Gallups turns on birthers: calls them “whiners”

Leading birther web sites thrown under the bus

I don’t think that I really need to say much about this, since Mike Zullo’s best buddy Carl Gallups, in his own words, says it all:

imageWelcome to this Freedom Friday update. Your host, Carl Gallups.

It’s absolutely amazing to me the amount whining, complaining and false information and flat-out fabricated information that continues to spill out of the birther movement. Perhaps you see why now I have distanced myself from that movement and its supposed representatives.

I’ve said for a long time now that what Zullo and Arpaio have goes far and beyond the question of where Obama was born. So far beyond that it almost fades into the sunset compared to the revelations they now have.

I’ll grant the fact that the place any president was born is an important issue—it’s a Constitutional Issue. I’m a Constitutionalist. I want the Constitution and the law to be followed, but the birther movement itself unimpressed me a long time ago. Just recently I was reminded again of why that is so.

On May 23, 2014 I had Detective Mike Zullo on my show, Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups. He tried to get Sheriff Joe on the show, but Sheriff Joe had a TV interview at that same time, so Mike Zullo spoke on behalf of Sheriff Joe on my show. Mike revealed four very important pieces of information that he did not have to reveal to anyone, but he did.

We had announced at PPSimmons that we would have some breaking news, as well as some updated info concerning the upcoming news conferences by Arpaio and Zullo. Mike delivered exactly what I claimed he would, exactly. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet several prominent birther sites went off on Mike and me after the show claiming we had given nothing and did nothing but hype the show. Then they went on with other inane insults.

You see the bottom line is when all was said and done, it seems that there is a lot pettiness, jealousy and misinformation among the rabid birther crowd. At times their conduct is not much better or different than the Obots.

Here’s what Zullo revealed, four very important things:

  • Number 1—He spoke on behalf of Sheriff Joe assuring America that the investigation was in full bore mode and that the two news conferences, one with Arpaio and one with Zullo, would happen. Everything is still a “go.” There’s still a criminal investigation under Sheriff Joe and there is the birth certificate under investigation headed up by Mike Zullo, under Sheriff Joe.
  • The second thing that Mike Zullo revealed was that he again spoke on behalf of Joe Arpaio, assuring America that they are now honing in on “the group responsible for the forging of the fake document.” This was huge information. The public had never heard this before.
  • Number 3—Mike revealed for the very first time that the investigation team possessed NSA documents explaining exactly how to use a Xerox copier to produce anomalies and scrub documents, just as the Obots some months ago tried to convince the world was the reason why the Obama birth certificate had anomalies that could easily be produced by some magical Xerox machine.  Zullo revealed one of the reasons that they now know all of that was a smoke screen by the Obots and whoever they are officially representing. That was big information revealed for the very first time.
  • The fourth thing that Mike Zullo was that the Doug Vogt documents, now unsealed court documents, that so many people are buzzing about all over the Internet, does not contain earth-shattering information that is useful to this investigation, and in fact Zullo said, it does contain some erroneous information according to the official investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. That was pretty big news.
  • And then number 5—Mike Zullo made it clear that unless you hear information and announcements on Freedom Friday or from me, Carl Gallups, or from the PPSimmons News and Ministry Network, it did not come from him.9 Now this is simply Zullo’s way of preserving the integrity of the information that he releases since Obot and birther fanatics often claim to speak on Mike Zullo’s behalf.

But it was probably this announcement that set some of the other birther sites off. Again the jealousy thing kicks in. But, oh well, that is to their loss. They are now the ones who have lost tons of credibility with Mike Zullo, myself and the PPSimmons News and Ministry Network. So they’ll just now have to sit on the sidelines and wait until the conferences are announced, and then held, and then they will know, along with the rest of America. But then again, I bet you some of the birther crowd will even take credit for the investigation information investigation, once it’s released. Nothing amazes me any more about this.

Remember folks, if it wasn’t for Sheriff Joe and Mike Zullo, America would know nothing about any of this. America would have nothing about any of this. Nothing would be done at all without any of this. Think about it. Who’s doing anything now besides them? Is Congress or the courts? Is the FBI?1 Are special committees running investigations? Is the Justice Department doing anything? The answer is “no” to all of these, even though all of them should be involved in this.

So, we’ll know soon exactly what’s going to happen. In the mean time, from time to time Mike Zullo and I will give updates so that you will know that it’s still in the works, and still going to happen. God bless you.

In addition to the preceding audio transcript, Gallups also published a long article Saturday, subtitled “Worth the Wait”  at the PPSimmons site.


Wow! That sound to me like nothing more than Carl Gallups whining that the birthers are tired of him promising universe-shattering disclosures, but providing nothing but “any day now.” He’s whining that he gets no obeisance from the birther web sites. It’s like he’s claiming that he is their leader and that no one is following. Respect has to be earned, and this rant by Carl Gallups is not going to earn him any respect.

So Gallups has thrown the birther web sites under the bus (I presume Birther Report is the first injury) and he has thrown Doug Vogt under the bus. This birther infighting has to be huge blow to their morale. We’ll just have to see whether they can get past it.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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164 Responses to Gallups turns on birthers: calls them “whiners”

  1. gorefan says:

    Carl Gallups accuses Birthers of being crybabies.

  2. Jeff says:



  3. I predict that Gallups will fall on his sword and take the blame for misrepresenting Zullo in this matter.

  4. Bonsall Obot says:

    This is hilarious. Rest assured that the battered partners who comprise Birfoon Report will take it as Good News, as proof that there really IS an investigation, that they really ARE making progress, and that The Kenyan Homosexual Muslim Usurper WILL be leaving office ANY DAY NOW. All we have to do is love Arpaio and Zullo more.

    It’s our fault, really, will say the Birfoon; we deserved to be smacked. We’ll try to be better and more worthy in the future.

    Birfer Stupid really is a special flavor of stupid.

  5. Curious George says:

    Well this was to be expected. Carl Gallups, apparently speaking for Volunteer Mike Zullo, has thrown all the rabid fanatical Birthers under the bus in a very, very big way. Tire tracks are running all over FALCON, Birther Report, Mike Volin, Doug Vogt and anyone else who tries to take the lead in this huge Birther debacle. The one positive for the Cold Case Posse in this is that all the Birthers are going to be so angry they’ll forget about asking for a refund of their Birther Bucks from Zullo and Company. What a tangled web.

  6. Scott J. Tepper says:

    They had nothing. They still have nothing and they will never have anything.

    Did they ask for more money or are they just asking for patience now while they groom their exit strategy?

  7. Just in case, I saved a copy of the YouTube from Gallups.

  8. Keep on sellin’ that snake oil Gallups

  9. I don’t think this rant is strategic. I think it just exposes Gallup’s lack of character and judgment.

    The transcript above is complete from the video, and doesn’t ask for money. I didn’t listen to Friday’s show.

    What is the exit strategy for a con man? He has to disappear.

    Maybe I should write a sarcastic article called “Obots offer Zullo witness protection.”

    Scott J. Tepper: Did they ask for more money or are they just asking for patience now while they groom their exit strategy?

  10. Jeff says:

    The funniest part is when he say’s: “That’s why I’ve been distancing myself from the birther movement”

    Doesn’t a preacher who lies go directly to hell?

    The guy IS the birthers movement. He’s been stringing them along with promises of “Universe Shattering” news every week for years. If it weren’t for him and Mike Zullo making their “any day now” proclamations, the birthers movement would have died long ago.

    He purposely deceived birthers for attention, and now that he can’t deliver, HE BLAMES THE BIRTHERS!

    Can someone look up the definition of sociopathic narcissist?

    This is really too good to be true! I can’t wait to see the birthers reaction, as it finally dawns on them, that they been had.

    Somewhere in his moms basement, a guy named Falcon is weeping into his Lucky Charms

  11. Bonsall Obot says:

    Our own pet Birfoon john is the Platonic ideal of the Birfoon this rant (and yesterday’s sham of a travesty of a charade) is aimed at; the Birfoon may feel neglected for a bit, but all it takes is a wink or a smile (or some “tough-love”) from the object of adoration, and the Birfoon is back on board and fully committed to believing anything and everything, no matter how ridiculous or contradictory or unsupported. It’s sad and hilarious to behold.

  12. Arthur B. says:

    The subtext I hear is, ‘Oh, we can easily prove that the great usurper is ineligible and needs to be frog-marched out of the White House but … we’re going to let that slide for a while … because … um … we’re doing something much more important…’

  13. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I find the whole NSA Xerox thing to be funny. First of all the NSA document which they didn’t actually tell us the title of the document probably has nothing to do with what they claimed. Rather it probably shows an easy way to redact documents. 2nd it was Zullo and Gallups contention that the Xerox machines never entered into the equation. Now they’re trying to say that a xerox copier was used? But this would defeat their claims that the BC was only in digital form and never a physical document.

  14. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Didn’t they claim over a year ago they knew who the forger was? Now they’re saying they don’t actually have any clue. This is like the curious investigation of benjamin button. The longer it goes on the less they actually have.

  15. Curious George says:

    Doc C,

    “What is the exit strategy for a con man? He has to disappear.

    Maybe I should write a sarcastic article called “Obots offer Zullo witness protection.”

    I think the guy down in the basement with the brace of .45s should be of concern at this point.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Jeff: Doesn’t a preacher who lies go directly to hell?

    Even Lucifer has standards.

  17. john says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    I find the whole NSA Xerox thing to be funny.First of all the NSA document which they didn’t actually tell us the title of the document probably has nothing to do with what they claimed.Rather it probably shows an easy way to redact documents.2nd it was Zullo and Gallups contention that the Xerox machines never entered into the equation.Now they’re trying to say that a xerox copier was used? But this would defeat their claims that the BC was only in digital form and never a physical document.

    I think what they are trying to say is that NSA documents they have obtained explains how anomolies which point to a Xerox scanner or copier can be placed into a document intentionally. It appears now that notion that Xerox WorkCenter created to Obama’s BC was deliberatly made by including anomolies that are unique to the Xerox WorkCenter to be placed in the document. In essense, this was give false indication that Obama’s BC was scanned by Xerox when in fact it wasn’t thereby covering up the forgery.

  18. Jim says:

    Very good Carl…you’re running this scam perfectly. When the victims become suspicious, blame the victims. Put them on the defensive, make them question themselves instead of you. Right out of the scammer’s playbook. Keep up the good work, the rubes will fall for it every time.

  19. CarlOrcas says:

    Scott J. Tepper: They had nothing. They still have nothing and they will never have anything.


  20. Rickey says:

    At least the birther lawsuits gave the birfoons something real to cling to. The lawsuits had beginnings and ends. Zullo and Gallups have nothing.

  21. So the incredibly inept forgers who created an obvious forgery are now using advanced super-spy techniques to insert anomalies? That is pretty far out there, John.

    Why not just forge a document, print it out and then scan it and be done with it–no anomalies in the first place? Your double wheels within wheels scenario of deception is nonsense.

    There’s not a damned thing wrong with the President’s birth certificate. Deal with it.

    john: I think what they are trying to say is that NSA documents they have obtained explains how anomolies which point to a Xerox scanner or copier can be placed into a document intentionally.

  22. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I think what they are trying to say is that NSA documents they have obtained explains how anomolies which point to a Xerox scanner or copier can be placed into a document intentionally.It appears now that notion that Xerox WorkCenter created to Obama’s BC was deliberatly made by including anomolies that are unique to the Xerox WorkCenter to be placed in the document.In essense, this was give false indication that Obama’s BC was scanned by Xerox when in fact it wasn’t thereby covering up the forgery.

    So now you’re saying the CCP was completely wrong when they claimed it was never in a Xerox and that there was no physical document?

  23. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Very good Carl…you’re running this scam perfectly.When the victims become suspicious, blame the victims.Put them on the defensive, make them question themselves instead of you.Right out of the scammer’s playbook.Keep up the good work, the rubes will fall for it every time.

    He must have been paying attention to the Lucas Smith rules of proving one’s self.

  24. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Why not just forge a document, print it out and then scan it and be done with it–no anomalies in the first place? Your double wheels within wheels scenario of deception is nonsense.

    It’s like a taco within a taco…

  25. The propensity of Birthers to eat their own continues to amaze me. I suppose it shouldn’t though because they are all petty, selfish and dishonest to the core.

    And if that video isn’t whining I don’t know what is.

  26. CarlOrcas says:

    Reality Check:
    The propensity of Birthers to eat their own continues to amaze me. I suppose it shouldn’t though because they are all petty, selfish and dishonest to the core.

    You left out stupid. They really are……stupid!

  27. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So the incredibly inept forgers who created an obvious forgery are now using advanced super-spy techniques to insert anomalies? That is pretty far out there, John.

    You forgot about the conspiracy that started in 1961 and worked flawlessly until the put out that messy birth certificate.

    I wonder what they did for a birth certificate to get young Barack into school all those years ago? Must have misplaced it I guess.

  28. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    So the incredibly inept forgers who created an obvious forgery are now using advanced super-spy techniques to insert anomalies? That is pretty far out there, John.

    Why not just forge a document, print it out and then scan it and be done with it–no anomalies in the first place? Your double wheels within wheels scenario of deception is nonsense.

    There’s not a damned thing wrong with the President’s birth certificate. Deal with it.

    Well, we still have Reed Hayes report to consider if it ever gets released. His expertise in the signatures, and according to some, indicate they are forgeries. Stanley Ann Dunham’s signature is troubling. It doesn’t look forged but it does look artificial (Meaning the signature was probably pasted into the the document.)

  29. Bonsall Obot says:

    john: I think what they are trying to say is that NSA documents they have obtained explains how anomolies which point to a Xerox scanner or copier can be placed into a document intentionally.It appears now that notion that Xerox WorkCenter created to Obama’s BC was deliberatly made by including anomolies that are unique to the Xerox WorkCenter to be placed in the document.In essense, this was give false indication that Obama’s BC was scanned by Xerox when in fact it wasn’t thereby covering up the forgery.

    That’s really stupid.

    When the PDF representation of the President’s birth certificate was posted online, the Birfoon response was “OMG LAYERS, which CANNOT be reproduced simply by scanning and copying!”

    RC, of course, proved that layers and other anomalies are routinely produced by scanning and copying, and found a model of copier that produces these artifacts in exactly the manner of the PDF representation of the President’s birth certificate. Birfoons were proved wrong, AGAIN.

    Now, we can’t know to a certainty that this model of scanner/copier was the one used, but its highly probable. In any event, it HAS been proved that scanning and copying can and does produce these sorts of artifacts.

    Most importantly, THE PDF IS NOT THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND HAS NEVER BEEN REPRESENTED AS SUCH. It is an electronic document; it is a copy; it is a representation of the original. The map is not the territory. Anyone who claims that it’s been presented as “the birth certificate” is a LIAR.

    The ACTUAL birth certificate was verified several times by the State of Hawai’i to be a true and accurate document. They have the final say in the matter.

    Anyone who carries on the discussion beyond that is being dishonest. That means you, john.

  30. john says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So now you’re saying the CCP was completely wrong when they claimed it was never in a Xerox and that there was no physical document?

    I think what I am trying to say (or what they are trying to say) is that Obama’s BC was computer generated. They forged it electronically and then intentionally placed anomolies into the document to make look like is was scanned by the Xerox WorkCenter; thereby giving the appearance that a Xerox created when in fact it didn’t.

    So in essense, all the anomolies point to a Xerox WorkCenter but this what we suppose to conclude. The Xerox WorkCenter didn’t scan it and anomolies have been artificially created to make it appear that they have thereby covering up the real forgery.

  31. Arthur B. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Light fuse and run away.

    I expected general wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Have I missed something? Are they carrying on somewhere I haven’t looked?

  32. Falcon didn’t disappoint in the wailing and gnashing of teeth department:

    I have no idea why the Gallups video has not been posted – but I’m going to give my two cents anyway. I asked that it be posted. Repeatedly.

    Carl Gallups – shut the fuck up and stay off of these boards if you can’t take the heat. You thoroughly discredited yourself with your Sellin-like rant.

    I defended Zullo and Arapio more than anyone and you make me look like an idiot when you rant on and on with no end in sight.

    Further, I made every point you made – do you think that you made any headway with your juvenile and purulent rant. Those are not questions.

    Stay off these boards – these are for commentators and posters only to critique the comments made by the lower stream media. That means you and Big B.

    You disappointed everyone with that non sequitur rant. Posters make rants – not media personal.

    You degraded yourself due to your own idiocy. Leave the comments to me and my friends – and try to shut the hell up when you’re not asking questions of your guests.

    I’m out.

    Arthur B.: I expected general wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Have I missed something? Are they carrying on somewhere I haven’t looked?

  33. aarrgghh says:

    Rickey: At least the birther lawsuits gave the birfoons something real to cling to. The lawsuits had beginnings and ends. Zullo and Gallups have nothing.

    actually birfers still get something real from zullo and gallups: sheriff arpaio and his badge and his gun and his office — all of which are real.

    the big reason birfoonery has lasted this long past its flush-by date is the cloak of officialdom lent by the clown car ponzi. it’s been the only game in town and birfers have long since given up on every one else.

    all shurf joe need do to keep the clown car rolling is to crawl out of the woodwork every few months and give a few vague assurances. no press conference necessary: any obscure wingnut watering hole will do because birfers, always needy, will always find him.

  34. HistorianDude says:

    I have to tell you. Even I was not prepared for how comprehensively and how dramatically the wheels would fall off of the Zullo investigation. I expected it to fade away with a whimper, not go out in a furious spasm of Birther on Birther recrimination. This is just too delicious for words.

  35. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
    Birtherstan is self destructing right before our eyes 😀


    This is just too delicious for words.

  36. gorefan says:

    There is also a strange notation that runs over the Carls video:

    “The ONLY people with any “time frame” demand on this investigation are the “Birthers.” This is not tabloid journalism but a real criminal investigation by real criminal investigators. The “Birthers” have been at this for FIVE years and have presented NOTHING to any court that has held up to any legal scrutiny whatsoever. They have NEVER honed in on the actual culprits of the forgery either. They are not even CLOSE to having the information that Arpaio and Zullo have and will soon release to the world. Their continue dribble of misinformation and fabrication is why Carl Gallups has distanced himself from the birther movement and several of their prominant websites.”

    I believe this rant was precipitated by Col. Sellin’s article.

    “Based on the announcement preceding the program, I had expected significant new information to be released. There was nothing new, only a confirmation that they are “honing in on” the alleged forgers of the birth certificate and that the new evidence may not be released for months.”

  37. gorefan says:

    Very good Carl…you’re running this scam perfectly.When the victims become suspicious, blame the victims.Put them on the defensive, make them question themselves instead of you.Right out of the scammer’s playbook.Keep up the good work, the rubes will fall for it every time.

    Where can the Birthers go? They are stuck with Carl and Mike or else they have to admit the President is there until 2017.

  38. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: What is the exit strategy for a con man? He has to disappear.

    Ah, but he doesn’t: Bonsall Obot’s hypothesis, laid out here, looks entirely credible to me. The con man says “I delivered the proof, but I can’t legally deliver the frog-marching and hanging. Sorry. I did all I could”. And the mob gets to keep on ranting about the unfairness and evilissitudinousness of the “librul-dominated” world, just like before, instead of turning on him like they usually do in the movies when the con is revealed.

    Not only does the con man not have to disappear: he gets to peddle his book without being busted for inappropriately profiting from the products of what he claimed was an “official law enforcement investigation”. And many of the victims, including those who complained loudly about his constant postponements, will buy it.

    It’s a “win-win”. At least, it looks like that if you ignore the fact that the con man wins real money, and the victims win entirely fake “vindication”.

  39. RanTalbott says:

    gorefan: Where can the Birthers go?

    Maybe they could go with Vogt, and hope that he can find the One Honest Judge™ who won’t hide from his Irrefutable Evydunce™, and ensure that it gets into the hands of the True Representaives of the People™, the grand jury. Which will then issue the requisite frog-marching orders, and shame Congress into pushing the Magic Reset Button. Or maybe indict them all and send them to Gitmo. Or something…

    Remember that Vogt hasn’t been destroyed in a trial yet, so he can keep alive the belief that he’d win if they just stopped dodging him.

  40. Curious George says:

    “It’s our fault, really, will say the Birfoon; we deserved to be smacked. We’ll try to be better and more worthy in the future.

    Birfer Stupid really is a special flavor of stupid.”

    They’ll be more worthy as long as Birthers push the PayPal button.

  41. I don’t think you appreciate how tedious it would be to do all that highly technical work to create anomalies that just make the document look suspicious, when they could just have printed the thing and scanned it with a cheap machine that wouldn’t have any anomalies at all.

    What you are suggesting is akin to the Creationist idea that God created the universe 6,000 years ago and planted in the earth 3 million-year-old appearing fossils.

    john: So in essense (sic) , all the anomolies (sic) point to a Xerox WorkCenter (sic) but this what we suppose to conclude. The Xerox WorkCenter (sic) didn’t scan it and anomolies (sic) have been artificially created to make it appear that they have thereby covering up the real forgery.

  42. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I don’t think you appreciate how tedious it would be to do all that highly technical work to create anomalies that just make the document look suspicious, when they could just have printed the thing and scanned it with a cheap machine that wouldn’t have any anomalies at all.

    This ridiculous hypothesis also doesn’t explain why such a procedure would be necessary or desirable.

    And, of course, the ridiculous hypothesis doesn’t address the fact that the State of Hawai’i has repeatedly verified the information in the birth certificate as true and correct; no Birfoon ever addresses this repeated and unqualified verification, because it utterly destroys their fantasies.

  43. Doug Vogt says that Hayes knew nothing about MRC compression. It may well be that what he thinks is a copied signature is just the quirks of the software.

    Also Hayes is known for leaping in where other experts fear to treat, like his Jonbenet Ramsey stuff, which also was based on copies.

    Forensic science looks at things like stroke depth that don’t exist in copies. I have doubts about any claims that examination of a 3rd generation photocopy is going to show tells of forgery, particularly when he isn’t comparing original signature.

    I found it interesting, something Reed Hayes once said about something that happened to him in high school:

    “A woman asked me if she could analyze my handwriting and I didn’t know what to expect. She was a total stranger but she told me things about myself she could not have known. I was floored.”

    I knew someone who knew how to do cold reading in high school too, only she read palms.

    john: Well, we still have Reed Hayes report to consider if it ever gets released. His expertise in the signatures, and according to some, indicate they are forgeries. Stanley Ann Dunham’s signature is troubling. It doesn’t look forged but it does look artificial (Meaning the signature was probably pasted into the the document.)

  44. CarlOrcas says:

    john: I think what I am trying to say (or what they are trying to say) is that Obama’s BC was computer generated.They forged it electronically and then intentionally placed anomolies into the document to make look like is was scanned by the Xerox WorkCenter; thereby giving the appearance that a Xerox created when in fact it didn’t.

    So in essense, all the anomolies point to a Xerox WorkCenter but this what we suppose to conclude.The Xerox WorkCenter didn’t scan it and anomolies have been artificially created to make it appear that they have thereby covering up the real forgery.

    (We need sound effects, Doc. I need a big klaxon here….to get john’s attention.)

    That is even stupider than where you started, john.

  45. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Forensic science looks at things like stroke depth that don’t exist in copies. I have doubts about any claims that examination of a 3rd generation photocopy is going to show tells of forgery, particularly when he isn’t comparing original signature.

    Strikes me that it’s like trying to tell if a painting is a forgery by looking at a picture of it.

  46. Jeff says:

    And a stunned silence falls over the Birther Report…

  47. CarlOrcas says:

    I have to tell you. Even I was not prepared for how comprehensively and how dramatically the wheels would fall off of the Zullo investigation. I expected it to fade away with a whimper, not go out in a furious spasm of Birther on Birther recrimination. This is just too delicious for words.

    It is something to behold, isn’t it?

    A couple questions occur: Is Gallups freelancing or his he doing what Zullo wants? To what end?

    And why doesn’t Zullo just pull a Corsi and walk off the battlefield? No announcement necessary. Just pretend like nothing happened and move on.

  48. Jim says:

    CarlOrcas:And why doesn’t Zullo just pull a Corsi and walk off the battlefield? No announcement necessary. Just pretend like nothing happened and move on.

    He may have been trying to…all the poking and prodding by Foggy, Doc, and the rest may have forced him out to try and calm things down by making them think the non-investigation is still ongoing. The whine by Gallups was probably he had to beg Zullo to say something and when he over-hyped it and delivered nothing him trying to deflect.

  49. Jeff says:

    I have to tell you. Even I was not prepared for how comprehensively and how dramatically the wheels would fall off of the Zullo investigation. I expected it to fade away with a whimper, not go out in a furious spasm of Birther on Birther recrimination. This is just too delicious for words.

    I’ve got a tingle up my leg.

  50. CarlOrcas says:

    Jim: He may have been trying to…all the poking and prodding by Foggy, Doc, and the rest may have forced him out to try and calm things down by making them think the non-investigation is still ongoing.The whine by Gallups was probably he had to beg Zullo to say something and when he over-hyped it and delivered nothing him trying to deflect.

    Arpaio’s bloviating this week probably didn’t help either.

  51. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I think what I am trying to say (or what they are trying to say) is that Obama’s BC was computer generated.They forged it electronically and then intentionally placed anomolies into the document to make look like is was scanned by the Xerox WorkCenter; thereby giving the appearance that a Xerox created when in fact it didn’t.

    So in essense, all the anomolies point to a Xerox WorkCenter but this what we suppose to conclude.The Xerox WorkCenter didn’t scan it and anomolies have been artificially created to make it appear that they have thereby covering up the real forgery.

    That is entirely stupid and lacks one iota of sense.

  52. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: Strikes me that it’s like trying to tell if a painting is a forgery by looking at a picture of it.

    Yup. I use that analogy often. Usually embellished with something like “a tourist’s handheld 8mm movie” or “a TV broadcast of ‘Great Museums of the World'”.

    But it occurs to me know that very few birfers have the technical knowledge to understand why that makes it absurd, so I may just be wasting my time trying to explain it.

  53. I doubt Zullo cares what I say, or Foggy. It’s the birthers at BR that might be the cause.

    Jim: He may have been trying to…all the poking and prodding by Foggy, Doc, and the rest may have forced him out to try and calm things down by making them think the non-investigation is still ongoing

  54. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I doubt Zullo cares what I say, or Foggy. It’s the birthers at BR that might be the cause.

    That does raise an interesting question: Who or what is Zullo’s constituency?

    At its most basic its anyone he can con out of a few bucks.

    Beyond that I’m open to suggestions.

  55. Suranis says:

    So, they created the forgery, but they DELIBERATELY put in all the indications of a xerox becasue they knew that a 2 years later comrade NBC would come out with all the indications of a xerox printer which would strategically destroy the Birthers and guarantee Obama;s reelection and Dems election prospects, which is why they did it after Obama’s relection and in an off election year.

    And the Xerox signs were so obvious that they didnt have Comrade John Woodman explain it in his book.

    Makes sense. And now John has a way to be accepted back into the birther fold and no longer has to keep asking awkward questions about the fact that NBC had blown the FOrgery angle away. Its now that they DELIBERATLY made it look like a Xerox MRX conpression when they forged it.

    Oh and as for the Reek Hayes report. “Stanley Ann D” is on the background and has no halo and “unham” is on a layer and has a halo, so obviously we have to find the woman who’s name begins with”Stanely Ann D” and we will have found the original BC the forgery was based on. Should be simple enough.

  56. Suranis says:

    Zullo’s constituency is also anyone he can look like a “big man” to. Corruption and grifting is not necessarily about raw money.

    CarlOrcas: That does raise an interesting question: Who or what is Zullo’s constituency?

    At its most basic its anyone he can con out of a few bucks.

    Beyond that I’m open to suggestions.

  57. The European says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    This is hilarious. Rest assured that the battered partners who comprise Birfoon Report will take it as Good News, as proof that there really IS an investigation, that they really ARE making progress, and that The Kenyan Homosexual Muslim Usurper WILL be leaving office ANY DAY NOW. All we have to do is love Arpaio and Zullo more.

    It’s our fault, really, will say the Birfoon; we deserved to be smacked. We’ll try to be better and more worthy in the future.

    Birfer Stupid really is a special flavor of stupid.

    Replace “stupid” with “religion” (I guess that is it what you had in mind when you wrote).

  58. The European says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I don’t think you appreciate how tedious it would be to do all that highly technical work to create anomalies that just make the document look suspicious, when they could just have printed the thing and scanned it with a cheap machine that wouldn’t have any anomalies at all.

    What you are suggesting is akin to the Creationist idea that God created the universe 6,000 years ago and planted in the earth 3 million-year-old appearing fossils.

    I bet that the birthers are just a subset of the creationists …..

  59. Bonsall Obot says:

    The European: Replace “stupid” with “religion” (I guess that is it what you had in mind when you wrote).

    Not inapt, since Birferism is wholly faith-based.

  60. RanTalbott says:

    Bonsall Obot: It’s our fault, really, will say the Birfoon; we deserved to be smacked. We’ll try to be better and more worthy in the future.

    While we’ll have to wait to see whether you’ve correctly predicted Zullo’s next big move, I’d say you definitely nailed the lead Birfoon at BR. Not that Birdboy considers himself one of the weaklings who deserved to be spanked: he just thinks the collective “We” need to repent their loss of faith.

    Although there seem to be some “mavericks” in the herd who aren’t following his lead 😉

  61. jtmunkus says:

    It’s pretty clear that Zullo and his bestie Lyin’ Carl are getting out of the birfin’ business.

    They’ve dropped “universe-shattering” after a 7+ month run, and are now “honing in” on the “culprits”, even though they aren’t interested – and no one else should be – in the birth certificate.

    And clearly Zullo is only inferring from Arpaio’s recorded comments that he’s still interested in birthing. I’m sure Zullo’s the one who told Gallups that Geezer Joe would be on the most recent Felonious Friday show, while, alas, Joe had to be somewhere else, working.

    Gallups isn’t even promising press conferences – now it’s just “conferences”, when the Joe’s good and damn ready, someday, maybe, for sure.

    It’s done.

    Now maybe Lyin’ Carl and the pretend detective will go away and quit smearing our president with falsehoods.

    I know. But a man can dream, can’t he?

  62. Lupin says:

    Gallups is a pathetic little man who’s become caught in his web of lies and delusions and can’t find a way to extricate himself, so he blames others. I almost hear the sputter. Not an unusual case in my experience.

  63. Arthur says:

    Reality Check: Falcon didn’t disappoint in the wailing and gnashing of teeth department:

    I have no idea why the Gallups video has not been posted – but I’m going to give my two cents anyway. I asked that it be posted. Repeatedly.

    It’s a good thing you saved chicken hawk’s comment R.C., because during the middle of the night, the little coward deleted it.

  64. Rollo Tomassi says:

    Dr. Corsi found out who the forger is years ago. All they have to do is ask him:

    Are they now trying to find out who is behind the forger? Arrest him and he will talk for a deal.

  65. Keith says:

    john: I think what they are trying to say is that NSA documents they have obtained explains how anomolies which point to a Xerox scanner or copier can be placed into a document intentionally.

    Heck, I could have told them that without no stinking sekret documents.

    Its trivially easy.

  66. Notorial Dissent says:

    And still the idiots are arguing about a poorly done, multi-generation copy like it has any validity for or bearing on anything. What was posted on the White House site was a manipulated copy of a copy, so of course it is going to have all kinds of anomalies and oddities. And this is somehow significant to the birfer ignoracenti. I mean, dumb is dumb, but this is beginning to exceed parameter expectations.

    The latest fantasy that someone went to all the trouble to make the copy and introduce the now admitted anomalies is even funnier, in a really, how stupid do you think I am or how stupid can you aspire to be sort of way.

    I will give Hayes what little credit he is due, very little, but he should be able to look at a COPY of someone’s handwriting and make basic analysis of it of the kind he is actually qualified to give, similar to reading tea leaves, but as to whether it is copied or forged, not possible, there is nothing to be seen in a poor quality copy that would even begin to give him any useful information. So if he said the signatures were forged based on anything other than comparisons to known samples, he was lying. The ONLY way that determination could honestly be made is by examining the actual document, something NONE of these so called experts have done. The fact that they ALL are making their pronouncements from on high based on fourth hand copy declares for all the world that they are in fact NOT experts or qualified.

    That the birth certificates are/were forged, not one scintilla of real evidence, that they are real, they have been repeatedly verified and certified by the HI Dept of Vital Stats, oddly, I will take their word over that of a bunch of pseudo experts and pretend keystone kops.

  67. Curious George says:


    “I defended Zullo and Arapio more than anyone and you [Carl Gallups] make me look like an idiot when you rant on and on with no end in sight.”

    We recognized that you’re an “idiot” long before Reverend Carl Gallups addressed the faithful Birfoons. I’m pleased that you too are finally recognizing that you really are an “idiot.” Acknowledging your problem is the first step toward recovery, FALCON.

  68. Thinker says:

    Obama’s birth certificate is certified by the Hawaii Department of Health. There is no “HI Dept of Vital Stats.”

    Notorial Dissent:
    That the birth certificates are/were forged, not one scintilla of real evidence, that they are real, they have been repeatedly verified and certified by the HI Dept of Vital Stats, oddly, I will take their word over that of a bunch of pseudo experts and pretend keystone kops.

  69. bovril says:

    As HistorianDude has stated already this is truly delicious stuff…….

    Now, as a few of the board already know in my real life, I head up information security and I have done this for several very large and well known global organisations in multiple countries over the years.

    I have a very good idea of the type of document that Little Mikey and gallops like a sloth are alluding to.

    Specifically there are in the public domain a range of publications that provide information about how to remove the masses of potentially sensitive or private information that products like Microsoft Office leave behind as meta data as well as other informational fragments such as version controls etc.

    Now you can use various manual techniques however a general recommendation is to abstract the visual content from the document and file itself. Know which process is generally recommend….. scan and saved as a PDF.

    I really, really, really hope L’il Mikey tried to show one of these as it will hammer yet another nail in the coffin of his abject ineptitude and incompetence.

  70. CarlOrcas says:

    Zullo’s constituency is also anyone he can look like a “big man” to. Corruption and grifting is not necessarily about raw money.

    Good point!

  71. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Doug Vogt says that Hayes knew nothing about MRC compression. It may well be that what he thinks is a copied signature is just the quirks of the software.

    Also Hayes is known for leaping in where other experts fear to treat, like his Jonbenet Ramsey stuff, which also was based on copies.

    Forensic science looks at things like stroke depth that don’t exist in copies. I have doubts about any claims that examination of a 3rd generation photocopy is going to show tells of forgery, particularly when he isn’t comparing original signature.

    I found it interesting, something Reed Hayes once said about something that happened to him in high school:

    I knew someone who knew how to do cold reading in high school too, only she read palms.

    Why are you suddenly believing Doug Vogt. Vogt is a loon. I read his sealed affidavit. It is complete nonsense. However, I do believe Vogt on 1 point. I do agree with Vogt that Obama’s birth certificate lacks a real seal. Even on Savanna Guthrie’s photo, the seal on Obama’s birth certificate is virtually nonexistant. It looks more like a water mark as Dough has suggested. Either, Savanna had the worst digital camera in world to take her shot or Alan Onaka decided to use the most faintest seal in the world when he approved of Obama’s birth certificate. So I guess if I believe Doug on 1 point, I guess you believe him on another point.

  72. From what I’ve seen, the true believers at Birther Report are PISSED, starting with Falcon and right on down the line. They think this is Gallups on his own, and they think the solution is for Zullo to ditch Gallups and go back to Gillar. But I suspect it’s the way they’ve decided to close down the grift. Gallups is going to take his ball and his pet monkey Zullo and he’s going home.

  73. Scott J. Tepper says:

    By backing away from the silly Vogt affidavit these clowns have insured that anything they say that’s defamatory won’t be subject to the litigation privilege. They are truly stupid buffoons trying to keep up a con with nothing to base it on except the credulity of their foolish followers.

  74. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Too funny! Words fail me!

  75. bob says:

    Of Gallups five “new” points, points 1, 2, and 5 are not new: they rehash that the neverending investigation continues.

    Point 3 (the fabled NSA document) is a shiny red herring to placate birthers like John.

    Point 4 (tossing Vogt) is them seeing how the winds have blown, but has nothing to do with the CCP’s investigation.

  76. Vogt’s arguments are no more looney than the Zebest paper that Zullo handed out at his first press conference or his fake race codes, or his definition of OCR or any of the rest of it. Please don’t ask me to distinguish between shades of incompetence.

    There is a difference between some who is not an expert offering an expert opinion, and someone recounting a conversation that they had. While nobody on the birther side is an expert, they are not all pathological liars and if somebody says they had a conversation, and the information is plausible, I’ll take their word for it.

    Vogt said that Hayes didn’t know about MRC before he told him. Vogt omits the fact the he didn’t know about MRC either until the Obots told him.

    john: Why are you suddenly believing Doug Vogt. Vogt is a loon.

  77. I’m willing to believe that this is Gallups on his own. He is a pretty dim bulb–I remember his inability to keep the two of apart on that one show of his, and Zullo kept trying to correct him.

    Comrade Fogovich: hey think this is Gallups on his own, and they think the solution is for Zullo to ditch Gallups and go back to Gillar. But I suspect it’s the way they’ve decided to close down the grift.

  78. Bonsall Obot says:

    Whyare you suddenly believing Doug Vogt.Vogt is a loon.

    That’s really stupid.

    Doug Vogt is a loon because he’s a Birfer.

    Birfers, by definition, are all loons; they believe things that are demonstrably untrue. You can’t name a single Birfer who is not a loon.

    Birferism was forever defeated when the State of Hawai’i verified the President’s birth in Hawai’i. Every statement to the contrary since that final, utter defeat, has been made by a loon.

  79. American Mzungu says:

    Bonsall Obot: Birfers, by definition, are all loons; they believe things that are demonstrably untrue. You can’t name a single Birfer who is not a loon.

    John, can you come up with a name of a birther who is not a loon?

  80. CarlOrcas says:

    john: Either, Savanna had the worst digital camera in world to take her shot or Alan Onaka decided to use the most faintest seal in the world when he approved of Obama’s birth certificate.

    That’s the most stupidest thing you’ve ever said, john.

  81. Curious George says:

    “Why are you suddenly believing Doug Vogt. Vogt is a loon.”

    Wouldn’t that make Zullo a loon as well?

  82. Curious George says:

    Speaking about Carl Gallups, here is what our good friend Joe Mannix (who many believe is Mike Zullo) had to say about Carl Gallup’s swan song over at BR…….

    Joe Mannix
    “I’ve always told people to not be overly pessimistic and to have patience with this investigation, especially with this current new criminal phase of it. Carl has had enough of it and I don’t blame him. The results will happen in all good time. As Sheriff Arpaio stated, it’s not over.”

    I think it is safe to say, we’ve all had enough of this as well.

  83. Suranis says:

    Yes, I remember the birthers screaming that the seal on the COLB was non existant therefor the thing ewas a fraud, and factcheck responded by taking pictures of the seal in other lighting clearly showing it, and then the birther statred screaming about shadows and “debossed means its not legal” and other “ITS FAAAAAAKE” nonsense,

    And we have a nice rehash here from John. Its nice to see there is no new ideas or smears left in birtherstan. Though its mice to see that having a low resolution digital camera means that Guthrie was in on the FAAAAAAKE now, especially since Miki Booth once tried to pass off a copy of her sons 2002 LFBC as a 2008 LFBC by using a low rez copy so you could mot clearly see the date. And she obviously was telling the truth to birthers. This was during the “Anyone in Hawaii can get an LFBC” stage of birtherism, where no-0one who tried could get a certified copy of their LFBC.

    Yes, I do have a long memory. Birthers have a vested interest in not having one.

    john: .However, I do believe Vogt on 1 point.I do agree with Vogt that Obama’s birth certificate lacks a real seal.Even on Savanna Guthrie’s photo, the seal on Obama’s birth certificate is virtually nonexistant.It looks more like a water mark as Dough has suggested.Either, Savanna had the worst digital camera in world to take her shot or Alan Onaka decided to use the most faintest seal in the world when he approved of Obama’s birth certificate.So I guess if I believe Doug on 1 point, I guess you believe him on another point.

  84. jtmunkus says:

    Zullo said that “there’s even some guy running around and he seems to have abducted my name and he runs around posting things on blogs like he’s me – I mean, you know, gimme a break, gimme a break..”

    Obviously a dodge on the Joe Mannix revelation; I’ve never seen anyone post anything as “Mike Zullo”..

  85. gorefan says:

    john: Alan Onaka decided to use the most faintest seal in the world when he approved of Obama’s birth certificate.

    Congratulations, John, you just recognized one of Hawaii’s security features a low relief raised seal. It’s made that way so it won’t copy well.

    Look at the various COLBs on the internet all of the recent ones have nearly invisible raised seals. It’s done on purpose.

  86. Poor guy who runs Birther Report doesn’t know what to do. No new post today, as if there are no new developments. If Mannix is Zullo, it puts Birther Report in a bind. Does he side with Gallups & Zullo, or with Falcon? Is the answer to start squashing anyone who isn’t sufficiently obsequious to Gallups? Yowza!

  87. Arthur says:

    Curious George: Speaking about Carl Gallups, here is what our good friend Joe Mannix (who many believe is Mike Zullo) had to say about Carl Gallup’s swan song over at BR…….

    And what about ramboike? He’s accusing Gallups of telling the “American people a bold-face lie,” for claiming that A & Z were responsible for doing all the work on “exposing” Obama’s b.c. Ike puts it this way: “Sheriff Joe, Mike Zullo, and Carl Gallups haven’t produced anything but promises for more than a year, and what they did present prior to that time was given to them by the thousands of patriotic American constitutionalists who did the research & investigating.”

    He concludes his post by suggesting the only way birthers will see the CCP’s information will be “through Amazon in book form 2 to 3 years from now.”

    How delightful to watch birthers consume each other. It’s like reading a new Hannibal Lecter novel, and just as penny dreadful.

  88. Arthur says:

    jtmunkus: Obviously a dodge on the Joe Mannix revelation; I’ve never seen anyone post anything as “Mike Zullo”..

    Yeah, I think you’re right.

  89. It seems to me more tied to the scanner than the seal. Some of the Hawaii seal images are quite bold. The one in Mississippi strikes me as the most bold of the lot:

    gorefan: Congratulations, John, you just recognized one of Hawaii’s security features a low relief raised seal. It’s made that way so it won’t copy well.

    (See last page)

    Look at the various COLBs on the internet all of the recent ones have nearly invisible raised seals. It’s done on purpose

  90. I can’t imagine someone more in line with ZUllo than Mike Mannix on BR. Today I noticed another voice with similar ideas to Zullo, VeniVidiVici.

    Arthur: Yeah, I think you’re right.

    jtmunkus: Obviously a dodge on the Joe Mannix revelation; I’ve never seen anyone post anything as “Mike Zullo”..

  91. Arthur says:

    Comrade Fogovich: Is the answer to start squashing anyone who isn’t sufficiently obsequious to Gallups?

    No! Now is obviously the time to throw in with Nancy Owens! Her crazy train runs on attention and goes from Delusionville to Operation American Springs, with a side trip to Clewiston, FL.

  92. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I can’t imagine someone more in line with ZUllo than Mike Mannix on BR. Today I noticed another voice with similar ideas to Zullo, VeniVidiVici.

    VVV has had a couple spasms of posting here; needless to say, he didn’t do well at defending his positions.

  93. Update:

    In addition to the article’s audio transcript, Gallups also published a long article Saturday, subtitled “Worth the Wait” at the PPSimmons site.

  94. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Today I noticed another voice with similar ideas to Zullo, VeniVidiVici.

    Perhaps you’re right. As a good Italian boy, Mike Zullo might have gone to a Catholic school, where he would have taken a bit of high school Latin, just enough to be familiar with Julius Caesar’s boast.

  95. john says:

    gorefan: Congratulations, John, you just recognized one of Hawaii’s security features a low relief raised seal.It’s made that way so it won’t copy well.

    Look at the various COLBs on the internet all of the recent ones have nearly invisible raised seals.It’s done on purpose.

    I have seen every COLB and long form birth certificate from Hawaii that is out there. Every one with has a seal that is profound and blatant, both if scanned or photographed. The seal on Obama’s BC doesn’t even come close. It’s basically a water mark whle the seal on every other Hawaii birth certificate is extremely blatant and profound. When you compare the two, the difference is quite stunning.

  96. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It seems to me more tied to the scanner than the seal. Some of the Hawaii seal images are quite bold. The one in Mississippi strikes me as the most bold of the lot:

    Different seal in the MDEC verification. Look at the words “State of Hawaii”, it is a smaller font than the “Department of Health”. Also the seal is embossed. Compare it to these,

    Smaller seals and also debossed.

  97. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Gallups also published a long article Saturday

    Written by Rondeau. So you can skip the first 80-90% of bolierplate recounting of The Glorious History of the Birther Revolution to get to the nugget of new stuff at the end.

    It’s a pity she’ll probably never notice the irony of quoting Carl’s statement that “They are now the ones who have lost tons of credibility with Mike Zullo, myself and the PPSimmons News and Ministry Network”, since loss of credibility is one of the first things that happens to anyone who associates him- or her-self with them.

    I think we should assign names to the newly-developing sects within birtherism. How ’bout “Team Conmen”, “Team DentalMental” (or “MentalDental”) and “Unsealed Team Sick”?

  98. I have a strong raised seal on my own birth certificate and it cannot be seen in a scan. I published that on the blog a while back. There is a Hawaii certificate certified in 2011. certificate number 95-005231 where no hint of a seal can be seen.

    john: I have seen every COLB and long form birth certificate from Hawaii that is out there. Every one with has a seal that is profound and blatant, both if scanned or photographed.

  99. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I have a strong raised seal on my own birth certificate and it cannot be seen in a scan. I published that on the blog a while back. There is a Hawaii certificate certified in 2011. certificate number 95-005231 where no hint of a seal can be seen.

    Did you take a picture of it? Every birth certificate I’ve seen that have has photo taken, the seal is quit profound. Obama’s BC doesn’t even come close. That’s why I state that either Savanna Guthrie had the worst camera on the planet or Alan Onaka used the worst seal in the world.

  100. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I have a strong raised seal on my own birth certificate and it cannot be seen in a scan. I published that on the blog a while back. There is a Hawaii certificate certified in 2011. certificate number 95-005231 where no hint of a seal can be seen.

    Are you meaning this one –

    It’s uncertified. There would be no seal.

  101. gorefan says:

    john: I have seen every COLB

    Stig Waidelich is just barely visible

    And in this PDF by Butterdezillion has an image of a COLB with a seal the is only partial visible.

    And of course there is Danae’s with a nearly invisible seal

  102. OllieOxenFree says:

    I don’t think she used a camera, but used her cell phone to take the image that has been shown. While it certainly depends on the phone, most cell phone cameras are quite poor quality.

  103. gorefan says:

    john: Did you take a picture of it?Every birth certificate I’ve seen that have has photo taken, the seal is quit profound.

    Is this one profound?

  104. That’s the certificate, although I have a extremely high-resolution shot of it (the JPG file is 8 MB).

    But it is obviously certified, since the Registrar’s stamp appears at the bottom, beginning “I certify that this is a true …”

    Seriously John, sometimes your blindness worries me.

    john: Are you meaning this one –

    It’s uncertified. There would be no seal.

  105. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s the certificate, although I have a extremely high-resolution shot of it (the JPG file is 8 MB).

    But it is obviously certified, since the Registrar’s stamp appears at the bottom, beginning “I certify that this is a true …”

    Seriously John, sometimes your blindness worries me.

    It has the Onaka seal but not official seal because it was uncertified. Don’t you know whole story behind this certificate. Beside, this certificate puts the request made by Obama at odds because Hawaii was releasing long form birth certificates even though they stopped producing them in 2001. Ergo, why did Obama have send the letter in the first place. And how come Terry Lakin couldn’t get his daughter’s long form.

  106. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    But it is obviously certified, since the Registrar’s stamp appears at the bottom, beginning “I certify that this is a true …”

    Seriously John, sometimes your blindness worries me.

    You can make out part of the seal just to the right of the word Portuguese.

  107. RanTalbott says:

    OllieOxenFree: I don’t think she used a camera, but used her cell phone to take the image that has been shown

    We know she used her cellphone. She said so.

    We also know that the online image from that photo is 600×450 pixels. Which translates to about 60DPI.

    And that it went through JPEG compression of about 9-to-1.

    And that press conference rooms are usually diffusely lit, so the people at the podium won’t look like Goths at a Halloween party.

    So the “I can’t see the seal” claim is right up there with “layers prove fraud” on the Ignoramus Scale.

  108. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s the certificate, although I have a extremely high-resolution shot of it (the JPG file is 8 MB).

    But it is obviously certified, since the Registrar’s stamp appears at the bottom, beginning “I certify that this is a true …”

    Seriously John, sometimes your blindness worries me.

    I guess it might be my bad about the seal. Miki Booth’s long form seal is pretty thin too.

  109. Notorial Dissent says:

    Whatever! That’s what we call it here despite whatever they officially call it, and it was late and I was tired when I wrote that. The point is that it was certified by the state of HI.

    Thinker: Obama’s birth certificate is certified by the Hawaii Department of Health. There is no “HI Dept of Vital Stats.”

  110. gorefan says:

    So the “I can’t see the seal” claim is right up there with “layers prove fraud” on the Ignoramus Scale.

    For all that the seal is quite visible on the Guthrie photo, just zoom in and you can see how it wrinkled the paper.

  111. gorefan says:

    john: It has the Onaka seal but not official seal because it was uncertified.Don’t you know whole story behind this certificate.Beside, this certificate puts the request made by Obama at odds because Hawaii was releasing long form birth certificates even though they stopped producing them in 2001.Ergo, why did Obama have send the letter in the first place.And how come Terry Lakin couldn’t get his daughter’s long form.

    That BC was issued because the child was part Hawaiian. Hawaii has always been more accommodating to people of Hawaiian heritage where BCs are concerned.

  112. faceman says:

    Four ‘important’ things that no one knew before:

    1. The investigation is ongoing
    2. The investigation is ongoing.
    3. They now have the evidence that Obots have been talking about for several months.
    4. The other guy (Vogt) got his facts wrong.

  113. justlw says:

    Thinker: Obama’s birth certificate is certified by the Hawaii Department of Health. There is no “HI Dept of Vital Stats.”

    Notorial Dissent:
    That the birth certificates are/were forged, not one scintilla of real evidence, that they are real, they have been repeatedly verified and certified by the HI Dept of Vital Stats,


  114. Curious George says:

    BR has a new article on the Gallups controversy. They’re trying to pull things back together…….

  115. Bonsall Obot says:


    How long before one of us turns the others in???

  116. To whom, for what? None of has done anything to my knowledge that could be turned in.

    Bonsall Obot: How long before one of us turns the others in???

  117. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    To whom, for what? None of has done anything to my knowledge that could be turned in.

    That is of no concern.

  118. Heh, capitulate to Zullo and blame it on the Obots. Cute. I left the following reply:

    I find it odd to be agreeing with an editorial here at BR, but I think this assessment of Gallus’ remarks is pretty much on target, and don’t doubt that there are a few anti-birthers who post here (myself NOT included) that pose as birthers and try to embarrass the Cold Case Posse for not ever delivering anything except promises. But I cannot help but believe that there are many birthers who are frustrated with Zullo also, and case in point is a prominent member of this community who wrote (and later deleted) something expressing that exact sentiment.

    Gallups is right that there are a few birthers who are out to show how important or clever they are (Taitz and Vogt come to mind), but I don’t think this characterizes most of you. Gallups remarks were unfair. However, you can’t blame this on the Obots, or maintain the fiction that everyone challenging Obama’s eligibility is happily accepting empty promises from the Cold Case Posse. You are not a bunch of robots.

    Curious George: BR has a new article on the Gallups controversy. They’re trying to pull things back together…….

  119. and don’t forget:

    5. There is no god but Zullo and Gallups is his prophet.

    faceman: Four ‘important’ things that no one knew before:

    1. The investigation is ongoing
    2. The investigation is ongoing.
    3. They now have the evidence that Obots have been talking about for several months.
    4. The other guy (Vogt) got his facts wrong.

  120. Thomas Brown says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    To whom, for what? None of has done anything to my knowledge that could be turned in.

    Maybe brave Obot ‘flatpointhigh’ would be willing to betray Doc to Ex-Speaker Gingrich.

    Then Doc could truly say “She turned me in to a Newt.”

  121. Suranis says:

    For the 200th time, John, Hawaii ran a special program for people of native Hawaiin heritage. If you were eligible for the scheme they would give you a copy of your LFBC records along with the standard COLB. That’s how Danae got a copy of her birth records.

    Neither Terry Lakin nor YOUR PRESIDENT is of native Hawaiin heritage. Ergo, it didn’t apply.

    And you’ve been told this before. The spectacular failure of birthers to get LFBCs AND their spectacular failure to find one single example of BC fraud in Hawaii should tell you all you need to know. If you weren’t consumed with the desperate need to not have Barack Obama as your President.

    But we all know that Barack Obama could end this controversy tomorrow if he just released a certified copy of his long form birth certificate.

    john: It has the Onaka seal but not official seal because it was uncertified.Don’t you know whole story behind this certificate.Beside, this certificate puts the request made by Obama at odds because Hawaii was releasing long form birth certificates even though they stopped producing them in 2001.Ergo, why did Obama have send the letter in the first place.And how come Terry Lakin couldn’t get his daughter’s long form.

  122. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: Did you take a picture of it?Every birth certificate I’ve seen that have has photo taken, the seal is quit profound.Obama’s BC doesn’t even come close.That’s why I state that either Savanna Guthrie had the worst camera on the planet or Alan Onaka used the worst seal in the world.

    How many birth certificates have you seen? It’s been explained to you that Guthrie took the picture with her phone.

  123. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: It appears now that notion that Xerox WorkCenter created to Obama’s BC was deliberatly made by including anomolies that are unique to the Xerox WorkCenter to be placed in the document. In essense, this was give false indication that Obama’s BC was scanned by Xerox when in fact it wasn’t thereby covering up the forgery.

    So we’re back in the old days of shifting the burden of proof? “Show me that it’s impossible this genuine document could’ve been forged”?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: This is like the curious investigation of benjamin button. The longer it goes on the less they actually have.

    You win the internet. 🙂

  124. Slartibartfast says:

    *shakes head*

    I’m sure he’d get better…

    Thomas Brown: Maybe brave Obot ‘flatpointhigh’ would be willing to betray Doc to Ex-Speaker Gingrich.

    Then Doc could truly say “She turned me in to a Newt.”

  125. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    CarlOrcas: Strikes me that it’s like trying to tell if a painting is a forgery by looking at a picture of it.

    It *is* possible in selected circumstances, but those would be related to “metadata” and not “anomalies”.
    One good example are the fake Hitler diaries touted by German “Stern” magazine. To tell for sure they were a forgery, experts had to check the paper and the ink, but the metadata “the gothic type on the cover says FH, not AH” gave it away somehow.
    Similarly, if you had a 1961 BC that had “Republic of Kenya”, you could tell it’s a forgery by looking at a copy (provided that it’s uncontested the copy was not modified from the original).

  126. I got better.

    Thomas Brown: Then Doc could truly say “She turned me in to a Newt.”

  127. Photography is actually an important tool in the authentication of paintings.

    CarlOrcas: Strikes me that it’s like trying to tell if a painting is a forgery by looking at a picture of it.

  128. john says:

    For the 200th time, John, Hawaii ran a special program for people of native Hawaiin heritage. If you were eligible for the scheme they would give you a copy of your LFBC records along with the standard COLB. That’s how Danae got a copy of her birth records.

    Neither Terry Lakin nor YOUR PRESIDENT is of native Hawaiin heritage. Ergo, it didn’t apply.

    And you’ve been told this before. The spectacular failure of birthers to get LFBCs AND their spectacular failure to find one single example of BC fraud in Hawaii should tell you all you need to know. If you weren’t consumed with the desperate need to not have Barack Obama as your President.

    But we all know that Barack Obama could end this controversy tomorrow if he just released a certified copy of his long form birth certificate.

    As usual you are wrong. Miki Booth tried to get her son’s long form birth certificate but was denied even though Miki’s husband is Hawaiian. So I guess that throws that out. Danae was able to get her long form but could only get if she agreed that it would uncertified meaning there would be no seal.

  129. bgansel9 says:

    I’m going to call MCSO today and ask them whether Mike Zullo actually speaks for Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I’ll bet they say he doesn’t.

  130. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Photography is actually an important tool in the authentication of paintings.

    Yes. “Tool” being the operative term. One tool, among many, in making the determination.

    These folks think they can look at an image and determine the validity of the original.

  131. That’s not quite accurate.

    I had an email exchange with Danae in October of 2010. She told me that she talked to Onaka and gave a reason why she needed the form. Onaka asked her whether she needed it certified or not, and she told him it didn’t need to be certified. She was adamant that she could have gotten a certified form.

    john: Danae was able to get her long form but could only get if she agreed that it would uncertified meaning there would be no seal.

  132. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s not quite accurate.

    I had an email exchange with Danae in October of 2010. She told me that she talked to Onaka and gave a reason why she needed the form. Onaka asked her whether she needed it certified or not, and she told him it didn’t need to be certified. She was adamant that she could have gotten a certified form.


    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s not quite accurate.

    I had an email exchange with Danae in October of 2010. She told me that she talked to Onaka and gave a reason why she needed the form. Onaka asked her whether she needed it certified or not, and she told him it didn’t need to be certified. She was adamant that she could have gotten a certified form.

    Alvin Onaka Certified but the state would not. By October 2010, Hawaii had to prevent long-forms from being certified to cover up for Obama.

  133. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s not quite accurate.

    I had an email exchange with Danae in October of 2010. She told me that she talked to Onaka and gave a reason why she needed the form. Onaka asked her whether she needed it certified or not, and she told him it didn’t need to be certified. She was adamant that she could have gotten a certified form.

    Makes little sense doc. She didn’t get certfied because she couldn’t. If she was adamant she have got certified, then why not get certified. Makes no sense.

  134. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Whats the step that comes after grasping straws called? Because thats where John is.

  135. bgansel9 says:

    Bonsall Obot: Birfers, by definition, are all loons; they believe things that are demonstrably untrue. You can’t name a single Birfer who is not a loon

    True, but one CAN name a birther loon who is loonier than the rest. 😛 Surprisingly enough, it’s not John.

  136. bgansel9 says:

    Punchmaster via mobile: Whats the step that comes after grasping straws called? Because thats where John is


  137. gorefan says:

    john: As usual you are wrong.Miki Booth tried to get her son’s long form birth certificate but was denied even though Miki’s husband is Hawaiian.So I guess that throws that out.Danae was able to get her long form but could only get if she agreed that it would uncertified meaning there would be no seal.

    You are right about Fred Booth but wrong about Danae. According to her, Dr. Onaka asked her if she wanted a certified copy or a non- certified copy. She chose non- certified. I always thought that was the biggest hole in her story.

  138. Lupin says:

    Punchmaster via mobile: Whats the step that comes after grasping straws called? Because thats where John is.

    Clutching at razor blades ?

  139. You can call her a liar, but that’s what she said. She didn’t get the certificate for Obama birther purposes initially and for her purpose, she didn’t think she needed a certified copy and didn’t ask for one.

    I still have the emails.

    john: Makes little sense doc. She didn’t get certfied because she couldn’t. If she was adamant she have got certified, then why not get certified. Makes no sense.

  140. Alvin Onaka is the state registrar. He is the responsible state official. What you wrote is self-contradictory.

    john: Alvin Onaka Certified but the state would not.

  141. Because of privacy concerns, I am not going to talk about the reasons Danae got the certificate, except to say that it not for birther purposes. For her purpose, a certified copy wasn’t needed and she had no reason to ask for one. Only later when she disclosed she had gotten a long form did it become important for the birthers to get a certified copy.

    The Hawaiian policy was that they only issued short forms except when they made an exception. They made an exception for Danae for a good reason, and they made an exception for Obama for a good reason.

    It is my impression that because of the Obama mess, Hawaii has gotten more strict, and grants fewer exceptions. It is my belief that if birthers hadn’t fouled the waters, Sunahara could have gotten his sister’s certificate easily.

    gorefan: You are right about Fred Booth but wrong about Danae. According to her, Dr. Onaka asked her if she wanted a certified copy or a non- certified copy. She chose non- certified. I always thought that was the biggest hole in her story.

  142. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Because of privacy concerns, I am not going to talk about the reasons Danae got the certificate, except to say that it not for birther purposes. For her purpose, a certified copy wasn’t needed and she had no reason to ask for one. Only later when she disclosed she had gotten a long form did it become important for the birthers to get a certified copy.

    The Hawaiian policy was that they only issued short forms except when they made an exception. They made an exception for Danae for a good reason, and they made an exception for Obama for a good reason.

    It is my impression that because of the Obama mess, Hawaii has gotten more strict, and grants fewer exceptions. It is my belief that if birthers hadn’t fouled the waters, Sunahara could have gotten his sister’s certificate easily.

    This is all very interesting Doc. That’s why I believe Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs” in the Obama BC forgery. Hawaii has been trying to cover up for Obama ever since 2008 when the problem first came up. The denial of long-form birth certificate is one the fundamental elements of the conspiracy. They want a few long-form birth certificate out there as possible,

  143. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Because of privacy concerns, I am not going to talk about the reasons Danae got the certificate, except to say that it not for birther purposes. For her purpose, a certified copy wasn’t needed and she had no reason to ask for one. Only later when she disclosed she had gotten a long form did it become important for the birthers to get a certified copy.

    The Hawaiian policy was that they only issued short forms except when they made an exception. They made an exception for Danae for a good reason, and they made an exception for Obama for a good reason.

    It is my impression that because of the Obama mess, Hawaii has gotten more strict, and grants fewer exceptions. It is my belief that if birthers hadn’t fouled the waters, Sunahara could have gotten his sister’s certificate easily.

    It would appear that Alvin Onaka let down his guard and all Danae to get the long form birth certificate although it was not certified. (No Seal) Today, there is no way anyone is going to get a long form birth certified or uncertified.

  144. Suranis says:

    Whats this “As usual you are wrong” shit, Johnny be good?

    So HIS MOTHER tried to get a copy of his birth records?

    BZZZZT. Sorry John, but to get a copy the person would have had to ask for them himself. There is no way that the HDOH would have given them to a parent. Especially if the parent is the “Birther Princess.” Privacy concerns. If Miki’s son had gone in and asked for the records himself then they would have been more accommodating. People would have had to apply for the scheme themselves, ya know. Its the same as someone trying to get a copy of their children’s college records. They can’t do it for privacy reasons.

    The fact that Miki had to try and get the Birth record info herself tells me her son told her to get lost when she tried to get him to do it. And I doubt her husband is very supportive either.

    And Danae got a copy of her COLB woth her birth records. Her COLB was always her actual Birth Certificate and useful for all official purposes, despite you Birthers trying to claim you couldn’t even sign up for little league with one. She even put a photo up of her COLB and it looked exactly like Your President’s.

    (It hurts when I mention that Obama is your president, doesn’t it)

    john: As usual you are wrong.Miki Booth tried to get her son’s long form birth certificate but was denied even though Miki’s husband is Hawaiian.So I guess that throws that out.Danae was able to get her long form but could only get if she agreed that it would uncertified meaning there would be no seal.

  145. Suranis says:

    Yeah, that’s true. It was after Danae got her stamped photocopy that the birthers started saying “Obama could end this tomorrow by simply showing a CERTIFIED copy of his LFBC.” They added the certified bit after Danae showed her photocopy.

    Because they wanted to push the boundary of proof to a level they believed was impossible for Obama to achieve. Because they never actually wanted Obama to prove to them that he really was “eligible.” That’s why John here was back birthering within a month after saying he was satisfied with the BC.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Because of privacy concerns, I am not going to talk about the reasons Danae got the certificate, except to say that it not for birther purposes. For her purpose, a certified copy wasn’t needed and she had no reason to ask for one. Only later when she disclosed she had gotten a long form did it become important for the birthers to get a certified copy.

  146. I’m not sure what qualifications you intend here, but in general a person, their children, their parent, spouse or sibling can received a certified copy of a birth certificate–in addition to some other folks in special situations. See:

    Suranis: BZZZZT. Sorry John, but to get a copy the person would have had to ask for them himself.

  147. Slartibartfast says:

    If there truly was a conspiracy and Hawai’i was in on it, then they would want to get as many long forms out as possible (all looking like President Obama’s) in order to hide their fraud. Face it, birther theories of forgery depend on the Hawai’i DoH being part of the conspiracy, but that assumption leads to multiple insoluble contradictions in said theory.

    Sorry, but another spate of epicycles can’t save your birther-centric worldview.

    john: This is all very interesting Doc.That’s why I believe Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs” in the Obama BC forgery.Hawaii has been trying to cover up for Obama ever since 2008 when the problem first came up.The denial of long-form birth certificate is one the fundamental elements of the conspiracy.They want a few long-form birth certificate out there as possible,

  148. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Alvin Onaka is the state registrar. He is the responsible state official. What you wrote is self-contradictory.

    But, but… how can there be a conspiracy if no actual conspiracy exists?

    I have to admit, I love to watch Birthers squirm.

  149. Suranis says:

    Probably true. Miki could very likely have gotten a COLB for nearly all for her son which would count for nearly all purposes. I dont doubt that at all. But there is likely stricter criteria for getting an LFBC information copy and it would be done at the HDOH discretion. In any case, I seriously doubt Miki could request the same LFBC copy on behalf of her son.

    Especially if she had already been put on the “Birther loon” list.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’m not sure what qualifications you intend here, but in general a person, their children, their parent, spouse or sibling can received a certified copy of a birth certificate–in addition to some other folks in special situations. See:

  150. CarlOrcas says:

    john: Alvin Onaka Certified but the state would not. By October 2010, Hawaii had to prevent long-forms from being certified to cover up for Obama.

    And what about the hundreds of thousands of certified long forms that were issued before Hawaii started issuing the computer generated Certifications of Live Birth?

    Did Onaka send out a posse to retrieve all of them from safe deposit and shoe boxes across America to further the coverup? Sneaky devil!

  151. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    John, the issue is settled. No imaginary technicality you can come up with, will shift reality to your favor.

  152. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    For her purpose, a certified copy wasn’t needed and she had no reason to ask for one. Only later when she disclosed she had gotten a long form did it become important for the birthers to get a certified copy.

    I understand that she didn’t need a certified copy but according to her, Dr. Onaka specifically asked her if she needed a certified copy or a non-certified copy. She told him a non-certified copy. That’s the part I don’t buy. She was well aware of all the conversation about President Obama’s COLB and how Hawaii supposedly didn’t issue LFBC. Part of the reason she got the long form was to show James777 at Free Republic that she could get one. There was a $200 bet involved. So when given the option for a certified or non-certified from Dr. Onaka himself, I find it hard to believe she wouldn’t jump at the chance for certified copy.

    Here is her story as told to Free Republic:

    I have no reason to think that they would NOT give it to me. Onaka asked if I wanted a certified one, and I answered honestly that I didn’t know. So he made a choice and sent out a black and white one. I don’t even know if he checked with the organization or not.

    All I know is that I spoke to him late in the afternoon here on the 27th (so mid afternoon in Hawaii), and that on the 28th the receipt is dated and printed, and on the 30th it got a postage stamp put on it and off to me it went.

    Because he asked me which I wanted, I can only say that he gave me a choice based on what I needed. I didn’t know what I needed. I assume (cringe) that I can call his office again and say that I DO need the certified copy, and he can use the FIRST request and fee I paid that they never filled. I am betting its in the same stack that my second request was found in.

    I made the First request in May. My father passed away on June 24th. Between mid may and the beginning of July, I was at my parents house almost more than I was at home. I was also in the middle of classes and trying to stay caught up. I dropped the issue during all that.

    In August, I realized that it had not arrived so I called HDOH to find out what was up. I was told they didn’t have it. So I sent in another form with all the stuff they asked for, and followed the instructions I was given to the letter.

    Nothing from HDOH after 6 weeks so I call again,. and again am told they can’t find it.

    At that point I demanded to speak to a supervisor. Someone else comes on the phone, and I tell the story again. Finally she sends me to Onaka’s office. Upon talking to the lady there, she went off to go search to find it. She finds it. It was in Onaka’s office with others. She said that he had apparently not gotten around to it. She tells me he is out of state for the week. Long story short, I end up talking to Onaka the next week when he got back. The next day the black and white was printed out.

    Could I get a certified one, I am rather certain I could. It is required by law that it be provided to me upon my request.

    There is no wiggle room in that. HDOH claiming the ONLY EVER send out COLB’s MIGHT be true in the course of normal business. BUT… they can and indeed HAVE to send out what ever records that the person requests when they have interest in the documents.

    HDOH could EASILY produce a Long Form Certificate for Obama upon his request. Certified or not, this proves that it can be done.

    1,609 posted on October 21, 2010 at 8:53:36 PM PDT by Danae (Analnathrach, orth’ bhais’s bethad, do che’l de’nmha.)
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  153. BillTheCat says:

    Another day, another argument with the brick wall that is John.

  154. Suranis says:

    Its always nice to talk with someone whose thought process go “Obama is ineligible, therefore…”

  155. Joey says:

    john: It would appear that Alvin Onaka let down his guard and all Danae to get the long form birth certificate although it was not certified. (No Seal)Today, there is no way anyone is going to get a long form birth certified or uncertified.

    Any judge of a court of competent jurisdiction can get a copy of the long form via issuing a court order for it in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18(b)[point 9]. That would also be true if any Investigative Committee of either House of Congress issued a Congressional Subpoena for the original Obama birth record.
    In six years, no judge and no congressional investigative committee has been interested.

  156. Joey says:

    Joey: Any judge of a court of competent jurisdiction can get a copy of the long form via issuing a court order for it in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18(b)[point 9]. That would also be true if any Investigative Committee of either House of Congress issued a Congressional Subpoena for the original Obama birth record.
    In six years, no judge and no congressional investigative committee has been interested.

    A federal judge in Mississippi (Henry T. Wingate) has a copy of the Obama long form submitted as an exhibit along with a Certified Letter of Verification for it from Alvin Onaka by Scott Tepper, attorney for the Mississippi Democratic Party Executive Committee, in Orly Taitz,s Mississippi ballot challenge which morphed into a RICO civil action. Alvin Onaka and Nancy Pelosi are among the named defendants in that lawsuit.

  157. Curious George says:

    Worth repeating. September 3, 2013, Reverend Carl Gallups identifies “forgery” suspect?

  158. RanTalbott says:

    It’s absolutely amazing to me the amount whining, complaining and false information and flat-out fabricated information that continues to spill out of the birther movement

    Of course, that would be cut about in half if Carl and his buddy Mike would simply STFU…

  159. The Magic M says:

    Slartibartfast: Face it, birther theories of forgery depend on the Hawai’i DoH being part of the conspiracy, but that assumption leads to multiple insoluble contradictions in said theory.

    And then they always had the next set of goalposts – “even if the document isn’t forged, it doesn’t mean the information on it is not a lie”. (A variation of the “even if Obama was born in Hawaii, he still isn’t an NBC because…” claim.)

    I still wonder why we take john seriously, given that he is less susceptible to logic and common sense than a brick wall. I don’t try to convince the Pope that deities don’t exist, either.

  160. bgansel9 says:

    The Magic M: I still wonder why we take john seriously

    Who is this “we” you speak of? I have never taken “john” seriously.

  161. JPotter says:

    “Gallups bails” is the executive summary. 😉

  162. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    Lyin Carl claims he’s a constitutionalist, yet I don’t recall him ever asking for Joe Bidens birth certificate.

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