Monthly Archives: February 2009

How Did a Foreigner Get Elected President?

The reason nobody takes you nObamas seriously IS BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG. Continue reading

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Click Tracking at Berg Land

Any time your browser warns you of something, you should be reasonably concerned. It looks like is using’s feature called “Traffic Facts”. Continue reading

Posted in Philip Berg, The Blogs | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I Dropped by Barackyphral

You can’t file a FOIA request on a LIVING person for passport records at the State Department …. So anybody tells you they have FOIA info on Barack Obama’s passports, you know they don’t have jack. Continue reading

Posted in Dr. C. Comments, FOIA, The Blogs | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Making Something out of Nothing

But the Rovingpatrol’s blog took that nothing and made something out of it, specifically that President Bush knew Obama wasn’t eligible to be president, or a crook or SOMETHING! Continue reading

Posted in The Blogs | Tagged | 6 Comments

Fraud Targeting Military Families

It’s wrong to lie about anyone, but to mislead our military families, make their already difficult burden heavier, and to cheat them out of money is vile beyond words. Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , , , | 37 Comments

Orly misleads the flock again

Note the word “unbridled power” in the headline. The article she cites says “unmatched power”. These are very different concepts. Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | 4 Comments