The Brian Reilly resignation letter

I have said on several occasions that I had read Brian Reilly’s letter of resignation from the Cold Case Posse. I never shared the letter because it was provided “off the record.” I take such confidences seriously, and so I publish it now only with Brian Reilly’s permission. Here is the PDF, exactly as Mr. Reilly sent it to me.

Mike Zullo’s sometime spokesperson Carl Gallups said on his Freedom Friday program last November, and on the Internet, that Brian Reilly was fired by Zullo. Zullo himself seems to contradict this in interviews with Mark Gillar and Peter Boyles, but nevertheless the consensus among the birthers is that Reilly was indeed fired. It was published on the Surprise Arizona Tea Party Patriots site, for example, and Falcon from Birther Report made two comments just this past week:

Brian Reilly was under a previous or current criminal investigation. He failed to disclose that to Zullo who fired him.

Reilly never disclosed to anyone his current / previous history – that was discovered outside of his CCP involvement.

Falcon explains the source for that comment in this post at Conservative Victory News aka Navy Gentlemen:

I can’t tell you everything, but I had an encounter in the last few days with a person in the CCP – online. Not nice. Could have sparked it all. Brutal. And it’s online and in my comment stream. Check it. Look around page 9/10 due to new comments it could change.

Zullo himself made a similar statement, according to a transcript on the PPSIMMONS web site:

PPSN: In your opinion, did Mr. Reilly make any other false claims in the interview, or leave out any other important information pertinent to the interview?

ZULLO: Absolutely. Mr. Reilly also failed to mention that he was a fired former volunteer law-enforcement officer.

Birthers later came up with a different story, that Zullo didn’t fire Reilly, but asked him to stay on because he was a loose canon and unreliable. Yeah, that didn’t make any sense to me either.

The latest accusation was that Reilly had been under some kind of “current or former” criminal investigation. That’s true because Brian Reilly has an Arizona Concealed Weapons permit, which requires a criminal background check! I guess that passes for a “criminal investigation” when the need arises for an excuse. Here’s what Reilly said about his experience joining the Posse:

When I was originally brought into the Cold Case Posse, on April 17, 2012, I filled out a complete application. I was fingerprinted and I was run through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). I have had a concealed weapons permit continuously since 1985 and just recently received my renewed Arizona Concealed Carry Permit from the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS).  You’d be amazed how many background checks one goes through for a concealed weapons permit.

I previously said that there were emails from Mike Zullo asking Brian Reilly to reconsider his resignation. Here are some of those:

From: Brian Reilly
To: Mike Zullo
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 10:04 PM
Subject: Resignation
I’ve attached my PDF resignation letter to this email. The Crown Vic may be picked up at (Address REDACTED), at your convenience. The keys for the car are under black tape on top of the right rear tire. Please email me the total cost for the laptop and I will reimburse you for it. More details in the attached PDF.”

From: Michael Zullo
To: Brian Reilly
Date: July 1, 2012, at 6:13 PM
“Brian, I have received your letter of resignation……Obviously you have decided to redirect your time and energy towards other pursuits…..Best of luck to you.”


From: Michael Zullo
To: Brian Reilly
Date: July 2, 2012 7:37:31 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Resignation

“Thanks Brian. You should make sure this is the direction you want to take and not a knee jerk reaction.. Mike”


From: Michael Zullo
To: Brian Reilly
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:28 PM
Subject: Resignation

“Brian, Before I make your resignation final are you sure this is what you want to do?

From: Michael Zullo
To: Brian Reilly
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:33 PM
“Brian…….I will finalize your resignation tomorrow.”

To: Mike Zullo
From: Brian Reilly
Sent on July 10, 2012 at 10:17 PM from my iPhone“Mike….Thank you for finally processing my June 30, resignation. I too am not interested in attending the July 17, press conference. Brian”

Note: This article previously said that Mike Zullo himself claimed Reilly was fired, but I haven’t found proof of this.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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199 Responses to The Brian Reilly resignation letter

  1. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Anyone else find the inclusion of an ethics book to be funny for the CCP?

  2. realist says:


    As well as the Car-Key Camera.

  3. Curious George says:

    This confirms that Reilly also had a CCP Crown Vic.

  4. John says:

    let’s see the emails from Reilly Doc. Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him. It seems clear that zullo tried to get him back when found out Reilly was going to make a lot of noise.

  5. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Still waiting for Constitution hater john, to tell us why he hates the US Constitution so much.

  6. Curious George says:

    “Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him.”

    I think Reilly did a great job explaining why he resigned when he wrote his article about the Cold Case Posse and Zullo and it was published here on Doc. C’s site. I’m sure you could find it if you really cared, “John.”

  7. Curious George says:

    Just to make it easy for you, here’s the article. It’s an interesting read.

  8. Brian Reilly has said many times that he thought the verification letter from Hawaii to SoS Bennett resolved the issue of President Obama’s Birth Certificate. He also was very concerned with the way Zullo was running the investigation and liability issues with his posse provided Crown Vic.

    John: Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him

  9. realist says:

    John: Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning

    All one need say in any resignation letter is “I resign my position as XXX effective XXX.”
    And sign it.

    That’s it.

  10. CarlOrcas says:

    let’s see the emails from Reilly Doc.Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him.It seems clear that zullo tried to get him back when found out Reilly was going to make a lot of noise.

    You’re chasing your tail, john.

    Brian has explained why he resigned. No secrets there.

    As far as your theory that Zullo fired him and then tried to convince him to stay because he feared Brian was “going to make a lot of noise” that only makes Zullo look bad. If he had a valid reason to fire Brian what does it say about Zullo’s character that he would fold and, more to the point, what does it say about the “noise” he feared Brian would make?

    We know what happened, john. Brian saw Zullo’s operation from the inside and found it lacking in professionalism and integrity so he quit. That’s what honorable people do in that sort of situation.

  11. Hektor says:

    realist: All one need say in any resignation letter is “I resign my position as XXX effective XXX.”
    And sign it.

    That’s it.

    But that would mean that john can’t retroactively impose conditions on a situation that he wasn’t a party to so that he can dismiss any ungoodthink that might challenge his blatant prejudices.

  12. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    let’s see the emails from Reilly Doc.Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him.It seems clear that zullo tried to get him back when found out Reilly was going to make a lot of noise.

    Let’s see the emails between zullo and everyone else in the posse claiming he was going to fire him. Let’s see zullos written warnings to Reilly claiming he was going to fire him.

  13. bovril says:

    Not to forget, Reilly was a volunteer with the posse and there is and was no employer-employee relationship between the Cowardly Custard Pussies and Reilly.

    As such Zullo can’t and couldn’t ‘fire’ anyone

  14. More emails coming later today.

    John: let’s see the emails from Reilly Doc. Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him. It seems clear that zullo tried to get him back when found out Reilly was going to make a lot of noise.

  15. Brian has given permission to publish these:

    From: “Michael Zullo”
    Date: July 2, 2012 7:37:31 AM PDT
    To: “‘Brian Reilly'”
    Subject: RE: Resignation

    Thanks Brian

    You should make sure this is the direction you want to take and not a knee jerk reaction..


    From: xxx@xxxx (Mike Zullo)
    To: xxx@xxx (Brian Reilly)
    Subject: Resignation
    Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:28:25 -0700


    Before I make your resignation final are you sure this is what you want to do?


    So Zullo sat on the resignation for over 10 days then tried to get Brian to reconsider.

  16. Hektor says:

    Reality Check: So Zullo sat on the resignation for over 10 days then tried to get Brian to reconsider.

    Well that’s because Air Marshal Zullo wanted to make sure that Mr. Reilly was as well taken care of as Zullo’s own mother. Obviously, he was looking out for Mr. Reilly’s best interests. /john

  17. Rickey says:

    let’s see the emails from Reilly Doc.Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him.It seems clear that zullo tried to get him back when found out Reilly was going to make a lot of noise.

    I have resigned from several jobs during my lifetime, and not once did I give a reason for my resignation – at least, not in writing.

  18. John says:

    you don’t have to give reason for resigning but one always has a reason at least not on paper. I would to know Reilly real reason for resigning not the fogbow reason. We know Reilly resigned from another but never said why. Apparently zullon knew why and found it to be disturbing

  19. CarlOrcas says:

    you don’t have to give reason for resigning but one always has a reason at least not on paper.I would to know Reilly real reason for resigning not the fogbow reason.We know Reilly resigned from another but never said why.Apparently zullon knew why and found it to be disturbing

    I find what you just wrote disturbing.

  20. Curious George says:

    If Zullo will lie about a simple resignation, what else will he lie about. Oh! I know! The birth certificate investigation too? Writing a book about the investigation and claiming that he gave the proceeds to his church? Receiving a $10,000 check from a source for the investigation and claiming it was a gift to be used for his mother? Allowing people to think he is a Lieutenant, an Arizona lawman, a Detective, a real cop? Allowing people to think he has decades of law enforcement experience instead of telling people he was a small village cop for 5 years, decades ago? Using 1968 race codes for a birth that happened in 1961? You would have to be a complete idiot to believe this guy.

    Go ahead John, say “I believe!”

  21. The emails have been added to the article.

  22. Crustacean says:

    “Apparently” Zullo knew? John, what’s “apparent” to you is not apparent to people who regularly exercise the logic and reasoning parts of their brains. Mr. Reilly’s reasons for resigning are not a mystery, unless you’re being deliberately obtuse. He has stated his reasons quite clearly. Good grief, man, get a grip!!

    John: Apparently zullon knew why and found it to be disturbing

  23. Curious George says:

    “you don’t have to give reason for resigning but one always has a reason at least not on paper.I would to know Reilly real reason for resigning not the fogbow reason.We know Reilly resigned from another but never said why.Apparently zullon knew why and found it to be disturbing”

    Are there any mental health professionals in the house?

  24. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    you don’t have to give reason for resigning but one always has a reason at least not on paper.I would to know Reilly real reason for resigning not the fogbow reason.We know Reilly resigned from another but never said why.Apparently zullon knew why and found it to be disturbing

    This isn’t the fogbow reason Reilly made it clear on the air during his multiple appearances on reality check radio on his op-eds on this site why he resigned. Zullo is full of shit

  25. john says:

    The Email chain seems incomplete. It only includes Zullo’s responses and only some of Reilly’s. How did Reilly respond to Zullo’s inquires. The Email chain obviously doesn’t tell the whole story.

  26. CarlOrcas says:

    The Email chain seems incomplete.It only includes Zullo’s responses and only some of Reilly’s.How did Reilly respond to Zullo’s inquires.The Email chain obviously doesn’t tell the whole story.

    Your desperation is palpable…..and pathetic.

  27. justlw says:

    realist: As well as the Car-Key Camera.

    “Mr. President, it’s quite an honor to meet you! So, you know, just askin’ here, but you didn’t happen to, uh, be born in another country, did you? Please speak slowly and clearly into this car key I happen to be holding in front of you right now in a casual and nonchalant fashion.”

    It sounded so plausible in his head when Zullo was thumbing through the catalog.

  28. Curious George says:

    “The Email chain seems incomplete. It only includes Zullo’s responses and only some of Reilly’s. How did Reilly respond to Zullo’s inquires. The Email chain obviously doesn’t tell the whole story.”

    The emails do tell the story. Reilly resigned. Zullo didn’t want him to resign. Zullo dragged his feet and took ten days to process the resignation paperwork. The End.

    Are you really that dense?

  29. john says:

    Curious George:
    “The Email chain seems incomplete. It only includes Zullo’s responses and only some of Reilly’s. How did Reilly respond to Zullo’s inquires. The Email chain obviously doesn’t tell the whole story.”

    The emails do tell the story. Reilly resigned. Zullo didn’t want him to resign. Zullo dragged his feet and took ten days to process the resignation paperwork. The End.

    Are you really that dense?

    That’s the interesting part. We don’t have Rielly’s responses during that 10 day window.

  30. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: That’s the interesting part. We don’t have Rielly’s responses during that 10 day window.

    You know what’s even more curious? Zullo has established a pattern of being a habitual liar yet you continue to give him the benefit each and every time.

  31. Curious George says:

    February 17, 2015
    realist: As well as the Car-Key Camera.

    “Mr. President, it’s quite an honor to meet you! So, you know, just askin’ here, but you didn’t happen to, uh, be born in another country, did you? Please speak slowly and clearly into this car key I happen to be holding in front of you right now in a casual and nonchalant fashion.”

    “It sounded so plausible in his head when Zullo was thumbing through the catalog.”

    Do you think Zullo was using his super duper 007 Car-Key-Camera when the CBS reporter was asking questions about his CCCP finances and his $10,000 gift that he received as a volunteer? Speak s-l-o-w-l-y into the car keys . No, I won’t because I don’t Haaaaavvve toooo.

  32. CarlOrcas says:

    john: That’s the interesting part.We don’t have Rielly’s responses during that 10 day window.

    How do you know what happened during those 10 days?

    Given what we have it seems just as plausible that there were no responses and Zullo’s e-mails were, kind of like your posts here, bits of desperation.

  33. Curious George says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
    February 17, 2015

    john: That’s the interesting part. We don’t have Rielly’s responses during that 10 day window.

    “You know what’s even more curious? Zullo has established a pattern of being a habitual liar yet you continue to give him the benefit each and every time.”

    It’s obvious John is a Zullo shill. More strawman arguments. More nonsense. Birds of a feather do stick together, don’t they?

  34. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: That’s the interesting part.We don’t have Rielly’s responses during that 10 day window.

    More interesting still, you haven’t explained why you hate our nation’s Constitution with a burning passion.

  35. alg says:

    let’s see the emails from Reilly Doc.Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him.It seems clear that zullo tried to get him back when found out Reilly was going to make a lot of noise.

    John, Reilly’s letter of resignation is unequivocally cordial and polite. That’s not way someone who was just fired communicates.

    If you can’t produce a letter of involuntary termination from Zullo, you can’t conclude that Reilly was fired.

  36. john says:

    alg: John, Reilly’s letter of resignation is unequivocally cordial and polite.That’s not way someone who was just fired communicates.

    If you can’t produce a letter of involuntary termination from Zullo, you can’t conclude that Reilly was fired.

    It appears Doc C is giving false information. According to Zullo on Gallar’s show, Zullo did not fire Reilly. Zullo claimed the Reilly was acting up and causing problems and indicated that if he did not shape up, Zullo would in fact fire him. Zullo knew if he did fire Reilly, Reilly would go on a rant and it could really damage credibility. When Reilly did in fact resign, claiming reasons he has cited to Obots, Zullo knew he was in trouble. He tried to keep Reilly on a short lease. As far Zullo was concerned, it was all about damage control and trying to keep Reilly neautralized.

  37. CarlOrcas says:

    john: It appears Doc C is giving false information.According to Zullo on Gallar’s show, Zullo did not fire Reilly.Zullo claimed the Reilly was acting up and causing problems and indicated that if he did not shape up, Zullo would in fact fire him.Zullo knew if he did fire Reilly, Reilly would go on a rant and it could really damage credibility.When Reilly did in fact resign, claiming reasons he has cited to Obots, Zullo knew he was in trouble.He tried to keep Reilly on a short lease.As far Zullo was concerned, it was all about damage control and trying to keep Reilly neautralized.

    Reilly resigned almost three years ago, john. Three years ago!!!

    The simple solution to Zullo’s “trouble” was for him to go public with the “earth shattering” information he has repeatedly promised.

    He hasn’t and that’s why he has a credibility problem.

    He’s a con artist, john, and you are a fool to continue defending him.

  38. alg says:

    john:When Reilly did in fact resign, claiming reasons he has cited to Obots, Zullo knew he was in trouble.He tried to keep Reilly on a short lease.As far Zullo was concerned, it was all about damage control and trying to keep Reilly neutralized.

    John, you are correct about one thing – Zullo knew he was in deep trouble when Reilly resigned. That’s why Zullo kept courting Reilly to try to get him to sign back up. Zullo was desperate because with Reilly’s departure, he became the only surviving member of the so-called “Cold Case Posse.” How was he going to explain to Arpaio that he had become a posse of one?

  39. Curious George says:

    “According to Zullo on Gallar’s show, Zullo did not fire Reilly.”

    Well John, you finally admitted that Reilly resigned. Congratulations. Now explain why Gallups and Zullo disagree with you. Liars can never keep their stories straight.

  40. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I can’t help but wonder how Zullo is gonna carry on the con, when Shurfjoke is no longer able to act as figurehead for the “investigation”. Zullo NEEDS that illusion of having a powerful authority figure running the show.

  41. OllieOxenFree says:

    john: That’s the interesting part. We don’t have Rielly’s responses during that 10 day window.

    You are assuming that Reilly did respond or was interested in having any conversation with Zullo at all. I think it is pretty clear that Reilly was interested in nothing other than Zullo accepting his resignation officially.

    He was disillusioned with the investigation. He was satisfied with the Verification of Birth provided to the SoS Ken Bennett. He was cautious of some of the unusual behaviors that Zullo had shown during his time on the CCP. If I had to guess, Reilly found Zullo to portray signs of paranoia, susceptible to internet conspiracy theories, and prone to act without thinking (like he did when he read a tabloid article that actually turned out to be an interview he had given to the paper.)

    I would want to have as little communication as possible with a person like that. It would seem Reilly felt the same way.

  42. Lupin says:

    john is exhibiting mule-headed stupidity and bad faith to a degree I have rarely seen.

    To this Frenchman who is far away from it all, it is absolutely and totally obvious looking at the exchange Doc gave us that Zullo is lying.

    When I look at the bigger picture, what we already know of the CCP, it is quite clear that Zullo was and is a con artist who saw in said CCP an opportunity to line his pockets with money and aggrandize himself. The guy is probably a loser and the CCP suddenly turned him famous and gave him a coterie of slavish followers. What more could a con man ask for?

    I only wish one of Zullo’s victims would file a criminal complaint against him.

  43. Suranis says:

    Who would have standing to do so?

  44. bgansel9 says:

    John: Reilly doesn’t give any reason for resigning which Zullo is probably telling the truth when he said he fired him.

    Only you could read subsequent emails from Zullo noting a resignation letter existed and come to the conclusion that Reilly was fired.

  45. bgansel9 says:

    john: As far Zullo was concerned, it was all about damage control and trying to keep Reilly neautralized.

    Well, I would certainly say it is about damage control, but it’s people like YOU who he wants to keep neutralized. Without people like you believing the con, John, there is no longer any investigation. The investigation has been dead for ages. It’s people like you who can’t accept that.

  46. Curious George says:

    March 9, 2014

    “Doc, have Brian upload his letter of resignation. I’d like to see it and read it.”

    It looks like Doc granted your wish. It’s time to move the goal posts once again, isn’t it John?

  47. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Curious George:
    March 9, 2014

    “Doc, have Brian upload his letter of resignation. I’d like to see it and read it.”

    It looks like Doc granted your wish. It’s timeto move the goal posts once again, isn’t it John?

    He’s busy thinking up new “anomalies”, and trying to come up with ways to squeeze more blood out of the stone that is the word “if”.

  48. justlw says:

    Well, I guess that settles everything. Moving on, then?

  49. Mark McDaniel says:

    Thanks for deleting my posts, Kevin, I was going to ask you to do so anyway. You and your friends need to ask yourselves why two ordained ministers are involved in this investigation—that’s highly unusual and it becuase it involves a criminal conspiracy, and the missing years of Obama 1981-3. It is also no coincidence that BSE, a rogue ex-CIA agent ala Jason Bourne is trying to say that a Doctor that I personnally know will be involved in a future false flag operation in Pittsburgh, no less, and that he is in fact Doctor Conspiracy of all people; I like how he purposefuuly tries to link all that together in a deliberate act of disinfo & cointelpro, and keeps spamming DARPA pics. He is good! I raise my reward offer to $10,000

  50. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark McDaniel: Thanks for deleting my posts, Kevin, I was going to ask you to do so anyway. You and your friends need to ask yourselves why two ordained ministers are involved in this investigation—that’s highly unusual and it becuase it involves a criminal conspiracy, and the missing years of Obama 1981-3. It is also no coincidence that BSE, a rogue ex-CIA agent ala Jason Bourne is trying to say that a Doctor that I personnally know will be involved in a future false flag operation in Pittsburgh, no less, and that he is in fact Doctor Conspiracy of all people; I like how he purposefuuly tries to link all that together in a deliberate act of disinfo & cointelpro, and keeps spamming DARPA pics. He is good! I raise my reward offer to $10,000

    Umm they’re in the open thread numbnuts. Wow ordained ministers! I didn’t know that’s what really makes an investigation to have ministers involved. There was nothing missing about his years at Columbia as his teachers and classmates knew him. Wow you’re crazy.

  51. Thomas Brown says:

    “Cointelpro” does not mean what Marky-Mark thinks it does.

  52. Lupin says:

    justlw: and the missing years of Obama 1981-3.

    What “missing years”? We perfectly know what Obama was doing — traveling abroad amongst other things. Just because “abroad” is a blank space to your tiny mind doesn’t mean that he went “missing”.

    Also, BSE is NOT ex-CIA.

    You’re a clown.

  53. Notorial Dissent says:

    I know I’m late to the party, but WTFI Mark McDaniel, and why should we pay any more attention to him than the other two nutters who seem to frequent this board with their delusions?

  54. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Mark McDaniel: You and your friends need to ask yourselves why two ordained ministers are involved in this investigation—that’s highly unusual

    Interestingly, “highly unusual” (“two ordained ministers”, press conferences, constant allusions of “we have something” and “we will soon reveal” etc.) seems to convince you even more the “investigation” is legit when in fact it raises all kinds of red flags that it *isn’t*.

    Your ilk loves to explain that away with “investigation tactics” like “stirring up the pot”, “making the suspects nervous to provoke mistakes” etc. – but in fact, these tactics are almost never used outside TV crime series, and definitely not for months on end.
    But fortunately for the con artists, you birthers are like children who believe that when things look like they do on the telly, it means everything is legit and the “investigators” are like Sherlock Holmes and CSI Miami on steroids.

  55. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Magic M I’ve seen that tactic a few times on NCIS where they accuse every one they question of committing the crime that crap only happens on tv

  56. Curious George says:

    Mark McDaniel: “You and your friends need to ask yourselves why two ordained ministers are involved in this investigation—that’s highly unusual”

    Because they’re just as nutty as the rest of the nuts in the birther asylum. However, the guy from Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida gets the ultimate “Planter’s PeaNUTS Award.” He’s “monumental.” He’s “universe shattering.” He’s “breathtaking.” He’s a Zullo shill.

  57. First, I didn’t delete your posts. Because they had nothing to do with the Brian Reilly resignation letter, they were off-topic and I moved them to the Open Thread along with the replies (click on the Open Thread menu item to see where those are). I only removed a couple of sentences that I considered defamatory from one comment and noted the redaction. You probably missed my substantive reply to you last evening. Readers here typically rely on the Recent Comments widget (right sidebar) to follow the discussions.

    I don’t know precisely which two “ordained ministers” you refer to. I wouldn’t describe either Gallups or Manning as “involved in the investigation.” (Didn’t you refer to yourself as “Rev. Mark McDaniel” in one of your emails to me?) While I am a Christian and I have high regard for clergy I know, I also know that religion abounds with charlatans. It is common among conspiracist thinkers to find connections, but not to be able to discern when they are insignificant; that seems to be the case here. Clergy and crank theories often appear together. I can still remember from when I was a teenager a preacher saying that the Hong Kong flu was a Chinese communist plot.

    The only thing “good” about BSE is as an example of the failure of critical thinking, and a lack of common decency.

    And for the record, I don’t think your reward offer is any more genuine than your name, not that it makes any difference.

    I would ask you, though, what do you personally think is the significance of Zullo’s DARPA comments?

    Mark McDaniel: Thanks for deleting my posts, Kevin, I was going to ask you to do so anyway. You and your friends need to ask yourselves why two ordained ministers are involved in this investigation—that’s highly unusual and it becuase (sic) it involves a criminal conspiracy, and the missing years of Obama 1981-3. It is also no coincidence that BSE, a rogue ex-CIA agent ala (sic) Jason Bourne is trying to say that a Doctor that I personnally (sic) know will be involved in a future false flag operation in Pittsburgh, no less, and that he is in fact Doctor Conspiracy of all people; I like how he purposefuuly (sic) tries to link all that together in a deliberate act of disinfo & cointelpro, and keeps spamming DARPA pics. He is good! I raise my reward offer to $10,000

  58. bgansel9 says:

    Conspiracy or ConSMEARacy?

  59. …and the missing years of Obama 1981-3.

    I can answer that. Where his white father, Thomas Beauchamp Owens, lived, is where Obama and his black mother lived. Jupiter, Fl would be a primary location as well as West Palm Beach, Fl.

    On a side note:

    Guiliani’s trying to distract all of the sheeple with the “Frank Marshall Davis is the father” BS which those too ignorant to know the truth, because it is a conspiracy. are happily accepting as the truth.

    I isn’t libel when it’s the truth.


    Mark McDaniel: and the missing years of Obama 1981-3

  60. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I can answer that. Where his white father, Thomas Beauchamp Owens, lived, is where Obama and his black mother lived. Jupiter, Fl would be a primary location as well as West Palm Beach, Fl

    hillarious except you know he was at Columbia and you never met him in your life.

  61. Hey Mickey Poo, the cream always rises to the top. Deal with it. I never said I knew for a fact he went to any college. Just that he applied.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: hillarious except you know he was at Columbia and you never met him in your life.

  62. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Hey Mickey Poo, the cream always rises to the top. Deal with it. I never said I knew for a fact he went to any college. Just that he applied.

    Except you claimed to know him yet you never did. He was already out of college in 83 from Columbia. Poor nancy can’t keep her stories straight. Deal with it no one takes you seriously.

  63. justlw says:

    Lupin: justlw: and the missing years of Obama 1981-3.

    For the record: this quote had nothing to do with me.

  64. Nope.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Except you claimed to know him yet you never did.He was already out of college in 83 from Columbia.Poor nancy can’t keep her stories straight.Deal with it no one takes you seriously.

  65. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    Yes nope is correct that nothing you say is ever true.

  66. Mark McDaniel says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I would ask you, though, what do you personally think is the significance of Zullo’s DARPA comments?

    Kevin, I apologize to you—I did not see that you moved the thread. Attacking me is not going to hurt me. I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours. I believe you are innocent in this mess. You may call my cell Monday to Friday 9-5 pm, and believe me when I tell you I am a grown man who is scared shitless right now—-Dear God, please help us

  67. That’s the rub. I do not believe you.

    Mark McDaniel: and believe me when I tell you I am a grown man who is scared shitless right now

  68. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark McDaniel: believe me when I tell you I am a grown man who is scared shitless right now—-Dear God, please help us

    That’s no surprise birthers are completely paranoid. Is Nancy going to kill you?

  69. Curious George says:

    Mark McDaniel,
    ” I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours. ”

    Oh pleeeeasssse!

  70. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Curious George:
    Mark McDaniel,” I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours. ”

    Oh pleeeeasssse!

    Nancy is obviously going to take him out

  71. faceman says:

    Mark McDaniel: Kevin, I apologize to you—I did not see that you moved the thread. Attacking me is not going to hurt me. I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours. I believe you are innocent in this mess. You may call my cell Monday to Friday 9-5 pm, and believe me when I tell you I am a grown man who is scared shitless right now—-Dear God, please help us

    If the conspiracy were really as big and efficient as you say, why haven’t they ‘fuddied’ you already?

  72. faceman says:

    Mark McDaniel: Kevin, I apologize to you—I did not see that you moved the thread. Attacking me is not going to hurt me. I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours. I believe you are innocent in this mess. You may call my cell Monday to Friday 9-5 pm, and believe me when I tell you I am a grown man who is scared shitless right now—-Dear God, please help us

    If you are really that scared, my best advice for you is to keep a low profile. Don’t do anything that would call attention to yourself, like posting on this blog. If ‘they’ are really worried about what you might know, it seems to me that they would ‘fuddy’ you before you could spill the beans, not after. So stop saying things that would cause ‘them’ to send Nancy after you.

  73. I think you’re already said too much. A shame really.

    Mark McDaniel: I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours.

  74. bgansel9 says:

    Mark McDaniel: I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours.

    So what you are saying is that you hang out with a bunch of killers. Interesting. Why would anyone want to associate with such people?

  75. bgansel9 says:

    faceman: So stop saying things that would cause ‘them’ to send Nancy after you.

    That was perfectly timed.

  76. What good does it do to kill you AFTER you disclose the information?

    Mark McDaniel: I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours.

  77. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think you’re already said too much. A shame really.

    Mark McDaniel: I know what is going on, I know what the Universe Shattering evidence is, and if I told you what that was, I’d be dead in 24 hours.

    Uh oh. Mark has gone eerily silent… So has Nancy… Connect the dots…. Here are some more dots to connect: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    It really is a shame. Bless his heart. But at least the universe is still intact for now.

  78. When I interviewed Mike Zullo regarding the Brian Reilly matter, he did not claim to have fired him nor did he say that Reilly was the subject of a criminal investigation.
    He’s never made either of those claims to me. In fact, I’m not aware of Zullo ever making such claims to anyone. Has your site gone 100% fiction?

    Please provide links to any proof you have that Zullo ever said he fired Reilly or that Reilly is or was under criminal investigation. Otherwise, I’ll have to assume you received the information from an unreliable OBOT source. I know YOU of all people would never just make something up.

    Also, on a completely unrelated note, always vet your sources carefully Kev. Failing to do so might damage your venerable reputation or perhaps even the reputation of your website. We wouldn’t want that would we? I don’t think writing a “Well I’ll Be Damned…” blog post is going to get you off the hook every time. Just some friendly advice. After all these years, I feel you’re owed at least a bit of professional courtesy. Take care.

  79. When I commented on that show here I pointed out that Zullo never said he had fired Brian Reilly. Zullo claimed that he was trying to keep Brian on the posse because he did not want Reilly to spill the beans on a number of problems with the CCP. Neither Zullo nor you has provided any supporting evidence in the way of emails or anything else to support that. on the other hand Brian Reilly has provided convincing evidence that Zullo wanted him to stay on.

    Why don’t you address Reilly’s claims about Zullo’s actions as Posse lead rather than inventing another straw man to knock down?

    Mark Edward Gillar: When I interviewed Mike Zullo regarding the Brian Reilly matter, he did not claim to have fired him nor did he say that Reilly was the subject of a criminal investigation.

  80. Rickey says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    When I interviewed Mike Zullo regarding the Brian Reilly matter, he did not claim to have fired him nor did he say that Reilly was the subject of a criminal investigation.
    He’s never made either of those claims to me. In fact, I’m not aware of Zullo ever making such claims to anyone.Has your site gone 100% fiction?

    Please provide links to any proof you have that Zullo ever said he fired Reilly or that Reilly is or was under criminal investigation.Otherwise, I’ll have to assume you received the information from an unreliable OBOT source.I know YOU of all people would never just make something up.

    The Surprise Tea Party says that Zullo fired Reilly.

    Carl Gallups also says that Zullo fired Reilly.

  81. Well then they are wrong aren’t they? I believe I asked Mr. C for proof Zullo ever said it. If you find evidence of it, please let me know. If you’re going to call Zullo a “bald face liar” over this, you should have proof he actually said it shouldn’t you?

  82. Mark McDaniel says:

    Why should I hide, Doc? Am I going to be able to put a bag over my head when I testify in front of Congress soon regarding the Vatican investigation into DARPA/Basiago and Obama’s involvment with Ed Dames in the early 80’s and his fake CIA ID? The CCP is not the only entity investigating this mess. Basiago has mostly been debunked but he has pieces and nuggets of truth in his testimony see the Jesse Ventura TV show and learn.
    Reagan in. Castro Up : © 2015 Nancy Ruth Owens
    Universe Completely Shattered : Lawyer Up © 2015 M McDaniel

  83. It was Falcon in an intoxicant influenced series of comments at Gerbil Report who said that Reilly had been under a criminal investigation. Before you set up your straw man arguments Mark you should read a little more closely. Of course Falcon like you and Gallups claims to speak for the high and mighty “Lt” Zullo so if someone got all of you confused I can understand.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Please provide links to any proof you have that Zullo ever said he fired Reilly or that Reilly is or was under criminal investigation.

  84. Mark McDaniel says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Well then they are wrong aren’t they? I believe I asked Mr. C for proof Zullo ever said it.If you find evidence of it, please let me know.If you’re going to call Zullo a “bald face liar” over this, you should have proof he actually said it shouldn’t you?

    Hi Mr. Gillar, I’m a big fan of yours —glad to see you over here, sir. I’ll be calliing in Andrew Basiago to testify in front of Congress through my own Congressman regarding Obama’s missing years 1981 -3 . He has been legally notified and is preparing his statement—-mark

  85. Mark McDaniel says:

    If Falcon has info on Reilly he should release it now otherwise shutup

  86. No RC, you’re the one who should read more closely. C said Zullo was a bald face liar and the “he” claimed he fired Reilly. That’s not saying someone else said it on BR, it’s saying Zullo said it. So where is the proof Zullo ever said this???

  87. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: When I interviewed Mike Zullo regarding the Brian Reilly matter, he did not claim to have fired him nor did he say that Reilly was the subject of a criminal investigation.
    He’s never made either of those claims to me. In fact, I’m not aware of Zullo ever making such claims to anyone. Has your site gone 100% fiction?

    Well of course he just changes his claims with each interview. He claimed it during the Gallups interviews. You do know that Zullo has other boyfriends besides you?

    Mark Edward Gillar: Also, on a completely unrelated note, always vet your sources carefully Kev. Failing to do so might damage your venerable reputation or perhaps even the reputation of your website. We wouldn’t want that would we? I don’t think writing a “Well I’ll Be Damned…” blog post is going to get you off the hook every time. Just some friendly advice. After all these years, I feel you’re owed at least a bit of professional courtesy. Take care.

    You mean like how you vetted the race codes before putting them in the video of the 2nd press conference? People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. But hey you never told us how much you were paid to produce the videos for the ccp

  88. You guys are big on incorrectly using the term straw man aren’t you? C accused me of that regarding an article I didn’t even write. It was an article about a phone call I made to the Mike Volin Show. Ironically, he used a straw man argument in an article in which he accused me of using a straw man argument.

    He said I promised something new, but delivered something old. The fact is, I never said the 1960 manual was the new information. That was an argument he created so he could blow it down.

  89. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Well then they are wrong aren’t they? I believe I asked Mr. C for proof Zullo ever said it.If you find evidence of it, please let me know.If you’re going to call Zullo a “bald face liar” over this, you should have proof he actually said it shouldn’t you?

    But didn’t Zullo claim that if it doesn’t come from Gallups then it’s not true? Gallups is the mouthpiece for the CCP as admitted by Zullo. Zullo is a bald faced liar on everything and you’re just another birther weasel who comes in and runs when called out.

  90. Kenneth, I believe the same CDC misinformed C who for the longest time said there was no 1961 manual when there was. C incorrectly gave someone else credit for getting the 1961 manual out of the CDC. I obtained the first copy after the 2nd press conference. I also obtained the 1960 manual which C laughingly referred to as “some manual”. It was the same one he had only mine was in date at the time of Obama’s birth. When C was misinformed he wrote his laughable “well I’ll be damned…” article. You see when the same people misinform him, he’s a victim. When they misinformed us, we were liars. Nice double standard you OBOTs have isn’t it?

  91. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: He said I promised something new, but delivered something old. The fact is, I never said the 1960 manual was the new information. That was an argument he created so he could blow it down.

    There hasn’t been any new information from the CCP in years. What’s new is that Zullo admitted to accepting a 10,000 dollar bribe from a birther who contributed information to him. You have yet to tell anyone how much you got paid to produce the videos for the CCP.

  92. As for Reilly’s claims, it will interest all to know that C and Reilly aren’t the only ones who have old emails. I will address Reilly’s charges when I have finished vetting each one of them carefully. Something both C and Morgan Loew will soon wish they had done.

  93. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Kenneth, I believe the same CDC misinformed see who for the longest time said there was no 1961 manual when there was.C incorrectly gave someone else credit for getting the 1961 manual out of the CDC.I obtained the first copy after the 2nd press conference.I also obtained the 1960 manual which C laughingly referred to as “some manual”.It was the same one he had only mine was in date at the time of Obama’s birth.

    So you’re now claiming that it was the CDC when previous information said that it was Jerome Corsi who had a person friend supposedly go to the CDC and got confirmation within a day. So you have some third party source connected to the liar Jerome Corsi. You’d think you would have done real research before creating those videos. Why exactly did you pull those slides directly from the daily pen’s website? Why didn’t you look at the full manual that the slides the daily pen put up before including them in your video? It’s as if you blame other people for your failure to do real research and check your sources.

    You obtained the first copy after the press conference? So you obtained the “manual” after you pulled those pictures off the daily pen? Wow that’s some research skills and production skills you had there. Thanks for admitting your incompetence.

  94. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    As for Reilly’s claims, it will interest all to know that C and Reilly aren’t the only ones who have old emails.I will address Reilly’s charges when I have finished vetting each one of them carefully.Something both C and Morgan Loew will soon wish they had done.

    Aww Mark comes back with the any day now. Why don’t you tell us how much you got paid to produce those flawed videos?

  95. Rickey says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Well then they are wrong aren’t they? I believe I asked Mr. C for proof Zullo ever said it.If you find evidence of it, please let me know.If you’re going to call Zullo a “bald face liar” over this, you should have proof he actually said it shouldn’t you?

    You’re the one who wrote ” Otherwise, I’ll have to assume you received the information from an unreliable OBOT source.” Do you consider the Surprise Tea party and Carl Gallups to be unreliable OBOT sources? Where do you suppose Gallups got the idea that Zullo fired Reilly?

  96. Why should I tell anyone how much I was paid? I’m a private citizen. Of course I was paid to do them. I didn’t even know Arpaio or Zullo when I was contacted about doing the videos. Why should I work for free? It was a token amount I can assure you, but yes I was paid. Alert the media!!!

    One of the biggest lies in all of this is that Wolf’s binder was the underlying source of the investigation. I never even saw the thing till almost a year after the first press conference. Wolf was falsely named a source to salvage an otherwise dead story.

    Zebest was in the binder, but her work was well known to the posse through WND. The binder simply wasn’t a source.

  97. If the Surprise Tea Party said Zullo fired Reilly they were wrong. Zullo and I discussed this in detail when I interviewed him. If Gallups said it, then he was wrong too. I have no problem saying other birthers were wrong if they were wrong.

  98. Mark

    I am glad you admit now that you guys were snookered by the Daily Pen and Jerome Corsi on the race code fiasco. Can we finally put that to bed? You seem to be misinformed about a lot of things don’t you? At some point isn’t a case of hearing what you wanted to hear? That isn’t a way to do effective research. The results speak for themselves.

    Are you going to address my comment on YouTube or should I repeat it here?

    BTW, I do appreciate you posting here and taking the flack that is mostly directed at Mike Zullo. He is apparently too big a coward to venture outside the friendly confines of shows like Gallups and yours.

    Mark Edward Gillar: When they misinformed us, we were liars. Nice double standard you OBOTs have isn’t it?

  99. Kenneth, like Dr. C, the CCP was misinformed by what should have been an authoritative source. Of course you’re willing to forgive C because he’s on your side.

    I might also point out that C accused me of not releasing Tsue’s name when he found out that I did mention it in the phone call to Volin’s show he went back and scrubbed it from his site. Forgot to scrub it from the boards where people had quoted it in its entirety though. I have screen captures of what happened.

  100. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: Why should I tell anyone how much I was paid? I’m a private citizen. Of course I was paid to do them. I didn’t even know Arpaio or Zullo when I was contacted about doing the videos. Why should I work for free? It was a token amount I can assure you, but yes I was paid. Alert the media!!!

    So you don’t find that to be a complete conflict of interest? So how much were you paid? For all the birther claims about Obots being paid it seems you’re the only one here who has been on the take. So how much more did they pay you for your endorsement? How much more have you been paid to lie for them?

    You didn’t know who they were when you were contacted to do the videos? I find that a stretch. You brag about being on a first name basis with right wing personalities. You already had one of the members Jerome Corsi on your show multiple times before the 2nd press conference.

    Who said Wolf’s binder was an underlying source? I said that Wolf providing information to the posse while at the same time giving Zullo a bribe. You do know if Zullo was a real law enforcement officer he would have never accepted the money. So you’re admitting he’s not really a police officer.

    Token amount? You mean like the amount Zullo received for selling that book on amazon.

    There’s nothing dead about the story. Zullo lied twice about not personally making money off the CCP. He did it once with the money from the Amazon book and another from the Bribe from Wolf.

    Was Zebest paid for her work as well?

  101. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    If the Surprise Tea Party said Zullo fired Reilly they were wrong.Zullo and I discussed this in detail when I interviewed him.If Gallups said it, then he was wrong too.I have no problem saying other birthers were wrong if they were wrong.

    But Gallups is Zullo’s mouthpiece if it doesn’t come from Gallups then it’s wrong as Zullo has said.

  102. Rickey says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    If the Surprise Tea Party said Zullo fired Reilly they were wrong.

    There is no “if” about it. It is right on the Suprise Tea Party website. I provided you with the link earlier.

    If Gallups said it, then he was wrong too.

    Gallups claims that he speaks for Zullo. Where do you suppose Gallups got his information? Did Zullo ever correct Gallups? Has Gallup ever retracted his statement?

    I have no problem saying other birthers were wrong if they were wrong.

    Is that a retraction of your speculation that Doc C. got his information from an Obot?

  103. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Kenneth, like Dr. C, the CCP was misinformed by what should have been an authoritative source.Of courseyou’re willing to forgive C because he’s on your side.

    I might also point out that C accused me of not releasing Tsue’s name when he found out that I did mention it in the phone call to Volin’s show he went back and scrubbed it from his site.Forgot to scrub it from the boards where people had quoted it in its entirety though.I have screen captures of what happened.

    Except you didn’t go to an authoritative source. You went to the Daily Pen and used their images. Then you went to Jerome Corsi and took Jerome Corsi’s word based on one of his friends he had involved. If you did any real research you would have held off on putting the information in the videos before publishing it. You would have been absolutely sure but that’s the problem you keep having, like other birthers you go with the information you think proves your claim and then do nothing to admit the fault was entirely of your own making.

    Ah yes screen caps which you haven’t posted.

    I also have several of your many failed predictions like for instance this:

    “Between now and the midterms, shocking revelations will be brought forward by Sheriff Joe.”

    – Mark Gillar
    – Twitter, April 5, 2014

    and this: “As someone who knows what they have, I can assure it’s irrefutable. I don’t know what made Obama think he could get away with this, but he will not. Obama, as well as many at the HDOH, Hawaii Gov. Office, Hawaii Attorney General’s office, the Selective Service System, and U.S. Post office will be wearing orange jumpsuits within a year.”

    — mark gillar, nov 25 2013

    Seriously at this point Mark has there ever been a time you’ve been right about anything?

  104. I’m about to have to leave. Did I miss the part where one of you pathetic OBOTs sent me the link to Zullo stating that he had fired Reilly or that Reilly was under a criminal investigation? For the record, Zullo DID NOT fire Reilly. Anyone who says he did is mistaken. Reilly, to the best of my knowledge, is not under any type of criminal investigation. Zullo has certainly never suggested that to me.

    You OBOTs owe Reilly an apology. You’re defending him against an accusation that hasn’t been made by an authoritative source. In doing so, you’re helping to spread a false rumor about him. It’s close to being a Streisand effect, but not exactly as it’s a false rumor about Reilly not a true one he’s trying to censor.

  105. That image was supplied to me by the Cold Case Posse. I had no idea where in came from. I do have email correspondence between the CCP and the CDC after the second press conference that clearly documents a miscommunication had taken place. That video was dropped on me with very little time before the second press conference.

    I have some sad news for you OBOTs. Police officers make mistakes. They make them all the time. What matters is having it right before you go to court or to congress for impeachment. Not every mistake gets the criminal off the hook. There were mistakes made by police in the Manson investigation. Where is Chuck right now? Behind bars where he belongs.

    You idiots are pushing a theory that if the CCP makes a mistake or is misinformed by what should have been an authoritative source, the whole thing is over. It’s not. Far from it.

  106. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    I’m about to have to leave.Did I miss the part where one of you pathetic OBOTs sent me the link to Zullo stating that he had fired Reilly or that Reilly was under a criminal investigation?For the record, Zullo DID NOT fire Reilly.Anyone who says he did is mistaken.Reilly, to the best of my knowledge, is not under any type of criminal investigation. Zullo has certainly never suggested that to me.

    You OBOTs owe Reilly an apology.You’re defending him against an accusation that hasn’t been made by an authoritative source. In doing so, you’re helping to spread a false rumor about him.It’s close to being a Streisand effect, but not exactly as it’s a false rumor about Reilly not a true one he’s trying to censor.

    Poor Mark can’t defend his own nonsense. Gallups speaks for the CCP per Zullo. Why didn’t Zullo ever correct him? Why does Gallups to this day still say Zullo fired him?

    I’m sorry but you’re just not as close of a boyfriend to Zullo as Gallups is. I know that hurts your feelings.

  107. i listened to the account about how Zullo and Corsi were waiting for Corsi’s source who had been waiting in the lobby at the CDC to get someone, just anyone at the CDC to say those fake race codes from the Daily Pen were accurate. For all you know it was a receptionist at the CDC who told Corsi’s source something just to get them the hell out of the building. That kind of verification would not have even passed muster for a news organization much less a supposed criminal investigation.

    You are trying to put the blame for shoddy research back on the CDC now. It doesn’t wash. Before making a criminal accusation in public a professional would have confirmed the facts in writing with the CDC and obtained copies of the pertinent coding manuals. Zullo and Corsi didn’t. Doctor Conspiracy (C as you call him derisively) already had the information well before the July 17 press conference. That Zullo didn’t and went public with the false smear is inexcusable. It is for these exact reasons that Reilly concluded the investigation was politically motivated and it was a joke.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Kenneth, like Dr. C, the CCP was misinformed by what should have been an authoritative source.

  108. Kenneth, so my timing was a little off with the prediction, so what? You ever try investigating the president of the U.S. Do you have any idea how much power they have or how many roadblocks they can put in the way?

    Not an easy task by any means.

  109. R.C., I’m not interested in Reilly’s conclusions. By the way, the 1960 manual which was in date makes it very clear Obama Sr. should have been listed as negro. My book was in date, C’s was published ten days after Obama Jr. was born. Doesn’t matter. The Race Codes, the term African, won’t even play a minor role in this in the end. Keep focusing on though. It’s confirmation to me that you have no idea what’s going on now.

  110. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: That image was supplied to me by the Cold Case Posse. I had no idea where in came from.

    So you didn’t bother to even do a reverse image search to figure out it came from the daily pen? Wow talk about Gillar level laziness. Who provided the CCP with that? Jerome Corsi.

    Mark Edward Gillar: I do have email correspondence between the CCP and the CDC after the second press conference that clearly documents a miscommunication had taken place.

    Okay so provide the email correspondence to prove your claim. I’m sure it wasn’t just an intentional miscommunication like say was this ever a code used by the CDC?

    Mark Edward Gillar: I have some sad news for you OBOTs. Police officers make mistakes

    The problem you have though is that Zullo isn’t a police officer.

    Mark Edward Gillar: They make them all the time. What matters is having it right before you go to court or to congress for impeachment. Not every mistake gets the criminal off the hook. There were mistakes made by police in the Manson investigation. Where is Chuck right now? Behind bars where he belongs.

    Your other problem is that the CCP keeps making mistakes, one right after the other. Which is why they stopped talking about what they knew because every time it was out in the open it was easily picked apart. They’ve learned their lesson that they can just ride this out for another 2 years and as long as they have paid mouth pieces like yourself, birthers will continue to give money and believe it.

    Mark Edward Gillar: You idiots are pushing a theory that if the CCP makes a mistake or is misinformed by what should have been an authoritative source, the whole thing is over. It’s not. Far from it.

    Misinformed? Incompetence is going to be your rationalization? That the CCP is totally incompetent?

    So how could we trust their other claims if they’re so “easily misinformed”. So you’re saying they’re not an authoritative source. Yes this was over back in 2008.

  111. I know you guys have unassisted orgasms whenever anyone close to posse comes here to have a little fun with you. I’m sure most of you are on your second box of Kleenex by now.

    Sorry, but I’m tired of the same old nonsense. C, you can email me those links to Zullo making false accusations about Reilly. I’m sure you’ve got them in your desk next to those post office stamps.

  112. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Kenneth, so my timing was a little off with the prediction, so what?You ever try investigating the president of the U.S.Do you have any idea how much power they have or how many roadblocks they can put in the way?

    Not an easy task by any means.

    You’ve been making these same predictions since I beat the piss out of you over at Amazon years ago. You have the same prediction ability as the late Harold Camping. You haven’t done any investigating. Your idea of investigating is to start with a conclusion and then fit the data around it oh and don’t forget pocketing a little money along the way.

  113. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check: i listened to the account about how Zullo and Corsi were waiting for Corsi’s source who had been waiting in the lobby at the CDC to get someone, just anyone at the CDC to say those fake race codes from the Daily Pen were accurate. For all you know it was a receptionist at the CDC who told Corsi’s source something just to get them the hell out of the building. That kind of verification would not have even passed muster for a news organization much less a supposed criminal investigation.

    Oh now he’s claiming he has email correspondence from the CDC. Isn’t it amazing how his story keeps shifting each time he retells it? On air it was a representative sent by Corsi now it’s suddenly emails he had with the CDC.

  114. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: R.C., I’m not interested in Reilly’s conclusions. By the way, the 1960 manual which was in date makes it very clear Obama Sr. should have been listed as negro. My book was in date, C’s was published ten days after Obama Jr. was born. Doesn’t matter. The Race Codes, the term African, won’t even play a minor role in this in the end. Keep focusing on though. It’s confirmation to me that you have no idea what’s going on now.

    Actually it does no such thing. Since using your logic the nordyke’s should have been listed as white instead of caucasian. So I guess the Nordyke certificates are fake now according to Mark Gillar.

  115. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    I know you guys have unassisted orgasms whenever anyone close to posse comes here to have a little fun with you.I’m sure most of you are on your second box of Kleenex by now.

    Sorry, but I’m tired of the same old nonsense. C, you can email me those links to Zullo making false accusations about Reilly.I’m sure you’ve got them in your desk next to those post office stamps.

    No need to project your own problems off onto other people. I remember how upset you got when Zullo found a new BF with Gallups. It’s like you were his cheap whore who got paid and then he wandered off for his new fling. He must have not liked the hand jobs you kept giving him on air very much.

    Yes I know Mark every time you get torn apart on your claims you run off like the little weasel you are.

  116. Run off. What claims did you refute. I busted your balls over whether Zullo had ever said Reilly was fired or that he was under investigation. Zullo never said them because they are not true. You guys can’t produce the links so you go back to that 9 code crap as if the CCP isn’t entitled to a mistake.

    Kenneth, I think it may be time for you to buy some more Kleenex.


    So far, I’m getting the Surprise Tea Party said it or some drunk guy on Birther Report said it. That’s not Zullo. Zullo was called a bald face liar for making these claims. I’m asking for proof he made them.

  118. Like I said C, email me the links. I know you would have never gone forward with a piece like this if you didn’t have proof Zullo said these things. Thanks in advance for sending the links. Your good buddy Mark.

  119. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Run off.What claims did you refute.I busted your balls over whether Zullo had ever said Reilly was fired or that he was under investigation.Zullo never said them because they are not true.You guys can’t produce the links so you go back to that 9 code crap as if the CCP isn’t entitled to a mistake.

    Kenneth, I think it may be time for you to buy some more Kleenex.

    Why don’t you go back to amazon and check which claims you ran away from. Gallups speaks for Zullo per zullo. How come Zullo never corrected Gallups on it? Just as Zullo never corrects gallups when he refers to him as a Lt. Oh but mistakes is all the CCP has ever made. Remember what you claimed afterwards? That the CCP had the right coding manual. Then you claimed now they had the right one. For years they avoided talking about the race code again until your show where they blamed it on Corsi’s representative instead of owning up that they were incompetent investigators.

    I think it might be time for you to get a blood test from all the times Zullo has been passed around you might have an std.

  120. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:

    So far, I’m getting the Surprise Tea Party said it or some drunk guy on Birther Report said it.That’s not Zullo.Zullo was called a bald face liar for making these claims.I’m asking for proof he made them.

    You were provided links numbnuts, Rickey provided them, you ignored them like you do every time something inconvenient is shown to you. Zullo is a bald faced liar and it wasn’t just for this that he was called that.

    Yes putting random words in caps doesn’t make you sound crazy.

  121. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Like I said C, email me the links. I know you would have never gone forward with a piece like this if you didn’t have proof Zullo said these things.Thanks in advance for sending the links.Your good buddy Mark.

    You mean like you would have never gone forward with producing those flawed videos you were paid to make without having proof? Oh wait, you did that. You’ve admitted to being a paid mouthpiece for the CCP how could anyone take you seriously?

  122. bob says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Of course I was paid to do them.

    Honest journalists aren’t paid by their sources.

    Of course, you’re neither honest nor a journalist.

  123. Rickey says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:

    On 10/3/14, on “Freedom Friday,” Zullo claimed to Gallups that he told Reilly “Brian, if you can’t straighten this up, I am personally going to recommend you for termination” and that Reilly responded by resigning.

    The audio is here. The germane portion starts around the 15-minute mark.

  124. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bob: Honest journalists aren’t paid by their sources.

    Of course, you’re neither honest nor a journalist.

    Exactly it only took about 2 and a half months extra for Gillar to finally admit he got paid by the CCP. No honest journalist would get paid by a source.

  125. Rickey says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    I know you guys have unassisted orgasms whenever anyone close to posse comes here to have a little fun with you.I’m sure most of you are on your second box of Kleenex by now.

    What is with you birthers and your obsessions with orgasms?

  126. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: What is with you birthers and your obsessions with orgasms?

    Apparently he’s not getting enough attention from Zullo at home.

  127. gorefan says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So I guess the Nordyke certificates are fake now according to Mark Gillar.

    Ah’Nee’s parents’ races should have been struck out and “part-Hawaiian” inserted, Sunahara’s parent’s races should have been struck out and “other non-white” inserted.

    Apparently, Mark’s rules for filling out the racial codes only applies to President Obama.

  128. RIckey, Look, I know you guys aren’t very smart, but saying if someone doesn’t get their act together they will be fired and stating I fired someone are two completely different things.. OMG, have OBOTs been caught in a lie. Did Zullo never claim to fire Reilly. Did Zullo never claim Reilly was under investigation. C you owe Reilly and Zullo an apology. You owe your readers an apology too.

    Since C obviously can’t produce links proving Zullo ever said he fired Reilly or that Reilly was under investigation, I believe a retraction is in order. Will C do the right thing? For the record, Gallups saying it, The Surprise Tea Party saying it or some drunk guy on Birther Report saying it isn’t the same thing. It was Zullo who C falsely called a bald face liar.

    This is like all the OBOTs who keep repeating the lie that made it on to Loew’s hit piece that Zullo was a used car salesman. He and his family owned two dealerships. Will any of you come forward and admit that Zullo was more than just a used car salesman or are you comfortable repeating lies. What am I saying, you’re OBOTs, of course you comfortable repeating lies. All you have to do is post a “Well I’ll Be Damned…” type explanation on your site and you’re clear.

    While C was careful not to use Zullo’s name when mentioning that Reilly has been accused of being under federal investigation, mentioning it in the same article without citing anyone else certainly implied it was Zullo. Again, some clarification is needed.

    Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    C if you’re not accusing Zullo of saying Reilly was under investigation, who are you accusing??? It’s put up or shut up time. If you can’t provide a link to Zullo saying he fired Reilly then provide an apology.

  129. bgansel9 says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    Bwahahahahahaha! Stop it, I can’t contain myself here.

  130. Rickey says:

    Mark McDaniels’ attorney, Andrew Basiago, believes in time travel and claims that when he was a boy to he was teleported to 1863 and was present when Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.

    You couldn’t make this stuff up.

  131. bob says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    I’m really glad Gillar spends his time in comment sections chastising strangers about who said what and when about Zullo, the CCP, and himself. And that Gillar hasn’t taken his eyes off the prize.

    You know: Removing the usurper before his second term expires.

    And confidential to Gillar: No one wanting to be taken seriously uses a non-word like “OBOT.”

  132. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    -Extreme Derp-

    Don’t you have a really badly green screened “news room” to be sitting in front of? Honestly, I’ve seen better special effects in FMV cut-scenes from terrible Sega-CD games.

  133. Rickey says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    RIckey, Look, I know you guys aren’t very smart, but saying if someone doesn’t get their act together they will be fired and stating I fired someone are two completely different things.

    You can split hairs all you want, but the fact is that Zullo told Gallups that he threatened to fire Reilly, and Gallups (who claims that he speaks to Zullo every day) is on record as saying that Zullo fired Reilly.

    What Zullo can’t explain is why he twice asked Reilly to reconsider his resignation, when Zullo’s story is that Reilly is a terrible person and was worse than worthless as a posse member.

    Since Zullo is a serial liar, I don’t believe that the fired Reilly and I don’t believe that he even threatened to fire Reilly.

    If Zullo wants an apology, he should come her himself and ask for one. Of course, he is too cowardly to do that.

  134. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: RIckey, Look, I know you guys aren’t very smart, but saying if someone doesn’t get their act together they will be fired and stating I fired someone are two completely different things.. OMG, have OBOTs been caught in a lie. Did Zullo never claim to fire Reilly. Did Zullo never claim Reilly was under investigation. C you owe Reilly and Zullo an apology. You owe your readers an apology too.

    Coming from you that’s laughable. We aren’t very smart? You put together videos for cash based on incorrect data that you didn’t even bother to vet. It’s funny how Zullo claims Gallups speaks for him yet now you’re going to contradict that.

    Mark Edward Gillar: It was Zullo who C falsely called a bald face liar.

    But Zullo is a bald face liar in every claim he’s made on air.

    Mark Edward Gillar: This is like all the OBOTs who keep repeating the lie that made it on to Loew’s hit piece that Zullo was a used car salesman. He and his family owned two dealerships. Will any of you come forward and admit that Zullo was more than just a used car salesman or are you comfortable repeating lies.

    So how does that make him a Lieutenant? Oh wait it doesn’t. How does that make him a law enforcement officer? Oh wait it doesn’t.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    Lol you’re hilarious. You guys claimed to put us on notice years ago and never once did anything about it. So are you saying this is your payback for getting caught on so many lies? This is pathetic even for you Marky Mark.

  135. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Don’t you have a really badly green screened “news room” to be sitting in front of?

    You mean from the bridge of the USS Dumbfuckerprise?

  136. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    And this is what Mark Gillar has been reduced to. He knows that his lies about the Presidents eligibility will never go anywhere so now he’s going to make idle threats against “obots” that he’ll never be able to back up.

    Poor Mark got outed as a paid shill for the CCP and is now throwing a tantrum.

  137. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: You can split hairs all you want, but the fact is that Zullo told Gallups that he threatened to fire Reilly, and Gallups is on record as saying that Zullo fired Reilly.

    Gallups claims he talks to Zullo every day like it’s some 900 phone sex party line. Where would Gallups get the idea from that Reilly was fired?

    Rickey: If Zullo wants an apology, he should come her himself and ask for one. Of course, he is too cowardly to do that.

    Of course he is that’s why paid shills like Gillar have to come do it.

  138. Mark, really, go back and bring your daddy Zullo here or shut the hell up. You are embarrassing yourself.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

  139. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    Mark, really, go back and bring your daddy Zullo here or shut the hell up. You are embarrassing yourself.

    Its cute when Mark gets all threaty. He did that a few months ago when KPHO found out that Zullo accepted a bribe.

  140. I will certainly look into your objections. What I said is widely attributed to Zullo in the birther press. If it turns out to be incorrect, I’ll update the article.

    I have asked for years for comments and criticisms on my articles. I do that for a reason. I want this web site to be a good current and historical reference for the topic.

    Mike Zullo is, however, a bald faced liar. People make mistakes, but when they allow those mistakes to remain uncorrected, mistakes turn into lies.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Since C obviously can’t produce links proving Zullo ever said he fired Reilly or that Reilly was under investigation, I believe a retraction is in order. Will C do the right thing? For the record, Gallups saying it, The Surprise Tea Party saying it or some drunk guy on Birther Report saying it isn’t the same thing. It was Zullo who C falsely called a bald face liar.

  141. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I will certainly look into your objections. What I said is widely attributed to Zullo in the birther press. If it turns out to be incorrect, I’ll update the article.

    And that’s the difference between Gillar and you. You correct mistakes, Gillar just keeps repeating them.

  142. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: And that’s the difference between Gillar and you.You correct mistakes, Gillar just keeps repeating them.

    I think that’s what infuriates birthers so much, where Doc is concerned. He verbally hands their asses to them, in the most polite way possible.

  143. I do not recall Zullo ever admitting any error or misstatement since that press conference.

    And the fake race code table was just the tip of the iceberg of lies and misinformation from the second press conference. He also reported that Hawaii coded date for the federal government in 1961, which was not true. He asserted that the codes on Hawaiian birth certificates were federal codes, when Corsi had in his possession original 1961 Hawaiian birth certificates that contradicted the codes Zullo presented, and were inconsistent with any federal codes ever issued.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Police officers make mistakes.

  144. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I do not recall Zullo ever admitting any error or misstatement since that press conference.

    Of course not just like gillar didn’t admit his mistake here he shifted blame to the CCP, to the CDC to everyone else.

  145. Hey, that’s how we do things in Hendry County (FL)!

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:

    You haven’t done any investigating.Your idea of investigating is to start with a conclusion and then fit the data around it oh and don’t forget pocketing a little money along the way.

  146. Curious George says:


    Mike Zullo:
    “We have been monitoring him for the last eight months, and on that broadcast, Mr. Reilly gave me a gift: we have been waiting for him to come off of an internet broadcast and finally do the slanderous hit-job that he did on public airwaves.”

    “Brian Reilly is fueled by those who are entertained by his trashing of the investigation and his own self-fulfilling motivations. However, there are aspects of his past – facts – that, when they come to light, in my opinion, people are going to find extremely troubling.”

    “Monitoring” a private citizen for 8 months? PPSimmons article about Reilly being fired by Zullo? Remember, if it comes from Carl Gallups or PPSimmons, Zullo said it!

  147. gorefan says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: some clarification is needed.

    Mark – you claim that the federal law required that the term “African” be struck out and the term “Negro” used to replace it.

    Since you were the first person to get a copy of the 1960 coding manual can you tell me what is the coding number for someone who lists “Korean” as their race?

    Since both the 1960 and 1961 federal codes have a category of “other nonwhite”, have you ever seen a birth certificate with “other nonwhite” as the racial designation for the parents?

    Since the same federal law was applied to all of the states shouldn’t there be hundreds of examples available.

  148. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Hey, that’s how we do things in Hendry County (FL)!

    This explains so much about you, Nancy.

  149. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    gorefan: Since both the 1960 and 1961 federal codes have a category of “other nonwhite”, have you ever seen a birth certificate with “other nonwhite” as the racial designation for the parents?

    Since the same federal law was applied to all of the states shouldn’t there be hundreds of examples available.

    Not just that but what number appears next to the nordyke twins parents race? It looks like a 1. According to Gillar’s manual their race should be marked as White and not Caucasian.

  150. HistorianDude says:

    It is fascinating to see Mark Gillar suddenly reappearing on multiple websites with such enthusiasm. Every time he has done that before, it was immediately before… well… nothing actually.

    We are still waiting for the payoff from this video which is now officially a year old:

    Ironically, in the year since he made this video prediction about imminent Obot arrests, it has been birthers exclusively who have managed that feat, usually as the result of sometimes violent brushed with the law. Brent Douglas Cole who has posted on Mike Volin’s face book page shot a California Highway Patrol officer and a Bureau of Land Management ranger at a Nevada County, California, campground. Las Vegas Cop Killers Jerad and Amanda Miller were subscribers to the Birther Report YouTube Channel. Walt Fitzpatrick has again ended up behind bars as well. And of course there were the previous achievements of birthers Terry Lakin and Holocaust Memorial shooter James von Brunn.

    I am tempted to wax biblically about motes and logs, but that would just be mean.

    Gillar is (as Dr. Ken has pointed out) a spectacularly poor prognosticator of birther accomplishment. And several here have been right to go after him regarding his complicity in the outright fraud that was the 2nd Posse Press conference. But perhaps we are being too hard on him, after all his biggest deficit is entirely beyond his control. Gillar’s single greatest challenge is that he is simply not very smart.

    One need only review his excuses for the “coding” fraud, and then read his vigorous goal post moving regarding the PDF to realize that he is constitutionally incapable of the sort of critical thinking demanded by somebody who pretends to be an investigative anything. I do not believe it is simply bigotry and classic conservative fear that disables him. It is an organic intellectual deficit that leads him to be on the one hand constantly wrong, and on the other hand constantly so confident in his error.

    It would be interesting to know how far along Mark was on the videos for last March’s “universe shattering” press conference before he got the call from Zullo to throw it all away. I’d ask him myself, but I do not believe he is smart enough to assemble a straight answer… even if he wanted to.

  151. bob says:

    Hey Gillar! Miki Booth has said that the parents’ races on Hawaii’s birth certificates are self-reported. Booth has given birth to a child in Hawaii; have you?

  152. Curious George says:

    More Zullo love for Reilly:

    Asked if Reilly was a disgruntled employee, Zullo answers, “Oh, my god, is he.” But he says it would be “out of school” to go into detail about what he has against Reilly, who he says was employed with the posse for only four weeks. (Reilly says he started work on April 17, 2012 and resigned on June 30, 2012, but did research for Zullo since September of 2011.)

  153. HistorianDude says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    We have been put on that same notice for years, Mark. It was funny when you guys first started making it. Now it has simply grown irremediably banal.

    The difference between you and the boy who cried wolf is that in the story, there eventually actually was a wolf.

  154. bgansel9 says:

    HistorianDude: Ironically, in the year since he made this video prediction about imminent Obot arrests, it has been birthers exclusively who have managed that feat, usually as the result of sometimes violent brushed with the law. Brent Douglas Cole who has posted on Mike Volin’s face book page shot a California Highway Patrol officer and a Bureau of Land Management ranger at a Nevada County, California, campground. Las Vegas Cop Killers Jerad and Amanda Miller were subscribers to the Birther Report YouTube Channel. Walt Fitzpatrick has again ended up behind bars as well. And of course there were the previous achievements of birthers Terry Lakin and Holocaust Memorial shooter James von Brunn.

    Ouch! That’s quite a list. But the birther movement people are the “smart people” according to Gillar. LOL

  155. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: Be put on notice OBOTs, your days of saying whatever you want about the CCP or birthers and not having your BS shoved back in your face are over.

    I must admit, my days of not taking birthers seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

  156. I have no way of knowing whether Gallups lied or Zullo lied about the firing. However, I can’t pin the blame for this particular false statement on Zullo for sure, so I have updated the article to correctly identify the sources of various claims that I used.

    However, Zullo did say something very similar to the criminal investigation claim:

    PPSN: In your opinion, did Mr. Reilly make any other false claims in the interview, or leave out any other important information pertinent to the interview?

    ZULLO: Absolutely. Mr. Reilly also failed to mention that he was a fired former volunteer law-enforcement officer.

    Since the article no longer describes a definite lie, the fact that Zullo has lied in the past is irrelevant, and so also removed from the article, even though it is correct.

    If you want to write up your version of the race code story, I’d be happy to publish it, and open up a discussion on this topic. I certainly have heard no explanation for what was said (either version) that doesn’t lead to Zullo lying.

    Mark Edward Gillar: Since C obviously can’t produce links proving Zullo ever said he fired Reilly or that Reilly was under investigation, I believe a retraction is in order. Will C do the right thing? For the record, Gallups saying it, The Surprise Tea Party saying it or some drunk guy on Birther Report saying it isn’t the same thing. It was Zullo who C falsely called a bald face liar.

  157. Curious George says:

    Mike Zullo interview PPSimmons / Post Email:

    Mike Zullo:

    “I think that the public now understands why I said almost one year ago that if you don’t hear it from the sheriff, if you don’t hear it from me or Carl Gallups or PPSimmons,I didn’t say it.”

    Well, we heard it from Carl Gallups and PPSimmons. Zullo must have said it.

  158. RanTalbott says:

    Mark Edward Gillar: When they misinformed us, we were liars.

    No, Mark, you were called “liars” because you lied.

    You claimed to have “the correct manual” when you didn’t have any manual at all.

    You claimed Hawaii was coding for the feds, when “the correct manual” says that they were not. And says that, if they were following that manual, Obama’s birth certificate WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN CODED AT ALL.

    You claimed that a coding instruction that explicitly said it applied to race also applied to “Kind of Business or Industry”.

    You claimed that the federal government required the race of black people be entered as “Negro”, when the very manual you lied about having showed that there were at least half-a-dozen other terms in common enough use that they were listed in the instructions.

    You claimed that the coding of the Nordyke twins’ BCs “also corresponded perfectly to the manual”, when it did not, because they had fields coded that WERE NOT IN THE MANUAL.

    And, after you found out that you had the wrong instructions, and the basic premise of your video was wrong, you ran with it, anyway.

    As for your being “misinformed”, we don’t know that you were, because we don’t know what question you actually asked.

    But we do know that your claims were both incompetent and dishonest.

  159. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RanTalbott: As for your being “misinformed”, we don’t know that you were, because we don’t know what question you actually asked.

    But we do know that your claims were both incompetent and dishonest.

    It’s funny how years after Gillar and the CCP got caught lying and continuing to push the lie Gillar suddenly pushes it off on the CCP giving him the wrong slides. Then they claimed that Corsi’s assistant confirmed it with some unnamed CDC person. Oh and then now Gillar is claiming he has emails from the CDC confirming it.

  160. Rickey says:

    If you go to the website for Gillar’s “Tea Party Hour” you’ll see the usual huckstering for survival gear, dire warnings about food shortages, economic collapses, an ad for silver, an ad for handguns, etc.

    Gillar appeals to the same rubes who are courted by Glenn Beck.

  161. Curious George says:

    Mark Edward Gillar

    “This is like all the OBOTs who keep repeating the lie that made it on to Loew’s hit piece that Zullo was a used car salesman. He and his family owned two dealerships. Will any of you come forward and admit that Zullo was more than just a used car salesman or are you comfortable repeating lies. What am I saying, you’re OBOTs, of course you comfortable repeating lies. All you have to do is post a “Well I’ll Be Damned…” type explanation on your site and you’re clear.”

    Maybe Mike Zullo could have taken the time to invite the TV reporter into his home to give his side of the story instead of turning his back on the reporter and walking away. Bad move on Zullo’s part.

  162. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:
    This is like all the OBOTs who keep repeating the lie that made it on to Loew’s hit piece that Zullo was a used car salesman.

    It could be worse. We could be calling him a used car dealer.

    He and his family owned two dealerships.

    Neeever mind.

  163. Curious George says:

    Mark Edward Gillar:

    ” This is like all the OBOTs who keep repeating the lie that made it on to Loew’s hit piece that Zullo was a used car salesman.”

    Since Mr. Gillar is into vetting, let’s vet his statement.

    In August of 1996, a Zullo dealership shows 22 automobiles. The oldest auto is a 1990 Mazda. The newest vehicles are a 1996 Dodge Caravan and a 1996 Geo Metro. The Zullo dealership had 20 used vehicles older than 1996. Yes, this qualifies as a used car dealership and if Mr. Zullo sold any of the 20 vehicles on his lot, he would be considered a used car salesman.

  164. As I have stated before I believe that the portion of the interview on Mark Gillar’s program was somewhat contrived to distance Zullo from the claim that he or Joe Arpaio had fired Reilly from the CCP. Where do you think Gallups got the idea to proclaim Reilly had been fired? Mark Gillar would have us believe Carl Gallups just made it up on his own. Gallups has bragged several times that he speaks almost daily with Zullo. I believe after letting Gallups float that lie (which to this day is the meme in Birthistan) Zullo probably remembered that there was an email trail that directly contradicted the firing story.

    Zullo probably remembered that there was an email trail that directly contradicted the firing story. He couldn’t correct the story on Gallups show because Carl would have to explain where he got the idea that Reilly was fired. So Mark Gillar’s friendly environment was a good choice. This is all conjecture on my part of course but now that Mark Gillar has come over here and played gotcha on Doc I believe it more than ever.

  165. I have said to myself many times that we need transcripts of all of Zullo’s appearances. The lack of a searchable index perhaps allows him to get away with stuff. When I DO listen to his appearances on Gallups, I always find something useful.

    Reality Check: I believe after letting Gallups float that lie (which to this day is the meme in Birthistan) Zullo probably remembered that there was an email trail that directly contradicted the firing story.

  166. I presume you are referring to this article:

    I will review it.

    Mark Edward Gillar: You guys are big on incorrectly using the term straw man aren’t you? C accused me of that regarding an article I didn’t even write. It was an article about a phone call I made to the Mike Volin Show. Ironically, he used a straw man argument in an article in which he accused me of using a straw man argument.

  167. Crustacean says:

    I double dog dare anyone to find a nuttier sequence of words than that one!!

    Mark McDaniel:
    see the Jesse Ventura TV show and learn.

  168. is it really worth the effort? None of these folks are interested in an honest debate. If Zullo has emails proving he wanted to get rid of Brian Reilly but “held him close” instead then let him release them. Quit using Carl Gallups as a proxy to go out and slime people so that he can later distance himself from it when it doesn’t quite work out. Why not provide a full financial accounting instead of hiding being the MCSO?

    I am still waiting for Mark Gillar to admit that the bulk of the items presented in his videos at the first press conference that they claimed were absolute proof the LFBC PDF was not an image of a paper document have been shown to be wrong. Where are their “experts” now? Oh I know, they are going to blow away all this Xerox theory any day now and we are all going to jail aren’t we Mark?

    Dr. Conspiracy: I have said to myself many times that we need transcripts of all of Zullo’s appearances.

  169. OK, I reviewed it. The article is bases on a Birther Report article about the Gillar interview, that does not make it quite clear who is talking. The Birther Report author is anonymous.

    Still, even though Mark Gillar didn’t write the BR article, overall the article is a fairly faithful representation of what Gillar said in his interview with Mike Volin.

    In any case, I have made a edit to the article to replace “Mark Gillar” with “the article” in several places, and added new material quoted directly from the Gillar interview to show how Gillar himself lied.

    Sorry, Mark, but all you have accomplished is to make my article better attributed.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I presume you are referring to this article:

    I will review it.

  170. As an argument against birthers it’s useless, but what about posterity?

    Reality Check: is it really worth the effort? None of these folks are interested in an honest debate. If Zullo has emails proving he wanted to get rid of Brian Reilly but “held him close” instead then let him release them. Quit using Carl Gallups as a proxy to go out and slime people so that he can later distance himself from it when it doesn’t quite work out. Why not provide a full financial accounting instead of hiding being the MCSO?

  171. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The mention of fukino he also gets wrong she specifically said birth record which is different from the birth certificate. It would make sense for the birth record to be half written half typed as it would include things like the doctors notations in the file.

  172. bgansel9 says:

    Reality Check: Why not provide a full financial accounting instead of hiding being the MCSO?

    Speaking of CCP and hiding or not hiding behind the MCSO, I was just on the MCSO website and looking at the CCP section of the website. The Donate button goes to an address several miles north of Phoenix in the 85087 zip code (New River, AZ – north of Anthem, but south of Black Canyon City.)

    Am I wrong in thinking that after CCP lost their non-profit status (IIRC) due to non-reporting and/or non-registration (yes? I remember something like this happening), the CCP started using the address of MCSO downtown Phoenix. Was the donate address always in New River? Has CCP changed their donate address? Does this indicate a severing connection of the two or not?

  173. CarlOrcas says:

    bgansel9: Speaking of CCP and hiding or not hiding behindthe MCSO, I was just on the MCSO website and looking at the CCP section of the website.The Donate button goes to an address several miles north of Phoenix in the 85087 zip code (New River, AZ – north of Anthem, but south of Black Canyon City.)

    Am I wrong in thinking that after CCP lost their non-profit status (IIRC) due to non-reporting and/or non-registration (yes? I remember something like this happening), the CCP started using the address of MCSO downtown Phoenix. Was the donate address always in New River?Has CCP changed their donate address? Does this indicate a severing connection of the two or not?

    I am not aware of the posse losing its non-profit status – via the IRS. Last summer they were delinquent in filing their annual report with the state but they fixed that one.

    I believe the address you are referring to is at a UPS store.

    I haven’t seen anything new in any of their filings for several years after they removed the members home addresses from the form.

    As far as the connection between it and the MCSO it depends on when you ask: If it serves Zullo’s purpose they are connected. If it helps Arpaio avoid responsibility for it the posse is an independent operation.

  174. bgansel9 says:

    CarlOrcas: I am not aware of the posse losing its non-profit status – via the IRS. Last summer they were delinquent in filing their annual report with the state but they fixed that one.

    Thanks for correcting me, Carl. I remembered that they lost the ability to use their address.

    Was the donate button always pointed to a recipient in New River, AZ?

  175. CarlOrcas says:

    bgansel9: Was the donate button always pointed to a recipient in New River, AZ?

    I’m not sure but they’ve used that box for a long time.

  176. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: new material quoted directly from the Gillar interview to show how Gillar himself lied.

    Gillar says this in that interview:

    “Now based on some Freedom of Information Act request that went into Hawaii, that information [the information from Obama’s long form birth certificate PDF verified by Dr. Onaka to the Secretary of State of Arizona] was probably added in late 2006 early 2007.”

    And this in a recent twitter post:

    “Doctor’s name, hospital name. There was also information removed like evidence of late filing etc…”

    It looks like Mark has gone full butterdezillion.

    I hope Mike Zullo is stupid enough to use her crap.

  177. HistorianDude says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    The mention of fukino he also gets wrong she specifically said birth record which is different from the birth certificate.It would make sense for the birth record to be half written half typed as it would include things like the doctors notations in the file.

    More specifically, all certified copies of birth certificates are actually short forms, even when we call them long forms. This is because the “standard” birth certificate contains far more information than what is released on a certified copy. Here for example is the current standard birth certificate as recommended by the CDC. Sure, it is not the circa 1961 version, but as an example it will serve its purpose:

    You will note that the average certified long form only includes up to the equivalent of Field 13 on this form. At that point we find the instruction…


    … indicating that nothing following is to be included when certified copies are created and issued. Six fields later we find another instruction…


    … which is followed by those particular data that are relevant to the CDC’s role in collecting national health statistics. The bottom line is that a “long form” issued based on this standard would release only 13 of 58 fields.

    When Dr. Fukino looked at the President’s birth record, she would have been looking at the equivalent of all 58 fields. That is what she would have been describing… not the drastically truncated “long form” that was eventually released in April of 2011.

    Now, completely ignoring that the comment “half handwritten, half typed” is at best a casual description undeserving of being taken as a statement of mathematical rigor, any criticism based on trying to reconcile her statement with the released long form is completely misguided. What was released and what she was describing were very different things.

  178. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I have no way of knowing whether Gallups lied or Zullo lied about the firing. However, I can’t pin the blame for this particular false statement on Zullo for sure, so I have updated the article to correctly identify the sources of various claims that I used.

    Gallups may have interpreted Zullo’s comment about recommending Reilly for termination as a claim that he fired Reilly. Regardless, what is incontrovertible is that Gallups wrote on his website that Zullo fired Reilly, and Zullo has never corrected him.

  179. And we know what was on the 1956-1967 US standard certificate from the History of Vital Statistics in the United States.

    Name of Child
    Date of Birth
    Name of hospital
    Street number if not in hosp.
    Inside city limits?
    Birth weight
    Single, twin, etc.
    Birth order
    Mother —–
    Maiden name
    Mother age
    Mother Birth place
    Mother residence State
    Inside city limits
    Residence farm?
    Mailing address
    Father ——-
    Pregnancy history ——–
    Live births now living
    Live births now dead
    Born dead
    Length of Pregnancy (weeks)
    Signature of certifier
    Type of Attendant
    Date signed
    Date on which given name added
    Name of registrar adding given name
    Address of certifier
    Signature of registrar
    Date received by local registrar

    States were free to add additional items. In the industry, birth certificates are called certified copies or abstracts.

    HistorianDude: Here for example is the current standard birth certificate as recommended by the CDC. Sure, it is not the circa 1961 version, but as an example it will serve its purpose:

  180. Gillar lied in the Volin interview when he said:

    It’s about law. In 1961 when Obama was born, the 1961 vital statistics coding manual had not come out. They were still using, even in August, they were still using the 1960 vital statistics manual, and what that manual clear states is that if someone represents themself as “African American,” which was abbreviated A. A., if they represented themself as “black,” if they represented themself as “colored,” the clerk at the department of health was still supposed to list then as a negro. And that’s what the 1960 book has. I can give that to you guys. I actually got them to turn that over to me.

    There’s not a word in that manual about any health department clerk listing anything. It says that federal key operators should consider such persons as “negro” when they apply the rules to determine the race of the child. The race of the parent isn’t even in the federal data set (what they keyed) so it’s not “listed.” The fact that the 1961 instructions were issued after Obama was born is irrelevant because they were for 1961 data to be keyed in 1962.

    Is the stupid reader not supposed to notice that “African” isn’t even in those instructions?

    I debunked this crap long ago when Zullo told the same lie 6 months before Gillar repeated it:

    Hawaii didn’t key any data for the federal government in 1961 anyway. They used their own codes. Zullo lied about that too.

  181. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Gillar lied? It’s not like he hasn’t done that before.

  182. Technically, Gillar’s lie is different from Zullo’s. Zullo manipulated true statements in such a way as to mislead the listener (intentionally misleading is a lie in my book even if it is technically true). Gillar reported what Zullo fooled him into thinking rather than precisely what he said, and what Gillar said was more untrue that what Zullo did.

    This happens a lot with birthers who, for example, attribute all sorts of things to Verna K. Lee that Zullo didn’t actually say that she said. I’ve even been mislead about things I thought Zullo had said, which upon examination of the transcript turned out not to be what he said.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Gillar lied?It’s not like he hasn’t done that before.

  183. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Gillar reported what Zullo fooled him into thinking rather than precisely what he said.

    But as usual Gillar doesn’t take responsibility and blames other people when he’s caught in lies.

  184. Judge Mental says:

    Curious George:
    Mike Zullo interview PPSimmons / Post Email:

    Mike Zullo:

    “I think that the public now understands why I said almost one year ago that if you don’t hear it from the sheriff, if you don’t hear it from me or Carl Gallups or PPSimmons,I didn’t say it.”

    Well, we heard it from Carl Gallups and PPSimmons.Zullo must have said it.

    I’m anti-birther to the core but to be honest that seems like logic which is every bit as unsound as for example the customary birther logic regarding the dicta within Minor v Happersett.

    Paraphrased for brevity…..

    “If you didn’t hear it from Gallups, Zullo didn’t say it” coupled with “Gallups said it” does not mean that “Zullo said it”. No way. That just doesn’t work.

    He probably did say it of course…….but we can’t prove it using that. Maybe you meant the post as sarcasm re birther logic? If not it’s probably the first sign that if we are all exposed to birther nonsense for many more years we’ll all end up infected by their kind of their logic.

  185. I caught that too but decided not to make a big deal out of the logical faux pas. However it would be appropriate to ignore anything Mark Gillar has to say about Zullo and the Cold Case Posse based on Gallups’ assertion.

    Judge Mental: I’m anti-birther to the core but to be honest that seems like logic which is every bit as unsound as for example the customary birther logic regarding the dicta within Minor v Happersett.

  186. If you ever figure that out, add in this from Carl Gallups:

    “I am not an official spokesperson for Mike Zullo.”

    Judge Mental: “If you didn’t hear it from Gallups, Zullo didn’t say it” coupled with “Gallups said it” does not mean that “Zullo said it”. No way. That just doesn’t work.

  187. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: It would make sense for the birth record to be half written half typed as it would include things like the doctors notations in the file.

    It’s also worth adding, when the subject comes up, that those words are the reporter’s paraphrase, not the quote from Fukino that birthers usually claim it is.

  188. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Is the stupid reader not supposed to notice that “African” isn’t even in those instructions?

    No, the stupid reader is supposed to believe Zullo’s stupid claim that those were instructions for people filling out the forms, and reach the stupid conclusion that “African” wasn’t allowed.

    Which, as we’ve all seen, many stupid readers do.

  189. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    The mention of fukino he also gets wrong she specifically said birth record which is different from the birth certificate.It would make sense for the birth record to be half written half typed as it would include things like the doctors notations in the file.

    Plus, there’s all the signatures and the handwritten coding data that we know is there.

  190. Curious George says:

    Reality Check
    February 22, 2015
    “I caught that too but decided not to make a big deal out of the logical faux pas. However it would be appropriate to ignore anything Mark Gillar has to say about Zullo and the Cold Case Posse based on Gallups’ assertion.”

    My unsuccessful attempt at sarcasm. 🙁

  191. Curious George says:

    I think Doc C has more integrity in his little toe than Gillar, Zullo and Gallups combined.

    Burma Shave

  192. Judge Mental says:

    Curious George:
    Reality Check
    February 22, 2015
    “I caught that too but decided not to make a big deal out of the logical faux pas. However it would be appropriate to ignore anything Mark Gillar has to say about Zullo and the Cold Case Posse based on Gallups’ assertion.”

    My unsuccessful attempt at sarcasm.

    ……and my unsuccessful recognition of the sarcasm. No harm done. Glad we can all laugh about these things.

  193. Curious George says:

    Judge Mental
    “Glad we can all laugh about these things.”

  194. Curious George says:

    “Gallups may have interpreted Zullo’s comment about recommending Reilly for termination as a claim that he fired Reilly. Regardless, what is incontrovertible is that Gallups wrote on his website that Zullo fired Reilly, and Zullo has never corrected him.”

    This seems to be a regular occurrence with Zullo. When has Zullo ever corrected the misinformation that the good Reverend Gallups spreads over the airways? Zullo is the master of omission when it comes to Gallups.

  195. justlw says:

    Just checking the protocol here. Are we now to always refer to Zullo as “Used Car Commander Zullo”? Or only on formal occasions?

  196. Jim says:

    Or only on formal occasions?

    Do birthers even have formal occasions?

  197. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Jim: Do birthers even have formal occasions?

    I suppose Klan meetings would fall into that category.

  198. Curious George says:

    February 24, 2015

    “Do birthers even have formal occasions?”

    Yes, they get together for goal post moving parties, which are very similar to book burning parties. Formal attire is not required.

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