Director Fuddy dies in plane crash

Loretta FuddyIt is with a profound sense of loss that I report the tragic and and untimely death of Loretta Fuddy, director of the Hawaii Department of Health, appointed by Governor Abercrombie in 2011 to succeed Dr. Chiyome Fukino. Fuddy was the sole casualty in a small plane crash.

Ms. Fuddy, 65, had a background in social work and had received numerous awards including ones for her work with children.

Orly Taitz puts herself in the middle of the story [link to Taitz web site]:

Press Release: Within hours after Attorney Orly Taitz published a press release of [redacted]’s “control” birth certificate showing the same evidence of forgery and backdating as Obama’s alleged birth certificate, which was certified as genuine by director of Health of HI Loretta Fuddy, it was announced that Loretta Fuddy was the only passenger to die in a small plane accident. Attorney Taitz calls on 8 courts and judges who received her cases to rule expeditiously on the merits and review the evidence of forgery and theft in Obama’s IDs before more people die in strange accidents

Other birthers respond at Birther Report:

★FALCON★ : No surprises there. Sometimes conspiracies are real – especially when Democrats are involved. In my opinion, this is the type of thing that will bring out even more people who will look into the Obama criminal empire … There is no such thing as coincidences.

Ed K: It would be interesting to know what kind of computer/file/email cleanup occurred in the last few hours as people mourn her death. same crew as the passport office cleanup, most likely

★FALCON★ : I wonder if Neil Abercrombie will be sleeping with one eye open.

thinkwell : Fuddy was involved up to her prematurely dead eyeballs in aka obama’s identity crimes

★FALCON★ : Interestingly, Gallups says the long wait is almost over and a co-conspirator is dead. You just can’t make this stuff up.


charlesmountain : Fuddy was gonna squeal…

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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172 Responses to Director Fuddy dies in plane crash

  1. John (not Birther John) says:

    Sadly Director of Health for HI Loretta Fuddy died in a small plane crash off the coast of Kalaupapa. Eight others survived. I can only imagine how this tragic event will play in Birther land. I have no doubt her name will be added to the President Obama ‘Death List’ and it will become the focus of many a ‘article’ on various Birther sites.

  2. Terrible news. Loretta Fuddy perished in a plane crash yesterday. Look for lots of vile filth coming from the Birthers about this being an assassination. Orly was on it right away and it was all about her and her “cases” of course. She tied her publishing Johanna xxxx’s brith certificate to the plane crash.

    I am Vogt will be taking credit too. What disgusting people. They are.

    (Warning: links to Taitz blog)

  3. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Speaking of simple-minded, Orly seems to think herself somehow responsible for Loretta Fuddy’s fatal plane crash. Gee guess she better do the honorable thing and turn herself in then.

  4. john says:

    Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder? The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her…does make you wonder.

  5. john says:

    Reality Check:
    Terrible news. Loretta Fuddy perished in a plane crash yesterday. Look for lots of vilefilth coming from the Birthers about this being an assassination. Orly was on it right away and it was all about her and her “cases” of course. She tied her publishing Johanna xxxx’s brith certificate to the plane crash.

    I am Vogt will be taking credit too. What disgusting people. They are.

    (Warning: links to Taitz blog)

    It has always been maintained that the Hawaii DOH has been the center and source of the Obama Birth Certificate scandal. That’s why Hawaii simply cannot be trusted and why an independent entity needs to go and get and verify the birth certificate.

  6. Arthur says:

    John (not Birther John): I can only imagine how this tragic event will play in Birther land.

    The birthernati at Birther Report have labeled it a political assignation. A couple of comments:

    “Interestingly, Gallups says the long wait is almost over and a co-conspirator is dead. You just can’t make this stuff up.”

    “Yup. She knew too much. Just like all the others.”

    I imagine this is only going to get worse.

  7. John reports from the fantasy world where he and the other birthers share delusions.

    john: Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder? The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her…does make you wonder.

  8. Dave B. says:

    It’s always been maintained by crackpots, charlatans and carrion feeders. Nobody gives a hoot who or what you trust, and why. You’re beneath contempt.

    john: It has always been maintained that the Hawaii DOH has been the center and source of the Obama Birth Certificate scandal.That’s why Hawaii simply cannot be trusted and why an independent entity needs to go and get and verify the birth certificate.

  9. Poor FALCON, hasn’t figured out who Vogt’s Jane Doe #2 is.

  10. Rickey says:

    Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder?The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her…does make you wonder.

    It makes me wonder what has short-circuited in your brain.

    How do you go about arranging a plane crash while making sure that only one specific passenger out of nine is killed?

  11. roadburner says:

    Rickey: It makes me wonder what has short-circuited in your brain.How do you go about arranging a plane crash while making sure that only one specific passenger out of nine is killed?

    she was killed by an ice Co2 bullet fired by the captain to make it look like she was killed in a plane crash, and any other survivors were beaten up as a warning which is why they went to the hospital and not actually hurt in the crash.

    do i win the `fluent in birferstani’ award for this week?

  12. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: It has always been maintained that the Hawaii DOH has been the center and source of the Obama Birth Certificate scandal. That’s why Hawaii simply cannot be trusted and why an independent entity needs to go and get and verify the birth certificate.

    How exactly would an independent entity have any know how to verify a birth certificate they didn’t issue? The issuing authority is the final authority when it comes to vital records. There is no way an independent entity would be able to say what constitutes a legit birth certificate.

  13. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    You have my vote, Roadburner!
    That sounds perfectly logical to me.

  14. Thinker says:

    I usually find birfers absurd and hilarious. However, when wingnuttery stops being about delusional bullshit and enters into real-life stuff that actually matters–like someone’s accidental death in a plane crash–I lose my sense of humor. Birthers are truly horrible people.

  15. JPotter says:

    Great, just what the nutters need, more reality to fuel their haywire pattern recognition.

    john: …does make you wonder.

    Sure does … all humans are born to die, and no matter how when or where to object of a conspiracy hypothesis expires, the event of their expiration becomes part of the conspiracy.

    Yes, such depravity makes one wonder at its endless depth.

  16. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Poor FALCON, hasn’t figured out who Vogt’s Jane Doe #2 is.

    Was it Paul Walker? I mean, c’mon, these celebrity deaths must be connected *somehow*! What else are conspiracy loons to do with their time?

    Somebody should inform Orly that Amy Winehouse was likely murdered because she found Obama’s real BC in Pete Doherty’s drug stash (they’re BRITISH, of course they know where he really was born). And Lou Reed witnessed Obama’s birth in Kenya and Patrick Swayze tought him how to dance to the Internationale. Both conveniently dead in the wake of Zullo’s eternity-shattering revelations.
    Seriously, this isn’t rocket science, why are the birthers missing all this?


  17. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: It makes me wonder what has short-circuited in your brain.

    How do you go about arranging a plane crash while making sure that only one specific passenger out of nine is killed?

    Mind boggling.

    The bad guys can’t produce a forgery that passes inspection by a first grader but they can load up a plane with nine people and make it crash in the ocean with only their target killed.

  18. Birther Weary says:

    Apparently a thread about this was started at Free Republic but was pulled because it was too vile for that despicable site. Not too vile for Orly or our john, though. Nothing ever is.

  19. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder

    No. No it doesn’t. There are a million and one reasons why one person could die in a crash, but everyone else lives. Literally innumerable variables as to the how and why. To birthers she was some player in this fantasy you’ve cooked up. To everyone else, she was merely an employee of the State of Hawaii.

    johnHawaii simply cannot be trusted and why an independent entity needs to go and get and verify the birth certificate.

    Too bad for you that the Full Faith and Credit Clause the constitution says otherwise. Why do you hate the Constitution so much, John?

    Birther Weary:
    Apparently a thread about this was started at Free Republic but was pulled because it was too vile for that despicable site. Not too vile for Orly or our john, though. Nothing ever is.

    John casts his lot with Sandy Hook, and Boston Massacre deniers and other assorted scum, so the fact that he has no scruples about something like this, is no surprise at all.

  20. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The Magic M: Was it Paul Walker? I mean, c’mon, these celebrity deaths must be connected *somehow*! What else are conspiracy loons to do with their time?Somebody should inform Orly that Amy Winehouse was likely murdered because she found Obama’s real BC in Pete Doherty’s drug stash (they’re BRITISH, of course they know where he really was born). And Lou Reed witnessed Obama’s birth in Kenya and Patrick Swayze tought him how to dance to the Internationale. Both conveniently dead in the wake of Zullo’s eternity-shattering revelations.Seriously, this isn’t rocket science, why are the birthers missing all this?

    No everyone knows that Paul Walker was murdered by Eric Holder to cover up Fast & Furious

  21. James M says:

    Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder?The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her…does make you wonder.

    What does it make who wonder, John?

  22. Slartibartfast says:


    The reaction of yourself and other birthers to this news does make me wonder… why you are such despicable human beings.

    Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder?The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her…does make you wonder.

  23. john says:

    WND reports on it –

    While I am sure the plane crash was a simple tragedy for Loretta Fuddy, It is a convenient coincidence. This sort thing has happen before.

  24. nbc says:

    Slartibartfast: The reaction of yourself and other birthers to this news does make me wonder… why you are such despicable human beings.

    Despair, hatred and ignorance… John has well documented his irrational behavior…

  25. Benji Franklin says:

    john: Loretta Fuddy’s death does make you wonder? The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her…does make you wonder.

    When it comes to evaluating any supposition attaching negatively to President Obama, John, a hook-shaped cloud, every crapping dog, a falling leaf, an extra long nostril hair, an unremarkable floating speck of dust, – any of these makes you wonder.

    Consider: for over 5 years, a mountain of ludicrous Birther non-evidence waved off in over 100 court proceedings, but any restating of any anti-Obama allegation DOES make your sorry ass “wonder”.

    Our family bible has a penned in note from my great, great, great, grandmother worrying about how cold the weather was in Ohio as her son went off to serve in the Union Army during the American Civil War – the conflict that substantially ended the moral and civil outrage of slavery in this country. Now that has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitutional Presidential eligibility of our first Black President, twice elected, but I’ll bet it makes you “wonder”, doesn’t it, Lunatic?

  26. Dave B. says:

    An older woman dies as a result of an accident like this and the first thing that comes to my mind is osteoporosis. I know of a woman who died as a result of a minor auto accident in which she suffered a severe spinal cord injury– the relatively minor shock was too much for her brittle bones.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: There are a million and one reasons why one person could die in a crash, but everyone else lives. Literally innumerable variables as to the how and why.

  27. Joe Acerbic says:

    Birfoon logic: this was Obama killing all witnesses as always

    …leaving alive 8 witnesses.

  28. Rickey says:

    Dave B.:
    An older woman dies as a result of an accident like this and the first thing that comes to my mind is osteoporosis.I know of a woman who died as a result of a minor auto accident in which she suffered a severe spinal cord injury– the relatively minor shock was too much for her brittle bones.

    Also on the plane was Deputy Health Director Keith Yamamoto. John is going to have to explain why he was allowed to live.

  29. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: Also on the plane was Deputy Health Director Keith Yamamoto. John is going to have to explain why he was allowed to live.

    New birther meme: “……does make you wonder.”

  30. OllieOxenFree says:

    john: It has always been maintained that the Hawaii DOH has been the center and source of the Obama Birth Certificate scandal.That’s why Hawaii simply cannot be trusted and why an independent entity needs to go and get and verify the birth certificate.

    And if they confirm a birth certificate is in fact in the DoH and is valid, the will just become yet another part of the grand conspiracy, right?

    You and every other birther like you will never accept any evidence that does not conform to your already preconceived beliefs.

  31. gorefan says:

    Rickey: John is going to have to explain why he was allowed to live.

    As well as Dr. Fukino, and Dr. Onaka both have seen the original record. And there is Dr. Neal Palafox who according to birthers resigned from the Director’s position because he wouldn’t fake the BC.

  32. Jim says:

    john: It has always been maintained that the Hawaii DOH has been the center and source of the Obama Birth Certificate scandal.That’s why Hawaii simply cannot be trusted and why an independent entity needs to go and get and verify the birth certificate.

    The only reason Hawaii can’t be trusted by you John is that they will not say what you want them to say. You have absolutely no evidence they have done anything wrong or illegal. So, why don’t you prove in a court of law first that the HDOH has broken any laws before requiring them to answer to a bunch of nutjobs?

  33. JD says:

    You know what I find odd is that people who don’t believe in a conspiracy and put down those they call birthers are spending time following these sites too leave their negative and condescending commemts. Makes you wonder why they would.

  34. hatelibs says:

    it a coinky dink. just like grandma.

  35. Thinker says:

    Freepers are allowed to malign and defame her, accuse her of committing treason, file fact-free “criminal complaints” about her with law enforcement agencies, and advocate for her execution, but only as long as she is alive.

    Now that she’s dead, it’s in bad taste.

    Birther Weary:
    Apparently a thread about this was started at Free Republic but was pulled because it was too vile for that despicable site. Not too vile for Orly or our john, though. Nothing ever is.

  36. BilltheCat says:

    Well, if anyone had any doubt that John is nothing more than a top tier Concern Troll, here you have it.

  37. donna says:

    Birther Weary: Not too vile for Orly or our john, though. Nothing ever is.

    OH and SEND MONEY!!!!

    Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

  38. Steve says:

    My condolences to Ms. Fuddy’s family.

  39. It’s sad that you often don’t know the good things about a person until they’re gone.

  40. CarlOrcas says:

    WND reports on it –

    While I am sure the plane crash was a simple tragedy for Loretta Fuddy, It is a convenient coincidence.This sort thing has happen before.

    What exactly is “convenient” about her death?

  41. CarlOrcas says:

    You know what I find odd is that people who don’t believe in a conspiracy and put down those they call birthers are spending time following these sites too leave their negative and condescending commemts. Makes you wonder why they would.

    What’s your explanation?

  42. Thinker says:

    No need to wonder. I watch birfers mostly because they are hilarious. There is no other group of people in the US who are so abjectly stupid; so laughably incompetent at everything; so completely void of critical thinking skills; so startlingly unaware of the concept of irony; so void of self-awareness; and so completely, totally, utterly unaware that they manifest these characteristics.

    I don’t like the racism, the anti-Muslim bigotry, the lies, the harassment of innocent people, the waste of court resources on frivolous lawsuits filed by incompetent buffoons, but I pay attention to these things because birfers are advocating the overthrow of the US government. They need to be exposed for the America-hating seditionists that they are. That’s why I pay attention to the stuff that birfers do that isn’t hilarious and ludicrous.

    You know what I find odd is that people who don’t believe in a conspiracy and put down those they call birthers are spending time following these sites too leave their negative and condescending commemts. Makes you wonder why they would.

  43. nbc says:

    john: While I am sure the plane crash was a simple tragedy for Loretta Fuddy, It is a convenient coincidence.This sort thing has happen before.

    That’s because you already have made up your mind in spite of the facts. You must be leading a horribly sad life… Full of anger, hatred and fear…

  44. Pastor Charmley says:

    Those claiming that this “must” have been deliberate are forced to the conclusion that one or more of the people on that aircraft was an assassin planted to ensure that Loretta Fuddy died, and that one way or another that person or persons is directly responsible for her death.

    If you attempt to deny that, you are denying a necessary conclusion of your own hypothesis, and being a coward. In a crash where only one person died, and that person was (on your hypothesis) the “intended victim”, there MUST have been someone on the aircraft to make sure that the victim died, otherwise you are finally actually invoking coincidence, all the while saying, “It cannot be a coincidence.” Yet it is far more rational to believe that the sad death of Loretta Fuddy is a coincidence from beginning to end than to believe that the crash was engineered and it coincidentally the person that those engineering the crash wished to kill was the only one who died.

    Any Birther claiming that this crash was no accident and refusing to add that at least one of those aboard the plane was an assassin is either a moral coward or has failed to think through his or her position.

  45. CarlOrcas says:

    it a coinky dink. just like grandma.

    Where is the “coinky dink” in the death of an 86 year old who was suffering from cancer?

  46. Dave B. says:

    What I find odd is a birther trying to claim any kind of moral high ground. Every plumber knows that won’t work. And payday’s Friday. And if you hit your thumb, don’t put it in your mouth.

    You know what I find odd is that people who don’t believe in a conspiracy and put down those they call birthers are spending time following these sites too leave their negative and condescending commemts. Makes you wonder why they would.

  47. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    hatelibs: it a coinky dink. just like grandma.

    Grandma who is still alive and said he was born in Hawaii?

  48. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: Also on the plane was Deputy Health Director Keith Yamamoto. John is going to have to explain why he was allowed to live.

    Oh don’t you know? Birthers are claiming Keith killed her because he’s a relative of Admiral Yamamoto who we killed in WW2. Nevermind that Yamamoto is the 15th most popular surname in Hawaii.

  49. CarlOrcas says:

    Ah… we know why Zullo is keeping quiet (in hiding?)……

    charlesmountain 11 minutes ago

    This is the primary reason why Zullo is keeping everything very close to the vest….

    People will DIE!

  50. Truth Hurts! says:

    Funny how so many seem to die around liberals isn’t—At least 47 associates of the Clintons have met with rather strange deaths, and Obozo is racking up an impressive count as well..

    Just off the top of my head, Grandma died days after saying he was born in Kenya..
    The seal team six was wiped out for participating in the bin Laden hoax, Bin died in 2002 of kidney disease and was widely reported on by the FBI–

    Michael Hastings and Breitbart, both knew too much,

    Tom Clancy–Had a REAL copy of his BC–

    His two gay lovers were both killed within 30 days of coming forward..One shot 14 times sitting in his living room..

    Eh, there are many many more less obscure names..

  51. Winston Smith says:

    Everyone knows that Obama was born in Kenya. But those who fap to Obama daily won’t admit it.

  52. nbc says:

    hatelibs: it a coinky dink. just like grandma.

    Sigh… Smear smear smear… Do they hate our President so much that they lower themselves to foolishness?

  53. The European says:

    The stuff that they put into the seamen’s meals to make them less horny seems to make them dumber as well. Look at Admiral Walt and at the Commander of the Fleet CFKerchner:

    /quote (from ORYR)

    cfkerchner 77p 53 minutes ago
    Suspicious hypotheticals: What caused the plane to land/crash at sea. Was it a controlled “crash”? What seat was Fuddy sitting in? Who was sitting next to her? Who was sitting behind her? Was her seat belt mechanism tampered with so that in an arranged soft landing “crash” at sea she could not get out of her seat and drowned in the plane? Was the plane’s engine tampered with? Does someone remember someone else on the flight suggesting Fuddy sit in a specific seat? A complete and thorough investigation needs to be done into the precise cause of her death and into why she could not get out of the plane while the pilot and others did make it out. Every mechanical device on that plane must be thoroughly investigate. A complete autopsy into and extensive toxicology report must be obtained. Everyone on that plane must be interviewed as to why Ms. Fuddy could not and did not make it out of the plane while everyone else did.


    She got out with her vest and died in the water, you crazy fool. I am very happy that it’s not my money that he gets for his retirement …..

  54. AGROD says:

    Doc out of curiosity why have you not banned john. Is it for our amusement? He adds ZERO and I suspect most on here are tired of answering his stupid “I am just asking questions”. Today I think he crossed the line with his “I wonder” bit. Today I think john crossed the line – he can go post his wonder crap at other sites.

  55. Birther Weary says:

    Freepers are allowed to malign and defame her, accuse her of committing treason, file fact-free “criminal complaints” about her with law enforcement agencies, and advocate for her execution, but only as long as she is alive.

    Now that she’s dead, it’s in bad taste.

    You’re kinder than I am. The thread was started after she died. I think it was pulled because the King Freeper wants nothing to do with birthers because he knows they’ll start going after his hero, Ted Cruz, again, and he’ll have to ban a whole lot more of them.

  56. bob says:

    Doc, you may be interested in this Mediaite article:

    As soon as USA Today broke the story wide on its website, conspiracy theory sites like WorldNetDaily and the aptly named began posting their own pieces questioning the conventional wisdom that the plane crash and Fuddy’s death were an accident.

  57. Bovril says:

    There are STILL two active threads (at least) over at Freak Retheuglic with all the usual vile feckwits contributing their two ha’porth.

    BitterDelusional in particular is gloating and dribbling in equal parts.

    One of the truly deluded comments of hers…..


    To: bgill

    I was late to my physical therapy appointment this morning because I had to remind my husband that killing me serves no purpose to the regime because I’ve already spoken out publicly and given my evidence to law enforcement.

    If there was any chance I could talk to the 3 critical people in Hawaii right now, I’d tell them that Edward Snowden was in Hawaii and managed to safely get out, and the only way to stay safe is to SPEAK OUT PUBLICLY – UNANNOUNCED – BEFORE THEY CAN KILL YOU. And I’m dead serious about that.

    Guys in Hawaii – you know who you are – if you are reading this PLEASE take this seriously. Get out, get in protective custody outside the US if necessary, and tell your story as if your life depended on it, because it most probably does.

    101 posted on 12 December 2013 17:50:27 by butterdezillion


    No Nellie, the “regime” hasn’t offed your foul arse because you have dropped your verbal excrement with “law enforcement”, nothing has happened to you because you are an insignificant deluded fantasist housewife with the personality of a rabid weasel

  58. Bovril says:


    For the masochists (like myself) who trawl Freakervile for nuggets of feckwitology, the two threads are

  59. Curious George says:

    Doc out of curiosity why have you not banned john.Is it for our amusement?He adds ZERO and I suspect most on here are tired of answering his stupid “I am just asking questions”.Today I think he crossed the line with his “I wonder” bit. Today I think john crossed the line – he can go post his wonder crap at other sites.

    I second the motion!

  60. Bovril says:

    A 3rd Freeper thread

    Guano insane is still be pushed

  61. Slartibartfast says:


    As someone who certainly doesn’t have the stomach for Freeperville today, thank you for your sacrifice. I wish I could say that the outpouring of bile from birferstan today surprised me, but it just disgusts me. I hope that the birthers get the instant karma they deserve.


    For the masochists (like myself) who trawl Freakervile for nuggets of feckwitology, the two threads are

  62. sactosintolerant says:

    If birther fantasies were true, wouldn’t EVERY head of the Hawaii DOH need to be dealt with since they’d become aware of the “truth” as soon as they took office?

  63. Slartibartfast says:

    Jeebus Chris! You sucked me in.

    Now I need a shower and some brain bleach…

    A 3rd Freeper thread

    Guano insane is still be pushed

  64. Slartibartfast says:

    You’re not thinking like a birther—you just add another epicycle to explain the inconvenient observation and it’s all the usurper’s fault again (p.s. please send money).

    If birther fantasies were true, wouldn’t EVERY head of the Hawaii DOH need to be dealt with since they’d become aware of the “truth” as soon as they took office?

  65. donna says:

    Donald Trump Floats Completely Insane Birther Conspiracy After Health Official’s Death

    Trump tweeted about the crash on Thursday:

    How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived

  66. JimmyJam says:

    There are STILL two active threads (at least) over at Freak Retheuglic with all the usual vile feckwits contributing their two ha’porth.

    BitterDelusional in particular is gloating and dribbling in equal parts.

    One of the truly deluded comments of hers…..


    To: bgill

    I was late to my physical therapy appointment this morning because I had to remind my husband that killing me serves no purpose to the regime because I’ve already spoken out publicly and given my evidence to law enforcement.

    If there was any chance I could talk to the 3 critical people in Hawaii right now, I’d tell them that Edward Snowden was in Hawaii and managed to safely get out, and the only way to stay safe is to SPEAK OUT PUBLICLY – UNANNOUNCED – BEFORE THEY CAN KILL YOU. And I’m dead serious about that.

    Guys in Hawaii – you know who you are – if you are reading this PLEASE take this seriously. Get out, get in protective custody outside the US if necessary, and tell your story as if your life depended on it, because it most probably does.

    101 posted on 12 December 2013 17:50:27 by butterdezillion


    No Nellie, the “regime” hasn’t offed your foul arse because you have dropped your verbal excrement with “law enforcement”, nothing has happened to you because you are an insignificant deluded fantasist housewifewith the personality of a rabid weasel

    I count THREE threads. A National Review thread, an NBC news thread and a KHON-TV thread.

  67. Crustacean says:

    Since my replies to *FALCON* (aka *Chickensh–*) never see the light of day at BR, please allow me to give him my two cents here. I don’t care if he reads it; this is more like primal scream therapy. Doc, I understand if you need to delete this comment. When dealing with nasty critters like Chickensh– I tend to let the nasty fly myself…

    ★FALCON★ : No surprises there. Sometimes conspiracies are real – especially when Democrats are involved. In my opinion, this is the type of thing that will bring out even more people who will look into the Obama criminal empire … There is no such thing as coincidences.

    CRUSTACEAN: No. There really are such things as coincidences. Problem is, many perfectly intelligent people mistake them for irony, while less intelligent people like you mistake them for conspiracies. I recommend reading George Carlin’s book “Brain Droppings.” He writes a good (and funny) passage about this topic. Of course, if an intelligent person can confuse irony with coincidence, what chance does a *&!@%#! moron like you have!

    ★FALCON★ : I wonder if Neil Abercrombie will be sleeping with one eye open.

    CRUSTACEAN: I wonder if your mother knows she gave birth to the spawn of Satan.

    ★FALCON★ : Interestingly, Gallups says the long wait is almost over and a co-conspirator is dead. You just can’t make this stuff up.

    CRUSTACEAN: That’s a priceless comment coming from someone who does little else but MAKE STUFF UP!! Dang it, Chickensh–, you really are a $#@!%$#!!!

    ★FALCON★ : [made-up, vulgar stuff about Dr. Conspiracy’s sex life]

    CRUSTACEAN: $#@#$%@! &*^%$%# @$#!$#!!!!!!!

    Whew! Now I feel better. Pardon my French.

    P.S. to all French people: pardon my use of the phrase “pardon my French.”

  68. Bovril says:

    ONE (of many) crazy feckwit conspiracy theories circulating in Freak Rethuglic is that

    EITHER Fuddy didn’t die but was whisked away as part of an “extraction” by….wait for it…….Joe Arpaio and some crack team he has on call to take Fuddy into some “protective custody”

    OR She did die as part of a bungled “extraction” by Piehole and the stealth ninja, KKKP Flounder Team 666

    Various permutations abound including how the other 8 folks are in on it, never existed, were all actors in a “false flag” etc etc etc……. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

  69. Bovril says:

    Ahhhhhh good ole Blue Falcon, can always be counted on to be more full of merde than a merde pie covered in merde sauce

    Apologies to the Old Enemy 🙂

  70. Idiots.

    bob: Doc, you may be interested in this Mediaite article:

  71. Xyxox says:

    This nonsense puts birthers like john right up there in precisely the same place of odious idiocy as the Westboro Baptist Church loons. They are showing just as much respect for the loved ones of this woman as the WBC shows for the families of soldiers.

  72. Polls say otherwise–in fact most people know that you and your conspiracy buddies are nut jobs.

    Winston Smith: Everyone knows that Obama was born in Kenya.

  73. Xyxox says:

    Truth Hurts!:
    Funny how so many seem to die around liberals isn’t—At least 47 associates of the Clintons have met with rather strange deaths, and Obozo is racking up an impressive count as well..

    Just off the top of my head, Grandma died days after saying he was born in Kenya..
    The seal team six was wiped out for participating in the bin Laden hoax, Bin died in 2002 of kidney disease and was widely reported on by the FBI–

    Michael Hastings and Breitbart, both knew too much,

    Tom Clancy–Had a REAL copy of his BC–

    His two gay lovers were both killed within 30 days of coming forward..One shot 14 times sitting in his living room..

    Eh, there are many many more less obscure names..

    The irony of your name, since everything you posted was a lie.

  74. I have bad news. You’re going to die.

    Truth Hurts!: Funny how so many seem to die around liberals isn’t—At least 47 associates of the Clintons have met with rather strange deaths, and Obozo is racking up an impressive count as well..

  75. Bob says:

    According to Birther logic, Loretta Fuddy would be the ultimate Obot. Instead of pretending that Obama had her killed why don’t The Birthers pretend that they had her killed as a warning to other Obots?

    Is it because they always want to portray themselves as the victim?

  76. Dave B. says:

    I’ll hold your coat.

    Dr. Conspiracy:

  77. Daniel says:

    Every person who did not vote for Obama will be dead one day.

    Damn you Obama!!!!

  78. Ja says:

    How can that be a conspiracy? There is NO way..too risky for government officials as well as the passangers on board. The engine went out and thats the tragedy.. its a miracle they landed the plane with out more damage.. God bless her friends and family.

  79. Dave B. says:

    This would be the post-ratcage Winston Smith?

    Winston Smith:
    Everyone knows that Obama was born in Kenya.But those who fap to Obama daily won’t admit it.

  80. justlw says:

    donna (quoting The Donald): How amazing

    What’s amazing is that Trump hasn’t drowned in a rainstorm with his mouth hanging open while looking up at his own name .

  81. justlw says:

    You learn something every day. I had no idea Tom Clancy had two gay lovers.

  82. RanTalbott says:

    john: The sole victim of plane crash and we have very shady investigation surrounding her

    So your theory is that the CCP killed her to distract from the fact that they’re being revealed as con artists?

  83. justlw says:

    Did Kim’s uncle have a copy of the BC, too?

  84. Benji Franklin says:

    The European: Kerchner wrote: …A complete and thorough investigation needs to be done into the precise cause of her death and into why she could not get out of the plane while the pilot and others did make it out. Every mechanical device on that plane must be thoroughly investigated. A complete autopsy into and extensive toxicology report must be obtained…..

    And when those inquiries have been made and yielded no additional negative allegations about President Obama, Kerchner will demand: “A complete and thorough investigation needs to be done of the investigators conducting the investigation of Fuddy’s death which I initially demanded, including investigating their thorough investigations of every mechanical device on that plane, and investigating the complete autopsy and extensive toxicology reports that were obtained!”

    And when those inquiries have been made and yielded no additional negative allegations about President Obama, Kerchner will demand: “Now a completer and thorougher investigation needs to be done of the investigators conducting the complete and thorough followup investigation of the complete and thorough investigation of Fuddy’s death which I initially and subsequently demanded, which included investigating their initial thorough investigations of every mechanical device on that plane, and their investigations of the complete autopsy and extensive toxicology reports that were obtained!”

    And when those inquiries have been made and yielded no additional negative allegations about President Obama, Kerchner will then demand that a completer still investigation must be conducted examining the academic credentials of everyone involved in all of these Obama-clearing investigations, including the academic credentials of the entire faculty of instructors at each secondary educational institution of higher learning from which each investigator graduated and a list of every blood relative and casual acquaintance and every member of their immediate families to see if any treasonous Obama enabler among them can be identified by discovering that they once read a newspaper article about Karl Marx or breathed air including molecules of carbon dioxide exhaled by Reverend Wright, or saw even part of a Marx Brothers movie, any one of which, if confirmed as common knowledge in Hawaii by Tim Adams assertion that it was something that, “everybody there knew”, would by itself be sufficient reason to remove Obama from office, or at the very least, really make lunatics like John, wonder. Really, really wonder.

    Yes, these are John’s “Wonder Years”! But for John, wondering on is no different than a sane person wondering off. Except for the sane part. We won’t wander there!

  85. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: What exactly is “convenient” about her death?

    As some have observed recently, the people in the business of separating birthers from their money have suffered from a shortage of material with which to get the suckers fired up and clicking the “Donate” buttons.

    It’s very “convenient” for them.

    Can you say “cui bono?”, boys and girls?

  86. RanTalbott says:

    Truth Hurts!: Just off the top of my head, Grandma died days after saying he was born in Kenya..

    If you weren’t so heavily emotionally invested in believing such a large volume of bullshit, you would probably find the truth a lot less painful for you..

  87. bob says:

    Taitz has just posted an “open letter press release” to Yamamoto, the HDOH official that survived the crash.

    As part of her posting, Taitz posted a redacted version of a long form birth certificate. Due to Taitz’s incompetence, it is clear it belongs to Jane Doe No. 2’s child.

  88. Rickey says:

    Truth Hurts!:
    Funny how so many seem to die around liberals isn’t—At least 47 associates of the Clintons have met with rather strange deaths

    Considering that the Clintons have had thousands of “associates,” from an actuarial standpoint there is nothing unusual about 47 of them dying over the years.

  89. Rickey says:


    While I am sure the plane crash was a simple tragedy for Loretta Fuddy, It is a convenient coincidence.

    What a hateful thing to say. Have you no compassion? Have you no sense of shame?

  90. Remember John is the same person who wanted to melt down the Medal of Honor of COL Gordon Roberts who testified against the moron Blue Falcon traitorous Terry Lakin – John’s hero. John prefers to support traitors instead American heroes.

    Rickey: What a hateful thing to say. Have you no compassion? Have you no sense of shame?

  91. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Rickey: What a hateful thing to say. Have you no compassion? Have you no sense of shame?

    John would double-tap his own mother in the back of the head, if it meant having the slimmest chance of getting dirt on Obama.

  92. CarlOrcas says:

    bob: Taitz has just posted an “open letter press release” to Yamamoto, the HDOH official that survived the crash.

    She doesn’t do unctuous well.

  93. Curious George says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: John would double-tap his own mother in the back of the head, if it meant having the slimmest chance of getting dirt on Obama.

    Time to take a vote. All those in favor of turning the switch off on john, say Aye! Opposed, say Nay!

    My vote: Aye!

  94. Rickey says:

    Curious George: Time to take a vote.All those in favor of turning the switch off on john, say Aye!Opposed, say Nay!

    My vote: Aye!

    His idiocy used to be amusing but he has worn out his welcome.

  95. Good grief! That woman is a menace. See also:

    bob: As part of her posting, Taitz posted a redacted version of a long form birth certificate. Due to Taitz’s incompetence, it is clear it belongs to Jane Doe No. 2′s child.

  96. The top of your head is confused. The grandmother who birthers think said the President was born in Kenya (she didn’t), is still alive. It was his grandmother from Hawaii who died.

    Truth Hurts!: Just off the top of my head, Grandma died days after saying he was born in Kenya..

  97. Steve says:

    Rickey: Considering that the Clintons have had thousands of “associates,” from an actuarial standpoint there is nothing unusual about 47 of them dying over the years.

    What really is unusual is that there is a guy who is on the Clinton death list who is also on the Obama death list.
    Now that’s a neat trick.

  98. Steve says:

    From Oh For Goodness Sake in 2010:

    This fellow, Gandy Baugh, has the distinction of appearing on both Clinton and Obama death lists, having died twice, apparently at the hand of an American President:

    The Clinton Body Count:

    Gandy Baugh: Baugh was Lasater’s attorney and committed suicide on January 8, 1994. Baugh’s partner committed suicide exactly one month later on February 8, 1994.

    Barack Obama’s Trail of Death:

    GANDYBAUGH – Attorney for Obama friend Antonin Rezko died by falling out an eightieth story window of the Hancock Tower, January, 2003. His client was a convicted Chinese spy.

  99. BillTheCat says:

    Winston Smith:
    Everyone knows that Obama was born in Kenya.But those who fap to Obama daily won’t admit it.

    Aww poor baby – still can’t get over the fact he is a 2-term President elected by an overwhelming majority of Americans, can you? Have a tissue.

  100. Off Topic says:

    Reality Check: Look for lots of vile filth coming from the Birthers about this being an assassination.

    why’s reality check so emotionally involved in birthers seeing a conspiracy?

    aint that what birthers do and why doctor whatever is here to explain it all? get over it RC

    with a profound sense of loss etc.

  101. RanTalbott says:

    Steve: What really is unusual is that there is a guy who is on the Clinton death list who is also on the Obama death list.

    That was misreported the first time: what actually happened was that Hillary turned him into a newt.

    But he got better, so he had to be killed.

  102. Lupin says:

    If Only Real World Obama was as efficient as Crazy Birther Obama!

  103. The European says:

    If Only Real World Obama was as efficient as Crazy Birther Obama!

    The slogan of the year.

  104. The Magic M says:

    john: While I am sure the plane crash was a simple tragedy for Loretta Fuddy, It is a convenient coincidence.

    You really need to look up more words in the dictionary. Like “coincidence”. Where do you see one? Unless she was, say, summoned to testify in front of SCOTUS about the birth certificate the next day, there is no way you can dress this up as “coincidence”. What does her death coincide with? 5+ years of baseless conspiracy theories?

    The only “convenient coincidence” is that now Zullo/Gallups have a chance to get out of their “universe-shattering evidence any day now” dilemma by claiming said evidence crashed along with Ms Fuddy.

  105. RanTalbott says:

    The Magic M: The only “convenient coincidence” is that now Zullo/Gallups have a chance to get out of their “universe-shattering evidence any day now” dilemma by claiming said evidence crashed along with Ms Fuddy.

    Uh-uh: it’s “hard document evidence”, and it’s been “piling up”. So, unless the plane just happened to crash into the Sekrit Underwater Lair where they’ve been piling it, they’re still on the hook.

  106. The Magic M says:

    RanTalbott: it’s “hard document evidence”, and it’s been “piling up”

    We know that, but birthers will fall for anything. And the crash gives them a great opportunity to claim “Fuddy was the forger”. (And Paul Walker was killed because his car in FF7 was going to have the number plate 1N3L1G1BL3.)

  107. Suranis says:

    You mean Sephiroth is in on it too???

    (Final Fantasy 7 fans will got this… I had a geekgasm. Sorry!)

    The Magic M: (And Paul Walker was killed because his car in FF7 was going to have the number plate 1N3L1G1BL3.)

  108. JPotter says:

    I see from the twitfeed that Trump is on the Fuddy was assassinated bandwagon. What a shock.

  109. The Magic M says:

    As I’ve always said – once you venture into birtherism for financial/promotional gain, you start believing in it eventually.

  110. Curious George says:

    Magic M
    “As I’ve always said – once you venture into birtherism for financial/promotional gain, you start believing in it eventually.”

    I wonder, does the CDC have a cure developed for birtherism?

  111. Bernard Sussman says:

    There were 8 other people on board and they survived, so this doesn’t look like an assassination.

    Ms. Fuddy’s job required her to travel to all parts of Hawaii. If you look at a map, this means a LOT of flying time aboard those flimsy commuter airplanes.

  112. They have corrected their article. My comment there complaining about the mistake has been put into moderation, but replies to it remain.

    bob: Doc, you may be interested in this Mediaite article:

  113. JPotter says:

    Bernard Sussman: There were 8 other people on board and they survived, so this doesn’t look like an assassination.

    Oh, no, no, no, Bernard, to a conspiracy nut, the fact that all survived makes it more suspicious. Everyone else surviving “proves” the crash was not fatal, but rather a staged, flimsy, amateurish cover for the hit that took place during the flight. Or maybe she was poisoned before takeoff.

    Hermitian will pop up any second to tell us she was Breitbart’d by Obama’s handlers, with a CIA “heart-attack” gun or some-such.

  114. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I have bad news. You’re going to die.

    But thanks to you (I mean your site) his hateful nuttery will live forever.

  115. CarlOrcas says:

    Zullo has spoken!!

    Apparently he just couldn’t control himself and decided to let the world in on what he knows about Loretta Fuddy’s death. The answer, of course, is nothing but here are the highlights from his interview with (surprise!) Carl Gallups:

    Investigator Mike Zullo related to Gallups, “Sheriff Arpaio and I first want to express our deepest condolences to Ms. Fuddy’s family, and her friends, and to the people of Hawaii. We are aware that there are numerous Internet speculations of possible foul play in this situation. It appears to us, at this time, that the plane crash was simply a tragic and unfortunate accident.”

    Ah….the great qualifier….”at this time”.

    Zullo went on to emphasize, “I can tell you this, though; our investigation into the Obama fraud case does not hinge on Ms. Fuddy. While her death certainly is a tragedy, it in no way hampers our investigation in this matter. If people truly believe that her untimely demise was somehow related to an attempt to silence her for ‘what she may or may not know,’ then there are several more people in Hawaii who should be very, very concerned. Again, I want to emphasize, Sheriff Arpaio and I do not, at this time, believe her death was connected to any nefarious circumstances.”

    The man knows no shame

  116. JPotter says:

    CarlOrcas: If people truly believe that her untimely demise was somehow related to an attempt to silence her for ‘what she may or may not know,’ then there are several more people in Hawaii who should be very, very concerned.

    But “those people” should only be concerned so long as other “people truly believe” something shady was going on? So, if no one “believes” there was foul play, then the CCCP suspects no one participated in a forgery conspiracy in Hawaii? The CCCP’s “investigation” is contingent not on evidence, but rather the beliefs of irrelevant 3rd parties? 😛

    Well, that’s a load off Hawaii’s mind, so long as everyone just stops “believing”.

    [ I love the torturous logical blunders and slips that run rampant in extemporaneous speech! 😀 ]

  117. CarlOrcas says:

    JPotter: [ I love the torturous logical blunders and slips that run rampant in extemporaneous speech! 😀 ]

    It’s unclear just how Gallups got these quotes from Zullo. It’s too early for his Friday show, unless he recorded something with Zullo.

    It is painful to read that’s for sure.

    As far as what Zullo and Arpaio know about Fuddy’s death I have two cats sleeping on my desk who know as much as they do.

    And the phony concern makes me want to wretch.

  118. Dave B. says:

    They’ve seriously fouled their nest over there.

    Dr. Conspiracy: In case you’ve been away on Mars, Donald Trump jumped in:

  119. bob says:

    CarlOrcas: It’s unclear just how Gallups got these quotes from Zullo. It’s too early for his Friday show, unless he recorded something with Zullo.

    Gallups has been known record bits at times other than his usual Friday spot.

    And as Gallups likes to remind everyone, he and Zullo talk nearly every day. I have no doubt that they discussed Fuddy’s death.

  120. CarlOrcas says:

    bob: Gallups has been known record bits at times other than his usual Friday spot.

    And as Gallups likes to remind everyone, he and Zullo talk nearly every day.I have no doubt that they discussed Fuddy’s death.

    Anything is possible, I guess. So far no audio of any interview done today. Freedom Friday is still a couple hours away….if I have the time correct.

    World Net Daily, on the other hand, has managed to pull the old interview (when was it done?) with Zullo – the “universe shattering” turn – and combine it with today’s quotes via Gallups to make it look like its all related.

    There is no shame in Birtherstan!

  121. Crustacean says:

    CarlOrcas: As far as what Zullo and Arpaio know about Fuddy’s death I have two cats sleeping on my desk who know as much as they do.
    And the phony concern makes me want to wretch.

    Man, cats are the worst! 🙂

  122. Curious George says:

    What can one say? Zullo’s remarks are absurd. Is it time for him to release his new book of fiction? Better do a quick rewrite on the Fuddy chapter.

  123. bob says:

    Zullo called in briefly to Freedom Fridays. Zullo said Fuddy’s death was a tragic accident until proven otherwise. That didn’t stop Gallups from dog whistling and winking.

    Notably: Zullo said he doesn’t agree with Vogt’s findings. Zullo said he interviewed Vogt’s “forger,” and doesn’t consider her a suspect.

  124. CarlOrcas says:

    bob: Zullo called in briefly to Freedom Fridays. Zullo said Fuddy’s death was a tragic accident until proven otherwise. That didn’t stop Gallups from dog whistling and winking.

    Between that and Gillar’s latest “major break” video there are little wet spots all over the Birther Report.

    FALCON says “I think the panic has reached fever pitch.” All he’s really hearing is his own heavy breathing.

    One commenter, however, seems to have figured it out:

    Glen S. 58 minutes ago

    I hope their just not blowing smoke up our ass…

  125. justlw says:

    And then this gem from one “Alan S.” commenting on HuffPo:

    It is very strange that she is the only one that died

    No WItnesses!

  126. CarlOrcas says:

    And then this gem from one “Alan S.” commenting on HuffPo:

    That’s nuttin. Here from the inimitable FALCON is this hilarious series:

    ★FALCON★ 136p 2 hours ago

    Wow – the O-Holes are certainly worried judging their comments on the last thread. And they have plenty of reason to worry.

    The end of their communistic redistribution is on the horizon. Yet, will it go down without bloodshed, I doubt it – and history is my guide.

    CarsonChris 1 hour ago

    Lock and load baby!

    ★FALCON★ 136p 1 hour ago

    I think it almost happened about 12 months ago when the gun run occurred and folks were buying ARs for 1800 to 3500 bucks. Then the communists shut down the bullet supply. Didn’t effect me in the least except for the 5×7 I need for the Blue Helmets.

    I have plenty of .223 and .308 – So come a knockin’, if ya wanna shot. Not to mention I wear two 45’s all day everyday. And I keep another in my car strapped to the passenger seat

    Me thinks FALCON has watched one to many reruns of Patton.

  127. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: That’s nuttin. Here from the inimitable FALCON is this hilarious series:

    I just read through the comments on that thread, and Bird Boy is truly a nut case. In addition to his assertion that he wears two .45’s, he’s haranguing people not to cooperate with police when stopped for a traffic violation because of the danger they’ll be anally probed.

  128. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: I just read through the comments on that thread, and Bird Boy is truly a nut case. In addition to his assertion that he wears two .45′s, he’s haranguing people not to cooperate with police when stopped for a traffic violation because of the danger they’ll be anally probed.

    He does seem to be obsessed with all things anal.

    As far as his gun fetish is concerned I have visions of him wandering the house all day long in a pair of trap door long johns wearing his two gun rig and practicing his quick draw every time he walks by a mirror. It’s not a pretty picture.

  129. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: He does seem to be obsessed with all things anal.

    Yes, and as you rightly point out, his preoccupation with guns is also obsessive. A psychiatrist would have a field day with him. His obvious festishizing of pistols has clear phallic associations and perhaps represents, on the one hand, his fascination with the penis, and on the other hand, his desire to appear hyper-masculine. They could also be a device that he hopes will mask repressed homosexuality. Thus, his irrational fear of Obama, and his shrill calls for Obama to be destroyed, are nothing more than his wish to obliterate the thing he most desires, but cannot allow himself to experience.

  130. Grung_e_Gene says:

    If Birthers and Conservatives actually, truly believe that President Obama had Loretta Fuddy assassinated and has done so with many other people, including his gay muslim indonesian husband, and those who know the truth, while also silencing Conservative groups with the IRS and NSA, while also leaving the military to be killed by his Muslim Brotherhood Allies then they have to be the BIGGEST GROUP of CHICKEN SHIT COWARDS who have ever lived.

    Act on the courage of your convictions. But, no they just type away apparently without a fear in the world that Obama’s Jeremiah Wright Thug Assassin Squad will come for them next.

  131. Curious George says:

    December 13, 2013
    CarlOrcas: That’s nuttin. Here from the inimitable FALCON is this hilarious series:

    I just read through the comments on that thread, and Bird Boy is truly a nut case. In addition to his assertion that he wears two .45′s, he’s haranguing people not to cooperate with police when stopped for a traffic violation because of the danger they’ll be anally probed.

    *FALCON* the 80% CCCP cheerleader is now “Macho Birdman” putting his Pom-Poms off to the side for a pair of .45 autos. John Browning is rolling in the grave with laughter. Get a grip *FALCON.*

  132. y_p_w says:

    I’ve heard of the place they were visiting. It’s also known as Kalaupapa National Historical Park, which is partially administered by the National Park Service. Most visitors are permitted to enter via a tour company called Father Damien Tours. Another way to enter is by foot or by mule ride over some hilly terrain, which also requires going through a commercial tour operator. The other way in is by private boat, which requires an advance permit from the HDOH.

    Other than that, one can enter if visiting a resident, and permits are issued by the HDOH.

  133. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: Yes, and as you rightly point out, his preoccupation with guns is also obsessive. A psychiatrist would have a field day with him. His obvious festishizing of pistols has clear phallic associations and perhaps represents, on the one hand, his fascination with the penis, and on the other hand, his desire to appear hyper-masculine. They could also be a device that he hopes will mask repressed homosexuality. Thus, his irrational fear of Obama, and his shrill calls for Obama to be destroyed, are nothing more than his wish to obliterate the thing he most desires, but cannot allow himself to experience.

    Please, please…..stop!!!

    I’m starting to see him in his two gun rig (fancy leather work, I’m sure) and he’s sitting there pounding away on his keyboard and……

  134. Rickey says:

    Keith Yamamoto was holding Loretta Fuddy’s hand and trying to calm her down after the crash when she suddenly let go of his hand and became unresponsive. My guess is that the autopsy will show that she died of a heart attack.

  135. Joe Acerbic says:

    I’m wondering when SyFy channel gets around to producing one of their cheapo original movies about birfoons. Lawd knows they’ve done one on every other type of evil disgusting ghouls already.

  136. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith Yamamoto was holding Loretta Fuddy’s hand and trying to calm her down after the crash when she suddenly let go of his hand and became unresponsive. My guess is that the autopsy will show that she died of a heart attack.

    Very possible. Also blunt force trauma can cause internal injuries – torn arteries, etc. – that don’t manifest themselves immediately

    The bottom line, of course, is that the poor woman wasn’t murdered by Obama or anyone else.

  137. CarlOrcas says:

    Joe Acerbic:
    I’m wondering when SyFy channel gets around to producing one of their cheapo original movies about birfoons. Lawd knows they’ve done one on every other type of evil disgusting ghouls already.

    I’d watch the Comedy Channel schedule. It think it’s more likely to show up there than anywhere else.

  138. Dave B. says:

    Birthernado! Dinobirther vs. Docogator!

    Joe Acerbic:
    I’m wondering when SyFy channel gets around to producing one of their cheapo original movies about birfoons. Lawd knows they’ve done one on every other type of evil disgusting ghouls already.

  139. jd reed says:

    Truth Hurts, you chose the right avatar
    Obviously the truth hurts so much that you stay as far away from it ss possible!

  140. jd reed says:

    John, your sentence “It has always been maintained that the Hawaii DOH has been the center and source of the Obama birth certificate scandal” says a lot about you. First of all, what scandal? Nobody in the reality based community thinks so. Second, it hasn’t escaped our attention how weaselly the first part of your statement is. Using the passive voice lets you avoid identifying anyone who maintains the bilge that follo

  141. aarrgghh says:

    hawaii’s validation of obama is the wooden stake through the birfer nosferatu, which has been loudly writhing and changing form at will for the last five years in a futile effort to tear itself free.

  142. aarrgghh says:

    just in via national review online:

    mark steyn: … it’s because of Peter O’Toole that I never dismissed the Obama-birther stuff out of hand. O’Toole had two valid, government-issued birth certificates — one stating he was born in Connemara in Ireland in June 1932, the other stating he was born in Leeds in England in August 1932. He had no idea which one was correct, but, being in showbiz, chose to celebrate his birthday on the later date.

    And these are two of the oldest, most reliable birth registries on the planet.

  143. aarrgghh says:

    from the comments at nro:

    i barkahn: No, Steyn “never dismissed the Obama birth stuff out of hand”; he just forgot to write about it, or mention it, or allude to it. Steyn just went along with the Conservative media’s total ban on any mention of the “Obama birth stuff.” A pundit who does that may be a good political entertainer, but he is not a serious person. Serious people do not remain silent in the face of a great–in fact, the greatest political fraud in western history–and the enormous damage done. I have written many times about Steyn’s selfish and cowardly refusal to write about Obama’s forgeries, and I was right to do so. The “birthers,” who by all rights should be called constitutionalists, have always been on the right side of history and the bravest of citizens. Not too long from now, Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo will publish evidence that will show Obama’s true identity, what he is, and what he has done. Steyn fears it is coming, and its coming will shame Steyn and his cowardly Conservative media counterparts. That is why Steyn took advantage of O’tool’s death to inform us that he “never dismissed the Obama birther stuff out of hand.” Few figures are more pathetic.

    well, he’s mentioning it now … where’s the love?

  144. Steve says:

    just in via national review online:

    Funny, O’Toole’s IMDB bio says nothing about this.

  145. BatGuano says:

    Steve: Funny, O’Toole’s IMDB bio says nothing about this.

    “It is actually quoted in his autobiography, that he is unsure if he was born in Ireland or in Yorkshire, England where he was raised. He has a birth certificate from both countries.”

  146. CarlOrcas says:

    BatGuano: “It is actually quoted in his autobiography, that he is unsure if he was born in Ireland or in Yorkshire, England where he was raised.He has a birth certificate from both countries.”

    If you Google “Peter O’Toole birth certificates” you get several variations on that but never a look at one or both of them.

    Is it true? Could be.

    Is it relevant to Obama? Hardly.

  147. BatGuano says:

    Is it true? Could be.

    Is it relevant to Obama? Hardly.


  148. Dave B. says:

    Well I for one certainly believe everything I ever read about Peter O’Toole.

    just in via national review online:

  149. aarrgghh says:

    CarlOrcas: Is it relevant to Obama?

    everything o’toole has ever done is now null and void. which means he now has standing to sue obama.


  150. Joe Acerbic says:

    What a coinkidink, or did Obama have O’Toole killed in his global effort to cover up all birth certificate doubts? /birf

  151. CarlOrcas says:

    aarrgghh: everything o’toole has ever done is now null and void.

    Are we going to have to turn in our CD’s of Lawrence of Arabia? More important: Will we get our money back???

  152. justlw says:

    aarrgghh (quoting Mark Steyn): “And these are two of the oldest, most reliable birth registries on the planet.”


  153. donna says:

    NTSB to Try and Salvage Plane in Crash off Molokai

    The agency previously said it seemed unlikely the single-engine plane could be recovered. But NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss says the plane was spotted Friday from a helicopter. He says the single-engine aircraft was about 400 to 500 yards off the north shore of Molokai.

    Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy was the sole fatality among the nine people aboard last week’s flight. Weiss says the NTSB is awaiting autopsy results from Maui County.

  154. CarlOrcas says:

    NTSB to Try and Salvage Plane in Crash off Molokai

    The agency previously said it seemed unlikely the single-engine plane could be recovered. But NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss says the plane was spotted Friday from a helicopter. He says the single-engine aircraft was about 400 to 500 yards off the north shore of Molokai.

    Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy was the sole fatality among the nine people aboard last week’s flight. Weiss says the NTSB is awaiting autopsy results from Maui County.

    Pish tosh!

    Obama has already had the plane raised and the wreckage fixed to make it look the way he wants.

    If you don’t believe me just wait a couple hours and I can almost guarantee you that’s what they’ll be saying on Birther Report.

    Hmm….where is the Glomar Explorer these days????

  155. CarlOrcas says:

    Joe Acerbic:
    What a coinkidink, or did Obama have O’Toole killed in his global effort to cover up all birth certificate doubts? /birf

    How about Tom Laughlin? I’ve seen those Billy Jack movies. I know how he works; he kicks some serious buttsky.

    He wasn’t that old (just one year older than Joe Arpaio) but as john would say: “What if he was on Obama’s case and what if he had nailed down that earth shattering information. Bingo! Adios Billy Jack!”

  156. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: Are we going to have to turn in our CD’s of Lawrence of Arabia? More important: Will we get our money back???

    True story.

    A few years ago, the distributor in Australia obtained one of the restored 70mm prints ot LoA. ( The Restoration of “Lawrence of Arabia” ) There are only about 5 copies (or something silly like that) in the world. It enjoyed regular runs in the repertory cinemas all over the country. In Melbourne, we could count on the Astor Theater running it every 8 months or so.

    South Korea had a copy too, but something happened to it. Dunno – they lost it somehow or damaged it beyond repair or something. So they called up Australia and asked to borrow our copy for a film festival or something. No worries, the Aussies said, glad to be of help.

    The Koreans then proceeded to burn Korean subtitles into the print. So now that print stays in Korea even if it is nominally ‘ours’.

    mumble mumble mumble

  157. donna says:

    Lawyer Files Request For Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy Autopsy

    Dr. Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed numerous lawsuits related to the birth certificate issue, is behind an effort to obtain a copy of Fuddy’s autopsy. In an exclusive interview with the Western Center for Journalism, she cited several pieces of anecdotal evidence she believes refute official reports.

    “I have a file with all of the media reports on this accident,” she said, “and there are contradictions.”

    NTSB examines plane wreckage for clues into crash


  158. RanTalbott says:

    donna: “I have a file with all of the media reports on this accident,” she said, “and there are contradictions.”

    Of course there are contradictions: if it doesn’t happen at something like a Space Shuttle launch, in front of 150 cameras from 80 different news organizations, it’s inevitable that some newspapers and/or TV stations will run third-hand “information” from friends of friends of someone who saw the event from a distance, or thinks he heard something on his scanner, or … or … or …

    No wonder the woman had to get her law license in California: it’s the only State with enough of a commitment to “diversity” to grant a ticket to someone who’s visiting from an alternate universe.

  159. Thinker says:

    After posting furiously for days, Taitz hasn’t posted on her blog since early Thursday afternoon. I think she’s on her way to Hawaii to try to stop the funeral home from disposing of Loretta Fuddy’s body. It will turn out to be a thousand dollar wild goose chase.

  160. RanTalbott says:

    Thinker: It will turn out to be a thousand dollar wild goose chase.

    Or, maybe she’ll finally get a lesson on the meaning of “standing” that sticks.

    Nah: we’re not that lucky.

    But maybe some of Fuddy’s friends and family will eject her her forcefully from the funeral for dancing and pissing on Fuddy’s grave before it was even occupied. It’d be nice to have her face a penalty for her actions that hubby can’t pay for her.

  161. The Magic M says:

    Thinker: I think she’s on her way to Hawaii to try to stop the funeral home from disposing of Loretta Fuddy’s body.

    Didn’t want to say a mean thing around here, but I rather prefer she goes scuba-diving for the plane wreck. If she’s as competent a diver as she is a lawyer, this will be the last we heard of her. (Sorry Doc, feel free to delete if you think I’ve crossed a line.)

  162. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Magic M: Didn’t want to say a mean thing around here, but I rather prefer she goes scuba-diving for the plane wreck. If she’s as competent a diver as she is a lawyer, this will be the last we heard of her. (Sorry Doc, feel free to delete if you think I’ve crossed a line.)

    Orly Taitz is one of the few people, like less than what can be counted on hand, on the whole of planet Earth, whom if they dropped dead, I would actually crack a Grinch-like smile. Not a thing I’m particularly proud of, but there it is. Its not her ODS, its the sick self-serving way she goes after the grieving families of tragedy victims.

  163. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Orly Taitz is one of the few people, like less than what can be counted on hand, on the whole of planet Earth, whom if they dropped dead, I would actually crack a Grinch-like smile.

    Orly wouldn’t even make my top ten list. She’s terrible but there are many who are worse than her (among birthers alone, I could pick a dozen before her).

  164. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    She preys on people who are trying to pick up the pieces after losing someone, and she calls for her supports to harass and hound the victims’ families. That sort of person doesn’t deserve consideration as far as I’m concerned. This is the Christmas season, a time when most people are planning what they’re doing in a few days. Fuddy’s family is planning a funeral. Taitz has nothing better to do with her sick little life than go after them.

  165. I was toying with writing an article, but I’m not enough of a literary person to do it justice. There are examples in literature where a person is consumed with something to their ruin. A popular example is Gollum who is consumed by the Ring, or Captain Ahab and his white whale. At some point where the obsession is so strong, the person really doesn’t comprehend anything else, and in the case of Taitz, she doesn’t comprehend the feelings of others, or how her actions effect them.

    I think it is fair to call Orly Taitz a “bad person” but my response is primarily one of pity.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Taitz has nothing better to do with her sick little life than go after them.

  166. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think it is fair to call Orly Taitz a “bad person” but my response is primarily one of pity.

    Based on today’s effort in Honolulu to interfere with the burial/cremation of Loretta Fuddy I think “despicable” may be more appropriate.

  167. Dave says:

    Now Taitz is asking for donations to cover the expense of harassing Fuddy’s family.

    Perhaps the Westboro Baptist Church will donate. This is their kind of thing.

  168. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    She’d get along with their ilk quite famously!

  169. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    She’d get along with their ilk quite famously!

    Till they found out she was Jewish!!! hehehe

  170. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Jim: Till they found out she was Jewish!!!hehehe

    Do you think their heads would explode in unison, or in sequence, like on “Xmas Lemmings”, Which I’m replaying as part of my yearly Christmas ritual.

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