No matter how one feels about Obama’s eligibility, boorish trollish behavior isn’t good for anyone.
The Obama administration has set up a web site to discuss:
How can we strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness by making government more transparent, participatory, and collaborative?
People post ideas and others can vote on them, and comment on them.
One of the “rules” is that people shouldn’t post duplicate ideas. I’m going to put a few idea titles posted there, or excerpts from ideas. You tell me if they are duplicates. These are all ideas posted within the last one hour period and constitute just about all of the ideas posted during that period.
- Natural Born Citizen is simply jus soli jus sanguinus (both parents US citizens, born on US soil); obviously BHO is not natural
- what hospital were you born in?is that too hard for you to answer barry the fraud
- If the current President were to apply for a Security Clearance is this Country, He would not be eligible.
- Where’s the Birth Certificate?
- If you actually want things to be more “transparent, participatory and collaborative” it might not be a bad idea to start with the most elementary transparency of all and have President Obama finally release his Birth Certificate.
- How Much Has Obama Paid Prime Minister Odinga to Not Release The Kenyan BC?
- All high rated requests to see BC gone! This is now the top rated request to see BC.
- Verify the eligibility of the person filling the office of President
- Obama’s “Certification of Live Birth” DOES NOT EXIST! (signed “polarik”)
- Mr. Obama, I’m signing up my son for tackle football. This requires a Birth Certificate, and a doctor’s exam.
- The long form of Barak Obama’s birth certificate must immediately be produced! If he has, he must show it.
- Benjamin Netanyuhu to Barak Obama: Before we open Middle East discussions please show me your birth certificate so that Israel knows to whom she is speaking with and that you are not an imposter [sic] making false deals.
- When You Delete an Obama Birth Certificate Post add it’s Votes to a remaining one.
- You are known by your friends: Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers,
Comrade Hugo Chavez, King Abdullah-knows him on a inferior basis, must bow/low handshake - Hugh Chavez’s Comrade Obama didn’t bow to the Saudi King this time at least not on camera
- Everyone can be absolutely guaranteed that in this age of information that Obama’s college records, long form birth certificate, possible adoption records, possible Indonesian citizenship and everything else about Obama will eventually come to light.
- Between the DNC, the electoral college, Congress, the COURTS – especially the “supreme”, and the media, no one has acknowledged the existance [sic] of a violation of Constitutional law that REQUIRES the ‘vetting of a sitting president.
That was just from PAGE ONE.
There is basically nothing that actually constitutes a real suggestion for improving the government, just garbage thrown out the windows of a denialist convoy traveling the public information highway.
Supposedly moderators are deleting at least SOME of the duplicates (with shouts of “Nazis” from the objectors). That’s a sorry job to have to do, picking up denialist litter.
I like the outspokenness. You have to figure, with so many that dislike the anointed one that there are going to be a few Over-the-Top ones that tend to make the rest look bad. They don’t make me feel bad, I know how I feel and I’m not a jerk like they are or like NBC or other superman Lovers think I may be.
People have to see the massive dislike for this man. Yeah, some of the pinhead jerks might have a race issue, but that is the Minority of the dislikers. Mostly it is what the man stands for. If it is not obvious to you by now that his goal is not just get this country working, it is to get it working “like he wants it”, not the majority. They THINK it is, but not until they are all low-to-very low class will it hit them who they voted for.
Yes, SPEAK UP Americans, ALL YOU WANT. It’s called Freedom of SPeech. At least for now it is, soon it will be a new Bill about Hate and be illegal to speak out.
“That’s a sorry job to have to do, picking up denialist litter.”
It’s hard and dirty work, Dr Conspiracy. Hard and dirty work.
“Yes, SPEAK UP Americans, ALL YOU WANT. It’s called Freedom of SPeech. At least for now it is, soon it will be a new Bill about Hate and be illegal to speak out.”
I’d trust enforcement of my free speech right to the US government before I’d trust it too a birther.
What’s that old saying…
– If the facts are on your side, argue the facts.
– If the law is on your side, argue the law.
– If neither the facts nor the law are on your side, argue loudly.
This vocal minority has nothing but to be as loud and disruptive and obstructive as possible. Last throes.
I’d trust enforcement of my free speech right to the US government before I’d trust it too a birther.
Srsly. Freep; tRSoL; Taitz’s, Apuzzo’s, Berg’s, sites; the Steady Drip;; etc.: They all “moderate” their comments.
Oh, I do not think you are a jerk, just lacking factual support and reason.
One post missing from that site:
But you must pay the rent!
Lacking, you want to say “I’M” Lacking! hahahahaha.. That’s awesome. I GOT My real Birth certificate and I’m proud to show it, as I am my Son’s who was born IN HAWAII. And I was Born in 1961. Absolutely AMAZING isn’t it?
Really Kimba? Must be a Liberal saying, I’ve never heard that before. I guess it works, Obama won the election.
Another old saying:
Wishful thinking is not a strategy.
I’m almost 64 and I’ve heard that saying or a paraphrase of it several times. It contains some wisdom. Oh, I heard it long before this election. I think first in Mr. Grable’s sophmore English class circa 1961.
Let’s see, it was in the old Waterford High School in Waterford, NY. He had a number of sayings. Another one I think might apply: “Ignorance is inborn and tolerated here. Stupidity is learned and is not.”
“Obama’s “Certification of Live Birth” DOES NOT EXIST! (signed “polarik”)”
The best one. LOL
“…the anointed one”
“Must be a Liberal saying…”
Yes an ideologue would say such nonsense! Those statements present no points nor show a valid argument, all they do is destroy your credibility. Only a right wing hack would use such terms. Go back to a Birther site where you can hide your low intellect, no need to be laughed at here.
You do not get out that often now do you?
Absolutely amazing, just like Obama, born in Hawaii in 1961.
That is because if we could post on those sites and present real evidence of how incompetent Orly is and links to actual legal documentation they know that some of the less brainwashed individuals would begin to question the birther movement and then Berg, Orly, and Martin would find it more difficult to get donations….
I tried once to post at Orly’s site; didn’t get anywhere.
Here’s why no one should bother: Orly posted today “The documents cannot show him a Natural Born Citizen, as he already admitted that his father was never a US citizen therefor he cannot be a Natural Born citizen.”
Birthers are going to be screaming this for the next 8 years, and then until they have all passed away. Arguing with them is a fool’s errand.
I can see it now: when Obama has gone back to private citizen, they’ll be harassing him with continual suits. It will become its own industry. Obama will need SS protection for life, instead of 10 years.
They’re really going nuts. Wait until there is another black president. A psych textbook will be written on this alone.
My prediction: Obama will be re-elected, and Corey Booker will follow. Watch the right wing then. Now that’s entertainment.
Misha, I agree…I tried the fool’s errand of trying to post on Orly’s site. Of course I did not make it through moderation. And all I tried to do was point out her mistakes in HI law 338 among other things. However she and her cadre of simpletons cannot engage in dialogue or debate so they would scream “ban the O-bot” or something like that. I used to think it was because Orly was stupid, but now I realize that she is running a “long con” on these people and they are ignorant enough with their hatred to buy it. I am sure for Cory Booker they would come up with something like the grandfather clause to try and discredit him…(snark)
By the way the Birther’s may have a new champion, convicted felon G. Gordon Liddy. On his show yesterday he was stating that the COLB is not a real BC and that you “cannot get a passport with that”. Additionally he was still making the claim that his grandmother said that he was born in Kenya Fortunately Richard Wolfe was on and corrected him on both factual errors but for that felon to be pushing it means that it won’t take long for the Peroxide Putz and her lobotomized legions to be on pushing their lie and claiming victory that someone is “exposing the truth”. I wonder how long it will take for Michael “Savage” Weiner, Rush Limpballs, and Beck to take up the fight. These people are utterly delusional.
They may delusional, but they have tens of millions of loyal listeners. Your messiah will be exposed for the criminal he is. Then the REAL fun begins.
This “Truth” thing is just starting to get legs. Even the MSM is starting to get nervous. It’s a real grassroots thing.
That presumes that he broke some law(s).
The attempt of a few to create the impression that this is a grassroots thing is fascinating but doomed to fail, just as the lawsuits are doomed to fail.
Frustrating isn’t it… Being convinced that the President is a criminal and lacking any evidence to support it?
Few? You have not been paying attention, son. Ever get blindsided?
Heavy, like NBC says what law did he break? You always post about the Presdent going to jail and all of his supporters “getting what is coming to us” but it has now been almost 5 months and Obama is still the President and all of the birthers and other denial individuals are no closer to your goal. Why? Because there is no legal standing. No matter how many time there is a “citizens grand jury” and how many times Orly delivers her “dossiers” the result will be the same. Obama will be the President. No court can remove him. No legitimate evidence has ever been presented to prove that he was born anywhere other than HI. I guess everyone needs to believe in something, no matter how wrong the birthers are. I am just glad that the more they focus on things they cannot change, it will make things easier for Obama to win in 2012.
Few indeed. An still lacking any evidence to support their claims.
This is a none issue and will slowly dissipate. The good news is that these people are spending a lot of resources on this non-issue losing a lot of ‘capital’ and good-will.
In the mean time our President keeps moving forward.
Darn frustrating isn’t it heavy?
Perhaps these birthers don’t realize how they are being ‘manipulated’ to waste their time and resources.
Total genius my friend..
NBC, you are right. Maybe the birthers are just that stupid and like sheep are easily manipulated. I mean if they are willing to follow and be conned by Martin, Orly, and others and would listen and follow a convited felon like Liddy, then they deserve to be conned and manipulated. While their focus in on the left hand, the right will be doing what it needs to do for the future.
Actually, it is VERY refreshing. Your messiah is the one wasting capital and showing his true colors. Only a matter of time, my friend. The apology tour is a disaster as well it should be. He has shown his hand and he IS a muSLIME. His deception, though clever and well executed, is over.
You guys just keep jerking each other off. In the meantime, your world is crumbling.
Ah, I see his crime is being a Muslim? Are you sure that you are in favor of our Constitution?
Ah, yes, the world is crumbling…
In the mean time, could you explain how you intend to take your country back? And what exactly do you consider to be your country?
Another twisted lib twisting someone’s words. How predictable.
No. YOUR world is crumbling. We are already taking our country back. You just refuse to admit it. You and you ilk will soon be outcasts and rightly so. Get ready. It’s gonna suck for you!
You mean, you feel annoyed for had your true motives been exposed? I understand…
Smoke another bowl. It may help to ease the pain.
The sun is shining, and I see no evidence of your fantasies.
Remind me again, who lost last year’s elections, who still has high approval ratings.
Sucks to be right…
Sorry, I am a non-smoker. But I will raise a glass of good Scotch to your ’cause’.
Heavy, It is everyone’s country. I may not agree with you and think you are one comma short of paranoid, but you live here too and are a citizen. So am I. Continue with your delusions. Let me guarantee if one Fox analyst or commentator makes one statement about Obama being born in Kenya you will see the evidence of his legitimacy pour out. It will be your friends discredited. This President is at least six moves ahead of us all. Thank God for that. I will not mourn the loss of credibility for the fringe right wing in this country. You have used the name of my Messiah, The Lord Jesus, to preach hatred. But know that as He commands I love you.
To show that the birthers just keep recycling the same worn out and invalid talking points Phil over at the right side of life is defending the right of World Net Daily to put up those erroneous billboards. I guess CBS, whcih owns a bunch of billboards across the country have decided to not accept the “where is the birth certificate” billboards. I did respond and pointed out that WND back in August indicated that the COLB was authentic. I will give credit that Phil did allow the post but it was funny how no one of his ardent followers could rebutt that WND claims it is authentic in one hand and asks for it in the other. However Phil did respond defending WND by saying that they mean the 1961 long form. I did point out to him that the COLB is a summary of the 1961 BC and that if WND has already authenticated it, then what is the issue now? It is sad how they keep coming up with the same disproved points.
Thanks for the love, hon. Now, if you would only practice what you preach and love your country…
As I have said before, the BC issue is a minor one. It may or may not prove out. It matters not. The gig is up. It’s only a matter of time.
So, there are not really any crimes? It’s all about the perception by some that Obama is a Muslim?
the COLB is not a real BC and that you “cannot get a passport with that”.
I love that BS line. Yes, you can. I did.
“Our” country? Whether you like to believe it or not, this country belongs to all of us. Liberal, conservative, moderate, Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist and so on. That’s what makes us great. I think the thing that annoys me most about the political discourse these days is people claiming that their values and beliefs are the only ones that matter, and that anyone who may disagree is a traitor. And this goes for both liberals and conservatives alike. Read the plaque at the Statue of Liberty, or the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. That’s what it’s all about.
” he IS a muSLIME”
Ah, there it is folks.
Black and Muslim. Case closed. Yawn.
“Sorry, I am a non-smoker. But I will raise a glass of good Scotch to your ’cause’.”
I’ll drink to that.
“he IS a muSLIME”
“So, there are not really any crimes? It’s all about the perception by some that Obama is a Muslim? Wow.”
There you have it. As I posted before, black and Muslim. Guilty.
That’s what this is really all about. Just wait until the next black president. Get the popcorn. This is real entertainment, and a psych text.
Heavy, I am a military wife with a husband who served and retired and two sons my husband and I encouraged to serve because we think Military Service is one way to practice your patriotism. By the way heavy, my Christian name is Mary. And I love you because Jesus commands it, as you, if you are a practicing Christian, are also commanded. No one in my family needs to prove love of country. We live it each day as we practice our values which have always included service.
Sad really. But it helps one understand that there are a few who oppose Obama based on the perception that he is a Muslim. Even if he were, and the evidence is slim, it should not matter.
Yet some people feel threatened by the religious faith of others, indicating perhaps that others should be threatened by the faith of those who feel threatened?
It’s seems to me that these people see themselves under siege, as a more diverse faith emerges amongst our population and the world’s population.
The idea that the US somehow should have a preferred religion is outrageous if not anti-Constitutional.
Mary- Heavy and his like minded fellows believe only those who believe exactly like they do ‘love this country’.
Meanwhile, he does nothing to demonstrate his ‘love’ of the United States. Nothing. I will give Truth the credit for writing coherently and passionately about what he believes. Heavy only writes snarky snippets of what he despises, with wild unsubstantiated claims.
Actually Heavy is alot like Limbaugh this way- long on personal attacks, short on suggestions on how to make things better.
Oh wow- I just went to that website and read some of the dreck there. Its really sad- I mean okay sure there are thousands of people who want to complain about President Obama and that is fine. But the site has been hijacted. If they would at least just all post in one topic, so the other topics could be used for legitimate suggestions of how to improve government, it might be useful. But right now? Its like having a town hall meeting where everyone shouts at the same time, and the loudest are those with Tourette’s syndrome.
If they keep the site up, they should at least do some filtering to move the posts on eligibility to one compact thread.
I can’t imagine I will ever try to sift through that site again though- for every single legitimate, comprehendible suggestion there were a dozen posts by the same person demanding a birth certificate.
For those who may have missed it, here’s WND’s analysis:
and followup:
(“Amo Verecunda sed magis amo libertatem loquendi.”)
You’re casting your pearls before swine, Mary. It’s not worth it.
Heavy gives himself away regularly. “the BC is a minor one”. He and his ilk hate that a black family lives in the White House. Why do you think they’re fussing about states’ rights and secession? They’re stuck in the 1850s. These are the same people that stand and weep when Dixie is played and say things like “save your confederate money for the south shall rise again.”
Many thanks, Mary, to your family for their service.
Only race-obsessed guilt-ridden liberals can be played by the inveterate race-baiters you’re encountering on this list. Hardened racists are rarely affected.
Stay well,
“But that number exploded to nearly 80 percent the following day after WND alerted the public to the White House resource.”
In other words, once the whacko news daily alerted its adherents, they started flooding the site with their demands?
I mean would anyone take it seriously if Farakhan told his followers to demand that Limbaugh quit, and the next day the network got hundreds of emails demanding he quit?
A self fulfilling prophecy. How nice when a so called ‘news organization’ gets to create its own news.
Heavy, you are the race obsessed. By the way my retired Viet Nam Vet husband has at my request read some of this and agrees with me. He is by the way, no liberal. So get this, I am not on your page and consider your opinions to paper over racism.
Most of the folks on this site are rational including some who disagree. You are not. My conversation with you seeks to remind us all that Christ has given us commands regarding agape love and commands regarding even those we see as “enemies” or different. These are His principles. The term “race guilt” is used by some just like the term “facist” or “right wing”. These are loaded words with emotional meaning used when the user lacks a logical argument.
Seems all the Democrats are well aware of the saying. The first word in each line, “IF”, implying its not something your used to, having Facts or Law on your side. That would explain all the bitterness.
Jeff, you are correct…Not only did WND have their “followers’ post there so did Orly’s O-Bots…They had the link up and recommending that they post the request for the BC there…So of course the numbers would be skewed…However to use WND as a source, when they last year authenticated Obama’s COLB and now are asking for the BC, is kind of humorous…
Ya know, I wouldn’t have cared if he were or were not a Muslim. I’m not even educated about what the Muslim way is all about.
What concerns me is wondering if Obama is lying about not being one. Lets look at all the evidence, Yes EVIDENCE. You see him in Multiple photos wearing Muslim clothing praying along with apparent Muslims. NOT that that makes HIM one, I’m just saying the photo is Real…hence a bit of evidence.
Then there is the time he SAID it in an interview “my Muslim faith….I mean Christian”. People DO NOT make a mistake what their faith is. Thats like making a mistake what your gender is…”I’m a woman, oops.I mean a Man”. Ya Just DO NOT make that verbal phopah.
He made a statement 2-2007 on 60 minutes “Yes I am a practicing Muslim”. NOT evidence he Really IS a Muslim. AGAIN, I don’t care what his religion is, I just don’t like LIARS.
I guess this next one is just a slip up in printing of his book. Read his bk “Audicity of Hope” he writes “I will stand with the MUSLIMS should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
I’m sure that Bow to the Saudi King was just a kind gesture. How many other POTUSs have ever bowed?
MAYBE he is just Confused what he is. Because there is a plethora of evidence that indicates he is a Muslim, except the ONE Big one that he Is Not, and that is him SAYING that he is not. Truth or Lie? Does It Matter? Do you Mind your POTUS lying?
And by the way M.Brown. Using the word Messiah is NOT taking God or Jesus’s name in vain. It is making reference to how others look up to the individual as if he is some higher being, which he Is Not, but you knew that already.
This is why I think WND is net negative for the country.
Overall, it’s better in a forum like this to debate issues rather than motives. I can wonder what makes some people tick, but I could never claim to know.
I went over to Politijab yesterday and suggested folks might go over there and vote the [expletive deleted] down.
“I’m not even educated about what the Muslim way is all about.”
I have a cousin, born Afro-Judeo, who converted to Sufi Islam for her husband. Quite interesting, actually. You should study it.
“wearing Muslim clothing praying along with apparent Muslims”
Links to those photos, please. Also, read the 1st Amendment.
“Then there is the time he SAID it in an interview “my Muslim faith….I mean Christian”.”
Links to that statement, please. And NOT WND or some other site like that. It has to be the AP or CNN, or other legitimate source.
“He made a statement 2-2007 on 60 minutes “Yes I am a practicing Muslim”.”
I could not find the video. Please provide the link – on the CBS site. Also, read the 1st Amendment (again).
Next time you make statements, provide the source at the same time. Otherwise, no one here will take you seriously. Orly and her echo chamber will, but she’s a third rate lawyer, and second rate dentist.
She’ll also get involved with vicious anti-Semites, because she hates Obama so much. That shows her mental state – unbalanced.
Using the word “messiah” is putting words in other people’s mouths. That’s not something that promotes dialog.
Truth said: “People DO NOT make a mistake what their faith is.”
You’d think Jimmy Carter knew that he wasn’t talking about “Hubert Horatio Hornblower” in his 1980 Democratic National Convention acceptance speech either, but it happened. (Where’s that teleprompter when you really need it?)
I believe I’ve seen the “my Muslim faith” clip, but not “Yes I am a practicing Muslim”. I suspect the second one is apocryphal. (It wouldn’t be the first fake comment from Obama I’ve seen.)
So you believe that he may be less than straightforward and for this you ‘quote’ some potentially out of context statements which you claim were made by President Obama.
Of course to those who are pre-convinced that Obama must be a Muslim, evidence will be interpreted and rejected as such.
I notice that you seem to have copied your ’60 minutes’ claim from the web
Yet no links are provided and the claim is that the story was removed from the website.
How convenient…
As to “my muslim faith”, Obama did correct the statement so now the question becomes one of ‘who is telling the truth here’? Watch the full video.
It is clear that Obama was talking about McCain not using the smears of accusing Obama of having a Muslim faith.
But that of course requires one to be interested in the TRUTH and not be spoonfed out of context snippets.
How disappointing…
TO Truth:
If you are going to quote someone – at least get the quote correct. Again – you do not know the “truth.”
“Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
This is the quote from “Audacity of Hope”
Hey, birthers. You seem to put a lot of faith in Orly Taitz,DDS,ESQ,M.O.U.S.E.
Let’s see how great her legal skills are, since she got her training from the Taft Law School, an unaccredited correspondence outfit. She passed the California bar, but since Taft is not accredited, she cannot practice in any other state.
Orly Taitz is a third rate lawyer, and a second rate dentist. Her legal skills put her firmly in the laughingstock camp.
She, along with the rest of the birthers, are clinically insane.
Go ahead, sue me for libel.
Truth (sic) asks
I did mind when Mr Bush lied to us, on more than one occasion. The claim however that President Obama has lied, and in this case more specifically, lied about his religious faith is just unsubstantiated innuendo.
“Do you Mind your POTUS lying?”
You mean like lying about Iraq’s WMDs? Or lying about Iraq’s new-ku-lar program?
You shouldn’t leave an opening like that.
Jimmy Carter is the only president during my lifetime that I didn’t think was lying to the public.
Well, and then there’s Obama about whom I’ll reserve judgment.
Heavy, Bin Laden’s #2 has claimed that Obama is a secret Jew because he wore a Jewish hat and said a Jewish Prayer at the Wailing Wall. Heavy, are you related to him? Oh, the source are quotes from a tape then related on Rachel Maddow.
‘The gig is up”. Isn’t that some B movie, who dunnit dialogue?
Misha and NBC, will you EVER let it go that GW is NOT the President anymore? Each time some statement is made about Obama that you can SOMEHOW POSSIBLY relate to Bush, we hear the comparison.
THis is NOT about a competition of Who had the Better President.
I make an entire post about my personnel opinion of how I feel Obama could very well be a Muslim, that I don’t care if he is or not but that he should be honest about it, and I made the post in response to a prior comment on him being a Muslim. The things I posted were what I seen or read, and not taken from anti-obama sites, minus the book quote I pulled up from a google search to get what the wording straight, which Hippie made more accurate(but reading it only confuses me wondering just what obama means)
If your only retort to a comment is to fire back about Bush, that is the same as admitting you agree with me and your looking for something worse about G.W. Tell me you don’t agree, that’s fine, but this My dad is smarter than Your dad style is just silly.
Mary, hon, he LIED about being a muslime. He just might be LYING about other things. Ever think of that? Of course not! He is your messiah!
“The gig is up”. Isn’t that some B movie, who dunnit dialogue?”
no, that’s “jig is up”, “gig is up” is what idiots say.
Mary, hon, I implore you to pay attention. I have not even mentioned race or religion except to refute claims of racism or to point out that YOUR messiah lied about being a muslime.
YOUR guilt is not MY problem, hon. Your peace and love crap does not cut it with me. I can quote scripture that defends my postion also. So don’t go there. Stick to the issues.
All I have done, from the start, is ask one simple question…WHY WON’T HE SHOW THE DAMN THING?
All I ever get in response is he does not have to and Bush sucks! THAT, hon, sums up the liberal mindset and how we have a usurper in the Oval Office.
It is gulit ridden dope smoking liberals, like YOU, who have created this mess.
Peace out!
Sheesh Heavy, even Al Qaeda knows Obama isn’t a muslim. And even if he were, what’s the dealio. You rave about how you’re all about defending the Constitution. The Constitution says there’s no religious test for public office. So which is it Heavy? Do you support the Constitution or not? We all realize it’s really that you just hate having a black man in the White House, so you want to smear him with a label you think seems bad.
Kimba, what’s the “Dealio”? You’re kidding, right? The “Dealio” is he LIED! It is off limits to use his given name “Hussein”. He lied about this and MANY other things. His goose is cooked. I wonder if goose is halal?
“Debate” issues on THIS forum … that’s funny in the extreme.
As I’ve said before, the only conclusion to all this nonsense from both sides will be when the issue of the O-borter’s eligibility is heard in a proper court of law with rules of evidence enforced.
Let’s do that, huh???
He never lied. Seems people are once again making up facts.
Sad really
the delusional jtx says ” heard in a proper court of law”, if there is a trial it will fail thus keeping birther failure rate at 100%, good work.
so show us your trial jtx, show or shut up!
Nice dream world you live in Heavy, where you get people to accuse of acts they never committed.
Well, while we are speaking our President Obama has given yet another one of his great speeches. What a historical event… I wonder if they served ‘cooked goose’
Oh Heavy, simple dissembling Heavy. Give us a break! Give us two! You’re descending into silliness,Heavy. Hussein Hussein Hussein. (does that scare you Heavy?) I tell you who hides his name: Romney. Willard Mitt Romney. Pretty suspicious. By the way, Mitt’s pop George was born in Mexico, ran for President.
It has already been heard in the proper ‘courts’. The people’s court voted for him, the electors elected him, the Congress certified the elections and his eligibility, the Supreme Court Justice swore him in.
Since his COLB shows him born in the US, that’s all that matters as this makes him a natural born citizen.
I understand that your side has attempted to raise the issues in court but the Constitution prevents such actions. Let’s stick to the Constitution? What do you say?
Very funny Kimba. Heavy is slowly disintegrating, as is the whole ‘movement of thousands’.
In the mean time our President is doing great work in the Middle East.
Predictable, your request is being ignored. Remember facts do not matter…
He has. It’s called a COLB.
Nice try Heavy…
LOL richCares, I know, I was quoting the ubiquitous Heavy.
Heavy stays true to his colors- make unsubstantiated claims and call any who disagree with him pot smoking liberals. This in his mind is the mark of a true patriot.
Suck on this.
For the record, I have never “smoked dope” or taken any illegal drug. If fact I’ve never even been intoxicated.
But I am a liberal.
Gallup Poll
Obviously, the Associated Press is part of the conspiracy.
Heavy forget what I say. What does scripture teach? Do you accuse the Christ of being a “liberal”? It was He who asked we love our enemies. What do you call Him? At any rate, folks who spend their life dealing in hatred tend to rot from the inside out. Thats why scripture gives us the sage advice and command for forgiveness it does. You have my pity. In the meanwhile President Obama continuses to lead and lead and lead.
Let me see … you are legally prescient and “know” that any eligibility trial will fail??? Very interesting – if not very profound.
And I need’t show you anything since all I advocate is that the matter be rigorously, legally addressed – and it has not yet been but, I think, certainly will be.
And I certainly will not “shut up” but would urge you to join with the millions who are getting “curiouser and curiouser” about the eligibility issue and request a formal determination.
Every single main point you offer in your post is incorrect – all of them (except for the swearing in and the last 2 questions you ask):
“It has already been heard in the proper courts’. The people’s court voted for him, the electors elected him, the Congress certified the elections and his eligibility, the Supreme Court Justice swore him in.
Since his COLB shows him born in the US, that’s all that matters as this makes him a natural born citizen.
I understand that your side has attempted to raise the issues in court but the Constitution prevents such actions. Let’s stick to the Constitution? What do you say?”
Moreover, you seem to be confuddled on what a natural born citizen is … but that will come out in the court hearing I’m sure.
Actually the matter has been legally and rigorously addressed with every constitutionally mandated step followed. It’s you folks who are making up new rules as you go using rumors for your justification.
Have you been by Orly’s house lately?
“…but that will come out in the court hearing I’m sure”
jtx, what court hearing, do tell us dear deluded one!
jtx wrote:
No – you are the one who is confuddled.
You cannot cite a single US Supreme Court case that supports your position. You seem to think that a novel theory or resort to an argument based on speculation or appeal to a philosophical treatise about “natural law” is something that can be relied on in a court of law. It can’t.
If the case ever came before a court, then the court would have to decide it consistently with the existing decisional law. That is, they can’t go adopt some new-fangled theory that runs against the Wong Sun or Perkins v. Elg decisions. If the Court found anything different it would need to base it on proper legal precedent — and none exists.
I can understand why non-lawyers do not understand this and are easily led astray by the meanderings of legal hacks who spout psuedo-law. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is pretty clear how any legal determination would end up.
We are legally sophisticated.
Part of the job of a lawyer is to give their clients sound advice on the likely outcome of a case, based on existing law and evidence. So in a sense, we are always being asked to forecast the future, every time a client comes to us for advice on whether to litigate a case or settle out of court.
It is very difficult for any lawyer to successfully advance a novel legal theory — it can be done (and I’ve done it) — but if the legal theory is new, then the lawyer has got to have an ideal factual situation to support it, not a muddled one. Courts will avoid deciding a case that requires them to chart new territory or depart from existing law if there is any possible way to do so.
Every good lawyer knows this. Law is not some random process where you can try to sell some judge on some half-cocked theory and just hope they might buy it.
You might compare it to an engineering task. An architect might come up with a novel design for a bridge — on paper, the design might be beautiful. But he rules of physics will still apply. An engineer will have to very carefully evaluate the new design to makes certain that it is functional. The drawing may look quite beautiful on paper, but if the bridge will collapse under the weight of traffic or the force of the elements, then it doesn’t matter how appealing the picture is to those who like the design.
I am not a lawyer but I understand.
that link to Rasmussen points out:
Overall, 54% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance so far. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.
why is heavy touting this?
I should have said, I can understand why “some” non-lawyers don’t understand — I certainly did not mean to imply that its so complicated that only a lawyer can figure it out.
I just mean that I can see how someone who does not have a legal background could read the convoluted writing of Mario Apuzzo or Leo Donofrio and think that it presented a convincing argument — after all, they have no context, and none of the birther lawyers acknowledge the case law that goes against them. Rather, they tend to quote such cases out of context, if at all.
I think anyone with legal training would immediately realize that the argument was weak simply by the citation to da Vattel. That’s not something you are typically going to see cited in a US Court, and a resort to “natural law” is practically an admission that the real law (the statutory or decisional law) is not helpful to the argument. But there is no particular reason for someone who doesn’t read or write legal briefs for a living to know that.
Was it you who said that one of them will soon be filing a benedicta tu in mulieribus motion? ( cuz when you file something with a latin name, that has to get the court’s attention.)
I think Hermione Granger used that motion to levitate a Christmas tree in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Rasmussen consistently places Obama lower than the other polls.
De Vattel was cited by the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford.
Well whoever said it, it’s “pee your pants” funny to a Catholic!( ok, an easily amused Catholic)
want to drive a Birther crazy, read him highlights from daily news, for example this one:
LANDSTUHL, Germany – Last week, U.S. Army Cpl. Steven Baker was wounded while on patrol in Afghanistan’s Wardak province. Friday night in Germany, President Barack Obama pinned a Purple Heart medal on his chest.
“I couldn’t stop smiling,” Baker said after Obama’s two-hour visit at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, where many soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan are taken for treatment.
I would remind Heavy that President Reagan’s poll numbers dipped to 41% during his first term. His numbers right after the horrific assasination attempt went up but then down. I would watch numbers over time and see where they go. Obama is like Reagan in the sense that he has a long-term plan and will follow it. Like, Reagan he means to transform. He won’t govern from polls. A majority of people were sceptical of President Reagan’s philosphy during his first term but liked him. And we all know what happened.