The occasional open thread: keeping the peace edition

Put your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

Peace be with you.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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114 Responses to The occasional open thread: keeping the peace edition

  1. RanTalbott says:

    In about a month it’ll be the second anniversary of the breathless announcement of the “universe-shattering evidence”. And, fittingly, between now and then we should see the detailed exposure of Monty the Python’s scam as his victims testify in the Melendres hearings.

    Would it be appropriate (or, failing that, amusing 😈 ) to commemorate the occasion with a “Universe-Unshattering Day”?

    It seems like there have been enough defeats to put together an “On this Day in Birfoon History” feature for this and/or other websites that would display one of their many failures, or one of the anti-birthers’ successes, and remind the folks who’ve labored in the fields that their efforts have borne fruit. The yeoman’s effort that tes has put into the Arpaio/Clueless Clown Posse timeline would fill a lot of days. As would Doc’s many articles announcing the initiation and collapse of lawsuits and other birther debacles.

    With all the online collaboration tools available now, it should be feasible to “crowdsource” the research, and fill up a calendar spreadsheet or database without requiring any single individual to invest a lot of time managing the project. Does anyone have experience doing this sort of thing that shows it’s a good/bad/unworkable idea?

  2. Keith says:

    Latest conspiracy controversy…

    Was George W. Bush President On 9/11? An Investigation Into The Controversy Tearing The GOP Apart

    Don’t these people ever read their memos? Everybody knows Obama was responsible for 9/11. Sheesh!

  3. Lupin says:

    I’m reflecting that as the GOP is breaking up in Congress, over the debt ceiling, planned parenthood, the ExIm Bank issue etc, there’s a shift towards to bipartisan coalition comprised of the Dems + the “sane” or “Establishment” Republicans who want the US to pay its bills, etc. together versus the minority of Tea Party lunatics.

    This seems IMHO to be the biggest story in US politics right now, and barely covered (dare i say, understood?) by the media. I certainly don’t see a “Plan B” to keep the GOP intact out there, do yo?

    The hate-filled lunatics of Gerbil Report and all their ilk genuinely think they have a chance, but they don’t. If anything Trump is rushing the GOP’s natural slide towards breaking up.

  4. bob says:

    So Judy is still very upset; he’s now demanding that Congress indict (or impeach; Judy can’t decide which) all SCOTUS justices because they denied his IFP application.

    This would-be president doesn’t seems to know that Congress can’t indict anyone. And only the House can impeach.

    Judy states:

    Federal Statute honors a GRANTED Forma Pauperis Standing for a Calendar YEAR

    …yet Judy fails to provide a citation for this claim.

    But, more basically, Judy’s very flawed premise is based on SCOTUS getting his original IFP application wrong. An application that Judy refuses to reveal.

    Raising the question: What is Judy hiding?

  5. Arthur B. says:

    Lupin: This seems IMHO to be the biggest story in US politics right now, and barely covered (dare i say, understood?) by the media.

    My guess: It’s such an enormous embarrassment for the Republicans that even mentioning it can sound like a partisan attack.

    I think the safe course, the one the major media are taking, is to follow the story of the selection of the new Speaker. That will involve enough cold, hard facts to compel coverage and prompt plenty of discussion.

    Not to mention — how the hell is it going to end?

    I agree that this is a history-making period in U.S. politics.

  6. Judy’s headline on the article is ” WAR ON THE POOR EXPLODES IN CONGRESS”. Does anyone else see the irony in that headline?

    bob: So Judy is still very upset; he’s now demanding that Congress indict (or impeach; Judy can’t decide which) all SCOTUS justices because they denied his IFP application

  7. Lupin says:

    Arthur B.: My guess: It’s such an enormous embarrassment for the Republicans that even mentioning it can sound like a partisan attack.

    I think the safe course, the one the major media are taking, is to follow the story of the selection of the new Speaker. That will involve enough cold, hard facts to compel coverage and prompt plenty of discussion.

    Not to mention — how the hell is it going to end?

    I agree that this is a history-making period in U.S. politics.

    Personally, I think the business elite (I’m not 100% happy with that term but you know what i mean) are not going to tolerate a country that cannot be governed rationally, so they’re going to enter into a de facto coalition with the Democrats, most of whom have moved sufficiently to the center right to be, at last on economic grounds, barely distinguishable from what used to be moderate Republicans.

    That will leave the teajadists and other RW lunatics totally isolated and powerless. The question becomes then, will the GOP go the way of the whigs?

  8. bovril says:

    The latest from ‘drdebdrdeb’ over at Birfoon Report is a doozey…..

    I don’t think I’ve seen such unhinged, incoherent, mindless, hate filled babbling since last I read a Park McGraw post.

    She REALLY doesn’t like you Doc C.

  9. Krosis says:

    What does her rant about possessives refer to?

  10. roadburner says:

    What does her rant about possessives refer to?

    doc made a typo, and she was all over it like a stoner on a pizza

    her rants have been getting progressively more and more irrational.

    if i was a member of her family, i’d be concerned.

  11. Dr Deb:

    I use TOR and thus you have no earthly idea who I am or where on this planet I actually live.
    Good luck discovering who I am. Do you really think my name is Deb? (a screen name that looks good with Dr)

    I realize that you are employed by this takeover Communist regime. Thus, I shall not engage you any longer in conversation. To do shall so might provide DARPA with an IP address to track me.

    First, I bet she doesn’t use a TOR server. Second, just using TOR doesn’t make you anonymous in all cases.

    Like most Birthers she makes accusations she cannot back up,

  12. BobJ says:

    What does her rant about possessives refer to?

    The funniest part of the rant was calling “you’re” an abbreviation when it is a contraction.

  13. I don’t know specifically what that refers to, but I do make typos, and make them more frequently as I age. Attacking grammar is, in my opinion, one of the lowest forms of debate.

    Krosis: What does her rant about possessives refer to?

  14. You can use TOR all you want, but if you post your name, geographic location and telephone number in plain text under the account you’re trying to secure, it doesn’t keep you anonymous.

    What a maroon!

    Reality Check: First, I bet she doesn’t use a TOR server. Second, just using TOR doesn’t make you anonymous in all cases.

  15. bob says:

    Yes I am livid and buggered out that YOU steal credentials from those who have earned them. The fact that you STEAL a title that YOU have not earned proves that YOU are an Internet FRAUD just like the the man? you LOVE, BARRY SOETORO.

    I wonder if she has the same passion about not-a-lieutenant Zullo.

    To say nothing of BSE.

  16. bovril says:

    High old time at the old ranch tonight, Bonking Bob is wiping comments on that thread fast and furious……..

    Poor Deborah (a letter). C******e PhD, age 63’ish, retired after hitting Associate Professor, average annual salary at retirement $67k, had a Westie with arthritis, likes to describe herself as RETIRED! partnered with …..

    One could continue, but I feel I have skirted doc’s rules enough here

    She really is dumb as a post if she thinks TOR is some magic bullet.

  17. bovril says:

    This is one if the posts on that thread that didn’t get through…….

    For someone who purports to be a PhD, you really have substantial gaps in knowledge, background and understanding.

    Lets split the points and see shall we..?

    1. Comment about Doc Conspiracy “no longer posting”. Well. He never actually said that, he commented on the foibles of the commenting system and apologised if he missed replying to comments because of the nesting. So, your first mistake which goes to ability to read and comprehend

    2. Based on your (not you’re I might add) general comments, responses, arrant insults and general occasional incoherence, “fish wife” as opposed to “white trash” may have been a better identifier. As an identifier it remains valid however based, again, on context and content of your posts, both historic and current.

    3. Since you quite plainly have no actual idea what type, quantity or quality of research that Dr Conspiracy has undertaken on you, your comment around not being able to identify you is at best specious and at worst an outright falsehood.

    4. Your (again not you’re) attempt to appear knowledgeable in matters Internet by spouting that you use TOR and as such are invisible to Dr Conspiracy shows a profound lack of knowledge about both the application, what it does, how the Internet works and what research consists of.

    The ONLY individual who could be potentially affected by your use of TOR would be the owner of this site as all it does, for you, is obscure you starting IP address. It does not and cannot obscure you or your posts, just where you are posting from.

    So, since Dr Conspiracy is not the admin of this site he would never see your IP address nor would any of his research consists of looking at said address. It would at the least, consist of reviewing your postings, word matching, Google searches, name similarities and details you leak

    5. The hysterical “communist” comment along with the personal unsubstantiated belief that Dr Conspiracy is somehow paid by “the regime” is so ridiculous it doesn’t deserve a comment or response.

    6. Your hysterical other statement around how use of a pseudonym is somehow theft,….. see above

    7. “attempted identity thief fraud” , you are aware that this is neither an actual crime nor an actual coherent sentence..? As such your next comment of “Illiterate” bears more than a little element of pot calling the kettle black. Ditto with ” I fire the likes of you”….. fantasist much..?

    8. Repetition much..? You have already made this wholly inaccurate statement, repeating it does not add and accuracy to it

    9. Well the whole “Satan”, “die in disgrace” etc. part is, at best, hyperbole but goes back to item 2 about “white trash” speech patterns and inability to converse outside of vacuous insults

    And finally, last I remember, you are not the owner or administrator of this site and as such you have no more right to tell Dr Conspiracy “be gone” that he has to say it to you.

    If you have issue, take it up with the administrator

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    If I had the ability to post at BR, I’d be throwing a favorite of theirs right back in their faces “When you’re taking a lot of flak, it means you’re right above the target!” Considering the amount of flak they’ve been aiming at Doc, its an apt expression to throw back at them.

  19. Dave B. says:

    The Tea Party’s done its work of moving the relative center further rightward and can be dispensed with.

    Lupin: Personally, I think the business elite (I’m not 100% happy with that term but you know what i mean) are not going to tolerate a country that cannot be governed rationally, so they’re going to enter into a de facto coalition with the Democrats, most of whom have moved sufficiently to the center right to be, at last on economic grounds, barely distinguishable from what used to be moderate Republicans.

    That will leave the teajadists and other RW lunatics totally isolated and powerless. The question becomes then, will the GOP go the way of the whigs?

  20. CRJ says:

    @Bob[Raising the question: What is Judy hiding?]

    Judy is not hiding anything from anyone actually capable of Remedy. Another witness to you Judy is willing to throw down with Congress as exemplified on his Post.

    Have you notified your Senators and Rep in this matter?

    Your answer is of course the level of interest and consideration you have and shows what side of the #WarOnPoor you are on.

    Really seems a mixed priorities list to be concerned about me in the White House when a [non] natural born Citizen is in there now.
    #SCOTUS O Planet-God-Complex- Symptms not a [natural born Citizen] ie. born in the U.S. to Ctz Prnts. #birther

    Really have no idea why Pete keeps bringing up Founders who were fighting in the Revolution as a [Foreign influence] Pres / CIC General Washington took notice from to be named First SCOTUS Chief Justice John Jay in [ natural born Citizen] consideration expressly noticed especially for the Office of President.

    That’s proof you “get it” but scramble for sanity reasonable to soundness. “Foreign Money influence.. 💰? Your sole consideration of foreign concern? I just don’t think you’d be good at charades Pete. Lol

    The limited account of “Princes” only registering with the state of England Royalty of course would be offensive to Saudia Arabia as well the Prince of Darkness.

    Many here accuse Birthers of being narrow minded , but this example was a great revelation of your own closed mindedness.

    Here in America the definition of royalty was greatly expanded in the Privilege of Citizen rather than subject. .and in the realms you are indeed the wonderful King and Prince of your own castle are you not?

    Tis this great failure of yours not to notice this great expansion of Privelege in the USA while you notice England. Rather constricted I say. Open your minds gentleman and Obama is a Prince subsidized by Saudia Arabia at Harvard. Lol

    [business elite (I’m not 100% happy with that term but you know what i mean) are not going to tolerate a country that cannot be governed rationally, so they’re going to enter into a de facto coalition with the Democrats, ] very true which is why the CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTIONS are not the only political tune in town being played .

  21. Lupin says:


    Judy is not hiding anything from anyone actually capable of Remedy.Another witness to you Judy is willing to throw down with Congress as exemplified on his Post.


    This is even more rambling and incoherent than usual. Were you drunk when you typed this?

  22. Lupin says:

    Dave B.:
    The Tea Party’s done its work of moving the relative center further rightward and can be dispensed with.

    I don;’t think it was a deliberate strategy by some Blofeld-type with a white cat (tho Dick Cheney comes to mind) but it is indeed one of the consequences.

    Basically your bipartisan system is breaking down into one single center-right pro-business party, ie: the “adults in charge,” and one particularly vocal but ineffectual lunatic fringe.

  23. Keith says:

    Dave B.: The Tea Party’s done its work of moving the relative center further rightward and can be dispensed with.

    The TEA party is not on the left/liberal-right/conservative continuum scale.

    The TEA party is on the Authoritarian/Anarchist scale. But they are schizophrenic while going about their business. They are Authoritarian when it comes to ‘do it our way, no compromise stuff; but give lip service to the anarchist ‘get outta my way’ stuff.

  24. Lupin says:

    Well played, America:

    (Apologies to all the good folks here who are miles away from that mindset.)

  25. CRJ says:

    @Lupin – [ (Apologies to all the good folks here who are miles away from that mindset.)] Agreed Docs been really nice not to ban me, and you know while I take a lot of flak for serving my time, in many ways the USA gives a lot of people many chances.

    While I have suffered tremendous penalties for a benign incident, Amad didn’t have to. Perhaps the people in our Country have learned a few lessons about judging Facts from Fiction.

    At the High School Level I’m sure Ahmed is grateful not to be doing time as I was as he certainly did not have the added benefit of being in a Religious Meeting , but was in a civil setting. Things might have gone much worse for him without the benefits he was given.

    As for Lupin stating “Well played America” and his General disgust, intolerence, or disparaging remarks towards me, I was saddened a bit feeling Lupin was happy to get Ahmad out of the Country, where I hope someday he will find America is really tolerant with benign religious activity held in high regard as to Religious worship protected by the U.S. Constitution.

    One other Note on point of upholding the right of Appeal in all of our Courts regardless of economic conditions, or lack of monies in the interest of Justice for All, many here have expressed a dis interest in regards to my Case, we see how the actions of one case can affect so many others.

    We all recall for instance with Congressional RESOLUTIONS how two parents were the examples used as witnesses for non-binding U.S. Sen. Res 511, to naturalize Sen. McCain as a [ natural born Citizen] neutralizing his nativity or citizenship as a son of Panama where it all began for him.

    In that good ole boys , (and girls) club ,( we see gender doesn’t makes a difference when it comes to skirting the Constitution with McCaskel and Clinton on board as sponsors) it was demonstrated to be a relative short process. Introduced April 10 and wrapped up by the end of that month.

    It is clear, when the House or the Senate sets its mine to something it can occur relatively quickly.

    Imagine Republicans voting for a Resolution to assist the poor and help end a #WarOnPoor while Democrats object. (?)

    That would truly be an exposure stunning the population.

    One other quick Notice
    I’d invite everyone to download the PDF Version or Motion for forma pauperis to understand the “Year” premis rather then a month to month premis. This would answer your own questions.

  26. bob says:

    CRJ: Judy is not hiding anything from anyone actually capable of Remedy.

    Thank you for admitting that Judy is indeed hiding something from We The People.

    Raising the question: What?

    Have you notified your Senators and Rep in this matter?

    My senators (like everyone else’s) can neither impeach nor indict. They are powerless in this matter.

    I won’t write my representative until I see evidence that SCOTUS wrongfully denied Judy’s original IFP application. Evidence that Judy refuses to disclose.

    Your answer is of course the level of interest and consideration you have and shows what side of the #WarOnPoor you are on.

    Judy’s continued delusions show on what side of the War On Reality that he’s on.

    I’d invite everyone to download the PDF Version or Motion for forma pauperis to understand the “Year” premis rather then a month to month premis.

    And I’d invite Judy to JUST CITE THE STATUTE, or at least provide the URL to the form. Instead of engaging in childish gameplaying.

  27. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Attacking grammar is, in my opinion, one of the lowest forms of debate.

    I agree, except in cases where the poor grammar makes comments incomprehensible – e.g., CRJ’s comments in this thread.

  28. bob says:

    SCOTUS’ IFP application says, “For both you and your spouse estimate the average amount of money received from each of the following sources during the past 12 months.”

    If does not say, as Judy has suggested, “Any IFP application approved by any other court during the past 12 month will, pursuant to federal statute, be automatically accepted by this court.”

  29. Rickey says:


    Imagine Republicans voting for a Resolution to assist the poor and help end a #WarOnPoor while Democrats object. (?)

    There is no “war on poor.” So far this term SCOTUS has granted thirteen in forma pauperis motions. The fact that your motion was denied does not constitute a war on poor people.

    We would be happy to help you figure out where you went wrong with your motion, but since you won’t let us see it you are on your own.

    Have you contacted your own U.S. representative about your grievance? If your own representative won’t help you, I can assure you that mine will have no interest.

    Incidentally, John McCain is not a “son of Panama.” He was born in a U.S. Navy hospital on a U.S. Navy base.

  30. Rickey says:

    SCOTUS’ IFP application says, “For both you and your spouse estimate the average amount of money received from each of the following sources during the past 12 months.”

    If does not say, as Judy has suggested, “Any IFP application approved by any other court during the past 12 month will, pursuant to federal statute, be automatically accepted by this court.”

    Correct. SCOTUS takes into consideration what the lower courts have done, but is not bound by what the lower courts have done.

    My hunch is that Judy botched his IFP motion, which is why he won’t let us see it.

  31. I did some reading. It seems clear that the motion to proceed IFP before the Supreme Court is evaluated independently from any determination by a lower court if for no other reason that the detailed financial statement is required whether or not IFP was granted by another court. Here are the instructions sent to appellants with the required forms:

    I don’t think it is particularly relevant to see Mr. Judy’s IFP petition, and I would feel uncomfortable publishing such detailed information if he offered it. The fact that the District Court granted IFP suggests that the IFP petition itself is not defective. I find it far more likely that the Supreme Court considered the petition frivolous. District court review is a right, while review by the Supreme Court is discretionary.

    I found one case where the Supreme Court issued a ruling on an IFP petition. It is Martin v. District of Columbia Court of Appeals (1992). The case was denied under Rule 39.8 (“If satisfied that a petition for a writ of certiorari, jurisdictional statement, or petition for an extraordinary writ is frivolous or malicious, the Court may deny leave to proceed in forma pauperis”). Mr. Martin was an extreme case of frequent filer, and perhaps this why the written decision was issued, one which included an order not to file any more cases from Martin without paying the fees. This case is an interesting read, not the least because there were dissenting opinions. The Court said: “[e]very paper filed with the Clerk of this Court, no matter how repetitious or frivolous, requires some portion of the institution’s limited resources.“

    As an aside, I found another interesting paper on Supreme Court appeals. It has been frequently stated on this blog by commenters that the failure of the Court to call for responses (CFR) is a certain indicator that the Court will not hear the case. This paper mentions that claim, as well as giving a wealth of statistical data for armchair Supreme Court watchers to handicap petitions.

    The money quote is: “The Court will almost never grant plenary review in a case without a response on file.” That said, the converse is not true. Even when a CFR is issued by the Court, the chance that cert will be granted is still less than 10%. I learned that only one justice is necessary to generate the CFR. Four are required to grant review.

    bob: I won’t write my representative until I see evidence that SCOTUS wrongfully denied Judy’s original IFP application. Evidence that Judy refuses to disclose.

  32. Voice of Reason says:

    @Lupin –
    As for Lupin stating “Well played America” …. I was saddened a bit feeling Lupin was happy to get Ahmad out of the Country,

    Lupin was being sarcastic, and was actually expressing his disgust at the fact that this innocent family felt the need to leave the country because of religious intolerance.

    The fact that you couldn’t see this speaks to your inability to parse simple nuances, and may explain why you believe so many silly things so deeply. I’m pretty sure you are well-meaning, but your version of reality is delusional and self-centered, and you are incapable of understanding what others are saying to you (including the poor judges that you badger with your meritless arguments).

  33. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    For this reason, I don’t think it is particularly relevant to see Mr. Judy’s IFP petition

    Judy is accusing SCOTUS of various (yet vague) horribles: federal crimes, impeachable behavior, etc. The basis of Judy’s accusations is that SCOTUS improperly denied his IFP application. There is no way to discern whether SCOTUS botched his IFP application without seeing the application that he actually filed.

    I would feel uncomfortable publishing such detailed information if he offered it.

    It is of course your blog, but Judy has other avenues available: His own blog, his accounts on scribd, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

    “For the record,” Judy’s IFP applications are public documents. Anyone could go to SCOTUS and request a copy (like with Vogt’s affidavit).

    The fact that the District Court granted IFP suggests that the IFP petition itself is not defective.

    That proves the IFP application filed in the district court was not defective; it does not speak to the IFP application filed in SCOTUS.

    I find it far more likely that the Supreme Court considered the petition frivolous.

    I agree, however SCOTUS did not cite Rule 38.9, and Judy will argue the lack of a citation to Rule 38.9 means his IFP application was denied for another reason.

    We will never know, and frankly it does not matter. Yet Judy insists on making accusations about SCOTUS, but he refuses to provide a legal or factual basis for his accusations.

  34. Rickey says:


    I agree, however SCOTUS did not cite Rule 38.9, and Judy will argue the lack of a citation to Rule 38.9 means his IFP application was denied for another reason.

    We will never know, and frankly it does not matter.Yet Judy insists on making accusations about SCOTUS, but he refuses to provide a legal or factual basis for his accusations.

    On June 22 SCOTUS denied six IFP motions, including Judy’s. Four of the denials cited Rule 39.8., but SCOTUS did not cite 39.8 In Judy’s denial or in the denial of Macak v. McDonald. This suggests to me that Judy’s denial was for a reason other than his petition being frivolous.

    Incidentally, Macak did not refile his petition and he did not file a motion for reconsideration, so his case was marked “Case considered closed” on October 8.

  35. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    The money quote is: “The Court will almost never grant plenary review in a case without a response on file.”

    The key there is that SCOTUS will sometimes grant plenary review without a response, but only if a response has been requested and the respondent has failed to respond. Of course, a respondent would be foolish to ignore a request for a response, but it does happen.

    As far as I can determine, in modern times SCOTUS has never granted cert on a case in which:

    (a) The respondent has waived its right to respond


    (B) SCOTUS has not requested a response.

    It is correct that only one justice is needed to make a request for a response.

    We have seen are some cases in which a response was requested after a conference date was set but, but always it has been requested prior to the conference date.

    What we know for certain is that if a respondent has waived its right to respond and SCOTUS has not requested a response prior to the conference date, the cert petition has been put on the dead list.

  36. Crustacean says:

    Another gem by ramboike at BR, this one a reply to point3r (who has been slaying birthers there so effectively lately, he or she should be awarded the Croix de Birf):

    “We have a stalemate with it being your move. You can’t prove Vattel didn’t utter the words or write natural-born citizen, and I can’t prove he did.”

    I’m not even going to try posting a comment at BR, so let’s break it down here.

    “You can’t prove Vattel didn’t utter the words or write natural-born citizen”
    True, because you can’t prove a negative, dummy! Best one can do is provide “evidence of absence” – of which there is plenty.

    “I can’t prove he did”
    Yes, Ike, because he almost certainly didn’t. And because you are apparently incapable of doing real research. And also, you’re a dummy.

  37. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The case was denied under Rule 39.8 (“If satisfied that a petition for a writ of certiorari, jurisdictional statement, or petition for an extraordinary writ is frivolous or malicious, the Court may deny leave to proceed in forma pauperis”).

    First, I agree that Cody doesn’t need to publish his IFP.

    And since it appears from this that an IFP may be denied not on the basis of the financial information itself, but on the basis that the Court’s already satisfied that the petition is frivolous (which it had been ruled by all the lower courts), then it seems Cody’s IFP could’ve been in perfect order, and still been denied.

    On the basis of: “Yeah, we see this case, and the lower courts have all ruled it’s frivolous, and just looking at this thing, we definitely agree.”

    In that sense the IFP denial may be the equivalent of a judgment (albeit a summary judgment) that the case was simply without merit.

  38. Pete says:

    Rickey: SCOTUS did not cite 39.8 In Judy’s denial or in the denial of Macak v. McDonald. This suggests to me that Judy’s denial was for a reason other than his petition being frivolous.

    Is it possible for Cody to request a reason for the denial?

  39. Pete says:

    Crustacean: “We have a stalemate with it being your move. You can’t prove Vattel didn’t utter the words or write natural-born citizen, and I can’t prove he did.”

    “We have a stalemate with it being your move. You can’t prove that President Obama isn’t a disguised two-headed lizard-person from the planet Glimblzix, and I can’t prove he is.”

    [ = “Therefore, my belief that President Obama is a disguised two-headed lizard-person from the planet Glimblzix is totally justified.”]

  40. Lupin says:

    CRJ: As for Lupin stating “Well played America” and his General disgust, intolerence, or disparaging remarks towards me, I was saddened a bit feeling Lupin was happy to get Ahmad out of the Country, where I hope someday he will find America is really tolerant with benign religious activity held in high regard as to Religious worship protected by the U.S. Constitution.

    You have no idea what irony is, have you?

    And you misspelled intolerance.

    What the NYT failed to mention is that this poor family was driven away by all the hate mail and actual death threats that they received over the internet from your side of the swamp — people like Falcon, BSE DrDeb and the likes.

    If they had not been singled out by the media, the thing might have died down and went unnoticed; but from the moment they became objects of sympathy for the “left”, the “right” had to tear them down.

    We often talk of the harm the Gerbils inflict — here is a perfect example.

  41. Lupin says:

    Crustacean: “We have a stalemate with it being your move. You can’t prove Vattel didn’t utter the words or write natural-born citizen, and I can’t prove he did.”

    I don’t even quite understand the context; obviously Vattel was not writing in English, therefore it is obvious he never used an English term. The closest approximation is “naturel” which finds its source in Rousseau’s writings. Whether one would want to equal it with :”natural-born citizen” is debatable.

    Al;so Rambo Ike, who is an imbecile, conveniently forget that Vattel’s writings are not an oddity used purely by American birthers; we have 200 years-plus of Vattelist scholarship, as i have often pointed out, in both France and Germany. We know what Vattel write and pretty much what he meant, and Art212 is not one of those things that are ambiguous or subject to multiple interpretations.

    It takes the idiocy of a birther’s “mind” to argue with French legal history.

  42. Rickey says:

    Pete: Is it possible for Cody to request a reason for the denial?

    I believe that he called, but all he was told is that the Court would have mentioned it if the denial was pursuant to Rule 39.8.

  43. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Pete: “Therefore, my belief that President Obama is a disguised two-headed lizard-person from the planet Glimblzix is totally justified.”

    Glimblzixians can’t pronounce the letter “p”, so that would be easy to disprove whenever he says “the American people” (which he does often, so it should sound something like “the American weefle”). However, Obama could be from Zrrrnglarf which, coincidentally (??), has both a “Kenya” and a “Hawaii”.

  44. bob says:

    Pete: Is it possible for Cody to request a reason for the denial?

    Can Judy ask?; sure. Will he get a response?; no.

    Judy’s whine that SCOTUS improperly denied his original IFP application carries the implication that SCOTUS’ denial was improper. There’s no evidence of impropriety, and no reason to equate Judy’s belief with fact.

    I would be happy to look over Judy’s original IFP application to help explain possible bases for its denial, but he refuses to publish it (without first demanding a fee). Which is especially ironic because Judy considers himself a presidential candidate, yet he himself had no problem making demands on other presidential candidates.

  45. The “Obama” family was murdered in 1985. I’m sure that’s in their records somewhere.

  46. Dave B. says:

    Supremely ironic comment over at the Patriot Update:
    “If he is proven not to be an an American citizen, then Trump when he gets in office should null and void all legislation and Executive Orders that Barack Justin Obama signed. Stand for the Constitution.”

  47. Pete says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): However, Obama could be from Zrrrnglarf which, coincidentally (??), has both a “Kenya” and a “Hawaii”.

    So do you think that Mr. Obama (whose real name is rumored to be Q’rexi’l Rrrrrzzzq’lik) actually WAS born in Hawaii, then?

  48. Crustacean says:

    It just keeps getting worse for Obama. Not only is he ineligible to be president, according to commenter “js/js” at Birther Report, he wasn’t even eligible to be BORN!!

    “The birth of mixed race Obama (African father) was illegal in 1961 under US law.”


    “Obama was in legal jeopardy at birth, on several racial levels.”

    Several racial levels? WTF does that even mean?

    Suck it, Danno!!

  49. Lupin says:

    Arizona, the state that puts people in prison for smuggling illegal drugs, smuggles illegal drugs:

  50. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Pete: So do you think that Mr. Obama (whose real name is rumored to be Q’rexi’l Rrrrrzzzq’lik) actually WAS born in Hawaii, then?

    My personal theory is that he was born in Hawaii on Earth-298 (the birthers’ “anomalies” are actually residuals of the transition to our universe) and that (our) SCOTUS would find that people born in the US in parallel universes are eligible (as long as the birthplace also belongs to the US in our universe).

  51. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Crustacean: according to commenter “js/js” at Birther Report, he wasn’t even eligible to be BORN!!

    “The birth of mixed race Obama (African father) was illegal in 1961 under US law.”

    I can only guess it’s his convoluted variant of “he’s an anchor baby not covered by the 14th”.
    Then again, making it a crime to be born is probably any wanna-be dictator’s wet dream to get rid of his opponents (and we all know birthers would like to be dictators who do as they see fit).

  52. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Nancy R Owens: The “Obama” family was murdered in 1985. I’m sure that’s in their records somewhere.

    New from Corsi: “Where’s the Murder Certificate?[tm]”

  53. Lupin says:

    Special Ratf*cking edition:

    Obama virtually endorses Paul Ryan as speaker. Respect!

    RW morons’ head explode with fury. More sweet bitter tears to enjoy. Go Trump!

  54. Probably destroyed. Or, never declared. Don’t ask me. Ask George and Jeb Bush. Tell Corsi the mailman is from Clewiston and don’t underestimate Volin.

    The Magic M (not logged in): New from Corsi: “Where’s the Murder Certificate?[tm]”

  55. Dave B. says:

    Bob the Empire News Potato said Obama was born on the planet Garlarktaschpel:

    but now he’s changed his tune:

    The Magic M (not logged in): My personal theory is that he was born in Hawaii on Earth-298 (the birthers’ “anomalies” are actually residuals of the transition to our universe) and that (our) SCOTUS would find that people born in the US in parallel universes are eligible (as long as the birthplace also belongs to the US in our universe).

  56. Pete says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): My personal theory is that he was born in Hawaii on Earth-298 (the birthers’ “anomalies” are actually residuals of the transition to our universe) and that (our) SCOTUS would find that people born in the US in parallel universes are eligible (as long as the birthplace also belongs to the US in our universe).

    There’s just one problem with this. On Earth-298 Hawaii is an outpost of the Mexican Empire. Are you sure you don’t mean Earth-398? That would work.

    In either case, though, that would make Obama not a lizard-person at all, but an actual human being.

  57. Crustacean says:

    Fans of “drdebdrdeb” can rejoice. She’s baaaaaaack!!

    So look for boomerbabe at a RWNJ blog near you!

  58. Pete says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The “Obama” family was murdered in 1985. I’m sure that’s in their records somewhere.

    I just love this site.

    I mean, really. I can’t say I agree with everyone who posts here, but the mix is definitely entertaining.

  59. Pete says:

    Lupin: I don’t even quite understand the context; obviously Vattel was not writing in English, therefore it is obvious he never used an English term [that is, “natural born citizen”] . The closest approximation is “naturel” which finds its source in Rousseau’s writings. Whether one would want to equal it with :”natural-born citizen” is debatable.


    The only thing I would change in the above would be to insert the word “highly” just before the word “debatable.”

  60. Pete says:

    Fans of “drdebdrdeb” can rejoice.She’s baaaaaaack!!

    So look for boomerbabe at a RWNJ blog near you!

    I could say “I told you so,” but…

    well, I told you so. 🙂

  61. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Probably destroyed. Or, never declared. Don’t ask me. Ask George and Jeb Bush. Tell Corsi the mailman is from Clewiston and don’t underestimate Volin.

    Ah yes Volin the guy you had no idea who he was a year ago and then magically weaved into your fictional stories?

  62. Rickey says:

    It just keeps getting worse for Obama.Not only is he ineligible to be president, according to commenter “js/js” at Birther Report, he wasn’t even eligible to be BORN!!

    “The birth of mixed race Obama (African father) was illegal in 1961 under US law.”


    “Obama was in legal jeopardy at birth, on several racial levels.”

    Several racial levels?WTF does that even mean?

    Suck it, Danno!!

    I don’t post at BR, but somebody should ask js/js how Sammy Davis Jr. managed to legally marry May Britt in New York in 1960.

  63. AnyDayNow says:

    Fans of “drdebdrdeb” can rejoice.She’s baaaaaaack!!

    So look for boomerbabe at a RWNJ blog near you!

    Darn, you beat me to it. I just noticed that she was back and left a comment in that original thread here saying basically the same thing. I should have known to check this thread first. Isn’t it cute that she thinks this is fooling anyone? And to whomever replied to her with the comment “Deborah, you’re (not your) back!”, I just have to say Bravo! Not only did you show her she wasted her time with the name change (which must be driving her crazy), but I love the zinger about the “you’re/your” incident! Also, notice that when you click on her Intense Debate link, you will see that she has deleted all her comments for the last 17 weeks. I wonder if there was Something she regretted? Now that she knows we are on to her, will she change her name again? She’s just dumb enough to try something like that. Stay tuned….

  64. And, talked to on the phone and confirmed that Mike Zullo is really Mike Moore out of my hometown of Clewiston, Florida……

    As you can see, my LiveLink account which captures this conversation with Mike Volin discussing Mike Zullo’s true identity is still available in the link below:

    The only member of the so-called “Maricopa County Cold Case Posse” who has even bothered to take my phone calls.

    I’ll probably have to wait until after the Zullo/Arpaio trial for anything to happen. That’s OK. It gives me plenty of time to work on my book.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Ah yes Volin the guy you had no idea who he was a year ago and then magically weaved into your fictional stories?

  65. In MY opinion, she has said many things that warrant regret, whether she regrets them or not. In any case, I download Intense Debate comments for a fairly large number of Gerbils including Dr. Deb, and have everything she ever said there up until October 20.

    AnyDayNow: Also, notice that when you click on her Intense Debate link, you will see that she has deleted all her comments for the last 17 weeks. I wonder if there was Something she regretted?

  66. roadburner says:

    Fans of “drdebdrdeb” can rejoice.She’s baaaaaaack!!

    So look for boomerbabe at a RWNJ blog near you!

    if you have a look at that intense debate profile, the posts go back 42 weeks

    looks like another birther using a sock puppet account.

  67. I don’t know exactly how this works, but Intense Debate profile URLs either have “profile” in them or “people” in them. The drbdrdeb that we are familiar with is

    Boomerbabe is

    I think she had established both of them in the past, deleted the former recently, and started using the latter at BR. I don’t think she deleted 17 weeks of posts, in fact I don’t think that is possible with Intense Debate. There was just a gap of 17 weeks where she didn’t use the second profile.

    Seems rather silly to sign your comments “Deb” if the intent is to cover tracks from the former identity.

    If you find someone pop up at BR (because I really don’t read it that often) and you want to know if it’s Dr. Deb, ask in a comment. I may be able to tell.

    AnyDayNow: Also, notice that when you click on her Intense Debate link, you will see that she has deleted all her comments for the last 17 weeks.

  68. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    The only member of the so-called “Maricopa County Cold Case Posse” who has even bothered to take my phone calls.

    Mike Volin isn’t a member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Posse. One of the requirements to join a posse is to hold an Arizona driver’s license, and Volin lives in Pennsylvania.

    In reality, not a single member of the Sheriff’s Posse has ever bothered to take your phone calls.

  69. SInce I have never, according to you, been questioned by the MCCCP, I don’t know their structure or their purpose. It doesn’t appear to be any legitimate investigation of Obama’s Birth Certificate.

    Volin lives or used to live in Clewiston, Florida along with Mike Zullo Moore, Abel Danger, Walter Fitzpatrick, and Sharon Rondeau.

    Mike Volin gave one interview from the Hendry County Sheriff’s old sub office in Clewiston where we all used to work. I think this sub-office is still running today. He was sitting right next to the bathroom. That much I do know. Odd for someone who lives in Pennsylvania, wouldn’t you agree?

    Rickey: Mike Volin isn’t a member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Posse. One of the requirements to join a posse is to hold an Arizona driver’s license, and Volin lives in Pennsylvania.

    In reality, not a single member of the Sheriff’s Posse has ever bothered to take your phone calls.

  70. I should have added: What about Mark McDaniel who claims to be my representative? And, who won’t return my phone calls now that I have talked to him about what really happened to Bush’s Drug Lord Pablo Escobar on October 2, 1990 when Escobar took his final breath. Is McDaniel a member of the MCCCP?

    Rickey: Mike Volin isn’t a member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Posse. One of the requirements to join a posse is to hold an Arizona driver’s license, and Volin lives in Pennsylvania.

    In reality, not a single member of the Sheriff’s Posse has ever bothered to take your phone calls.

  71. No.

    Nancy R Owens: Is McDaniel a member of the MCCCP?

  72. Pete says:

    Nancy R Owens: SInce I have never, according to you, been questioned by the MCCCP, I don’t know their structure or their purpose. It doesn’t appear to be any legitimate investigation of Obama’s Birth Certificate.

    Bing! Give that lady a Krispy Kreme donut.

    Nancy may be rather overcommitted to fiction, but at least she has an idea of bunco when she sees it.

  73. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    SInce I have never, according to you, been questioned by the MCCCP, I don’t know their structure or their purpose. It doesn’t appear to be any legitimate investigation of Obama’s Birth Certificate.

    Volin lives or used to live in Clewiston, Florida along with Mike Zullo Moore, Abel Danger, Walter Fitzpatrick, and Sharon Rondeau.

    Mike Volin gave one interview from the Hendry County Sheriff’s old sub office in Clewiston where we all used to work. I think this sub-office is still running today. He was sitting right next to the bathroom. That much I do know. Odd for someone who lives in Pennsylvania, wouldn’t you agree?

    Just about everything you say is odd, so why would this be any different?

    Mike Volin lives and owns a liquor store in Washingtonville, PA. Originally he is from Woodside, NY. He has never lived in Florida or Arizona.

    And you’re the one who in effect said that no one from the MCCCP has returned your calls.

  74. Rickey says:

    Incidentally, public records show that Mike Volin was convicted of robbery in the first degree (a Class B felony) in New York State in 1996. He was in prison for 20 months and he was released from parole in 2002.

    You can look him up here:

  75. Krosis says:

    Everyone of note (and some not of note) had lived in Clewiston at some point. Clewiston is the true unofficial capital of the world.

  76. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    And, talked to on the phone and confirmed that Mike Zullo is really Mike Moore out of my hometown of Clewiston, Florida……

    As you can see, my LiveLink account which captures this conversation with Mike Volin discussing Mike Zullo’s true identity is still available in the link below:

    The only member of the so-called “Maricopa County Cold Case Posse” who has even bothered to take my phone calls.

    I’ll probably have to wait until after the Zullo/Arpaio trial for anything to happen. That’s OK. It gives me plenty of time to work on my book.

    He confirmed nothing of the sort. He got a call from a loon and just yessed you to death. This is a tactic used when trying to get a crazy person off the phone. Besides how would Volin know? He’s some nobody out in Pennsylvania who has no actual ties to the CCP

  77. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Volin lives or used to live in Clewiston, Florida along with Mike Zullo Moore, Abel Danger, Walter Fitzpatrick, and Sharon Rondeau.

    Mike Volin gave one interview from the Hendry County Sheriff’s old sub office in Clewiston where we all used to work. I think this sub-office is still running today. He was sitting right next to the bathroom. That much I do know. Odd for someone who lives in Pennsylvania, wouldn’t you agree?

    Lol Volin has never lived in Hendry County or Florida. You had no idea who Volin was last year when I asked you about him. Again you’re making stuff up again.

  78. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I should have added: What about Mark McDaniel who claims to be my representative? And, who won’t return my phone calls now that I have talked to him about what really happened to Bush’s Drug Lord Pablo Escobar on October 2, 1990 when Escobar took his final breath. Is McDaniel a member of the MCCCP?

    Who is Mark McDaniel?

  79. He’s that guy that kept emailing me about representing me before Congress when the Cold Case Posse stuff hit the fan. He kept asking me to call him, or call Zullo to verify his bona fides, but I never did. Nancy talked to him. He posted here under the name “RC.” More can be read in comments on this article:

    He’s from Pennsylvania, or at least his phone is.

    and you can also Google: “Mark McDaniel

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Who is Mark McDaniel?

  80. Hmmm. Volin said on his show that he had taken a new job because his old job didn’t’ give him enough birthing flexibility/time.

    Rickey: Mike Volin lives and owns a liquor store in Washingtonville, PA. Originally he is from Woodside, NY. He has never lived in Florida or Arizona.

  81. His exact quote was

    I travel around the country a lot but lately my job has been affected by my website and my work here so I have had to change jobs. Yes, it was a very hard decision to make after 15 years but I have had to tone it down.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Hmmm. Volin said on his show that he had taken a new job because his old job didn’t’ give him enough birthing flexibility/time.

  82. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Hmmm. Volin said on his show that he had taken a new job because his old job didn’t’ give him enough birthing flexibility/time.

    The liquor store, Derry Beverage LLC, still has a working phone number in Danville, PA. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board lists Volin as an active officer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he is still working there.

  83. I don’t mind having a representative. Especially, since I am almost ready to post my first more fully-detailed affidavit on

    I just want to know the ins and outs. And, more importantly, I want to make sure it’s not the lawyer who got me to sign papers, under duress, discussing the murder of Jimmy Hoffa and “Jon-Jon.”

    He hasn’t responded in quite a while which makes me wonder. I’m sure that if he’s still alive, he watches this blog.

    Where are you McDaniel? Come out, come out wherever you are.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He’s that guy that kept emailing me about representing me before Congress when the Cold Case Posse stuff hit the fan. He kept asking me to call him, or call Zullo to verify his bona fides, but I never did. Nancy talked to him. He posted here under the name “RC.” More can be read in comments on this article:

    He’s from Pennsylvania, or at least his phone is.

    and you can also Google: “Mark McDaniel

  84. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hey y’all. I’m gonna take an extended leave from birther watching. Nothing is wrong, but I’m just wanting to distance myself from the bad vibes, ya know? Poking the corpse of birtherism with a stick has just stopped being entertaining.

  85. Pete says:

    Entertainment is what it’s all about. So if birf-watching is no longer fun for you, then by all means take a break or just go do something more productive with your life.

    It’s been fun, Andrew. I wish you well, and I’m sure everyone else here does too.

  86. Pete says:

    The QTOD:

    But first, after finally coming to terms with the natural born citizen issue the 2010 census must be ordered redone immediately by court reconstituted census bureau or perhaps the US military directly again under direct control of a multi-circuit court appointed special master.

    is just another example of the bat-shirt crazy of birthers.

  87. I fully understand. It’s a little like my giving up Birther Report for Lent.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Nothing is wrong, but I’m just wanting to distance myself from the bad vibes, ya know?

  88. bob says:

    Judy (unironically) on Twitter:

    Fall Good time to let go of Dead Things Pride, Jealousy, Envy, Hate

    … yet Cody’s delusion that he is a candidate for the presidency embodies all of the vices that he tells others to shed.

  89. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Pete: is just another example of the bat-shirt crazy of birthers.

    Police state material. Priceless.

  90. Pete says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): Police state material. Priceless.

    Yeah. In the name of “freedom,” some of these morons want a police state.

  91. Lupin says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Hey y’all. I’m gonna take an extended leave from birther watching. Nothing is wrong, but I’m just wanting to distance myself from the bad vibes, ya know? Poking the corpse of birtherism with a stick has just stopped being entertaining.

    IMHO the fun is just beginning; they’re now all in for Trump which is going to end in a cr*ptacular catastrophe for them, plus the sane wing of the GOP is going to turn against the loons, and the likelihood of the She-Demon to win the WH is great. Oh yes, 2016 is going to be full of delicious bitter birthers tears.

    Note to self: must order more popcorn.

  92. I used to think the GOP would fracture when the religious teatard wing spit off to form a third party. I am beginning to believe it might actually be the sane minority who choose to split off.

    Lupin: IMHO the fun is just beginning; they’re now all in for Trump which is going to end in a cr*ptacular catastrophe for them, plus the sane wing of the GOP is going to turn against the loons, and the likelihood of the She-Demon to win the WH is great. Oh yes, 2016 is going to be full of delicious bitter birthers tears.

    Note to self: must order more popcorn.

  93. Is anyone else getting an OpenID authentication error on every comment? I turned it off.

  94. I don’t use it myself. I have refreshed the OpenID cache, which is the only troubleshooting/repair technique I have.

    Reality Check: Is anyone else getting an OpenID authentication error on every comment? I turned it off.

  95. RanTalbott says:

    Reality Check: I am beginning to believe it might actually be the sane minority who choose to split off.

    That might make sense, given that the “Republican” name carries some of the birther/nativist/climate denier stink that might be difficult to wash off.

    They could get a twofer by calling themselves the “Torres”: most anglophone Americans would pronounce it “Tories”, but they’d get a little “Hispanic outreach” out of it, too 😉

  96. Northland10 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Hey y’all. I’m gonna take an extended leave from birther watching. Nothing is wrong, but I’m just wanting to distance myself from the bad vibes, ya know? Poking the corpse of birtherism with a stick has just stopped being entertaining.

    Pardon me while I have a sad.

  97. roadburner says:

    ok, i think we have a breakthrough on the identity of bird-boy over on BR…

    “★FALCON★ 142p · 11 hours ago

    Alan Jones has probably connected most of the dots. Obama is a foreigner from a Muslim country – according to him – it’s Indonesia. Mother was a CIA operative – like Geithner’s father. The mother may or may not be Stanley Ann Dunham Jr. Stanley Senior was certainly a CIA operative otherwise he would have never been at the airport to meet Obama Sr.

    People greeting foreign unknowns from foreign lands tells me that Dunham Senior was some sort of attache. The CIA was attempting to gain allies in Africa before the Soviets during this time frame. Obama Senior was probably going to be a low level spy until he was found to be corrupt, a womanizer and a drunkard – so he was let go. The CIA probably murdered him and made it look like a car accident. Same thing happened to Betico Croes. Few people questioned those types of deaths in those days.

    The ‘Universe Shattering’ information is that Obama is a foreign agent propped up by the CIA, and the CIA was infiltrated and is loaded with foreign agents, in my opinion. ”

    ……he’s really nancy owens!


  98. Hawaii is failing to disclose the murder of the Obama family in 1985 and it is also failing to disclose that fact that they illegally sold a blank birth certificate to Griselda Blanco for $50.

    That doesn’t make the birth certificate legit and a legal citizen wouldn’t have need of a forged identity.

    If somebody could get Mike ZulloMoore to admit that these murders took place in Hawaii, this ball might just get rolling.

    Ya’ll will let us know if that happens in Snow’s court, right?

    On a side note, I am still working on my affidavit/book outline. Since it spans over forty years, it is taking a lot longer than I thought.

    The core details of my forgery of the birth certificates and selective service form are just about done.

    @I_Am_The_Forger @nancyrowens

    bgansel9: You really do like going down rabbit holes, don’t you?There is nothing to investigate. Hawaii has verified that Obama was born in that state and is an American Citizen.

  99. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Hey y’all. I’m gonna take an extended leave from birther watching. Nothing is wrong, but I’m just wanting to distance myself from the bad vibes, ya know? Poking the corpse of birtherism with a stick has just stopped being entertaining.

    Just a thought…you may want to hold on just a couple of more weeks for Zullo to take the stand and gives his “universe-shattering” testimony.

    The shattering of the birther universe will be a lovely thing to observe.

  100. Pete says:

    Yes, but you shouldn’t expect too much.

    Birthers will simply engage in total denial on this as they have everything else.

    Like this:

    “Joe Arpaio is an American hero. He didn’t really do anything wrong, but look how he’s been persecuted by the Obama administration for going after the illegal Usurper. This is war on the American People!”

    Take reality, flip it 180 degrees, and you’ve got birther.

  101. I seem to have gotten under Rob’s (Bird Brain’s) skin merely by posting a comment or two at the House of Gerbils. He posted a photo of some lady I am supposed to know and called her a tramp. I think I know who she is but she is no one I know personally and not connected with me in any way. Rob also seems to think I am some guest commenter. Birthers are such crappy researchers. Also, visiting his ID profile drives him crazy. He monitors it daily.

    Rob is such a loser. What happened to that curly haired kid from a successful family who had so much promise? He must be a real embarrassment at family reunions.

  102. Dave B. says:

    A little adopted girl wants to be president, and birthers are sad:

  103. *is having an “ah ha” moment remembering the three computer chips turned into Osceola County, Florida Sheriff’s Department back in 2014*

    Is there a lawyer or two out there who wants to represent me pro bono? I am the Obama Birth certificate forger.

    I’ll make you famous.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    One Item, “Fwd: BREAKING NEWS-CIA admits improperly hacking Senate computers in search of Bush-era information,” appears to be a story at the Washington Times whose title was later changed. This is the article:

  104. Pete says:

    Nancy, have you considered my suggestions about volunteering somewhere? Helping other people is a much healthier thing to do with your time, and really, a much healthier way to get a bit of attention.

    If you genuinely help other people, then you become important for the good you can do. That’s healthy. It’s healthy for you, and it’s healthy for others. You could help out, for example, at a program that helps feed homeless people. Or you could volunteer to answer the phones for just about any charity.

    We’d rather be into “healthy” than “not healthy.”

  105. What do you do as a volunteer?

    Nancy, have you considered my suggestions about volunteering somewhere? Helping other people is a much healthier thing to do with your time, and really, a much healthier way to get a bit of attention.

    If you genuinely help other people, then you become important for the good you can do. That’s healthy. It’s healthy for you, and it’s healthy for others. You could help out, for example, at a program that helps feed homeless people. Or you could volunteer to answer the phones for just about any charity.

    We’d rather be into “healthy” than “not healthy.”

  106. bovril says:

    In a truly insane moment over at Gerbil Report, BimboLick (Ramboike) posted this little gem about how Obama proved and made himself a scary Moslem

    “Another was Obama reciting the Muslim Call to Prayer (Shahada) for the New York Times:

    “Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
    Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
    I witness that there is no god but Allah
    I witness that there is no god but Allah
    I witness that Muhammad is his prophet… ”

    According to Islamic scholars, reciting the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith, makes one a Muslim. This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslim’s complete acceptance of, and total commitment to, the message of Islam.”

    So, Bimbo, if making that statement somehow makes you a Moslem, well….. you just….made yourself a Moslem… On Gerbil Report no less……..

  107. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    What do you do as a volunteer?

    Doc volunteers his time to help build houses with Habitat for Humanity.

    I’m not sure which candidate for president you are supporting, but you could volunteer to do office work for the candidate of your choice – making phone calls, stuffing envelopes, etc.

  108. Dave B. says:

    Well, the red pickup truck has lost its driver.

  109. I’m writing. It’s what I spent five years in college doing. I might as well put it to good use. It’s just not the kind of material I would have ever imaged writing about, however. In life, you just never know what direction the winds going to blow you in next.

    Rickey: Doc volunteers his time to help build houses with Habitat for Humanity.

    I’m not sure which candidate for president you are supporting, but you could volunteer to do office work for the candidate of your choice – making phone calls, stuffing envelopes, etc.

  110. Pete says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    What do you do as a volunteer?

    Personally, I’ve done a lot of volunteer work in the past. Much of my own volunteering has been church-related. At the present time, I’m not involved in any volunteer activities due to a lot of work and family commitment.

    The reason I suggest volunteering for you is not only because you can help others, but because I think volunteering could be a positive and healthy thing for you.

    Helping other people can bring meaning to your life. It can also help build some real relationships, and one of the things that makes people happiest is having good relationships with other people. Those kind of relationships really happen face to face. Not so much over the internet.

    Of course, all this works best with a situation that’s a really good fit for you. Not every volunteer situation will be. But you could try out a few different situations. Maybe you will find something you’ll like doing, and that will enable you to build some good friendships that will add to your life.

    As someone else noted, Dr C does work with Habitat for Humanity.

    There are also opportunities related to such things as churches. I don’t know what your religious beliefs are, etc., which is why I didn’t specifically suggest that. But just about any church is looking for people to volunteer and get involved.

    As with charitable organizations, if you’re interested in getting involved in a church you might want to try several different ones. Some churches are wonderful places to be. Some are dreadful places to be. The last time we changed churches, we visited probably 8 or 10 different churches, of a few different kinds. Personally, I’m not big on churches that are heavily denominational, but there are good denominational churches, and bad nondenominational churches. Some churches are very different from others. Some churches are healthy, some are unhealthy.

    Personally, just looking on the internet, if I were in the Tampa area and wanted to try a church, I’d probably visit Grace Family Church and maybe The Crossing Church and Lifepoint. But those are big churches, and follow my own tastes, which run toward the contemporary and nondenominational. Some people prefer a church with centuries of tradition. And sometimes a small church is good, it just depends on what’s right for you.

    I just think that whether it’s volunteering with a charity, like Dr C’s Habitat for Humanity, or getting involved with a healthy church, or some other social group, there are some things out there you might find to do that could be a healthy step up for you.

    One final tip: If a church is insistently demanding sacrificial commitment from you, I’d stay away. Some churches can be way too demanding of their members in terms of time and/or money. Giving, whether of your time or of your money, should be up to you, and they shouldn’t beat you over the head claiming God wants you to give them all of your time or a certain percentage of your money. Just my opinion.

  111. Kate says:

    Another great place for volunteering is with Senior Citizen centers. I worked at quite a few when I used a nursing agency for placement when my children were young. They are always in need of people to help with their residents. It can range from taking them for a walk on their grounds, reading to them, writing letters for them, or just sitting and talking with them. Unfortunately, with families spread across the country, there are far too many in nursing homes that don’t have family nearby to visit them. You would certainly have quite a few places to choose from in your area.

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