Mama Sarah Obama injured in auto accident

Sarah Obama - 2010 photo with US Ambassador Michael RannebagerKenya’s newspaper of record, The Nation, reports that President Obama’s step-grandmother, Sarah Obama (shown in this 2010 photo with US Ambassador Michael Rannebager), was injured in an automobile accident last month. Obama, age 91, was an occupant of an automobile when the driver lost control and rolled the car. The elderly Obama survived with bruises and was released from hospital. Relatively minor accidents  can be serious for persons of that age.

Mama Sarah, as she is called locally for her advocacy and care for children, is well known for a recording in which she states through a translator that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

MCRAE: Wh-whereabouts, whereabouts was he born? I, I thought he was
born in Kenya.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: No he was born in America, not in Mombasa.
MCRAE: OK. Do you know whereabouts he was born?
MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born.
VOICE (background): It was Hawaii.
BROTHER TOM (background): Hawaii, yeah?
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (background): Yes.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (to McRae): Sir, she says he was born in
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: Yeah, in 1960 this was Hawaii, where his
father, his father was also marrying there. This was Hawaii.
MCRAE: Was, was, was Mrs. Obama, was sh–was she present? Was, was
Mrs. Obama, see I thought you said she was present. Was she, was, was she, was she able to see him being, being born in, in Hawaii?
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: (pause, silence) Hoh? (pause) Uh, yeah would
you please pronounce?
MCRAE: OK I’m sorry. I, I thought she said she was present when he was
born. I was—
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE (sounding exasperated): No, no! The, the
woman was not present. She was uh not, a what–you see, she was here in Kenya, and Obama was born in America. That is, that’s obvious.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: Because, because the grandmother was married here in Kenya, and Obama was born in America, oh yeah, so his son, the little Obama, was marrying, was marrying, in America, in United States.
MCRAE: Oh, OK, fine. I mean, I–I just, I misunderstood what she was
saying. I thought you said she was present when he was born.
TRANSLATOR OGOMBE: No, not present there. The present with me here was tonight. Not present so she can leave.  No she was here in Kenya while he, uh, her son, the little Obama, was marrying in America. And, uh, he be present if it–
WOMAN’S VOICE (background): It was in Hawaii.

Transcript Copyright 2009 by Greg Doudna. Used by permission.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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33 Responses to Mama Sarah Obama injured in auto accident

  1. Joe Acerbic says:

    …and the resulting explosion of depraved “attempted murder” conspiracy crap will be measured in gigatons.

  2. Thrifty says:

    Oh dear. I hope she’s okay. Like you said, a younger person could probably walk away from something like that with an interesting story and some annoyances from dealing with the insurance company. A nonagenarian could end up in serious trouble.

  3. Thrifty says:

    I wouldn’t rule out some variant of “she deserved it”.

    Who was the grandmother who died in summer 2008? I thought it was Sarah.

    Joe Acerbic:
    …and the resulting explosion of depraved “attempted murder” conspiracy crap will be measured in gigatons.

  4. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I wouldn’t rule out some variant of “she deserved it”.

    Who was the grandmother who died in summer 2008?I thought it was Sarah.

    That was Obama’s mother’s mother. The funny thing is that Birthers also thought Sarah was the one who died in 2008 and that she was silenced after “claiming she was present in the maternity ward of the hospital in Kenya when he was born” I’ve pointed out repeatedly that Sarah Obama has been alive and well all this time.

  5. My parents were in an auto accident in their late 80’s and the impact of the air bag did some serious damage, although they recovered.

    Thrifty: A nonagenarian could end up in serious trouble.

  6. Thrifty says:

    So Stanley Ann Dunham’s mother? Who is Sarah? Is that Barack Obama Senior’s mother?

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: That was Obama’s mother’s mother.

  7. CarlOrcas says:

    Joe Acerbic: …and the resulting explosion of depraved “attempted murder” conspiracy crap will be measured in gigatons

    The bodies are stacking up like cordwood.

  8. justlw says:

    Breitbart was silenced for his role in the accident.

  9. justlw says:


  10. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Sarah Obama is the step grandmother of Barack. He was Barack’s father’s father’s second wife.

    So Stanley Ann Dunham’s mother?Who is Sarah?Is that Barack Obama Senior’s mother?

  11. J. Potter says:

    Go, Mama, go!

    I hadn’t read that transcript in a long time, but I recall having the same reaction: “Can you hear me now? Now? How about now?”

  12. Sometimes it’s good to remind folks why I am not in doubt about where Barack Obama was born. It’s not blindness, or political loyalty, or fear; it’s just the big heaping pile of evidence.

    J. Potter: I hadn’t read that transcript in a long time

  13. Loren says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Sometimes it’s good to remind folks why I am not in doubt about where Barack Obama was born. It’s not blindness, or political loyalty, or fear; it’s just the big heaping pile of evidence.

    And one important thing that’s not obvious from the transcript is that “Kweli Shuhubia” is in the room during that exchange.

    Birthers, including the supposed ‘Shuhubia affidavit’ from weeks later, have regularly claimed that Sarah repeatedly said in her language that Obama was born in Kenya, but that Ogombe intentionally mistranslated.

    But the physical presence of “Shuhubia” makes that entirely non-credible. If Ogombe was mistranslating, then “Shuhubia” witnessed that in real-time. He would have heard Sarah say, over and over again, that Obama was born in Kenya, and he would have heard Ogombe lie, over and over again, about what she was saying.

    Yet “Shuhubia” never breaks in to say so. He sits quietly by, implicitly conceding to the accuracy of the translation. Then two weeks later “Shuhubia” claims that he watched as Ogombe blatantly lied on the phone, but that he just decided not to say anything at the time.

  14. Egh says:

    Dr k,

    I don’t know specifically which birthers you recall confusing sarah for toots, but I for one am he who was chided on this site for suggesting that mad was silenced in bo’s frantic flight alone to hi moments before the 2008 election, to gather what nestled next to immunization records and to put that account to rest.

    Old school Greek tragedy there. Breitbart though is legal elimination under newly granted powers to the president.

    How deep should we stir the pot.

  15. justlw says:

    Oh, thank you for that. I nearly spit out my oatmeal.

    I want to make it absolutely clear, since Poe’s Law has now been invoked by Egh, that I was joking about Breitbart being in Kenya last month. I checked all the 2012 INS records (along with all the AEC records from the last 35 years), and they specifically say he was not.

    I promise never to say anything obviously facetious in any post ever again, including this one.

  16. Thomas Brown says:

    Dr k,

    “Breitbart though is legal elimination under newly granted powers to the president.

    How deep should we stir the pot.”

    There are excellent anti-psychotic medications available nowadays. I suggest you look into it.

  17. JPotter says:

    Guess who on the cover of the new WorldNetWeekly?

    Go ahead and spew the oatmeal before looking.

  18. Paul Pieniezny says:

    justlw: that I was joking about Breitbart being in Kenya last month.

    Actually, Breitbart did not go to Kenya, but went to the archives of Bell and found a tape of a conversation between two telegraph operators, one in Algiers and one in London on August 5, 1961 and indexed under Kenya, for some strange reason:

    Algiers: Allo, ici Algers par le biais de Paris.

    London: Are you receiving me, Night Hawk?

    A: Message d’Edmond Bassu qui nia etre Night Hawk.

    L: (Writing down) Message from Mombassa, Kenya. Yes.

    A: C’est pour la Cornouialles, Honoré Loulou Dix au quatre-vingt quinze, Calhoun Nole, a Weigh.

    L: (Writing down) To Hawaii, Honolulu, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway. And what does it say?

    A: On a: Lebois, le comptable-medecin dit c’est clair, tout s’applique, et, illégible.

    L: (Writing down) We have a boy. Contact Doctor Sinclair to establish eligibility. OK, merci bien, Night Hawk.

    A: Vous etes bien acceuillis.

    I have no idea what it means. There is a gap of 18 minutes and 30 seconds after that conversation.

  19. bovril says:

    Ahhhh, I know that transcript is a fake, EVERYONE knows it’s “Night ‘awk” and it would have been said “Only once” and authenticated by “The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies….”

    Having said that I’m sure Monsieur LeClerc could have knocked up the BC……'Allo_'Allo!

  20. justlw says:

    JPotter: Guess who on the cover of the new WorldNetWeekly?

    …Davy Jones?

  21. justlw says:

    Didn’t Mr. Breitbard have some rather harsh words for WND at one time? I tried a quick search, but the Googlesphere is now thoroughly polluted.

  22. JPotter says:

    justlw: Didn’t Mr. Breitbard have some rather harsh words for WND at one time? I tried a quick search, but the Googlesphere is now thoroughly polluted.

    He did, but he has played both fences on the issue. Yep, googling Breitbart Birthers is a can of worms!

    How Obama assassinated Breitbart will be a new conspiracy to look forward to. Use of preadtor drones on American soil! (SCOTUS: it’s OK so long as they’re, “little ones” and the target “had it coming”).

  23. nbc says:

    Breitbart hinted that he had video showing Obama with some of his ‘revolutionary friends’… Breitbart surely knew how to play people…
    Let’s see if they ever release anything of interest.
    Personally I have no respect for Breitbart’s antics and I won’t shed a tear over his untimely passing, other than taking a moment of reflection to utter silently a few words of strength for his wife and children.

  24. Joe Acerbic says:

    Actually Breitbart didn’t have the video yet. Chief Editor Korir was just about to send it to him.

  25. Egh says:

    Hi Paul, good evening

    Your post is really clever, good for you. But I think you just walked through this “-gate” into the ballpark

  26. Arthur says:

    Egh: Your post is really clever, good for you. But I think you just walked through this “-gate” into the ballpark

    Tangerine twenty-four color massaging, not return possible. Gate?

  27. justlw says:

    Park and lock it; not responsible!

  28. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Hi Paul, good evening

    Your post is really clever, good for you. But I think you just walked through this “-gate” into the ballpark

    Am i in danger? There are people angry now that the secret is out?

    The English version of the transcript could be called clever, yes. Whoever did it, knew that in 1961, everybody in England pronounced Kenya as keen-yah, and NOT as ken-nya, as they do today.

    Hm, does that mean Breitbart cannot be the one who wrote the transcript?

  29. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Ahhhh, I know that transcript is a fake, EVERYONE knows it’s “Night awk” and it would have been said “Only once” and authenticatedby “The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies….”

    Having said that I’m sure Monsieur LeClerc could have knocked up the BC……'Allo_'Allo!

    Monsieur Le Clerc would have made Orly a born in the USA BC that would have looked better than Obama’s. Provided she would have provided him with plenty of onions to sell at the local saloons, and knockwurst to use as batteries.

    Pst, I have it on good authority that Herr Flick of the Gestapo was born in Eastern Africa, but I haven’t seen the BC.

  30. The Magic M says:

    JPotter: How Obama assassinated Breitbart will be a new conspiracy to look forward to.

    Though I don’t think WND is going to pimp that specific idiocy. After all, it must sting the prominent birthers that this particular theory necessarily implies they and their “sensational evidence” aren’t significant enough to be “killed by the ebil gubment”.

    I mean, seriously, how could “they” kill Breitbart over some (here I speculate, but it doesn’t matter) mildly incriminating videos, yet leave Corsi and Arpaio with their “spectacular proof of fraud and ineligibility” untouched? 😉

  31. JPotter says:

    The Magic M: Though I don’t think WND is going to pimp that specific idiocy.

    They echoed Michael Savage story about the “assassination” of Breitbart!

    All search results for those two terms in tandem are 3-4 days old. I hope they continue to age. There is one funny one: “Murder by Heart Attack?” LOL! Some great KGB-style action there.

  32. white collar crime kills says:

    Guess who [is] on the cover of the new WorldNetWeekly?
    jahesus christ. after jc smote bitefart, teh obamoid had to silence jc.
    cordwood, cordwood, created in the image of cordwood.

  33. white collar crime kills says:

    Soon to be released documentary film “Iron Sky” will explain it all
    teh obamoid had the innocent unborn film aborted, because its title rhymed with “alinksy”.
    Cordwood, cordwood, cordwood. But an enterprising entrepreneur is devising a way to convert ‘cordwood’ to gold.

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