An interesting comment was made on a YouTube video by birther evangelist Mark Gillar (TeaPartyPowerHour):
As 1961 LFBCs on original safety paper are being tested with the Xerox, the results are different from what NBC Blogger obtained. The Xerox doesn’t fully explain the layering, the halos, or various other anomalies. In addition, saving documents in preview creates a completely different type of clipping mask.
Team Obama played the Xerox card a little too soon. The only birther related delusion I’ve witnessed so far was your assertion that John McCain’s birth certificate was fake.1
This comes on the heels of another birther evangelist Carl Gallups saying that the Xerox theory was of no concern.
Gillar doesn’t say what kind of Xerox the testing is being done with, and of course no actual result has been published. The clipping mask and layers in NBC’s tests are the same as in the President’s PDF. Similar halos are found in other Xerox scans.
The title of this article is an example of jumping to conclusions. The first jump is that the Cold Case Posse is doing the testing. That’s suggested by the source, Gillar, who works with the Posse, and the claim that the tests are being done with authentic 1961 birth certificates, suggesting that it’s being done by someone with enough notoriety to have collected a real birth certificate.
The second jump is that any testing is being done at all. Mark Gillar has been the mouthpiece for Cold Case Posse lies in the past (the narration of the CCP videos containing the fake 1961 race code table). This may be a lie of convenience. The fact that Gallups said the Xerox was no concern tells against testing, but the claim that the results don’t match what NBC did are even more suggestive of a big lie.
Meanwhile the Cold Case Posse itself has remained in the bunker for 71 days without responding to the revelation that the Xerox WorkCentre 7655 explains what birthers claim are marks of forgery in the President’s form birth certificate, and that their investigation in the end has produced nothing.
1The McCain campaign showed a birth certificate to reporter Michael Dobbs, and I have no doubts as to its authenticity. However, another birth certificate for McCain was submitted by Fred Hollander in the lawsuit, Hollander v. McCain. That certificate from a con man in Panama contradicts the official McCain biography, and what Dobbs reported. In fact, that certificate is one of two exceptionally crude forgeries that appeared for McCain. I wrote several articles on the topic:
“birther evangelist” sounds a bit like “hunchback leper” IMHO.
Gillar is the Baghdad Bob of the CCP.
He’s been crowing about how Zullo and pals have all this damning stuff, meanwhile Zullo let himself out the back door 71 days ago.
Nothing, I mean nothing that is created by Team CCCP is to be believed. It’s just a matter of time before volume two hits I can hardly wait to see if the rabid drones at ORYR will make excuses and buy the book or, get out their tar and feathers in protest.
It would surely be enough to make Falcon blow a fuse.
Good thing I stocked up on popping corn and Parmesan cheese!
When honest folks engage in a technical debate with liars, about a politically charged trumped-up, Trumped up, or imaginary issue, no concessions to the truth will ever be admitted by the true-believing supporters of the liars, regardless of what overwhelming standard of technical proof, actually prevails against their champions’ incompetent accusations.
In the face of any proven contradictory reality, the Birthers will label any Obama vital statistics of birth document, likeness or not, that fails to make him ineligible, a “forgery”, and that includes the original form, and any true copy that might be made from it.
Lying prevails quite often in most societies and is quietly and customarily tolerated and accepted. It is a main reason we need courts; they substantially exist to attempt to procedurally limit the extent to which lying is allowed to prevent justice.
That’s why the Birthers have gotten nowhere in courts; their movement is based upon lies.
Well NBC won’t publish any of his work, so how do we know NBC is testing as well.
What do you have against hunchbacks and lepers? Using examples of past social pariahs?
He has released excerpts from test, and the detailed workflow. So anybody can re-create his work.
I would encourage the CCP to run Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate PDF as well some the other JPGs through forensic testing software usually what Sheriff offices use. Perhaps, the CCP can reconstruct the metadata that was erased by Preview. I do know that Zullo has revealed they have found evidence of Photoshop and Illustrator used on Obama’s PDF. Perhaps they may have already done this using forensic software. I would also encourage the CCP to explore the “African” race problem. Of all the Hawaii BCs I have seen, they all show a race as being based on the COUNTRY of birth not CONTINENT of birth. So AT BEST, Obama Sr. would have been listed as “Kenyan” not “African”. Obtaining more Hawaii BCs to explore the issue of race would be helpful. Also looking for more information on where Obama Sr. may have filled out a race declaration somewhere would extremely helpful.
Well, Doc we are all waiting for NBC’s Magical PDF. I don’t think any birthers or CCP is interested in the workflow. They want see the results. Can someone produce the exactly the same PDFs now that the scanner make and model are known. RC’s production shows some but still way off.
The links to the articles you wrote on McCain’s birth certificate are the same on the 2nd and 3rd articles you’ve posted. Just an FYI. Thanks!
Oh look, John! you spoke too soon, and were made a fool of, yet again! Gee, its almost like every time you open your trap, you shove both feet in.
Birther bigot liars’ pants are on fire.
71 days and counting . . .
Because I report on my findings, share the necessary steps for anyone to recreate my findings. Getting a bit desperate John… Worried that the CCP has to confirm my findings?
He’s already piddled the carpet.
a completely different type of clipping mask? They are identical 🙂
a b c d Re W n
I’d love to get the details… As Dr C and others have observed, the multiple layers, which so many people have claimed could never exist in a MRC generated document, have been trivially found in other PDFs. The clipping masks match, the halos are found, the JPEG markers match, the object alignment matches, the rotation, the 24 and 48% scaling, the 150 and 300 PPI objects, the first JPEG encoded, the latter as bitmasks.
This is going to be a lot of fun…
The cold case posse was initiated as a political attack against Obama, it was a smear campaign. It didn’t work, Obama won. The posse failed completely, so why are they still at it, They have just put themselves up for scorn and ridicule. The Phoenix New Times is having a fun time making fun of the posse, they are viewed as a complete joke.
When there is an original, hard copy, vault edition Certificate of Live Birth for Barack Obama residing in Hawaii state Registrar of Vital Statistics Alvin T. Onaka, Ph.D’s safe at the Hawaii Department of Health that can be released for inspection or copying under court order, I fail to see the interest in digitized reproductions of the original.
It’s like arguing over scanned images of copies of the Mona Lisa while the original is still hanging in the Louvre.
There have been some dumb birther memes, but in my humble opinion, this “forgery” meme is one of the dumbest.
Get court order from judge, inspect original birth certificate, END OF STORY.
True but it’s just so much fun to show how the CCP missed all these tell tale signs…
So much of their ‘arguments’ were based on their claim that the document was 100% fraudulent that showing that it is not totally destroys the foundation of their speculative claims.
What remains is not very impressive.
Oh I forgot, they have ‘secret’ information ROTFL..
And that is also incorrect 🙂
I have published quite a bit of my work with screenshots, supporting PDF’s, side by side comparisons and so on.
Come on John, you at least made an effort… How is that coming along 🙂
LOL. And with that John will disappear for another few days, to think of another weak rebuttal.
Oh I forgot, they have ‘secret’ information ROTFL..
It’s probably just a box with a secret compartment containing an embarrassing photo of Spongebob from the Christmas party!
it’s already been copied, signed, sealed and witnessed and presented to the press in 2011 – it’s what the PDF was taken from
and legally, it’s equal proof as per the FF&C clause of the constitution
What reason would a court have for giving such an order?
Well, their latest hope is on an unwilling Congress 🙂
I soooo wish they would find some takers… So embarrassing…
The story ended a long time ago. We’re just all looking over the birthers’ shoulders, waiting for them to turn the page.
And occasionally suggesting it will go faster if they turn the book right-side up.
“The Xerox doesn’t fully explain the layering, the halos, or various other anomalies.”
How about explaining why you’re a birther in 2013 when not even one itty bitty smidgen of proof that the LFBC was forged has been found?
Perhaps Gillar is reporting on John’s ‘findings’ ROTFL. Or with a bit of luck, Hermitian got involved.
Gillar can’t possibly admit the truth now, that he’s been suckered by the grifters all this time. He’s reached the point where it’s more emotionally acceptable for him to be self-delusional rather than admit reality.
Gillar is up a creek. Even the Birthers are about fed up with him. If they leave him high and dry, then no one will pay attention to him. For an attention whore like Gillar, that’s an unthinkable hell.
Oh, I’m sure the list of “courts” Birthers will shift their failed appeals to will continue after Congress passes on their idiocy:
1)The International Court of Justice located in Hague
2) Reader’s Poll from Usurper’s Weekly
3) A jury trial at the Bronx Zoo decided by a showing of prehensile tails
4) A bench trial conducted by Ming The Merciless on the planet Mongo
Not Ming The Merciless!!! ()
When you think about, the “cannot fail” plots of birtherdom aren’t all that different from the “cannot fail” plots of a movie serial villain.
“Steiner’s assault will bring it under control.”
Well, they are documented liars – I refer of course to the documented lie about the 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual – so why would anybody be surprised at any lie they tell now?
I agree Gillar buys everything he’s told whether by Susan Daniels or Mike Zullo.
I also think that he is probably not lying about them doing some testing as the video of Pappit having problems with the Xerox 7655 showed they have access to a copier.
My guess is that they did not get exactly the same layers or quite as much haloing as the WH PDF. I’m thinking that they believe that the test has to get exactly the same number of layers, in exactly the same locations with exactly the same amount of haloing as the White House PDF.
It would me better to finally acknowledge the truth. At least he could live with himself instead of leading more people astray. That goes for the Rev. Gallups as well. This really has all become such a waste of time. Political? You betcha!
Perhaps I am judging them too harshly, but I don’t believe in the fundamental integrity of Mark Gillar or Carl Gallups.
Too harshly? Let me think about that for a second. Times up. No, not harsh enough. Who said there’s a sucker born every minute?
“Living with himself” implies a certain amount of integrity. If he has none, then living with himself is not an issue.
The guiltless man, and the man with no conscience, both sleep soundly at night.
Well that’s obvious by the continued goal post shifting. Same thing with Vollin the other night they talked about the BC and then skipped on to the non-existent two citizen parent theory. They will never admit they were hoodwinked or lying.
Hmmmm … no, sir, I don’t recall any sort of gradualism in there claims. Any sign of said “effects” was 100%-certainty proof of 100% forgery.
What the hell ever a 100% forgery is.
If what you’re suggesting is true, then the motorized goalposts lives to move another day.
Of course, employing a convention of expression in terms of percentages implies gradualism … but whaddayawant, logics’n’stuff? 😀
I picture them making a test, with whatever level of success, and then, after a pause, sighing: “Welllllllll ….. sheeeeeeeeee-yiiiiiiit … tuh … tuh …. tuh …. “
From Wikipedia
“Some sources claim the quote is most likely from famous con-man Joseph (“Paper Collar Joe”) Bessimer,[1] and other sources say it was actually uttered by David Hannum, spoken in reference to Barnum’s part in the Cardiff Giant hoax. Hannum, who was exhibiting the “original” giant and had unsuccessfully sued Barnum for exhibiting a copy and claiming it was the original, was referring to the crowds continuing to pay to see Barnum’s exhibit even after both it and the original had been proven to be fakes.”
The circus crowds continued to pay even though the original had been proven to be fakes. Hmmmm. The Birther crowds continue to believe Team CCCP even though Team Xerox has shown them the truth. There’s just something magical about a 3 ring circus act isn’t there?
Let’s just wait for the real data… Gillar is just impatient that things are not working out the way he hoped.
Oh, I disagree. I think they will have no problem abandoning previous claims about the layers for the more nebulous claim that the layers don’t match the WH PDF.
For example, when RC made the 7535, the registrar stamp was roughly cut in half with part on the background and part on a layer. I have no doubt if the CCP go that kind of result, they would say that it was proof that the Xerox couldn’t duplicate the WH PDF “anomalies”.
Right wing judge.
All that hasn’t stopped the birthers from trying to gain access to the original while they scream, “FORGERY” at the copies with Full Faith and Credit protection.
Good point. How do you think Corporal Z is sleeping these days? That’s right, he’s working hard 24/7 and has no time for sleep. Or, could it be his conscience has gotten the best of him? The Xerox WorkCenter must be a nightmare for Captain Z.
So your crack investigators don’t want to investigate for themselves? Pathetic.
I could understand your comment as it refers to the birthers, but it is ridiculous as to the CCP.
I don’t think you are being too harsh. A person of integrity should be responsible for what they say, and exercise reasonable diligence to insure what they say is true. Gillar and Gallups don’t do that. Gallups appears to mislead intentionally. Gillar could just be living up to his name, “mark.”
What “forensic testing software” is that, john?
How many Hawaiian birth certificates have you seen, john? Remember there were about 12,000 of them issued in 1961. So….how many?
On what basis would a judge (state, federal?) promulgate such an order?
This reminds of the story of televangelist Peter Popoff. At his healing revivals he would display uncanny knowledge about things which were afflicting members of the audience and he would even call them out by name. He went bankrupt after he was exposed as a fake by James Randi, who discovered that Popoff’s wife was interviewing people in the audience and then feeding the info to Popoff by a radio transmitter (Popoff had a tiny receiver in his ear).
But the suckers came back. Popoff reportedly took in over $23 million in donations in 2005 and he lives in a $4.5 million mansion near Pasadena, CA.
Someone has been watching entirely too many crime lab shows. Then again, you’re a birther. You can’t separate fantasy from reality. You probably think all of those characters are real people.
I think it means “100% certain that it’s a forgery.”
Thanks. This is now fixed.
You know, the stuff with the voice-recognition controls. “ENHANCE!”
BTW, Commenter john was one of the objectors to my conclusion that the McCain birth certificate was a fake.
It appears that there is forensic document analysis software, but it is geared towards handwriting analysis, not electronic documents. See:
When we ever learn the limitless disregard that the birthers have for the truth?
The birthers will declare any difference down to a single molecule of ink’s difference on the copy, makes the White House’s version a 100% “forgery” and if they can’t find even that difference, i.e. if it’s a virtually perfect copy with no decernible or detectable difference, they’ll call it a 1000% “forgery”.
When it comes to credibility, compulsive liars have nothing additionally to lose.
I think Vice-Chief Brigadier Colonel Adjutant Zullo is sleeping just fine. As I said above, the guiltless man and the man with no conscience both sleep soundly at night.
I ask again John:
What race is someone born in Pontiac, Michigan? Melbourne, Australia?
If this is what Sheriff’s offices use, and if the Cold Case Posse is an adjunct to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, then why haven’t they done this already?
You know. The magic Forensic Testing Software that all sheriff’s offices have, that you can run any PDF through to analyze and tell whether or not its fake.
This is standard issue for Sheriff’s Departments, at least in Arizona. The same company wrote the software that they scan a photo of a crime scene into, and then the computer spits out the name of the murderer along with a digital video of the crime.
Wait. You mean NCIS isn’t a reality show?
I’m crushed. That’s it. I’m not reading this blog any more.
Next you’re gonna tell me Santa Claus is just a big fake.
I think what he’s looking for is an image enhancer that can bitmap.
OH! I have that. Its part of the Deus-Ex Machina Suite: 64-bit Professional Edition by Microsoft. Though to be honest, I use to more for the “Find the exact thing your looking for, at the moment the tension hook swells” utility.
Of course. And it appears they also provide a supply of nifty skull’s head T-shirts with every dozen licenses.
Isn’t this pretty much true of all of the birthers except the grifters themselves?
Yes! The MIDI option is pricey, but it’s worth it.
What the hell is original safety paper? The files would not be on safety paper as it would make them impossible to correctly copy, and President Obama’s LFBC didn’t come into existence until 2011 when it was printed ONTO safety paper, stamped and embossed and handed to the lawyer.
If they are finding rolls of whatever safety paper was used in 1961 and printing onto that, its going to look totally different in any case. THe Safety paper used on the LFBC would have been manufactured in 2011
so kevin, i’m getting mixed messages. nbc said here that the Xerox theory was brand new, you call it a revelation.
on another site, i’m told it’s been around for years. so which is it ?
i’ll give you guys credit for style. you all seem willing to ride the plane all the way to the scene of the crash…
[You’re still banned, but in reply:
The Xerox machines have been around for years. The suggestion that a Xerox machine was responsible for the “artifacts” in the White House PDF has been around for years. The identification of a particular Xerox model that produces the artifacts, and the detailed exposition of that process, is new since June. And to be honest, some early comments about the Xerox were not investigated as they should have been. Doc.]
I think he means original certified copies, i.e., real birth certificates.
You’re such a fool. The xerox ideas have been around for a while, too bad the Cold Case Posse never picked up on them. The problem was finding a match, which is what I did. In addition I found several other markers that lead us to the Xerox.
You’re such a troll my friend. Unable to accept facts, your ignorance forces you to dwell in irrelevancy.
Sorry, Gorefan, I was being sarcastic, riffing on the use of absolute certainty by the CCCP in the pressers. Of course they’ll shuffle the goalposts, tapdancing all the way. It’s teh contrast between their words and deeds that makes them so farcical!
Yeegads! The general lack of basic scientific knowledge / terminology.
MRC hypothesis of WH LFBC PDF genesis = OLDEST (suggested by basic facts about the PDF: 2:1 relationship between mixed resolutions, layers, “halos”)
Xerox MRC hypothesis of WH LFBC PDF genesis = OLDER (suggested by patents, white papers)
MRC theory of WH LFBC PDF genesis = OLDER (Quickly and easily proven with online documentation and examples)
Xerox MRC theory of WH LFBC PDF genesis = NEW (Took time and persons with means to nail down experimentally)
Happily, one of the main originators / adopters of the MRC imaging model, Xerox, is still in the game and just happened to be the ‘culprit’. The oldest relevant patents and white papers described what is seen in the WH LFBC PDF to a ‘T’.
Imagine if the workflow had involved some obscure device, or third-party/custom document/archive processor/management solution. Could have been a real pickle. Due to the trip through Preview, efforts to explain the PDF would have been stuck at “It’s MRC, or a descendant/derivative of MRC, of unknown type”.
The “workflow” is the essence of their argument. Specifically, the claim that the only possible one is “manual creation”.
And NBC is showing you the way _real_ scientific investigators work: they publish what they did, so others can verify it for themselves. They don’t publish 2-sentence conclusions, and say “How I got there is a SUp3r L33t S3kr1t”.
So stop listening to the voices in your head.
The tell him ‘must troll’… Poor soul…
How do you explain the fact that the race of the Nordyke parents is listed as Caucasian? Were they born in Caucasus? According to your theory, it should say “American.”
Caucasus ain’t no country I ever heard of! Do they speak ENGLISH in Caucasus?! 😉
Michigandeer, Australasian. Duh.
Or, it could be, Surplus Gubbamint Leech, and “Where?”
… not quite sure of the exact nature of john’s deficiency. Knowledgeable derangement, or paranoid ignorance?
The same basis that the Arizona and Kansas Secretaries of State used to secure Letters of Certification for the Obama birth certificate from the Hawaii state Registrar.
There is an appeal currently before the Alabama Supreme Court. If the plaintiff prevails in that appeal, the Secretary of State of Alabama will have to verify Obama’s eligibility.
In a deep red state like Alabama, it is conceivable that an Obama-hatin’ judge could be convinced to issue such an order and it would be up to a Hawaii Attorney General’s office lawyer or a judge decide whether to honor it as a courtesy to fulfilling an Alabama statutory requirement.
Neither of them issued orders to the State of Hawaii. They simply requested confirmation of what is in the state’s records. If Hawaii had refused to answer neither state’s courts would have had any authority to force the issue in Hawaii.
At this point I suspect the point is moot but should Alabama attempt to verify Obama’s eligibility they will get the same information Arizona and Kansas received.
Prediction: Should any state or local judge issue an order to the State of Hawaii commanding anything regarding the President’s birth records there will be a lot of laughing in Hawaii and embarrassment in Alabama.
” I would also encourage the CCP to explore the “African” race problem.”
What “African” race problem? Of all the CCCP blunders, this was it John. Anyone who still rides with the posse after this mistake really is either delusional or not really interested in the truth. I really had high hopes for you John. Don’t forget your Captain Z decoder ring on your way out.
I mean seriously, how dead, dead, dead is this “African race problem” trojan horse that John is trying again to trot out. That silly, nonsensical zombie argument has been trashed and disposed of so many times. John knows better. He just can’t accept the truth. Of all the cherished “birtherisms” for him to cling to, this really is one of the most inane. *facepalm*
With the technical memes of PDF Madness having been staked, capped, and burnt, the only bits left rebootable are the content-based memes.
This is like one of those irritating chess exercises … how to mate a king with only a king and a rook.
John: You need to answer why the Nordykes are listed as Caucasian. You’ve been challenged. No answer? Then I’ll just assume you are an ignorant birfoon. Come on John. You said that only country of birth is shown. That’s what you said. Time to be a man (or whatever you are) and prove us or admit you were wrong.
I’ll take any other response from you other than a straight answer on this to be an admission of error.
Joey: The proceeding in Alabama is an appeal of whether the Alabama secretary of state should have done something to verify Obama’s eligibility. The worst and stupidest result is that she is ordered to do so. She then writes to Hawaii and says, guys, please tell me Obama was born there. And they do. And then she does what other Republican secretaries of state have done. She says he was eligible. There is nothing pending in Alabama to say that the President is not eligible. Nothing. So stop dreaming of silliness.
Or maybe you get your wish. They retroactively toss Obama off the ballot of a state he lost big. A result already certified by the State of Alabama and accepted without challenge by Congress. Never happened before in history. But in the midst of deciding whether my buddies get shot at over Syria, you want a diversion to prove the idiocy of the Tea Party and the Birther movement. Yeah, that’s what is really important. That is what the Republican Party wants to prove that it is serious.
Or like having somebody whose claim to fame is “I own a lot of Beatles records” pose as an “expert” on Paul McCartney’s favourite colour when the other side can just ask Paul McCartney. 😉
Quite interesting that the testing is done *after* CCP mouthpieces claimed “it is of no concern”. If real law enforcement did this, they’d justly be accused of obvious bias.
No, according to John’s theory, it should say “Unitedstatesofamerican”. “America” is a continent just like Africa, after all. 😉
I’d give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant “original 1961 Hawaiian BC on current safety paper”. Though it’s interesting to see what garbled English our word-parsing-beyond-recognition birthers produce… 🙂
What an excellent idea. The CCP could take an all-expenses-paid trip to Kenya to explore the use of race identifiers. They could learn first hand from the man in the street the use of “African”, “European”, “Asian”, and “Arab”. A week should do it. However, since they are there, maybe spend another week in Mombasa looking for Obama’s birth certificate. At least a week in the Kisumu area interviewing Mama Sarah and kin. Some time in Nairobi running down leads about sources that might verify that Obama was born in Kenya. If it were me, I’d try investigate the possible movements of Stanley Ann around Kenya while she was waiting to give birth to the future President. There are so many rumors that need to be fully investigated. To do this right, six months. No NBC or RC or Doc C to bother you. It’s the right thing to do.
Could take a while to collect them all:
If you want to write a Pulitzer-winning book, you need great material. Lots of pictures too.
Sounds like it too. His last show was in May. His BFF Zullo has moved onto another bf and left Gillar holding the bag.
I’ve been reading “Bound for Canaan: The Epic Story of the Underground Railroad, America’s First Civil Rights Movement” by Fergus M. Bordewich.
There was certainly an African race problem once upon a time, and it reverberates right down to today. Did you know that Henry Clay advocated the abrogation of the 1st Amendment in order to stop Abolitionist literature into the southern states? Abrogation or not, freedom of speech was violently suppressed for decades. Other tactics and attitudes were remarkably similar to those of today’s extreme conservative ‘operators’.
Do I recommend this book? YOU BETCHA I DO.
Southerners were deathly afraid of abolitionist ideas leading to murderous slave revolts. Rumors of plots were rampant, fueled by a few real incidents such as the Nat Turner rebellion. In South Carolina, the 1822 Seamen’s Act required that any free black sailors on ships docking at the port of Charleston be housed in the city jail while the ships were in port at the ship captain’s expense. Since 1835 postmasters in Charleston and across the state had been removing what they considered to be inflammatory materials from the mails.
The right-wingers of that day tarred their political opponents by accusing them of being closet “abolitionists,” a shibboleth like “liberal” (or “socialist:” or “communist”) today. This was an issue in the Smith-Ramsay contest in the first US House race at Charleston.
See also: South Carolina: A History by Walter Edgar.
BTW, there is a book called The Underground Railroad by William Still in the public domain:
I read two of the chapters of the audiobook version:
Is this all you have to hide behind now? Need I list the many things the CCP has not published? How about the source for the race code table that was used in the video at the July 17, 1012 press conference. How about Reed Hayes report? How about the hardware, software, documents, and results of the “over 1200 tests” they claimed to have run? Those would be a good start.
I have posted two files on my blog from a Xerox WorkCentre 7535 scan both before and after saving in Preview:
Xerox 7535 LFBC Scan
Xerox 7535 LFBC Scan Saved in Preview
I explained exactly how the files were created. Look at the four main layers in these files when compared with the WH LFBC. I showed that comparison in this article:
Xerox Theory Consistent with Ivan Zatkovich Report
If you will notice they are nearly identical. Any differences are easily explained by the fact that the copy was made from a highly compressed file that was then printed. There a internal clues too such as the “YCrCb” comment found in the JPEG layers in both files.
Now tell me why this isn’t convincing John.
Thanks for the tip. Here’s a book that I don’t recommend. It’s not soon headed for a Pulitzer.
“In addition, WND is making available other resources in this critical hour at giveaway prices:
Get the e-book by Jerome Corsi and Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, “A Question of Eligibility: A Law-Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President.” This is a historic work, which will be constantly updated with the latest information and findings for those who purchase the e-book for only $9.99 and get free downloads whenever there’s breaking news.”
Maybe the most recent update cleared up their empty box 9 Race of Father mistake? The CCCP said it should be blank and not have “African” listed. This was a HUGE error! Pay attention John.
John needs it to be unconvincing.
Enquiring minds want to know, John.
Because if John were to be convinced, he would have to admit to himself that he has wasted a substantial amount of time (and perhaps some money) over the past 4-5 years promoting birtherism.
It is in fact irritating when a player with his king left keeps on playing against king and rook. If someone does that against me – I give up and play against him never again ….
That could be a fruitful approach. A lot of women go shopping when they have time to kill. They only need to find the shops. Some who sell hippielike gear ….
Thousands of curio shops in Kenya to check out. Dozens of game parks to check out. Dozens of government guest houses to check out. Interview people on the Indian Ocean beaches. The CCP could Skype reports weekly. The important thing is to get out of the bunker they have retreated into. They need to create the illusion of further investigation to give John some hope.
He should take the Trendy Tours Obama Special.