Jerome Corsi: birth certificate issue a “dead horse”

Well duh.

In this interview, Jerome Corsi wakes up and smells the rotting garbage; says the birth certificate issue is “politically a dead horse.” Corsi said that his books had no impact on the election. Birthers have been “marginalized and discredited.”

Corsi, however, still believes the stuff.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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30 Responses to Jerome Corsi: birth certificate issue a “dead horse”

  1. richCares says:

    dead horses can’t win races

  2. Bob says:

    Was that horse ever alive?

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Corsi has so much egg on his face that he looks like a McMuffin.

  4. aarrgghh says:

    “so many other scams to pursue now …”

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “so many other scams to pursue now …”

    And face rash creams to try!

  6. jdkinpa says:

    Corsi admits it was all about politics. Shades of ‘Swift Boat’…. But then he has made a good living off of selling his ‘books’ and his public appearances supported by the knuckle headed birthers who believed his BS. Never let a good conspiracy theory go to waste, and if you can’t find one, make one up.

  7. Deborah says:

    “There are other important things to do,” he says. “We’ve got to fight this battle now!”

    What battle? The Judeo Christian apocalyptic war of course!

    But…I thought “your Lord” was going to fight that battle? Oh yeah, there are two classes of warriors- those going to heaven as saints and martyrs, and those left behind to enjoy Eden restored on earth. Corsi is one of the former.

    More and more, “Christianity” is adopting Jehovah’s Witness beliefs.

    I really dislike Corsi, and if I have anything to say about it, he will never be a saint.

  8. Keith says:

    When did the lack of life in a horse ever prevent anyone from beating it?

  9. Deborah says:

    Jerome Corsi abdicates the birther throne having better causes to usurp.

  10. SluggoJD says:

    We really need a front page headline somewhere…



  11. Sactosintolerant says:

    When he says “politically,” he means “financially” right?

  12. JPotter says:

    Well, hello, Cap’n Ob-vee-yus.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Corsi has so much egg on his face that he looks like a McMuffin.

    He resembled a McMuffin before the egg. Puffy and greasy. Hypertension?

  13. ben says:

    Its really hilarious to note birthers touting their credentials. I suppose they believe this gives legitimacy to their cause. Here you have this Corsi character with his Phd. Arpaio as the SHERIFF & of course Orly signing in as DR. ORLY TAITZ ESQ. Do you really a doctorate or a questionable law degree to know when your cause is doomed. But then are we dealing with people who are intelligent?

  14. Lupin says:

    ben: ts really hilarious to note birthers touting their credentials. I suppose they believe this gives legitimacy to their cause. Here you have this Corsi character with his Phd. Arpaio as the SHERIFF & of course Orly signing in as DR. ORLY TAITZ ESQ. Do you really a doctorate or a questionable law degree to know when your cause is doomed. But then are we dealing with people who are intelligent?

    I’m always reminded of those fake “doctors” who used to wander the Old West selling phony (and sometimes deadly) “medecine” to the settlers. They would brag of titles like from the University of Wien or whatever, but always sounding very impressive — and totally fake, of course. The purpose is different, but the tactics remain the same. Corsi and his ilk are basically fraudsters and grifters.

  15. alg says:

    In this interview Corsi admits it was all about swift boating a Democratic candidate for the Presidency. When that failed he lost interest and went on to something else that is equally offensive. The man is trying to making a living at muckraking.

  16. “Waa waa waa..nobody believes me…now I will have to find a new horse to flog to death”.Jeez, what a duplicitous sack of shit that guy is.

  17. JPotter says:

    In this interview Corsi admits it was all about swift boating a Democratic candidate for the Presidency.When that failed he lost interest and went on to something else that is equally offensive.The man is trying to making a living at muckraking.

    A serial entrepranure.

  18. Dave B. says:

    I’ll always have a soft spot for Allardyce T. Meriweather, though.

    Lupin: I’m always reminded of those fake “doctors” who used to wander the Old West selling phony (and sometimes deadly) “medecine” to the settlers. They would brag of titles like from the University of Wien or whatever, but always sounding very impressive — and totally fake, of course. The purpose is different, but the tactics remain the same. Corsi and his ilk are basically fraudsters and grifters.

  19. Deborah says:

    ben April 20, 2013 at 12:28 am (Quote) #

    Its really hilarious to note birthers touting their credentials. I suppose they believe this gives legitimacy to their cause. Here you have this Corsi character with his Phd. Arpaio as the SHERIFF & of course Orly signing in as DR. ORLY TAITZ ESQ. Do you really a doctorate or a questionable law degree to know when your cause is doomed. But then are we dealing with people who are intelligent?

    And now “six congressmen” have supposedly given Glen Beck “inside information” on a deported Saudi National originally investigated in the Boston marathon bombings.

    I can’t even give credibility to the title “Congressman” anymore. These titles in relation to birthers mean nothing.

  20. Publius says:

    When he says “politically,” he means “financially” right?

    That was my guess. That his comments were kind of like a financial report on his recent birfer activities.

  21. Kiwiwriter says:

    So he admits, at long bloody last, that his whole argument was a load of lies and rubbish, garbage to be dumped on the people, to advance his political agenda.

    Never mind that he was lying to the American people, never mind that he was deliberately telling them falsehoods, never mind the sneering contempt and total condescension he was showing the American people.

    Reminds me of Herr Hitler and the Grossenluge…repeating the big lie, because the more you do so, the better the chance it will be believed…and people have believed it.

    I have no use for this monster.

  22. Kiwiwriter: I have no use for this monster.

    I would not vote GOP for dog catcher.

  23. Kiwiwriter says:

    misha marinsky: I would not vote GOP for dog catcher.

    It’s depressing how the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhowe has fallen so far.

  24. Kiwiwriter: It’s depressing how the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhowe has fallen so far.

    And Nelson Rockefeller. One of my degrees is from SUNY.

  25. Kiwiwriter says:

    misha marinsky: And Nelson Rockefeller. One of my degrees is from SUNY.

    I keep forgetting about Nelson Rockefeller. For a guy with more money than God, he was a decent guy…he spoke his mind, he could talk like the truck drivers his state governed, and he supported civil rights.

    Jackie Robinson was one of his major aides, and they had enormous respect for each other.

  26. Kiwiwriter: Jackie Robinson was one of his major aides, and they had enormous respect for each other.

    Rockefeller gave Richard Parsons his break:

  27. Plantmaster says:


    dead horses can’t win races


    The birthers will beat this horse until it’s glue and hamburger. Then they’ll put the by-products together, reassemble the horse, and beat it some more. Don’t believe me? Look at poor John…

  28. Angel: “Woof, woof, arf, arf.” [Corsi is a jerk.]

  29. euphgeek says:

    It’s like I’ve always said: Birthers are not just flogging a dead horse, they are whipping the gravestone where the horse’s rotting corpse has lain since June 2008 screaming, “Giddyap!”

  30. Kiwiwriter says:

    It’s like I’ve always said:Birthers are not just flogging a dead horse, they are whipping the gravestone where the horse’s rotting corpse has lain since June 2008 screaming, “Giddyap!”

    These guys define the term “obsessed.” What is the courtroom score now, 0-202? They’ve cracked the Mendoza Line.

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