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My Other Blogs
Kenyan BC
Now this article really confuses me. I thought Obama’s Kenyan BC in Kenya was sealed?
How do you seal a record that doesn’t exist? Remember, Barack Obama’s birth is registered in the United States. Hawaiian Department of Health officials have issued an official press release that Obama’s birth registration there in Hawaii. How could it be registered in Kenya? I have carefully, point by point, explained why the “foreign registration in Hawaii” is an impossible scenario.
So the person who said she had seen the Obama birth certificate in Kenya probably lied. The report that the record was made top secret is probably lied. The report that the record had been sealed is false. This is the quality of the accusations we are dealing with.
It may be possibile that Obama’s birth in Hawaii was at some point registered as a foreign birth in Kenya. Since his father was Kenyan, maybe there was some reason to register his child in Kenya (his American born child). It proves nothing whatsoever. I have no idea if they did this, just pointing out that they COULD have.
Also, they consistently refer to Obama’s records as “sealed” when, in fact, the records are simply not publicly available because of privacy laws.
They do not seem to understand that 1) privacy laws exists and/or 2) the fact that one is an elected official does not waive one’s privacy rights in such a manner that any member of the public can request their personal records.
Well, Doc Orly at her website just posted a e-mail supposedly from a official in Kenya who told thim if a search was required they had to go through London. And Doc Orly is seeking help from someone in London. LOL
Then there is a post requesting small donation because Doc Orly is going to be filing a lawsuit in a few days “on behalf of the military”. My question is, does that mean she has the full support of “all” the military and if so, why doesn’t the military pay for the lawsuit? Confusing. Then they are saying that all the states did not turn in their EC votes but looks like at the EC website they did. Go figure.
I believe you about the Hawaiian BC, just trying to make sense of what these people on Doc Orly’s blog are coming from. Probably not possible.
We, The People
I didn’t realize that Dr. Orly Taitz was a real estate agent too. Quite the entrepreneur.
I was going to say “you’ll never see a DONATE link on this web site”, but of course there already is one 😳 , one for the Wikipedia.
Sounds like a clone of Berg’s interpleader lawsuit.
A Kenyan Birth Certificate stating Barack Obama was born in Hawaii would be a hoot.
Within a few days, Dr. Taitz will be filing on behalf of the military. Also, Dr. Taitz will be resubmitting a Certiorari to Justice Scalia. The cost of legal actions created the need to collect donations.
Which case is she “resubmitting a cert to Justice Scalia????”
I’d guess she, like Berg, is going to submit her application for injunction to each and every Justice individually. She will, of course, be denied over and over until the Justices get frustrated and refer her app to the Court for conference.
Honestly, I am almost hoping SCOTUS grants cert to Berg, hears args about standing, and issues a decision saying these cases DON’T have standing. That would end all of this ridiculous litigation for good.
Procedurally Active
Connecticut (Cort Wrotnowski): (01/02/09)
“Pidgeon reminds us that the Wrotnowski case is still “pending” and procedurally alive.“
DENIED application for stay and/or injuction
Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz
What Pidgeon says is false. I called the Supreme Court myself. It was denied/dismissed/finished/kaput/out-of-there.
That means Donofrio spoke correctly (which makes sense) when he said his case and that of Wrotnowski was ended.
A “fool and their money soon part.”
I’m sure I will get banned for posting the above remark. LOL
Yea!!!! I kept hearing that Donofrio’s cert was still pending so I just picked up the phone and called to see for myself. The clerk was very nice and I asked her twice if anything was pending in Donofrio’s case and she said twice, NO. She probably thought I was retarded.
One might say the good Dr. Orly is a “Jacka#s of all trades and master of none.”
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist!
Be fair. She could be a really good dentist.
Nothing like the direct approach. Good job! I will say that the Supreme Court docket web site is somewhat lacking.
This looks like a form letter to me?
Sealed Lawsuit of Berg’s.
Dr. Orly’s Military Plea
Petition for Point of order: Barack H. Obama II is not qualified to become president.
Posted on January 6th, 2009 by David Crockett
Monday, January 5, 2009
Post ob Linda Starr, submitted by a reader Rodney, re. criminal liability
“if someone has Linda Starr’s phone number, please forward it to me”
Gee, I would have thought Doc Orly talked to Linda Starr numerous times a day.
“PS: if he showed that so called legal document to run for the Illinois State or US Senate, then he has some explaining to do, since it was allegedly not printed until June 7, 2007. So, he clearly never proved his citizenship to run for the Illinois State , or US Senate either.”
Above statements by Linda Starr.? Blogger? Doc Orly? or all three.
I gather that this is Berg’s “under wraps lawsuit.”
Doc Orly is requesting people to write Supreme Court Justice and DEMAND a decision ASAP/Today.
Gee, who does this woman think she is?
Then she is:
“There is a mounting evidence that Obama has reaffirmed his exclusive Indonesian citizenship as an adult by traveling on Indonesian passport and receiving financial aid in this country as a foreign student from Indonesia.
Why am I asking for volunteers from Iowa? Let me explain. There is a law called “False Claims Act”. This law gives an opportunity to ordinary citizens to file claims against an individual or company that received benefits from Federal government under false claims (receiving a salary of a US or State Senator while not being a legal citizen would suffice).”
Where is the “mounting evidence?”
This is what a blogger posted:
“The false claims act can be filed in any state, not just Iowa. It is a Qui Tam lawsuit, which means it is filed under seal by a plaintiff suing on behalf of the government (AG), which later can become involved in the suit and take over the case. For the suit to have merit, the information contained in the suit, should not available to the general public. The Qui Tam suits follow a first to file rule, however, the person filing has to have some kind of direct knowledge. Suits are filed under seal and reviewed by the AG, this takes months and months. I believe Phil Berg has alread filed a Qui Tam action, only I don’t know what is specifically in regards to, as he cannot comment on the case until it is made public.
I think you are spinning your wheels with this one. I am not saying that you can’t prove a violation, only it is a long process and you don’t know if anyone has beat you to it. It may be more reasonable to get Obama on fraud and have criminal charges filed, but good luck with that too.
You can Google False Claims Act and Qui Tam, as there are Federal Laws that apply and most states, if not all, have State False Claims Acts. Once you spill the beans publically about your suit, you cannot file one. So beware. Read and educate yourself before moving forward.
Hasn’t there been all sorts of information on the blogs regarding Berg’s Qui Tam action?
This is what another blogger writes:
“It might be moot, as the 55 California Electors (including that deceased one of #__ years) FAILed to file their results by the Dec. 24th deadline to Federal Archives according to an e-mail I did receive from Henry Morgan as a forward from Sherree Lowe. So to dis-count these votes and from 14 other states I’ve found to be NOT in compliance with their own state constitution Art. #__, Sec. 3__ and since 3USC15 requires all ballots to be from a “lawful trubunal of such State”, this brings the total BELOW the 270 needed. A packet of this Prima Facie Evidence of them having NOT “subscribe”d was sent by me to Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney as Pres. of the Senate and the Nine Supremes yesterday (Mon. Jan. 5th) for both the Thu,, Jan. 8th joint vote in Congress and Phil Berg’s meeting with the Supremes on Fri., Jan. 9th + 16th. But yet to find a Fed. Rep. and U.S. Sen. to sign such a written notice to Congress, as in figures don’t lie, but liars figure. Let’s hope the former prevails.”
Gee, when I check yesterday, all States were in and accounted for. Did I miss something?
How do you know if you’ve been banned on Doc Orly’s blog?
Dr. C,
See anything ominous in this or just same old same old?
I was told to “go away”, and being an honorable person, I consider that binding ban. Mostly they just delete your stuff. If you were really banned, you would either not be able to access the web site, or you would not be able to post a comment (with a message saying why).
Silly MainStreamMedia. Didn’t ABC get the memo…”No Negative News About the Anointed One”
This is definitely warmed-over leftovers:
Affidavit of Jorge L. Baro: Keyes CA suit (prepared by Orly), just says a neighbor 5 houses down didn’t
remember Obama as a baby.
Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae: Part of original Berg v. Obama et al. in Pennsylvania
Affidavit of Reverend Kweli Shuhubia,: Part of original Berg v. Obama et al. in Pennsylvania
Declaration of Sandra Ramsey Lines: Keyes lawsuit. Document examiner says: can’t tell.
Declaration of XXXXXXX[sic],: Keyes lawsuit, Ron Polarik stuff. Actual name is XXXXXXXXXXXX.
“Mike in the Morning” interview: Kenyan ambassador tape, old stuff
The Matrimonial Actions Information: Divorce Part 2 – nothing interesting
Complaint for Divorce, : Also Divorce – nothing interesting.
In short nothing.
I don’t do “ominous”.
my bad… THERE it is… boy this Blog is tricky sometimes. I need a manual to study. 🙂
It was moderated. I deleted one and left the other.
Class action of 320 million citizens- what can be done? Contact Burris and Blagojevich
Doc Orly sure loves to sue people.
She’s on her blog 24/7. Wonder when she has time to work? She must be wealthy to file all these lawsuits.
Mostly I see her asking people to contact people to contact her.
Obama Runs Illegal Lottery
This is a old one, just recycled.
BIRTH CERTIFICATE For the benefit of our Elected Officials, Congress and Senate:
Congress counts votes, January 9, 2009, Contact congressmen, Call senators and representatives Jan 6-8, Restore the Constitutional Republic, Obama not eligible, Obama not natural born citizen
Q. What are the long forms of Birth Certificate?
A. Long forms of birth certificate, or certified photocopies (or book copies), are exact photocopies of the original birth record that was prepared by the hospital or attending physician at the time of the child’s birth. The long form usually includes parents’ information (address of residence, race, birth place, date of birth, etc.), additional information on the child’s birthplace, and information on the doctors that assisted in the birth of the child. The long form also usually includes the signature of the doctor involved and at least one of the parents.
In the U.S. , the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics creates standard forms that are recommended for long form birth certificate use. However, states are free to create their own forms. These “forms” are completed by the attendant at birth or a hospital administrator, which are then forwarded to a local or state registrar, who stores the record and issues certified copies when requested.
Long forms of birth certificate may become obsolete in years to come, as many states have begun to use Electronic Birth Registration systems. The use of these systems will enable information typically seen on certified copies (long forms) to be available in computer databases that typically issue short form certificates, thus eliminating the need for “hard copy” long form certificates and having all birth information stored in computer databases only. This benefits parents in many ways; registration can be completed via computer at the hospital, meaning that parents can stop by their Vital Statistics office on the way home from the hospital to purchase the birth certificate instantly. It also means that the extra cost for long form certificates will no longer be a factor.
Q. What are the short forms of birth certificate?
A. Short forms of birth certificate, known sometimes as computer certifications, are not universally available, but are cheaper than photocopies and much more easily accessible. Limited information is taken from the original birth record (the long form) and stored in a database that can be accessed quickly when birth certificates are needed in a short amount of time. Whereas the long form is a copy of the actual birth certificate, a short form is a document that certifies the existence of such certificate, and is usually titled a “Certification of Birth” or “Certificate of Birth Registration”. The short form typically includes the child’s name, date of birth, sex, and place of birth, although some also include the names of the child’s parents. When the certification does include the names of the parents, it can be used in lieu of a long form birth certificate in almost all circumstances. Nearly all states in the U.S. issue short forms certifications, on both state and local levels.
Q. How do I know if my birth certificate is acceptable for travel out of the country or for proof of age or citizenship?
A. Your record must be issued by the local office of vital records where the birth occurred or the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration and must contain a raised seal. Some entities require the document to have been issued within the last two years. Complimentary copies issued by a hospital are not valid.
Q. Is a raised seal required to make the birth certificate official?
A. Yes. The record must contain the raised seal of the issuing authority, either the local office of vital records or the State Bureau of Vital Statistics and Registration.
Q. Can I obtain the time of birth?
A. Yes. In order to obtain this information you must purchase a certified copy of your record. The time will be included on the birth certificate only if the doctor recorded it. You should indicate on your request that you wish the certified copy to show the time of birth.
I posted this at the Betrayal blog but they blocked/deleted it.
That is pretty good. I only saw a few problems. The computer printed copy and the photocopy are both “certified copies” because both are signed (missing from the above) and sealed. They are certified as true copies.
The description fails to make the distinction between the Legal portion and the Medical portion of the information captured. No matter which kind of certificate you get, in all jurisdictions I know of will not give you the medical portion, which is collected for statistical purposes only. One other point is that modern EBRS can print the full long form (per NCHS standards) from the computer database.
Dr. C,
Did you read what they are sending to Congress?
I offered a small correction over there too. It was awaiting moderation last time I looked. Keep in mind that it’s pretty late in Europe where that blog is run.
This may be a dumb question but an avidavit of what someone supposedly said in Kenya? That would not be valid, would it? Would they not have to have a affidavit from the source?
Dr. C,
Are you talking about the Betrayal blog? Mine was waiting moderation too but never showed up.
Dr. C,
Correction, both comments have now been posted.
One of the affidavits is from a Kenyan on the Sarah Obama end of the conversation. Of course that person did not give his REAL name for fear of death threats.
There seems to be confusion between the words “accusation” and “evidence”.
This is what they are saying on Plains Radio:
“They have a Dr. David Hagen on who has a PHD and he is informing everyone of the Point of Order ….Petitition for redress that can come from not only a Senator or a Representative but also an ordinary citizen can present it to a Senator or Congressman to file on their behalf. WE CAN ALL DO THIS AND STOP OBAMA!!!! He says we can do it all up until March if it takes that long. He says the 20th Amendment in the Constitution gives us that right and everyone needs to visit this amendment.”
Here is the 20th Amendment.
Passed by Congress March 2, 1932. Ratified January 23, 1933.
Note: Article I, section 4, of the Constitution was modified by section 2 of this amendment. In addition, a portion of the 12th amendment was superseded by section 3.
Section 1.
The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
Section 2.
The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.
Section 3.
If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
Section 4.
The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.
Section 5.
Sections 1 and 2 shall take effect on the 15th day of October following the ratification of this article.
Section 6.
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission.
Am I missing something?
Am I become melodramatic like Doc Orly?
Plains Radio and Dr. Orly have cranked out the “foreign student??/exchange student??” again. Geeze.
Today’s action checklist
The is just a summary of all the crazy things Doc Orly has done today.
Dr. Orly got a mention in the Washington Post in an article titled: President Alien, and Other Tales From the Fringe on December 9.
Ridicule seems one of the Post’s strong points.
Looks like Leo C. Donofrio’s Natural Born Citizen blog has gone silent, with no updates since December 19 with final swipe at the Supreme Court.
The Globe has several articles on Obama conspiracy matters. What I find interesting are the comments left by readers, a credulous bunch…except this one guy named Dr. Conspiracy. Now he has some sense. Let’s see if I can get my comment approved.
It looks like a slow news day over at Berg’s place. They issued a press release about a 3 week old article in the Globe.
Wonder if they are going to include “Birth Certificate information for dummies”, which is what she thinks Congress is. LOL
Doc Orly et al has overwhelmed Congress, the Supeme Court and anybody else they could think of, with “Open Letters, Demands”, etc., etc. I figure this massive mailing abuse will end up in File 13. They themselves have shot themselves in the foot by abuse of this tool.
Congress counts votes, January 9, 2009, Contact congressmen, Call senators and representatives Jan 6-8, Restore the Constitutional Republic, Obama not eligible, Obama not natural born citizen
This is at Doc Orly’s site/The Betrayal.
Did I miss a news release. This is what is at the EC site:
Counting Electoral Votes in Congress
Public Law 110-430 changed the date of the electoral vote in Congress in 2009 from January 6 to January 8. This date change is effective only for the 2008 presidential election.
Amazing – How Reliable Is Hawaii?
There evidence was back in 1904?
Do not produce Maya’s Hawaiian Certification of Birth as evidence?
Look at this huge list of properties under Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama
This is all misdirection and means nothing.
I don’t think she will do very well if she can’t even spell “soetoro”. I haven’t followed this property thing, where supposedly Obama’s deceased relatives are alive and buying property. I assume that it’s just similar names. It’s not like the nObamas ever cared about accuracy.
One of the entries on that page is:
Social Security numbers beginning with 485 were issued in Iowa. I suggest that the Social Security number here is not that of the president elect.
Another entry is:
That’s a Connecticut SSN.
The Stanley Dunman SSN’s are from Washington State, which is possible, I suppose. But there are different SSN’s for these listings.
Sun Yat-Sen’s birthplace is disputed. Typical nObama tactic: assume the facts are what they need them to be. This was a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, a program not applicable to persons registered within one year of their birth, such as Barack Obama.
I’m no document expert, but would guess it is this part from Section 3.
…. “….or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified;……”
Dr. C,
“I need volunteers in different states to go to the county recorders offices and pull info on these properties: who owns them, when were they purchased, deeds, prices.”
If I were a “volunteer”, I believe I would balk at chasing this. Requires time and money. Doc Orly is sure good at “delegating work.”
Martin v. Lingle: Letter to HI Deputy AG: “Judge should be recused”
Judicial Watch Files Suit Against Senate for Denying Roland Burris a Seat
Have people absolutely lost their minds?
People are reading (I think) “qualify” as “meeting the Article 2 requirements for president.” This does not seem to make sense to me.
Candidate Qualification: Letter Sent to Speaker Pelosi; DNC Update; Letter Received!
More Lunacy!
Dr. C,
I don’t see where the 20th Amendment allows this but I’m no “constitution lawyer.”
“Petitition for redress that can come from not only a Senator or a Representative but also an ordinary citizen can present it to a Senator or Congressman to file on their behalf. WE CAN ALL DO THIS AND STOP OBAMA!!!! He says we can do it all up until March if it takes that long. He says the 20th Amendment in the Constitution gives us that right and everyone needs to visit this amendment.”
I think there is a sound argument to be made that Congress does not have the power to refuse to seat Burris. The rejection yesterday was on technical grounds (the Illinois Secretary of State refused to sign and seal his appointment), but ultimately he will be seated.
Roland Burris Will Be Seated*
No. 08A524
Title: Gail Lightfoot, et al., Applicants
Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of California
Case Nos.: (S168690)
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 12 2008 Application (08A524) for a stay pending the filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 17 2008 Application (08A524) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 29 2008 Application (08A524) refiled and submitted to The Chief Justice.
Jan 7 2009 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 23, 2009.
As we suspected…they conferenced it so she won’t keep resubmitting. UGH
Funny each step a person takes to ask for different proof that has been provided to date, you scream lunacy.
They actually take a step forward to do just what Dr. has said in other posts they need to do and that is “Ask”. What do you expect them to do anyways, keep whining in blogs about it until the day passes and nothing gets done? You act as if your surprised each time a person is proactive in their endeavor to find the truth or get an answer.
I’m not proactive towards the issue, well nothing to write about at least. But I wouldn’t say “lunacy” if you did the opposite and were proactive emailing your representative saying things in support of BHO.
The ONLY answer anyone has received is “you don’t have standing”. What that equivocates to me is, “we have answers, just not for you”. If Mr. Riggs wants to write the Speaker a letter, I believe that is his right. Not as if that idiotic woman has an ounce of common sense, but hey more power to him for being proactive.
For you information, I have contacted members of congress with factual information to support the truth regarding Obama’s birth certificate. Example being the false statement that a “certified certification of birth” is not official and can’t be used to get your driver’s license. Any idiot can “google” and learn the truth about that.
My wish for the “conspiracy theoriest” is that in the very near future, someone will invade their privacy, post their relatives address/phone numbers on a blog, post their parents divorce decree on a blog, and do to them what they have done to Obama and his family. What goes around, comes around.
Yep, that is generally the pattern. Guess Doc Orly hasn’t read the Supreme Court Rules.
My comment was not in regards to Burris Senate seat but rather to the fact that everywhere you look these days, someone is sueing someone. The world has gone mad.
Generally, no one wins in a lawsuit. Except the lawyers who are getting paid.
you write:
“What do you expect them to do anyways, keep whining in blogs about it until the day passes and nothing gets done?”
Umm, essentially all they will be/are doing is whining in blogs and, of course, clogging up/abusing the court system by filing these frivilous cases. The cases allow them to ask gullible followers for money. These cases will accomplish nothing in the end but to pay Orly and Berg’s rent, and even the most incompetent lawyer can tell you these cases have no chance in hell of succeeding! They are publicity stunts orchestrated so that these individuals can raise some money and have their 15 minutes of fame. Sad. Very sad.
I agree 100%.
And if I were to reply like you do I would call you a lunatic for doing that, BUT I am NOT. You just did what you think is the right thing to do, as is what they are doing.
If laughingxxxx and you think its all about Orly and Berg, it shows how much attention your really paying to what the groups are doing. Your just two more that are scared of the TRUTH. You defend that sacred COLB like it is your 1st born, and avoid any idea of seeing the vault copy, making claims that it will only “fuel the fire”. None of you ever say “sure, I’d like to see it also just to prove everyone wrong and this be over with.”
If a group is doing something we should be paying attention to, please enlighten us. Orly and Philip are a couple of bad eggs that are making a lot of noise, or at least representing that they are making a lot of noise.
Of all the claims, affidavits, and recordings I can think of in the “born in Hawaii” controversy, the COLB (paper not image) is the only thing that would be admissible in court. Of course “we” don’t have the paper copy and so we have to rely on the credibility of those who have seen it, and the statement by Hawaiian Health Department officials.
But just off hand, TRUTH, can you think of a single instance where Obama has refused to provide the vault copy to anybody who has the responsibility of verifying his qualifications for office? When did he ever say no?
We actually believe both the Hawaiian officials and the independent fact-checking orgs, as well as have faith that IF indeed there were even a scrap of truth to these claims, FOX news AND the opposing political candidates obviously would have raised this issue by now. Why do you suppose FOX news won’t even cover this issue?
I know you believe that EVERYONE but Berg and Orly are in on some grand conspiracy (because we are all lizard people or Illuminati or whatever the heck) but, sorry to burst your crazy-bubble, there is just NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE whatsoever to back up these claims. All the supposed “evidence” offered by Berg/Orly, et al is simply supposition, there is NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE to even raise a slight suspicion let alone to prove any of this lunacy. And yes, I know, you are going to tell me that is because ALL of Obama’s records are sealed and EVERYONE in Hawaii, the State Department, the US government and every major media outlet are in on the grand conspiracy.
Then, you’d have us believe that only Berg and Orly, those two intellectual powerhouses, know the truth and can save the Nation.
Seriously, how is it that are you buying into this garbage at all? Are you challenged in some way?
well, new fun over at the Berg mothership, one of the Berg faithful has started a new forum:
and, supposedly Berg will be on yet another online radio show tonight at 8:35. Maybe we should all call in? Hmmm.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts agreed to hear my case
Press Release from Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ01.07.09.
This woman is delusional.
I think she’s been huffing her patients nitrous oxide
I think she’s been huffing the nitrous for a while and we are starting to see the long-term sustained use effects now. LOL
Not to mention, I have always suspected that the PUMAs were simply rabid. See below, it explains a lot.
Symptoms of Rabies
Symptoms usually develop between 20 and 60 days after exposure. Rabid animals may become aggressive, combative, and highly sensitive to touch and other kinds of stimulation. And they can be vicious. This is the “furious” form of rabies, the kind traditionally associated with mad dogs.
There is also a “dumb” form of the disease in which the animal is lethargic, weak in one or more limbs, and unable to raise its head or make sounds because its throat and neck muscles are paralyzed. In both kinds of animal rabies, death occurs a few days after symptoms appear, usually from respiratory failure.
In humans, the course is similar. After a symptom-free incubation period that ranges from 10 days to a year or longer (the average is 30 to 50 days), the patient complains of malaise, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, and fever. Over half of all patients have pain (sometimes itching) or numbness at the site of exposure. They may complain of insomnia or depression.
Two to 10 days later, signs of nervous system damage appear, hyperactivity and hypersensitivity, disorientation, hallucinations, seizures, and paralysis. Death may be sudden, due to cardiac or respiratory arrest, or follow a period of coma that can last for months with the aid of life-support measures.
Maybe a deep Russian accept turns the chief justice on. 😉
Standard Pattern:
January 23 (tooooooooooooooo late).
It is not what they are doing but HOW they are doing it. Their methods lack professionalism, integrity, truth and honor. They fabricate evidence, misrepresent facts, invade PE Obama’s relatives privacy. I have never seen anyone attacked as viciously as they have attacked Obama. THEY sued him, not the other way around. He posted a “certified copy of his certification of birth” on many websites and their response was to call is a fraud/fake which has been debunked. There is no evidence that has been presented that would require that Obama produce the long form BC. The certification of live birth clearly states that Obama was born in Hawaii which is all that is required for anyone to know.
Please, take the time to go read Whatsyourevidence?.
I don’t need to see his “long form” because I understand that the information on the “short form” is obtained from the “long form”. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand this.
DR., a person has to luv how you word things so cautiously. “Obama has refused to provide the vault copy to anybody who has the responsibility of verifying his qualifications for office”. I recall very clearly when I made a statement in blogordie, how that very thing needed to be done, and done with the proper people, you laughed it off as an insane suggestion. Now your making the accusation nobody has done that. Pick one or the other and leave the flip flopping to Obama.
mr.Laugingxxxxx. for YOUR Information, let me make something clear. I don’t know boo Squat about a Mr. Orly, Mr. Berg in my opinion is a Nutcase, and I do not believe EVERYONE Else are lizard people in on a conspiracy. YOU however sure sound like a paranoid person, but I know what it is….the same as everyone else, your just scared to DEATH of the Truth being found out about your Boy Bama.
I don’t care about the BERGs in this world, about the Anti-Obamas or you Obamamaniacs. I care about the Right thing being done. THAT hasn’t happened.
And ANOTHER thing, ask Dr., I’ve stated this many times, I believe the Vault B.C. WILL show Mr Obama born in Hawaii and he’ll be clear. At least I HOPE it freaking does or this entire country is going to look like fools around the globe. The POINT is, the Right thing to do is SHOW the Real Vault copy and put this to rest. BUT YOUR BOY HAS NOT DONE THAT!! And to you Dr., it isn’t that nobody has Asked Obama for it directly, which as a matter fact they HAVE. He received directive from the court to provide the document and it never happened. WHY did it not happen? Oh, I don’t know, he forgot to call me and let me know. But I’m guessing it is “Possibly” the money he Never Spent on the Lawyers he Never Hired, but that is just my speculation. Not EVERYTHING Sir is in newspapers or posted online for your information fact finding.
Barrack Obama KNOWS people want to see it. If it were me and I knew that, and I vacationed over a week in Hawaii, within a few blocks from the document, I think I’d have gotten a copy, along with a large group of witnesses, and posted it online to prove to everyone it was good. HE KNOWS what it going on, is this a fun little joke to him?
I cut/pasted that 2nd line in the wrong place…I should’ve put it all in or added “….Obama…” I wasn’t trying to make it look different. Sorry for that Dr.
Hey, I thought we already agreed to disagree 😉
Some folks place greater significance on the paper record than the computer record. Since my livelihood depends on those computer records, I’m naturally quite defensive of them. Generally arguments about what a third party “ought” to don’t get anywhere, and ultimately don’t matter because we don’t get to decide. My articles on this web site deal with what the document IS and what it MEANS, not what one ought to do with it.
How do you know he didn’t get a copy of his CCOB when he was in Hawaii?
Well true, we did. I did notice a difference in your writings here, now you mention it I see it. I’m tired of the differences to be honest. Plus it would be unfair to have a battle of wits, bogus n laffinglikeafool would have to ask some of their conservative friends to come help. Since I am “challenged”.
I told you, because he didn’t call and tell me. I have to assume he didn’t until I hear otherwise. Have YOU heard other? NO, and you most likely won’t. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program….”It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood, a wonderful day in the …… “
Dr. C.,
You’re wrong about that, it was her “demand” to the Chief Justice that resulted in the distribution for conference. LOL That one nearly blew my mind–demands to a Judge.
But the one that really corners the market on “unbalanced” in Andy Martin. I read somewhere that he is not even a lawyer due to his instability. Factual?
Well, Truth, you may not like Berg and Orly, and maybe you agree they are completely unhinged (that is a start for you), but like it or not they are leading this cause that you seem to support.
To me, that fact alone is enough to question the validity of these claims– look at who is making them. Not one rational, reputable person in the whole bunch of em! Ed Hale actually claims to have “gone done and shot imself two er those bigfeets”.
Dear LORD.
Andy Martin is indeed in the lead for the bat-sh*t-craziest of all crazies. Although Orly is gaining each day. Maybe there will be a tie?
Truth, I simply inquired above if you were challenged in some way. I am taking from your above post that you are confirming my suspicions? ;-0
This is what the Supreme Court web site says:
Looks just like all the others to me.
Personally, I think people are making a big deal out of nothing. But, if it wasn’t the BC, they find something else to make a big deal about.
It irritates me when Berg/Orly/Martin/Donofrio et al claim they are “upholding the constitution”, then turn around and trash it when it doesn’t suit their agenda.
What’s up Bogus? Long time, no hear.
Dr. Taitz is getting her day in the chamber. So much for the dentist.
This case has progressed through the court the same as the other two which were denied.
4. A Justice denying an application will note the denial thereon. Thereafter, unless action thereon is restricted by law to the Circuit Justice or is untimely under Rule 30.2, the party making an application, except in the case of an application for an extension of time, may renew it to any other Justice, subject to the provisions of this Rule. Except when the denial is without prejudice, a renewed application is not favored. Renewed application is made by a letter to the Clerk, designating the Justice to whom the application is to be directed, and accompanied by 10 copies of the original application and proof of service as required by Rule 29.
5. A Justice to whom an application for a stay or for bail is submitted may refer it to the Court for determination.
This bunch are “poster children” for how Not to conduct a lawsuit”. I think the date speaks volumes too. Dr. Taitz needs to take a refresher course on ethical behavior/professionalism. It will take a long time for lawyers to live down this legacy.
Both Berg and Dr. Taitz will be denied.
This is a Must Read:
This statement is in Doc Orly’s above article:
5. My State electors didn’t have necessary certificates of electors.
6. Lastly, don’t forget the dead elector, what are they going to do about that, remove her out of the grave and resuscitate?
Well laugh-in, tell me, whatever kind of car you drive, if there are 10 crazed lunatics in you neighborhood driving that car are you going to trade yours in? Because it sure makes YOU look like a lunatic.
Because to people are out front in the same cause I believe in, doesn’t mean I’m sleeping with them. And I know of at least ONE rational reputable person in the Whole bunch, ME. That is good enough for me. If a person doesn’t meet the qualifications set forth to be my President, my Commander-In-Chief, then I have an issue with allowing them to take the job.
However, I DO NOT KNOW if he does or not. NOBODY will allow the TRUTH to be known. SCOTUS won’t define NBC and the Secret BC is buried in a pyramid in the depths of a Hawaiian volcano apparently. I do not know, YOU do not know, nobody freaking knows. He is your BOY, so you say he is good based off current documents, which is weak at best.
He’ll take office, you can pat yourself on the back and feel good about yourself for picking him.
This Doc Orly statement in the above article that I like the best though:
“Theoretically one can say that all 3 branches of our government were hypnotised and that is the reason why they didn’t hear anything until now and don’t want to hear anythinhg in the future. I hope this is not the case.”
For a real laugh, look at the number one comment, pointing to this satire photoshopped Baby Barack in Kenya image. I wonder if I should do an article debunking it?
She said one thing that is true: “Fraud cannot prevail.”.
See my article: Barack Obama Won the Presidency THROUGH HYPNOSIS
Dr. C,
I “googled” on Doc Orly’s statement about the certificates in Calif. and the deceased elector and could not come up with any factual information regarding this. Any validity to Doc Orly’s statement?
Here is an article that makes me wonder if this will resolve after Obama is sworn into office. The thing is that these people actual “believe this” and think/see themselves a Patriots and that is dangerous.
The People of America and the U.S. Congress: Preparation for the Worst
More investigative work. Busy little bees.
Dr. C.,
Yes, please do.
Must Read Article:
GOP Senators Letters Give Anti-Obama Activists Hope
Conspiracy theories take on a life of their own. There are always fringe groups with fringe ideas. When they actually start breaking laws, we have government agencies that are very good at enforcing the laws. John Wilkes Booth thought himself a patriot — there’s no shortage of people who consider themselves patriots, that most people wouldn’t consider patriotic. Most people don’t dig into the underbelly of opinion and see this stuff, but it’s always around.
Uh oh, they are reading the votes as i write this, and so far, Berg has not popped up to stop it, aliens have not descended on D.C., objections and riots are not breaking out on the congressional floor, no Bigfeet are anywhere to be seen, and, well, guess what– looks like Barack Obama is, indeed, going to be our next President!!
As if we had any doubt. 🙂
I expect Berg/Orly/et al will now ramp up the bat-sh*t-crazy into complete warp lunacy…UGH!
Oh yea, they already have one in the works. Doc is dangerous in my opinion. Read the rest of the articles I posted from her blog.
Could have swore I posted this.
Update by Dr. Orly Taitz – Dr. Orly Taitz – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts agreed to hear my case
Important update Look at this huge list of properties under Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein
Congress Certifies Barack Hussein Obama as America’s 44th President-Elect
Over at the Berg mothership the latest idioctic theory is that Cheney sabotaged the vote count today (by not asking for objections) on purpose so it could be challeneged. Also, the theory is that Cheney is working with SCOTUS b/c he knows they are “taking Obama down” tomorrow when they conference on Phil’s case. Oh, and, they are passing around info about starting/joining militia’s. Lovely.
Hope to God the FBI is watching these morons. UGH. Desperation is really leading them into crazier and crazier territory.
Doc Orly’s bunch are not handling this “news” too well. LOL
UGH. I went over there and essentially had to tear Orly a new one after reading her latest post about the SCOTUS date. Bottom line, either she’s a complete idiot or a total liar, but either way, she fully mischaracterizes what is going on with her case.
Anyway, I am sure my comments will be deleted pretty quickly, but, she’s a freakin disgrace to the legal profession and I just could not take one more second of her drivel without giving her a piece of my mind.
Nope, still there. That is pretty much how I feel about Doc Orly. I’m going to give her the benefit of doubt and say she’s just not legally all that smart. I think she really believes what she is saying. Yikes!
Well, I had been operating on the “she’s an idiot so give her the benefit of the doubt” theory, until now. The stuff she’s done the past few days (ex: posting personal info, asking military to disobey orders, and now, completely mischaracterizing what’s going on at SCOTUS) has pushed me over the edge as far as my patience with her antics.
IMHO, the woman needs to be disciplined and sanctioned (did you see in her post where she alludes to filing more cases and coming before SCOTUS over and over? UGH). PERIOD. She’s a complete disgrace and an embarassment to the legal profession.
Not surprising, her JD is the product of an on-line legal school after all.
And I suspect she skipped a couple of the classes to boot.
Here’s a strange suit, Becker v. Mukasey. Becker is suing:
Michael B. Mukasey, Margaret A. Brightler, John McCain, Cindy McCain, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Nancy Hardin Rogers, United Way of Kentucky, Steve Beshear, Keith A. Talley, Gregory Stumbo, Jason Nemes, Sheryl C. Maxwell, Maria Cardona, Amul Thapar, Francis E. Catron, Eric F. Melgren, James E. Hory, Paul E. Patton, Ernie Fletcher, Joseph E. Lambert, Janet Stumbo, Ben Chandler, Trey Grayson, Susan Stokley Clary, Cicely Jaracz Lambert, Melinda L. Wheeler, Linda A. Gosnell, Cordell G. Lawrence, James Lee Deckard, Robert C. Ewald, Tracy G. Herman, Michelle Mullins, M. Gail Hance, Mark Cruse, Maria E. Strong, R. Glenn Jennings, David Hurt, John Adams, Jim Bunning, Mitch McConnell, Marian S. David, Eric Craig, John May, Don Guier, Ed Whitfield, Ron Lewis, Harold Rogers, John Yarmouth, Geoff Davis, John L. Helgerson, Todd J. Zinser, Gerald Walpin, Claude M. Kicklighter, Curtis Crider, Lynne A. McFarland, Brian D. Miller, Daniel Levinson, Richard Skinner, Earl E. Devaney, Judith Gwynn, Glenn Fine, Gordon Heddell, Jeffrey E. Shanz, Robert W. Cobb, David Berry, Patrick E. McFarland, Dave Williams, Stuart W. Bowen and Bill Todd.
I don’t see this case on anybody’s list.
Who are these people, you ask?
Earl E. Devaney is the Inspector General of the Department of the Interior.
Amul Thapar is a federal judge in Kentucky.
John L. Helgerson is an official with the CIA.
Robert C. Ewald is a Lousville KY attorney.
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr., is the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
James Lee Deckard, Frankford, KY attorney
Todd J. Zinser, Inspector General, Department of Commerce
M. Gail Hance, Business Filings Manager, State of KY
Claude M. Kicklighter, Inspector General, US Dept of Defense
Nancy Hardin Rogers, Attorney General of Ohio
Tracy G. Herman, Secretary of State, Kentucky
Janet Stumbo, Justice on Kentucky Supreme Court
Francis E. Catron, Federal prosecutor in Kentucky
Cicely Jaracz Lambert, Assistant Attorney General, KY
Washington Supreme Court dismisses Obama lawsuit
Just in on Plains Radio
Posted on January 9th, 2009 by David Crockett
1964 Divorce Additional Paper
Dr. Orly Taitz: Conversation with Fitzgerald, Commentary on Lightfoot v. Bowen, GA Military Case?
Schneller v. Cortes: Justice Souter Denies Emergency Stay Application
My but they are busy little beavers over there on The Betrayal.
And just when you thought you safe from Andy Martin, this pops up over on his Contrarian Commentary blog in an article titled Barack Obama birth certificate battle heats up in Hawai’i court.
Martin says: “I am getting the creepy feeling that the Hawai’i courts are operated as a secret society.”
Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist!
Cr. C.
Oh yes they are. Andy Martin and Doc Orly are in a close race for first place for worst lawyer of the year award. Oh wait, Andy Martin isn’t a lawyer is he? I recall reading that somewhere. Guess Doc Orly wins the prize.
Somehow I have a hard time believing Fitzgerald would tell this woman anything important for her to go “blab” on her blog.
I think Doc Orly should get some legal advice herself before she encourages military personnel to participate in a lawsuit.
Dr. C,
Interpret this please.
Jan 7 2009 Application (08A592) for a stay, submitted to Justice Souter.
Jan 8 2009 Application (08A592) denied by Justice Souter.
“Mr. Schneller alleges that Pennsylvania’s certified ballots were improperly transmitted to the federal government due to a stay of such activity:”
“UPDATE: Justice John Souter denied the application on Thursday January 8, 2008. It cannot be ascertained whether the application was denied before or after the joint session of Congress tallied the vote. Pennsylvanian James D. Schneller filed an Application for Emergency Injunction in the United States Supreme Court on December 31, 2008, requesting a stay of the Count of the electoral vote at the joint session of Congress, because Pennsylvania’s certified ballots of the Pennsylvania electoral college were transmitted to the Speaker of the Senate and other officials improperly, because a stay of that activity was in force, because of petition for mandamus No. 199 MM 2008, pending in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Mr. Schneller asked that the emergency action be presented for urgent action to the appropriate Judge, and notified 250 of our Senators and Representatives of this development”
How could a stay be in force if the Judge had not granted it?
I can find no evidence that any stay was in place in a Pennsylvania Court. Schneller posted a comment on Citizen Wells just today saying he had requested a stay in Pennsylvania. It sounds as if he believes they have to stay the activity automatically because he filed suit.
Dr. C,
Sounds about like the mentality of these guys. Berg has a application for stay filed but doesn’t mean zilch until a Judge grants the stay. That one threw me.
When will the courts say enough!
Watch Obama commercial they don’t want you to see
This is beyond crazy.
Yep. Anti-semite Andy Martin graduated from law school, but was denied a licence to practice law due to psychological issues.
“He is a law school graduate, but his admission to the Illinois bar was blocked in the 1970s after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”
Though he is not a lawyer, Mr. Martin went on to become a prodigious filer of lawsuits, and he made unsuccessful attempts to win public office for both parties in three states, as well as for president at least twice, in 1988 and 2000. Based in Chicago, he now identifies himself as a writer who focuses on his anti-Obama Web site and press releases.”
The same way they feel orders have been released for Obama to turn over evidence, based on UNSIGNED papers that the plantiff provides the judge. In other words, a complete absence of understanding how the legal process works, mixed with wishful thinking
This post on The Betrayal has the missing pages to both divorce decrees. Nothing there. Except says Stanley Ann Dunham and Maya were both U.S. citizens. If I were the people who donated money to the Plains Radio on the Obama divorce decree, I’d be really, really mad. LOL “A fool and their money soon part.”
Just in on Plains Radio
1964 Divorce Additional Paper
1980 Divorce Additional Pages
Martin’s is a good example of what happens when one pushes things too far in federal court. He is now prohibited from filing suit in federal court now unless he first gets permission.
Dr. C,
Possibility of this being applied to Berg and Doc Orly perhaps?
Urgent- Obama’s mother used someone else’s social security number
OK, I’m really upset by this one. Dr. Orly has published a name, their social security number, date of birth and family member list of someone who has no connection to Obama and about whom there is no suggestion of wrongdoing. That opens the poor lady up to possible identity theft.
She has lost her mind.
Berg v. Obama: Case Disposition Likely Monday
Dr. C.,
Yes she has lost her mind. She is totally out of control. I guess because she is a “Patriot”, she thinks can do whatever she pleases with people’s private information? Ends justifies the means? NOT
Don’t believe malicious rumors, my case was not dismissed, Chief justice referred it to the full court
Please write the Supreme Court and ask them to move the conference for an earlier date, before the inauguration.
Well, over at the Berg mothership they are all under the huge misconception that SCOTUS did not deny the case, and will be announcing the grant of cert on Monday (and possibly having a hearing Monday as well- DOH!). This most recent lie thanks to their misinformation guru Linda. I’m sure on Monday, when they simply can no longer deny that SCOTUS has denied, Linda will make up a new story about the conference scheduled on Jan 16th being some backdoor way to get a hearing. They have to keep the money rolling in somehow, I guess…
Uh, am I missing something? Isn’t this just a ruling on the “lower courts decision” and if cert was granted, this case would be referred back to the lower court?
The ones who got skunked were the ones that donated to that Plains Radio Dunham/Obama divorce decree. LOL On all these anti-Obama websites you see “donate, donate, donate”.
“A fool and their money soon part.”
More on Stanley Ann Dunham death certificate
Here is the atty discipline hotline for the CA bar, I’d encourage anyone who feels compelled to do so to call about Orly.
1-800-843-9053 — Attorney Complaint Hotline
213-765-1200 (Calling from outside California)
You can also google and then look at the CA Rules of Professional conduct. Very interesting reading!
I expect the conference for next week to be canceled.
Dr. C.,
The SS# issue. How could Stanley Ann Dunham have gone to college, etc. etc. under a fake SS# especially in the 1960’s? What’s the explanation for this latest allegation by Doc Orly?
David Crockett // Jan 10, 2009 at 1:14 am
Dr. Orly posted a request for further information on ssn xxx-yy-zzzz
I am trying to solve the mystery of this social security number. I received information from a private investigator that the social security number xxx-yy-zzzz was entered together with the name of xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx into the Lexis-Nexus and Choice Point database, that is owned by Cisco. I was told that Cisco was purchased by a Chinese company (I don’t have the name). I called Ms. xxxxxx xxxxxxx at xxx-xxx-xxxx, she said that it is not her ss number, she didn’t know who did it.
I need help from people that do tech support for Lexis- Nexus, ChoicePoint and Cisco. I need to track a person, that is entering this information and I need to know why he or she is doing it.
Congratulations on making our 1000th comment on Obama Conspiracy Theories.
Cool. Thanks. Whatever are we going to do with ourselves when this is finished or will it ever be finished? LOL
It is interesting reading, although there’s nothing in there about not being a scumbag.
She posted the address and phone number of obama’s 88-year old aunt in a prior post. She asked readers to interview her. Can you believe that? I call it harassment.
Loren did a blog entry on the posts…
Yep I saw that and also did something about it.
I think her recent behavior with publishing all this personal info and encouraging harassment has finally pushed people to start calling the appropriate authorities.
Candidate Qualification: Commission on Presidential Debates
Dr. Orly Taitz – I called Diane Feinstein, provided info to her aid and stated it is extremely important, haven’t heard back
Apparently the Commission on Presidential Debates thought Obama was eligible (they must not be a blog site).
By the way, in case folks note that I am fiddling with URL’s in comments, I am doing this for a couple of reasons. When “naked URL’s” are presented to search engines (SE), I think the SE’s follow the links and rank the target site as more relevant because the page is being cited other places. When a URL is entered formally as a hyperlink, like this:
<a href=””>Obama Conspiracy Theories</a>
an attribute is added to tell SE not to follow the link. On a few occasions when a hyperlink points to a blog just quoting another blog, I replaced the hyperlink with the earlier source, for variety if nothing else.
Broe v. Reed: Case Dismissed “Without Comment”; Going to SCOTUS!
Brockhausen v. Andrade: Case Set to be Heard January 22
This Week in the Courts
The latest from the “gatekeeper of mistruths” over at the Berg Mothership…notice that she tells readers that Phil is filing TWO NEW LAWSUITS and will contin ue on as LONG AS HE HAS RESOURCES (so, donate, donate, donate)…will the court PLEASE sanction this maniac already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEK!!!!!!!
Misc answers to questions and a few announcements –
written by Linda Starr, January 10, 2009
1. This blog is changing to a new forum. The archives of this site will be made available by links. The site is not ending. I’m sorry that Don starting their site has confused people into thinking this is coming to an end.
2. Phil is not stopping no matter what happens Monday. He announced last night he is filing two more legal actions. I have repeatedly told you all, Phil’s determination to see this subject through is why I brought this matter to his attention. I knew he would do it to the end, and he’d do it right as long as he had the legal avenues and resources to back it up. As long as he isn’t shut down by lack of resources, he won’t stop. You have all seen his determination to see this through. We will have answers and we will expose the truth.
3. Please refresh your connection by pressing F5. You should notice some removals and editing to remove objectionable posts and the quoting of the objectionable posts. There has been some blocking this morning.
I’m sure you can figure it out. We are not allowing false allegations of this nature here.
4. The filter was altered to remove some objectionable words and add others. Hopefully, this will eliminate the problems with wome of the words not coming out properly when there is nothing objectionable about them.
5. Please, if you see something objectionable posted here, let us know. One of us will handle it as soon as we are notified. We want this to be a positive experience for our supporters. It is our supporters who finance Phil’s suit and makes possible the existence of this site and blog. We aren’t charging a fee to come here and use this site. However, posters are not given carte blanche’ to insult any of us. We want to be fair to our visitors, but we are under no obligation to allow people to come here and make personal attacks against any of us.
6. Phil has a new press release posted on the main site front page in reference to yesterday’s published list of actions by the SCOTUS. You might want to take a look at it and help spread the word there is no ruling as yet.
Have you gone over to Doc Orlys website. They think they are assisting the FBI???????
Anonymous replies:Today, 11:09:24 AM“That is not how detective work operates.
Like this comment? [yes] [no] (Score: 0 by 0)Community assigned karma score: 0 by 0Mark as offensive replydeleteeditmoderate
Anonymous replies:Today, 11:12:09 AM“Leah, don’t you understand that we are investigating and reporting our findings to the FBI?
Also, have you noticed that Robert Stevens isn’t posting anymore? Wonder why?
Doc Orly has all these people “investigating” things and reporting to the “FBI”. Anybody know if this is factual?
This is a good one off Doc Orly’s blog:
Burr’s Implied Threat to Obama – I’m “a natural born citizen” says:Today, 6:05:42 PM“The following is from Rush Limbaugh’s website from today’s show. Rush states that Obama pressured Harry Reid to seat Burris. Recall Burris’ implied threat to Obama in his affidavit that Burris was “a natural born citizen” and thus qualified to be a US Senator…
RUSH: Yesterday morning in Washington, Obama held a press conference. An unidentified reporter said, “What about Roland Burris? Would you like to see him seated in your seat?”
OBAMA: That is a Senate matter, uh, but I know Roland Burris, obviously, uh, uh, I — he’s from my home state. I think, uh, he’s a fine public servant. If he gets seated, then I’m going to work with Roland Burris just like I work with all the other senators to make sure that the people of Illinois, uh, and the people of the country are served.
RUSH: Well, there’s a big problem with this, though. It has now been reported, and yeah, here it is. Obama pressured Harry Reid to seat Burris. The troublesome… Well, that’s the next story, but, yeah. It appeared that Obama pressured Reid to seat Burris. Obama, in all likelihood, did not tell the truth about leaving Burris up to the Senate. Now Burris may have committed a little perjury in his testimony. It’s not a big deal, but he had said he had never spoken with anybody about the seat, but he did, back in July. It was before pay-or-play came up. He did let it be known to somebody on Blago’s staff that he wanted the seat, back last summer, when he said he hadn’t done
Don’t you just love it when these “facts” are always by a “unidentified reporter.”
As far as Orly and her gang go, they may want to become familiar with the below:
CA Penal Code:
530.5. (a) Every person who willfully obtains personal identifying information, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 530.55, of another person, and uses that information for any unlawful purpose, including to obtain, or attempt to obtain, credit, goods, services, real property, or medical information without the consent of that person, is guilty of a public offense, and upon conviction therefor, shall be punished by a fine, by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or by both a fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison.
(2) Every person who, with actual knowledge that the personal
identifying information, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 530.55, of a specific person will be used to commit a violation of subdivision (a), sells, transfers, or conveys that same personal identifying information is guilty of a public offense, and upon conviction therefor, shall be punished by a fine, by imprisonment in the state prison, or by both a fine and imprisonment.
Muslims Say “It’s Our Time”
Gutting Security
Oetoro-Sutoro-Obama addresses in NY, according to reader Beth
Strunk v. US Dept. of State and Homeland Security – Amended Verified Complaint and Petition in Re Fo
hammer // Jan 11, 2009 at 5:16 am
read -strunk v US dept. of homeland sercurity- read close, its got the goods
David Crockett // Jan 10, 2009 at 1:14 am
Dr. Orly posted a request for further information on ssn [deleted]
I am trying to solve the mystery of this social security number. I received information from a private investigator that the social security number [deleted] was entered together with the name of [deleted] into the Lexis-Nexus and Choice Point database, that is owned by Cisco. I was told that Cisco was purchased by a Chinese company (I don’t have the name). I called [deleted] at [deleted], she said that it is not her ss number, she didn’t know who did it.
I need help from people that do tech support for Lexis- Nexus, ChoicePoint and Cisco. I need to track a person, that is entering this information and I need to know why he or she is doing it.
MissTickly // Jan 10, 2009 at 5:28 am
Dr. Orly,
Uhm, are you certain that you weren’t talking to Stanley herself on the phone? Right age, right location..Phil(lys)/Stanley…same social security number…It’s what struck me immediately anyway.
Seems to me you may have located her. Anything about the conversation that make you think otherwise?
hammer // Jan 11, 2009 at 4:21 am
go see Strunk v US dept. of home land security.. and read.. its got the goods—
I’d tempted to believe that the Plains Radio is actually ran by Liberals from Obamas campaign, staging the entire thing, going overboard to make themselves look like fools on purpose, and to take their money. Just a thought.
Now this is getting out of hand, don’t you think?
Comment on The Betrayal Blog:
Marcia // Jan 11, 2009 at 5:40 am
I Just got an email from WMD saying the Muslims of this country are proclaiming this month to Obama in their issue of a magazine. The Muslims are trying to get Obama to go back to his Muslim faith as that is the true faith and all the rest for fictious. It seemed to be saying Obama is desamating this country and then Muslin will be in power. They say it is our time to raise up
Yea, right! Nice try but no cigar.
Dr. C.,
Sorry. My apologies. I did not realize it was in that article. I will watch it closer in the future. What is it that they are getting at in the post by Hammer? Strunk V US Homeland Security?
That’s right Truth– I persoanlly encourage you to start suspecting those on the “inside” of your movement and begin eating your own ASAP. That is exactly how PUMA imploded in an earth shattering KABOOM back in October.
Strunk v. US Dept. Of State and Homeland Security is a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that seeks to passport application and travel records for Obama and his mother, plus a laundry list of fictional documents (foreign birth registrations, etc.).
The case has no chance because federal FOIA lawsuits require that first all administrative avenues of resolution be exhausted, which is not documented in the complaint. Whether any of the requested records are available under FOIA, I can’t say. At least Strunk (unlike Berg) filed the FOIA suit in the right court.
This suit appears to be a petition for writ of habeus– is Becker (plaintiff) in jail? That could be why no one has the case on their radar, this may just be the usually crazy jailhouse “per se” lawyering I’d guess.
My guess is even the other nutcases aren’t taking this nutcase seriously.
As I suspected, Jan Becker is in jail and trying to get out, so, the case is unrelated, although a good example of the types of people these loonies are sharing common ground with in a manner. This is not his first try, BTW.
From the decision on another of his cases:
Unrepresented by counsel, the petitioner, Jan F. Becker, filed a petition forwrit of habeas corpus pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2254. He challenges his convictions entered by the Holmes County Court of Common Pleas in Ohio in 2001. According to the petition and attached documentation, following a jury trial in March 2001, the petitioner was convicted of gross sexual imposition, felonious penetration, and rape. The Ohio Court of Appeals affirmed his convictions on December 20, 2001, and the Ohio Supreme Court dismissed his subsequent appeal on May 1, 2002. Thereafter, in July 2003, the petitioner sought state habeas relief, which was denied by the trial court in November 2003. On July 13, 2004, the Ohio Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s decision, and on December 15, 2004,the Ohio Supreme Court declined to accept the appeal for review. The petitioner filed a petition for writ of certiorari, which was denied on October 3, 2005…
If they were to start throwing their hats into the arena with the jailhouse lawyers we can then officially declare their entire movement dead in the water. Well, then again, it already is, but, at that point even they would have to admit it! Come to think of it, I do believe they have already done that once! LOL!
BTW, if you can pull his actual complaint I’d bet it is amusing as all heck!! Jailhouse lawyers are HYSTERICAL, some of my FAVORITE filings come from the jailhouse boys! Often handwritten, often quoting scripture as law, sometimes even in crayon! Very similar to the quality of legal work we’ve seen in the birther cases. Soooo Funny!
Ok, so, here’s a new one from the Berg Mothership (this is my FAVORITE conspiracy theory yet)…
Who is behind Obama?
Is it the Illuminati, the lizard people, the Ivy League elitist liberals?
Why no my dears, it’s…
wait for it…
wait for it…
Could it be…SATAN!
You seriously can’t make this crap up!
The below comment is from the Berg Mothership:
Linda Starr said
written by Linda B, January 11, 2009
“I think very powerful, important and extremely wealthy people are backing Barry’s sudden rise to power, and they will stop at nothing to carry out their agenda.”
I don’t disagree with Linda Starr’s assessment, but I would just add this: I believe a very powerful ENTITY is also behind Barry’s sudden rise to power and the very bizarre election. That entity is called “Lucifer”. Call me nuts if you want to (no tin foil hat here) but I’ve studied the Bible and last day events for many years.
This is already over there on The Betrayal website. And No, you can’t make this stuff up. They believe that Obama is the anti-Christ. Old Testament/Revelations as to reasons why.
We have coverage of that here, in our feature article, Obama is the Antichrist.
OMG! How did I ever miss that one! LMFAO!
This one is definitely my fav of them all!!! Simply put, there are too many conspiracies to keep up with!!
I am a practicing evangelical and Obama voter and supporter. These people leave me speechless.
Mary, welcome!
Trust me, we feel your pain. Best we can all do is try to set the record straight, which is why this is such a terrific site thanks to the amazing Dr. Conspiracy!
Hi Mary and welcome,
I agree with HL about Dr. C. Great website. Lots of work went into this.
Speechless is a understatement. What baffles me is that most of these people profess to be Christians, yet make misleading, false and outright lies regarding Obama. I ask myself if they realize this or just don’t know better. I figure you should always give people the “benefit of doubt”, so I will go with the latter. However, when pointed to factual information/evidence, they still prefer to believe the lies.
I try to refrain from sarcasm, but as much as of it as Bogus and LH put out it makes it difficult. At least I don’t blog like a 12 year old texting her girlfriends… “rofl” “lmao” are you two “bff” ? Don’t stay up to late boys, the tardy bell rings early remember.
You regurgitate information in here like your this world of knowledge, but you have zero concern for the constitution being upheld, or more likely zero knowledge OF. It isn’t a matter of if BHO is or is not qualified, it is the matter of “looking into it”. Your so freaking scared of what the outcome would be you avoid THAT answer and instead vomit out your rhetoric of “conspiracy theorists” and other crap. Your as bad or worse than the people you slander here 25 times daily.
We are not scared of the “outcome” TRUTH, we are simply SATISFIED with the AVAILABLE EVIDENCE.
You harbor suspicions that are based solely on THEORY with no credible evidence whatsoever to back them up. This is why your crusade is suspect to many and generally has been ignored. You have a clear motivation/bias (dislike of Obama) to take these positions and nothing more than a handful of badly woven theories with absolutely NO EVIDENCE to back any of them up.
You want the truth, it is right in front of you- HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII.
Problem is, you apprently can’t handle the truth.
That’s all.
Dr. C. and LH,
I have come to the conclusion that it is a waste of time to provide factual information for those who choose to believe otherwise. Their agenda is not the NBC issue as I have now come to realize.
Whatever substantive questions you might have, there ARE conspiracy theorists who have taken Obama into their world. I direct you to my new article, You Know You’re a nObama if… All of that stuff is really being said by bloggers and commenters.
Orly has filed another action. I guess she is still representing Keyes. Here’s a bit of it:
“45. Plaintiff Keyes has additionally suffered substantial harm due to the following circumstances:
a. In 2006 Plaintiff Keys was a runner-up in a US senate race from the state of Illinois to Defendant Obama.
b. If indeed the Obama is not a citizen of the United States, then he is not a legal naturalized citizen either and cannot be a United States senator either.
c. In this case Plaintiff Keyes would be sworn as a United States senator as a runner up in the prior election. This logically means that Plaintiff Keyes will suffer immediate specific damage without this question being resolved.” orly-taitz-esq.html
Also, Barackryphal has posted a few new conspiracies I hadn’t heard of. They are amusing.
I really don’t think there’s any way to keep up with all the conspiracies any more.
You’re obviously not familiar with the conspiracy theorist mindset.
Look up Trohimovich v. Commissioner. It contends that the seventeenth amendment was not validly ratified and that all laws since 1919 are invalid.
I think the conspiracy theorists will be attempting to litigate this long after 2013.
She has based this new lawsuit on the recent Executive Order Bush signed today. However, according to GeorgetownJD, she failed to read some important info in the Executive Order. LOL
In case it matters, the link to Dr. Orly’s blog got broken somehow. The following should work:
A new action filed by Orly Taitz, ESQ based on the Executive Order by President Bush
… and here is the link to Bush’s Executive Order, released on January 16, 2009
Executive Order: Granting Reciprocity on Excepted Service and Federal Contractor Employee Fitness and Reinvestigating Individuals in Positions of Public Trust
Larry’s Blog is going crazy today. Someone posted a sample comment over on rumproast:
Comment by Larry Johnson | 2009-01-19 14:09:24
The piece above tells you what I think. Understand?
If I only wanted people who thought like me I would ban you. I have not. That’s why you got to post your piece with your view. Jesus!!
I went over and had a look. Too funny.
Reckon this might explain why no one has seemed too interested in Berg/Orly, et al lawsuits. And Berg/Orlyseem to bejust figuring this one out?
Commission on Presidential Debates
Sigh! Andrew, no I guess I’m not. LOL. Did not realize there were so many nutcases in this world. Wished I still didn’t.
Now, reading theinformation about the Commission For Presidential Debates, what would a normal, sane person come away with/think?
Not this bunch I would bet. They will probably descend on them like a bunch of maggots. Can’t wait to see how this bunch interprets this.
Man… they’re coming fast and furious now.
Apparently Berg has been writing to Oprah, in hopes that she will talk him into walking away from the Presidency in the name of race relations.