Monthly Archives: February 2009

News January 29 – February 13, 2009

Open mike.

Posted in Open Mike | 151 Comments

Sex, lies and creatively edited interviews with Sarah Obama

This headline from really struck me and I had to share it with you. It’s another insightful look by Salon into the conspiracy theory aspects of Barack Obama’s story. For some reason, the transcripts of the interview that have … Continue reading

Posted in Evidence, Media | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Sarah Obama Learns of Her Grandchild

Over at the Barackryphal blog, they’re wondering exactly when and how that “born in Kenya” story got started. As for me, I have this fantasy of meeting Sarah Obama and asking her when she learned that she had a new … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location, Evidence | Tagged , , , , , | 24 Comments

Listening to Orly

We talk about Orly Taitz on this blog a good bit, but I had never gotten around to looking at the National Press Club footage. Today I stumbled onto this YouTube video on local blog from Orly’s local hometown. For … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz, Videos | Tagged , | 16 Comments

Sabotage at Obama Conspiracy Theories

You may have noticed that we’ve been offline for a few hours. It’s sabotage. I found pieces of a wooden shoe IN THE ROUTER. Actually I don’t exactly know what happened except that network connectivity to the domain was … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Hollister v. Soetoro et al Denied

GREGORY S. HOLLISTER, Plaintiff vs. BARRY SOETORO, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama, in his capacity as : a natural person; in his capacity as [blah blah blah] JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., in his capacity [blah blah blah] The “interpleader” part of … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Philip Berg | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 32 Comments