The occasional open thread: Padarak postiji edition

Post your Obama conspiracy comments here not related to the other current articles. Comments will close after two weeks.

In case you are wondering what the title means, don’t. The edition is always the first things that pops into my head, and this time it was that bit of gibberish.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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394 Responses to The occasional open thread: Padarak postiji edition

  1. Dave says:

    First, yes, I do have too many comments to respond to, I have not read them all so far.

    Second, you people need to learn how to read – I offered what was out there so you guys would know. I didn’t use words like “definitely ” “It has been shown” “it is obvious that” etc Go back and re read the comments- I was trying to help you by giving you information that is common out there, but here , this place does sometimes function as a bubble. I didn’t say that I was stating my absolute belief. , where applicable.

    Most “birthers” will say that the first original birther was Hillary Clinton and her campaign. At a more basic level, the first birther was Barack Obama. His campaign knows that there are too many loose ends here and the labyrinth can be impossible to exit. Obama released a receipt BC, the older funny green one. His side was vociferous in their vehement denials that there was anything else to release- that was all that could be let go, since nothing else even existed. This is exactly what was going on. If anyone asked for more- for the long form BC- either it didnt exist or only the president could order it released, and for whatever reason, he wasn’t going to do that. The shrill name calling- just for asking to see some paper ( the long form and/or the microfiche tape) – showed the presidents supporters to be just as nutty or immature as any “birther” you could ever meet. This is what has been happening here.

    I wasn’t judging Dunham. And- relationships can fall apart in a day, everyone should know that. She was in Kenya-maybe- to get to know the family better and things simply didnt work out- that is the story.

  2. Dave says:

    How many of you know that Mitt Romney has been arrested at least four times? ( albeit for minor things)

  3. donna says:

    Taitz v Astrue – Petition for rehearing denied

    Another one bites the dust. Expect the usual appeal to the Supreme Court with predictable results. Poor Orly…

    08/09/2012 PER CURIAM ORDER En Banc, filed [1388336] denying petition for rehearing en banc [1377943-2] Before Judges: Sentelle, Henderson, Rogers, Tatel, Garland, Brown, Griffith and Kavanaugh. [11-5304]

    Upon consideration of the petition for rehearing en banc, the supplement thereto, and the absence of a request by any member of the court for a vote, it is ORDERED that the petition be denied.

  4. Paper says:

    As we have discussed this topic of race/ethnicity in birth certificates, here is the latest developments in the census. Note, for instance, people self-reporting ethnicities and not just race.

  5. donna says:

    can we venture a guess?

    Donald Trump ‘Declines’ Big Speech Offer At RNC citing prior commitments concerning “global business pursuits.”

    and then: Trump will still be attending the convention, which begins on Aug. 27. in Tampa, Fla., despite his uncharacteristic decision to reject the limelight. According to Newsmax’s source, convention-goers can expect a BIG “SURPRISE” from the billionaire, who will already be in Florida accepting his “Statesman of the Year” award from the Republican Party of Sarasota County.

    i think we should start a “guess trump’s big surprise” contest

  6. A story that has no facts behind it is what we call in the trade, “fiction.”

    Dave: She was in Kenya-maybe- to get to know the family better and things simply didnt work out- that is the story.

  7. That makes no sense at all. Perhaps you meant “recent” instead of “receipt.” However, I cannot recall Obama ever saying that nothing else was available. It was said by some, but I don’t remember it coming from the Administration (and not from me) and, of course, no one said it didn’t exist except anti-Obama birthers.

    Dave: Obama released a receipt BC, the older funny green one. His side was vociferous in their vehement denials that there was anything else to release- that was all that could be let go, since nothing else even existed.

  8. sponson says:

    At the risk of boring some folks with repetition, I’d like to point out that President Obama had a very solid reason to think that his 2008 birth certificate release was sufficient. It was his valid, legal, official birth certificate from the state of his birth, Hawaii. To accept a paranoid insistence that he find and release a copy of the document created in 1961 would be to seriously undermine not only the State of Hawaii’s modernized vital records system, but also to undermine the system of many other states that have modernized their vital records systems. It is not a good idea to signal that modern records systems are invalid. I believe that he did request Hawaii release the 1961 document at the time he did because he wanted to put the false “issue” to rest before the raid on Bin Laden’s compound in 2011. He deserves credit for that.

  9. LW says:

    Dave: I didn’t use words like “definitely ” “It has been shown” “it is obvious that” etc

    Dave, you are either being utterly disingenuous, or too subtle by half. When you say,

    Young Obama was sent by his grandfather to spend time with Davis once or twice a week.

    …there is no equivocation. You don’t have to say “definitely,” or “it has been shown”; you are making a simple, unqualified declarative statement. And the statements you make have no basis in fact.

  10. G says:

    Thanks as always for sharing these updates! There are so many of these lame frivolous cases in various appeal stages out there, that it can be really hard to keep track of them…

    donna: Taitz v Astrue – Petition for rehearing deniedAnother one bites the dust. Expect the usual appeal to the Supreme Court with predictable results. Poor Orly…08/09/2012 PER CURIAM ORDER En Banc, filed [1388336] denying petition for rehearing en banc [1377943-2] Before Judges: Sentelle, Henderson, Rogers, Tatel, Garland, Brown, Griffith and Kavanaugh. [11-5304]Upon consideration of the petition for rehearing en banc, the supplement thereto, and the absence of a request by any member of the court for a vote, it is ORDERED that the petition be denied.

  11. G says:

    Well, “most Birthers” say a lot of untrue nonsense, so what else is new.

    Sorry, but HRC and her campaign were not “Birthers”. I think you are getting confused between her campaign and a small contingent of disgruntled online “followers” of hers, called the PUMAs. Phil Berg was one of those PUMAs and filed the first frivolous Birther lawsuit. Many of these PUMAs were some of the original Birthers and are still Birthers today.

    However, there is ZERO involvement or direct connection between the actual HRC campaign and this mere malcontent contingent of followers.

    Most “birthers” will say that the first original birther was Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

    Wow, that is classic “blame the victim” nonsense! Pure concern trolling BS. The COLB, which Obama was the first and ONLY candidate to ever even provide, is fully 100% sufficient for ALL legal purposes of BC identification. Asking for more documentation beyond that is unreasonable and nothing but a “show us your papers, boy” tactic. No similar request has EVER been demanded of ANY other candidate up through that timeframe. So, why the double-standard?

    At a more basic level, the first birther was Barack Obama. His campaign knows that there are too many loose ends here and the labyrinth can be impossible to exit. Obama released a receipt BC, the older funny green one. His side was vociferous in their vehement denials that there was anything else to release- that was all that could be let go, since nothing else even existed. This is exactly what was going on. If anyone asked for more- for the long form BC- either it didnt exist or only the president could order it released, and for whatever reason, he wasn’t going to do that.

    *Waaah* Now, you are just coming across like a whiny baby with a meaningless tantrum. Face it, if you don’t want to face ridicule, you shouldn’t come across as ridiculous. Simple cause and effect at work there. Act like an adult, if you wish to be treated like one and learn to take responsibility and accountability for what you say and the reactions they engender. Pouting will get you nowhere and only causes you to be taken even less seriously as a result.

    The shrill name calling- just for asking to see some paper ( the long form and/or the microfiche tape) – showed the presidents supporters to be just as nutty or immature as any “birther” you could ever meet. This is what has been happening here.

    It sure came across as “judging”. But, whatever.

    The main thing here is that there is ZERO plausible scenario and ZERO evidence that puts Dunham in Kenya – EVER.

    I wasn’t judging Dunham. And- relationships can fall apart in a day, everyone should know that. She was in Kenya-maybe- to get to know the family better and things simply didnt work out- that is the story.

  12. Scientist says:

    Dave: At a more basic level, the first birther was Barack Obama.

    So, that implies that birtherism is simply a plot by the Obama campaign to help him get elected and then re-elected. A plot that seems to be working. So, “Dave” I will assume you are an Obama operative then. Maybe even “Dave” Axelrod or “Dave” Plouffe, spreading stories that further the cause by discrediting Obama opponents. Keep up the good work!!!

  13. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: A story that has no facts behind it is what we call in the trade, “fiction.”

    Doc, on the last open thread there was a birther posting as “David”. Now we have a person posting as “Dave”. Is that the same person? If it is, is there some easy way to import his comments so we have his actual words instead of his characterization of what he said?

  14. The Magic M says:

    Dave: Obama released a receipt BC, the older funny green one.

    It’s pretty pointless to come to a forum such as this to spout allegations devoid of any connection with reality.
    Might just as well move over to a forum on string theory and ask them why electrons are round and claim that if you sneezed, it would inevitably knock enough of them (electrons, not forum members) off their orbits to cause a supermassive black hole to form.

    Dave: The shrill name calling- just for asking to see some paper

    Let me hear your shrill name-calling when you get arrested and the officer refuses to accept your identification papers and instead asks you for your circumcision certificate and some “micro-fiche” before he is willing to release you.

    People who behave ridiculously deserve ridicule. Simple as that.

    Dave: His campaign knows that there are too many loose ends here and the labyrinth can be impossible to exit.

    The only labyrinth is the one that birthers are caught in. That one may indeed be impossible to exit. I have yet to see a birther go “OK, this settles it for me”. Maybe Squeeky qualifies.

  15. “David” and “Dave” are the same commenter (same avatar).” Dave B” is someone else.

    Here are some links to the David comments:

    American Mzungu: Doc, on the last open thread there was a birther posting as “David”. Now we have a person posting as “Dave”. Is that the same person? If it is, is there some easy way to import his comments so we have his actual words instead of his characterization of what he said?

  16. Thrifty says:

    Dave: Most “birthers” will say that the first original birther was Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

    Even if that were indisputably true, it would be irrelevant. Hilary Clinton’s campaign is long over and done, and she is Secretary of State, not a Birther. It’s only relevant who is still running with that ball. The founders of the KKK were Democrats after the Civil War, but today’s racists are much more often Republican leaning (not to say that Republicans are racist, which is what I know you’ll misinterpret me as saying after reading that last sentence).

  17. American Mzungu says:

    Thanks, Doc.

    Dave/David said: Scientists, Donna, LW… “Birthers” who uphold the Kenyan birth scenario and now say Davis is the father say this:

    Dave/David, If you go back to my comments, I asked for some links to discussions about this story in “birtherdom”. I only read four–and occasionally– five birther sites and I have not come across anything like the narrative you were presenting. Maybe the problem is that you are not very good at telling the narrative, but maybe there are better tellers of the tale “out there” in Please go back and start engaging the very reasonable questions that were asked of you instead of spinning off into completely new stories. Please focus.

  18. American Mzungu says:

    You said, [Barack Sr.] was projected to be Prime Minister of Kenya one day. What is your source for this?

  19. Majority Will says:

    Dave: Obama released a receipt BC, the older funny green one.

    You must not be familiar with the role and functions of the state of Hawaii and its official and legal authority backed by the U.S. Constitution.

    Why do birther bigots have such an obvious disdain for the law?

  20. Majority Will says:

    The Magic M: The only labyrinth is the one that birthers are caught in. That one may indeed be impossible to exit. I have yet to see a birther go “OK, this settles it for me”. Maybe Squeeky qualifies.

    There was one other a few months back. I can’t remember his name. G might remember.

    His beef was more political and IIRC he finally admitted that the birther stuff was fabricated.

  21. G says:

    Squeeky most certainly qualifies.

    The Magic M: I have yet to see a birther go “OK, this settles it for me”. Maybe Squeeky qualifies.

  22. G says:

    That is because the ideological make-up and priorities of political parties shift over time, even though the party itself usually retains the same name.

    Which is why references to the KKK and the Democratic Party are irrelevant to what the party is today. The Dixicrats of old moved to the GOP decades ago. Similarly, the “Reagan Democrats” no longer exist either. They’ve pretty much all become solid portions of the GOP base for well over a decade or two as well.

    Such references are completely stale and only reflect that the one who brings them up is stuck living in the distant past and disconnected from the real-world political realities of today.

    Unfortunately, that happens to be the retro-mindset of many of the RWNJ out there, with all their inane and silly bogeyman references to Alinsky and commies and such. No wonder these folks are so cranky and out of touch! They mentally and emotionally still haven’t moved on from the Cold War and the Civil Rights era struggles of the 1960’s. The 21st Century simply holds little familiarity and provides no place and no future for them or their regressive mindset.

    Thrifty: The founders of the KKK were Democrats after the Civil War, but today’s racists are much more often Republican leaning (not to say that Republicans are racist, which is what I know you’ll misinterpret me as saying after reading that last sentence).

  23. G says:

    Agreed. That is certainly a “new one” that I don’t recall having heard before either…

    American Mzungu: David/Dave,You said, [Barack Sr.] was projected to be Prime Minister of Kenya one day. What is your source for this?

  24. Majority Will says:

    Padarak postiji vonk maylob tudushru vili non. Birther cubroob postiji.

  25. G says:

    Are you referring to JoyEagle, perhaps?

    If so, that was well more than a few months back, as his realization of being scammed by Birtherism sunk in during the course of 2011, not 2012.

    He was able to provide much better and much more rational conservative perspective posts, once he got past being emotionally manipulated and ginned up by all the con artist birther-style propaganda.

    I definitely really miss him and his posts here. He was going overseas on business, if I last recall…which was during the mid-part of the GOP Primary season. I hope he and his family are doing well. I hope we get to hear from him again here, someday.

    Majority Will: There was one other a few months back. I can’t remember his name. G might remember.His beef was more political and IIRC he finally admitted that the birther stuff was fabricated.

  26. American Mzungu says:

    Dave: First, yes, I do have too many comments to respond to, I have not read them all so far.

    Just take a deep breath and dive right in.

  27. Majority Will says:

    Are you referring to JoyEagle, perhaps?

    If so, that was well more than a few months back, as his realization of being scammed by Birtherism sunk in during the course of 2011, not 2012.

    He was able to provide much better and much more rational conservative perspective posts, once he got past being emotionally manipulated and ginned up by all the con artist birther-style propaganda.

    I definitely really miss him and his posts here.He was going overseas on business, if I last recall…which was during the mid-part of the GOP Primary season.I hope he and his family are doing well.I hope we get to hear from him again here, someday.


    (Sometimes a few means many as you age and time blurs a little. 😉 )

  28. G says:

    There was also a conservative dude, of spanish/mexican descent, several years back (2-3 years ago now, if I am recalling properly…I believe he was from CA). His story was similar – pretty much bought into touting Birtherism; simply because his dislike of what he perceives as a “liberal agenda” made him susceptible to falling for any story and excuse that painted Obama in a really negative light.

    He was here posting regularly for a number of months and eventually indicated that he seemed satisfied (at least in terms of the Birtherism myths) and was moving on with his life and wouldn’t be coming back here because of that…

    …There may have been a few others that followed a similar trajectory in the early years.

    Maybe Doc C. can chime in and add his recollections and perspective on any and all previous posters which came here and might have seriously listened, learned and become satisfied in seeing through the various fallacies of Birtherism…

    On that note, a number of the handles here have been active here as long as I have (I think I first found this site in the very early part of 2009…and for a number of months, I was just a passive reader and lurker, before I finally decided to dive in and “join” in on the conversation.

    Back in those days, one of the major Birther trolls went by “Heavy”… but he was suddenly gone completely (at least by that handle), perhaps as early as summer 2009? I can’t recall if that was because he became “satisfied” and moved on, or was one of the first to deserve being banned, or reconstituted as a birther under a different handle elsewhere or what…

    Hopefully, Doc C and the other “long timers” in the community here can help me with putting together a list of potentially “recovered” Birthers and correct any mistakes and gaps in my recollections. I think that would be a great blog topic of reflection for us all to discuss and look back on, in terms of what this site has been able to accomplish over these past 4 years.

    Majority Will: There was one other a few months back. I can’t remember his name. G might remember.His beef was more political and IIRC he finally admitted that the birther stuff was fabricated.

  29. G says:

    LOL! I can totally relate!!! 😉

    Majority Will: (Sometimes a few means many as you age and time blurs a little. )

  30. Keith says:

    American Mzungu:
    You said, [Barack Sr.] was projected to be Prime Minister of Kenya one day.What is your source for this?

    Doesn’t it say so somewhere in the Bible?

  31. G says:

    Also, if I recall, there is another set of folks that have commented here as “anti-birthers” (as per the term Squeeky prefers), who have come out and admitted in some of their earlier posts that they themselves were initially “birther curious” to an extent of originally thinking some of the Birther claims were true…or even merely hoping they would turn out to be true.

    But by the time they started posting here, they had become educated enough on the issues to realize that the Birther claims lacked merit and so were already contributing debunkers by the time they started chiming in here.

    That is certainly the background of John Woodman and I’m fairly certain that several others here fall in that category as well. I’ll leave it for others to speak up on this and identify who else would fall under this set.

    I would certainly be interested to know if folks from that group had been aware (or lurked) at this site, prior to moving into the “debunker” class and contributing here. It would be nice to know if the early work and research done here was helpful to them in arriving at that realization. I think that too would be a great topic angle to explore, in reflecting on the value that the contributions on this site and all of Doc C’s years of hard work has achieved.

    G: Hopefully, Doc C and the other “long timers” in the community here can help me with putting together a list of potentially “recovered” Birthers and correct any mistakes and gaps in my recollections. I think that would be a great blog topic of reflection for us all to discuss and look back on, in terms of what this site has been able to accomplish over these past 4 years.

  32. American Mzungu says:

    Keith: Doesn’t it say so somewhere in the Bible?

    I don’t want to be drawn into a theological discussion about the meaning of the Book of Revelation. I want David/Dave to give us some links where “birthers” elaborate on the story he’s telling us is “out there,”

    David/Dave, I don’t want you to hold your breath too long before you dive in.

  33. Wile says:


    Hopefully, Doc C and the other “long timers” in the community here can help me with putting together a list of potentially “recovered” Birthers …

    Well, there was this guy…

  34. Dave B. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “David” and “Dave” are the same commenter (same avatar).” Dave B” is someone else.

    Thanks, Doc. You have again earned my undying gratitude. Whatever you do, don’t let that sucker have my “B.”

  35. I use the term “anti-Birther” to refer to people who are not Obama supporters, either conservatives, libertarians, whatevers, who think Birtherism is nutz. That is why I try to stay politically neutral at my website, because while we agree on this issue, there are probably many issues we disagree on.

    Sometimes I wonder if I should get back to politics and economics blogging, and leave the Birther stuff alone. But, I figure there will be a change in administration next year anyway, so why bother. Plus, with my economic views which are mostly “progressive-ish”, it is not likely I will add to Romney’s support. And, who knows but that he will pick Rubio or Jindal for his Veep, and then there will be a whole bunch of new people who the Birthers have confused and screwed up for me to enlighten.

    Life ain’t easy for a conservative-ish temporarily ex-Democrat. We get it from all sides.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  36. Some folks use OpenID to secure their identity. The easiest way I know of to get an OpenID from Yahoo also does OpenID. Once you have an OpenID, you use it with your comments as several other commenters do.

    Dave B.: Whatever you do, don’t let that sucker have my “B.”

  37. jayHG says:

    donna: can we venture a guess?Donald Trump ‘Declines’ Big Speech Offer At RNC citing prior commitments concerning “global business pursuits.” and then: Trump will still be attending the convention, which begins on Aug. 27. in Tampa, Fla., despite his uncharacteristic decision to reject the limelight. According to Newsmax’s source, convention-goers can expect a BIG “SURPRISE” from the billionaire, who will already be in Florida accepting his “Statesman of the Year” award from the Republican Party of Sarasota County. think we should start a “guess trump’s big surprise” contest

    First of all, if anyone believes that Trump DECLINED a speech at that convention, I own the San Francisco Bridge and am selling it for $50 today! Oh and Trump’s big surprise, if he has one (snicker!) is that he’s telling what those investigators found in Hawaii re: President Obama’s “records.”

  38. jayHG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I use the term “anti-Birther” to refer to people who are not Obama supporters, either conservatives, libertarians, whatevers, who think Birtherism is nutz. That is why I try to stay politically neutral at my website, because while we agree on this issue, there are probably many issues we disagree on.Sometimes I wonder if I should get back to politics and economics blogging, and leave the Birther stuff alone. But, I figure there will be a change in administration next year anyway, so why bother. Plus, with my economic views which are mostly “progressive-ish”, it is not likely I will add to Romney’s support. And, who knows but that he will pick Rubio or Jindal for his Veep, and then there will be a whole bunch of new people who the Birthers have confused and screwed up for me to enlighten. Life ain’t easy for a conservative-ish temporarily ex-Democrat. We get it from all sides.Squeeky FrommGirl Reporter

    There will be some changes in President Obama’s administration next year….as there always is in a president’s second term.

    Do you really think that Mittens has a snow ball’s chance in hell of beating President Obama? Just asking….

  39. Rickey says:


    Obama released a receipt BC, the older funny green one. His side was vociferous in their vehement denials that there was anything else torelease- that was all that could be let go, since nothing else even existed. This is exactly what was going on. If anyone asked for more- for the long form BC- either it didnt exist or only the president could order it released, and for whatever reason, he wasn’t going to do that.

    I have followed this made-up “controversy” from the beginning, and I don’t know of anyone other than birthers who ever claimed that the LFBC did not exist. What we did say – correctly – is that the short form birth certificate (the COLB) is the only kind of birth certificate which the State of Hawaii currently issues. The Hawaii COLB actually contains more information than similar documents from many other states. The one which New York issues (called a “Certificate of Birth Registration”) lists the child’s name, sex, date of birth, and location of birth, as well as the names of the parents. That’s it. No hospital name, no doctor’s signature, no witness signature, not even the races or birthplaces of the parents. The copy which I am looking at also says that my “original birth certificate” is on file at the New York State Department of Health, so I assume that is true, even through I have never seen it. The “short form” birth certificate is the only document I have ever needed to get a Social Security Number, driver’s license, register to vote, enlist in the U.S. Navy, and get a passport.

    Also, no one other than birthers ever claimed that the President could “order” Hawaii to release his LFBC. All he could was ask Hawaii to release a copy to him, which he in turn released to the public.

    Which brings us back to your claim that Obama’s grandfather sent him to stay with Frank Marshall Davis two days a week. What is your source for this claim?

  40. jayHG:

    Yes, I think Romney will win. I don’t even think it will be all that close. Obama burned a lot of his base, and Romney doesn’t come off as “too scary” as to re-energize them. All Romney has to do is not screw it up.

    Plus, I am not sure the FED can keep the economy from totally tanking before the election.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  41. G says:

    Good find, thanks!!!

    So, we would put Robert Clark on the list of former Birthers who WERE satisfied by the release of the LFBC…

    Which would be the same event that was a turning point for Squeeky too.

    So, although recent polling data has shown that overall, Birtherism seems to have returned to its pre-LFBC levels again, it still seems that a few truly freed themselves from the misleading addictive drug of Birtherism as a result.

    Wile: Well, there was this guy…

  42. G says:


    Oh Squeeky, I certainly don’t have a problem with you not voting for Obama. I don’t even mind that you are voting for Romney and WANT him to win.

    …But being willing to vote for a candidate and wanting a candidate to win and being realistic about their chances to do so are two different things.

    On the latter point, is where your statements have me rolling in laughter right now. You are seriously projecting Romney to actually win, but also, with a straight face, trying to claim that it will “not even [be] close….” ROTFL!!

    Now I have to know, what exactly are you basing such projections on???

    The polling data and the EV model projections all indicate quite the opposite…

    Take a gander at the “DIY Lawsuit in KY” thread, when you get a chance. I was able to explain a lot of the statistics currently in play over there.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Yes, I think Romney will win. I don’t even think it will be all that close. Obama burned a lot of his base, and Romney doesn’t come off as “too scary” as to re-energize them. All Romney has to do is not screw it up.

  43. G:

    I have something better than polls. I have Female Intuition. Obama’s bloom is gone for many people who supported him. Read what they are saying at (and from) a mostly progressive website:

    This isn’t from Free Republic, but a “fellow” from the Roosevelt Institute. Romney hasn’t even kicked into high gear yet, or chosen a veep, sooo the battle really isn’t on. When it starts, maybe even the polls will reflect it. At any rate, I am happy with my prediction. It’s Romney’s election to lose.

    If you click on Matt Stoller’s link to the right of the blog, you will get a good sample of the barrage leveled at Obama by the progressives.

    I have been staying up on the DIY thread. I even did my own DIY Form:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  44. LW says:

    OK, please feel free to skip this post if you don’t want to geek out over PDF internal formats. But really, who doesn’t?

    Because I like unraveling puzzles — and because what is a byzantine file specification like PDF other than a puzzle? — I decided to work out exactly what colors the various LFBC images are actually drawn in. The answer, as they say, may surprise you.

    In order to do this, I got to learn how to decode FlateDecode-filtered data streams and go through the twisty little mazes of PDF “content stream” definitions. I even learned a little Python along the way. But dammit, I finally got there!

    “Im1”, the main image, is of course 8 bits. It contains its own color definition.

    “Im2” through “Im8” are each rendered in a single RGB color.

    Im2: 27 45 31 – Very dark gray, almost black

    Im3: 88 100 90 – A medium gray

    Im4: 77 88 82 – A slightly darker gray

    Im5: 65 86 67 – Darker yet, with a definite greenish tinge

    Im6: 87 111 87 – A lighter greenish gray

    Im7: 65 86 67 – A darker greenish gray

    Im8: 240 248 235 – A very pale yellow/cream

    “Im9” is rendered in a single grayscale color.

    Im9: 246 – Off white

    I hereby name these colors “Birf2” through “Birf9” — Pantone, take note.

    I’ve made one assumption here, which is that the actual decimal encodings are a straight linear translation to a value from 0 to 255 (Im2’s color is actually stored as 0.1059 0.17650 0.1216 , for example), but this seems to verify itself as the values map almost precisely to the integer numbers.

    Foreigner, enjoy!

  45. American Mzungu says:

    Rickey: Which brings us back to your claim that Obama’s grandfather sent him to stay with Frank Marshall Davis two days a week. What is your source for this claim?

    It’s a very good question. Maybe David/Dave is doing research on the Google?

  46. jayHG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: jayHG:Yes, I think Romney will win. I don’t even think it will be all that close. Obama burned a lot of his base, and Romney doesn’t come off as “too scary” as to re-energize them. All Romney has to do is not screw it up. Plus, I am not sure the FED can keep the economy from totally tanking before the election.Squeeky FrommGirl Reporter

    President Obama’s base is solidly with him. The polls prove this.

    You’re entitled to your opion, but a Romney win is not gonna happen. He changes his opinions about any particular issue from one day to the next. He’s a flip flopper of the first order and I think a liar to boot. I don’t think for one minute he believes any of the stuff he says. He just feels entitled and wants to be President cause, well, he’s entitled to it…. but you keep hope alive.

  47. G says:

    Nice! 😉

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    I have something better than polls. I have Female Intuition.

    True, there are disappointed liberals out there…what else is new! LOL!

    But you need to be careful of not falling into the “bubble trap”, which is so easy to do, especially online…or even in real world communities that are fairly homogenous in their worldviews. It is too easy to simply assume that one’s peer group is reflective of the broader whole.

    The polls taken in the real world and across different states tell a different story. I always caution folks to take individual polls with a grain of salt and also question their meta data, polling methodologies as well as how they structure their (often leading) questions. So I don’t want my statistical discussions to be mistaken for advocating that anyone here should put too much weight into any single poll’s results either.

    However, at the statistical modeling level, the value of polls comes from comparatively obtaining multiple data points from different polls over a period of time, to which there is enough aggregate data that the emerging trend line does usually portray a fairly accurate snapshot of what is really going on, and whether numbers are trending up or down.

    Further, national polls are not as meaningful in a Presidential Election, as the EV is what determines the winner and not the popular vote. Although polling of people’s positive/negative feelings towards a candidate can still be useful, when used as an ADDITIONAL data point to compare vs. the other existing trendlines.

    So, there is now sufficient data at the individual state levels to evaluate these trendlines fairly credibly at the state level, which is key to building credible EV models of how the election could turn out.

    Based on that data, this race isn’t CURRENTLY close at all. Romney still has a HUGE deficit to overcome, so it is still Obama’s race to lose.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    Obama’s bloom is gone for many people who supported him. Read what they are saying at (and from) a mostly progressive website:
    This isn’t from Free Republic, but a “fellow” from the Roosevelt Institute.

    YES, I fully agree with those points. In theory, he should be able to at least grab some sort of a bounce by the end of this month, simply from finalizing a VP pick and delivering his Convention speech. But he needs more than just that to build upon and sustain him…and then he still has quite an EV deficit to overcome.

    I’m not saying it can’t be done, which is why folks like Nate Silver still give him a 27% chance to turn things around and pull it off.

    But let’s be honest in where he currently stands, at least – Romney’s campaign is the one that needs to improve their fortunes from where they currently are and needs to start making gains in EV projections in order to make this race truly competitive. He’s currently in the underdog position, that simply is a statistical reality.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    Romney hasn’t even kicked into high gear yet, or chosen a veep, sooo the battle really isn’t on. When it starts, maybe even the polls will reflect it.

    My final point that I’ve been making is that it is extremely difficult to beat an incumbent, with little more than folks who simply are unhappy (or worse) with that incumbent. People need to be really FOR the challenger and NOT just AGAINST the incumbent.

    Especially when the incumbent still retains a good position on so much of the EV board and has a such very strong and experienced campaign structure to sustain him.

    That requires the challenger to be able to really “inspire” and his campaign to consistently perform at an “A game” level, if they want to actually have a competitive race.

    So far, I don’t see anything in Romney or his campaign that indicates they have the charisma, campaign skill and credibility necessary to pull off the level of turnaround required, with only 3 months left to go.

    But as you said, we shall see. I can only comment on where the trend lines are here now, before the conventions. So far, it has been a really bad summer for Romney’s campaign. He desperately needs both the VP pick and the RNC to give him not just a temporary uptick, but a total change in fortunes.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    At any rate, I am happy with my prediction. It’s Romney’s election to lose.
    If you click on Matt Stoller’s link to the right of the blog, you will get a good sample of the barrage leveled at Obama by the progressives.
    I have been staying up on the DIY thread. I even did my own DIY Form:
    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  48. jayHG says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: G:I have something better than polls. I have Female Intuition. Obama’s bloom is gone for many people who supported him. Read what they are saying at (and from) a mostly progressive website: isn’t from Free Republic, but a “fellow” from the Roosevelt Institute. Romney hasn’t even kicked into high gear yet, or chosen a veep, sooo the battle really isn’t on. When it starts, maybe even the polls will reflect it. At any rate, I am happy with my prediction. It’s Romney’s election to lose.If you click on Matt Stoller’s link to the right of the blog, you will get a good sample of the barrage leveled at Obama by the progressives. I have been staying up on the DIY thread. I even did my own DIY Form: FrommGirl Reporter

    My female intitution says that there is no way on God’s green earth will Mitt ever sit in the Oval Office trying to take away my choice to become a mom or not.

    I could give you some links, too, but what would be the point? Those 10 folks you have there do not an election win for Romney make.

  49. foreigner says:

    fine, LW.
    Let’s share the tasks, cooperate.
    Let’s also agree on one place where to post these things.
    It gets lost in this blog. A forum would be nice, but they don’t want it at fogbow
    see also
    I can upload the files that I have, I’m trying to make a better .pdf
    of lower size and include all the black/dark in an additional
    1-bit layer and estimate the security paper by periodicity

  50. JPotter says:

    LW: OK, please feel free to skip this post if you don’t want to geek out over PDF internal formats. But really, who doesn’t?

    Errr … you could have just opened the PDF in a vector editor and examined the colors with a sampler. Or your own eyes.

    The color selected for each object is the over average of the area the object is highlighting. The various green tints come from the overall green background … thus lighter chracter come out as green-grey to green black.

    The near white obects are highlights from the raised seal.

  51. LW says:

    foreigner: Let’s share the tasks, cooperate.

    I think I’m kind of done for now. But I’m happy to share anything I that I happen to come up with.

    Or “compulsively unable to avoid sharing.” Nah, let’s stick with “happy to share.”

  52. Scientist says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Read what they are saying at (and from) a mostly progressive website:

    I haven’t read nakedcappitalism in a while, but back when I used to it had as least as many libertarians and Austrian school types as progressives. And the readership is <0.001% of the US population.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: It’s Romney’s election to lose.

    And he is doing a first rate job of accomplishing that. A foreign jaunt that even many of his supporters admitted was a flat-out disaster. A real problem on health care-Obamaromneycare was his only real achievement as Governor. He was proud of it. Now he has to say why oit was great for the bay state but terrible for everywhere else. I live in New York, not far from the MA border. Is it the air? The water? Yankees vs Red Sox? Have you heard even the slightest coherent argument from Mitt on that?

  53. LW says:

    JPotter: Errr … you could have just opened the PDF in a vector editor and examined the colors with a sampler. Or your own eyes.

    Well sure, but where’s the fun in that?

    More seriously: what I wanted to do was conclusively validate for myself what the values directly encoded in the document were.

    I wanted to eliminate any possibility of the values being tweaked by any intermediate step — especially because of how so many things that have been attributed to the document are really artifacts of the viewing/editing software (the whole “layers” thing, most specifically).

    The color selected for each object is the over average of the area the object is highlighting. The various green tints come from the overall green background

    So I assumed.

    The near white obects are highlights from the raised seal.


    I was actually most curious about the seal highlights, since Zebest made a big deal about how the pixels on the main image behind them are green rather than white. I didn’t come away with anything new there, although it fits the idea of the algorithm filling with nearby colors for better compression (which Garret’s paper is so kind as to demonstrate).

  54. Arthur says:

    Investors Business Daily: Is Obama a pathological liar?

    Is Mitt Romney a knave, a beggar, a pandar, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch?

    William Shakespeare

  55. G says:

    Yes, the polls have consistently shown that to be true, despite the protestations of the emo-Progs. Obama’s base support has stayed steady.

    In any re-election cycle, you would expect some small segment of prior votes to become disenchanted, regardless (after all, name *any* President *ever* who was able to accomplish everything he campaigned on…simply doesn’t happen and so there will always be people with pre-conceived expectations that went unfulfilled)

    They need to get out of their own bubble sometime. All they are doing here is PROJECTION of their own emotional feelings towards Obama and saying what they merely WISH was true, not what actually is.

    I remain very skeptical of the “always complaining” crowd, especially of how many of them actually voted “for” Obama in the first place…

    So a lot of this is just squawking pot-shots from the sidelines, not from his actual “base”.

    jayHG: President Obama’s base is solidly with him. The polls prove this.

    Which ties in well of why I take these groups with a grain of salt. Obama’s support polls simply don’t reflect what they claim and threaten; so they are simply not comprised of a sufficient number of his “base” to begin with.

    As I mentioned above, I’ve got reasons to view many of these threats to “not vote for him this time” with severe skepticism.

    Confronted some locals that were pulling that type of “Concern Troll” threat recently. They too were trying to convince a group around a local bonfire cookout that Obama has “lost their vote this time around”. Which I found laughable, because I remember their reactions around the election in 2008, so I spoke up and confronted those fake pretenders and reminded the one about how vocal he was in 2008 that he voted for Bob Barr and reminded the other dude that there is no way he could have voted for Obama last cycle, since he’s never voted in his whole life and is still not registered to vote to this very day!

    That shut them up real quick.

    Scientist: I haven’t read nakedcappitalism in a while, but back when I used to it had as least as many libertarians and Austrian school types as progressives. And the readership is <0.001% of the US population.

  56. LW says:

    Investors Business Daily: Did he be a foreign student?

    “Investor’s Business Daily: Because the Wall Street Journal leans too far to the left.”

    They even managed to throw in the “Obama contributed not one signed word to the Harvard Law Review” birther meme, which, besides being stupid, of course has nothing to do with his time at Columbia.

  57. US Citizen says:

    Sorry if this is off-topic, but I had to rant somewhere…

    Today is my 50th birthday.
    This morning my wife informed me that we had sold a product I designed.
    About $600 income.
    Desperately needed since I’m disabled, self-employed and have no medical insurance.
    Well a couple of hours later, when the money hadn’t arrived in Paypal, we discovered that our site had been hacked and the money went to some unknown person.
    Then we checked for other transactions and found we lost over $700 total.
    All the income we’ve had this month.
    Cancelled my birthday dinner out. 🙁

  58. Thrifty says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around this hulabaloo about Obama’s school records. If I follow correctly, the Birthers are saying:

    1) We believe that Barack Obama attended school as a foreign student. Doing so would disqualify him as a natural born citizen.

    Okay I guess that would make sense if it were true. To be a natural born citizen, you have to be born a United States citizen. To be a foreign student at any school, you have to be not a United States citizen. The two propositions (natural born citizen or foreign student) are mutually exclusive.

    2) Therefore, we need to see his college records to prove that he wasn’t attending school as a foreign student.

    Okay so… follow my thought process as I try to think this through… Maybe that makes sense, like if I suspected JoZeppy of stealing my lawn mower, so I demand to look all through his house to prove that he didn’t.

    Except I don’t think it works that way. If I suspected JoZeppy of stealing my lawn mower, I suspect that I would have to provide some sort of evidence that he did before making demands to search his house. Like if I saw evidence of forceful entry into my garage, or tire tracks leading from my garage to his house. Otherwise, we could find this scenario: JoZeppy lets me search his house, top and bottom. Then I demand to search the house of all his local friends and relatives. Then, perhaps, miraculously, I am satisfied that he did not steal my lawn mower, so I give up. Then a week later I say that I think he stole my chainsaw. The cycle is reborn.

    Is that really what the Birthers are doing? I mean, they seem to love the idea of “guilty until proven innocent”. Is the whole thing with the college records predicated on the notion “we believe he was a foreign student, and even though we have no direct evidence of this, we think that proof of this is in those records, and demand to see them to prove that he wasn’t”?

  59. jayHG says:

    Thrifty: I’m still trying to wrap my head around this hulabaloo about Obama’s school records. If I follow correctly, the Birthers are saying:1) We believe that Barack Obama attended school as a foreign student. Doing so would disqualify him as a natural born citizen.Okay I guess that would make sense if it were true. To be a natural born citizen, you have to be born a United States citizen. To be a foreign student at any school, you have to be not a United States citizen. The two propositions (natural born citizen or foreign student) are mutually exclusive.2) Therefore, we need to see his college records to prove that he wasn’t attending school as a foreign student.Okay so… follow my thought process as I try to think this through… Maybe that makes sense, like if I suspected JoZeppy of stealing my lawn mower, so I demand to look all through his house to prove that he didn’t.Except I don’t think it works that way. If I suspected JoZeppy of stealing my lawn mower, I suspect that I would have to provide some sort of evidence that he did before making demands to search his house. Like if I saw evidence of forceful entry into my garage, or tire tracks leading from my garage to his house. Otherwise, we could find this scenario: JoZeppy lets me search his house, top and bottom. Then I demand to search the house of all his local friends and relatives. Then, perhaps, miraculously, I am satisfied that he did not steal my lawn mower, so I give up. Then a week later I say that I think he stole my chainsaw. The cycle is reborn.Is that really what the Birthers are doing? I mean, they seem to love the idea of “guilty until proven innocent”. Is the whole thing with the college records predicated on the notion “we believe he was a foreign student, and even though we have no direct evidence of this, we think that proof of this is in those records, and demand to see them to prove that he wasn’t”?

    That is the ENTIRETY of the birther program. They have no concept of innocent until proven guilty. I have read countless time, over and over, that President Obama has sealed his records so they can’t see them and they need to see them to prove that he is fill in the blank with something like: marxist, Frank Marshall Davis’ son, Malcolm X’s son, a two headed monster from outer space (one of his heads was removed in Indonesia). They don’t have an ounce of proof of any particular allegation, but they just want to root around cause they’re sure there’s SOMETHING in there!!!!!!

    I mean, it’s stupid… stupid to take seriously so that’s why they have not been able to get a respectable republican on board – just opportunists like Trump.

  60. Scientist says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I have something better than polls. I have Female Intuition

    I don’t have female intuition, but my wife does. She reads a lot of dog rescue sites on a daily basis (we also do dog rescue). Dog lovers outnumber grumpy progressives about 100;1. They tend not to be very political unless it concerns dogs, like shutting down puppy mills. But a considerable number are quite displeased with Romney over the Seamus thing. how many votes will be swung, I don’t know, but if I were running for office, even for dog catcher in Duxbury, VT, i wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of that constituency.

  61. US Citizen:

    I am sooo sorry to hear about your problems. But, cheer up. Have something for dinner IN, instead of out, and pretend like you are at a place to match the food. Set some candles, and if you are eating canned tamales, then put some Mexican music on youtube and pretend you are at a Mexican restaurant. Maybe even fix a margarita.

    Sometimes in life, you just have to enjoy what you have. Here is you a birthday poem I just wrote:

    Happyish Birthday

    What a birthday surprise!
    They hacked your Pay Pal.
    But at least you’re at home
    With your very best Gal!!!

    So what if sometimes,
    Events really suck.
    And poop’s flying at you. . .
    Just cover and duck!

    You made it this far,
    And that’s something to say.
    Sooo, just grin and bear it,
    You’re 50 today!!!

    Go grab you some lemons
    And make lemonade,
    And laugh at your troubles
    And don’t be afraid.

    Keep a stiff upper lip.
    Stay on the right path.
    Thank God for the good stuff,
    And laugh and laugh and laugh.

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  62. linda says:

    Happy birthday!

    I hope PayPal makes this right.

    US Citizen: Today is my 50th birthday.

  63. Arthur says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I have something better than polls. I have Female Intuition.

    That’s sexist.

  64. LW says:

    US Citizen:
    Sorry if this is off-topic, but I had to rant somewhere…

    Today is my 50th birthday.
    This morning my wife informed me that we had sold a product I designed.
    About $600 income.
    Desperately needed since I’m disabled, self-employed and have no medical insurance.
    Well a couple of hours later, when the money hadn’t arrived in Paypal, we discovered that our site had been hacked and the money went to some unknown person.
    Then we checked for other transactions and found we lost over $700 total.
    All the income we’ve had this month.
    Cancelled my birthday dinner out.

    Here’s hoping for justice as a belated birthday present.

  65. Arthur says:

    LW: Well a couple of hours later, when the money hadn’t arrived in Paypal, we discovered that our site had been hacked and the money went to some unknown person.

    All evidence points to Jerome Corsi.

  66. JPotter says:

    LW: More seriously: what I wanted to do was conclusively validate for myself what the values directly encoded in the document were.

    Sounds like you did! Write it up and be a star … It certainly sounds impressive!

  67. bob j says:

    A beautiful mess of a post by Mad Orly. I am curious about the Ca bar comment. Does the bar make pronouncements about matters of national security?

  68. Thomas Brown says:

    Arthur: That’s sexist.

    Which doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true.

  69. Arthur says:

    Thomas Brown: Which doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true.

    I know. That’s what makes being sensitive new age male so difficult!

  70. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    bob j:

    A beautiful mess of a post by Mad Orly. I am curious about the Ca bar comment. Does the bar make pronouncements about matters of national security?

    I love watching her meltdowns. Its like junk-food entertainment.

  71. G says:

    Dear US Citizen,

    First of all, a very Happy Birthday to you! Even though you have suffered some unexpected and unfair tragedy and you may not feel like celebrating, today is still special, in that the world has had the privilege of your presence and company for a whole half a century!

    Life can sure throw all of unexpected curve balls and the timing isn’t always the best. Life can sometimes be full of cruel people, or cruel twists of fate, which threaten both our health and family welfare. However, life can also be full of wonder and the wonderful. Some of those moments are fleeting, like glimpsing a shooting star or catching the last rays of a purple sunset, after a long and exhausting day. Some of those moments last and surround us, to the point that we can almost take them for granted, like the special treasure of getting to share your life with a loved one who is by your side, in good times and in bad and who truly knows you. In a world that can be full of so much cruelty and unfairness, those moments of wonder are all the more precious and more worthy of our focus.

    Sometimes, the rough moments can really spoil our mood and get us down. But please do not let today be that day for you, despite the cruel theft and misfortune you have suffered. Instead, focus on those moments of the day that you own and which cannot be taken from you – your birthday, the accomplishment of both your design and the fact of the sale in the first place…and most importantly, your wife by your side. It may not have been your original plan, but perhaps an intimate night of dinner between just the two of you will turn out to be exactly what you need: savoring the victory of the sale itself and reflecting on all the moments of life that the two of you have had together as well as the worthy achievement of now having 50 years’ worth of memories and experiences under your belt.

    I am both touched and saddened by your post. I feel deeply for your loss and your situation. However, I am even more moved by the grace you’ve shown us, in sharing a bit of your life and your special day with all of us in our joint community here. So, it is to those better and more truly valuable aspects of your day that I will focus and raise my glass in toast! Take comfort in that you are never really alone and that you have people out here, who are rooting for you. So my blessings to you and your family and may the start of your next fifty years of adventure be filled with more moments of wonder than of woe.

    US Citizen: Sorry if this is off-topic, but I had to rant somewhere…Today is my 50th birthday.This morning my wife informed me that we had sold a product I designed.About $600 income.Desperately needed since I’m disabled, self-employed and have no medical insurance.Well a couple of hours later, when the money hadn’t arrived in Paypal, we discovered that our site had been hacked and the money went to some unknown person.Then we checked for other transactions and found we lost over $700 total.All the income we’ve had this month.Cancelled my birthday dinner out.

  72. donna says:

    so it’s paul ryan for vp?


  73. Arthur says:

    donna: so it’s paul ryan for vp?

    Guess that’s what you call shoring up the base.

  74. donna says:


    due to paul ryan and his “IMMORAL PLAN”, the ny26th TURNED BLUE

    I bet nursing home patients in FL are already having to be sedated.

  75. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: All evidence points to Jerome Corsi.

    Or he, Lucas Smith.

  76. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: Or he, Lucas Smith.

    Lucas certainly has the training and experience.

  77. Keith says:

    US Citizen:
    Sorry if this is off-topic, but I had to rant somewhere…

    Today is my 50th birthday.
    This morning my wife informed me that we had sold a product I designed.
    About $600 income.
    Desperately needed since I’m disabled, self-employed and have no medical insurance.
    Well a couple of hours later, when the money hadn’t arrived in Paypal, we discovered that our site had been hacked and the money went to some unknown person.
    Then we checked for other transactions and found we lost over $700 total.
    All the income we’ve had this month.
    Cancelled my birthday dinner out.

    Dude! I know a little bit of what you are going through. My birthday is in a couple of days. 10 days ago I found that my Credit Card details had been stolen and my savings account raided for $2600, and I thought ‘gee what a wonderful birthday present’ too.

    It hurts, but maybe not as much as yours, cause that’s just my personal float for the next few months, I have access to other funds. but best of all, yesterday I got the letter from the bank that they had ‘recovered’ the money to the tune of $3200! 😎

    Now I gotta call them back on Monday and thank them and ask if maybe they had given me too much back.

  78. G says:

    Yes, the pick of Paul Ryan effectively serves to shore up the base for BOTH parties. With Romney’s two months of ever worsening campaign performance, a huge outcry formed over the past few days from the Conservative base, for Romney to pick Paul Ryan. Prior to that recent pressure, the most-likely presumed frontrunners were the bland options of Portman or Pawlenty, as they were considered “safe” and folks that wouldn’t “outshine” Romney.

    So, Romney’s campaign quickly caved to this weeks pressure and went with their version of a Hail Mary and ended up delivering a choice that BOTH bases started to clamour for.

    This choice will definitely give Romney’s campaign a much needed shot-in-the-arm of enthusiasm from certain sectors of his base.

    However, as mentioned, it will serve to produce the same effect in motivating Obama’s base too.

    Expect the campaign focus to now strongly shift to talking about issues of Medicare and Social Security, as both programs are targets of Paul Ryan’s infamous budget plans.

    Arthur: Guess that’s what you call shoring up the base.

  79. American Mzungu says:

    US Citizen: Today is my 50th birthday.

    I hope today starts a run of good fortune for the rest of year 50.

  80. American Mzungu says:

    No response by David/Dave to the bell for round three? No mas?

  81. Scientist says:

    donna: so it’s paul ryan for vp?a GIFT FROM THE GOD-DESS

    Ryan? Born in Ireland? Birth certificate? Microfiche? School records? DNA? Trust but verify.

  82. Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

  83. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

    Maybe the Tea Partiers have something similar. They were fond of the statement, “Keep government out of my Medicare!”

  84. I am so sorry for you. I hope you can get back the money somehow. I assume you are working with PayPal.

    US Citizen:
    Sorry if this is off-topic, but I had to rant somewhere…

    Today is my 50th birthday.
    This morning my wife informed me that we had sold a product I designed.
    About $600 income. ….

    Cancelled my birthday dinner out.

  85. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

  86. LW says:

    Funniest comment on HuffPo last night: someone cited Ryan’s lack of business experience (I guess he missed Mitt’s request to please stop talking about his business experience).

    2nd person said that’s not true, pointing out that Ryan “worked for the Oscar Meyer corporation.”

    This was his job there. No, seriously:

  87. The Magic M says:

    Thrifty: Is that really what the Birthers are doing? I mean, they seem to love the idea of “guilty until proven innocent”.

    In their doubly twisted world, it makes sense. Because in their world, Obama hasn’t proven he is an NBC, therefore the burden to prove he’s eligible is on him.

    However, when birthers demand college records, they are actually asking him to prove he is not ineligible. While this may seem to make no difference, it actually does.

    Prove you’re eligible: show documentation that proves you were born in the US, are at least 35 years of age and have resided in the US for at least 14 years.

    Prove you’re not ineligible: show anything that even remotely possibly could contain proof of ineligibility to prove it doesn’t.

    The college records could never prove he is eligible (as they contain nothing that proves any of the eligiblity requirements), they could only be used to prove he did not attend as a foreign student.

    If this were a criminal investigation of a murder case, this would be the same as saying “I’m not interested in hearing an alibi, I want to see your bank records to prove you were not paid a large sum of money to kill the victim”. Of course law enforcement would never operate this way.

    (The motivation being, of course, that birthers believe somewhere there’s a “smoking gun” that would prove all other evidence to be unreliable, or forged, or both. As in “if document X said he was Y, it would mean all other evidence to the contrary was manufactured by the conspiracy”.)

  88. G says:

    I expect that we’ll start hearing and seeing a lot of that sentiment very, very soon…

    Dr. Conspiracy: Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

  89. richCares says:

    “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!”
    this morning I attended a breafast meeting at a nearby retirement center, the primary point driving conveersation was Paul Ryan. The consensus was that Romney just chose the man who wants to kill medicare as his running mate (Ryan)

  90. G says:

    Well, here’s one other suggestion for the new bumper sticker slogan of the Romney campaign:

    Vulture/Voucher 2012

    LOL! Well worth the entertaining short read.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

  91. G says:

    My favorite part of that article, the Paul Ryan Medicare Voucher is :

    “Coupons for Codgers” – “Entitles Bearer to Unspecified Discount from Insurance Corporation-People”


    G: Well, here’s one other suggestion for the new bumper sticker slogan of the Romney campaign:Vulture/Voucher 2012! Well worth the entertaining short read.

  92. G says:

    Here is one of the best straight-up reporting assessments I’ve seen so far, on how the Paul Ryan VP selection resets the 2012 election dynamic. Very cogent analysis:

    Romney has indeed chosen Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate. It is a bold and unexpected gamble, one sure to energize both sizes. Conservatives, who didn’t trust Romney, will be 100% behind him now. Apparently all the criticism of Romney as just whining about Obama but not saying what he would do as President got to him. Now in one stroke he is offering a revolutionary vision for America, one with much smaller government and much more personal responsibility. The big question is whether America wants this. Polls seem to show it doesn’t, but most people don’t really understand what Ryan is proposing. Within a couple of weeks they certainly will, thanks to Obama’s reelection team. The last time the Republicans proposed anything this radical was in 1964, when Barry Goldwater discovered the hard way that Americans may complain a lot about the federal government, but they don’t really want to change it in any fundamental way.

    Although the mudslinging is sure to continue, for the first time in nearly 50 years there will be a heavy focus on two very different visions for America’s future. Up until now, the focus has been on whether Obama has done enough to fix the economy fast enough and what Romney did exactly at Bain Capital. Starting today that will all change. The discussion will not be about who can tinker with the economy better, but about where do we want to go. It won’t be about repealing Obamacare, it will be about repealing Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and maybe even about repealing Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal.

    After the 2004 election, the first thing the newly reelected George W. Bush did was launch a major campaign to privatize Social Security. It failed. People didn’t want that. But one person who did want it and made no secret of it was Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). For better or worse, he and Romney are now stuck with that position as well. On his own, Romney often downplays or even denies positions he once strongly advocated, but Ryan is not like that. For better or worse, he is a straightforward guy who has been completely consistent over the years. While many people are going to like his consistency and honesty, they may not like the message and now Romney is stuck with it, too.

    Politico has a good piece on how the selection of Ryan is a game changer in many ways. Some of the key points are:

    • Deficit reduction, a Republican favorite, will now be front and center in the debate

    • The battle for the senior vote and especially Florida (and maybe Arizona) will heat up enormously

    • Wisconsin might be in play (although Obama carried Ryan’s district in 2008 by 4 points in 2008)

    • Ryan is a young, friendly guy, with Sarah Palin’s attractiveness and Dick Cheney’s knowledge

    • Ryan supported the auto bailout, something Romney opposed

    • Ryan didn’t like Romneycare in Massachusetts, but currently Romney doesn’t like it either so that may not matter

    • The new guy on the ticket is strongly anti-abortion. That’s not going to help reduce the gender gap

    • He has been in the highly unpopular House for 14 years and has no real private-sector experience

    Unmentioned is the fact that Ryan doesn’t bring any foreign policy experience to a ticket sorely needing in it. Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), thought to be the front runner by many until this morning, was U.S. Trade Representative, so he did have foreign policy experience, but Ryan has none. It will be an interesting campaign and with much more substance than any one for many years.

    donna: so it’s paul ryan for vp?a GIFT FROM THE GOD-DESS

  93. Scientist says:

    G-I think that’s a good analysis. Nate Silver says that this choice shows that Romney knows he is behind and not on track to win, as this is a choice one would only make if one knew one was losing. It hasn’t budged the odds on InTrade which still have Obama at 58%.

    The history of picking House members in recent times also suggests that this is a losing pick, as the only 2, Ferraro and Kemp, were both chosen by candidates who were trailing incumbents and neither helped the ticket much. Ryan resembles Kemp somewhat, but without Kemp’s likeability and sports credibility. Also, Kemp pushed growth as opposed to austerity and that has more appeal.

    Ryan does nothing to help with minorities, especially Hispanics. Bush won because he was able to get a decent chunk of the Hispanic vote, while Romney is on track for somewhere under 25%. That will be a disaster for Republicans and Ryan will not help there at all.

    I also note that Romney’s gaffe, introducing Ryan as “the next President”, is getting as much attention as any of the policy issues. Like it or not, that is something that many who don’t follow things closely will pay attention to, especially since it plays into the narrative of all of Romney’s other recent gaffes.

  94. LW says:

    bob j: A beautiful mess of a post by Mad Orly.

    I liked the helpful suggestion by one of the FMs: “Maybe you should give that nice Donald Trump fellow a call?’

  95. Thrifty says:

    G: In any re-election cycle, you would expect some small segment of prior votes to become disenchanted, regardless (after all, name *any* President *ever* who was able to accomplish everything he campaigned on…simply doesn’t happen and so there will always be people with pre-conceived expectations that went unfulfilled)

    Well there was James K. Polk. He did one term from 1845-1849, said “okay, I did everything I set out to do, I’m done”, then promptly left office and died a few months later.

  96. JPotter says:

    Keep Your Republican Mitts off my Medicare!

    On sale now.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Where can I get a “Don’t Mess with my Medicare!” bumper sticker?

  97. G says:

    I agree with that conclusion. Most analysts have come to the same conclusion as Nate Silver on this.

    Scientist: G-I think that’s a good analysis. Nate Silver says that this choice shows that Romney knows he is behind and not on track to win, as this is a choice one would only make if one knew one was losing.

    The VP selection is one of the first tests and major steps of any Presidential campaign. It is a cathartic moment of the first big decision, even without factoring the quality or excitement of who actually gets picked. Regardless, it signals the next phase of a campaign and should provide a bit of boost and shift the conversation. The selection of Paul Ryan does excite the GOP base, just as Palin did. Therefore, Romney’s campaign should hope to gain a desperately needed small percentage boost as a result and hope that they can hold onto a “honeymoon period” through their convention in a few weeks, with a hopeful additional small boost from that. At least that will be their plan. We’ll have to see how it translates in the polls, which tend to have a lag time of at least 5 days.

    It hasn’t budged the odds on InTrade which still have Obama at 58%.

    Yeah, but that is not surprising. It is quite a leap to go from merely campaigning and representing a small gerrymandered district, to being thrust into the scrutiny of a national campaign. It will be interesting to see how Ryan adapts. I also look forward to his VP debate against Biden.

    The history of picking House members in recent times also suggests that this is a losing pick, as the only 2, Ferraro and Kemp, were both chosen by candidates who were trailing incumbents and neither helped the ticket much. Ryan resembles Kemp somewhat, but without Kemp’s likeability and sports credibility. Also, Kemp pushed growth as opposed to austerity and that has more appeal.

    Agreed. This is purely a Hail Mary pressure pick, to shore up his own base, just as Palin was. Not a good place for any campaign to be in…and not a good indicator of a winning strategy. When you need help to motivate your own base on your own, you are in trouble. When a pick doesn’t ADD much demographically outside of just the base, you are in trouble. Even worse is when a pick is controversial and likely to turn off any true “swing vote independents” that are actually “up for grabs” (once they get to know the pick’s views and positions). Bottom line – a Presidential campaign cannot win solely with its base alone, so this pick is a high energy, yet also high risk defensive strategy (as was Palin) for the GOP.

    Ryan does nothing to help with minorities, especially Hispanics. Bush won because he was able to get a decent chunk of the Hispanic vote, while Romney is on track for somewhere under 25%. That will be a disaster for Republicans and Ryan will not help there at all.

    Yeah, that is getting a lot of notice, LOL! It is even the statement that stands out most to my wife about the whole thing this morning, and what she’s still most focused on when recalling it (LOL – she’s actually on the phone with her mom right now and of all things, just mentioned that as her short recap of today’s news…now that is what I call coincidental timing!)

    What really stands out about this gaffe is where it reveals a ring of truth of what just happened here with this pick: In any healthy campaign, the VP pick really doesn’t mean much, as it is the top of the ticket that will be President, and you just hope to add a bit of experience or demographics with the VP pick. However, when your VP pick is more exciting and dynamic than your main candidate (as is the case here…and as it was with McCain/Palin), then you are in trouble and completely overshadowed, regardless of being at the top of the ticket. This is the Paul Ryan campaign now and Romney just happens to be who the GOP is still stuck with in the bargain… LOL!


    I also note that Romney’s gaffe, introducing Ryan as “the next President”, is getting as much attention as any of the policy issues. Like it or not, that is something that many who don’t follow things closely will pay attention to, especially since it plays into the narrative of all of Romney’s other recent gaffes.

  98. The Magic M says:

    G: However, when your VP pick is more exciting and dynamic than your main candidate (as is the case here…and as it was with McCain/Palin), then you are in trouble and completely overshadowed, regardless of being at the top of the ticket.

    Maybe it’s a down payment on winning the 2016 elections. As much as I’m not interested in petty details about who your country chooses as President, I am always in favour of younger leaders as opposed to the 60+ demographic that the US seems to prefer (at least when it comes to Republican Presidents). So a 2016 election with a 46 year old GOP candidate running against the next Democratic hope of about the same age would definitely be interesting to me.

  99. Lupin says:

    Freep is freaking out over Romney:

    Anyone who calls Obama an “abortionist/homosexualist, statist Stalinist” is so completely off Planet Earth I’m surprised he doesn’t show up on Curiosity’s cameras.

  100. Thrifty says:

    Scientist: I also note that Romney’s gaffe, introducing Ryan as “the next President”, is getting as much attention as any of the policy issues. Like it or not, that is something that many who don’t follow things closely will pay attention to, especially since it plays into the narrative of all of Romney’s other recent gaffes.

    If I had the brain of a Birther, I’d say that this is Romney admitting that he plans to win the election and then resign to make Paul Ryan the actual president.

  101. Greenfinches says:

    The Magic M: As much as I’m not interested in petty details about who your country chooses as President,

    I sort of agree from this side of the Atlantic- but am less than excited at the idea of someone taking over who is best buds with Netanyahu. We don’t need a war with Iran thank you, and on the whole I’d prefer to see decent treatment for the Palestinians.

    and if the Republican shenanigans with voter suppression don’t stop soon, and if they pay off – then I am not sure that I can stomach the likely future touting of democracy by Romney as he makes a second attempt to be an international statesman…………..

  102. JPotter says:

    Greenfinches: am less than excited at the idea of someone taking over who is best buds with Netanyahu.

    That’s wannabe best buds. Any Red candidate is going to suck up to Israel’s PM,and pay mad lip service to Israel’s side of anything.

    It is insane for any country to be blindly supportive of another.

  103. Greenfinches says:

    JPotter: It is insane for any country to be blindly supportive of another.

    agreed, agreed!!

  104. G says:

    Well, there is often a secondary goal within a party, to attempt to setup its next cycle “farm team” in the process. This is especially true within the GOP, which still seems to be consistently operating on “a next in line get’s its turn”.

    So I’m sure that is part of the hope and expectations within the GOP for Ryan – that this will set him up to be their next Presidential contender. That premise would hold true regardless if Romney wins or loses.

    All of the GOP nominations over the past several decades have ended up following this general “next in line pattern”. The only variable is who is perceived by them as being the heir to that title. A VP, VP ticket pick and primary runner-up are the pattern we’ve seen followed, pretty much in that order.

    When their last VP (Cheney) wasn’t running in 2004, the “next in line” title fell back to GWB’s primary runner-up, McCain. Their expectation out of the 2008 cylce was that their last VP attempt (Palin) would be the automatic front-runner. However, she subsequently quit in the middle of her own first term of Governor and went the easy route of quick wealth, fame and consequence-free flaming over buckling down to put in a real effort to enhance her own political career. So, by her own actions, she pretty much disqualified herself from being taken seriously this cycle, even within her own party. So, this cycle ended up with Romney, who was the primary runner-up to McCain in 2008.

    In other words, the default GOP pattern of selection has continued to rule the day. Therefore, I’m sure that the GOP conventional wisdom puts hopes for Ryan automatically as “next in line” (either 2020 or 2016). However, putting him on the ticket and turning this election into a national referendum on his signature “Ryan Plan” philosophies, can easily backfire and end up killing off his entire political future.

    The risk with these “Hail Mary” picks is that they can explode in the party’s face. I think the fates of Ryan and Romney are now attatched at the hip. I don’t see how anything other than a close loss doesn’t kill both their political futures.

    …But then, according to GOP dogma, that leaves them with Santorum as their defacto “next in line…”

    The Magic M: Maybe it’s a down payment on winning the 2016 elections. As much as I’m not interested in petty details about who your country chooses as President, I am always in favour of younger leaders as opposed to the 60+ demographic that the US seems to prefer (at least when it comes to Republican Presidents). So a 2016 election with a 46 year old GOP candidate running against the next Democratic hope of about the same age would definitely be interesting to me.

  105. The Magic M says:

    Thrifty: If I had the brain of a Birther, I’d say that this is Romney admitting that he plans to win the election and then resign to make Paul Ryan the actual president.

    No, it’s just Romney admitting he plans to throw this election like McCain threw the last. 😉

    JPotter: It is insane for any country to be blindly supportive of another.

    This is how Germany started WW I. We even have a specific word for that in political discussions – Nibelungentreue (fig. “blind support down every rabbit hole, including self-annihilation”).

  106. Thrifty says:

    The Magic M: No, it’s just Romney admitting he plans to throw this election like McCain threw the last.

    Of course! Because Romney knows that he can win and he knows that he can expose Obama for the Kenyan Marxist Communist Fascist Socialist homosexual racist* that he is, but chooses not to and is throwing the election because Obama is blackmailing him!

    *feel free to chime in with any additional adjectives I may have forgotten.

  107. G says:


    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: OMG!!! Is this Orly Taitz’s Indiana Order??? FrommGirl Reporter

  108. Thrifty says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    OMG!!! Is this Orly Taitz’s Indiana Order???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    Remember: Mr. Tooth Decay is an ILLEGAL USURPER in your mouth!!! So BRUSH!!!

    Ha ha.

  109. JOHN WAYNE says:

    At Obama fundraiser in Chicago. Admission only $51, but room is half full. LOL LOL

    [This comment has been moved to the open thread. The other identical ones spammed all over were deleted. Doc.]

  110. GeorgetownJD says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    OMG!!! Is this Orly Taitz’s Indiana Order???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter


  111. G and Thrifty and GeorgetownJD: Thank you and I am sooo glad it made you laugh. On another place, there was somebody who was not sure if it was a joke, which makes it even funnier that it is hard to tell the difference. OH, I sure hope nobody sends a copy to the judge, because she might actually sign it.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  112. JOHN WAYNE says:

    With expectations high, a Sunday afternoon campaign rally in High Point, N.C. appeared to deliver for the newly formed Republican presidential ticket.

    Campaign officials for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney tell The Daily Caller that well over 10,000 people attended a campaign rally at High Point’s Absolute Style Furniture showroom Sunday. The campaign estimates that 1,200 people were inside the venue while another 10,000 were outside.

    The event, part of the campaign’s “Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class” bus tour, came a day after Romney named Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

    Read more:

    [This comment has been moved to the open thread. The other identical ones spammed all over were deleted. Doc.]

  113. RuhRoh says:

    Way off topic. I’m watching the Olympic closing ceremonies live, and if you were young in the 80’s you will LOVE it. I think NBC will air it starting at 8PM tonight.

    One thing made me cry, which I will not share so as not to spoil. But mainly I have been dancing around the living room like a maniac. 🙂

    And the best liveblog is by WSJ, though they are failing to recognize more performers than I would have expected. NYT is hopeless but has FANTASTIC photos.

  114. RuhRoh says:

    And well crap I am crying again. It would spoil it to tell you why, specifically, but i am watching 500 people do a call and return with a recording of a long-dead well-loved musician.

  115. RuhRoh says:

    Sorry, over 5000 people. And of course F*ng Comcast just lost the live feed.Have I mentioned how much I loathe Comcast lately?!

  116. Scientist says:

    JOHN WAYNE: Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class

    Could you clue us in on what that plan is, because I haven’t been able to come up with any specifics? Has the middle class done really well under Republican administrations in the recent past? I think the last one you could make the case for was Eisenhower.

  117. LW says:

    G: “next in line pattern”

    Which explains a lot of Newt’s peevishness of late. He was dead certain he was “next in line.”

  118. LW says:

    Scientist: JOHN WAYNE: Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class

    Could you clue us in on what that plan is?

    “That which does not kill us…”

  119. Admission tickets started at $51, but many were much higher. They planned for 850 and 1,000 showed up.

    JOHN WAYNE: At Obama fundraiser in Chicago. Admission only $51, but room is half full. LOL LOL

  120. Well, I bought it for a little while until I got further in. And it was hilarious.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Thank you and I am sooo glad it made you laugh. On another place, there was somebody who was not sure if it was a joke, which makes it even funnier that it is hard to tell the difference.

  121. LW says:

    We’re still in the middle of the marathon here on the Left Coast. From the articles I’ve been unavoidably seeing the headlines for, I know there are two segments that I’m especially looking forward to. (The one RuhRoh is referring to, and another I have to assume will involve a fantastic singalong as well.)

  122. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Admission tickets started at $51, but many were much higher. They planned for 850 and 1,000 showed up.

    John Wayne is not very capable at doing independent research, but he is great at looking foolish when spreading misleading information.

  123. RuhRoh says:

    Well, I can’t spoil this part of the Closing Ceremonies as it just aired. If you are Tivoing it, you’ll want to skip the rest of this post.

    Until tonight, I really somehow missed that “Freedom90” was George Michael’s coming out song. I was pretty young when it was released, and I thought at the time it was about the breakup with Wham and going solo. HA! SO WRONG.

    At some point while I was dancing around the living room, singing my lungs out and scaring the dog, I put it together ( I haven’t listened to this song in at least 15 years):

    When you realize that he came out as a gay man a few years later, blew up his multi-million dollar contract with Sony for reasons absolutely no one understood at the time and you listen to the lyrics of this song…..yeah, it was a coming out ANTHEM.

    I have always loved this song, but now I love it even more. I may be the stupidest woman in North America to not “get it” until now, but now that I have—even more in love with this song. I cry a little while I dance around, but love it even more. Just wish I’d been more discerning earlier. I’d never give you up, George! Sorry you thought that I or anyone, might.

  124. RuhRoh says:

    I’m on eastern time.

  125. RuhRoh says:

    Wow, am I glad I watched the live feed. NBC is cutting out a TON.

    I’m only watching this ’til Breaking Bad begins. That’s actually why I watched the live feed this afternoon–so I wouldn’t miss BrBa. But man, the live feed was a whole lot better!

  126. RuhRoh says:

    Closing ceremony spoiler:

    They cut about 7 minutes at least of Fatboy Slim. And they’ve already cut a lot of Jessie J. one of the only real vocalists we’ve seen so far.

  127. RuhRoh says:

    NBC sucks. I can’t believe the edits or the commentary. They have the good footage- I watched it live. So how are they botching it so badly?

  128. RuhRoh says:

    East Coast airing of Closing Ceremonies (otherwise ignore the post):

    I did cry, because I feared they’d drag Barry Gibb out onstage while he just.lost.Robin. They didn’t though.

    On the live feed, this was an electric event. It went on for about 4 minutes and was just fantastic. Best cover ever, crowd was with them. INCREDIBLE. The 30 seconds NBC decided to show was pretty impotent and pale. NOT AT ALL HOW IT WAS LIVE.And good lord, I have to buy some Jessie J albums. You’d never know it fromthe utter shite NBC showed, but if you got to see the whole thing–you’d be running to buy her albums.

  129. RuhRoh says:

    Still talking about the Closing Ceremonies:

    I am not even a Spice Girls fan. Never was. But you know what? Watching it live, they totally fit and I was on my feet dancing and singing.

    I really do not understand the way that NBC is editing this. Are they TRYING to make everyone look bad and disjointed?

  130. RuhRoh says:

    GAH, I am giving up on the NBC Closing Ceremony coverage. It is simply awful. I watched it live and this is nothing like that experience.

  131. Rickey says:


    I really do not understand the way that NBC is editing this. Are they TRYING to make everyone look bad and disjointed?

    They couldn’t even do the live coverage properly. During the Gold Medal basketball game today they went to commercials while the ball was being inbounded and they missed several plays,

  132. RuhRoh says:

    Still spoilery if you haven’t watched NBC’s pitiful Closing Ceremonies coverage:

    Well maybe I am not actually the stupidest woman in North America. My gay brother just emailed me that he never had thought of Freedom 90 as George Michael’s coming out song until I mentioned it, and now he’s going back to look at the lyrics. But he has a feeling that I am right there.

  133. G says:

    I grew up in the 80’s too. You are not alone on this. I didn’t make the connection either, between that song and his personal life, until you just pointed it out now…

    RuhRoh: Still spoilery if you haven’t watched NBC’s pitiful Closing Ceremonies coverage:Well maybe I am not actually the stupidest woman in North America. My gay brother just emailed me that he never had thought of Freedom 90 as George Michael’s coming out song until I mentioned it, and now he’s going back to look at the lyrics. But he has a feeling that I am right there.

  134. Arthur says:

    Susan Daniels is busy in Ohio. The headline at ORYR says, “Private Investigator Challenging Obama’s CT Social Security Number Gets Court Hearing.” However, the actual facts of the case seem to portend something less than a happy ending for Orly Taitz’ private dick.

  135. Rickey says:

    Susan Daniels is busy in Ohio. The headline at ORYR says, “Private Investigator Challenging Obama’s CT Social Security Number Gets Court Hearing.” However, the actual facts of the case seem to portend something less than a happy ending for Orly Taitz’ private dick.

    The birthers have always acted as if getting a hearing is some kind of achievement. Anyone who files a lawsuit is entitled to a hearing.

  136. G says:

    Newt might have been “dead certain”, but he certainly didn’t have anything behind him that fit the GOP’s traditional next-in-line model.

    Newt’s always been a meglomaniac. In his own mind, he’s the chosen savior of the world…

    Outside of his own mind…not so much.

    LW: Which explains a lot of Newt’s peevishness of late. He was dead certain he was “next in line.”

  137. Dave B. says:


    Newt’s always been a meglomaniac.In his own mind, he’s the chosen savior of the world…

    When it comes to Gingrich, I think Karel Čapek was onto something.

  138. American Mzungu says:

    Another version of the “Ann gives birth in Mombasa” story, from someone claiming to be Larry Sinclair:

    “His pornstar mother was attending a Moslem festival at the beach in Kenya when her water broke. She had been refused boarding a 4eng propjob across 2 oceans to Hawaii due to her late stage of PG so their honeymoon was extended until after the little $hitbag was born. ”

    The birthers can’t get their story straight. David/Dave, would you like to amend your story or are you sticking with it?

  139. Northland10 says:

    Only one font? Well she did mention she was tired from the trip.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    OMG!!! Is this Orly Taitz’s Indiana Order???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  140. The Magic M says:

    American Mzungu: when her water broke. She had been refused boarding

    Is this where the term “waterboarding” originated? 😉

  141. Dave says:

    Corsi often talks about the scenario where Dunham was dating Davis- even mentioning the exact bars they hung out in- then she began dating Obama Sr., then found herself pregnant by Davis a very short time later. This is plausible. She would know who the father was depending on the time frames involved.

    The notion that a young Barack spent time with Davis when Barack came back to Hawaii is well known, it is admitted in Barack’s autobiography.

    Once Dunham made her choice for Obama Sr., she attempted to make this work and so she went to meet the family in Kenya. Obama Sr. had the higher foreign education credentials to go very high up in the Kenyan govt one day, but his love for whiskey and the course of Kenyan politics said otherwise. Soon after the birth of Barack Jr. Obama Sr, lost interest in Dunham and eventually possibly returned to one of his other wives that he was already married to.

    This is the narrative, one of several.

  142. LW says:

    Only one font?Well she did mention she was tired from the trip.

    It was an awesome production, but just as with cowbell, more Algerian is always appropriate.

  143. Corsi is a well-documented liar, and your comment is pretty stupid.

    I can find the name of a bar in Hawaii, but that doesn’t mean I know who hangs out there. Where’s Corsi’s witness?

    You do know that Davis was married in 1960, having no less than 5 children between 1946 and his divorce in 1970.

    You say your story is plausible. Is say it is bullshit. You are a viscous and evil person who lies and spreads the lies of others. You are odious and detestable. You don’t deserve a place in civilized society.

    Dave: Corsi often talks about the scenario where Dunham was dating Davis- even mentioning the exact bars they hung out in- then she began dating Obama Sr., then found herself pregnant by Davis a very short time later. This is plausible. She would know who the father was depending on the time frames involved.

  144. Thomas Brown says:


    This is the narrative, one of several.

    Here’s a narrative: you’re an idiot. Go buy a clue.

  145. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You say your story is plausible. Is say it is bullshit. You are a viscous and evil person who lies and spreads the lies of others. You are odious and detestable. You don’t deserve a place in civilized society.

    Doc C, is there any reason David/Dave should be allowed to continue spewing his lies on your site? He has refused to engage in any dialogue, resorting to restating variations of his lies instead.

  146. Rickey says:


    This is the narrative, one of several.

    I have a copy of Aesop’s Fables. It too contains several narratives.

    Frank Marshall Davis was 32 years older than Stanley Ann and he was married with five children when the Dunhams moved to Hawaii. That’s your idea of a plausible relationship? And if she knew that Davis was the father, how did she fool Barack Obama into believing that he was the father?

    You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such vile lies about a woman who isn’t around to defend herself.

  147. LW says:

    i happened to notice that Mario’s busy editing Wikipedia this morning…

  148. If, as I said, Dave doesn’t belong in civilized society, then it would reasonably follow that he doesn’t belong commenting on this web site. That said, I really do believe in free and open debate, even from louts and liars.

    I’m still thinking about the Dave situation.

    American Mzungu: Doc C, is there any reason David/Dave should be allowed to continue spewing his lies on your site? He has refused to engage in any dialogue, resorting to restating variations of his lies instead.

  149. Dave B. says:

    I’m just mighty glad I bothered to add the “B.”

    I’m still thinking about the Dave situation.

  150. Dr. Taitz informed me that this is NOT her proposed Indiana Order:

    OH, I was taken in by a clever fake.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  151. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If, as I said, Dave doesn’t belong in civilized society, then it would reasonably follow that he doesn’t belong commenting on this web site. That said, I really do believe in free and open debate, even from louts and liars.
    I’m still thinking about the Dave situation.

    There are other birthers and trolls on this site that engage in free and open debate. One of the reasons I enjoy reading your site is the healthy debate that takes place—even with liars and louts. The reason I no longer find it interesting to read Free Republic is Jim Robinson’s decision to zot people who engaged in free and open debate if they hold points of view contrary to his.

    However, I think it undermines the exercise of free and open debate if one of the parties refuses to engage the points made by people with opposing views but simply restates his/her “narrative” over and over. It is not productive to free and open debate is we are left with the options of calling someone a liar for retelling tales that have been debunked or leaving the lies without challenge.

    But, the value free speech—even from liars—is not something to curb without very serious consideration. Making that decision with all thoughtful deliberation is why we hold you in high regard.

    Best regards.

  152. Two can play that game.

    LW: i happened to notice that Mario’s busy editing Wikipedia this morning…

  153. American Mzungu says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: OH, I was taken in by a clever fake.

    The dangers of confirmation bias. 🙂

  154. Dave says:

    Dr. C- go re read what I wrote. I was attempting to inform you about the narrative that Corsi is pushing. I’m use to slander and libel, but please, if you want to debate, learn the difference between a report on anothers assertion and what someone actually believes, otherwise we wont get anywhere. In general , that narrative contains some plausibility, due to the fact that nearly one in twenty births are raised by a man who isnt the father yet has been led to think so….also, there is the corruption factor that infects politics that can make seemingly outlandish ideas about origins seem tame in comparison to things going on in the present day.

    Here you have articles about Crosi yet when I bring up the theory that we are talking about, the one you can hear Corsi discussing, then that’s evil. The question is , are you willing to explore increasingly popular rumors, so you can analyze or refute them, or does this site merely cover some and not others, and hopes that certain notions will simply fade away due to their being ignored?

  155. Dave says:

    Dr C seems to think a reason why the narrative cant be true is due to Frank Davis being married with children at the time. Considering his reputation for pornography and under-age seduction, it would seem that this objection doesn’t hold much water. There can be other objections, but that isn’t one of them. It could also be used to buttress the notion…

  156. If all you were doing was reporting what Corsi said, then why say “this is plausible?” I don’t buy your excuse, and I am not surprised that you receive a lot of abuse online; you rather attract it.

    Dave: Dr. C- go re read what I wrote. I was attempting to inform you about the narrative that Corsi is pushing.

  157. Rickey says:

    Dr. C- go re read what I wrote. I was attempting to inform you about the narrative that Corsi is pushing. I’m useto slander and libel, but please, if you want to debate, learn the difference between a report on anothers assertion and what someone actually believes, otherwise we wont get anywhere.In general , that narrative contains some plausibility, due to the fact that nearly one in twenty births are raised by a man who isnt the fatheryet has been led to think so….also, there is the corruption factor that infects politics that can make seemingly outlandish ideas about origins seem tame in comparison to things going on in the present day.

    Here you have articles about Crosi yet when I bring up the theory that we are talking about, the one you can hear Corsi discussing, then that’s evil. The question is , are you willing to explore increasingly popular rumors, so you can analyze or refute them, or does this site merely cover some and not others, and hopes that certain notions will simply fade away due to their being ignored?

    Please. That’s the sleaziest excuse in the books. “I didn’t say that Stanley, Ann Dunham was a slut, I’m just repeating what others have said.” “Some people say…”

    Spreading unfounded rumors is just as reprehensible as starting unfounded rumors.

  158. “True” is not the standard you introduced; you claimed it was “plausible” and a married Marshall hanging out in public bars with Dunham is not plausible. And where’s your evidence? Oh, right, there is none.

    Dave: Dr C seems to think a reason why the narrative cant be true…

  159. Scientist says:

    Dave: In general , that narrative contains some plausibility, due to the fact that nearly one in twenty births are raised by a man who isnt the father yet has been led to think so

    What percentage of mothers spend about 1 year’s median salary to travel 12,000 miles alone to a third world country where they don’t know a soul, while the guy who actually comes from that country remains in the US? Would 0% be a good guess?

    Dave: are you willing to explore increasingly popular rumors

    Only if the Kardashians are involved could a rumor even remotely be called “popular”. Sorry ,,,,

  160. Dave says:

    Plausible, 1. superficially fair, superficially persuasive, ( as in , a plausible gentleman)…

  161. Dave says:

    Then I guess the Gilbert movie is off limits too.

  162. LW says:

    Dave B.: I’m just mighty glad I bothered to add the “B.”

    But not the other one?

  163. Dave says:

    Rickey, I dont think people are morally judging Dunham for just having two boyfriends, one of whom she married. You guys need to get a grip.

  164. LW says:

    Rickey, I dont think people are morally judging Dunham for just havingtwo boyfriends, one of whom she married. You guys need to get a grip.

    Are you ever a piece of work.

  165. I banned John Wayne at my blog for trying to sneak around my moderation filter. He posted identical spam at my blog. It is crap he lifted off Drudge that is not accurate. I am 99% sure that John Wayne is someone who was previously banned here but I will leave it up to Doc to decide.

    At Obama fundraiser in Chicago. Admission only $51, but room is half full.LOL LOL

    [This comment has been moved to the open thread. The other identical ones spammed all over were deleted. Doc.]

  166. To accuse someone without evidence is not fair, nor superficially persuasive.

    You seem to think it’s good fun to say that somebody’s mother was sleeping around. Maybe your mother was sleeping around too (maybe you don’t care). But you are also accusing Dunham of lying on the birth certificate.

    I am done with you. You’re banned.

    Plausible, 1. superficially fair, superficially persuasive,( as in ,a plausible gentleman)…

  167. Mario is trying to claim that the Third Circuit didn’t threaten him with sanctions in their order to show cause and that they only threatened to make him pay attorney fees. However, those are sanctions under Rule 38 in the Federal Rules for Appellate Procedure. Rule 38 sanctions are the equivalent of Rule 11 sanctions in the district courts.

    i happened to notice that Mario’s busy editing Wikipedia this morning…

  168. IP addresses change, but the only other name I know of that JOHN WAYNE posted under was Dan Ackroyd, back last February.

    Reality Check: I am 99% sure that John Wayne is someone who was previously banned here but I will leave it up to Doc to decide.

  169. Well, go fix it! Change it to say “sanctions in the form of attorney fees…” and then put the citation on the Talk page.

    Reality Check: However, those are sanctions under Rule 38 in the Federal Rules for Appellate Procedure.

  170. LW says:

    I’d say this story relates to what we’ve been seeing from Dave/David.

  171. Dave B. says:

    LW: But not the other one?

    Well, that one sailed right over my head. Which other one?

  172. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “True” is not the standard you introduced; you claimed it was “plausible” and a married Marshall hanging out in public bars with Dunham is not plausible. And where’s your evidence? Oh, right, there is none.

    Not to mention that she was too young to hang out in bars when she was 17. The drinking age in Hawaii was 21 and it was strictly enforced – at least it was during my first visit there in 1969 (I was just a couple of weeks shy of my 21st birthday and I still couldn’t find anyone to serve me).

    “Dave” will not be missed.

  173. Thrifty says:

    In 2001, I got an Associate’s Degree from a local community college (in Computer Network Engineering). After a decade of alternating between periods of awful jobs and periods of no job, I decided that, with the money I had save up, I would try to get a Bachelor’s Degree (in web programming), though at a different school since community colleges don’t usually award Bachelor’s Degrees.

    I had a bunch of questions about which of my old credits would transfer, so I called to make an appointment with an advisor at the new school. They set up the appointment and asked me to fax them a copy of my college transcript. I keep a copy of that on file, so I agreed.

    Then I put on my Birther Hat. I began to wonder why they asked me to fax in the transcript, rather than just getting it themselves. Since I had to submit the transcript, I figure I must have sealed them. This is frightening news, because I have absolutely no recollection of ever sealing them. But apparently I did! And if I did seal my college records, why did I do it? What am I hiding? Why don’t I remember sealing them? And how much have I spent in legal fees to keep them sealed! I was starting to hyperventilate and have panic attacks, so I took off my Birther Hat and remembered how things work in the real world.

  174. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I am done with you. You’re banned.

    I’m sad. But you did the right thing, Doc.

  175. JD Reed says:

    Rickey: Please. That’s the sleaziest excuse in the books. “I didn’t say that Stanley, Ann Dunham was a slut, I’m just repeating what others have said.” “Some people say…” Spreading unfounded rumors is just as reprehensible as starting unfounded rumors.

    Hear, hear!

  176. Thrifty says:

    American Mzungu: Another version of the “Ann gives birth in Mombasa” story, from someone claiming to be Larry Sinclair:

    “His pornstar mother was attending a Moslem festival at the beach in Kenya when her water broke. She had been refused boarding a 4eng propjob across 2 oceans to Hawaii due to her late stage of PG so their honeymoon was extended until after the little $hitbag was born. ”

    Jesus Christ. These people really hate President Obama, don’t they? “Pornstar mother attending a Moslem festival”? They really just need to pack those villifications in tight. Reminds me of the McBain movie on The Simpsons with the scene of McBain being attacked by “Commie Nazis”.

  177. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:
  178. Keith says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    Dr. Taitz informed me that this is NOT her proposed Indiana Order:

    OH, I was taken in by a clever fake.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter


  179. American Mzungu says:

    Thrifty: These people really hate President Obama, don’t they? “Pornstar mother attending a Moslem festival”? They really just need to pack those villifications in tight.

    Some of you may have read the narratives I developed on some of the threads here at Docs to examine the plausibility of some birther memes: “Ann goes to Kenya”, “Ann sends telegrams announcing baby’s birth”, “Sarah goes with Ann to see her off” and variants. This telling of a narrative as a means of examining “truth” is not something I am comfortable with, as my inclination is toward history and political science rather than novels and short stories. I was very relieved that my narratives got good reviews from the crowd here that tends to be reality-based rather than myth-based.

    The compressed “stories” that are spun by “Dave/David” or “Larry Sinclair” and other birthers are compressed to express villifications; they resist expanding them sufficiently to examine whether placing them in a historical and social context rings true. Are these narratives plausible? Are they consistent with known facts? Do the characters act in a way that is convincing and authentic? A well-told story should suggest avenues for further research; a compressed story almost defies verification.

    I’m prepared to engage in dialogue with a birther who is willing to craft a narrative that is plausible in a historical and social setting, but “Dave/David” wouldn’t or couldn’t engage, and I’m not holding my breath waiting for “Larry Sinclair”. I don’t see any effort to search for truth. What I see is a compilation of words used to lie, slander, and villify. It’a all about the hate, as you state.

  180. Keith:

    How wuz I to know??? It looked sooo real. It had the tooth, the whole tooth, and some other stuff, too.

    But it like like she got her order off in FEDEX today. I wonder which one the judge sees first???


    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  181. Northland10 says:

    From Orly’s house of malware:


    8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Captain Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al

    Notice of Electronic Filing
    The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 8/13/2012 at 5:49 PM PDT and filed on 8/13/2012
    Case Name: Captain Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al
    Case Number: 8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN
    Filer: Alan Keyes PhD
    WARNING: CASE CLOSED on 10/29/2009
    Document Number: 130
    Docket Text: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for reconsideration under rule 60 new information, MOTION for Leave to file second amended complaint in RICO, MOTION for Reconsideration of the order to dismiss filed by plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD. Motion set for hearing on 9/10/2012 at 08:30 AM before Judge David O. Carter. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibits pp 1-30, # (2) Exhibits pp 31-60, # (3) Exhibits pp 61-80)(Taitz, Orly)
    8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Notice has been electronically mailed to:


  182. nbc says:

    Even for Orly standards this is pretty ridiculous. But judge Carter may take the opportunity to properly award Orly for her follies.

    Such follies. With Orly there is never a boring moment.

  183. Northland10 says:

    Northland10: From Orly’s house of malware:

    Jack Ryan has the actual motion..

  184. What Joe Arpaio believes is likely to have happened is not evidence.

    Northland10: Jack Ryan has the actual motion..

  185. LW says:

    Dave B.: Well, that one sailed right over my head. Which other one?

    The other “B”. If that makes no sense, I’ve erroneously connected two Dave Bs; my bad.

  186. Dave B. says:

    LW: The other “B”.

    I’ve just got the one, but I do move it around a bit, if that’s what you mean.

  187. LW says:

    Dave B.: I’ve just got the one, but I do move it around a bit, if that’s what you mean.

    Er, yes… uh, lowercase “d”s looks a lot like “b”s… um. And you didn’t get that?!

  188. Dave B. says:

    LW: And you didn’t get that?!

    What can I say? I’m no Sam Sewell. I’m not even a Jerry Collette.
    I just stick the “d” on the end sometimes because I always wanted to be my own past participle.

  189. Dave B. says:

    And does Orly need a new copier or what? I’m not sure I could make out what he said, even if it wasn’t upside down and sideways.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    What Joe Arpaio believes is likely to have happened is not evidence.

  190. G says:

    Yes it does! What a perfect illustration of how fake memes get started and then take hold.

    It is the old truism that the propagandists live by – keep repeating a LIE, and do so in as many places as possible, in hopes that it will become “gospel” to the gullible…

    I’m favoriting that article to use as case study citation reference from now on…

    Thanks for sharing that!!!

    LW: I’d say this story relates to what we’ve been seeing from Dave/David.

  191. Arthur says:

    I’ve been reading a lot of the comments at Obama Release Your Records lately, and I find it interesting that the level of anger has increased after Romney has selected Paul Ryan and the Republican convention nears.

    By and large, those who leave comments are not encouraged by the idea that Romney might defeat Obama in a legal election and so remove “the Usurper.” Rather, they are condemning Congress for failing to remove Obama RIGHT NOW and are renewing their calls for armed revolt. A frequent refrain is that Romney and Ryan are traitors who need to be arrested for treason. These comments remind me that hard-core birthers are as much motivated by an obsessive hatred of government as by a hatred for Obama. Their common fantasy involves a violent destruction of democracy, and the establishment of a military dictatorship that would suspend justice and deal bloody punishment to their enemies. These people are ANGRY first, and birthers second. I think it’s likely that a lot of them fell into birtherism as a way for them to give shape and voice to their inconsolable and incohate anger.

  192. John Reilly says:

    As I’ve said, Arthur, Dr. Taitz and her crew want to criminalize disagreement. That makes them fascists. Her latest filing continues that theme If you don’t agree with me, she says, you are a traitor. To Judge Carter. A decorated marine, as I recall. That is sure likely to be effective.

  193. aarrgghh says:

    Arthur: I’ve been reading a lot of the comments at Obama Release Your Records lately, and I find it interesting that the level of anger has increased after Romney has selected Paul Ryan and the Republican convention nears.

    By and large, those who leave comments are not encouraged by the idea that Romney might defeat Obama in a legal election and so remove “the Usurper.” Rather, they are condemning Congress for failing to remove Obama RIGHT NOW and are renewing their calls for armed revolt

    they are panicking because they have finally recognized what the sane folk recognize: that in a fair election, barack obama wins.


    however, instead of reflecting on the waste and folly of their petulant crusade, they’ve instead decided that elections as planned cannot happen.

    and there goes the pitiful wail of another irony meter, sounding the alarm of a wingnut nightmare come true, in a fashion: elections will be cancelled and martial law invoked — because an impotent gaggle of pretend patriots desperately desire a reign of terror more fervently than the person they accuse of planning one.

  194. G says:

    Yep. That is ALL it is about. We used to have a Birther troll regular here who spent all his time making up his own “special” whoppers about Obama. He would even switch between multiple sock-puppets to try to make it appear that there was multiple support for his own fiction.

    Of course, nobody here fell for his nonsense…and it was so lame (he was particularly hung up on generating his fictional biography of Obama around an SS-5 form or something like that), that it even BOMBED in most of the Birther circles that he tried to flog it on.

    I mean, what does that tell you about how bad his storytelling was…. when scum like Sinclair and other wackaloons can get the hate-obsessed cult faithful to fall for their scams and this guy can’t get traction…yeah, that’s bad. Even a step beyond a Polarik level EPIC FAIL.

    We referred to him (and all of his unbelievably numerable socks) by his most common moniker – “Sven”.

    His stories were so bad, that it was like a really bad B-movie…and almost became entertaining to an extent (when it wasn’t just a boringly repetitive broken record, with very little back and forth dialogue).

    We started to refer to his stories as the “Barry and the Pirates” Saga, with each version of his tale being a different chapter in his mad fantasy delusions.

    My personal favorite kooky Birther fiction is the folks who claim Obama was a secret commie time-traveller secret agent from Mars (I’m not kidding about this!). I consider that the Birther “Plan 9 From Outer Space” Obama story and think of Sven’s work as the Birther version of “Mansquito”. Then of course, there is Lucas Smith’s POSFKBC and his bizarrely loopy and lurid tale of acquiring it. Well, that’s a whole z-grade treasure hunt movie tale of its own…and with elements of soft-core porn to boot! Someone else would have to come up with a comparible b/z grade movie analogy to match that one…I can’t think of any that come close to match that one …as they would have to have cryptid dinosaurs thrown into the mix…

    American Mzungu: I’m prepared to engage in dialogue with a birther who is willing to craft a narrative that is plausible in a historical and social setting, but “Dave/David” wouldn’t or couldn’t engage, and I’m not holding my breath waiting for “Larry Sinclair”. I don’t see any effort to search for truth. What I see is a compilation of words used to lie, slander, and villify. It’a all about the hate, as you state.

  195. nbc says:

    John Reilly: As I’ve said, Arthur, Dr. Taitz and her crew want to criminalize disagreement.

    I see her as bit of a bully and she is not used to losing when she throws a temper tantrum. So far she has shown herself to be totally clueless either in court or when pursuing a political position.

  196. G says:

    I’ve noticed that too and have been regularly monitoring their cesspool over the past few months. I concur with all of your observations and assessments on the mindset at play over there.

    Fortunately, they are mostly just your typical spittle-inflected blowhard keyboard commandos. However, I would not put it past that site to end up inspiring some crazy people to snap and try some stupid “lone wolf” violent act…

    Arthur: I’ve been reading a lot of the comments at Obama Release Your Records lately, and I find it interesting that the level of anger has increased after Romney has selected Paul Ryan and the Republican convention nears.
    By and large, those who leave comments are not encouraged by the idea that Romney might defeat Obama in a legal election and so remove “the Usurper.” Rather, they are condemning Congress for failing to remove Obama RIGHT NOW and are renewing their calls for armed revolt. A frequent refrain is that Romney and Ryan are traitors who need to be arrested for treason. These comments remind me that hard-core birthers are as much motivated by an obsessive hatred of government as by a hatred for Obama. Their common fantasy involves a violent destruction of democracy, and the establishment of a military dictatorship that would suspend justice and deal bloody punishment to their enemies. These people are ANGRY first, and birthers second. I think it’s likely that a lot of them fell into birtherism as a way for them to give shape and voice to their inconsolable and incohate anger.

  197. G says:

    I agree.

    John Reilly: As I’ve said, Arthur, Dr. Taitz and her crew want to criminalize disagreement. That makes them fascists

  198. aarrgghh says:

    G: We referred to him (and all of his unbelievably numerable socks) by his most common moniker – “Sven”.

    he still post occasionally at freeperville.

    in case you were wondering what ‘sven’ looks like

  199. G says:

    ROTFL! Good one…

    I’m surprised he’s still popping up at Freeperville. I thought they tried to banish him several times…

    aarrgghh: he still post occasionally at case you were wondering what ‘sven’ looks like

  200. aarrgghh says:

    G: I’m surprised he’s still popping up at Freeperville.I thought they tried to banish him several times…

    still a member and still at it.

  201. Keith says:

    G: and with elements of soft-core porn to boot!

    Why do you automatically equate pedophilia with porn, soft-core or any other core?

  202. G says:

    I didn’t. I think you might be getting your various Lucas Smith tales confused. …unless I am.

    If I’m remembering correctly, his underage tales were from different events in live that he too openly shared and NOT from his “Kenya trip”. In the Kenya tale, which if I recall, he also wrote at length to members of Congress about (bizarre), there were a few lurid tangents with the local women he met along the way…but I don’t recall any of those also being mentioned as underage.

    Keith: Why do you automatically equate pedophilia with porn, soft-core or any other core?

  203. Thrifty says:

    I sometimes wonder if any presidential ticket would make these guys happy.

    I can’t wait to see how much these guys flip out if President Obama is re-elected.

    Arthur: I’ve been reading a lot of the comments at Obama Release Your Records lately, and I find it interesting that the level of anger has increased after Romney has selected Paul Ryan and the Republican convention nears.

  204. Keith says:

    I didn’t.I think you might be getting your various Lucas Smith tales confused. …unless I am.

    If I’m remembering correctly, his underage tales were from different events in live that he too openly shared and NOT from his “Kenya trip”.In the Kenya tale, which if I recall, he also wrote at length to members of Congress about (bizarre), there were a few lurid tangents with the local women he met along the way…but I don’t recall any of those also being mentioned as underage.

    Ah. Perhaps I misunderstood your point. He did admit, on this forum, to his liaison with at least one underage girl. And he seemed quite proud of it, and unapologetic about it. I suppose I am conflating the stories.

  205. Arthur says:

    John Reilly: Dr. Taitz and her crew want to criminalize disagreement. That makes them fascists.

    Yes, and this seems to run through a lot of right-wing talk radio, too.

  206. Arthur says:

    aarrgghh: they are panicking because they have finally recognized what the sane folk recognize: that in a fair election, barack obama wins.

    I was thinking that, too.

  207. Pluto says:

    A coomn misperception. I fault the Martian Birthers for falling for cliches. I don’t know how many times


    My personal favorite kooky Birther fiction is the folks who claim Obama was a secret commie time-traveller secret agent from Mars (I’m not kidding about this!). I consider that the Birther “Plan 9 From Outer Space” Obama story and think of Sven’s work as the Birther version of “Mansquito”.

  208. Majority Will says:

    Worth a read: “Paul Ryan’s Fairy-Tale Budget Plan”

    “In short, Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices. And it couldn’t pass even if Republicans were to take the presidency and both houses of Congress. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have no plan to take on Wall Street, the Fed, the military-industrial complex, social insurance or the nation’s fiscal calamity and no plan to revive capitalist prosperity — just empty sermons.”

  209. 134340 says:

    A common misperception. I fault the Martian Birthers for falling for cliches. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to point out that he obviously came from Pluto. I mean, a planet that’s not actually a planet but pretended to be a planet but got kicked out of the planetary club. Well, you get the (orbital) drift..

    One note I must add: Pluto’s name is now technically 134340. I offer that number up to Orly Taitz for her parse and decipher, and to inspire her in her interplanetary quest to strip a man of his name.


    My personal favorite kooky Birther fiction is the folks who claim Obama was a secret commie time-traveller secret agent from Mars (I’m not kidding about this!). I consider that the Birther “Plan 9 From Outer Space” Obama story and think of Sven’s work as the Birther version of “Mansquito”.

  210. G says:

    Just about everything in the 21st Century GOP platform is a fairy tale plan, devoid of credible math and amounting to nothing but empty sermons…

    Majority Will: Worth a read: “Paul Ryan’s Fairy-Tale Budget Plan”“In short, Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices. And it couldn’t pass even if Republicans were to take the presidency and both houses of Congress. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have no plan to take on Wall Street, the Fed, the military-industrial complex, social insurance or the nation’s fiscal calamity and no plan to revive capitalist prosperity — just empty sermons.”

  211. G says:

    Ah yes, its “asteroid dwarf planet” designation code…

    But then again, on the exciting side of “good news” for poor Pluto, it can at least boast that it has more moons than all of the inner rocky planets combined – up to 5 identified now:

    As a huge astronomy buff, I can’t wait until 2015, when we get to see not just Pluto’s system up close for the first time EVER, but also one of my other favorite mystery solar system objects – the dwarf planet Ceres!!!!!

    134340: One note I must add: Pluto’s name is now technically 134340. I offer that number up to Orly Taitz for her parse and decipher, and to inspire her in her interplanetary quest to strip a man of his name.

  212. Lupin says:

    G: As a huge astronomy buff…

    Let’s encourage Orly to move to the Red Planet:

  213. Arthur says:

    G: Fortunately, they are mostly just your typical spittle-inflected blowhard keyboard commandos.

    Yep; most are simply comical in their rage, although some are downright repulsive.

  214. MN-Skeptic says:

    Zullo’s not happy with either Fogbow or you. From an article at the Washington Times (

    Nearly a month has passed since a July 17 press conference where Mr. Zullo presented evidence which he says proves that Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a fraud. “They didn’t pick up on anything. They just don’t want to know about this,” he said. “We presented the most compelling stuff that we know we can prove. That’s the other side of it. We can prove this. This isn’t speculation anymore.”

    But Mr. Zullo says the mainstream media have turned to bloggers with names like The Fogbow and Dr. Conspiracy to refute the Arpaio team’s findings. “The media seem to gravitate toward these people as if they are the sound voice in this matter and they are anything but. They will give them special homage as far their technical information, but they will not report on ours with any real accuracy,” he said.

  215. Northland10 says:

    She will just file another complaint that the camera on the Mars Curiosity Rover is not pointed at her the whole time.

    Lupin: Let’s encourage Orly to move to the Red Planet:

  216. LW says:

    “I don’t understand why anyone would listen to people who work under silly names like that, rather than me, the head of the Cold Case Posse!”

    (Hitches up his belt and swaggers off the dias, as the “Marvel the Mustang” theme plays.)

  217. Paper says:

    Because they don’t have any real accuracy. None to report on.

    MN-Skeptic: but they will not report on ours with any real accuracy,” he said.

  218. JPotter says:

    MN-Skeptic: Mr. Zullo says the mainstream media have turned to bloggers with names like The Fogbow and Dr. Conspiracy

    ….. and the these names are less impressive than the “Cold Case Posse”? Cold cuts are so passé.

    MN-Skeptic: The media seem to gravitate toward these people as if they are the sound voice in this matter

    Ye have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, Zullo.

    No Scooby Doo ending for these kids.

    The Moonie Times ain’t exactly the Rolling Stone, but congrats all the same, Doc!

  219. Paper says:

    We did look at the facts. They were even more of a joke than ever. Not even worth commenting upon joke, a bad joke. So we ask you why you think you can get away with blathering such nonsense as if it means anything.

    When someone actually looks at the facts (instead of the “messenger”), you look even more foolish.

    Playing the victim gets old very very quickly.

    Does it matter that people don’t take you seriously and laugh at you (however sensitive a soul you are that you can’t handle such predictable fallout), when your facts themselves are laughable?

    Quote from that article:

    “You’re trying to go after the messenger. This is an official investigation,” Mr. Arpaio said. “Look at the facts, what we came up with.”

    Zullo’s not happy with either Fogbow or you. From an article at the Washington Times (

  220. JPotter says:

    MN-Skeptic: Zullo’s not happy with either Fogbow or you. From an article at the Washington Times (

    THanks for that link MN-Skeptic. That was a hilarious rundown of the CCCP fail! Particularly for the Moonie Times. I hadn’t heard the bit about the WH tweeting a X-Files reference LOL

    …. but what is the Part 2 going to cover? Seemed like The End right there!

  221. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Program from graduation day from Columbia University 1983

    So much for Obama not being at Columbia

  222. LW says:

    Wait, I loo

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    Program from graduation day from Columbia University 1983

    So much for Obama not being at Columbia

    What do you mean? I looked under “Barry Soetoro,” and he wasn’t there!

  223. Jim says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    Program from graduation day from Columbia University 1983

    So much for Obama not being at Columbia

    So, is the guy that claimed he never saw the President there on the list? 😀

  224. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Jim: So, is the guy that claimed he never saw the President there on the list?

    Wayne Allen Root yeah he actually is I think on the same page

  225. Whatever4 says:

    Jim: So, is the guy that claimed he never saw the President there on the list?

    Not only is Root there, but he has a notation that his degree was actually conferred in January. So was he on campus that last semester? Did he attend graduation and the festivities? (That’s when I found out who was actually in my graduating class.) Too bad Root’s sealed all his academic records.

  226. donna says:

    trump’s still talking bout his “big surprise”

    This just in from Donald Trump’s Twitter account:

    @realDonaldTrump: Today I am working on my ‘big surprise’ for the @RNC convention. Everyone will love it.

    Trump announced last week that he was given a speaking slot at the convention but turned it down. This should be interesting…

  227. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    donna: trump’s still talking bout his “big surprise”This just in from Donald Trump’s Twitter account:@realDonaldTrump: Today I am working on my ‘big surprise’ for the @RNC convention. Everyone will love it.Trump announced last week that he was given a speaking slot at the convention but turned it down. This should be interesting…

    He’s going to streak the convention?

  228. misha says:

    donna: @realDonaldTrump: Today I am working on my ‘big surprise’ for the @RNC convention. Everyone will love it.

    He might trot out Zullo, or start blathering about Zullo’s claims. Rmoney will not repudiate that crowd, plus Ryan is dogmatic – the kiss of death.

    Intrade has Obama at 56%. With Seamus’ wager, Rmoney is at 42%. Obama made a crack about Seamus –

    Obama jokingly references Romney dog-on-roof story

    “Gov. Romney even explained his energy policy this way, I’m quoting here, you can’t drive a car with a windmill on it,” Mr. Obama said.

    “I don’t know if he’s actually tried that. I know he’s had other things on his car,” he went on, to the Oskaloosa crowd’s applause and laughter.

    Rmoney is finished.

  229. LW says:


    This just in from Donald Trump’s Twitter account:

    @realDonaldTrump: Today I am working on my ‘big surprise’ for the @RNC convention. Everyone will love it.

    Will Intrade take wagers on what it is? I’m guessing he’s taught his toup to sing “Hello! Ma Baby.”

  230. misha says:

    LW: I’m guessing he’s taught his toup

    I think he has a comb-over badger, instead of a toupee. Anyone?

  231. Keith says:

    Lupin: Let’s encourage Orly to move to the Red Planet:

    John Carter had to deal with a couple of Mad Scientists and a bunch of Wannabe Emperors, but I don’t recall him having any experience with Mad Wannabe Lawyers.

    Maybe you are giving him too much to chew with this one. I wouldn’t wish Orly on my worst enemy,

  232. Keith says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: He’s going to streak the convention?


    Ivana is going to streak the convention.

  233. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Keith: Worse.

    Ivana is going to streak the convention.

    Ivanka though that would be something. I don’t understand how something like that could come from such a douchenozzle

  234. G says:

    Now THAT would be a surprise I’d love to see!!!

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Ivanka though that would be something.

  235. LW says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I don’t understand how something like that could come from such a [redacted, in respect of Just Me’s delicate sensibilities]

    Show us the paternity test results!

  236. misha says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:Ivanka though that would be something.

    She’s Jewish: In July 2009, after studying with Rabbi Elie Weinstock from the Modern Orthodox Ramaz School, Trump converted to Judaism and took the name Yael.

  237. Rickey says:

    Whatever4: Root

    Whatever4: Not only is Root there, but he has a notation that his degree was actually conferred in January. So was he on campus that last semester? Did he attend graduation and the festivities? (That’s when I found out who was actually in my graduating class.) Too bad Root’s sealed all his academic records.

    It’s possible that Root wasn’t at Columbia at any point during his senior year. When I went to college I completed the last of my required credits in the summer of 1974. I attended no classes in the fall of 1974 and I graduated in January, 1975. The alumni guide lists me as being a Class of 1975 graduate even though I took my last class in August, 1974.

    In any event, there is a good chance that Root wasn’t at the graduation ceremony in May, 1983. My college held a separate graduation ceremony for the January graduates and I suspect that Columbia did as well.

    Incidentally, on Root’s website he spells his middle name “Allyn” but on the Columbia program it is spelled “Alan.” So which is it, Allyn or Alan? What is he hiding?

  238. RuhRoh says:

    G: RuhRoh

    I am so absolutely sure now that this was his “coming out song” and so are all my gay friends. My brother was a bit surprised and then was all like–“DUH”, but a lot of my other gay friends didn’t see how I had missed it. Hindsight is always 20/20.

    But you can see how utterly and painfully conflicted George Michael was at the time. He refused to make an appearance in the video for Freedom 90, but recruited the popular female models of the time to appear in his stead. So even when drawing a line in the sand that he wouldn’t be heterosexualized, the video is totally hetero.

    And the OTHER videos on this album are almost COMICALLY hyper hetero. I remember laughing at them in my late teens as they looked so fake and overdone(I didn’t know why at the time).

    George Michael, if you are in some improbable universe reading this–I didn’t care, even then as a late teen / early twenties lady. You have an incomparable voice and wrote a lot of fantastic songs. You could have told me who you were at the beginning and I still would have loved your music. I don’t know why you imploded upon coming out. But I hope you’ll grace us all with new music some day…

  239. Keith says:

    Tonignt I’m going to a lecture titled: “The Lessons of the New Deal: Did Obama Learn the Right Ones?” by Anthony Badger the “Paul Mellon Professor of American History” at Cambridge.

    He is a specialist on “the American South” and is the author of “FDR: The First Hundred Days (2008)”.

    He is also the guy the British Government tapped to be “colonial files tsar” to oversee the review and transfer of the “hidden” Migrated Colonial Archives files to the public domain.

    The background of these ‘hidden’ files can be followed here: A Colonial WikiLeaks? The Migrated Archives and the Caribbean Pt.1. As the article points out, the importance of these documents cannot be overstated:

    On April 18, England’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) will begin releasing the first group of sensitive documents related to the decolonization of 37 former British colonies. The release of the documents was the result of a High Court hearing in London during April 2011, which centered on four elderly Kenyans, who were labelled as suspected Mau Mau rebels by the British government, and thus experienced abuse, torture, and illegal imprisonment during the Emergency period of the 1950s. Nearly 50 years after the widespread repression and eventual process of decolonization, the case brought forth by the four Kenyan pensioners against the British government has the real potential to be regarded as a “Colonial WikiLeaks,” and quite possibly lead to the rewriting of the established narratives of decolonization and independence not only in Africa, but also throughout the Caribbean and all former Commonwealth colonies.

    I take it that this is what got the Birther’s all in a lather about going to the UK to discover the Obama secrets.

    I doubt I’ll get a chance to discuss this very off topic topic with Professor Badger tonignt, but maybe if there are only 5 people in the audience he’ll be willing to tell me if he’s had any contact with birth certificate hunters.

  240. Breaking!!! Zullo Deposed!!! Video!!! Riveting legal drama!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  241. G says:

    +1000 Kudos!!!

    Well done, Squeeky! Well done indeed! Not only was that a great illustration of how a real likely deposition would start their questioning, but quite hilarious too…when Zullo started saying “I’m a little teapot…”…well, I fell off my chair in laughter at that point…and couldn’t stop until well after it was over.

    Another one of my favorite moments – the “Warning” at the end. Indeed!!! 😉

    Only one criticism – I hate the way that computer-voices say the word “false”…

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Breaking!!! Zullo Deposed!!! Video!!! Riveting legal drama!!! FrommGirl Reporter

  242. G:

    Thank you!!! I am going to try to do more things like this to keep this stuff interesting. The voices are irritating sometimes, but there is nothing you can do to fix it. I am glad it made you laugh. That is what I aim for.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  243. roadburner says:

    Rickey: Incidentally, on Root’s website he spells his middle name “Allyn” but on the Columbia program it is spelled “Alan.” So which is it, Allyn or Alan? What is he hiding?

    probably read `atlas shrugged’ and decided to change his spelling in honor.

    students do that kind of thing

  244. Keith says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    Breaking!!! Zullo Deposed!!! Video!!! Riveting legal drama!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    Nicely done!

    As I live in Australia, I was interested in the beautiful painting on the wall behind you in the film.

    I trust you paid a ‘fair market value’ for the painting, and are aware of your responsibilities under the Indigenous Australian Art Commercial Code of Conduct and Resale Royalty Scheme

  245. Keith says:

    Keith: Tonignt I’m going to a lecture titled: “The Lessons of the New Deal: Did Obama Learn the Right Ones?”

    OK, so I went. He’s in Oz touring with the Clare College Choir and giving a few lectures ‘on the side’. It was an interesting talk

    The Prof’s lecture could have been cribbed from notes of my various dinner party bloviations from the last few years. My wife was surprised that Bolger’s talk actually validated most of my rantings.

    He had some interesting insights into the FDR recovery process: when he took office he actually had NO plan to address the banking crisis even though he had four months to work on it. His last minute solution was to call a nationwide bank holiday, do a quick guesstimate about which ones should be allowed to reopen when, and then do a ‘Fireside’ chat begging people to take their money out from under their mattress and put it back into the bank. They did, and the nation was saved. There was no plan ‘B’. If plan ‘A’ failed, well…

    He was very strong in pointing out that FDR’s major depression fighting technique was putting people back to work again. And this was one of the major differences between FDR and Obama. FDR expanded the public payroll, Obama has been forced by Congressional budget cuts to reduce the public payroll drastically. By the way, FDR is credited with high unemployment rates, but all those millions of people on CCC projects and the like, were counted as unemployed, even though they were drawing a paycheck.

    And that is the thing… getting money back into the pockets of the people who can then spend it on goods, raising demand, stimulating the manufacturing sector, lifting private sector jobs. Of course, after the initial kickstart, FDR tried austerity, cutting Government spending, and immediately pushed the economy back into recession.

    Also, the Social Security package took fully 2 years to put together. He had a lot of low level convincing to do to get it passed. I got into an online discussion with someone about a year ago who claimed that FDR introduced SS after 2 years instead of during the 100 days because he wasn’t really interested in it but he was losing support and had to placate the masses. I pointed out that he had just increased his majority in the mid-terms, SS was a big thing that couldn’t be done overnight, you can’t do everything at once, and you need to do something each year of a 4 year term. Bolger’s discussion gives me more ammo the next time I get into that discussion.

    During the QA session, I asked him to comment on the different environment that FDR and Obama operate in with respect to hate groups. While he seemed to agree with me that the Tea Party is a warmed over John Birch Party surrogate, he disagreed that FDR didn’t have to deal with haters. FDR used to say that he ‘welcomed the hate from the privileged’ and many observers accuse him of starting the American class warfare that has resulted in the polarization we see today. On the other hand, with several hours hindsight, I would have to add that Obama doesn’t have to deal with Huey Long either.

    After the close, I was able to approach the podium and ask him my off-topic question: had he seen anyone looking for Birth Certificates in his work with the “Migrated Colonial Records”. He didn’t answer directly that he hadn’t been accosted by the birthers but he did say unequivocally that “they hadn’t found a birth certificate for Obama Jr., but they had found Obama Sr.’s details with respect to his overseas study and air lift.

  246. Keith says:

    Oh, yeah. I forgot.

    Professor Badger supervised Sasha Baron Cohen’s Honors Dissertation (at Cambridge, I assume).

  247. LW says:

    Romney busts out the dog whistle. Does this sound familiar?

    Obama is “running just to hang onto power, and I think he would do anything in his power” to remain in office.

  248. misha says:

    Romney busts out the dog whistle. Does this sound familiar? Obama is “running just to hang onto power, and I think he would do anything in his power” to remain in office.

    They are desperate. Yummy!

  249. gorefan says:

    Interesting example on internet rumors and who can get fooled.,0,1702854.story

  250. Thrifty says:

    Oh, yeah. I forgot.

    Professor Badger supervised Sasha Baron Cohen’s Honors Dissertation (at Cambridge, I assume).

    Suddenly I’m picturing Badger from Breaking Bad delivering a lecture on astrophysics.

  251. Thrifty says:

    I think next time a Birther comes around, I’m going to ask why it matters if Barack Obama is or is not a natural born citizen. If the response is “It says in the Constitution that the President must be a natural born citizen”, I’ll ask the Birther if he’s actually seen the original Constitution, or just digital images online or (worse) reproductions of the text.

  252. G says:

    Thanks for sharing all that! Fascinating and I enjoyed your recap of all those points about FDR’s term and comparative analysis of the environment and policy of FDR vs Obama.

    Keith: OK, so I went. He’s in Oz touring with the Clare College Choir and giving a few lectures ‘on the side’. It was an interesting talk

  253. G says:

    LOL! Good one. I’ll have to remember to use that point too…

    Thrifty: I think next time a Birther comes around, I’m going to ask why it matters if Barack Obama is or is not a natural born citizen. If the response is “It says in the Constitution that the President must be a natural born citizen”, I’ll ask the Birther if he’s actually seen the original Constitution, or just digital images online or (worse) reproductions of the text.

  254. Keith:

    Thank you!!! As far as the painting, we bought it for $8.00 at a yard sale here in Texas and had it framed. I don’t think it came from “Down Under.” All the circles seem to have to been painted in a counter-clockwise brush stroke, and one would think that if it had come from Australia, the circles would have been painted in a clockwise stroke because of the Coriolus Effect.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  255. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    New Devo? DO WANT!!!!!!!!!!!

  256. Keith says:

    Thanks for sharing all that!Fascinating and I enjoyed your recap of all those points about FDR’s term and comparative analysis of the environment and policy of FDR vs Obama.

    You’re welcome. Obviously the points I raised were just the ones that stuck with me, and were affected somewhat by the “Chinese Whispers” effect. He was definitely a good speaker. If I find that this talk has been recorded for a pod cast I’ll let you all know.

  257. Majority Will says:

    Keith: You’re welcome. Obviously the points I raised were just the ones that stuck with me, and were affected somewhat by the “Chinese Whispers” effect. He was definitely a good speaker. If I find that this talk has been recorded for a pod cast I’ll let you all know.

    Please do. Thanks.

  258. donna says:

    Donald Trump apparently took offense to Salon political writer Alex Pareene’s recent piece. After Pareene called him “America’s most famous fake mogul,” Trump fired back:

    Lightweight reporter Alex Pareene @pareene is known as a total joke in political circles. Hence, he writes for Loser Salon. @salon
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 15, 2012

    Asked for comment, Pareene told TPM his official comment is “LOL.”

    “Donald Trump is one of my least favorite pretend rich people but he’s definitely the easiest one to troll,” he added.

  259. misha says:

    donna: “Donald Trump is one of my least favorite pretend rich people but he’s definitely the easiest one to troll,” he added.

    George Will – “The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious it seems to me.”

  260. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    It looks like our old friend John the failure Drew has changed his Obama story once again. Not content with just trying to paint Obama as a radical socialist in his days at Occidental, John has now revised his story to include parts about Obama being gay. Corsi’s latest piece of crap

    “I really had the feeling that Obama was Chandoo’s ‘boy toy,’” Drew told WND.

    “The first time I saw Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo together, I thought they were a wealthy gay couple,” Drew said.

    “In fact, they looked so gay that my girlfriend, Caroline Boss, whispered to me, ‘They’re not gay.’ So, that confirmed to me I wasn’t the only one who thought Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo looked like they were in a very close, intimate relationship.”

    John Drew and his college girlfriend, Caroline Boss
    Drew admits he was confused about Chandoo’s sexuality, considering it possible the Pakistani was bisexual, especially after he learned Occidental classmate Margo Mifflin was Chandoo’s girlfriend at the time.

    What a scumbag John is

  261. sfjeff says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: It looks like our old friend John the failure Drew has changed his Obama story once again. Not content with just trying to paint Obama as a radical socialist in his days at Occidental, John has now revised his story to include parts about Obama being gay. Corsi’s latest piece of crap

    John just keeps ‘remembering’ more and more about those days. Next John will be regalling us with stories about how Obama was roasting dogs in a pit on campus.

  262. JPotter says:

    Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
    Why people who believe in one conspiracy are prone to believe others

    By Michael Shermer

    New piece by Michael Shermer in the Sept. issue of Scientific American. I didn’t notice any new material, but the illustration is not to be missed!

    He’s had several relevant pieces in SA over the past year:

  263. Shermer wrote:

    A man challenged me to explain the source of a green laser beam that followed him around the English countryside one evening.

    I know the the source of the red laser beam that followed me around one evening: the physics lab on campus.

    JPotter: Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
    Why people who believe in one conspiracy are prone to believe others

  264. The authors suggest there is a higher-order process at work that they call global coherence that overrules local contradictions

    That explains how Obama is ineligible to be president because of his British father, Frank Marshall Davis.

    JPotter: Why people who believe in one conspiracy are prone to believe others

  265. gorefan says:

    Is anyone else getting a pop up script error messagecaused by the megadeath (TMZ) video?

  266. RuhRoh says:

    G: RuhRoh

    It seems so obvious now, with 20 years of hindsight. 😉

    And the way he went about it–you can see how difficult it still was even that recently for an international megastar to come out. He actually REFUSED to appear in the video. and who does appear in it? A half dozen half-naked female supermodels, confusing or at least blurring the message.

    In one way, this makes the song more effective, as anyone who has ever felt they were living a lie in some way (i.e. all of us at some point) can identify with it. Even if it’s just the face we ALL put on at work. And he certainly shored up his hetero male fanbase with the video. (At the time, there was one male friend in my circle who always called this video “the one with the exploding guitars” and no one ever understood why that was the image or message he recalled, but there you go.) The video made it accessible to anyone who ever felt they had put on a face for some reason.

    But if I knew then what I know know: it’s George Michael’s first attempt to say that he was gay and he was terrified that we’d never again buy his music if we knew that. And clearly, Sony thought that was the case.

    I just love this song more and more!

  267. G says:

    Yeah, I’ve been getting a pop-up script error that would not go away…including that I couldn’t even get the script error to disappear, no matter how I responded to it. So I had to not just eventually reboot, but also change browsers from what I normally use to access this site (temporarily switched to Google Chrome), in order to access posts and comment again. Hence, why my avatar looks different tonight. I was using Internet Explorer 9, when I was experiencing that crazy script error.

    Is anyone else getting a pop up script error messagecaused by the megadeath (TMZ) video?

  268. G says:

    I’m actually experiencing certain script problems under Google Chrome now too. Once I post a comment, my “back” button on my browser stops working properly, and only takes me back and forth endlessly between two different comments within the existing page. I have to retype the base site address in the top window in order to get back out of a particular post. So there is definitely some problems going on here, which so far, I only seem to be having with this site.

  269. James M says:

    I think next time a Birther comes around, I’m going to ask why it matters if Barack Obama is or is not a natural born citizen.If the response is “It says in the Constitution that the President must be a natural born citizen”, I’ll ask the Birther if he’s actually seen the original Constitution, or just digital images online or (worse) reproductions of the text.

    If the Constitution says that, then it makes the President a Natural Born Citizen, doesn’t it?

  270. donna says:

    This Is CNN’s Soft Birtherism

    CNN contributor and Republican consultant Alex Castellanos waded into birther conspiracies to excuse Mitt Romney’s refusal to disclose his tax returns, arguing that Romney should withhold his tax returns until President Obama “releases 10 years of birth certificates.”

  271. gorefan says:

    G: I was using Internet Explorer 9, when I was experiencing that crazy script error.

    Me too. I start Task Manager to close OCT and use the history button to open this thread. The script error says something about TMZ and the Megadeath video embedded in the Swiftboat v. Black Op article is a TMZ video. So I’m assuming that is the problem.

  272. Works for me, but I have replaced the video with a link.

    gorefan: The script error says something about TMZ and the Megadeath video embedded in the Swiftboat v. Black Op article is a TMZ video.

  273. Arthur says:

    Is anyone else getting a pop up script error messagecaused by the megadeath (TMZ) video?

    I don’t know what it’s caused by, but yes, I’m getting that script error message using Explorer, but not with Firefox.

  274. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I have replaced the video with a link

    That’s much better. Thank you.

  275. G says:

    LOL! That was an interesting read. KUDOS for finding what seems to be the first actual ballot challenge against Romney. In 2008, a few of the nuts did file frivolous attempts against McCain.

    While I grasp what the Libertarian Party’s argument is about 5% prior vote support as state law threshold for a party, it seems they are really twisting themselves into desperate knots in order to pretend that the GOP isn’t above that threshold.

    It is a frivolous and disingenuous case and will fail. But hey, at least they are trying to stick within the confines of procedural law requirements and not throwing crazy conspiracy cr@p into their case. So that already puts this particular ballot challenge light years ahead of any of the silly Birthers’ attempts.

    LW: A quixotic ballot challenge — against Romney:

  276. Groan Alert!!! Read at your own risk!!!

    I am posting this because the word plays just worked out sooo perfectly that there HAS to be a Higher Power somewhere in the Universe setting this stuff up.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  277. Interesting new Birther:

    I just did an Internet Article on this because it seems to be fairly new.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  278. Paper says:

    Here’s a review of the D’Souza “masterwork”, for lack of a more appropriate word:

  279. misha says:

    Paper: Here’s a review of the D’Souza “masterwork”, for lack of a more appropriate word:

    From the review: “…which asserts that Mr. Obama pursues his father’s left-leaning, “anticolonial” ideals. Here they are presented as flaws consistent with the senior Obama’s multiple relationships, alcoholism and fatal auto accident in 1982.”

    So D’Souza, Gingrich and Huckabee are pro-colonial? Anyone who is anti-colonial is at heart a communist?

    Anglo-Saxon culture is superior, unless it’s Israel during a campaign stop – huh? Israeli culture is superior, except for the kibbutzim and universal healthcare. Would someone explain these mental gymnastics?

    There is no depth, that these hatchet jobs will not sink to. National Review Online: “Remember, Adolf [Schicklgruber] was a socialist.”

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  280. Paper says:

    Yeah, that kind of thing always makes me wonder why George Washington even bothered. We really shouldn’t have disrespected the King like that.


    So D’Souza, Gingrich and Huckabee are pro-colonial? Anyone who is anti-colonial is at heart a communist?

  281. G says:

    Good points. I agree.

    misha: Anglo-Saxon culture is superior, unless it’s Israel during a campaign stop – huh? Israeli culture is superior, except for the kibbutzim and universal healthcare. Would someone explain these mental gymnastics? There is no depth, that these hatchet jobs will not sink to. National Review Online: “Remember, Adolf [Schicklgruber] was a socialist.”
    You can’t make this stuff up.

  282. Northland10 says:

    misha: So D’Souza, Gingrich and Huckabee are pro-colonial? Anyone who is anti-colonial is at heart a communist?

    The Monroe Doctrine always seemed rather anti-colonial. I guess Monroe was a communist.

  283. misha says:

    Northland10: The Monroe Doctrine always seemed rather anti-colonial.I guess Monroe was a communist.

    Apparently, Monroe was a proto-communist.

  284. misha says:

    Paper: Yeah, that kind of thing always makes me wonder why George Washington even bothered.We really shouldn’t have disrespected the King like that.

    Gingrich, Huckabee and D’Souza are going to issue a posthumous apology to King George III. ‘Sorry for being disrespectful. Turns out, you had better ideas than that Kenyan in the White House.’

  285. OMG!!! The Planet Nibirfu Is Coming in 2012!!! The Mayans were right!!!

    Or not.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  286. Arthur says:

    A new personality in the birther movement (at least to me):

    “President Barack Obama is a socialist, was raised by communists, and wasn’t born in the United States, according to the former Navy SEAL who founded the group Special Operations Speaks (SOS), which aims to portray Obama as anti-military in this election season.

    “The founder of SOS . . . says he has no problem admitting that he is against Obama’s politics, personality, and believes that America’s current president is lying about his origins.

    “I have to admit that I’m a Birther,” said SOS founder Larry Bailey, a retired 27-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, in an interview. “If there were a jury of 12 good men and women and the evidence were placed before them, there would be absolutely no question Barack Obama was not born where he said he was and is not who he says he is.”

  287. Well, Blues Before Sunrise just played this gospel song, and it was very pretty, sooo I found it on youtube. I never heard of these people, but Sam Cooke used to sing with them after this guy left, and Sam Cooke sounds familiar.:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  288. Birther Cotillion And Fancy Dress Ball on September 22, 2012 in Phoenix!!!

    I just did an Internet Article on it, too.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    PS: Somebody named “SallyinAz” is busting out Obot’s at gretawire, giving names and IPs and stuff. She does in in multiple comments. Here is the link

  289. Majority Will says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    Well, Blues Before Sunrise just played this gospel song, and it was very pretty, sooo I found it on youtube. I never heard of these people, but Sam Cooke used to sing with them after this guy left, and Sam Cooke sounds familiar.:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    That was fun! I loved the backup harmonies. Thanks.

    Here’s one of my favorite tunes. It’s a great song for dancing.

  290. Arthur says:

    You might be a birther if . . . you believe an elementary school lunch-line palm scanner is the mark of the beast.

  291. misha says:

    You might be a birther if . . . you believe an elementary school lunch-line palm scanner is the mark of the beast.

    Ha! Just wait until that elementary school starts implanting microchips.

    It’s Louisiana, and that explains everything, including Piyush Howdy Doody Bobby Jindal. He’s the governor who performed an exorcism when he smelled sulfur.

    Whenever someone says they are possessed by the devil, they should see a Jewish psychiatrist.

    Have to go now – the golem just woke up.

  292. She’s one nasty piece of work.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: PS: Somebody named “SallyinAz” is busting out Obot’s at gretawire, giving names and IPs and stuff. She does in in multiple comments. Here is the link

  293. LW says:

    Argh, can’t find it… a few weeks ago, there was a post on one of the threads here, tracing the origin of birtherism to an early post on a conservative board. I think it was based on research by Lupin.

    Can anyone point me to that?

  294. misha says:

    LW: Argh, can’t find it… a few weeks ago, there was a post on one of the threads here, tracing the origin of birtherism to an early post on a conservative board.

    IIRC, the ‘born in Mombasa’ meme was started by Phil Berg, an ardent Hilary supporter. He would do anything to derail Obama.

    Berg is a registered Democrat, and his office is near here in Norristown.

  295. LW says:

    Small world; my brother’s wife is from Norristown.

    But no, IIRC correctly, this was something that even predated Berg; something on freep or townhall or even SF?

  296. That was Loren. See his seminal article:

    LW: Argh, can’t find it… a few weeks ago, there was a post on one of the threads here, tracing the origin of birtherism to an early post on a conservative board. I think it was based on research by Lupin.

    Can anyone point me to that?

  297. misha says:

    LW: my brother’s wife is from Norristown

    Do you have any relatives from Levittown? [bada-bing]

  298. LW says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That was Loren. See his seminal article:

    Ding! Now bookmarked, thanks.

  299. Keith says:

    My wife found a book the other day for 50cents at an Opp Shop..

    Generations of Americans: A History of the United States by Polakoff, Rosenberg, Bolton, Story, and Swartz (1976, St. Martin’s Press).

    I hadn’t seen it before, and I thought I might find something in it that I could use for a discussion somewhere else about Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine.

    Unfortunately, an entire octavo has been “misprinted”, so there are pairs of blank pages throughout the entire section I was trying to reference.

    This damned censorship has got to end! How dare Obama retrospectively delete whole sections of the history of America! The whole section about America (Monroe in this case) telling European Colonial Powers (like Britain, for example) to stay out of South American (like Ecuador, maybe) affairs and beyond is totally unreadable.

    On the other hand, it does have an interesting insight into Marbury v Madison that escaped the censors hand even if the context that brought it into the book is lost on the previous two blank pages.

    [Chief Justice] Marshall (who was distantly related to Jefferson) clashed with the president on several occasions. In the case of Marbury v Madison (1803) the court had to decide whether or not Jefferson’s secretary of state could withhold the commission of a Federalist office seeker, an obscure justice of the peace named William Marbury, who failed to receive his appointment papers before the Jeffersonians took office. Marshall was certain the the president would ignore any order to honor this “mid-night appointment” and realized that such an outcome would diminish the Supreme Court’s prestige. He therefore avoided a direct confrontation with the executive branch. In a politically clever opinion, the chief justice concluded that Marbury was entitled to his position but that the court could not order Jefferson to give it to him. The Supreme Court, Marshall wrote, had no jurisdiction to hear the case because the seciton of the Judiciary Act of 1789 under which Marbury brought his action was unconstitutional. By adopting this theory, Marshall’s opinion asserted the Supreme Court’s power to void congressional legislation. (The Supreme Court did not declare another act of Congress unconstitutional, however, until the Dred Scott decision of 1857.)

  300. Keith says:

    I guess I should have made clear that I can’t for the life of me figure out why some birfoon lawsuits think that Marbury has anything to do with Obama’s eligibility. Ludicrous.

  301. Thrifty says:

    I saw this oddly framed picture of President Obama. I wonder what would happen if I went to a Birther friendly site and posted a link to it with a claim that Barack Obama is the Messiah because he can summon balls of light from nothing.

  302. G says:

    LOL! Now that’s a pretty cool pic!

    Thrifty: I saw this oddly framed picture of President Obama. I wonder what would happen if I went to a Birther friendly site and posted a link to it with a claim that Barack Obama is the Messiah because he can summon balls of light from nothing.

  303. Obama does that all the time when he speaks in person. It’s a real crowd pleaser.

    Thrifty: if I went to a Birther friendly site and posted a link to it with a claim that Barack Obama is the Messiah because he can summon balls of light from nothing.

  304. The Magic M says:

    Thrifty: I wonder what would happen if I went to a Birther friendly site and posted a link to it with a claim that Barack Obama is the Messiah because he can summon balls of light from nothing.

    Even louder “burn the witch!” cries? 😉

  305. Lupin says:

    A propos of nothing in general, one of the most amazing cognitive dissonances I’ve come across is that right-wing US voters think Obama is pro-Muslim.

    Without breaking any confidentiality, I know some oil traders who deal with the Middle East 24/7. People in Egypt, Jordan, even Pakistan, are all pro-Romney in like the 80% range.

    The Europeans are generally pro-Obama (92% in France) but the Arab street is definitely against him. OTOH, Romney, like Bush, is sort of in the pockets of the Arabs. My friend believes there’s already been secret deals made between Romney and the Arabs. I have no idea what about.

    Now reasonable people may agree to disagree on whether Obama has been good or bad for America vis vis the Arab World, but one thing is absolutely certain: if you’re anti-Muslim, you should back Obama, not Romney.

    It’s truly a feat of amazing, Goebbels-worthy proportions that your right wing believe the opposite. Frankly, I don’t even get it.

    My friend the trader was laughing about it. Not in a nice way either.

  306. Dave B. says:

    Zullo’s already looking for a really heavy duck to weigh.

    The Magic M: Even louder “burn the witch!” cries?

  307. misha says:

    Gail Collins has now mention ‘the dog on the roof,’ at least 60 times:

    “Ryan is the one who likes to catch catfish by sticking his fist into their burrows and dragging them out by the throat. Romney is the one who drove to Canada with his dog strapped to the car roof.”

  308. Greenfinches says:

    Lupin: People in Egypt, Jordan, even Pakistan, are all pro-Romney in like the 80% range.

    Any ideas as to why? I just can’t see the attraction, myself – tho’ a moderate Republican would get a hearing. Mr Ruthless Capitalism himself, with no leavening of compassion? No thanks.

  309. Judge Mental says:

    A propos of nothing in general, one of the most amazing cognitive dissonances I’ve come across is that right-wing US voters think Obama is pro-Muslim.
    Without breaking any confidentiality, I know some oil traders who deal with the Middle East 24/7. People in Egypt, Jordan, even Pakistan, are all pro-Romney in like the 80% range.
    The Europeans are generally pro-Obama (92% in France) but the Arab street is definitely against him. OTOH, Romney, like Bush, is sort of in the pockets of the Arabs. My friend believes there’s already been secret deals made between Romney and the Arabs. I have no idea what about.
    Now reasonable people may agree to disagree on whether Obama has been good or bad for America vis vis the Arab World, but one thing is absolutely certain: if you’re anti-Muslim, you should back Obama, not Romney.
    It’s truly a feat of amazing, Goebbels-worthy proportions that your right wing believe the opposite. Frankly, I don’t even get it.
    My friend the trader was laughing about it. Not in a nice way either.

    I’m a Scot who has lived and worked in The Middle East for most of each of the last 35 years. Whilst I don’t think it has any significance to the daft accusations about Obama being muslim, I’d have to strongly disagree with your friends’ perception of the majority of arabs in The Middle East preferring Romney to Obama. In my personal experience the opposite would be the case.Although Obama has been a bit of a ‘disappointment’ in some ways to some arabs (who in my view had unrealistic expectations of him) he is still in my view considered streets ahead of any other American politician in most of their eyes.

    I’m making no comment about Pakistan as I don’t really consider that part of The Middle East and I only very infrequently travel there in connection with my work so don’t have the same chance to form an opinion of attitudes there.

  310. Thomas Brown says:

    Oh, tell me you did. Or will.

    I saw this oddly framed picture of President Obama.I wonder what would happen if I went to a Birther friendly site and posted a link to it with a claim that Barack Obama is the Messiah because he can summon balls of light from nothing.

  311. G says:

    Wow…that was powerful! That deserves to be reposted in every newspaper across the country.

    donna: Dear Mr. Akin, I Want You to Imagine…

  312. Lupin says:

    Judge Mental: I’m a Scot who has lived and worked in The Middle East for most of each of the last 35 years. Whilst I don’t think it has any significance to the daft accusations about Obama being muslim, I’d have to strongly disagree with your friends’ perception of the majority of arabs in The Middle East preferring Romney to Obama. In my personal experience the opposite would be the case.Although Obama has been a bit of a ‘disappointment’ in some ways to some arabs (who in my view had unrealistic expectations of him) he is still in my view considered streets ahead of any other American politician in most of their eyes.

    I’m making no comment about Pakistan as I don’t really consider that part of The Middle East and I only very infrequently travel there in connection with my work so don’t have the same chance to form an opinion of attitudes there.

    I obviously have no opinions on the matter, but to be fair to my friend the British trader, I think I should probably introduce a nuance between (a) being in favor of Obama NOT being reelected and (b) being pro-Romney.

    Now we understand that a = b, but I’m not sure the Arab street goes further than a.

    I also do recall seeing a recent CNN/Pew poll showing results very much like those I was posting.

  313. G says:

    I definitely think you are onto something in your analogy. Here is how I see that dynamic playing out here.

    The ODS suffering crowd is simply the “A”, where they will vote for anything but Obama.

    Due to the steep recession and other factors, there are also a lot of folks who are simply unhappy with the state of things, but haven’t gone the full ODS route of irrational madness. So, for those folks, while their initial instinct may be to look to replace a President, out of insufficient satisfaction, they DO need to feel that they have a “viable alternative” that they feel better about. So, for this crowd, both A and B are important.

    Those are the true pool of actual “swing votes” up for grabs in this current hyperpartisan climate. As many polling organizations have noted, the true “swing vote” pool is smaller this cycle than it has been in the past.

    So this years election is shifting towards more of a base turnout issue. However, the base is simply not sufficient on its own to win a Presidential election – at least not in the actual “swing states”, where this will be determined. So that is where the GOP and the Romney campaign have boxed themselves in. So many of their statements, actions and legislative attempts have been geared towards shoring up their far-right base. This simply turns off many of those true “swing votes” that are still up for grabs and which they do actually need, in order to be competitive.

    That is pretty much where the dynamic here currently stands.

    Lupin: I obviously have no opinions on the matter, but to be fair to my friend the British trader, I think I should probably introduce a nuance between (a) being in favor of Obama NOT being reelected and (b) being pro-Romney.Now we understand that a = b, but I’m not sure the Arab street goes further than a.I also do recall seeing a recent CNN/Pew poll showing results very much like those I was posting.

  314. Sudoku says:

    There is an article on ORYR about Susan Daniels “debunking” the Obot myth that Obama was issued a “CT” SSN. Big surprise, they are buying it hook, line and sinker.

  315. misha says:

    Sudoku: There is an article on ORYR about Susan Daniels “debunking” the Obot myth that Obama was issued a “CT” SSN.

    I looked through the comments. Here’s my favorite: “The 13th Amendment should be repealed. Slavery is ordained in God’s Law as a sacrament of obedience. It is no secret that since slavery was outlawed, obedience has been also. Slaves and former slaves shoul not have social scurity numbers and shall not be entitled to the benefit of such. There is no record of a Barry Soetro or Barack Hussein Obama Jr before the secret expedition to Mars in 1981. When the expedition returned, an extra body was brought back. It is that body that flourished on Earth and is now occupying our White House in the name of something other than the Lord’s People in America. Gol Valelly will attest to this as he is in possesion of the interviews what were conducted about the mission in 1988.”

  316. Sudoku says:

    I saw that, too. A real charmer, that guy.

    misha: I looked through the comments.

  317. Rickey says:

    I just came across an article in the Phoenix New Times which says that Arpaio, Lakin and Pat Boone will be headlining a Tea Party event in Phoenix next month.

  318. misha says:

    Here’s from “Susan Daniels”: “When I contacted the post office in Danbury, where this number originated, I was told by a long-time employee that 06814 was assigned exclusively to the Union Carbide company. (The Union Carbide building opened in 1983 when construction was completed.) He said the post office took it out of service several years ago. Obama allegedly got his CT number of 042-68-4425 in March 1977…”

    Oh, yeah? Well, I had a long conversation with Angel and Max, and they told me Susan Daniels came to Earth on a spaceship, along with John McCain. Here’s my blog post about it:

  319. misha says:

    Rickey: I just came across an article in the Phoenix New Times which says that Arpaio, Lakin and Pat Boone will be headlining a Tea Party event in Phoenix next month.

    From the New Times: “Here’s a news flash: Pat Boone is still alive. I know, I thought he was dead, too.”

    Boone stuck his fingers in a socket, long enough to sing.

    “The flier for the event promises that the 78 year-old Christian crooner will sing as well as speak.”

    Of course. He appealed to his invisible friend.

  320. LW says:

    A little off topic, but I did want to share this.

    Akin apparently got his ideas from one Dr. J. C. Willke, former president of National Right to Life, who published a story in 1999 where he estimated that there are about 200 rape-related pregnancies each year, using what I will call “birther math.”

    An actual study done by actual medical researchers in 1996 estimates that the number is more like 32,000, or about a 5% pregnancy rate per rape incident.

    Willke has stuck with his story, saying yesterday:

    This is a traumatic thing — she’s, shall we say, she’s uptight. She is frightened, tight, and so on. And sperm, if deposited in her vagina, are less likely to be able to fertilize. The tubes are spastic.”

    So there you are. Rape auto-birth-control is a series of spastic tubes.

    Meanwhile, “Christian Life Resources,” where he published his original mess, defends both him and Akin, saying that the 5% rate has to be wrong, or is not being shown in the proper context, with an awesome display of logic.

    First of all, they dismiss the 1996 study as being “16 years old.” Because, you know, that invalidates it. It’s old!

    But the best part: they cite the effectiveness rate of various methods of birth control methods, pointing out that a woman on the pill has an 8% chance of getting pregnant. So how come a rape victim has less of a chance of getting pregnant than a woman on the pill? And it’s even worse: a woman not on any form of birth control has an 85% chance of getting pregnant! So 5% is a lot smaller than 85%!

    Did you see where they palmed that card?

    They’re comparing one incident of rape, to the number of pregnancies in the first year of using a method (or no method). So even among Republicans [rim shot], we need to adjust those numbers down quite a bit.

    Being a Martin Mull fan, I’ll use “once a weeker” as a conservative [rim shot] estimate.

    That would put the number of pregnancies per incident down to .15% for a woman on the pill, and 1.6% for a woman using no birth control.

  321. Dave B. says:


    First of all, they dismiss the 1996 study as being “16 years old.” Because, you know, that invalidates it. It’s old!

    I don’t think they want to go there.

  322. Paper says:

    Hmmm…But first everyone must go on record whether or not they support slavery; then and only then do we pass a new amendment reinstating slavery, with the added stipulation that everyone who supports slavery are the only people to become the new slaves. They of course would be the best people to appreciate the importance of obedience. I am afraid the rest of us would never truly appreciate the sacrifice necessary to make the sacrament, n’est-ce pas?

    misha: I looked through the comments. Here’s my favorite: “The 13th Amendment should be repealed. Slavery is ordained in God’s Law as a sacrament of obedience. It is no secret that since slavery was outlawed, obedience has been also…

  323. Keith says:

    One of ‘our’ favorite racist rabble rouser bloggers is coming up for discussion in Australia.

    Radio National Breakfast Program: Teaser for “Religion and Ethics Report” program.

    Martha Nussbaum: the new religious intolerance

    In this special extended interview, the world renowned philosopher Martha Nussbaum discusses her latest book, The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age.

    The Religion Report will be aired at 5:30 pm Melbourne time this afternoon. I’ll be out of town for a couple of days, but I’ll try to remember to post the link to the program when I get back.

    Or you might be able find it yourselves: Radio National Religion and Ethics Report Program Page

    Nussbaum has been on the Radio National several times, most recently on the “Philosophers Zone” a few months ago.

  324. G says:

    *facepalm* …all I can say is WTF….

    …and WTF is wrong with these people… (answer: A whole lot, clearly)…

    misha: I looked through the comments. Here’s my favorite: “The 13th Amendment should be repealed. Slavery is ordained in God’s Law as a sacrament of obedience. It is no secret that since slavery was outlawed, obedience has been also. Slaves and former slaves shoul not have social scurity numbers and shall not be entitled to the benefit of such. There is no record of a Barry Soetro or Barack Hussein Obama Jr before the secret expedition to Mars in 1981. When the expedition returned, an extra body was brought back. It is that body that flourished on Earth and is now occupying our White House in the name of something other than the Lord’s People in America. Gol Valelly will attest to this as he is in possesion of the interviews what were conducted about the mission in 1988.”

  325. G says:

    I really despise these types of A-hole tactics… these people are really a bunch of sick and stupid fascists.

    LW: Akin apparently got his ideas from one Dr. J. C. Willke, former president of National Right to Life, who published a story in 1999 where he estimated that there are about 200 rape-related pregnancies each year, using what I will call “birther math.”

  326. G says:

    LOL! Good one! I like your solution – these people that proclaim slavery as some “awesome form of obedience”… well, then let THEM be the slaves… LOL!

    Paper: with the added stipulation that everyone who supports slavery are the only people to become the new slaves. They of course would be the best people to appreciate the importance of obedience. I am afraid the rest of us would never truly appreciate the sacrifice necessary to make the sacrament, n’est-ce pas?

  327. LW says:

    Dave B.: It’s old!

    I don’t think they want to go there.


  328. bob j says:

    Something I really enjoy is figuring out the twist, in a book or movie, before it happens. Lately, I find myself looking for the next birther goalpost. In the case of MadOrly, I offer some evidence of her next goalpost. The Selective Service and SSN are going nowhere. Her state challenges are going nowhere. Her failed Senate bid may have built her next windmill.

    It is interesting that she includes 2 statutes dealing with voter card information, though 2152 is about party affiliation. Also, I did not see where a lack of information would invalidate a voter, if an official made the attempt to get the correct information. I may be reading that wrong. Here are the California Statues:


    I am a little confused by the wording of primary voting in California. Since the primary is the top two vote getters, does the party affiliation matter? If there is No Party Preference is the voter ineligible for the primary?

    I would really like to ask Dr. Taitz about her inclusion of 2152, as well as the Pew link at the end of the article. I did not find anything on the Pew site that would give her accusations any credibility. Of course, if a question actually made it through moderation I would be labeled an Obot. Perhaps my inability to read it as a birther is causing my confusion.

    So, my question is: will this voter registration angle serve as a launchpad for the next set of litigation, if the President wins a second term? Will charges of voter fraud be taken more seriously, than the charges of ineligibility, by the courts?

    I see that the second link goes all the way across the page. Am I spacing my comments incorrectly?

  329. No, party affiliation doesn’t matter. One could end up with two candidates from the same party in the general election.

    bob j: I am a little confused by the wording of primary voting in California. Since the primary is the top two vote getters, does the party affiliation matter? If there is No Party Preference is the voter ineligible for the primary?

  330. Keith says:

    Keith: One of ‘our’ favorite racist rabble rouser bloggers is coming up for discussion in Australia.

    Radio National Breakfast Program: Teaser for “Religion and Ethics Report” program.

    Martha Nussbaum: the new religious intolerance

    Looking back, that comment possibly leaves the wrong impression.

    Nussbaum has a new book out, wherein the idea that the Norwegian mass murderer may have been an acolyte of Pamela Geller is raised along with the possibility that he may have discussed his plans on her web site. Nussbaum is being interviewed about her book on Australian radio.

  331. misha says:

    bob j: will this voter registration angle serve as a launchpad for the next set of litigation, if the President wins a second term?

    Yes. “Turzai: Voter ID Law Means Romney Can Win PA

    House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) suggested that the House’s end game in passing the Voter ID law was to benefit the GOP politically.

    “Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”

  332. Sudoku says:

    My husband, a very wise man, says if you want the rules to be fair, you have to draw them before you know which team you are on.

    Paper: But first everyone must go on record whether or not they support slavery; then and only then do we pass a new amendment reinstating slavery, with the added stipulation that everyone who supports slavery are the only people to become the new slaves.

  333. Sudoku says:

    If any of you have time and inclination, please go to ORYR to at least try to set the record straight. I realize it is a losing battle, but I cannot stand to see all the self-congratulatory idiocy over there.

  334. Sudoku:

    What a coincidence. I have been working on the Susan Daniels stuff for the last few hours. Here is my Internet Article on it:

    I will see if they will let me post there.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  335. Sudoku says:


    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: What a coincidence. I have been working on the Susan Daniels stuff for the last few hours. Here is my Internet Article on it:

  336. foreigner says:

    this site could be misinterpreted ?!

    > does not challenge the
    > Cold Case Posse from what I can tell, only supports it.

  337. Paper says:


    My husband, a very wise man, says if you want the rules to be fair, you have to draw them before you know which team you are on.

  338. Sudoku says:

    No, I think he is just trying to mislead others.

    this site could be misinterpreted ?!

    > does not challenge the> Cold Case Posse from what I can tell, only supports it.

  339. Keith says:

    No, I think he is just trying to mislead others.

    Somebody pointed him at obamaconspiracy dot COM (NOT dot ORG) which appears to be a rather ugly site.

    I left this message for him:

    There is a fundamental difference between and

    The dot com site is attemting to live off Doc Conspiracy’s well earned reputation at the dot org has proven the Clown Case Posse participants bald faced liars.

    You do your own reputation, such as it is, no good what-so-ever promoting these frauds.

  340. I’ve been trying to buy the .COM site since I started, but they have been responsive, even when the site had no content.

    Keith: Somebody pointed him at obamaconspiracy dot COM (NOT dot ORG) which appears to be a rather ugly site.

  341. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’ve been trying to buy the .COM site since I started, but they have been responsive, even when the site had no content.

    It looks like a hastily cobbled placeholder site. Someone still wants money for it:

    Purchase Inquiry for

  342. Sudoku says:

    Anybody hear anything about today’s hearing, Voeltz v Obama, in Leon County, FL?

  343. Thoughtful article on Obama’s birth certificate and Romney’s tax returns.

  344. LW says:

    Snork. I just ran across the “Americans for Freedom of Information” web site. HIlarious.

    And hmm, I see Squeeky was there years ago. Hmm, I say.

  345. donna says:

    birther alert:

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Speak At ‘Invitation-Only’ Reception During GOP Convention

  346. LW says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Thoughtful article on Obama’s birth certificate and Romney’s tax returns.

    For “balance,” here’s a completely idiotic video opinion on Obama’s transcripts and Romney’s tax returns.

    If you don’t want to watch it, and I don’t really blame you, it nets out to “his transcripts don’t matter, and no one cares, but Romney should insist that Obama release them whenever he’s pressed on his tax returns.”

    No mention of birtherism, even though it’s what got the whole transcript thing rolling in the first place. It cracks me up that the meme has degenerated to the point that people don’t even know why they’re asking for his transcripts. It’s because, you know… transcripts!

  347. misha says:

    donna: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Speak At ‘Invitation-Only’ Reception During GOP Convention

    The GOP will not repudiate the Denialists – they are the base, and are useful to delegitimize Obama.

    This is the party that makes criminalizing reproductive freedom, nationally, a major plank.

    “Each election cycle, the political action committee Republican National Coalition for Life submits questionnaires to GOP candidates about their positions on choice issues and then endorses candidates who advocate a strict no-abortion platform. Selected candidates must be “unconditionally pro-life” and “recognize the inherent right to life of every innocent human being, from conception until natural death, without discrimination.”

  348. donna says:

    misha: “natural death”

    EXCEPT for the death penalty

    there are only 6% of young republicans to replace the old geezers when they die

    if the gop doesn’t shape up, they will have NO PARTY

    Meet The 22-Year Old Young Republican Who Challenged Her Party On The Morning After Pill

    Spokesman For Former Navy SEALs Group A Birther, Has Called Obama A Communist

  349. misha says:

    No comment is necessary:

    Texas Judge: Obama Reelection Could Lead To ‘Civil War,’ I’m Ready To ‘Take Up Arms’

    Head told FOX34 that Lubbock’s law enforcement needed extra tax dollars in order to be prepared for a full-scale uprising, which he said could be a byproduct of Obama’s reelection. According to Head, the president is seeking to sign a variety of United Nations treaties that will effectively take precedent over domestic law.

    Read on:

  350. G says:

    That was a good article. Thanks for sharing!

    Dr. Conspiracy: Thoughtful article on Obama’s birth certificate and Romney’s tax returns.

  351. G says:

    Well, between Trump and Arpaio, the GOP really has the stink of Birther swirling around their convention in Tampa. Further proof that the GOP has ceased to be a credible political party.

    donna: birther alert:Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Speak At ‘Invitation-Only’ Reception During GOP Convention

  352. G says:

    *facepalm* Cripes on toast! This is the problem with lazy, “magic thinking” and unhealthy paranoia. Once people leave the realm of logic and reality behind, there is no limit to what their stupid, scared imaginations can concoct and merely spread via silly gossip to other gullible tards like themselves.

    This guy is about as daft and unhinged as that TX congressman doorknob, Louie Gohmert.

    *sigh* I suspect we’ll see an uptick of these types of “secession” dog whistles, if Obama is re-elected. These folks just can’t emotionally accept the reality of his Presidency and that is really is what this whole line of garbage stems from…

    misha: No comment is necessary:Texas Judge: Obama Reelection Could Lead To ‘Civil War,’ I’m Ready To ‘Take Up Arms’ Head told FOX34 that Lubbock’s law enforcement needed extra tax dollars in order to be prepared for a full-scale uprising, which he said could be a byproduct of Obama’s reelection. According to Head, the president is seeking to sign a variety of United Nations treaties that will effectively take precedent over domestic law.Read on:

  353. G says:

    WOW!!! That was awesome and inspiring! Reminds me of the song made from his speeches last cycle! I hope this gets spread around and garnishes similar attention.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I really enjoyed this “Obama Raps” video from ObamaSnippets.

  354. Lupin says:

    This one will have you in stitches: Local Judge in Lubbock County TX arming against the United Nations & to overthrow Obama:

    Words fail me.

  355. Lupin says:

    Because nothing says respect for life more than shooting people.

    I love the rubbishy legal trappings of this lunatic’s delusions — just like the birthers. I can do anything I want because it’s all there in the Constitution.

    Freaking idiots.

  356. The Magic M says:

    Lupin: I can do anything I want because it’s all there in the Constitution.

    And the irony is that these people claim the loudest that they protect “the rule of law” against “the rule of men”. Yet they consider themselves Supreme Court judges who can declare any law unconstitutional. Now that’s an F in “separation of powers 101” (and some kind of God complex) if ever there was one.

  357. Lupin says:

    Lupin: This one will have you in stitches: Local Judge in Lubbock County TX arming against the United Nations & to overthrow Obama:

    @ Misha: apologies; I had missed your earlier post on the very same topic.

  358. Lupin says:

    The Magic M: And the irony is that these people claim the loudest that they protect “the rule of law” against “the rule of men”. Yet they consider themselves Supreme Court judges who can declare any law unconstitutional. Now that’s an F in “separation of powers 101″ (and some kind of God complex) if ever there was one.

    It’s a very weird (to me) fascination with the law by utterly lawless people.

    The fascists are always like that: they can’t just kill people they don’t like; they’ve got to make it legal-like pretend.

  359. G says:

    A very wise observation. I think you’ve nailed it.

    Lupin: It’s a very weird (to me) fascination with the law by utterly lawless people.The fascists are always like that: they can’t just kill people they don’t like; they’ve got to make it legal-like pretend.

  360. The Magic M says:

    Lupin: The fascists are always like that: they can’t just kill people they don’t like; they’ve got to make it legal-like pretend.

    And then they have to project and say “I’m only doing this because ‘they’ have rigged the law in their favour”.

    Now that’s fine with me if it’s the opinion of a private citizen. But when an official takes the law into his own hands simply because he “believes” that the actual law is unconstitutional, that’s where anarchy begins.

    After all, I can justify just about anything by simply claiming “all the courts up to SCOTUS and all the lawmakers are part of a dictatorship”.

    Just like I don’t want to be operated on by a surgeon who believes academic medicine is bogus and that it’d be better to ask some bird intestines about where to cut first, I wouldn’t want a sheriff who believes he knows the law better than anyone else and can just about do whatever he pleases.

    And, of course, if anyone on the left did something similar, the same people cheering these fools would yell “activist this, activist that” all over the place. Can you imagine the uproar on the right if a sheriff refused to prosecute someone in case of a clearly illegal abortion because he believes the Constitution mandates a strict pro-choice stance and laws to the contrary are void to him?

  361. Majority Will says:

    “Georgia: 2 Waffle House Plotters Are Sentenced”

    (excerpt) Two of the four men who federal officials said plotted terrorist activities from a booth at a North Georgia Waffle House were sentenced to five years in prison on Wednesday for conspiring to obtain an unregistered explosive device and silencer.

  362. G says:

    Good analogy!

    Also kudos to both of you for honing in on the projection aspects involved here. Almost everything that the RWNJ crowd says seems to be some form of projection. I consider that a clear sign of their own moral and mental defectiveness.

    The Magic M: Just like I don’t want to be operated on by a surgeon who believes academic medicine is bogus and that it’d be better to ask some bird intestines about where to cut first, I wouldn’t want a sheriff who believes he knows the law better than anyone else and can just about do whatever he pleases.

  363. G says:

    Good!!! Glad to see that these crusty old domestic terrorist wannabe’s are going to prison. 5 years may seem like a light sentence, considering what they were planning, but at their age, that might be the same as a life sentence. All I care about is that they are locked away long enough to not be in any condition to return to considering acting out their sick fantasies, if and when they get out.

    …But I’m sure this news means Lucas Smith haz a sad today… for whatever twisted reason, he’s been obsessed with idolizing and defending these filth traitors.

    Majority Will: “Georgia: 2 Waffle House Plotters Are Sentenced”(excerpt) Two of the four men who federal officials said plotted terrorist activities from a booth at a North Georgia Waffle House were sentenced to five years in prison on Wednesday for conspiring to obtain an unregistered explosive device and silencer.

  364. misha says:

    Majority Will: “Georgia: 2 Waffle House Plotters Are Sentenced”

    Waffle House and the South? Say no more.

    Waffle House – fine dining on parade.

  365. bob j says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    No, party affiliation doesn’t matter. One could end up with two candidates from the same party in the general election.

    Sorry, Doc. I worded my confusion in a bad way. I was under the assumption that a registered party member had to vote for a person from their party in any primary. When I looked at the statute ( 2151) again, I realized that it was for the Presidential primary that a voter has to go party line.

    Also, sorry if the link to the California codes caused problems. When I tried the link from my post I got a 403 error.

  366. misha says:

    This woman’s alma mater is Whatsamatter U:

    Elderly parisioner’s touch-up to 19th century church fresco turns Jesus into a cartoon figure

  367. Palamas says:

    Misha’s world is going to be destroyed when the fraud loses in November and when we eventually find out his deception, she’ll hide way in her dank cave, probably in some debt-ridden, big blue city which is falling apart from wonderful Democratic policies over the years.

  368. Lupin says:

    G: A very wise observation. I think you’ve nailed it.

    Lupin: It’s a very weird (to me) fascination with the law by utterly lawless people.The fascists are always like that: they can’t just kill people they don’t like; they’ve got to make it legal-like pretend.

    As I think I mentioned before, when in college in Paris, I had friends who had fled from Pinochet’s Chile (and very likely saved their lives) and the junta pretty much got the Chilean Supreme Court to ratify all the kidnappings, torture & murder. It’s weird because you wouldn’t think they would bother. It’s like the rigged trials in the old USSR. Always give your murderous plans a veneer of fake legality.

  369. bob j says:

    Misha’s world is going to be destroyed when the fraud loses in November and when we eventually find out his deception, she’ll hide way in her dank cave, probably in some debt-ridden, big blue city which is falling apart from wonderful Democratic policies over the years.

    Personalized troll? I guess that outing list from the birther in Arizona is bearing ( ludicrous) fruit.

  370. misha says:

    Palamas: Misha’s world is going to be destroyed when the fraud loses in November and when we eventually find out his deception, she’ll hide way in her dank cave

    The one who should hide is Glenn Beck, who raped and murdered a girl. He has gotten away with this heinous crime since 1990 – talk about fraud.

  371. The Magic M says:

    Another thing I just noticed which either points to the power of the internet (and how quickly some expressions spread) or the power of controlled propaganda:

    Many people are referring to Obama’s admitted marijuana use by using variants of the slang expression “choom” (also “choom gang” etc.).
    I had never heard that word before, and in fact it seems that apart from its definition on, there seems to be no use of the word except related to anti-Obama comments (and foreign languages where it likely means something else).

    For me, this ties in with the observation that many birthers are sharing the same vocabulary (as in “could not be elected dog catcher”), whatever that may mean.

  372. G says:

    Yeah, just when I thought Todd Akin’s statements and views on abortion, rape and pregnancy were dangerously disturbing, way past the point of mere zealous ignorance… then this GOP sherrif candidate in NH comes along and suggests that he can use his office to wilfully break laws he doesn’t agree with and go shooting and killing people, if they try to have an abortion!!!

    Before I saw your article, I had come across this same upsetting story from two other sources. So at least the news of this stuff seems to be getting out there:

    “Szabo Compares Abortions to Slavery, Condones Use of Deadly Force ”

    I swear, there is no end to the downward spiral of intolerant fascist depravity from the RWNJ these days!!! The masses in the public had better start waking up and realize what sort of dangerous and cancerous monster that the modern GOP has turned into. How anyone can still justify supporting and voting for these cretins is beyond me…

    Fortunately, this Szabo creep isn’t sherrif yet, just the current GOP candidate for that position. I think it is frightening to even consider that someone with his mindset could get elected….

    Lupin: nothing says respect for life more than shooting people.I love the rubbishy legal trappings of this lunatic’s delusions — just like the birthers. I can do anything I want because it’s all there in the Constitution.Freaking idiots.

  373. G says:

    Yeah, that is a weird one and a weird expression. I see it an nothing more than yet another veiled veneer of their needing to inject some sort of racist dog-whistle overtones into everything about his past history….

    The Magic M: Another thing I just noticed which either points to the power of the internet (and how quickly some expressions spread) or the power of controlled propaganda:Many people are referring to Obama’s admitted marijuana use by using variants of the slang expression “choom” (also “choom gang” etc.).I had never heard that word before, and in fact it seems that apart from its definition on, there seems to be no use of the word except related to anti-Obama comments (and foreign languages where it likely means something else).For me, this ties in with the observation that many birthers are sharing the same vocabulary (as in “could not be elected dog catcher”), whatever that may mean.

  374. G says:


    Now you’ve reduced yourself to nothing more than the pure childish troll behavior. For one, your very words here just disprove your whole rant on another post about proclaiming rational behavior, as what you’ve said below is nothing but a clear emotional tantrum on your part.

    For another thing, you simply continue to out yourself as an obviously ignorant fool to everyone else here, who knows better. Hint: Misha is not a “she”… As always, your words demonstrate that you simply sputter about and shoot off your mouth wihout any real clue as to what you are talking about.

    You are nothing more than an inconsequential infantile ignoramous. Nothing more.

    Palamas: Misha’s world is going to be destroyed when the fraud loses in November and when we eventually find out his deception, she’ll hide way in her dank cave, probably in some debt-ridden, big blue city which is falling apart from wonderful Democratic policies over the years.

  375. misha says:

    G: Hint: Misha is not a “she”

    I’m a Hebrew hermaphrodite.

  376. We have two Waffle Houses down the street, one on each side of the Interstate highway. They are about 3,000 feet apart.

    misha: Waffle House – fine dining on parade.

  377. LW says:

    Funny; “Paula Sweet” made the same assumption about Misha’s gender.

    No mas?

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