Monthly Archives: July 2009

Wong Kim Ark in the news!

Riding home today, listening as always to All Things Considered on National Public Radio, I heard an interview with this Ted Hilton, a real estate developer, who is trying to get an initiative on the ballot in California that would … Continue reading

Posted in Media | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Orly filed something

Another day, another filing. Orly filed a motion for something or another in Keyes v Obama.  It’s up on the Docket should you want to read it. I don’t want to read it. It’s all stupidity and lies anyway. It’ll … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Lounge, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , , , | 194 Comments

Rage and Rebellion

This just in from Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq.: My first hearing in Keyes et all[sic] v Obama et all[sic] is this Monday at 8:30 in the Morning in Santa Ana Fed. Court, here in CA First Hearing in Cook v Good, … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Lounge, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , , | 68 Comments

Same old, same old

There’s really nothing new under the birther sun. I can’t think of any new ideas or new evidence come to light since the original set of fake evidence and misrepresentations that made up Berg v. Obama back in 2008. The … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Government weighs in on Keyes lawsuit

Obama Conspiracy Theories has been watching the downward spiral of Orly Taitz’s lawsuit, Keyes v. Obama et al, in the Central California District Court. I warned her last April both on her blog in a censored comment and here that … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , | 102 Comments

Site Statistics

Here are the latest site statistics for Obama Conspiracy Theories: week beg. #reqs #pages Dec/ 7/08 3573 2090 Dec/14/08 24030 6968 Dec/21/08 26390 10790 Dec/28/08 55572 20518 Jan/ 4/09 56227 20343 Jan/11/09 78212 24351 Jan/18/09 140708 39679 Jan/25/09 111250 35640 … Continue reading

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