Was it in Kenya? Was it in Canada? Was it at home in Hawaii, attested to by one parent?
No. It seems President Obama was born exactly where we always thought he was, at the Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu.

Kapi’olani letter (image from WorldNetDaily)
The letter was read aloud at the Health Center’s 100th anniversary gala [link, see Page 6] , attended by such dignitaries as Republican Governor Lingle. Not only do we have President Obama’s own letter stating the place of his birth, but the confirmation of the hospital through their publication and celebration of the fact. See the celebration, Governor Lingle’s proclamation and the reading of the letter from President Obama by Hawaii Congressman Neil Abercrombie.
[The persistent Internet rumor that Barack Obama’s half sister Maya claimed that he was born at Queens Hospital, is not true.]
Well, I guess the controversy is all wrapped up now.
Who would possibly not belive the word of the President that he is the President?
After all, Obama must remember his place of birth since he was there at the time
Now we have our official, indisputable document.
Truth has been found and verified!
My, my, my. This will certainly convince everyone, won’t it?
Just the other day I wrote a letter stating that I was born on Ellis Island and Lady Liberty was my mommy.
What does this O’Bushama Letter Prove that he can write a letter and state that he was born in a certain place BUT how does he know?
Was he aware of his surroundings at birth? Or is he laying the groundwork to eventually say that he was born somewhere without any concrete proof and we are to just believe it?
Funny thing is not a neighbor, friend, relative, etc has stepped forward (now that I mention it I am sure they will be put in place) to say I was there or I remember when he was born or came home, etc. NOTHING.
Until there is a full investigation and transparency from O’Bushama no one can know for sure where he was born BUT one thing is for sure he Hides and Seals all his RECORDS for a REASON.
The letter in and of itself is merely interesting although in this milieu of historical speculation, any solid data point is welcome. The fact that the hospital where the letter claims Obama was born chose to highlight it at their Centennial celebration and to have it read to the group by their Congressman is what provides strong evidence of its truth. If it wasn’t true, the hospital would not have advertised the letter.
He is not hiding them, plaintiffs are lacking standing to gain access to them. Quite a difference. And since President Obama has released his COLB which shows him born in Honolulu, we seem to have reached the end of the line for those who insist on removing an elected president using un-constitutional methods.
Until we are presented with some reliable evidence to the contrary, it seems that the President has met his eligibility requirements. Certainly the legislative branch seemed convinced, as were the voters who elected him.
Peter Francisco wrote, “Just the other day I wrote a letter stating that I was born on Ellis Island and Lady Liberty was my mommy.”
If you’re expecting a public gathering and reading in celebration, you have some more disappointment headed your way.
At this point, if people don’t know that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, it’s because they want not to know.
Are all you ObaMORONS brainwashed? Who is stopping Obama from calling one of his Numerous Press Conferences, Fire Up teh Teleprompters and invite Documents Experts and Present all his Documents? It sure would be CHEAPER than hiring lawyers and filing motions and answering court case after court case.
To say that he hasn’t presented all his Documents as Plaintiffs are trying to get thru court actions because the courts are dismissing all the cases on “standing” or procedural technicalities is truly being dishonest. He can save the COURTS time by volunteering his DOCS & RECORDS.
After all this is the TRANSPARENCY PPONZI PREZ.
A Hospoital receives a letter from a “President” of the USA stating that he was born in their hospital and they wouldn’t make a big deal of it?
Thsi Reminds me of the old days when many places you went it was carved: George Washington Slept Here.
In Kenya according to the Kenyan Embassador they are working on a monument where O’Bushama was born….I wonder if he will write another letter congratulating them and saying that he was born there.
This is not new after all we are still struggling to find out who and where Cristovam Colon (Christopher Colon/Columbus) was born, who he was, what his real name was adn where he is buried. I hope it doesn’t take 500 yrs in the modern age to find out the TRUTH about O’Bushama.
It still wouldn’t satisfy the birthers, Peter Francisco. Look at every one of the Birthers’ claims. They’ve all been disproved by a preponderance of the evidence, yet they’re still being advanced by the Birthers.
For instance, just today I had to give someone the case law of Perkins v. Elg, to state that even if Obama did have Indonesian citizenship, it wouldn’t have affected his U.S. Citizenship one bit. Another thing disproven.
Good approach. When lacking facts and arguments, insult and call names. Since the President has released the relevant documents, namely his Certification of live birth. Any alternatives would establish a precedent where his detractors would continue to require him to release more and more documents, never satisfied by the facts.
Are we now blaming the victim for the waste of the Courts’ time? Remember that Obama has presented the relevant information and the Courts have found that the plaintiffs continue to file lawsuits which lack in standing. I’d say that the plaintiffs are the ones lacking respect for the courts with their continued filing of lawsuits. In fact, some of the courts have come to realize the sham and imposed sanctions.
Nope, where his father was born. Why don;t you do the research before looking and sounding foolish
Of course, where father and son share a name, confusion is common place it seems. The problem is that when such confusion is clarified, people are somehow unwilling to accept it.
Peter Francisco, please why doesn’t Obama just make the rounds of every state run insane asylum and try to prove to the residents his citizenship?
I’ve read these lawsuits. Not a one of them would be satisfied by any document or record. The Docket link up top has links to a number of the filings. Go read for yourself.
It certainly would not satisfy the Birthers for President Obama to show his birth certificate to every single Birther. As Restore Our Constitutional Republic says, you do not need his birth certificate to “prove” that he is ineligible to serve as President. You have moved the goal posts: now he has to show that he was born of two American citizens on American soil. And since his father was a Kenyan, which was then under British rule, President Obama cannot — Birthers claim — possibly be eligible to be President. Getting to move the goal posts is a great tactic; unfortunately, this definition of “natural born citizen” has no standing in law. You lose yet again.
Should you reply that indeed he is ineligible to serve because of his father’s citizenship, you will have just demonstrated that all this huffing and puffing is not about the birth certificate at all, and that your post demanding that President Obama show it is a conscious deception. Which do you prefer?
Points missed by Peter:
1. It has ling been a received “factoid” of the Birther movement that Obama or his sister have claimed his birth occurred in two different hospitals. This letter constitutes a “closing of that circle,” if you will. While no example of any claim by either of them to his birth in Queens Hospital has ever actually been shown to exist, we now have documented first hand claims by both of them to a birth at Kapiolani Medical Center… and only Kapiolani.
2. Mario Apuzzo and hangers on have repeatedly asserted that it is another damning piece of evidence that Obama was foreign born that no Hawaiian hospital has “celebrated” his birth there. This already weak assertion can now be put fully to rest.
3. Every case filed regarding Obama’s eligibility has been a civil case for which the legal standard of proof is “preponderance of evidence.” The COLB alone (especially in the absence of a single piece of evidence to contradict it) established that preponderance in his favor. First hand testimony from him regarding his place of birth is admissible in a court of law, and thus extends his claim t preponderance, driving the Birther position even further into the evidentiary wasteland it already occupied.
There are more… but I have work to do.
“In Kenya according to the Kenyan Embassador they are working on a monument where O’Bushama was born….I wonder if he will write another letter congratulating them and saying that he was born there.”
Actually, you are in error (at least according to received Birther wisdom).
1. Ambassador Ogego has rather angrily retracted ant impression he gave that Obama was Kenyan born. Anybody listening to the original interview can tell he was unaware he had been asked a leading question that he did not fully understand when responding.
2. More importantly, Ogego was talking about Kogelo, Kenya (Obama’s father’s birthplace). Birthers insist that Obama was born in Mombasa, not Kogelo. Look at a map. They are not even close.
CONVENIENT CLSOING of the loop there huh?
One letter written by an Indicted person caught in many lies, twisted truths, etc. all of a sudden is GOSPEL?
I wonder if teh other Hospital was celebrating 100 yrs if they would have gotten the same letter by the Pretender-in-Thief?
NO lawsuits has looked at the Merits of the evidence and all have been dismissed not because of the evience being false or weak, etc BUT on “standing and procedural technicalities”.
It seems that O’Bushama always finds in the nick of time some WIGGLE Room, but never anything to put the issue to REST like the REAL PROOF needed instead it is a patch here and there eventually O’McGyver will run out of bublegum and duct tape and the Truth Dam will FLOW …
” Since the President has released the relevant documents, namely his Certification of live birth.”
O’Bushama has released his COLB?
To Whom?
Name one member of the Press that has seen it with the naked eye or held it.
Lovely how our ‘pretend war hero’ is making further, unsupported accusations. And no, the letter is not accepted as GOSPEL, however it shows that President Obama has admitted to his location of birth, as expected the same as where others had placed his location of birth.
Yes, constitutional protections that are in place to protect defendants from frivolous lawsuits. Of course, the ‘evidence’ would not stand a chance in court either, since other than the COLB, which shows Obama born in the United States, the evidence suffers from many short comings. Note that the plaintiffs themselves are only interested in creating a ‘controversy’ so that they get a peek at the Birth Certificate.
Frustrating isn’t it…
Especially since the evidence shows him born in the US and thus a natural born citizen.
Have you not seen the photographs released? Wow, no wonder you are still confused about these issues. It’s the lack of research. The name of the organization is ‘Factcheck’, and officials from Hawaii have validated that the COLB is a valid one.
I thought you knew….
Name one member of the Press that has seen it with the naked eye or held it.
statement of Brooks Jackson of factcheck
“We asked for and received a copy from the Obama campaign…”
keep up will you!
Your sarcasm is ingenious. Considering all the lying twaddle being endorsed by that semi-literate Moldovan immigrant that you accept as the truth, I would expect you would believe just about any fairy tales printed on the Inernet. You conventiently ignore the fact that the hospital has verified the President’s letter.
To be blunt, you are a dope.
Do not try and confuse the birthers with truth. To quote Jack Nicholson “They can’t handle the truth.”
What is really driving them is that Obama is a symbol of the fact that people of color in the next several decades will be in the majority in this country. To the birthers this will be the end of the world.
As a WASP I welcome the diversity of America. Our greatness as a country has come about because of our diversity. Each new group has enriched America.
Somehow I had hoped that people who want to remove an elected president via un-constitutional methods, would at least be familiar with the facts.
Such as that his COLB shows him born on US soil…
The level of ignorance is not limited to those posting here in opposition of Obama’s presidency, it also includes some notable plaintiffs. Such as Hemenway who asserts
What part of copy does he not understand… Laser printers were not available in 1961. With such arguments, I am not surprised that he went to court and lost…
What a waste of the court’s time and resources.
“One letter written by an Indicted person”.
I hereby indict you for being wrong. So you are now an indicted person too. We can now disregard anything you say.
Also if you recall World Net Daily in August of 2008 claimed that they had examined the COLB and deem it to be authentic…Although calling them a member of the press may be much they along with FactCheck and fight the smears have actually held a copy of the COLB…
[Peter Francisco attribution changed, Dr. C] do me a favor, and actually research your case.
My favorite is “Recently FactCheck representatives got a chance to spend some time with the birth certificate, and we can attest to the fact that it is real and three-dimensional and resides at the Obama headquarters in Chicago.”
How is that not “seeing it with the naked eye”? How is that not “holding it”?
Take a look at the pictures on that article. They’re really quite revealing.
Your beef is with Peter Francisco. Richcares is on the side of the enlightened…
Sorry. Misread the comment.
Anyways, I think I headed off the “All they recieved was the copy of the birth certificate that was published” that was inevitable to come from the birthers.
Now, I’m going to take two aspirin to prepare for the other arguments that will come.
The reason the birther have so much trouble with standing is that Obama’s serious political opponents never wanted anything to do with this nonsense. At noon on Jan 20 the courts got yet another reason to summarily dismiss such suits, as the U.S. Congress has sole power of impeachment.
Look up the letter from Senator Jon Kyl (Republican, Arizona, Minority Whip) to a constituent, where he dismisses the eligibility issue as Internet nonsense already debunked, and writes, “Senator Obama meets the constitutional requirements for presidential office.”
Our President was born at Kapiolani Hospital, in Honolulu Hawaii, in 1961. All of you delusional Birthers can just keep creating more stupid theories and stay in a frenzy of idiocy, for the next 8 years, to deny that FACT. Boo Hoo if YOU haven’t been given your own personal paper copy of the Birth Certificate of President Obama, to try & quell your fears. Our President was born in Hawaii. He is an NBC. NOW…if you believe that a President must have BOTH parents born in the USA, this is the time to act. Lobby your Congressman to change this fact in 2012. In 2008 Obama is/was/will be forever…an NBC. You racist haters are idiots for pursuing any argument to the contrary.
It’s funny that no doctor, nurse, staff worker, orderly, or an other hospital employee has ever come foward to state that Obama was in fact born at the hospital. Obama was only born in 1961. It’s quite hard to believe that all hospital employees who were present around Obama’s birth at the hospital would be dead.
Why would people violate Hawaiian and US law? And who would remember the birth of one of many children?
You’re really desperate in your ‘arguments’ here. At best we have a lack of evidence, which you seem to interpret as evidence that Obama, despite what his COLB states, was not born in the US.
It seems pretty conclusive Obama was born in Kenya.
– Grandma Sara Obama stated she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya. Of course, under great pressure to do so, the grandma has changed her story.
– The Kenyan Ambassador stated Obama was born in Kenya. Of course, he changed his story when news of his damaging Boo Boo came out.
– A day after Obama won the election, the Kenyan Congress honored and congratulated Obama. While the Kenyan Congress did not state affirmingly that Obama was born in Kenya, during the honoring and congratulating Obama during the Kenyan Congressional Session it is quite clear to any reasonable person that Obama was born in Kenya based on what was said during the Session.
Obama’s COLB is trash. It has been proven to be a forgey.
The COLB that FactCheck saw has never been seen again.
Addition, I challenge anyone $10,000 to state that they have been able move forward during a situation that called for the release of his or her birth certificate by wipping a notebook computer and showing a electronic image of his or her birth certificate.
In addition to NBC’s excellent point, let me say it’s funny that no doctor, nurse, staff worker, orderly, or an other hospital employee has ever come forward to state that Obama was in fact born in Kenya. Obama was only born in 1961. It’s quite hard to believe that all hospital employees who were present around Obama’s birth in Kenya would be dead.
After all, unlike the hundreds if not thousands of similar births occurring in Hawaii, the birth of a mixed-race child to an American teenager who’d just traveled halfway around the world, and a Kenyan father would surely be memorable in 1961 Kenya.
And no doctor, nurse, staff worker, orderly, or an other hospital employee has ever come forward to state that Obama was NOT born at Kapo’olani Medical Center. Obama was only born in 1961. It’s quite hard to believe that all hospital employees who were working at the hospital at that time would be dead.
James repeats his nonsense
That’s not what the record shows. In fact, the record shows that through ambiguous questions through translators, she admitted to being in Kenya when her son (or grandson) was born. She and her family strongly objected to the interpretation given. It was immediate and without great pressure.
So in other words, your best evidence is at best ambiguous and inadmissible?
How do you explain that the COLB places his birth in Hawaii and no evidence has managed to place his birth in Kenya?
Those are the simple facts.
Well some news did leak out and someone did remember her father talking about a Stanley giving birth in or around 1961.
But Hawaii was quite a mixing pot already in those days.
1. The original unedited version of the grandmother interview says he was born in Hawaii. The full tape and transcript are here.
2. The ambassador misunderstood the question. He never says Obama was born in Kenya, but refers to the place of his ancestry.
3. The Kenyan Congress did not say Obama was born in Kenya. Obama is called various things in Kenya, such as “son of the soil” but it refers to ancestral roots, not place of birth (to any reasonable person).
Uhm, you have someone’s translation of a three-way conversation reporting Sara Obama’s response. In that same conversation, Sara Obama and her translator corrected the questioner and stated at least twice that Obama was born in Hawaii. Perhaps you will show exactly where in that conversation the “great pressure” to change her story occurred.
Reality only disturbs a ‘great story’. Who would care about Obama’s grandmother if it were not somehow portrayed as being ‘controversial’…
Does he really believe that Obama has been ‘indicted’ by these mock juries? Fascinating to hear that argument presented in court.
My knitting circle has decided to indict anyone who is opposed to our freedom to knit
My son-in-law has been totally oblivious to all this Obama nonsense. When I told him about the “grand juries” he looked at me with utter disbelief.
The article here sheds light on what the Kenyan Ambassador meant.
If the Kenyan Ambassador had truly intended to say that President Obama was born in a well-known location in Kenya, then you would certainly be able to find references to it in Kenyan newspapers and on government web sites–but you can’t; I’ve tried.
OK, I feel like taking this one out, Fire Joe Morgan style…
Obama’s COLB is trash. It has been proven to be a forgey.
OK who has proven this to be a “forgey”. “Document expert” Polarik? Yeah, that’s not a real person. In fact, I believe it’s an anagram for “moonbat” in Portuguese.
The COLB that FactCheck saw has never been seen again.
I’m straining to see what this has to do with the price of tea in China. What exactly do you want? A town-to-town tour of the COLB like it’s the Olympic torch or something? “Never to be seen again”? How spooooky. Randall Stevens borrowed it for his trip to Zihuatanejo.
a situation that called for the release of his or her birth certificate by wipping a notebook computer and showing a electronic image of his or her birth certificate.
I don’t usually provide my birth certificate by “wipping” a notebook computer. Whipping a computer doesn’t usually produce a document. Sometimes it gets the printer to work, though. The people who need to see the actual COLB printout have seen it. The rest of you can go suck an egg and go back to constructing your bomb shelter for when the Bildebergers come for us all.
And of course, no, you do not show a digital image. However, the digital and photographed images show that a COLB exists and that the COLB is a valid Hawaiian document.
Well, I’ll be the first to say I don’t visit here much, although I don’t feel I fall under the title of “Troll” as another post might suggest.
But to see you post this Doc, I’m just a little surprised. It is what it is, which I imagine is one reason you have shown it, but on the other hand it is no more creditable than if I were to write on a Napkin a note where I was born and submit it as my birth certificate. “I’m the President, so it was said, so it was done.”
*In my opinion*, Mr. Obama is not an honest person. He is a smooth talker that has convinced millions he is sincere, when he is anything but. He used a piece of paper, WHITE HOUSE Stationary, to help make his case, and further convince his followers he is creditable. And isn’t it strange, January 24th he does this, as soon as he possibly can after he moved in. He CAN’T! POSSIBLY show his real Birth certificate, but he can generate this letter, SUPPOSEDLY a congratulatory letter(yeah right). Kind of pathetic in a way.
Like I said before, I really don’t give two hoots about the B.C., he has managed to avoid that and it won’t change things now. Of course people like NBC will ask why I ramble on about it if it doesn’t matter to me. Well, it’s kind of hard to make a point about this post without discussing it.
….now after going back and watching that video, I’m even more sickened he would take advantage of a congratulatory event to slip in a plug for having been born there. COLB or White House Stationary, GOOD as GOLD.
Indeed, it was not really controversial, just a confusion.
Simple really. But people often hear what they want to hear.
I don’t think it’s fair to say Obama “made his case”. This event happened happened January 24th and as far as I know, there was nothing whatever in the press. The letter is not on the White House web site. It was a personal note back home to an important Hawaiian institution. It was the hospital that publicized it, and why would they do that if it were false?
It’s grossly unfair to say Obama took advantage of the event. All he did was send a letter. He didn’t “insert” the letter into the celebration. The hospital highlighted it because it was important to them. They could have just filed it if they wanted to. I think your jaundiced view of Obama is a little irrational some of the time.
It seems that it is even hard to make a point with discussing it…
Obama’s genuine Kenyan birth certificate was up for auction on eBay.
WorldNetDaily has no shame.
Shame or the lack thereof is the least of WND’s shortcomings.
Indicted? Caught in many lies? Are we talking about Bush or Cheney here? Hmm, as I remember, neither one was indicted, then neither was President Obama, other than by some local ‘knitting circles’.
Seems Obama is doing quite an outstanding job when some of his opponents believe that they cannot oppose him on facts, or policy and instead have to ‘indict’ him.
Give me 20 carefully selected people and I can “indict” anyone. Of course with little or no impact on reality. But reality is at this moment the biggest enemy of those interested in removing a duly elected President through un/anti constitutional procedures.
Quite funny really. And even though there is no evidence, these people still are convinced that they ‘know the truth’, after all, if the truth were what all facts point to, much of their world view would be shattered.
This was posted at GW Law Professor Jonathan Turley’s site:
I hope it is okay with Dr. Conspiracy to post it here:
The hospital birth issue is heating up only at World Nut Daily. As an example of their credibility, note that the Nut reported in May that Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate was up for sale on eBay (the article included a plea for money): http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=102271
The Nut article on July 7, by swift boater Joe Corsi, also ends with a shout out for funds. These birthers are truly as despicable as the folks who used to send form letters to senior citizens telling them their Social Security was at risk, and then soliciting funds from them. They are trying to separate a lot of honest Americans from their money with lies and falsehoods.
Getting down to the hospital issue, Dr. Conspiracy has written at the Obama Conspiracy site that “the persistent Internet rumor that Barack Obama’s half sister Maya claimed that he was born at Queens Hospital, is not true.” [Dr. Conspiracy refuses outright to accept any money at all.]
Joe Corsi floated the Queens Hospital rumor at the Nut in November, 2008. This was his sentence: “In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow. Maya told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu; then in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.” http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=79900
The so-called Rainbow Newsletter is nowhere to be found. The link in Joe’s article does not go there. A search of the web shows that the birthers have been repeating Joe’s sentence over and over again until they believe it.
Other news sources have said that Obama said he was born at Queens, but without any links or first-hand sources. But Obama wrote and signed a letter himself on White House stationary that he was born at Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu. So he does know where he was born.
The gullibility of the birthers is awesome. They rely on news accounts that repeat each other to infinity, yet never link or print an actual first person statement by Obama or his sister. All the sources say that someone said this. Hearsay. Where are the first person tapes or transcripts of Obama or his sister saying he was born at Queens Hospital? The news sources may have made mistakes. So what? There is an express disclaimer at one of the sites: “Content on blogs in My.BarackObama represents the opinions of community members and in no way should be interpreted as endorsed or approved by the campaign.”
What does it matter, anyway? Both hospitals are in the United States. Birth in either hospital made him a natural born citizen.
Obama Kapi’olani letter, Take Two:
Oh, you’re REALLY asking for it now H&R! Hold on. Here come the explain awayers.
Did you see the video where the U.S. Representative read the letter?
Are you accusing the representative of just making it up? Because if you are, please do so plainly.
The original letter was a mock-up (obviously) and I guess not suitable for forensic analysis. Nevertheless the video of Representative Abercrombie reading the letter is still there, and the letter itself is on the web site in another place.
Hi Doc,
Where on the website is the letter? I looked and cannot find it. Can you provide a link or tell me how to find it?
Keep up the good work!
June bug
Here, on page 8:
Thanks, Doc!
Doc, WND has posted a story about this again. Like we figured, they pulled it off website cuz of the calls they were getting. I don’t have WND link, but Repubx posted it here:
And, don’tcha know, it’s a conspiracy.
Here is the WND link:
Now the birthers are saying that the letter Obama sent to the Centennial Anniversary of the Kapiolani Center was not confirmed by the White House and that the letter don’t have the any seal?!! Idiots or what? To tell you the truth I don’t know what to say to them…
Why would the letter have a seal?
Now I get it. The Grand Jury or many of them. I can be thick. Please. How funny?
I’ve seen photos of the letter. It has an impressed seal at the top.