They say that all’s fair in love and war, to which I add political fundraising. The Obama Campaign is sending a mass fundraising email titled “A new low for Mitt Romney” to potential contributors saying:
Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president of the United States, just said this:
"No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised."
Take a moment or two to think about that, what he’s actually saying, and what it says about Mitt Romney.
The Obama campaign has condemned Romney’s statement forcefully, and the Republican Party is calling it a “light hearted moment.” My own opinion is that this is not normal campaign behavior at all for a presumptive major party nominee and extremely dangerous talk. If the President was born in a foreign country, he’s ineligible and a usurper. The opposing candidate, implying this is the case, is coming very close to endorsing or fomenting violence by some unstable person.
I think Obama should say the same when he visits Hawaii.
Since he has Hawaii’s electoral votes wrapped up, I doubt that he will get to go there before the election. In January (after the next round of self-inflicted fiscal crisis by Congress and the end of the Bush tax cuts for the rich), I think he’ll probably get a chance to say it in the Aloha state, though. Good idea.
Mr. Romney admits that he hasn’t been properly vetted.
Not only has he not provided his birth certificate, he even claims that nobody has ever asked him for it! (I know this is a lie — I myself have asked for it.)
If so, then Romney would have no problem with Obama joking about having just the one wife. ha ha,
I still believe Mitt was born in Canada, where the Romneys own property. He ran the Winter Olympics (where hockey and curling are major sports) and he speaks English and French, the 2 official languages of Canada. That is very suspicious, to say the least.
If Romney’s handlers need him to look warm and accommodating for his base at the convention, all he needs is a clean white robe and a burning cross. It’s just a joke, of course. And maybe Trump, the Tribble mobility scooter, can introduce him made up in black face. Those funny guys.
Hooray for Romney! He’s shown just how desperate he is!
Not even Ann Coulter nor Glenn Beck have suggested Obama wasn’t born here.
Either Romney temporarily lost the plot or someone needs to start checking with the bookies to see how much money he has placed on Obama to win.
The Obama campaign people will now be sitting back hoping that the birthers shriek loud enough in their assertions that this proves Romney has birther sentiments for every sane undecided voter to be able to hear them.
He had to get a passport to go to France, so we can be certain the passport office asked for one. However, if Mitt was born in Canada he would have provided a Consular Report of Birth Abroad instead.
I think Romney just won Obama the election.
That, Todd akin, and the upcoming debates, agreed 🙂
And then the crazies will be screaming “What went wrong?!?!?”
WND’s ❝ Romney goes ‘birther’ ❞ thread devolved into a Ku Klux Korsi meeting.❞
Romney says Obama is the legitimate President, born in the USA.;ENImageStack
Starts at the 3:40 minutes.
Pelley: But, once and for all, for the record. You believe Barack Obama is the legitimate President of the United States?
Romney: I’ve said that probably thirty times by now and thirty one certainly won’t hurt.
Oh, the Klan won’t have anything to do with Corsi. They only allow white people, not purple.
“Light hearted moment.”
I was just remembering how comedy is really done: ground it in truth, and make it, you know, funny.
If you’re really good, you tell the joke on yourself. If you’re a comedy ninja, you tell the joke on yourself, and take out multiple opponents at the same time.
Case in point:
Someone on Huffpo responded to Romney’s “joke” by saying, “Hey, you libs always tell jokes about the dog on the roof!”
So: dog on the roof. Real thing. Story started with Mitt’s own son. Way late “hey, Obama said he ate dog once!” retort.
Now witness our Comedy Ninja in Chief at work, at the WHCD:
So yeah, I’m looking forward to the debates.
Agreed. The level of irresponsibility demonstrated by not just the GOP in general, but candidate Romney now in particular, is really beyond the pale.
Just further proof that sociopath Romney has ZERO business being put in any position of elected power at all. He should stick to his private sector vulture capitalism.
REAL CLEAR POLITICS has the reputation of being pro-Christian and pro-Conservative (like Rasmunssen).
When they started its founders described themselves as frustrated with what they perceived as anti-conservative, anti-Christian media bias, which of course is pure rubbish and is codewords to say they were exactly the opposite.
During the last election, Nate Silver of once claimed that RCP was rigging its averages to favor McCain and other Republicans.
So I’d take their data with a grain of salt.
Pelley also said, ‘You threw red meat.’ Romney knows it. When he told Pelley that’s it’s just a joke, just humor, he was being disingenuous.
The gloves are off. My comments are going to become a lot sharper.
Perhaps it’s time to replace the blog’s WordPress theme, currently “Canvas” with a new one, “Kevlar.”
Romney is having it both ways. But that’s nothing new. I really can’t think of any issue he hasn’t been on both sides of, often at the same time.
Mitt v Mitt: The story of two men trapped in one body
Perhaps he was emboldened by this report.
I hope you’re kidding, Glenn.
Mitt Romney Plays the Birther Card- Politicians sometimes think they can get away with saying something profoundly offensive or just plain stupid by acting like it was a joke. It never works, just like it didn’t work today when Mr. Romney shamelessly played the birther card in what seems like an increasingly desperate campaign against President Obama.
Read on:
Did someone mention Glenn Beck, who raped and murdered a girl?
This is one of the reasons there should be a “Like” button here.
Obama should say “No one has ever asked to see MY tax returns”
Romney never denied having a plural marriage. Why?
😆 😆 😆
I’m wondering whether the Obama campaign is planning some new
providing of additional information about the site of his birth when
the polls continue to show a close race.
Showing the microfilm or the person who created the pdf and the
original copies and .scan-files. Or showing the bounded volume
and let them make microskopic pics.
Or publishing his DNA _before_ Romney publishes his.
1. Get an editor. Coming from me, yes, it’s that bad.
2. No. They plan to keep laughing at—and capitalizing on—just such thinking and expectations. Laughing along with the 99% is far more efficient than pandering to the 1%.*
* Ahem. *cough, cough*
The birth certificate has nothing to do with the race. That is baked in. Anyone believing this stuff at this point is not going to change their mind. Their belief has nothing to do with the facts.
Is this foreigner a troll, or what?
After all, what has DNA to do with anything??? It will tell you nothing about a place of birth. Romney’s DNA might I suppose prove interesting, in that he can appear like a cyborg………….
Obama’s – no, boring. Gimme a COLB any day.
Because you are still deluding yourself there is a significant number of people who would vote for Obama if he showed “just one more thing”? Don’t project that delusion on others.
Yes, because millions of Americans are just dying to know who scanned the thing. Right.
I’m hesitant whether to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your entire posting was a Romneyesque attempt at humour… 😉
But, hey, yes, that would settle it. You know, whereas other people’s DNA will just say …AGTCGATCGTAACT…, Obama’s, will say …ATATHONOLULUGCAG…
As a bonus, I’m attaching an excerpt of the DNA of felis catus: CATCATCATCATCAT… (I’m not making this up)
A troll and what (as in what the . . .?).
Rmoney will not publish his DNA, because it would show his unicorn roots.
I’ve never seen a poll that says Obama’s place of birth is a factor in the election. Have you ever seen anyone say “I really like Obama, but I cannot in good conscience vote for an ineligible candidate?”
it’s all part of the campaign. All the talkshows and statements.
His 2011 Apr.27 action contributed to Trumps loss in popularity
and resignation..Of course, there are many statements so a single
one usually only contributes little. This Romney-birther flirt maybe,
well, makes 0.1% of the campaign. Steill probably made some thousand
Americans change mind
DNA is important. It tells you about his health, his susceptability to diseases.
Also shows his ancestry, that he is not the son of Davis or whoever.
And what race he comes from, how many % of Neandertal genes etc.
See the discussions in the genetics forums.
1,000 voters is like .001%. I think a better estimate of the number is zero.
No, DNA from the President alone could not tell you that, not without DNA from one of Davis’ relatives, something they have no interest whatsoever in providing, nor could they be compelled to do so.
What are the minimum and maximum % Neanderthal to qualify for the Presidency?
I can’t speak for Rmoney’s DNA, but his platform is 100% prehistoric.
Of which the majority probably became LESS likely to support Rmoney after his remarks.
You mean, other than disingenuous birfers?
OK, usually they go, ” birf … birf ….. birf …. and, hey, I voted for him, too, (but not just because he’s black) … birf … birf …. birf ….”
The hunt for the legendary double positive continues …..
This is, I trust, a brilliant satire.
You will notice first of all that it is August 2012, not April 2011. You yourself posted here the video that shows the President explaining why he asked for and released his Long Form, namely that the circus was becoming a distraction to important work. The circus is not a distraction now; it is a joke.
As for Trump, he never was actually going to run. That was all publicity stunt for his tv show, and for his ego. But the President’s Long Form did act like penicillin taking out the fever.
There is no fever now, and to continue the analogy, bacteria of all kinds, including pathogenic bacteria, continually live in our bodies all the time. You don’t take penicillin every day to try and purge the body of every germ. You might actually succeed in that goal, at least theoretically for one or two pathogenic germs, but you would throw your body into chaos, just as anal retentive people often cause meaningless drama, disrupting rather than perfecting life.
Nothing more of major import is going to happen on this front, and you can call for microfilm or whatever all you want, but it is meaningless drama.
Unicorns. Don’t forget the unicorns.
You really are from Germany.
paper, the circus is now called campaign and is going in it’s
decisive phase. Who knows what all will come up. Having
seen the Trump-birther flirt, the Perry-gaffe, the Cain-scandal,
… it’s hard to predict what will come up, what journalist will
ask what question. Demonstrating how unjustified the
birther movement was and that he really (finally) releases the info
might well gain him some votes. My estimate: 0.3%
He, the President, has already done that. He has already demonstrated (at least twice) how unjustified Birthers were and are, and he has already really (long ago) released all the info needed or pertinent.
As for the campaign, which is its own game, there is nothing birther-related that is going to make any difference. Win or lose, this game is not going to come down to birther antics. Because…it is already well-proven Obama was born in Hawaii. It doesn’t matter what comes up, because the only birther-related matters that would have any chance of effecting the campaign do not exist. You can talk theoretical parallell universe possibilities of living in the Matrix if you desire, but otherwise there simply is no chance. To talk or act like there is such a chance is meaningless.
I know you think preserving uncertainty in all things is important, but doing so in such matters as this merely cheapens the value of uncertainty.
from what did Trump resign? Jackanapes of the millenium?
As usual, your Concern Troll estimates are something you’ve completely pulled out your own @ss and nothing more.
It really is quite simple – those suffering ODS and therefore, susceptible to Birtherism are already not voting for Obama, no matter what. Birtherism isn’t real at all. It is nothing more than a bunch of made up excuses, by people who are too craven and shallow to simply admit that they won’t vote for Obama, because of some gut-level bigotry they cling to.
Your Concern Troll game is nothing but a weak goad and nobody is falling for it. Concerns of “neanderthal DNA”…seriously??? You’ve really gone off the deep end of buffoonery in your latest posts.
Sorry, but you and your fake concerns are simply irrelevant to this year’s election cycle.
But he’s not from this century.
No it isn’t hard to predict. No journalist that gets anywhere near a sit-down with the President will ask him about DNA or microfiches.
There, it wasn’t at all hard to predict. It was very easy to predict, in fact.
Nope, he’s still holding office.
why would obama release anything else? to attract your supposed 0.3% of voters? DNA? i wouldn’t release my DNA to anyone …. would you? bottom line …. birthers are racist bigots who wouldn’t vote for obama if he were their distant cousin –
where are the birther speakers? where are the REPUBLICANS in az like kyl & mccain? what about gov brewer? what about romney’s az co-chair and fellow mormon sec of state bennett?
it’s been over 4 years and NONE of the bogus assertions has been “proven” (in the REAL legal sense) to be true –
why hasn’t arpaio and his frozen fools gone to mejico to answer some questions about mitt’s family/past? do you REALLY KNOW anything about them? oh wait, he’s WHITE
birthers are a JOKE and there’s NO HIDING their agenda
At thiis point in 2008 Obama was trailing McCain in the polls. I don’t believe that he is worried about August polls.
> why should he
you said the same before April 2011, didn’t you ?
Shows that he is serious about open government, that he addresses the concerns of the citizens. If they are silly or unjustified or unimportant – OK, then do it briefly, make a FAQ.
Likely. I just wanted to step in and defend my fellow countrymen. Most of us are not like this guy.
In fact, I doubt more than a handful of people here even know birthers exist. I remember this birther at the P&E who claimed he knew a German exchange student who told him “Obama is a joke over here” which is of course utter crap. People over here mostly still idolize Obama as the “yes we can” guy because they have little information on how successful or unsuccessful he actually is. He’s more like a pop star. 🙂
I really would like him to say he’s conducting an investigation to “clear Romney”.
These citizens do not have legitimate concerns to be addressed. That has been well established. There is nothing more for him to release on this issue. He has already done it.
The few people who incorrectly believe they have legitimate, unanswered concerns on this point will just have to live with their dissatisfaction. They are welcome to vote for someone else.
You demean the value of open government with such garbage requests. Your arguments supposedly on behalf of openness, or even the value of uncertainty, are arguments (ineffective, meaningless arguments, thankfully) against being open, against being uncertain. These are important values and you treat them like porn to be called upon for every fantasy.
Your FAQ is already on the Whitehouse website:
Any question you have, just reread the transcript of the President’s remarks and you’ll get your answer. In a variation of the classic rejoinder, I believe you’ll find that while he doesn’t respond to your every question, he does indeed answer them.
For example, he says:
“We’re not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.”
That alone answers most of the questions you post here.
No one in these comments says “why should he.” who are you quoting? And about what? His DNA?
why aren’t you complaining about the piece of CRAP COLB mitt released?
trump (erroneously) said a COLB was useless and that you can’t use it to obtain a driver’s license nor passport
“Shows that he is serious about open government, that he addresses the concerns of the citizens” ????
concerns of citizens? only those in the blogosphere are interested – the majority of citizens consider the birthers a JOKE and racist bigots
why didn’t you reply to my questions about az’s REPUBLICAN elected officials? both judge mcphee and arpaio said it’s up to congress
and they are from arpaio’s state
open government? are you supporting mitt? he has offered neither details nor specifics on anything – even his religion is a secret – david brooks said “Romney Has a Secret Health Care Plan No One Knows About, But It’s a Good Plan”
face it, if obama offered up everything including his navel lint, you and your ilk would find fault with something – over 145 failed lawsuits have still left you with “any day now”
all of the birthers’ bogus assertions have been out there for over 4 years yet the majority of americans think he will be re-elected
8/28: “58 percent Americans expect Obama to win the election on Nov 6, up 2 percent from the last survey in May while 36 percent say Mitt Romney will win instead”
I still don’t see where he released anything. That COLB with VOID stamped all over it was not an official release by him or his campaign. Was it leaked? Maybe. Is it legit? Who knows.
Now that Mittens is the official nominee, birthers will of course demand he immediately release his original long form birth certificate to the public, and have his birth state and his birth hospital confirm he was born there.
Or maybe they won’t. WND is suspiciously silent on this. I wonder what they will hide behind now. Up until Tuesday, birfers’ typical reply was “he’s not the nominee yet”. I suppose we will see more division among the birthers now – those who believe Mittens is “in on it” vs. those who go “anyone but Obama”.
That’s their whole point – “give me more so I can find more dirt on you”. I always find this pretty funny (as it’s not just birthers but entire political campaigns that work on this MO). In my country, you don’t see this obsession with digging for dirt. Maybe because our election system is different.
“he’s not the nominee yet” is LAUGHABLE
then how can they explain all of the ballot challenges against obama? he TOO has not been nominated yet
their inconsistency is patently obvious as is their racism – mitt is white
it IS “anyone but obama” cause again obama is NOT white
it’s not “give me more so I can find more dirt on you”, it’s give me more that i can find fault with – all of the “dirt” is stuff they fabricated
as huckabee said of the clintons:
“If there was any shred of truth to it, Hillary Clinton and her wonderful investigative opposition (research) machine would have found it and would have used it”
The whole concept of open government” is about government records, NOT personal records.
The rest of your nonsense has been already been addressed by others’.
G: The whole concept of open government” is about government records, NOT personal records.
TRUE which is why obama’s 1st executive order was to overturn bush’s order hiding pres & vp records
“This EO replaced President George W. Bush’s more restrictive regulations on the treatment of Presidential Records. It actually restored accessibility to many presidential records that were restricted by the previous president. It made presidential and vice presidential papers LESS secret. It reset rules covering presidential papers back to the way it was under Reagan. It UNCONCEALED presidential papers that Bush wanted kept secret. Bush’s EO restricted Presidential papers longer than the 12 years the law allowed, added VP papers, let heirs and estates decide whether or not to keep records secret, and was the subject of several lawsuits. Obama’s EO made those lawsuits unnecessary.”
Another important point. You see foreigner, openness has limits.