Birthers’ basket case

Santilli loose on the White House lawn?

Mike Volin was on the Pete Santilli radio show a few days ago. A YouTube video has part of the show, and a discussion. From the show:

Santilli: I’m going to offer this to Mike Zullo, all right? Do you believe, based on the information you have on your web site, the investigation that Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse has investigated, do you believe that right now, that if you were to put everything into a basket, OK, or a brief case, that there is enough information, set aside “willing to” or “not willing to,” set that aside. Is there enough information right now that could get Barack Obama arrested if we apply the law, that he has broken the law and he needs to go behind bars, and of course in a court of law all this evidence needs to be presented. But is there enough evidence to throw him in jail?

Mike Volin: Absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Fox NewsSantilli: OK, here’s what I am going to offer up to you. You ready? You can do this. I could call up Mike Zullo and offer this. I’m not going to. OK? I’m going to put out a challenge to Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio. With the assistance of law enforcement, if they have information right now that shows that Barack Obama has committed fraud, has perpetrated fraud upon the American people, tell him I’ll meet him in front of the White House and I will volunteer with them, with with the assistance of law enforcement and the United States Marine Corps and the Secret Service, I will jump over, with the assistance of course of law enforcement, lawful and constitutional, of the front fence of the White House and go in there and deliver that information of course they probably will just let me go. They won’t stop me, of course. But if there’s enough evidence, OK, that he’s broken the law, I would be prepared in order to bring this to the American people. I’ll live stream it, if Zullo will meet me out front. I’m not going to wait until an election. If he wants to meet me, I’ll jump on a flight, right now and I will meet him in front of the White House, on principal, on law, on Constitutionality, and with the help of law enforcement, with the military, with the Secret Service, with the Department of Justice, all of those people, I’d volunteer do that. And if they want to arrest me, I’ll bring evidence to court to show that I am justified in doing so, on behalf of the people of the United States of America. Will you get that information to Mike Zullo?

This is what I heard in all of that. Pete Santilli, unwilling to stand for election, has made himself the representative of the American people, and has offered to lead a military coup against the President of the United States. While he talks about “Constitutionality,” he totally ignores the Constitution in several ways. He ignores the fact that our Founders set up a system of checks and balances, and it is the Congress of the United States that the Constitution assigns the power to remove a President upon conviction for “high crimes.” It is not assigned to the military, the Secret Service, the Justice Department, law enforcement or some talk show host. The second major unconstitutional flaw is in the Bill of Rights (part of the Constitution):

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger…

It is the opinion of prior US Attorneys General that a sitting President cannot be indicted or arrested for a crime. To allow that would impede the functioning of government and violate the separation of powers under the Constitution.

Santilli just wants to jump over the fence with his information. Of course Santilli would be arrested just like any other fruit cake who tries such a stunt. Santilli would never have the opportunity to present any of his birther “information” before the court because it is irrelevant to the crime of violating the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. Who made Pete Santilli the representative of the American people? I seem to recall that Barack Obama is the one elected President.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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63 Responses to Birthers’ basket case

  1. Rickey says:

    Santilli continues to push the ridiculous fantasy that the Secret Service, the Marines, and “law enforcement” are chomping at the bit to participate in a coup.

    The closest he’ll ever get to the White House was during his participation in this year’s Operation American Spring fail.

  2. y_p_w says:

    I’m just curious as to whether or not any of these guys have ever even cited what law has been broken, assuming that there was a “faked document”. I mean – there’s easy access to the GPO database of the United States Code as well case law.

    I would think the problem they would have is about legal significance something like this would have. Neither the Obama campaign nor the administration has ever used it for any legal purpose. They’ve never presented it in court or for any official purpose, although several 3rd parties have included a copy in various proceedings. I guess they might claim that selling copies of it on coffee mugs might be for a business purpose or defrauding for money, but that might be considered protected artwork.

    We also have to consider the purpose for an alleged “forgery”. An affirmative defense is that there’s nothing in the PDF that isn’t accurate. The Hawaii DOH has verified the information up, down, and sideways.

  3. Curious George says:

    Pete Santilli
    ” I will jump over, [the White House fence] with the assistance of course of law enforcement,……”

    Well Pete, don’t expect Supreme Posse Commander Zullo to be there because he isn’t “law enforcement.”

  4. Mugwhump says:

    Well, if he does leap the fence with a couple of others, the list of “patriots” will diminish somewhat.. . .

    WTF goes on in their minds? We all know these fuckwads would never go through with this. But they would be delighted to incite others to do so, and get gunned down. It fits their narrative.

  5. Arthur says:

    Mugwhump: But they would be delighted to incite others to do so, and get gunned down. It fits their narrative.

    It’s the birther battle cry: “Let’s you and him fight!”

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think it would deal the birthers a good dose of reality, to see one of their heroes take a bullet to the kneecap, while playing Don Quixote. Not that Pete would ever step over the line that separates the doers from the keyboard warriors.

  7. alg says:

    Pete Santilli = Darwin Awards Candidate in Waiting.

    I would love to see him give this a try. 🙂

  8. Bonsall Obot says:

    Pete Santilli = Darwin Awards Candidate in Waiting.

    I would love to see him give this a try.

    See Andrew above; Santilli is a big-mouth who only threatens to do something that will never, ever be required of him.

  9. Paul says:

    Oh please, Pete, PLEASE! PLEEEEEEEEEASE!@#@!!!!!!!

  10. RanTalbott says:

    y_p_w: I’m just curious as to whether or not any of these guys have ever even cited what law has been broken, assuming that there was a “faked document”.

    Not as far as I can tell. Including A&Z.

    Occasionally, I encounter a birther who’s not completely insane, and I challenge him or her to identify the violated statute. I used to encourage others to do that, too. But I’ve stopped, because I now have about half a dozen crickets living in my office who appear to have been drawn by the sound of birfoon responses.

    Fortunately, the javelina in the neighborhood don’t seem to be attracted to the squealing of stuck pigs…

  11. JPotter says:

    I guess Santilli missed Zullo’s latest appearance, in which he admitted the obvious, that the CCCP doesn’t have that information?

    I think Santilli’s “challenge” is just the type of birfer cart-powered horse-draggin’ Zullo was whining about LOL

  12. RanTalbott says:

    alg: I would love to see him give this a try

    Nah: from a perspective of basic human empathy, it’s bad enough that these people make their lives miserable with all their dystopian conspiracy BS. A miserable death could only be worse.

    But, even if you want to be cold and Machiavellian about it, a birther “martyr” would have real negative repercussions (except for Gerbil Report, which would make out like a bandit on the increased hits). Possibly even including pushing some marginal nut over the edge into an assassination attempt.

  13. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I think it would deal the birthers a good dose of reality, to see one of their heroes take a bullet to the kneecap

    “I used to be a birther, but then I took an arrow to the knee.”

    “Birtherism jumped the shark when I jumped the fence.”

  14. J.D. Reed says:

    Well they don’t shoot White House trespassers on sight, unless they pose an obvious great threat. But after the recent fiasco, the detail guarding the building would most certainly set the dogs on any one intruding on the grounds. As I recall the dogs are trained to knock down instead of bite, but still .
    It wouldn’t be a pleasant experience.
    And on the evening news the would-be patriot would be introduced to the nation as just another nut.

  15. JPotter says:

    J.D. Reed: Well they don’t shoot White House trespassers on sight, unless they pose an obvious great threat.

    Then birfers are quite safe, heh.

  16. James M says:

    J.D. Reed:
    Well they don’t shoot White House trespassers on sight, unless they pose an obvious great threat. But after the recent fiasco, the detail guarding the building would most certainly set the dogs on any one intruding on the grounds. As I recall the dogs are trained to knock down instead of bite, but still .
    It wouldn’t be a pleasant experience.
    And on the evening news the would-be patriot would be introduced to the nation as just another nut.

    I can remember when there was barely a fence between Lafayette Park and the White House. The gate was open and tourists could simply walk right up to the fountains on the North Lawn. If you were part of a tour group, that’s where you mustered.

  17. The Magic M says:

    I will volunteer with them, with with the assistance of law enforcement and the United States Marine Corps and the Secret Service

    So is that a condition (“only if … assist me will I jump over the fence”) or is he talking about Zullo, Fitzpatrick and the Citizen Secret Service of Nutty Butty, TX?

  18. dunstvangeet says:

    I have this odd picture of Pete Santilli trying to get over the fense but only able to with a couple of cops pushing his butt up…

    I’m wondering if that’s what he’s wanting.

  19. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    As always the birther fantasy all rides on a lowly “If”.
    “I’d be all big and bad, and show that mean old Obama what’s what, if only some officers would assist me!”

  20. y_p_w says:

    RanTalbott: Not as far as I can tell. Including A&Z.

    Occasionally, I encounter a birther who’s not completely insane, and I challenge him or her to identify the violated statute. I used to encourage others to do that, too. But I’ve stopped, because I now have about half a dozen crickets living in my office who appear to have been drawn by the sound of birfoon responses.

    Fortunately, the javelina in the neighborhood don’t seem to be attracted to the squealing of stuck pigs…

    This was the closest I could find:

    Whoever forges the signature of any judge, register, or other officer of any court of the United States, or of any Territory thereof, or forges or counterfeits the seal of any such court, or knowingly concurs in using any such forged or counterfeit signature or seal, for the purpose of authenticating any proceeding or document, or tenders in evidence any such proceeding or document with a false or counterfeit signature of any such judge, register, or other officer, or a false or counterfeit seal of the court, subscribed or attached thereto, knowing such signature or seal to be false or counterfeit, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

    As far as I can tell, this applies to tendering a document for an official purpose, such as evidence before a court or maybe for a government agency proceeding. Also – this only applies to court signatures and documents.

    If I were to fark a document for my own amusement and don’t intend on using it for any legal proceeding, I don’t think I’m in trouble with the law.

    Oh – and this:

    This one refers to any government agency. It’s kind of a difficult read. However, none of the claims gets over the hurdle that the Hawaii DOH has affirmatively authenticated the legitimacy of the information on the LFBC. I guess if asked, Onaka or the current health director could easily authenticate the information on the stand. Doubt it ever gets to that point though.

  21. RanTalbott says:

    y_p_w: This was the closest I could find

    But those only apply to actual documents, not pictures of documents.

    Even the most corrupt and stupid cop isn’t going to write you a ticket for not having registered a picture of your car with the DMV.

  22. alg says:

    y_p_w: However, none of the claims gets over the hurdle that the Hawaii DOH has affirmatively authenticated the legitimacy of the information on the LFBC. I guess if asked, Onaka or the current health director could easily authenticate the information on the stand. Doubt it ever gets to that point though.

    Therein lies the key point birthers just can’t seem to figure out. It can’t be a forgery if the asserted producer of the document – in this case the State of Hawaii – affirms it’s authentic. It doesn’t matter how many layers or “anomalies” the document has, if the agency that technically is responsible for producing the thing says it’s real, then, by definition, it’s real.

  23. y_p_w says:

    RanTalbott: But those only apply to actual documents, not pictures of documents.

    Even the most corrupt and stupid cop isn’t going to write you a ticket for not having registered a picture of your car with the DMV.

    I did note that it was somewhat of a hard read. Now that I look carefully, it does seem to apply only to some sort of paper document or an attempt to forge a sealing instrument (i.e. embosser). I got tripped up by “facsimile”, but it seems like that applies to a facsimile of a seal that is counterfeited to a piece of paper and tendered as authentic.

  24. Notorial Dissent says:

    y_p_w, I think the law you are quoting only applies to fedgov not state, not that it really matters.

    The whole thing that the dim birfers can’t seem to get through their very thick skulls, is that the bc’s both long form and short were and are certified documents by the Hawaiian registrar. One is a certified copy of an original document in their keeping and the other a certified transcript. The information has been further attested to repeatedly, so it can’t be a forgery, and the copies, are just copies. A copy is not a forgery, when it is clearly identified as a copy.

  25. Woodrowfan says:

    I heard Obama tore the tags off of every pillow and mattress in the White House when he moved in!

  26. Keith (not logged on) says:

    I heard Obama tore the tags off of every pillow and mattress in the White House when he moved in!

    So! He’s a closet Libertarian! Whoda think it!

  27. The funny thing about that clip was when Santilli said Zullo was guilty of obstruction of justice for not making the all the CCP’s super dooper evidence public poor Mike Volin sounded like he was speechless and was about to cry.

  28. Jim says:

    Reality Check:
    The funny thing about that clip was when Santilli said Zullo was guilty of obstruction of justice for not making the all the CCP’s super dooper evidence public poor Mike Volin sounded like he was speechless and was about to cry.

    Sounds like a job for the Citizen’s Grand Jury…


    Too soon?

  29. JPotter says:

    Reality Check:
    The funny thing about that clip was when Santilli said Zullo was guilty of obstruction of justice for not making the all the CCP’s super dooper evidence public poor Mike Volin sounded like he was speechless and was about to cry.

    WHHAAAAAT?!? Obstructing justice by not making evydunce public? Sounds like Santilli doesn’t think Zoo-low is a Real Law Man™. 😉

  30. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birther backbiting is always fun.
    It’s even more fun, when its over something completely inconsequential.

  31. Benji Franklin says:

    Karl Gall Oops!: “High listeners, let’s go right to our phone guests! Radio talk show parasite, ReePeet Tansilly is asking Mike Violin about taking some real action on this Obama forgery issue, and I DON’T KNOW WHAT ALL! HEY, he’s tired of waiting! Go ahead Mike and ReePeet!”

    Tansilly: “Mike Violin, as a small time beverage distributor with no legal credentials or legal training, who repeatedly has presented insufficiently-funded checks to liquor suppliers before ultimately paying for their products delivered into your possession, do you believe, based on the unspecified so-called “evidence” that Share If Our Pie Hole has refused to either release or take to a charging authority for 2 years, AND based on the initial CCP “evidence” which their County Attorney declared insufficient to prove any crime in several ways, do you believe based on things you have heard other Obama-haters say, I’M SAYING DO YOU BELIEVE that contrary to what the entire Government of the United States of America and its states have lawfully determined about Obama’s eligibility and non-criminality, as supported by 99.9999999999999% of practicing attorneys, – if we ignore the official interpretation of the Constitution, and substitute your judgment for everyone else’s judgment connected to this matter, is there enough evidence to throw OBAMA in jail?”

    Mike Volin: Absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt.

    Tansilly: “YEE HAH! OK, here’s what I am going to offer up to you. You ready? You can do this. Call up Mike Zoo Low and offer this. I’ll meet him in front of the White House and with the assistance of law enforcement and the United States Marine Corps and the Secret Service, I will pull out a book of matches and burn down the entire city of Washington, DC! …and do it on principal, on law, on Constitutionality, and with the help of law enforcement! Will you get that information to Mike Zoo Low?

    Mike Volin:Well, maybe I will, if he ever manages to investigate his way out of that paper bag he’s been lost in for two years now.

    Tansilly: And Mike Violin, as a small time beverage distributor with no medical training, and given your comprehensive ignorance about United States law is there enough evidence to throw OBAMA in jail for contracting, surviving, and spreading Ebola? And are Birthers right when they say, ‘Only fire can kill Ebola?”

    Mike Violin: ‘Absolutely YES! Uh, to both questions….. and beyond any shadow of a doubt.”

    Tansilly: “YEE HA! OK! Call up Mike Zoo Low and offer this. I’ll meet him in Yellowstone National Park, and with the assistance of law enforcement and the United States Marine Corps and Smokey the Bear, just to call attention to Obama’s high crimes and because I love this land, I’ll burn down all of our National Forests!”

    Mike Violin: “Well I’m not sure I know how to spell, “Smokey”.

    Tansilly: ‘And Mike Violin, as a small time beverage distributor with no understanding of history beyond cynically manufacturing reasons to blame Obama for just about everything that has gone wrong, is there enough evidence to unseat Obama and throw him in jail for starting World War Two?”

    Mike Violin:” Absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt.”

  32. y_p_w says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    y_p_w, I think the law you are quoting only applies to fedgov not state, not that it really matters.

    The whole thing that the dim birfers can’t seem to get through their very thick skulls, is that the bc’s both long form and short were and are certified documents by the Hawaiian registrar. One is a certified copy of an original document in their keeping and the other a certified transcript. The information has been further attested to repeatedly, so it can’t be a forgery, and the copies, are just copies. A copy is not a forgery, when it is clearly identified as a copy.

    I have presented a photocopy of a document to present to a US government agency. For instance I made a copy (front/back) of my passport card and made a copy of my wife’s driver license – for our kid’s passport application. The acceptance agent did want to see the originals though, although they’re really just third party functionaries authorized to collect info on behalf of the State Dept. We’ve actually sent photocopies of documents for a US government agency, and in some cases they never asked to see the originals.

    However, we’re back to a general requirement for a motive in order for the government to prosecute. It’s got to be some sort of intent to deceive a government agency or to deceive someone in the course of a business transaction.

  33. The Magic M says:

    y_p_w: The acceptance agent did want to see the originals though

    For all intents and purposes, a *certified* copy is as good as the original (especially given the fact that originals should remain safely stacked away and never given out or mailed). There are very few exceptions such as passports (in Germany, everybody has an ID card).

  34. In South Carolina in order to register to vote online, you have to mail in a photocopy of your picture ID to the State Elections Commission prior to the election. Otherwise, your registration is flagged and you will have to show the ID before you vote.

    If you send in the ID, your record will be flagged has having the ID, and you will be required to show your ID before you vote anyway. 😳

    y_p_w: I have presented a photocopy of a document to present to a US government agency. For instance I made a copy (front/back) of my passport card and made a copy of my wife’s driver license – for our kid’s passport application.

  35. See photo added to my article.

    J.D. Reed: Well they don’t shoot White House trespassers on sight, unless they pose an obvious great threat. But after the recent fiasco, the detail guarding the building would most certainly set the dogs on any one intruding on the grounds. As I recall the dogs are trained to knock down instead of bite, but still .

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    J.D. Reed: But after the recent fiasco, the detail guarding the building would most certainly set the dogs on any one intruding on the grounds.

    Ooh! Or the bees! Or the dogs with mouths full of bees, so when they bark, they shoot bees at you! The Richard Simmons robot is no longer an option though…for reasons no one wants to discuss, Bush took that with him.

  37. John Reilly says:

    The Secret Service has never fired a shot in defense of the President and they are unlikely to do so for this crowd of the gang that can’t think straight. From a military or police point of view, the background is full of civilian targets.

  38. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Ooh! Or the bees! Or the dogs with mouths full of bees, so when they bark, they shoot bees at you!

    President Romney would bring back the sharks with lasers.

  39. John Reilly says:

    Someone jumped the White House fence tonight. Dogs caught him. He hurt the dogs.

    It wasn’t Santilli. When is it his turn?

  40. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    John Reilly: It wasn’t Santilli. When is it his turn?

    I dunno, but I do hope they upgrade from “send the dogs after” to “put bullet in kneecaps of” would-be intruders by then.

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I realize that sounds harsh, but this is the safety of the President and First Family we’re talking about. The Secret Service seriously needs to stop playing around.

  42. Lupin says:

    John Reilly: Someone jumped the White House fence tonight. Dogs caught him. He hurt the dogs.

    I feel sorry for the dogs. It must leave a terrible aftertaste in their mouths.

  43. Crustacean says:

    Speaking of birther basket cases, I’m really enjoying the “Barry Soetoro ESQ is mentally ill” conversation going on at Gerbil Report. His Sandy Hook obsession is even too much for some birthers, it seems. Perhaps Barry’s gerbils are finally coming home to roost.

  44. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Crustacean: Speaking of birther basket cases, I’m really enjoying the “Barry Soetoro ESQ is mentally ill” conversation going on at Gerbil Report. His Sandy Hook obsession is even too much for some birthers, it seems. Perhaps Barry’s gerbils are finally coming home to roost.

    I want to see deniers, like Barry, locked in a room with the parents of the victims. If ever there was a need for a sanctioned ass-beating…

  45. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I want to see deniers, like Barry, locked in a room with the parents of the victims. If ever there was a need for a sanctioned ass-beating…

    Hear, hear! That lunatic is one of the reason I’ve chosen not to return to Gerbil Report until Obama is frog-marched into jail.

  46. Arthur says:

    Speaking of birther basket cases, I’m really enjoying the “Barry Soetoro ESQ is mentally ill” conversation going on at Gerbil Report.His Sandy Hook obsession is even too much for some birthers, it seems.Perhaps Barry’s gerbils are finally coming home to roost.

    I’ve sworn off G.R. but I would be interested in what they’re saying against him. If you can stand it, would you mind posting some of the juicer exchanges?

  47. Crustacean says:

    I’m more than happy to do that, Arthur. I’ll see what I can cobble together, and then I’ll post it on the Open Thread (assuming “Darpa” hasn’t scrubbed it already heheh)

    Arthur: I’ve sworn off G.R. but I would be interested in what they’re saying against him. If you can stand it, would you mind posting some of the juicer exchanges?

  48. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    First it was FEMA who was out to get us all, now it’s DARPA! The birthers need to pick an acronym and stick with it!

  49. Rickey says:

    Speaking of birther basket cases, I’m really enjoying the “Barry Soetoro ESQ is mentally ill” conversation going on at Gerbil Report.His Sandy Hook obsession is even too much for some birthers, it seems.Perhaps Barry’s gerbils are finally coming home to roost.

    He is a despicable human being.

    Anne Marie Murphy, a teacher’s aide who was killed at Sandy Hook, was the daughter of Dr. Hugh McGowan, who was my dentist when I was young, and also a friend of my parents. I was at the wake and met Anne Marie’s husband and children. They were visibly distraught, as was Dr. McGowan, who is now 88 years old. If Anne Marie wasn’t killed at Sandy Hook, every member of her family deserves an Academy Award.

  50. Thomas Brown says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    First it was FEMA who was out to get us all, now it’s DARPA! The birthers need to pick an acronym and stick with it!

    Plus, they’re missing out on dealing with the real-world villians, KAOS and SMERSH.

  51. Lupin says:

    There is a particularly vile attack on MSF (Medecins sans frontieres/Doctors without Borders) on the latest Gerbil Report thread.

  52. Lupin says:

    The problem is — I’ve said it here and I’ll say it again — that we rightly laugh at Gerbil Report as being a handful of crazies, but your entire public discourse is polluted with crazies:

  53. RanTalbott says:

    Lupin: Gerbil Report has finally found its official Map of the World

    I can’t tell you what I think of the map yet, because it’s only halfway through a SEVEN MINUTE download.

    But the link really needs a warning that it’s an 80-megabyte file, for those of us who don’t live in the big city with gigabit Internet links. 🙁

  54. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Thomas Brown: Plus, they’re missing out on dealing with the real-world villians, KAOS and SMERSH.

    And CATS (CATS Against Teabag Stupidity), a recursive acronym that would fry their brains if they had any.

  55. Bovril says:

    😎 it;’s big but it’s lovely and rather topically up to date

  56. J.D. Reed says:

    John Reilly:
    Someone jumped the White House fence tonight.Dogs caught him.He hurt the dogs.

    It wasn’t Santilli.When is it his turn?

    John Reilly:
    Someone jumped the White House fence tonight.Dogs caught him.He hurt the dogs.

    It wasn’t Santilli.When is it his turn?

    Just as I said would happen to the next White House fence jumper. See post of Oct. 20 on this thread.

  57. The Magic M says:

    Lupin: Gerbil Report has finally found its official Map of the World

    Germany’s a bit boring. I see Lederhosen, Oktoberfest and Sauerkraut but miss Nazis and think Schnitzel would be more Austrian.

  58. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Missouri has “Storm chasers”, Distilleries, and a big arch. Never before has a map so accurately depicted my home state.

  59. The Magic M says:

    Also, what’s “Scheisseporno” (not a grammatically correct German word, close to “shit porn” or “shitty porn”)? Never heard that from an English speaker before.

  60. JPotter says:

    The Magic M:
    Also, what’s “Scheisseporno” (not a grammatically correct German word, close to “sh*t porn” or “sh*tty porn”)? Never heard that from an English speaker before.

    Scheizer porn. The stereotype that Germans are into scat. Never heard “scheisseporno” either … very lazy literal translation.

    I did find the “Metro 2033” reference rather amusing.

  61. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Magic M:
    Also, what’s “Scheisseporno” (not a grammatically correct German word, close to “shit porn” or “shitty porn”)? Never heard that from an English speaker before.

    Its a South Park reference.

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