, hatr.., ahh, _interest_ was running for office?

    That would be Dubya, right?

    So why did he hand over the keys if O’ was not qualified? (Too stupid!) (Shh!)

    Does not the very act of the Head of Government surrendering his crown convey legitimacy to the new owner of the keys? Didn’t see a gun to his head…

  23. misha says:

    JPotter: So Klayman is a member of Jews for Jesus?

    Jews For Jesus are nothing more than latter day concentration camp capos. I send them hate mail every chance I get.

    It usually goes like this: “Hey, I heard you joined JFJ. I want to give you a gift. I am sending you under seperate cover a canister of Zyklon B. When it arrives, please inhale.”

  24. Volt Owner says:

    Sef: Are you from Tennessee?

    Me either, but my Mom was born in MO, and her mom lived in TX, just below the Panhandle. Got dusted out with the rest of ’em, swore she wern’t no OK-ey till the day she died. (Sorry OK, it’s just an ‘istorical fact…)

    Here’s what really made me press reply:

    “Bless your pea picking little heart.”

    Been lookin’ for that one, my dad used to play in on the ole Victrola! Tennessee Ern! Shotgun Boogie!

    Sorry for the OT. And the accent, I just couldn’t help myself!

  25. Lupin says:

    veritas: I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    “White” is not a race, you imbecile.

  26. misha says:

    Obsolete: All these comments and no one has yet mentioned that Larry Klayman sued his own mother and took it to court?

    The Magic M: I think that was already covered in previous threads that covered Klayman.

    I posted that several times before. He also is a deadbeat dad. Why am I not surprised this grifter has ended up with the birthers?

  27. Lupin says:

    misha: I posted that several times before. He also is a deadbeat dad. Why am I not surprised this grifter has ended up with the birthers?

    He is so totally a grifter. Normally successful conmen are able to disguise their true nature (otherwise they wouldn’t be successful), but Klayman is that odd anti-Darwinian case because he appears to be successful despite being so obviously a fraud.

  28. misha says:

    veritas: Other than the fact that klayman is not an Obama sycophant what evidence do you have that he is a racist? bring it.

    Klayman is a rabid Settler supporter. He, along with his evangelical amen chorus, tell Settlers that the bible justifies stealing from Arabs.

    Don’t bother calling me a self-hating Jew. I’ve been through that ad nauseam.

  29. Volt Owner says:

    Forgot something. Got something wrong maybe.

    What was it? oh well, I’ll just start over.

    (Shakes hands, Etch-a-Sketch erasure style) <<<Need a smiley for that one!

    What, too soon?

  30. misha says:

    veritas: I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    Every time I read that, I hear Wagner and see «Arbeit macht frei. »


  31. misha says:

    veritas: I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    Every time I listen to Wagner, I feel like invading Poland. – Woody Allen

  32. misha says:

    veritas: I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    «Yids über alles!»

  33. misha says:

    JPotter: So Klayman is a member of Jews for Jesus?

    – “Rabbi, does heaven exist?”
    – “Who knows? We have enough to worry about here.”

  34. Majority Will says:

    Sef: Are you from Tennessee?

    No volunteer but I hail from the South.

    When I was young, “whites” had separate public rights and privileges from “coloreds” with clearly posted signs and laws to back them up (

  35. Majority Will says:

    There’s a better name for Jews for Jesus. They’re called Christians.

  36. Majority Will says:

    Volt Owner: Does not the very act of the Head of Government surrendering his crown convey legitimacy to the new owner of the keys? Didn’t see a gun to his head…

    I’ll bet he’s glad he never went hunting with his VP.

  37. Majority Will says:

    Volt Owner:
    Forgot something. Got something wrong maybe.

    What was it? oh well, I’ll just start over.

    (Shakes hands, Etch-a-Sketch erasure style) <<<Need a smiley for that one!

    What, too soon?


  38. Northland10 says:

    veritas: is there something wrong with being proud of ones own race? “la raza” (the race) ….. (BET) black entertainment television. the miss black USA beauty pageant. The naacp. I could go on and on and on but you know what I mean. I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    You had asked for proof that Klayman had made racist comments in the past and Ricky gave an example. Instead of arguing the meaning of the quote and whether it makes Klayman racist, you respond with this? That was certainly an odd choice.

  39. Scientist says:

    veritas: I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    I am human and there are days I am proud of my race and days I am quite ashamed of it. You certainly don’t do much to make me proud.

  40. Arthur says:

    veritas: I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    Veritas, the white race called, they’re not proud of you.

  41. Thomas Brown says:

    Klayman wrote this in 2010: “…we have witnessed Obama seemingly favoring his own race and true religious allegiance over whites, Christians and Jews.:

    One needs nothing else to show that Klayman is an utter racist nincompoop. How can one apply the expression “his own race” to BHO? And that dog-whistle “his true religious allegiance.” Nice. What a walking turd he is.

  42. Horus says:

    veritas: I could go on and on and on but you know what I mean. I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    Having pride in your race is very different from denigrating other races.

  43. Rickey says:

    veritas: is there something wrong with being proud of ones own race? “la raza” (the race) ….. (BET) black entertainment television. the miss black USAbeauty pageant. The naacp. I could go on and on and on but you know what I mean. I am white and I am proud of my race, is that ok?

    Klayman’s article clearly was intended to stir up racial and religious animus toward Obama. Only a racist would do that.

    Do you also deny that Klayman is a deadbeat dad?

  44. Sef says:

    Volt Owner: Been lookin’ for that one, my dad used to play in on the ole Victrola! Tennessee Ern! Shotgun Boogie!

    I’m glad you got the reference. And thanks for the memories.

  45. Sef says:

    veritas: is there something wrong with being proud of ones own race?

    What’s so wonderful about a particular set of chromosomes?

  46. BillTheCat says:

    veritas: Other than the fact that klayman is not an Obama sycophant what evidence do you have that he is a racist? bring it.

    Judicial Watch. And that’s all one needs to know about KKKlayman’s bigotry. Thanks for playing!

  47. Hussein says:

    It’s an obvious forged birth certificate. You could download it from the White House website yourself and open separate layers in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. I did it while my wife watched the night it was released. No one has EVER shown an example of scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software making layers like this. If there is a video example of it happening, I’d like to see it because I’ve looked.

  48. Arthur says:

    Hussein: It’s an obvious forged birth certificate. You could download it from the White House website yourself and open separate layers in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. I did it while my wife watched the night it was released. No one has EVER shown an example of scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software making layers like this. If there is a video example of it happening, I’d like to see it because I’ve looked.

    I’m sure someone on this site can help you. In particular, a fellow named John Woodman has done extensive research on this–even wrote a book on the subject.

  49. G says:

    To bad for you that the official authority and issuing agency has fully backed it:

    Therefore, you are just wasting time making meaningless complaints about an irrelevant online image. There is no “forgery” when the official issuing agency creates and validates the document. Game over for you.

    Hussein: It’s an obvious forged birth certificate. You could download it from the White House website yourself and open separate layers in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. I did it while my wife watched the night it was released. No one has EVER shown an example of scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software making layers like this. If there is a video example of it happening, I’d like to see it because I’ve looked.

  50. Scientist says:

    G: To bad for you that the official authority and issuing agency has fully backed it:
    Therefore, you are just wasting time making meaningless complaints about an irrelevant online image. There is no “forgery” when the official issuing agency creates and validates the document. Game over for you.

    Yep, if Hawaii wanted to, they could issue a certificate scrawled in crayon on a Hawaiian shirt with hula dancers. The material information is what matters. Was Obama born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961? He was, and therefore the certificate is accurate with 0 layers or 10,000.

  51. misha says:

    Scientist: the certificate is accurate with 0 layers or 10,000.

    Yeah, but what if the certificate had 1,000,000 layers?

  52. Keith says:

    misha: Yeah, but what if the certificate had 1,000,000 layers?

    It would overflow the halfword counter and crash the internet?

  53. J. Potter says:

    misha: Jews For Jesus are nothing more than latter day concentration camp capos.

    Glad we’re on the same wavelength, misha.

  54. J. Potter says:

    Lupin: “White” is not a race, you imbecile.

    It is a popular bedsheet color.

  55. J. Potter says:

    Volt Owner: Me either, but my Mom was born in MO, and her mom lived in TX, just below the Panhandle. Got dusted out with the rest of em, swore she wern’t no OK-ey till the day she died.

    What town, if you know?

    The Grapes of Wrath is still not “acceptable” in some circles here.*

    * Okieland

  56. J. Potter says:

    Hussein:… or Photoshop

    Nope. I am sure you know what you’re talking about, and just misspoke there?

  57. J. Potter says:

    Scientist: 0 layers

    Zero layers? Really? Meaning, like, a document that had been rotated into higher dimensional space, and therefore cannot be perceived in lowly three-dimensional space?

    Obama is a Time Lord!

  58. misha says:

    J. Potter: The Grapes of Wrath is still not “acceptable” in some circles here.

    Oh Harry Lewis perished
    In the service of his Lord
    He was trampling through the warehouse
    Where the drapes of Roth are stored
    – Allan Sherman

  59. Obsolete777 says:

    Hussein: It’s an obvious forged birth certificate. You could download it from the White House website yourself and open separate layers in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.

    As J.Potter said, it doesn’t have any additional layers beyond the base layer when you open it with Photoshop. But you never really tried, did you? You just parrot what birther sites say…

  60. Paper says:

    Hey guys, just want to let you know, the layers on the PDF are *security* layers. They are there to prevent forgery. Go figure, right? All this drama over a security feature…

  61. This old hippie says:

    I’m proud of my race.. The human race that is. Well not really because some of them just make me ill. The color of my skin isn’t my race. We are all human. I know that the word racist has negative connotations and people use it to make a point, but the truth is these people are just ignorant dumbasses. Hateful, vile, yes. Totally without any intelligence because they cannot realize that their skin color makes them no different than anyone else.

  62. J. Potter says:

    Obsolete777: As J.Potter said, it doesn’t have any additional layers beyond the base layer when you open it with Photoshop.

    Not exactly accurate …. when opening any PDF in a raster graphics editor (Photoshop, GIMP, Painter, PaintShop, whatever), the application will ask you to specify a resolution, and select a page (if there’s more than one) and then render that page at the resolution you specified. Sort of like virtual scanning.

    Why Adobe’s own application, Photoshop, has no more sophisticated options for handling Adobe’s own file format (PDF), has been the subject of much cursing and conspiratorial conjecturing on this side of this keyboard.

    Regardless of possible neglect or intransigence on Adobe’s part, there’s no way a raster app could open an mixed-raster file like the WH PDF w/o altering it in someway. I trust that’s obvious. 😉

  63. J. Potter says:

    Paper: Hey guys, just want to let you know, the layers on the PDF are *security* layers.

    They’re the results of compression. Although they do coincidentally make fudging more work.

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