How Did a Foreigner Get Elected President?

Dr. Conspiracy

Dr. Conspiracy

“How Did a Foreigner Get Elected President?” That’s the question that must be on the minds of some anti-Obama bloggers.

  • Why did no state Secretary of State verify Obama’s eligibility?
  • Why did the Democratic Party in sworn statements say Obama was eligible without a detailed background investigation?
  • Why did not one single Congressman object when the electoral vote was counted?
  • Why are all the lawsuits being dismissed?
  • Why is the mainstream news media ignoring the whole issue?

Is it a great conspiracy? Is everyone afraid?

The answer is more prosaic than that: there is no rational basis for doubting Obama’s eligibility, and so all the people listed above, being rational people, didn’t doubt it. They accepted’s report that the birth certificate was good. If they had any doubts, they were dispelled by the Hawaiian Health Department’s visit to the vault and subsequent report. One would expect any competent government official to know that the triple-whammy citizenship requirement was a myth.

African Tricycle

African Tricycle

So Barack Obama sailed through and became President, without objection. The reason nobody takes you nObamas seriously IS BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG. If there were real troubling facts about Obama’s birth then the media would start covering it and it would catch on; but the media have fact checkers, and you nObamas have no facts. If the triple-whammy citizenship theory had validity, we’d be seeing law school professors writing articles1, and media legal consultants nudging reporters about the story. If there were any real facts, or real legal challenge it would quickly become generally accepted, because most people are reasonable and have a fair idea of who they can trust. But there aren’t and it isn’t and they don’t.

You’re getting nowhere because your position is bankrupt.

Um…now look…now look, mate, I’ve definitely ‘ad enough of this. That Obama eligibility argument is definitely deceased, and when I purchased it not ‘alf an hour ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein’ tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.

… ‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on! This Obama eligibility argument is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-ARGUMENT!!

With apologies to Monty Python

1 Univ. of Arizona law professor Gabriel J Chin did write an article challenging Senator McCain’s eligibility to become president. I believe this article would have gotten more attention if McCain had been elected.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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48 Responses to How Did a Foreigner Get Elected President?

  1. Heavy says:

    The question is will you apologize to America when they take you messiah from the Oval Office in handcuffs. And what should your punishment be?

  2. bogus info says:


    And when they don’t do this, will you apoligize to America and what should your punishment be?

  3. richCares says:

    the minute they use the term “messiah” you know they are delusional, they can’t undestand a grass roots movemement so they call him “the one”. people like heavy are really quite pathetic, just feel sorry for him and the othe 3 birthers!

  4. bogus info says:

    You know what has crossed my mind? Perhaps WE are feeding these kooks. Perhaps if WE ignored them, they would stop this lunacy?

  5. brygenon says:

    “[…] when they take you messiah from the Oval Office in handcuffs […] what should your punishment be?”

    Feel free to choose whatever punishment best enhances the pleasure of your fantasy.

  6. If I have stated something here that turns out to be false, and my mistake is due to my negligence, I will apologize.

    I allow people to express competing views on this web site. I don’t see how any punishment is appropriate for expressing an honest opinion and facilitating discussion.


  7. Providing information, facilitating discussion and expressing opinions are all protected by the US Constitution, which applies equally to those on both sides of Obama Conspiracy Theory Issues. However, there are things (such as soliciting legal clients under false pretenses, accepting money under false pretenses, and lying under oath) for which there are consequences.

  8. I think President Obama’s smiling face on the TV every day is sufficient to fuel the “kooks”. I wouldn’t flatter myself that this blog makes any difference to them.

    I do know from private comments in email that there are people who do appreciate the documentation provided here. So I think overall this is a positive thing.

  9. bogus info says:

    Dr. C.,

    I agree. Wishful thinking?

  10. brygenon says:

    “Perhaps if WE ignored them, they would stop this lunacy?”

    From studying other kinds of kooks, we learn that stopping kookery is not a realistic goal. How then, do we prevent the situation from becoming serious?

    If no one counters the kooks, there’s a chance that some half-way sensible people might be taken in. On the other hand, we do not want to enlard the kooks’ already titanic sense of self-importance.

    Consider, for example, the Apollo-was-a-hoax kooks — truly lunar lunatics. Established practice is that NASA ignores them, while independent hobbyists refute and ridicule them.

    The birthers are mostly harmless. President Obama ignores them; the courts dispose of their nuisance filings with reasonable efficiency; and Dr. Conspiracy puts them in their place.

  11. bogus info says:

    Dr. Orly Taitz is harmless? Waste of taxpayers money and people’s time. It is crazy.

  12. mimi says:

    Dr. Orly harmless? I think she is pouring gasoline on the fire.
    Telling military not to obey orders? If that isn’t harmful, I don’t know what is.
    Her blog entry last night indicates that Kreep, Keyes, et. al. aren’t too happy about it, and called her on it. She denies that she did that.
    I ranted on about it last night over on the polijab. I was just amazed that she could lie like that. I gave several instances where she told the military not to obey orders.
    I’ll go over there and edit that down. Too much ranting.

  13. Thanks.

    Sounds like a sensible model. There are some other good blogs out there too.

  14. I think Orly’s grade of petroleum is asphalt rather than gasoline.

  15. Patrick McKinnion says:

    “Heavy” is also posting simular stuff over at “The Right Side of Life” as well.

  16. bogus info says:

    Here is my take on the deal. They figured out that Obama was born in Hawaii–anybody with a brain could figure that out. Berg is in it for the money/donations. Orly I do not have a clue–she’s just a nut. Donofrio came up with the NBC thing–Obama, even if he ever does produce a certified copy of his BC (long form), these nutcases will still argue that he’s not a NBC because his Father was Kenyan. So, if this ever gets to that point in the Courts (produced BC), the Courts will have to rule on this. How do you thinkthe Courtwould rule?

  17. bogus info says:

    Business International Corporation

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  18. bogus info says:

    Dr. C., You know Orly well.
    Read the full New Hampshire Resolution directly from the State Government Web Site, Here

    “The simple fact is that we are long overdue for another Rebellion in this nation and I heartily endorse the idea of having one again very soon; preferably starting THIS year!”

    “We must stop our federal government dead in its tracks because it is out of control and very dangerous. If stopping them means attacking them and destroying them by force, then so be it.”

    “You know, I said it before and I’ll say it again: This nigger will be the cause of the Second Civil War. Never mind the so-called “majority” that “voted” for the nigger,

    And this isn’t racism?

    Do these people realize what they are advocating? I’ve read the Constitution and I don’t think this is what it says?

    Dr. C., Do you think this Resolution will pass?

  19. bogus info says:

    This is NOT funny. This is serious. Is this factual about Arizona????? Will this actually pass?

    February 2, 2009 10:19 PM masteropie said…
    February 2, 2009 10:27 PM American Nationalist said…
    Interesting. I have said before that Obongo really only resembles Lincoln in one way, and that is that a large portion of the population will simply refuse to accept him or his edicts.
    February 2, 2009 10:57 PM WebSmith said…
    It’s getting to the point where states have no choice but to take this kind of action. Their rights have been trampled on to the point that they are on the verge of insolvency. They should first try to petition for redress on behalf of their people under the 1st Amendment.
    February 3, 2009 1:59 AM MBABSIT said…
    You know, I said it before and I’ll say it again: This nigger will be the cause of the Second Civil War. Never mind the so-called “majority” that “voted” for the nigger, many were multiple votes by one or more persons, dead people, fictitious, and so on. Granted, the GOP ran a milquetoast – instead of a real man like Ron Paul, with fellow NRA member Sarah Palin as VP. No, economic meltdown and civil war is coming. NOW is the time to stock up on food, water, and ammo. If you have one firearm, get more! There are a number of dealers online who sell ammo, patronize them now! Stock up on Hoppe’s #9, Rem Oil, brushes, and patches. Stop playing computer games, and learn how to reload. Learn a trade that will help you in the coming months, like leatherworking, gunsmithing, veterinary, first aid, and so on. Get a concealed permit, if you can, and learn to carry a handgun with you (shoulder holster, purse, backpack, and so on). You never know when the nigger’s cadre will erupt in violence. Things are going to be hard, and the nigger and his cadre have pledged to make life hell for us. If you are a Christian, then you know what liberty is, and will eagerly defend your liberty, unlike the nigger’s army, who will more than likely desert.
    February 3, 2009 2:33 AM Jesse said…
    Lets spread the word, we need to get media attention on this!
    February 3, 2009 3:42 AM onegoodman83 said…
    There are already Secessionist movements in more than 25 individual States. It wouldn’t even be the States that started a Civil War. Just as in 1860, the Feds would commit the first act of aggression. The States would then act in Self Defense, hopefully with all jews expelled from all positions of power in every seceding State to prevent the usual jewish sabotage of the Secession. I would not be at all surprised if the individual States won independence from ZOG simply by issuing mass dismissals from employment to all jewish State employees in anticipation of Federal aggression and potential jewish sabotage.

    February 3, 2009 9:13 AM Prospector said…
    Hal, you would be happy to learn that Arizona also issued a House Concurrent Resolution (concurred by the State Senate)
    HCR 2024, Referenced as “Sovereignty;Tenth Amendment” with many sponsors. It directs that the Arizona is hereby going to enforce its 10th Amendment rights against the Federal Government. Link to the resolution below:
    February 3, 2009 12:42 PM mary said…
    Race is not why I’m in here. I’m just damn fed up about the elite in DC thinking they know what we need and then taxing & regulating the hell out of it. Let them live and die by a P&L statement like private enterprise and see what the consequences of the real world is like.
    NH’s Republican Sentator better not join the Obama administration as he will be one of the traitors that signed up for MORE OPRESSIVE GOVERNMNET.
    February 3, 2009 2:11 PM Bob said…
    This is indeed good news. Perhaps Dr. William Pierce’s dream will come true.

    February 3, 2009 2:44 PM Freedom Fighter said…
    all I can say is this , take out the media , politicians , police any military invloved in the cease of your rights , judges , attorneys especially , teachers and move to uphold a lawful and relentless contitutional agreemnt called to all true Americans.”
    February 3, 2009 2:55 PM <b>Courtney Beadel</b> said…
    Amazing! What did it take to put such a resolution into place? How can I copy NH’s success in Iowa?

  20. bogus info says:

    This is scary. Is the authorities watching this blog/radio station. Is this factual?

    What are the chances of these Resolutions passing?

    This is NOT funny.
    onegoodman83 said…
    There are already Secessionist movements in more than 25 individual States. It wouldn’t even be the States that started a Civil War. Just as in 1860, the Feds would commit the first act of aggression. The States would then act in Self Defense, hopefully with all jews expelled from all positions of power in every seceding State to prevent the usual jewish sabotage of the Secession. I would not be at all surprised if the individual States won independence from ZOG simply by issuing mass dismissals from employment to all jewish State employees in anticipation of Federal aggression and potential jewish sabotage.

    February 3, 2009 9:13 AM Prospector said…
    Hal, you would be happy to learn that Arizona also issued a House Concurrent Resolution (concurred by the State Senate)
    HCR 2024, Referenced as “Sovereignty;Tenth Amendment” with many sponsors. It directs that the Arizona is hereby going to enforce its 10th Amendment rights against the Federal Government. Link to the resolution below:

    This is pure racism and hate.

  21. In the words of Emerlich de Vattel: ‘ell no.

  22. The white supremacists and secessionists have been around for a long time. Perhaps the gun and ammo sales will help the economy.

  23. bogus info says:

    Do you think the FBI, CIA and whoever else is aware of this. Is this just a minority of politicians in these States?

    30 something politicians sponsored the one in the Arizona Legislature.

    Doesn’t this worry you just a little bit? It does me because these people are crazy.

  24. cpabooks says:

    “This is pure racism and hate.” You are using this tired statement as a shield for anyone who questions your cult.

  25. The FBI tracks these groups (but not the CIA).

  26. No, we reserve “racism and hate” for the racists. We use “tin foil hat” and “nut case” for the rest of you. 😉

    We have a much more effective shield than name calling; it’s called evidence.

  27. For the uninitiated, ZOG stands for “Zionist occupation government.” It refers to the US government which users of the term believe is controlled by the Jews.

  28. mimi says:

    I think she’s trying to say is that the company was a front for the CIA. Obama’s first job was with this company. But, the company was a front for the CIA between 1955 & 1960.

    “According to a lengthy article in the New York Times in 1977, a co-founder of the company told the newspaper that “Eldridge Haynes [the other founder] had provided cover for four CIA employees in various countries between 1955 and 1960″.[2]”
    I can’t figure any other reason she would post this. And, the references indicate the CIA employees were journalists. Idunno. It’s Orly. Keep throwing stuff.

  29. brygenon says:

    “Telling military not to obey orders? If that isn’t harmful, I don’t know what is.”

    If I tell the Earth not to orbit the Sun, how harmful is that?

  30. bogus info says:

    Dr. C.,

    Has that one in Arizona already passed?

  31. Ian Gould says:

    Simple predictions:

    1. No states will secede

    2. This will not have the least impact on anti-semitic conspiracy nuts.

  32. Is the authorities watching this blog/radio station

    I’m sure the authorities are, but I’ve started blogging about the larger blogs that are endorsing treason. Yes to Democracy seems to be doing the same thing, but their site hurts my eyes.

  33. TRUTH says:

    I thought this as appropriate a place as any for this entry.

    If I had to give one reason, in addition to many others, why I want to see Obama succeed, this past week a powerful reason has arisen. With House Speaker Pelosi so close in line, if Obi-Wun were to fail and BinLyen were to have a brain fart, that would leave Alien Pelosi to run the country, so it COULD be worse.

  34. NBC says:

    If I had to give one reason, in addition to many others, why I want to see Obama succeed, this past week a powerful reason has arisen. With House Speaker Pelosi so close in line, if Obi-Wun were to fail and BinLyen were to have a brain fart, that would leave Alien Pelosi to run the country, so it COULD be worse.

    I just love the name calling. So mature…

    But now you know how liberal felt with Cheney.

    Thanks for showing us the true TRUTH my friend

  35. TRUTH says:

    NBC, if my nicknames are all you have to whine about and they hurt your wittle feelings, you dont have a lot to worry about. Work on making valid points, I’m not in the cabinet.

  36. PJ says:

    Obama is an outright deceiver. He is not an American citizen and he is not loyal to the American citizens. He has lied about everything he promised to do for the American citizens.
    The poor are feeding at his water hole thinking they can get a piece of the American pie. What they are fixing to get is a rude awakening of being a part of a Socialist/Marxist government. This man is worse than Hitler ever dared to be.
    I have always respected my President until this man was elected. He is a fraud! He is still a Muslim. Once when he was speaking, over his shoulder was the Muslim background of the sun rising in the west. The sun does not rise in the west! It rises in the east. This was a significant sign that he is still Muslim and he is letting his comrades know this while keeping it secret from the rest of us.
    Obama is in a league with Iran and Syria. North Korea and Russia are his bedfellows. Beware for the trumpet has sounded!!
    Antichrist is coming out of Syria. The Bible tells us this. Read Micah 7:12 and Isaiah 10:20-27. Former Asyria is now Syria.
    You had better get prepared socially, spiritually, and physically for what is soon coming. America as we know it is changing suddenly for the worse unless the church stands up and declares war on this mess!

  37. NBC says:

    So much ignorance and hatred, combined with religious ‘faith’. Quite an ugly picture but I do understand that some still hold to them.

    Seems facts are of less of an interest to you?

    Well, despite your fears and accusations, we are moving onwards led by a leader who understands the concept of leadership. I am not surprised that some may be confused by something they may never have witnessed in their lifetime.

  38. TRUTH says:

    Never Witnessed, isn’t THAT the Truth!

    You Lovers luv to call the people that disagree with your Messiah Haters. It is your rebuttal when a nerve is hit and you don’t have anything better to say. Nevermind the fact your party CLAIMS to Hate Bush SO BAD they STILL want to blaim him for things, many even want to take him to court.

    I don’t Hate Obama, I just disagree with most of what he stands for, I don’t personally feel he is qualified, and to this day it has yet to be proven to me he is 100% eligible(he may very well be, but he has failed to take the effort to prove it).

    Label us as haters, if that makes you feel better, but take a look in the mirror first.

  39. thisoldhippie says:

    I find it almost laughable, if it wasn’t so sad, that someone would equate a Muslim theocracy with a Marxist/Socialist/Communist agenda. The two are incompatable. Communism does not promote religion of any kind because that would separate the people into factions. A Muslim theocracy does not promote a socialist point of view because that would not be in line with the Koran. Either know of what you speak, or better yet, don’t speak.

  40. NBC says:

    Label us as haters, if that makes you feel better, but take a look in the mirror first.

    The only thing I ‘hate’ is ignorance. So far I have seen more hate from ‘the other side’. Just listen to PJ.

  41. PJ, I’m sure you know what Jesus said about judging. Noting the number of unsupportable statements you’ve made preceding, I would be forced to say that your judgment is at best hasty.

  42. As a Christian myself, such talk as we heard form PJ causes me great concern because it undermines the faith.

  43. TRUTH says:

    HAHA!! You mention Ignorance then you judge “the other side” on One person. Nuff Said.

  44. NBC says:

    I understand that you may have a reading comprehension problem. PJ is but one example, of a recent ‘surge’ in those who have been (mis)led to believe that there exists a foundation for their beliefs in factual data.

    My observation however stands. No wonder that TRUTH cannot handle it.

  45. AXJ-CANADA says:

    I was born in Canada, but live and work in the USA for personal reasons. I have been following this whole OBAMA Birther issue and at first thought it was a big joke but then my friend told me that there was a big reason the founding fathers specifically stated that only a “natural born citizen” could be president. I have read all the documents and listened to both sides and the only simple question I have remains unanswered. Why would Mr. OBAMA hide all his documents? It just doesn’t make sense. His photos all look funny when he is with other people, they just don’t look natural. I don’t know about Birth Certificates in 1961 but in Canada many were hand written, not typed, and they always had at least the name of the hospital or place and the doctor that attended. When I read about the Prime Minister of Kenya being Mr. Obama’s cousin it all started to make sense. Yes, I think Mr. Obama had a plan all along with his father who was quite a character from what I have read. I even heard that they (?) made his death look like an accident. A lot a stories have come from a fellow AXJ member in the UK I correspond with.

  46. Birth certificates in Canada are moving to the same electronic model that they have in Hawaii. Newfoundland and Labrador are engaged in the first steps of just such a project, with the expectation of awarding a contract this year. I think (don’t quote me) that Manitoba and British Columbia (and likely many more) already have electronic systems.

    Don’t believe everything you read. No Obama documents are “hidden” beyond the privacy laws that apply equally to everyone. Further the fellow in Kenya is NOT Obama’s cousin, nor did Obama campaign for him.

  47. kimba says:

    Silliest of the silly birther memes: Pictures of him just don’t look right.

    So it’s really not that Obama is not eligible for some legitimate legal reason. It’s that you think something nefarious has been brewing for 48 years because you think pictures of him look “funny”.

    I have noticed here and other blogs that people who start out posts with “I’m not really a birther and this issue doesn’t really affect me…” usually turn out to be hard core birthers who are trying to spread debunked misinformation by playing “curious bystander.”

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