Monthly Archives: June 2009

The polls are open

According to site statistics, there are thousands of you sitting on the sidelines. Here’s your chance to express your opinion. Introducing Obama Conspiracy Polls. A random poll is located on the right sidebar. Just click your answer and then see … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Polls | 25 Comments

Reply to Cort Wrotnowski

Mr. Wrotnowski sent me an email, and this is my reply. We agree that de Vattel writes eloquently espousing his view of natural law. And we agree that de Vattel was known to and likely influential in the minds of … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, Lounge, Supreme Court | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

Conspiracy theories interview

I hope you’re familiar with Terry Gross, and her Fresh Air program on public radio. Terry interviewed analyst Chip Berlet about his studies on conspiracy theories, extremism, white supremacy, and murder. The birthers get a mention. Thanks to for … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Racism | Tagged , , , , | 34 Comments

Response to Eligibility Primer (Part 2)

This is a continuation of the discussion of the June 5, 2009, article titled Obama Presidential Eligibility – An Introductory Primer by Stephen Tonchen. We resume at the end of his section 4: In 1898, in the Wong Kim Ark … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 254 Comments

Response to Eligibility Primer (Part 1)

I have come to realize that there are two debates on the question of presidential eligibility and the definition of “natural born citizenship,” and some of the more thoughtful people on each side are debating different things. One debate thesis … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, Featured Articles | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 127 Comments

Original BC discloses missing information

I now have a copy of the original birth certificate, received today from the state vital records office. There are some amazing disclosures here: The certificate is for a delayed birth registration The certificate lacks the name of the hospital … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , | 33 Comments