Search Results for: cost millions

Arpaio’s millions

I was chatting with some friends yesterday while we were volunteering at the Special Olympics, and the topic turned to football. Is it fair that a college football coach gets $6 million in salary while the college president gets a … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Lawsuits | Tagged | 7 Comments

The cost of birtherism

Today is the day set by New York judge Arthur Schack where the cost of being a birther may be learned. The case of Christopher-Earl Strunk v New York State Board of Elections and a list of co-defendants that fills … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Sanctions | Tagged | 49 Comments

Birthers waste millions in taxpayer dollars

You’ve heard, I’m sure, the claim that Obama has spent some large amount of money (since the amount is a wild guess, specifics vary widely) keeping his birth certificate a secret. Those who follow these questions know that nothing Obama … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Obama legal fees | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 288 Comments

Joe Arpaio: There are no limits on how much money you can give me

Arpaio is correct in an email solicitation as he writes: Unlike a political campaign, THERE ARE NO LIMITS to how much you can give. Further, the contribution can come from any entity: business, trust, corporation, etc. The solicitation was spammed1 … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio | Tagged , , | 21 Comments

Is the Sheriff’s Kit the best strategy?

Mike Volin is a birther with a plan. He has assembled a collection of material that he calls the Sheriff’s Kit, and he has been giving it to sheriffs and to members of Congress. While I reject the conclusions Mike … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Joe Arpaio | Tagged , | 104 Comments

Topics not covered

This blog, while called Obama Conspiracy Theories, is largely about Obama Eligibility Conspiracy and Legal Theories. It’s mostly about the birthers. However, I was reminded this morning by long email that President Obama is tied into a long tradition of … Continue reading

Posted in Misc. Conspiracies | Tagged , , , | 39 Comments