Gallups sets deadline for press conference

Mike Zullo has been dragging out his non-presentation of the results of 4 years of Cold Case Posse investigation with promises of deep, dark revelations, universe-shattering information, meticulous planning and surmounting legal hurdles. It all became quite comical as milestone after milestone was missed.

For reasons known only to Mike Zullo and perhaps Carl Gallups, they have once more set a date, not that far in the future, and one not requiring a Trump presidency (and the removal of legal hurdles by his assumption of office). The deadline is December 31, 2016. The announcement from Carl Gallups came on the Mike Mashburn radio show on WEBY.

Gallups acknowledged that Sheriff Joe Arpaio will leave office at the end of the year. Gallups says that the Obama birth certification investigation is now wrapping up, based on his interview with Mike Zullo. Gallups said:

Before January 1st, because that’s when Arpaio leaves office, Arpaio and Zullo have announced that they are going to do a national press conference. They’re going to make a full report of the main, the gist, of what it is that they have uncovered. And I can just tell you, that for all of you who have been waiting with bated breath, you will be vindicated. The documents on the White House web site has now been 1000% proven to an absolute criminally fabricated forgery. Now that’s huge, because somebody associated with the White House fabricated a document and a forgery and passed it as the identifying document of the man who has been, quote Valerie Jarrett said “ruling” for the past eight years, who has been commander in chief, who has opened our borders, who has weakened our military, who has stirred up the Middle East, created ISIS as you will and Arab Spring, and the only identifying document he has ever presented is a criminally manufactured forgery. Yeah.

And that is the bottom line of what is going to be presented, but there’s other stuff too. So we’ll keep you posted on exactly when, where and how that’s gonna happen, and how you can see it, either live and/or after the fact, the archives of it. But we’ll keep you posted. But it is getting ready to happen.

And at the very least, people say “what difference does it make now”? Well OK, please don’t sound like Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. Please don’t sound like that. What to you mean, “What difference does it make now?” It makes a lot of difference and we’ll talk about that later, but I don’t want to take the whole program.

But the bottom line is, Mike, the people who have known that something stunk to high Heaven about all this—you are getting ready to be vindicated, as I’ve been telling you all along. You’ve taken heat from the Obots, and the naysayers, the liberals , and the media, which is now we know [unintelligible].

Let me just ask you folks, with WikiLeaks revelations do you now have any doubt that this could have happened? You know? Even those of you that were skeptical in the beginning, even though I was telling you based upon what I knew but couldn’t talk about and couldn’t release promising. I’ve never come on this radio station, Mike,  and neither have you , neither has anybody that works down here, but you and I have never come on here and just lied to people about things. We’ve never led people on to mess with people for eight years. Now the White House has done that. The Media has done that. You and I have never done that. Have we made mistakes along the way? Sure. But we get them right. We admit them. We talk about ‘em. We examine ‘em. But I’ve been telling you, for years, because of stuff that I knew and information I was privy to that this thing was fake. And there’s a reason for that, Mike. I want to present this to our listeners. Mike, think about this; you think about this too. So let’s just take my word for it, that the document is 100% fabricated today. OK? Criminally fabricated, criminally—that’s thing criminally fabricated. I mean they have the proof that this thing was piecemealed together. A little thing from here, a little piece f rom here, put together here, manufactured this background here, manufactured this background this information here, cut and pasted and put it over here, and then ran it through equipment to try to hide it metadata.  and all this kind of – that’s, that’s criminal activity. If you did that with your identifying documents and tried to pass that off, so that you could be the commander in chief, I mean, brother, to get a job with the FBI, let’s say, you’ve handed them a document like that, and you went in and you became an FBI agent and started arresting people, and they found out later that everything that everything you gave them was manufactured, piecemealed together. That’s criminal. That’s the importance of this. “What difference does it make?’…

Now, here’s the next question: Why? There are no good answers to that question. I mean you could say “because he doesn’t have a real birth certificate.” That’s a bad answer. Well, the other one is: “Well, there’s something on the other birth certificate [unintelligible] he’s embarrassed.”1 That’s a bad answer. So you’ve committed a crime to cover up something that’s embarrassing? Somebody could say: “Well, he does have a birth certificate, but he is just jerking around conspiracy theorists and the American public for eight years, just because he could.” By committing a criminal act? Kind of reckless. And the president would jerk around the American people for eight years? Really? That’s not a good answer.

So now I ask this question: Somebody please call this radio station and name for me the governor who has signed an affidavit and has gone on record saying I will lay my job and my future on the line that he was born in my state. I know it 1000% percent. I can prove it? And you’re a bunch of conspiracy theory idiots. Somebody please name that governor. By the way, he doesn’t exist. or she. Somebody please name a Congressman, any Congressman, Democrat or Republican, Senator or House of Representatives, a Congressman, name any Congressperson who will sign an affidavit, who will lay their career on the line before the world in the media and say “I can swear to you  that he was born in the United States. I can promise you. I’ve got the information; here it is.”1 Excuse me, that Congressman doesn’t exist. Can someone please name for me the hospital where the administrator will sign an affidavit and lay their career on the line, their hospital on the line and say “he was born here; we have the records; we can prove it; we know the doctor that delivered him; we know the attendants; we have all the records here; this is where he was born.” That hospital does not exist. Can you name anywhere in the nation where a department of health executive director has signed, or will sign, an affidavit, or will lay their entire career, future on the line, under penalty of going to prison if they’re lying. “We have the records; here they are. I promise you. Let me present them. I will sign an affidavit. I will swear to you we have his original microfilm and hard paper [unintelligible] records here.” That person does not exist.3 Now I gotta ask you, how weird is that? America’s first black president. Nobel Peace Price winner. Two terms. And none of those people exist, and the document is a fake.

OK, so draw your own conclusions, folks. The press conference is coming up soon and it will be revealed to the nation.

That was one of the longest eight minutes of my life. The careful reader will note that Gallups said nothing except that Arpaio and Zullo (note both are named) will hold a press conference before next year at which time they will present an argument that Obama’s birth certificate was assembled from parts of other documents.

I can only speculate that we’ll see some kind of Vogt-like incompetent analysis by one of the known players or some new entry into the forensic pretend expert field.

I left this question on the Carl Gallus YouTube channel, on the video where the above text derives:

So Gallups, will you sign an affidavit, stating that you can 100% prove that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery? Will you lay your career on the line, leave the ministry and go to jail if you are wrong?

Update: Gallups says an announcement November 23 will set the news conference dare for December 15.


1That was Donald Trump’s suggestion.

2Senator Graham said that birthers are “crazy.” Does that count?

3That’s right, the Hawaii Department of Health does not have an “executive director.” Certainly the former director Dr. Fukino, while not issuing an affidavit, did issue two written statements that she had the documents, and that Obama was born in Hawaii. She would certainly have ended her career if she had been found to have lied. The same might be said of Dr. Alvin Onaka who did sign verifications of Obama’s birth certificate that were the equivalent of affidavits.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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49 Responses to Gallups sets deadline for press conference

  1. Curious George says:

    Carl Gallups…”I’ve never come on this radio station, Mike, and neither have you , neither has anybody that works down here, but you and I have never come on here and just lied to people about things. We’ve never led people on to mess with people for eight years. Now the White House has done that. The Media has done that. You and I have never done that. Have we made mistakes along the way? Sure. But we get them right. We admit them. We talk about ‘em. We examine ‘em.”

    There are many people who would find this comment by Gallups to be total nonsense. Gallups should consider the source of his information.

  2. justlw says:

    Now, here’s the next question: Why? There are no good answers to that question.

    I’ll just leave this here.

  3. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I don’t see your comment on the youtube video

  4. roadburner says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    I don’t see your comment on the youtube video

    nope it looks like it’s been removed….looks like i’ll be reposting it

  5. Could there be a more fitting way to end Arpaio’s 24 year career as Maricopa County Sheriff than to hold a Birther press conference with Clown Case Posse lead Mike Zullo? Joe probably doesn’t want that in his obituary.

  6. Pete says:

    Before January 1st, because that’s when Arpaio leaves office, Arpaio and Zullo have announced that they are going to do a national press conference.


    I’ve never come on this radio station, Mike, and neither have you , neither has anybody that works down here, but you and I have never come on here and just lied to people about things. We’ve never led people on to mess with people for eight years.


    OK, so draw your own conclusions, folks. The press conference is coming up soon and it will be revealed to the nation.


    I can only speculate that we’ll see some kind of Vogt-like incompetent analysis by one of the known players or some new entry into the forensic pretend expert field.

    Likely. Or (at least as likely) the BS press conference will never happen.

    The end is near.

  7. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Reality Check: Joe probably doesn’t want that in his obituary.

    Then he should consider croaking before the conference.

  8. bob says:

    This Mike owns the radio station. He has his own program. His guest is … a guy who rents time on his station.

    Must be a slow news day.

  9. Reality Check:
    Could there be a more fitting way to end Arpaio’s 24 year career as Maricopa County Sheriff than to hold a Birther press conference with Clown Case Posse lead Mike Zullo? Joe probably doesn’t want that in his obituary.

    I listened to Mike ZulloMoore’s latest radio show where he denies certain events. My prediction is that it’s going to be the same-ol’-same-ol’. However, having said that, it looks like Doug Vogt might be coming to the forefront on the birther issue.

  10. Joey says:

    “Setting a deadline for a press conference.” Think about the irrelevancy of that.
    A freaking press conference!

  11. Rickey says:

    “Setting a deadline for a press conference.” Think about the irrelevancy of that.
    A freaking press conference!

    Leave it to birthers to set a deadline instead of a date. Maybe they’ll hold it at 11:59 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

  12. I think they should set a date to set a deadline to set a date for a press conference.

    “Setting a deadline for a press conference.” Think about the irrelevancy of that.
    A freaking press conference!

  13. HistorianDude says:

    I cannot wait. I cannot wait. I cannot wait.

    I will be out of country those last two weeks of 2016 (in my grandfather’s Sicilian home town to celebrate my 60th birthday) but will be chomping at the bit on my return for our grand communal debunking.

  14. Pete says:

    Nancy Owens Is The Forger: it looks like Doug Vogt might be coming to the forefront on the birther issue.

    There is no forefront. It’s all backside.

  15. It would really be fun to get the old gang together and put together a really nice critique, sort of a parting shot at the birthers parting shot.

    HistorianDude: chomping at the bit on my return for our grand communal debunking.

  16. Curious George says:

    National Press Conference…Rondeau, Volin, Gallups, Gillar, and assorted fake news websites will most likely cover this titanic, barn burner event. What an amazing legacy for Shurf Joe and korporal Zullo. Will Zullo also charge for admission and promote a second Cold Case Posse book?

    I suspect the book will be a “how to book.” I can see it now, Chapter 1, “How to utilize used car sales tactics and the gullibility of trusting people to promote the investigation of the President of the United States.” Chapter 2, “How to finance an investigation. Just don’t tell how much money was raised or how it was used.” Chapter 3, “How to move the goal post when trapped in a corner by facts.” Chapter 4, “How to get other people to do your work for you to prevent your exposure.” Chapter 5, “How to use the appearance of police authority to create believability.” Chapter 6, “How to effectively use the Fifth Amendment to avoid incriminating oneself while under oath.” Chapter 7, “How to hold a press conference and avoid the facts by using erroneous exhibits.” Chapter 8, “Elections and their consequences. Recognizing the time to exit the investigation and preparing your letter of resignation.” Chapter 9, “Holding a hasty, final exit press conference and putting a positive spin on a disaster.” Epilogue, There’s a new sheriff in town. Universe Shattering!

  17. Keith says:

    I’ve been let out if the sin bin.

    Cold Case Breakthrough

    (Do I hafta go back in the sin bin now?)

  18. Curious George says:

    I’ve been let out if the sin bin.

    Cold Case Breakthrough

    (Do I hafta go back in the sin bin now?)

    “Whyte also paid tribute to officers who had worked on the case since 1998.”

    “It just goes to show how professional the police investigators are and they never stop, never give up … I’m very proud to be commander of those officers.”

    I’ll bet they were real cops too.

  19. An unconfirmed source from the Maricopa County Republican Committee today states that the Arpaio/Zullo press conference is scheduled for December 5.

  20. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    An unconfirmed source from the Maricopa County Republican Committee today states that the Arpaio/Zullo press conference is scheduled for December 5.

    I notice the link says you can go to the post and fail for more info lol

  21. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    The documents on the White House web site has now been 1000% proven to an absolute criminally fabricated forgery.

    OMG fellow Obots, that’s it, we’re done. Our hardened DETECT-O-MATICs only protect us up to 900%, with no headroom for additional Zullification. Let’s hope our prison cells will have Trump TV.

  22. And, now, supposedly breaking news tonight:

    I think those pink prison panties are getting a little too tight for ol’ Joe.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Gallups now says press conference will be Dec. 15.

  23. Yes, the news is supposedly the December 15 press conference.

    Nancy Owens Is The Forger: And, now, supposedly breaking news tonight:

  24. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It would really be fun to get the old gang together and put together a really nice critique, sort of a parting shot at the birthers parting shot.

    Gold Leader, standing by.

  25. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Gallups now says press conference will be Dec. 15.

    To steal someone else’s joke: Of what year?

  26. Curious George says:

    It looks like the Universe Sharttering Vindication and Farewell Project is having a few issues as to when it’s going to happen. Can’t these people get it together? They’ve had over 4 years since the March 1, 2012 press conference to set up this rerun and they all seem to be tripping over one another. Part of it could be because they never expected old Joe to lose his reelection bid. It’s kind of tough to put a project that was expected to run another 4 years and now unwind it in a few weeks. Get ready for no additional details and the ongoing investigation to be passed onto some obscure location in Congress possibly the janitors closet down the hall for review. Expect all the braindead Birthers to pat Mikey on the back for a job well done.

  27. Curious George says:

    Well, it must be happening. Miki Booth apparently has booked a flight to Phoenix for the event. Zullo and Arpaio will be surrounded by their adoring Birther fans. The Birther Princess will give the meeting credibility and class. (Not really.) This may go down in history as the biggest bowl of mixed nuts ever assembled.

  28. Well that means we won’t be entertained by Doug Vogt (who accused Booth of complicity in the birth certificate forgery plot).

    Curious George:
    Well, it must be happening.Miki Booth apparently has booked a flight to Phoenix for the event.Zullo and Arpaio will be surrounded by their adoring Birther fans.

  29. I noticed that it coincided with a huge rise in views on my “Vince Foster” YouTube page. I don’t think that this is a coincidence. As the Obama birth certificate forger, I must be getting too much attention for ZulloMoore and Volin’s con job:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yes, the news is supposedly the December 15 press conference.

  30. Pete says:






  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    I dunno who they’re pinning their hopes on. Arpaio is out and Trump left birthers twisting in the wind, some time back. Maybe one of our last resident birther morons will be able to clue us in on what holding a presser in the last 20 seconds of the game is gonna accomplish.

  32. Rickey says:

    I spent some time catching up on Nancy’s latest delusions.

    She claims that Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley Jr. are the same person. Somehow, after Chapman killed John Lennon on December 8, 1980 he was released by the authorities in New York and made his way to Los Angeles, where he met up with Nancy and they attempted to assassinate Reagan on March 30, 1981. This happened notwithstanding the fact that Chapman was undergoing psychiatric evaluations in New York, he entered a guilty plea on June 22, 1981, and he was sentenced on August 24, 1981. And of course Hinckley was paroled this past September and Chapman is still in prison in New York. But they are the same person as much as Mike Zullo and Mike Moore are the same person.

    She also claims that she wrote the Jon Benet Ramsey ransom note.

  33. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Rickey: spent some time catching up on Nancy’s latest delusions.

    Good grief! There are less extreme methods of self flagellation. Like playing DooM for the 32X, or eating at Golden Corral.

  34. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Good grief! There are less painful methods of self flagellation. Like playing DooM for the 32X, or eating at Golden Corral.

    Yes, I feel like I need to find a delousing station.

  35. Pete says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.: Maybe one of our last resident birther morons will be able to clue us in on what holding a presser in the last 20 seconds of the game is gonna accomplish.

    Consider it a time-out to have the cheerleaders do a hula dance in the last 20 seconds. Yeah, you still lose the game 114-0, but maybe there’s at least one person in the audience who will leave remarking, “Wow, did you see that hula dance?”

  36. Stop regurgitating Potter’s bull. Daddy doesn’t want ya’ll to know he’s responsible for blowing up at least one commercial airline out of Miami.

    I spent some time catching up on Nancy’s latest delusions.

    She claims that Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley Jr. are the same person. Somehow, after Chapman killed John Lennon on December 8, 1980 he was released by the authorities in New York and made his way to Los Angeles, where he met up with Nancy and they attempted to assassinate Reagan on March 30, 1981. This happened notwithstanding the fact that Chapman was undergoing psychiatric evaluations in New York, he entered a guilty plea on June 22, 1981, and he was sentenced on August 24, 1981. And of course Hinckley was paroled this past September and Chapman is still in prison in New York. But they are the same person as much as Mike Zullo and Mike Moore are the same person.

    She also claims that she wrote the Jon Benet Ramsey ransom note.

  37. What they never expected was that the real “Monica Lewinsky” is ready to testify. That wasn’t supposed to happen considering the fact that it didn’t happen last time.

    Curious George:
    It looks like the Universe Sharttering Vindication and Farewell Project is having a few issues as to when it’s going to happen.Can’t these people get it together? They’ve had over 4 years since the March 1, 2012 press conference to set up this rerun and they all seem to be tripping over one another.Part of it could be because they never expected old Joe to lose his reelection bid.It’s kind of tough to put a project that was expected to run another 4 years and now unwind it in a few weeks. Get ready for no additional details and the ongoing investigation to be passed onto some obscure location in Congress possibly the janitors closet down the hall for review. Expect all the braindead Birthers to pat Mikey on the back for a job well done.

  38. Rickey says:

    Nancy Owens Is The Forger:
    What they never expected was that the real “Monica Lewinsky” is ready to testify. That wasn’t supposed to happen considering the fact that it didn’t happen last time.

    Testify in what court? In what case?

  39. Rickey says:

    I should have known better. Nancy also is claiming to be the “real” Monica Lewinsky.

  40. Mike Volin and Sharon Rondeau are the two who took my testimony on the Bill Clinton dress. I declined to appear in court. That, I believe, is what they both expected to happen this go around. Obviously, it isn’t playing out the same way and this video is proof of Volin’s collusion in the forged Obama birth certificate:

    Rickey: Testify in what court? In what case?

  41. Rickey says:

    Nancy Owens Is The Forger:
    Mike Volin and Sharon Rondeau are the two who took my testimony on the Bill Clinton dress. I declined to appear in court. That, I believe, is what they both expected to happen this go around. Obviously, it isn’t playing out the same way and this video is proof of Volin’s collusion in the forged Obama birth certificate:

    You declined to appear in what court? In what case? There was never a trial that had anything to do with Monica Lewinsky’s dress. Did you meet Volin and Rondeau in person? When did this taking of your testimony take place? Please be specific.

    Your conversation with Mike Volin only proves that you once spoke with him on the telephone. While speaking to him, why didn’t you bring up the [alleged. Doc] fact that he once raped you?

  42. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Lol I knew Sharon would end up getting pulled into this farcical story.

  43. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I still remember when she claimed she didn’t know who volin was last year now she suddenly warped him into her stories just like Zullo. Yeah when she had him on the phone she never brought up the previous meeting she claimed she had with volin.

  44. Rickey says:


    Your conversation with Mike Volin only proves that you once spoke with him on the telephone. While speaking to him, why didn’t you bring up the [alleged. Doc] fact that he once raped you?

    I should have put “fact” in quotation marks. Nobody here believes that Volin ever met Nancy.

  45. Rickey says:

    While we wait for the December 15 press conference, Arpaio doesn’t understand why Latinos loathe him.

  46. Daniel says:

    Nancy Owens:

    Back in the mid-80s a cousin of mine was working on a political science textbook manuscript, when his house was broken into and his papers disturbed.

    Was that you?

  47. Daniel says:

    While we wait for the December 15 press conference, Arpaio doesn’t understand why Latinos loathe him.

    “I can’t get to the Hispanic community, which I would love to do. I’d like to have them in my office.”

    In handcuffs, of course…

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