In a cynical and heartless attempt to play on the anxieties of the families of American service men and women, a solicitation is being made through the Internet on web sites such as the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation recruiting plaintiffs for a worthless lawsuit. [Full text inserted below.]
The solicitation contains a string of misleading statements and outright lies directed at the families of our soldiers, enticing those persons to hire a particular attorney, Orly Taitz, to represent them in a lawsuit. Such a lawsuit would not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning in court in the remote chance it was not dismissed immediately. Any money military families gave to any lawyer would be lost.
Because the solicitation of clients using false or misleading information would be a severe violation of the California Bar Rules of Professional Conduct, I presume that California attorney Orly Taitz has no involvement in this solicitation and that her name and address and contact information is on her foundation’s web site without her consent. [See “disingenuous.”]
It’s wrong to lie about anyone, but to mislead our military families, make their already difficult burden heavier, and to cheat them out of money is vile beyond words. See the footnotes I added pointing out the lies.
Are you a parent of a young US soldier up to age 26?
Are you distressed about a foreigner[1] being in charge of your child?
Are you a parent of a young US soldier, who is 26 years of age or younger?
Are you emotionally distressed that a foreign subject, who has refused to produce any documents verifying his US citizenship[2] or eligibility to be “President of The United States” (POTUS) and as Commander in Chief (CIC), is in charge of your child’s life?
Consent Form
I am a proud parent of a young member of US military up to age 26. I am emotionally distressed about the following.On January 20th, 2009, Mr. Barry Soetoro[3], citizen of the Islamic republic of Indonesia[4], aka Barry Obama[5], aka Barack Hussein Obama, citizen of Great Britain at birth[6] and citizen of Kenya from age 3, was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.
Mr. Obama is a cousin[7] and great supporter [8]of Mr. Raila Amollo Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya. Raila Odinga was involved in riots during which numerous Christians were slaughtered in Kenya. There were reports of women and children being burned alive in a church in Kenya during these riots.
In spite of 31 legal actions filed all over this great Nation[9], challenging Mr. Obama’s eligibility to be president of the United States, Mr. Obama has shown total disrespect towards the citizens of this Nation and disregard for the laws of this Nation by refusing
to provide any documents verifying his eligibility to be US President or even his US citizenship[2]. The US President must be a “Natural Born Citizen” of the US.A “Natural Born Citizen” is defined to be someone who was born in a country to parents that are citizens of that country. Mr. Obama’s father was a Kenyan and therefore, Mr. Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen and not a legitimate President[10].
Additionally, Mr. Obama, who claims to be born in Hawaii, refused to present his original birth certificate[2]. The State of Hawaii allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth (HI statute 338-17.8)[11]. The
Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth can be obtained based on a statement of one relative only. [12]Mr. Obama did not produce any corroborative evidence from any hospital in Hawaii that he was actually born in Hawaii, while there were statements made by relatives of Mr. Obama in Kenya and the Kenyan Ambassador to the US, Mr. Peter Ogego, that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya[13]. This means that Mr. Obama is not only not a legitimate President and Commander in Chief, but not a US citizen at all.[14]Later Mr. Obama immigrated to Indonesia with his mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro and his school records from Indonesia identify him as “Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia”, and his religion as “Islam”.
Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship and there is no record of Mr. Soetoro-Obama going through US Immigration and Naturalization and regaining his US citizenship or legally changing his name to Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama has refused to produce his immigration records, passports or school enrollment records, verifying his US citizenship[2].
Mr. Obama has signed 50 state certificates of eligibility, and one from the District of Columbia, swearing that he meets the qualifications for the US Presidency so he could appear on the ballots of all 50 states and the district. Without any verification or due diligence, Speaker of the House Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Chair of the Democratic National Convention, has certified Mr. Obama as a candidate on the ballot, eligible to be US president. Based on information provided by Mr. Obama and Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Obama was
elected the President and Commander in Chief of the United States.[15]Currently my child is serving under the orders of Mr. Obama as Commander in Chief. If my child refuses to take orders issued by Mr. Obama, as illegitimate Commander in Chief, based on the Uniform Code of Military Justice, my child will be subject to a
Court-Martial proceeding with punishment up to execution. If my child agrees to take orders from Mr. Obama, he will be following an illegal order[16], in which case he also will be subject to a Court-Martial proceeding with penalty up to execution.As a parent, I am greatly concerned about this situation and I would like to be represented in a legal action seeking damages from Mr. Obama and Ms. Pelosi for great emotional distress inflicted upon me by their actions.[17]
I consent to be represented in this action by:
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
26302La Paz,STE 211
Mission Viejo,CA92691
1 President Obama was born in the United States
2 In June of 2008, candidate Obama released a Certification of Live Birth (the standard form of Birth Certificate) from the State of Hawaii certifying that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. It was signed by the State Registrar and bears the raised seal of the State of Hawaii. A copy was posted on several Internet web sites and it was examined by an independent fact checking organization.
3 The President’s name is Barack Hussein Obama II.
4 President Obama has never been a citizen of Indonesia.
5 It is true that the Present went by the nickname “Barry” as a child.
6 A more correct statement would be Dual US-British citizen. Because the President’s father was a British Citizen (Kenya was a British colony), Barack Obama could have claimed British citizenship. When Kenya became an independent country, Barack Obama could have claimed Kenyan citizenship, but he did not, and any such citizenship ended when two years after President Obama came of age at 21.
7 There are unsubstantiated claims that President Obama is a distant cousin of Odinga, claims denied by Obama’s family in Kenya. Barack Obama is also a distant cousin of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
8 President Obama has never been a supporter of Odinga.
9 All such lawsuits that have been reviewed by the courts have been denied. Repeated denials by the courts suggests that they are frivolous.
10 The widespread consensus of constitutional experts and the courts is that birth in the United States alone is sufficient to meet the natural born citizen requirement of the Constitution. President Obama was born in the United States.
11 This law was not passed until 21 years (1982) after President Obama’s birth was registered by Hawaii. Further the law requires such foreign-born certificates state the probably place of birth. President Obama’s birth certificate says he was born in Honolulu.
12 There is no reason to believe that President Obama’s birth registration was based on perjury by his mother. Home births were very rare (only 14) in Honolulu in 1961.
13 The Kenyan ambassador’s comments were misinterpreted as he stated in a follow-up interview. There’s no evidence that an Obama relative has said he was born in Kenya. The so-called “grandmother tape” is misrepresented by an edited transcript; the tape actually says President Obama was born in Hawaii.
14 President Obama is a natural born United States citizen.
15 There is no evidence that Nancy Pelosi failed to adequately verify Barack Obama’s eligibility.
16 Barack Obama was elected by the people of the United States, his election was certified without objection by both houses of Congress, and he was duly sworn as President by John Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. No member of the United States military has any legitimate concern that his or her orders are “illegal” because of the fringe conspiracy theories, lacking in any evidentiary support, stated in this solicitation.
17 Those preying on military families, such as the ones promoting this worthless lawsuit are the ones guilty of causing distress.
Dr. C.,
“The solicitation does not appear on Orly Taitz’s web site.” are looking for active members of the military from Nashville-Fort Campbell area that want to challenge Obama e-mail important!! If you are a National Guardsman, particularly in Alabama or Tennessee, please contact me asap
Posted by Orly Taitz, DDS Esq. at 11:51 AM 1
All the above are on her website. The one you posted is on The Betrayal website.
It is most definitely her website. Her bio is on the right side of the main page, there is a link to OrlyTV in the left navigation bar, and links to follow her lawsuits.
If it isn’t hers, it was set up by a way to fervent follower.
The “Defend Our Freedoms Foundation” IS directly operated by Dr. Orly Taitz. So yeah, she’s in violation alright
You are correct. I forgot about that website being Orly’s too. The article on The Betrayal was generated by Orly website. This link is on her main website and the Home link Defend Defend Our Freedoms Foundation is Orly’s main website.
Visit our new Foundation Website which also contains downloads to case filings and materials:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
Comment made by that Lt. Col–does Orly represent herself as a “Constitutional attorney?”
“I share the opinion of Attorneys Orly Taitz and Phil Berg who are among the Constitutional Attorneys bringing these cases to the State, “
Dr. C.,
Orly is actively soliciting “active military men and women and their families” OUT OF STATE. Isn’t she only licensed to practice law in the State of California? I sure don’t see that disclosure anywhere in any of these articles do you?
Technically, that web site belongs to someone else, whose name can be found by going here: and viewing the domain registrant information.
Dr. C.,
I see, however all of her legal cases and “investigations” are on this website. And, she obviously has given her “permission” to post these and there is a link from her website to hers. Technically, I would think the articles still belong to her?
Can you prove that? This is a practical question, not a challenge.
Maybe, but at the link on Orly’s site it says:
“Visit our new Foundation Website which also contains downloads to case filings and materials:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation”
Here is the link to CA fictitious business names, showing Orly Taitz is the owner of Defend Our Freedoms foundation and website.
Visit this web site and enter “Orly” and “Taitz” in the First and Last Name fields respectively.
Everyone can write to the California Bar at
Office of the Chief Trial Counsel/Intake
The State Bar of California
1149 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, California 90015-2299
to report this violation of Rule 1-400 of the Code of Professional Conduct. Taitz’s Bar number is 223433
Print and inclose the offending page just in case she removes it. This embarassment to the legal profession needs to be disbarred.
It might also be a good idea to alert the IRS about these “donations” she and Berg collect.
Orly Taitz received her law degree from an unaccredited online school. (William Howard TaftLaw School) California is the only state that allows a graduate from an online school to sit for the Bar. She is ineligible in all other states.
Ah… another footnote to Orly’s solicitation. Parents cannot sue for emotional distress over what “might” happen to their children.The above situation does not meet the necessary elements for a cause of action for infliction of emotional distress.
anon in CA,
Would you send the entire article? Would it matter if it were the one from The Betrayal website?
It looks like from the following letter that someone may have or is going to report Orly to the State Bar of CA as this was posted on another website:
“Open Letter to Orly Taitz
written by Wendy, January 31, 2009
An Open Letter to Orly Taitz:
Dear Orly,
Dr. Taitz, you definitively stated in a public forum that you are co-counsel of Gary Kreep on the Keyes v Bowen #34-200880000096-CU-WM-CDS as filed in the Sacramento Superior Court and schedule to be heard 03/31/2009.
You further stated on your Official Website that you filed a writ of mandamus in the CAND Federal Court and that it is pending and/or active. The Federal docketing system does not reflect record of any case filed by either you or Allen Keyes within the entirety of the federal court system with regard to this issue. Would you be so kind as to provide the docket number?
I understand that you are an avid proponent of transparency, and since you are soliciting funds for expenses accrued as a result of your pro-bono work, would you be so kind as to provide evidence of the trust account that these funds have been deposited into as required by the Califronia State Bar Association, as well as the docket numbers for all cases and the names of the clients on whose behalf you are soliciting donations?
I spoke with members of the investigative team at CalBar, they were specific in their requirements for the solicitation of funds by attorneys handling Pro-Bono cases. All donations must be solicited with the full knowledge and consent of the client on whose behalf the attorney is soliciting, all funds must be deposited into a trust account to ensure that there can be no co-mingling of funds, and proof of the client’s consent must be must be made available to the public. To do otherwise is a breach of ethics.
I am requesting that you provide full disclosure and transparency with regard to the above-mentioned documentation if you intend to continue soliciting donations under the guise of Pro-Bono work. Or, if you are not soliciting donations on behalf of any specific client but rather for your foundation, I am hereby requesting that you provide proof of your 501(c)3 tax-exempt status as a charitable organization.
I am sure you will make every effort to practice absolute transparency in all of your dealings with regard to this Constitutional Crisis.
Thank you “
That’s beautiful. I’m sure there are more code violations if we poke around, but that one is huge.
Bogus Info, I’d send copies of any site carrying the solicitation, a copy of the fictitious business names page, and a copy of Dr. Conspiracy’s article on the subject. If you’d rather call than write, the number is 1-800-843-9053. The website is
Multiple complaints should get their attention.
I just searched Orange County Civil Court records to see what other cases Taitz has handled. Apparently she and her husband Yosefwere her only clients until she found her fame and fortune in harrassing the President.
The registered owner of the web site is a rather generous contributor (over $1000) to Republican presidential candidate Duncan (how soon they forget) Hunter (not the same Hunter as in Hunter v. Obama).
anon in Ca,
I saw where Orly represented that woman in Texas–can remember the legal term, but what is the procedure to be allowed to do this? And, she is soliciting clients out-of-state with no disclosure in the solicitation that she can only practice law in Calif.–seems to me that this would be a ethical violation also? How could she solicit clients from Georgia when she is only licensed to practice law in Calif.?
In my opinion, Orly gives the legal profession and lawyers a bad name. Because of the media attention she has received, some people are going to think this is how lawyers behave. Some of the stuff she has done and said has been beyond belief. I question if she is just incompetent or knows exactly what she is doing?
Wow. I just browsed the cases filed in Orange County. Orly is the defendant in a number of dental malpractice cases. Any surprise?
Actually, it would have surprised me if she wasn’t. LOL I had hoped she was a better dentist than lawyer as she would have something to fall back on. Guess she still has real estate, right?
On the other hand, this might have been her motivation to get her on-line law degree. What is that saying about someone who represents themselves?
Some of the malpractice cases were listed as medical. Perhaps she’s performing tonsilectomies, too?
As for real estate: her license expired a year ago. Is she claiming to be a realtor?
Bogus Info – The term you’re looking for is pro hac vice, when an out-of-state attorney is admitted to practice for a particular case only. The attorney needs to submit an application to thecourt in advance, and the judge must sign approval. I believe in the Brockhausen case in Texas, Taitz just showed up in court thinking she could represent the woman, and the judge told her to sit down. After he explained the proper process to her, she begged him to admit her because she “flew all that way.” He finally did, and then dismissed thecase for lack of jurisdiction … all in about 3 minutes. Orly claims she promptly went to the US Attorney’s office and filed a criminal complaint against the judge.Oh, the drama!
She owns the foundation and another person owns the foundation’s website….There might be a violaton of Rule 1-310. A member shall not form a partnership with a person who is not a lawyer if any of the activities of that partnership consist of the practice of law.
anon in ca,
Thanks for the legal term–remember seeing it but couldn’t think of it. So, would Orly, by not disclosing that she cannot practice law other than in CA and would be subject to Court approval in the State first before she could represent them, perhaps be misrepresenting/misleading the clients she is trying to solicit?
Have you seen this?
anon in CA,
Regarding this: Is she claiming to be a realtor?
I recall seeing this somewhere on her websitebut cannot remember where. Will try to find it.
anon in ca,
Regarding this:
I don’t know if they are this smart but this may be what they are trying to lay claim to:
Concerns about a New Law Placing Civilians Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
Jan-14-07 11:26 pm
The Post explains:
But, as the Post reports:
And, the Post continues:
Then there is this, but this man was NOT a US citizen. I cannot find any more info regarding this conviction. Is there any?
NEWS & BACKGROUND: US Army to court-martial Canadian civilian
Here is a comment by one of “Orly’s followers” who might be sane regarding the above article:
Pieter Nosworthy // Feb 3, 2009 at 1:08 pm
“I posted this on Mr. Donofrios’s site in response to the article which was commented upon. Unfortunately, the gambit is a NOGO due to the definition of “commanding officer”. Oh, well. I concur with Leo’s contention that success most likely lies with a class action suit before a civilain court. The class action aspect being an important component to startling the media, congress, and genernal populace from thier apathy to address the matter.”
“It was commented earlier about redress through official military channels. I’m afraid the idea will not work regarding the POTUS (IAW AR 27-10)
Chapter 20
Complaints Under Article 138, UCMJ
Section I
20–1. Purpose
This chapter establishes procedures for the preparation, submission, and disposition of complaints made pursuant to UCMJ, Art. 138, (see fig 20–1) by a member of the Armed Forces against a commanding officer.”
“b. Commanding officer. An officer in the complainant’s chain of command, up to and including the first officer exercising GCM [general court-martial] jurisdiction over the complainant, authorized to impose nonjudicial punishment (UCMJ, Art. 15) on the complainant (whether or not the authority to impose nonjudicial punishment or to exercise GCM jurisdiction has been limited or withheld by a superior commander).”
At Orly’s site there was a comment by
Annonymous on 2/2/09 at 2:40:50 am under “More false rumors in regards to the military”
Dr. Taitz, please read this article. The Pentagon — especially General David Petraeus — are in critical need of a good lawyer! They are trying to mobilize public opinion. Maybe they don’t realize they have standing?
The article begins with:
WASHINGTON: CENTCOM commander General David Petraeus, supported by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to pullout all US combat troops from Iraq within 18 months at an Oval Office meeting on January 21, sources have said.
But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.
Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’ recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including General Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.
A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilizing public opinion against Obama’s decision.
Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying: “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”
. . .
The full article is here: ‘
submitted by njresident
I’ve seen this on another web site, that she’s a realtor.
Story doesn’t name its sources, except Keane, who wasn’t there.
If someone did call The Calif. State Bar and file a complaint, could/would there be any consequences to me or my family if those complaints prove to be invalid?
More False Rumors in regards to the military
Orly has herself as a “real estate agent” in her own Bio on her Defend Our Freedom website:
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
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Top Ten Things That You Should Know About Barack H. Obama’s, (a/k/a Barry Soetoro) US Citizenship
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For more data, see our downloads page.
1. He may not be a Natural born citizen qualified to serve as President under Article II of the Constitution
He admits he was born to an American mother and a British subject, suggesting dual citizenship at best-1. If he was not born on U.S. soil, and his mother was a minor, she was ineligible to convey US citizenship-2. Under the British Nationality Act of 1948, he was born a British Citizen-3. His paternal grandmother claims to have attended his birth in Kenya-4. Kenya memorializes his place of birth-5.
2. He is a suspected illegal alien for two possible reasons
At age 3, his mother and father divorced. His mother remarried and his step-father enrolled him in school in Indonesia as “Barry Soetoro” -6.
2. He is a suspected illegal alien for two possible reasons
At age 10, after his mother’s second divorce-7, he reentered the US by casually and illegally assuming his birth name. Later still, he ran for and won elected office under his birth name without disclosing his legal name or his prior use of alternative names-8.
3. He took elected office and was admitted to the Illinois Bar under an alias
No record of any legal name change from Barry Soetoro’ to Barack Obama’ has ever been found.
4. He probably lost his citizenship.
An Indonesian citizen at age 6 -9, having been adopted by a national, he may be in the US illegally-10. USC §1481(a)(2) provides loss of nationality by Natural born citizens upon “taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state … after having attained the age of eighteen years,” in violation of 8 U.S.C. §1401(a)(1). Indonesia did not allow for dual citizenship. If Obama got an Indonesian passport in 1981, when he was 20 years old, he effectively renounced any U.S. citizenship he may have had.
5. He is suspected of secretly holding a foreign passport.
When he traveled to Pakistan in college’-11, Americans were not allowed into that country-12. If he traveled on an Indonesian passport in 1981 at age 20, he was and remains an Indonesian citizen.
6. He posted an illegitimate birth record to deflect questions and allegations.
The “Certification of Live Birth” shown on is not a birth certificate, but an image of an abstract that was invalidated by alteration. As indicated on that same image, the blacked out certification number invalidates the document. Document analysis shows it to be a suspected forgery.
7. The Certification of Live Birth is a suspected forgery.
The border is one that is used in 2007 COLBs. As a security measure, Hawaii changes their borders every year. This is when the Obama campaign claims the certificate was obtained. However, the seal and signature stamp are from a 2008 COLB. As revealed by a process called edging, the Hawaiian seal and signature stamp on the back of the document are revealed to be from the wrong year. Document experts have analyzed other aspects and find forgery.
8. He refuses to release relevant records.
Since matters available in the public domain raise these issues, the burden rests on Obama/Soetoro to explain. He declines to release college applications, transcripts, his birth record, or addresses of where he has lived.
9. His selective service registration may be falsified.
A FOIA document shows a 2008 sequence number for a supposed 1980 registration, an incorrect date of signature, an obsolete postal stamp and other discrepancies. Did he register at age 18 like everyone else?-13
10. Not a single cause of action has been won by Obama on the merits.
All pending suits attempting to get Obama/Soetoro to produce simple documents have been dismissed on technical grounds such as the standing of the plaintiff. Therefore, the courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States have never ruled on the merits of his citizenship.
1. “Dreams from my Father”
2. Section 301(a)(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of June 27, 1952, 66 Stat. 163, 235, 8 U.S.C. §1401(b)
3. admits: “When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.s children. Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.” However, Obama should have reaffirmed allegiance under 8 USC 1401 et seq. upon turning 18. He did not.
6. AP photo Image of registration shown at
8. 18 USC 1001: It is a federal crime punishable to lie to a federal official, which would include immigration and election.
9. The divorce decree confirms he was adopted by an Indonesian citizen.
10. Title 8 USCA 1401, 1481, & 1483
11. A new revelation made during a public campaign appearance in San Francisco in April of 2008 wherein his abilities in the arena of foreign relations was under discussion.
Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.
Dr. Orly Taitz, the principal attorney behind the Keyes lawsuit, was born in the Former Soviet Union. Dr. Taitz escaped from the FSU over 20 years ago to begin a life of freedom in the United States. Dr. Taitz has a successful dentistry practice in Orange County, California, and is a licensed attorney and real estate agent. Dr. Taitz speaks five languages. Dr. Taitz’ experiences under the totalitarian Communist regime convinced her that this is a path that she would rather not see the United States take.Therefore, Orly is committed to doing everything in her power to prevent such a disastrous mistake, and to defend the rights and freedoms that exist for all citizens in the United States under the Constitution. Dr. Taitz has filed a second lawsuit associated with the Obama Eligibility Crisis that is currently before the Supreme Court and is working on a third lawsuit featuring active duty and retired military as plaintiffs. With Dr. Taitz’ help, Orly’s Keyes lawsuit has been successfully cloned in Florida and in Washington State, where other complaints are active. Dr. Taitz has just filed application for a foundation to carry on this work entitled the “Defending Our Freedoms Foundation”.
© 2008-2009 Go Excel Global. All rights reserved. Page design by Go Excel Global.
Dr. Orly has in her Bio at the Defend Our Freedoms website that she is a real estate agent.
“would you be so kind as to provide evidence of the trust account that these funds have been deposited into as required by the Califronia State Bar Association, as well as the docket numbers for all cases and the names of the clients on whose behalf you are soliciting donations?
I spoke with members of the investigative team at CalBar, they were specific in their requirements for the solicitation of funds by attorneys handling Pro-Bono cases. All donations must be solicited with the full knowledge and consent of the client on whose behalf the attorney is soliciting, all funds must be deposited into a trust account to ensure that there can be no co-mingling of funds, and proof of the client’s consent must be must be made available to the public. To do otherwise is a breach of ethics.”
I could not find the above on the State Bar of California website. What is the source for this breach of ethics?
In some states, if you are a lawyer, you can sell real estate. I don’t know how the law works in California.
Called the California State Bar and they told me to package all the information up and they would take a look at it. You can do it anonymously but it has to be in writing. As far as the openletter that person wrote regarding donations to Orly, the gentleman I spoke with was not aware of anything like this but did refer me to Rule 3-310, e or f.
Basically what he told me is that when someone who donates complains.
I have no idea if Orly has violated any ethical standards as far as the law goes. I do think she has stepped over the line as far as common decency but that is just my opinion. Posting people’s phone number, addresses, etc. and then sending out a army of people to see them is one of the examples. Encouraging active military to disobey orders which by her consent form appears to be what she is advocating is another one. SHE is not the one that will suffer the consequences of her actions; the active military man or woman will. However, I suppose that active military man or woman could also file suit on Dr. Taitz when that occurs?
Anyway, I’m going to gather up the info and send it in. If I don’t, I would feel like I had been a silent participant in Orly’s military lawsuit and would feel really bad when a young active military man or woman suffered the consequences. Won’t take much of my time.
I have some links to blog entries where Orly is asking military to disobey orders. I posted ’em at the polijab under “Orly’s House of Nitrous and Moonbat-shit-craziness”. page 4.