Birther may be ordered to undergo psychiatric examination

Michael Shrimpton is a British barrister and self-proclaimed expert on British intelligence. He made a false report of an imminent terrorist attack at the London Olympics, and was found guilty by a court this past November of “communicating false information” says The Daily Mail newspaper. Sentencing is scheduled for February, but before that Judge Alistair McCreath QC wants Shrimpton examined:

The sentence that I pass upon you will have to reflect that gravity of the conduct of which you have been convicted.

But if, as may be the case, there is some underlying reason for it, then it seems to me important that I be informed of that underlying reason and I am therefore minded to order that you undergo psychiatric examination.

Shrimpton made waves on this side of the pond with his claims that Barack Obama is not the son of Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Sr. He determined this from the lack of a reply from the CIA.


It appears that the psychiatric examination did not take place.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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12 Responses to Birther may be ordered to undergo psychiatric examination

  1. alg says:

    One wonders why it has taken this long to recognize the obvious.

  2. john says:

    Shrimpton’s claims are some loose ends that cannot be accounted for regarding Obama.

  3. alg says:

    Shrimpton’s claims are some loose ends that cannot be accounted for regarding Obama.

    John, Shrimpton’s claims about Obama cannot be accounted for anything but made up nonsense. The man isn’t playing with a full deck of cards.

  4. Dave B. says:

    There’s no accounting for any of you “loose ends.”

    Shrimpton’s claims are some loose ends that cannot be accounted for regarding Obama.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Shrimpton’s claims are some loose ends that cannot be accounted for regarding Obama.

    No, Shrimpton’s problem is the same one you have. A head full of bad wiring.

  6. Notorial Dissent says:

    The Shrimp dip has been and embarrassment in Britain for years, and seems to be getting worse, and more publicly dangerous. I personally think he is delusional and ultimately dangerous, and he may well be on his way to be confined at her Majesty’s pleasure after this latest bit of silliness. He strikes me as the kind who would do something to “prove” he was telling the truth.

    John, the only loose ends I am currently aware of around here are the ones between your ears, which you continue to prove almost daily. You and Shrimpy would make fine bunkmates.

  7. RanTalbott says:

    john: Shrimpton’s claims are some loose ends that cannot be accounted for regarding Obama.

    That’s why the judge ordered the psych eval: to account for his claims.

  8. RanTalbott says:

    He determined this from the lack of a reply from British Intelligence.

    Actually, it was U.S. intelligence: Shrimpton claims he made the suggestion to the CIA and DIA.

    His daffydavit says:

    I cannot say to the court that either CIA or DIA came back to me and said so in terms. I would not expect them to and it would be contrary to good intelligence practice. I would however expect to be told if my advice had led to either agency wasting time or resources, not to mention the cost of a good lunch.

    I’m sure you’ll agree, knowing that “the cost of a good lunch” was involved, that his conclusion was entirely justified.

    Of course, you can’t tell me whether I’m right, because that would be “contrary to good intelligence practice” 😉

  9. Dave B. says:

    If you’ve got Kindle Unlimited, you can read Shrimpton’s magnum opus for free:
    Yay free.

  10. Dave B. says:

    You know, they could just tie Shrimpton to a chair and let the Queen give him that look she’s giving some…thing in that picture in the Daily Mail until he’s reduced to a quivering mass of flesh. That’d teach him. Oh, and no nice lunch with MI5 for you, Michael!

  11. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dave B.:
    If you’ve got Kindle Unlimited, you can read Shrimpton’s magnum opus for free:
    Yay free.

    I can’t think of much better ways to damage my own brain for free, but thanks just the same. 😉

  12. Dave B. says:

    I’ve got it on my kindle now. It’s 901 pages. I’ll do some browsing.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I can’t think of much better ways to damage my own brain for free, but thanks just the same.

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