Monthly Archives: December 2008

Obama and the Lizard People

Sometimes when I see things, I try to ignore them, and one of those things is persistent appearances of the phrase “Lizard People” when reading about Barack Obama. I did a search for “lizard people” obama on a search engine … Continue reading

Posted in Wild & Wacky | 5 Comments

A Lesson from the Bible

Visitor Counts for December 2008 Natural Born Citizen…Orly?: 200,000 1,846 Now granted, this web site has only existed for less than a month, and our statistics only started December 16, nevertheless, I think the Bible has something for us … Continue reading

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Barack Obama was Born in Canada

At least that’s true according to this birth certificate! Such allegations are worthless. That is nothing more than a “short form”! Philip J. Berg references this Canadian Birth Certificate in his initial filing for Berg v. Obama et al. in … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Committed Perjury on his Illinois Bar Application

For some reason, I never get around to visiting, and so hadn’t seen this one: The Illinois Attorney Registration and Discipline Commission (ARDC) Individual Attorney Record of Public Registration for Barack H. Obama Jr. indicated NONE in the box … Continue reading

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Obama Truth Wiki?

If you read this and know someone who has expertise in things such as vital statistics, law, image analysis, etc., ask them if they have any interest in a Wiki to apply evidence to fringe  statements about Barack Obama. I … Continue reading

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Me and Leo Down by the Court Yard

(sung to the tune of Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard) Mama Obama in hospital bed Filled out his registration When Berg found out he began to shout And that’s what started the allegations. It’s against the law, it’s … Continue reading

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