If you scroll down at the lower right of this page, you’ll find a couple of links: RSS Feed and Comment Feed. These “feeds” can deliver Obama Conspiracy Theories right to your desktop. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) lets you read several blogs with the articles listed all together, much like you see your email.
RSS requires a reader program. Google’s GMail and Google Reader work as well as installed programs like Mozilla Thunderbird, Internet Explorer and recent versions of Microsoft Outlook.
RSS feeds are a great way to keep up with what’s going, with out spending a lot of time going from web site to web site. Following comments is much easier too.
To subscribe to feeds in Internet Explorer:
Open Internet Explorer.
Go to the website that has the feed you want to subscribe to.
Click the Feeds button
to discover feeds on the webpage.
Click a feed (if more than one is available). If only one feed is available, you will go directly to that page.
Click the Subscribe to this Feed button
, and then click Subscribe to this Feed.
Type a name for the feed and select the folder to create the feed in.
Click Subscribe.