Monthly Archives: June 2009

Deep Throat

Woodward and Bernstein had their informant, highly-placed in the Nixon administration, who provided them with information and direction in investigating the Watergate scandal. I don’t have any sources in the Obama administration, but I do have the occasional attorney and … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , , , , , , | 157 Comments

News v. Not News

Sometimes I visit Orly’s web site or follow a link from a visitor here to WorldNetDaily and I see an item and just shake my head at the silliness.When I do that, you don’t see an article here because I … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Media, WorldNetDaily | Tagged , , | 42 Comments

Lawsuits Poll

“Many are called, but few are chosen,” so the saying goes, and many lawsuits have been filed around the issue of how presidential candidates are vetted and whether Barack Obama meets the constitutional requiremens for the US presidency. Do you … Continue reading

Posted in Polls | 2 Comments

Natural Born Citizen poll

Is Barack Obama a natural born citizen? This poll lets you express your opinion on just what makes a Natural Born Citizen. Is it place of birth, parents or both? Can Congress legislate who is a natural born citizen. Let … Continue reading

Posted in Polls | Tagged | 32 Comments

Orly Taitz Poll

Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq, has been called in the press “The Birther Queen Bee.” She’s launched a national crusade focused on removing Barack Obama from office through law suits, complaints to government officials, media appearances, a series of web sites … Continue reading

Posted in Polls | Tagged | 20 Comments

Government will move to dismiss Kerchner case

“judges and adverse parties need not try to fish a gold coin from a bucket of mud” In documents filed today the US Government notified the US District Court of New Jersey that it intended to move to dismiss the … Continue reading

Posted in Charles Kerchner, Lawsuits, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 123 Comments