Increasing Obama conspiracy media coverage

One of the reasons I do this blog is in an attempt to understand the psychology behind people casting aside authoritative information from mainstream sources, and embracing rumors and long-ago debunked information from Internet blogs by anonymous people with no track record of credibility.*

I don’t understand why people think this way, and I don’t understand why they haven’t gotten tired and gone home. That said, the communication potential of the Internet has allowed a much smaller “critical mass” to have sparked a movement, and generated a remarkable amount of publicity, perhaps second only to theories about the JFK assassination.

Whatever the case, mainstream news coverage has picked up over the last week, and traffic here at Obama Conspiracy Theories has doubled over what it was a month ago. The news coverage is not flattering to the conspiracy theorists, exemplified by the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams program this evening (July 22, 2009), but for a conspiracy theory any publicity helps you reach susceptible targets who don’t believe the media on the first place. If you missed the NBC News segment, I strongly recommend that you catch it now.

* Of course you are reading an Internet blog by an anonymous person right now, but I never asked you to trust me, only my citations and sources.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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109 Responses to Increasing Obama conspiracy media coverage

  1. myson says:

    Good job “Doc”

  2. kimba says:

    Nice story Doc. The NBC Nightly News story was pretty direct, “natural born citizen at least covers people who were born here.” More people watch NBC Nightly News than read any blog ( but I hope more and more read yours Doc!). I think the birthers already have all the followers they’re going to get. (By the way, did anyone else think the lady at the town hall meeting had had a couple of adult beverages before the meeting? I think she was slurring her words.)

  3. I think NBC was right on target with this story. I see three levels of information.

    First there is the popular level which is what NBC provided. It was a good summary and what they say is true and authoritative. This is the role of mainstream general interest sources such as the “Nightly News.”

    The second level is what you hear in a birther lawsuit, like Orly when she talks about Hawaiian Law Number 338.17. This is a more technical level and while it might sound right, it is neither true nor authoritative. It is, however, technical.

    The third level is the “expert” level where the second level is exposed to careful scrutiny. That’s what I try to do here. There is no reason to get to the third level, unless you have been exposed (and are considering) the misinformation at the second.

  4. Mike says:

    Of course you are reading an Internet blog by an anonymous person right now, but I never asked you to trust me, only my citations and sources.

    That you said this at all makes you more trustworthy than Orly et al; the citations etc make you even more trustworthy.

  5. Rita says:

    Thanks, Dr. C., for the citations and the honesty. In more media news, John Stewart talking about Orly: “She’s a lawyer, a dentist AND a real estate agent? Are you looking for a botched dental job and then a quick settlement so that you can buy the house of your dreams? Call me, Orly Taitz, for all your tooth, legal and shelter needs” John takes on Lou Dobbs as well:

  6. Heavy says:

    Great job, Doc! I’ve said for a long time that there is no such thing as bad publicity. It’s great that this issue is FINALLY making some headway in the MSM.

    As for casting aside “Authoritative” information, that is how this country started isn’t it?

    I’ve been telling people about this site for a while now. It’s good for people to know the strategy of the competition.

  7. misha says:

    My, my – Heavy is back. I guess he is taking a break from writing restaurant menus – which is why he cannot provide any ISBN.

    I gave him a link to my book, which he refuses to reciprocate. Hmmm…

  8. NBC says:

    He still appears to be unfamiliar with the de facto officer doctrine 🙂

  9. Heavy says:

    Back? I’ve never gone away. No, you or anyone here will never know who I am, hon. Why don’t you comment on the subject matter? Hmmm…

  10. jtx says:


    Think what you like. It seems to me that she was most likely just pissed by the way the Beltway Bastards are doing nothing to unearth Obama’s lies on the matter – his eligibility (not just his BC).

  11. Heavy says:

    The cat is out of the bag. The PEOPLE will not be fooled for long.

  12. jtx says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Oh, come on, Doc Brian Williams is nothing but in the tank for the Big O – and you know it. Even Obama has just said he rolls over in bed to consult Brian.

    “True and authoritative”??? Neither, as will eventually be shown.

    And don’t break your elbow kissing yourself on the wrist with your self-inflating “third level”. There’s only ONE level, Doc.; it’s called the truth – and you ain’t got it!!

  13. jtx says:


    … but certainly no more truthful!!

  14. jtx says:


    And you consider HuffPo unbiuased somehow??? Get real – they’re sort of like Brian Williams in drag!!

  15. jtx says:


    He’s not “back” misha – he never left.

  16. Rita says:

    uhm – jtx – it’s not a story, it’s a video – you would get the SAME video that I posted a link to on Comedy Central’s own website, on the Daily Show page. I just happened to be on HuffPo when I saw the video.

  17. NBC says:

    JTX: There’s only ONE level, Doc.; it’s called the truth – and you ain’t got it!!

    Note the lack of any argument to support his claim? That’s understandable given how Dr C’s attention to facts and detail remain impeachable.

  18. NBC says:

    It’s a hilarious video.

  19. NBC says:

    Yes, that’s what was said 8 months ago, 6 months ago, 3 months ago and … the people are still being fooled to believe that President Obama was born in Kenya.

  20. jtx says:


    Ah, yes … here come da’ (self appointed) judge!!!

    “De facto officer doctrine” eh??? Where does one find that in the Constitution??? I can’t seem to find it there but no doubt you can.

    Or, perhaps you should check in with Brian Williams and the de facto holder of the Oval Office who is most probably not legally qualified to be there?

  21. jtx says:


    For a “judge” you certainly are unobservant of the facts … this does not happen to be any sort of a court (other than, perhaps, a kangaroo court populated primarily by hate mongers).

    Your attempts to tear down others are a well-known tactic when the facts are not on your side. Keep it up!!!

  22. Bob says:

    “De facto officer doctrine” eh??? Where does one find that in the Constitution??? I can’t seem to find it there but no doubt you can.

    Few legal concepts are explicitly used (and defined) by the U.S. Constitution.

    “Standing,” for example, is nowhere to be found in the U.S. Constitution. The concept, however, derives from Article III, and the courts so far have had no problem dismissing based on this not-in-the-constitution concept.

  23. NBC says:

    JTX: Ah, yes … here come da’ (self appointed) judge!!!

    I, contrary to some others, never called myself a judge.

    JTX: “De facto officer doctrine” eh??? Where does one find that in the Constitution??? I can’t seem to find it there but no doubt you can.

    Are you really stating that any and all law is found in the Constitution, or is it perhaps more accurate to observe that the Constitution sets the framework on which laws are built?
    The De Facto Officer Doctrine is almost 500 years old. The Doctrine which some authors consider to be ‘common sense’ allows for government to work. It finds it foundation in such constitutional concepts as the appointments clause.
    And I do not even have any legal education and can find these simple answers.

  24. richCares says:

    jtx, the twelve year old retard, claimed to be a judge for 50 years. What, in a previous life. Liar is you, no 12 yr old kid can be a judge for 50 years. You dad lying sack of S___!

  25. misha says:

    I couldn’t tell. (bada-bing)

  26. NBC says:

    JTX: For a “judge” you certainly are unobservant of the facts

    I am not the one claiming to be a judge or claiming that Obama has made certain statements he never has.

    JTX … this does not happen to be any sort of a court (other than, perhaps, a kangaroo court populated primarily by hate mongers).

    You should not be so hard on yourself. As far as ‘hate mongers’ I have seen few examples, other than the occasional use of derogatory terminology to describe aliens.

    JTX: Your attempts to tear down others are a well-known tactic when the facts are not on your side. Keep it up!!!

    They are even more effective when the facts are on my side.
    Which is why you remain, as usual, fact free. Funny how you project your own actions onto others. There is I believe a technical term for that.

  27. misha says:

    “the people are still being fooled to believe that President Obama was born in Kenya.”

    For the Nth time, he was born on Krypton, or was it Tralfamadore. See, you have me confused now.

  28. NBC says:

    Bob Few legal concepts are explicitly used (and defined) by the U.S. Constitution.

    Exactly. However, those are just silly facts… Or what did JTX call it “judicial fiction”…

    Imagine the following “Your honor, I object to the concept of standing as it is merely a judicial fiction.”
    What do you think would happen…

  29. NBC says:

    Well, I have missed his “any time soon now” contributions. They have been less than successful… But hey, repeat them long enough and you may be able to claim some form of success… Perhaps…

  30. Heavy says:

    That’s just how your messiah got into the oval office.

  31. jtx says:


    And you now claim you’re NOT a “judge” as you did earlier??? Wish you’d stick to a single story rather than switching it around to suit each of your failed arguments.

    I’m not the one running this kangaroo court – Doc. is. And if you can’t spot your own ad homeniums as those of your pals, you’re truly in denial – but that fits right in with your support of a man who has published on his own web site the fact that his father was not an American but was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 and that he, the son, was also governed by that act.

    So, you see, the facts are not at all on your side … but that will all come out correctly in the trial, won’t it? You’re welc ome to believe whatever you like about terminology but there is certainly that applies to Mr. Obama – usurper. And that’s a fact which you’ve yet to accept since you apparently cannot read his own claim of being governed by the BNA48 at birth.

  32. jtx says:

    Rita & NBC:

    The character trying pass off such character assasination attacks as “humor” has a really sick mentality in m isstating almost all of the commentary except, oddly enough, showing Lou Dobbs correctly stating that the issue was an “eligibility issue”.

    John Stewart is a “comedian” only to those few souls who enjoy bathroom humor. He continually hammered away with his personal attacks and misstatements of fact claiming it was a “birth certificate” or a “not born in the US” issue. None of those misstatements is at all valid, but the Dobbs statement of it being an “eligibility missue” is correct.

    And on this website, none of you seem willing to face the truth that it IS an eligibility issue. That’s perhaps understandable since you loive to be lied to – or did you know that Obama lies???

  33. jtx says:


    You seem as ill-informed as the Stewart guy on the HuffPo “humor” clip.

    The issue is not the BC or where he was born so you ight as well stop preaaching to your own choir. The issue is the man’s eligibility under the Constitution to hold the office he occupies.

    Or perhaps you think that we don’t really need laws???

  34. jtx says:


    Glad to see you’ve stopped the ad hom attacks and now praise others who disagree with you.

    Perhaps you’ll even think we should have laws that are followed? Such as for Presidential eligibility?

  35. NBC says:

    JTX: And on this website, none of you seem willing to face the truth that it IS an eligibility issue. That’s perhaps understandable since you loive to be lied to – or did you know that Obama lies???

    Ah, the mudslinging returns. And yet, the issue is indeed the eligibility issue and the myth that Obama who is born on US soil and thus a natural born citizen, is somehow not eligible

    When JTX is asked to support his claims, he is unable/unwilling to do so.

    What does that tell you?

  36. NBC says:

    JTX: The issue is not the BC or where he was born so you ight as well stop preaaching to your own choir. The issue is the man’s eligibility under the Constitution to hold the office he occupies.

    The issue is his BC because it shows him born on US soil and thus a natural born citizen. Common Law, legal US history all support this and if you argue otherwise, then it is up to you to present your argument.
    Merely claiming that he is not eligible is not sufficient.
    But then again, you have nothing more than that to offer, isn’t that the truth?

  37. NBC says:

    JTX: Perhaps you’ll even think we should have laws that are followed? Such as for Presidential eligibility?

    What laws in particular? THe 12/20th amendment which places this task clearly in the hands of Congress who did indeed qualify President Obama in early January.
    Do you not care?

  38. NBC says:

    3.5 more years at least my dear Heavy… The people have made their choice, Congress found the President qualified and now you will have to wait patiently.
    Must be a bit frustrating, I understand, believe me I do.

  39. Heavy says:

    You’ve seen his BC? Really now. Who’s telling falsehoods?

  40. NBC says:

    JTX: And you now claim you’re NOT a “judge” as you did earlier???

    Are you making up yet another fantasy of yours? Was it not sufficient that we showed you to be misquoting the president?

    JTX: I’m not the one running this kangaroo court – Doc. is. And if you can’t spot your own ad homeniums as those of your pals, you’re truly in denial – but that fits right in with your support of a man who has published on his own web site the fact that his father was not an American but was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 and that he, the son, was also governed by that act.

    There we go again… That is not what Obama said and I provided you with the exact quote. Your actions speak louder than your words my dear friend and as long as you refuse to accept that you are misquoting, I will have to remind you.

    JTX: So, you see, the facts are not at all on your side … but that will all come out correctly in the trial, won’t it?

    In other words, never?

    JTX: You’re welc ome to believe whatever you like about terminology but there is certainly that applies to Mr. Obama – usurper. And that’s a fact which you’ve yet to accept since you apparently cannot read his own claim of being governed by the BNA48 at birth.

    In fact I have and I quoted them to you. And that is not what the quotes say.
    Accuracy is important, as is attention to detail. Lacking either can easily lead one to make ill informed comments. In this case your representation of what Obama said is lacking in accuracy.

  41. Heavy says:

    The other documents he refuses to show will be just as informational as his BC if not more so. PAPER TIGER.

  42. NBC says:

    I have seen scans and photographs of his BC which show him, not surprisingly, born in Hawaii. In addition, people have seen and touched the actual legal document which includes the raised seal and requisite signature.

    It’s hard to deny the facts that all evidence shows Obama born on US soil and NONE otherwise.

  43. NBC says:

    Heavy: The other documents he refuses to show will be just as informational as his BC if not more so. PAPER TIGER.

    No other documents are required to show him born on US soil and thus a natural born citizen.

    Keep on fishing…

  44. Heavy says:

    Mr. Details, you have not seen the BC. You have seen the COLB. Aren’t you the one harping about facts and details? Yet you are trying to mislead.

  45. NBC says:

    Heavy Mr. Details, you have not seen the BC. You have seen the COLB. Aren’t you the one harping about facts and details? Yet you are trying to mislead.

    In Hawaii the two are equivalent.

    Did you not know this?

    “They’re just words,” said spokeswoman Janice Okubo. “That (what was posted on the Internet) is considered a birth certificate from the State of Hawaii.”

    “There’s only one form of birth certificate,” she said, and it’s been the same since the 1980s. Birth certificates evolve over the decades, she said, and there are no doubt differences between the way birth certificates looked when Obama was born and now.

    “When you request a birth certificate, the one you get looks exactly like the one posted on his site,” she said. “That’s the birth certificate.”

    As for the theory that Obama’s original birth certificate might show he was foreign born, Okubo said the “Certification of Live Birth” would say so. Obama’s does not. Again, it says he was born in Honolulu.

    Those darn facts again…

  46. Heavy says:

    The FACT remains that you have NOT seen the BC.

  47. Heavy says:

    The long form DOES exist and WILL be shown.

  48. NBC says:

    I have ‘seen’ the COLB as I explained. I appreciate though that you seem to be coming around to accept the COLB as the equivalent of a Hawaiian BC.

    As to the long form existing, that is somewhat speculative. We know that Hawaii has been moving its data to electronic format and it is not clear what happened to the original. As to the original ever being shown, it is unlikely since 1) the COLB is prima facie evidence 2) the COLB is legal admissible evidence as it is self certifying 3) the COLB shows Obama born on US soil.

    That’s all that is needed to establish natural born citizenship.

    Of course, as the courts have indicated, lack of standing and other constitutional deficiencies will continue to protect our citizenship and thus protect our President from these somewhat ridiculous charges.

  49. NBC says:

    JTX: Mr. Details, you have not seen the BC. You have seen the COLB. Aren’t you the one harping about facts and details? Yet you are trying to mislead.

    Am I? I guess this means those officials from Hawaii must also be trying to mislead? It seems that whenever facts disagree with you, you accuse others.


  50. Black Lion says:


    “I’m not the one running this kangaroo court –Doc. is. And if you can’t spot your own ad homeniums as those of your pals, you’re truly in denial – but that fits right in with your support of a man who has published on his own web site the fact that his father was not an American but was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 and that he, the son, was also governed by that act.”

    Does anyone else think that JTX will one day explain how the British Nationality Act affects or superceeds US Law and the US Constitution? I mean he repeats the same thing all of the time without explaining how it is relevant to the President being born in the US. You would think that at least one time since he has been spouting off this nonsense that he would actually explain himself. However he chooses to ignore that one fact and continues to make the same irrelevant statement.

    He reminds me of our other friend that came up with the infamous “consular passport” and “Indonesian refugee status” theories. I guess the difference is that our friend Sven actually didn’t continually bring them up after they were debunked…

  51. NBC says:

    Black Lion Does anyone else think that JTX will one day explain how the British Nationality Act affects or superceeds US Law and the US Constitution?

    Unlikely, as unlikely as JTX correctly quoting what the President really said. Dual citizenship has always been a reality and should not be seen as in any way undermining the natural born status of the child. Certainly not when said child makes a clear choice.

  52. richCares says:

    for jtx, there are 50 signed and notarized affidavits saying Obama is eligible, here is the one from Hawaii:

    jtx says to NBC, “And you now claim you’re NOT a “judge” as you did earlier??? Wish you’d stick to a single story rather than switching it around to suit each of your failed arguments.” Hey jtx, it was you that claimed to be a judge not NBC, you continue to prove you are a lying sack of S____! If you wish we can supply a link to your claim. you lying sack of S_____!

  53. Black Lion says:

    Misha, he was actually born on Cloud City. He was the illegitmate son of Lando Calrissian and Princess Leia…The hid him on earth to hide him from Darth Vader and the Emperor.

  54. NBC says:

    Temper temper. It may very well be that JTX has to get his story straight with JTX

  55. NBC says:

    Confused Heavy and JTX.

    Heavy: Mr. Details, you have not seen the BC. You have seen the COLB. Aren’t you the one harping about facts and details? Yet you are trying to mislead.

    Am I? I guess this means those officials from Hawaii must also be trying to mislead? It seems that whenever facts disagree with you, you accuse others.


  56. misha says:

    “Certainly not when said child makes a clear choice.”

    Yes, to be the Grand Duke of the duchy of Birfistan – nestled in the mountains, on the edge of Transylvania.

    What a wonderful vacation spot. JTX and Sven give it their best recommendation. There are weekly flights there on a Lockheed Constellation – the same aircraft Obama’s mother took to Kenya to give birth.

    Ah, memories…

  57. Heavy says:

    Yes, you are. And the Hawaiian officials my be also. Those responsible for this fraud WILL be held accountable. Until then, you can aruge ’til the cows come home. You’re a liar and a traitor. Those are FACTS you cannot dispute!

  58. NBC says:

    Heavy: Yes, you are. And the Hawaiian officials my be also. Those responsible for this fraud WILL be held accountable. Until then, you can aruge ’til the cows come home. You’re a liar and a traitor. Those are FACTS you cannot dispute!

    There were go again, when confronted with facts, Heavy goes of the ‘deep end’.
    Thanks for proving my point my dear friend.

  59. misha says:

    “Misha, he was actually born on Cloud City. He was the illegitmate son of Lando Calrissian and Princess Leia…The hid him on earth to hide him from Darth Vader and the Emperor.”

    Look, first he was born in Kenya, then Hawaii, then Krypton, then Tralfamadore. Will you get your story straight? I don’t know who to believe anymore.

    I mean, for all I know, he could have been born in Honolulu.

  60. misha says:

    “Brian Williams in drag!!”

    You rang, darling?

  61. misha says:

    “Temper temper. It may very well be that JTX has to get his story straight with JTX”

    Or SATAN. (snicker)

  62. Bob Weber says:

    “There are weekly flights there on a Lockheed Constellation – the same aircraft Obama’s mother took to Kenya to give birth.”

    Very good, Misha.[:^)

    Your post gave me a “Remembrance of Things Past” moment. Growing up in the 1950’s, there wasn’t a whole lot to do. I grew up near an airport, and locals would park their cars on the road by the airport runway and watch the airliners land. Airline travel was terribly expensive, but we could all dream of someday taking a trip by airliner! One of the planes we could always spot from a distance was the beautiful Constellation with its triple-tail. They were mostly flown by TWA. BTW, if one could come up with the mountain of cash you would have needed upfront for a trip to Kenya, the last stage would probably have been into Nairobi (NOT Mombasa – it was basically a landing strip and didn’t have scheduled service until 1979!) on a DC-7 or one of those crappy Brittanias. Alas, not a “Connie”.

  63. Bob Weber says:

    ““She’s a lawyer, a dentist AND a real estate agent?”

    As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, statistics can tell you a lot. With 800,000 lawyers in the U.S., the birfers have:

    Orly, who unlike many mental patients, can’t figure out how to properly serve the POTUS.

    Phil Berg, with his suspiciously florid complexion, previouly sanctioned for a “laundry list of ethical violations”.

    Leo Donofrio, who sees black helicopters hovering over his house and sees fed agents disguised as street derelicts following him. (Sometimes they’re dressed in yellow suits!)

    Gary Kreep, who can’t figure out how to properly serve a subpoena in accordance with the CA civil procedure code.

    Etc, etc. What a collection!

  64. misha says:

    @Bob Weber

    Remember BOAC – Bring Over American Cash

    As I wrote before, the Boeing 707 did not start service until mid-1959. I remember when my half-sister flew to/from NYC, about half the time it was a prop job. The 707 had not yet replaced all the fleets.

    “NOT Mombasa – it was basically a landing strip and didn’t have scheduled service until 1979!”

    And only Nairobi had electricity. There was the posting here about the 12-hour train trip to Mombasa, the Lunatic Express. Going to Mombasa was basically going back to the Stone Age.

    I’m sure Obama’s mother, almost due, would have looked forward to the trip, from the States to Mombasa. For a woman 8 months pregnant to go on such an arduous journey, reminds me of Irish diplomacy: telling a man to go to hell, so that he looks forward to the trip.

  65. Passerby says:

    I just decided to take the opportunity to thank you for the work that must go into this site. I’ve been lurking around for a while now without commenting, and it’s been pretty interesting. Guess it’s time to finally speak up.

    I remember hearing about the birth certificate controversy, back before the election. Then the campaign and FactCheck posted the images, and I figured that was it. I probably should have known better, I guess.

    A while back, three or four months ago probably (I don’t remember for sure), I saw another mention of it and started to be curious. I’m not sure what led me to this site, but I’ve been checking back periodically ever since. This is a great resource for anyone who wants to find out more about the subject. Truth to tell, I’ve become a bit fascinated by it–the psychological angle, as you mentioned. It’s something that I don’t really understand, and so I think that makes me just keep picking at it.

    I’ve mentioned it to a couple of people during that time, and they were just completely flabbergasted that this was going on. They’d never heard of it, and I suspect they thought I was just making it up! I guess they’d believe me now, since it’s getting the publicity, although they probably still wouldn’t understand why I find it at all interesting. Not sure I understand it myself.

    Anyway, again, thanks for the site.

  66. milspec says:

    I brought this steaming pile of poo up with my sister a few months ago, after about 3 mins she said”Can we talk about something interesting”, “This is crazy”

  67. jtx says:


    You might also research some other sites also as this one is heavily biased to be pro-Obama and also to try to help his supporters misstate the issue.

    It is NOT – and never has been – a “birth certificate” issue as most of the pro-O supporters joyously try to tell you. Their pretense is that anyone born in the US is eligible to be President – but that’s not what the Constitution says!!

    The real issue is the man’s Constitutional “eligibility” to hold the office he now occupies and he has NEVER shown that he IS legally eligible. Even if he were born in the Oval Office he is still not eligible under the Constitution.

    Obama himself has claimed on one of his websites that his father was a Kenyan (never an American) and was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 and that he, the son, was also governed by that same law. He is not, therefore, a “natural born citizen” and Obama (being a “Constitutional lawyer” who taught that same class at Harvard) certainly knew that.

  68. jtx says:


    The exact quote from Obama’s website was:

    “When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.s children.”

    It’s not me saying that – it’s Obama’s own website which he had his Press Secretary (Baghdad Bob I think his name is) hand out to the MSM flacks while trying to misdirect their attention to the computer image of what they reputed to be an accurate copy of the man’s COLB … a “trust me, I’m your President” moment.

    The truly sad thing, of course is that it is not a matter of the BC or COLB at all but an issue of eligibility under the laws of the country. And many of you are turning your heads to intentionally look the other way for whatever reason.

    Perhaps you enjoy having a criminal in the office, but have you ever considered the consequences?? Makes a “thrill” run up your leg as it does with some of the MSM flacks???

  69. jtx says:


    Are you really trying to pretend that Obama does not lie??? Pointing out that he lies is hardly “mudslinging”.

    ROTFLMAOAKAS … !!! Too much – and you swallow it hook line and kitchen sink. Talk about gullible.

  70. jtx says:


    Ah, but the game’s afoot and just beginning. Millions are beginning to find out that the real issue is not the BC/COLB nonsense that all of you try to help Obama by lovingly promoting.

    The real issue is the eligibility under the Constitution of the man to hold the office he now occupies.
    Where he ws orn does not matter (so long as it was in the US) – he’s still ineligible under our laws and no matter how much you wish it to be otherwise.

  71. jtx says:


    Another of your truly uninformed “misspeaks”. Congress did no such thing, they just tallied the EC results and didn’t even do that correctly.

  72. NBC says:

    JTX: Their pretense is that anyone born in the US is eligible to be President – but that’s not what the Constitution says!!

    That is correct, children of ambassadors and invading military are excluded. Other than that, anyone born in the US is eligible.

    You have shown no contrary evidence


  73. NBC says:

    JTX: As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.s children.”

    So when you said that Obama was governed by the BNA you really meant to say that Obama’s citizen status was governed by such.

    Big difference but I am glad you finally got it right.

    Good job my dear friend, for a moment I was losing my confidence in your abilities to get things right.

  74. NBC says:

    JTX: Are you really trying to pretend that Obama does not lie??? Pointing out that he lies is hardly “mudslinging”.

    Sigh… You are soooo missing the point my dear friend.

  75. NBC says:

    JTX: The real issue is the eligibility under the Constitution of the man to hold the office he now occupies.
    Where he ws orn does not matter (so long as it was in the US) – he’s still ineligible under our laws and no matter how much you wish it to be otherwise.

    Note how once again JTX presents no evidence. Not surprisingly because there is none.

    Obama is natural born by virtue of being born on US soil.

    Matter closed.

    And you will notice there is nothing that JTX can do about this, other than ignore it.

    You’re a great asset my friend. Truly you are.

  76. NBC says:

    JTX: Another of your truly uninformed “misspeaks”. Congress did no such thing, they just tallied the EC results and didn’t even do that correctly.
    Note the absence of any evidence. JTX is living in a world of his own fantasies but is unable to provide any supporting evidence.

    Those on the side of truth and the Constitution know that in early January, Congress followed the rules of Congress and found President Obama to have qualified per 12/20th amendment.

    And those are the facts JTX is trying to ignore and ignore and ignore.

    Good job my friend.

  77. misha says:

    “Even if he were born in the Oval Office he is still not eligible under the Constitution.”

    Have you ever been involuntarily committed?

  78. NBC says:

    I understand that Satan is quite picky.

  79. Lollie says:

    misha says:
    July 23, 2009 at 3:20 pm

    I mean, for all I know, he could have been born in Honolulu.

    This is all soooooooo silly. Of course, Barry is a fake.

    People claim he was born in “Hawaii.”

    But we have never seen proof that this place “Hawaii” even exists.

    What proof can you show me that such a place exists? Just because it shows up in some atlas books, satellite photos, and web sites that have “maps,” doesn’t mean this place “Hawaii” really exists.

    Those can easily be faked, too, you know.

    They are just more proof of how vast Barry’s conspiracy to hide the real truth really is, doncha know?

  80. Congrats, you finally got the quote right.

    You might not realize why we made such a big deal over that word status, but it has something to do with the 14th amendment.

    What you quoted was widely known before the election and no official considered it significant, nor do I.

  81. The bookmarks link has many 0bama conspiracy blogs. Most of them lie a lot. I don’t.

  82. NBC says:

    Hear hear. I have yet to see a documented lie by Dr C.
    And yet there are countless lies documented from those who oppose President Obama.

    Well done my friend

  83. Lollie says:

    Lollie says:
    July 24, 2009 at 1:28 am

    (* wink *)

  84. misha says:

    “Phil Berg, with his suspiciously florid complexion, previouly sanctioned for a “laundry list of ethical violations”.”

    Yes, to the tune of $10K, if I am not mistaken.

  85. Repubx is one of the more stupid birther sites.

  86. NBC says:

    And that says quite a lot…

  87. NBC says:

    JTX: … but certainly no more truthful!!

    Says someone who cannot correctly quote what Obama said or Hawaiian officials.

    You are, my dear friend, funny…

  88. Lollie says:

    NBC says:
    July 23, 2009 at 2:40 pm

    Temper temper. It may very well be that JTX has to get his story straight with JTX

    Well, it’s been a tough month for jtx’s side of the fence.

    – Sarah doesn’t want to play in the Governor sandbox any more;

    – Ensign gets outed for raising his ensign in the wrong place;

    – Sanford’s Appalachian Adventure ends at Checkpoint Adultery;

    – Senator Ricky Ricardo couldn’t tar and feather Sotomayor as a racist;

    – Olympia Snow strays from the Gospel of GOP and says the stimulus is working;

    – Housing market is recovering;

    – DJIA is up more than 1000 points since Inauguration Day;

    – Bir’fers lose their 27th straight court challenge;

    It’s been a tough month . . . maybe we should bake him some cookies.

  89. misha says:


    My mother told me we came from Russia. But you know Jews and blacks: it’s all oral history, so who knows how much got changed?

    My wife told me she was born in Taipei, but what if it is a scam? I never saw her birth certificate. What if she is really an agent from North Korea? And everything I tell her about Israel is being transmitted to Kim Jong Il? You got me wondering…

    And what’s in those Chinese dumplings she serves me? What if it’s not tofu like she says, but PORK?!

    And what if we have a president who was not born in Hawaii (that’s what they call it), but is from ANOTHER UNIVERSE?!

  90. misha says:

    “But hey, repeat them long enough and you may be able to claim some form of success”

    If you repeat a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it.
    -Joseph Goebbels

  91. Lollie says:


    I know a guy who has a certified copy of Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate.

    He works at a bank in Nigeria, so I know he’s legit.

  92. Lollie says:

    uh, yeah!

  93. misha says:

    “Well, it’s been a tough month for jtx’s side of the fence.”

    As I wrote before: what is this crowd going to do when Booker announces? Both of his parents were born in the States.

    -Booker was born in Canada; his BC is forged. They’ll quote the usual suspects.

    -Booker’s parents were only 3/5 of a father and mother. The Supreme Court said so in 1857. So his parents were not 100% citizens. Orly and her coterie will perform their usual mental gymnastics.

    -Booker spent his junior year abroad, so he lost his citizenship. (See Clinton)

    -Booker lived in a housing project, so he could deal.

    -Booker claims he is a vegetarian. Martin and Corsi will write a book, stating they saw Booker at a McDonald’s every Sunday at 6 AM. They will also write Booker argued with a police officer, when he was 12.

    -Booker drove in the left lane of I95, for 10 miles, in 1970.

    -Booker is not really bald. He shaves his head for street cred.

    -Martin and Corsi will write a book claiming Booker had a white girlfriend when he was 16, who became pregnant and had an abortion.

    -Booker had a professor who was sympathetic to Marxism.

    -Martin and Corsi will claim Booker once attended a synagogue that had a black rabbi, who complained about the way black people were treated in 1950.

    And the winner is…

  94. Bob Weber says:

    Misha wrote:

    “I’m sure Obama’s mother, almost due, would have looked forward to the trip, from the States to Mombasa. For a woman 8 months pregnant to go on such an arduous journey, reminds me of Irish diplomacy: telling a man to go to hell, so that he looks forward to the trip.”

    Not to mention that the last leg of the journey to Obama Sr.’s remote native village of Kogelo (presumably the purpose of the trip – to meet the folks back home) would have been over miles and miles of bad third world road. Loads of fun for a woman in her third trimester! Then, back the same way to Mombasa, with the relatives in tow. The relatives presumably left their crops and animals behind to be taken of by neighbors, who would gladly do a load of extra back-breaking work just to make them happy.

    The birfer idiots (but I repeat myself) really have no concept of what life was like in a third-world country in 1961, or even today.

  95. SFJeff says:

    JTX: “he has NEVER shown that he IS legally eligible”

    By your standard, neither did Bush. Since he is no longer President, it would be far easier to arrange for his arrest. Get on that will you?

    JTX: many times “Obama is a liar”- prove it. I mean really prove it. A liar is not a person who lies one time, or a person who makes overly optimistic forecasts, a liar is one who regularly and purposely lies and misleads. I have seen not one shred of evidence that Obama has mis-represented himself or his positions more than any politician does. To paraphrase a Messiah other than Heavy’s, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.

  96. SFJeff says:

    JTX- I know logic will never sway you, nor facts but its fun responding to you.

    You keep saying its not about the BC, its about eligibility. Part of what was so glorous about John Stewarts program was his hysterical side bar on the amazing Obama conspiracy.

    Even going along with your own looney eligibility issue(not a native-born citizen), it means first off that Hilary Clinton and John McCain either were part of it, or somehow ignorant of this well known ‘constitutional requirement’. Then the entire Electoral college was duped. And the entire Congress. And the Justice Roberts. They all were either ignorant, or willingly going along with the election of this man that many of them strongly oppose.

    Its not just that there is no backup to your theory of why the President is not eligible, its that there would have to be a vast conspiracy of virtually everyone in national office to allow him to be sworn in.

    I ask this almost rhetorically, because you won’t answer, but please cite a legal scholar with gravitas to support your reading of the constitution?

  97. SvenMagnussen says:

    No proof has been offered Stanley Ann did not send Barry back to Hawaii, alone and 10-years-old, as an abandoned Indonesian refugee.

    In the early seventies, Suharto’s security forces were slaughtering Communists in Indonesia. Stanley Ann had every reason to fear for the life of the son of an Kenyan socialist.

    The easiest, quickest way to get Barry out of Indonesia was to have him identified as an Indonesian refugee who had been threatened with death. The US Embassy would expedite paperwork, pay for travel and provide for an escort to ensure his safe arrival in America.

  98. kimba says:

    Wait, I have trouble keeping this straight – he was still a Kenyan socialist in Indonesia? Didn’t he become a muslin terrist sympathizer once he spent time in Indonesia? In your last seemingly mind-alering-substance-induced screed about Indonesia, you insisted Lolo and Ann abandoned little Barry to live on the streets of Jakarta ( my kind of town) and the Ford Foundation rescued him and sent him to Hawaii. Having trouble keeping your fiction straight?

  99. Reality check: Fastest way to get an American out of Indonesia and home to the US is to drive them to the airport.


  100. misha says:

    “Wait, I have trouble keeping this straight”

    Birfers are constantly changing the story and the goalposts.

    They are either pathological liars (see Jon Lovitz on SNL), or have bad memories.

    So far, Obama was born in Mombasa, or Nairobi, or Honolulu; his father was Obama Sr, or Malcolm X, or Frank Davis; if he was born in Honolulu, he’s still not NBC because of the BNA; the COLB is forged, or insufficient; there’s the vault copy being hidden by confederates; HI state officials are in on the conspiracy. Lou Dobbs’ supervisor told him to shut up about Obama, so now he’s part of the conspiracy.

    Next week they’ll have a new line.

  101. I don’t think that there is any dispute that Hawaii exists: anyone can go look see. The point of argument is that Hawaii is not a state.

  102. Conservatives tend to be inflexible. They cannot make the distinction between someone telling a lie and someone changing their mind.

  103. Another possible reason that Obama eligibility denialism persists at this particular point in history, is the economic crisis. In times of crisis people look for a scapegoat that they literally “demonize”. Obama is demonized by heaping every manner of disrespect on him, his family, and the office of the president. This may well account for the extreme anger we see in some of the birthers, who at least imagine scenes of violence and humiliation for him.

  104. Expelliarmus says:

    I really don’t think we have to analyze that far. I think its just been an easy proxy for racism & discomfort with Obama’s muslim parentage. That’s why the whole Kenya, born-in-Mombasa, adopted-in-Indonesia thing resonates. It’s not socially acceptable any more to use the n-word… so they’ve invented this born-in-Africa story to get across the same concept.

    Here’s what happens: whenever a non-birther tries to reason with facts and logic, invariably it involves pointing to the COLB, which of course lists Obama’s father as “African” and his mother as “Caucasian”. This is like a red flag being waved to people who are uncomfortable with interracial marriage and with Obama’s mixed race background – that’s why they concoct elaborate rationalizations as to why there must be something in the Constitution to prevent Obama from being “natural born.” That’s why we don’t make any headway by pointing to the facts — its the stuff that is ON the birth certificate that is what makes them so angry in the first place. So every time we try to point to the truth, it simply infuriates them further.

  105. Bob Weber says:

    I loved Stewart’s bit about Orly as the “Lost Gabor Sister”! [:^) [:^)

  106. Be careful what you wish for.

    The Obama citizenship denial movement has been complaining for some time about the lack of mainstream media coverage of their theories. Now, there has been a deluge of coverage, most of which came in the form of ridicule and derision.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    On the other hand, I suspect those of us who are tired of the rampant irrationality of the birthers have been looking forward to the “ultimate smackdown” where the establishment turns and calls a kook a kook. But even in the midst of the ridicule, coverage on the NBC Nightly News still legitimizes the debate or at lease lends it a sense of importance.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  107. Check out the latest from Nation Public Radio this morning on Lou Dobbs and the flat earthers, err, birthers.

  108. Rita says:

    Orly was on MSNBC earlier today. Fun times were had by all.

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