Talking @ Orly

I leave the occasional comment on the Orly Taitz blog. Most of them stay in moderation. I’m pretty sure she reads them, but that’s all. It’s not much of a dialog, so I thought at least I’d get one side out by publishing my comments here, and I’ll just keep adding to this article as the whim arises, at least for a little while.

Note: one can read comments from Orly’s web site through her unpublished RSS comment feed in addition to her article feed, without actually visiting her web site.

In our first episode, Orly Taitz is answering a question [Link to Taitz web site] about her case in Mississippi. She said:

As I stated before: we need one honest judge to grant us the right to have the case heard by a jury or to rule on his own. Whether we have one honest judge after 4 years of search, remains to be seen. I really don’t know. After everything I’ve seen in courts in the last 4 years I am not very encouraged.


In response to Taitz’ article, “Riots of Mulsim Brotherhood extremists in support of new ductatorial powers for their supreme Leader Morsi. Results of failed U.S. policy in the Middle East” I replied:

All those ducts stick together.

On her article, “The imprisonment of physicist Valentin Danilov is seen as evidence of Putin using Russian weak courts to persecute his enemies. Similarly Obama is using U.S. weak courts to hide his forged IDs and a stolen SSN 042-68-4425 and to harass, intimidate and persecute me, as a civil rights leader seeking his removal from office and prosecution for his use of forged IDs to commit the biggest elections fraud in U.S. history” I said:


In another article yesterday, “Supplemental brief and exhibits sent to Judge Wingate in MS,” [Link to Taitz web site] Orly posts her latest legal brief to Judge Wingate. It argues that her late filing wasn’t late because the law doesn’t say whether the time limit is in business days or calendar days (like I believe this is not covered) and I was pondering what to say as I saw another comment that I thought was hugely funny, and made me wonder if the commenter is speaking tongue in cheek. Gen. R. W. Johnson (U.S. Army, retired) said:

Who is this Fogbow group? It sounds very subversive. Does it operate internationally.

So I replied to him:

RWJ, the Fogbow is just a web site for people who like to make fun of Orly Taitz and birthers in general. Many of them are attorneys, law students and other professionals. They lampoon Orly in jokes and cartoons, and they call her names.

Commenter Misty Brume said:

Wow, Dr. Taitz! That’s an outstanding brief! I just have one question: Did Fogbow thugs also operate as Obama for America or work for them? Isn’t that some kind of fraud, if they didn’t use their real name but they ran a national political campaign under false pretenses? Is Fogbow is going to prison for this I hope?

That one was so crazy that I was at a loss for words, only managing to say:


Update 1:

Taitz has a new article up today (November 26) titled: “one of 3 largest legal search engines is following this blog, Pulse covers most of the pleadings and documents submitted by me to different courts. They find it important to make forgery in Obama’s IDs a matter of public knowledge and public domain[.]” When I replied (perhaps because of the two hyperlinks) the comment didn’t show up as in moderation; it just went away. Here’s what I said:

I couldn’t find the article you referenced, but FindLaw has provided extensive coverage of you and your cases. I’ve written my own article on your contribution to American jurisprudence.

Indeed FindLaw has massive coverage of Taitz, but it’s not pretty.

Update 2:

Orly has another curious title: “Was the death of Ambassador Stevens as ‘accidental’ as the death of the Commerce Secretary Ron Brown? Did Baba push for Obama because of his prior commitments?” One commenter said: “Who is Baba?” Texan Patriot said: “Are all of your blog entries only headings with questions?” My reply:

Texan Patriot: I think Orly has confused WordPress with Twitter.

Orly: Baba? You mean Baba Yaga, the wicked old hag with a nose like a snag?

I no longer get “in moderation” images.

One commenter, writing under the name I Luv Pancakes wrote: “OOOOOOOH! INCLUDE ME IN YOUR RICO CASE! I get paid BIG BUCKS to harass you!!! And stealing your luggage on your recent trip was SO FUN!”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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26 Responses to Talking @ Orly

  1. After writing the article above, I noticed that General Johnson’s comments sparked another response at Orly’s site, wondering about impersonation:

    I noticed the same discrepancy
    between the two General Johnson’s.
    This poster appears to be contentious
    in a subtle way.

    Dr. Taitz mentioned someone
    impersonating Morgan Ward on
    one thread.

    Just sayin’…..

    Impersonation is easy to spot because the blog owner sees the email address and can tell if they are inconsistent, and less reliably by the IP address. I have a plug-in that bars impersonation for someone who has an account on the blog. I also wrote some software to help spot impersonators, although I rarely run it; impersonation here just hasn’t been a problem.

  2. Kate1230 says:

    Doc, I just looked at Orly’s site. It seems as if you’re 1-5 now as far as your comments making it through moderation. Orly pretends she’s fair about letting comments through but we all know she only lets through anything nasty that she believes will help her to get sympathy from her followers. I hate it when she pretends that she has nothing to do with comments and will speak out if a poster writes something that looks as if it may be a threat towards President Obama. She had the option to delete the comment yet she’s the one who allowed it. Her idiot followers fall for it every time, although I believe she’s using several sockpuppets usually able to be identified with their use of Dr.OrlyTaitz,ESQ in their comments.

  3. donna says:

    GREAT article doc

    keep your comments coming

    i wonder what the fer & agin comment count would be if taitz allowed credible, opposing views ………. and how much money she would lose if her cheerleaders found out what an idiot she is

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    While it is her site, and therefore she is allowed to filter posts to her heart’s content, I find it ironic that a so-called champion of the Constitution would try so hard to keep her critics silent.

  5. JPotter says:

    Orly sees herself as a “civil right leader”???? I did not realize windmill-tilters were perscuted so that they needed such leaders.

    Remember kids, ridicule is not discrimination.

  6. Bob says:

    I’ve been on a roll — I’ve gotten three comments through in the past four or five days. One of my “questions” became the subject of a whole thread. Like I said before I just use different names and email addresses — I guess she doesn’t care — I have to believe her blog (like her hair) is just meant for The Purposes of Entertainment.

    I think she spends 90 – 95% of her time reading/deleting comments made to her blog.

  7. Thrifty says:

    I threw up a little when I read that part.

    Orly sees herself as a “civil right leader”???? I did not realize windmill-tilters were perscuted so that they needed such leaders.

    Remember kids, ridicule is not discrimination.

  8. And a political dissident.

    JPotter: Orly sees herself as a “civil right leader”????

  9. I think Gen. R. W. Johnson (U.S. Army, retired) is a troll.

  10. Northland10 says:

    Or a political decedent, which seems appropriate given the results of her attempted campaigns.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    And a political dissident.

  11. Northland10 says:

    Kate1230: Orly pretends she’s fair about letting comments through but we all know she only lets through anything nasty that she believes will help her to get sympathy from her followers.

    She probably would blame the “moderated comments” on Obots “messing with her system” (see note) which deleted the comments or otherwise prevented her from approve them.

    (note: “messing with her system” is an OrlyDefinition for, “Waahhhh, my computer is doing stuff and I cannot approve comments I don’t like. My computer is getting viruses every time supporters send me Love Letters for You and say I Love You. I think obots have infected the love letters with a virus.”)

  12. Thrifty says:

    Orly openly publishes her phone number right up there on her blog.

    I live on the East Coast and she lives 3 hours behind me on the West.

    I also get up very early in the morning (5 AM) which would be the ungodly hour of 2 AM over there.

    If I were, in fact, a devious evil Obot, I would take this very public information and call her when I woke up every morning.

  13. Dave says:

    I don’t think the General is just any troll. After perusing the website of a certain international subversive organization, I have a pretty good idea who it is.

  14. Northland10 says:

    Northland10: She probably would blame the “moderated comments” on Obots “messing with her system” (see note) which deleted the comments or otherwise prevented her from approve them.

    And, so what appears this morning on her site?

    There is tampering with my site and obots are blocking people from posting,

    She goes on about some problems with impersonating other posters, which may be plausible but that is not tampering with her site.

  15. John Reilly says:

    My contribution to Dr. Taitz’s site this evening, below. Let’s see if it gets printed. I wrote in response to her latest diatribe arguing that Ms. Fluke, apparently Time’s Person of The Year, is a “shameless moocher” and “floozy” who wanted “free condoms.” These mindless and unwarranted attacks on Ms. Fluke, led by Mr. Limbaugh, contributed to President Obama’s huge margin of victory among young single women. If the Republican Party is to be successful, it has to stop making war on large groups of the electorate.

    Dr. Taitz:

    Ms. Fluke did not ask for free condoms. That’s simply not true and you know it.

    Calling Ms. Fluke a “floozy” and a “shameless moocher” just gives license to those who call you names.

    What Ms. Fluke asked is that the insurance policy she pays for (i.e., she is not a moocher) include coverage for an off-label use of a prescription drug. Before Obamacare that drug was covered by Georgetown. After Obamacare, Georgetown is fighting to change that coverage even though Ms. Fluke pays for the insurance.

    Maybe she should not be Time’s person of the year. I don’t own Time magazine and I don’t subscribe to it. However, she is not a moocher or a floozy, and if you want to argue a principled position that folks ought not call you names, you ought to apologize. And print the truth.

  16. John Reilly says:

    I checked out Dr. Taitz’s story. Apparently, someone thinks Ms. Fluke is one of 40 finalists. Time has selected no one. Dr. Taitz has managed to write a headline in all caps (her usual style) and get just about everything wrong.

    And yet she is approving other comments agreeing with her post which has not a word of truth in it. Mine remain in moderation.

  17. The headline isn’t written in all caps; the blog theme just displays it that way.

    John Reilly: Dr. Taitz has managed to write a headline in all caps (her usual style) and get just about everything wrong.

  18. Yoda says:

    I know who the good General is. No, it is not me. But yes, he is a member of at least one organization named in the Reeko action, but not as a defendant.

  19. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The headline isn’t written in all caps; the blog theme just displays it that way.

    And yet it’s so fitting. 😀

    She either likes it, doesn’t mind, or, more likely, has no capacity for recognizing, much less considering, such things.

    …. why the heck would a blog theme force all caps … ? My retired graphic designer self quietly weeps. So many trasvesties in the world of self-publishing.

  20. roadburner says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think Gen. R. W. Johnson (U.S. Army, retired) is a troll.

    no-one sussed that all that’s missing is an `n’ between the `w’and his surname?

    course he’s a troll! wake up guys!

  21. John Reilly: her latest diatribe arguing that Ms. Fluke, apparently Time’s Person of The Year, is a… “floozy”

    This from a Romanian streetwalker.

  22. The “Elements of SEO” WordPress theme that Orly abuses is actually rather nice except. A small headline looks OK in all caps, but Orly’s headlines are sometimes the while article.

    JPotter: …. why the heck would a blog theme force all caps … ? My retired graphic designer self quietly weeps. So many travesties in the world of self-publishing.

  23. John Reilly says:

    Sorry, Doc. The headline is in all caps. What counts is how it appears, and not the vagaries of computer or software codes, or the ineptness of the writer.

  24. I’ve largely ignored the comments on Orly’s site, but now looking at them more closely, it appears that the site is overrun by snarking people making fun of her with over-the-top comments.

    Troll or not, I appreciated this comment on Orly’s Mississippi brief, saying:

    That Gutenkauf v. City of Tempe case is perfect.

    It is indeed perfect — for the other side. It was enjoyable reading and I got my new quote of the day from it.

    Another snarkish comment followed that one:

    Of course, Orly always picks the perfect cases to include in her court documents!

    roadburner: course he’s a troll! wake up guys!

  25. bob j says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:I’ve largely ignored the comments on Orly’s site, but now looking at them more closely, it appears that the site is overrun by snarking people making fun of her with over-the-top comments

    I love the comments on the site. A personal favorite:

    November 27th, 2012 @ 7:53 pm

    I think Orly Taitz should announce that she will run for POTUS in 2016.

    The cries of not being a Natural Born Citizen will come from the Left. To which Orly can reply “the precedent has been set by Obama that eligibility and the Constitution are meaningless regarding eligibility”

    Orly can play ignorant like the Obama zombies and say “I’m a US Citizen” ignoring the Natural Born issue

  26. Lani says:

    I love reading the comments, looking for the best snark of the day. So long as the comment includes what seems to be praise, she’ll ok it and sometimes even feature it. BTW, viewing her website on my android seems to be safe (so far).

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