Monthly Archives: August 2009

Rhodes v Gates

Will another military career be wrecked? From Orly’s bag of military lawsuits: filed August 28, Dr. Connie Rhodes, a US Army medical officer has been activated with orders for Iraq. Oh, but she can’t go until she finds out if … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged | 91 Comments

Searching for “natural born citizen”

Not many folks have spent more time than I searching the Internet and WestLaw for keywords including “natural born citizen”. You can see the results of such activity on pages like my The Great Mother of All Natural Born Citizen … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 232 Comments

Orly says: Ignore Warning

In a recent email, Dentist and Attorney Orly Taitz advises visitors to her malware-infested site to ignore the warnings popped up by some browsers. She said: You can find more info on my website Please ignore Google pop up … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , , | 87 Comments

“It’s an insult to his mother”

The utter lack of disrespect that some birthers show towards the president’s deceased mother appalls me, particularly the frequent claims that she is a “liar”. I was raised not to disrespect anyone’s mother, and particularly not a departed one, and … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Neil Abercrombie, Stanley Ann Dunham | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 160 Comments

Birther happening calendar

Our friends over at have come up with a neat idea for using a Google shared calendar to track upcoming birther events. This is extremely helpful. Thank you!

Posted in The Blogs | Tagged | 5 Comments

The Long Form – reconstructed

I may kick myself for this but here it is: Over the months, bits and pieces of evidence have come forward that provide at a partial view of what President Obama’s original birth certificate must look like. Starting with the … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 107 Comments