The Obots ate my homework

The issue of Obot judicial bias has been raised just recently in the wake of two decisions that went against the birthers. The first was Jordan v. Reed in Washington state about which John, a commenter here, wrote:

Wow! This is by far the most biased and ridiculing court decision to date. The decision should be appealed and completely tossed out as it contains so much bias and ridicule and slander as to lack any real legal credibility. Is this judge a member of the Fogbow or something?

Tracy Fair, writing about her dismissal on August 23 wrote something similar:


Conspiracy theorists have a hard time understanding people who disagree with them. They are so certain about their conclusions that they believe they should be obvious to anyone, and therefore anyone who disagrees must be willfully ignoring the facts, or worse, in on the conspiracy. In these two instances, birthers blame judicial bias for the birther losses.

What birthers do not understand is that there’s no requirement for a presidential candidate to prove eligibility in Washington or Maryland. The burden of proof, assuming for a moment that the court had jurisdiction and could decide eligibility, is on the plaintiffs to show that the candidate’s not eligible. Even if birthers could prove Obama’s birth certificate a forgery (which it isn’t) and his social-security number stolen (which it isn’t) and his Selective Service registration a fake (which it isn’t), they still have absolutely no proof that Obama was born outside of the United States. For birthers, “questionable documents” = “born in Kenya” but that’s not how a legal argument works. When it comes to positive evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, all the birthers have is hearsay and a recording of Obama’s step grandmother that really says he was born in Hawaii. That gets the birthers nowhere.

So birthers, it’s not the Obots’ fault that you lost and the problem is not with the judge. The problem is your lack of supporting law and evidence. Stop blaming the Obots and take responsibility for your own failures. Stop whining.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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77 Responses to The Obots ate my homework

  1. Thomas Brown says:

    Mmmm. Sweet Birther tears.

    Had they not rudely and condescendingly insulted us sane folk (cf esp. Tracy Fair), their tears wouldn’t be so delicious.

  2. Sudoku says:

    “So birthers, it’s not the Obots’ fault that you lost and the problem is not with the judge. The problem is your lack of supporting law and evidence. Stop blaming the Obots and take responsibility for your own failures. Stop whining.”

    That was beautiful, spot on. The only possible change I could make would be to say “…your lack of understanding of existing law and rules of evidence.”

  3. GeorgetownJD says:

    It will only grow worse as the judicial losses mount. Expect more despondent caterwauling to follow the upcoming dismissals of birther suits in Texas, Ohio, Indiana, California and — my favorite — Mississippi.

  4. ASK Esq says:

    This is, of course, the essence of the Birther mindset. You often see them wondering why all elected Republicans, every judge, the entire media (Conservative pundits included), the military, friends, family, etc etc, never agree with them. The simple explanation that maybe, just maybe, they are wrong simply does not enter into their thought process.

  5. richCares says:

    right wing republicans are called “RIGHT WINGERS”
    right wing birthers are called “RIGHT WHINERS”

  6. bgansel9 says:

    I know there is more ideology here besides just birtherism. I realize many of these people are supporting Romney or Goode or someone. What I don’t understand is when did these people’s lives change so drastically that I can’t recognize any normalcy or humanity in them anymore? (I’m addressing the birther issue, but understanding it goes deeper than that). These people weren’t like this 30 years ago, AFAIK and I am pretty sure that if they viewed these decisions back then they would understand that the arguments didn’t fit into the framework of an actual legal suit that could proceed. Am I wrong that they changed somewhere? I don’t get it. What made them this daft?

  7. John Potter says:

    GeorgetownJD: It will only grow worse as the judicial losses mount.

    ‘As [they] mount‘? They’ve been “mounting” for years now! Piling even.

    The point about obviousness is key. Orly is the ultimate example. She’s constantly in disbelief, she’s utterly convinced, overconfident, and consequently bewildered. It’s obvious …. just let her feeeeenesh and she will make it obvious to everyone outside her headspace!

    Thank the gods she isn’t telepathic.

    Dear birfers:

    It’s only “obvious” to persons making similar assumptions. You start with the conclusion in you ‘research’, and you start with the conclusion in your ‘arguments’. You have to start from the beginning to make a case. Lay the foundation.

    So easy to topple birfer cases …. foundations of assumption won’t support any structure. Houses built on sand.

  8. jayHG says:

    I know there is more ideology here besides just birtherism. I realize many of these people are supporting Romney or Goode or someone. What I don’t understand is when did these people’s lives change so drastically that I can’t recognize any normalcy or humanity in them anymore? (I’m addressing the birther issue, but understanding it goes deeper than that).These people weren’t like this 30 years ago, AFAIK and I am pretty sure that if they viewed these decisions back then they would understand that the arguments didn’t fit into the framework of an actual legal suit that could proceed. Am I wrong that they changed somewhere? I don’t get it. What made them this daft?

    It’s the scary black man. They were conservatives, sure, and hated Bill and HIllary, but they could stomach them cause at least they were white. That scary black man in “their” White House just wasn’t supposed to happen.

  9. G says:

    I think there is a lot of truth to this in explaining how extreme the GOP / conservative folks have gotten in the past 4 years. But I think it is a broader problem than just some latent racism / bigotry – a black president with a “foreign & muslimy” sounding name was just a “bridge too far” of “change” for these folks…especially after this crowd, one unable to admit their own mistakes, had to deal with the 8-year abyssmal record of their chosen candidate – GWB and the “permanent majority” that Karl Rove had promised them…

    …so try to remember during the 2008 campaign, when many were predicting that the election of Barack Obama to President would cause the right’s collective head’s to snap…

    …IT DID…

    …as the old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for…”

    jayHG: It’s the scary black man. They were conservatives, sure, and hated Bill and HIllary, but they could stomach them cause at least they were white. That scary black man in “their” White House just wasn’t supposed to happen.

  10. Keith says:

    I know there is more ideology here besides just birtherism. I realize many of these people are supporting Romney or Goode or someone. What I don’t understand is when did these people’s lives change so drastically that I can’t recognize any normalcy or humanity in them anymore? (I’m addressing the birther issue, but understanding it goes deeper than that).These people weren’t like this 30 years ago, AFAIK and I am pretty sure that if they viewed these decisions back then they would understand that the arguments didn’t fit into the framework of an actual legal suit that could proceed. Am I wrong that they changed somewhere? I don’t get it. What made them this daft?

    30 years ago the folks who are today’s bottom level troops in this propaganda campaign were pretty much isolated in asylums. These days we’ve shut the asylums in favor of more “humane” open community environment. Unfortunately, for us, this has coincided with the rise of the internet which gives these folks, once isolated in their insanity, access to the world at large.

    30 years ago the folds who are today’s masters of puppets were pretty much isolated in the John Birch Society, the Ku Klux Klan, and apocalyptic death cults. These days we’ve pretty much lost the ability to distinguish between the eccentric fringe dweller and the dangerous iconoclast. Unfortunately, for us, this has coincided with the rise of the television evangelist and the idea the making money is the be all and end all of both Capitalism and Religion.

  11. Lupin says:

    A propos, I saw that the Empty Chair ™ debated Mr. Eastwood last night at the RNC — and easily won.

    Go, Empty Chair, go!

  12. G says:

    Excellent points. Well said.

    Keith: 30 years ago the folks who are today’s bottom level troops in this propaganda campaign were pretty much isolated in asylums. These days we’ve shut the asylums in favor of more “humane” open community environment. Unfortunately, for us, this has coincided with the rise of the internet which gives these folks, once isolated in their insanity, access to the world at large.30 years ago the folds who are today’s masters of puppets were pretty much isolated in the John Birch Society, the Ku Klux Klan, and apocalyptic death cults. These days we’ve pretty much lost the ability to distinguish between the eccentric fringe dweller and the dangerous iconoclast. Unfortunately, for us, this has coincided with the rise of the television evangelist and the idea the making money is the be all and end all of both Capitalism and Religion.

  13. The Magic M says:

    > For birthers, “questionable documents” = “born in Kenya” but that’s not how a legal argument works.

    They think that if Obama appears “questionable enough” to a court, it would allow them some kind of fishing expedition. Probably their main misunderstanding is that none of their challenges was criminal in nature. In a criminal case, if you undermine the credibility of a defense witness, or an alibi, this will get the DA to investigate the suspect more thoroughly. And if that alibi is all that stands between conviction and acquittal, the accused is toast.

    Birthers don’t understand that this is not the situation here. They think that if somebody owes me money, I don’t have to prove he actually received any money from me as long as I can prove the guy didn’t pay back another debt to another person.

    Or, in general, they just think the burden of proof is always on the other side (as many people, not just birthers in particular and not just cranks in general, often like to believe).

  14. The Magic M says:

    And as an addendum:

    Isn’t it curious that birthers have never tried to bring criminal charges against Obama? Somehow these “brave defenders of the Constitution” seem to be so unsure of the merits of their arguments, or their chances of success, that they fear perjuring themselves above all else.

  15. G says:

    ROTFLMAO!!! Yeah, that was truly bizarre…and sadly, for Mr. Eastwood, likely to be one of the only moments of this convention that people will still remember months from now. (That and Mitt’s bizarre and embarassing mocking line about oceans rising…”)

    I mean, WTF were Romney’s handler’s thinking, when they put that “surprise” into the convention schedule, in the hour leading up to their candidate’s “big moment”???

    Truly an overshadowing disaster of epic proportions. As a result, we now have both #InvisibleObama and #Eastwooding, hilariously trending on Twitter.

    #InvisibleObama was at it best when it started, pretty much in real time…with the empty chair offering some great “on the scene commentary” while Rubio & Romney were speaking. Truly up there with the Twitter adventures of that talking snake that got loose awhile back.

    #Eastwooding is hilarious and might have some long legs, as tons of people rush to submit their own pix of fingers pointing at empty chairs. Much cooler than the crazy planking fad…

    Lupin: A propos, I saw that the Empty Chair ™ debated Mr. Eastwood last night at the RNC — and easily won.Go, Empty Chair, go!

  16. G says:

    As well they should!!!

    The Magic M: Somehow these “brave defenders of the Constitution” seem to be so unsure of the merits of their arguments, or their chances of success, that they fear perjuring themselves above all else.

  17. Sam the Centipede says:

    G: Truly an overshadowing disaster of epic proportions. As a result, we now have both #InvisibleObama and #Eastwooding, hilariously trending on Twitter.

    Oh no!!! They have almost found the secret!!!

    How did Obama manage to be invisible? Clearly it’s a power inherited from his father, who probably got the gift from a Kenyan witch doctor, perhaps on the orders of the King of Kenya. So Doc C.’s assertion that nobody travelled between Kenya and the USA around 1960 (excuse laziness in not checking up the details) is easily explained: the elder Barack Obama used his invisibility to avoid being recorded!!

    He probably also used his powers to sneak into the Hawai’i state records office to forge a birth record.

    We must admit, the false stories about Obama being a time traveler were just a smoke screen to conceal the truth of the invisibility. The birthers are so intelligent and resourceful, they would have discovered this soon enough.

  18. The Magic M says:

    G: #Eastwooding is hilarious and might have some long legs, as tons of people rush to submit their own pix of fingers pointing at empty chairs.

    I read this funny quote on Facebook:

    “”Clint Eastwood is the perfect symbol of the GOP: A delirious old white man rambling on to an invisible man who isn’t actually there.””

    Sam the Centipede: We must admit, the false stories about Obama being a time traveler were just a smoke screen to conceal the truth of the invisibility.

    Oh noes, you shouldn’t have said that out loud…

    Now it all makes sense! Bin Laden was captured after the SEALs sneaked in cloaked in invisibility apparel. And 9/11 was just the result of a tragic human error when a janitor accidentally switched on the WTC invisibility shield and the pilots couldn’t see the buildings. And of course the Moon mission was also carried out invisibly. And the real JFK assassin also used… Hey, it explains all conspiracy theories at once! And you don’t even need fancy time travel (which we all know does not exist, as opposed to Martians and the Sorcerer’s Stone).

  19. Does this site go down on obama conspiracies if Romney wins?

  20. In the US, private citizens cannot “bring criminal charges” against someone. A prosecutor does that. A person may file a complaint, but unless a prosecutor files the charges, it goes nowhere. Various birthers have at least sent letters to the FBI and the Attorney General and others alleging that Obama committed crimes, and some lawsuits sought to force the Attorney General to bring charges. The closest thing (IANAL) we have would be civil RICO, and Orly Taitz has done that.

    The Magic M: Isn’t it curious that birthers have never tried to bring criminal charges against Obama?

  21. The site stops being updated when the birthers shut up.

    Investors Business Daily: Does this site go down on obama conspiracies if Romney wins?

  22. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: In the US, private citizens cannot “bring criminal charges” against someone.

    Just like in Germany. I must’ve misunderstood some comments here or elsewhere that made me believe otherwise. Thanks for clearing that up. 🙂

  23. Thomas Brown says:

    Investors Business Daily:
    Does this site go down on obama conspiracies if Romney wins?

    I hope not. I hope Doc sticks around so we can laugh hysterically when Romney fails to “bring Obama to justice” for his foreign birth, forged documents, blah blah woof woof. It would be hilarious; Birhters shouting “now we’ve got him!” while Romney throws them under the bus.

  24. G says:

    That empty chair #InvisibleObama sure is powerful. First, he defeats a whole gaggle of Birthers in Georgia. Then he steals the spotlight from Romney’s big moment at the RNC!!!


    Sam the Centipede: Oh no!!! They have almost found the secret!!!How did Obama manage to be invisible? Clearly it’s a power inherited from his father, who probably got the gift from a Kenyan witch doctor, perhaps on the orders of the King of Kenya. So Doc C.’s assertion that nobody travelled between Kenya and the USA around 1960 (excuse laziness in not checking up the details) is easily explained: the elder Barack Obama used his invisibility to avoid being recorded!!He probably also used his powers to sneak into the Hawai’i state records office to forge a birth record.We must admit, the false stories about Obama being a time traveler were just a smoke screen to conceal the truth of the invisibility. The birthers are so intelligent and resourceful, they would have discovered this soon enough.

  25. I would note that the IBD commenter linked his name to an Investor’s Business Daily editorial:

    it’s a collection of long-debunked rumors with racist implications.

    Investors Business Daily:
    Does this site go down on obama conspiracies if Romney wins?

  26. While lots of folks have been persuaded that Obama’s not eligible, I think the issue is kept alive by people trying to influence the 2012 election and folks trying to make a buck. If Obama wins, the first group lose motivation. If Romney wins, they both do.

    Thomas Brown: I hope not. I hope Doc sticks around so we can laugh hysterically when Romney fails to “bring Obama to justice” for his foreign birth

  27. LW says:

    A propos, I saw that the Empty Chair ™ debated Mr. Eastwood last night at the RNC — and easily won.

    Go, Empty Chair, go!

    Empty Chair had much more of a potty mouth than I recall from earlier appearances. It was kind of like watching Lamb Chop bust out with an Andrew Dice Clay routine, and every bit as cringeworthy.

  28. LW says:

    G: #InvisibleObama was at it best when it started, pretty much in real time

    And of course, this tweet.

  29. LW says:

    Thomas Brown: so we can laugh hysterically when Romney fails to “bring Obama to justice”

    That reminds me: when is Boehner going to reveal the contents of Nancy Pelosi’s safe? Wasn’t that a thing?

  30. G says:

    Excellent points! Agreed.

    Dr. Conspiracy: While lots of folks have been persuaded that Obama’s not eligible, I think the issue is kept alive by people trying to influence the 2012 election and folks trying to make a buck. If Obama wins, the first group lose motivation. If Romney wins, they both do.

  31. G says:

    Yes, that handle belongs to a hard-core Birther, who has been around the blogosphere for quite some time. Just another troll with an agenda and not a serious person looking for any real answers.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I would note that the IBD commenter linked his name to an Investor’s Business Daily editorial:’s a collection of long-debunked rumors with racist implications.

  32. G says:

    LMAO! Great analogy… 😉

    LW: Empty Chair had much more of a potty mouth than I recall from earlier appearances. It was kind of like watching Lamb Chop bust out with an Andrew Dice Clay routine, and every bit as cringeworthy.

  33. G says:

    Yes! I thought that was a very clever and classy response from the President. 🙂

    LW: And of course, this tweet.

  34. ellen says:

    Can we count this as now seven state courts and one federal court have ruled on the Natural Born Citizen status of Obama? I have these so far: Indiana, Georgia, New Jersey, Florida and Arizona, and the federal court case is the Tisdale case.

    I believe that now we can add the states of Washington and Maryland. Is that right?

    I’m just referring to rulings on Natural Born status, not the hundred or so birther cases that were thrown out.

  35. MN-Skeptic says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The site stops being updated when the birthers shut up.

    You might want to add “… or when I get tired of the whole idiotic subject!” The birthers are insane enough to keep this up for decades. After all, once they find that single brave judge to rule that Obama was ineligible, then everything (legislation, presidential proclamations, etc.) that occurred during his presidency is null and void!

  36. G says:

    I would agree with your assessment. Kudos for pointing that out!!

    ellen: Can we count this as now seven state courts and one federal court have ruled on the Natural Born Citizen status of Obama? I have these so far: Indiana, Georgia, New Jersey, Florida and Arizona, and the federal court case is the Tisdale case . I believe that now we can add the states of Washington and Maryland. Is that right?I’m just referring to rulings on Natural Born status, not the hundred or so birther cases that were thrown out.

  37. Those racist birfoons are next going to suggest that everybody in the MSM, congress, and the judiciary ignore all the evidence of obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex because obama is too important to those people as a symbol of equality to risk treating him equally.

    Racist Birfoons!

  38. gorefan says:

    ellen: Washington

    Did the judge in Washington actually rule that the President was an NBC?

  39. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I wish birthers would put their lunacy towards fervently denying the laws of physics.
    “Orly Taitz, you can not fly like Superman!”
    “Watch me!!!” *leaps out the window*

    Just saying…

  40. Judge Mental says:

    Investors Business Daily: Those racist birfoons are next going to suggest that everybody in the MSM, congress, and the judiciary ignore all the evidence of obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex because obama is too important to those people as a symbol of equality to risk treating him equally.Racist Birfoons!

    “Evidence” doesn’t mean what you think it means, Einstein.

  41. Bob says:

    “Racist birfoons”

    You’re being too kind.

  42. misha says:

    Investors Business Daily:Does this site go down on obama conspiracies if Romney wins?

    Wait until this Kenya BC (Obama’s?) becomes common knowledge!!

  43. Thomas Brown says:

    Investors Business Daily:
    Those racist birfoons are next going to suggest that everybody in the MSM, congress, and the judiciary ignore all the evidence of obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex because obama is too important to those people as a symbol of equality to risk treating him equally.

    Racist Birfoons!

    It’s only fair, since we’re ignoring all the evidence that you raped, strangled, and dismembered a five-year-old boy last year, on your way back from the KKK meeting you run with your sister/mother/girlfriend.

  44. Thomas Brown says:

    gorefan: Did the judge in Washington actually rule that the President was an NBC?

    Not that I can see, but he did take great pains to point out that the President is under no burden to prove he is a NBC; it is up to challengers to prove he isn’t.

  45. Rickey says:

    gorefan: Did the judge in Washington actually rule that the President was an NBC?

    Not directly, although he did cite Ankeny as a case which ruled on the merits.

  46. Rickey says:

    Investors Business Daily:
    Those racist birfoons are next going to suggest that everybody in the MSM, congress, and the judiciary ignore all the evidence of obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex because obama is too important to those people as a symbol of equality to risk treating him equally.

    I was just going through my copy of Constitution, and I can’t find anything which says that “identity theft fraud and literary fraud and homo sex” are disqualifications from being President.

  47. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: It’s only fair, since we’re ignoring all the evidence that you raped, strangled, and dismembered a five-year-old boy last year

    Not only that, but “Investors Daily,” was also an accessory after the fact to Glenn Beck’s rape and murder of that poor girl.

  48. G says:

    The only racist buffoons in this context are within the Birther community.

    There is NO evidence of “obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex” at all, therefore, there is nothing for anyone in the reality-based community to “investigate” or otherwise take seriously at all.

    You simply have a sick and pathetic imagination.

    Investors Business Daily: Those racist birfoons are next going to suggest that everybody in the MSM, congress, and the judiciary ignore all the evidence of obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex because obama is too important to those people as a symbol of equality to risk treating him equally.Racist Birfoons!

  49. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I would note that the IBD commenter linked his name to an Investor’s Business Daily editorial:

    The title of the “editorial,” and I use that term loosely, is “Was Barack Obama A Foreign Exchange Student?”

    I can play, too: Does Willard Mitt Romney have a plural marriage?
    Was George Bush drunk in the White House?

  50. Tarrant says:

    Literary fraud?

  51. misha says:

    Tarrant: Literary fraud?

    It was a dark and stormy night.

  52. Scientist says:

    misha: I can play, too: Does Willard Mitt Romney have a plural marriage?
    Was George Bush drunk in the White House?

    Did Paul Ryan lie about running a sub-3-hour marathon?

    Personally, I would consider lying about an athletic achievement in (supposedly) recent times to be far worse than not saying what one put on a 30-year-old college application. Such a lie would make Ryan lower than a snake’s belly and he should forfeit the vote of anyone who ever ran a 10k or even walked around the block. But that’s just my opinion.

  53. ASK Esq says:

    G: I mean, WTF were Romney’s handler’s thinking, when they put that “surprise” into the convention schedule, in the hour leading up to their candidate’s “big moment”???

    I have seen some people suggest that Eastwood’s timeslot was originally set aside for Trump’s “surprise,” which was to have him do basically the same thing, only with an Obama look-alike instead of an empty chair. Eastwood apparently felt that was beneath him. We’ll never know, but it doesn’t seem too implausible, all things considered.

  54. misha says:

    ASK Esq: Eastwood’s timeslot was originally set aside for Trump’s “surprise,” which was to have him do basically the same thing, only with an Obama look-alike instead of an empty chair. Eastwood apparently felt that was beneath him.

    Eastwood practiced by talking to a wall.

  55. G says:

    That seems to be a FALSE rumour. I follow these things fairly closely and ALL information about Trump’s purported “surprise” was intended to take place on the first day of the convention.

    However, Monday’s slate of events was cancelled due to concerns over the approaching tropical storm. Trump was simply there for the weekend and planned to do his schtick on that Monday. He wasn’t included in any of the rescheduling plans. As soon as it was announced that Monday was scratched from the schedule, Trump himself announced that he’d be flying back home and that he wouldn’t be available to return to the convention later in the week.

    ASK Esq: I have seen some people suggest that Eastwood’s timeslot was originally set aside for Trump’s “surprise,” which was to have him do basically the same thing, only with an Obama look-alike instead of an empty chair. Eastwood apparently felt that was beneath him. We’ll never know, but it doesn’t seem too implausible, all things considered.

  56. BillTheCat says:

    Investors Business Daily: Those racist birfoons are next going to suggest that everybody in the MSM, congress, and the judiciary ignore all the evidence of obama identity fraud and literary fraud and homo sex because obama is too important to those people as a symbol of equality to risk treating him equally.Racist Birfoons!

    …Said the idiot bigot.

  57. donna says:

    i suggest that obama pick betty white to BEST clint

    she’s 90

    Betty White: Actress Says She ‘Very, Very Much Favors’ The Incumbent

  58. LW says:

    i suggest that obama pick betty white to BEST clint

    That’d actually be brilliant. Here’s how I’d stage it: I’d do it on one of the first couple of days, completely unannounced.

    Betty walks out on stage — tumultuous applause.

    Two stagehands walk out, and ostentatiously set up an empty chair to the side of the lectern — knowing laughter.

    Betty opens, per Eastwood, “So — so I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here.” More laughter.

    Betty looks at the chair. She’s a little perplexed.

    Over the PA: “Betty, sorry I’m late.” Barack Obama walks out, sits in the chair. Audience goes nuts.

    “OK, now I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here!”

    Betty and Barack proceed to give the Normal World version of the Clint Eastwood speech, except with actual facts and no obscenity.

  59. GLaB says:

    LW: And of course, this tweet.

    Wow. Obama reminds me of … me. For years I’ve answered “usurper this” and “usurper that” comments on websites with a picture of the President walking across a tarmac and America’s top generals saluting.

  60. donna says:


    do you remember this?

    Betty White: Obama made my birthday

    i already suggested that the campaign invite her

    send YOUR suggestion to the campaign

  61. G says:

    Wow! That is pretty good actually…it could work – being both funny and dignified at the same time…KUDOS.

    Much better than my intended quip that the GOP has to argue against an Empty Chair, because their own candidate is nothing but an Empty Suit.

    LW: Betty opens, per Eastwood, “So — so I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here.” More laughter.
    Betty looks at the chair. She’s a little perplexed.
    Over the PA: “Betty, sorry I’m late.” Barack Obama walks out, sits in the chair. Audience goes nuts.
    “OK, now I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here!”
    Betty and Barack proceed to give the Normal World version of the Clint Eastwood speech, except with actual facts and no obscenity.

  62. LW says:

    GLaB: For years I’ve answered “usurper this” and “usurper that” comments on websites with a picture of the President walking across a tarmac and America’s top generals saluting.


  63. jayHG says:

    LW: That’d actually be brilliant.Here’s how I’d stage it: I’d do it on one of the first couple of days, completely unannounced.

    Betty walks out on stage — tumultuous applause.

    Two stagehands walk out, and ostentatiously set up an empty chair to the side of the lectern — knowing laughter.

    Betty opens, per Eastwood, “So — so I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here.” More laughter.

    Betty looks at the chair. She’s a little perplexed.

    Over the PA: “Betty, sorry I’m late.” Barack Obama walks out, sits in the chair. Audience goes nuts.

    “OK, now I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here!”

    Betty and Barack proceed to give the Normal World version of the Clint Eastwood speech, except with actual facts and no obscenity.

    This is great!!! I’d love to see this… show them how a REAL spoof works!!!

  64. Lani says:

    Keith: 30 years ago the folks who are today’s bottom level troops in this propaganda campaign were pretty much isolated in asylums. These days we’ve shut the asylums in favor of more “humane” open community environment. Unfortunately, for us, this has coincided with the rise of the internet which gives these folks, once isolated in their insanity, access to the world at large.

    OK, I have to say that I’m on the streets working with people with serious mental illness. They are not on the internet ranting about Obama. They don’t have computers. They are looking for an indoor toilet and a place to bathe. While hiding from the police. Some of the people I work with are typical paycheck to paycheck people who suddenly had serious illnesses. Lost their jobs and their insurance. Now living out of cars, if they still have them. Please don’t demean them further. They’ve already lost everything.

  65. Keith says:

    Lani: OK, I have to say that I’m on the streets working with people with serious mental illness.They are not on the internet ranting about Obama.They don’t have computers. They are looking for an indoor toilet and a place to bathe.While hiding from the police.Some of the people I work with are typical paycheck to paycheck people who suddenly had serious illnesses.Lost their jobs and their insurance.Now living out of cars, if they still have them.Please don’t demean them further.They’ve already lost everything.

    I apologize unreservedly.

    I did not intend to insult everyone living with their personal demons, there is simply no way that everyone who is ill is behaving like those folk we are discussing. It is never-the-less is true that some of these folks would have been under closer observation 30 or 40 years ago.

    I am personally aware of several in my extended family, and I am aware of their circumstance. I have a cousin who is perhaps one of your contacts, sleeping out and being chased all the time. He is mensa level intelligent and has an easier time getting access to a computer than he does keeping up with his anti-depressants. He is very discouraged that he can’t get a consistent placement at an appropriate facility.

    And it is a fact that for some ill, the internet is a vital, integrated, part of their therapy and that not every mentally ill person is living on the street in dire circumstance. Many are your next door neighbor, your work colleague, even your dentist.

    It is also true that some of those folk are vulnerable to the manipulation of the rabble-rouser TV shock jocks and pseudo-religious con-artists who set out to lead them by the nose.

  66. Didn’t some guy named Lauren make a list of why obama should release his paperwork?

  67. LW says:

    Investors Business Daily:
    Didn’t some guy named Lauren make a list of why obama should release his paperwork?

    Yes! No! The Battle of Hastings! Pass!

    Aren’t questions that aren’t really questions great?

  68. misha says:

    Investors Business Daily:Didn’t some guy named Lauren make a list of why obama should release his paperwork?

    Didn’t Glenn Beck rape and murder a girl?

  69. G says:

    Agreed. This to me is the main source of the problem – the ubiquitous mass media soapboxes for those intentional con artists and their brainwashing propaganda.

    Keith: It is also true that some of those folk are vulnerable to the manipulation of the rabble-rouser TV shock jocks and pseudo-religious con-artists who set out to lead them by the nose.

  70. Bob says:

    According to the Birthers, ending the federal investigation of Arpaio is just more evidence of the Birth Certificate Conspiracy . . . of course.

  71. It’s your delusion. Why ask us?

    Investors Business Daily: Didn’t some guy named Lauren make a list of why obama should release his paperwork?

  72. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Obviously I don’t know everyone in the world named Lauren, but I think in this case you’re mistaken.

    He’s referring to Lauren Hutton, maybe?

    Thank you. I’ll be here all week.

  73. The federal civil trial continues. There are also civil cases ongoing relating to the criminal charges the feds are no longer pressing.

    Bob: According to the Birthers, ending the federal investigation of Arpaio is just more evidence of the Birth Certificate Conspiracy . . . of course.

  74. Didn’t somebody guy named Sinclair sign Obama’s paperwork?

    Investors Business Daily: Didn’t some guy named Lauren make a list of why obama should release his paperwork?

  75. Rickey says:

    misha: He’s referring to Lauren Hutton, maybe?

    Thank you. I’ll be here all week.

    Maybe he means Laurel ‘n’ Hardy.

  76. Rickey says:

    Investors Business Daily:
    Didn’t some guy named Lauren make a list of why obama should release his paperwork?

    Here is a photo of Obama’s paperwork. You’ll have to rummage through it yourself.

  77. AnotherBird says:

    It is the conspiracist mind, only seeing what they want to see. When thing goes wrong reverting back to their conspiracy.

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