Pelosi swears: Obama is Eligible

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

In a sworn statement Nancy Pelosi, Chairman of the Democratic National Convention, certified the Barack Obama was eligible to be president. She said:

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the National Convention of the Democratic Party of the United States of America, held in Denver, Colorado on August 25 though 28, 2008, the following were duly nominated as candidates of said Party for President and Vice President of the United States respectively and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution

Also swearing was Alice Germond, Secretary of the DNC.

It is not known to me upon what basis this statement was made. These two affiants may have inspected specific documentation or relied on publicly known facts.

This is “old news” but I think that is important to note that that someone has taken responsibility for determining the eligibility of a candidate for President.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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48 Responses to Pelosi swears: Obama is Eligible

  1. Well, that’s interesting.

    It’s a sign, I guess, that Rep. Pelosi carries more weight in the party than then-chair Howard Dean or Sen. Reid.

    The latter is to be expected, since Speaker of the House is quite important, but the former is interesting.

  2. jimmyP says:

    this plus Hawaii DNC certification plus McCain certifcation at:

  3. Bob says:

    Pelosi certified Obama’s nomination in her capacity as the Chair of the Democratic National Convention (not the Democratic National Committee).

  4. Chris says:

    Dr C: I’m surprised not to see a post on Richard Shelby (R-AL) trying to revive the citizenship debate. Seeing as he’s an elected official, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.

  5. Expelliarmus says:

    He has denied the statement and says that his remarks were taken out of context & distorted.

    So either he never said what was reported or he has no retracted. Non-story.

  6. Notheydidn't says:

    Of course you never know but I suspect that Shelby will continue to back peddle into silence. Even though AL is a red state, the education association plays a huge part in the state politics. The association backed Obama. I am sure that Shelby has gotten his share of calls from education assoc heads and its partners. This will just go away.

  7. bogus info says:

    Dr. C.,

    Have you seen this?
    Active Military member joins Orly – Easterling

  8. In that case, I find it interesting that Pelosi was the chair of the convention and not Dean.

  9. Sounds like Shelby gaffed.

  10. I’m out of town on business. No free time to do much of anything this week.

    But aside from the whole ethical question of what Orly is doing, I don’t see how adding Easterling to the list of plaintiffs buys her anything. She still doesn’t have standing. Easterling may conceivably suffer individual harm, but nothing the court could do would address Easterling’s grievance since the court cannot remove the President.

  11. Expelliarmus says:

    The “individual harm” Easterling will suffer is the court martial & probable demotion in rank or dishonorable discharge that he will be subject to for the statement he signed.

  12. I sincerely doubt that they would demote or discharge him over this.

    First, they can only demote him one rank, since there’s only one rank below a 1st lieutenant.

    Second, I suspect that he’d more likely just be moved out of combat locations and never see a promotion again. Much easier and they don’t have to touch the politics.

  13. Bob says:

    In that case, I find it interesting that Pelosi was the chair of the convention and not Dean.

    You find it interesting that the democrats would choose its highest ranking elected official (and a woman, to boot) to oversee its national convention? It’s Politics 101, really.

  14. Bob says:

    I sincerely doubt that they would demote or discharge him over this.

    Ever hear of Michael New?

    New decided President Clinton lacked the authority to order U.S. troops to serve a U.N. peacekeeping mission, and New was court martialed and given a bad-conduct discharge:

    First, they can only demote him one rank, since there’s only one rank below a 1st lieutenant.

    The military could revoke his officer’s commission.

    Second, I suspect that he’d more likely just be moved out of combat locations and never see a promotion again.

    Perhaps that’s his true motivation in signing Orly’s consent form.

  15. You find it interesting that the democrats would choose its highest ranking elected official (and a woman, to boot) to oversee its national convention? It’s Politics 101, really.

    Republicans chose party chair Jim Nicholson over Denny Hastert for the 2000 RNC.

  16. Michael New refused to obey orders. Easterling is playing coy with that, but so far he hasn’t explicitly said that he won’t or that Obama isn’t president (merely that he wants to be sure).

    Perhaps that’s his true motivation in signing Orly’s consent form.

    The thought crossed my mind.

  17. Expelliarmus says:

    I disagree – he is quoted as writing,

    Until Mr. Obama releases a “vault copy” of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather, a usurper to the Office – an impostor.

    As a military officer he is bound by this code:

    § 888. Art. 88. Contempt toward officials

    How Current is This?
    Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.


    Sounds pretty contemptuous to me.

    There is a reason for those laws, because statements like calling Obama a “usurper” undermine military discipline and order, and jeopardize the lives of all who serve with soldiers who are being influenced by that kind of talk.

    I hope they do court-martial him.

  18. Oops! Sorry, I must have missed that when I was skimming for his rank.

    Yeah, that’s actually pretty dangerous. If he refuses to follow orders, he’s putting his subordinates in danger.

    Yeah, he may just be dishonorably discharged. I doubt they’d keep him on after removing his commission, because he would be a major disciplinary problem if they stuck him under an enlisted rank he now gets to issue orders to.

  19. “I hope they do court-martial him.”

    OK, say that they DO court martial Easterling. His defense is that Obama really is a usurper, and the birth certificate is subpoenaed. What’s wrong with this scenario?

    To what extent is Orly responsible for misinforming and enticing Easterling’s, and ultimately ruining his life (or perhaps starting his phenomenally successful career in talk radio)?

  20. bogus info says:

    Dr. C.,

    My understanding from over at Phil’s RSOL is that his defense will never be brought out in court.

    ” 1Lishell says:
    February 24, 2009 at 12:12 am
    Simple Interest,

    “If that’s his game plan, they’re gonna hang him from the yardarm. The question of whether Easterling can even raise the issue before the jury will be decided by the judge, based on pleadings, and the presumption is that President Obama is the lawful commander in chief.”

    “See the Watada judge’s order denying Watada’s request to enter into evidence testimony on the legality of the Iraq War.”

    “See United States v. New, 448 F.3d 403 (D.C. Cir. 2006). Especially the part below:

    “Whatever the application of the political question doctrine to these four challenges to a deployment order in an otherwise properly framed civil suit, the military justice context compels a somewhat broader doctrine in light of the implications of any alternative view. As the Court of Appeals observed, nothing gives a soldier “authority for a self-help remedy of disobedience.” 55 M.J. at 108 (quoting United States v. Johnson, 45 M.J. 88, 92 (C.A.A.F.1996)). Two of the canonical factors from Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 217, 82 S.Ct. 691, 7 L.Ed.2d 663 (1962), “an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political decision already made,” 369 U.S. at 217, 82 S.Ct. 691, and “the potentiality of embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by various departments on one question,” id., are uniquely powerful when the context is a soldier’s use of the “self-help remedy of disobedience.” Also supporting a broader sweep to the political question doctrine in military trials is the point made by Judge Effron in his concurring opinion — that the doctrine “ensur[es] that courts-martial do not become a vehicle for altering the traditional relationship between the armed forces and the civilian policymaking branches of government” by adjudicating the legality of political decisions. Id. at 110.”

    (emphasis added)

  21. Chris says:

    Haha. He does have a future in talk radio. If Glen Beck can get a gig…

  22. Bob says:

    Republicans chose party chair Jim Nicholson over Denny Hastert for the 2000 RNC.

    And at the 2004 RNC, Speaker Hastert was the convention chair.

    So if you want to see some vast conspiracy in the democrats doing the exact same thing in 2008….

    But here’s where it gets really exciting!: Who was the temporary (vice) chair for the 2004 RNC? Why, Hawaiian Governor Lingle…the same governor of the same state that has Obama’s vault certificate! The very person Andy Martin sued!

    It is all a plot!

  23. Hey, now.

    I never said it was shocking or exciting. Just a little interesting.

  24. Expelliarmus says:

    To what extent is Orly responsible for misinforming and enticing Easterling

    Easterling is a 43-year-old commissioned military officer. Orly’s conduct is reprehensible, but when she starts “enticing” military officers and state legislators it means she has reached people who have no business occupying their current positions of responsibility. These individuals are expected to exercise a higher degree of care in what they do, and certainly a military officer should be aware of the specific law I cited above about “contemptuous words”.

    So yes.. Orly is wrong — but if you had a son serving in Iraq, would you want him serving under a man like Easterling? Wouldn’t you wonder about what other odd ideas this man might entertain?

    At a bare minimum, shouldn’t we expect loyalty from the officers who lead our troops?

  25. More on Easterling:

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president’s orders. Note that it doesn’t say how he defied orders, just that he did.

    Even Donofrio is not pleased that WND has phrased it that way.

    Orly, on the other hand, gleefully quotes the headline. This would seem to be something the Bar Association would be interested in.

  26. Oops! That wasn’t supposed to be a reply.

    (this one, however, is so that you know which one wasn’t supposed to be a reply.)

  27. Pingback: Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored

  28. awe_and_shock says:
    February 24, 2009 at 10:53 pm


    A retired Major Gen?????????

    I only have one thing to say to that:

    For his military knowledge, though he’s plucky and adventury,
    Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;
    But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
    He is the very model of a modern Major-General.

  29. Who said:

    “Other than this, my key short-term complaint is that he [Obama] has not had a heart attack in office.”

  30. Actually, there’s something strange going on here. He joined the guard in 1964 and has spent a total of 14 months overseas.

    Through Vietnam, Grenada, the Persian Gulf War, Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia… a total of 14 months overseas?

  31. mimi says:

    “or perhaps starting his phenomenally successful career in talk radio”

    Ollie North and G.Gordon Liddy come to mind. Seems to be a Republican thing.

  32. mimi says:

    Second, I suspect that he’d more likely just be moved out of combat locations and never see a promotion again.

    Perhaps that’s his true motivation in signing Orly’s consent form.
    I’ve been wondering about that too. Does he just want out of the military?

  33. Unless demonstrated otherwise, I assume he believes the myths, has an inflated view of his own importance, and believes he is aiding his country.

  34. awe_and_shock says:


  35. Yes, he was a reservist. But it still seems odd that he somehow got out of Vietnam.

  36. Anon in CA says:

    Supposedly his blog:

    Very weird. Going for a mental incompetency defense, perhaps?

  37. Anon–

    I strongly doubt that that is Easterling.

    I’m not sure, but I don’t think you can blog from a combat zone, and in any case, the authorities would be very effective in censoring anything like that. They routinely censor anything else coming from combat zones.

  38. Anon in CA says:

    Thanks, Andrew. I have my doubts, too. That’s why I said “supposedly,” although the Orly followers insist it’s him.

  39. Anon in CA says:

    Thanks, Andrew. I have my doubts, too. That’s why I said “supposedly,” although the Orly followers were insisting it’s him.

  40. mimi says:

    Hey Anon. Like your name. I’ve seen you quoted lots. lol

  41. Note at the bottom of Easterling’s blog page it says he has had 224,267 visitors since February 24. Actually, the number of visits per day on his blog is 267. The 224 is some other number, perhaps the number the day before. Clock on the number to go to the site statistics page, where you see the real results.

    More factoids.

  42. bogus info says:

    Here is a comment off Orly’s blog. There is a poll. Don’t know if members only can vote but go vote anyway. Link to the poll in the comment.

    2/25/2009 9:24 PM Portuguese Revolutionary Pat wrote:

    CALL TO ACTION got to the Military Website and VOTE on the MIDDLE CHOICE it is running close right now.
    The link Opened for me by hitting SHIFT + Click.
    OR Click this link directly to the poll:

  43. You do not have to be a member to vote. I voted the bottom choice. If you have an opinion, well… Hey, I don’t tell people what to do.

  44. TRUTH says:

    {…This is “old news” but I think that is important to note that that someone has taken responsibility for determining the eligibility of a candidate for President….}

    What is also “OLD News” is Pelosi is a blooming Idiot. GEEE, do ya think she might Take up for Barry? Nahhh, say it isn’t so! Pelosi is an ignorant far leftist waste of American taxpayers money. Her opinion means the equivalent of O.J.Simpsons testimony “I Did not do it”

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