Georgia: Birther legislator defeated

Georgia Representative Mark Hatfield was known to me as a sponsor of the Georgia “birther bill” rejected in 2011. I got to hear him speak briefly representing Kevin Powell and Carl Swensson at the ballot challenge hearing in Atlanta last January 26.

Mr. Hatfield will not be introducing any birther bills in the next legislative session, being soundly defeated in the Primary Tuesday, receiving only 29% of the vote in his bid for a state Senate seat. I don’t think birtherism was a factor in the election, but

Winner Tyler Harper will face Democratic challenger Donald Mitchell in the General Election.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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9 Responses to Georgia: Birther legislator defeated

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Orly is probably throwing a rage fit about how every single person who voted for Tyler Harper was bought/threatened/is a corrupt Obot.

  2. Stanislaw says:

    Wow, so my beloved home state has voters with common sense after all.

  3. Well, losing at the ballot box is a step up from losing to an empty table.

  4. Thrifty says:

    I doubt it. Besides being a kook and a terrible lawyer, Orly is also an egomaniac. Since Mark Hatfield is not her, she won’t care.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Orly is probably throwing a rage fit about how every single person who voted for Tyler Harper was bought/threatened/is a corrupt Obot.

  5. AnotherBird says:

    It could be that he wasn’t doing that good of a job.

  6. realist says:

    I think the biggest factor in his sound defeat was that he was essentially a carpetbagger.

  7. Woodrowfan says:

    I still really wonder about Orly’s husband. THIS is who he chose to marry?~!?!?!?!?!

  8. jayHG says:

    Woodrowfan: I still really wonder about Orly’s husband. THIS is who he chose to marry?~!?!?!?!?!

    So do I. I also wonder about her friends and extended family. I mean, does she not have ONE person among these folks that will tell her, even if they think she’s sincere, that there’s only so much you can do re: the courts, President Obama is president and she should go enjoy her life, her husband and childredn and work to make sure President Obama is not re-elected.

    I can’t believe no one who loves her has not suggested this!!!!…..especially her husband!!!

  9. Rickey says:

    Orly’s legal follies continue. In Taitz v. Astrue she filed a “demand” that an “unlawfully issued mandate” be revoked. The problem is that no mandate has been issued in the case. The mandate was issued in a different case, Taitz v. Ruemmler, and in that case Orly failed to file a petition for rehearing.

    She is so inept that she can’t even keep her cases straight.

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