Breaking news: Trump disavows Birtherism

It’s been like pulling teeth, but finally Donald Trump this morning uttered the words, reports CNN. At a rally Trump falsely stated that Hillary Clinton started the birther controversy, and Trump claims that he “finished” it, despite being unwilling to admit that he finished it for five and a half years. Perhaps if he had said the controversy was over in 2011, rather than continuing to milk it all these years, it might really have been somewhat diminished (these things are never really finished). Here’s what Trump said:

President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.

The Washington Post responded:

For years, Trump has been the most prominent backer of the so-called birther movement, which lurked in the dark corners of the Internet until Trump forced it into the mainstream. While drumming up publicity for his own possible run for the White House during the last election cycle, Trump began to aggressively question Obama’s qualifications for office. Trump never came out and said where he thinks the president was born, but he demanded to see the president’s longform birth certificate and other records. Trump also claimed to have hired investigators.

I don’t really know what Trump believes, not now nor in 2011 when his TV appearances revitalized the nearly dead and gone Birther Movement. And who knows, Trump might pick it up again if his birther polling numbers go down.

With that correction, we are left with only 175 reasons not to vote for him as president.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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119 Responses to Breaking news: Trump disavows Birtherism

  1. CarlOrcas says:

    So…..when is someone in the media going to ask about those folks of his who went to Hawaii in 2011….the ones who “cannot believe what they’re finding”?

    Don’t hold your breath.

  2. ArrogantlyIgnorant says:

    He’s pandering for the obot votes?
    The birthers must be losing their minds today.

  3. Scientist says:

    So…..when is someone in the media going to ask about those folks of his who went to Hawaii in 2011….the ones who “cannot believe what they’re finding”?

    Don’t hold your breath.

    They’re writing their final report. Here’s what they found:

    1. The Royal Hawaiian makes a killer mai tai
    2. Cheri’s Escorts provide great service.
    3. Go easy on the poi at your next luau.

  4. Curious George says:

    This puts the final nail in the Birther Report coffin. Next, Trump needs to disavow Birther Joe Arpaio.

  5. Curious George says:

    Miki Booth, Carl Gallups, Mike Volin, Mark Gillar, Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo, Sharon Rondeau, and Birther Report just got flushed down the toilet by Trump.

  6. Amid a flurry of stories at Birther Report about Trump surrogates, I left the bombshell statement today.

  7. Pete says:

    He does. And, since BOTH of them are total crooks, Arpaio needs to disavow Trump.

  8. Curious George says:

    It was a low volume toilet. The second flush was for Jerome Corsi, WND, the Surprise Tea Party, John Dummett, John, Lawrence Sellin, George Miller, Susan Daniels, *FALCON*, and the rest of the Birther drones.

  9. Curious George says:

    Speaking about *FALCON*, he responded to Doc’s comment that experts know more than Trump. Who? Experts like Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo?

  10. Phoenix says:

    White suburban women.

    This is the work of Kellyanne Conway.

    He’s pandering for the obot votes?

  11. That comment got replaced by:

    “Too bad Obama said he was born Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. Obama own words outweigh any beliefs held by Trump.”

    Grasping at straws, he is.

    Curious George: Speaking about *FALCON*, he responded to Doc’s comment that experts know more than Trump.

  12. Scientist says:

    Curious George: Speaking about *FALCON*, he responded to Doc’s comment that experts know more than Trump.

    Wait a minute. Trump has always said he knows more than any expert about EVERYTHING.

  13. Curious George says:

    It’s a sad day as the the Birther Universe implodes. And, once again Birther Report can’t be accessed. Is this the Universe Shattering information that they’ve been waiting for?

  14. justlw says:

    Of course, the documented behavior of Trump supporters is:

    • “I like him because he’s direct, and he always says what he means.”

    • “Oh, that thing he said? That’s just a thing he said. He really means…”

  15. justlw says:

    You probably know that WaPo’s David Farenthold has been doing some stellar investigative reporting, holding Trump’s feet to the fire about his alleged charitable giving. This morning he sent to the Trump campaign:

    Hello, Dave here today from the Post. I’m sorry to bother you, but I noted that today Mr. trump said he believes president obama’s birth certificate is legitimate. That makes this a story for me now: can you provide details of where and when he will donate the $5 million Mr. trump promised to give to charity?

    [ Scientist: we’ve got this covered in every direction! 🙂 ]

  16. Scientist says:

    Talking Points Memo is asking about Trump’s vow to give $5 million to charity if someone proves Obama was born in the US and will he follow through and donate?

    Magic 8 Ball says: “Unlikely”

    Oops jw, great minds….

  17. Maybe I should create a new blog category: “wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

  18. bob says:

    PPSIMMONS (aka Carl Gallups): Mike Zullo: Trump’s statement is NOT the final word on the Birth Certificate investigation:

    Not so fast …

    Investigator Mike Zullo will be on Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups today.

    They will be talking about Trump’s media statement, Hillary’s false claims, the MSM false claims.
    Zullo will discuss the ongoing investigation, the George Soros connection to the Arpaio Federal Case and more!

  19. Curious George says:

    PPSIMMONS (aka Carl Gallups): Mike Zullo: Trump’s statement is NOT the final word on the Birth Certificate investigation:

    That ought to be a real hoot today.

  20. Phoenix says:

    Oh, well, there you go, the pudding is in the proof. “…if someone *proves*…”

    After all, no proof here, just periods. “Period.”

    Talking Points Memo is asking about Trump’s vow to give $5 million to charity if someone proves Obama was born in the US and will he follow through and donate?

  21. Scientist says:

    Oh, well, there you go, the pudding is in the proof. “…if someone *proves*…”

    After all, no proof here, just periods. “Period.”

    One could look at it like the philosophical Liar’s Paradox. Since everything Trump says is a lie, and he says the President was born in the US, does that mean the President wasn’t?

  22. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    I can SMELL the fear and tears at BR. They’ve been upended by their great white hope, and some of them are ready to throw him under the bus. I’m sure our resident idiot, john, has some kooky theory that Trump is just pretending to go along with the Obots. To that I say “So you support a presidential candidate, who so readily lies?”
    I’m amazed Orly hasn’t dumped Trump over this, but then again, she supports him knowing full well that he’s the neo-Nazi’s pick. She must really be a self-hating Jew.

  23. donna says:

    Obama Pre-empts Trump: ‘I Was Pretty Confident About Where I Was Born’

    Obama on Friday briefly addressed Trump’s recent refusal to say that Obama was born in the United States, saying he wishes the presidential election would reflect “more serious issues.”

    “I was pretty confident about where I was born,” the president observed.

    When asked for his reaction to Trump’s latest comments about his birth, Obama told ABC’s Jonathan Karl that he had “no reaction” before briefly weighing in.

    “I’m shocked that a question like that would come up at a time when we’ve got so many other things to do,” he said. “I’m not that shocked, actually. It’s fairly typical.”

    “We got other business to attend to,” he continued. “I was pretty confident about where I was born. I think most people were as well. And my hope would be that the presidential election reflects more serious issues than that. All right?”

  24. Joey says:

    Calling this “the greatest day of his life,” a visibly moved Barack Obama thanked Donald Trump for granting him U.S. citizenship.”

    “The issue of whether or not I was a U.S. citizen has been a dark cloud over my existence for as long as I can remember,” a tearful Obama told the press corps.“Only one man had the courage, wisdom, and doggedness to make that cloud go away: Donald J. Trump.”

    The President, who had to halt several times during his remarks to compose himself, praised the Republican Presidential nominee for “never giving up” in his quest to prove that Obama was born in the U.S.

    “A weaker man would have said,‘I don’t need this in my life,’ but Donald Trump was always there for me,” the President said.“Over the past five years, barely a day went by when he didn’t call me and say,‘Barack, I don’t care what a bunch of crackpots say. You were born here, and I’m going to prove it once and for all.’“

    The President said he planned to spend the day celebrating his U.S. citizenship with his family.“It’s great to be an American, at last,” he said.–The Borowitz Report, The New Yorker Magazine

  25. Joey says: has an article up today naming Andy Martin as the person who REALLY started the Birther (bowel) movement.
    The article references Clinton advisor Mark Penn’s 2007 “Obama has non-American roots” memo.

  26. Phoenix says:

    Speaking of PPSIMMONS…

    a birther I know just posted a link to this PPSimmons video on FB

    VIDEO : More Proof That Hillary Clinton Started the “OBAMA BIRTHER” Movement

    It is a video of a Chris Matthews segment from Dec. 18, 2007 in which Matthews says:


    MATTHEWS: So, is Hillary backer Bob Kerrey pretending to sell Obama, but clearly putting the shiv in?

    Here is Hillary Clinton defending him and Bob Kerrey: “I think the remarks were very positive. I know Bob. He was being very complimentary of Senator Obama. He was making a point that Senator Obama makes himself all the time, that, because of his upbringing and his heritage, he is, in his view”—“in his view”—catch that line—“very well-suited to communicate with the rest of the world. And he has just himself that he wants to have a particular outreach to the Islamic world. So, I think Senator Kerrey was being, you know, very generous in what he said.”

    But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?


    As always, a birther gambit taking a rhetorical turn of phrase (“for having been born in Indonesia, or what”) and then calling that “reporting” or an assertion of “fact.”

    But, wait, there is an interesting and telling twist connected to that PPSIMMONS video…

  27. Phoenix says:

    The twist is that PPSIMMONS, just below that YouTube video

    includes a link to a Breitbart article from Sept. 26, 2015 by John Nolte, headlined as:

    Bombshell: ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement

    Never mind for the moment the deceptive gambits in that article, let’s instead ponder the Breitbart connection to Trump.

    That is, consider how Trump’s latest “change of heart” about the President’s birthplace hinges on this same lie/distortion about Hillary Clinton.

    One wonders what Steve Bannon’s input has been in this new pitch by Trump (since Bannon jumped over from Breitbart to become Trump’s campaign CEO).


    New Trump

    brought to you by Breitbart
    via Steve Bannon

  28. Phoenix says:

    does not compute does not compute does not compute

    brain freeze brain freeze

    but but that would mean he is giving Hillary Clinton credit for something!!!

    world implodes

    Scientist: One could look at it like the philosophical Liar’s Paradox.Since everything Trump says is a lie, and he says the President was born in the US, does that mean the President wasn’t?

  29. john says:

    Hillary Clinton lies once again!!! She Did start the birther movement contrary to popular belief:

    Clintons Knew Obama Ineligible & DNC Primary Fraud – Claims Hollywood Producer

    Hillary Calls Trump Original ‘Birther’, But Her Campaign Actually Started It In 2008

    Hillary Calls Trump Original ‘Birther’, But Her Campaign Actually Started It In 2008

    Fox News: Hillary Clinton Is The Original Birther

    Boom! Here’s Washington Post admitting Hillary started the birther movement!

    The evidence just goes on and on and on and on and on….

  30. Phoenix says:

    New Trump

    now birther-free*

    *includes 150% more lies

  31. CarlOrcas says:

    john: The evidence just goes on and on and on and on and on…

    I don’t think you know what the word “evidence” means.

  32. Phoenix says:

    Oh John, thanks for demonstrating birthers *can* survive in this Brave New World.


    She Did start the birther movement contrary to popular belief:

  33. Steve says:

    One Trump supporter I know brought up the following, is it a valid point?:

    “But, they sure played off of it didn’t they?

    You don’t deny that the Clinton campaign was peddling the photo of Obama in “native Muslim garb”.

    You don’t deny that Mark Penn was authoring memos recommending that they paint Obama as “other” without “American roots”.

    And, while Trump has been scolded to “denounce” the support of the “alt-right” and Bernie was beaten up on until he denounced the “Bernie Bros.”, not only did Hillary not denounce her “die hard” supporters who started the rumor, they built a strategy to benefit from it.

    There’s no denying that Penn’s memo was racist. Did Clinton reject it as racist, and denounce Penn?

    There’s no doubt that Obama blamed Clinton personally for her campaign’s rumor mongering. And, what did she do when he called her on it:

    Before he could finish his sentence, she exploded on Obama. In a matter of seconds, she went from composed to furious.

    Of course she got defensive, and upset. I’m not sure she has the “temperament” to be President.”

    Would it be wrong in any political arguments to forbid him from bringing up Hillary’s past behavior and statements?

  34. Erick says:

    Whether you’re a Birther or a non Birther, If you believe this controversy was not fabricated by the left and the right, you might be as dumb as they told you you are. Whether he was born here or not, I neither know, nor care. My opinion is that he was born here. If not, he certainly could only be disqualified by overly stringent adherence to the Constitution.
    You will find that the powers that be use slight of hand constantly. Create a controversy, and you can get away with a whole bunch of other real criminal activities while the dumbmasses (Yes, that’s the correct spelling) are focused on bupkis.

    In order for Obama’s Birth certificate to be genuine, Kenya would have had to have been a country in 1961. It was not. Not until ’63. Obama would be the first “allegedly” black person to be an “African American” by birth. Everyone else was a Negro. And the hospital he was born in would have had to have been a hospital prior to 1978, at least nominally. The Building was there in ’61, but not by that name. (The hospital was renamed in ’78.)

    So what gives? Do you think high powered intellectuals, and people with “people”, couldn’t figure this out? Why was it never questioned? Do you think the Obama regime didn’t know this prior to releasing such an absurd document?

    They all knew. They are all laughing at you. Still. Obama, Clinton, Trump, Gulliani, Soros, the Coak brothers……it doesn’t matter which side. There are only two sides. Them and us. They are laughing at us. Laugh with them if you think it behooves you. I assure you, they will laugh harder. And if you keep backing either side, they will have the last laugh………..soon.

  35. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Right, because Breitbart has an ounce of credibility. *eye roll*

  36. donna says:

    Politifact TODAY:

    1) Full Flop: Donald Trump abandons Barack Obama birther conspiracy

    As recently as Sept. 15, 2016, Trump would not acknowledge Obama’s birthplace, declining to address the matter when asked by the Washington Post, according to the Associated Press.

    “I’ll answer that question at the right time,” Trump said. “I just don’t want to answer it yet.”

    He talked more about it on Sept. 16, 2016, switching his long-held position.

    His reversal rates Full Flop.

    2) Trump’s Pants on Fire claim that he ‘finished’ the Obama birther talk

    Our ruling

    Trump said of the birther controversy, “I finished it.”

    In no credible sense is this true. Trump didn’t “finish” fanning the flames of birther conspiracies once Obama released his long-form birth certificate in April 2011 — he kept tweeting about it for at least another three and a half years. And a core group of Americans hasn’t “finished” expressing birther sentiments. As recently as a year ago, various polls have found that 13% of Americans supported the viewpoint.

    We rate Trump’s claim Pants on Fire.

    3) Trump said Obama’s grandmother caught on tape saying she witnessed his birth in Kenya

    Trump is serving up re-heated leftovers that have long ago been debunked. Anyone who listens to the tape of the phone conversation with Sarah Obama can hear how tightly you need to edit this interview to present it as evidence of a presidential cover-up. We rule Trump’s claim that Obama’s grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya False.

    Tweet du jour:

    Bakari Sellers Verified account

    Trump didn’t finish the birther movement. It was finished August 4, 1961.

    8:41 AM – 16 Sep 2016

  37. Joey says:

    Hillary Clinton lies once again!!! She Did start the birther movement contrary to popular belief:

    Clintons Knew Obama Ineligible & DNC Primary Fraud – Claims Hollywood Producer

    Hillary Calls Trump Original ‘Birther’, But Her Campaign Actually Started It In 2008

    Hillary Calls Trump Original ‘Birther’, But Her Campaign Actually Started It In 2008

    Fox News: Hillary Clinton Is The Original Birther

    Boom! Here’s Washington Post admitting Hillary started the birther movement!

    The evidence just goes on and on and on and on and on….

    Got anything quoting Hillary Clinton as saying that Barack Obama was not born in the United States?

  38. Phoenix says:

    Mark Penn’s memo got shot down.


    You don’t deny that Mark Penn was authoring memos recommending that they paint Obama as “other” without “American roots”.

    …Did Clinton reject it…

  39. Phoenix says:

    Not actually true.

    The person she mentions being fired at the end of 2007 was Judy Rose, and not for birtherism, for bigotry.


    Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

  40. bob says:

    Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

    Can you not read? Clinton’s campaign manager was accused; there was no admission.

  41. Phoenix says:

    The operative word is “link.” Anything can be linked to anything. Thus, witness how weasel words fulfill their rhetorical function in spreading lies.

    bob: Can you not read?Clinton’s campaign manager was accused; there was no admission.

  42. J. Potter says:

    Gosh…. it’s like birtherism is no longer useful to Trump.

  43. This postage stamp was from the 1950’s

    And the official government publication in 1961 was the Kenya Gazette.

    Kenya was a British colony in 1961, but it was still Kenya.

    You are equally wrong about the name of Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital for any number of reasons, including several other birth certificates published with the same hospital name.

    And finally, you are completely and utterly wrong about a problem with Obama’s race on the certificate. It is 100% correct because this item is open ended, reflecting how the parent describes themself. No African would call himself a Negro. In fact Hawaii had no race classification for Negro or Black in 1961. Black parents were so rare at that time that black persons were classified as “other race.”

    All of this has been long-documented on this blog, for anyone who wants to see the evidence. I commend for the purging of your nonsense the Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories.

    Erick: In order for Obama’s Birth certificate to be genuine, Kenya would have had to have been a country in 1961. It was not. Not until ’63.

  44. Dave says:

    So now James Asher has claimed in a tweet that Sidney Blumenthal privately suggested he investigate claims that Obama was born in Kenya, 8 years ago. I can find no sign that Asher ever said this before.

  45. J.D. Reed says:

    He’s pandering for the obot votes?
    The birthers must be losing their minds today.

    Actually, no. I donned my hip boots and waded into Free Republic. No one seems to be upset with Trump, the consensus seems to be that The Donald bowed to reality — not factual reality, but political reality. Some dream of his resurrecting the issue, once safely elected, and using his powers as president to obtain all the evidence that Freepers know exists, to finally reveal the truth.
    And of course, hope springs eternal in the magic reset crowd. One relishes contemplating the eradication of the entire administration of Barack Obama.
    So assuming that the freeper caucus in Birtherstan is representative of the whole movement, the cost to Trump will be negligible.

  46. bob says:

    So now James Asher has claimed in a tweet that Sidney Blumenthal privately suggested he investigate claims that Obama was born in Kenya, 8 years ago. I can find no sign that Asher ever said this before.

    More importantly, no evidence that Blumenthal ever said that.

  47. Erick says:

    Your undated stamp truly proves me wrong Thank you. And There were was at least one other person who was listed as African American prior to 1980. You’re so right. Thank you for correcting me. Good luck in the future.

  48. Scientist says:

    Erick: There are only two sides. Them and us.

    By definition, from my point of view, I am part of “us” and you are “they”. Similarly, from your point of view, you are “us” and I am “they”. Interesting, isn’t it?

    So now James Asher has claimed in a tweet that Sidney Blumenthal privately suggested he investigate claims that Obama was born in Kenya, 8 years ago. I can find no sign that Asher ever said this before.

    There would actually be nothing improper in a campaign investigating a rumor about an opponent, finding nothing to it and moving on. That is the bread and butter of politics.

  49. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Hillary Clinton lies once again!!! She Did start the birther movement contrary to popular belief:

    Clintons Knew Obama Ineligible & DNC Primary Fraud – Claims Hollywood Producer

    Hillary Calls Trump Original ‘Birther’, But Her Campaign Actually Started It In 2008

    Hillary Calls Trump Original ‘Birther’, But Her Campaign Actually Started It In 2008

    Fox News: Hillary Clinton Is The Original Birther

    Boom! Here’s Washington Post admitting Hillary started the birther movement!

    The evidence just goes on and on and on and on and on….

    Viviano is a life long republican and birther who never was around hillary she has no credibility. Next three videos are about the Muslim claims not birtherism. Last article is a lie from breitbart wapo actually said the opposite.

  50. Erick says:


    From my point of view, you are one of the dubmasses. Which party represents you? What do you stand for?

  51. J.D. Reed says:

    Joey: Got anything quoting Hillary Clinton as saying that Barack Obama was not born in the United States?

    No, John again and again has proved himself to be oblivious, or more accurately, impervious to facts.
    I would not expect John to accept this challenge, but for anyone tempted to give John any credence:
    Show me any evidence that Hillary, or anyone of her official campaign, did anything to push the Birtherstan bushwa.
    The most obvious place you would find such evidence would be in newspapers. Most if not all major newspapers have past editions on microfilm, available through interlibrary loan. It might be a tall task for one individual to slog through 20 or so major newspapers for the first half of 2008. But there are ample Birthers to form a large enough committee to make light work for all.

  52. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You are equally wrong about the name of Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital for any number of reasons, including several other birth certificates published with the same hospital name.

    There are some health publications in medical journals in the 30s using the name of the hospital on Obamas bc

  53. Dave B. says:

    Birthers are so dumb they can’t tell when they’re the butt of the joke. The original source of Erick’s claims:

    Whether you’re a Birther or a non Birther, If you believe this controversy was not fabricated by the left and the right, you might be as dumb as they told you you are. Whether he was born here or not, I neither know, nor care. My opinion is that he was born here. If not, he certainly could only be disqualified by overly stringent adherence to the Constitution.
    You will find that the powers that be use slight of hand constantly. Create a controversy, and you can get away with a whole bunch of other real criminal activities while the dumbmasses (Yes, that’s the correct spelling) are focused on bupkis.

    In order for Obama’s Birth certificate to be genuine, Kenya would have had to have been a country in 1961. It was not. Not until ’63. Obama would be the first “allegedly” black person to be an “African American” by birth. Everyone else was a Negro. And the hospital he was born in would have had to have been a hospital prior to 1978, at least nominally. The Building was there in ’61, but not by that name. (The hospital was renamed in ’78.)

    So what gives? Do you think high powered intellectuals, and people with “people”, couldn’t figure this out? Why was it never questioned? Do you think the Obama regime didn’t know this prior to releasing such an absurd document?

    They all knew. They are all laughing at you. Still. Obama, Clinton, Trump, Gulliani, Soros, the Coak brothers……it doesn’t matter which side. There are only two sides. Them and us. They are laughing at us. Laugh with them if you think it behooves you. I assure you, they will laugh harder. And if you keep backing either side, they will have the last laugh………..soon.

  54. Dave B. says:

    My standard issue answer to this point:

    The hospital name on the birth certificate is correct.
    The Nordyke twins’ birth certificates, dated August 11, 1961:
    A couple of articles from WorldNet Daily– by birther Jerome Corsi–with images of the Nordyke twins’ birth certificates:
    A medical journal article, published in 1943, originating from the Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital and the Department of Clinical Pathology, The Clinic, Honolulu, T.H.
    A 1934 lawsuit involving the hospital:
    And yet another birth certificate from August 1961, on which the hospital name appears just as it did on Barack Obama’s:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There are some health publications in medical journals in the 30s using the name of the hospital on Obamas bc

  55. Dave B. says:

    My favorite issue of the Kenya Gazette, dated August 8, 1961:

    Dr. Conspiracy: And the official government publication in 1961 was the Kenya Gazette.

    Kenya was a British colony in 1961, but it was still Kenya.

  56. Scientist says:

    Erick: From my point of view, you are one of the dubmasses. Which party represents you? What do you stand for?

    Et tu, Brute…

  57. gorefan says:

    Erick: In order for Obama’s Birth certificate to be genuine, Kenya would have had to have been a country in 1961. It was not. Not until ’63. Obama would be the first “allegedly” black person to be an “African American” by birth. Everyone else was a Negro. And the hospital he was born in would have had to have been a hospital prior to 1978, at least nominally. The Building was there in ’61, but not by that name. (The hospital was renamed in ’78.)

    Everything in this paragraph was reported on back in 2011 when the LFBC was first released.

    Don’t like Doc’s stamp? Here is a page from the Kenya Gazette of February, 1952. Notice all the mentions of Kenya.

    Kenya Gazette

    For the hospital name. Here is a Hawaii Medical Journal from 1950

    Hawaii Medical Journal

    The term “African American” does not appear on the birth certificate.

  58. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: This postage stamp was from the 1950’s

    As you can tell by the very youthful looking Queen Elizabeth. And she’s STILL on the throne. Amazing!

  59. Joey says:

    Whether you’re a Birther or a non Birther, If you believe this controversy was not fabricated by the left and the right, you might be as dumb as they told you you are. Whether he was born here or not, I neither know, nor care. My opinion is that he was born here. If not, he certainly could only be disqualified by overly stringent adherence to the Constitution.
    You will find that the powers that be use slight of hand constantly. Create a controversy, and you can get away with a whole bunch of other real criminal activities while the dumbmasses (Yes, that’s the correct spelling) are focused on bupkis.

    In order for Obama’s Birth certificate to be genuine, Kenya would have had to have been a country in 1961. It was not. Not until ’63. Obama would be the first “allegedly” black person to be an “African American” by birth. Everyone else was a Negro. And the hospital he was born in would have had to have been a hospital prior to 1978, at least nominally. The Building was there in ’61, but not by that name. (The hospital was renamed in ’78.)

    So what gives? Do you think high powered intellectuals, and people with “people”, couldn’t figure this out? Why was it never questioned? Do you think the Obama regime didn’t know this prior to releasing such an absurd document?

    They all knew. They are all laughing at you. Still. Obama, Clinton, Trump, Gulliani, Soros, the Coak brothers……it doesn’t matter which side. There are only two sides. Them and us. They are laughing at us. Laugh with them if you think it behooves you. I assure you, they will laugh harder. And if you keep backing either side, they will have the last laugh………..soon.

    Ooo, it’s all just a big ol’ CONSPIRACY! The sky is falling. The sky is falling.


  60. Dave B. says:

    My standard reply for the “No Kenya in 1961” claim–
    Kenya’s been called “Kenya” since the 1920’s, when it ceased to be known as the British East Africa Protectorate.
    The Kenya Colony Order in Council, 1921:
    Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Annual Report for 1921:
    Same, for 1922:
    The Official Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Nairobi, February 9, 1921:
    Same, for May 3, 1938:
    Oh, and just for fun, here’s the Kenya Gazette dated August 8, 1961– the same day President Obama’s birth certificate was filed.
    In the Annual Report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for the Year Ended June 30, 1962,
    you will find Kenya among the countries listed in Table 31, on page 74; and in Table 32, on page 77.
    In Barack Obama, Sr.’s INS file, as published here,
    the very first document you will find is an Alien Registration card from September of 1962 in which Barack Obama, Sr. reports his own nationality as “Kenya.” Moving down to page 31, you’ll find a Notice and Report Concerning Nonimmigrant “F-1” Student signed June 27, 1962, which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s Country of birth as “Kenya, Africa”– and his Country of citizenship as “Africa.”
    On page 34, you’ll find a handwritten memo dated August 31, 1961, which includes the notation,
    “When finished school here plans to go to a mainland school for a Doctor Degree in Economics– after that to return to Kenya.”
    On page 35, you’ll find an Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay, dated August 31, 1961, which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s country of birth and country of citizenship as “Kenya.”
    On page 37, you’ll find a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant “F” Student Status which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s Place of Birth as “Kenya (Africa).”
    On page 39, you’ll find a Memo for File regarding an allegation of bigamy on the part of Barack Obama, Sr., which says, in part,
    “Mrs. McCabe, University of Hawaii, Foreign Student advisor, called on 4/10/61 and reported that BARACK H. OBAMA, a student at the University since 1959 was married on February 2, 1961 to Stanley Ann Dunham, a United States citizen from Seattle, Washington in Maui, Hawaii. The problem is that when he arrived in the U.S. the subject had a wife in Kenya. The Subject was born on June 18, 1934 in Kisumu, Nyanza, Kenya, Africa and entered the U.S. at New York, N.Y. on August 9, 1959 as an F student…Subject told Mrs. McCabe that in Kenya all that is necessary to be divorced is to tell the wife that she is divorced and that constitutes a legal divorce. Subject claims to have been divorced from his wife in Kenya in this method.”
    On page 43 you’ll find an Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay, dated July 28, 1960, in which Barack Obama, Sr. reports that he is a citizen or subject of Kenya, and was born at Kisumu, Nyanza, Kenya.
    On page 45, you’ll find a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant “F” Student Status, dated 24 July 1960, listing Barack Obama, Sr.’s Place of Birth as “Kenya.”
    On page 51, you’ll find a Report of Initial Registration and Termination of Attendance of Nonimmigrant “F” Student, dated July 28, 1960, which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s place of birth as “Kenya, Africa.”
    On page 52, you’ll find an Alien Registration fingerprint card, dated July 28, 1960, listing Barack Obama, Sr.’s RACE and nationality as “Kenya,” and his place of birth as “Kisumu-Nyanza, Kenya.”
    On page 54, you’ll find an alien fingerprint record, date-stamped August 15, 1960, listing Barack Obama, Sr.’s RACE and nationality as “Kenya,” and his place of birth as “KisumuNyanza, Kenya.”
    Kenya CEASED to be called the “British East Africa Protectorate” in 1921. US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS regularly referred to the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya as “Kenya.”

  61. Keith says:

    Erick: In order for Obama’s Birth certificate to be genuine, Kenya would have had to have been a country in 1961. It was not. Not until ’63.

    The birth certificate says that Obama Sr. was born in “Kenya, East Africa”. It does not say that Kenya was an independent nation. “Kenya, East Africa” only needs to be a place that Obama Sr. could be born in – and it was.

    Obama would be the first “allegedly” black person to be an “African American” by birth. Everyone else was a Negro.

    The birth certificate makes no mention of the race of the child, Obama Jr. It lists the race of the FATHER as “African”. “Negro” is an American term, Africans called themselves “Africans”. It is a self-descriptive term, not imposed by State or Federal law or customary ‘rule’. It is how the father described himself.

    And the hospital he was born in would have had to have been a hospital prior to 1978, at least nominally. The Building was there in ’61, but not by that name. (The hospital was renamed in ’78.)

    (the following quote is from Snopes:)
    The former Kapi’olani Maternity Home became the Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (where Barack Obama was born) in 1931, and it retained that appellation until 1971, when its name was shortened to Kapi’olani Hospital. The Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital (where Barack Obama was not born) was a separate entity which merged with the Kapi’olani Hospital in 1978 to become the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children.

    Furthermore, there are many published scientific papers by researchers that worked at the KMGH from well before 1961. I refer you to “Decidual Reactions in Fallopian Tubes: Histologic Study of Tubal Segments from 144 Post-partum Sterilizations” by I. L. Tilden and Ruth Winstedt from the Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. Published in November 1943.

    And lawsuits

    Post to this site by Expelliarmus in 2011


    The statement of facts sets out, among other things: “That on, to-wit, February 15, 1929, the testatrix, Mary E. Foster, in response to the solicitations made of her, with full knowledge of all the facts and well knowing that any moneys that she might contribute to such building fund were for the exclusive purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of the erection and completion of the new maternity hospital building at the new site and would be used exclusively for that purpose and not for the establishment and/or maintenance of beds or for other furniture, fixtures or equipment to be used in said maternity hospital, made a gift to the Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital of the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).”

    The will that was the subject of the lawsuit referred to “KAPIOLANI MATERNITY HOME” and was made out in 1926.

    So it looks like two things happened between 1926 and 1931 (when the hospital appears to have initiated its lawsuit): (1) The name changed, and (2) A new hospital building was erected. Possibly those 2 events coincided.

  62. “I don’t want to comment on this statement. I think we need to concentrate on making America great again,”

    — Orly Taitz

  63. It pains me how mainstream the topic of birtherism has become.

  64. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It pains me how mainstream the topic of birtherism has become.

    Have any media called to speak with you?

  65. Keith says:

    Dave B.: My favorite issue of the Kenya Gazette, dated August 8, 1961:

    Hey, that issue describes “Vacancies in the Service of the Kenya Government”.

    Whooda thunk it?

    And for those who want to pick at the scab about whether or not Obama Sr. had two wives, there is a book being advertised titled: “Luo Customary Law and Marriage Laws Customs”. Sounds like a must have reference for any self-respecting mud slinger in this case (or African anthropologist for that matter).

  66. Dave B. says:

    And it was published the same day Obama’s birth certificate was filed.

    Keith: Hey, that issue describes “Vacancies in the Service of the Kenya Government”.

    Whooda thunk it?

    And for those who want to pick at the scab about whether or not Obama Sr. had two wives, there is a book being advertised titled: “Luo Customary Law and Marriage Laws Customs”. Sounds like a must have reference for any self-respecting mud slinger in this case (or African anthropologist for that matter).

  67. Dave B. says:

    This makes the point pretty well:

    Keith: Hey, that issue describes “Vacancies in the Service of the Kenya Government”.

    Whooda thunk it?

    And for those who want to pick at the scab about whether or not Obama Sr. had two wives, there is a book being advertised titled: “Luo Customary Law and Marriage Laws Customs”. Sounds like a must have reference for any self-respecting mud slinger in this case (or African anthropologist for that matter).

  68. Phoenix says:

    I know. I’ve been saying to people, welcome to my world. I would love to ignore birtherism (but family). Many would love to ignore Trump and birtherism (but presidency).

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It pains me how mainstream the topic of birtherism has become.

  69. Rickey says:

    And There were was at least one other person who was listed as African American prior to 1980.

    The phrase “African American” does not appear on Obama’s birth certificate. His father was African. “Negro” is a western word, from the Spanish and Portuguese words for “black.” Africans do not and never have referred to themselves as negroes.

  70. Pete says:

    Erick: Your undated stamp truly proves me wrong Thank you. And There were was at least one other person who was listed as African American prior to 1980. You’re so right. Thank you for correcting me. Good luck in the future.

    Actually, I’m amazed that Doc still has the patience, after all these years, to patiently and kindly explain the facts of life to someone like you, rather than simply call you what you are and ban you for life from this blog.

  71. Pete says:

    Erick: From my point of view, you are one of the dubmasses.

    Well, your point of view is factually wrong, “dubmass.”

  72. Phoenix says:

    Trump’s Birther Prayer:

    Putin, grant me the serenity to accept the Americans I fail to delegitimize,
    Courage to demonize the ones I can,
    And wisdom to blame someone else.

  73. RanTalbott says:

    Dave: I can find no sign that Asher ever said this before.

    Birfoons are already trying to claim that Blumenthal was acting as Hillary’s agent in planting the story, but went to the media in response to the birthers.

    At the time of Mr. Blumenthal’s conversation with me, there had been a
    few news articles published in various outlets reporting on rumors about
    Obama’s birthplace.

    And McClatchy never said anything public because their reporter found that the claim was false.

  74. Steve says:

    Could someone please critique this discussion I had on Facebook? The author said it was lacking rseach and was not logical. Where were the holes in my logic and why was my research lacking?

    This isn’t the Paper Chase and I shold not be held up to any sort of standards for research or logic.

    eed: Colin Powell and Dem hacks in media have suddenly started saying Trump’s demanding Obama’s birth certificate was racist. How do they figure? Actually, they just figure the majority of blacks will fall for it and make sure they vote for Hillary.
    The issue of whether a presidential candidate was a natural-born citizen came up in 2008 and 2016 with McCain who was born in Panama and Cruz who was born in Canada. No one accused those who raised it, including Trump in the case of Cruz, of being racist. No one accused Trump of being racist when he raised it regarding Obama a couple of years ago. So why is it suddenly, belatedly racist in 2016?
    Because Colin Powell is a little bit black and any accusation a partially black person that something is racist means it is racist, all logic to the contrary being ignored because a partially black person can’t possibly be wrong about whether something is racist.
    Back when Powell endorsed Obama in 2008 I wrote an article about that endorsement. It’s title was “Colin Powell is a racist.” Why else would a lifelong Republican suddenly endorse a way left Democrat?

    Me: In 2008, three years before Donald Trump started talking about this, Barack Obama released his birth certificate. The COLB or “short form” is the legal birth certificate in Hawaii. If you were born in Hawaii and you asked the DOH for a copy of your birth certificate, that’s what they’d give you. You could get a passport with it, enlist in the military, get a driver’s license, etc. It’s admissible in any court in the country and the information on it is presumed to be truthful unless there is evidence sufficient to overcome that presumption. Given that there is no credible evidence Barack Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii and there is no plausible scenario where he could have been born in another country and had the birth fraudulently registered in Hawaii, why didn’t that settle it?

    Reed: Your statement is false for lack of research on your part. Also, I wrote a post noting that the long form had more info and suggesting that Obama was hiding something other than his place of birth, like maybe his religion. Also, there was testimony that parents often sent false birth reports to the newspapers to try to get a passport later and that doctors sometimes “helped” immigrants by signing false birth certificates. The newspapers did not verify birth certificates or get their info from hospitals.
    There is also the reverse argument of yours. Why not release the long from if it says the same as the short? Clearly, Obama did that to keep the birther thing alive as long as possible because he thought it was helping him politically.
    But your whole comment is beside the point because my post is about the fact that the birther controversy had nothing to do with race.

    Me: The only relevant questions regarding his eligibility were his age and where he was born. The COLB answered both questions. The other issues are not relevant to his eligibility. The state DOH sent the birth reports to the papers, not individual parents. And yes, it kind of gets to the point of race, because what legitimate reason was there to dispute where he was born once the COLB was made public?

    Reed: No logic to your statement. I already said he may have been hiding some fact on the long from that was not on the short other than place of birth. As to what other reason could there be: Trump likes attention. Trump believed Obama was hiding a religious line on the form. Trump wanted to show that he could force Obama to release the long from when no one else could—which is precisely what he did.
    I have no idea on earth why you or the Democrat hack reporters think it has anything whatsoever to do with race. Scott Adams says the same above. If it’s so racial, why did that accusation not surface years ago when Trump was beating this drum?

    Me: Read what I said again very carefully. The religious argument is irrelevant. The question was about his eligibility. The only thing that matters for that are his age and where he was born. The COLB answered both questions. As it turned out, the religion question was not on the long form either

    A third party: “The only relevant questions regarding his eligibility were his age and where he was born.”

    Not entirley correct. If Obama Jr. had been born abroad (an extremely remote possibility), and if his father really were Obama Sr. (see below), then, under the laws in effect at the time of Obama Jr.’s birth, his underage mother would have been unable to convey her American citizenship to her offspring.

    However, there is another issue, one that John Reed mentioned: the possibility that Obama does not want to reveal something that his birth certificate shows. If I’m not mistaken, (DrIrvingFinegarten) believes that the long form that Obama released is authentic, so all is fine. However, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigative unit determined that the PDF of Obama’s birth certificate was modified, so it is a fake. If it is a fake, then why was it forged or altered? The most plausible explanation is to hide something inconvenient, such as place of birth, date of birth, or parentage.

    Obama Jr. bears a strong resemblance to his maternal grandfather, but little resemblance to Obama Sr. Some people suggest he resembles his Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

    I don’t know. All I can say is the following:
    1. The desire to know the truth has nothing to do with Obama’s race.
    2. Obama has never released all kinds of information about himself that other modern politicians release as a matter of course.
    3. Obama has a track record of lying (and not just little white lies, but huge, Clintonesque lies).

    Because of all this, even if Obama’s long form birth certificate is authentic, I can’t accept it as such. Doubt remains because Obama put it there.

    Me: f the long form is a fake, then the Hawaii DOH is complicit in the forgery since they have verified the information that is on it. And if that’s the case, why would they have not produced a forgery that would have been perfect and indistinguishable from an authentic document? Also, given the expense of a trip from Hawaii to Kenya, it’s highly unlikely Stanley Ann Dunham could have gone there, especially when at an advanced stage of pregnancy.

    Third party: I agree with you that it is entirely unlikely that Stanley Ann traveled abroad while in the last months of pregnancy. However, I also think it entirely unlikely that she went off to classes at the University of Washington 15 days after the birth of her son—yet that’s what the records show (Obama’s official date of birth is 8/4/61, and UW records show Stanley Ann in class on 8/19/61).

    There are any number of political reasons why officials in Hawaii might not be telling the truth. However, I do not know that they are, and am not making any accusations. I acknowledge that the form Obama released might be authentic. However…

    When someone lies and obfuscates as much as Obama, he is not to be trusted, even when he tells you that the sun rises in the east.

    Me: It’s not a matter of believing him or not believing him. All the evidence points to him being born in Hawaii. No evidence points to him being born anywhere else. If think the Hawaii DOH is lying, it’s up to you to prove it.

    Third party: Perhaps you didn’t notice that I agree that Obama was born in Hawaii. I don’t have the resources or inclination to show that anyone in the Hawaii DOH is lying, but Arpaio’s investigation suggests someone might be. Furthermore, Obama’s own history of lying means he is not to be trusted.

    Me: With the long form, there are three possibilities. First, authentic and the information on it matches what the DOH has on file. Second, it’s a forgery and the information on it matches what the DOH has on file. Third, it’s a forgery and the information on it does not match what the Hawaii DOH has on file and they’re lying. Only one of those makes sense. There’s no need to forge anything if the information on it is the same as what the DOH has on file. If it doesn’t, the DOH would either confirm that it’s a forgery or if they were complicit, produce a flawless forgery that nobody would ever suspect of being a forgery. The only thing that makes sense is that the document is authentic and matches what the Hawaii DOH has on file.

    Reed: This is all off point. Why is Trump racist now because of past birther support when he was not called racist then? Why was he not called racist when he pointed to Cruz Canadian birth? Why was no one called racist when they pointed out McCain Panama birth? Why was no one called racist when they pointed out George Romney’s Mexican birth?
    Colin Powell invented the racist connection this week. Now the media and Democrats are running with it as fast as they can. (DrIrvingFinegarten) fell for it and is carrying their water.
    The issue here is why is it racist? Any more comments on on the birther issue instead of why it’s racist will be deleted.

    Me: When someone asks a political candidate to provide documents that they have not asked any previous candidate to provide then refuse to accept the information on those documents, it begs the question if why. Once the answers about McCain and George Romney were provided, I don’t recall anyone disputing them.

  75. Scientist says:

    Steve: That’s awfully long to critique. I’ll focus on the points about Colin Powell. First of all, I don’t know what he means by “a little bit black”. His parents were Jamaican immigrants. Yes there was some European ancestry, as there is for most people there, and many here. He considers himself African-American and is considered to be that by just about everyone. When he was appointed Secretary of State, it was said he was the first African American to hold that position. That’s more than “a little bit black”.

    As for lifelong Republicans supporting a Democrat, well, there are a bunch supporting Hillary this year and it isn’t because she is whiter than Trump. Joe Lieberman supported McCain, and I don’t think it was racial (more like personal pique and sour grapes). Other Dems at times have endorsed Republicans.

    So, I think Powell, who knew both Obama and McCain very well, simply thought Obama would be a better President. Period.

  76. Curious George says:

    According to Mike Zullo, Trump’s change of opinion about Barack Obama’s citizenship has nothing to do with the all important birth certificate investigation, still ongoing.

    Zullo said yesterday on Carl Gallups’ Freedom Friday that “We cannot clear the [PDF] document.”

  77. Phoenix says:

    But Trump was called such (he even rejected it in 2011, saying he was the least racist person), and birtherism was considered racist. Reed is simply wrong.

    You can go back and read old comments on this blog, or just do a google search. Here are just some of the top results I got, all dated years ago.

    Trump viz. racism 2011:

    Racism viz. birtherism 2011:



    Reed: No one accused Trump of being racist when he raised it regarding Obama a couple of years ago. So why is it suddenly, belatedly racist in 2016?

    Reed: If it’s so racial, why did that accusation not surface years ago when Trump was beating this drum?

    Reed: This is all off point. Why is Trump racist now because of past birther support when he was not called racist then?

  78. Curious George says:

    Shurf Joe speaks about the ongoing birth certificate investigation in Phoenix.

  79. Dr. Conspiracy:
    It pains me how mainstream the topic of birtherism has become.

    Believe it or not Doc, I feel the same way. 50 days and a wake-up before the Election, Hillary goes for the Divide America card… knowing if she can get every black and brown Vote, she Wins, for she’ll get a few White Votes and it’s enough to win.

    That really is indicative of Hillary seeing she can gain an advantage by framing Trump in everyone’s mind as “Racist”.

    You probably heard about falling into the pit you dug? Hillary wants to go there , “she” might open up a bigger Pandora s Box then “she” reckoned.

    Of course it will take some TIME to Amend the Constitution for “Her” as “she” wasted so much time as a U.S. Senator, instead of paving “Her” way.

    I personally think trying to address a Constitutional Qualification for the Office of President as a “color” issue is racist passive aggressive politicing, but it’s obviously a fav of Hillary Clinton and Trump is starring the reality of winning in the face. He’s obviously striking a cord with Poverty in the inner cities which is why Hillary went Birther.. again.

    As a service to our mutual communities ..


    Never was about Color for me, it’s about CivilRights and our Constitution. It’s about coming together in our diversity Blacks, Brown, White under the Banner of the United States Supreme Law of the Land and celebrating HillaryClinton is not even authorized to Act in the Office of President.

    CONGRESS has some work to do in Amending the U.S. Constitution if “She” wants to be able to function in the Office of President.

    Watch, Read, and Listen to this. It’s the Law.

    YouTube Link:

    Facebook Link

  80. Nancy Owens says:

    *Gulp* I can’t believe I’m agreeing with ZulloMoore but, there it is. “I Agree.”

    PPSIMMONS (aka Carl Gallups): Mike Zullo: Trump’s statement is NOT the final word on the Birth Certificate investigation:

  81. Nancy Owens says:

    And, they would have had connections to my hometown of Clewiston, Florida. Let me guess. Charles “last name unknown” of “Cocaine Cowboys.” Or, Allen’s baby-brother. Am I right?

    Your undated stamp truly proves me wrong Thank you. And There were was at least one other person who was listed as African American prior to 1980. You’re so right. Thank you for correcting me. Good luck in the future.

  82. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Cody Robert Judy: Never was about Color for me, it’s about CivilRights and our Constitution. It’s about coming together in our diversity Blacks, Brown, White under the Banner of the United States Supreme Law of the Land and celebrating HillaryClinton is not even authorized to Act in the Office of President.

    blah blah blah no one cares Cody. Yeah of course it was never about color except you’ve never questioned any other candidate or president.

  83. Scientist says:

    Cody Robert Judy: HillaryClinton is not even authorized to Act in the Office of President.

    I agree with you. As of today, she’s not. Only Barack Obama is and she is not in the line of succession after leaving the Secretary of` State office.

    But, of course, if she is duly elected I look forward to your totally made up rationale as to why she is ineligible, which will even more far-fetched than the ones you guys made up for Obama.

  84. Rickey says:

    Cody Robert Judy: Believe it or not Doc, I feel the same way. 50 days and a wake-up before the Election, Hillary goes for the Divide America card… knowing if she can get every black and brown Vote,she Wins, for she’ll get a few White Votes and it’s enough to win.

    Unsurprisingly, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    57% of registered Democrats are white and 69% of all registered voters are white. Clinton couldn’t possibly win with just a few white votes, even if she got all of the black vote and all of the Hispanic vote.

    On the other hand, 86% of registered Republicans are white. It isn’t Clinton’s fault that Republicans have utterly failed to win the support of blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities. Not all Republicans are racists, but most racists are Republicans.

    It isn’t Democrats who are trying to suppress the vote of blacks and Hispanics. The divisiveness you speak of began with Nixon’s “southern strategy” in 1968, when he began courting racist whites who had become disenchanted with Democrats because of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  85. Phoenix says:

    Good news! The Constitution is not a computer program.

    I would like to point out that Article 1 Section 6 includes this language: “No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.” (My emphasis.)

    Does this mean women cannot be senators and representatives? Get to work, quick, on that one then, before any more women get elected into Congress. But watch out for the backlash. We might actually get a new ERA amendment passed in seconds if anyone took this argument seriously.

    Or does that passage mean that male senators and representatives cannot be appointed to civil offices during their terms (or for offices created or given a raise during their terms)? But female senators and representatives CAN be so appointed to such civil offices?

    We can pursue a few different analyses to the legitimate roles of women in government, but no meaningful argument now exists against women in government. If the only argument is that the Constitution does not explicitly and exactly authorize it, that argument fails from the start. We have never read the Constitution in such a manner, not from day one.

    Perhaps you consider this reality a corruption of the Constitution?

    Well, application of the Constitution necessarily requires thoughtful resolutions in keeping with the Constitution as a whole, not strict computer program style readings that cause the system, and our lives, to crash.

    I see a few different thoughtful, inclusive readings of the Constitution (which includes the amendments with the same force) that bring us to the contemporary reality of women being eligible for all offices. But however you cut the cards, women legally, constitutionally, and practically, are here to stay as full partners in our democracy.

    Cody Robert Judy:

    Of course it will take some TIME to Amend the Constitution for “Her” as “she” wasted so much time as a U.S. Senator, instead of paving “Her” way.

    …HillaryClinton is not even authorized to Act in the Office of President.

    CONGRESS has some work to do in Amending the U.S. Constitution if “She” wants to be able to function in the Office of President.

  86. misha says:

    Trump is nothing more than a rabble rouser, but he has managed to unite the KKK, neo-Nazis and Jews. He gets support from David Duke and his ilk, and Sheldon Adelson, while his daughter and her husband are Orthodox Jews.

    Pence is nothing more than a religionist bigot.

    The GOP did this once before, with Wendell Willkie:


    Get out the vote. RayGun was a B-list actor, whose co-star was a chimpanzee.

  87. Scientist says:

    misha! It’s great to see you! If Trump brought you out of hiding that’s one good thing he did.

  88. Rickey says:

    Trump is nothing more than a rabble rouser, but he has managed to unite the KKK, neo-Nazis and Jews. He gets support from David Duke and his ilk, and Sheldon Adelson, while his daughter and her husband are Orthodox Jews.

    Pence is nothing more than a religionist bigot.

    The GOP did this once before, with Wendell Willkie:


    Get out the vote. RayGun was a B-list actor, whose co-star was a chimpanzee.

    Welcome back! We’ve missed you.

  89. Thrifty says:

    Democrats dividing America. So sick of that meme. People like you live on a steady diet of hatred of Democrats, Muslims, immigrants, and more. Naturally you are divided against those groups you have been taught to hate, and whom you constantly denigrate. You’re like a guy who invites someone into his home, savagely beats him, then complains that some jerk came into your house and got blood all over the carpet.

    Cody Robert Judy: Believe it or not Doc, I feel the same way. 50 days and a wake-up before the Election, Hillary goes for the Divide America card… knowing if she can get every black and brown Vote,she Wins, for she’ll get a few White Votes and it’s enough to win.

  90. Northland10 says:

    Hi Misha!!! 🙂

    Trump is nothing more than a rabble rouser, but he has managed to unite the KKK, neo-Nazis and Jews. He gets support from David Duke and his ilk, and Sheldon Adelson, while his daughter and her husband are Orthodox Jews.

    Pence is nothing more than a religionist bigot.

    The GOP did this once before, with Wendell Willkie:


    Get out the vote. RayGun was a B-list actor, whose co-star was a chimpanzee.

  91. Pete says:


    It’s a bit long to critique, so you lost me halfway through. But from what I read, your position was logical and informed, you were just up against a total dumbass birther.

    But I repeat myself.

    Anyway, very typical interaction. They call you what they themselves are.

  92. Steve says:

    Steve:That’s awfully long to critique.I’ll focus on the points about Colin Powell.First of all, I don’t know what he means by “a little bit black”.His parents were Jamaican immigrants.Yes there was some European ancestry, as there is for most people there, and many here.He considers himself African-American and is considered to be that by just about everyone.When he was appointed Secretary of State, it was said he was the first African American to hold that position.That’s more than “a little bit black”.

    As for lifelong Republicans supporting a Democrat, well, there are a bunch supporting Hillary this year and it isn’t because she is whiter than Trump.Joe Lieberman supported McCain, and I don’t think it was racial (more like personal pique and sour grapes).Other Dems at times have endorsed Republicans.

    So, I think Powell, who knew both Obama and McCain very well, simply thought Obama would be a better President.Period.

    Thank you and sorry to waste your time.

    I appreciate your feedback.

    Maybe it’s a personality flaw of mine, but when I give a well-researched argument with airtight logic, I take great offense in being told my argument lacks research and logic.

    It’s not the Paper Chase. John T Reed is not John Houseman.

    He has no business giving me an F.

  93. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Trump admits Obama was born in U.S., but falsely blames Clinton for starting rumors

    The wingnuts are getting irate about the fact that some news organizations are finally starting to call Trump’s lies “lies”, claiming it’s “partisan”.

    I wonder if it was the bait-and-switch he did to get the free infomercial that did it.

  94. Lupin says:

    Trump is nothing more than a rabble rouser, but he has managed to unite the KKK, neo-Nazis and Jews. He gets support from David Duke and his ilk, and Sheldon Adelson, while his daughter and her husband are Orthodox Jews.

    Pence is nothing more than a religionist bigot.

    The GOP did this once before, with Wendell Willkie:


    Get out the vote. RayGun was a B-list actor, whose co-star was a chimpanzee.

    Hey! welcome back Misha! We missed you!

  95. Keith says:

    Yay to the Misha sighting!

    Welcome back!

  96. Dave B. says:

    A first– David Farrar makes sense!

    “Trump has just admitted to running around smearing Obama over this birtherism issue for the last eight years because of some loony thing Hillary said in the closing days of her own campaign. Even if we assume Hillary did originate the birther claim, how does that make Trump look good?”

  97. Pete says:

    Steve: John T Reed is not John Houseman.

    John T Reed ain’t Jack.

    He has no business giving me an F.

    You got that right.

  98. Washington Post Fact Checker

    “Christie’s claim that Trump did not ‘on a regular basis’ spout birther nonsense after 2011”

    Short compilation of Trump birthering:

  99. Phoenix says:

    Clearly, it all depends on what “talking” means and what “regular basis” means. I mean, is anyone suggesting Donald Trump regularly, every day with his breakfast, say, took a multivitamin and spouted off about President Obama’s birth certificate. It wasn’t like he was doing that, right? So all good, then, yes?

    In other breaking news, prosecutors have called Christie a liar in open court; well, of course, it depends on what you mean by calling someone a liar. They said he knew about the bridge closing while it happened.


    CHRISTIE: “It wasn’t like he was talking — no, Jake, it wasn’t like — it wasn’t like he was talking about it on a regular basis until then.”

  100. RanTalbott says:

    Here’s a point that I haven’t seen mentioned in any of the discussions of Trump’s sudden enlightenment.

    Trump is always bragging that he has “a really great brain”, and amazing insight into subjects like terrorism and international affairs.

    But, if we believe what he said on Friday, it took him over five years to figure out that the birther BS was, in fact, BS.

    Seems to me that puts him well below average in intelligence.

    Or it makes him a particularly evil con man.

    Tough call …

  101. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Despite Trump disavowal, Arpaio Birfs on!

    Makes sense to me. Birthers are super easy to con bucks out of, and Arpaio’s still trying to get re-elected.

  102. RanTalbott says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.: Birthers are super easy to con bucks out of, and Arpaio’s still trying to get re-elected.

    Maybe for ShurfJoke, but Jefe de Oro Zullo was complaining about the Clueless Clown Posse being broke in some of the released emails to Monty.

    I got the impression that the “Donate” button didn’t get a lot of clicks after the first couple of years of non-results.

  103. Phoenix says:

    Disavowal? No no no, I don’t do disavowals. But I’ll take a vowel.

    T R _ M P
    B F F

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Despite Trump disavowal, Arpaio Birfs on!

  104. Phoenix says:

    Trump says he flipped on Obama’s birthplace to ‘get on with the campaign’

  105. Scientist says:

    Phoenix: Trump says he flipped on Obama’s birthplace to ‘get on with the campaign’

    He doesn’t even have loyalty to his own falsehoods.

  106. RanTalbott says:

    Scientist: He doesn’t even have loyalty to his own falsehoods.

    Sometimes he does: barnacles have been tweeting Trump, asking him how they can cling to hulls the way he clings to his “I opposed the Iraq War” lie.

  107. Phoenix says:

    Trump uses other people’s lies (OPL), not just other people’s money (OPM).

    Birther lies are only worth pennies on the dollar right now in the general election, so he keeps a few pennies in his back pocket for later possibilities. But don’t worry, if you want to meet him backstage to discuss birth certificates, he’ll still give you forty cents for every dollar.

    Scientist: He doesn’t even have loyalty to his own falsehoods.

  108. Rickey says:

    Nancy Owens:
    Arpaio out! ZulloMoore out! Volin out! New investigator on the birther scene:

    There has never been a real investigation.

    Zullo’s experience as an investigator consists of a couple of years writing traffic tickets in New Jersey decades ago

    Mike Volin (like Cody Robert Judy) is a convicted felon. He owns a liquor store in Pennsylvania and has been fined at least three times for passing bad checks. He is no more an investigator than you are a hired killer.

    Mike Moore has no connection to either Zullo or Volin.

  109. Nancy Owens says:

    And, this video shows otherwise. I suspect Volin, Arpaio, and ZulloMoore could face charges once Obama’s term is over. Time will tell.

    Mike Moore is Mike Zullo. Volin and Mike worked together in the same south Florida town.

    Rickey: There has never been a real investigation.

    Zullo’s experience as an investigator consists of a couple of years writing traffic tickets in New Jersey decades ago

    Mike Volin (like Cody Robert Judy) is a convicted felon. He owns a liquor store in Pennsylvania and has been fined at least three times for passing bad checks. He is no more an investigator than you are a hired killer.

    Mike Moore has no connection to either Zullo or Volin.

  110. Rickey says:

    Nancy Owens:
    And, this video shows otherwise. I suspect Volin, Arpaio, and ZulloMoore could face charges once Obama’s term is over. Time will tell.

    The video shows only your fantasies.

    Mike Moore is Mike Zullo. Volin and Mike worked together in the same south Florida town.

    Mike Moore is 69 years old and has never lived in Arizona. Mike Zullo is 55 years old and has never lived in Florida.

    Mike Volin is originally from New York and he currently lives in Pennsylvania, but he has never lived in Florida. As a convicted felon, no police department (not even the Clewiston P.D.) would ever consider hiring him. In 1996 he was convicted in New York State of robbery in the first degree, a Class B felony. He served 21 months in prison at the Utica Correctional Facility before he was paroled on 11/3/97.

  111. Nancy Owens says:

    Gee, that’s funny. When I talked to Volin, he acted like he knew me very well. I talked to him like I knew him very well, also, which I do. Along with Mike Zullo Moore who I used to work with in the Hendry County, Florida Sheriff’s Office. At one point in the conversation, he even started to stutter like he was nervous about something. Now, WHAT made him so nervous? Do you know? I do.

    Rickey: The video shows only your fantasies.

    Mike Moore is 69 years old and has never lived in Arizona. Mike Zullo is 55 years old and has never lived in Florida.

    Mike Volin is originally from New York and he currently lives in Pennsylvania, but he has never lived in Florida. As a convicted felon, no police department (not even the Clewiston P.D.) would ever consider hiring him. In 1996 he was convicted in New York State of robbery in the first degree, a Class B felony. He served 21 months in prison at the Utica Correctional Facility before he was paroled on 11/3/97.

  112. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy Owens: Gee, that’s funny. When I talked to Volin, he acted like he knew me very well. I talked to him like I knew him very well, also, which I do. Along with Mike Zullo

    This continues to be funny. Last year you had no idea who Mike Zullo was. Earlier this year you had no idea who volin was then you decided to work him into your fantasies. How long before Carl Gallups becomes the former mayor of Clewiston?

  113. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I’m curious how long it’s going to be before Carl Gallups becomes the former mayor of Clewiston.

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