Aaron Klein reverses spin

ConWebWatch quotes from the recent interview between Aaron Klein and Mike Zullo about the Cold Case Posse’s investigation of President Obama’s birth certificate:

Klein declared once again that “I personally also hired three independent forensic investigators. … All three came back with the same conclusion, and that was there was modifications on the PDF file that they could not explain, that are not consistent with a normal scanned document.”

It’s funny the way Klein characterizes those conclusions from the experts a year later. When he had just finished reading them last year, his take was different as evidenced by his WABC radio broadcast from May 1, 2011. This is what Klein said then:

What [the three forensic investigators] told me first of all is that the image online can never, really, fully be verified. You actually have to look at the original document to verify that it’s real, to get technical, but the bottom line is this: let me read to you from the report. This is a twelve-page report commissioned by this program and WND, for example from eComputer Consultants, but all of the reports were essentially the same. Now, the individual who wrote this [Ivan Zatkovich] is a principal consultant for eComp Consultants. He has had years of experience testifying in federal criminal court, civil litigation, so what he said is several things: first of all, that "a certificate was produced by the State of Hawaii and then copied onto green safety paper, which is normal procedure." Then he says, "The green copy paper was then scanned, presumably by the White House, to produce a PDF document.” They can actually get to the exact time and date that this document was scanned; that it is consistent with when the White House said that they first requested the document from the State of Hawaii.

Now, interesting, there are modifications on the document, in specific that there are some layers, but also white halo. He says that all of the modifications to the PDF document can be identified and are consistent with someone enhancing the readability of the document, so in other words, it seems that somebody in the White House did make an enhancement to the document so perhaps, so that people can read it. He said that “there is no specific evidence of how or why any content has been changed, but there is clear evidence,” and this is interesting, “that the document was changed, but very likely enhanced so that we can better read it.” But even that does show that there is a part of the document that was changed. This is not conspiracy; this is some of the nation’s foremost document experts.

But let’s put that aside.[22:03] It would have to be a massive conspiracy, and I don’t want to get into that, that the State of Hawaii was involved in, in order to fake this document. I believe that this document is absolutely real. There is no evidence that it is not. And there would have to be a grand, crazy conspiracy for the State of Hawaii to be involved in faking a birth certificate. I don’t want to even get into that on this program.

And actually, the bottom line is that now Obama has done his part to show that he was born in Hawaii. The onus is no longer on Obama to show that. The onus is on somebody else. If somebody else can produce conclusive evidence that Obama was born somewhere else, so that this birth certificate is not real, that’s a different story, but that hasn’t happened, so we have to accept that Obama was born, and this is the evidence as of now, in Hawaii.[22:50]

WorldNetDaily cherry-picked Zatkovich’s report in an article published the same day as Klein’s radio broadcast, but WND never published the report itself. Zatkovich in an email to me described the WND article as “not quite accurate.” Zatkovich sent me a copy of his report, and subsequently published it on his company web site.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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32 Responses to Aaron Klein reverses spin

  1. Black Lion says:

    WND’s Klein Doesn’t Challenge Zullo’s Falsehoods
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    On his July 22 WABC radio show, WorldNetDaily’s Aaron Klein interviewed Mike Zullo on the subject of President Obama’s birth certificate, during which he repeated his earlier claim about numbers written on the certificate. From a July 22 WND article summarizing Zullo’s appearance:

    The number 9 marked in the box containing Obama’s father’s race, however, presents a problem.

    “The values were curious,” Zullo told Klein. “If you look at Mr. Obama Sr.’s race, the box says ‘African,’ and that’s always been a point of contention, because in the ’60s ‘African’ wasn’t a race designator. Next to it is the number 9. We learned the statistical codings in the 1960s for the federal government – and actually through the remainder of the decade – number 9 stands for unstated or information not supplied.”

    Therefore, Zullo explained, when the number 9 shows up, there wouldn’t have been anything entered into the field, not “African” or “Black” or “Negro” – it would have been left blank.

    That is false. As we’ve documented, Zullo is applying a 1968 coding system to Obama’s 1961 certificate. The pre-1968 coding system defined the number 9 as “other nonwhite.”

    Klein failed to bring up this discrepancy during the interview, despite the fact that the issue of Zullo using the wrong coding system had been raised days earlier — indeed, Dr. Conspiracy first wrote about the coding systems Hawaii used back in March.

    Klein knew, or should have known, that Zullo used the wrong coding system — which undermines his entire argument — yet he didn’t talk about it. That’s either incompetence or deceit on Klein’s part.

    Klein and Zullo also rehashed another bogus birther claim, that a person can easily get a Hawaii birth certificate that could fraudulently claim a person was born in Hawaii when they weren’t. Even the Joseph Farah-founded Western Journalism Center shot that down — three years ago, by the way — stating that such birth certificates would not claim a person was born in Hawaii if there was no proof of it.

    Klein declared once again that “I personally also hired three independent forensic investigators. … All three came back with the same conclusion, and that was there was modifications on the PDF file that they could not explain, that are not consistent with a normal scanned document.” Klein never identified these so-called “forensic investigators,” nor to our knowledge has he public released a full accounting of the conclusions they reached.

    Basically, this was one hack interviewing another. Sad, isn’t it?


  2. Sad, but it makes for a great article 😉

    Black Lion: Basically, this was one hack interviewing another. Sad, isn’t it?

  3. G says:

    Wow. What a liar this guy Klein guy is. Just goes to show that hate drives people to sinful behavior.

  4. DP says:

    Cold Case Posse violated MCSO Code of Conduct



    I am pleased to see that he only made $1400 off it.

    Corruption of law enforcement functions isn’t quite a lucrative as perhaps car salesman Zullo thought.

  5. Comment left by me at WND:

    Explain one thing to me. Why has Aaron Klein sat on those three reports from credentialed document examiners since May of 2011, and not allowed one of them to see the light of day?

    Sure he talks about them, and he characterizes them, but he never lets anybody SEE them.

    Simple explanation, the reports do not conclude the birth certificate’s a fake, nor that they cannot explain what they see. One of them, Zatkovich, published his report himself, and he says the the published White House PFD is consistent with a document scanned and enhanced for readability.

    Aaron Klein himself said on his radio show May 1, 2011, after reading the reports from his three document experts, and I quote:

    ” I believe that this document is absolutely real. There is no evidence that it is not. ”

    And why is Mike Zullo refusing to release his supposed “1961 vital statistics instruction manual” and why is he keeping the phone interview with Verna K. Lee hidden?

    The answer to all is the same. They don’t say what Zullo and Klein say they do.

    They claim that Obama not releasing documents is inexcusable, a sure sign of something to hide. Well what do Zullo and Klein have to hide?

  6. donna says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Comment left by me at WND

    i just heard the earth shake from the direction of wing nutzz daily

  7. G says:

    Well done Doc!

    From now on, anytime that the WND crowd tries to pull a “show us his X” (college transcripts, microfiche, grade school crayon set, etc.), we should all just do as you just did and boldly demand that they show us these report documents first!

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Comment left by me at WND:

    Explain one thing to me. Why has Aaron Klein sat on those three reports from credentialed document examiners since May of 2011, and not allowed one of them to see the light of day?

    Sure he talks about them, and he characterizes them, but he never lets anybody SEE them.

    Simple explanation, the reports do not conclude the birth certificate’s a fake, nor that they cannot explain what they see. One of them, Zatkovich, published his report himself, and he says the the published White House PFD is consistent with a document scanned and enhanced for readability.

    Aaron Klein himself said on his radio show May 1, 2011, after reading the reports from his three document experts, and I quote:

    ” I believe that this document is absolutely real. There is no evidence that it is not. ”

    And why is Mike Zullo refusing to release his supposed “1961 vital statistics instruction manual” and why is he keeping the phone interview with Verna K. Lee hidden?

    The answer to all is the same. They don’t say what Zullo and Klein say they do.

    They claim that Obama not releasing documents is inexcusable, a sure sign of something to hide. Well what do Zullo and Klein have to hide?

  8. G says:

    Doc, you will be interested to note that Bill over at Turning The Scale is calling out WND on a similar charge, pointing out other written records that WND “claims” to have, but has never shown.

    These ones are in regards to letters purported by WND to be from the former U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger.


    Dr. Conspiracy: And why is Mike Zullo refusing to release his supposed “1961 vital statistics instruction manual” and why is he keeping the phone interview with Verna K. Lee hidden?
    The answer to all is the same. They don’t say what Zullo and Klein say they do.
    They claim that Obama not releasing documents is inexcusable, a sure sign of something to hide. Well what do Zullo and Klein have to hide?

  9. justlw says:

    This last CCP presser has certainly done the birther community a world of good, hasn’t it?

  10. Rickey says:

    Doc, you will be interested to note that Bill over at Turning The Scale is calling out WND on a similar charge, pointing out other written records that WND “claims” to have, but has never shown.

    These ones are in regards to letters purported by WND to be from the former U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger.


    And then there was Corsi’s private eye in Hawaii (the one who didn’t have a PI license), Corsi’s “mole” in Hawaii DOH, Trump’s investigators, etc. – so many lies that I can’t keep track of them.

  11. misha says:

    DP: car salesman Zullo thought.

    Randall Terry sold used cars, before founding Operation Rescue. Coincidence?

  12. misha says:

    Aaron Klein is a shonde. He joined Jews For Jesus, says he is no longer Jewish, and has become an anti-Semite himself.

    He is a pathological liar, just like the rest of his ilk at WND. The birther crowd are nothing more than fascists, grifters and fifth rate malcontents.

    To Aaron Klein: A black man, who has an Arabic first and middle name, with a Kenyan father is president, and will be re-elected. Get used to it.

    Intrade – 57%; Five Thirty Eight – 305 electoral votes. 270 needed to win.

    Here’s your BFF Romney: Romney said he’d ask the Israelis what his position would be. “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’” Former U.S. ambassador to Israel during the Clinton administration Martin Indyk said that statement implied that he would “subcontract Middle East policy to Israel.”


  13. donna says:


    Netanyahu: I’ll tell Romney ‘pretty much the same thing I said to’ Obama

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that he and Mitt Romney will discuss Israel and Iran when the Republican presidential candidate visits him this week.

    Netanyahu told CBS’s “Face the Nation” he’ll say to Romney “pretty much the same thing I said to the presumptive Democratic candidate Sen, Barack Obama when I greeted him four years ago, roughly at the same time in the campaign.”

    “I’ll tell him about Israel’s desire for peace and also about Israel’s concern with the arming of Iran with nuclear weapons, unfortunately it’s still with us four years later,” Netanyahu told CBS’s Bob Schieffer. “And also the threat to peace and the threat to Is rael and to others by the growing arsenal of the terrorists with Iranian backers.”

    Schieffer then asked if Netanyahu would be “as comfortable” with Romney as president as he is with Obama.

    “Oh God, I’m just not going to go that way Bob,” Netanyahu replied. “You’re far too experienced a reporter to try to think I’m less experienced public figure. We’re both experienced, and we’re not going to go that way.”

    romney SAYS he and netanyahu are “friends”

    Romney described the relationship more warmly to The New York Times in April, saying the two “can almost speak in shorthand.”


    “Netanyahu tells Stengel he has seen Romney only a handful of times over the years and only once this year. They spoke for 10 minutes in March during his visit to Washington, mainly about Iran.”

  14. Potter, J. says:

    donna: Romney described the relationship more warmly to The New York Times in April, saying the two “can almost speak in shorthand.”

    Seriously? Pandering! And reminiscent of Bush’s claim of mind meld w/ Putin.

  15. Potter, J. says:

    “Aaron Klein reverses spin” ….

    Hmmm … is ‘Aaron Klein’ a top quark or a bottom quark? Or just simply strange?


    This has been today’s edition of Things Best Left Unposted.

  16. Thomas Brown says:

    Potter, J.:
    “Aaron Klein reverses spin” ….

    Hmmm … is ‘Aaron Klein’ a top quark or a bottom quark? Or just simply strange?


    Well, he’s certainly not charm.

  17. Nor truth nor beauty. (I think they dropped those designations though). I like strange.

    Thomas Brown: Well, he’s certainly not charm.

  18. Jim Black says:

    Michelle Obama said her husband’s “home country” is Kenya. Google that and stop being the great dupes that you are.

  19. Jim Black says:

    How about Obama’s stolen SSN?

    Forged draft registration?

    Google them too.

  20. Jim Black says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Comment left by me at WND

    i just heard the earth shake from the direction of wing nutzz daily

    Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

  21. Scientist says:

    Jim Black: Michelle Obama said her husband’s “home country” is Kenya. Google that and stop being the great dupes that you are.

    I googled Romney’s tax returns and couldn’t find them. Do you have them, Jim?

  22. Rickey says:

    Jim Black:
    How about Obama’s stolen SSN?

    Forged draft registration?

    Please identify the person Obama’s SSN was stolen from. If you don’t have a name, you have no evidence of a stolen SSN.

    As for his draft registration, Selective Service has confirmed that Obama registered for the draft in 1980.

  23. Scientist says:

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

    I bet you haven’t read Alinsky. Actually, I haven’t either, which is why I don’t pretend to be an expert on him.

    “Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt” Do you know who said that? Hint: He had Jewish first name, but he wasn’t Jewish.

  24. Rickey says:

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

    Actually, Rule #12 is ” Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    Did you know that Dick Armey gave copies of Alinsky’s book to Tea Party members? True story. You should try reading it. If you are going to attack Alinsky, you should at least get your facts straight.

  25. misha says:

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

    Is it true Orly Taitz is a KGB agent?

  26. Arthur says:

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

    Gee, I thought that #12 was, “Never eat frankfurters with sauerkraut.”

  27. Keith says:

    Jim Black:
    Michelle Obama said her husband’s “home country” is Kenya.Google that and stop being the great dupes that you are.

    John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan both claimed Ireland as their ‘spiritual home’ in exactly the same way the Mrs. Obama referred to the President’s relationship to Kenya .

    Perhaps you should get off the computer and out of your Mommy’s basement and see a little bit of the world before you continue to demonstrate how much of an ignorant, vindictive, sore loser you are.

  28. WEP says:

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

    If you don’t want to be mocked…you should quit being so mockulous.

  29. Thrifty says:

    Jesus Christ, another one of these pests. I think the ants that keep swarming my house this time of year are less irritating than you guys.

    I think Birtherism involves some variant on Godwin’s Law. As a discussion with a Birther continues, the probability of the name of George Soros or Saul Alinsky coming up approaches 100%

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

  30. Thrifty says:

    How about Santa Claus’s magic sack of toys?

    Or the Easter Bunny’s magic bottomless basket of candy?

    Google those.

    They don’t exist either.

    Jim Black:
    How about Obama’s stolen SSN?

    Forged draft registration?

  31. donna says:

    Jim Black: Alinsky Radical Rule #12 – Mock and ridicule when faced with truth.

    Mitt Romney’s Father Palled Around With Saul Alinsky

    “I think you ought to listen to Alinsky,” Romney told his friends. ‘It seems to me that we are always talking to the same people. Maybe the time has come to hear new voices.”

    Said an Episcopal bishop, ‘He made Alinsky sound like a Republican.

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